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Your locally-owned newspaper, serving North Bend and Snoqualmie, Washington

August 11, 2011 VOL. 3, NO. 41

Run at state results in second place Sports 9

North Bend driver flips at Seafair

A tax for veterans County property tax levy for human services, veterans is on the ballot. Page 3

A grand goal Library starts drive to create 1,000 paper cranes. Page 7

Police blotter Page 10

Photos by Chris Denslow/H1 Unlimited. Photo illustration by Dan Catchpole

Kayleigh Perkins-Mallory’s boat, the UL-72 Foster Care, cartwheels during a race at Seafair on Lake Washington, Aug. 7. Despite the accident, the North Bend resident walked away without a scratch. She and her brother, Brian Perkins, have had tough seasons highlighted by two crashes and a fire. See story on page 8.

Railroad Days Your guide to all the fun Page 11

Hydro power Residents, tribe voice concerns about proposal. Page 16

DirtFish annexation? Snoqualmie City Council is still taking comments. Page 22

City bans medical marijuana facilities

Need for school supplies is greater now

North Bend patients who rely on the plant want a safe place to get their medicine

By Sebastian Moraga

By Dan Catchpole Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Kent, WA Permit No. 71 POSTAL CUSTOMER

Lynne Magnuson is a quiet, upbeat person. She is the cheeryfaced, next-door neighbor. She is also a medical marijuana user. Magnuson doesn’t drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use other drugs. She has never used marijuana recreationally. She began using it for relief from symptoms related to her multiple sclerosis.

By Dan Catchpole

Lynne Magnuson, of North Bend, picks raspberries in her backyard. She said she is worried about the effect the city’s ban will have on medical marijuana patients. She wants the North Bend City Council to know that the city’s ban on facilities for the production and distribution of

medical marijuana affects patients like her. The council See MARIJUANA, Page 2

Sounds like a kiddie riddle, but it isn’t: What has almost 500 feet but only 200 shoes? Answer: The list of children needing footwear for school in the Valley. “We’ve got 100 kids sponsored out of 238 signed up at the food bank,” said Jan Van Liew, coordinating the back-toschool shoe drive for the sixth consecutive year. Van Liew, office manager at Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church, said the need for shoes is the greatest she has seen yet. Last year, the shoe drive had See SUPPLIES, Page 3

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