6 minute read
12 Resources For a Better School Year
1. Cultural Bridges publications
Our program wants to help you to be informed. At the beginning of the school year, we published a Family Guide that is a compilation of information from the Issaquah School District for families with kids in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school. We also offer a magazine such as this three times during the school year. All of these are published in eight different languages. You can get a copy at the office of any of the schools in our District or at: https://isfdn.org/culturalbridges-magazine/
2. Family Access
All parents and students have an account on Family Access. Family Access gives parents and students online access to student information, including test scores, attendance, class schedules, report cards, and immunization records. If you do not remember your login info, please visit: https://www.isd411.org/portals/ family-access
3. Canvas
In addition to Family Access, students in grades 6-12 also have a Canvas account. This is the online system that our District uses. Through Canvas, students can access coursework, turn in assignments, and connect with their teachers and classmates. Parents also get an account in Canvas; with this, they can monitor their student's course progress and support their learning at home. A few examples of things observers can do include: view the class calendar, see student grades, view assignment due dates, and view teacher feedback. Observers will also be able to communicate with teachers as well as their students through Canvas. To support your children, it is very important to access your account in Canvas. For more information, visit: https://www.isd411.org/portals/ grades-6-12
4. Attendance
It is very important for students to attend school regularly. The school will contact families using a computerized phone call message if your child has missed that day. You have to call back and explain why your child has missed school. Some excused absences are due to physical or mental health symptoms, illness, health conditions, or medical appointments for the student or person for whom the student is legally responsible. Other excused absences include family emergencies and religious or cultural purposes, including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction. For more information: https://www.isd411. org/about-us/regulations/3000-series/3122
5. Communications
It is very important for you to be informed. Contact your teacher if you have questions or concerns about your child. Inform her/him about any important life events that may affect your child at school, such as the birth of a sibling, divorce, death in the family, etc. You can also contact your teacher, school counselor, or principal if you want to discuss academics or behavior. All schools have access to in-person and phone interpreter services if needed. This is a free service for parents. The phone numbers and email addresses of all teachers are listed on the school websites.
6. Get involved
There are many ways for you to get involved in the school experience your children are going through. You can volunteer at the school, as a VOICE Mentor, with the PTSA of your school, or with the Issaquah Schools Foundation. At Cultural Bridges, we are always looking for families to be part of our program while helping with activities, participating in our magazines, etc. Send us an email to culturalbridges@isfdn.org. And for more information, visit https://www.isd411.org/get-involved
7. Special Education
If your children receive special education services, there is abundant support through PTSA. See page 10 for more information. Also, check out the information about the Inclusive Circle, a free community group for kids of all abilities. Children enjoy music and art during every meeting. For more information, visit: https://www. facebook.com/ClubInclusiveIssaquah
8. Housing
If your family lives in any of the following situations, you may qualify to get extra resources and support: In a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations, on the street, or doubled up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing. If you need assistance, contact your student’s school counselor or Munazza Rizi at 425-837-7158.
9. Family Partnership Liaisons
If you have questions about school, such as “What clubs, sports, and activities or resources do school provide? What does school lunchtime look like?” contact the liaison that works at your school. They can help in any language with the help of an interpreter.
-Liliana Medina (Español)
Family Partnership Liaison, Phone - 425-837-7141, Text: 425-331-9555, medinal@issaquah.wednet.edu
Serving: Issaquah High School, Issaquah Middle School, Pacific Cascade Middle School, Clark Elementary, Issaquah Valley Elementary, Sunset Elementary
-Wenli Mithal (中文)
Family Partnership Liaison, Phone - 425-837-7106, Text – 978 252-3686, MithalW@issaquah.wednet.edu
Serving: Skyline High School, Beaver Lake Middle School, Pine Lake Middle School, Cascade Ridge Elementary, Cedar Trails Elementary, Challenger Elementary, Creekside Elementary, Discovery Elementary, Endeavour Elementary, Sunny Hills Elementary
-Ina Ghangurde (हिंदी) (मराठी)
Family Partnership Liaison, Phone - 425-837-7008, GhangurdeI@issaquah.wednet.edu
10. Music
Serving: Liberty High School, Cougar Mountain Middle School, Maywood Middle School, Apollo Elementary, Briarwood Elementary, Cougar Ridge Elementary, Grand Ridge Elementary, Maple Hills Elementary, Newcastle Elementary
Schools offer students an opportunity to participate in music programs and productions throughout the year. Elementary school children participate in two concerts a year. As soon as the music teacher sends the information about these events, mark your calendar. It is very important for children to participate in these. They all love to see their parents in the audience, and it is a great opportunity for you to see their school and meet other parents. For Middle and High School students, these opportunities include concert band, jazz band, orchestra, choir, etc. Check the website of your school for details!
11. Grades
The first trimester for High School students ends on Nov 1st, and their grades will be available a week after. And the first trimester for Elementary and Middle School students will end on Nov 29th, and their grades will be available a week after. For 6-12 grade students, daily grades will be posted in Canvas. Students and parents can access Canvas to check teachers’ comments about your children’s daily work. For all students, at the end of the grading period, parents should check Family Access for their report cards. The grades posted at Family Access are the final grades.
12. Buses
Winter is coming, and it is good to remember that a network of staff checks district roads beginning at 3 a.m. when there is a storm or a prediction of one. They check out weather and road conditions and decide about school closures or delays. An explanation of what happens during closures or delays is included in the District's Emergency Transportation bulletin. That brochure, mailed each November, goes to all District families and includes critical information about weather-related or other emergency school situations. This information will be updated here: https://www.isd411.org/programsservices/buses/emergency-transportation-bulletin If you have a request or a concern about transportation, call 425-837-6330.