Goryeo dynasty
By: Sahana, Ji Hyeon, Tatiana, and Stella
The Emperor of Korea who led the Goryeo Dynasty
Wang Geon Ogedei
Emperor of the Mongols in 1231
During the Mongol invasion This special Korean religious writings were burned down. These writings are called Tripitaka. They are preserved in a special temple.
Korean Flag
Mongolian Flag
The Mongols invaded Here (Pretty much all of Korea)
The Mongols demanded for 1,000,000 pieces of clothing for kids
The Mongols also demanded for 20,000 horses.
The Mongols demanded for 10,000 loads of silk.
By building the Tipitaka back they gained energy and hope to DEFEAT....
The Mongols
Lee Seong Gye betrayed the Koryeo emperor and made the Joseon dynasty.
Bibliography Images All Images are from Google images URL: Author: Google Date Activated: March 7 1.Korean and Mongol War Picture Author: koreanhistory.info URL of image: http://koreanhistory.info/Koryo.htm Date Activated: 27/02/13 2. The first king of Goryeo, Taejo Wang Geon Author : Wikipedia URL of image : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B3%B5%EC%82%B0_%EB%8F%99%EC%88%98_%EC%A0%84%ED%88% AC Date Activated: 27/02/13 5.Taejo Lee Sung Gye Author : Prof. David A. Mason URL of Image : http://www.san-shin.net/Jiri-Hwangsan-Hwasuri.html Date Activated : 3/03/13
6. Korean traditional clothes. Author :chamir URL of image: http://fengshuirpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=info&action=display&thread=3908 Date Activated: 3/03/13