Module2 Journal WIX

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester1 2020 JinzeLi (Leo) (1074214) Dylan Li, Studio23


Critical Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age | Chapter 3: Digital Production a) What is the significance of Frank Gehry’s project in relation to Digital Fabrication? Use an example to explain your point. (no more than 100 words) The significance of Frank Gehry’s project is more like an essential way that use as a medium of transitiona a particular process, he thinks the physical models as prefered ways in the design process instead of flat digital manipulation , this is evident from gehry’s irregularly shaped glass panels as one of his most famous project which technology were utlised in exterior of the experience music project.

b) What is the three dominant forms of fabrication technique outline in Kolerevic’s text? Choose one of the technique and expand on how this could be useful in design? (no more than 200 words) According to the text by Kolerevic, those three are subtractive fabrication additive fabrication and formative fabrication, in the subtractive fabrication it mainly utlised the methods of remiving a certain volume of material from solid it is one of the most essential technology in construction like cnc milling as a typical programs in substractive fabrication . the post software can get instruction from cnc and cnc control motion and operate parameters like sprindle five , coolant supply and tool changes in order to make the milling shapes as peopel may want .


Critical Reading: Essential Algorithms and Data Structure, Rajaa Issa, 2020 a) When designing an algorithm, what is the 4-steps process? (no more than 50 words) The process containing first to clearly identify any desired output or outcome then have to identify all the key steps in order to reach the output , thirdly have to examine any initial data and parameters taht is also know as the input and ultimately intermediate steps in order to generate missing data b) Why is it necessary to organise your definition using clear labelling, groups and colour coding? (no more than 200 words)

The notion of organization in the grasshopper are extremely significant containg using label groups and colour code to display , firstly organise the data can make the progress clearer to shape forms and then using label groups and some colour codes can organise solutions under cleaer sequence of operation and allow to check the output from each step.


Module 2 Reflection Questions: a) What is the key concept explored through your lasercut and 3d-print models? The module2 allow us to think deeply about how can we make and represent spaces through our own models (laser cut , 3d print) During my working progress, i discovered some combination of geometryies communicating the idea of addictive as well as reduce a certain object to represent the idea of subtractive this provide myself further chance to think about the relationship with surreounding.

b) What is the quality of the space generated in your design fragment? Consider this as a fragment of space and the scale is not yet determined, i.e. it can be 1:5 scale or 1:50 scale During the process of space generation i have tried plenty of times in looking for how to achieve the flexbility in the space during my design process oi realize the addition of threshold and circulation can achieve this goal as it change the relationship between occupants and the space communicating the idea of providing occupants with flexible choice

c) Consider this as a fragment of a pavilion design. Can you start to speculate on the threshold condition or possible means of circulating through your structure? Again, what sort of scale will your structure need to be? During my design process i have considered many kinds of space like exterior , interior , thresholds which pavillion is mostly defined as the resting space proving occupantswith seating area shadow and protection during extreme weather i will consider more about whether space can let people in or out pr grab attraction to force them experience the area



Visual Scripting-Basic

As one of my key concept for the outside basic geometry as well as the boolean starting , the boxes were transformed in location and direction based on the component ‘’ Rotate 3D’’ which allow the direction to be control by a number slider, desired center points and a specifc axis (zx,y,z).

The main concept for this module was developed based on a series of box which was originated from this basic ‘’box generator’’ cluster containg centerbox, rectangles and a series of component to create and place boxes based on given number and center points .

The grids and the related center points has been twisted , moved or pulled around due to the attracting points , this allow the points to be able to controlled by a specific points and change direction based on the distance to the attractor, providing a staring point for my future flexible point placement.

The ‘’Growth’’ technique is not apparent in my final outcomes as i havent focus too much on this sort of random placement, however the growth component did help me a lot in placing my desired center points , each time a new geometry was grow out i can then get a new center point therefore it helped me to break the limitation of the original 27 points.

In comparison to some other twisted geometry script, my script wasd based on the logic of twisting an already existed geometry for instance a box or even a pyramid. This allow me to make some preview trails in rhino before i get into the real trail in grasshopper

This is the original twisted geometry before studio development take place , the logic is based on repeating the same layers upwards with each individual layers twist at the same angle in order to illustate a orderly and regular geometry


This point attractor was focus on the particular function of movement that is to attract 27 boxes’ center points towards a specific point according to their individual distances to the attractor, allow space between boxes for further utlisation


Visual Scripting-Developed

This attracting point component focus on the function of scaling according to individual boxes’ distance to the attractor, allowing an oderly range of data as well as the structure, this can intentionally provide a space bettween levels and threfore create some gap within the future 50*50*50 geometry.

attractingpoint as well as rotate3D has been used to not only create different appearance in comparison to the previous geometry but also create more elements for the future actions to play with for instance the some gap has been created between the first and second level of cubes and the intersected cubes further created some rough walls and interesting curves

This preview of the groth component clearly explain how the growed geometry can help with my flexibility , a great number of different sized cubes has been created which at the same time provide me the chance of creating several center points by using the area - center points thus allow some other type of geometry to be placed based these points

According to the studio feedback , the previous twisted geometry might be too stiff and inflexible therefore some changes have to be make in order to improve the appreance, an attracting curve has been adopted based on the logic of divide the given curve and pull all the orginal ponts from the twisted geometry towards the curve

After several trails and failures this ultimate geometry has been developed , this has been done by inserting an extremely smooth curve which provide the outcome geometry a smooth angle between each layer , the whole geometry is not twisting too much like some previous trails which allow the outcome to be visually comfortable in any directions.



Iteration Matrix 01 Basic Geometry

Sphere Radius = 15

07 Growth - Move

Box Edge Length = 12

Rectangle Edge Length = 16,12,12

02 Geometry Scale

Edge Length = 7

Edge Length = 12

Edge Length = 15

Edge Length = 21

03 Rotation

Series Start = 6 Step = 0

1st Time Amplitude = 21 2nd Time Amplitude = 67

1st Time Amplitude = 21 2nd Time Amplitude = 67 3rd Time Amplitude = 15

1st Time Amplitude = 21 2nd Time Amplitude = 67 3rd Time Amplitude = 0

Scale Factor = 0.6 (Include Original)

Scale Factor = 3.6 (Solid Union)

Scale Factor = 0.7 (Solid Union)

Deconstruct Brep into faces for polygon centers as construct points

Orient according to the construct points and sorted polygon centers thus create levels

Construct domain into a specific range and rotate individual planes to form the twist

Split tree produce data points into twisted box for smooth appearance

Input Brep and twisted bounding box into Box Morph

Input Brep and twisted bounding box into Box Morph

Transformation due to distorted curve Angle Rangel (102-360); 52 Layers

Transformation due to distorted curve Angle Rangel (102-360); 52 Layers

Scale Factor = 0.6 (Exclude Original)

09 Twisted geometry-Initial

Series Start = 21 Step = 0

Series Start = 6 Step = 3

Series Start = 12 Step = 7

X Radian = 7

Created bounding box merged into layers Layer number = 52

10 Twisted geometry-flexible

04 Rotate 3D

X Radian = 7 Y Radian = 6

X Radian = 7 Z Radian = 12

05 Pt Attractor : Move

Magnitude = 0.25

1st Time Amplitude = 21

08 Attraction Growth

Curves has been adopted to pull points to let the geometry be flexible

11 Twisted Geometry : Creation&Development

Magnitude = 1

Magnitude = 0.67

Magnitude = 0.5

Domain 10-0

Initial Creation Angle Range (60-360); 36 Layers

Development (Attracting Curve) Angle Range (102-360); 52 Layers

12 Placement - Dispatch&PtOnCurve

06 Pt Attractor : Scale

Domain 10-12

Domain 10-21


Apply curves for component ‘’point on curve’’ to produce desired points

Apply growth to cubes based on attracting points to get desired centers

After gathering points in desired position In addition to the placement the these points can serve as geometry geometry are also able to rotate based centers on the center points


Key Iterations Overview Isometric Iteration A

Key Processes

Stage Outcome

Overview Prespective Iteration B

Key Processes

Generating points from split tree of twisting script for further manipulation

Placing initial twisted geometries based on points baked from the point on curve component

Key Exploration : Random Scale based on random rotate planes

Substractive Process : Initial inflexible twists placed on based on center points , boolean difference applied

Initial Twists Placement

Further placing developed twisted geometries on following the same process to bake on specific center points

Key Exploration : Random Scale based on random rotate planes

Random (Rotate)

Combine substractive and additive processes with developed geometry acting as cutter as well as elements Placement of Developed Twisted Geometry

Developed Twists Placement

Further placing developed twisted geometries on following the same process to bake on specific center points

Set Planes to mirror the geometry and rotate into an opposite direction Mirror & Rotate

This displays the placemnt of the conditonal curve for further manipulation Conditional Curve

Rotate 3D

Insert conditional curve for future manipulation and adopt ‘’Divide Curve’’ and ‘’Point On Curve’’

Addictive Process done through boolean intersection

Addictive Process

Additive Process to bake specific geometry in based on conditional curve (center box rotate) Divide Curve & Point On Curve

Original Geometry( explored in Matrix)

Random (Scale)

Placement of Initial Twisted Geometry

Key Processes The component point on curve was utlised to locate center points for future mainipulation

Original Geometry( explored in Matrix)

Generate Points with Twisting technique

Overview Prespective Iteration C

Move to growth , cubes has been grow as the starting point for future scalling

Dispatch to locate points in desired location ,selecting some as starting points Original Geometry (Explored from Matrix)

Stage Outcome

Conditional Curve

conditional as a rotated twisted geometry has been adopted based on the given curve (true false dispatch)



Stage Outcome


Key Iterations of the Model3

The ultimate three iterations all utlised twisted geometry but was explored in different direction, , the reason i choose all these three instead of some of my previous growth or random processes is that i aim to explore deeper in one specific aspect , thus i abandon the random based addctive process which i even made iteration matrix for it and decide to make use of my twisted geometry to test how far i can go with this specific element, here i explored detailly with the iteration model3 as my hero image and clearly display the key concepts through the close up shot of model facades on two sides.



Instead of solely create a 3D model file i have physically printed all three of my models with the image on the left displaying the camera shot of all three models before cleanig the supports .These supports allow some rough structure and inside area become constructable and have to be cleaned by hand after getting the physical model



Isometric Drawing 01



Isometric Drawing 02



Isometric Drawing 03



3D Print Photography



This particular design function as a parvillion with skylight on top

This pavillion got inspiration from Peter Zumthor’s serpentine

This is an assembly pavillion where people can meet and

of the roof bring sunlight into the downstair meeting area which is

gallery pavillion with the main focus on the cental garden and

host event in the building , the roof on top displays a leading

suitable for speech or some drama due to the structure shape

the shape of the roof can introduce sunlight and rainwater

direction that lead sunlight to the thresholds



XY Waffle The IterationC has been adopted for the XY waffle due to it’s interesting smooth wall in whihc a curvy surface will be visually better in constructing a waffle , although the process of checking and fixing error takes time , the final outcome seems worth my effort

Radial Waffle The radial waffle adopted a brand new iteration due to its requirement , the geometry must be suitable to be connect with several single faced rings yet most of my previous geometry contains asome open area or hollow structure in the middle or at top thus this small pavillion has been created which i intentionally leave a thick roof for the constructability to connect stablly with therings



Sectioning Script

Basic Waffle Brep input with iteration geometry

Cleaning up based on prune tree text Tag 3D can layout these texts into grids and to bake out for lasercutting

Creation of X and Y contour for further manipulation Cutters are able to cut through contour brep by trimming solid to create the notching of the waffle thus the flattened output will be waffle

Extending Waffle

Move radial curvesand loft to get intersection plane

Cutters tocut rings and contour brep by xy waffle Circles and offset curve able to move the ring to top side or bottom side following by error checking to reduce small pieces


Isometric Drawing (XY)


Isometric Drawing (Radial)


Waffle Model Images

Digital Design - Module 02 Semester1 2020



Lasercut Model Photography

Digital Design - Module 02 Semester1 2020 JinzeLi (Leo) (1074214) Dylan Li, Studio23

I have finished physical modelling the first practise waffle and decide to utlise the same study area with the radial waffle and apply a new geometry for the XY waffle , this waffle practise provide me with clearer understanding on the structure as well as the result of parametric design



Physical Process



Figures & Perspectives


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