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August 17, 2011 Locally owned Founded 1992 50 cents

County Council implements $20 car tab fee for Metro By Warren Kagarise

King County Council members, after listening to more than 1,000 people urge against reduced bus service, enacted a $20 vehicle-tab fee Aug. 15 to forestall a 17-percent reduction to mass transit countywide. Metro Transit planners considered eliminating Sammamish route 927 in the proposed cutback. In addition to enacting the vehicle-tab fee, the agreement calls for Metro Transit to phase out the free-ride zone in downtown Seattle in October 2012 and use smaller buses on less-popular routes as cost-saving measures. Metro Transit estimates eliminating the downtown Seattle freeride zone should save $2.2 million. The deal is meant to soften the impact of the economic downturn on cash-strapped Metro Transit. The sales tax rev-

enues the agency uses to fund service plummeted due to the anemic economy. “The people of King County voted with their feet, and they overwhelmingly turned out to tell us to save Metro Transit and keep bus service on the street,” County Executive Dow Constantine said in a statement. “They have been heard.” The agreement also calls for the transit agency to offer $24 in bus tickets to people paying the vehicle-tab fee. People uninterested in the tickets can instead donate the balance to almost 150 human-services agencies. The decisive support for the agreement came from the Sammamish representative, Councilwoman Kathy Lambert and Councilwoman Jane Hague, another Eastside member.

Ride ‘em cowboy

Photo by Monisha Gulabani

Grit Wholewheat of the Zambini Brothers Company waves as he rides on top of a chicken at the Sammamish Days festival in the Sammamish commons. His colleague, also from the Zambini Brothers Co., is wearing the chicken suit. See more photos, Page 12.

See METRO, Page 3

Lake Washington schools approve $231 million budget By Caleb Heeringa

After being “hung out to dry” by the state legislature, the Lake Washington School District will take more local levy dollars, slightly increase class sizes and make teachers work two additional days for the same pay. At their Aug. 8 meeting the school board unanimously passed the district’s 2011-2012 budget. The $231.3 million spending plan calls for a property tax increase of 10 cents per $1,000 of assessed value to pay for maintenance and

operations. The hike had been approved by local voters in 2010 but had not been collected due to state-mandated cap on how much local school districts can tax. The Legislature increased that cap this year. Coupled with recently approved capital levy that will finance expansions to Eastlake and Redmond High Schools as well as a new science and technology magnet school north of Sammamish, homeowners in the district will pay a total $3.45 per $1,000 for schools — up from

Step into the art scene community page 14

“When are we really going to make the decision that the kids are our future? – Chip Kimball, Superintendent –

$2.98 last year. Last year’s budget was $225.8 million. Taxpayers aren’t alone in bearing the burden of the state’s cuts

to school districts. The state budget had called for teachers to take a 1.9 percent pay cut. Teachers in the Lake Washington district salvaged their current salary levels by agreeing to work two additional days. Also, students in kindergarten through fourth grade will see slightly larger classes following a $2.6 million dollar cut in funds aimed at reducing class sizes. Superintendent Chip Kimball didn’t mince words when it came to where the blame lies. “This sits squarely on the

Results online Visit for local results of the Aug. 16 primary

Legislature’s shoulders,” Kimball said. “We have to decide as a state at what point is education really going to be a priority. When is education going to be the “paramount duty” as described in the constitution? When are we really going to make the decision that the kids are our future? I think we’re being pennywise and pound foolish in this state around our approach to the funding of education.” The two additional days will

Calendar...........20 Classifieds........22 Community.......14 Editorial.............4 Police................9 Sports..............18

See BUDGET, Page 3

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