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Your locally-owned newspaper, serving North Bend and Snoqualmie, Washington

Mount Si booter gets his kicks in karate. Page 14

Concessions come into focus as EFR, union start contract talks

April 14, 2011 VOL. 3, NO. 15

Going green Salish Lodge & Spa finds new ways of saving money. Page 2

Dealing land Movement on city land may mean money for debt. Page 6

Issues include insurance, schedules

Police blotter Page 6

By Caleb Heeringa


New additions to tree city Treating PTSD Old-time warriors embrace new age philosophy. Page 8

Wheels away North Bend students get some practice scooting. Page 12

Track stars Smiles reign on Mount Si Special Olympics event. Page 11

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Community members plant new trees April 9 in downtown Snoqualmie and Three Forks Natural Area in celebration of Arbor Day. Some of the trees came from Puget Sound Energy, which also donated a 27foot noble fir to be planted in Railroad Park and decorated each year by the city. This year, Snoqualmie joined the Tree City USA program, which is sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation, US Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters. The program recognizes urban and community forestry programs across the country.

Valley hospital seeks new developer By Dan Catchpole Snoqualmie Valley Hospital can’t afford a new facility close to Interstate 90, so it wants a developer to pick up the tab. The hospital would then lease the building with plans to buy it in 10 to 20 years. “We don’t have the ability in the current tax and economic climate to take on more debt, so we’re partnering with a developer for more debt-capacity,” said Rodger McCollum, chief executive officer of Public Hospital District No. 4, which runs the hospital and its clinics. The new hospital will allow the district to expand existing services. It does not plan on adding any services. The district’s clinic on the Ridge will not move. The district is seeking a public-private partnership, something rarely done in hospital See HOSPITAL, Page 3

A different kind of hospital Steve Daniel, the hospital’s chief financial officer, expects it to keep making money in the coming years thanks to its location, its designation as a critical access hospital and its swing-bed program for patients who need long recovery times. “That’s our big market niche,” Daniel told developers interested in building the project. It doesn’t pay for big hospitals in the area to keep patients with slow recoveries in a bed. But because Snoqualmie Valley Hospital is a critical access hospital, it has a better reimbursement rate from Medicare, which also pays the cost difference for non-Medicare patients. Acute-care hospitals, such as Swedish, are not reimbursed for recoveries that take longer than normal. “That is a type of service that Swedish is not able to provide because of some financial structures,” said Dr. John Milne, Vice-President of Medical Affairs for Swedish. “If we don’t get (the patient) out in four or five days, we really start losing money.” Snoqualmie Valley Hospital gives Swedish and other acute-care hospitals a place to discharge patients who are taking more time than expected to recover but are not in critical condition. “We see ourselves as very complementary,” Milne said. McCollum has the same view. He told the prospective developers that Swedish’s new location in the Issaquah Highlands will likely mean more business for Snoqualmie Valley Hospital.

As Eastside Fire & Rescue union representatives and board members sit down to hammer out a new labor deal, firefighters point to the numerous concessions they’ve made in recent years in response to the economic recession. Board members, beholden to their own city and fire district budgets and wary of the increasing costs of fire service, say their agencies are still feeling the effect of the recession. Neither side will comment publicly on the specifics of ongoing negotiations, but the talks are sure to be important to both sides in an agency that has seen contentious budget battles in the past. “I’m hopeful that we can get a contract that is satisfactory (to firefighters) but still recognizes that economic conditions haven’t really improved,” said Sammamish Mayor Don Gerend, a representative to the EFR board. “Everyone is cinching up their belts across the board and public safety is a major expense at the city level.” EFR Deputy Chief Wes Collins said the union and board hope to decide this month whether they’ll extend the current labor contract, renegotiate certain parts of the current contract or start from scratch on a new agreement. A full-scale renegotiation would likely start in June or July and could last through the end of the year, he said, possibly leaving the board responsible for setting up 2012’s budget without knowing what they’ll have to spend on wages. Craig Hooper, president of IAFF 2878, the union that represents EFR firefighters, said union members have gone out of their See EFR, Page 2

SnoValley Star


APRIL 14, 2011

Being ‘green’ saves money for the Salish Lodge & Spa By Laura Geggel The results are in. After 10 months of changing to more energy-efficient lightbulbs, increasing its recycling program and holding bimonthly meetings with its green team members, the Snoqualmie Salish Lodge & Spa has saved thousands of dollars. “This was an opportunity for us to give back to our environment,” said Salish General Manager John Murphy. Last year, the Salish received a grant to “green” its services. Its staff focused on three aspects that affected the lodge daily. First, staff switched most of the incandescent lightbulbs to either LED or fluorescent lighting, saving nearly $6,100 and 750,000 kilowatt hours annually. Second, staff members developed a recycling program, buying recycling bins and training employees about recycling habits. Teaching people to unlearn old habits and exercise new ones took time, but now Salish staff are in step with the new program, Murphy said. “It’s about changing motion,” he said. “It’s going to a different Dumpster, going to a different part of the loading dock.” In addition to recycling paper, plastics and bottles, the lodge began composting food scraps in March, saving even more space in its trash containers — and therefore spending less money. Their efforts have paid off, saving the lodge more than $450 per month. Salish administrators are hoping to expand the recycling program to its guests by putting recycling bins in every hotel room.

EFR From Page 1 way to help the board balance the agency’s budget when revenues fell in recent years. Budget crunch prompted concessions The current labor contract calls for the agency to compare its wages with neighboring fire departments when determining annual wage increases, which has led to wage hikes as high as 3 or 4 percent several years ago. With the agency facing a revenue crunch, the union agreed to forgo that process, freeze wages in 2010 and tie their increase in 2011 to the cost of living — about one-fifth of 1 percent. The union also agreed to change overtime rules to allow a


Amity Lumper, a senior associate with the Cascadia Consulting Group, speaks at a luncheon outlining the steps the Salish Lodge and Spa has taken to ‘green’ itself. “We are trying to find something that goes with the look of the lodge,” Murphy said. Third, the lodge formed the Salish Green Team, led by Front Office Manager Ben Olin and staffed with Salish employees from almost every department at the lodge. The team meets with staffing sections throughout the month, holding meetings about what is working and what could be improved. “They’ve really tapped into both the leadership and the excitement that the staff have around initiatives,” Amity Lumper, a senior associate with Cascadia Consulting Group, said. A poll of 40 Salish employees showed that 83 percent of them thought their awareness of green practices had strongly increased

and 13 percent thought they had somewhat increased during the past six months. The Salish’s green movement will continue to grow, time and money permitting. The Salish already has a towel-and-linens program allowing guests to leave towels on the floor if they want them washed daily, or hang them on a rack if they don’t mind reusing them. The Salish is also calibrating its heating, ventilation and air conditioning units to turn off once a room reaches a specified temperature, instead of requiring a manual switch for each room. Even the commodes will get a makeover. Administrators are planning to purchase low-flushing toilets to save water, Murphy said, adding that the

less-experienced firefighter to cover for a sick coworker who is higher up the organizational ladder, meaning the agency wouldn’t have to pay another firefighter overtime to cover that position. Faced with a budget crunch in late 2009, the union leadership also took it upon itself to find a cheaper medical plan for employees, which has saved the agency more than $50,000 per year in medical costs. With medical costs rising every year, the union also agreed to a deal that caps the agency’s portion of increases to health insurance at 6 percent until 2014. Hooper said some firefighters feel the board doesn’t fully appreciate the compromises they’ve made in recent years. “We do something that helps the budget and (the board) is grateful for it and then a few months later they come back

and want something else from us,” he said. “It’d be nice if we could get more recognition (from the board) for what we’ve done for the department and the community.” Hooper declined to comment on what, specifically, the union has requested be included in its new contract, but did say he was hopeful the board would consider changing firefighters work schedule to a “48/96.” The department currently uses the so-called Modified Detroit model — one day on, one off, one on, one off, one on and four off. Some firefighters say going back and forth from on days to off days prevents them from developing good sleeping patterns and increases the likelihood of a fatigued employee coming to work. Union could seek to ‘recapture’ wages Hooper said firefighters would

Salish is working to earn its Energy Star Rating, a program for businesses run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. How the green got going The lodge’s greening initiative is a project two years in the making. In 2009, the Washington State Department of Ecology awarded 13 Public Participation grants, giving one worth $53,000 to the Greening Washington’s Lodging Industry program. The program was so successful, the DOE increased the grant by $15,000 and the lodging industry has requested another grant for this year. The lodging industry partnered with the Cascadia Consulting Group to pick two

prefer to work two 24-hour shifts in a row and then receive four days off — allowing a smoother transition between on time and off time, and cutting down on commute time and sick leave. The union asked the board to consider the schedule changes last September, but the board said it didn’t feel comfortable without more study of the potential impacts. At the time, the board suggested that the issue come up in this year’s contract talks. “I’m hopeful the board will give some consideration to it,” Hooper said. “I’m disappointed with how it turned out (in September).” At Sammamish’s City Council retreat in February, EFR Deputy Chief Jeff Griffin, who along with the rest of the administrative staff is not unionized, warned the council that the

winners for its pilot program: Columbia Hospitality — owner of the Salish Lodge & Spa — and the Spokane-based Best Western Peppertree Inns of Washington. Both groups received free consulting from Cascadia. The process was long, but invigorating, Lumper said. Using guidelines from the American Hotel and Lodging Association Green Guidelines, Columbia Hospitality staff ticked through the green things they could incorporate into the Salish. They spoke with the consultants monthly, keeping track of their progress and exchanging ideas. Columbia Hospitality shared its findings at a luncheon March 7 at Bell Harbor International Conference Center in downtown Seattle. Other hoteliers approached the Salish team and peppered them with questions about how to be green, Murphy said. More hotels are making the switch to greener practices, but many faced a setback with the recession and are just starting to open their budgets to environmental changes, Jan Simon, president and CEO of the Washington Lodging Association, said. Some travel websites, like, are starting to rate hotels for how many green services they offer. “I think as we start to see travel picking up and when there is a little bit more consumer confidence, I think we’ll start seeing consumers requesting this more,” Simon said. Laura Geggel: 392-6434, ext. 241, or Comment at

union might be looking to “recapture” the wage increases it turned down in recent years The board has been able to hammer out budgets the last two years that saw relatively small cost increases. With the union feeling it has made plenty of sacrifices, Griffin warned that might not come so easy next year. “(Union negotiations) can turn in a heartbeat when things get contentious,” he told the council and city staff members at the retreat. “People feel like they’ve held back. They feel like they deserve a higher level (of wages of benefits) and they have nothing left to give … As a company, we care about the people that work for us, but we have limited resources to give.” Caleb Heeringa: 392-6434, ext. 247, or Comment at

SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011

North Bend City Council votes against downtown zoning change The North Bend City Council voted 5-1 during its April 5 meeting against a proposed change to the city’s zoning code to allow a venue for weddings and other events to be built near downtown. The proposal would have allowed event venues to be built on parcels zoned as cottage residential, a designation created in 2006 to encourage more affordable housing near downtown. Several City Council members said the zoning had not had time to be effective. The city had a self-imposed building moratorium until 2009. By the time the

ban was lifted, the housing market had collapsed, leaving little demand for new homes. Still, one area zoned as cottage residential is under development by John Day Homes. The proposed zoning change had been submitted by Heidi and Paul Moon. The couple runs an event venue in unincorporated King County, which hosts mostly weddings. Under King County code, the couple can only operate with a six-month temporary permit. So, they want to relocate to a city that would allow for a permanent operation.

The Moons want to take over the lot formerly occupied by Bad Girls Antiques, which closed in 2010. The shop is on land zoned as cottage residential, which allows small commercial operations. A couple dozen supporters of the proposal turned out at the council meeting. Several said allowing event venues would boost the local economy. Several homeowners in the neighborhood around Bad Girls Antiques also showed up to oppose the proposal. City Council members sided with the homeowners.

Drowsy driver slams into power pole near North Bend

Homeowner associations can participate in Sustainability Challenge

A man driving a U-Haul truck on West North Bend Way fell asleep at the wheel Tuesday April 12 and slammed into a power pole. The man suffered only minor injuries but did significant damage to the box truck, said Capt. Mark Ashburn, of Eastside Fire & Rescue. “He had to be traveling along at a pretty good clip to do that damage,” Ashburn said. The power pole was replaced by crews from Puget Sound Energy and Tanner Electric Cooperative after the Star went to press. To replace the pole, Tanner Electric is expected to cut off power to its North Bend customers for about three hours during the night, according to its website.

Friends of Quadrant Homes, a social network hosted by Quadrant Homes, has launched a 90-day sustainability challenge, lasting through June 15. Anybody living in a homeowner association can participate. The two HOAs that make the most creative environmental changes will receive $2,000 grants. Of the HOAs that place, one will be urban and the other suburban, which includes communities in King County. To register, HOA residents must do the following:

❑ Register online at ❑ Make a pledge to do at least one of the items in each of the three categories. ❑ Create a pledge of their own. Participants can make a difference by being conscientious of their energy, water and land use, including giving up paper cups for beverage mugs, replacing outdated showerheads with low-flow ones or planting a tree. In addition to sustainability commitments, participants can share their photos, videos and stories on the Friends of Quadrant Homes Facebook page.


Hospital From Page 1 construction in the US. “We could be writing the book on a new way of financing hospitals,” McCollum said. The developer will put up the cost of the building, and the district will lease the facility and eventually buy it outright. “Public-private partnerships are done around the world in healthcare, but they haven’t been done in the US,” said Mike Marasco, an independent developer at one of the two information sessions. The district has been unable to raise the money needed to begin construction in 2012, but it hopes to begin soon while construction costs remain low. As a result, it put out a request for bids on the project, which is expected to cost about $35 million. Most of the money — $30 million — will come from the Snoqualmie Tribe, which has committed to buying the district’s existing hospital facility. The rest of the cost will be covered by the sale of federallybacked bonds available through a program that helps hospitals get credit. But the approval process for the program, run by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Federal Housing Administration, is slow, and likely won’t be finished until late 2011 or early 2012, according to McCollum. Even so, with the construction market still lagging, the bigticket request drew plenty of interest. “Anybody who throws the

$30 to $35 million lure out there is going to get a lot of people following,” said Randy Hinton, an engineer with Rice Group. He and several dozen other people in the construction industry filled two information sessions to capacity. Latecomers had to stand. Hospital officials want to build the new facility with better access than the current location, which is off Meadowbrook Way. McCollum hopes the new site, which will be much more accessible from the freeway, will mean more business for the hospital. The current site can only be reached from I-90 by cars traveling eastbound. The district already has purchased an 8.77-acre site in the Snoqualmie Ridge II development, and has applied for permits for grading and clearing the land from the city. “We’ve gone through all the hoops we’re required to go through to get approval at the federal, state and local levels,” said Jay Rodne, the district’s general counsel. Rodne also represents the 5th Legislative District in the state Legislature. Dan Catchpole: 392-6434, ext. 246, or Comment at

Correction The April 7 issue of the SnoValley Star mischaracterized the Snoqualmie Valley School District’s tax rate. It is one of the lowest in King County.





Tell your friends to vote yes for bond

School board ignoring the will of the voters

By now, residents in the Snoqualmie Valley School District should all be aware that every vote does indeed count. The bond measure on February’s ballot failed by one vote, with 59.998 percent in favor. Had one vote switched from no to yes, the measure would have passed. Now, voters get another chance to push the yes votes past the required 60 percent margin. The ballots have been mailed. Have you made your decision, sealed, signed and stamped the envelope, and mailed it in? There are many good reasons to vote yes for the school bond. ❑ A new Snoqualmie Middle School will prevent middle school students from being squeezed into two schools. Three currently serve the district, but Snoqualmie Middle’s current building is slated to become an annex of Mount Si High School. ❑ The district already has the land for the new middle school, and will revise existing architectural plans from Twin Falls Middle School to save costs. ❑ The bond will include needed renovations at other schools, including a roof, new floors, replacement boilers, sidewalks, play fields and more. ❑ The bond will not get less expensive than it is with today’s low interest rates. And the district may not need another school bond for at least five years. ❑ Snoqualmie Valley Schools were recently scored high by the Center for American Progress for the district’s return on investment, based on academic achievement and low cost per student. ❑ The district is committed to keeping its total school tax rate low. King County districts collect between $1.80 and $6 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation for levies and bonds. Snoqualmie comes in 13th of 19 districts, at $3.88. Return your ballot, then text/email/phone your friends in the district to do the same. Let’s get this bond passed — for education’s sake.

WEEKLY POLL Have you filled out your ballot for the school bond vote yet? A. Yes, I filled it out as soon as it arrived. B. No, I’m not voting. C. Not yet. I’m still weighing the options. Vote online at Deborah Berto Kathleen R. Merrill Jill Green

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$30 per year Call 392-6434

Thank you, Lauren Welling! Your letter (SnoValley Star, March 24) about the school bond issue summarized my feelings exactly. While we the people do have the right to vote, it has been my experience that if the powers that be don’t like what we have voted on they just annul the vote to suit themselves. I would like to educate the School Board. Don’t you realize we are in a recession? Where do you get the idea we the taxpayers are your deep pockets? Don’t you realize people are losing jobs, and if they do have jobs, they have seen their pay and hours reduced, and have not seen a raise in a long time? Don’t you realize people have lost their homes? Do you realize many people are struggling just to keep their heads above water? No, you don’t seem to have a clue. Because how many times have

APRIL 14, 2011

you put a bond before the voters, not once a year but twice a year. And what do the voters tell you? No, no, no. Do you listen? No, no, no. Get a grip, School Board. We voted against your last bond issue. Now, you are putting a bond before the voters with a higher interest rate. Go figure. If we voted down the last bond, why do you think we will say yes to one that costs more. Such arrogance! I realize the importance of a good education. However, we have seen our property taxes increase more than 50 percent in the last seven years. We are being taxed out of our home. That is why we reject your bond. You need to do what the rest of us do. We become creative. We cut corners, scale down, make do with what we have or do without. Thank you, Ms. Welling for telling the School Board to listen

to the people! Dotti Newton-Denaro North Bend

Track is too loud

I beg to differ with Greg Lund, of DirtFish Rally School. I was born and raised in the rural area of Snoqualmie, and currently still live less than a mile from where the school’s track is located. It does cause headaches, and the noise level that he refers to as minimal, is monumental to us in our neighborhood. We live here to enjoy the peace and tranquility of our valley. Quality of life to us is gazing at the beautiful mountains that surround us, being outdoors gardening or just sitting out on our decks while hearing the birds chirping all around on a sunny day; not hearing the winding noise of souped-up four-wheel drive race cars going around on your track! So, Mr. Lund, I guess it’s just a matter of opinion. Gail A. McCullough Snoqualmie

Home Country

Even artists show some common sense Slim Randles We got a spring morning visit from the local art teacher, Janice Thompson. She’s the one who couldn’t get accepted into the regional art shows with her own work until she loaded a 12gauge shotgun with paint pellets and blasted a sheet of plywood. She says she invented the “ballistic” school of art. So, in she came the other day, sauntering up to the philosophy counter at the Mule Barn truck stop and ordering coffee. She brought her own mouthwashflavored cream stuff for it. We who regularly meet for summit conferences here at the world dilemma think tank are always grateful for these visits from Janice, because we like to see whether our ideas run in double harness with avant garde thinking. Avant garde, of course, is French for “putting on airs.” “Boys,” she said, “it is an overwhelming pleasure to see you gathered here again within these hallowed halls to welcome the onset of spring. We haven’t seen this much philosophical talent gathered here since … yesterday?” “That’d be about right, Janice,” said Doc. Doc is our unofficial leader because he has lots of initials

after his name, and he can cut people open and fix them. “Yep,” she said. “Today, I rake my leaves.” Slim Randles “Little late on that, Columnist aren’t you?” Dud asked. “Nope,” she said. “Just right.” She took a sip and turned to us, focusing her avant gardity on us like a laser. “Most of us rake leaves in the fall, right?” A general nodding. “And then we go out and buy

mulch to put around the tender shoots coming up from below to protect them from snow, right? And then in the spring we rake away some of the mulch to allow sunshine in, right?” More nodding. “Well, I let the fall leaves do the mulching and only rake once a year. The way everyone else does it is like that silly woman I met who paid $30 to get her poodle clipped and then bought him a $40 sweater to keep him warm.” I guess there’s a reason we have artists in this world. Brought to you by Slim Randles’s outdoor memoirs, Sweetgrass Mornings, available at

Write to us Snovalley Star welcomes letters to the editor about any subject, although we reserve the right to edit for space, length, potential libel, clarity or political relevance. Letters addressing local news will receive priority. Please limit letters to 350 words or less and type them, if possible. E-mail is preferred. Letters must be signed and have a daytime phone number to verify authorship. Send them by Friday of each week to:

snovalley star P.O. Box 1328 ❑ Issaquah, WA 98027 Fax: 391-1541 ❑ E-mail:

APRIL 14, 2011

SnoValley Star


SnoValley Star


Police & Fire North Bend police Someone needed a nicotine fix At 10 p.m. March 28, a person pried open the drive-up window on the east side of Ken's Grocery Store, in the 14000 block of 468th Street in North Bend. Once inside, the person stole Marlboro cigarettes. One fingerprint was found. The reporting party said an employee set the alarm at closing time. When the store opened the morning after the robbery, the alarm was off.

Don’t break it At 11:16, p.m. March 26, police saw two white males walking west in the 100 block of West Second Street. They were walking in the street although both sides of it had sidewalks. Police contacted the two, one of whom was a minor. The duo grew increasingly nervous and kept putting their hands behind their backs, although police had asked them to keep hands in plain sight. Police requested backup and proceeded to frisk the two males. The minor was asked if he had anything on him. He replied “I got a pipe.” Before police could react, he reached into a coat pocket, pulled out a glass smoking device and slammed it into the asphalt, destroying it. The minor was arrested. The other male had an open can of beer and a pipe with burnt marijuana residue in it. While this transpired, a car parked nearby, and a female driver wanted to know what was going on with the minor. Police told her to leave and she refused. She was told to leave a second time and she rushed out of there. The minor will be charged with tampering with physical evidence. They were both released at the scene.

DUI At 2:56 a.m. March 29, police responded to a disturbance in the 700 block of Pickett Avenue Northeast. The reporting party told police a vehicle had two flat tires and people were yelling

outside the vehicle. Upon arrival, police approached the vehicle. The vehicle had a flat front tire, halfway off the rim. The engine was still running and the lights were off. When the driver was contacted, police could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle. The driver and two passengers admitted to drinking. After failing field sobriety tests and a Breathalyzer test, the driver, 20-year-old Danielle Clark of Bellevue, was arrested for driving under the influence. After testing the other passengers, both tested over the legal limit, but one of them was 21 years old. The other one was arrested for minor in possession. Clark told police she and her friends saw a bum asking for money to buy beer. She said they told him they would buy him a beer if he bought them some alcohol, which he did. Clark was charged with a DUI, the younger passenger was charged with minor in possession.

Snoqualmie fire ❑ At 3:58 p.m. March 31, Snoqualmie EMTs were called to Pickering Court for a 25-year-old male who flipped over the handlebars on his bike. The patient was not wearing a helmet and received multiple fractures and cuts to his face and mouth. Patient was transported by private ambulance to the hospital. ❑ At 6:13 p.m. March 31, Snoqualmie EMTs were dispatched to Curtis Drive Southeast for a 40-year-old female with flu-like symptoms. She was evaluated and transported to the hospital by private ambulance. ❑ At 11:30 p.m. March 31, Snoqualmie and Fall City firefighters were dispatched to a single motorcycle versus deer traffic accident on Snoqualmie Parkway. The rider suffered minor injuries and was transported to the hospital by private ambulance. Unfortunately, the deer wasn’t so lucky, and was disposed of at the scene by police. ❑ At 10:54 a.m. April 1, Snoqualmie EMTs and Bellevue paramedics were dispatched to the Snoqualmie downtown area for a medical call. The patient was treated and then transported to the hospital by Snoqualmie EMTs.

❑ At 9:29 p.m. April 1, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to the Snoqualmie Ridge area for a medical call. The patient was evaluated and then transported to the hospital by Snoqualmie EMTs. ❑ At 1:32 a.m. April 2, Snoqualmie EMTs were dispatched to the Snoqualmie Casino for a medical call. The patient was evaluated and left in care with the Snoqualmie Casino security staff. ❑ At 9:27 a.m. April 2, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to Silent Creek Avenue Southeast for a 40-year-old male with a diabetic problem. Patient’s blood sugar level was increased and he remained at home with his family. ❑ At 3:02 p.m. April 2, Snoqualmie firefighters responded to Better Way Southeast for an automatic fire alarm. The alarm was set off by a malfunctioning detector and was reset. ❑ At 4:25 p.m. April 2, Snoqualmie EMTs responded with Bellevue paramedics and Eastside Fire & Rescue for a 58year-old male who was in cardiac arrest after receiving an electrical shock. Patient was transported to the hospital by paramedics. ❑ At 1:48 a.m. April 3, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to the Snoqualmie Casino for a 28year-old male involved in an assault. Patient refused treatment and was left at the scene with security. ❑ At 2:43 p.m. April 3, Snoqualmie EMTs and Bellevue paramedics were dispatched to the Snoqualmie Casino for a medical. The patient was evaluated and then transported to the hospital by private ambulance. ❑ At 8:39 p.m. April 3, Snoqualmie EMTs responded to the Snoqualmie Ridge area for a medical call. The patient was evaluated and then transported to the hospital by Snoqualmie EMTs. ❑ At 8:01 p.m. April 5, Snoqualmie EMTs and Bellevue paramedics were dispatched to the Snoqualmie downtown area for a medical call. The patient was treated and left in care of family on scene. The Star publishes names of those arrested for DUI and those charged with felony crimes. Information comes directly from local police reports. Information regarding North Bend fire calls was unavailable.

Your news comments welcome!

APRIL 14, 2011

Weak commercial real estate market makes city properties a tough sell By Dan Catchpole In September 2010, the city of Snoqualmie put four downtown properties on the market, hoping businesses would move in. But demand for commercial space in the Snoqualmie Valley has weakened since then. The city has found tenants for two of the properties. A developer has an option on a third property. Tom and Elizabeth Sroufe negotiated an agreement that gives the couple the exclusive opportunity to develop the empty lot at the northeast corner of King Street and Railroad Avenue. The city had held an open competition for proposals from developers, but only one company, Brookwater Fund, entered. The Sroufes own Brookwater Fund. The Sroufes, who live near Snoqualmie in unincorporated King County, have six months to submit a plan for the site’s development to the city. If the initial plans are approved, the couple would have six months to finalize them and apply for building permits. If the Sroufes go ahead with developing the site, they have an option to buy it for $315,000. The site is an ideal location for an anchor retail store, said Tom Sroufe, who has a background in retail development. Until April 2010, he was a vice-president of Wesbild, a Canadian development company. Sroufe helped develop Westwood Town Center in West Seattle and the Kitsap Mall. He resigned to pursue his own projects. The King Street lot is the first project Sroufe has taken on since leaving Wesbild. The Sroufes have been talking to banks and lenders for financing but are prepared to bankroll the project themselves, if necessary. “Downtown Snoqualmie has a lot of untapped potential. It has never done as well as it should have or could have,” he said. Sroufe envisions a one to

three story building with 20,000 to 30,000 square feet. The primary tenant would be retail largely for visitors. The building could also include a hospitality business, apartments or office space. “We’re focusing more on the tourist trade,” which has few retail options in Snoqualmie, he said. Finding a retailer willing to go into the site could be difficult, he acknowledged. “It’s a very soft market, but it’s not comatose,” Sroufe said. But the market could have bottomed out and be on the rise, said Mike Kirkland, owner of MK Properties, a Snoqualmie-based retail property management company. “We’re at the bottom of the trough, and going into growth and rebirth.” Snoqualmie landlords must compete with prices in Bellevue and Issaquah. Even so, local retail space has fairly high use. There are several vacancies in downtown Snoqualmie, but most locations are occupied. “This area has a lot of life in it,” Kirkland said. New tenants Two other properties are getting new tenants. The Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce is moving into the former city planning office at the corner of Falls Avenue and River Street. The Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church is moving into the former administration building on Railroad Avenue. “It’s a win-win situation for everybody,” chamber president Fritz Ribary said. The new location gives the chamber a much more visible location in Snoqualmie. It is currently tucked away in a secondstory office facing Falls Avenue. The chamber plans to have its new office open by May 1. The former Snoqualmie Library building is still on the market. Dan Catchpole: 392-6434, ext. 246, or Comment at

Feeling like a little bunny this Spring? No-Needle No-Scalpel



SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011


Snoqualmie approves 10 street projects By Dan Catchpole

Approved city of Snoqualmie roadwork projects

Snoqualmie City Council approved the top priorities for roadwork in the city. The list has 10 streets — five in the downtown area and five on Snoqualmie Ridge. The list was approved at the council’s April 11 meeting. The city will begin work this spring on the Ridge streets, which offer the best return on investment, according to Mayor Matt Larson. The downtown streets will cost more due to decades of neglect, and the city needs to figure out the best way to finance that work, he said. “It’s a best management practices decision for me.” The Ridge streets need less work — and will cost less money — than the downtown streets. But if that work on the Ridge is not done now, the costs to repair those streets will quickly increase, Larson said.





Cascade Avenue Southeast Eagle Lake Drive Southeast Fairway Avenue Southeast Fairway Avenue Southeast Southeast Ridge Street Southeast 90th Street Beta Street Southeast Cedar Street Southeast Epsilon Street Falls Avenue Southeast Total

Fairway Place Southeast Southeast Ridge Street Snoqualmie Parkway Southeast Muir Street Fairway Avenue Southeast Falls Avenue Southeast Schusman Avenue Southeast Fir/Pine Intersection Schusman Avenue Southeast Beta Street

Fairway Avenue Southeast Pinehurst Avenue Southeast Southeast Ridge Street Fairway Place Southeast Eagle Lake Drive Southeast Railroad Avenue Southeast Railroad Avenue Southeast Silva Avenue Southeast Falls Avenue Southeast Southeast 90th Street

$185,190 $280,931 $371,604 $245,743 $296,278 $153,395 $763,416 $1,371,705 $277,787 $1,573,644 $5,310,153

Source: City of Snoqualmie

While the list identified the top five priorities for downtown, at least 25 streets there need critical work. The work required includes rebuilding utilities, such as water pipes. In some cases, asphalt was laid over dirt, so crews will have to install proper roadbeds.

State launches website to fight fraud Most people have heard the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.” The Washington State Department of Revenue feels the same way. To help root out things that are too good to be true, the department has set up a website, The website lets consumers check to see if a business is registered and in good standing. The department developed it in partnership with the Department of Labor and Industries, and the Employment Security Department.

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Snoqualmie has not settled on a plan for paying for all the work. It will take out a non-voted bond to pay for the Ridge streets, according to Larson. Work in downtown could be funded in part by voterapproved local improvement

Dan Catchpole: 392-6434, ext. 246, or Comment at

“Knowledge is the best defense, and state agencies have combined forces to make it easier than ever for the public to check with the state before it’s too late,” Gov. Chris Gregoire said. The website complements the Revenue Department’s efforts to catch businesses operating under the table.

Former Congressional candidate Suzan DelBene was named to be the department’s director after her unsuccessful campaign against Rep. Dave Reichert for the 8th District seat. Get information about National Consumer Protection Week at

districts, which can levy taxes. That might seem unfair to some, Larson said, but Ridge residents already pay higher utilities fees to support downtown.

Snoqualmie Falls shows up in statistics classes Snoqualmie Falls gets around. The impressive image of the cascading waterfall has been regionally famous since cameras were first lugged to its location in the late 1800s. But Snoqualmie Falls is well known to some people for something not so obvious to visitors: data. The falls are used as an example of statistical forecasting in a textbook by Peter Guttorp, a University of Washington professor. The book, “Stochastic Modeling of Scientific Data,” was published in 1995. The textbook is still used in classrooms across the country. Cosma Shalizi’s statistics course at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, uses the textbook and, specifically, the falls data. “I used it in one of my lectures as an example of building and testing a statistical forecasting system,” Shalizi wrote in an email to the Star. He had used the same textbook as a student. “I could have gone looking for weather records closer to home, but I was already familiar with this example,” he said, “and Professor Guttorp had already done the work of collecting 40 years of data and putting it online.”



APRIL 14, 2011

By Sebastian Moraga

Two war vets meditate during Carla Orellana’s yoga class for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Old-time warriors embrace a new philosophy By Sebastian Moraga The big, tough men, who saw things on the battlefield that we could only have nightmares about, sit up straight and close their eyes. Breathe in, breathe out. The yoga instructor asks them how they are doing. Only one responds: a laconic, terse, “Fine.” The instructor, Carla Orellana, wants more. With a soft voice, she instructs

the four war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder to keep trying. Meanwhile, her eyes focus like searchlights on their movements. “As soon as something makes you grimace, let go of it,” she said. “All those associations trapped in the brain, we are looking for that beautiful ocean to cleanse the body.” They’re in a basement in North Bend, By Sebastian Moraga

See PTSD, Page 9

Yoga instructor Carla Orellana works helps a war veteran assume the ‘warrior pose.’

Daughters of the American Revolution chapter turns 1 By Sebastian Moraga

By Sebastian Moraga

Navy Officer Tim Purgatorio (left) chats with his wife at the North Bend Daughters of the American Revolution chapter’s first anniversary luncheon.

History is alive and kicking in Snoqualmie Valley. And it will stay that way if a determined group of women have a say about it. The Valley’s Daughters of the American Revolution “Annie Pulliam” chapter turned 1 year old last week. And like most infants, it’s bursting with energy and hope for the future. Forget the stereotype about the

DAR members being old enough to have fought the battles themselves. Yes, DAR promotes the preservation of American History. Yes, members must trace their lineage to people who actively supported the American Revolution. But, these ladies are sticking around for a while. Women in their 40s and 50s, and even an 8year-old girl showed up to blow out the one candle at Issaquah’s Pogacha restaurant April 9. Granted, that 8-year-old, Sofia

Biberfeld, is not a member yet, she has to turn 18 first. But she has two darned good reasons to be a member. First off, Sofia’s mother is a member, and second off, the chapter’s birthday is also her birthday. And if these ladies keep making a difference like other DAR members have in the past, look out. Just ask the man serving the drinks at Pogacha. See DAR, Page 9

SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011




From Page 8

From Page 8

Kendall Carson is a waiter at Pogacha and he shuffled his schedule around so he could volunteer to help host the birthday Donna party.Turns out, a DAR Johnson Hart chapter in his native Florida gave him a good citizenship award and a savings bond when he was in the seventh grade.. He was there April 9, 2010, when the Valley chapter first formed, and he wasn’t going to miss the first anniversary. Not with the group doubling in membership from 21 to 42 in its first 12 months. “We feel a real sense of accomplishment,” said Ruth Tolmasoff, a charter member of the chapter. “This has been our startup year, so we really tried to increase our membership.” The Valley’s chapter is the newest in the state. With people’s busy lives, organizations like DAR struggle at times, Tolmasoff said. For example, the White Salmon chapter of DAR just collapsed. So, doubling membership in year one means much. DAR wants to attract a younger demographic, she added. One member of that younger demographic is 41-year-old Emmelyn Hart, who gets her share of odd stares when she reveals she belongs to DAR. “They look at me like, ‘But you aren’t a grandmother,’” she said. “I say there’s more to the DAR than just getting together with women once a month. I do this because history is important to

but the ocean is nearby, in the form of waves crashing inside Orellana’s stereo. Breathe in, breathe out. Sooner rather than later, peace comes. Orellana repeats the question: How are you feeling? And words one might think rare coming from a soldier or sailor or airman or Marine fill the room. Light, spiritual, openness. Freedom, heart, awareness. Miracles, connectedness. “We’re getting more defined,” Orellana said. “Good job.” These men have seen it all. Endured it all. Dead comrades. Dying spouses. Lost friends. Lost limbs. World War II, Korea, Vietnam. Never-healing resentment for a nation’s fickle attitude toward soldiers returning from war. Orellana presses on, gently. “We’re looking for our calm place, no matter how challenged we are.” For victims of post-traumatic stress disorder, that calm place is hard to find. According to an article by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, professor of psychiatry at Boston University and a leading authority on the disease, PTSD stops time, making the body replay the sufferings from the past and making it hard for a person to enjoy the present. “I was in combat,” a veteran who wouldn’t give his name said to Orellana in clipped sentences. “We get home in February of 1946. There was no welcome. I’m still bitter about it. I can’t get it out of my system. I’m 88 years old. No appreciation at all.” Orellana, a certified yoga instructor with more than 40 years of practice, goes out of her way to make the veterans feel safe. The next breathing exercise requires keeping a count, and she asks the men not to worry if

By Sebastian Moraga

Sofia Biberfeld, 8, holds an American flag while members of the North Bend chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution say the Pledge of Allegiance. me, education and history preservation are important to me. This is an organization that lets me combine those interests into one.” The chapter has focused on preserving history, Tolmasoff said, but it has kept an eye on the present. Members have blogs, offer scholarships and help military families. One of those families showed to the party. Tim Purgatorio is a Navy officer from Kent who served in Afghanistan and whose unit received care packages from the organization. On April 9, he

showed up with an American flag as a token of his appreciation. The flag, Purgatorio said, flew atop his compound in Afghanistan. “There were some cases over there when we didn’t have a lot of access to sundries like toothpaste,” Purgatorio said. “So these ladies, they get it together and other groups like them and they send it to us. It’s a big morale support.” Sebastian Moraga: 392-6434, ext. 221, or Comment at

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they lose track. “We don’t worry about anything here,” she said. Breathe in, breathe out. This is the fourth week of class, and the veterans speak of Orellana’s efforts with gratitude and relief. “It’s easier to face all the things that happen,” said Vietnam-era Army veteran Dwight Bunn. “I had to use it yesterday when I opened the mailbox and I got another bill from the hospital.” Vietnam veteran Bob Edwards agreed. “It’s a rarity to find someone who cares about vets or what they do,” Edwards said. “Once you’re out of the military, they don’t know you anymore.” On blood pressure medicines since his retirement, Edwards reported that since the last class, his blood pressure has been 116 over 60, excellent for a 70-yearold like him. “We want to see Carla have a regular PTSD yoga class,” said Bill Walker, a Navy veteran of World War II. A bake sale in October helped pay for some of Orellana’s training in November. More training is still needed, though, Orellana said. Meanwhile, the veterans relish the chance to help themselves and each other heal. Near the end of class, the anonymous veteran spoke once again. “I visualized a welcome home!” he said. Orellana listened with unwavering eye contact. Then, she spoke, every word bathed in kindness. “There’s a door to release that, you have to choose that,” she said. “You can play the role of being bitter, or you can step up for your brothers and sisters.” The man stares back and nods. Breathe in, breathe out. Then his verbal assault continued, and one of his comrades cut him off, just as gently. “You gotta let it go, man. You gotta let it go.”


SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011

Photos by Clay Eals

Fun with lions At left, Timothy, an Encompass preschooler, receives guidance from North Bend artist Marcia Tuttle Ryon on how to outline the head of a lion. Above, Jackson, an Encompass preschooler, concentrates while painting the ears of a lion’s head.

State historical society honors member of Chapel Car 5 restoration team

Issaquah/Sammamish 2011

The Northwest Railway Museum’s Chapel Car 5, Messenger of Peace has received plenty of accolades in its lifetime. It was honored for its display at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, and after the museum acquired it, it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. But it has to share the spotlight with one of the people laboring on the railcar’s restoration. Kevin Palo, the restoration team’s lead carpenter, recently received the David Douglas Award from the Washington State Historical Society. Palo was honored for his work on restoration work at Fort Worden in Port Townsend. The award will be presented in Olympia in June. Palo has more than 30 years experience preserving wood-construction structures.

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SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011


Community groups help families during tough times Community groups in Snoqualmie Valley are joining together to hold a resource fair to help local families in tough times. The organization, One Voice, includes more than 20 groups. The Resource Fair is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 10, at Cascade Covenant Church, 13225 436th Ave. S.E., North Bend. More

than 30 organizations are expected to participate, and there will be no admission charge. The fair is a one-stop source for local resources. Among the participants will be Affordable Access, Encompass, Habitat for Humanity, Hopelink, King County Public Health, Mount Si

Helping Hands Food Bank, Saint Vincent de Paul, Snoqualmie Valley Alliance’s mobile clinic, Solid Ground, the Washington Department of Social and Health Services and Worksource. There also will be summercare packages, which will include sun block, lip balm, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, coloring

pages and a small toy. Families also will find summer clothing for all ages, flip-flops, free haircuts, developmental screenings provided by Encompass, toiletries, Frisbees, water bottles and dental products. People can help by collecting items for donation, including flip-flops, diapers, toilet paper, laundry soap and new or gently

used summer clothing for all ages. Donations can be dropped off at Encompass in North Bend during business hours. Donated items will be stored at Eastside Self Storage, which has contributed space for the effort. For information, contact Stacey Cepeda at 888-2777 or

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APRIL 14, 2011

High AP scores earn the district some praise By Sebastian Moraga

Photos by Sebastian Moraga

At left, A.J. Wetzel (foreground), Matthew Sellers (middle) and Hans Roman in the back go ‘round and ‘round on their scooters At right, Brian McDermott shows off his scooter skills.

North Bend students get some practice scooting By Sebastian Moraga Even on the last day of the week, this hour of class zooms by. No clock-watching here, no counting to 100 to see if it’s lunchtime yet. In fact, many

would probably forgo lunchtime for 30 more minutes of class That’s what happens when you add scooters to a physical education class at North Bend Elementary School. Students from first to fifth

Hans Roman (left) does his ‘no-hands’ trick

grade will use the foot-powered bi-cycles throughout the month of April, physical education substitute teacher Aaron Duncan said. “This is F-U-N,” student April Snow screamed as she wheeled past visitors inside the school’s gym. Students soon get bored with just going around and around and begin doing tricks. One leg up, squatting, one hand out, two hands out. Jumps, spins, wheelies. When the cameras appear, the showboating intensifies. Not even the occasional fall can change that. Students get back up, check whether anyone saw, then jump on the scooter and speed away. By the time they come around to face the camera again, they’re Evil-Knieveling By Sebastian Moraga like nothing happened.

“This is hard flooring, so the students must wear helmets,” Duncan said. No helmet, no ride. Students spend the first week getting used to the scooter. After that, they start doing jumps and tricks. The school has purchased some, and some students bring theirs from home. “No student goes without,” Duncan said. The scooter falls far from being the only toy the students get to use during the year at North Bend Elementary. The school has a famous unicycle club. Also, with spring break gone, it might be time for the skates and for the RipStiks., a cross between a snowboard and a skateboard. For now, the scooters rule. Students will tell you they don’t just get a high-speed lesson on how to turn left. They get a workout. “It takes a lot of leg muscle,” said student Aidan Garrigan, surrounded by equally noodlelegged comrades after an hour of riding. “But it’s a lot of fun.” F-U-N? You B-E-T. Sebastian Moraga: 392-6434, ext. 221, or Comment at

The College Board has placed the Snoqualmie Valley School District on its Achievement List, a press released issued March 17 stated. The list highlights schools that increase the number of students taking Advanced Placement classes while improving the percentage of students earning high scores in those classes. Six school districts in the state and 388 in the nation received the honor. Bellevue, Northshore, Olympia, Seattle and Shoreline also earned the distinction. “Continuous improvement is a goal that our district and all valley schools strive for each year,” Snoqualmie Valley Schools Superintendent Joel Aune said in a press release. “We are extremely proud of this recognition from the College Board, as it further validates the upward trend that Mount Si High School has experienced in recent years on three fronts.” These fronts, Aune said, are an increase in the number of students enrolling in what he termed rigorous courses, more Advanced Placement courses available to students and a higher percentage of students getting good grades in those courses. According to school district documents, Valley schools rank in the top bracket of Advanced Placement participation among Washington districts. Valley schools also rank high in the percentage of the 2010 graduating class earning a three or higher (out of five) on at least one AP exam. The Valley was one of 12 districts statewide to rank high in both areas. Mount Si High School offered 13 Advanced Placement classes this year. The Snoqualmie Valley Virtual Academy provides 19 Advanced Placement courses online. The school district arrived on the list based upon four criteria: ❑ Examination of three years of data from 2008 to 2010 ❑ Increase in participation and access to advanced placement classes by at least 4 percent in large districts, 7 percent See SCORES, Page 13

SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011


Smiles reign on the track at Mount Si Special Olympics event By Sebastian Moraga Making a smile their umbrella, high school students stayed warm under the rain April 2. The occasion was a Special Olympics track meet for students from Issaquah, Tahoma and Kent, with Mount Si High School students hosting. Even the cheerleaders braved the wind and rain to wave their pompoms. “This is fun,” said cheerleader Hailey Barrett, “watching everybody be super happy.” Smiles abounded. Parents cheered on the athletes, who competed in running, walking and throwing events. The athletes cheered once they finished their heats, and the organizers cheered in between. This is the third time the school’s ASB and Leadership Club have organized a track meet for Special Olympics, club advisor Charlie Kinnune said. It’s difficult to set a date for a meet in the spring, Kinnune added. Special Olympic meets are already scheduled at a national and regional level by then. Mount Si High School students have to find an open weekend that doesn’t conflict with both the Wildcats’ sports calendar and other Special Olympics events. “It’s become traditionally an officer project for our ASB president,” Kinnune said. “Kaylee Olson four years ago took the project on and organized it, and it’s become somewhat of a tradition, though we missed last year.” Amanda Beekman, the current ASB president, said volunteers from Mount Si and Skyline high schools helped as marshals, running chaperones that keep pace behind the athletes. “They take them to each

Scores From Page 12 in midsized districts and at least 11 percent in small districts. ❑ A steady or increasing percentage of black, Hispanic and American Indian or Alaska Native students taking the Advanced Placement exams, and

“Whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve it.” — Sean Carter Runner

By Sebastian Moraga

Tahoma’s Sean Carter crosses the finish line at a Special Olympics meet in Snoqualmie. event they are at so they don’t miss it,” Beekman said. More than 100 people volunteered. Around 60 athletes participated. “We have a lot of good-hearted kids,” he said. Volunteer hours could count toward the school’s community service requirement. Robin Tatsuda, the Issaquah Eagles’ Special Olympics track coach, said having many volunteers helps introduce Special Olympics. “I get the feeling many people don’t know a lot about it,” she said. “Having more high school student become involved with people with disabilities is really cool.”

❑ Performance levels maintained or improving when comparing the percentage of exams scoring 3 or higher to those in 2008. An option to the last criterion is the school attaining a performance level where 70 percent or more of the students score 3 or higher. Sebastian Moraga: 392-6434, ext. 221, or Comment at

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The 100-meter dash had more than 40 runners and was split into several heats. Some events like the mile had only one participant, 17-year-old Sean Carter from Tahoma. “Four fifty-six,” he said when he was done. “Personal record.” Racing against himself is

harder than against other people, Carter said. It helps to have somebody there to pace with you and push you. Despite running alone, he managed to trim several seconds off his best time. “Whatever you set your mind to, you can achieve it,” he said.

Other events included relays, softball/tennis ball throw, long jump and sprints. Issaquah Eagle Kendall Lum competed in the 100-meter dash under the proud, watchful eye of his father and his coach. “He smoked ‘em,” Tatsuda said. Kendall’s father, Donald, said his son really enjoyed himself out there. He did, except for the rain. “This is the worst,” Kendall said. “Awful weather.” Teammate Erik Gomez agreed. Asked in Spanish how it felt to compete, he answered “Frío,” the Spanish word for “cold.” Other students had different tactics to entertain themselves in the cold. Long jumper Wil Searing had to pick between his discipline and shot put at the meet. He picked long jump. “It was more fun to go bouncing like a bunny,” he said. “No, really. I can do the long jump.” Sebastian Moraga: 392-6434, ext. 221, or Comment at



APRIL 14, 2011

Lacrosse players battle on and off the field By Sebastian Moraga The team is young, the score is lopsided — the wrong way — and the fans are few and far between. But one thing you won’t find at a Mount Si Lacrosse Club match is anybody feeling sorry for himself. These teenagers would probably turn down arriving at the prom with America’s Next Top Model if it conflicted with a game. The intensity never wavers, either on the sideline or on the field. The running never stops and on this chilly Seattle afternoon, every bead of sweat is earned. The opponent is big, speedy Ballard, an established team when compared with 1-year-old Mount Si. Decked in black and orange, their school colors although they are a club team, Ballard plays with the kind of coordination that only comes with time and know-how. Pretty soon, the game is out of reach for the boys in red and gray, but they never stop hustling. It’s as if they know that there’s a dozen other red-clad folks stand-

On the Web

ing on the sidelines, raring to go. The star of the team today is the boy at goalie, sophomore Matt Yan, who stopped several shots from becoming Ballard goals. No small feat when considering the Beavers’ firepower, and when considering what stopping those shots entails. “It takes a special kind of crazy to play goalie,” said Yan, a second-year player. “You got balls going 75, 76 mph at you and you block ‘em. But I guess I like the challenge.” Yan said the team was going through goalies like “a dime a dozen” last year when he tried out. “Figured out I loved it,” he said. Head Coach Woodroe Kiser said Yan is not alone when it comes to falling in love with the sport. Besides Yan’s team, the Mount Si Lacrosse Club has two

By Sebastian Moraga

Mount Si Lacrosse Club players practice during a break in their match against Seattle’s Ballard. girls’ teams, two teams at the seventh- and eighth-grade levels, a team for second-, third- and fourth-graders, and a team for fifth- and sixth-graders. The club is pretty new, said Kiser, a teacher at Snoqualmie Middle School, but lacrosse is booming. “We got all kinds of stuff going on,” he said. “The high

school levels have really been coming on. Youth teams have been popping up everywhere.” Historically an East Coast sport, lacrosse has arrived west, with more than 100 teams for boys and girls in the state, he said. “The sport is really catching on,” he added. While the sport catches fire,

some of its acolytes catch guff. “My friends say ‘Yaaaaay, lacrosse, yeah!” said Cameron Pike, one of Kiser’s charges, the cheer dripping with sarcasm. The mocking tone pokes at the sport’s obscurity when compared to football or baseball. Yan said some of his friends See LACROSSE, Page 15

Mount Si baseball blanks Liberty, keeps winning streak alive By Dan Catchpole It didn’t take long for the Mount Si Wildcats to show visiting Liberty why they have won eight games in a row. With two outs in the first inning, shortstop Tim Proudfoot drove a fastball over the left field fence for his third home run of the season. The next two batters — pitcher Trevor Lane and centerfielder Max Brown — both reached base. First baseman Reece Karalus then stepped into the batter’s box and hit his second home run of the season. The Wildcats scored four runs in the first inning with two outs. They went on to trounce Liberty 11-0 in the April 11 game. The team’s bats have been on fire since losing their first preseason game to Redmond, but a team full of good hitters is no surprise for Mount Si. The bigger question mark at the beginning of the season was the team’s pitching. Only one pitcher had extended experience pitching at the varsity level. But despite the lack of time on the mound, the team’s pitching staff has so far proven up to snuff — and then some. In the

By Dan Catchpole

Tim Proudfoot connects for one of the three home runs he hit against Liberty. eight games since losing to Redmond, Mount Si has outscored opponents 78-18. And the team’s schedule hasn’t been populated by pushovers. It has included several 4A teams and Mercer Island,

the Wildcats’ strongest competition in the KingCo Conference. “When the bats get hot, it’s scary,” Coach Elliott Cribby said. Nonetheless, “pitching and defense are our primary” focus, he said.

On the mound against Liberty, Lane and Hudson Luxich combined for the shutout. Lane, a junior, threw 69 pitches, 39 for strikes. He was aggressive, throwing many first

pitch strikes. That put Liberty’s batters in a hole, which Lane capitalized on to notch eight strikeouts. Lane throws three pitches for strikes — a fastball, a changeup and a curve. His curveball buckled the knees of one Liberty batter for a strikeout. At the plate, Cribby has stressed to his players to wait for their pitch, and to be aggressive when they see it. Cribby doesn’t want his players getting too comfortable with their winning streak. “Our biggest concern is getting lax, and expecting teams to roll up and give us a win,” he said. Proudfoot has no intention of letting up. “Everything for me is clicking,” he said. It’s clicking so well, he connected for three home runs and four runs batted in against Liberty. He was a one-man wrecking crew. Walking to the plate in the first inning, “I was thinking ‘I can hit this guy if he throws me a fastball’,” Proudfoot said of Liberty starting pitcher Blake Reeve. Proudfoot waited for his pitch and put the ball over the fence.

SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011

Scoreboard Prep baseball 3A/2A KingCo Conference 1, Mount Si 3-0 (L), 7-1 (S); Interlake 2-1, 4-4; Mercer Island 1-1, 4-2; Liberty 1-1, 3-2; Bellevue 1-1, 1-3; Juanita 1-1, 15; Lake Washington 1-2, 1-3; Sammamish 0-3, 5-4. April 7 Game MOUNT SI 8, BELLEVUE 5 Bellevue 000 001 4 - 5 3 1 Mount Si 410 030 x - 8 7 4 WP: Trevor Lane. 2B: Robb Lane (MS), Max Brown (MS). HR: Reece Karalus (MS). Mount Si highlights: Brown 3-4, 2 RBIs; Karalus 2-4, 2 RBIs. April 8 Game MOUNT SI 9, JUANITA 0 Juanita 000 000 0 - 0 3 5 Mount Si 202 320 x - 9 9 0 WP: Trevor Taylor. 2B: Max Brown (MS). 3B: Dustin Breshears (MS). HR: Derek Welsh (MS). Mount Si highlights; Dustin Breshears 1-3, 2 SBs; Brown 3-4, Welsh 1-3, Taylor 10Ks. April 9 Game MOUNT SI 11, MERCER ISLAND 1 Mount Si 320 024 - 11 11 0 Mercer Island 100 000 - 1 3 2 WP: Reece Karalus. 2B: Max Brown (MS). Mount Si highlights: Brown 2-4, Trevor Lane 3-4, Nate Sinner 2-3, 2 RBIs.

Prep boys soccer 3A/2A KingCo Conference Sammamish 6-0-0 (L), 6-0-1 (S); Mercer Island 4-1-1, 5-2-1; Mount Si 4-2-0, 4-3-1; Bellevue 3-3-0, 3-4-1; Liberty 2-3-1, 3-4-1; Lake Washington 2-4-0, 3-5-0; Interlake 1-5-0, 2-5-1; Juanita 15-0, 1-7-0. April 5 Game MOUNT SI 3, INTERLAKE 0 Mount Si 03-3

Former Wildcat standout signs with minor league soccer team Gibson Bardsley, one of the top forwards ever to come out of the Wildcat soccer program, has signed a one-year deal with the Charlotte Eagles of the United Soccer Leagues of America, one of the top U.S. minor league soccer divisions. Bardsley, a graduate of Western Washington University, was crowned the Great Northwest Athletic Conference’s Player of the Year his senior sea-

Interlake 00-0 Second half goals: 1, Kody Clearman (MS, Dane Aldrich assist), 48:00; 2, Clearman (MS, Alex Censullo assist), 63:00; 3, Aldrich (MS, Davis Karaica assist), 70:00. Shutout: Dillon Oord.

Prep softball 3A/2A KingCo Conference Juanita 5-0 (L), 8-0 (S); Bellevue 3-1, 6-2; Mount Si 3-2, 5-3; Interlake 3-2, 5-3; Liberty 21, 2-2; Lake Washington 1-3, 18; Sammamish 0-3, 0-6; Mercer Island 0-5, 0-6. April 6 Game BELLEVUE 17, MOUNT SI 5 Mount Si 4 0 0 1 0 - 5 7 4 Bellevue 5(11)1 0 x - 17 17 2 W: Emily Fleischman, L: Kendra Lee. 2B: Danielle Massengill (MS), Katie Savard (B). HR: Massengill (MS), Lisa Bennett (B). Mount Si highlights: Massengill 2-3, Lauren Smith 23.


Martial artists plan tournament to support wounded soldiers By Dan Catchpole Local martial arts supporters are getting together to help wounded soldiers in honor of a Snoqualmie Valley resident and Marine who died in combat in Afghanistan. North Bend martial arts instructor Jim Curtis and others are organizing a tournament to be held in May. Tournament organizers hope to raise $4,000, after expenses, for the Wounded Warrior Project. The tournament will be in honor of Eric Ward, a Mount Si High School graduate and Marine. Ward died in combat in Afghanistan in February 2010.

the tournamnet will be held May 14 at his alma mater. For Curtis, a Vietnam veteran, the effort has personal significance. “Like Eric, I was a Marine machine gunner,” Curtis said. The tournament will be open to anyone age 13 or older, but minors will need consent from a parent or guardian. There are no restrictions on martial arts discipline. Wrestlers and boxers are welcome as well. The entry fee is $50. The preregistration deadline is April 15. Curtis said he hopes the tournament will become an annual event. “It will depend on community support and competitor participation this year.”

Eric Ward Memorial Tournament ❑ Mount Si High School, 8651 Meadowbrook Way S.E., Snoqualmie ❑ 2-7 p.m. May 14 ❑ Registration details:

Businesses and community organizations can help sponsor the event with a $100 donation. Admission is $20 at the door.

Prep boys lacrosse Washington Lacrosse Association Division II April 9 Game BALLARD 14, MOUNT SI 1 Mount Si 0100-1 Ballard 6 1 4 3 - 14 Mount Si statistics: Beau Bachand 2 groundballs, Andrew Bottemiller 2 groundballs, Tucker Dana 1 groundball, Sal Francisco 1 groundball, Matt Mahrer 2 groundballs, Blake Moorhead 2 groundballs, Cody Oberlander 1 groundball, Henry Owens 1 goal, 3 groundballs; Brendan Pike 2 groundballs, Cameron Pike 1 groundball, 8 saves; Ryker Schwartzenberger 1 groundball, Max Williamson 3 groundballs, Matthew Yan 2 groundballs, 8 saves.

son. The Eagles are owned by a Christian ministry called Missionary Athletes International. Bardsley said the contract with such a team was a good chance to improve both his professional and personal life. Moving away from the west coast was a tough decision at first, Bardsley said. “I told myself, ‘You’re 21 years old, and so many people older than you wish they had done the things you have a chance to do,’” he said.

By Sebastian Moraga

Mount Si Lacrosse Club’s Dane Dahline in action during a lacrosse match against Ballard.

Lacrosse From Page 14 don’t even know what lacrosse is. A former football lineman, Yan said lacrosse has his old sport beat when it comes to intensity and fitness. Football is more stop-and-go. If you play lacrosse, there’s no “stop-and,” he said. Yan said lacrosse does not deserve its reputation as a rich man’s sport. “None of us is rich,” he said. Kiser said there might be some truth to the legend. To start at soccer you need shinguards, shoes and a ball. To start out at lacrosse, you need a month’s rent. “The initial cost is quite heavy,” he said. “You are look-

ing at your $200 helmet, a stick that can go anywhere from $100-$250, and then the gloves, the chest protector and the shoulder pads.” It helps the team that the Valley is not short on well-off families, Kiser said. Nevertheless, he insists lacrosse is for everybody, not just the Lexus set. “If you want to play, we’ll make it happen,” he said, adding that former players donate or sell their gear cheap. “Once they get into it, kids love it. It’s so cool,” Kiser said. So far, the going has been rough. In one-plus seasons, the team has one win, and on this day, Ballard dominated, winning 14-1. Still, you won’t find anybody pouting behind those masks. Or behind the boys with the masks.

“We keep progressing as we are, hopefully we’ll be in the state championship one of these days.” — Woodroe Kiser Coach “We got Liberty next week,” a fan said. “Big game.” If Kiser gets his way, there might be plenty of big games ahead for the lacrosse boys. “We’ve got a lot of kids coming up,” Kiser said. “Lot bigger. I see them competing in the playoffs. We keep progressing as we are, hopefully we’ll be in the state championship one of these days.” Sebastian Moraga: 392-6434, ext. 221, or Comment at

SnoValley Star


APRIL 14, 2011

Mount Si booter gets his kicks off the field at karate By Sebastian Moraga Teammates sound awed when talking about senior soccer player Michael Blackmon. “One time, I stood on a chair and I raised my hand up and he kicked it,” fellow soccer varsity player Chace Carlson said. Blackmon, a midfielder for Mount Si, is more mellow about his karate prowess. He exudes a quiet confidence instead of a showoff’s desire to be noticed. Martial arts gave Blackmon a stronger sense of self, he said, a fearlessness from anybody or anything. “I know that if I find myself in that type of situation,” he said, referring to a fight, “I’ll be all right.” Both mom and dad are black belts like their son. Blackmon has been practicing karate since age 3, soccer since age 6. “He’s got that natural ability,” Michael’s dad, James said. “He’s one of those kids that you can show him a couple of techniques and he’ll do it amazingly.” James said Michael’s immersion into karate started early. “I would take him to my tournaments. His mother would work on weekends, so he would be playing and I would be fighting. I would tell ladies,

‘Please watch him while I fight.’” Early on, Michael was reluctant to use his skills. “He got into a fight in elementary school, and this kid was choking him,” James said. “I told him, ‘Michael, why didn’t you hit him?’ and he said ‘I didn’t want to hurt him.’” In a tournament, fighters would get one point for hits to the body and two for hits to the head of the opponent. Before one tournament, James told Michael he would take him to McDonald’s if he kicked his opponent in the head. Michael didn’t. After the opponent won, Michael asked about McDonald’s. Dad said no, because of the lack of head kicks. “So, Michael walked up to the kid and kicked him in the head,” James said. “I said ‘Son, not after the contest!’” To Michael, the fight between soccer and karate is lopsided. “Definitely martial arts,” he said. “I’m really gifted. It’s natural for me.” That was not always the case, James said. Around the ninth grade, Michael picked soccer full-time over basketball, baseball and karate. “He started playing it so much, it started cutting into his

By Calder Productions

Michael Blackmon (right) battles for the ball in a recently match against Lake Washington. martial arts,” James said he respected the decision because it was Michael’s choice. “Soccer was meant to happen for Michael,” James said. The two sports intersect sometimes, Michael said. When one fights in karate, one can anticipate the opponent’s moves. That happens in soccer, too. James said the discipline and concentration of martial arts also helps in soccer.

“A lot of people say Michael’s coachable,” he said. Blackmon doesn’t bring karate moves onto the soccer field. That high kick alone would almost ensure him a yellow card. So, the moves on the mat stay on the mat and away from the soccer field. “Maybe at soccer practice,” he said with a smile. The coach at Vermont’s Norvich College has contacted

him about soccer, but Michael is not too enthused about it, James said. He wants to study criminal justice, where Dad sees martial arts coming back into the picture. “He wants to keep his gift and use it in his field,” James said. Sebastian Moraga: 392-6434, ext. 221, or Comment at

SnoValley Star

APRIL 14, 2011

North Bend to host special recycling event North Bend is hosting a special recycling event 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 23 at Snoqualmie Middle School. The event is open to King County residents, who are encouraged to bring their household materials. To move things along quickly at the event, residents are advised to load materials into their vehicle in a particular order: ❑ Scrap metal and appliances ❑ Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners ❑ Fluorescent bulbs and tubes ❑ Computers, printers, scanners and fax machines ❑ All other electronics ❑ Petroleum-based products (such as motor oil, gasoline, anti-freeze and brake fluid) ❑ Tires ❑ Batteries ❑ Clothing and other household items Some fees are associated with certain materials. Only cash will be accepted. The event is being sponsored by King County’s Hazardous Waste Management Program and Solid Waste Division, the Washington State Department of Ecology and Snoqualmie Valley School District. For more information, email or call 425-888-7651.

King County Council lists smart spending as top priority The priorities for King County leaders for the next five years include fiscal sustainabili-

ty, a more responsive and transparent county government, and a focus on improving the quality of life for residents. County Council offered unanimous approval March 14 for the priorities, a list known as the Operational Strategic Plan. The goals build upon a framework established in the countywide strategic plan adopted last year. The adopted plan lays out the council’s top priorities for the next five years: establishing policies to protect and enhance the economy, environment, health and safety for county residents; maintaining and enhancing financial strength for the county; and maintaining and increasing public trust in the council and county institutions. The adopted plan also calls for the development of identifiable measures, so progress can be monitored and presented in quarterly reports to the public. “The main focus on accountability in this strategic plan is a constant reminder about the imperative for government to serve its citizens in the most efficient, accessible manner,” Councilwoman Kathy Lambert, the Snoqualmie Valley representative and chairwoman of the Government Oversight and Accountability Committee, said in a news release.

Washington Conservation Corps looks to fill positions The Washington State Department of Ecology’s Washington Conservation Corps has open positions to fill in King, Lewis, Skagit, Spokane and Thurston counties. The corps needs volunteers between

18 and 25 years old. The corps helps restore and protect the state’s environment, offers environmental education and volunteer opportunities for thousands of residents, and provides firsthand assistance to citizens in Washington and across the nation during natural disasters. In mid-February, the corps deployed four crews to assist residents on the Yakama Nation Reservation after a wildfire destroyed 18 homes. Corps members receive job training, including advanced wilderness first aid, wild land firefighting, and flood and hazardous material response. Established in 1983, the corps became a federally supported AmeriCorps Program in 1994. There are currently about 180 corps members. The corps is looking to fill six-month positions, which are funded through cost-sharing agreements with local organizations and an AmeriCorps grant. Members earn the state minimum wage and a $2,675 AmeriCorps Education Award that can be used to repay student loans or toward future tuition expenses. Information is available on the Ecology Department’s website,


State Patrol lab relies on DNA to solve crimes The state crime lab used DNA testing to complete a record-setting 379 hits last year. Teams at the Washington State Patrol Crime Lab use a national database, the Combined DNA Index System or CODIS, to offer leads to investigators. Since the program debuted more than a decade ago, the crime-fighting tool has provided more than 1,500 leads. Investigators at the Seattle lab also processed evidence related to the deadly shootings at Lake Sammamish State Park in July 2010. “This is about arresting and convicting the guilty, and clearing the innocent,” state patrol Chief John Batiste said. “DNA is the most reliable way we’ve ever had for telling if someone was present at a crime scene.” The lab receives about 1,400 samples from convicted offenders each month. The resulting database contains more than 194,000 DNA profiles from Washington criminals convicted of a felony, or certain gross misdemeanors and misdemeanors. Under state law, registered sex and kidnapping offenders must also submit a

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DNA sample. The lab compares samples from convicted criminals against DNA evidence collected at more than 3,500 crime scenes statewide. Investigators routinely search the samples in the state database against the CODIS database. In the hits from last year, more than half linked to burglary cases, and another 39 percent stemmed from murders, rapes, robberies and assaults. The analysis shows 79 percent of the DNA hits match offenders convicted for less-violent crimes, such as burglary and drug possession. The hits generated last year represent a 47 percent increase from the 257 hits in 2009. The crime lab attributed the increase to several factors, including a pilot project for testing evidence from property crimes, and technology upgrades. “The CODIS program is a forensic time machine” Larry Hebert, forensic laboratory services bureau director, said in a release. “Our scientists use this powerful technology to link suspects to unsolved crimes, some of which were committed over 40 years ago. CODIS is also used to link apparent unrelated cases to each other providing investigators with valuable information.”

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APRIL 14, 2011


Public meetings ❑ Snoqualmie Public Safety Committee, 5 p.m. April 14, 37600 S.E. Snoqualmie Parkway ❑ North Bend Planning Commission, 7 p.m. April 14, 211 Main Ave. N. ❑ Snoqualmie Valley School Board, 7:30 p.m. April 14, 8001 Silva Ave S.E., Snoqualmie ❑ Snoqualmie Public Works Committee, 5 p.m. April 18, 38624 S.E. River St. ❑ Snoqualmie Planning and Parks Committee, 6 p.m. April 18, 38624 S.E. River St. ❑ Snoqualmie Parks Board, 7 p.m. April 18, 38624 S.E. River St. ❑ Snoqualmie Planning Commission, 7 p.m. April 18, 38624 S.E. River St. ❑ North Bend Community and Economic Development Committee, 1:15 p.m. April 19, 126 E. Fourth Street. ❑ Snoqualmie Finance and Administration Committee, 5:30 p.m. April 19, 38624 S.E. River St. ❑ North Bend City Council, 7 p.m. April 19, 411 Main Ave. S. ❑ Snoqualmie Arts Commission, 10 a.m. April 20, 38624 S.E. River St. ❑ North Bend Transportation and Public Works Committee, 3:45 p.m. April 20, 1155 E. North Bend Way. ❑ North Bend Economic Development Commission, 8 a.m. April 21, 126 E. Fourth St.

Events ❑ North Bend Theatre presents “Lords of Nature,” 6:30 p.m. April 14, North Bend Theater, 125 Bendigo Boulevard, North Bend. Free admission (donations accepted). The role of large predators such as wolves and cougars is explored in “Lords of Nature.” ❑ Sno Valley Youth Council, 7 p.m. April 14, Snoqualmie City Hall, 38624 S.E. River St., Snoqualmie. ❑ Fagan’s Organ Quartet, 7 p.m. April 15, Boxley’s, 101 W. North Bend Way, North Bend. ❑ The Y’s Healthy Kids Day, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 16, Snoqualmie Community Park, Southeast Ridge Street, Snoqualmie. The free event promotes healthy lifestyles, and includes health resources, activities and games. ❑ Encompass’ Sipfest, 6:30 p.m. April 16, Pickering Barn, 1730 10th Ave., Issaquah. A wine, beer and food tasting event at the Historic Pickering Barn. Tickets are $40 in advance and $45 at the door. Go to ❑ The GBz’s, 7:30 p.m. April 16, The Black Dog, 8062 Railroad Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie. Suggested door donation: $5.

April pool’s day



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


April Pool’s Day, noon to 3 p.m. April 16, Si View Community Center, 400 S.E. Orchard Drive, North Bend. Come by for the annual Water Safety Fair. The day’s festivities will include safety information for children and adults, and a public swim session. Eastside Fire & Rescue will also be offering engine tours and water-related safety tips.

❑ Danny Kolke Trio, 7 p.m. April 17, Boxley’s, 101 W. North Bend Way, North Bend. Local jazz outfit offers blues, gospel and straight-ahead jazz. ❑ Afternoon Preschool Story Times, 1:30 p.m. April 18, Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E. Ages 3-6 accompanied by an adult. ❑ Snoqualmie Book Group, 6:30 p.m. April 19, Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E. The selection for April is “Her Sister’s Voice,” by Mary Carter. ❑ Open mic, 6:30 p.m. April 19, Twede’s Café, 137 W. North Bend Way, North Bend. ❑ Open mic, 7 p.m. April 20, The Black Dog, 8062 Railroad Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie. ❑ Mount Si High School Jazz Band, 7 p.m. April 19, Boxley’s, 101 W. North Bend Way, North Bend. ❑ Young Toddler Story Times, 9:30 a.m. April 20, Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E. Ages 6-24 months old accompanied by an adult. ❑ Preschool Story Times, 10:30 a.m. April 20, Snoqualmie Library, 7824 Center Blvd. S.E. Ages 3-6 accompanied by an adult. ❑ Teen study zone, 3 p.m. April 20, North Bend Library, 115 E. Fourth St. Drop-in during scheduled study zone hours for free homework help in all subjects from volunteer tutors. ❑ Pajamarama Story Times, 6:30 p.m. April 20, North Bend Library, 115 E. Fourth St. All

young children are welcome with an adult. ❑ Special recycling event, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 23, Snoqualmie Middle School, 39801 S.E. Park St., Snoqualmie. For details, go to, and click on “Special Recycling Event” under News, Events & Highlights. ❑ The Volcano Diary, 8 p.m. April 23, The Black Dog, 8062 Railroad Ave. S.E., Snoqualmie. Suggested door donation: $6.

Volunteer opportunities ❑ Elk Management Group invites the community to participate in elk collaring, telemetry and habitat improvement projects in the Upper Snoqualmie Valley. Project orientation meetings are at 6 p.m. the third Monday of the month at the North Bend City Hall, 211 Main St. Email ❑ Snoqualmie Valley Hospital is accepting applications for ages 16 or older to volunteer in various departments of the hospital. Email volunteer coordinator Carol Waters at to arrange an interview. ❑ Spanish Academy invites volunteers fluent in Spanish to participate in summer camps on its three-acre farm-style school. Must love children and nature. Call 888-4999. ❑ Senior Services Transportation Program needs

volunteers to drive seniors around North Bend and Snoqualmie. Choose the times and areas in which you’d like to drive. Car required. Mileage reimbursement and supplemental liability insurance are offered. Call 206-748-7588 or 800-2825815 toll free, or email Apply online at Click on “Giving Back” and then on “Volunteer Opportunities.” ❑ Mount Si Senior Center needs volunteers for sorting and sales in the thrift store, reception and class instruction. The center is at 411 Main St., North Bend. Call 888-3434. ❑ Hopelink in Snoqualmie Valley seeks volunteers for a variety of tasks. Volunteers must be at least 16. Go to or call 869-6000. ❑ Adopt-A-Park is a program for Snoqualmie residents to improve public parks and trails. An application and oneyear commitment are required. Call 831-5784. ❑ Study Zone tutors are needed for all grade levels to give students the homework help they need. Two-hour weekly commitment or substitutes wanted. Study Zone is a free service of the King County Library System. Call 369-3312.

Classes ❑ S.A.I.L. (Stay Active and Independent for Life) exercise class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Mount Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave. S., North Bend. Led by certified exercise instructor Carla Orellana. Call 888-3434.

Clubs ❑ Mental illness support group, 7-8:30 p.m. Fridays, Snoqualmie Fire Station, 37600 Snoqualmie Parkway, Snoqualmie. The group is free of charge for anyone with a mental illness or a family member with a mental illness. Call 829-2417. ❑ Mount Si Artist Guild meeting, 9:15-11 a.m. the third Saturday, Mount Si Senior Center, 411 Main Ave. S., North Bend, ❑ Sno-Valley Beekeepers meets the second Tuesday at the Meadowbrook

❑ Interpretive Center, Meadowbrook Farm, 1711 Boalch Ave., North Bend. Go to ❑ Trellis gardening club meets at 10 a.m. the third Saturday, at Valley Christian Assembly, 32725 S.E. 42nd St., Fall City. Trellis is an informal support group for the Snoqualmie Valley’s vegetable gardeners, who have special climactic challenges and rewards. New and experienced gardeners are welcome. ❑ Elk Management Group meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Wednesday at the U.S. Forest Service conference room at 130 Thrasher Ave., behind the visitors’ center on North Bend Way. Interagency committee meetings are at 1:30 p.m. the first Monday at the North Bend City Hall annex, 126 Fourth St. Both meetings are open to the public. Go to ❑ Mount Si Fish and Game Club meets at 7:30 p.m. the first Thursday, October through May, at the Snoqualmie Police Department. ❑ Sallal Grange, 12912 432nd Ave. S.E., North Bend, meets the first Friday for a potluck and open mic with local musicians. The potluck starts at 6 p.m. with the music from 7 p.m. to midnight. Open to all people/ages. Go to ❑ Snoqualmie Valley Chess Club, 7 p.m. Thursdays, North Bend Library, 115 E. Fourth St. Learn to play chess or get a game going. All ages and skill levels are welcome. ❑ The North Bend Chess Club meets every Thursday from 7-9 p.m. at the North Bend Library, 115 E. Fourth St. All ages and skill levels are invited. ❑ Snoqualmie Valley Rotary Club meets at 7 a.m. every Thursday at the TPC Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club Restaurant. All are welcome. Go to ❑ American Legion Post 79 and the American Legion Auxiliary meet at 7 p.m. the second Thursday at 38625 S.E. River St., Snoqualmie. Call 888-1206. ❑ Snoqualmie Valley Garden Club meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Thursday at the Mount Si Senior Center, North Bend. Call 453-8630 ❑ Snoqualmie Valley Kiwanis Club meets at 7 a.m. every Thursday at the Mount Si Golf Course restaurant in Snoqualmie. Email ❑ Snoqualmie Fraternal Order of Eagles Women’s Auxiliary meets the first and third Tuesday at 7 p.m. The Men’s Aerie meets the first and third Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 108 Railroad Ave. Call 888-1129. Submit an item for the community calendar by emailing or go to

SnoValley Star


APRIL 14, 2011



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2005 Ford Focus 4 Dr Sedan (V7714A)...................................$5,971 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier 2 Dr Coupe (R10852A)...................$6,971 2004 Nissan Sentra 4 Dr Sedan (26282A)..........................…$7,871 2005 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4x4 4 Dr (R10800B)....................$9,871 2004 Mercury Monterey Minivan (25703A)........................$10,871 2006 Chevrolet Uplander LS 2 WD 4 Dr (R9496N)..............$10,971 2002 Ford Mustang GT 2 Dr Convertible (R9848C)............$10,971 2004 Toyota Tacoma 2 Dr Extended Cab (V7729A)............$10,971 2001 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 4 WD 4 Dr Utility (3966B)..$11,571 2010 Chevrolet Aveo LT 4 Dr Sedan (V7948A)....................$11,871 2005 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4 4 Dr Utility (26204A)..............$11,971 2007 Volkswagen Beetle 2 Dr Coupe (3906P).....................$12,471 2006 Volkswagen Beetle 2 Dr Convertible (V7390A)........$12,471 2003 Cadillac CTS RWD 4 Dr Sedan (V7547B).....................$12,571 2008 Chevrolet Impala 1LT 4 Dr Sedan (26331)..................$12,971 2008 Hyundai Elantra 4 Dr Sedan (R10364A)......................$13,271 2007 Honda Civic EX 4 Dr Sedan (R10395A).......................$13,871

2002 Pontiac Firebird WS6 2 Dr Convertible (26202A)......$13,871 2004 Saab 9-3 Convertible (26284)......................................$13,871 2004 BMW 325Ci 2 Dr Coupe (26011B)................................$13,971 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit 2.5 Hatchback (26369)...............$13,971 2010 Volkswagen Jetta 4 Dr Sedan (26194)........................$14,471 1971 Chevrolet C10 350 2 Dr Cab (25274)...........................$14,871 2003 Ford F-150 4x4 Super Crew (26118A).........................$14,871 2010 Mazda 3 4 Dr Sedan (26334)........................................$14,871 2009 Chevrolet Malibu LT 4 Dr Sedan (26231)....................$14,971 2010 Toyota Corolla FWD 4 Dr Sedan (26333)....................$15,171 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe 1500 4x4 4 Dr (26165A)...................$15,871 2003 Lexus ES300 4 Dr Sedan (26085B)...............................$15,871 2008 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ 4 Dr Sedan (25805A)...............$16,171 2005 Chevrolet Colorado 4x4 4 Dr (26253).........................$16,371 2003 Mercedes Benz C320 4 Dr Sedan (V7921A)................$16,371 2010 Kia Forte HGS 2 Dr Coupe (25835D)......................$16,971 2007 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4x4 4 Dr Utility (3998A).....$17,571

2008 Jeep Liberty Limited Edition 4WD 4 Dr Utility (26398) $17,971 2007 Audi A4 4 Dr Sedan (V7680A)................................$18,971 2008 Saturn Vue Green Line Hybrid FWD (V8335A).....$19,471 2009 Jeep Liberty Sport 4WD 4 Dr Utility (25877B)...........$20,371 2011 Ford Fusion SE 4 Dr Sedan (26335).............................$21,871 2007 GMC Sierra K2500 4x4 4 Dr Cab (V7965A)..................$21,871 2006 Honda Ridgeline RTL Double Cab (V7983A)...............$21,971 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4 Extended (3970A)......$22,371 2006 Hummer H3 4 Dr Utility (25900B)................................$22,371 2008 Honda Accord EX-L V6 4 Dr Sedan (R10505A)............$22,871 2007 Subaru B9 Tribeca AWD 4 Dr SUV (3842A).................$22,871 2010 Chevrolet Colorado 4x4 Crew Cab (26229)...............$23,171 2005 Ford F-250 4x4 Crew Cab (3722A)...............................$23,871 2010 Subaru Forester AWD 4 Dr Utility (26236).................$23,971 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe 1500 4x4 4 Dr (26302).....................$25,671 2007 Chevrolet Suburban 1500 4x4 4 Dr Utility (26265)...$25,871 2007 Ford F-150 4x4 Styleside Super Crew (26222)..........$26,371



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2006 Ford F-350 4x4 Super Cab (25758A)...........................$26,871 2007 GMC Yukon 1500 4x4 4 Dr (26332).............................$26,871 2004 Hummer H2 Lux 4x4 4 Dr SUV (R10423B)..................$26,971 2006 Mercedes Benz SLK280 2 Dr Convertible (25980C). .$27,371 2007 Chevrolet Suburban 1500 4x4 4 Dr Utility (3973A). .$27,871 2007 Ford F-250 4x4 Super Cab (R10498A)..................$28,871 2009 Nissan Murano LE AWD 4 Dr SUV (V8044A)........$28,871 2010 Cadillac DTS 4 Dr Sedan (26336)..........................$29,871 2005 Chevrolet Corvette 2 Dr Convertible (3964A)....$30,371 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4 Extended (26153B)...$30,871 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe 1500 4x4 4 Dr (26143)..............$31,571 2009 Chevrolet Suburban 1500 4x4 4 Dr Utility (26230)...$32,871 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe 1500 4x4 4 Dr (26306)...............$36,471 2007 GMC Yukon 1500 AWD Denali SUV (26175)........$36,971 2007 Chevrolet Corvette 2 Dr Convertible (3951A)....$38,271 Pre-owned pricing expires 4/30/11


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