19 Nov 2011

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Homebush Public Public School School Homebush Rochester St St Homebush Homebush NSW NSW 2140 2140 Rochester Phone: 9746 9746 9171 9171 9764 9764 4472 4472 Phone: Fax 9746 9746 3516 3516 Fax Email: homebushhomebushEmail: p.school@det.nsw.edu.au p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Principal’s Report During the first Kindergarten Orienta'on session two weeks ago I told the new parents that the students at Homebush were the best behaved students I had encountered in my 33 year teaching career. Last Friday I invited the new parents to stay for our Remembrance Day Ceremony. Although it was only short, I’m sure that everyone who stayed was highly impressed by the maturity and focus of our students during the proceedings. It makes me very proud to be the principal of a school where parents, teachers and staff have worked together to develop student behaviour to such high standards.

at the start of the day and then collected at the end of the day. Today there would be approximately 100 students bringing mobile phones to school and the office staff do not have the 'me to be responsible for such a task. As a consequence, the school’s “Student Use of Mobile Phones Policy” has been revised. It received the support of the P&C at the last mee'ng. It has been reproduced for you on the last page of this newsle=er. Studies have shown that schools are among the safest places a child can be and perhaps it is 'me for parents of primary aged children to ask

The “'mes, they are a’changing”. This is certainly true when we look at the rapid development in hightech devices and their use. Five years ago only a handful of students in our school would have been bringing mobile phones to school. The policy was that they were to be handed into the office

Next Fortnight’s Diary

themselves if it is necessary for their child to take a mobile phone to school. Our parent helper’s morning tea is scheduled for Wednesday 23 November at 11:00 am in the school library. It is our chance to say “thank you” to the many parents and community members who have contributed to our endeavours during 2011. As with all organisa'ons faced with rising prices, our Uniform Shop has found it necessary to increase the prices of some items. A flyer will be sent home soon lis'ng all items and their prices. The school’s “Deepavali” celebra'ons will be held on Thursday 1 December. Two concerts will be staged on the day. The first will be for K-3 students in the morning. The second will take place in the mid-morning for Yrs 3-6. From 1:00 pm the school’s tradi'onal Deepavali lunch will be available. Further informa'on will be sent home soon. Jack Liston

Term 4

Weeks 6 & 7

Mon 14 Nov

Mon 21 Nov

Tues 15 Nov

Tues 22 Nov

Wed 16 Nov

Wed 23 Nov

Parent Helpers’ Morning tea

Thur 17 Nov

Thur 24 Nov

Stage 2 Excursion

Fri 18 Nov

Kindergarten Orientation Program

Fri 25 Nov

PARENTLINE NSW We all know that paren'ng is challenging. Every parent struggles from 'me to 'me with every day issues or more complex ones. We know that because we have spoken to close to 10,000 parents in the last 12 months. The State Government funded helpline, Parent Line NSW (managed by CatholicCare) provides a unique free support service to parents across NSW. Highly skilled professional counsellors are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to take calls from parents and carers about any paren'ng issue, from 'ps on how to manage the morning rou'ne, to concerns about distant adolescents to complex challenges of living in blended families. It is the only free counselling service available to parents during any part of their paren'ng journey, at any 'me of the day or night, any where in NSW. It’s convenient because parents can call when it suits them, they don’t have to arrange child care to talk to a professional counsellor and they can call as many 'mes as they need. As Parent Line is a not for profit organisa'on, and our funds go primarily into direct service, we always struggle to get the word out to parents about this unique support that is available to them. We are hoping that your school will support us in geGng awareness about Parent Line out to your school community. We have a website for parents, carers and professionals ( www.parentline.org.au ) with a range of 'p sheets for parents about contemporary issues facing families today, some paren'ng stories wri=en by our counselling team that normalise paren'ng challenges and some links to other NSW wide services. Many schools in NSW already have a link to our website on their website and many schools regularly print our paren'ng ar'cle in their newsle=ers. We are par'cularly focusing on rural and remote families currently, as our recent sta's'cs tell us that families from these areas of NSW are less likely to contact us with a small issue and tend to manage things along un'l there is a major crisis (like a child running away or violent behaviour of the child). We have free promo'onal items that we can send out to you – fridge magnets, posters and pamphlets. Please feel free to email us on info@parentline.org.au or contact our administra'on office on 8968 1102. Our telephone counselling line is 1300 1300 52 and is available for the cost of a local call from a land line. Selec%ve High School 2013 This is a reminder that selec've high schools paper applica'ons must be returned to the school by 18th Nov 2011 and the online applica'ons close on the 21st Nov 2011. It is requested that you apply online or you can approach the office for a paper copy if you don’t have internet access. www.schools.nsw.edu.au/shsplacement All the instruc'ons are available at the above address. Mr Lambert

Term 4 Calendar—Important dates 4 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 24 Nov 28 Nov 1 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec

Kinder Orienta%on Year 3 Nan Tien Temple excursion Year 4 Nan Tien Temple excursion Kinder Orienta%on Kinder Orienta%on Year 4 Gallipoli Mosque excursion Year 3/4 St Anne’s Church excursion Deepavali Celebra%ons Orienta%on day for Year 6 to 7 Special swim scheme Special swim scheme Special swim scheme Special swim scheme Special swim scheme Reports sent home Special swim scheme Year 6 Farewell Special swim scheme Special swim scheme School Picnic Day Special swim scheme Last Day of term for students

Woolworths promo%on We have calculated our points and they totalled 5097. That enabled us to buy 20 calculators A set of large sand 'mers Money dice Height measuring toll Measuring containers Thank you to all who collected. I’m sure that these items will help our students. Mr Lambert Presenta%on Day Assemblies This year’s 3-6 Presenta'on Day will be the Tuesday the 13th December and the K-2 will be held on Wednesday the 14th December. Mr Lambert

Year 6 Farewell The year 6 farewell will be held on Monday the 12th of December. It will be held at the Burwood RSL club and run from 6 – 9pm More informa'on will be sent home with year 6 students soon. Year 6 Teachers

TESSA’S PIANO LESSONS for BEGINNERS What I offer: -piano lessons for kids aged 5 and older, including theory knowledge -a fun, vibrant atmosphere for kids to explore music -going to students’ homes Qualifications: -completion of 8th grade Classical Piano under the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) -previous teacher of private and group keyboard lessons at Concord West Public School Lessons will be fun and instill a love for music! Cost: $26/30min for 5-7yr old and $29/35min for 8+ Contact details: 0448858470, or email at tessadap@hotmail.com

Parenting and You Workshops How do you stay positive and motivated as a parent? Learn the secrets of the language you are using and its power Create great life goals for yourself to keep you happy! Discover how to read your family’s personalities Take charge of your emotions – empower yourself and those around you! Come and be motivated, inspired and empowered Venue: Burwood RSL 9/11/11, 23/11/11, 7/12/11, 14/12/11 Time: 10.00- 11.30am This is a free event Bookings essential Limited places! To book your seat please or for more information contact New Mindset Coaching 0418 400 398 www.newmindsetcoaching.com.au to register! Can’t make meeting? Join us for a free evening webinar contact us for more details!

HOMEBUSH PUBLIC SCHOOL Policy for Student use of Mobile Phones and other Electronic Devices

There is a range of rapidly changing portable technology available today including mobile telephones, digital cameras, MP3 players/iPods, personal digital assistants and other similar devices. Most of these devices are not impera've for a primary school student’s educa'on or welfare. Unless specific circumstances exist, these devices should not be brought to school. The devices are usually expensive and desired by other students. However, Homebush Public School acknowledges that students may need to be in possession of a mobile telephone at school for reasons rela'ng to their safety in travelling to and from school. If parents or carers allow their children to bring a mobile phone to school, they should be aware that: •

the school accepts no responsibility for the loss, theO or damage of the phone. School staff do not have the resources, training or 'me to inves'gate loss or damage. •

the phone should not be used at all during school hours. It should be turned off or switched to “silent”. (Urgent messages can always be forwarded to students if parents or carers phone the school office.) •

the phone should be kept in an discreet place (eg school bag) and students should not adver'se that they have a phone at school. •

inappropriate use of the phone, inappropriate messaging or inappropriate use of a built-in camera will result in disciplinary ac'on. Disciplinary ac'on will always include the student being required to “hand in” the phone and parents being requested to collect it from the office.

Would you like to receive a full-colour newsle>er? A full-colour newsle=er is available for parents willing to accept their newsle=er by email. The email edi'on is much more vibrant and photos are a lot clearer and brighter. You’ll also help us to ease paper costs while doing that li=le bit extra for our environment. If you would like to receive a colour newsle=er via email please send us an email at Homebushp.school@det.nsw.edu.au Please mark the subject “Newsle=er”. Include in the body of the email your name, your child's name and class as well as your email address.

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