newsletter 13 august 21

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Homebush Public School Rochester St Homebush NSW 2140 Phone: 9746 9171 9764 4472 Fax 9746 3516 Email: Website:

Principal’s Report

Toilets at Homebush Public School

Arts Expo

We are now halfway through the school term and it is proving to be a very produc ve one. Our teaching and learning programs are in full swing and our staff are con nuing their learning through the implementa on of our new literacy program. Early indica ons in kindergarten are that the program is proving to be very effec ve.

The highest priority of every person who works at HPS is the safety and well-being of the students.

Our Arts Expo is now only a few weeks away.

The selling of the Fathers’ Day Raffle Tickets con nues to go well. All ckets and money need to be returned to the school no later than Monday 27 August. This leaves the rest of this week and the weekend for the ckets to be sold.

A very strict rule in every school is that adults are not allowed to enter the toilets. There are prominent signs on some of the toilets reminding you of this. If there is a compelling reason for an adult to enter a toilet (eg a parent with a toddler who needs to go) please see the teacher on duty in the playground or, if students are in classes, one of the office staff. They will assist and direct you.

Please encourage and assist your children to sell their ckets. The money raised will benefit all of our students and it would be wonderful if every student contributed to the effort.

Mon 20 Aug

Book Fair & National Literacy Week

Tues 21 Aug

Artwork will be displayed across the school; there will be opportunity to purchase calendars or IPhone covers decorated with your child’s artwork; you will be entertained by a number of enthralling student performances and you will be able to purchase dinner at one of the famous Homebush PS food stalls on the night. Tickets are priced at $10.00 for a family or $5.00 for a single person. So, make sure you mark Thursday 6 September on your calendar and we’ll see you at 6:00 pm.

A big thank you must go to all of the parents who have assisted in collec ng ckets and money. Your me and effort is appreciated.

Next Fortnight’s Diary

All of our students and all of our teachers are busy working towards the event. Whether it is in visual arts, performing arts or a combina on of both, every student at Homebush Public School will be contribu ng to the spectacle on the night.

Jack Liston

Term 3 Mon 27 Aug

Weeks 6 & 7 Year 4 Excursion /Raffle Tickets Due

Tues 28 Aug

Wed 22 Aug

Book Character Parade Reading with Parents

Wed 29 Aug

Thur 23 Aug

Zone Athletics

Thur 30 Aug

Bendigo Bank Presentation at Assem-

Fri 31 Aug

Fathers’ Day Raffle Draw

Fri 24 Aug

Mrs Vicki Klay Mrs Vicki Klay has worked at Homebush Public School as the Support teacher for Learning since 1998 and has been a public school teacher for 34 years. Vicki had her last day of teaching today (Monday 20 August 2012) before her re rement. Vicki loves & lives in the local area and her par cular passion and exper se was in assis ng students who had learning difficul es. No doubt there are many young adults and local high school students who owe Vicki a debt of gra tude for the work she did with them. Although Vicki has officially rered, she s ll intends to work occasional days as a casual teacher. Her last day was a special day for her and evoked many mixed emoons. We wish Vicki all the best as she enters this new stage of her life and thank her for the years she dedicated to NSW Public Schools and our students.

Na(onal Literacy Week and Book Week As you know our Book Character Parade is taking place for the K-2 students on Wednesday 22 August at 2:00pm. Parents of students from Years 3 6 can also get involved on the day by taking part in our “Read In”. We encourage you to visit your child in their classroom for an informal reading opportunity between 12:15-12:45pm tomorrow. Following this, we invite all parents to stay for lunch and a=end the book character parade in the hall. We hope you have a lovely me celebra ng with Homebush Public School students and staff.

School Furniture Sale Homebush Public School has an excess of school furniture which we are going to sell. The furniture consists of classroom tables and chairs in varying sizes but mainly suited to students who are in Kindergarten to Year 2. The furniture is used and may be marked, but it is quite sturdy and would give good service for years to come. The price for a desk is $10.00 and each chair will cost $5.00. If you are interested in purchasing any of the furniture please see the staff in the office. If you are aware of any other people or organisa on who may be interested in purchasing some tables and chairs, we would appreciate you giving them this informa on.

Would you like to receive a full-colour newsle er? A full-colour newsle=er is available for parents willing to accept their newsle=er by email. The email edi on is much more vibrant and photos are a lot clearer and brighter. You’ll also help us to ease paper costs while doing that li=le bit extra for our environment. If you would like to receive a colour newsle=er via email please send us an email at Please mark the subject “Newsle=er”. Include in the body of the email your name, your child's name and class as well as your email address.

2012 BOOK WEEK & BOOK FAIR The annual book week parade will be held in the school assembly hall at 2.00pm on Wednesday 22 August. The parade will involve children in Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two and it would be wonderful for the students if mum & dad are able to come up and watch. The children need to wear a costume to school dressed up as their favourite book character. They do not need to wear their school uniform on this day as it is recommended that they wear the book costume all day as part of this occasion. The book fair, which is being held in the library this week Monday 20 August un l Thursday 23 August, will open from 8.30 am to 9.00 am. We hope that many of our parents will come along to the library with their children, select a book, buy it and then donate it to the library.

P A R E N T I N G P A G E ge are a p s i n th f nted o rose, one o e s e r p s G Article y Michael enting Edu r b a n g P writte leadin s ’ a i l Austra . cators

Teach you children to become persistent

promo ng an aOtude of persistence than “If it is a li=le too hard then try something else.”

Did you cringe when you read this headline because your child already persists at home to get what he wants?

Let children know that there is a correla on between effort and success. In fact, they need to learn that by GIVING EFFORT they will experience more success.

Maybe you have a child who whines con nually un l someone caves in or a child who throws tantrums to get his or her own way. There is another type of persistence that children need if they are to experience success in any area of their lives. They need to be able to persist when work gets hard or life gets tough. They need the ‘s ckability’ to work through difficul es and hang in there when things don’t go their way.

Talk about HARD WORK with your children. They need to understand that to be successful they need to do things that are NOT fun or easy. While it would be good if all work and learning was fun, in reality, this not the case. Help children to remember mes when they experienced success by HANGING IN when they were younger.

Some children are more naturally predisposed to persist than others. They have a determined, even compe ve streak in their temperament that doesn’t allow them to give in. These children and young people can drive themselves very hard to succeed (and their parents and teachers to distrac on in the process). Parents and teachers can develop persistence in children. The Australian Temperament Project found that this is one temperamental factor that is most likely to be impacted on by a child’s social environment. Just as we can promote persistence we can also impede its development. We can make life easy for children so that they are not expected to persist or hang in there when things are tough. Parents who allow children to stop work when it gets too hard, stay home from school for a minor reason or give up on a sport because they are not succeeding straight away are not doing their children any favours. These children are not developing persistence. Parents can promote persistence by encouraging their children to keep going and not give in at the slightest hurdle or difficulty. Parents can be a sounding board for children’s gripes but they should show confidence in their ability to cope and get through their difficul es. “You can do it” is far more powerful in terms of

The ability to persist in the face of difficul es maybe an old-fashioned quality but it is one of the best success a=ributes that your children will ever develop.

Vitamins for parents Develop a vocabulary of persistence: Persistence like many personal quali(es has a vocabulary all of its own. Develop your own vocabulary of persistence so that you can promote this quality in your child. Terms such as: hang in there, keep at it, work tough, s ck at it are terms that children readily understand.

Wise & Wi y Words "Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time." Rabbinical Saying

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