The Stream elbMUN 2011 magazine
In this edition Reports on each council Exclusive interview elbMUN election results
2 elbMUN
Sponsors of elbMUN 2011
gefördert durch den Freistaat Sachsen
Imprint Editorial board: Anna Neubauer, Annette Kammerer, Yannic Glowitz, Alexander Sacharow Layout:
Tilman Miraß
cover:, Annette Kammerer, Vladka Jelínková, Patrick Kunath,
Alexander Sacharow
elbMUN 2011
Editorial 3 Honorable Delegates,
e ran around, trying to get the best
"The Stream" as spirited as possible. Doubtless
answers, we printed tons of paper, trying
most of the topics cover the work in the coun-
to find the most beautiful layout, we were as
cils, but also focussing on "yielding the floor" to
present as possible, trying to catch the most
those wearing the formal suits and dresses.
amazing moments. Now we proudly present the first elbMUN magazine ever!
Sincerely yours,
As the diplomatic lifestyle can be boring from time to time, we set ourselves the aim to get
Annette Kammerer | Chief Editor
Ëš Finishing the magazine at 7:27 a.m.
Contents 3 Editorial 4 Social Events 5 The Team 6 Security Council 8 ECOSOC elbMUN 2011
10 UNEP 12 Interview 14 The Huddle 15 Election Results 16 Utopia
4 Social Events Gossip in Elbflorenz by Anna Neubauer
Model United Nations conference is not only about
discussing, lobbying, writing resolutions and amendments but also – and maybe this is even the major part – about socializing, getting to know new people, partying together and making new friends. At this year’s elbMUN the participants and staff members got
˚ Culture night.
many chances to enjoy the soci-
ECOSOC’s chair David Ahrens
renzwinger" with some people
al part of the event. Already du-
put it: "Participation in the social
dressed up in traditional clothes
ring the first day the participants
events is voluntary? Well, I'll
and a presentation of a Capoeira
where spending a lot of time to-
force my delegates to be happy!
group and the band Macondo-
gether – hanging out in the park,
You know, I definitely don't want
Son. Apart from the first already
visiting Dresden-Neustadt and
to be the only one who is tired
existing couple there have been
especially during the sightseeing
and drunk the next morning."
many "approaches" and even
tour through Dresden’s historic
Even before the opening cerem-
some successful "get-togethers".
district. A special attraction was
ony officially started the parti-
On Wednesday evening we had
the amazing sunset atmosphere
cipants were chatting a lot and,
an amazing time in the pub
at the Elbe River, similar to some
of course, with the champagne
"Stilbruch" enjoying "a couple of"
romantic Italian cities in sum-
afterwards the socializing got on
beer and absinthe before going
mer. Inspired by the great mood
more easily. As a consequence
on with the pub crawl. We are
some of the participants took
the first relationship statuses
looking forward to the gossip
the initiative and went straight
were declared in the Security
happening during the confe-
ahead to one of Dresden’s va-
Council (Russia: "I'm Single...")
rence and even more for tonight
rious pubs. A good start into a
To die away the day there was a
at the elbMUN Prom.
week full of events and as the
colorful Culture Night in the "Bä-
elbMUN 2011
The team 5 Behind The Scenes Patrick Kunath co-organized this
Another moment I consider to
year’s elbMUN. He originally co-
be special, when the two kids
mes from Dresden and studies
played some jazz music during
in his hometown. The 2011 elb-
the Opening Ceremony. The first
MUN conference is his premiere
song they performed was one
on the international MUN floor.
by Horace Silver, a musician I like a lot. I had not known that
The Stream: The 2011 elbMUN
they would perform one of my
has now finished – six days
favourite songs. So it was a great
of simulation after a long and
intense preparation. How can one imagine the organization of
Now that the week is over, what
such an event?
are your plans for the next days
Patrick: The most important
after the elbMUN? Do you alrea-
aspect when preparing the
˚ Thirsty Patrick star.
elbMUN was to start early. That’s
dy think about next year? Since this is my last semester at
what the organizers of the 2010
a good infrastructure. In my
university, there will be many
elbMUN told us right at the be-
opinion the elbMUN is also quite
things to do in the upcoming
ginning. We tried to stick to it, to
emotional. At least I hope that
weeks, including my bachelor
take care of everything, from the
this is what participants say after
thesis. I guess that if I hadn’t
first second onwards. For sure it
the week.
these university obligations, I
never works out as you imagine
would fall into a sort of limbo,
but I am an optimist. I was con-
Were there any special moments
always waking up and thin-
vinced that it would work out.
in the past months of preparati-
king what would be next to be
on that you remember?
organized. For sure, previewing
There are more than 20 MUNs
There are two particular very
the next two days, I am looking
for students in Germany. Which
positive moments: We had dif-
forward to relaxing, sleeping and
special characteristics would
ficulties to find a venue for the
doing sports. I hope that I will
you assign to the elbMUN?
registration day. One day I had
not miss the elbMUN!
Special for Dresden is the lo-
the idea just to ask a hotel close
cation, the Saxony State Par-
to my apartment. It worked
liament, with its professional
out and I was so happy about
surrounding, the nice view and
the uncomplicated procedure.
elbMUN 2011
by Yannic Glowitz
6 Security Council
Ëš The pinnacle?
The pinnacle of international diplomacy by Randy Carr and Jacob Romer
fight against terrorism. After the devastating attacks on the U.S. on September 11th, the Securi-
he Security Coun-
ty Council convened a special
cil has long been
session to deliberate on effective
known to be the
and feasible measures to bring
factual seat of power inside the
the perpetrators of the attacks
United Nations, the pinnacle of
to justice and curb terrorism
international diplomacy and,
more generally, the crown jewel
Ranging from the monitoring
of effective governance in the
and freezing of financial assets
post-Westphalian global system.
to streamlining cooperation
As the sole UN organ endowed
in law enforcement and legal
with the power to impose legally
proceedings, the council consi-
binding obligations on all UN
dered a wide range of measures,
Member States when acting
while being firmly committed to
under Chapter VII of the UN
maintain mutual respect among
Charter, it has, in the past days,
nations and prioritize peaceful
put itself at the forefront of the
cooperation in the war on terror.
Ëš elbMUN's next pineapple.
elbMUN 2011
7 Fear & Loathing in the Security Council Five Vetos, all alike in dignity, in fair Saxony, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new unmoderated caucus, where civil blood makes terrorist’s hands unclean. From forth the fatal loin of these distinguished reps, a pair of star-crossed papers take their life. Whose misadventured piteous redundancies doth with their death bury their authors’ strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark’d drafts and the continuance of France’s rage which, but the session’s end, naught could remove is now the three day’s traffic of our stage. ˚ The Saxon Parliament.
by Randolf Carr and Jacob Romer
Terrorisme Sans Frontières by Florian Sonntag (HRW)
requests to impose strict sanc-
man rights? Redundant. Human
tions on every organization and
dignity? Ignored. Discussions
hat is terrorism? What
government that is found to
were held, suggestions were
does a terrorist do? And
engage in or support the terro-
made, but the NGOs were not
what can be a peaceful solution
rist attacks of September 11th,
heard so far. When this draft
by the Security Council? A lot
including, but not limited to: […]
resolution will be adopted, the
of questions, but no answers. A
freezing financial assets […]."
frontiers for terrorism might be
short conclusion of the first days
"Including, but not limited to"?
cut – but at what price? The
at elbMUN.
"Found to engage"? And this is
veto powers intend to answer
1946: A spirit of brotherhood?
not enough: The USA's proposal:
violence by using violence.
Article 1 of the Universal Decla-
"The Security Council, conside-
Perfect conditions for another
ration of Human Rights sta-
ring the use of military force as a
war. Against terrorism, maybe?
tes equal rights for all human
measure of a counter-terrorism
For sure: Sans frontières. And
against Human Rights.
Clause 7: "The Security Council
Controversies? Definitely. Hu-
elbMUN 2011
˚ ˚The The world's world's saviors. saviors.
Any productive countries? by David Ahrens
nal corporations appears to be
will be binding, and the very first
necessary. So the ECOSOC was
preambulatory clause actually
uffering from a high
given the task to design a new
states that existing regulation
fluctuation of delega-
binding Charter for all transnati-
was considered as "sufficient" –
tes’ attendance ("I have
onal enterprises.
so it is not likely that much will
to go and save the world"-Attac)
The final resolution (approved
and unwanted interruptions ("ty-
with eight votes in favour, six
The fun bit:
rannybook") while at the same
against and one abstention) is
Joining a council with the topic
time promoting a high degree of
calling for a stronger involve-
"Corporate Social Responsibility
joy; this year’s ECOSOC is pro-
ment of NGOs, and requests
and the Charge of Transnational
ving to be a successful one. But
the establishment of a new UN
Corporations" sounds as if you
let’s take one step after another.
institution which is supposed
are up to dealing with the heavy
During this year’s elbMUN, the
to facilitate spreading corporate
technocratic stuff. No military,
ECOSOC is tackling "Corporate
social responsibility. In addition
no veto powers – no fun? As
Social Responsibility and the
to this, sanctions for non-com-
a matter of fact, the predicted
Charge of Transnational Cor-
pliant actors are being taken into
collision course of rich and poor
porations". Or tries to tackle. As
consideration. The resolution
never came into being. Instead,
expected, there were broad clea-
seems to meet the demands
the ECOSOC's delegates were
vages to be found between aff-
of affected developing coun-
very eager to be friendly to
luent and developing nations. As
tries, NGOs such as Attac, and
each other. They seemed to live
the negative example of Shell’s
affluent states as well. A more
under the leitmotif: 'I don’t hurt
oversized power and influence
careful examination of this final
you – and you don’t hurt me’.
on the Nigerian state demons-
document, however, suggests
One might call it kindergarten,
trates, control over transnatio-
that little of what is discussed
but calling it German efficiency
elbMUN 2011
9 is also true! This, however, was
some radical NGOs. The Chair
merry and casual debate which,
restricted to work ethics – when
just happened to drink his 11th
somehow, turned out to not be
it came to being on time in the
coffee that day, and suddenly
unproductive. The delegates,
morning, the delegates ap-
the air was filled with chanting
somewhat weakened by the ab-
peared to favor singing "I want it
and red balloons. The Chair,
sence of various delegates who
that way" over surrending a few
being discovered lurking around
left towards the MUN hinterland
precious minutes of sleep.
lazily, threatened the demons-
still managed to work out a final
The Council's smooth work flow
trators, tore apart one of the
was interrupted by a completely
posters and completely failed to
spontaneous demonstration by
restore order. The result was a
Only one balloon by Elisabeth Börger (HRW),
responsibility and of the urgent
pact. As an example, the delega-
Kristin Lehnhardt (Freedom
need for the implementation
tes’ appetite for chocolate was
House) and
of social justice, human rights
spoiled when the delegation
Elisabeth Adler (Attac)
and democracy in a globalized
of Human Rights Watch raised
world. To express their concerns,
their awareness of child slavery
n the course of the confe-
the NGOs put up banners sta-
in cocoa production in Western
rence the non-governmental
ting "We have only one balloon,
Africa. But the NGOs did not
organizations Human Rights
continuing – it’s booming soon".
only express their protest, they
Watch, Attac and Freedom
In addition, they threw balloons
also shared their expertise and
House were able to emphasize
in the plenary chamber to sym-
initiated amendments. Never-
the importance of representati-
bolize our endangered planet.
theless, all NGOs, especially
ves of civil society in internatio-
Special attention was drawn to
Attac, were disappointed that no
nal negotiations. They reminded
certain international corpora-
legally binding international law
the delegates of the Economic
tions’ violations of fundamental
was adopted. Therefore, more
and Social Council of their
principles of the Global Com-
effort is needed in the future.
Close down casino capitalism.
The chair is going to ask the chair who was the chair before the chair was the chair. "Any productive countries?" – Dead silence.
elbMUN 2011
Wischi-waschi resolution.
Quotations This resolution is complete nonsense.
˚ ˚The Farmers world's in action. saviors.
Saving the Animal Farm world? by Leonie Fasse and Hannes Felix Grosch
House quickly agreed to rein-
by the Russian Federation when
state the Chairs as the rightful
the global community decided
moderators of the Committee.
to actually do something for the
he United Nations
Overnight, a very active delegate
protection of forests around the
Environment Pro-
from the African continent crea-
gramme – an inter-
ted a breakthrough document,
After a quick recess and bilate-
national organization deeply
which wrapped up Tuesday’s
ral talks, the Russian Federation
devoted to protecting the envi-
discussions in a rather compre-
agreed to return to the negoti-
ronment… uhm, at least before
hensive Working Paper. By noon
ating table, and the day ended
ElbMUN simulated it!
on Wednesday, a consensus-
without any more éclat.
While the first one and a half
based core had been created
The next day started with an
days were occupied with an, at
and submitted to the Chairs for
apology by Russia for its behavi-
times, lengthy lobbying process,
formal acceptance as a Draft
or and a request by the Chair for
tense discussion began on Tues-
Resolution. After lunch, formal
Israel, India and Mexico to apo-
day afternoon – when some de-
debate on the Draft Resolution
logize for their partly aggressive
legations launched a coup d'état
began – and a high number
and overly informal statements.
against the Chair’s monopoly of
of amendments, and amend-
Two apologized, one did not –
formal sessions.
ments to the amendments, were
guess which one!
However, the delegates quickly
passed within four and a half
After this rather funny and partly
realized that they were too emo-
hours. One highlight of the last
pre-arranged scenario, commit-
tionally engaged to do without
session that afternoon was the,
tee work went on calmly and
a neutral moderator – and the
rather realistic, outrage displayed
productively until the Russian
elbMUN 2011
UNEP Federation submitted an amend-
soon become too small for all
With 14 countries, one Star Trek
ment which proposed adding
the people. Considering the high
fan and an animal, work con-
the following clause: Requests
birth rate in India, this was regar-
tinued smoothly and produc-
the UN to apply this resolution
ded as a serious fear.
tively, and at the end, after the
only to the Planet Earth.
The next remarkable point: After
Chairs informed the committee
The positions of the delegations
missing our Greenpeace Obser-
for the last time that animals and
split into two parties. On the one
ver the entire day, UNEP got a
NGOs were not allowed to vote,
side assembled the Star Trek
guest: The Honorable Delegate
the Delegates agreed on a good
fans with Attac as main suppor-
of Orangutan World was kind
resolution supported by almost
ter and on the other stood India,
enough to pay a visit to our
concerned that the planet could
The Orangutan by Paul Prashant (Attac) and
peaceful protests.
Ionna Catalina Posea (GP)
Again, Greenpeace made its point about massive deforesta-
s with many pre-con-
tion that leads to the extinction
ceived notions held by
of orangutans in Indonesia.
individuals, we held ours, too.
Therefore, we brought one into
But throughout the course
debate on the last day of
of the week we had to adapt
elbMUN. This action was part
different strategies in order to,
of the campaign "Choose the
first be considered credible and
right bio fuel or the orangutan
secondly to be considered diplo-
gets it", emphasizing on the
mats, rather than radical NGOs,
mass deforestation taking place
whose opinions cannot be taken
in Indonesia for growing "green
seriously and be integrated into
fuels" and thus gradually wiping
the resolution.
out orangutans.
With this in mind, we started
In conclusion, the NGOs took
the week by lobbying in favor
Ëš The victim.
away this one important less-
of bio fuels, which also aligned
lacking voting rights, we com-
on – losing the battle can be
with the interests of the NGOs
pensated this by making our
a stepping stone to winning
we represented. Even if NGOs
statements in an informal way,
the war, if only all the cards are
are subject to the drawback of
carrying out our mission by
played right.
elbMUN 2011
12 Interview Legalism can turn into ideology Günter Nooke, the German
as Egypt, Libya is much more
European delegates should have
Chancellor's Personal Represen-
characterized by a tribal com-
stated more clearly, “We do not
tative for Africa in the Federal
munity structure. The Egyptian
agree. Thanks for the hospitality,
Ministry for Economic Coopera-
history has always been marked
but we do not share your view”.
tion and Development (BMZ), on
by a state having been in exis-
I am convinced that sometimes
the Arab Revolution, democracy
tence for thousands of years,
we act too modestly and diplo-
in African countries and the thin
much longer than any European
matically. Instead of either hug-
line between economic coope-
country. There is also a diffe-
ging our partners as a beloved
ration and the acceptance of
rence between the Libyan and
cohabiter or to wage a war, we
the Egyptian administration as
should be capable of showing
well as in the way of how the
autocratic leaders the boundari-
The Stream: Have you already
people at Tahrir Square demons-
es we are setting them.
tracked today’s news on the
trated peacefully, for weeks. An
Arab Revolution? The internati-
armed conflict with rebels trying
But should we not think about
onal contact group on Libya has
to bring down the government
what we did before? Many
agreed to create a temporary
is very different from this against
European countries worked
fund to assist rebel groups.
the backdrop of international
with regimes without criticizing
Mr. Nooke: I am amongst all
law. At the end of November I
them, just for making economic
those who were in favor of
participated in the summit of the
profits. They now support sanc-
Germany’s decision in the UN
African Union and the European
tions and even military actions.
Security Council not to inter-
Union in Tripoli. I also attended
Is it once more just about taking
vene in Libya militarily. The
a speech of Muammar Gadda-
an advantage?
intervention in Libya is very
fi. I am of the opinion that the
complex in terms of international law. Since France accepted Libya’s interim government in Benghazi, we are currently facing a difficult situation. If you asked me how to act in Northern Africa now, I would underline the fact that Libya constitutes an exception. Compared to other countries such
˚ Guest speaker Günter Nooke at elbMUN 2011.
elbMUN 2011
Interview From the German point of view,
to democracy? To implement
ensure a fair voting procedure,
I want to stress that we have
our Western ideals that are an-
then the loser is arrested and the
not cared about Libyan rulers as
chored in democracy in states
winner is speaking in front of
much as other governments did.
shaped by a tribal culture?
everyone in the General Assem-
Of course there were German
I would like to make a distinc-
bly of the United Nations or vice
companies involved in Libya and
tion between these things. Actu-
versa if the election led to oppo-
we discussed a lot about knock-
ally they are separate topics. The
site result. Sometimes legalism
out effects, but since we are
concept of the human rights
can turn into an ideology. In my
living in a free market economy,
we are talking about is not as
opinion we should politically act
businessmen have to be free
Western as it is claimed to be. All
responsible, maybe even prag-
as well. Nevertheless this must
polls, all investigations about Af-
not be sponsored by financial
rica state that democracy is voli-
Stability is a value in itself. We
or mental aid from the govern-
tional. This is also confirmed by
need states to protect human
local surveys. I believe that we
rights. If we do not have govern-
After broadening the economic
have the right to intervene when
mental structures but only rebels
spectrum, a country widens
African governments sign hu-
assaulting villages, nobody is
their horizons for more contact
man rights conventions but do
feeling responsible – women are
– and that’s the turning point,
not abide by them. If you want
violated, little children drilled to
as we have noticed in the GDR.
to take them seriously as an
become child soldiers, the men
You only have to pay attention
equal partner they have to fol-
killed. You need some national
to the way economic benefit is
low the rules, or at least declare
structure, a good government.
shared in weak states. I hold the
why they do not agree with
To me, the Western canon of
view that Egypt is the key to a
them. Democracy is the end of a
human rights is too wide. It is
democratic and efficient Afri-
process, not the beginning. The
not fitting anymore in regard to
can continent. If the pioneering
idea to just conduct democratic
cultural diversity. But: Human
task works well, the possibility
elections and then thinking that
rights are universally valid or
that other countries will follow
the inner conflicts are solved is a
they are not valid at all.
through is more likely.
mistake. The situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Thank you Mr. Nooke for this
The focus of your work is the
in 2006 is the best example that
promotion of democracy. Is it
the Western concepts have to be
really the right way to use the
comprehended first. Otherwise
by Yannic Glowitz and
economy to open up a country
we first spend a lot of money to
Annette Kammerer
elbMUN 2011
14 The Huddle Russia to Norway: Don't touch me! Point of order. Chair: That would be a point of personal privilege. Russia: No... a point of of personal privilege would be … Norway: Touch me!
“Fully alarmed by certain Human Rights“, China and "Let's do a quiRussia.
ckie on this clause", Russia.
The faishonable chairs you were power napping in at the Landtag, cost $ 3000 each.
elbMUN 2011
Dream couple
elbMUN 2011
Goes for President
elbMUN's next topmodel º
Goes for President
China Israel S Korea
elbMUN's next topmodel º
S Korea
Russia Indonesia Russia
Most creative contribution
Goes for President
Tunisia Ireland Argentina
elbMUN's next topmodel ª
France & Yannic
Iraq & SA
Best Diplomat
Most creative contribution
S Korea
Dream couple
elbMUN's next topmodel ª
ISR & China
Best Diplomat
Most creative contribution
Dream couple
elbMUN's next topmodel ª
Iraq & US
UK & France
Best Diplomat
Election Results 15
elbMUN's next topmodel º
16 Utopia ISaving want the the world world?to be ... ... gay. [in the meaning of colorful]
Chairperson UNEP
... ready to sacrifice personal interests for the greater good – « Are you Harry Potter? » Kenya UNEP
... quoting Miss America: « without nuclear weapons and world peace. » Italy UNEP
... feministic.
Indonesia UNEP
ISaving want to thebeworld? ... ... rich – but I'm working for an NGO.
Attac UNEP
... President of the Security Council, what I am already – the most important person. Chairperson SC
elbMUN 2011