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Your locally-owned newspaper, serving North Bend and Snoqualmie, Washington

July 14, 2011 VOL. 3, NO. 28

Mount Si student reaches finals of volleyball tourney in Texas Page 12

Couple reunited with ‘walking miracle’ Beloved dog is returned after being lost for 54 days

Fatal crash Snoqualmie man dies in state Route 18 accident. Page 3

Just kidding Tribe’s resolution legalizing pot was only a gag. Page 6

By Dan Catchpole

Police blotter Page 6

By Dan Catchpole

Misty Si is a walking miracle as far as her owners, Cheryl and Steve Hanson, are concerned. They thought their 13-year-old black Lab had died after going missing near Snoqualmie Point Park on May 11. It was a terrible thing for the Hansons to try to accept. With no children, their dogs are their offspring, and Misty’s disappearance had left a gaping hole in their lives. Cheryl was hiking on Winery Road with friends and their dogs when Misty vanished. She and Misty had walked the road countless times, but the older dog lagged behind the group. Cheryl kept an eye on her, but when she checked the last time, Misty was gone. Cheryl and her friends scoured the area, but couldn’t find her. The Hansons and friends launched an all-out effort to

Cheryl Hanson hugs her 13-year-old black Lab, Misty Si. Misty survived 54 days in the forest near Snoqualmie after getting lost on a walk.

See DOG, Page 3

Thomas takes charge Community turns out for a day at the train tracks. Page 9

Local police agencies Both sides of mill site crack down on speeders annexation fight dig in Relay for Life

By Dan Catchpole

Locals share personal reasons for participating. Page 10

Lead-footed drivers beware: Local police agencies are stepping up their efforts to stop speeders. North Bend and Snoqualmie police are joining in a statewide focus on speeding as part of Washington state’s Target Zero, a campaign to end traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030. More than 40 percent of fatal crashes in the state past year involved a driver going faster than the posted speed limit, according to Target Zero.

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Along with other police forces in the state, local officers will conduct more speed patrols from July 15 through Aug. 7. Local police will target the busiest times for extra patrols, which will be paid for by grants. Last year, North Bend spent about $1,000 on speed emphasis. The grant money allows North Bend Police Chief Mark Toner to dedicate one patrol car to going after speeders, usually in the evening on the city’s busiest streets. See SPEEDERS, Page 2

By Dan Catchpole The two sides in the fight over Snoqualmie’s bid to annex the former Weyerhaeuser mill site are facing off over the conditions under which the annexation happens. At recent public hearings, opponents to the annexation have raised a host of issues that they say city and county officials are glossing over in their negotiations to transfer the land to Snoqualmie. City and county officials say they are following all applicable policies and not taking any

shortcuts. Meanwhile, DirtFish Rally School has been trying to improve its reputation in the community, after being attacked by opponents who said the school is hurting their quality of life and driving down property values. Both sides have retained lawyers and seem to be digging in for a possibly long battle. Opponents have formed the group Your Snoqualmie Valley to lead their effort. City officials want to be able See ANNEXATION, Page 2

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