Holistica 2019 Practitioner Directory

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You are never going to be 100% ready, and it’s never going to be just the right time This means that every moment is also the right moment Begin your wellbeing journey here

www.holistica.net WELLBEING. FOR EVERYONE.


WELLBEING. FOR EVERYONE. I feel so privileged. Compiling this issue involved getting into a dreamlike state in a float tank, walking through the forest with a mushroom hunter, trying out Yoni steaming herbs, eating vegan mushroom biltong, burning Palo Santo wood, sleeping on a Coco Mat bed filled with seaweed and coconut husk, soaking in the Angala eco pool, discovering hemp fabric, having an Ayurvedic hot oil massage… not to mention a homeopathic Liberation Formula with its resultant colourful dreams. And so much more. Phew. Our wellbeing landscape is filled with the most amazing people, products and experiences and our absolute mission at Holistica is to make them accessible to everyone. There’s a world of healing and regenerative practitioners with incredible skills and ability bringing the gift of wholeness and health in a personalised holistic framework. The directory at the end of our magazine is our grand appreciation and salute to them. Forgive us if we have listed any of the details incorrectly, it’s not always that easy to keep track of everyone and if you are a practitioner we urge you to sign up onto our site Holistica.net so we can carry on our mission of promoting and marketing both your disciplines and your practices. We have an incredible team and fuelled with our resident raw cacao, chaga and goji berry superfood elixir (our daily celebratory drink) we’re set to bring you four magazines a year focusing on all aspects of the wellness industry from practitioners, to magical places, products and knowledge resources. We have the biggest and most impressive amounts of precious healing herbs, therapeutic interventions, preventative medicine, high inspiration, longevity practices and movement arts to share with you throughout these pages. There are so many incredible things out there and I hope you also get to experience them. Keep in touch, and join our movement towards WELLBEING. FOR EVERYONE.

In gratitude & celebration Robyn robyn@holistica.co.za


Magical Places



Product Guide

MEET OUR TEAM Here we are, all the fabulous people that put Holistica together. From sleuthing out all the practitioners, researching the latest leading edge info, divining inspiration and spreading love across the pages, we’re so grateful to present our magazine offering.

SUPPORT OFFICE CONTACT Chloe on 083 688 1819 Email: chloe@holistica.net www.holistica.net


Chloe Guilhermino Campaign Manager

Kate Aitken Marketing Strategist It’s my ultimate desire to support others towards living a high vibrational life. Alongside marketing I’m also an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and nature lover. It’s been so enlivening connecting conscious people and brands in the wellness space while working on the mag. kate@holistica.co.za

I love spending time immersed in all varieties of holistic practice and empowering others by sharing this knowledge. As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and nutrition coach, I love everything about wellbeing, including crafting successful marketing campaigns for our clients. chloe@holistica.net

083 955 8245 kate@holistica.co.za Chloe Guilhermino 083 688 1819 chloe@holistica.net

GAUTENG PRACTITIONER SIGN UP’S Palesa Moletsane 072 221 4415 palesamoletsane073@gmail.com Printed by CTP Cape Town Distributed by RNA

Jean-Pierre Le Roux Platform Architect

Inge Smit Design & Layout Working at my home office with two little humans around is a beautiful challenge. Designing holistic content all day, creating ads and getting layouts together reminds me to be mindful. It’s been inspiring working with these incredible natural brands. inge@ivdesign.co.za

JP is a Life Coach, Therapist and NLP Master Practitioner with a deep passion for natural health and exploring the limits of human potential. With a background in computer science, he is spearheading the revolutionary transformation of the Holistica platform. jp@holistica.net


Palesa Moletsane Gauteng Ambassador Being a therapeutic reflexologist and passionate about natural health, I loved contributing to the story on Supporting Your Cycle. I’m part of the Gauteng contingent of Holistica and ready to support any Gautengers wanting to join our community. palesamoletsane073@gmail.com

Lara Potgieter Contributing Writer As an avid health enthusiast and curious creative, I’ve loved combining my passions to contribute to this edition. Holistica is a fine resource for all things wellbeing, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed compiling it!


DISCLAIMER: Kindly note all our advertising material is received in good faith and we have not researched any of the content or claims made by any of our advertisers. If you are unsure of the efficacy of any of the claims made, kindly consult a professional.





From forest bathing to barefoot walking and healing with mushrooms we celebrate the magic in the natural world by following a medicine hunter through the forest.


Whether growing sprouts, cultivating wheat grass, juicing broccoli or f inding a high quality supplement, we take you through the science and the soul of sipping sunshine.



In our explanation of gut health we get deep into the workings of the intestines and colon. We look at the microbiome diversity of an ancient tribe and offer a protocol on ‘how to reset your gut’.


Three popular individuation techniques – DNA testing, Ayurveda and Family Constellations can help determine vital information about your strengths, vulnerabilities and predispositions.



We speak to botanical researcher and developer Steve Hurt, about developing and protecting the many medicinal plants and herbs available in Southern Af rica and how to safely share their healing capacity with the world.


There is a transformative power in self-care and this article takes you through beauty rituals and nurturing practices as a testament to knowing that beauty is already achieved.


Make your menstrual period a sacred and comfortable time with three nurturing and healing practices f rom reflexology to yoni steaming and taking shatavari.





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Start by forming a connection to the earth. Then with absolute dedication, convert to an earth-loving lifestyle. Here are sustainable alternatives, ideas and practices for a happier harmonious relationship with earth.


Sleep is our most underrated nutrient, it’s also the ‘mini death’ that allows a new mood to birth. Learn how to cultivate quality sleeping time.


Surprising, inspiring and even miraculous transformation stories hail f rom alternative healing centres worldwide. We look at some of the most celebrated – f rom longevity retreats to spiritual healing, Ayurvedic detox and plant medicine.


Movement is an integral part of owning a body, and feeling fluid and flexible has indisputable happy-making benef its. We look at therapeutic dance, running and yoga.


Learning to allow the natural flow of giving and receiving can be implemented in anyone’s life. The laws of the universe are stacked in our favour and we can cultivate this position of total ease with mindful practices. Here’s how.


In this expanded section, Jean-Pierre Le Roux takes us on a tour of longevity practices f rom fasting to regenerative sexuality, sacred herbs, mythical soma, conscious neurology and much more.


Find a whole A to Z of Natural Health Practitioners and healing resources in an extensive list throughout South Af rica.


Find your way around the industry with this handy guide to societies, associations and legislative bodies.

FLOATING BEYOND BLISS Weightless, timeless, limitless, blissful… are words used to describe the floating experience. At first it seems daunting, climbing into a pod filled with salt water closing the lid and lying there floating.

Most people’s initial reaction is “Oh no, I get claustrophobic”, but once you experience it, there’s nothing claustrophobic about it. It’s a way to expand, to let go and feel safe. Float lovers around the world swear by the life changing and incredible benefits they’ve received from this seemingly strange innovation. Byron de Carvalho, owner of Float Zero in Cape Town is one of them. At the early age of 21 Byron had a stroke. He was an intense overachiever catering in the film industry working crazy hours, playing hard too and in his words leading a ‘rugged’ lifestyle. But lesions on his brain, a body that cold hardly move and crippling anxiety called for drastic change. “Both my mind and body had lost its ability to function normally, I couldn’t hold things in my hands, I struggled to walk 5 metres at a time, I couldn’t feel the pedals of my car and what’s worse, is that top neurologists said nothing much would change. I realised I was screwed, I hadn’t even hit my 30’s yet.”

In defiance Byron went searching for a solution, one that didn’t involve jumping off a cliff. Thousands of google searches later he discovered the concept of ‘sensory deprivation’. In the States floatation had attracted the attention of the anti-ageists and the trendy bio-hackers and Byron missioned across to try it out. “After a week of floating I found small changes in my mood, a glimpse of

a weird sort of contentment started filtering into my emotions. After week 3 of floating almost every day, I started to find my mind much calmer than before, I noticed the world, and all the small things as if I was wearing 3D glasses, and my reality had become the landscape of a much more beautiful and unterrifying world.” After 3 months he had the full use of his body again. Regular floating was what healed Byron his body, his state of mind and his lifestyle. He installed a float pod at his house and

encouraged all sorts of people with challenging conditions to float. Stories of bi-polar being regulated, anxiety being sorted, sports injuries healing, chronic pain alleviated, emotional turbulence soothed, ADD and ADHD controlled and many more were testament to the benefits of floating. Something about being in a profoundly relaxed state seems to prompt the body towards deep healing. After repeated requests from friends and family, it was a natural progression to open a float centre. Byron designed his own pod system, bigger than the standard pods to accommodate people who feel claustrophobic. He also worked with an ISM (Interhemispheric Synchronic Mediation) specialist, and developed a library of binaural beats – cognitive-inducing sound waves that use frequency to heal specific issues of the body and mind. Knowing that complete darkness is fearful for many, he added coloured lighting options that mimic the chakra centres. Clients can choose to have light and music options or not. For pre- and post floating a special blend of local hand-picked teas and fermented teas from Taiwanese tea maker Menghwei were developed for maximum medicinal value. These are available in the tea lounge to enjoy. People who discover floating, make it a habit. It’s therapeutic, enjoyable, uplifting, healing, transcendental and life-changing.

Float Zero is a sanctuary in the heart of buzzing Cape Town - a space that can’t be found anywhere else in Africa. Shop No 5 - 15 On Orange Hotel, Orange St, Cape Town City Centre Tel: 021 224-0941 | Email: info@floatzero.co.za www.float-zero.com


Archie takes us on a medicine hunting journey...

Hormones are the ‘molecules of consciousness’— powerful bio-peptides that control mood, perception, sleep-wake cycles, bonding and connection and our awareness of reality. Reishi’s effect on the hormonal system is legendary. It is gentle yet powerful, working to balance the body’s many glands and organs steadily over time, which makes it ideal for daily use. Justin Faerman

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Medicin e

HUNTER From forest bathing to barefoot walking and healing with mushrooms we celebrate the therapeutic magic present in the natural world. Following a medicine hunter through the forest we look at the journey behind creating healing tinctures with mushrooms like Red Reishi and Turkey Tail. Medicinal mushrooms have the efficacy of thousands of years of proven benefit and scientific credibility in preventing and treating issues from immune disorders to viral diseases and cancer. BY ROBYN WI LKINS ON PHOTO J ULIET TERB L A NCHE

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"That's how you find your way and find the medicine."


ushroom hunting is just as romantic as it sounds. Following barefooted and somewhat wild forest dweller Archie Terblanche through his land in the Knysna forest yielded a story about a porcupine, a mushroom (obviously) and a huge envy for a life lived so close to nature. On the third turn we couldn’t resist taking off our shoes, the forest floor was incredibly soft f rom months of rain and our intrepid guide mentioned that walking barefoot has an instant antiinflammatory benefit. I’m not sure Archie wore shoes much, he was beautifully in touch with the forest and had an uncanny intuitive sense of which pathway to follow. “You learn to read the trees, the shapes of them become familiar and you develop a

natural compass,” he said. He also affirmed that, you don’t find Reishi, it finds you. And so he took no credit for his foraging forays, inferring that it was inevitable – he and the Reishi mushroom were meant to be. And yes, he casually walked over a tree trunk, behind a bush, through another thicket and lo and behold, there it was. A spectacular Red Reishi. When Archie first realised he had Red Reishi right at his doorstep he was totally blown away. Unlike the Ancient Reishi which is more commonly found in the wild, the Red counterpart is not. They’re very beautiful mushrooms, and mostly grow on very old or dying trees where they appear hard, brown, woody and wavy with a noticeable aura of wisdom and majesty.

Archie Terblanche lives in the Knysna forest along the Garden Route and creates a limited amount of tinctures and teas under the label African Forest Medicinals. www.africanforestmedicinals.com

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With a legacy in China of being reserved for royal immortality, it’s just and fair they’re given admiration and respect. And Archie has appropriate reverence never removing too much f rom the cluster of mushrooms allowing the ‘God of Fungi’ its due to grow back. Mushrooms are also never harvested until they have dropped their spore – when their life cycle is complete. This ensures survival and proliferation of the species. In China, Reishi or Ling Zhi, is known as the Mushroom of Immortality and has an exhaustive amount of healing qualities too long to list here. Ranging f rom longevity promotion to cancer protection, nervous system calming, liver healing, heart repair and even spiritual wisdom and insight, effectively it’s an all over life-giving tonic and immune booster.

Wild Red Reishi


Turkey Tail

It’s not the only medicine offered up by the forest in Knysna, besides Red Reishi and Ancient Reishi, Archie discovered Turkey Tail and started making tinctures and teas to properly harness and extract the healing properties.

Being wild harvested, says Archie, it's not so much of a commercial venture as it's all up to the forest to determine availability.”

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Hand picking and sustainable harvesting creates a limited supply and I got the feeling that bringing these gems to market was more a labour of love than a primarily profit making endeavour. Archie believes the high potency of wild plants and the energies they absorb f rom growing in a wild natural environment rather than in a grow-room or controlled area makes them precious and powerful. He explained that the joy of finding ‘medicine’ grown wild rather in a hothouse is that it has absorbed all the energies of the forest, of the weather and of the astrological activity. “That’s what makes it so special”, he says, “we take these wild energies into our bodies when we drink wild Reishi teas or tinctures. This helps remind us of our wilder, more natural, less ‘domesticated’ state of being and helps bring us closer to it.” Archie explains that medicinal mushrooms need to be extracted in hot water or alcohol (or both) for their medicine to be released and the benefits properly bio-available to the body. Often this is overlooked and it’s a very important part of making medicine. Wild plants have to be tough to survive as their predators are not controlled as they would be in a farming situation. As a result they are vulnerable to attack and develop potent








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chemical defenses against such attacks. These chemical substances, if beneficial and biologically assimilable in our own bodies, become ‘medicines’ to us and can have profound health benefits. Wild soils also tend to be far richer and less demineralised than cultivated soils and this, too, adds to the potency of wild plants.



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Supports a Healthy Body, Strong Spirit & Clear Mind

After zig zagging through the forest we sat on a log and Archie remembered sitting on the same log some time ago when a porcupine happened to walk right down the path and pass him by. He told us stories about forests and forest people and legends of ancient hunting tradition where the porcupine was known as a medicine seeker. “They eat medicinal plants and as a result the contents of their tummies were regarded as highly medicinal and eaten,” he elaborated. We also got a mini lesson in mindfulness, about setting an intention and following that intention with intuition and resolve. “That’s how you find your way and find the medicine.” After a beautiful walk, we headed back to his home where we were treated to a feast of home grown and gathered leaves, superfoods, berries and treats all completely delicious. Porcupine stomach, thankfully, wasn’t on the menu. Part of Archie’s daily ritual is a cauldron of superhero immune boosting tea – his very own concoction designed for maximum health and longevity benefit resplendent with Ancient Reishi, Turkey Tail, Cinnabar Polypore, Chaga, Goji berries, Vanilla pods and Licorice root. It’s a brew that can be sipped all day and in fact makes an excellent base for rice, stew, soup or a cacao chocolate drink. Its woody, aromatic and satisfying taste is joined in goodness with a hundred magical benefits, most of all immune boosting although as an adaptogen it targets whichever part of the body needs it. We sipped on that too. It was difficult to leave. The healing embrace of the forest and the charm of our unusual medicine hunter elicited immense gratitude that healing and preventative remedies could carry such high intention and care and could be harvested in a mindful and sustainable fashion.

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082 600 8780 sales@medimushrooms.co.za

www.medimushrooms.co.za Check reliable sources on the internet for the health benefits of medical mushrooms



the life giving tonic A variety of woody mushroom species are classified as Reishi, important ones are Ganoderma Lucidum, Ganoderma Sinensis and Ganoderma Tsugae. In the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, the Chinese ‘Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica’, Red Reishi is classed as a superior medicine that “boosts vitality of the heart, nourishes the organs, supports a centered state of mind, sharpens wit and improves memory. Prolonged usage may prevent senility, and prolong life so as to make one immortal.” In numerous hospitals in China, a high quality Reishi noted as having extraordinary immunological activity is popularly sought after as part of a cancer healing protocol. Hundreds of biologically active components in Red Reishi are said to be beneficial to every cell of the human body in different ways. It’s revered as a protective and tonic herb that creates radiant health and recommended as a life giving gift that should be taken daily.

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Although not mind altering it is used in China as a benevolent spiritual ally said to have a positive effect on consciousness accelerating enlightenment and opening the pathways to abundance. It’s important to research where your Reishi comes f rom and how it is cultivated as this has a profound influence on its effectiveness. You can buy dried, ground medicinal mushrooms and use them to make tea if you manage to cultivate the taste. Alternatively, they’re available as liquid extracts or capsules. It’s recommended to ingest medical mushrooms for at least two months to properly notice the deep rooted effects.

SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS Awaken your vision, activate your passion & live a life without limits. Not long after Peter and Beryn Daniel were married, they attended a personal development course in the U.K. where they had to distill the essence of themselves in one word. Peter’s word was ‘soaring’ and Beryn’s ‘free’. Little did anyone know this conjunction would turn into South Africa’s most loved and respected superfood brand, ‘Soaring Free Superfoods’.


olding truth and integrity as their highest ideals has overflowed into their brand: the packaging, the way they distribute and the way they source. Peter explains his endless quest and hours of research to find the ideal eco packaging. And the determination to scour the world for an untainted, unsprayed organic goji berry promising consumers clean and safe food. Everything in their range is sourced with total responsibility and regard for fair trade and community allowing for trustworthy, therapeutic and energising produce. Their ethos of ‘LOVE COMES FIRST’ equates to true economics – sometimes sacrificing bottom line for a sustainable world.

“Introducing high integrity, certified organic & earthfriendly superfoods into your diet is a delicious & self loving practice that comes highly recommended.”

Early on in their quest they realised that unless your physiology shifts you can’t maintain a high state of mind. Being chef trained, and discovering the superior diet that superfoods offered, it was a natural progression to offer it to the world. On meeting this pioneering couple and their two children you realise that food choices can truly create happiness and radiance. We love the fact they continue to hold true to their values and educate their consumers with inspiring recipes, nutritional advice and the products to make it happen. Their on-going journey is ever evolving and along with the new eco packaging,


new logo and new website, we’re continuously getting more education and innovation from the Soaring Free Superfood brand.

“To change the world, we must first change from within.” Greenwash is ever present in marketing campaigns today and people should continue to educate themselves & outsmart trendy marketing tactics. For Soaring Free Superfoods to be a sustainable brand, it means having integrity deeply ingrained. From their ethos, to their culture, their products & ultimately their holistic imprint on the earth. We can expect to see much more progressive sustainable movements & innovative product offers from them in the near future.


FOREST BATHING The life-changing magic of walking in the woods Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese noun that means ‘forest bathing’, the medicine of simply being in the forest. It’s a well recognised area of preventive health care and healing in Japanese medicine. Dr Qing Li, Chairman of the Japanese Society for Forest Medicine, and visiting Fellow at Stanford University speculated that, besides all the other benefits, forest air has volatile essential oils from surrounding trees with active components like limonene filled with antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. Blood tests taken from people before and after forest stays show significant boosts in natural killer cells, the cells vital to the immune system’s ability to fight off illness.

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We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light. And the modern science of photobiology is presently proving this. In terms of healing the implications are immense. We know, for example, that quanta of light can initiate, or arrest, cascadelike reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can emphatically say, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light. Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, Founder of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss (1996), Germany

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SI PPI N G T HE S U N The Power of Raw Green Food & Sunlight Living foods are full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Anyone in pursuit of higher health can turn to raw green living foods to revolutionise their energy levels, their feelings of optimism, achieving pain f ree flexible joints and myriad other benefits.

Whether growing sprouts, cultivating wheat grass, juicing broccoli or finding a high quality supplement, we take you through the science and the soul of sipping sunshine. BY JEAN-PI ERRE LE ROUX I L LU ST R AT I ON DENIS E A NNE

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We all intuitively sense how fundamental sunlight is to health, but to what degree? And how does this affect our food choices? All real food has its original bright-greencoloured genesis in sunlight, f rom simple grasses to leafy f ruit-bearing trees. All our grains and vegetables begin as green shoots and all animals we might eat have either been feeding on grasses or other more complex plants. Even all seafood derives f rom green algae originally. The magical substance that makes all life on this planet possible - and which can sustain life better than anything else - is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll allows plants to absorb sunlight directly and convert this luminous visible energy into chemical energy in the plant, primarily in the form



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of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), both of which are fundamental to energy production in the human body. And this is what is commonly referred to as ‘photosynthesis’. In this basic happy-plant-activity of creating ATP and NADPH, hydrogen is cleaved f rom water molecules in the cells, and in the process this creates the oxygen supply on the planet that we breathe every day! Oh, and removes climate-warming carbon f rom the atmosphere as well.




To add more mystery to the magic, chlorophyll looks exactly like haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying molecule that makes up about 75% of our blood. These two fundamental and very complex flowershaped molecules are nearly identical in structure, barring the magnesium atom at the center of the chlorophyll molecule, and iron atom at the center of the haemoglobin molecule. It makes sense then that chlorophyll is converted to haemoglobin very readily and directly in the body – the green ‘blood’ of plants being transmuted into the oxygenrich red blood of humans. Additionally, by eating these green plants as close to their living state as possible, i.e. freshly picked and raw (not rendered unalive through cooking) the still active ATP and NADPH are transferred to the human body (along with the more ‘solid’ proteins and sugars that make up the bulk of the plant). ATP is our essential cellular energy transfer molecule and fundamental to the

Citric Acid Cycle (otherwise known as the Krebs Cycle) which, besides being basic to our essential generation of life energy, also creates key amino acid precursors and in this way, serves protein synthesis. And… NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), also known as Coenzyme 1, derived f rom both ATP in ourselves and f rom the NADPH in plants, is used in the body to transfer electrons between molecules in the processes of cellular metabolism and energy transfer. In short, more NAD equates to more energy and longer life. And this compound is found as an essential component in all cutting-edge longevity protocols (discussed further in a future issue).

Chlorophyll has important health benefits: Anti-Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods like nuts and grains, the toxins f rom cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (f rom pollution). It blocks harmful chemicals known as procarcinogens that damage DNA from metabolising in the body. Chelation of heavy metals: Chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. Its ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals like mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer.


E B1


Zn B12










Ultimately, sunlight-charged living green plants are IT in terms of power nutrition. Of course, chlorophyll-rich green plants are strongly alkalizing (due to rapid delivery of magnesium) and oxygenating to the body. And in the context of our more commonly consumed diets which tend towards acidity and low oxygen (and thus low energy and pre-disease states), raw greens are the supreme balancers.


As Dr John Ott (Director of the Environmental Health and Light Research Institute) says. “We are just beginning to find out that light entering the eyes, in addition to vision, stimulates the activity in both the pituitary and pineal glands and possibly other areas of the midbrain region that control the endocrine system and the production of hormones.”

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Russian scientist Dantsig said, “If the human skin is not exposed to solar radiation (direct or scattered) for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be functional disorders of the nervous system and vitamin D deficiency, a weakening of the body’s defense and an aggravation of chronic disease.” Most of us live in artificial light and spend 90 percent of existence in buildings and cars. It’s important to note that sunshine is essential to life.

Giving back to the earth A necessity for Modern Society

We need to stop being part of the problem, and become involved in the solution. Globally, environmental issues are of grave concern. Many governments around the world are taking positive steps to improve air, water and ground pollution, but we can not leave it up to our leaders to effect change. We need to take responsibility, and make decisions with a positive impact on our planet. Using eco-friendly products is one of the very first things we can do to bring about change. It’s a simple shift in the choices we make. Consider that all the water you use for daily household and office cleaning ultimately lands up in local dams or the ocean. It is so important to use products specifically formulated to ensure absolutely no chemicals or toxins leak into our environment. Not to mention our bodies.

‘What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.’ Jane Goodall

Triple Orange is committed to producing completely natural, child, pet-friendly and earth-friendly cleaning products. Our range has never been tested on animals, is biodegradable and formulated with naturally derived ingredients that are hypoallergenic and non-toxic. Our key ingredient is Orange Oil, a brilliant degreaser and natural germ-fighter. The Power of Citrus Oil is what drives us forward, and will ensure you step gently on the environment as you pass through it.

Here’s how using Triple Orange Cleaning products will benefit you: • • •

Use far less water Be able to recycle the grey water produced to feed your garden and veggie patch One single cleaning product for a multitude of purposes

• • •

Spend less and clean more Purchase less plastic and produce less waste Lower your carbon footprint

The products we use on our bodies and in our homes affect not only our health and wellbeing, but our environment as well. Choose wisely, and make sure you pay it forward for future generations.







Protein 33.36% Carbohydrate 54.26g Calories (Kcal) 357.41 Insoluble dietary fibre 1.31% Soluble dietary fibre 2.1% Total dietary fibre 3.45% Chlorophyll 13.5mg Fat 0.77g

Vitamin A - 468.24 IU Vitamin B12 - 40 mcg Vitamin C - 61.75% Vitamin E - 18.1 mcg Vitamin B17 - 3.5 mcg Folic acid - 1559 mcg

Histidin 17.10 mg Isoleucine 23.75 mg Leucine 40.24 mg Lycine 34.23 mg Threonine 27.56 mg Tryptophan 5.02 mg Valine 31.58 mg Methionine 9.35 mg Tyrosine 28.32 mg Alanine 57.21 mg Proline 31.45 mg Serine 33.01 mg Phenylalanine 34.08 mg

Calcium 95.95 mg Potassium 31.5 mg Iron 80 mg Sodium 2.21 mg Zinc 14.25 mg Magnesium 11.9 mg Selenium 6.12 mg Phosphorus 69 mg Copper 1.43 mg Sulphur 9.3 mg Iodine .85 mg Manganese 55.1 mg

NOTE: Wild grass juices are considered superior to traditional cereal grasses like wheatgrass and barleygrass. The author of this article likes to start his day with a large glass of Kikuyu grass blended with spring water (yes the stuff your lawn is made of) and a second glass of beetroot juice, also blended with spring water – both for their excellent blood-building properties. Kikuyu has a superior taste (softer and smoother than wheatgrass) and a higher mineral content generally from being grown in more natural and complex soils, and having deeper roots, rather than being grown in trays. And it grows all over your neighbourhood. A 5-6 litre bowl of packed Kikuyu grass passed through an Oscar juicer and blended with half a litre of spring water and a little lemon juice.

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Your grandmother was right, eat your greens! If you are designing a healing, strengthening and regenerative diet for yourself, then a significant portion of your food should be raw organic greens, for all the reasons mentioned above. Whatever else we may be eating, adding grass juices, green leafy vegetables, salad greens and organic green

The best investment you can make for your health This super-duper, multi-functional Rolls Royce of all juicers is almost soundless, it’s strong, robust and easy to clean.

powder supplements is the way to maximise vitality and longevity. Essentially any increase in raw greens will have health benefits, even if these comprise as little as 5% to 10% of the total diet. For superherovitality they should make up at least 50% of the diet.

20 BENEFITS high in chlorophyll helps oxygenate the body boosts metabolism helps alkalinise antibacterial rebuilds blood restores fertility and balances hormones rebuilds damaged tissue detoxifies the body from heavy metals purifies the liver helps balance blood sugar antiseptic helps prevent tooth decay helps skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis improves digestion reduces inflammation improves eyesight especially night vision helps with sleep boosts immunity improves nervous system and mood

The Oscar juicer, known as a ‘slow juicer’ rotates at 63-80 rpm, resulting in exceptionally high quality juice from fruits, vegetables, greens and grasses. Besides juicing, it grinds wet and dry, extrudes pasta, processes pâtés, frozen desserts, nut butters, nut milks, and baby foods, grinds and more. The 3-stage single auger stonemill-type juicing process adopted by the Oscar ensures living juice without the loss of enzymes or nutrients.

An Oscar Juicer is totally different from the common centrifugal juicer found in superstores. Known as a cold extraction juicer, it is acknowledged in international health circles as the first choice for healing and maintenance of health. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON MODELS, PRICING AND FUNCTION, OR TO ORDER, GO TO



SUN S H I N E S AL AD R E CIPE Part of incorporating more raw greens into our diet is to make ravishing main course salads that are rich, delicious and satisfying. Salads so awesome they take centre stage at the table with whatever else treated as an accompaniment.

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Here is a suggested basic recipe template (feel free to play with your own variations) LEAVES

A mix of fresh-as-possible organic greens, including various lettuces, shredded spinach, swiss chard, parsley, rocket, mizuna, mustard greens, beet leaves and Asian greens like tatsoi and pak choi. Try and get some of these in the form of very young plants or microgreens. Broccoli microgreens are next-level amazing! Choose strictly organic and pesticide-f ree if you can. Why would anyone eat leaves sprayed with the equivalent of Doom?


Sprouts like sunflower, alfalfa and cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage. (Raw bean sprouts used in moderation, if at all, due to the enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutritional components they contain).


Soft hulled hemp seeds. (This is the secret to making salads creamy, nutty and delicious).


Various other seeds (ideally soaked first) such as sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seed, including butters made f rom them like Tahini.


A small amount of f resh crushed raw garlic, chopped spring onion or chives, mild chillies, crushed mustard seeds and/or rainbow peppercorns, whole depipped olives, coconut flakes.

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Chopped avocado and optional pomegranate, grated beetroot, peas, nasturtium flowers.


A good amount of dressing mixed evenly throughout the salad is key. Use any or all of these ingredients: lemon juice, lime juice, apple cider vinegar, kombucha vinegar, pomegranate juice, raw honey, coconut nectar, maple syrup, tamari, diluted miso, tamarind pulp, blended kimchee or sauerkraut, olive oil, hempseed oil, pumpkin seed oil.


Shred the greens well and toss liberally to make a moist and creamy salad. This is a good base you can add whatever else you want to make it as elaborate as you like.

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In our explanation of gut health we get deep into the workings of the intestines and the colon. We look at the inspiring microbiome diversity of an ancient tribe and where we might have gone wrong in the West. A protocol on ‘how to reset your gut’ offers an easy route to support optimal well-being. Lastly, we’ll explore what the future holds - will fecal transplants become mainstream? We share our top ‘gut health’ food and beverages and explain the difference between pre and probiotics and how to select a quality option.


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ippocrates, the Founder of Modern Medicine, around 370BC emphasised that ‘all disease begins in the gut’. It’s taken centuries for us to really take that to heart and we’re now seeing a strong focus on gut health. But what do we mean when we speak about the gut? Firstly we’ve got the alimentary canal that begins at the mouth and ends at the butt. Imagine it as a bustling and busy highway linking two major cities, passing through the oesophagus, the liver, gall

bladder, pancreas, stomach, small intestine and large intestine (colon) ending at the anus. It’s about nine metres long. The whole system governing this highway is known as the gastrointestinal tract (the GI tract) and includes digestive glands to break down our food intake. The residents living along this highway can be likened to the microbiome, whole populations of bacteria, many different types and strains, some good, some bad. Trillions of cells exist, most of them are resident in the colon but they’re found throughout the GI tract (they’re also all over our bodies, in the mouths and on our skin). Just like we need different types of people doing different things to make up a city, so we need different strains of bacteria. The more differences, the more vibrant and dynamic – there’s also room for baddies, just as long as the goodies outweigh the baddies.

As health personality and multi-author Deepak Chopra says,

“We are a few human cells hanging on to a bacterial colony, we are the awakening of bacterial consciousness.” These bacterial microorganisms outnumber our own cells. We’re more bacteria than we are human cells - the microbiome can weigh up to 2kg’s. Our microbial population is inherited f rom our mothers. Before birth, the GI tract is sterile and during the process of natural birthing we are flooded with microbes and bacteria f rom the birth canal. Natural birthing establishes the foundation of our immune system. Although C-section is lifesaving at times, it should not be considered unless absolutely necessary. Recently, with doctors realising the importance of the passage through the birth canal, C-section babies are ‘swabbed’ when they are born. The gut system of organs along with the microbiome is responsible for processing nutrients – breaking them down, digestion and absorption. It also eliminates unwanted bacteria and fungi and produces key nutrients like the B vitamins and vitamin K.

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Essentially that means the entire digestive process which is vital for life. The health of our microbiome and gut environment offers us the opportunity to thrive. It gets even more interesting. Although we’ve been using expressions like ‘gut feel’ for years we haven’t totally realised that besides physical health, our gut is tied to emotional health too. Ninety percent of our serotonin (happy hormones) is produced in the gut. When looking to improve anxiety and combat depression we should firstly begin with addressing the gut. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride works extensively with what she calls GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) which uses dietary corrections to cure many psychiatric and neurological conditions. She records how she cured her child of autism using the GAP dietary protocol. One of the leading causes of a compromised gut is inflammation. Something that’s almost inescapable with modern day habits. Inflammation makes the intestine permeable leading to what’s called ‘leaky gut’. With leaky gut undigested food particles and bacteria are able to move f rom the digestive system into the blood stream. The body sees this matter as foreign and immunity is alerted to attack creating inflammation. Over time inflammation results in chronic disease conditions like diabetes, stroke and heart attack.

To prevent leaky gut pay attention to the following: CLEAN DIET

Food lacking in nutrition should be replaced with organic, high nutrition alternatives. High-refined sugar intake can be swapped for organic natural sweeteners. Allergens like gluten (found in grains) and phytic acid (food in unprepared legumes and un-soaked nuts) as well as casein (protein in dairy) are often an irritant for the gut.


Hugely important is to avoid food treated with herbicides and pesticides, genetic modification, packaged foods and chemical household products. We are often totally unaware of the processes our food, skin products and cleaning products go through before we use them.


Factors like unnatural birthing, the pill, antibiotics and other over the counter medication will compromise bacterial harmony. Living as naturally as possible is always a good thing.


Too much physical and emotional stress changes the balance of the bacteria in our gut - it allows the bad bacteria to dominate and kills off the good.

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TRIBAL TESTIMONIAL There’s a whole lot to be said for foraging wild food and living more closely to the earth. Researchers have analysed a community called the Hazda f rom Tanzania – a population of less than 200 people. The Hazda live a hunter-gatherer lifestyle getting all their food seasonally f rom fertile soils without pesticides and naturally covered with bacteria and micro-organisms. Needless to say, the Hazda have a hugely noticeable amount of bacterial diversity and resultant good health compared to modern populations. This differentiation between the rich bacterial diversity in the Hazda and the depleted microbe lineages in modernised populations is a concerning situation evidenced by an increasing amount of health ailments and decreased vitality. People are realising that many of their health issues are because of an unhealthy gut and as a result we’re seeing an abundance of fermented foods and pro-biotic supplements coming to market. Food items like Kimchi, sauerkraut, Kefir, curds or live organic yoghurt, kvass, miso, tempeh and Kombucha are becoming more and more available.

In Korea there is a type of traditional food called jongka, some of which is fermented with bacterial cultures that have been passed down through generations. The fermented cultures are kept safely for each future generation, and they’re considered an important inheritance. They’re known as naerim or pass down foods. The fermentation is kept going throughout the ages, keeping the good strain of bacteria going. Gifting someone with a bacterial culture is a considerable honour.

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FECAL TRANSPLANTS – the solution? Besides consuming fermented food and taking probiotics, there’s another more extreme protocol that’s being used to repopulate the gut with good bacteria. It’s called a fecal transplant and involves collecting a stool sample f rom a prequalified healthy donor, mixing it with a saline or similar solution, straining and placing it into the colon of another patient via a colonoscopy, endoscopy or enema. Although fecal transplants are not yet mainstream practice, they have considerable clinical research behind them and shown to be up to 98 percent effective. They’re doing a huge job in alleviating symptoms and pain in people with painful, sometimes life threatening,

digestive disorders. The intention with fecal transplants is to repopulate the receiver’s gut with normal, healthy bacteria and microbes f rom the donor’s gut. Probiotic rich foods and high-quality supplements will also achieve this although they can take longer to repopulate the gut. While an average probiotic food or supplement may have between 1-30 strains of probiotics at billions of units, a healthy stool has 1,000+ strains of microbes (bacteria, yeast, bacteriophages, etc.) at hundreds of trillions of units. Up to now, there have been no detrimental side effects f rom fecal transplants and they’re a low cost and highly effective treatment for those prepared to try it out. It’s a real option for people suffering with allergies, infections, IBS or autoimmune disorders.



pr otocol

This protocol comes from the functional medicine approach and involves the 4 R’s (Remove, Replace, Re-inoculate, Repair) over a 3 week period. REMOVE:

toxic triggers (gluten & dairy), sugar (even most natural sugars – stick to berries as your f ruit source and a little stevia or raw honey as your sweetener source). Drink ample pure water and eat clean food. A high-quality whole food supplement is helpful, especially given the nutrient depleted produce found in most shops. Green Vibrance by Vibrant Health is an excellent choice. It’s an organic superfood supplement boosting nutrition, digestion, circulation and immunity. Each serving comes with 25 billion f riendly probiotics f rom 12 strains of bacteria.

REPLACE: use plant based digestive enzymes before each meal to support digestion. Look into HCL with Betaine, useful for those with low stomach acid (quite a high percentage of us), which results in food not being broken down effectively. Another option is to use raw apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning and with meals to stimulate stomach acid production. RE-INOCULATE:

with probiotics and fermented foods daily. Take different brands of probiotics with different strains – remember diversity is key. Make your own fermented foods to get different probiotics.


your delicate gut lining with organic bone broth (number one food for healing leaky gut), collagen, L glutamine, Vitamin D3, Omega 3 in the form of sustainably sourced blue/green algae or a trusted source of Krill oil and magnesium.

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D i g e s t i on T ip s [ Conscious Food Pairing & Eating ] Fruit should be eaten alone as it digests quickly. If eaten with other food, fermentation starts to take place. Dairy and meat should never be paired as they don’t digest well together. Meat should also be eaten with leafy green or cruciferous veg rather than starchy veg. Drink liquids before a meal or 30 minutes following. Drinking during a meal dilutes digestive acids and stops food f rom digesting properly.

[ Detoxification Done Regularly ] A great option is Panchakarma, an Ayurvedic cleansing protocol undertaken at the change of each season. This allows the body to detox and get rid of debris and other accumulated and undigested toxins and food. It’s like a deep cleanse for your gut.

[ Intermittent Fasting ] This means choosing to eat food in a smaller time frame e.g. eat for 8 hours and fast for the other 16. It takes 12 hours for our body to digest most foods. The extra 4 hours allows space for your body to spring clean and deal with functions it doesn’t usually get to when continuously digesting. Continuous digestion puts enormous pressure on the body.

[ Mindfulness & Meditation to Control Stress ] When in a state of ‘fight or flight’ (stress mode) the blood flows away f rom our digestive organs, to our extremities (ready for action). This is not the ideal time to be eating food as it creates indigestion and bloating.



a tablespoon of raw, organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink on waking to stimulate stomach acid production.

2. Drink

herbal teas and loads of room temperature purified water with a pinch of Himalayan salt or sea salt.

3. Eat soft, cooked foods

(these are easier to digest) and take digestive enzymes with each meal, especially heavier meals. This will support digestion and absorption of nutrients.

4. Consume

collagen-rich bone broth f rom an organic grass-fed source.

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5. Increase your intake of

healthy fats - coconut oil is a great antibacterial and helps kill candida.

6. Consume

demulcents like Aloe Vera & Slippery Elm as well as gelatinous foods like chia seeds - these all soothe the gut lining.

7. Eat foods rich in Glutamine – this amino acid repairs the gut lining.

8. Re-inoculate

with a good probiotic for 2-3 months: choose CFU’s of 15 to 100 billion and diversity of strains, at least 10 – 30 different strains.

9. Increase prebiotic intake. Prebiotics are food for our probiotics and vital for keeping good bacteria alive. Eat loads of fibre f rom vegetables and f ruits (favour lower sugar f ruits). Onions and garlic are a particularly good source of prebiotics. Aloe Vera is another excellent option.

10. I ncrease

your intake of fermented foods (2 servings per day) to replenish the good gut bacteria: Organic Kefir (dairy or coconut), full fat live organic yoghurt, kimchi/ kraut, kvass, miso, tempeh, kefir water


Eat real food. F o od that is o r g anic, grass fed an d l ocall y sourced where possible. Choose food as cl ose to its natural state as possible. O p t f o r food free of ho rmon es, additives, GMO’s, chemicals, herb icides an d pesticides.




INGREDIENTS 1/2 bunch spinach 1/2 banana 1/2 cucumber, peeled 1 scoop Green Vibrance (optional) 1/2 cup dairy/goat’s milk/coconut kefir 1/2 cup ice 1 teaspoon cinnamon Raw organic honey to taste Water Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth. Add water if necessary.

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E l ix i r

1 cup coconut water 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1/2 cup aloe vera juice 1 cucumber, peeled 1/2 green apple, peeled Raw organic honey to taste Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.



1½ cups shredded coconut or coconut milk 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1 scoop Superfoods hemp protein powder (optional) 45ml organic almond butter 2 tablespoons chia gel* Raw organic honey to taste Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth. *To make chia gel, soak 1 part chia seeds in 4 parts purified water and allow to soak for 30 minutes to an hour. It will become thick and gelatinous (if it’s too thick, add a little more water). Soaked chia is easier to digest and blends better than unsoaked chia.


Half of your being consists of your mother and half of your being consists of your father. You are here because of them; if they were not here you would not be here. All that is happening to you is, in a way, because of them… One has to become aware of this… So whatsoever they have done, you have to feel grateful for. And whatsoever is happening to you and will happen to you, they remain the cause, they remain your foundation. So don’t forget the foundation, that’s all. Osho

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INDIVIDUATION Long gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all approach to healing and wellbeing. Knowing your unique physiology, psychology, DNA and inclinations is imperative for effective and personalised care of your body and mind. We look at three popular individuation techniques – DNA testing, Ayurveda and Family Constellations – to see how each can help you determine vital information about your strengths, vulnerabilities and predispositions.


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Your genes determine everything from your eye colour to your risk for certain diseases. There’s a reason coffee makes you jittery while your co-worker can sip it all day, or you don’t thrive on the raw vegan diet you read about for weight loss and elevated energy but are more suited to cooked food. Personalised medicine is finally giving healthcare practitioners the tools to examine individual genetic makeup, and use this as a basis for unique and precise treatment and advice. Nutrigenomics studies the interaction between nutrition and genes, and offers great insight into personal dietary needs. Should you follow a low carb or low fat diet? How about Mediterranean? Through nutrigenomics you can learn how your unique body responds to different macronutrients. From this you can make an informed choice about your approach. Nutrigenomic analysis tests gene variations that impact metabolism, absorption and storage of fats and carbs - as well as eating behaviour - to understand which diet is most effective for you individually. DNA testing can also identify potential lifestyle diseases and help healthcare practitioners empower their patients with the optimal nutrition needed for disease risk mitigation and wellbeing. A range of gene variants are tested to reveal information about individual risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and more. Your body’s response to inflammation and

oxidative stress, vitamin requirements, detoxification abilities and food sensitivities are all important factors that can be determined. If you’re serious about your sporting performance or training abilities, things like the structural integrity of your soft tissues, inflammation, blood flow and respiration, energy and fuel during exercise, muscle and bone composition, endurance and aerobic capacity can be determined with genetic testing. From these revelations, highly personalised training and nutrition protocols can be developed to help you reach your full physical potential. If your main interest is mental health, you may want to test for the genetic variations involved in key biological processes that contribute to the risk of developing mental health disorders. These insights can help you prevent, diagnose and even treat any mental diseases or inclinations. There are 30 genes shown to have significant associations with key mental health disorders, and these can shed light on your susceptibility to things like Alzheimer’s, dementia, addiction, depression, bipolar, anxiety and more.


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m m m


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STOCKISTS: Wellness Warehouse (CPT, JHB, PTA); JHB: Nutri-Balance (Sandton), HealthWorks (Hydepark), H2O (Wanderers Planet Fitness centre); DBN: Health Choice (Pavillion Shopping Centre), Healthy Living (La Lucia Mall), Umhlanga Health (Umhlanga Village), H20 (The Crescent), Health Bliss (Ballito Junction), Sonatur (Salt Rock); PMB: Macrobiotic (Cascades/ Commercial Road)



Thousands of years ago, the sages of India developed Ayurveda – which is still seen today by many as one of the world’s leading mind-body health systems. The word ‘ayurveda’ translates to the ‘science of life’, and offers a wealth of wisdom to help people realise their full health potential. The guiding pricinples of Ayurveda are that the mind and body are inseparable, and the mind has the most power to heal the body through expanded awareness and choices that serve to bring the individual into balance. In Ayurveda, each individual is viewed and treated as unique - there is no one diet or lifestyle routine that works for everyone. It’s based on the principles of three doshas – energies that make up each individual and perform different physiological functions in the body.

Pitta is the energy that controls the metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition and body temperature. When in balance, it can bring about contentment and intelligence. When out of balance, anger and ulcers can result. Kapha is the energy that controls growth in the body by supplying water to all body parts, moisturising the skin and maintaining the immune system. Kapha in balance is expressed as love and forgiveness. When out of balance, it can lead to insecurity and envy.





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Vata is the energy that controls the bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking and the heartbeat. When vata is in balance, there is creativity and vitality. When out of balance, it can produce fear and anxiety.

While each of us has all three doshas, one or two usually dominate. In Ayurveda, this is seen to determine our physiological and personality traits as well as our preferences. If you are predominant in vata energy, you may be creative, quick to learn and excitable. Those with more vata energy tend to be slender, tall and move fast, experiencing cold hands and feet and discomfort in cold climates. While these individuals are generally lively and fun, their energy comes in short, sharp bursts and they can tire easily, be susceptible to changing moods and experience fear and anxiety when out of balance.

The three doshas a r e va t a , pi tta

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If you are pitta predominant, you may be orderly, focused and self-confident. Pitta physiques are generally medium, strong and well built, with strong appetite and digestion. While passionate, romantic, motivated and entreprenuerial at best, those with more pitta energy can be aggressive, demanding and subject to anger and impatience when out of balance.


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By contrast, kapha predominant types are easygoing, relaxed, faithful and affectionate. Often with a sturdy, heavier build, they can have the most energy of all the constitutions - a more steady and enduring energy. When in balance, those with strong kapha doshas can be stable and reliable, gentle, self-sufficient and not easily upset. When out of balance, they can be prone to depression, posessiveness and obesity, to name a few.


Knowing your unique dosha type is the first step to healing through Ayurveda. Most books and websites on the subject will offer questionnaires you can use to determine your constitution yourself, or you can consult an Ayurvedic doctor adept at discerning the doshas to set you on the right path.

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FAM ILY C O NST ELLA T I O NS Family Constellations is a therapeutic method that aims to help individuals recognise difficult entanglements in their families of origin as well as in their present families and relationships. First developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger, the approach considers the individual as part of a greater whole – or family system – that affects his or her behaviour, feelings and attitudes. Solution-oriented interventions aim to bring understanding of these often hidden family dynamics so a natural and healing balance can be achieved - not only for the individual, but for the whole system. T he th er apy t y pically t ak e s place i n a gr oup s et t in g, w h e r e a clien t us es t h e h elp of other p art icipan t s t o cr eat e a constella t ion of h is or h er f a m i l y .

The group members represent different family members, and are positioned in a room according to the client’s current feelings about their relation to him or her, as well

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as each other. This set-up is referred to as a living model of the family. Interestingly, those offering and participating in family constellation work report that the feelings of the group members representing the family members can be uncannily similar to those of the actual family members. Proponents of the therapy say that this is due to an energy field that allows the participants to gain acess to ‘all essential information of the systemic field’. It is said that those standing in for family members follow spontaneous movements to reveal family entanglements. The therapist will support these ‘healing movements’, for example bringing in missing or excluded family members, and suggesting more conscious behaviours and healing sentences for the family members to say to each other. At its core, family constellation is rooted in the understanding that it is only through a sincere love of our family and acceptance of all that’s happened in the past that we are able to move beyond the trauma and conditioning that it has caused.

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LIBE R ATION Speak to almost anyone on a deeper level and there seems to be all round consensus of predominating challenges – a surge in antidepression and anxiety prescriptions, existential crises, exhaustion and more, all begging the question of ‘what’s it all about?’ Rather than spending hours ‘on the couch’ in therapy, we speak to Adam, creator of the Liberation Remedy about a solution that’s taken off like wildfire throughout the world. Have you ever said to yourself, “I can’t do that because of xyz. Or “If I do this, then everyone will think this of me.” Or “If I were to simply be myself I would be rejected.” These thoughts create the need to prove one’s self-worth creating endless stress and invisible barriers that can never be overcome yet are always felt. Where do these ideas and thoughts come f rom? A deep dive into the psyche, into the vast memory within, in search of the origin of these ideas produces memories with patterns attached to these beliefs. Unresolved memories mean the emotional charges have not been fully integrated and so they create invisible influences in our lives that habitually shape our thoughts and behaviour. The design of Liberation is to slowly bring these

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unprocessed emotions which have assembled over time, to the surface with the result of f reeing you f rom the invisible barriers to simply being yourself. True f reedom is authentically living as yourself without falling into the trap of believing you need to be anything but what is. With this type of f reedom, the world becomes an amazing dream without self-imposed limitation. It’s about making peace with the past by tapping into yourself and your cellular memory. On a personal level, when taking Liberation Adam experienced a huge opening in his life, one where manifestation increased exponentially. As he says, “The reason manifestation doesn’t work is that so much is tied up in the past. Once it gets f reed up, everything can flow.” He also experienced greater

capacity and an ability to do so much more. He’s on bottle 9 and recommends using Liberation as an on-going process to weed out the layers of dust covering your wings to f reedom. Everyone knows that when your computer has loads of tabs open, it doesn’t work as fast. Your mind is the same. The difference is we aren’t always aware how many tabs are open and what those tabs are. Liberation is a kind of energetic psychology that does the work of closing the tabs. At this stage my burning question was, what on earth could the remedy contain to effect the results he describes? The answer is an intriguing array of ancient alchemy, gem stone and flower essences, minerals, mantras and mushrooms.

HERE’S A SUMMARY: NAVARATNA is an ancient alchemical formulation made f rom 9 gems each of which has been burned 100 times to unleash its deepest regenerative and karmic cleansing capacity. It goes into the future and the past when doing its work. PANCHAGNI means the bath of fire and contains ash that comes f rom four fires that have been burning for 50 years continuously. During the burning, a purification mantra is chanted alongside the fire, potentising the ash. The ash is also exposed to the sun representing the fifth fire. Effectively, it holds the distilled focus of fifty years of transformation and cleansing, burning up detrimental feelings like jealousy and anger. THE PROTEA PLANT has been included to generate the almost childlike abandon of simple enjoyment of the little things, like the feeling of a child watching a butterfly for the first time. SHUNGITE is a mineral that cleans water and acts as an electromagnetic shield. Since blood is mostly water this has a deep and powerful effect on the blood, which carries our mind.

KUNJIKA MANTRA includes a Durga vibrational sound mantra for transformation and change allowing the passage of events to unfold more smoothly as things clear. REISHI MUSHROOM is an adaptogenic mushroom, which helps tie all the ingredients together bringing them into synthesis and balance. Altogether this combination of compounds is said to conspire relentlessly for your benefit.

Liberation taps into the ancient and sacred spiritual traditions.This unleashes energetic power for mental and emotional purification. Initially, taking it at night is advised, especially if you suspect there is an abundance of memories to clear. Your dreams will be an excellent partner in sorting stuff out. Some people bump up against irritation or other challenging emotions and Adam’s advice is never to evaluate a work in process. There’s a reason for those types of feelings to arise and the best way to deal with them is simply to observe without reacting. Besides the hardworking karmic clearing ingredients there’s a lot of gentle stuff in the formula to hold the process. Altogether it’s a less haphazard way of clearing out the psyche that’s targeted specifically to the individual. It goes into the field where memories are held and unlocks the storage places that guard them. Liberation has also been used on pets with staggering results.




AFRICAN HERBAL MEDICINES While speaking to the fiercely passionate botanical researcher and developer Steve Hurt, we realise he is a man on a mission. A mission we should all be aware of and one that involves developing and protecting the many medicinal plants and herbs available in Southern Africa to safely share their healing capacity with the world.

More than 3 000 medicinal plants in Southern Africa are regularly used as herbal medicines. Our trees, flowers and plants make up the most phenomenal medicine cabinet. Thousands of years of traditional use has resulted in a broad knowledge of the formulations and dosages required for safe and effective results.

With that in mind, only 38 of the 3 000 have been formally standardised and made commercially available in capsules, tinctures and tablets. Of the 38, only eight of them are approved for sale in the European Union. These include Rooibos, Honeybush, Aloe Ferox, Devil’s Claw, Pelargonium Sidoides, Buchu and Baobab.

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Steve is intimately connected to plant magic and has made it his life’s work to bring more of the power of Af rican plants to more of us in a way that’s sustainable and safe. “Widescale habitat destruction threatens the survival of many of these medicinal plant species,” explains Steve who has spearheaded a number of initiatives towards safeguarding the environments they grow in. “Careful conservation driven by sustainable use and integrated with commercialisation

objectives may be one solution to ensuring their survival in the future. If communities derive financial benefit f rom these plants being abundant in nature then they have a reason to conserve them.” Steve’s entire existence is inextricably interwoven with nature and to demonstrate the forest as pharmacy we set up our interview with him along one of the nature trails in Knysna. If anything was to give us an idea about the rich medicine available, it’s Steve who can’t help himself

explaining the amazing qualities and attributes in the plant life that surrounded us. To anyone else it was a forest. To Steve it’s a living chemist. When following Steve I imagined the many medicine women and men collecting bark, leaves, sap, flowers, f ruits, roots and everything else ready to take home and boil, grind, steam, extract or however else they used to get the medicinal value.

One of the first healing staples we came across was the Aloe. Steve explained how the Aloe Arboresens in many parts of South Africa is traditionally planted around kraals as a living fence. Abandoned kraals are easily identified by the aloes that remain.

The Zulu people use the leaves dried and powdered as a protection against storms, decoctions are used in childbirth and to treat sick calves. Some use the plant to treat stomach aches. Aloe is also a first aid treatment for burn wounds and abrasions. Extracts from the leaves have shown significant wound healing, antibacterial, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, hypoglycaemic and also alopoeic activity. The leaves show purgative properties and the sap is reported to relieve x-ray burns.

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We stumbled on a Bush Guarrie (Euclea Schimperi) which is alleged to have supernatural powers and because of that is not used as fuel. Small branches are seen hanging on doorsteps as good luck charms. It has a high tolerance of soil with heavy metal content and is considered an indicator of gold deposits. Bushmans poison (Acokanthera Oppositifolia) has a milky sap used by the Khoisan as part of a cocktail to poison their arrow tips during hunting. Medicinally it’s used to treat snake and spider bites, intestinal worms and aches and colds. We casually walked past a few of these trees and wouldn’t have suspected a thing, had Steve not elaborated.

Almost every tree or bush we passed, Steve had a story to tell or a healing remedy. From Cape Beech to the Horeswood, White Ironwood, the Forest Elder, Red Currant and more we were overwhelmed with the rich knowledge and capacity of our natural heritage.

“Collecting these plants for commercial use needs to be done with the utmost care and sustainability” emphasises Steve who is a licensed distributor of protected indigenous flora.

Under the company name Af rigetics Botanicals they collect raw materials through well-established network of rural harvesting programmes. One of their initiatives include a benefit sharing agreement with the indigenous San people of Southern Af rica, who receive a portion of the profits derived f rom the harvesting of plants. Who knows how many medicines lie undiscovered in nature, awaiting discovery. We’re grateful to those making these options available and at the same time safeguarding the botanical treasures. Steve Hurt founded Afrigetics Botanicals in 2003 and is currently one of the leading exporters of Southern African medicinal herbs, teas, oils and foods to the international wellness and pharmaceutical industries. One of the key product ranges ‘Afrigetics Botanicals’ includes a range of seven products addressing conditions from immune and libido boosting to stress; colds and flu; detox; weight loss and more.


Available at


She threw away all her masks, and put on her soul. 56 | holistica.net

Natural beauty


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Many of our beauty rituals mistakenly lean towards fixing or hiding ourselves. Yet true beauty resides in the beautiful process of uncovering the self. Using this premise, we learn to reveal and express the raw, authentic true essence of who we are. Our rituals can be done knowing beauty is already achieved and the acts of self-care, self-nurture and deep consideration and regard for the self is simply a testament of that and outpouring of self-radiance. There is a transformative power in self-care. If we look closely at the beauty rituals and coping mechanisms we use throughout our day, we’ll be able to see if they’re truly oriented at self-care or if they originate f rom insecurity. Make your intention one of celebrating yourself and you’ll expand and grow your self-love.

We look at traditional beauty practices and recipes to inspire a self-care practice.

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1 Use rice water as a skin toner

In China the traditional skin toner used is simple rice water. All you do is soak unpolished rice until the water looks milky and then apply with cotton pads to tighten pores and brighten your complexion. Here’s how. Put half a cup of organic rice in a glass jar and fill with spring water to cover. Soak for an hour or so until the water is cloudy. It lasts for 4-5 days in the f ridge. TIP: rice water also works really well as a conditioning hair rinse. After shampooing, saturate your hair with rice water, leave for a few minutes then rinse.

2 Treat acne with mung beans

Mung beans have been a staple component in face masks for centuries in China. Mung bean paste is antiinflamatory and used to treat acne. Grind the beans and make them into a paste using a little water or natural yoghurt. Smear generously to cover the face and leave for 30 minutes before removing.

3 Brew Some Green Tea

Antioxidants and antibacterial properties in green tea are known to help prevent premature cellular ageing, and address inflammation, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and pimples. Green tea boosts metabolism and helps with weight loss. It has an amino acid called L-Theanine, which is a psychoactive component able to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly affect the nervous system stimulating alpha waves in the brain. Drinking green tea is beneficial on so many levels and can be used externally as a beauty balm on the skin and hair. Use a strongly brewed green tea or empty a capsule of green tea powder into shampoo or conditioner to strengthen follicles and encourage hair growth. Add green tea powder to face creams to soothe problematic skin.


“When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.� Rumi.

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4 Find a bath house

In Hungary, hot baths or gyógyfürdő are used as a widespread solution for needs f rom hangovers to heartbreak, and everything inbetween. Thermal waters have healing minerals like sodium, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, hydrocarbonate, metaboric acid and sulphite that provide health benefits for the body, like lowering blood pressure. Hungarians benefit socially, too, as they sit for hours and catch up — often the women chat, and the men play chess. In Japan, gender-separate, communal hot baths are socially and spiritually healing. ‘Onsen’ describes the natural hot springs where women come to socialise and recharge, while ‘sentō’ is usually a city based indoor bathhouse. Historically, the Romans specifically around early 100 AD, are famous for loving their bathing rituals and opulent bath houses decorated with mosaics, paintings and intricate ceilings. Contrast bathing therapy, also known as hot/cold immersion therapy, steam therapy, body scrubs and massages formed part of the ritual. Ayurvedic beauty rituals are also rich with bathing, steaming and oil treatments, promoting both physical and spiritual cleansing.

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5 Take a cue from royalty

In the quest for immortality Indian royalty sought out many precious and rare ingredients. Frankincense, rose, and sandalwood essential oils were some of the treasured choices. They’re still coveted by beauty aficionados. Frankincense for its ability to help cellular turnover, revitalising skin and minimising wrinkles; rose to hydrate and brighten the skin; and sandalwood with invigorating and anti-inflammatory benefits. Even using these oils as f ragrance sends beneficial messaging to the nervous system. Just make sure the oils you purchase are f rom an organic, natural and pure source.

6 Mix turmeric for even skin tone In both Asian and Eastern countries turmeric powder is a popular beauty ingredient used in face masks and on the body to combat wrinkles and even skin tone. To make your own turmeric face mask, mix a tablespoon of the powder with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of almond milk. Apply to the skin and leave for fifteen minutes for a soft and radiant skin.

7 Have time-out

In Sweden there is a traditional coffee break called Fika, a standard part of Swedish life that encourages slowing down. Regular mini breaks and checkin’s are important mindful practices. If you have A type issues or a tendency towards stress, make time to do some slow deep breathing, some meditation, a short walk or the shake, drum and twist exercise on the next page.

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8 Schedule a weekly head massage

Whether engaging a lover, child, sibling or parent, a head massage dissolves stress, induces sound sleep, and stimulates hair growth. Many major vital energy points are on the scalp especially in the region of the pituitary and pineal glands. Head massage helps secrete serotonin and melatonin, calming the body and mind, it’s customary in many Eastern households. Do it without oil or with a warmed teaspoon of coconut or sesame oil.

9 Keep your body energised

Good circulation pumps f resh blood around your body and will enhance skin colour and tone. Use this ‘shake, drum and twist’ mini ritual a few times a day to wake up and ref resh your body. Slot it in with something you do regularly to make it a habit, perhaps do it while waiting for the kettle to boil on each tea break.

Simply Bee’s new solid beeswax perfumes with essential oils brings the warmth and joy of mother nature even closer! Experience Aware, Freedom and Pure. It’s as pure as can be since it’s alcohol free and therefore does not cause skin pigmentation marks working wonderfully with your emotions and senses!

Shake. Shake your torso, your arms and legs f rom top to bottom to energise you, invigorate your circulation and allow stagnant blood and energy to flow. Drum. Drum every part of your body to add to this invigorating feeling. In Chinese medicine this practice is thought of as stem cell Qi Gong as it stimulates stem cell production - the cells that repair damaged tissue and strengthen immunity. Start drumming f rom the hips down the outside legs, up the inside then around the tummy, the chest, the back and up and down the arms. Twist. Twisting supports digestion, one of the first systems affected by stress. Twisting at the waist first compresses the digestive organs, then when untwisting a rush of fresh blood is released, bringing oxygen and f resh nutrients to the area. Keep your legs firmly grounded, twisting at the waist and swinging your arms so your hands pat the lower abdomen and back.

Simply Bee Products are ALL NATURAL, consisting of Beeswax, Fynbos Honey & Essential Oils. Natural Ingredients from renewable and plentiful resources found in nature.

Showroom & Observation Centre 31A Church Street, Hopefield Tel: 022-723-0569 Email: info@simplybee.co.za www.simplybee.co.za


10 Implement a ‘smiling breath’ practice

Activate your ‘rest and digest’ mode with ‘smiling breath.’ Chinese medicine emphasises holding a positive mental state to feed a high level of well-being. The vagus nerve that starts in the brain stem and leads to the gut via the heart and lungs is a key player in the gut-brain connection. It’s the cabling behind the heart’s emotions and our gut instincts. Stimulating the vagus nerve is known to induce a deeply relaxed state – it reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure and relaxes the muscles feeding the mind. By breathing a smile deep into the abdomen it switches the nervous system into a rest and digest phase and overrides any negative stress. In ancient China, the Taoists taught that a constant inner smile, a smile to oneself, insured health, happiness and longevity. Living with an inner smile creates a harmonious connection with the self. Inhale, then while exhaling, direct a smile into the lower abdomen. This delivers a positive mental intention into the energetic centre of the body.

Beauty regimes are there not to cover up, fix or change us but as a tribute to the body, an act of love and discovery; a way of honouring the self, showing appreciation and developing the relationship we have to ourselves.

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11 Make herbal hair conditioner

Coconut oil scented with jasmine, rose, or sandalwood is a traditional hair conditioning formula used in India. This recipe f rom Monisha Bharadwaj, author of Beauty Secrets of India is highly nourishing. Heat 500grams of coconut oil in a pot. Remove f rom the stove and add a handful each of dried hibiscus, holy basil, and marigold petals, and 1 teaspoon of black tea leaves. Steep for a day, strain into a glass jar, and apply once a week. Allow the oil to soak in for at least 15 minutes before washing several times with shampoo.

12 Blend dates & ghee

In Somalia women use pureed dates and ghee as a hydrating beauty aid, a body scrub and hair conditioner. Dates grow in abundance there so they’re a natural ingredient choice for Somalis. Ghee (clarified butter) has excellent healing properties. In Ayurveda it is considered as a ‘saatvik’ or positive food and has Vitamins like A and E as well as antioxidants. Make up a mixture of equal parts dates and ghee and use a loofah to scrub the whole body for glistening skin. Work it into your hair and leave it on for an hour before washing off. It leaves hair exceptionally hydrated. Smother on the face for 15 minutes for soft and clean feeling skin.

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13 Use a jade roller & dry brush

Chinese royalty and high society used jade rollers to reduce puffy eyes, keep wrinkles at bay and improve circulation by helping lymphatic drainage. The massaging action of the rolling also relaxes the face. Jade rollers are styled similarly to paint rollers except they’re made f rom solid jade stone. It’s generally used on the face although can also be used on the body. If you can’t get hold of a jade roller, try dry brushing your body as an alternative.

14 Have an incense bath

The Sudanese Dukhan beauty regime is an intriguing beauty secret found in Af rica. It involves sitting in a smoke bath of sandalwood and acacia. It’s a ritual married women traditionally do on a weekly basis. Incense bathing goes back thousands of years to the ancient northeast Af rican Kingdoms of Meroe and Nubia. The Dukhan, (dukhan means smoke in Arabic) involves stoking charcoal until it glows, putting the hot coals in a container, covering them with acacia and sandalwood and sitting or standing naked over the coals using a blanket as a tent to contain the smoke. Besides the f ragrant benefit it is known to be relaxing and relieves joint problems and arthritis. It’s often a ritual women do to prepare for lovemaking.

Skincare for the Soul You may not view your skincare regime as a way of supporting both your body and mind, but with a new generation of products made with vibrating energies, flower essences and rhythmically extracted botanicals, you can now tap into an exciting field of holistic self-care. Aptly pronounced skin-easy-ology, Skinesiology is a recently launched functional and personalised skincare range that’s been lovingly developed to harness the physical and emotional therapeutic properties of botanicals and flower essences. The skinesiology team is passionate about helping you become consciously aware of the connection between your body and mind, reawaken your innate ability to believe in yourself, be mindful of your true being and reach a state of inner and outer balance. More than mere beauty products, their creations aim to connect you to your body from a heart-centred space. At Skinesiology, they have created a system that identifies your state of body and mind, and uses vibrational remedies in conjunction with the emotional nutrients of flower essences to enhance the flow of life force energy to bring about a more balanced state of being. Their rhythmically extracted botanicals - which are planted and harvested with the rhythms and cycles of the Earth to preserve their properties – serve to further enhance the performance of the flower essences.

The groundbreaking range merges flower essences and natural and organic skincare ingredients with the principles of kinesiology to create the ultimate pamper product. What’s more, products are matched to individuals according to their unique needs. Taking the easy online matching quiz will connect you to the perfect products for your body and mind, helping you to inspire your inner warrior, induce a state of bliss, support peace of mind and blossom into your greatest potential. Starting with their flagship Peace of Mind product and expanding rapidly from there, the range includes body and mind, hand and facial creams, as well as cleansers, masks and auric mists.

Skinesiology is perfectly positioned to become both your skincare therapist and your holistic healing partner

Explore and shop the Skinesiology range online at www.skinesiologyskincare.com or at their showroom at 112 Dorp Street in Stellenbosch. You can also follow them @skinesiologyskincare for your daily dose of mind and body inspiration. PHOTO CREDIT: CHRISTELLE LEUVENNINK @LOCALTRUTHSA


HOW TO NAVIGATE YOUR COLLAGEN NEEDS That your body produces collagen naturally and that its production begins to decline after the age of 25 is a generally known fact; but how do you know what and how to supplement? Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and the building block for healthy bones, tendons, ligaments, nails, hair, skin and more. There are various types of collagen, and all are made up of amino acids – principally glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, glutamic acid, alanine and arginine. Within the various types, there are two ways to describe collagen – endogenous is natural, made by the body, and exogenous is either synthetic or is derived from an external source. But what does that mean? One thing is for sure, if you’re looking for collagen to boost your skin, be aware that most collagen molecules are actually too large to be absorbed by the skin. Collagen does assist in increasing elasticity and hydration of the skin (one of the signs of ageing and stress), but it needs to be properly absorbed to make a difference. 1 And collagen isn’t just about beautifying your skin – it has also been shown to have a beneficial effect on gut health. In fact, there is a correlation between reduced collagen and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 2 There are two specific amino acids within collagen that have the biggest impact on gut health – glycine and glutamine. Similarly, if you’re battling with joint pain or osteoarthritis 3, collagen is often recommended in helping reduce painful symptoms. A word you may find on collagen-related packaging is ‘hydrolysed’. This means the native collagen has been broken down into very short chains of amino acids (called ‘peptides’), allowing them to be more easily absorbed into and processed by the body (i.e. making them more bioavailable). If you see either Hydrolysed collagen or collagen peptides on your packaging, it means the same thing.

As with anything you put on or into your body, always be sure to choose a quality source for maximum benefit. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23949208 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14600124 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2764342/

CHOOSING QUALITY COLLAGEN Get simple – if the ingredient list is short, such as ‘collagen protein isolate’ or ‘collagen peptides’, then you are probably on the right track. Avoid flavoured versions

These may contain added sugar or other carbohydrates, which could in turn upset your gut, add calories and interfere with amino absorption.

Look for reputable manufacturer or third party

certification to make sure it has been manufactured according to GMP, been tested for safety and complies with the relevant registered bodies.


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Reflexology is an alternative treatment involving application of pressure to the feet and hands with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. It’s based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and head that are linked to every part of the body.

clockwise circular movements to improve circulation and unblock congestion in the reproductive area. Do this at least twice to four times a week for maximum effect. TO LEARN MORE OR TO VISIT PALESA FOR A REFLEXOLOGY TREATMENT, CONTACT HER ON PALESAMOLETSANE073@GMAIL.COM (JOHANNESBURG).

“Reflexology can help regulate the menstrual cycle as well as ease the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, period cramps and irregular periods,” says Johannesburg based therapeutic reflexologist Palesa Moletsane. “This is done through the manipulation of nerves connected to the reproductive organs, like the ovary and uterus.” The ovary reflex point is situated on the internal side of the foot. To find it, trace an imaginary line f rom the top of your ankle bone to the angle of your heel. The point is right in the middle of this line. The uterus point is on the medial side of the foot, halfway between the back of the heel and the ankle bone. Use your thumb to massage these areas in clockwise and anti-

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Yoni steaming (also known as vaginal steaming) is an ancient Mayan tradition performed by women as both a preventative and curative healing practice. It involves sitting over a steaming pot of water infused with medicinal herbs like rosemary, oregano, rose petals, basil, marigold, lemon balm and more. The healing power of plants and vital heat is believed to restore balance to the feminine cycle. Women practise yoni steaming as a natural remedy for painful or irregular menstruation, PMS, uterine weakness/prolapse, endometriosis, post-birth healing or simply to maintain reproductive vitality. It’s a beautifully nurturing practice

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that can be done in the comfort and privacy of your home. TO LEARN MORE OR TO GET HOLD OF YONI STEAMING HERBS, VISIT WWW.YONIEGGS.CO.ZA.


Shatavari (also known as wild asparagus) is a popular Ayurvedic reproductive tonic for women. Aptly translated as ‘she who has 100 husbands’, it’s shown to combat vaginal dryness and menstrual concerns such as heavy bleeding or discharge, as well as to improve the health of female reproductive tissue. The soothing herbal remedy is also said to be helpful for relieving the irritability that can accompany PMS. It can be taken as a powder, in a capsule or as a liquid extract. Ayurveda favours the powder form of the herb, as tasting it starts the digestive process and sends signals to the body to initiate its own supportive mechanisms. TO LEARN MORE OR GET YOUR OWN SHATAVARI POWDER, CONTACT SHATAVARI@TRUESPRINGALCHEMY.COM.


We often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate f rom us. So when we say we have lost our connection to nature, we have lost our connection to ourselves. Andy Goldsworthy

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E A RT H BO U N D Over 15 thousand scientists from 185 countries issued a ‘Warning to Humanity’ in four languages - English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. This is the second warning. The first was in 1992 when the Union of Concerned Scientists (with 1,700 members including many Nobel Laureates) cautioned that humans are “on a collision course with nature.” They appealed to humanity to burn fewer fossil fuels, preserve forests, limit population growth, and improve food production. The earth is our only home. And time is running out. If each and every one of us become more aware and implement even micro changes to the way we live, we can make a difference. Start by forming a connection to the earth. Then with absolute dedication, convert to an earth-loving lifestyle.

Here are some sustainable alternatives, ideas and practices to engender a happier earth and a more harmonious relationship within that.


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Improve your bond with nature with these suggestions. Be in a nature mindstate. CONNECT WITH THE EARTH The first step in connecting your body with nature is to realise you are nature – not separate f rom – but entwinted and integral. Your body is made f rom the same elements, minerals and energy that makes up the planet. The percentage of water on the planet is the same percentage of water in your body. The same vitamins and minerals in nature are the substances from which your bones and body are built. We breathe in oxygen through a symbiotic relationship between humans and trees where we each provide the element for one another to live. The digestive fire that heats our body has the same quality as a flame and as the sun. After life our bodies become the earth. Everything in the universe outside is mirrored inside in our consciousness and body. We are designed to naturally attune to the rhythms of the sun and moon, our sleep cycles and circadian rhythm are governed by nature. Being cognisant of this and in alignment is a practice that heightens wellbeing and creates peacefulness and harmony. Feeling high on nature is proven to reduce inflammatory cytokines (these are the proteins that trigger the immune system to work harder).

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See that nature is not simply something outside in your environment, but part of your being. Experience the energy transfer between you and nature by going outside, lying on the ground and allowing your energy fields to mix. Touch the dirt. Put your bare feet in the grass.


Lifting your head to the sky is an expansive practice that transcends space-time, puts us in the energy of receiving guidance and into higher consciousness. Connecting with the stars removes complacency and gives us power, and the ability to see ourselves as pure energy and potentiality.

Cloud watch.

This is an excellent form of meditation. As you watch the clouds pass by, see all your stressors disappear in a light playful vapour. Use clouds to stimulate your imagination by seeing imagery in their forms.

Follow the Moon.

Make it a practice to know whether the moon is waxing or waning. Realise it is responsible for the changing tides, in the oceans and also in our internal waters and emotions. If you are a woman, use the moon to track your menstrual cycles.

Sun gazing.

This entails staring at the sun for protracted periods of time mostly during sunrise and sunset. It is said to have benefits that include increasing melatonin and serotonin and is a spiritual endeavour that dates back to early Egyptian civilisation. With the sun as a hugely powerful energy source, sun gazing is reported to increase energy, vitality and eyesight. Before practicing, find someone to give you guidelines on how to practice safely.

Walk barefoot.

As poet Kahlil Gibran says, "Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." Negative ions f rom the salts and minerals in the sea, sand and earth have positive healing effects on the body.

Notice your body.

In very practical terms, sleep when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, move when you feel energetic. If you feel pain, attend to it firstly by asking yourself where the pain comes from and why.

Bond with nature.

Go hiking and camping, swim in the waves, climb a tree, a hill or mountain, walk down a river, sleep under the stars. Collect crystals and herbs and read about their healing powers. Take your Tai Chi or yoga class outside.

Listen to the wind.

Allow the sounds of nature, the birds and the wind in the trees, flowing water and crashing waves to be present in your awareness.

Connect to trees.

Feel your own tree energy by extending imaginary roots down into the ground beneath your feet. Make your arms into branches and see how you superimpose into a tree. Ask yourself: are you bearing f ruit or flowers and how well are you grounded?

Inhale the universe.

Breathe deeply where there are lots of trees. Smell flowers. Notice the sweet feel of air and be aware you are in a symbiotic cycle of breath with nature. As you breathe out, notice that she breathes in.

Tune into animal energy.

Imagine you are an eagle in the sky, ask yourself where you would fly and how would it feel. Pick any animal and feel the energy of your animal in your body. You’ll be surprised to find it there. Try out different animals and see how each one feels different. You can tap into any part of nature, because it is already inherently in you.

Thank the earth.

Honour and thank our Mother Earth. After all Gaia is the mother of all. Share your gratitude with others and start a cycle of appreciation. Feel the connection and love between you and the earth and sense how you can be of service.


ECO-HOME Become a conscious consumer by making mindful choices and running an eco-f riendly household. Opt for natural fabrics, chemical free body and household products, grow an edible garden, forage, recycle and celebrate the benefits of living closer to the earth.

Contribute to cultural change.

Join the movement called called ‘degrowth’ which invites a fundamental transformation of our lives and an extensive cultural change. It’s based on ecological economics and anticonsumerist ideas and is an economic strategy responding to the limits-to-growth dilemma. It is a form of society and economy which aims at the well-being of all and sustains the natural basis of life. As a Degrowth advocate says: “Consumerism is a gross failure of imagination, a debilitating addiction that degrades nature and doesn’t satisfy the universal human craving for meaning.” Degrowth is a way of life based on modest material and energy needs but rich in other dimensions – a life of f rugal abundance. It includes things like promoting local currencies, working less, volunteering more, co-housing, more walking and cycling less car driving, community vegetable gardens, and more care and connection. Degrowthers aim to maximise happiness and well-being through non-consumptive means—sharing work, consuming less, while devoting more time to art, music, family, nature, culture and community. Add some degrowth ideologies into your life.

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Make good vibes thrive.

Advertising often makes us into mindless consumers. What we buy tends to be whatever is most prominent in our awareness which is often what is advertised most. If you examine everything in your house and realise how many harmful chemicals you are interacting with, and the implications of that you will be shocked. Our tendency to be in a collective delusion makes it hard to change. Yet, clearly the way we live is conducive to auto-immune diseases, cancer and climate destruction. Make a revolutionary shift and ban all harmful ingredients by purchasing non-toxic body and household products. If you find they cost a whole lot more, simply make your own versions. There are amazing recipes for everything f rom natural detergents, deoderants, cleaners, body washes and perfumes online. Things like lemon, vinegar and baking soda are perfect household cleaners while rose water, coffee scrubs, bannana face masks and kitchen basics are wonderful beauty substitutes. Wear natural fabrics f rom sustainable ingredients like hemp, and allow your skin to breathe. We have enough local natural brands to supply us with cosmetics, cleaners and wearables that are biodegradable, non-harmful and effective. Do your research, find trustworthy brands and make a switch.

Invite more simplicity.

If you are really truthful with yourself and do an honest audit of your life, you are likely to see a huge amount of clutter. Clutter that exists in the physical form (clothing, furniture, books, tools etc) and in the emotional realm (drama, resentment, hurts, anger etc). The practice of decluttering your life has incredibly liberating effects and can also be addictive. That’s because whatever we own, owns a part of our focus and once we lose the ‘thing’ we f ree up more headspace and energy for ourselves. It also opens the flow of abundance. Things that aren’t being used carry ‘dead’ energy and stop the flow in our lives. When adopting a more minimalistic life, we see it carries peace and relief. Escaping relentless consumerism is relaxing, time saving, space saving, easier on the planet, less expensive and altogether makes life more delightful. That’s also because when getting a fix f rom purchases is out the way, we find deeper joy in experiences, and with appreciating ‘being’. Do a huge clear out, give everything you don’t need to those who do need and feel the delicious clarity of living with less. Surround yourself instead with a few key items you really love and appreciate. If you do purchase something, make sure it is a good quality eco-f riendly, considered purchase.



The mountains are my bones, the rivers my veins. The forests are my thoughts and the stars are my aspirations. The ocean is my heart, its continuous ebb and flow is my pulse. The sounds of the earth write the poetry of my soul.

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MAKE THE SHIFT TO TRUE GREEN CLEANING Husband and wife team, Larry and Sandra Lachman’s unquenchable interest in green cleaning alternatives led them to a unique solution that keeps our rivers and oceans uncontaminated. PROBAC mimics nature by using beneficial bacteria to clean; it’s the ultimate green solution. Traditional cleaning with chemicals, good or bad results in ‘lifting and shifting’ dirt along with the chemicals; these all transfer to the environment as a pervasive toxic mix. This pollutes our rivers and oceans, and cripples nature’s ability to do its job. We produce enormous amounts of waste, and then use harmful cleaning chemicals and disinfectants to clean up. This all lands up in our environment as pollutants. Destroying bacteria and cleaning with chemicals creates an imbalance in nature’s process. Naturally occurring, good bacteria get overwhelmed by endless dirt and chemical pollution. PROBAC simply uses the same good bacteria that nature does. The formulations have billions of good bacteria used to clean surfaces, drains, dishes and clothing. This results in super-fast biodegradation, cleaning the way nature intended, just a million times quicker. The result is an amazing technology shift, - free of nasty chemicals, - one that works in harmony with Mother Nature. PROBAC has gone beyond ‘friendly’, every drop being ‘good’ for the environment, and is now being widely accepted as the worlds most advanced cleaning technology. PROBAC is vital for the good health of your family and our natural environment. It makes sense, cleans brilliantly, and doesn’t ‘cost the earth®’.


| www.probac.co.za



in mind

Sleep is our most underrated nutrient, it allows for magical body repair work, it’s also the ‘mini death’ that allows a new mood to birth. It’s the keeper of our intriguing landscape of dreams – it’s the way we can begin afresh with new hope and new feelings. Giving due honour towards cultivating quality sleeping time begins during your day. Chinese Medicine believes the sleeping process is the movement of Wei Qi (defensive energy) f rom the exterior to the interior which is the movement of blood into the organs to do repair work. If we have a high level of toxicity in the blood stream, the blood will stay on the surface so as not to take the toxins deeper into your body. When Wei Qi is held up in any way, it affects our sleep.

Take note that your body uses sleep to regenerate and deep quality sleep will uphold and support the important mechanism of balance and healing in the body. Too many stimulants and toxic substances will impede the flow of blood in its regenerating capacity so drinking water and cleansing herbs is highly recommended throughout the day.

During the day we embody yang energy which is active and energetic and at night we represent yin energy which is recuperative, calm and restful. Having a good balance during the day – being energetic and exercising, creates more balance in your expression of yin during the night. It’s also highly beneficial to take mini breaks in amongst an active day where you breathe and invite calming moments. Practising breathing is an excellent expression of this.

Sleep tight!

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Since the foundation of COCO-MAT in 1989, we've been pursuing one goal: to offer our customers the best possible natural sleep solution. It is a proven fact that only when one is well rested and naturally rejuvenated after a good night's sleep, one is able to perform optimally during the day. Using natures‘ wisdom as a source of guidance and inspiration, we create innovative sleep products made with natural materials. Our company has grown since then. Today we are a global brand with over 100 stores in 17 countries. Many things have changed, but our dream remains the same. The dream that our work makes a difference; that it improves people's lives.

You spend a third of your life sleeping. Make it a magnificent experience!


natural materials SINCE 1989

Treat yourself to a magical bed, mattress and pillow made from only the finest natural materials lovingly handcrafted to make your dreams come true…

COCO-MAT South Africa owners Lida Vermeulen and Luca Verbeeck riding on the COCO-MAT wooden bikes. We like to ride on nature and sleep on nature. The COCO-MAT wooden bicycles are made from ash wood with two gears and perfect for an afternoon sunset ride.

* * * * * * * * *

Made from meticulously sourced natural materials for ultimate health and wellbeing. Think coconut fibre, eucalyptus leaves, lavender, goose down and more… None of the chemical compounds found in conventional foam mattresses Lovingly handcrafted to best support your body for a great night’s sleep Highly customizable and rehabilitative for all bodies and needs Inspired by sleeping on a bed of seaweed on a tropical island! Made in a 96% carbon neutral factory Healthy enough to eat… See, smell and – most importantly – feel the difference

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IT’S BETTER WITH HEMP Hemp clothing is fast becoming the superstar of the fashion industry with futurists predicting it will overtake cotton, linen and polyester. It’s by far the most eco-friendly, sustainable fibre-producing plant on the planet. Being three times stronger than cotton, it’s hardwearing, long-lasting, weather resistant as well as UV and mould resistant – excellent for outdoor use.

Hemp fabric can be blended with silk and cotton to make incredibly beautiful and elegant clothing, linen and curtains with varying weights, textures and styles. Wearing a hemp T-shirt instead of a conventionally grown cotton one saves the planet approximately:

Fabric from hemp feels soft and natural; it’s lightweight, absorbent, naturally anti-microbial and very importantly allows your skin to breathe. Hemp absorbs dye generously and retains colour. It weathers repeated washing and gets softer the more it’s washed and worn.

1900kJ of energy, 0.8 square metres of land, 2000 litres of water, 77 grams of fertiliser, 1 gram of toxic pesticides. Hemp is good for you and your planet.

Love the smooth feel of hemp on your skin….

Hemporium offers a variety of hemp products from eco-friendly clothing to durable accessories, gentle natural cosmetics and fabric by the metre, from 100% hemp canvas and lightweight organic linen to beautiful luxurious hemp silk.

www.hemporium.co.za | available online & at selected outlets

Convert your home into a

Hemp Haven

When bringing a more earth-friendly focus into your life, remember to audit your home environment as well. Use these ‘hempful’ ideas to convert your home into a natural haven



Bring natural fibres into your bedroom. Bed linen, curtains, cushions, tray cloths, slippers and pajamas are all available in hemp fabric. Try the silk blend for luxurious curtains & the cotton blend for comfy pj’s.


Put some sunshine in your laundry. Hemp is known as one of the most durable and long-lasting natural fibres. It softens and becomes more comfortable with every wash. Hemp wears in, not out.


What you put on your skin goes into your blood stream too. Be as kind to yourself with the ingredients you use in your body products as those you use in your food. Try Hemporium’s range of gentle, all-natural hemp based body products.

Even for big grocery hauls, your hemp shopper will carry the load. It’s a really strong fabric that’ll stick with you for life. Keep a spare one in your car and support the ‘plastic free’ movement.


holistica.net | 83


When we do plant medicine, and we see love, we realise right then and there that it was never apart from us, that in fact it was a part of us. Gerard Armond Powell

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H ea l i n g Cen t r e s AROUND THE WORLD

Surprising, inspiring and even miraculous transformation stories hail f rom alternative healing centres around the world. We look at some of the most celebrated – f rom longevity retreats in Florida and Greece to spiritual healing in Brazil, Ayurvedic detox in India, and the home of a powerful plant medicine culture in the heart of Af rica.


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Nearly 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates - the father of modern medicine famously said: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.� Over half a century ago, humanitarian Ann Wigmore partnered with renowned holistic health practitioner Viktoras Kulvinskas to create a place where this simple yet significant maxim could be put into practice. Encouraging people to draw f rom their own inner resources to transform their health and lives, the vision of the Hippocrates Health Institute is simple: to help people help themselves. They have since become leaders in the field of weight loss, anti-ageing and longevity, and firmly advocate for the health benefits of a raw, plant-based diet.



Set in a lush tropical oasis in West Palm Beach, Florida

86 | holistica.net

Pe ople with health challenges as div e rse as di abetes to heart disease, m ultiple sclerosis to autoimmune disease and we ight loss to chronic pain have all found holisti c relief at the resort. The non-profit organisation has offered comprehensive wellness programmes to guests from all over the world for over 60 years. Their health and nutritional counselling, non-invasive remedial and youthenhancing therapies, state of the art spa, enlightening talks and organic nutrition are all tailored towards helping people take responsibility for their lives and actualise an existence free from premature ageing, disease and chronic pain.

Their signature offerings include a comprehensive life transformation training, weight loss academy and cancer wellness programme.

The Lotus Retreat provides a safe space to facilitate inner growth and will assist you in gaining wellness in all levels of your being

- physical, mental, emotional, energetic & spiritual.

They also train aspiring health practitioners to become Certified Hippocrates Health Educators, and run an online coaching programme for those wanting to become Hippocrates Lifestyle Medicine Coaches. Actress, model and beauty queen Amanda Kimmel is one of the many Hollywood celebrities who have visited the resort. So impressed was she by her own healing journey, that she went on to become a Hippocrates Health Educator herself. Another well-known enthusiast is British actor George Harris, who shares: “Everything about this place is just heavenly. I call it a temple of healing.�

Our Retreats include: Private farm, just 1 hour from Cape Town Luxury single or shared accommodation En-suite bathrooms, WiFi & aircon

Background illustration Created by Freepik

Delicious & nutritious vegetarian meals Gentle daily yoga classes incorporating breathing, stretching & postures to ease anxiety & stress Guided & self-meditation sessions Energy & self-healing sessions, on request Quiet time to spend as you wish – reflect, journal, unwind, recharge 064 151 3004 Facebook: thelotusretreatsa INSTAGRAM @thelotusretreatcpt



One of the most well known spiritual healers alive today, John of God has been lauded as changing lives in mysterious ways for over 30 years. Millions have visited the remote village of Abadiania in central Brazil to seek healing from the man they have come to call the most powerful spiritual healer since Jesus. While the efficacy of spiritual healing is largely a matter of personal belief, John of God has been hailed as a miracle healer by prominent public figures the likes of Oprah Winf rey and Wayne Dyer – sparking widespread public curiosity about the ability of certain energies to trigger the body’s innate healing response, and the capacity of a few individuals to transfer these in a seemingly gifted way.

The ca sa g r ounds ar e fil l ed w ith flo w er s and fr uit t r e e s , d o tt ed wit h wooden b e n che s w h er e people c an s it i n m e d it a t ion, a nd l ai d o u t w i th long , low buildi ngs p a i n te d sky blue a nd w h i te . Abadiania, a remote village in central Brazil

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B r a zi l


Born João Teixeira de Faria in Cachoeira de Goiás, Brazil in 1942, John of God is said to work by channelling the guidance of God and divine spirits to affect his healings. The energies may not be seen, but many claim that the healings are. While his more controversial ‘psychic surgeries’ have received both sterling and scathing press over the decades, what most who visit John of God do report is a marked spiritual and emotional elevation after the experience. A visit to his healing casa involves time spent in meditation and quiet contemplation – something that can certainly benefit us all in this day and age. While John of God is said to perform distance healings, many seeking both physical and emotional healing take the journey to Brazil as a spiritual pilgrimage. There is a ‘pharmacy’ where people can get their herbal prescriptions filled, a gift shop selling crystals, books and holy water, and a museum of discarded crutches, wheelchairs, canes and eyeglasses, as well as jars of tumours, growths and other obtrusions said to have been removed by the entities. One of the most visible supporters of John of God, Oprah says the following of her time in his presence: “I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. Just a week before, I'd been almost at the point of giving up. Now I smiled inside myself at the twists and turns this journey of building a network had taken. And how it had brought me right to the place I most needed to be to get perspective. And that was just the first hour of a day filled with prayers, blessings, and hugs f rom strangers—all of us seeking the light of something greater than ourselves.”

HOLISTIC HEALTH & CREATIVE CENTER A hidden gem in the heart of vibrant and colourful Woodstock This enchanting 19th century heritage building has recently been restored and begun its new life as a Health, Wellness and Creative Centre. The focus of the center is to support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and to provide a meeting place for people who want to explore a more natural way of living.

We offer a range of holistic healthcare practitioners who will reinforce your body self-healing mechanisms Counselling

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An Art gallery which host exhibitions of established and emerging local artists. CafĂŠ tables set in a tranquil and leafy inner courtyard with free Wi-Fi.



Panchakarma is a fivefold Ayurvedic detoxification treatment involving massage, herbal therapy and other procedures. The treatments are tailored to individual needs, and can involve such restorative therapies as warm oil massage, herbal steams, lymphatic massage, herbal enemas, nasal administrations and other special treatments.



T h e w o rd ‘pa nch akar ma’ mean s ‘ f i ve ac ti ons’ o r ‘ fi ve tr eat ment s’ in Sanskri t. The programme is recommended seasonally in Ayurveda, and aims to rid the body of the toxins of disease, poor nutrition and environmental exposure. While the body would normally have an innate ability to process and remove these waste materials, due to repeated dietary indiscretions, poor lifestyle and exercise patterns and genetic predisposition, the digestive enzymes, metabolic co-factors and hormones that regulate balance can become disrupted. Panchakarma aims to address and correct these imbalances and purify the body at a deep level. Panchakarma treatments are individualised based on Ayurvedic constitution and imbalances, age, digestive and immune strength and a host of other factors. Specially trained therapists administer the chosen procedures in an exact sequence for a specified period of time. Research has shown the therapies to create measurable brain wave coherence and lower metabolic activity, allowing the body and mind to drop into a deep level of peace where physical toxins and emotional tensions can be more easily released.

India’s Kerala boasts some of the best panchakarma retreats in the world. The Somatheeram Ayurvedic Health Resort has been commended as the Best Ayurvedic centre in Kerala by the state government for the tenth time this year. Dr Franklin’s Ayurveda Resort offers a strong collaborative of experienced Ayurvedic doctors alongside lifestyle programmes including yoga, meditation and nutrition. New Ideal Panchakarma Centre is beautifully positioned on the edge of a small village within a canopy of coconut palms just five minutes’ walk f rom Chowara Beach. Further afield in Los Angeles, celebs the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson and Kourtney Kardashian swear by the Panchakarma treatments offered at the renowned Ayurvedic Surya Spa.

Abadiania, a remote village in central Brazil

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Lifeshine Healing & Retreat Visiting LifeShine in Stellenbosch was a deeply touching experience. It offers the most progressive healing protocols from around the globe for people with immune compromised illnesses and chronic disease. It’s in a beautiful setting where patients feel as though they are in a friendly hotel rather than a hospital. We walked through the communal lounge area where, rather than being confined to a ward, patients if they wish, can choose to congregate together on couches and day beds. The area has glass doors that look out over an extensive nature landscape and has a distinctively positive and uplifting atmosphere. Some of the residents had drips attached, some were managing pain conditions and yes, there were people healing from cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, and other life threatening chronic conditions but there was a beautiful camaraderie of being on a healing journey. LifeShine came about through a collaboration of doctors, experts, holistic healers and individuals who have experienced illness either personally or by someone close to them and seen and felt the trials and tribulations first hand. With a deeply compassionate sentiment they resolved to help people through more natural, non-toxic and holistic means. After many years of manifesting the right people and energy the Centre opened in mid-April in 2018 and has been growing exponentially since. Holding a vision of how life can shine when at optimum health is the idea behind the name and the goal is to get everyone to the point of radiating light from within.

As key founder Dr Helen Stutz explains:

“Our goal was to create a holistic comprehensive multi-therapy treatment facility and information centre for the personalised treatment of patients with immune compromised illnesses and chronic disease.” Using a holistic framework, they look at 5 main aspects of healing including: 1. specialised nutrition; 2. immunotherapy protocol; 3. detox programmes; 4. healing therapies and 5. counselling and spiritual support. Education is also a key part of their ethos, teaching clients how to implement lifestyle changes that embody health. The Centre considers each person individually, even in terms of their financial situation and lifestyle helping find the best time-frame and ways of delivering treatment. Generally a 3-4 week intensive programme is recommended during which participants are given tools to help support their bodies after their programme is finished. This means they leave feeling empowered and able to potentially maintain their own treatment and diet further. “This combination, and our particular focus on the immune system, allows our body’s systems to operate at their optimum levels and enhances their ability to fight back against the disease,” says Dr Stutz. “We want to provide our patients with the knowledge, hope and correct treatments to overcome their illness.” Sometimes it suits individuals to have a full personalised programme or simply a detox programme. Other times a drop-in treatment or a doctors consultation is required. Important to note is that the centre is not only aimed at people who are chronically ill, but also those who want to get their health to an optimum level. The doctors and therapists are specialists in the fields of therapeutic diets, detoxification, immune support, and lifestyle coaching.

A health food Café called Aura of Eden is adjacent to the expansive lounge filled with radiating food from sprouts and green juices to nourishing elixirs and life enhancing cuisine. Being a patient is about wellness not sickness and just that precept makes such a difference to the process.

Therapies offered include colonic hydrotherapy, various intravenous booster or detox therapies, many different modalities of ozone therapies, lymphatic drainage, Rife, pulsed electromagnetic therapy (PEMF) to Rebounding, Doctor consults, Comprehensive diet plans and Psychology. They are also linked to various funding organisations that rally for support for those who cannot afford treatment. Some of their associated/sister non-profit organization include the HopePhil Foundation and the Rice Foundation.



The tiny island of Ikaria in Greece is one of the most famous Blue Zones - regions of the world where people live much longer than average. Known as ‘the island where people forget to die’, it plays home to a community that is almost entirely f ree f rom dementia and some of the chronic diseases that plague people in the rest of the world. One in three Ikarians make it to their 90s, and their longevity is attributed to a combination of geography, culture, diet, lifestyle and outlook.

Ikarians eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, with lots of f ruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, potatoes and olive oil. Clean air, warm breezes and rugged terrain call them outdoors into an active lifestyle. They choose goat’s milk over cow’s milk, drink herbal tea, take regular naps and prioritise connection with f riends and family. The Ikarian Longevity Retreat 7 day programme includes detox drinks made from local herbs and f ruit, aqua yoga and tai chi, community-building games sessions, nature walks, sea swims, social meals, inspirational talks and plenty of time spent in rest and silent gratitude.

Ikaria is a tiny island in Greece

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There is also a day spent at Ikaria’s famous thermal springs – therapeutic radioenergised springs that have been identified as amongst the best in the world for their healing qualities. The springs have been used as a centre for hydrotherapy since the 1st century BC. The essential therapeutic elements are saline radium and radonium, and the benefits are delivered to the body primarily through inhalation while bathing, with the remaining ten percent being absorbed through the skin. People have come to the hydrotherapy hub for relief f rom everything f rom chronic rheumatism and neurological disorders to respiratory disease, gynaecological complications, allergies and more.

I n vi ti n g peopl e f rom aroun d the w orl d t o l i ve the I kari an w a y , the I kari a L on gevi t y Retreat of f ers a sevenday programme c reated i n l i ne w i th the Greek phi l osophy of happi nes s as a b al an c e of b od y , mi nd an d soul .

Angala Retreat “When the residing spirit of a place has a gentle, healing and protective energy, the trees, the flowers, birds and creatures conspire together with a harmonic percussion that only nature can play.” Angala has a bountiful soul. If she were a princess, I’d imagine her barefoot in silk robes. There’s an earthy connectedness and gracious splendour that immediately puts you into the present moment. Driving into the property showcases incredible views of the Franschoek Valley and mountains. Aside from the majestic mountains, we were greeted by sunflowers, numerous birds and then a fireplace with comfy couches you could easily disappear in for days. Adjacent to the fireplace was a bounty of breakfast treats with fresh produce collected directly from nearby farms. Healthy options like almond milk, Red espresso, gluten and sugar f ree treats are resplendent. “Many of the guests have been coming back here for years”, explained Tish who together with her husband Peter have seven children and a growing number of grandchildren. Meeting Tish, it’s easy to understand where the nurturing energy comes f rom. Having grown up in the Kruger, Tish is a nature spirit and you’ll find many of

the rooms have the option of bathing or showering under the stars. Each unit or room is a sanctuary saturated with a peace-filled ambience that flows through your bones. It’s a deeply soothing and resplendant wellness destination. You can meditate in the ozonated solar heated pool with invigorating jets; swim lengths in the eco pool and settle in the inf rared sauna and steam room. Hosting f requent yoga retreats, detox weekends, self-development workshops, meditation and simple relaxation, you can’t help participate in the relaxing and transformative energy Angala holds. Twelve specially appointed suites and cottages are spacious and thoughfully equipped with everything you might need f rom gowns to a yoga mat, I found an inspiring book on visualisation in mine. Expect giant beds, quality linen and carefully selected sculptures and pieces.

ANGALA You could say Angala was born on the wing of an angel. Its name was inspired by a passage f rom Diana Coopers book, The Codes of Power (Hay House). Angala refers to the time aeons ago when Earth was first being formed. It was the period during which god was gathering the energy to create our planet. In the divine mind there was the thought of Earth and the protection of the angels to hold it safe. That was Angala. At first it was a naked planet full of love, just like a newborn baby – a precious, f ragile creation. It received the full love and attention of Mother/Father god and the angels. Later trees were seeded f rom the mind of Source. They did not come f rom another universe. Trees are ancient, wise sentient beings holding the knowledge of their local areas. Every creature that evolved here or arrived f rom another plane of existence could shape its own destiny...



If you’re interested in the mysterious world of plant medicine, chances are you’ve heard of Ibogaine (commonly referred to as Iboga). An active ingredient of the root bark of the Af rican shrub Tabernanthe iboga, it’s traditionally used for medicinal and ritual purposes by the Bwiti tribe of the Congo basin. Iboga simultaneously interacts with several neurotransmitter systems. It is metabolised by the body into noribogaine, which acts to increase the availability of serotonin in the brain. It was first promoted in the West as having anti-addictive properties in 1962, and is used primarily for treating opiate addiction by Western enthusiasts today. It’s also fast becoming more common as a tool for personal and spiritual development, with recreational use being nearly non-existent.



Iboga is not considered a ‘cure’ for addiction, but rather an addiction ‘interrupter’, as it is said to eliminate or greatly reduce withdrawal symptoms. As is the case with many psychedelics, it also attracts those wanting to support their emotional and spiritual development. Generally, a smaller dose is taken when using it for personal development. Users report a temporary shattering of the ego that offers more perspective on the interconnectedness of the world and less power to petty problems. They report gaining new insight into their emotional problems, with deeply repressed pain and trauma surfacing in a way that, while difficult and even turbulent at the time, allows for eventual processing and, in some cases, transcendence of the perceived challenges. There are currently an estimated 75 to 100 iboga treatment facilities worldwide. Those looking for a less clinical and more traditional setting can also journey to Gabon

t h e h o m e o f I bog a to participate in a traditional Bwiti iboga initiation ceremony.

Gabon, a country along the Atlantic coast of Central Africa

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The ceremonies are led by a healer called N’ganga, who is the spiritual leader of the community. There are separate temples (in small wooden huts) for men and women, and lots of percussion, hand clapping and singing accompanies the ritual. The temple has benches on the sides where members of the community, musicians, children, elders and healers sit whilst accompanying the rite of passage or healing process, which takes between three to five days for men, and up to two weeks for women. It is revered by many as a delicate and complex process.


A pril 2019



Magical places

From yoga retreats to tree top getaways, meditation sanctuaries, tented camps, health spas, rejuvenation clinics, eco villages, surf camps, organic farms,

natural food co-ops, wholefood restaurants, juice bars, hot springs, salt pools, forests, wilderness areas, natural parks...

Apr il 201 9

We bring you places and spaces that


Magical places


“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: “When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?” Gabrielle Roth 96 | holistica.net

Move Your

B ODY WHICHEVER WAY YOU DO IT, IT’LL HEIGHTEN YOUR MOOD & ELEVATE YOUR MIND Movement is such an integral part of owning a body, and feeling fluid and flexible has indisputable happy-making benefits. Often though, we tag exercise with feelings of guilt or obligation or connect it with losing weight or other negative f rameworks. Moving is natural, it’s enjoyable, invigorating and something we are naturally inclined towards when we don’t associate it with duty and difficulty. The best way to incorporate exercise in your life is to do something you lose yourself in, something you love.

We look at therapeutic and ecstatic dance; running; and yoga as power ways to elevate your spirit through movement. BY ROBYN WILK INS ON PHOTO KYLE COT TRELL


DANCE Ecstatic dance invites total abandonment of the self to the rhythm of free movement resulting in an ecstatic trance-like state. It’s a liberating way of freeing the body and mind and leaving all manner of constructs behind. Proponents of ecstatic dance often experience altered consciousness, a feeling of sacred expression, an elevated high and even hysteria, seizure or rapture. Traditions of ecstatic dance occur throughout the world, our closest example is the shamanic dance of the San bushman, and the Yoruba in Nigeria. We see similarities in the Sufi whirling dervishes, the Kut f rom Korea, and many traditions in India and South America, some of which intentionally give their bodies over to dieties as a way of temporarily losing the self. Achieving a trance like state during dance can be assisted by music, sound, drumming or chanting. The late Gabriella Roth, a wellknown ecstatic dancer developed a dynamic movement practice—a practice of being in your body—that ignites creativity known as the Five Rhythms. She amassed a worldwide following of her five rhythms: flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness that facilitates the build up to deep release sought after by dancers. In dancing Five Rhythms the body becomes our spiritual path. Entry into dance doesn’t require discipline; it’s a natural pathway the body eagerly follows.

Dance, when you're

broken open. Dance, if

you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the

middle of the fighting.

Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free. Rumi

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In f ree dance, it’s the incredible opening power that creates therapy in movement. Using your own body and emotion, an automatic healing space is choreographed for emotional, physical and spiritual maladies. Dancing can also engender connection; with yourself and connection with others, encouraging our bodies, hearts and minds to co-create together. You don’t need any experience when you dance, 'you come home to your body'. Surrendering to movement, you begin to connect with yourself, while you discover the intoxicating medicine of movement.


Local Cape Town based dancer Leigh Goodman swears by the power of dance to heal emotions, create connection, and explore the mystery of the self in deep healing processes, self-expression, intention and manifestation:


“If you’re hesitant to try conventional treatments or medicines, dance therapy may just be the life-changing action you need. If you are feeling stuck and af raid of moving forward; feel unbalanced or disconnected; are immersed in negative thought patterns; hurt and need to release pain; experience depression, stress or anxiety; or feel ungrounded, dance movement therapy is certainly a space you’ll find solace, change and healing.”

Expressive dance can assist in

unblocking and balancing your

energy centres; generating deeper mental and emotional clarity; helping release emotional

blockages; allowing a deeper

connection to your body, mind and soul, and increasing your sense of wellbeing.

On a personal level Leigh explains the impact of her dancing: “My journey has shown me that utilising dance and movement can be profoundly healing for so many parts of myself. It has helped me to make f riends with my body. It has helped me to be open to more than I could have dreamt before. It has helped me with my posture, self-expression and confidence and has helped me break f ree of old belief systems, mind patterns and negative emotions”.

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Running is my private time, my therapy, my religion.


Gail W. Kislevitz

100 | holistica.net

It may not be an activity that appeals to everyone but for those who love running, it seems to hold an addictive quality. Running is accessible, can be done anywhere, at any time and releases huge boosts of endorphins. Lately ultra-marathons are experiencing increased popularity where participants run for days and sometimes nights across deserts, mountains and even snow-filled areas. Author and runner Kenneth Posner mentions the Navajo Indians who made a ritual of running at dawn, and in winter they’d start by rolling in the snow as a practice to stave off laziness, make the eyes clear, and the body strong. They believed Talking God would travel on rainbows and sunbeams, sing songs of the mountain lion, antelope, and deer, and encourage people to run and in so doing develop the Navajo ideals of enterprise, courage, and quickness of mind. Running was also part of the Navajo girl’s puberty ceremony known as Kinaalda. When Georges Comte De Buffon said, “Civilised man does not know his powers”, he was referring to some of the documented running feats that, in our modern sedentary life are difficult to imagine. One such story is told by Peter

Nabokov in his book, Indian Running, where apparently anthropologist George Laird documented a case of a runner that ran f rom Cotton Wood island in Nevada to the mouth of the Gila River in Southern Arizona. He arrived at sunrise on the same day, his arrival time being earlier than his departure time hinting at the magical form that sacred running can take. It’s inspiring to look at the extraordinary feats and traditions of running in context of our own lives and fitness considerations.

“I always loved running… it

was something you could do by yourself, and under your

own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow

as you wanted, fighting the

wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the

strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.” – Jesse Owens

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YOGA Yoga, in its physical practice is described as deep therapy for its proponents. Simply following the poses teaches a mindful awareness that we have everything we need inside of us to deal with all of life’s complications, distractions, challenges and upheavals. Slowing down, breathing and paying attention to the moment teaches amazing clarity and graciousness to attend to every situation in a higher form of response. All the answers we seek, exist inside of us already, and yoga teaches us to access that. The practice is an anti-dote to our overly stimulating consumer-ridden culture. It undoes our conditioned response of looking outside ourselves for validation of our decisions, desires and dreams. Each pose, although delivered in a physical form teaches grace, patience, understanding, connection and steadfastness. Our language and our bodies are intimately connected and through yoga we switch off our internal dialogue allowing the space to notice and examine our self-talk. In this way we are able to recognise the tone and pattern and to modify it to a new purpose – one that is empowering. There are countless different yoga poses, some of them are best done in sequence and some you can do as stand alone poses. Try this upward-facing dog pose if you need some ref reshed energy.

GIFTS RECEIVED FROM UPWARD DOG Opens the heart & stretches the chest and lungs. Improves posture, strengthens spine, wrists and arms. Works the abs and firms the butt. Stimulates abdominal organs. Helps release depression and relieve fatigue. Therapeutic for sciatica and asthma.

I am the prayer, I am the one who

prays and I am the one who answers. Elena Brower

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A service that brings you Yoga… whenever, wherever and however you wish!

- UPWARD-FACING DOG POSE Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is one of the sequence positions in the Sun Salutation and usually practiced in a flow but it is also very beneficial practiced individually helping to combat many of our forward movements like sitting at a desk and using devices. •

Lie flat on the floor on your tummy. Stretch your legs back, feel the tops of your feet against the floor. Bend your elbows and place your palms solidly on the floor beside your waist spreading your fingers out and flattening them against the ground. Make sure your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Breathe in and press your inner hands into the floor and slightly back, with the feeling of pushing yourself forward along the floor. Still on your in-breath, straighten your arms and lift your torso and legs off the floor. Keep the thighs firm and slightly turned inward. Your arms should be strong and turned in a way that the elbow crease faces forward. Be aware of elevating yourself up and extending out of your shoulders rather than hanging on them. Feel as though you are creating distance between your ears and shoulders. Actively draw the shoulders away from the ears by lengthening down along the back armpits, pulling the shoulder blades toward the tailbone, and offering the side ribs forward. To really feel into this position you can experiment what it feels like to put each hand on a block. Press the tailbone down toward the pubic bone and lift the pubic bone toward the navel. Narrow the hip points. Keep your butt firm but not clenched. Feel a lift in your chest without pushing the front ribs forward. Look straight ahead being mindful not to crunch the back of the neck. Keep the throat soft. Relax your mouth. Hold this position for about 20 seconds, noticing your breath. Then slowly release back to the floor on an exhale. Repeat as many or few times as you like although aiming for 5 is a good practice.

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M A N I FES TAT I O N M OJ O Abundance is our natural state of being; it’s our birthright and should be an intrinsic part of life. Learning to allow the natural flow of giving and receiving is something that can be implemented in anyone’s life.

The laws of the universe are stacked in our favour and we can cultivate this position of total ease by implementing a few mindful practices. Here’s how: 1. MAKE A COMMITMENT Decide to dedicate some concerted energy into focusing on bringing abundance into your life. 2. BE PRACTICAL Enlist whatever help you might need to get you on your way. Whether it’s an abundance coach, a financial advisor, an accountant, or simply a daily appointment with yourself. Do it. 3. CREATE A VISION Know what your life looks like when you are completely abundant. See yourself as already in this position and think, live and breathe as though ‘it is already’. 4. BLESS YOUR BILLS This may sound strange but having reluctant energy around paying bills stops the flow of giving and receiving. The ideal position is to express gratitude that by sending you a bill, the universe knows your ability to pay it. Do it with enthusiasm and speed. 5. SET UP A TWO WAY FLOW Realise that giving and receiving is a beautiful flowing circle and if you put resistant energy anywhere in the circle it slows it down. Check every part of your giving and receiving cycle and make sure it has perfect energy.

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6. DECIDE TO TITHE Tithing is a practice recommended by many spiritual disciplines.Think of it as a deposit into a spiritual bank that pays exponential dividends. Those who tithe know how this works. It feels edgy to give away a portion of your income but once you engage in this practice you will notice the unusual and delightful returns. Experiment by starting small. 7. REWRITE YOUR INHERITANCE By this I mean any negative money language and beliefs passed down to you by your parents or significant people in your life. Expressions like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, ‘you have to work hard to make money’, ‘it’s too expensive’, simply aren’t required in your abundant mindset. 8. ADJUST YOUR THOUGHTS Being full of aspirations about what we want is a fabulous part of being human but being saturated and hugely grateful about what we already have creates a powerfully magnetised field of attraction. 9. FEEL INTO WHAT’S IMPORTANT Often, simplicity and love are the things that are most nourishing. Make sure you feel into what’s really important before you manifest too much clutter.

C R E A T E YOU R OWN F IN A N C IAL WE LLBE I NG Get to where you want to go….

So often we forget to pay attention to the major things in life. Financial wellbeing is fundamental to a complete and happy existence. We speak to Liron Mazor from Greengrass Wealth Management on 6 essential considerations towards helping clients achieve financial wellbeing. Liron uses a holistic approach focusing on individual lifestyle aspirations and implementing various financial tools, opportunities and investment outcomes.

1. ORGANISATION – the first place to start is with organizing every aspect of your financial life. Knowing what you have and what you need is key. Having a systematic way of keeping proper records is easy to achieve with proper guidance.

Knowing the truth about your situation, even when hard to hear, is important.

2. ACCOUNTABILITY – following through on your commitments brings a feeling of order and wellbeing. Knowing what your commitments are and how to negotiate them is important.

5. EDUCATION – you may need a specific education to help you succeed with your life and investment plan and we help you explore that.

3. OBEJECTIVITY – getting objective insight f rom the outside helps you move away f rom emotionally driven money decisions.

4. PRO-ACTIVITY – anticipating your life transitions and equipping yourself to be financially prepared for them.

6. PARTNERSHIP – through a deeply considered and tailored approach we’ll help you achieve the best life possible with the money you have, and work with you to make it happen.

Financial wellness is similar to Yoga, the more you work at it the better you become, the more inner peace and balance you have in your life.


wealth management


Longevity, Immortality & Transcendence Jean-Pierre Le Roux takes us on a tour of longevity practices from fasting to regenerative sexuality, sacred herbs, mythical soma, conscious neurology and much more. He invites us to examine immortality and transcendence and presents ancient and mystical philosophies. This is the first article of a series to be continued in each of our quarterly Holistica Magazines. In this series, while the content is fully accessible to the layperson, we also cover more advanced topics, including rarefied applications of the philosophies and practices of holistic health in the realms of bodily regeneration, longevity and enlightenment.

Consider it cutting-edge integrative yogic biohacking taken as far as we can take it!

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Dimensions of Health

We begin by looking at the principle of Holism and explore what health — of mind, body and spirit — is. ‘Holistic, derives from the Greek holos, which means ‘whole’, ‘all’, ‘entire’ and ‘complete’. The word refers to the primacy of the whole, as being fundamental, and intrinsically greater than the sum of its parts. That which is already whole is the ‘source’ of its parts, rather than a composite derived from them.

When we use the word health, we commonly refer to bodily health incorporating practices of physical healing, rejuvenation and maintenance of biological and structural coherence. This necessarily includes dietary practices, exercise routines and forms of bodywork and movement that maintain the physical structure in its integrity.

In relation to holistic health, it refers to inherent wellness, to the completeness of being, and to systems of healing and transformation aligned with that inherent completeness and wellness. Holistic health proceeds on the basis of honouring that completeness, and working to align with it, rather than seeking to create it from a divided position. It also refers to systems of healing which take the whole being into account; mind, body, spirit, emotions, relations and environment, and seek to heal the whole person. Holism signifies a unity of being and of life, and is founded in a basic attitude of trust in that in which we find our appearance.

In my professional practice, people often ask advice about the best diet or exercise. My answer is always, best diet for what? And best exercise for what? Those that support the goals and needs of an Olympic athlete and Zen monk will differ, and so the intention and intended outcome will always guide that consideration. In this article we focus on practices that support radiant vitality, expressive energy, creativity and longevity – the likely goals for the average person committed to the fullest, happiest life they are capable of. We also present all of this in the context of the Great Way that relates to this present existence as part of a greater process – one that extends beyond physical death into fulfillment of our whole destiny. Death comes to us all, no matter how healthily we live – and so by merely extending life and nothing else, what will we have accomplished? And so this exploration extends into consideration of ‘spiritual health’ and practices that support that. Of course our levels of motivation, sense of well-being, functionality, productivity, emotional capacity and altogether feeling of happiness—with ourselves and in our relationships—is fundamental to this. We often relate to the body as the foundation or vehicle that carries or supports our emotional and mental life, but in truth the body, the mind and the (emotional) heart are one single system. We are a body-mind-heart as a single organism – all these dimensions of ourselves work together as one unit in our experience of life.


So holistic health

will always address

the whole organism at once. Longevity is not just long life, it is

long vital life, it is

youthfulness expressed in present time.

So how do we measure and how do we get feedback? While we can conduct measurements on technical markers like telomeres, human growth hormone (HGH) and sirtuins, the most reliable marker is our level of energy and vitality, the sharpness of our senses, natural happiness in our hearts, and capacity for deeply grounded presence. Health is a presence that can be discerned in our quiet subjective feeling of ourselves.

Intelligent Maintenance of the Food Body The body is a food process and maintained in a basic cycle of ‘good stuff in’ and ‘bad stuff out’ – analogous to the breath cycle. This simple understanding informs everything concerning proper body maintenance.

Feasting Let us begin with that most fundamental and humble of disciplines – nutrition. What diet supports our physical health, intellectual prowess and emotional capacity all at once? The body, including the nervous tissue of the brain, spinal cord and extended nervous system is built from the food we eat. Even the neurotransmitters that mediate and modulate emotions and thoughts are constructed in the body from what we ingest. It should be obvious this sophisticated mechanism, this trillion dollar, biological, self-repairing, interstellar Ferrari should be nurtured with the best raw materials possible.The body is highly resilient, forgiving, and intelligent, and regenerates with a profound and powerful desire to live, and so can take a high level of abuse. But… it does everything better when cared for well with diet. So what is that then? Without all the reasons why (these are researchable) I have summarised the whole thing to its simplest essence: Our natural diet is opulent, abundant, wildly varied and magical! It is based on natural living food in the simplest meaning of those words. That means everything ingested should be as close to how it is found in nature – without pesticide, herbicide, fungicide or hormone residues; without synthetic flavourants, colourants or preservatives. It does not include refined sugars or proteins. If committed to the high road of longevity then be absolute about this, or as absolute as you can be. Related to this is minimising to the extreme all synthetic pharmaceutical drugs of Western medicine. They do not exist in nature (for the most part) and are not aligned with the basic biological integrity the body desires.

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Organic food is always

better, not just from being

uncontaminated, but also because the soils they grow in have more minerals – vital to the body’s highest functioning.

Our optimum diet is predominantly raw (filled with the enzymes of life otherwise destroyed through cooking). It’s not necessarily completely raw, but the more raw the better, and of course intelligently tailored to the requirements of your body. Foods cooked at temperatures above 150 degrees Celsius cause advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) where sugars bind to proteins and lipids under heat. These are age-accelerating and cause vascular damage. Apart from exogenous glycated substances we can create endogenous ones. This is when excessive sugars in the bloodstream bind to proteins and render them resistant to renewal (which renewal is critical to staying young). So reducing circulating sugars also increases lifespan. Simply put, build your diet around organic green salads and keep sugar low (even from fruits). Make greens the main course and everything else an accompaniment. Supplements should, in nearly all cases, be based on wholefood sources and not synthetic isolates (seen in most commercial supplements). Depth of diet (nutritional density) and breadth of diet (variety) is required to fulfill the complexity for complete health. See panel on the next page showing all the necessary nutritional components required for health. In addition to these listed components, there are all kinds of things in food, not yet discovered, isolated, characterised or named. But they are in food and the body needs them – that’s why a simple synthetic multivitamin is not enough. The product ‘Pure Synergy’ is the best example of a properly formulated supplement we have on the planet – anything approaching that is worth taking.

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from water

CARBON – present in all foods, particularly plants

PROTEIN – essential amino acids: phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, leucine, lysine, histidine, cysteine, tyrosine and arginine (last 3 essential to children)

CARBOHYDRATES – starches and sugars: monosaccharides (e.g. fructose), disaccharides (e.g. sucrose), oligosaccharides (e.g. FOS / fructooligosaccharides), polysaccharides (e.g. inulin) FATS –

essential fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, lauric acid, palmitoleic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), arachidonic acid – the last 6 being only conditionally essential

GLYCONUTRIENTS – essential sugars:


xylose, fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid


• •

many, such as anthocyanins, catechins, flavanones, flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, ginsenosides, coumestans, curcumin, beta-glucans, anthocyanidins, glucosinolates, indoles, sulforaphane, astaxanthin, resveratrol, glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin, ciwujianoside, syringin, friedelin, isofraxidin, uridine, glucotropaeolin, theobromine, beta-carbolines, pavines, beta-sitosterol, anthraquinone, rutinose, epigallocatechin, epicatechin, kaempferol, myricetin, phycocyanin, silymarin

Vitamin A complex (retinol, retinal, betacarotene, alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene & beta-cryptoxanthin)

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Electrolytic minerals: sodium, potassium, chloride (negatively-charged ionic chlorine) Macro minerals: phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, sulphur Micro minerals: copper, iron, manganese, zinc Trace minerals: chromium, iodine, molybdenum, selenium, boron, cobalt, silicon, vanadium, germanium, strontium, ruthenium, rhodium, tin, fluorine, silver, indium, iridium, platinum, gold – and most of the rest of the periodic table of elements



Vitamin B complex (end-chain forms of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin as both co-enzyme forms NAD & NADP, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, cobalamin, folate, biotin, inositol, choline & para-aminobenzoic acid) Vitamin C complex (natural L-ascorbic acid, co-factors and bioflavonoids: hesperidin, hesperitin, rutin, quercitrin, diosmin, naringin, naringenin, tangeretin, tangeritin, narirutin, neohesperidin, nobiletin, apigenin, eriocitrin) Vitamin D complex (cholecalciferol/ D3, ergocalciferol/D2, lumisterol, 22-dihydroergocalciferol & sitocalciferol) Vitamin E complex (d-alpha-tocopherol, d-beta-tocopherol, d-gamma-tocopherol, d-delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, gamma-tocotrienol, deltatocotrienol) Vitamin K complex (phylloquinone/ K1, menaquinone/K2 – including menaquinone-4/MK4 and menaquinone-7/ MK7)

Digestive: alpha-galactosidase, amylase, betaglucanase, bromelain, cellulase, glucoamylase, hemicellulase, invertase, lactase, lipase, maltase, papain, pectinase, phytase, protease I, protease IV, protease V/peptidase Metabolic: superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase


PROBIOTICS (human bowel flora and natural soil organisms / NSO)

Many, such as Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilis, Lactobacillus casei, Bacillus subtilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bacillus laterosporous, Bacillus stationis, Bacillus succinogenes, Bacillus brevis, Bacillus macerans, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus polymyxa, Azosirillum brasiliense, Streptomyces faecium, Streptomyces fradiae, Streptomyces cellulasae, Streptomyces griseoflavus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Kurthia zopfit, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Atherobactor agilis, Atherobactor citreus, Atherobactor globiformis, Atherobactor leuteus, Atherobactor simplex, Aceinetobactor calcoacetius, Azotobactor chroococcum, Azotobactor paspali, Brev stationis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus

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Nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) Medicinal mushroom polysaccharides / beta-glucans Fulvic and humic acids

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Cleansing Entire books can be written on how to detox from everything that gets into the body that shouldn’t be there, and acts like ‘sand in the gears’. Clearly there isn’t space for a full treatment here. But certainly a true longevity protocol requires that everything that needs to be in the body be in it, and all that shouldn’t be in it, be removed – particularly heavy metals and pesticide residues. The key natural and safe detox agents are chlorella, cilantro extracts and zeolite clays. These, combined with periodic fasting, colonics (using coffee for more efficacy), steaming, wet sauna and infra-red sauna, exfoliating, lymph drainage massage and yoga will deal with most of it – if consistently applied. For long life, a key detoxification protocol is removing soft tissue calcification from the body. Physical ageing is significantly influenced by hard calcium deposits in tissues that are otherwise soft and moist, leading to hardening and loss of elasticity. This protocol is in detail in Longevity Now: A Comprehensive Approach to Healthy Hormones, Detoxification, Super Immunity, Reversing Calcification, and Total Rejuvenation by David Wolfe, (North Atlantic Books). Aside from its philanthropic gift to others, giving blood is another good cleansing practice. Not only is it the best way of removing excess iron, which creates all kinds of problems when it builds up, but also removes toxins in the bloodstream. This blood-letting combined with a strongly nourishing diet including beetroot and green grass juices (see our Sipping the Sun article) and blood-building herbs like Dong Quai, Yellow Dock and Dandelion, produces good quality new blood and safely removes a whole lot of nasties. In this day and age it is important to manage levels of xenoestrogens (synthetic estrogen-mimicking substances) that play havoc with our hormonal systems. The main sources are pesticide residues and plastics. Minimising our exposure is key.

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The following substances will help remove problematic xenoestrogens: • • • •

• • • •

Apigenin from chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Chrysin from Passiflora caerulea Silymarin from milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum) I3C (indole-3-carbinol), DIM (diindolylmethane) and sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables Citrus flavonoids Green tea extract Selenium from brazil nuts Beta-sitosterol from nettle root


The Mythical Soma An intelligently crafted pure diet does not just provide all the basic (and many) building blocks of life but, most importantly, guides the bodymind system into a state of fundamental equanimity and balance where the endocrine glands begin to secrete higher regenerative chemistry life, or Soma. Many ancient texts refer to a mysterious life-giving and life-extending substance called Soma. Scholars and researchers have pondered (and loudly argued about!) the nature of this substance, with many theories as to what plant or fungi Soma really was. There is no consensus on this, only many opposing theories. The esoteric understanding is that Soma is not an external substance found in the world at all, but a profound and complex elixir secreted internal to the body. This understanding represents the most sophisticated view and approach to longevity. For certain, there are many sacred rejuvenating substances and humanly created elixirs that profoundly regenerate the human organism. Many herbs from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Western Traditions are profoundly transforming substances and strongly influence the body-mind-energy system, but their ultimate import goes beyond their specific influence. When taken intelligently alongside a life disciplined towards the practice of longevity, they support the essential ‘asana of equanimity’ conducive to producing internal Soma. The Tao of Rejuvenation: Fundamental Principles of Health, Longevity, and Essential Well-Being by Angelo Druda, (North Atlantic Books) is the most comprehensive text espousing this view in my opinion.

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Sacred Rejuvenating Substances Countless substances can be used in a structured longevity programme. Below are some of the most important. In keeping this article to a reasonable size, they have only brief comments and invite readers to do follow-up research online: •

Astragalus membranaceous including extracts of Astragalus like TA-65 which help maintain telomere length. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – also known as Winter Cherry, the best single male tonic herb on earth. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) – known as the Queen of Herbs, it is the best single female tonic herb on earth. Panax ginseng – particularly wild ginseng roots over ten years old. Korean Red Ginseng is very powerful. Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) – wild-harvested is always better, and a precious and rare find when you can get it. Cordyceps sinensis – a wonderful body-strengthening herb, very good for competitive athletes. Rhodiola rosea and Tibetan Rhodiola sacra (the latter beyond profound). Nettle leaf and root – this humble weed is one of the most powerful herbs around with a broad variety of actions – particularly good for male endocrine health. Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) – must be at least ten year-old roots and from a reputable source as many counter herbs exist.

• • •

Goji berries – a superb Kidney Yin Jing tonic, antioxidant and eye-health herb. Bee Pollen – the sexual excretions of millions of wildflowers! Very high in Chi and Jing. Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is a key agent for regenerating the endocrine glands – fundamental to any longevity programme. Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum) or He Shou Wu in Chinese – also a profound Kidney Jing Tonic – must be the prepared root. • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an excellent antiinflammatory and nerve tonic. Intrinsic to longterm brain health. • Shilajit (Asphaltum punjabianum) is the fermented biomass of the pre-historic verdant garden that was folded into the Himalayas millions of years ago – it contains the entire periodic table of elements, and is the most primal nutritional substance on the planet. • Navaratna – the pinnacle elixir in Ayurvedic alchemy known as Rasashastra. It is composed of the purified ashes of ruby, blue sapphire, emerald, yellow topaz, chrysoberyl, red garnet, cultured white fresh-water pearl, lapis lazuli, Himalayan white coral, red rose petal, 24 karat gold and .999 silver. It takes a year to produce, and needless to say, it rocks! Amaroli - our own urine used in advanced healing protocols – very effective and perfectly targeted for beneficially adjusting our biochemistry. Seminal and vaginal secretions – these are mentioned in a separate section, but in short are the most rejuvenative substances that exist.

In context of a life that includes conscious exercise, meditation and yogic sexual practices, these exogenous compounds (many of which could easily carry the title of Soma themselves) stimulate secretion of the endogenous Soma – that is their deeper value. And of course quality is everything! All these herbs need to come from highly reputable sources where the genetics, growing and processing are aligned with sacred intent.


The Yoga of Regenerative Sexuality This is a key component, and often overlooked, in our exploration of effective rejuvenation practices. Largely this has to do with our historically (at least in the West) somewhat puritanical and culturally suppressed relationship to sexuality. Thankfully this is starting to open up in this expansive millennial era, with a renaissance of authentic Tantric practices, and Neo-Tantra with techniques for basic sexual healing. Apart from its obvious function related to procreation, the simple enjoyment of pure sexual pleasure is a legitimate context where some of the deepest rejuvenative mind and body practices may be developed. It’s not just the conscious practice of sexuality that serves health and longevity, but also the conscious practice of love. And so sexuality practiced within the container of deeply loving intimacy is the most auspicious context for truly regenerative yoga. The ancient Taoists were well versed in the arts of regenerative sexuality and these have been profoundly elaborated in recent times by teachers like Mantak Chia, Margo Anand, Adi Da Samraj (more well known as Da Free John) and David Deida – all highly recommended for those wanting to explore this subject more deeply. An essential principle of sexual longevity yoga is generating regenerative chemistry in the body,

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and the conservation and conscious utilisation of this chemistry. For both men and woman this is achieved by prolonging the sexual act (preferably for many hours) while being present with a high degree of consciousness and feeling. And over time even training ourselves to endure progressively higher levels of pleasure without needing to release that intensity through orgasm when it gets beyond our capacity to hold it. In the heightened pleasure of sexual loving combined with relaxed deep-feeling breathing, all kinds of regenerative of substances, hormones and enzymes are released by the endocrine glands as well as certain organs – especially the pituitary, the pineal, the hypothalamus, the gonads and directly by the heart and kidneys. These collective secretions are what is referred to as Soma above. The higher the pleasure and the longer that pleasure is maintained, the more of these glandular nectars are generated in the body. Additionally more life-force bio-energy (Chi or Prana) is generated than usual and this enlivens the entire nervous system. When this energy is consciously conducted in the great circuit that runs down the front central line of the body, through the genitals, turning at the bodily base, running up the spine, through the top of the brain and down through the Ajna Chakra (third eye) through the throat and back into the frontal line (referred to as the Microcosmic Orbit in Taoist Qigong), then the entire nervous system is profoundly energised beyond its usual limits, and this awakens our higher evolutionary capacity.

• •

All theThe sources of dopamine described above alsopeople, increase a norepinephconventional orgasm is, for most way rine due to norepinephrine being a downstream metabolite of dopamine. of throwing offand this energy before had time Practices involving hot cold alternation are it alsohas excellent for norepinephrine release. to properly build and enliven and revivify the

human organism. In the case of male ejaculation, it Acetylcholine discards a lot of regenerative chemistry. For men, Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter connectthere is a lot to be said forprimary not ejaculating during ed with memory (short and long term) and cognitive each sexual occasion (the older thetongue’ man, feeling the more agility. That ‘on the tip of the when trying to access a memory is usually associated with low synrigorously this should be applied).


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aptic acetylcholine in the moment.

Huperzine A derived from the traditional Chinese herb Huperzia serrata aka Toothed Clubmoss is an excellent reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which slows acetylcholine degradation in the brain. When semen is artfully retained, the resultant Soma is used • Sage within (Salvia the officinalis) also inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine and body and able to serve a powerfully rejuvenating has been highly regarded as a brain tonic since ancient times. function. When the art of ‘regenerative orgasm’ is cultivated, • Bacopa monnieri (aka Brahmi in Ayurveda, as it confers knowledge of the energy of the orgasm is allowed expression in the natural Brahman, the Supreme Reality) is a mild acetylcholinesterase inhibitor directionnootropic of the microcosmic orbit flow downof the front, upneuroand profound herb, supporting all(i.e. aspects optimum the back), ejaculation is bypassed and the effects are profoundly logical function. The conventional orgasm, byraw contrast, is a brief • Foodsenlivening. high in choline like sunflower lecithin, egg yolks, wild organ meatsreversal and cruciferous vegetables all support acetylcholine synthesis. of the energy flow in the microcosmic orbit - the sexually polarized energy moves out the brain, down the spine and is Anandamide released in a forward direction from the bodily base via the genitals. This reversal of energy is generally enervating. The name anandamide comes from the Sanskrit word Ananda, meaning bliss. It is an endogenous For the woman, the same principle applies, but it is a slightly cannabinoid and the real reason for the existence more subtle affair as is generally explicitTHC ejaculation of there the CB1 receptor,not to which also binds. (though there are exceptions to this). That said, conserving Anandamide is one of the most rarefied human neurotransmitters and related topurpose our experience both male and female orgasm also has anisadditional of bliss, rapture, happiness, cosmic humour and (especially when converted into the ‘up-the-spine’ regenerative subtle transcendent states of consciousness. orgasm as described above) in that all the love-energy of the event is also retained. Essentially if there is any sense of loss of • Cacao is an inhibitor of the enzyme Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) intimacy or closeness between partners then beneficial whichlove, degrades anandamide and has thethe effect of increasing available energy has been squandered. anandamide in the brain and nervous system. • Maca root is also a natural FAAH-inhibitor and provides strong endocrine support. Semen (including male pre-orgasmic lubricating fluid) and • CBD, female the non-outwardly psychoactive component Cannabis vaginal secretions (especially following of orgasm) are sativa / Cannabis indica that binds to the CB2 receptor is also an inhibitor of filled with beneficial life-enhancing components, and are FAAH, which then serendipitously affects the binding at CB1 due to intruly precious substances. The woman should always drink her creased anandamide concentrations. man’s semen, Truffle and he,(Tuber her vaginal nectar. Never waste • The Black Périgord melanosporum) is one of semen, the only growit is probably the single most rejuvenating substance on the ing things that contains anandamide. • Both common black pepper (Piper nigrum) its more flamboyant planet – filled with Chi like nothing elseand on earth. If the sacrifice cousin, LongisPepper (Piper longum) contain compound of Indian ejaculation made then the woman, or the a man, or both called guineensine that increases thediet, activity of anandamide. should ingest it. (A clean predominantly plant-based and • Kaempferol is a flavonoid present in fresh fruits and vegetables like apcontaining significant raw greens and aromatics like mint, ples, tomatoes, grapes, potatoes, onions, and broccoli and inhibits the mango, papaya and vanilla etc. makes for sweeter production ofpineapple, FAAH. tasting acid semen). • Arachidonic (AA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, is an anandamide precursor (found in high concentrations in various Artemisia species and organ meats). Also thewild man should drink deeply from the woman especially if she is in a very high state of arousal or at the point of orgasm. If In addition to all of the above, microdosing with traditional shamanic agents the couple imbibe each other’s fluids following orgasm, the bond like Psilocybe mushrooms and Iboga root bark has far reaching positive efof intimacy that is so easily disturbed following (‘down-and-out’ fects on neurological health. rather than ‘in-and-up’) orgasm is more readily maintained.


Nicotine-Free. Tobacco Substitute Smooth and Gentle to Smoke Easy to Roll Burns Evenly Great on its own or as a Mix Enhanced with Traditional African Herbs


Leafolo™ Herbal Smoking Blends are 100% Tobacco and Nicotine free. Providing a rich and different smoking experience, Leafolo's range of superior blends are ideal as a smoking mix, or on their own, as a healthier alternative to tobacco. The flavourings and unique plants originate from Southern Africa and provide a delicate aroma making for a smooth and interesting smoke.




Conscious Neurology Taking care of the brain, nervous system, overall emotional health and cognitive ability is clearly a very important component of a life devoted to longevity and consciousness. In the way that the universe is a self-correcting mechanism, the same is true of the mind. Therefore when mental or emotional challenges arise, the intelligent approach is simple support with the lightest touch – one that is always listening for feedback and adjusting based on that feedback. This allows the system to self-heal and restore homeostasis without interference. It’s never a good idea to take synthetic psychiatric medication, however beneficially this might be framed and however compassionately it may be offered or presented. These drugs all represent a clumsy, sledgehammer-like approach to modulating brain chemistry and the side-effects and after-effects are in most cases more of an issue to deal with than the original problem. In addition, they hamper effective therapy as a consequence of interfering with authentic emotional responsiveness. If serious need arises then ideally one should consult a caring professional schooled in ethnopsychiatry and naturopathy/natural hygiene, and experience with the shamanic method. For most people, the simple prescription, both for dealing with mental/emotional challenges and for advancing the expressive capacity of a mind and feeling-heart already in a high state of functioning equanimity is: •

Dealing with stress via practical lifestyle modifications – we all know what they are; better quality sleep, more exercise, good time management, minimising exposure to toxic substances, people, environments and ideas etc. Profoundly improving gut health via consumption of raw ferments, avoiding glyphosate-saturated commercial wheat and pesticide-sprayed fruits and vegetables – and never taking antibiotics. The reason is that our gut and bowel flora generate many key neurotransmitters, including serotonin and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which are profoundly calming, balancing and anti-stress compounds.

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Embracing more meditation, intentional loving, yoga, pranayama and deeper engagement with our own spiritual practice. Traditional Buddhist mindfulness and Zen meditation (for most Westerners ideally done with a light touch) will be found useful. As will traditional Eastern and Western practices of contemplation and devotion. Careful and measured use of herbs that support neurotransmitter synthesis and modulation, and adaptogenic nootropic substances (like turmeric and saffron) that restore neurochemical balance.

While many neurochemicals are the basis of our mental and emotional experiencing, the following are the most important, alongside the herbs and nutritional components that most readily affect them:


Serotonin is intimately associated with conscious perception of the world via the senses and with our capacity to deeply feel love and empathy. It is relaxing, grounding and supports subtlety and sensitivity. •

Sceletium tortuosum is an excellent Serotonin Releasing Agent (SRA) which also has mild reuptake inhibition (SSRI action). Griffonia simplicifolia is a plant source of 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) which is an immediate serotonin / 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) precursor. The essential amino acid tryptophan (pumpkin seeds are a very good source) is the immediate dietary precursor to 5-HTP, which in turn becomes 5-HT (and subsequently melatonin). Maximising sunshine on the body and practicing brief sunrise and sunset sun-gazing also increases serotonin production.


Dopamine is our essential pleasure, reward and motivating neurotransmitter. It is associated with happiness, excitement, curiosity, motivation and sexual desire. • • • • •

Mucuna pruriens is a revered Ayurvedic herb and effective plant source of L-dopa, the immediate dopamine precursor. Green tea, supplies a balanced blend of stimulating caffeine and relaxing L-theanine stimulates dopamine release. Cacao and blue-green algae (AFA) both contain phenethylamine (PEA aka the Love Molecule), which stimulates dopamine release in the brain. The amino acids L-phenylalanine and L-tyrosine are dietary precursors to L-dopa. Simple task completion also increases dopamine release (the greater the challenge, the greater the release – but even the smallest accomplishments are effective). While summiting Everest will work well, so will sorting out your sock drawer!


Norepinephrine is a very important brain energy neurotransmitter and the precursor of epinephrine (adrenaline). It is concerned with alertness, attention, presence and mental focus. • •

Seville Bitter Orange contains a number of stimulating compounds that directly increase norepinephrine release. Nicotine stimulates norepinephrine release and use – and modulates the acetylcholine system (see below). Tobacco used as a medicinal herb is a valid health practice, but must be organically grown and additive-free to have any benefit, otherwise it’s just poison. Tobacco can be smoked in very tiny amounts or taken intranasally as Rapé or Singado. Rhodiola rosea is an excellent herb that increases norepinephrine synthesis and improves oxygen use as an added bonus. All the sources of dopamine described above also increase norepinephrine due to norepinephrine being a downstream metabolite of dopamine. Practices involving hot and cold alternation are also excellent for norepinephrine release.


Acetylcholine is the primary neurotransmitter connected with memory (short and long term) and cognitive agility. That ‘on the tip of the tongue’ feeling when trying to access a memory is usually associated with low synaptic acetylcholine in the moment. • • •

Huperzine A derived from the traditional Chinese herb Huperzia serrata aka Toothed Clubmoss is an excellent reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which slows acetylcholine degradation in the brain. Sage (Salvia officinalis) also inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine and has been highly regarded as a brain tonic since ancient times. Bacopa monnieri (aka Brahmi in Ayurveda, as it confers knowledge of Brahman, the Supreme Reality) is a mild acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and profound nootropic herb, supporting all aspects of optimum neurological function. Foods high in choline like sunflower lecithin, raw egg yolks, wild organ meats and cruciferous vegetables all support acetylcholine synthesis.



The name anandamide comes from the Sanskrit word Ananda, meaning bliss. It is an endogenous cannabinoid and the real reason for the existence of the CB1 receptor, to which THC also binds. Anandamide is one of the most rarefied human neurotransmitters and is related to our experience of bliss, rapture, happiness, cosmic humour and subtle transcendent states of consciousness. •

• •

Cacao is an inhibitor of the enzyme Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) which degrades anandamide and has the effect of increasing available anandamide in the brain and nervous system. Maca root is also a natural FAAH-inhibitor and provides strong endocrine support. CBD, the non-outwardly psychoactive component of Cannabis sativa / Cannabis indica that binds to the CB2 receptor is also an inhibitor of FAAH, which then serendipitously affects the binding at CB1 due to increased anandamide concentrations. The Black Périgord Truffle (Tuber melanosporum) is one of the only growing things that contains anandamide. Both common black pepper (Piper nigrum) and its more flamboyant cousin, Indian Long Pepper (Piper longum) contain a compound called guineensine that increases the activity of anandamide. Kaempferol is a flavonoid present in fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, tomatoes, grapes, potatoes, onions, and broccoli and inhibits the production of FAAH. Arachidonic acid (AA), an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, is an anandamide precursor (found in high concentrations in various Artemisia species and wild organ meats).

In addition to all of the above, microdosing with traditional shamanic agents like Psilocybe mushrooms and Iboga root bark has far reaching positive effects on neurological health.

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Practical Longevity Tech Apart from the sexual yoga mentioned above, the following practices are also beneficial for extending and enriching life: •

Caloric restriction is probably the only completely reliable biomarker we have for longevity. All research so far indicates this. When animals consume less than they otherwise would if given free rein to eat as much they want, they live longer. A way to accomplish this, especially if you enjoy food and eating, is intermittent fasting – setting aside anywhere from 1 hour (the most extreme) to 8 hours (very easy) per day during which time you eat, and the rest of the time the digestive processes are rested. As well as decreasing caloric intake overall, this is a very good method for raising HGH (Human Growth Hormone) especially coupled with resistance training toward the end of the fasting period. Regular fasts (water only) 1 day a week, 3 days a month and 7-14 days each year are profound longevity practices.

Conscious exercise forms like Chinese internal arts (T’ai Chi, Qi Gong and Bagua Zhang), Japanese Aikido and physically-based yoga asana and pranayama practice are excellent.

Any exercise (including conscious dance) to which awareness is brought such that mind, body and breath are coordinated as a single movement are also useful.

Short bursts of heavy resistance training increases anabolic hormones. Any high intensity exercise for short periods (sprints on land or in water, rapid pull-ups / pressups to exhaustion or grappling / wrestling practices against a committed opponent accomplish the same thing.

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) therapy by IV infusion is one of the modern scientific and technically-oriented treatment protocols that appears genuinely effective as a longevity hack, and one aligned with the conscious approach in this article. NAD is a naturally occurring coenzyme present in almost all cells in the body, who’s main purpose is to fuel metabolic reactions in the cell. Increasing NAD is effective for upgrading cellular mitochondrial function and levels of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), our body’s primary energy molecule.

Ice water bathing, by

contrast, is one of the oldest and most basic longevity

hacks. It’s been practiced by many cultures for millennia.

It’s even elaborated in the sophisticated Tummo (Inner Fire) practice of Tibetan Buddhism. Popularised in recent times by Wim Hof, exposure to extreme cold under controlled conditions has many benefits including the build-up of brown adipose tissue and resultant fat loss, reduced inflammation, improved immunity, improved circulation, enhanced hormone function and the production of endorphins.

Good quality sleep, between 6 and 8 hours maximum per night. Both too little and too much sleep is enervating. Getting to bed early, before 11pm latest but even 9 or 10pm is preferred as more HGH is produced early on, during sleep before midnight. Deeper and more restful non-REM sleep happens early in the night. Rising between 4am and 6am is preferred.

Meditation, conscious breathing / pranayama, mindfulness, selfless service to others, and creative somatic activities like ecstatic dance – all serve to quiet the autonomic nervous system and create deep peaceful relaxation and a stressfree disposition. Stress, including anxious working, greed, egoic competitiveness and conflict work against the release of the subtle rejuvenative chemistry.


A greater Spiritual context In the deeper purpose of all this… why is longevity important? Sure, living longer and having more time with loved ones, while healthy is great. Vitality, good spirits and energy are important – part of a happy life, and worth having. But what is this life really for? There are many purposes to which a human life may be directed, but I would like to propose one for our collective consideration together – and that concerns the notion of holism as it applies to the spiritual dimension of our existence. In my personal view, the greatest benefit from creating deep equanimity in our bodies, hearts and minds is that it frees our energy and attention to the contemplation of the Sacred – the ineffable and mysterious force and presence of Being itself. This presence is the context of our lives on this planet and the bodies with which we are so identified. The principle of holism suggests (and the deepest Dharmas agree) that not only is the body-mind-heart one thing, but that the bodymind-heart-universe is also intrinsically one thing. This has been the view of mystics and yogis throughout time, and now even modern science, in the form of quantum mechanics, proposes this same principle; all things are simply manifestations of one fundamental and indivisible energy. This energy is what is truly immortal – and this living energy is who we really are. The body-mind, in and of itself, cannot ever be immortal – the natural decay of forms sees to that perfectly. But the conscious energy of which we are the expression, is immortal. And in our attunement and ultimately in our identification with That, so are we.

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In the words of the illustrious physicist Steven Hawking “So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely selfcontained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end; it would simply be”. The ancient Taoist Immortals recognised the truth of this statement, and additionally that this ‘Universe’ that simply Is, is our true nature and who we ultimately are. They dedicated their long lives, in alignment with conscious longevity, to the contemplation of this essentially Divine gift. Recognising that we, as fundamental and indestructible conscious energy, are indeed immortal, ultimately grants freedom and perfect trust in our existence. To come into fully embodied expression of this freedom is what has traditionally been referred to as ‘enlightenment’ or Nirvana in the non-theistic traditions of the East, and, in the theistic traditions of the West, as God – the condition of eternal and perfect Love.

life dedicated the AA life dedicated toto the contemplation ofDivine this contemplation of this Divine Mystery is a practice Mystery is a practice that real to meaning givesthat real gives meaning the othto the other practices of er practices of wellness and wellness and longevity. longevity. Entering into the Entering into that the fullness fullness of trust develof trust develops ops from thisthat contemplation fromcoincidently, this contemplation is also, the veryis also, coincidently, thethe very disposition that grants disposition that grants the greatest flowering of the regreatestchemistry flowering of of the the generative regenerative of body-mind – and chemistry thus physical the body-mind longevity!– and thus physical longevity! In future issues the various practices presented here will be explored in more detail.

JP Le Roux, is a disciple of the Tantric Adept, Adi Da Samraj; a practicing life and health coach, transpersonal therapist and avid biohacker / neurohacker (and also part of the Holistica team). His life is committed to deepening conscious association with Transcendental Reality and guiding others as they do the same. can be for personal JP Le Roux, is He a disciple of contacted the Tantric Adept, Adi Da work on change@happen.is, via Samraj; process a practicing life and health coach, transpersonal therapist and avid biohacker / neurohacker (and also part WhatsApp on 082-882-5584 or on the of the Holistica team). His life is committed to deepening Holistica website (www.holistica.net). conscious association with Transcendental Reality and Your related topic for guiding othersquestions as they do the same. to He this can be contactaddressing in work future of ‘Longevity, ed for personal process on issues change@happen.is, via WhatsApp on 082-882-5584 or on the Holistica can website Immortality and Transcendence’ be (www.holistica.net). Your questions related to this topic emailed to jp@holistica.net.

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Aromatherapy | Ayurveda | Chinese Medicine | Dietetics | Ethnomedicine | Flower Essences | Functional Medicine | Herbalism | Homeopathy | Integrative Medicine | Iridology | Live Blood Analysis | Naturopathy | Nutrition | Panchakarma | Traditional African Medicine | Unani Tibb


Aromatherapy uses the restorative properties of essential oils extracted from plants, flowers, bark and leaves to heal, balance and promote health for the body, mind and spirit. It’s often administered through gentle, rhythmic massage. Different oils have properties ranging from antibacterial, antiviral, antispasmodic, diuretic and more and are effective for treating infection, interacting with the nervous system, modifying immune response and harmonising your moods and emotions.



Pure Wellness | Vincent | 071 879 7465 Aromatherapy by Althea | Beacon Bay | 071 461 5027 Aromatherapy Worx | Redhouse | 071 461 5027


Annaline Viljoen | Fichardt Park | 082 819 1874 Louise Claasen | Brandhof | 083 450 5390


Mariet Du Plessis | Centurion | 078 453 6651 Elizabeth Miszka | Benoni | 082 836 4674 Gloria Dukes | Bedfordview | 073 507 9109 Nasima Mohamed | Parkview | 083 633 7868 Delia Diedericks | Northwold | 082 850 0085 Elda Landsberg | Springs | 082 659 0601 Margery Moodie | Pinegowrie | 082 432 4209 Shenette Seerpath | Kelvin | 083 777 2993 Janet Visée | Halfway House | 082 443 5296 Marie Van Dyk | Pretoria | 082 440 4873


Margot Krull | Pinetown | 082 922 4535 Rosemary Howie | Westville | 072 188 1164 Audrey Kubheka | Westgate Gardens | 083 534 6917 Junnie Naidoo | Glenmore | 082 478 9640 Sharon Petzer | Brighton Beach | 082 667 7746 Margaret Napier | Sydenham | 082 780 3881 Mogi Govender | Umbilo | 083 230 5732 Anne Fitzgerald | Linkhills | 082 974 3080 Melanie Chetty | Woodhurst | 083 449 7537 Ranitha Jugoo | Tongaat | 082 959 0800


Natural Living | Polokwane | 082 616 5674


Elizabeth Blows | University Estate | 082 825 1622 Suzanne Leighton | Constantia | 084 293 3214 Wendy Heptinstall | Claremont | 082 688 8022 Eileen Cherry | Kirstenhof | 073 159 6483

Doryce Sher | Sea Point | 083 259 0559 Hayley Joseph | Century City | 082 444 7804 Linda-Anne O’Flaherty | Hout Bay | 083 600 4604 Martha Esterhuizen | Bloubergrant | 082 376 4791 Lynn Parker | Durbanville | 079 509 8197 Alistair Hill | Paarl | 082 777 7908


Ayurveda (the science of life) was developed in India thousands of years ago and is a holistic healing system. An individualised approach is used incorporating the three metabolic types Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These are key markers used to determine harmonious balance. An Ayurvedic healer administers a wide variety of remedies to restore dosha balance; from conventional surgery to massage, dietary changes, exercise, yoga, meditation, sweat baths, enemas, fragrant oils, sound and more.


Jeanne Matthews | Willowmore | 044 923 1751


Dr Harshada Rama | Bryanston | 082 519 7965 Dr Ram Garg | Randburg |082 852 8084 Dr Tamlyn Govender | Pretoria | 012 345 1045 Dr Nalla Mohammed | Langlaagte | 011 837 6819 Dr Ram Garg | Bordeaux | 082 852 8084


Dr Diksha Premrajh | Raisethorpe | 083 778 8006 Dr Vijay Mittal | Reservoir Hills | 072 651 3699 Dr Thirputhi Govender | Overport | 031 209 4580 Dr Rajendran Cooppan | Greyville | 031 309 3036 Dr Raja Matam | Stamford Hill | 031 303 7200 Dr Sandhya Venkatesan | Stamford Hill | 031 303 7200 Dr Anitha Mani | Stamford Hill | 031 303 7200 Dr Vasantha Naicker | Durban North | 031 563 8966 Francis Kreesan | Durban North | 031 563 0910 Sajith Koikal | Durban North | 073 899 8881 Dr Nithin Shetty | Mount Edgecombe | 031 502 3554 Dr Kanada Narahari | Umhlanga Ridge | 031 826 7717 Mahabir Paramanand | Verulum | 032 533 5665


Dr Vijay Jain | Somerset West | 021 855 1470 Katinka Hall | Hout Bay | 021 790 2611 Jennifer Stephens | Kalk Bay | 082 822 5212 Rene Lambert | Kommetjie | 021 783 3757 Helena Magelena | Velddrif | 022 783 2789


Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on prevention, just as much as cure. Its origins stem more than five thousand years. Chinese herbal medicine administers herbs and plants in formulas through teas, capsules, liquid extracts, granules, or powders. The foundation is based on the concepts of Yin and Yang. It aims to treat the many ways in which the fundamental balance and harmony between these two opposing but complementary forces affect health and wellbeing.


Yi-Hsing Chen | Walmer Downs | 041 368 5695 Pierre Theron | East London | 043 761 3646



Jen-Cherng Chen | Westville | 031 262 3143 Lance Giles | Empangeni | 035 792 5828 Arun Kamalanathan | Durban | 031 563 1119 Meena Kasim | Tongaat | 032 944 2761 Imran Keeka | Newcastle | 083 703 9135 Faizal Khan | Ladysmith | 036 637 8656 Kitty Kwo | Westville | 031 262 3143 Calinda (Hsiu-Hsia) Lin | Durban North | 031 563 5027 Chien Liang (Alan) Lin | Westville | 031 266 3707 Sathya Munnoo | Silverglen | 031 403 5316 Mahendran Naidoo | Reservoir Drive Hills | 083 786 7511 Kun-Pin Yang | Newcastle | 034 315 3638


Jacobus Joubert | Mankweng | 015 267 4094


Hang Vermeulen | Secunda | 017 631 2455


Fabian Tun | Kimberley | 053 832 7050


Lolette Beyers | Cape Town | 021 422 0011 Phillip Burnham | Tamboerskloof | 021 422 2962 Wagheda Cassiem | Bellville | 074 149 6843 Sandra Cattich | Claremont | 021 762 5522 Miao Yin Chiang Lin | Bellville | 021 945 2477 Johan Dippenaar | Table View | 021 557 1156 Luanne Epstein | Cape Town | 021 788 5773 Sudhir Gautam | Goodwood | 082 584 3367 Jason Gaymans | Gardens | 082 437 1032 Kerry Hammerton | Wynberg | 021 762 5866 Jinyun Hu | Somerset West | 021 851 3944 Thomas Jahn | Gardens | 021 424 6827’ Alison Kamffer | Robertson | 023 626 4382 Li Kan | Bellville | 012 913 1333 Sanet Kotze | Welgedacht | 082 466 7329 Andrew Krein | Observatory | 021 447 7041 Jeff Lan | Cape Town | 021 422 2193 Michael Lan | Gardens | 021 422 5608 Yu-Kuan Lin | Plumstead | 021 761 7742 Xuesheng Ma | Bellvile | 082 830 3390 Rubin Rhode | Cape Town | 082 642 2442 Andre Sorger | Sea Point | 072 379 4211 Lynda Thompson | Cape Town | 021 551 1589 Evert Van der Horst | George | 044 884 0188 Susann Wentzel | Stellenbosch | 021 880 0987 Steph Whittle-Bennetts | Paarl | 021 863 4855 Lin Zhang | Milnerton | 021 552 4014


Dietetics recognises the central role diet plays in maintaining health and that most physical disorders can be treated in conjunction with diet. The interrelationship of food and bodily functions, and the role of protective or preventive foods is key and Dietitians are trained experts in nutrition. A dietitian is able to prescribe a therapeutic diet to suit individual requirements accounting for food sensitivities and metabolism and meant to bring about optimal health.


Phyllis Berger | Rivonia | 011 883 2000 Mahendra Bhana | Southdale | 011 680 6602 Faizel Bobat | Krugersdorp | 011 762 5005 Deon Boehmer | Springs | 074 184 5562 Anna Chang | Faerie Glen | 012 991 3450 Jung-Freng Chiu | Constantia Park | 012 998 4448 Xiang Deng | Parkmore | 078 1884 5328 Anthony Fang | Benoni | 079 501 4336 Xiao-Ying Gu | Blairgowrie | 011 475 8901 Xue Li Hao | Cyrildene | 011 615 5028 Min Chin Hsu | Benoni | 011 963 0983 Zijing Hu | Edenvale | 011 452 1470 Anwari Jaffer | Fordsburg | 082 484 3155 Ella Jardine | Parkview | 011 486 2946 Tarmahomed Joosub | Laudium | 012 374 1413 Janine Joseph | Mondeor | 011 433 0066 Jenny Kang | Meredale | 011 941 8191 Amratlal Lala | Lenasia | 082 926 6480 Bond Lam | Lyttelton Manor | 012 664 2015 Rita Lam | Lyttelton Manor | 012 664 2015 Manfred Leibenguth | Schoemansville | 012 253 2901 Li Li | Bedfordview | 083 957 9736 Jian-Sheng Lin | Roodepoort | 072 373 2300 Chien-Ming Lu | Hurlingham | 011 326 6432 Zhenshan Luo | Sunnyside | 012 440 6929 Ebrahim Mahomed | Roodepoort | 011 766 3680 Kelly May | Greenside | 011 646 7888 Peter McKendry | Morningside | 011 884 0827 Patel Mohammed | Springs | 011 733 4533 Yousuf Patel | Crosby | 011 837 2862 Malcolm Peterson | Weltevredenpark | 011 475 8138 Conglin Qiao | Edenvale | 011 454 5566 Anette Saaiman | Waterkloof Ridge | 012 346 2881 Wing Sam | Mayfair | 011 837 2976 Hans Shepherd | Fordsburg | 011 492 0300 Attie Smit | Wierdapark | 012 660 0249 Debbie Smith | Bryanston | 011 463 8564 Steven Stavrou | Sandton | 011 706 5946 Nienke Van der Westhuizen | Menlopark | 012 346 2241 Pauline Vermaas | Morelettapark | 083 454 8380 Peter Viljoen | Raedene | 011 640 1532 Paul West | Sandton | 011 784 2486 Natascha Wolf | Little Falls | 011 675 3699 Henry Wu | Dunvegan | 011 454 088

Jen-Hsyang Yang | Midrand | 011 516 0488 Quan Hua Zeng | Moreleta Park | 012 653 8306


Melanie Sher | Linksfield | 082 316 8598 Nathalie Mat | Randburg | 011 442 7277 Gabriella Burbaitzky | Norwood | 083 974 9851 Taryn Hands | Bedfordview | 072 726 7799 Jessica Ferguson | Sandton | 011 465 1818 Nicqui Grant | Bryanston | 082 410 4652


Michelle Tolmay | Morningside | 083 277 7927 Sumaiya Essa | Umhlanga | 031 582 5393 Julie Perks | Berea | 031 201 1789 Michelle Tolmay | Morningside | 083 277 7927 Chloe Dyer | Ballito | 032 586 0949


Claudine Ryan | Durbanville | 071 683 1791 Catherine Day | Constantia | 071 683 1791 Gabi Lasker | Sea Point | 082 603 4689 Emily Innes | Pinelands | 084 209 1156 Annelie Smith | Zonnebloem | 082 457 5701



Ethnomedicine uses natural remedies to activate the immune system. These remedies act directly on the affected parts of the body and address the cause of the symptoms. The body’s defense mechanisms are activated to overcome the symptoms and the natural subtle energy of the body system is strengthened. Ethno-phytotherapies developed from traditional herbal medicine using plants and herbs. Ethnomedicine often prescribes herbal medicine in the form of tinctures, capsules, infusions and ointments.


Michael Magwa | East London | 082 826 1682 Leonard Eales | East London | 083 265 9548 Francois Eales | East London | 072 769 3312 Derick Benito | East London | 073 510 9742 Antoine Eales | George | 071 106 2133 Francois Connoway | Jeffries Bay | 081 354 9691 Paul Smit | King Williams Town | 083 994 1935 Manana Matima | Matatiele | 074 905 7240 Kapinga Kizito | Peddie | 079 084 3361 Gertruida Horn | Plettenberg Bay | 082 395 2277 Liza Thomas-Westwood | Plettenberg Bay | 083 489 2585 Joan Stranger | Port Elizabeth | 072 325 0940 Glynn Goedhart | Port Elizabeth | 081 717 1706 Sakeena Harmsen | Witelsbos | 072 888 1000


Edith Childs | Edenburg | 072 768 4159 Juliet Matentji | Kroonstad | 076 415 4445 Thabo Mofokeng | Witsieshoek | 072 176 2853 Monique Potgieter | Parys | 082 313 5596 Anna van Staden | Bloemfontein | 083 738 6265 Helena Venter | Virginia | 057 217 2621


Frieda Garvie | Alberton | 082 895 4742 Johnnie Jerling | Alberton | 082 852 5318 Maria Branco | Bassonia | 083 701 3103 Annabella Ontong | Bassonia | 082 920 6622 Tonia Lennox | Bedfordview | 082 772 8283 Simon Knight | Benoni | 082 689 1649 Cornelius van Zyl | Benoni | 072 119 9677 Aziz Atawullah | Benoni | 084 429 5869 Nicolaas Oelofse | Benoni | 082 820 1808 Harry Hall | Benoni | 082 415 9959 Magdelena Pretorius | Benoni | 083 976 4928 Abraham Pretorius | Benoni | 078 907 3467 Jacob Letsolo | Benoni | 078 160 3702 Pieter Cloete | Benoni | 082 825 9722 Erika Coetzee | Benoni | 071 678 4775 Maureen Owen | Benoni | 083 335 9598 Josephina Cameron | Boksburg | 083 400 8856 Valerie Strydom | Boksburg | 084 506 0224 Channette Coetzee | Boksburg | 082 634 9822 Nazeem Abrahams | Bosmont | 083 544 8387 Stuart Dos Ramos| Brakpan | 084 676 0969 Stephen Rademeyer | Brakpan | 082 887 5201 Loredana Brondani | Bruma | 083 227 0998 Alexandra Parvess | Centurion | 082 339 7235 Svetoslav Bulatov | Craighall | 072 460 3163 Anna Aronis | Edenvale | 072 647 7697 Shubnum Singh | Edenvale | 071 786 5908 Silvana Smith | Edenvale | 082 395 9962 Diana Elsmere | Fouways | 082 464 2727 Stuart Tennent | Fourways | 082 650 9050 Arthur Long | Fourways | 083 384 0907 Nokuthula Mabhengu | Germiston | 082 740 5068 Gail Gibson | Germiston | 083 453 3977 Laetitia Veldsman | Germiston | 083 463 3894 Amy Smith | Germiston | 072 752 2098 Brian Greenblatt | Glenhazel | 082 555 5929 Leonie Jansen van Vuuren | Hartebeespoort | 082 921 9733 Alberta van Wyk | Honeydew | 072 145 1437 Sjarn Mansoor | Johannesburg | 079 881 0035 Rene Potgieter | Johannesburg | 082 569 1944 Wilfred Wank | Johannesburg | 072 763 5864 Eugenie Rowson | Johannesburg | 082 771 2292 Agnes Nyaphisi | Johannesburg | 081 085 1273 Natalie Clack | Johannesburg | 074 288 6560 Isabel van Niekerk | Johannesburg | 073 909 7562 Vernon Stearn | Kempton Park | 082 498 3785 Emmarentia Harding | Kempton Park | 083 271 7776 Joyce Schoeman | Kempton Park | 082 544 8735 Faith Jiane | Kempton Park | 082 824 8948 Neville van de Venter | Kempton Park | 082 740 6394 Nico van Zyl | Krugersdorp | 083 388 8693 Alwyn van Wyngaard | Krugersdorp | 083 949 3262 Mala Singh | Lenasia | 083 296 3206 Mohammad Khan | Johannesburg | 072 368 6737 Johanna de Wet | Middelburg | 082 968 2037 Janetta Nel | Nigel | 082 446 8336 Margaret Schwanzer | Northcliff | 073 253 5095 Monique Beekman | Petervale | 072 171 7612 Butana Lekhuleni | Pretoria | 082 476 9323 Petrus de Bruyn | Pretoria | 082 851 9973 Russel Marais | Pretoria | 082 421 5032 Magdalena van Staden | Pretoria | 082 563 9126

Daniel Theart | Pretoria | 079 499 9887 Benita Serfontein | Pretoria | 072 475 3296 Christelle van Heerden | Pretoria | 072 123 6836 Aletta Landman | Pretoria | 082 855 1666 Franz Devantier | Pretoria | 082 322 5374 Karen Wolmarans | Pretoria | 083 296 6310 Pieter Coetzer | Pretoria | 084 700 7364 Leonie Louw | Pretoria | 083 700 1441 Rustelle Kotze | Pretoria | 087 809 0964 Lesedi Simon Sehole | Pretoria | 060 911 1524 Theresa Swart | Pretoria | 072 272 7691 Herbert Basetse | Pretoria | 083 757 3892 Albert Ford | Pretoria | 012 361 1075 Petrus Smith | Pretoria | 082 855 8055 Johan Nel | Pretoria | 082 569 2118 Engela Strydom | Pretoria | 082 828 5461 Sunette Burger | Pretoria | 082 441 9636 Bernd Rutkowski | Pretoria | 082 934 1238 David Lindeque | Pretoria | 083 400 4121 Alexander Meintjies | Pretoria | 083 316 3181 Stephanus Schoeman | Pretoria | 082 333 7801 Marius van der Vyver | Pretoria | 082 428 7574 Garner Beresford | Pretoria | 083 566 0932 Beatrice van Zyl – Sadler | Pretoria | 083 725 0213 AJ Bosch | Pretoria | 012 807 1718 Esca Taljaard | Pretoria | 074 240 0837 Aletta Chambers | Pretoria | 082 979 2096 Petronella Holzhauze | Pretoria | 062 119 5407 Carin Smit | Roodepoort | 073 377 1567 Derryth Hugo | Roodepoort | 084 820 4661 Sonja Simak | Roodepoort | 082 222 2458 Starajean Artman | Roodepoort | 083 469 3276 Diana Lombard | Sandton | 083 309 5031 Monique Beekman | Sandton | 060 822 2513 Essa Khan | Sandton | 073 523 8839 Janine Reeves | Sandton | 082 778 6063 Jan Motaung | Soweto | 073 194 3770 Virginia Motaung | Soweto | 082 074 8201 Hawa Seedat | Springs | 082 850 7942 Keshnee Beharie | Springs | 082 902 9510 Sasha Holz | Strathoven | 082 557 1100 Phillip Moeti | Vanderbijlpark | 073 638 3055 De Ville van Zyl | Vanderbijlpark | 082 841 1194 Johannes de Beer | Vereeniging | 083 265 8202 Wilhelmina de Beer | Vereeniging | 083 265 8202 Isaac Kekana | Vosloorus | 071 215 4711 Deirdre Holt | Walkerville | 083 302 1876

Marthinus Viljoen | Globlersdal | 083 394 0168 Anneline Venter | Hoespruit | 084 869 4001 Portia Mogale | Jane-Furse | 076 270 3420 Jacobus Botha | Limpopo | 072 562 4962 Henry Haynes | Limpopo | 082 337 5323 Tina Boshoff | Limpopo | 073 267 5477 Lowies Vorster | Polokwane | 083 271 3131




Cecilia Mathebula | Giyani | 073 655 2851

Rustelle Coetzee | Groenkloof | 087 809 0964 Mardeen Stoltz | Middelburg | 082 673 3455 Charl Marais | Nelspruit | 083 264 5772 Carl Nel | Nelspruit | 083 533 9150 Sindisiwe Dasheka | White River | 084 234 1733 Nikki Wilson | White River | 072 321 4131


Bianca Richardson | Kathu | 073 202 0903 Gert Beeslaar | Kimberley | 083 291 2553


Gesina Botha | Carletonville | 084 814 0034 Frederik Broodryk | Carletonville | 083 230 3470 Dorothea Shahini | Hartebeespoort | 083 441 3203 Louis Botha | Potchefstroom | 084 208 2790 Christine Viljoen | Potchefstroom | 014 592 6563 Leon Landman | Potchefstroom | 084 208 2790 Matthys Coetzer | Sannieshof | 083 714 5660 Steven Stolz | Sannieshof | 079 103 8293


Robyn-Lee Phillips | Cape Town | 082 322 3687 Jeri Russel | Cape Town | 079 169 6920 Simon Loxton | Cape Town | 073 462 5116 Colleen O’Carroll | Cape Town | 082 774 6274 Margaret Holton | Cape Town | 072 545 2542 Ellie Lawrence | Cape Town | 072 261 5777 Ismael Abrahams | Cape Town | 082 961 9800 Aletha Reynolds | De Rust | 083 592 2867 Paul Reynolds | De Rust | 083 592 2867 Tersia Dreckmeyr | George | 082 452 3351 Karin Parry | Hermanus | 084 500 2314 Johannes Swart | Hermanus | 084 548 8360 Kim Tempest | Hout Bay | 082 642 9518 Linda Lombard | Western Cape | 083 448 0923 Hester Ladewig | Western Cape | 071 643 8191 Susanna du Toit | Western Cape | 083 251 4416 Zyla Fourie-Kritzinger | Western Cape | 081 270 9170

Just as every human has their own energy field and aura, plants too have special energetic patterns or vibrational qualities with healing energy. Edward Bach, who created the Bach Flower Remedies, used water to transfer the healing energy of flowers to human beings. When flowers are immersed in water and left in natural sunlight for a period, the energy pattern imprints in the water. The essences are then used to assist healing emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. Flower essences are used by a variety of holistic practitioners.


Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach engaging


Nobuhle Shingo | Natal | 063 802 2525 Jojo Nyanisile | Kokstad | 073512 0369 Deon le Roux | Margate | 082 535 2617 Dianne Visser | Margate | 082 340 2392 David Msomi | Pietermaritzburg | 073 333 1928 Henry Bester | Pietermaritzburg | 084 550 5010 Poomoney Naidoo | Kwa Stanger | 084 551 6087 Sam Soobramone | Tongaat | 082 875 5836 Sipho Mahlasela | Umhlanga | 083 673 8931 Krishnaveni Pillai | Umkomaas | 079 489 8814 Carl Rohan Johson | Warner Beach | 084 450 4777 Trudie JG | Bartholomew | 082 339 3266


both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Practitioners look at interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease.

Remedies use plants, flowers and minerals in dilution using a special method of shaking called ‘succussion’ to create ‘potentised’ medicines. Homeopaths consider each individual’s temperament, habits and inclinations and recommend medicines accordingly.





Cheryl Wilkinson | Johannesburg | 011 646 3818 Hester Visagie | Roodepoort | 011 679 5924 Kelly J Robinson | Johannesburg | 082 450 8922 Thandi Cuffe | Johannesburg | 011 6463818 Marianne Duvenage | Pretoria | 012 460 4646 Heidi van Loggerenberg | Gauteng | 083 382 1300 Dr Mavhungu Tracy Nelwamondo | Johannesburg | 082 055 5731


Susanne van der Merwe | Durban | 083 703 5579



Lynette Steele | Stellenbosch | 021 813 9603 Tracy Venter | Somerset West | 079 148 0831 Lize de la Rouviere | Knysna | 076 160 4199


Herbalism, also known as herbology or herbal medicine, is the use of plants as medicine. Plants have the ability to synthesise chemical compounds to defend themselves against predators and natural threats. Some of these compounds are beneficial in alleviating ailments. A herbal healer will skillfully select a blend of herbs to create a customised tonic to harmonise the body’s imbalances given in the form of tea, capsules, tonics, granules, or powders.


Dr Carla Boswell | Oranjezicht | 072 056 7731 Dr James Campbell | Durbanville | 021 982 5089 Dr Sonia Couto | Kenilworth | 072 825 4145 Dr Leonie Curtolo | Bellville | 072 993 4158 Dr Sanien de Beer | Somerset West | 082 615 8284 Dr Kerry Haarhoff | Cape Town | 079 175 7662 Dr A.J. Horak | Bonnievale | 023 616 3540 Dr Connie Meyer | Durbanville | 021 976 5200 Dr Tayla Michele Mirfin | Plattekloof Glen | 072 124 7635 Dr Tammi O’ Flynn | Kenilworth | 071 431 4794 Dr Caryn Schubert | Table View | 021 557 6066 Dr Wendy Staak | Muizenberg | 021 788 4867 Dr Catherine van Dorsten | Greyton | 028 254 9132 Dr Craig Wright | Claremont | 021 671 4338


Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural healing system based on the principle of ‘like cures like’, that works in harmony with the immune system triggering and intensifying the body’s own healing mechanisms. Homeopathy treats both acute and chronic conditions.

Dr Jansen Van Vuuren | Vincent | 082 938 1758 Dr Chiquita Vosloo | Walmer | 041 581 3999 Dr Janine Kirby | Nahoon | 043 735 4525 Dr Estie Terblanche | East London | 072 209 9337 Dr Charles Wildervanck | Port Elizabeth | 083 533 4082


Dr Adri Vermaas | Langenhoven Park | 051 446 2139 Dr Trix Jonker | Universitas | 051 446 2826


Dr Mahendra Bhana | Southdale | 011 680 6602 Dr Jacquelyn Schultz | Parkmore | 011 883 7000 Dr Michel Piedallu | Lynnwood | 012 348 2915 Dr Angela Long | Northcliff | 011 477 1639 Dr Sheetal Daya | Farramere | 011 849 0680 Dr Shane Sarawan | Fourways | 011 465 1622 Dr Kathryn Peck | Randburg | 011 431 3037 Dr Janice Pellow | Boksburg | 011 913 2586 Dr Amiraj-Surujparsad | Weltevreden | 011 475 5890 Dr Fiona Aronovitz | Percelta | 011 786 4962


Dr Wayne Saul | Rey’s Place | 032 586 3403 Dr Thomas Macquet | Hillcrest | 031 765 7100 Dr Angela Carey | Hilton Gardens | 033 394 0483 Dr Ingrid Couchmann | Waterfall | 031 373 2482 Dr Lance Giles | Empangeni | 035 792 5828 Dr Sigrid Keller | Westville | 031 262 4606 Dr Irfana Lockhat | Reservoir Hills | 031 262 2478 Dr Fatima Hansa | Berea | 031 220 2033 Dr Tracey Smillie | Durban North | 072 219 1980 Dr Lauren Wayland | Dawncrest | 031 266 6218


Dr Cynita Conradie | Modimolle | 082 403 7801 Dr Samba De Oliveira | Polokwane | 066 014 9420 Dr Majoro Letsela | Marble Hall | 073 654 1956 Dr Tshimangadzo Mugivhi | Levubu | 082 480 0646 Dr Sashni Naicker | Bendor Park | 072 730 6876 Dr Jean Railton | Tzaneen | 073 366 9803 Dr Denise Robinson | Thabazimbi | 014 777 1081 Dr Janetta Uys | Musina | 015 534 1231 Dr Gerhardus Venter | Hoedspruit | 072 797 3785


Dr Ferreira | Middelburg | 013 243 0464 Dr Peter Liddell | Witbank | 013 656 5896 Dr Cathrina Roux | Secunda | 017 634 7735 Dr Soretha du Plessis | Nelspruit | 084 325 9322


Dr Guido Gilissen | Lichtenburg | 018 632 3130 Dr Johann Oberholzer | Klerksdorp | 018 468 6840





Dr David Nye | Pinelands | 021 531 3545 Dr Heather Lockyear | Kalk Bay | 021 7889 602 Dr Alta Vogel | Stellenbosch | 021 887 2177 Dr Patricia Anderson | Gardens | 021 423 5626 Dr Ruth Bloch | Green Point | 021 434 1068 Dr Shaun Bresler | Kenilworth | 021 683 7598 Dr Antoinette Daphne | Durbanville | 021 975 5957 Dr Chrstinette de Coning | Plumstead | 021 762 6215 Dr Robert Durrheim | Rondebosch | 072 056 5515 Dr Herman Jeggels | Kuils River | 021 903 0743

Integrative medicine is an approach that addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences that affect a person’s health. Employing a personalised strategy that considers the patient’s unique conditions, needs and circumstances, it uses the most appropriate interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to heal illness and disease and help people regain and maintain optimum health.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE PRACTITIONERS Theresa Ackerman | Randburg | 082 699 8150 Dr Giovanni Afeltra | Parkhurst | 072 480 0318 Dr Colleen Bland | Jhb South | 021 434 4199 Dr Marike De Klerk | Hazelwood | 071 610 2852 Dr Steven Gunn | Moreleta Park | 012 998 7944 Dr Malini Pillay | Bedfordview | 011 026 0026


Dr Stephanie Thomas | Westville | 031 267 0343 Dr Merle Williams | Hillcrest | 031 303 3473 Dr David Naude | Gillitts | 031 765 4134

Naturopathy is a holistic healing system that acknowledges the body’s innate capacity to heal. A Naturopath sees disease symptoms as a result of healing forces the body uses to eliminate toxins and restore balance. Practitioners treat the cause of illness, rather than the effect. They use safe and effective natural therapies to educate, empower and motivate patients towards personal responsibility by adopting a healthy attitude, lifestyle and diet.


Praneeta Kooverji | Lenasia | 082 477 1490 Martin Van Heerden | The Willows | 0861 444 491 Mojgan Yeganeh-Arani | Pretoria | 012 346 0400


Raj Latchminarain | Verulam | 032 5339792


Dr. Bhagattjee | Pinelands | 021 824 5597 Dr. Gail Blake | Stellenbosch | 021 887 8495 Dr Nicola Buchan | Plumstead | 021 762 6215 Heidi Du Preez | Hout Bay | 021 790 0150 Dr Les Emdin | Lansdowne | 021 930 1081 Melody Fourie | Knysna | 083 844 3707 Dr. Jon Morley | Wilderness | 044 889 0119

Emerall Amos | Bishop Lavis | 021 935 1691 Melissa Brown | Montana | 021 761 3061 Chase Webber | Claremont | 084 607 0777 Sandi Nye | Pinelands | 021 531 3545 Adele Pelteret | Pinelands | 021 531 3589 Renata Zijp | 021 422 3789 Heidi Retter | Milnerton | 021 551 2104 Caryn Schubert | Table View | 021 557 6066 Alida Retief | Brackenfell | 021 9822270 Eva Mihal | Fish Hoek | 021 782 9051 Suzanne Haylett | Worcester | 023 342 1861




Iridology is a diagnostic technique based on the scientific study of the iris. An accurate analysis of iris structure and pigmentation provides information about physiological condition, psychological health risks, challenges or strengths of various organs and personality traits. An iridologist may use a close up camera lens and side lighting as a record. He or she will explain the significance of the various markings in the iris and suggest an appropriate treatment route. Iridology is used by a variety of holistic practitioners.

A Nutritionist may be qualified in varying fields from nutrition to food science and public health. Their primary role is to help people achieve optimal health through information and advice on diet, health and food choices. This may mean formulating special meals for objectives like allergy reduction, weight gain or loss, increased energy, better immunity and more.



Blood is the ideal medium to analyse your overall health status. Dark field live blood microscopy (DFLBM), Phase contrast live blood microscopy (PCLBM) and coagulated blood microscopy (CBM) reveal components of the blood. Live Blood Analysis is not diagnostic, but is a screening tool which enables the qualified practitioner to ascertain underlying factors that may be contributing to an imbalance and interfering with the body’s natural healing ability. Live Blood analysis is used by a variety of holistic practitioners.




Ashleigh Caradas | Dunkeld West | 082 856 3374 Ina Nortjé | Northcliff | 011 888 6575 Tamsin Lilford-Powys | Parkview | 011 486 3777


Kelly Francis | Durban | 082 557 5749 Vanessa Clarke | Umhlanga | 079 122 5938 Michelle Tolmay | Morningside | 083 277 7927


Shelly Meltzer | Newlands | 021 659 5646 Nasreen Mohamed | Rondebosch | 021 686 1132 Catherine Boome | Somerset West | 082 449 4554



Panchakarma is a cleansing and rejuvenating programme for the body, mind and consciousness practiced as part of Ayurveda. It is known to eliminate toxins and toxic conditions, restore constitutional balance, strengthen immunity, slow the ageing process, enhance strength and vitality and bring about deep relaxation and sense of wellbeing. It involves applications like hot oil massage, a therapeutic diet, herbal rejuvenation and various other healing protocols.


Originating in China over five thousand years ago, acupuncture works by modifying the flow of ‘chi’ or vital life energy in the human body. The practitioner places sterile stainless steel needles into the body along specific acupuncture points on energy pathways called meridians. Different meridians feed energy to different organs and areas of the body. By locating the meridian that feeds a problem area, the practitioner is able to stimulate or decongest the flow of energy to that area or organ. Acupuncture can restore health and is particularly well known for relieving pain. Many Chinese Medicine practitioners and physiotherapists practice acupuncture.


Dr Graham Yutar | Sandton | 011 784 3866



Maharishi Panchakarma | Drakensburg | www.panchakarma.com


Traditional African Medicine is used by 80% of South Africans with over 200 000 traditional healers in existence. There are varying categories of traditional healers like ‘inyangas’ or herbalists; sangomas, trained to communicate with the spirit world through ancestors; and traditional midwives and surgeons. Contemporary traditional healers use herbs in combination with diet, exercise, hydrotherapy, counselling, vitamin and mineral supplementation, first aid and ‘piercing’. To find a Traditional Healer log onto www.umsamo.org.za


Acupuncture | Alexander Technique | Breathwork | Body Alignment | Biokinetics | Body Stress Release | Body Talk | Bowen | Chiropractic | Cranio-sacral | Dorn | Kinesiology | Massage | Osteopathy | Physiotherapy | Reflexology | Reiki | Rolfing | Shiatsu | TRE

Dr Mahendran | Durban | 031 262 6708


Dr Lin | Plumstead | 021 761 7742 Dr Jeff Lan | Cape Town | 021 422 2193


The Alexander Technique is an educational process designed to improve posture, ease of movement, balance, support and coordination. Lessons incorporate simple movements like walking, standing up or sitting down in a chair and the ability to perform them with the simplest ease and least harmful tension. The technique minimises wear and tear on your muscles and structures of the spine vulnerable to compression.


Unani Tibb is a natural system of medicine with GraecoArab origin. It embraces the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life in a unified and holistic form. Unani physicians emphasise treatment according to four temperament types: sanguinous, bilious, melancholic and phlegmatic. It encourages practices that strengthen the body’s ability to heal through practices like correct lifestyle, diet, cupping and herbs. Unani Tibb falls under the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa. To find a Tibb practitioner log onto www.satibb.co.za


Gwyneth Lloyd | Hogsback | 082 928 5770


Jana Cilliers | Parkview | 083 449 2633 Leán de Wet | Parkview | 072 192 3931 Mary Hatchuel | Bedfordview | 083 377 3540 Cheryl Herbert | Hyde Park | 011 880 2583 Caryn Katz | The Gardens | 082 780 8224 Thea Kreft | Craighall | 011 886 8665 Marion Makepeace | Northcliff | 082 579 5632

Join the HOLISTICA Movement Register with us as a practitioner on www.holistica.net/join and get a full service listing online & complimentary listing in our annual publication CALL PALESA 072 221 4415 OR EMAIL HELLO@HOLISTICA.CO.ZA (GAUTENG) CALL CHLOE ON 083 688 1819 OR EMAIL CHLOE@HOLISTICA.NET (ALL OTHER REGIONS)


Sheila Bulley | Berea | 031 208 8637


Helen Andrew | Kommetjie | 071 373 2893 Yvonne Becker | Newlands | 021 671 2156 Joan Brokensha | Constantia | 021 795 0365 Bob Chappell | Claremont | 021 674 3223 Sue Grant | Fish Hoek | 083 285 5960 Barry Kantor | Green Point | 082 791 8055 Wendy Miller | Stellenbosch | 072 275 1357 Pat Orner Oliver | Diep River | 021 712 6362 Angela Paynter | Gardens | 021 426 1545 Karin Ralph | Tableview | 072 596 1083 Zanna Schilbach | Noordhoek | 021 789 2135 Rebecca Smith | Constantia | 021 794 6991 Sarel Swiel | Sea Point | 021 434 1945 Wytske van der Meulen | Kommetjie | 021 783 0277 Tom van Hove | Green Point | 021 439 3440 Walter Vaughan-Jones | Pinelands | 084 493 0043 Andrzej Wall | Hout Bay | 021-790 4375 Marguerite van der Merwe | Kleinmond | 028 271 4555



Dr Ela Manga | Houghton | 082 330 6915


Lesley Chorn | Plumstead | 083 631 6952 Mike Viljoen | Hout Bay | 082 293 4066


A Biokineticist is an exercise therapist dedicated to improving physical wellbeing and quality of life through individualised scientific assessment. Prescribed exercise in a rehabilitative environment aims at preventing or intervening certain ailments and enhancing performance in both sport and work activities. A Biokineticist will measure and evaluate body posture, body composition, blood pressure, glucose levels, lung function, heart rate, fitness, muscle strength, endurance, power, flexibility and other health indicators.


Kathryn Allderman | East London | 084 474 0624 Adriaan Botha | Beacon Bay | 043 555 0248 Lindsey Bresler-Moore | Port Elizabeth | 041 363 0531 Megan Brunsdon | Port Elizabeth | 071 493 9140 Sarah-Kay Burger | Port Elizabeth | 078 095 8926


Monique | Bloemfontein | 051 444 0339 Gert De Lange | Bloemfontein | 082 471 9292 Cherie Deane | Eastern Cape | 072 202 9495 Ilze Du Pisani | Bethlehem | 082 674 1850 Drene Du Plessis | Sasolburg | 071 326 5745 Willem Ebertsohn | Bloemfontein | 071 682 4725 Carla Grove | Free State | 072 642 4586 Ronel Labuschagne | Bloemfontein | 079 921 4377 Christine Louwrens | Free State | 057 212 7471 Menanto Malan | Free State | 072 953 2438


Charne Badenhorst | Gauteng | 064 824 4732 Hitekani Baloyi | Gauteng | 012 380 4000 Hennie Basson | Randburg | 083 288 4719 Robyn Begemann | Edenvale | 082 887 7278 Shehnaaz Bhabha | Gauteng | 071 872 6418 Nabeela Bhamjee | Gauteng | 011 432 7062 Cayley Blaker | Gauteng | 011 883 0365 Anton Bloem | Alberton | 082 551 8222 Jolene Booysens | Pretoria | 082 483 2545 Michael Botha | Pretoria | 082 309 7939


Nicola Acampora | Kwazulu-Natal | 071 253 7668 Erika Barnes | Kwazulu-Natal | 082 468 0953 Justin Bircher | Kwazulu-Natal | 031 764 2918 Larize Blaauw | Kwazulu-Natal | 084 825 8079 Shannyn Botha | Kwazulu-Natal | 081 333 3683 Karen Bowyer | Kwazulu-Natal | 082 254 4629 Paul Candler | Kwazulu-Natal | 033 330 25680 Melanie Coetzee | Kwazulu-Natal | 073 227 2458 Stephanie Flanagan | Port Shepstone | 083 310 8671 Thasmae Chetty | Tara Road, Durban | 031 467 3989


Joanita Badenhorst | Nelspruit | 084 625 1506 Yolandi Bochmann | Witbank | 013 658 6015 Juanette de Villiers | Bethan | 082 459 7829 Anka Erasmus | Delmas | 072 481 4804 Janine Faulha | Oliver Tambo | 072 931 8761 Taryn Field | Hazyview | 082 442 5833 Magde-Mari Fourie | Mpumalanga | 076 640 0445 Elani Gerber | Mpumalanga | 061 271 5835 Hendrina Johanna Grove | Mpumalanga | 084 514 7308 Jannie Joubert | Witbank | 013 656 2916


Melanie Botha | Northern Cape | 082 451 9305 Izemari Swart | Kimberley | 053 831 1822 Christoff Van Zyl | Kimberley | 053 832 5447 Christina Venter | Northern Cape | 082 552 8667 Gerhard Visser | Upington | 054 332 3788


Nortje Buitenweg | Rustenberg | 072 141 9044 Lisinda Jansen | Schoemansville | 082 562 4816 Chrisna Kanes | Rustenberg | 072 881 8183 Esti Kruger | Potchefstroom | 018 299 1824


Breathwork uses specific breathing patterns to achieve deep relaxation and access to the subconscious and higher conscious mind. Originally it was developed as a process for adults to revisit the birth experience (regarded as key to how we handle stress in our life). Birth experiences involving immense stress introduce the message that life is a struggle. Rebirthing reprogrammes early messages allowing life to flow in easier and more creative ways.

Kelly de Ridder | Green Acres | 083 438 4244 Rosa Du Randt | Port Elizabeth | 041 504 2603 Chad Durrheim | Port Elizabeth | 041 373 6331 Andre Goosen | Port Elizabeth | 041 363 1460 Lisa Grenfell | Port Elizabeth | 041 504 2603

Neri Lizamore | North West | 083 337 7830 De Clerq Matthee | Vyburg | 072 226 8422 Sarah Moss | North West | 082 415 6146 Jorinda Prinsloo | Klerksdorp | 083 208 8508 Adre’ Rossouw | Potchefstroom | 072 980 9806 Joanita Smit | Potchefstroom | 082 049 5536


The basic premise of this technique is that pain is your body’s way of communicating that something in the body is out of balance. Body Alignment accesses the body’s biocomputer to locate emotional blockages. Memories of past trauma, environmental stress, toxicity and suppressed emotions are brought back into the body, to its deepest cellular level where they are released from a place of deep feeling. It works vibrationally to clear subconscious memory pathways and lift the body’s vibrational frequency.


Nina Frank | Gauteng | 011 782 9963 Freda O’Brien | Johannesburg | 010 591 4929 Helen Rudham | Johannesburg | 011 646 3539 Pene Mills | Gauteng | 011 791 1572


Sharon Sinclair | Kwazulu-Natal | 082 577 7790 Christine Hardy | Durban | 082 373 5460 Merle Westcott | Durban | 082 925 5228 Debbie Herdon | Kwazulu-Natal | 083 261 6027 Alexandra Welgemoed | Pietermaritzburg | 082 492 9455 Andrew Gillespie | Pietermaritzburg | 082 809 9642


Hajira Khalfe | Rondebosch East | 084 800 0920 Jason Harris | Tableview | 081 270 8972 Christine Cameron | Constantia | 021 790 5061 Loraine O’Hagen | Cape Town | 079 393 2588 Jenni Hodder | Edgmead | 021 558 2518 Mark Wellens | Scarborough | 076 279 1753 India Munting-Rostad | Scarborough | 021 780 1547 Denise Duitsman | Edgemead | 021 559 0303 Sona Buys | Stellenbosch | 021 887 2647 Iseut Collin | Hout Bay | 079 567 7638 Joy Sifren-Sher | Cape Town | 021 557 3372 Jodi Gordon-Forbes | Constantia | 021 788 3022 Bridgid Simon | Table View | 079 746 1480 Tanya Harris | Table View | 082 390 4865 Alex Edgar | Malmesbury | 079 719 4565


Gail and Ewald Meggersee, both South African chiropractors developed the technique known as Body Stress Release based on the concept that when we are subjected to stress overload, tension becomes locked into our physical structures. The body then adopts a protective automatic reflex in which adjacent muscles ‘splint’ the area producing various levels of discomfort and stiffness that leads to pain, loss of flexibility and even numbness. Body Stress offers a gentle and effective way to release stored tension from the body, activating a process that restores and enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


Wiesie Sidnell | Alberton | 011 864 4364 Simon Green | Kensington | 083 790 5478 Angela Archer | Kensington | 082 924 3321 Brigette Blaeser | Mondeor | 082 771 9387 Linda Kotze | Sydenham | 082 343 5383 Nicky Heystek | Edenvale | 074 321 2375 Brent Garvie | Greenside | 082 560 5002 Cheryl Brennon | Craighall Park | 083 414 2770 Fazeela Khan | Kempton Park | 084 250 2163 Joan Belcher | Randburg | 071 945 0717 Sean Quigley | Bryanston | 083 676 9945 Samantha Quigley | Bryanston | 083 641 9011 Lourentia Tonkin | Rivonia | 083 289 7729 Nicky Heystek | Kempton Park | 074 321 2375 Daniel Hugo | Randpark Ridge | 076 381 4561 Lourentia Tonkin | Sandton | 083 289 7729 Jean Holman | Little Falls | 083 408 7586


Carolyn Shand | Cape Town | 082 510 1107 Gavin Werner | Devils Peak | 082 440 7088 Meg Ringdal | Woodstock | 082 848 5515 Diana Bett | Greenpoint | 076 863 7129 Brin Lockitch | Seapoint | 0834627856 John Beck | Pinelands | 021 531 8761 Colleen Beck | Pinelands | 082 977 8453 Ismail Mammon | Claremont | 076 298 2258 Boetie Toerien | Claremont | 021 762 8548 Jane Toerien | Claremont | 021 762 8548 James MacDonald | Pinelands | 021 531 1798 Jean-Pierre Marais | Kenilworth | 021 797 4562 Leonard Ivan | Thornton | 082 924 3166 Sarah Davies | Milnerton | 083 633 3819 Robert Wells | Constantia | 076 336 0370 Des Attwood | Constantia | 084 563 0032 Evadne Mol | Plumstead | 021 762 4244 Lyndon Belling | Tygerdal | 078 721 0050 Liz Henry | Diep River | 021 712 6338 Zainab Khan | Goodwood | 072 144 7478 Ebrahim Khan | Goodwood | 083 259 7425 Paul Parker | Hout Bay | 072 912 2912 Liz Hagan | Monte Vista | 083 259 7425 Amanda Faure | Table View | 072 447 4496 Maria Mackenzie | Edgemead | 083 430 2473 Archie Terblanche | Knysna | 073 287 0603


BodyTalk is a whole-healthcare system that supports and promotes whole-person wellbeing. BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on health. Instead of focusing on the symptom, it finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole person and his or her whole story. The techniques provide insights into the areas of the body that need attention. With the use of a variety of non-invasive techniques, BodyTalkers refocus the body’s natural healing response to establish better communication within the body.



Cornelia Schampart-Attwood | Estcourt | 072 628 8537 Eve Drury | Greytown | 082 761 1751 Evelyn Alessandri | Cowies Hill | 083 300 0526 Jenny Holland | Palm Lakes | 072 320 9963 Jenny Lehr | Nottingham Road | 082 902 3828 Lesley Pascoe | Pietermaritzburg | 084 765 6243 Morag Bromfield | Westville | 082 457 0546 Taryn Edge | Umhlanga | 083 784 5577 Veronica Williams | Sheffield Beach | 083 304 2352


Caryn Childs | Woodstock | 074 118 9184 Christina Auerbach | George | 084 584 5689 Dale Fox | Durbanville | 072 828 5227 Enid Fox | Durbanville | 078 100 4414 Marsia Kitshoff | Paarl | 082 781 6387 Nicola Sawdon | Meadowridge | 079 389 5959 Sandy Govender | Sea Point | 072 230 4592 Terry Grieg | Kenilworth | 021 762 6569 Denise de Jongh | Cape Town | 074 112 0615

Bowen is a gentle technique designed to relieve pain and relax muscles. The Bowen healer uses thumbs and fingers on precise points of your body to perform unique sets of rolling movements, which stimulate the muscles and soft body tissue. There are two-minute breaks between each set of movements when the Bowen healer will typically leave the room and allow your body to relax and adjust to the movements. The Bowen technique is used for the fast, effective treatment of a vast range of soft tissue injuries, illnesses and discomforts.


Lisa Porter | Port Elizabeth | 074 119 4729


Jeshni Chitarkhot | Bromhof | 084 554 94524 Amit Raga | Tshwane | 072 157 8844 Dayle Bornman | Gauteng | 082 516 8133 Fiona Hardie | Brynston | 073 342 9602 Gregory Hillen | Gauteng | 082 554 7582 Ilse Swanepoel | Tshwane | 082 857 0223 Karen Flyn | Cresta | 083 564 7288 Kelly Cremer-Samson | Benoni | 063 715 3074 Lee Bogaardt | Gauteng | 083 391 6616 Lisa Kammerling | Gauteng | 083 702 2568 Merenate Erdmann | Paardekraal | 082 856 5500 Mara Da Ascencao | Atlasville | 082 959 9359 Mariana Popova | Gauteng | 066 071 1655 Marianne Mouton | Centurion | 082 322 3053 Marie Rossouw | Gauteng | 083 306 8362 Marti Lombard | Menlo Park | 084 701 1616 Melissa Hillen | Observatory | 079 895 9662 Merril Aileen Randell | Lonehill | 082 223 3161 Michelle Catsavis | Bryanston | 083 260 4580 Natalie Stobaus | Muldersdrift | 083 306 0839 Natasha Stevens | Wilgeheuwel | 072 665 6360 Roxanne C Mower | Gauteng | 076 729 2049 Roy Venus | Randburg | 076 067 9039 Sarel Blaauw | Delarey | 072 752 7161 Sean Johnson | Gauteng | 061 016 0336 Shaheedah Motalib | Lenasia | 082 744 2227 Shereen Kajee | Gauteng | 084 460 1300 Shirley Ann Bosman | Roodepoort | 082 889 5354 Tarryne Rautenbach | Randburg | 076 448 7996 Vanessa De Villiers | Gauteng | 082 938 9142 Yvonne Van Tonder | Gauteng | 082 210 4624 Anna Lourens | Gauteng | 072 228 5433


Ann Smith | Brighton | 083 777 0190 Cassi Volkwyn | Ramsgate | 083 226 4579 Lesley Pascoe | Pietermarizburg | 084 765 6243 Margaret Lossl | Hilton | 082 323 6994 Nasser Abdullah | Overport | 082 786 4305 Natascia Sarri | Hartbeespoort | 083 773 5943 Margarete Lossi | Hilton | 082 323 6994 Nasser Abdullah | Overport | 082 786 4305 Rama Naidu | Reservoir Hills | 083 560 1327


Alessia Pinna | Randburg | 081 490 7767 Andrea Hojem | Linden | 082 717 0199 Annerie Schoeman | Randpark Ridge | 079 079 8091 Ashleigh Enslin | Muldersdrift | 071 212 9955 Beate Schulte-Brader | Randburg | 082 808 9525 Beatrice du Plessis | Centurion | 082 821 6564 Belinda Gentle | Randburg | 083 755 9993 Caroline Linton | Randburg | 082 570 1569 Caryn Childs | Pretoria | 074 118 9184 Christine Conradie | Randburg | 082 256 6997 Dereck Byrne | Jukskei Park | 082 211 2142 Donna Vance | Johannesburg | 079 095 3988 Despina Papavarnavas | Pretoria | 012 460 8131 Elsabe Norden | Pretoria | 072 172 1455 Estie Mattheus | Winchester | 082 804 6589 Eunice da Conceicao | Pretoria | 083 400 5545 Fatima Aboo | Pretoria | 072 786 3212 Fiona Coward | Randburg | 083 564 7767 Daya Harshana | Lenasia | 083 342 6573 Homeira Ghanongooi-Franke | Randpark | 083 458 1997 Irene Graupner | Benoni | 082 558 8101 Julia Hastie | Pretoria | 073 665 6319 Karin van den Berg | Bryanston | 083 408 6840 Kristel Coetzer | Centurion | 071 606 3211 Lesle Lundall | Centurion | 082 551 4772 Lucua du Preez | Pretoria | 083 325 5800 Marilyn Jordan | Kloof | 082 573 3293 Mia Bongartz | Craighall Park | 082 650 5080 Mihaela Maritz | Berario | 076 901 6974 Neda Roodaki | Sandton | 084 888 2007 Neetha Moodley | Sunninghill | 078 862 0972 Preshnie Padayachee | Northcliff | 083 601 9995 Susanne Bjerg | Pretoria | 082 375 5025 Terina Brown | Roodepoort | 082 572 7929 Tracy Lester | Randburg | 082 601 1770 Valeta Leigh | Randburg | 082 496 8910



Natascia Sarri | Hartbeespoort | 083 773 5943


Barbara Sandham-Spies | Riversdale | 082 940 9330 Carol Kullman | Napier | 072 230 4174 Carrie Garner | Plumstead | 082 969 8025 Channon Sanderson | Marina da Gama | 083 953 4611 Collette Perry Wren | Claremont | 082 751 1519 Dee Campouroglou | Noordhoek | 082 6553784 Estelle Moys | Fish Hoek | 084 820 3920 Gail Lawson | Bergvliet | 082 684 5230 Jean Nortje | Kreupelbosch | 082 707 8528 Judy Wolmarans | Richwood | 083 264 62205 Karrima Nortje | Kommetjie | 079 384 0049 Keren Moss | Marina da Gama | 072 475 4479 Lauraine Weil | Somerset West | 083 236 1474 Lloyd Sanderson | Marina da Gama | 083 650 4393 Marion Coetzee | Strand | 072 906 1010 Michelle Geater | Durbanville | 082 414 5860 Michelle Massey | Durbanville | 079 674 2091 Pamela Hartog | Western Cape | 079 477 0720 Rashieda Hargey | Rondebosch East | 083 294 4429 Renate Berge | Pringle Bay | 083 757 6015 Rosalyn Rowe | Western Cape | 084 800 2152 Sharon Levin | Constantia | 082 557 2172 Susan Thomas | Hermanus | 076 795 9831 Zirkia Fourie | Pringle Bay | 083 556 3345



Chiropractors are professionals who use spinal adjustments to correct misalignments and restore proper function to the nervous system. Stress, trauma or chemical imbalances can cause vertebrae in your spine to lose their normal position or range of motion; irritating the nervous system and preventing parts of your body from functioning as they should. While headaches, back and neck pain are the most common reasons for seeking out this therapy, Chiropractic is a holistic practice focusing on maintaining healthy musculoskeletal and nervous systems to ensure overall wellness.


Jeffreys Bay Clinic | Jeffreys Bay | 072 395 7472 Dr Cuan Coetzee | Beacon Bay | 071 876 9709 Dr Terri Blake | Mount Pleasant | 083 276 1362 Erasmus Chiropractic | Lorraine | 041 367 0029 Mount Croix Chiropractic | Mount Croix | 041 373 0862 Dr Joshua Gernetzky | Walmer | 041 581 6368 Dr Hitesh Manga | Sanctor | 041 481 2099 Dr Roy Skinner | Mill Park | 041 373 2550 Back in Balance | Mount Pleasant | 041 368 1008 Dr Sean Lewis | Berea | 043 721 3375


Dr Melissa Terblanche | Bainsvlei | 051 451 2170 Dr Keri Stagg | Westdene | 051 430 7122


Tony Bleekers | Sandton | 087 701 0923

Walters Chiropractic | Roodepoort | 082 568 2187 Dr Gert Ferreira | Centurion | 082 803 1949 Chiropractic Solutions | Linksfield | 063 390 6222 Dr Jacques Maree | Garsfontein | 061 408 7987 Mendes Chiropractic | Linmeyer | 072 403 9826 Dr Tanita Seejarim | Mulbarton | 061 384 7066 ChiroClinic | Fourways | 074 159 4040 The Spine Clinic | Edenvale | 084 917 7463 Weltevreden Clinic | Blackheath | 072 650 0411


Spineworx | Waterfall | 082 746 3225 Morningside Clinic | Windermere | 072 603 8051 Dr Mike Bar-Gil | Berea | 072 603 8051 Jooste-Lees Chiropractic | Glenwood | 076 899 9486 Back to Life Chiropractic | Ballito | 078 445 2737 Dr J Forsyth | Hilton | 082 328 689 Dr Ahmed Abdul Carim | Port Shepstone | 078 682 2282 Dr Sarvesh Maharaj | Greyville | 084 888 8308 Dr Horace White | Hillcrest | 082 741 8097 Dr Lara Cawood | Durban North | 078 633 2078


Dr Charlotte Burchell | Vhembe District | 082 925 8991 Dr Marius Coetzee | Onverwacht | 063 369 6406 Dr Juandre French | Groblersdal | 013 262 3091 Dr Jana Logtenberg | Polokwane | 015 297 0555 Dr Johmari Logtenberg | Arborpark | 015 880 0221


Bodiworx Health Centre | Middelburg | 013 243 5860 Dr Rene Bruckner | Nelspruit | 013 752 4442 Doctors Slabbert and Williams | White River | 013 753 3570 Dr S Kleingeld | Secunda | 017 634 7735 Spinal Wellness Clinic | Emalahleni | 013 692 8819


Kimberley Chiropractic | Hadison Park | 053 861 5650


Dr Esther Vosloo | Rustenberg | 071 731 4470 North West Chiropractic | Potchefstroom | 018 297 6000 Healthy Spine Chiropractic | Klerksdorp | 060 335 6417


Dr Sonia Bowers | Kenilworth | 087 135 4456 Dr Elsje Meyer | Panorama | 083 292 7223 ChiroDynamics | Diep River | 076 873 0516 Capechiro | Gardens | 076 859 3366 Dr R Dold | Milnerton | 082 864 5753 Seaside Chiropractic | Big Bay | 072 740 5110 Wynberg Chiropractic | Plumstead | 072 831 3409 Century Chiropractic | Century City | 079 026 3239 Dr Anton Smuts | Stuart’s Hill | 083 658 8874 Stellenbosch Chiropractic | Stellenbosch | 086 111 1620 Dr Frans Kromhout | Sea Point | 021 439 6193


Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on therapy that assists the body’s capacity for self-repair. In response to physical injuries or emotional trauma the body’s tissues contract and may become locked in this state, particularly when the injury is severe or accompanied by strong emotions. Any trauma, stresses, strains or tensions that remain in the body restrict the body’s function and may give rise to problems over the years. The effects may be

both physical (such as back pain, migraine or digestive disorders) and emotional (such as anxiety or depression). Craniosacral Therapy is client-led, meaning that the client’s body dictates the priority and pace of work.


Dhaneshnee Pillay | Eastern Cape | 083 227 4316 Anita Desai | Birdhaven | 078 803 8311 Arthur John Rosen | Bedfordview | 011 453 3751 Carol Green | Sandton | 011 883 1888 Charmaine Barr | Bedfordview | 011 454 1138 Charnell Muller | Midrand | 082 074 5959 Debra Gardelli | Aukland Park | 083 268 7777 Dr Attie Smit | Weidapark | 012 660 0249 Drickus Blom | Pretoria East | 072 386 9226 Gerald Hendler | Fairland | 011 476 2163 Helen Field | Fourways | 083 577 7721 Isabel Wagner | Gauteng | 082 772 7828 Justin Hunt | Randburg | 071 684 9684 Katinka Fourie | Pretoria | 082 376 0625 Lesley Knight | Roodepoort | 083 228 1533 Linda Dittmar | Bryanston | 011 463 2856 Marianne Eins | Die Wilgers | 012 807 0934 Sue White | Parktown West | 082 706 2836 Tamzen Ayers | Kempton Park | 072 292 5970 Tracey Joubert | Duxberry | 084 504 9671 Felicity Fernandes | Natal | 083 225 1733 Judith Shier | Durban | 031 261 2721 Kirsten Martegoutte | Hillcrest | 073 280 3860 Nickey Hauptfleisch | Newcastle | 082 712 5462 Ray Lacey | Umtentweni | 082 454 0161 Satish Raghoonandan | Umhlanga | 083 455 3066 Wendy Nell | Westville | 031 765 1224


Annette Diacon | Vredehoek | 082 420 1678 Belinda Malan | Hermanus | 072 153 0930 Brigitte Weltz | Tamboerskloof | 021 424 8767 Cristina Krebs | Cape Town | 082 975 0406 Daphne Orkin | Camps Bay | 021 438 7397 Elizabeth Hardy | Montague |082 357 4363 Fred Rusterholtz | Cape Town | 076 185 2267 Georgette Hartlieb | Somerset West | 021 852 5599 Harold Epstein | Tamboerskloof | 021 424 4785 Ian Waddell | Mouille Point | 083 450 0768 Julia Nowicki | Muizenberg | 082 499 3671 Lindsay Voogt | Rondebosch | 082 886 1000 Lydia Carstens | Western Cape | 084 906 0217 Olivia Badach | Noordhoek | 082 858 0121 Sandra Smit | Stellenbosch | 084 700 0690 Simon Nye | Pinelands | 084 656 5577 Terry Thompson | Western Cape | 083 728 6008 Wilna Botha | Sea Point | 071 602 1264 Dr Amos Heller | Rondebosch | 076 729 2049 Dr Robert McLean | Simons Town | 021 786 4640 Dr Karla van Zyl | Somerset West | 021 851 1430 Dr Elizabeth van der Walt | Somerset West | 071 326 5745 Dr Amos Heller | Rondebosch | 076 729 2049 Dr Robert McLean | Simons Town | 021 786 4640


Dieter Dorn developed this method in the 1970’s in the South of Germany, which shows high success for back pain. It’s an alternative and holistic therapy focusing on correcting spinal column, and joint misalignments. Treatment involves getting the patient into a dynamic, ‘moving’ action while the bones are guided into correct positioning by encouraging natural self re-alignment. In this sense its practical application is somewhat different to chiropractic and osteopathy, although these modalities are similar in theory.


Kimon Comodikes | Johannesburg | 082 857 0041 Charlene Kotzer | Johannesburg | 082 921 6175 Bev Wium | Johannesburg | 082 888 7875 Dot Vorster | Pretoria | 084 449 4143


Claude Laurent | Pinetown | 082 347 4291


Sanna Atherton | White River | 076 695 5261 Edith Hall | White River | 082 338 8520


Lynn Angel | Cape Town | 082 440 9397 Zanele Bosch | Fish Hoek | 072 084 0808 Beryl Esterhuizen | Constantia | 021 712 0672 Dawn Halkett | Sun Valley | 072 905 9328 Nina Sacks | Kirstenhof | 083 424 3889 Justin Scott | Sun Valley | 082 397 5957 Merina Wolmarans | Glencairn | 082 820 7264 Anne Combrink | Scarborough | 071 869 3715 Heinrich le Roux | Somerset West | 021 855 1470 Coral Lindeque | Oranjezicht | 082 568 7999 Clare Maude | Kalk Bay | 084 625 4123 Nicole Angelika Panzer | Woodstock | 083 377 9248 Anna Prinsloo | Constantia | 072 380 4830 Carolyn | Knysna | 082 337 9552 Justin Scott | Sun Valley | 082 397 5957 Merina Wolmarans | Glencairn | 082 820 7264 Anne Combrink | Scarborough | 071 869 3715 Heinrich le Roux | Somerset West | 021 855 1470 Coral Lindeque | Oranjezicht | 082 568 7999 Maryam Gaffoor-Russon | Cape Town | 083 295 5002 Hayley Jordan | Cape Town | 083 688 8878 Beverley Rogers | Somerset West | 021 851 6391 Henri Theron | Cape Town | 078 284 4042 Aidan Walsh | Blouberg | 082 997 8050 Sandra van Rooyen | Bellville | 081 440 7891 Lisa Michael | George | 082 609 2582 Astrid Reine | George | 083 524 7434 Louise Kingwill | Knysna | 083 620 5815 Jaqi Lee | Knysna | 083 725 3954 Lorraine Beukes | George | 083 632 2482 Michael Pretorius | Sedgefield | 076 592 3968



Dr Karla van Zyl | Somerset West | 021 851 1430 Dr Elizabeth van der Walt | Somerset West | 071 326 5745 Dr Amos Heller | Rondebosch | 076 729 2049

Kinesiology is the biomechanical study of body movement. It uses a gentle, painless biofeedback technique called muscle testing. Muscles are connected to the brain through the central nervous system and kinesiologsts are trained to monitor muscle responses to questions relating to mental, emotional, physical and energetic states. The kinesiologist is able to determine any imbalances in the body. Following a process guided by the body’s muscle responses, the kinesiologist balances discrepancies in the body.

Paul West | Sandton | 011 784 2592 Stacy Allan | Primrose | 084 582 4019 Ingrid Corbett | Rivonia | 084 879 1687 Tarina Davies | Boksburg | 083 635 2461 Craig Botha | Kempton Park | 082 812 9721 Tamzen Ayers | Benoni | 072 292 5970 Bernadene Potgieter | Benoni | 079 497 9246 Chantelle Meintjies | Pretoria | 072 236 1500 Ziyad Vally | Lenasia | 083 493 3102 Drickus Blom | Bedfordview | 072 386 9226 Elouise Bezuidenhout | Pretoria | 012 065 0078


Jenny-Lyn Mackintosh | Durban Berea | 083 392 2721



Aurora Wolpe | Parkhurst | 083 251 0029 Gaby Fels | Bryanston | 082 896 3878 Lisa Walters | Parkhurst | 082 657 2281 Monica Costa | Fourways | 011 026 6320 Ushma Mistry-Bassonia | Mulbarton | 011 432 8675 Laika van Oostveen | Randburg | 011 781 8211


Brenda Mc Fie | Nottingham Road | 082 568 2326 Debbie Raw | Howick | 033 330 2716 Gudrun Lauterbach | Wartburg | 033 940 0074 Liz Campbell | Camperdown | 031 785 1302 Lyndy Hurst | Glenwood | 082 621 8986 Melanie Bennett | Westville North | 083 461 1410



Beatrice Glenard | Pinelands | 021 531 9219 Bianka Wasserman | Paarl | 082 508 8649 Heidi Stumpf | Durbanville | 082 975 7582 Jenni Halkett | Noordhoek | 083 380 4015 Jutta Holzapfel | Bergvliet | 079 398 3251 Kevin Campbell | Claremont | 021 671 8021 Marlene Terblanche | Paarl | 071 484 7758 Meryl Abrahams | Constantia | 082 803 6875


Therapeutic massage is defined as the mobilisation of soft tissue to restore normal systemic and biomechanical functional use. It can be used to assist the treatment of most musculo-skeletal and associated problems and contributes towards improved circulatory, lymphatic and neurological functioning. Massage can be stimulating or soothing depending on the technique, depth and speed used and is both safe and effective when administered by a trained registered therapist. Different types of massage include Swedish, Aromatherapy, Sports, Deep Tissue, Lymph Drainage, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone, Thai and others.


Lorrain Greyling | Port Elizabeth | 041 360 3178


Jenny Da Mata | Cresta | 083 981 6277 Alice Huber | Benoni | 073 402 8148 Madzia Liberda | Randburg | 011 795 4252


Juan van Wyk | Peninsula-Travel | 083 287 6233 Dedri Prinsloo | Paarl | 083 467 1811 Penny Meyer | Sunset Beach | 082 738 7649 Emma Oliver | Zeekoevlei | 021 705 5502 Desray Britz | Pinelands | 021 531 5034 Sharon Swiegers | Durbanville | 083 404 2636 Beth Kingma | Lakeside | 021 788 8468 Annie Rankin | Llundudno | 021 790 5311 Dean Hinds | Sea Point | 083 654 9399 Gizelle Dobbin | Noordhoek | 082 818 7933 Dr Karla van Zyl | Somerset West | 021 851 1430 Julia Griss | Pringle Bay | 082 904 8224 Lisa Roeser | Woodstock | 073 544 5372 Carolyn Hoffman | Pinelands | 021 531 4565 Derek Marks | Sea Point | 021 434 3203 Heidi Rohr | Green Point | 072 639 2003 Laura Thompson | Somerset West | 076 143 9122 Erika Kruger | Strand | 021 853 6052 Bobby Maree | Kirstenhof | 021 715 5901 Clive Baatjies | Newlands | 021 659 5684 Diane Spiegel | Claremont | 021 671 8918 Ben van Coller | Durbanville | 082 219 3601 Orali Alcock | Paarl | 082 823 3537 Alice Coombe | Hermanus | 084 214 3868 Dale Gess | Westlake / Tokai | 072 368 7597 Mandy Lowings | Kirstenhof | 021 712 0631 Sandra Williams | Claremont | 021 671 5313 Ivana Moncekova | Constantia | 083 407 6829 Warren Solomons | Athlone | 021 691 1997 Wendy Benjamin | Grassy Park | 073 516 3548 Lucille Kolbe | Strandfontein | 021 393 5250 Peter Jones | Gardens | 082 929 2337 Pippa Nettleton | Somerset West | 072 356 7522 Chane Giliomee | Struisbaai | 082 044 4071 Karen Pretorius | Noordhoek | 072 972 0730 Jane Elizabeth Prinsloo | Bishops Court | 076 733 2318


Osteopathy deals with the relationship between the structure of the body’s framework and its function. It looks carefully at the effect mechanical compromise has on the body’s fluid circulatory systems. Osteopathy was developed by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, (1828-1917) a medical practitioner, who reasoned that if the structure of the musculo-skeletal system is regulated, then the body will naturally restore and repair itself. Techniques used vary but can include soft tissue stretching, joint articulation and manipulation, rhythmic joint movements and muscle energy techniques.


Dr Nicola Frickel | Durban | 031 030 3874 Dr Zara Valentine | Kloof | 071 437 7512


Dr Gerhard van der Merwe | Cape Town | 021 422 0011 Dr Lizanne van Vuuren | Cape Town | 021 671 4338 Dr Erwann Fabre | Cape Town | 021 424 6827 Dr Tanya Botha | Claremont | 076 703 3488 Dr Lizanne van Vuuren | Claremont | 021 671 4338 Dr Helen Ingram | Constantia | 034 312 6836 Dr Liane de Jager | Constantia | 082 212 1957 Dr Guy Ashburner | Constantia | 021 715 9999 Dr Olivia McKinley | George | 082 266 7738 Dr Patrick McDonald | Milnerton | 021 551 9005 Dr Amos Heller | Rondebosch | 076 729 2049 Dr Robert McLean | Simons Town | 021 786 4640 Dr Karla van Zyl | Somerset West | 021 851 1430 Dr Elizabeth van der Walt | Somerset West | 071 326 5745



Yvette Nell | Port Elizabeth | 041 360 2752 Dimitriou G | Port Elizabeth | 041 365 4925 Witthuhn Denzil | Port Elizabeth | 041 374 3844


Liesl Zachar | Randburg | 011 026 1672 Gerard Correia | Bedfordview | 011 615 5637 Alex Reid | Randburg | 011 791 5935


Shamim Khan | Durban | 082 459 2595 Sumeshen Moodley | Durban | 031 303 6486


Themeli M.R | Polokwane | 013 265 1772 Phaswana Tshifhiwa | Polokwane | 015 295 7139 Malatji Michael Dr | Polokwane | 015 295 5996


Cindy Viljoen | Secunda | 079 935 3889 Hayley O Grady Moutinho | Secunda | 061 474 9746 Thobani Lubisi | Nelspruit | 013 748 0045


Trish Lang | Cape Town | 021 423 6206 Martine Cohen | Sea Point | 021 434 7131 Nicole Scott | Milnerton | 061 406 7931

Reflexology is a method of activating the body’s healing mechanisms through stimulating reflex points on the foot. It is based on ancient Chinese and Indian diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. By massaging certain reflex points on the feet, reflexologists treat diseases in parts of the body related to those areas. Different parts of the sole connect via the flow of energy along the meridian lines to various organs of the body. The reflexology massage prompts the body to heal itself, by restoring the flow of healing energy to the affected part of the body.


Belinda Haggard | Grahamstown | 073 304 4003 Farida Kasmed (Walland) | Newton Park | 082 672 5272 Elaine Lensley | Curriepark | 046 636 2514 Jill Jakob | King Williams Town | 043 642 1266 Kelly Matthews | Colchester | 083 330 0030 Lorraine Greyling | Vikingvale | 041 360 3178 Luana Collins | Kayser’s Beach | 082 378 8229 Melinda van Staden | Plettenberg Bay | 082 412 3433 Thaya Moodaley | Malabar | 073 160 2409 Zameka MbekI | East London | 072 104 9553


Annaline Viljoen | Fichardt Park | 060 526 3804 Joseph Mohlolo | CBD | 072 242 0692 Sandra Hedges | Memel | 078 535 5426


Anita Van Der Walt | Edenvale | 011 609 9532 Anna Xaba | Kiasha Park | 082 849 1550 Barend Smith | Sunnyside | 072 392 6334 Benita Britz | Meyers Park | 082 432 9159 Beverley De Villiers | Magallies Kruin | 083 239 1115 Bieke Jelley | Brooklyn | 012 460 9430 Brenda van Der Vyver | Parkmore | 072 799 7999 Brian Bekker | Benoni | 082 686 7818 Brigitte Schauer Vd Walt | Garsfontein East | 082 774 9381 Carol Roodt | Blairgowrie | 011 787 8649 Caroline Scheepers | Vanderbijlpark | 082 347 8062 Chantelle Meintjes | Montana | 082 632 9199 Christina Bosch | Randpark Ridge | 083 268 9138 Cisca Van Heerden | Montana Park | 072 266 7656 Ciska Scheepers | Aston Manor | 011 391 6197 Claudia Bertone | Bedfordview | 082 348 7899 Corrie Esterhuizen | Kempton Park | 072 128 6717 Daphne De Jager | Benoni Small Farms | 082 892 3348 Debbi Burman | Parkview | 011 646 4485 Debi Rudden | Westwood Village | 072 577 3305 Denise Visser | Edenglen | 083 564 7624 Dr Sharad Hansjee | Rivonia | 071 239 4748 Elda Landsberg | Selection Park | 082 659 0601 Elizabeth Miszka | Brentwood Park | 082 836 4674 Elizabeth Van Der Walt | Alberton | 082 547 2570 Fiona Hardie | Bryanston | 073 342 9602 Gail Kairuz | Northcliff | 083 297 1885 Gitta Reichenberger | Fourways | 083 463 6266 HIlne Samuels | Dowerglen | 083 307 8072 Hansa Bhika | Benoni | 083 550 0690 Hariclia Tsoucalas | Germiston South | 011 825 2548


Using advanced techniques and evidence-based care, physiotherapists assess, diagnose, treat and prevent a wide range of health conditions and movement disorders. Physiotherapy helps repair damage, reduce stiffness and pain, increase mobility and improve quality of life through many different applications including massage, ultrasound, nerve stimulation, acupuncture and education. Physiotherapy covers health promotion, injury prevention, acute care, rehabilitation, maintaining functional mobility, chronic disease management, patient education and occupational health.



Helen Saunders | Menlo Park | 073 411 6600 Ingrid Schroeder | Albertsdal | 082 335 5561 Hendrietta Venter | Cresslawn | 011 975 1526 Jasmine Steyn | Selcourt | 084 384 1349 Jean Mennegke | Fonteinriet | 082 733 2373 Jennifer Tillett | Gallo Manor | 011 804 3839 Jessica Hemingway | Rivonia | 073 434 8515 Jill Stacey | Green Hills | 083 449 5179 John Oberholster | Benoni | 079 227 3958 Juanita Stevens | Bonaero Park | 082 365 3611 Kavina Baichar | Bassonia | 061 879 5055 Keshnee Beharie | Springs | 076 258 5670 Kim Rigele | Kyalami | 011 466 9410 Kirti Ramjee | Farramere | 083 742 8919 Latha Magan | Bakerton | 084 332 3910 Leslie Broadfoot | Mayville | 082 454 1749 Lisa Heath | Fairland | 082 565 8033 Lorna Smargiasso | Wonderboom | 012 567 3765 Louisa Steyn | Helderkruin | 082 820 5288 Louise Steenkamp | Waterkloof | 081 300 1446 Lyn De Visser | Raslouw | 012 653 1689 Maria Machado | Sunnyridge | 082 424 8445 Marie Van Dyk | Garsfontein | 082 440 4873 Marinda Nel | Aston Manor | 082 461 4630 Marthie De Kock | Lynwood Glen | 072 446 5001 Maryna Esterhuyse | Pretoria | 082 448 6680 Michelene Parpinel | Wierda Park | 082 559 6162 Michelle Burton | Randburg | 011 678 1744 Michelle De Gavino Dias | Pretorius Park | 082 650 5655 Michelle Sachs | Waverley | 011 786 1268 Miriam Smith | Roodepoort | 083 922 1686 Natalie Holme | Roodepoort | 083 784 8866 Natasha Ottermann | Linden | 082 568 4394 Natashia Cook | Ferndale | 083 564 9446 Nicky Isemonger | Sandton | 082 850 2647 Nina Visser | Farrarmere | 083 258 6595 Olwyn Mcconnell | Alberton | 011 472 0227/8 Paul Odendaal | Erasmuskloof | 011 805 3032 Pauline | Jowett Boskruin | 083 786 6598 Rachel Manjoo | Elardus Park | 012 345 5761 Reshma Nagar | Lenasia | 082 681 6492 Rike Coetzer | North Riding | 082 784 4719 Ronell Viljoen | Rivonia | 011 807 9677 Sally Gemmell | Farramere | 011 849 3787 Sandra Kelly | Kensington | 083 265 7363 Sarah Fowles | Randburg | 082 770 8184 Sarita Devchand | Randburg | 079 241 5081 Sharmilla Pillay | Farrarmere | 011 849 5429 Sulette Enslin | Noordheuwel | 083 463 0246 Susan J Urquhart | Erasmuskloof | 082 821 1081 Susanne | Allens’ Nek | 072 179 7081 Trish Osterloh | Houghton | 011 728 6845 Ulrike Halgreen | Sunninghill | 074 131 8586 Veronica Tift | Northmead | 071 291 0861 Vinolla Thakurdin | Edenvale | 011 609 1997 Vivienne Busse | Buccleuch | 011 802 5469


Allan Robinson | Pietermaritzburg | 033 347 3937 Anastasia Papaspiridis | Glenashley | 060 526 3804 Brenda Kruger | Scottburgh | 083 553 9250 Cheryl Mcghie | Pine Street | 073 486 8775 Chundra Pillay | Hillary | 083 229 8854 Cynthia Cole | Anerley | 072 703 3371

Dawn Kruger | Balito | 087 354 9015 Debby Humphreys | Pennington | 083 625 0842 Farida Khan | Ladysmith | 074 744 4202 Francis Kreesan | Durban North | 031 563 0910 Heilie Ferreira | Vryheid | 083 627 3434 Jennifer Ravenscroft | Umtentweni | 083 414 9378 Junnie Naidoo | Raisethorpe | 033 387 1041 Jyoti Govind | Westville | 076 987 0195 Karin Corbella | Hillcrest | 083 742 5859 Lizabeth Nolte | Craigavon | 082 801 0675 Lorraine Muirhead | Hilton | 073 309 2043 Lorraine Relleen | Gillitts | 031 767 1690 Margaret Rose | Sydenham | 082 780 3881 Marisa Mckenzie | Hillcrest | 031 763 1960 Mogi Govender | Umbilo | 083 230 5732 Wendy Jagarnath | Shallcross | 084 381 6697 Shaheeda BanooĂż | North Beach | 086 503 1990 Sharon Petzer | Brighton Beach | 082 667 7746 Patricia Wilkinson | Wartburg | 084 775 5331 Ramola Ganasen | Pietermaritzburg | 082 928 5678 Romi Hillermann | Kloof Hillcrest | 072 275 4343 Salma Manga | Sunford | 076 607 0786 Samnetha Pillay | Merebank | 031 468 5160 Umavathee Naidoo | Chatsworth | 072 287 8117 Wendy-ann Raath | Woodleigh | 043 735 3049 Ziets Roets | Pinetown | 071 289 0633


Claire Rhodes | Vaalwater | 083 498 8172 Lisa Erasmus | Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate | 072 944 5250 Batsirai Dandadzi | Makado Pharmacy | 015 516 0727


Christine Ryan | Sonpark | 073 486 8775 Tokkie Reinecke | Lake Umluzi | 082 976 1485


Elna Steenkamp | Bailliepark | 082 539 2964 Helena van Der Walt | Noordbrug | 082 558 4700 Tina Scholtz | Noordbrug | 018 294 6523 Abre Knoetze | Klerksdorp | 082 053 6833 Jomaine van Schalkwyk | Roodeplaatdam | 082 888 8559 Yavanee Singh | Noordburg | 082 925 7930


Coreli Van Rooyen | Somerset West Central | 021 851 6847 Dhanwanthie Ramduth-nawa | Durbanville | 083 763 6709 Dilien Viljoen | Camps Bay | 082 371 5860 Elizabeth Brash | Plumstead | 082 893 8617 Fiona Consani | Durbanville Hills | 082 567 2045 Fiona Mclennan | Rondebosch | 072 732 3250 Hanli Bouwer | Somerset West | 084 490 8048 Hayley Joseph | Somerset West | 086 517 4541 Isabella Laing | Kenilworth | 021 761 1910 Ismael Abrahams | Perm Gardens | 082 961 9800 Janice Salthouse | Fish Hoek | 082 770 2908 Johanida Nel | Monte Vista | 083 212 8232 Karin Byrne | Claremont | 082 676 4028 Li-fen Chien | Parklands | 073 227 9525 LiseTredoux | Land En Zeezicht | 021 852 7988 Maggie Roux | Goodwood | 082 771 2072 Margaret Ellis | Constantia | 021 794 2800 Marian de Jager | Stellenbosch | 082 783 9829 Marius van Vuren | Vredehoek | 082 729 5132 Martina Adelfang | Somerset West | 083 998 6655

Maryke Visser | Oakglen | 084 676 8392 Merlin Coetzee | Kraaifontein | 021 987 0197 Miranda Lewis | Fishhoek | 021 782 4062 Suzanne Leighton | Constantia | 021 794 2738 Wilna Botha | Camps Bay | 021 433 1631 Lydia Ronel | Milnerton | 084 906 0217


Reiki is a form of healing where healing energy is transmitted through the hands from the practitioner to the client. The term ‘Reiki’ comes from the blending of ‘rei’ meaning Cosmic Energy, and ‘ki’ or ‘chi’, the life energy flowing through all living things. The training of a Reiki practitioner is unique, since Reiki techniques are passed from one person to another. At each stage or ‘degree’ the student is given a series of symbols in a process called an ‘attunement’. The symbols both empower the healer and are used in the healing process. The student who completes the third degree is known as a ‘Reiki Master’, and is then allowed to teach the technique and pass on the symbols.



Charmaine Haig | Sea Point | 073 410 9897 EB Healing | Camps Bay | 083 764 2177 Leon Barnard-Young | Durbanville | 072 958 6057 Life Joy | Durbanville | 082 44 88 525 Lorraine Vorsatz | Pinelands | 083 292 5177 Mirja Meenal Roth | Bloubergrant | 021 556 0517 Mountain Massage | Zeekoevlei | 083 898 2107 Pure Awakening | Bellville | 076 681 2172 Daniel | Vredehoek | 071 410 9157 The Reiki Room | Constantia | 072 378 8561 Samadhi Retreats | Grotto Bay | 022 492 2146 Tracy Mann | Noordhoek | 061 846 1649 Energetic Body Healing | Camps Bay | 083 764 2177


Rolfing, also known as ‘Structural Integration’, is a massage process of deep manipulation of the soft connective tissue, known as fascia, combined with movement education to improve posture and movement patterns. It was developed by Dr. Ida Rolf, who based her therapy on the fact that modern humans tend to have bad posture. Once bad posture becomes habitual, the muscles are thrown into unnatural contractions and connective tissue in the area grows to form thick fascia plates. This reinforces the bad posture and puts stress on the muscular and skeletal system. The therapist uses Rolf’s techniques to break down the fascia to loosen the body so it can be restructured.


Ingrid Kolbe | Kensington | 084 228 1999 Rakhi Bhojwani | Fourways | 082 679 2311 Dudley Lauwrens | Rustenburg | 076 687 7794 Gail Lowe | Gauteng | 082 821 1357


Deirdre Fordyce | Umhlanga | 082 410 6627


Marius Strydom | Tamboerskloof | 082 975 2866 Andri Hanekom | Hermanus | 076 105 4349 Beryl Blaeser | Mossel Bay | 083 226 3373 Christina Steyn | Philadelphia | 079 906 8021 Megan Warner | Camps Bay | 076 655 5234 Ivana Moncekova | Wynberg | 083 407 6829


Shiatsu originated in Japan and is a technique of applying finger pressure to key points on the body to stimulate a healing response. It is similar to acupuncture in that it uses pressure points-called ‘tsubos’ along the meridians, although with specialised finger pressure rather than needles. Along with finger pressure, the shiatsu therapist may also use his or her hands, thumbs, elbows, knees, forearms and feet during the treatment. Shiatsu acts on the subtle anatomy of the body to facilitate the flow of energy, or ‘chi’ through the meridians to the organs and the whole body.


Lizzie Lowry-Corry | Bryanston | 011 706 3671 Camelot International | Houghton | 011 880 3850 Orient Spa | Sandton | 011 326 5202


Alisson Straus | Westville | 083 661 6682 Raj Govender| Durban | 083 3157 004 Anithra Jadoo | Durban | 072 4562 612


Carl Van Vuuren | Cape Town | 076 455 9916 Carol Swanson | Constantia | 0217941451 Nicole Harrison | Cape Town | 083 420 9262


TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) is a series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking / vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.


The Colour Studio | Northcliff | 073 7139 605 Healing Mind | Bedfordview | 081 707 5092 Loraine van der Meer | Lonehill | 082 782 8000 Dr. Lilian Cabiron | Pretoria | 082 786 6188 Budding Bamboo | Paulshof | 084 604 6968



Barbara Kuppers | Bryanston | 083 324 6582 Jacqueline Teague | Sandton | 011 326 277 Maajedah Meer | Mayfair West | 011 837 4639


Kelly Berry | Durban North | 079 889 5564 Wendy Scurr | Durban | 082 449 0464


Renee Shearing | Wynberg | 084 403 8230 Jessica Avidon | West Coast | 071 678 4729 Raphael Villas | Durbanville | 082 827 9389


Art Therapy | Brain Gym | Counselling | Eye Movement Technology | Family Constellation | Hypnotherapy | Life Coach | Music Therapy | Neurolingustic Programming | Psychotherapy | Regresseion | Rehabilitation | Tantra



The process of making art can bring about a release of tension, and is therapeutic in its own right. Creativity can therefore become a means of healing and renewal. Art therapy combines creativity with an element of play and fun. When administered by a qualified practitioner, it can help individuals to work with elements of their subconscious and come to understand the causes of stress and distress. These can then be released, allowing healing energy into the subconscious to effect positive changes.


Lefika La Phodiso | Houghton | 011 484 4672 Art Therapy South Africa | Johannesburg | 083 326 6655 Sarah Cohen | Parkwood | 083 675 5952


Art Therapy South Africa | Durban | 083 326 6655 Eleen Polson | Durban | 0722121719 Christel Engelbrecht | Durban North | 0823967806


Samantha Davis | Sea Point | 083 326 6655 Lore Maciejewski | Muizenburg | 083 634 5177 Art Therapy Cape Town | Malmesbery | 083 326 6655


Brain Gym® is committed to the principle that movement with intention leads to optimal learning. Instructors and movement-based programmes serve to provide an optimal environment for learning. The Brain Gym® educational model promotes play and the joy of learning, draws out and honours innate intelligence, builds awareness

regarding the value of movement in daily life, encourages self-responsibility and inspires an appreciation for things like music, physical education and fine arts.


Machteld Du Plessis | Bloemfontein | 073 251 9286 Nicolette Crafford | Bloemfontein | 081 448 4541 Inalize Cilliers | Frankfort | 082 317 4906


Annamarie Ekron | Benoni | 011 395 3956 Suzaan Wessels | East Rand Benoni | 063 194 0035 Amy McGhee | Johannesburg | 082 668 7001 Marietjie Janse van Vuuren | Johannesburg | 083 954 9173 Sonia Hawkins | Johannesburg | 084 919 3205 Hanna Kok | Midrand | 082 856 6655 Andrea Riem | Randburg | 083 646 8999


Corlia Van Der Walt | Mahikeng | 082 331 5283


Isabel Cohen | Cape Town | 021 797 6204 Michelle Van Tonder | Edgemead | 082 900 9922 Nicola Frahm | Helderberg | 083 953 0216 Mary Netto | Newlands | 083 457 1002 Marcelle Shaman | Sea Point | 083 456 0032 Fiona Saloojee | Goodwood | 021 591 4550


Eye Movement Technology uses eye movements to access areas of the unconscious and provide the body-mind with a natural and safe programme for regaining emotional and physical balance. This natural process recreates the rapid eye movement (REM) we normally experience during sleep and dream states. REM sleep is important for re-organising and processing data and events we receive through the body-mind. Its purpose is to release stress and relieve pressure assisting with optimal functioning in our daily lives.


Lorraine Wilkinson | Blairgowrie | 011 787 8816


Family Constellation is an alternative therapeutic method that draws on elements of family systems therapy and existential phenomenology to discover underlying family bonds and forces carried unconsciously over several generations. Bert Hellinger, the founder studied and treated families for more than 50 years, observed that many of us unconsciously take on destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of ‘belonging’ in our families.


The Inner Process | Muizenberg | 083 260 5567


Hypnotherapy is a gentle, non-invasive therapy using guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused

attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness. The idea is; in this state of higher consciousness your mind is open to effect desired changes in your behaviour. Popular complaints addressed by hypnotherapy include anxiety, grief, stress, phobias, migraine, weight problems, stopping smoking and other addictions, skin disorders, ulcers and more. In psychotherapy, hypnotherapy is also used to explore painful thoughts, feelings, or memories you may have hidden or suppressed from your conscious mind.


Desiree Attwood | Constantia | 083 782 2278 Zaahera Bibi Naik | Claremont | 061 383 0600 Marlene Booyens | Bellville | 082 444 4071 Robyn Correia | Bonnie Brae | 083 433 0727 Keith Darroll | Durbanville | 021 975 2038 Chantal Davis-Swartz | Noordhoek | 082 443 8348 Annette Evans | Newlands | 082 254 7229 Craig Evans | Hout Bay | 076 983 6384 Claudia Klein | Table View | 082 676 7919 Caron Koumbatis | Claremont | 021 762 0451



Deon Botha-Richards | Ballito | 032 815 0621 Luan Holtzhauzen | Ladysmith | 079 229 0800 Heidi Kyle | Kloof | 082 386 1053


Victor Boschoff | Middelburg | 082 697 9954 Pierre Immelman | Middelburg | 079 897 9073


Carel Breedt | Parys | 082 802 8100


Marie Helm | Hoedspruit | 082 683 2835


Rod Waddington | Neserhof | 018 462 4656


Life Coach sessions involve structured, goal-focused participation to help clients find new direction in life, especially in times of change. COMENSA (Coaches and Mentors of South Africa) defines coaching as “a professional, collaborative and outcomes-driven method of learning that seeks to develop an individual and raise self-awareness to achieve specific goals and perform at a more effective level”. Coaching is distinct from therapy, counselling, mentoring and consulting. Trained specialists assist with life’s challenges like optimising health and nutrition, living on purpose, changing careers, creating financial abundance and stability, self-confidence and selfunderstanding.


Lifeshifts NLP Coaching & Hypnotherapy | Walmer | 071 863 7398 Flourish Life Coaching & Mentoring | Walmer Heights | 079 526 7186 Guy Thomson Integral Coach | Mill Park | 082 659 2783 Carmen Jones Life Coaching | Kamma Park | 082 491 4426 Prof Theodore Petrus | Vincent | 072 284 3156 Robert Brain Coaching Services | Nahoon Mouth | 082 990 9504


Mind in Motion | Universitas | 082 825 5873 Be an Eagle | Fauna | 082 497 5958 Quantum Flow Coaching | Westdene | 083 479 9181 Marie-Lee du Plooy | Bendor | 082 410 2751


Thembi Hama | Northriding | 082 485 7162 Louise Diesel | Westcliff | 082 454 6186 Alison Moultrie | Parkhurst | 076 417 1917 Dr Marlet Tromp | Fairland | 011 478 2786 Fearless Life Coaching | Alberton | 082 966 7438 Life Purpose Coaching | Lydiana | 083 447 4074 Dr Gerrit | Monument Park | 084 083 1736 Rhythm and Rhyme | Centurion | 083 486 1670 Limitless Career | Germiston | 083 630 4764 Inspirational Futures | Highlands North | 082 210 5635


Clear Life Coaching | Essenwood | 073 345 6333 Unique Coaching | Chelmsfordville | 073 319 2817 Life Vision | Hilton | 082 801 8961 Stepping Stones | Paulpietersburg | 082 573 0281 Transform 4 Happiness | Umhlanga Ridge | 072 570 2391 Carol Hinsch | Pinetown | 031 716 8182 Revolution Health | Berea | 084 412 3244 Andrew Pike | Westville | 031 265 0651 Jokkie Gauché | Gillitts | 082 892 7806 Mpumelelo Buthelezi | Congela | 071 971 2794


Marie-Lee du Plooy | Bendor | 082 410 2751 Peculiar Generation Coaching | Polokwane | 071 610 6087 Firewalking Life Coaching Institute | Mokopane | 086 671 1369


Frances Goosen | Hazyview | 082 882 0411 Dynamic Life Coaching | Middelburg | 073 477 2301 Verushka Calver | Nelspruit | 079 619 5405 New Leaf Coaching | White River | 082 888 9676


Lead Unique | Safari Tuine | 082 959 9749 Rene Potgieter | Potchefstroom | 084 278 4316 Johleine Coaching & Consulting | Klerksdorp | 076 852 8075


Life Coaching Centre | Breakwater | 083 409 3329 The Coaching Nest | Bishopscourt | 083 455 4774 Bill Petrie | Claremont | 073 210 7585 New Insights Africa | Mowbray | 021 680 5090 Live Life Coaching | Westridge | 082 960 1802


Janette Bosch | Pretoria East | 012 807 1718 Brigitte Bowles | Randburg | 083 727 5562 Carol Cooper-Steyn | Sandton | 083 626 3032 Elaine Crossling | Sandton | 082 332 1591 Marika De la Rey | Pretoria East | 012 991 3192 Athenea Faye | Kempton Park | 084 506 2741 Jacqueline Kelly | Fourways | 082 655 8284 Henda le Hanie | Montana | 074 769 6449 Hilda Luiz | Sandton | 011 646 7800 Maxienne Neuwenhuys | Chartwel | 072 288 4110


Praxis Coaching | Harfield Village | 076 726 4962 Coaching for Life | Parow East | 073 303 7863 Ultimate Therapies | Firgrove | 076 264 9127 Sarah Hewland | Claremont | 021 671 5262 Narriman Richards | Wynberg | 021 762 0223


Music Therapy uses music to advance self-development. The therapist or practitioner chooses music and a form of therapy chosen to suit specific client needs. Techniques used may include musical improvisation, performance, composition, movement, vocalisation and listening. In some cases, musical activities may include extra-musical elements like talking, drama, art and story telling.


Christine Joubert | Port Elizabeth | 0767926776 Lizanne Keen | Port Elizabeth | 0834241726 Kristle Williams | Port Elizabeth | 083 556 5918 Mikaela Griffiths Bester | East London | 083 651 7529


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a technique that helps people detect and reprogramme unconscious patterns of thought and behaviour to alter psychological responses and enhance the healing process. ‘Neuro’ refers to the way the brain works and how human thinking demonstrates consistent and detectable patterns. ‘Linguistic’ refers to the verbal and nonverbal expressions of the brain’s thinking patterns. ‘Programming’ refers to how these patterns are recognised and understood by the mind and how they can be altered, allowing better choices in behaviour and health. The goal of the NLP practitioner is to move a person from his or her present state of discomfort to a desired state of health by helping reprogramme beliefs and attitudes.


Mark Csabai | Bloemfontein | 082 825 5873


Kobie Swart | Johannesburg | 083 656 4737 Lise Mac Donald | Johannesburg | 084 733 3357 Talita Graham | Johannesburg | 083 287 6564 Kathryn Morgan | Johannesburg | 082 343 5501 Yael Gavronsky | Johannesburg | 073 614 1413 Ilse van Niekerk | Pretoria | 084 450 5732 Amalia Verbeek | Pretoria | 084 589 5826 Marie-Victoire Cumming | Pretoria | 084 831 7147 Sherri Symons | Pretoria | 082 923 9617 Carol Lotter | Pretoria | 083 462 6173 Karen de Kock | Pretoria | 084 792 7856 Anine Erasmus | Pretoria | 082 375 4470 Marica Marais | Pretoria | 079 560 8450 Andeline Dos Santos | Pretoria | 082 289 8261 Liesl Du Plessis | Pretoria East | 082 373 5423 Anja Pollard | Pretoria East | 084 206 8471 Hermi Viljoen | Pretoria East | 060 620 8630 Anrie van Rooyen | Centurion | 082 774 2246 Leigh-Ann Burger | Centurion | 076 669 8509 Estine Brown | Krugersdorp | 084 722 0937

Ben Alberts | West Rand | 082 784 1465 Quinton Mundell | Sinoville | 084 779 6734 Elana Siew | Parktown North | 082 572 4441 Clifford Cooper | Parktown North | 082 891 6246 Carla Macmillan | Parktown North | 083 655 1109 Daniela Wingate | Randburg | 072 865 6780 Philip van der Merwe | Pretoria East | 082 840 0503 Christine Lemley | Pretoria East | 082 880 8484 Maryke Groenewald | Pretoria East | 083 447 4074 Charmaine Swinburn | Fourways | 072 325 0301 Sade Savings | Sandton | 082 852 1653 Michelle Raymond | Sandton | 073 170 6780 Motlalepula Matsaung | Johannesburg | 011 868 3029 Dr Christien Groothof | Johannesburg | 082 801 2142 Margot Brews | Johannesburg | 082 413 2426 Trevor Webb | Brooklyn | 082 953 4460 Nelene Flemming | Menlyn | 082 455 8808 Jessica De Bruin | Lynnwood | 072 246 7137 Mpuseng Tlhabane | Centurion | 012 653 4210 Thembi Hama | Bellairs Drive | 082 485 7162 Tania Ferreira | Brackenhurst | 063 556 1184 Natasha Williams | Weltevreden Park | 084 910 2862




Helen Oosthuizen | Pietermaritzburg | 082 482 5906


Petra Jerling | Nelspruit | 084 548 4202


Sunelle Fouche | Cape Town | 082 822 5998 Karyn Stuart | Cape Town | 072 236 7816 Carol Williams | Cape Town | 084 548 4828 Mari Stevens | Cape Town | 074 303 3490 Kerryn Tracey | Cape Town | 082 393 5653 Philna Badenhorst | Cape Town | 072 215 1650 Caley Garden | Cape Town | 082 638 0907 Kirstyn Botha | Cape Town | 071 482 2053 Melissa Ellse | Cape Town | 083 412 9768 Susan Hitge | Durbanville | 083 417 0886 Helene Best | Paarl | 083 375 5333

Celeste Du Toit | Westville | 082 741 9578 Stephanie Moss | Durban | 074 112 2818 Wayne Farrell | Durban | 074 915 7633


Jean-Pierre Le Roux | Cape Town | 082 882 5584 Hennie Geldenhuys | Boland | 063 343 4521 Kathy English Brower | Cape Town | 082 453 6055 Coach Matching | Cape Town | 021 685 0125 Megan Moll | Kenilworth | 082 491 9090 Warren Munitz | Green Point | 021 418 5080 Marietta Coetzee | Milnerton | 021 551 2829 Justine Whyte | Simon’s Town | 082 572 7721


Psychotherapy is a personal journey of transformation and self-exploration conducted under the guidance of a psychotherapist.. The psychotherapist supports and encourages the transformative process. Trust in the therapist is essential and the therapeutic environment itself should be a safe space in which the journey can unfold. The therapist guides a process of change, where the client learns to understand patterns of psychological experience in thought, feeling, behaviour and health. Dysfunctional patterns are released and replaced with new patterns of confidence and self trust.



Leisha Strauss | Reitz | 082 833 3868 Ester de Beer | Langenhoven Park | 051 446 4079 Motlalepule Lekeka | Bloem Plaza | 051 430 8081


Liizl Miller | Monument Park | 082 783 7155 Sian Green | Garsfontein | 084 240 2175 Jacobus Albertus Prinsloo | Menlo Park | 012 460 3651 Ine De Vries | Menlo Park | 012 346 3337 Anine van Zyl | Faerie Glen | 083 407 6074 Frances Birkenbach | Wingate Park | 083 676 1462 Trudi Nel | Brooklyn | 012 346 4371 Sean Moorcroft | Centurion | 082 469 2510 Rammule Tlou | Centurion | 012 663 6934 Brenda Kleynhans | Hatfield | 012 362 3263

Joanita Olivier | Rustenburg | 014 592 2042 Jeanne Meiring | Brits | 082 940 6225 Bridget Westwood-Chetty | Hartebeespoort | 076 660 4025 Elizma van der Smit | Klerksdorp | 018 468 5365


Catherine Johnson | Claremont | 021 671 6438 Ilhaam Solomons | Claremont | 083 961 2496 Gadija Roshan | Claremont | 082 786 7508 Bernice Castle | Athlone | 021 637 5004 Lameze Abrahams | Mitchells Plain | 084 798 6966 Tracey Rainier | Rosebank | 082 447 2199 Cathy Karassellos | 0216852882 Marian Campbell | Little Mowbray | 082 331 0337 Jodie Mackay | Wynberg | 021 785 4436 Samuel Waumsley | Observatory | 021 447 9591


Regression therapy is a technique often used by hypnotherapists, psychotherapists, or rebirthing practitioners, and by specialist Regression therapists. Regression involves placing a client into a relaxed Alpha state and then taking them to another stage in their life. As a therapeutic technique this can be very useful with repressed trauma. The therapy is used not to relive the trauma, but rather to access the negative life decisions made. Once negative decisions have been located they can be removed and replaced with more positive decisions. Past Life Regression uses a similar technique, but works with the belief that we have lived many lives and that a past life may affect present behaviour in a negative way.


Janet Homan | Constantia | 082 871 1069 Daniel | Vredehoek | 071 410 9157


Renee Leaf | Durban | 031 466 6894 Wendy Kempster | Umhlanga Rocks | 031 561 3224 Preleen Sookoo | Umhlanga Rocks | 032 586 3318 Jaci Henry | Cowies Hill | 031 701 8887 Calvin Moncur | Durban North | 031 563 4404 Charmaine de Waard | Westville | 031 266 0985 Maxine Grimett | Glenwood | 031 201 7774 Julie Povall | Morningside | 031 564 8625 Tammy Brink Styles | Morningside | 031 303 5578 James Olmesdahl | Queensburgh | 083 898 7486

Rehabilitation programmes help release patterns of chemical and non-chemical dependency, whether alcohol, drugs, eating, gambling and more. Organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous offer programmes that can be attended weekly. These are based on the popular twelve-step programme formulated by the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Residential Rehabilitation centres offer intensive programmes where psychological counselling and support accompanies the detoxification process. The client is also assisted to create a plan for a new way of life free from chemical dependencies. They are put in touch with a ‘mentor’ to support the process.


Time2Change | Cape Town | 062 105 3188


Moses Mkhabela | Nelspruit | 013 741 2412


Dr. Albertus J Malgas | Kimberley | 053 832 0142


Kim Castle | Newton Park | 041 365 5219 Melody Crafford | Walmer | 041 581 3622 Carisa Smuts | Walmer | 041 581 1367 Gillian van der Riet | Walmer | 041 581 4088 Ruth Webster | Walmer | 083 633 6230 Stephanie Case | Stirling | 043 735 1248 Conrad Rocher | Grahamstown | 046 636 1583 Konrad van Staden | Walmer | 041 395 9600 Asha Dullabh | Grahamstown | 046 622 9318 Bilue Moolman | Port Elizabeth | 071 470 8133



This ancient practice is a powerful combination of asana mantra, mudra, and bandha (energy lock) and chakra (energy center) work used to build strength, clarity, and bliss in everyday life. By harnessing and embodying the five forces of Shakti, the female deity that represents creativity and change, Tantra suggests we can move through the world with more confidence and contentment.


Valentina Leo | Noordhoek | 083 298 8113 Sy Tzu | Pinelands | 081 845 7329 Landi Snow | Claremont | 076 749 3042


Callanetics | Dance | Eurythmy | Personal Training | Pilates | Qiqong | Tai Chi | Yoga


Created by Callan Pinckney in the early 1980s, Callanetics is an exercise programme involving frequent repetition of small muscular movements to improve muscle tone. It was originally developed from classical ballet exercises to help ease Pinckney’s back problems.



Callanetics Teachers Asscn | Randburg | 011 795 3311


Dance therapy is the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration of the individual, based on the premise that the body, mind and spirit are interconnected. Biodanza is a form of dance that uses music, movement and group interactions to connect people to joy, enhance their creativity and have fun. It means ‘dance with life’ and facilitates an enriched environment for people to develop their potential and find full expression with themselves and each other. The 5 Rhythms dance has no steps to follow, no moves to learn, no good or bad dancers, and no poses to perfect. This liberating free dance form asks you to listen to your own body, find your own rhythm and explore free movement. New York dancer Gabrielle Roth developed this form to harness the energising and therapeutic benefits of dance in a soul journey. Nia combines dance, martial arts and mindfulness; it tones the body while transforming the mind. More than just a workout, Nia is a holistic fitness practice with each workout bringing mindfulness to the experience leaving participants energised, mentally clear, and emotionally balanced. Nia was founded by Debbie Rosas. Nirapa School of Dance | Randburg | 083 650 9283 Kim Thacker | Cape Town | 072 567 2935 Journey through Dance | Constantia | 072 183 2218 Mia Steyn | Stellenbosch | 082 874 2176


Eurythmy is used to express both speech and music. It was developed by Rudolf Steiner as a part of his system of Anthroposophical Medicine. Therapeutic Eurhythmy administers targeted exercises for the client. These exercises work on the body, vitalising and energising the healing process. Eurythmy helps both physiological and psychological disorders and encourages individuals to effect their own healing.


A Personal Trainer is a fitness expert who formulates and designs a personal exercise programme for his or her clients. The trainer helps with strength building and body shaping, providing fitness assessments helping ensure consistency and commitment to a fitness programme.


Pilates is a structured exercise programme, designed by Joseph Pilates, with the purpose of stretching and strengthening the muscles, correcting muscle imbalances, improving posture and increasing body awareness. It was originally designed to rehabilitate injured ballet dancers and gymnasts. There are six basic principles in Pilates: Concentration, Control, Centering, Precision, Breathing and Flowing Movement.


Alchemy Fitness | Cresta | 011 888 0679 Beautiful Mind | Illovo | 073 192 9145 My Pilates | Sandton | 084 580 5284


The Source | Cape Town | 021 794 2640 Yoga Kitchen | Cape Town | 076 508 7188 Best Move Pilates | Table View | 074 111 6607 Wellness Within | Diep River | 082 554 6308


Pilates Retreats | Everywhere | 076 499 6499


Qigong harnesses energy from special movements and breathing methods and also prescribes dietary measures to reverse specific diseases. Qigong techniques originate back to ancient Chinese mountain people who valued and recognized the power of Qi (life force energy).


Tai Chi Chuan uses slow moving, circular dance-like movements to unite body and mind. A popular style is called Yang and is typified by big, gentle, graceful flowing movements. Deep natural breathing, twisting, spiralling, stretching and relaxing movements massage internal organs and balance the body’s energies. During Tai Chi, the mind is relaxed and focused on breath and the slow, fluid movement from one pose to the next.


Michelle Levy | Blouberg | 072 184 3038 Stillness in Motion | Constantia | 072 400 4329


Yoga is a system of spiritual, mental and physical training designed to bring about human reunion with the universal spirit or Supreme Being. The word ‘Yoga’ in Hindi means ‘union’ or ‘yoking’. In the West, the physical aspect, exercises and postures known as Hatha Yoga, is a widely practiced form. According to Yogic philosophy, the breath embodies the individual’s prana, or life force, and conscious breathing practices play an important role. Breathing can be consciously modified with a consequent effect on wellbeing.


Limber Lotus Lifestyle Studio | Kloof | 072 335 1522 Hot Yoga Durban | Berea | 072 018 0544 Jivananda Centre | Durban North | 031 563 3773 Inner Wellness Studio | Musgrave | 079 262 3877 Monsoon Yoga | Westville | 078 308 1835 Durban Yoga Shala | Musgrave | 083 661 5797 Oneness Yoga Stuidio | Westville | 076 905 8490 Surfsup Yoga | Durban | 082 777 9062 Core Wellness | Durban North | 031 563 0079 Power Pilates Studio | Westville | 072 819 9511 Diego Baldi | Musgrave | 079 262 3877 Naomi Klingenberg | Hayfields | 082 872 2432 Kerry-Lee Jesson | Umtentweni | 083 271 7439 Candace Beth Greeff | Salt Rock | 071 345 2453 Belinda Lewis | Amanzimtoti | 063 118 6275 Nikki Fisher | Durban North | 079 871 7441 Barbara Leiman | The Bluff | 031 777 1719 Jennifer Fitzsimmons | Eston | 0836 951 360



Hot Yoga Studio | East London | 071 479 8102 The Art of Living | Port Elizabeth | 082 601 3559 Yoga Shala | Port Elizabeth | 084 559 1010 Back to Wellness | East London | 083 330 6948 Joan Bellairs | Port Elizabeth | 083 371 9883 Mattthew Kuzlo | Tshani | 071 582 6034 Carika Young | Port Elizabeth | 083 335 0768


Lotus lifestyle Group | Bryanston | 084 4998 944 Lunula Yoga Studio | Midrand | 082 955 2282 Lion Yoga | Muldersdrift | 082 441 3810 Earth Yoga Studio | Kyalami | 071 361 8656 Living Yoga | Craighall | 074 148 3350 The Studio | Johanesburg | 083 391 1311 The Art of Movement | Randburg | 011 486 0638 Sivananda School of Yoga | Parkview | 011 646 4084 Balance | Edenvale | 084 917 7463 Harmony House | Parkwood | 082 900 5356 Tegan Burger | Craighall | 071 885 4717 Tarin Calmeyer | Bryanston | 071 415 0360 J’aniki Ra | Johannesburg North | 076 081 7615 Hayley Alexander | Orange Grove | 082 655 9306 Sean Beautement | Bryanston | 078 803 1520 Dave Gardener | Johannesburg | 082 905 6868 Paige Cassidy Coetsee | Parkhurst | 071 283 5202 Ingrid Auge | Randurg | 082 385 8278 Soria Arendt | Pretoria East | 082 650 9995 Melanie Botwood | Benoni | 066 015 1189

Marulamala Yoga Studio | Hoedspruit | 078 161 9121 Yoga Awakening Africa | Hoedspruit | 083 424 3889 Ire Lifestyle Gym | Warmbaths | 083 656 2687 Catherine Harper-Tee | Hoedspruit | 078 161 9121


Eaglesview Yoga Studio | Winston Park | 082 443 5875 Limber Lotus Lifestyle Studio | Gillitts | 072 335 1522 Pilates and Yoga | Winston Park | 083 362 3957 Pamela Morse | White River | 083 228 2029 Hester van Zyl | Nelspruit | 082 395 4806 Louise Southey | Nelspruit | 062 283 4842 Kim Olbrich | Nelspruit | 082 342 3778


World’s View | Somerset West | 083 521 2187 Reunion | Woodstock | 079 587 2281 Yoga Zone | Kloof | 021 421 8136 Goa Yoga | Eden on the Bay | 082 603 5253 Yoga Life | Waterkant | 021 418 2884 Yoga Spirit | Constantia | 021 794 5300 City Rock | Paarden Eiland | 021 447 1326 Durbanville Yoga | Durbanville | 021 976 4947 Mysore | Gardens | 082 691 2698 The Owl and Wolf | Sea Point | 084 693 8263 Ryan Edmonds |Somerset West | 078 058 9233 Bianca Volans | Constantia | 082 788 9651 Lauren Mensikovas | Blouberg | 078 024 2278 Johann Kotze | Muizenburg | 082 733 5939 Marissa Dana | Cape Town | 079 3348 268 Kate Ferguson | Tamboerskloof | 072 4427 099 Jim Harrington | Woodstock | 079 587 2281 Harriet Came | Cape Town | 078 1075 070 Tarryn James | Fish Hoek | 083 5566 407 Patwant Rhodes | Southern Suburbs | 078 320 6082

Join the HOLISTICA Movement Register with us as a practitioner on www.holistica.net/join and get a full service listing online & complimentary listing in our annual publication CALL PALESA 072 221 4415 OR EMAIL HELLO@HOLISTICA.CO.ZA (GAUTENG) CALL CHLOE ON 083 688 1819 OR EMAIL CHLOE@HOLISTICA.NET (ALL OTHER REGIONS)


Life Love Yoga | Bloemfontein | 082 893 7694 Bhakti Yoga Center | Bloemfontein | 051 447 7029 Ruths Yoga Center | Bloemfontein | 051 444 2091 Dr. Ruth Carol | Langenhoven Park | 082 802 3118 Anne-mari de Langa | Clarens | 082 853 1797 Carien Verster | Groenvlei | 082 802 3118 Marissa Myburgh | Welkom | 082 452 0518




Alternate Choices Life Coaching l NLP Johannesburg 072 821 1668 www.alternatechoices.co.za

The Conscious Photographer Art & Creative Processing Johannesburg 079 664 6575 www.robynrosephotography.co.za

Healing Mind Reiki l Energy Healing l Yoga Bedfordview 081 707 5092

Dr. Lana Pepler Homeopathy l Holistic Healing l Phytotherapy St Francis Bay 082 335 4874 www.stfranciswellness.co.za

Angels Touch Holistic Healing Reiki l Access Bars l Prophetic Guidance Randburg 084 588 5312 www.angels-touch.co.za

Dale Guthrie Occupational Therapy Blairgowrie www.holism.health

The Healing Place Shamanism l Holistic Healing Benoni 0835276827

Shapes of Africa Rustic Eco Backpackers Lodge Retreats Mount Moreland 082 432 5513 www.shapesofafrica.co.za

Avra Holistic Healing Energy Healing l Shamanic Journeys l Holistic Tea Benoni 072 377 1295 www.avrahealing.wixsite.com

Davorka Elez Nutrition l Functional Medicine l Corporate Training Morningside 073 479 5589 www.counter44.com

Health Works Lymph Drainage Massage l Craniosacral Therapy l Emotional Freedom Technique Sybrand Park 084 512 9191 www.marionnixon.co.za

Beautiful Mind Pilates & Feldenkrais Studio Pilates l Feldenkrais Illovo 073 192 9145 www.beautifulmind.co.za

T/Dr. Dee McMillan Traditional Medicine Benoni 082 326 8461

Hulda de Villiers Kinesiology Roosevelt Park 082 873 0950 www.creativekinesiology.net

Andrika Holistic Healing & Wellbeing Reflexology l Hot Stone Massage l Indian Head Massage Centurion 082 449 9927

Dr Brandsch Homeopathy l Iridology l Counselling Benoni 011 849 7902

DonnĂŠ Lance Psychotherapy Bryanston 071 354 0192

Jasmin Visser Therapeutic Massage Johannesburg 082 313 1905

The Art of Movement Yoga l Dance Randburg 011 486 0638 www.theartofmovement.com

Budding Bamboo Life Coaching l NLP l Reiki Paulshof 084 604 6968

Greengrass Wealth Management Financial Coaching Saxonwold 082 347 9377 www.ggwm.co.za

Jedi Health Sports l Deep Tissue & Swedish Massage Johannesburg muller-1@live.com

Ashleigh Tennier – AJ Health Dietetics l Energy Healing l Past Life Regression Craighall 082 375 4711 www.ajhealth.co.za

Callanetics Teachers Association of South Africa Callanetics Randburg 011 795 3311 www.ctasa.org.za

Heal with Claudine Holistic Healing Johannesburg 082 871 9849 www.healwithclaudine.co.za

Dr Jessica Leske Homeopathy Edenvale 011 452 4703

Alchemy Health & Fitness Pilates l Yoga l Lymph Drainage Massage Cresta 011 888 0679 www.alchemycentre.co.za

Dr Chantell Groenewald Homeopathy Pretoria 012 460 9216 www.naturopathic-healthcarecentre. co.za

Healing Evolution Life Coaching l Holistic Healing Randburg 083 275 0664 www.healingevolution.co.za

Jill Manson Floral Design School Art & Creative Processing Blairgowrie 079 873 5002 www.jillmanson.co.za

Geneva Road Counselling Centre Trauma | Marriage Counselling | Depression Blairgowrie 011 787 8816

Cisca van Heerden Therapeutic Reflexologist Reflexology l Nutrition l Holistic Healing Pretoria 072 266 7656

The Healing Hands Group Deep Tissue Massage l Beauty Therapy l Reiki Alberton 084 767 2913 handshealing.wixsite.com/ healinghands

Joanne Anagnostu Registered Counsellor Counselling Dowerglen 084 278 3158

Ali Jones Health Coaching l Functional Medicine l Nutrition St Francis Bay 082 211 3301 www.nutritionandwellness.co

GAUTENG Abby Courtenay Dietetics Saxonworld 082 553 7738 www.abbythedietitian.co.za

Karen Barensche Prophetic Guidance Johannesburg 082 461 1418

Dr Lilian Cabiron – The Healing Process Life Coaching l Reiki l Mindfulness Brooklyn 082 786 6188 www.thehealingprocess.co.za

My Pilates Pilates Sandton 084 580 5284 www.mypilates.co.za

Sarah Braithwaite - MindSight Life & Integrative Health Coach Life Coaching l Health Coaching Bryanston 0835626193 www.mindsightsa.com

Karen Weinman - Andean Shamanism & Transformation Shamanism l Kinesiology l Facilitation Douglasdale 082 446 2797 www.karenweinman.com

Living Yoga Jivamukti Yoga l Vinyasa Yoga l Kids Yoga Craighall Park 074 148 3350 www.livingyoga.co.za

Inovate Sports Massage Therapy Sports Massage l Deep Tissue Massage Johannesburg 082 607 1138

Shanna Peterson Yoga l Pilates l Dance Bryanston 083 415 8964

Kate Miller Health Coaching 082 783 3563 www.kmholistichealth.co.za

Lomi Flow Holistic Massage Mobile Massage Eastern Pretoria 067 170 2998 www.lomiflowtherapy.com

Nirvana Touch Indian Head Massage l Sports Massage Rivonia 082 976 7813 www.nirvanatouch.co.za

SP Sport & Beauty Beauty Therapy l Lymph Drainage Massage l Sports Massage Fairlands 083 919 9175 www.sp-sportandbeauty.co.za

Dr Kerri Sacks Homeopathy Johannesburg 084 555 6788 www.homeopathycentre.co.za

Loraine van der Meer Reflexology l Reiki l Aromatherapy Massage Lonehill 082 782 8000 www.lorainevandermeer.com

Nu Leaf Health Store Health Shop Johannesburg 011 432 0186

Spica Astrology Prophetic Guidance l Life Alignment Online 066 213 9501 www.spicastrology.com

King Online Healthcare Store Women’s Health l Beauty Therapy l Nutrition Rosebank 011 324 3270 www.king-online.co.za

Louise Pitot Women’s Health l Beauty Therapy l NLP Blairgowrie 082 789 5380 www.louisepitot.com

Nutri laVie Health Coaching l Nutrition Lanseria 072 193 6763 www.nutrilavie.co.za

Terry Logie Deep Tissue Massage l Sports Massage l Aromatherapy Massage Northcliff 083 407 0664

KoebeCoaching Life Coaching Sandton 082 332 8809 www.koebecoaching.co.za

Dr Marike de Klerk Homeopathy Hazelwood 012 460 9126 www.nahcc.co.za

Om Your Life Business Coaching Bedfordview 082 372 8756 www.omyourlife.net

Tracey Joubert Craniosacral Therapy l Reflexology l Reiki Rivonia 084 504 9671 Traceykjoubert@gmail.com

Kuzorora Day Spa Spa Pretoria 082 332 1199 www.kuzororaspa.co.za

Marilette Du Toit Biokinetics Menlopark 071 606 9702 www.menlowellness.co.za

The Pilates Lounge Pilates Pretoria 076 499 6499 www.thepilateslounge.co.za

Transformational Coach Aumji Kistan Life Coaching Johannesburg 011 039 6300 www.pranawellbeing.co.za

Lara Bonetto Life Coaching l NLP l Reiki Randburg www.crossroadslifecoaching.co.za 082 727 7617

Nepherite Jade Naidoo NLP Johannesburg 076 784 9400

Prema Health Healing Products Pretoria 082 410 3497 www.premahealth.co.za

Travel Light Energy Healing l Prophetic Guidance Sandton 084 758 5855 www.carissageyser.com

Life Expansion Holistic Natural Health Care Holistic Healing l Aromatherapy Massage l Reflexology Centurion 012 663 3696

Palesa Moletsane Reflexology Johannesburg South 072 221 4415

Samantha Le Roux – Serenity Natural Healing Energy Healing l Crystal Healing l Flower Essences Sandton 071 125 0326 www.serenitynaturalhealing.com

Tropic of Freedom Esoteric Learning and Healing Energy Healing l Reflexology l Counselling Weltevreden Park 082 435 8293 www.tropicoffreedom.com

Valerie Kerr Music Therapy Edenvale 083 486 5054 www.pianocompositionsrecitals.com

House of Calm Yoga Umhlanga www.houseofcalm.co.za

Angala Retreat Centre Franschhoek 021 874 1366 www.angala.co.za

Back to You Fascia Release l Nutrition l Health Protocol Wynberg 084 022 2999

Dr. Wian Stander – Centre of Advanced Medicine Integrative Medicine Johannesburg 082 629 4014 www.advancedmed.co.za

Marilette Du Toit Biokinetics Durban 012 348 6466

Anice Lombard – Massage Mama Mobile Pregnancy Massage Cape Town 082 921 1223 www.massagemama.co.za

Barry Kantor – Alexander Technique Alexander Technique Green Point Cape Town 082 791 8055 www.alexandertechnique.co.za

Yoga Experience Yoga Sandton 082 639 2330 www.bikramyoga.co.za

The Roaming Yogi Mobile Yoga Durban 073 614 8804

Anna Prinsloo Free Flow Therapy Sound Healing l Fascia Release l Bioenergetic Balancing and Healing Constantia 072 380 4830 www.freeflowtherapy.co.za

Be Happy Life Coaching Life Coaching l Personal Development l Life Skills Bokaap 082 370 2553 www.behappylifecoaching.co.za

Yoga Warrior Yoga Rosebank 082 559 6713 www.yogawarrior.co.za

Roshan Hendricks Phytotherapy Stanger 072 219 8655

Dr. Anne Pargiter Holistic Well Woman Practice Integrative Medicine l Women’s Health Tokai 021 712 9274

Best Move Pilates Pilates Table View 074 111 6607 www.bestmovepilates.com

Zensoundtherapy Sound Healing l Mindfulness l Art & Creative Processing Bryanston East 073 256 9405 www.zensoundtherapy.co.za

Zelda Visser Myofascial Release l Rolfing l Yin Yoga Umhlanga 082 887 4050 www.thehealthyhabithub.com

Art of Living Somerset West Personal Development l Mindfulness l Meditation Somerset West 071 631 8629 www.artofliving.org

Body Basics Massage on the Move Deep Tissue Massage l Mobile Massage Milnerton 073 407 1557 www.bodybasicssa.co.za

The Artist’s Way Workshops Personal Development l Mindfulness l Art & Creative Processing Cape Town 074 144 3510

Body Stress Release with Kevin Body Stress Release Wynberg 084 614 7860 www.bodystressrelease.com



ANG Journey of Self Discovery Enneagram Coaching Musgrave 072 336 9816

Aestus Techniques Energy Healing Cape Town 082 815 0835

Bruce Robertson Deep Tissue Massage l Sports Massage l Vinyasa Yoga Morningside 082 215 5978

Aimee Barrett Biokineticist Biokinetics Pinelands 072 678 4694 www.barrettbiokinetics.co.za

Ashleigh Harrison Nutrition l Health Coaching Cape Town 084 299 5604 www.novaturient.co.za

Brett Simpson Life Coaching l Life Skills Sea Point 082 772 9073 www.cancerjourneycoaching.co.za

Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat Retreat Centre Underberg 084 799 0393 www.dharmagiri.org

Alchemica Life Coaching l Energy Healing Durbanville 082 331 2061 www.alchemica.co.za

Avalon Ashram Spiritual Centre Claremont 083 679 1297

Candace Greeff Yoga Cape Town 071 345 2453

Energy Therapy Energy Healing l Massage North Beach 071 621 3696

Alida Bouwer Numerology l Energy Healing Cape Town 084 707 7004

B3 Brain-Body-Balance Fascia Release l Body Alignment l Neurofeedback Claremont 082 809 6735 www.bbbalance.com

Dr. Chantelle Nienhuis Homeopathy l Reflexology l Yoga Woodstock 072 436 1624 www.drnienhuis.com

Charmaine Haig Reiki l Workshop Facilitation l Meditation Sea Point 073 410 9897 www.myurbanretreat.co.za

Eat to Thrive Health Coaching l Mindfulness l Ayurveda Cape Town 082 887 0036 www.eattothrive.co.za

Fanny Lacroix – Human l Horse and Hound Human & Animal Kinesiology Tableview 082 929 5215 www.humanhorsehoundkinesiology. weebly.com

Grant Hamel NLP l Neurofeedback l Personal Development Cape Town 072 396 0869 www.granthamel.com

Chi Chi Wellness Retreat Holistic Healing l Retreats Stellenbosch 082 464 3043 www.chichisretreats.com

EB Healing Energy Healing l Reiki l Intuitive Camps Bay 083 764 2177 www.energeticbodyhealing.co.za

First Starting Point Health Café Bokaap 072 664 2253

Gray Kuit’s InTune Massage Deep Tissue Massage l Thai Massage l Prophetic Guidance Gardens 060 470 5257

Chloe Yoga Kundalini Yoga l Mindfulness Claremont 083 688 1819 www.chloe-yoga.com

EFTSENSE Natacha Wauquiez Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) l Matrix Reimprinting Pinelands 072 114 8947 www.eftsense.com

Foodology Nutrition Cape Town 072 222 2191 www.foodology.co.za

Gut Health Yogi Nutrition l Mindfulness l Retreats Overberg 082 437 9776 www.guthealthyogi.com

Core Fit Pilates Pilates Sea Point 071 275 7454 www.corefitcentre.co.za

Elaine Seidel Forrest Yoga l Iyengar Yoga Cape Town 083 259 3086

Forest Edge Nature Lover’s Retreat Retreat Centre Knysna 082 456 1338 www.forestedge.co.za

Hajira Khalfe Akashic Record Clearing l Life Alignment l The Emotion Code Rondebosch 084 800 0920

Dale McKnight Access Consciousness Cape Town www.accessconsciousness.com

Emma Hamel Soul Coaching Practitioner Claremont 072 396 0869 www.emmahamel.co.za

FRANK.energy Cape Town Plant Medicine l Energy Healing l Prophetic Guidance 071 203 9420 www.frank.energy

Happy Culture Healing Products l Nutrition Cape Town 083 405 0384 www.happyculture.co.za

Deon Theron Deep Tissue Massage Sea Point 072 159 8069

Entrée Creative Change Life Coaching l Kids Yoga l Workshops Cape Town 082 801 4043 www.entreecreativechange.com

Get It Together Life Coaching & Corporate Training Sea Point 076 683 8749 www.getittogether.co.za

Happy Earth People Healing Products l Nutrition l Ayurveda Cape Town 061 416 3723 www.happyearthpeople.com

Diana Smith HiddenMind l Bio-energy Healing Cape Town 082 309 9798 www.hiddenmind.co.za

Dr. Erwann Fabre Osteopathy Cape Town +27 21 424 6827

Glynis Dinsdale – Angelways Feng Shui l Spiritual School l Prophetic Guidance Cape Town CBD 083 456 8238 www.angelways.co.za

Hayley Su Buchanan – Life Design Facilitator/Healer Access Bars l Reiki l Workshops Fish Hoek 079 661 2002

Dominic Haarhoff Trauma Counselling George 079 548 8947 www.dominichaarhoff.com

Eye of the Vedas Vedic Astrology Stellenbosch www.eyeofthevedas.com

Gnostic Wholistic Festivals Holistic Healing Kenilworth 082 569 3567

Hayley Verney Yoga Constantia 083 635 6362

Eat Play Love Retreats Breathwork l Yin Yoga l Art & Creative Processing Western Cape 061 521 9131

Family Constellations @ The Inner Process Family Constellations l Counselling Muizenberg 083 260 5567 www.theinnerprocess.com

Grainne Hartley – The Travelling Therapist Reflexology l Mobile Massage Cape Town 082 724 1071

Healing Elements Hypnotherapy l Energy Healing Goodwood 082 339 4753 www.healingelements.co.za

Healing Hands Reiki Reiki l Holistic Healing l Animal Healing Noordhoek 061 846 1649 www.healinghandsinfo.com

Hotpod Yoga Hot Yoga l Vinyasa Yoga Linden www.hotpodyoga.com

Jo Reilly Thai Massage l Vinyasa Yoga Cape Town 071 265 0035 humanhorsehoundkinesiology. weebly.com

Kate Muller International Animal Communicator Animal Communication l Animal Healing Cape Town 082 462 8598 www.katemuller.co.za

Healing Space Cape Town Holistic Healing l Yoga l Massage Sea Point 073 061 3890 www.healingspacect.co.za

House of Yoga Yoga Claremont 079 758 0649 www.houseofyoga.co.za

Karen Sophia Physiotherapist Durbanville 086 126 6563

Kim Thacker Kahuna Massage l Dance l Kundalini Yoga Cape Town 072 567 2935

Health Coach SA Health Coaching l Nutrition l Massage Cape Town 084 580 8444 www.healthcoachsa.com

Inner Peace Healing with Robyn Fergus Family Constellation l Energy Healing l Crystal Healing Hout Bay 083 309 6092 www.innerpeacehealing.co.za

Kim Tempest - BioSCAN Energy Healing l Numerology l Nutrition Newlands 082 642 9518 www.bioscan.co.za

Landi Swanepoel Tantra Claremont 076 749 3042

Heidi Kinesiology Kinesiology Durbanville 082 975 7582 www.heidikinesiology.co.za

Integrity Health Ozone Ozone Therapy l Naturopathy Gardens 072 493 6151 www.ozoneintegrityhealth.co.za

Jessica Avidon – At Ease Massage l Fascia Release l Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) West Beach 071 678 4729 www.at-ease.co.za

Lauren Burger – Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga l Meditation Muizenberg 084 558 8805

Heinrich Le Roux - Balance Natural Health Clinic Live Blood Analysis l Ethnomedicine l Dorn Method Scarborough 071 869 3715 www.naturalclinic.co.za

Jacques Myburgh Life Coaching Durbanville 083 261 8820

Joëlle Sleebos Yoga l Retreats Sea Point 071 341 6764 www.joellesleebos.com

Lauren Siokos Life Coaching Somerset West honestwork7777@gmail.com

Helen Hansen Kinesiology l Energy Healing l Psychotherapy Cape Town 072 409 7664 www.helenhansen.co

Janet Homan Past Life Regression l Trauma Counselling l Energy Healing Constantia 082 871 1069 www.janetenergyhealing.com

Journey through Dance Dance l Personal Development l Sound Healing Constantia 072 183 2218 www.journeythroughdance.co.za

Leigh Goodman – Journey through Dance Dance l Personal Development l Sound Healing Constantia 072 183 2218 www.journeythroughdance.co.za

Hello Happiest Yoga Retreats l Life Coaching l Nutrition Llundudno 082 464 3043 www.hellohappiest.com

Jani Roodt Brain-Body-Balance Cape Town 082 802 6110 www.bbbalance.com

Karen Muir Massage Fish Hoek 083 350 5040

Leon Barnard-Young Massage l Personal Training l Reiki Durbanville 072 958 6057 www.healingtouch-therapies.co.za

Holistic Healing Vibrations Sound Healing Pretoria 079 881 4537 www.healingvibrations.com

Jean-Pierre Le Roux Life Coaching l NLP Cape Town 044 883 1020

Karina Bognon – Exceptional People Consulting and Training Professional Coaching Cape Town 084 333 8889 www.epconsulting.co.za

Liesl Kruger Energy Healing l Ethnomedicine l Animal Healing Malmesbury 083 280 8060 www.spiritusvictoria.com

Holistic Perspective Hypnotherapy l Holistic Healing l Life Coaching Randburg Ridge 083 642 5438 www.holisticperspective.co.za

Jenny Watkins Access Bars l Workshops Noordhoek 082 929 5349 www.blinkglobal.co.za

Kate Aitken Health Coaching Cape Town 083 955 8245

Life Joy – Rediscover Your Spark! Nia l Ashtanga Yoga l Reiki Durbanville 082 44 88 525

Life Retreat Studio Yoga Somerset West 021 847 0089 www.liferetreat.co.za

Margarita Celeste Astrology & Tarot Astrology l Tarot Cape Town CBD 082 967 0039 www.margaritaceleste.com

Michelle Levy – Sung Healing Dorn Method l Acupuncture l Tai Chi Blouberg 072 184 3038 www.sunghealing.co.za

Nadia Rosenthal Hatha Yoga l Vinyasa Yoga Cape Town 083 446 0728 www.earthyoga.co.za

LifeShine Wellness Centre (Pty) Ltd Holistic Healing Stellenbosch 021 100 4424 www.lifeshine.co.za

Maria Theron Health Coaching Cape Town www.feedingme.co.za

Michelle Strybis Yoga l Massage l Holistic Healing Oranjezicht 083 236 4070

The Natural Fertility & Health Clinic Homeopathy Pietermaritzburg 079 897 4228

Lisa-Jane Healer l Teacher & Guide Energy Healing l Spiritual Counselling l Prophetic Guidance Rosebank 079 497 3664 www.lisajanehealing.com

T/Dr. Markus van der Westhuizen Kinesiology l Crystal Healing l Herbalism Woodstock 072 952 3630 www.healthychoice.co.za

The Mindful Recovery Centre Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery Sea Point 082 568 4806 www.themindfulrecoverycentre.co.za

Naturally Wise Dorn Method l Deep Tissue Massage l Reflexology Glencairn 084 625 4123

Liz Olver – Being in Balance Flower Essences l Kinesiology Midrand 083 644 4444 www.beinginbalance.co.za

Marnita Oppermann Financial Coaching Pinelands 082 225 4197 www.mindfulmoneycoach.co.za

Mobile Beauty Bar Deep Tissue Massage l Mobile Massage l Beauty Therapy Cape Town 084 503 9882

Nourish’d Health Restaurants Gardens & Observatory 064 755 2431 www.nourishd.co.za

Lorraine Vorsatz Reiki Pinelands 083 292 5177

Mary J Fourie Financial Planner & Coach Financial Coaching l Workshop Facilitation l Personal Development Wynberg 082 455 5919 www.mjfwealth.co.za

Moira Burmeister Coaching in Nature SA Life Coaching l Counselling Cape Town 084 576 8280 www.moiraburmeister.co.za

Nulicious Health Coaching l Nutrition l Workshops Stellenbosch 082 409 9215

The Lotus Retreat Energy Healing l Retreat Centre l Iyengar Yoga Cape Town 064 151 3004 www.thelotusretreatct.com

Michelle Reid Holistic Healing l Sacred Ceremonies Hout Bay 082 922 5347 www.dancingheart.org

Mountain Massage Reiki l Reflexology Zeekoevlei 083 898 2107 www.mountainmassage.co.za

The Om Revolution Mobile Yoga Cape Town 081 329 4543 www.theomrevolution.co.za

Lovme Practising Personal Equilibrium Dorn Method l Reiki l Kinesiology Woodstock 083 377 9248 www.lov-me.com

Mirja Meenal Roth Yoga l Meditation l Reiki Bloubergrant 021 556 0517 www.afrobuddha.co.za

Moving into Connection Movement Medicine Cape Town 0784879107 www.movementmedicineassociation.org

Oudrif Retreat Centre Clanwilliam 027 482 2397 www.oudrif.co.za

Lyndsay Muse Tantra l Massage l Personal Development Cape Town lyndsaymuse@gmail.com

Metka Zurman – SelfCare Retreats Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) l Life Coach l Workshop Facilitator Constantia 083 608 5073 www.selfcareretreats.co.za

Munira Mahomed Life Coaching l Personal Development l Mindfulness Newlands 072 926 4937 www.muniramahomed.com

Ozone Healing Therapy Ozone Therapy Riebeek Kasteel 079 433 0200

Magic Moments Getaways & Retreats Nia l Hatha Yoga l Retreats Big Bay 082 775 0198 www.jillianlambert.co.za

Mia Steyn Nia l Dance l Mindfulness Stellenbosch 082 874 2176 www.niastellenbosch.com

MyUtopia Yoga l Pilates Green Point 021 202 2271 www.myutopia.co.za

Paisley & Proteas Retreats l Yoga l Women’s Health Polokwane 083 766 4000

Paul de Kock – Global Energetics Mindfulness & Leadership Workshops Cape Town 082 393 2888

Dr Robert Durrheim Homeopathy Rondebosch 072 056 5515 www.capehomeopath.co.za

Shirene Botes – Embodied Intimacy Coach Tantra l Life Skills l Workshops Claremont 079 884 6277 www.sacredintuitive.com

Tamar Bezuidenhout - Aura Essence Energy Healing l Holistic Healing l Prophetic Guidance Tokai 081 727 9939 www.auraessence.co.za

Paula Janse van Rensburg Life Coaching l Meditation Kenilworth 082 789 5478 www.thesoulconnection.co.za

Robyn Caie Aromatherapy Massage l Lymph Drainage Massage l Reflexology Cape Town 082 299 6154

Simunye Health Care Holistic Healing Sea Point 021 439 7887 www.simunyehealthcare.com

Tania Bownes – Celebrating Freedom Trauma Release Exercises l Aromatherapy l Retreats Hout Bay 083 326 6352 www.celebratingfreedom.co.za

Pearl Tantra Tantra l Massage l Yoga Cape Town thetantrictemple@gmail.com

Samadhi Retreats Flower Essences l Reiki l Retreats Grotto Bay 022 492 2146 www.samadhiretreats.co.za

Soaring Free Superfoods Healing Products l Nutrition Tokai 0861 000 976 www.rawlicious.co.za

Think Silver Pilates l Yoga l Nia Gardens 083 775 2703 www.thinksilver.co.za

Penelope van Maasdyk – Well Worth Being Craniosacral Therapy l Holistic Healing l Prophetic Guidance Cape Town CBD 074 101 1621 www.wellworthbeing.com

Sarvashakti Ayurveda & Yoga Ayurvedic Massage l Panchakarma l Satyananda Yoga Fish Hoek 082 466 4855 www.sarvashakti.co.za

Soul Center Holistic Healing l Spiritual Centre l Workshops Woodstock 073 528 0394 www.soulcenter.co.za

Thrive Wellness Hub Life Skills l Personal Development Johannesburg 083 704 2196 www.thrivewellnesshub.co.za

Pieter van der Westhuyzen Iridology l Holistic Healing Hout Bay 082 311 8273 www.3levelsofhealing.co.za

School of Intuition & Healing Energy Healing l Spiritual School Cape Town 021 788 2008 www.intuitionandhealing.co.za

The Source Yoga l Pilates l Transformation Cape Town 021 794 2640 www.thesourcecapetown.co.za

Time2Change Hypnotherapy l NLP l Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Cape Town 062 105 3188 www.time2change.me

Power of Soul Cape Town Holistic Healing l Meditation l Energy Healing Cape Town 082 469 4549 www.powerofsoul.co.za

Sean Weltz Deep Tissue Massage l Sports Massage Cape Town 076 903 6699 www.massage-somerset-west.co.za

Spiritual Vitality Holistic Healing l Spiritual School Piketberg 022 913 1138 www.spiritualvitality.co.za

Turiya Lynne Tantra l Massage l Life Coaching Newlands Tantradancedakini@gmail.com

Pure Awakening Mobile Massage l Reiki l Beauty Therapy Bellville 076 681 2172

Shada Francis Life Coaching Sea Point 074 194 8002

Dr Stephen Farrugia Naturopathy l Functional Medicine l Nutrition Tableview 083 726 0975 www.zenstudio.co.za

Tushita Kadampa Meditation Centre Meditation l Buddhism l Retreats Observatory 021 447 1650 www.meditateincapetown.org

Ramesh Cara - To Your Future Success Personal Development l Retreats Cape Town 084 262 0009

Shamballah Tea House & Holistic Centre Retreat Centre Cape Point 072 634 9043 www.shamballah.co.za

Stillness in Motion Neuromuscular Massage l Tai Chi l Pregnancy Massage Constantia 072 400 4329

Valentina Leo Tantra l Yoga Noordhoek 083 298 8113 www.thelaboratoryoflove.com

Rizia Coenraad Energy Healing Cape Town riziacoenraad@gmail.com

Sharyn Driver – Releasing Limits Hypnotherapy l Matrix Reimprinting l Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Oranjezicht 083 233 0440 www.releasinglimits.com

Sy Tzu Tantra l Herbalism l Massage Cape Town 081 845 7329 www.sytzu.org

Dr Vaughan Leader Homeopathy Claremont 021 671 5401

Well Nourished Naturally Health Coaching l Nutrition l Personal Training Southern Suburbs 079 974 9499 www.wellnourishednaturally.com

The Yoga Room Vinyasa Yoga l Forrest Yoga Vredehoek 072 559 4165 www.theyogaroomcpt.co.za

Mary Carey’s Healing Touch Specialised Kinesiology l Reiki l Animal Healing 083 301 1427

Sweeter Freedom Food Management App 082 657 2298 www.sweeterfreedom.co.za

Wellness Within Studio Pilates l M Technique l Massage Diep River 082 554 6308

Yolis Wellness on Wheels Spa Mobile Massage l Beauty Therapy Cape Town 084 586 4405 www.yoliswellness.co.za

MetaVarsity School of Metaphysics 0861 116 126 www.metavarsity.com

Nourish Move Love Yoga l Nutrition l Retreats Bali www.nourishmovelovebali.com

Wendy Christien – Integrated Health Solution Iridology l Nutrition Bellville 082 490 8812 www.integratedhealthsolution.co.za

Yoni Eggs Women’s Health Knysna 079 124 3626 www.yonieggs.co.za

Oxygenate Ozone Therapy 086 099 5288

Sabine Thomas – Life Energy Energy Healing International/Online www.lifeenergy.co.za

The Whole Truth Retreat Retreats Stanford 076 968 8608 www.thewholetruthretreat.com

Zo Hoka Dashati Massage l Women’s Health l Yoga Claremont 064 481 7552 www.endstress.co.za

South African BodyTalk Association BodyTalk System 074 118 9184 www.bodytalksystem.co.za

Shrimath Excellence in Yoga Yoga Bangalore www.shrimathyoga.com

Wild Thing Yoga & Body Conditioning Yoga l Mindfulness l Meditation Sea Point 071 104 8074 www.wildthingmoves.co.za

Greenpop Green Experiences and Events Cape Town 021 461 9265 www.greenpop.org

Yoga4Kids South Africa Children’s Yoga Classes & Teacher Training 083 299 6555 www.yoga4kids.co.za

The Wild Love Hatha Yoga l Herbalism l Retreat Centre Tulbagh 082 255 0065

NATIONWIDE Brain Harmonics Neurofeedback 076 4343 252 www.brainharmonics.co.za

INTERNATIONAL Caryl Westmore Author l Coach l Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) UK & Cape Town 021 782 1232 www.carylwestmore.com

Wisdom to Nourish Life Coaching l Counselling l Retreats Cape Town 082 624 6249 www.johnhomewood.net

Buddha Chakra and CBD Teas Healing Products 082 495 1481 www.buddhateas.co.za

Chakrabeatz Yoga l Sound Healing International/Online +49 1515 8583601 www.chakrabeatz.com

The Yoga Kitchen Yoga l Nutrition l Retreats Western Cape www.yogakitchen.co.za

HealthFood Warehouse Nutrition l Health Products 076 792 6402 www.healthfoodwarehouse.co.za

Healing by Pallavi Prophetic Guidance Online + 91 997 190 6196 www.healingbypallavi.com

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The African National Healers Association is a non-profit organisation with the role of setting and maintaining mandatory standards of traditional healing in South Africa, and establishing a working relationship with private organisations and companies to promote traditional medicine and traditional healing in South Africa.



The African Natural Medicine Association was established to promote traditional and faith healers, train new traditional health practitioners and promote the highest standards of traditional health practice in Africa. They also aim to respond to the needs of the community through traditional medicine centres and services.



The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa is a statutory health body established in terms of the Allied Health Professions Act to monitor all allied health professions, including Ayurveda; Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture; Chiropractic; Homeopathy; Naturopathy; Osteopathy; Phytotherapy; Therapeutic Aromatherapy; Therapeutic Massage Therapy; Therapeutic Reflexology and Unani-Tibb.


AROMATHERAPY ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (AROMASA) AromaSA is the Aromatherapy Association of South Africa, created in 2011 from the amalgamation of ASoSA and AromaForum.


ASSOCIATION FOR DIETETICS IN SOUTH AFRICA (ADSA) The Association for Dietetics in South Africa is the

professional organisation for Registered Dietitians in the country. The primary aims of the Association are to serve the interests of Dietitians in South Africa and promote the nutritional wellbeing of the community. All ADSA members are bound by the ethical rules of the HPCSA. ADSA is also a member of the International Confederation of Dietetic Associations (ICDA), an Association created to encompass most National Dietetic Associations worldwide.


ASSOCIATION FOR NATURAL HEALTH SOUTH AFRICA (ANHSA) The Association for Natural Health South Africa

is a professional association supporting natural health practitioners in South Africa. This encompasses modalities geared towards leading people to reach their fullest health potential.



The Biokinetics Association of South Africa is a professional body representing biokineticists and the practice of biokinetics in the country.


CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (CASA) The official body representing chiropractors and the chiropractic practice in South Africa.



Coaches and Mentors of South Africa is the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) recognised professional body for coaching and mentoring in South Africa. It regulates the professions in the country through a professional code of ethics and conduct, professional designations, ongoing continuing professional development, and professional supervision and access to resources.



The Confederation of Complementary Health Associations of South Africa was established to represent the interests and serve the needs of all complementary health associations that promote health and wellness in a non-therapeutic manner. It also serves to facilitate the development of new associations and encourage new complementary health and wellness approaches.



Africa is a non-profit organisation that aims to preserve the integrity of craniosacral therapy in Southern Africa, create community and maintain the highest professional standards for practitioners, teachers and students of craniosacral therapy.



Dorn Method SA is affiliated with the Dorn International Association. It serves to support and promote Dorn practitioners, and educate the public on the science and benefits of the practice.


ETHNOMEDICINE PRACTITIONERS OF SOUTH AFRICA (EPASA) The Ethnomedicine Practitioners Association of

South Africa is a non-profit federal body that accredits and controls the ethnomedical practice under the Traditional Health Practitioners Act.


154 | holistica.net


Functional Medicine South Africa is a network of likeminded healthcare practitioners educated in the model of functional medicine.

HEALTH AND FITNESS PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (HFPA) The Health and Fitness Professionals Association of South Africa is a leading network of fitness professionals and provider of fitness education in the country. HFPA is registered with the International Register of Exercise Professionals, an international governing body for fitness education.



The Health Products Association is a non-profit organisation representing the interests of South African natural health products, nutritional dietary supplements and complementary and alternative medicines (CAMS). Members include industry-related manufacturers, marketers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, importers, consultants and practitioners.


HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA (HPCSA) The Health Professions Council of South Africa

regulates certain disciplines in aspects of training, education, professional conduct and ethical behaviour, continuing professional development, and compliance with healthcare standards. All healthcare professionals practising within the scope of the HPCSA are required by the Health Professions Act to register with the Council. Health professions regulated by the HPCSA broadly include: Dental; Dietetics and Nutrition; Emergency Care; Environmental Health; Medical and Medical Science; Occupational Therapy; Optometry; Physiotherapy; Podiatry and Biokinetics; Psychology; Radiology and Speech, Language and Hearing.


HOMEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (HASA) A voluntary association recognised by the HPCSA, the Homeopathic Association of South Africa is the official representative body for homeopaths in South Africa.



Life Alignment South Africa represents Life Alignment practitioners in South Africa.


MASSAGE THERAPY ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA (MTASA) The Massage Therapy Association of South Africa

is a professional association representing Therapeutic Massage Therapists in South Africa.



The official body representing osteopaths and the practice of osteopathy in South Africa.



The Reiki Association South Africa is committed to promoting Reiki in South Africa, and enhancing the client/ patient experience by ensuring masters and teachers are equipped to meet the needs of the community.

www.reikiassociation.co.za ROLFING SOUTH AFRICA

Rolfing South Africa represents training and Rolfing practitioners in South Africa.



The South African Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is the official voice of practitioners of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in South Africa who are currently registered with the HPCSA.



The South African Association of Herbal Practitioners represents all registered phytotherapy practitioners in South Africa, and serves as a window into the world of herbal medicine and herbs.



This is the official organisation representing BodyTalk practitioners and educating the public on the science and benefits of the practice.



The South African Healers Association is a community of healers supporting the development of spiritual, traditional, indigenous and natural healing practices in South Africa.


SOUTH AFRICAN NATURAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS BOARD (SANHPB) This non-profit organisational board accredits

and controls traditional healing disciplines and ethnomedicine practices. Membership is open to anyone in the field of alternative and spiritual healing - including natural healers, natural physicians and natural counsellors.



The South African Naturopathy Association is recognised by the AHPCSA as the official representative of the naturopathy profession in South Africa. It represents and promotes registered naturopathic doctors as well as students in training, and furthers naturopathic education and continued development of the profession in SA.


SOUTH AFRICAN PSYCHOANALYTICAL ASSOCIATION (SAPA) The South African Psychoanalytical Association

is the first organisation on the African continent to be offering clinical and theoretical training in psychoanalysis under the auspices of the International Psychoanalytical Association, founded by Sigmund Freud in 1908.



Medicine is a non-profit network of medical practitioners who support the practice of Functional and Integrative Medicine. The group aims to share knowledge, research and best practices, promote Integrative Medicine nationally through the advancement of science and research and advising on new policy, provide the public with a national database of practitioners, and educate the general community on all matters regarding integrative medicine.



The SA Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique is the governing organisation for all Alexander Technique teachers in the country.


THE ASSOCIATION OF SPECIALISED KINESIOLOGISTS OF SOUTH AFRICA (ASKSA) The Association of Specialised Kinesiologists of South Africa is the official body for accreditation of kinesiologists wishing to practise and study in Southern Africa.



Bowen SA was formed to oversee the running, promotion and teaching of the Bowen Technique in South Africa.


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The Nutrition Society strives to advance the scientific study of nutrition to promote appropriate strategies for the improvement of nutritional wellbeing for all South Africans. Nutrition Society members are HPCSA registered

nutritionists. www.nutritionsociety.co.za


The South African Body Stress Release Association is a member of COCHASA - the Confederation of Complementary Health Associations of South Africa – and represents the interests of body stress release practitioners in the country, as well as the public who consult them.



The South African Reflexology Society offers statutory recognition of therapeutic reflexology in the country.


THE SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIETY OF PHYSIOTHERAPY (SASP) The South African Society of Physiotherapy

is a voluntary professional membership organisation committed to equal opportunities and inclusivity within the field of physiotherapy in South Africa.



The South African Tibb Association represents Unani Tibb practitioners in South Africa.



The Traditional and Natural Health Alliance (TNHA) aims to protect the natural health industry and ensure its sustainability through various ways, some of which include lobbying government to adopt appropriate standards of production, quality control, marketing and advertising of natural health products, providing information on natural health that protects consumers, fostering cooperation among local and international associations and practitioner bodies, and consulting with local and international businesses on local regulatory issues.



The Traditional Healers Organisation is a non-profit organisation that develops policies to support traditional health professionals in South Africa. They are also a SETAaccredited service provider offering training in homebased care and primary health care where they run health workshops, and share HIV and AIDS awareness.


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