Holistica Magical Places Directory 2019

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Follow your path‌ But how will I find it? Like love it will possess you, you can’t help but know, and the universe will set out signposts along the way in confirmation. Your path is your poem, a brilliant and transformative journey unfolding the truth in your soul. Start here. HOLISTICA.NET Wellbeing. For everyone


WELLBEING. FOR EVERYONE. Working on a magazine issue focused on magical places has left me with an unbounded sense of wanderlust. Who knew you could sleep in a capsule hanging off a cliff face in Peru’s Sacred Valley, or in a glass igloo in Finland. Imagine meditating in Machu Picchu or swimming from island to island in the Cyclades. Our world is phenomenally magical and we hope this issue instils a beautiful urge to celebrate and honour our fabulous mother earth and to be a worthy custodian. Despite the meme floating around that ‘print is dead’ we’ve found quite the opposite – there’s been unprecedented excitement around our last issue. It was created as an annual publication showcasing our practitioner directory and has just about sold out in 4 months of circulation. Something about reading a non-moving target brings a more peaceful contemplation and we affirm that far from being dead, print is experiencing a revival. All manner of pre-existing ideas are being dissolved in a world that, more and more seems to be focusing on infinite possibilities. As I was walking on the mountain, I had this vision of simply unhitching reality and replacing it with a different one. It seemed so easy. Perhaps easy access to the likes of Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Esther Hicks and other pathfinders is forging the way for everyone to really self-create their reality. We’re sensing a huge shift and liberation in thinking and also in ways of being. Thankfully, we are finding a way to dismantle the negative beliefs no longer serving us. Many of the people, philosophies and stories we capture in Holistica are supportive of a new paradigm, one that is filled with ease, with consciousness and a way of living that honours the planet and its people. We are rapidly bringing a beautiful community together to add gravity to a sustainable and joyful existence. And we invite you to join and participate in this movement through our platforms. Holistica has a vibrant online presence, a phenomenal digital events digest, an online resource of practitioners, places and products and loads of live events coming up. I’m eternally grateful to our beautiful team who work tirelessly, researching the latest in cutting edge information and who have connected with everyone we’ve listed in this issue. Keep following us on social media to join in our endeavours. Thank you for supporting us and we hope to continue delighting you with our curated content and access to the natural and holistic wellbeing world.

In magic and gratitude Robyn robyn@holistica.net www.holistica.net


C o ntents 14 | THE SOUND OF SILENCE


Spending days in complete silence is a life-changing experience with benef its outweighing all expectations. It’s also more diff icult than most people realise. We delve into the experience, the why, the how and where.


Celebrating tea in all its forms, romance and rituals we look at the Camellia Sinensis bush; the beauty of a Japanese tea ceremony; the spirit of the Yunnan valley; a tour of the oxidation process and countless therapeutic benef its f rom this esteemed beverage.


In yoga we f ind a practice that integrates into the entirety of life; that embodies the flowering of liberation no matter who you are. Chloe Guilhermino explores yoga as one of the many paths we can follow to attain enlightenment.



‘Time out’ or should we say ‘time in’ with nurturing healing practices allows a heightened appreciation for your body. We touch on protocols f rom hydrotherapy and sound baths to marijuana massage, crystals, Himalayan salt baths, colonics and more.


Symptoms in the body provide a map for us to follow along the road to health. Decoding these symptoms and f inding the root cause can be overwhelming. Kerry-Ann Aiken outlines some simple guidelines to help us along.


Exploring a heightened appreciation for water takes us into its mystical properties bringing together science and spirit, technology and humanism, reason and intuition.











It’s entirely possible to travel with a sprouting jar, pre-made dehydrates, ferments and healthy snacks not usually found on the road. We design the perfect padkos and travelling menu to remain as healthy as you are at home.

From natural insect repellent to eco-f riendly wet wipes, and remedies for everything f rom nausea to insomnia, our natural medicine and convenience kit is perfect for the conscious traveller.

You want to pack it all in during a holiday or break, but does that mean you have to pack it all? Here are our tips to help you master the art of packing – the zen way.

Earth-centered technologies for a healthy planet, including green power and green building, cleaning the ocean and sustainable farming encourages a more supportive relationship with Mother Earth.


Our ongoing feature on longevity practices and protocols covers raw and plant-based paleo nutrition and intermittent fasting, the science of telomere regeneration and embodied practices for endocrine health.


Things We Love

Be magnif icently inspired with our A to Z bucket list of wellbeing travel f rom teepees to tree houses, picnics to pilgrimages, hot springs and holy holidays, rugged and unplugged, including voluntourism, sacred sites, zen retreats and more.

Sharni Quinn shares her top 10 favourite rejuvenation spots in Bali where she masters the secrets of living a dream life and f inds a way to sustain herself doing everything she wants to.

Being at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo, Kwa-Zulu Natal is like floating on a cloud. We meet with Louis and Chrisi Van Loon to f ind out how this most majestic and awe-inspiring Buddhist Retreat Centre came about.

Whether looking for an off the grid retreat centre, a luxurious spa, an adventurous safari, a hiking haven or spiritual sanctuary, we present numerous offerings to tempt you.


Find incredible magical places with our directory of Yoga Studios, Health Shops, Farmers Markets, Green Building, Kiddies Adventure, Hot Springs, Garden Nurseries, Eco Viillages, Spas, Retreat centres and more.

Rife Resonance

Creation Story




Here’s our amazing team, we’re so proud of ourselves – phew, it was quite something putting this issue together.

CONTACT Kate on 083 955 8245 Email: kate@holistica.net www.holistica.net


Kate Aitken Marketing Strategist My excitement comes from connecting conscious people and brands in the wellness space as we collectively work towards a brighter future. Outside work, you can find me practicing Transcendental Meditation, chanting mantras and journaling.


Chloe Guilhermino Campaign Manager I love being immersed in all varieties of holistic practice, and sharing the knowledge and experience to empower and uplift others. My favourite daily practice is gratitude. In a state of gratitude, I become present to the beauty and magic surrounding us. chloe@holistica.net

083 955 8245 | kate@holistica.net JOHANNESBURG: Leanne Miltiadou 079 355 1531 | leanne@holistica.net


inge@ivdesign.co.za LEILA FANNER


leila@leilafannerart.com www.leilafannerart.com

CONTRIBUTORS: Dominica Taylor; Kirsten Alexander; Tatum Cochrane; Kerry-Ann Aiken


JP is a Life and Health Coach, Transpersonal Therapist and NLP Master Practitioner with a deep passion for natural health, generative change and exploring the limits of human potential.



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As a new mom, Holistica has helped me on my journey providing balanced lifestyle guidance and healthy recipes. I joined the Holistica team to run sales and marketing strategy in Johannesburg and Durban and kick start the launch of our eventing platform. leanne@holistica.net

Jean-Pierre Le Roux Platform Architect

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Leanne Miltiadou Sales & Marketing



ON THE COVER Cover model: Annie A from Topco Models Photographer: Anton Robert Cover design: Inge Smit

Michelle Reid Marketing Consultant Alongside my ceremonial work at Sacred Ibis in Hout Bay, Holistica allows me to be in service and fulfil my purpose by bringing information, brands and knowledge straight to the hearts and minds of our readers.


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Palesa Moletsane Gauteng Ambassador As a therapeutic reflexologist and Holistica Ambassador, I’d like to encourage more people to follow a career in natural healing. It’s highly rewarding and you learn more about people every day.




Printed by CTP Cape Town Distributed by RNA DISCLAIMER: Kindly note all our advertising material is received in good faith and we have not researched any of the content or claims made by any of our advertisers. If you are unsure of the efficacy of any of the claims made, kindly consult a professional.

Holistica’s Vision We are building an infinitely wonderful, global, multi-lingual, multi-currency platform to serve the growing worldwide movement towards radically enhanced personal wellness and planetary ecology through natural, sustainable and conscious means. What Holistica is now… *An online magazine platform www.holistica.net *A searchable holistic practitioner, product & places directory *A digital events newsletter to a growing database of 30 thousand subscribers *A wealth of Holistic events nationwide *A print magazine, which we are intending to be the most beautiful and most informative health-oriented magazine this country has ever seen!

Where Holistica is going… *A powerful, sophisticated and elegant practitioner publishing, marketing and collaboration platform. Functional tools for practitioners (including product companies, associations, retreat centers, events creators and educators) to run their business online, including, booking, payment and accounting tools. Podcasting and database management. Mobile App with practitioner search and geolocation. Sophisticated revenue-sharing with practitioners. *Our own, practitioner-editable, holistically-orientated wiki—Holipedia—built on the same platform that Wikipedia runs on, but presenting authentic, accurate and credible information relative to natural health protocols. *Holistica Magazine, in digital format online. High functional and easy to use content generation tools with practitioner earnings generated from that. The print magazine syndicated globally including a beautiful annual hard cover collectable version with curated content from the best of the year. *Vastly scalable affiliate marketing. Product sales from within the application. Built-in social networks and forums. Our own cryptocurrency—the Holicoin— for trading onsite and with other practitioners.

How you can be involved… We have a number of exciting opportunities for collaborating with us – sharing in our vision, and sharing in our profits. From strategic partnerships, to crowdfunding opportunities, discounted services and lifetime memberships, if your heart is moved by our vision then feel free to get in contact with us.

You can read in more detail about how we can collaborate at www.holistica.net/partner

THINGS WE LOVE Some products just make your day better. We’ve rounded up a few of our absolute favourites, ones that fit right into a healthy living vibe. Get into a habit of shopping for natural earth-loving goodies and away from anything that could harm your body.



This is a complete double yum experience. Cocoa tea is our best kept secret, it has a deep and rich flavour, almost hard to believe from just a tea. Well, it’s called tea, but it’s a bit more like guilt-free hot chocolate and is a wonderful anytime of the day drink. It’s not just about the taste either, locally made and packed in Cape Town, all the brand’s printing is done on recycled paper and the tea bags are made from bio-web, which doesn’t contain even a whiff of PET. Take a sip, and then another as you bring joy into your life, sustainably and guilt-free. What’s more is it naturally contains Theobromine, which is a feel-good brain trigger, similar to delicious, organic chocolate. It’s made from cacao husks and comes in bags and loose. Find it at Faithful to Nature and Takealot.

Reflections Of Gratitude


Take a gratitude challenge with this extraordinary book, written by Lee Mayimele (Porcupine Press), whose experience with anosmia (the inability to taste and smell) taught her to see and hear more clearly and tap in to her sixth sense. Her journey towards gratitude is outlined in a series of poems and essays, straight from the heart with lessons in gratitude. We love the wisdom contained in the book, and the 52 gratitude sentences are perfect for meditating on.

LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C We know how important Vitamin C is to our health, which is why we are so excited that this supplement uses liposome technology (microbubbles that encapsulate molecules) to deliver it so efficiently into the bloodstream. Forget half your vitamins getting lost through waste, these ones get delivered straight into your bloodstream where they can do all the magic necessary.

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We love naked shopping and are so grateful to Nude Food for setting the example and saying no to plastic. Being able to fill up your own glass jars and recycled bags with all natural, non-GMO food is a such a trip. Everything at Nude Food is plastic free and sold by weight. Besides organic nuts and grains, and a whole lot of other fantastic products I found a natural scrubbing brush, natural fibre dish cloths and a dinky cotton drawstring tea bag (do you know most tea bags have some kind of plastic in them?). So, to do your bit for saving our environment from all things plastic, and get your daily or weekly shop done sustainably, head to Nude Food in Constitution street, or visit their baby shop at the Montebello Design Centre in Newlands. Bring your own containers and bags. Oh, and get your shopping done before Sunday, because that’s when they’re soaking up the mountain air or sea breezes.

1 0 0 % O R G A N I C P L A N T- B A S E D

THINGS WE LOVE SIMPLY BEE BODY BALM We’re definitely abuzz about the body balm that’s soothing and luxurious. Deliciously made with precious beeswax and essential oils (including bergamot, neroli, jasmine and rose), all you need is to warm a little in your hands and give your body a beautiful treat that soothes and deeply moisturises skin. The combination of oils mean you’ll spend all day feeling as honoured as any queen bee.

BLUE LOTUS ABBY BODY OIL Step into a rose garden with this gorgeous body oil. I am addicted to the fragrance and can’t stop putting it all over my body. Although it’s an oil, it has a non-greasy feel and absorbs beautifully. It’s also filled with omega 6 and 9, as well as Vitamin E. Abby Body Oil makes you feel totally elevated and puts you on a high. Rub it on generously to feel uplifted all day.


CBD SLEEP OIL The spotlight is firmly on CBD oil, and we’re loving the Sleep oil from CBD Biotech. After a stressful period which resulted in sleep deprivation, it gently supported me in re-establishing healthy sleep patterns, by facilitating a deeper and more restful sleep - without any drowsiness the next day. Lack of sleep is the number one cause of chronic health conditions, and with our fast-paced lives this is a very real reality for most of us. CBD, or cannabidiol, is the primary non-psychoactive component of cannabis. It is a powerful health chemical with the potential to alleviate dozens of diseases from chronic pain and anxiety to insomnia and autoimmune disorders. Being nonpsychoactive means zero THC just a happy high from a good night’s rest. And trust me, there’s nothing quite like it! To purchase and find out more visit www.cbdbiotechnologies.co.za.

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Even though it’s made us so very tranquil, we’re still over the moon excited about this homeopathic remedy that’s made alchemically in combination with the red and white springs of Glastonbury. It is known to make life more beautiful and effortless, like pouring silk onto the body. Blue Lotus can be used in a variety of circumstances to bring a total sense of calm. It’s a brilliant staple to have in the house and a secret solution to appease impending tantrums. What’s more, if you struggle to sleep, a dose of Blue Lotus effortlessly puts insomnia to bed. Move over Gin, this is truly mother’s little helper. Find it at selected health shops or from www.liberationtheremedy. com/find-a-distributor. liberationtheremedy@gmail.com WhatsApp on 079 112 2122

SOLAL HYDRATING EXFOLIATION MASK You won’t believe how amazing your skin feels after using SOLAL’s hydrating exfoliation mask. It’s self-heating, which gives you the most amazingly nurturing feeling when you put it on. The heat helps to mechanically and enzymatically remove old dry skin cells from the surface of the skin and then soothes, nourishes and moisturises. It’s highly recommended to take away with you on a selfcare weekend or to simply use regularly at home.


NATURAL SWEETENER Finally, and thankfully, we have a healthy staple designed to totally replace sugar without any strange after tastes or downsides. Freesweet is brand new on the market, and is a delicious combination of plant based ingredients each of which contribute towards an alchemy of sweet flavour. It’s net carb free, has all natural ingredients, is low calorie and low GI (3). That means no spikes, no slumps, no weight gain. Freesweet bakes and caramelises beautifully, and replaces sugar 1:1 in sweetness. Find it on the shelves of your favourite grocery store.

Let Food be thy Medicine, and Medicine be thy Food...

SANS NEIGHBOURHOOD GROCER Something keeps drawing me back to Sans, the gorgeous homeware shop and organic grocer in Sea Point, Cape Town. Although described as a simple, back to basics earth-honouring store, it’s just simply beautiful and there’s not one thing on their shelves I wouldn’t take home with me. Discerning curation and expert sourcing from the best local farmers and international producers has resulted in the perfect complement of everything from organic linen, forest bedding, home milling machines, electric free kettles to bottles of probiotic kimchi and organic celery. It’s all about intentional living. We love you Sans! 277 Main Rd, SeaPoint. www.sanscommunity.com

Moringa Foods International is a trusted, ethical manufacturer of top quality, highly effective, natural and eco-friendly products that offers solutions to everyday household needs, without harming the earth. We adhere to strict international protocols in the formulation and manufacturing of all products. This guarantees that only the very best is supplied to our customers.

P U R C H A S E O N L I N E A T:



When we recognise thoughts for what they are, they start to lose their power over us. Meditation teaches us that thoughts are just thoughts. They are not facts. They are not the truth. The moment we realise this, is the moment we can liberate ourselves from our own minds.

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Silence Spending days in complete silence is a life-changing

experience with benefits

outweighing all expectations. It is also much more difficult than most people realise. We speak to those in the know and delve first-hand into the experience, the why, the how and where.


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ave you ever wondered what silence sounds like? In a world polluted with noise and distraction it is hard to imagine. Chloe is one of thousands who has embarked upon a ten-day Vipassana meditation retreat. Away from the constant buzz of mobile phones, the endless hum of traffic and mindless chatter, she went on an incredible yet challenging journey, which redefined her relationship with herself and the world. Vipassana meditation, an ancient Indian technique taught by Buddha, is about learning to control our reactions and impulses by developing awareness and equanimity (the quality of being present). Retreats take place over a ten-day residential course and come with strict guidelines. Speaking, technology, reading, writing, exercising, touching and even eye contact is not permitted during this time. According to S. N. Goenka, an influential teacher of the practice, Vipassana is ‘selfpurification by self-observation.’ To gain true insight into the nature of reality, we must stop searching for answers on the outside and turn our gaze inward. By focusing on our breath and learning to detach ourselves f rom the external world, we can experience inner peace and a balanced mind, whilst at the same time become more compassionate towards others. This is what Buddha called the ‘art of living.’ So what does silence actually sound like?

Vipassana means ‘to see things as they really are’ 16 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

‘Even though I was not speaking to anyone, I was most certainly not silent,’ says Chloe, ‘what the silence taught me was how loud the voice inside my head was.’ We all have that internal dialogue as our thoughts jump f rom one to another. As Chloe discovered during her time on the retreat, there is a reason it is known as a ‘train of thought.’ Like trains, thoughts can feel unstoppable. ‘I did an exercise to see how many steps I could take without having a thought; needless to say, I couldn’t even do one.’ For many, the mind can be a scary place. All too often we over analyse the past and worry over the future, forgetting to be present in the moment. Negative thoughts repeat themselves until they become ingrained as truths, colouring the way you see yourself in the world. In Vipassana, this is called Sankara. In the modern world, it is easy to find distractions and ignore the way we feel. How often do you find yourself reaching for your phone or TV remote when you are left alone? Yet Goenka teaches us that diverting our attention is not the answer: ‘escape is no solution; you have to face the problem.’ And that is exactly what Vipassana meditation makes you do. On a Vipassana retreat there is no distraction.

You have no choice but to conf ront the voice inside your head. Silent meditation is not about emptying your mind of thoughts or trying to ignore them. Rather, it is about learning to observe them. It is not the actual thought which creates unhappiness, but our attachment to them. When we recognise thoughts as nothing more than an endless string of words, they start to lose their power over us. Meditation teaches us that thoughts are just thoughts. They are not facts. They are not the truth. The moment we realise this, is the moment we can liberate ourselves f rom our own minds. In meditation, the voice of the ego fades away, and in that stillness, we find our authentic self. This is Vipassana.

“Vipassana is observing things as they actually are, not just as they appear to be... When we experience this truth, we learn to stop reacting blindly, to stop creating negativities — and naturally the old ones are gradually eradicated. We become liberated from misery and experience true happiness.” S. N. Goenka, ‘The Art of Living’ Text taken from a talk given by S. N. Goenka in Berne, Switzerland.

As the days went by Chloe was able to detach herself f rom her thoughts. As her mind quietened, she became more aware of her senses. ‘I began to hear more, to see more and feel more. I started to become aware of the magic and perfection within each moment.’ When we stop living in our heads, we can start to appreciate and take joy in the everyday simplicities. We become less dependent on the external world and recognise that true happiness comes f rom within. Our realities are a projection of our thoughts and as such, we have the power to determine our perception of the world. ‘In each moment we have the opportunity to see abundance or lack, we have the choice between love and fear and we have the choice to be empowered or disempowered.’ The great thing about Vipassana is that anyone can experience it. Yes really, anyone. Whilst it is easy to think you have to be spiritual or religious to partake in meditation, this is misguided. Buddha taught Dhamma, a universal and non-sectarian philosophy, meaning people f rom all backgrounds can reap the benefits of Vipassana. What’s more, the courses are free of charge, funded by the donations of past students who want to give others the opportunity to share in their journey of self-connection. From total novices to advanced meditators, the courses are suited for all levels. All that is required is to bring an open mind. Vipassana is no easy journey. It can be stressful, emotional, even painful at times, but the gift of true inner peace is beyond compare. So you see, Vipassana is far more than a ten-day break f rom reality. It changes your reality. In a world where we have never been more connected, we are becoming more and more disconnected from ourselves. Silent meditation teaches you to confront your inner voice and rekindle the f riendship between the physical and mental self. It teaches you to become less reactive and more reflective, which in turn will result in more compassion, both for yourself and those around you. When you learn to see things as they really are, you can start to take advantage of each and every precious moment instead of exhausting yourself in worry, doubt, stress and anxiety. The human mind really is so much more powerful than we give it credit for. How we see the world is in our hands, or rather, in our minds. With such boundless benefits, it seems Vipassana really is worth talking about… but remember: whisper, don’t shout. It is a silent retreat after all.

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Our brains are continuously transforming functionally and structurally in response to the environment – this quality is known as neuroplasticity. Research suggests that meditating for as little as 11 hours has the potential to ‘rewire the brain’ in a way which benefits our mental, emotional and physical health.


Living a moral life: abstain f rom


Controlling the mind: learn to



any action, both physical and vocal, that may cause offence to others.

master the mind by focusing solely on the breath. observe the body and develop equanimity to its sensations.

BENEFITS OF VIPASSANA MEDITATION: Greater overall wellbeing: decrease in feelings of anxiety, depression and stress Gratitude for the present moment Greater understanding of our emotions Less attachment to our thoughts Less dependence on the external world for happiness Increased compassion towards yourself and others


[1 Tang. Y., Lu. O., Geng. X., Stein. E. A, Yang. Y., and Posner. M. I., Short-term meditation induces white matter changes in the anterior cingulate, https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/08/10/1011043107.abstract ]

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The outcome that we wish suddenly manifests itself in our reality, and the truth is, none of those things suddenly appeared. It is we who have suddenly appeared on the scene where they existed always. ~ N D Walsch



Water is the mother of tea, a teapot its father, and fire the teacher. Chinese Proverb

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tea total

Celebrating tea in all its forms, romance and rituals we look at the Camellia Sinensis bush with its many offerings and permutations; the beauty of a Japanese tea ceremony; the spirit of the Yunnan valley; a tour of the oxidation process and countless therapeutic benefits from this esteemed beverage.


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herever you are in India, you’re never far from a Chai Wallah, peddling cups of steamy sweet chai, a fragrant black tea laced with milk and sugar alongside spices like cardamom, cinnamon and clove. In Turkey, a long bus ride is likely to include a pit stop for tea customarily served in glasses flaunting a black blend or a f ruity herbal with lumps of sugar. In Brazil you’ll find Yerba Mate, an earthy tea traditionally sipped in a calabash gourd through a bombilla or metal straw. China is synonymous with green tea - central to daily life. Then, topping vodka, tea is the most popular drink in Russia, mostly in the form of Zavarka, a strong blend prepared in a pot conducive to repeat rounds. Po Cha, traditional Tibetan tea, is made by boiling a brick of Pemagul black tea for hours. Milk, salt, and yak butter are added as a fortifying mixture suited for the low temperatures and high-altitudes. It goes without saying that almost everything in Britain revolves around a cup of tea, and in South Af rica we have our cherished Rooibos. I could go on travelling through a global landscape of tea drinkers and I’d uncover two billion cups of tea consumed daily (according to a report f rom ManSci at the Global Dubai Tea Forum). More tea is consumed than coffee, it’s a drink second only to water. The endearing tea leaf has influenced trade and politics, has reshaped landscapes and sparked revolution. Tea is romanticised, revered and ritualised. It carries a certain kind of nobility, is one of the most comforting daily activities, and a practice shared globally invoking peacefulness, bonding and meditation. Tea is clearly a refreshment well worth celebrating.

ABOUT THE TEA BUSH Most people believe green and black tea come f rom different types of bushes yet white, yellow, green, black, oolong and dark tea are all harvested from the Camellia Sinensis and the Camellia Assamica bush. Different flavours and effects come from the way the leaves are processed and f rom varying levels of oxidation. Even twig tea (Kukicha) comes f rom the same plant but is brewed f rom twigs and stems rather than leaves. So herbal blends aside, all tea is harvested f rom the Camellia Sinensis and Camellia Assamica. The cardinal plant likes high temperature and humidity and grows well in China, Kenya, India, Indonesia and Argentina.

OXIDATION Oxidation is what creates the different teas, flavours, colours and aroma compounds. It’s a chemical reaction initiated when tea leaves are macerated, crushed or rolled and plant cells are exposed to oxygen. Catechins convert into flavanoids called theaflavins and thearubigins. Theaflavins provide tea with its briskness, bright taste and yellow colour and thearubigins provide tea with depth, body and reddish colour. During oxidation chlorophylls convert to pigments creating the black and brown colour of dry oxidised tea leaves. Lipids, amino acids and carotenoids all engage to produce flavour and aroma compounds.

Tea producers use special methods to either prevent, initiate or fix oxidation to produce different flavours and colours of tea.

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Maceration allows full oxidation exposing more of the leaf cells to oxygen resulting in a greater mixture of chemicals. Rolling creates a slower and gentle oxidation and tumbling is a gentler way to initiate oxidation. When picked, leaves are kept intact and then oxidised evenly to get an evenly processed tea. Oxidation is controlled by introducing warm, moist, oxygen-rich air over time. Once the level of oxidation is reached, the leaves are heated and dried. This fixes the enzymes responsible for the oxidation process. Fixing is also called de-enzyming, denaturing or kill-green. The process is intricate and adjusted according to size, amount and thickness of the leaves.

Fixing involves any one of the following: Pan firing: leaves are heated in a wok or pan fired by gas or wood.

Steaming: steam is pushed through the leaves. Tumbling: a heated tumbler heats the leaves. Baking: heated in a special oven. Sun drying: leaves are dehydrated using the sun. Microwaving: leaves are rapidly heated. Boiling water: leaves are immersed in boiling water.

Without oxidation, catechins are left intact and tea leaves keep their green colour. Just like an apple, when cut open and exposed to oxygen it goes brown, but when cooked the heat stops the oxidation and the apple keeps its colour. Fully oxidised tea leaves have a taste and aroma profile completely different f rom unoxidised tea. Theaflavins and thearubigins outnumber catechins making a brisk tasting tea with a reddish cup colour when brewed. Cholorophylls convert to pheophytins and pheophorbides, turning the leaves a coppery brown, allowing new volatiles to develop.


ABOUT THAT CAFFEINE Yes, there is caffeine in tea. Interestingly, there are four components in tea with stimulating effects on the brain: caffeine, theophylline, theobromine and L-theanine. Together they have a synergistic effect which is why tea doesn’t buzz you in the same way coffee does. When the leaves are infused the caffeine bonds to the tannins and stabilises its effect releasing it more slowly into the body. Tea also has less caffeine than coffee: a strong coffee may have 100–300 mg of caffeine, and a cup of tea only 20–60 mg. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increases vigilance, reduces drowsiness and can boost short term brain power. Its stimulating effect comes f rom the ability to block adenosine, a neurotransmitter, f rom binding to certain brain synapses. Adenosine slowly increases in the brain during the day where it accumulates and creates the impulse to sleep. Caffeine seems to reverse this effect. It also stimulates the central nervous system by prompting neurotransmitters like noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin. The second two stimulants, theophylline and theobromine are regarded as cousins of caffeine. They belong to the organic compound family called xanthines. Theophylline is said to make breathing easier by relaxing the muscles in the air passageways. It also energises the heart, where theobromine improves blood circulation and balances blood pressure. In a normal cup of tea, the active amounts are so small, the effects mostly go unnoticed. The fourth component L-theanine, reaches the brain by crossing the blood brain barrier and forms alpha brain waves associated with alert relaxation. Often it’s attributed to affecting brain neurotransmitters like GABA and dopamine. Certain studies indicate that L-theanine, when combined with caffeine improves attention and brain function. Caffeine content in black, white and green tea isn’t dependant on the type of leaf or processing but factors like how much tea is used, how long you brew it, and the temperature of the water used for brewing. Matcha is an exception. It has a significantly higher caffeine content and best consumed earlier on in the day.

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The romance of tea is no more celebrated than in the Yunnan province of China. Ancient tea forests and an accompanying community of tea growers have a legacy that dates back to the 7th century AD during the Tang dynasty where much of the harvesting is still done in the old traditional methods of the Blang, Dai and Hani people. Tea caravans delivering their cargos of tea to Tibet would congregate along the Cha Ma Gu Dao - the Ancient Tea Horse Road in the Pu’er district where a total of 26 tea forests cover an area of 12,123ha. This entire area is an outstanding example of harmonious mutual growth between nature and mankind. It has the biggest wild tea trees and tree plantations in the world with trees dating between 550 to 2700 years. The oldest known tree is 2700 years old, it stands 25 metres high and has a circumference of 2,8 metres. It’s regarded as a deity by the locals who drum and dance in reverence to the trees during an annual festival. New tea leaves f rom each season are offered at a temple constructed in honour of the plantations. Each tea tree is said to have a tea spirit and when starting a new plantation, the oldest tree in the area is earmarked the Spirit Tree and considered a guardian of the others. Renowned Pu’Erh tea f rom the area is a large-leaf, post-fermented tea with a distinctive sweet taste f rom the long roots and fertile soil. Similar to wine, it is mellowed over the years and improves with time. Once picked, the leaves are spread in the shade or the sun to wilt. Then they are briefly heated in a wok over a gentle wood-burning fire. This process is called ‘killing the green’ or Sha Qing. It stops the oxidisation and partly removes some humidity. Leaves are then hand-rolled to break up the cell walls and kickstart post-fermentation. To produce Ripe Pu'Erh, the tea is laid in a naturally moist environment where fermentation lasts about 45 days. After that, the leaves are dried and sorted again. Tea making is highly specialised and some of the most expensive tea in the world comes f rom this region.


WITH BUDDHA CHAKRA TEAS Buddha Teas presents a line of Chakra teas expertly crafted from herbs that resonate with each chakra, offering stimulating and flavorful teas empowered by the essence of crystals.

AND CBD TEAS (Cannabidiol)

Helps with immune boosting, digestive and gut issues, stress, sleep issues, hyperactivity, pain, inflammation, mind and memory. Buddah Chakra & CBD Teas are available at major health stores and pharmacies. For more information Contact karmen.proreliant@gmail.com www.facebook.com/buddhateassa www.buddhateas.co.za



Japan is famous for their Matcha Tea Ceremony, a tradition first practiced by Buddhist monks when tea came to Japan in the 9th century. The Way of Tea is called Chado (‘cha’ tea and ‘do’ way) and is a practice noted for self-refinement. To learn the discipline of slowing down and invoking mindfulness, tea serving in the way of Chado is a great tradition to adopt. It’s an occasion steeped in mindfulness, and performed gracefully and respectfully with delicate and precise hand movements. The ceremony is designed to engage intentionality and reverence and symbolises peace, harmony and happiness. Master tea servers who delve deeply into the art sometimes embark in lifetime study at the prominent tea schools throughout Japan.

Tea houses called chashitsu are minimalistic with traditional low ceilings comprising a hearth with a grass mat, preparation bench, flowers and scroll with a thought provoking proverb. Before entering, guests wash their hands and bow in humility. The event is called chaji and evokes all five senses. Smell, touch, taste, sound and sight are demonstrated in the tea’s fragrance, the feel of the floor matting, the warmth of the pot, the taste, the sound of tea pouring, and visual beauty of the tea house. It’s a practice showing that simple things enjoyed with total intensity can act as a deep meditation.

There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.

ILLUSTRATION: pngtree.com

Lin Yutang

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Illustration: Leila Fanner

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An excellent way to use tea is in cooking. It has numerous health benefits and positive taste implications. Here’s how: BLACK TEA.

Brew a hearty strength and use as a base for soup and noodles. Use it to poach fish or chicken. It works well with flavours like garlic and chilli.


This goes perfectly with seafood and naturally sweet vegetables like pumpkin or onion.

GREEN TEA. Use brewed green tea in delicately flavoured broths or boil your rice or grains in tea instead of water. The leaves can also be used as a vegetable in rice dishes and stir f ries.


Tea simmered with spices like cardamom, cinnamon or star anise creates a wonderful poaching base for pears, apricots and plums. It’s also delicious as a base for making oats.

JASMINE TEA. jasmine tea.

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Rice tastes particularly good when made with



Rebrew a collection of used tea bags in a pot, then cool. Transfer to a spray bottle and spritz plants to protect them f rom fungal infections. Undo used bags and spread damp leaves around the base of your plants. This acts as a fertiliser and pest deterrent. Previously-brewed tea bags add nutrients to compost. Remember to remove metal staples.


YOU NEED loose leaf tea muslin fabric or coffee filters Baker’s twine or suitable string stapler HOW TO 1. Cut the coffee filter or muslin into a rectangle 2. Spoon your tea into the centre 3. Fold the sides so they meet in the middle 4. Bring the bottom edge up and fold the top 5. Position your string and staple it down

Tea leaves are natural air f resheners as they absorb odours. Dry the leaves first then mix into cat litter; put in the fridge or drop in your bin. You can even dry your tea bags, add some drops of essential oil and hang them up. If you’ve been working with garlic or fish, rub disposed tea leaves between your hands. Peppermint, buchu or green tea makes a great mouthwash.


Use your tea bags as a mini sponge to clean dishes. Dishes soaked in warm water with used tea bags will degrease easily, no need for chemicals. Weak tea f rom rebrewed bags make a good window and mirror cleaner.


Spiders, ants, mice and various pests will tend to avoid smells like peppermint. Use your tea bag as a base, add a repellent oil or herb (cinnamon is good for uninvited ants), and tuck them into cupboards, sheds and areas that tend to attract pests.


Tea leaves have antioxidants beneficial for your skin so throwing tea bags in bath water will nourish your skin. Rooibos and chamomile is very relaxing. Tea can also soothe irritated skin. Whether sunburnt or inflamed, bitten or bruised, a tea bag will help with the discomfort and can also draw out infections and anomalies like fever blisters, pinkeye and warts. Add used tea bags to warm water and soak your feet to neutralize foot odours, soften calluses, and nourish your skin. Rosemary tea will condition hair and scalp.


Steep used tea bags and use the tea water in creative pursuit. White paper turns to sepia-toned, antique parchment and white cloth absorbs dye f rom tea which turn shades of brown, orange, or pale green.

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ti m e f or t ea Green tea

With healing accolades as far ranging as cancer and chronic disease prevention, digestion, circulation and metabolism boosting as well as weight loss and longevity, it’s by far the most popular tea sipped across the world. Study after study of green tea shows immense antioxidant benefits. The aroma can vary substantially – f rom mild to complex and strong and the taste has been given a range of descriptors f rom sweet, bittersweet, oceanic to grassy, nutty, vegetal, buttery, floral, swampy and fruity. Steamed green teas tend to have a bittersweet aftertaste. The secret to making green tea is using water slightly underboiled to yield a better flavour. Green teas brewed at high temperatures turn bitter because polyphenols are released too fast. Steeping green tea for too long also makes bitter flavours. Brewing green tea is like cooking a meal, cook it for too long it tastes bad.

Black tea

Black tea is mostly known to be fully oxidised although tea from higher altitudes may be partially oxidised. Generally it has a stronger astringent flavour and higher caffeine content. The balance of bitter and dry depends on the amount of tannins unleashed in the tea. Tannins are astringents - plant polyphenols which cling to proteins. In the mouth, they exhibit as rough and dry, almost like the bitter taste f rom biting an unripe f ruit. Black teas like Assam have higher tannin amounts and provide a brisk and bold flavour. Caffeine contributes to the bitter taste, the more caffeine tea has, and the longer you brew it, the more bitter. Black tea has anti-oxidant polyphenols known to improve overall health and reduce the chance of chronic disease. Other attributes include improving heart health, lowering cholesterol and helping digestion. Buddhist monks acknowledged its concentrationimproving attributes and drank tea to help with long meditation sessions.

Mandela Tea contains an abundance of minerals essential to health and well-being. • • • •

Rich in antioxidants Caffeine Free 100% Organic Low in Tannins


w w w. mande lat ea.c om

Cape Tea Co is an exciting new company in the organic tea industry. Sourcing the very best ingredients from various regions in South Africa, the Mandela Tea range offers outstanding organic tea products in today’s market.

How did the whole world learn to love tea? A leaf from a tea tree falls into a pot of water and changes the taste, tea is born.

A work of alchemy: water, leaf, fire, art. Oolong tea

Oolong tea is oxidised at varying levels depending on the technique of the tea master and so the taste is hard to generalise. It involves multiple stages of bruising and browning the leaves with withering, shaping and firing done in succession. Its flavour ranges f rom light to full bodied, floral to grassy, and sweet to toasty. The colour of the leaves and hue of the brewed tea also varies f rom green to golden to brown. High grade oolong has an orchid-like aroma and smooth finish. Sometimes referred to as Black Dragon tea, oolong leaves are potent and can help reduce cholesterol, sharpen concentration, and strengthen immunity and heart health.

White teas

White teas, although not as common, are less processed and the most pure of all the others. Leaves and buds are picked while covered with fine white hairs - just before they are fully open. This is where it gets its name. White tea is packed with polyphenols; has a high antioxidant benefit and a subtle and ref reshing taste. It helps reduce chronic inflammation by protecting the body against damage f rom free radicals. Everything from radiant skin, strong bones, prevention of heart disease, cholesterol-lowering, is attributed to white tea dubbed as one of nature’s greatest gifts.



Originating in South Af rica this herbal tea comes f rom Aspalathus Linearis (part of the fynbos family) yet is traditionally processed in a way that includes oxidation creating a rich red colour. The plant, also called Red Bush has a linear growth and needle-like leaves that are picked green and when fermented turn red. It has low tannin and caffeine with a sweet nutty flavour, earthy undertone and smoky essence. Vast healing qualities are assigned to Rooibos which has vital minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and alpha hydroxyl acid. It also has polyphenols to fight f ree radicals and superoxide dismutase known to help anti-ageing and skin conditions. Other benefits include weight loss, anti-inflammation, broncho-dilation, heart health, bone tissue formation, balancing diabetic effects, improving digestion and more. Although it is only grown in South Africa is renowned internationally and exported all over the world.

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Herbal teas

There is almost no end to the amount of herbs that can be made into tea to help with a range of ailments and nervous disorders. Different blends can be tailormade for specific health concerns and taste. When making herbal teas they should always be chosen f rom organic sources. St. John’s Wort, sceletium and chamomile have calming effects where cinnamon and ginger have more stimulating and digestive qualities. Others like elderberry, lemongrass and echinacea, are immune boosting while peppermint and buchu are good breath freshening teas. Herbal teas can be made f rom leaves, buds, flowers, stems and roots.

Mate teas

Mate teas made f rom the leaves and twigs of the yerba mate plant results in a robust, strong tea comparable to coffee in strength and taste. With highly concentrated antioxidant qualities Yerba Mate is known to help with concentration and clear thinking, and is excellent for boosting metabolism and sorting out digestive issues. Too much mate however, can overstimulate the nervous system.

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“Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so we can know what we already know and be who we already are.” Rolf Gates

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for everyone



Anyone browsing social media may get the impression that yoga is about perfect bodies doing impossible poses in trendy yoga gear. This often alienates potential participants who find the stereotype inaccessible and unattainable. In a deeper vision of yoga we find a practice that integrates into the entirety of life; one that serves increased health and happiness, that embodies the flowering of liberation no matter body type, age, race or gender. Kundalini yoga teacher Chloe Guilhermino explores yoga as the practice of self-mastery and one of the many paths we can follow to attain enlightenment.

Yoga dates back over 5,000 years originating in ancient India. At the time it was followed mostly by royalty as a way of maintaining a high state of consciousness. Far more than just a physical practice, it allows you to become aware of and develop a deep conscious relationship with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. As human beings, we are clearly more than just physical, we also have a powerful mind; emotions and spirit, that makes up our unique persona. The word yoga means union, and is the practice of unifying body, mind and spirit. Practicing yoga is a lifestyle and an ancient science of being. It teaches that life is not happening to

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you but rather through you and every moment of our lives is shaped by the flow of our thoughts, words and actions. And so, importantly, we want to be sure our thoughts, words and actions are in alignment with the life we wish to create. By becoming the master of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self we become the conscious creator of life, understanding that in each moment we create our next moment. There are many different forms of yoga, each a personal expression brought forward by different yoga masters. Similarly, our quest is to find our own yoga as each and every one of us will have a unique expression and way of connecting to ourselves.

Three fundamental expressions of yoga are practiced through physical movement (asana), breathing (pranayama) and meditation.

The physical movement or postures allow us to connect to our physical bodies and maintain a state of health. To demonstrate the process, think of yourself as 75% water, then consider what happens to a body of water when it becomes stagnant. It quickly becomes murky and grows all sorts of algae. Our bodies do exactly that. When stagnant or when there’s an energy build up in certain areas we begin to experience disease. Yoga postures allow the release of stagnant energy and keeps the body flowing like a beautiful vibrant river. Significant to the physical component of yoga is the spine. It’s the energy and communication channel for the entire body - the highway for communication between the body and the brain. The energy travelling through the spine is known as Kundalini energy. Blockages in our spinal channel means the body is not able to receive and send information to its full potential. Yoga activates each vertebrae of the spine to increase the energy flow through the body. Doing this allows us to maintain the body at a high energy level which in turn enhances bodily health and facilitates an energised emotional and mental state of being.

Breath is another crucial part of yoga. Breath is the life force energy (prana) that fuels every cell of the body. The more prana we have in the cells of the body, the more energy potential we have. Oxygen is used in yoga to heighten the purification of the cells of the body and blood stream. Yoga offers many different breathing techniques that allow us to consciously oxygenate and energise the body and mind. Yoga breath is a tool to help anchor us in the present moment. Concentrating on your breath ensures you are absolutely present in the moment.

Meditation is the ultimate goal of yoga – the practice of purifying the mind to maintain present moment awareness. Ever tried standing on one leg and thinking about anything else but balancing? It is pretty much impossible. The practice of yoga is in itself a meditation as it uses the combination of movement and breath to allow the mind to be in the moment. In this way, the opportunity to practice yoga lies within each moment.

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THE PRACTICE Yoga encourages unification of body, mind and spirit and experiencing the totality of the present moment. Very often we are somewhere physically, and mentally somewhere completely different. That means we’re not truly present to the gift of life unfolding in front of us and we end up going through life existing predominantly in our minds. Practicing yoga trains the mind to exist within the body and within the senses and allows a shift f rom living life through the perceptions of the mind to living life through the senses - through the gift of sight, sound, touch and taste. As Osho famously said, ‘when you live within the present moment, your life becomes a continuous song and a blessing unto itself’. So yes, yoga is not about being in a precarious looking pose while wearing a crop top. It is about true self awareness of your thoughts, words and actions on a moment to moment basis. What are you thinking right now? Are your actions and words in alignment with the person you want to be? Are you serving your body with the food you choose to eat? Yoga is the ultimate practice of self-responsibility as you choose to take ownership as the creator of your own life and begin to consciously choose the thoughts, words and actions in alignment with the life experience you wish to create for yourself. Yoga is not something external you need go out of your way to practice or do. It is you, and the opportunity to practice yoga lies within each moment. Are you truly present here and now? Are you aware of the thoughts you put out and the words you speak over your life? This is the true practice of yoga – continuous self-awareness of yourself as the creator of your own life experience.

The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.” Jason Crandell

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To sit patiently with a yearning that has not yet been fulfilled, and to trust that fulfilment will come, is quite possibly one of the most powerful ‘magic skills’ that human beings are capable of. It has been noted by almost every ancient wisdom tradition. Elizabeth Gilbert



Here are some simple techniques anyone can use to shift themselves into a higher physical, mental and emotional experience of themselves. Try these in your own time and explore different yoga and meditation techniques to find what works best for you. Understand there is no right or wrong and you are always exactly where you are meant to be, held and created in absolute perfection. Cat and Cow Pose This is a phenomenal exercise that releases and activates each vertebra of the spine and massages all the muscles in the back. It stimulates the digestive system, opens the heart, throat and chest and releases tension in the hips and lower back.


If you have sensitive knees or wrists, practice on a soft blanket or towel.

Practice for 1 to 5 minutes daily. 1. Come onto all fours with your

knees and hands firmly on the floor. Your hands and knees should both be shoulder width apart with your back in a comfortable neutral position. Flatten your hands and spread your fingers for good support (place a blanket under knees if sensitive).

2. Inhale to lift up your chest and

neck while dropping the stomach towards the floor and the hips towards the sky.


Exhale to drop the head down with chin towards chest arching the back, stomach and chest up towards the sky, tensing your stomach muscles.


Continue this motion in a slow breath cycle - inhale to breathe forward, lifting the head and dropping the stomach down and exhale to drop the chin towards the chest and arch the back as high as you can towards the sky. Remember to activate your stomach muscles on the exhale. Continue this motion until you feel it is time to stop.

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“Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.� Jason Crandell

Breathing Meditation As you now know, Yoga is the process of self-awareness. The awareness of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. So when we feel ourselves becoming overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions, it’s important we catch ourselves as soon as possible, acknowledge what we are experiencing and take action to consciously shift back to a clear peaceful state of being. Conscious breathing immediately brings us into the present moment and slows down bodily processes and mental patterns. This allows excess and unnecessary thoughts and emotions to melt away, leaving us feeling at peace, with clarity on what is relevant and how best to move forward. We want to create and experience our lives f rom a place of love, peace and clarity - not f rom a place of confusion and stress. Through self-awareness we are blessed to be able to shift ourselves back to our preferred state of being anytime we wish.


This can be done anytime anywhere; sitting, standing, in the car or shower. Whenever you feel like you need to calm and re-centre yourself.

* Close your eyes wherever you are and allow yourself to relax completely. * Sit up straight, resting your hands gently on your thighs or by your side. * Relax your face, shoulders, jaw, stomach, legs and arms. * Become completely present in the moment by being aware of the sounds and sensations around you and within you.

* Bring your full awareness to your breath and begin to take deep breaths in and out - feel the breath coming through the nostrils and into the body.

* As you breathe in begin to visualise the breath coming into the body as a

magnificent white light. As it enters the body, visualise this white light entering ever cell of your body, your brain your blood stream, bringing an incredible sense of calm and purification.

* As you breathe out imagine as though you are breathing out all old stagnant energy f rom the body. Letting go of any anger or f rustrations.

* Breath in deeply once again, imagining the breathe as white purifying light, igniting every cell of your body with fresh new energy.

* Breath out all old energy f rom the body. * Continue this process until you feel your entire body radiating this pure white

light energy and you feel completely purified and energised body, mind and spirit. This exercise is incredible for calming the nervous system. It uses the breath to energise and purify the body and the mind. Start this meditation for about 5 minutes and build it up to 20 minutes or more. It is best done twice daily: in the morning before you start your day, and in the evening before bed.


Become aware of your thoughts and let your emotions be your compass. Our emotions act as a compass that tell us when we are in or out of alignment with our true self. By observing our emotional state of being we are able to become aware of the prevailing thoughts creating the emotions. For example, if you come home f rom work to find your husband hasn’t cooked dinner and you instantly get angry… this anger response is clearly not in alignment. By taking a moment to step back and become aware of how you are feeling, you can then ask yourself what you are thinking and believing about the situation that makes you feel that way. Most of the time it is because we think things should be different to how they actually are. Being mindful, you come to realise that your partner also had a long day, or perhaps there is load shedding or whatever else is at play. By becoming attuned with your thoughts you always have the ability to consciously select thoughts that create the best perspective and experience for you. Decide to choose thoughts that create a positive life experience for you and those around you and discover that peace is a place within you and available to everyone in every moment, if you choose it.

Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel” Kevin Trudeau LEARN MORE ABOUT YOGA AND GET YOUR INTRODUCTION TO YOGA EBOOK AT WWW.CHLOE-YOGA.COM

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THE STUDIO WITH A BIG HEART Along a cobbled street in De Waterkant, Cape Town there’s an unsuspecting amount of yogis wandering about with their mats and water bottles. Something about the YogaLife studio brings such a big heart to their yoga community and many of the yogis who practice there have been avid supporters for years. “There’s a culture of connection, of individual belonging and community that is so valuable within the practice,” says Clé Latouf, the proud new owner of this vibrant studio. One of the students said, “YogaLife has been my safe space and sanctuary throughout a very difficult time in my life.” “Love, care and community are the primary values we are dedicated to upholding through the evolution of YogaLife,” emphasises Clé who feels so grateful to the previous owners Dave and Lauren for creating such a heartfelt culture. All the instructors have training saturated in the principles of service, connection and inclusivity that they emanate in the studio and their classes. YogaLife was created to provide accessible and soulful yoga for yogis from all walks of life. It is dedicated to providing a fun and challenging yoga experience that cultivates community, courage and compassion. As an inclusive practice, we believe every body can benefit from yoga. The practice works beyond our differences and provides a doorway to a deeper understanding of one’s self and our interconnectedness.

TEACHER TRAINING YogaLife offer certified 200hr Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Courses – a powerful training for yogis to transform their own practice or to become powerful yoga teachers. It’s well known as an empowering life-changing course. The training is done over 2 months and 200 hours. Once a week on Wednesdays between 19h30 and 21h30 and every Saturday and Sunday 8h30 and 16h30. A new advanced training is also available.

WORKSHOPS Special workshops target different key aspects of the practice and are frequently held for students to expand their practices. Instructors come from many different specialised disciplines and offer dedicated time for understanding key asanas.

YOGA EATS Look out for the brand new Yoga Eats launching in August 2019. An exciting new eatery based on Yogic and Ayurvedic eating principles artfully combined with a belief in deliciousness.

Community All bodies are welcome, whether you are brand-new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner.

Friendship Cultivate a relationship based on loving kindness with all parts of yourself.

Transformation Welcome in the challenge, surrender and awaken.

Flow Learn to ride the currents of your life


through your yoga practice.

Two studios offer Bikram, Power, Sculpt, Vinyasa, Free Beginners and Kundalini in both heated and non-heated studios. Some of the classes offer kiddies yoga downstairs at the same time as adult classes upstairs.


Heart Discover and connect to your inherent Breath Inhale, take in all of life. Exhale, be here right now.

TRY IT OUT Local Cape Town residents are invited to try out the studio with a FREE one week pass. Or look on their schedule for their free beginners classes during the week.

www.yogalife.co.za | 127 Waterkant St, Cape Town, 8001 | 021 418 2884 | info@yogalife.co.za


With every act of self-care your authentic self gets stronger, and the critical, fearful mind gets weaker. Every act of self-care is a powerful declaration: I am on my side, I am on my side, each day I am more and more on my own side. Susan Weiss Berry

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Pampering Protocols ‘Time out’ or should we say ‘time in’ nurturing yourself with healing practices allows a heightened appreciation for your body. A renewed sense of self-worth, clarity of thought, easier decisionmaking, and all-round better health.

We touch on protocols from hydrotherapy and sound baths to marijuana massage, crystals, green juices, himalayan salt baths, colonics, steaming and more.


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GO SWEAT It’s not all about relaxation in a steam room or sauna. Steam is fabulous for unblocking pores and clearing skin impurities. Of course relieving tension is a given, but it’s also great for minimising joint pain as well as headaches. Sweating gets rid of toxins, so a 20 minute stint each day is a great cleansing ritual to have. Heat causes your body to release endorphins and other feel-good chemicals that go a long way in reducing stress. The steam and heat also open up your sinuses and thins the mucus membranes in your body, helping you breathe more easily and great for when you have a cold or allergies. Blood flow is improved as your capillaries dilate and help move oxygen to all areas of your body. Heat can also help improve flexibility.

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state of mind skincare


What is Skinesiology? /skin-easy-ology/

Regardless of the source, most toxins in our bodies end up in the colon. While your body is highly efficient in sorting out the good f rom the bad, modern life means there is often a build-up of toxins and blockages in the colon, causing a negative impact on your health. A colonic is basically the infusion of water or other liquids into your rectum for the purpose of flushing and cleansing the colon. The liquid is released as a normal bowel movement. The process can be repeated a few times and can last up to an hour.

Skinesiology skincare is a vibrational skincare range which through its combination of certif ied natural and organic ingredients & emotional nutrient formulations facilitates mindfulness

A colonic will clear your colon of build-up and stool, clear constipation, deflate bloat and increase nutrient absorption. If your digestive system isn’t working effectively, toxins can escape into your blood stream and cause an imbalance in your blood’s Ph, which can cause drowsiness, headaches, confusion and shortness of breath.




female warrior












Use two to four salt blocks in a warm bath. Preferably shower beforehand so you don’t mix shampoo or salt in the healing water. Drink water while you soak to stay hydrated and submerge your body as much as possible for around 30 minutes. Mineral absorption is at its peak during the full and new moon, so schedule yours for then, although the healing and energising benefits are incredible no matter what the moon is doing.




A deep detox can be employed with a Himalayan salt bath that promotes spiritual, mental and emotional balance. Himalayan salt contains over 84 minerals and elements to help reduce acidity and inflammation, balancing your skin’s pH levels and increasing circulation. The salt also promotes cell regeneration and moisture retention, effectively moisturising and calming irritated or dry skin. It is believed that these salts can also energetically purify and rejuvenate your energy field and aura, removing blockages and stress and regulating sleep patterns.



GET MOVED A sound bath doesn’t involve getting wet, rather it’s the practise of being immersed in sound. Using Himalayan singing bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks, shamanic drumming and the like, the premise is that different sound waves impact different chakras. Different notes or instruments are used to impact and address different needs.

Here’s a list of the chakras with the keynotes and frequencies attributed to them:

CROWN [Sahasrara]

Keynote: B | Frequency: 480 Hz. | Energy: Transcendence

3RD EYE [Ajna]

Keynote: A | Frequency: 426.7 Hz. | Energy: Insight, Wisdom

THROAT [Vishuddhi]

Keynote: G | Frequency: 384 Hz. | Energy: Communication, Creation

HEART [Anahata]

Keynote: F | Frequency: 341. 3 Hz. | Energy: Compassion, Love

NAVEL [Manipura]

Keynote: E | Frequency: 320 Hz. | Energy: Power

SACRAL [Svadisthana]

Keynote: D | Frequency: 288 Hz | Energy: Life Energy

ROOT [Muladhara]

Keynote: C | Frequency: 256 Hz. | Energy: Grounding

TIP: as sound waves carry better through water, the more hydrated you are during a sound bath, the deeper the impact.

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Bring Nature’s Love to Your Skin with Himalaya Nature is filled to the brim with ingredients perfectly designed for healing and wellbeing. Some of these have incredible effects on the skin. Take the Neem tree for example, it has highly effective antibacterial properties, ample fatty acids and abundant Vitamin E. Neem is nature’s gift keeping skin blemish-free and youthful. Another fantastic skincare ingredient used in The Himalaya Neem skincare range is Turmeric. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent and also brings out the skin’s natural glow.

It’s pure, simply. Nature truly has all you need, so there’s no reason to use harsh chemicals or man-made ingredients to give your skin the nourishment and love it needs.

All the products in the Himalaya Neem skincare range are soap-free to gently and deeply cleanse without drying or damaging your skin. The natural herbs and ingredients also mean you’re being as kind to the earth as you are to your skin. PURIFYING NEEM PACK really packs a punch when it comes to getting your skin on track. With the addition of Fuller’s earth, you can expect deep cleansing that removes dirt and skin pollutants. PURIFYING NEEM FACIAL WIPES gently purify and enliven your skin – use to effectively remove make up and impurities, allowing your skin a great night’s rest.

PURIFYING NEEM FOAMING FACE WASH softly cleanses skin, keeping impurities at bay and soothing irritated skin. PURIFYING NEEM SCRUB includes apricot granules to gently scrub away dead skin cells, bringing fresh, clean skin to the fore for a healthy glow.

Since the 1930’s the Himalaya range of health and beauty products has been intricately researched and refined, ensuring a close relationship with nature that promotes natural health as well as safeguarding our planet. All herbs are collected sustainably to protect the earth’s biodiversity. www.hima lay h e r ba ls. com



GET HEALED Everything in the universe is made of energy; your body has inherent energy and so do crystals. Healing crystals and the cells in your body are made up of the same kind of energy, which is why crystals can be used as effective healing mechanisms.


1 Clearing:

this relates to absorbing and removing specific types of energy f rom your body, especially negative energy.

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2 Energising:

crystals are used to push energy into your mind and body by inducing resonant f requencies.

3 Balancing:

balance is restored by both repelling and pushing certain energy into and out of your body.

Colours also hold an energy f requency and can be used to understand the types of energy crystals contain. Here are some examples:

Naturally radiant at any age


Examples: Quartz, Moonstone, Selenite

These are highly absorbent and perfect for clearing and calming the mind. TIP: keep these crystals clean as they absorb a lot.

BROWN: Allowing

Examples: Tiger’s Eye, Petrified Wood, Halite

Use them to keep grounded and as protection and guidance. They work well for when you want to make room in your life for something, like a relationship or new work opportunity.

RED: Energising

Examples: Ruby, Garnet, Jasper

Use for a quick pick-me-up or to increase energy at any time of the day.

ORANGE: Releasing

Examples: Copper, Sunstone, Aragonite

Use to release negative energy and get a boost of healthy energy.

YELLOW: Aligning

Examples: Amber, Sulphur, Mookaite

Use when you want to break a bad habit and instil a new one. Great for cleansing and reorganising.

No matter what your age, we believe you have your own unique, natural beauty. We made Radiance to soften and minimise the signs of aging and let your beauty shine out to the world. This rich, luxurious blend of skinenhancing oils smoothes and plumps up your skin giving it a satiny finish and naturally radiant glow.

GREEN: Balancing

Examples: Jade, Emerald, Malachite

Great for healing because green crystals help to balance – for example, you need acid in your body, but too much can make you ill. These crystals can realign the balance so you have the right amount of acidity and alkalinity for health.

BLUE: Communicating

Examples: Sapphire, Sodalite, Angelite

Use these to help find and express your truth – these crystals have the quality of openness, much like the throat chakra.

INDIGO: Calming

Examples: Kyanite, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli

Use to reduce anxiety and calm chaos.

VIOLET: Uplifting

Examples: Amethyst, Iolite, Sugilite

For upliftment and spiritual enhancement.

BLACK: Protecting

Examples: Tourmaline, Apache Tears, Obsidian

Use to drive away negative energy.

PINK: Loving

Examples: Rose Quartz, Morganite, Rhodonite

To enhance compassion and deflect anger.

Lightly fragranced with pure, natural essential oils, our BaoCare Promise means there are no artificial ingredients, additives, colourants or fragrances in any of our products.

Natural beauty. Every day. Radiance is part of the BaoCare Healing Skin Care range. Available online at www.baocare.co.za and in all good health and wellness stores country wide.


GET TOUCHED There’s nothing quite as pleasurable as a massage. Not just because your aches and pains are kneaded away, but because of the human touch which raises your levels of oxytocin, giving you a sense of overall wellbeing.

Massage is highly useful in addressing: * Anxiety * Digestive disorders * Fibromyalgia * Headaches * Insomnia related to stress * Myofascial pain syndrome * Soft tissue strains or injuries * Sports injuries * Temporomandibular joint pain

Massage coupled with cannabis oil is known to relieve pain and inflammation, relieving anxiety, and encouraging sensory stimulation enlivening skin cell receptors.

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There are numerous types of massage; here are some: Swedish: Gentle form of massage that uses long

strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energise you. Deep tissue: Slower, more-forceful strokes to target deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, commonly to help with muscle damage f rom injuries. Sports: Similar to Swedish massage, but geared to helping sportspeople to prevent or treat injuries. Trigger point: focuses on tight muscle fibres formed after injuries or overuse. Aromatherapy: Massage with added aromatherapy oils for relaxation and healing.


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GO GREEN Science has proven that certain chemicals plants give off to protect themselves, phytoncides, also have a protective effect on humans. A two-hour walk through a forest lowers cortisol levels, blood pressure and pulse rate, as well as boosts levels of white blood cells and anti-cancer proteins. In Japan, ‘shnrin-yoku’ (forest-bathing) is a widely popular practise for good health. Science has also shown that even just looking at a picture of a tree can have a calming effect on your brain and body.


It stands to reason that because your brain uses most of the oxygen you breath in, better quality air means better brain function. Spending the night outside in f resh forest air improves your ability to think and helps your body break down lactic acid more efficiently. This means your early morning jog or yoga session will be smoother with quicker recovery time. Many trees give off organic compounds that support your body’s NK (natural killer) cells – the cells that are part of the immune system’s arsenal in fighting cancer.

Grab a sleeping bag and head for the trees to get these proven benefits: * Boosted

immune system functioning, with an increase in the count of the body's Natural Killer (NK) cells.

* Reduced blood pressure * Reduced stress * Improved mood * Increased ability to focus,

even in children

with ADHD

* Accelerated recovery from surgery * Increased energy level * Improved sleep * Deeper and clearer intuition * Increased flow of energy * Increased capacity to communicate

or illness

with the

land and its species

* Increased flow of eros/life force * Deepening of friendships * Overall increase in sense of happiness

• • • • • • • •

Pure & premium spa products & lifestyle amenities Natural active ingredients Earth-, animal- & people-friendly Holistic wellbeing rituals World-class health retreats Spa & wellbeing education & training Turnkey spa & wellbeing operator Globally renowned



GET WET Hydrotherapy is an ancient practise that uses water as a means to heal and pamper; the principle is that alternating hot and cold water causes blood vessels to dilate and constrict, removing toxins, stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage. Not all hydrotherapy is done using warm, mineralinfused water. There are a number of different types and methods, for different needs.


Compress: Towels soaked in cool

or warm water are placed on specific areas of the body – with warm compresses promoting blood flow and easing stiff or sore muscles and the cold reducing inflammation and swelling.

Massage: This can take place in

a spa bath with jets strategically placed to massage different parts of your body, or as Watsu, a practice where you lie in a warm pool while a massage therapist works on your body.

Contrast: Using hot and cold

water alternately, is a fabulous circulation boost. This can be done in a shower by using warm and then cold water, always ending with the colder

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temperature. Alternatively, a sitz bath can be used -with two tubs of water, one cold and one warm. Sit in one and place your feet in the other – alternate a few times.

Kneipp: Named after Father

Sebastian Kniepp, this system uses varying water temperatures coupled with minerals and herbs for various ailments and issues. It is usually combined with a special diet and spiritual exercises, and administered as part of a programme.

Wraps: For skin disorders, muscle pain and colds, the body is wrapped in cold, wet cotton infused with ingredients like algae, seaweed, mud, clay, or gel to help the body expel toxins. Warm dry towels and blankets are placed on top causing metabolic

skin cells to be stimulated while the body warms up and dries the wet sheets. The wrap draws out impurities, while allowing your body to absorb minerals. Preparation for a body wrap begins with a body scrub, ensuring that the product used is placed on new, stimulated skin.

Steam and Turkish baths: Also a form of hydrotherapy, steam baths are great for helping the body get rid of toxins through sweating.

Pool exercise: Usually done

with a physiotherapist, exercises done in warm water is great for arthritis, back pain and musculoskeletal problems as the gentle resistance of the water allows more controlled, gentle movement.

CREATION STORY Creation said: “I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It’s the realisation they create their own reality.” The eagle said, “Give it to me, I will take it to the moon.” The Creator said, “No, one day they will go there and find it.” The salmon said, “I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.” The Creator said, “No, they will go there too.” The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the Great Plains.” The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the earth find it even there.” Grandmother who lives in the breast of Mother earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, “Put it inside of them.” And the Creator said, “It is done.” Hopi Creation story, Arizona


GET FLEXIBLE Yoga is a highly effective stress reduction practice. Regular yoga classes help with any number of ailments and issues, and research shows that practicing certain postures has been found to lessen the effects of chemo and radiation treatments; facilitate faster recovery after bypass surgery; and lessen or eliminate the need for medication for asthma and type 2 diabetes sufferers. Yoga can be done by almost anyone – even if simple breathing exercises. It’s also an individual practise, where one size doesn’t’ fit all. Each person benefits differently f rom different poses and practises. Yoga teaches you to be mindful and attentive to your body, so you can adjust your practise in a way that works for you.

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GET JUICY Raw juice therapy enables your digestive system to rest, giving your body the opportunity for better and quicker nutrient absorption. During juicing, your body’s ability to eliminate and cleanse (through the lungs, kidneys, liver and skin) is increased. This means the accumulated metabolic waste and toxins are effectively eliminated.

Here’s a list of ingredients for various conditions: Acidity:

Grapes, orange, sweet lime, carrot and



Prune, red grape, beetroot, celery, strawberry, carrot and spinach


Pineapple, sour apple, sour cherry, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beetroot, spinach, grapefruit

Asthma: Apricot, lemon, peach, carrot, radish and celery

Bladder ailments: Apple, watercress, parsley, celery, lemon, cucumber, carrot


Onion, carrot, peach, tomato, pineapple, lemon

Cellulite: Carrot, apple, ginger, beetroot Constipation: Carrot, apple, spinach Colds: Spinach, celery, carrot, onion, grapefruit, pineapple

Depression: Carrot, apple, beetroot, spinach Diarrhoea: Papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot and celery

Eczema: Cucumber, beetroot, red grapes, spinach Fatigue: Carrot, lemon, oranges, spinach Headache: Grapes, lemon, carrot, lettuce, spinach Heart disease: Beetroot, spinach, red grapes, lemon, cucumber, carrot, grapef ruit

High blood pressure:

Grapes, orange, carrot,


Indigestion: Carrot, cabbage, beetroot Insomnia: Apple, grapes, lemon, carrot, celery Memory loss: Peach, banana, lime Nervousness: Carrot, celery Obesity: Lemon, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, carrot

PMS: Pineapple, banana, soy milk Psoriasis: Grapes, carrots, beet, cucumber Stress: Strawberry, banana, pear Tonsillitis: Apricot, lemon, orange, pineapple, spinach, radish, carrot

Ulcers: Carrot, cabbage, pineapple, papaya Varicose veins: Watercress, plum, tomato, beetroot, carrot, grapes

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TIP: Use a slow juicer and drink immediately to get maximum effect from key nutrients.

GUTSY GUIDANCE Even with a stellar microbial start in life with natural birth and breastfeeding, a calm environment, organic food and a yogi disposition, there are many reasons to pay attention to good gut health. Here are a few markers to look out for.

BE PLANT SAVVY & CHEMICAL CLEAR So many things just in the normal course of life are not supportive of beneficial bacteria. Probiotic-destroying elements are in the air f rom pollution, in the ground f rom pesticides, in chemical cleaning supplies and personal care products and in water from chlorine and fluoride, and more. Opt for organic whole foods, filtered water and plant based cleaning without harsh chemicals and toxins.

CHOOSE NATURAL MEDICINE Good gut flora is harmed by so much of the standard medication we just automatically take without thinking. Antacids, birth control pills, hormone replacers, steroids, anti-inflammatories and anti-biotics are all culprits. Look for natural alternatives f rom herbal, homeopathic and healing food sources to keep your body healthy and happy.

EAT WHOLEFOOD Eating food as close to the earth as possible, that’s grown organically and in a wholefood state will have a harmonious effect on your gut. Leave out anything that’s processed and contains sugar, chemical preservatives, emulsifiers, pesticides, artificial sweeteners or GMOs. Fasting as long as possible between your last meal on one day and breakfast the next is an excellent gut health practice.


Digestive enzymes

Vitamins + minerals


Acidic + gluconic acids

Immune boosters


THE BODY HOLDS THE ANSWERS I have come to understand that some of the deepest and most effective healing is not found at a doctor's office or a hospital, but rather from inside ourselves. Our bodies are designed for self-healing, and we are capable of both boosting and blocking that ability. Dr. Daju Suzanne Friedman

Inherent in the body is an intelligent guiding system continuously communicating the quality and status of our emotional, mental and spiritual health. Symptoms in the body provide a map for us to follow along the road to health. Decoding these symptoms and finding the root cause can be overwhelming. Kerry-Ann Aiken outlines some simple guidelines to help us along. BY K ERRY-A NN A IK EN

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In nature we find balance and stability. The natural kingdoms hold within them the keys to flourish, grow and sustain themselves peacefully, whilst still flowing gently alongside one another.

Would we live life differently if we knew the divine principles of nature also existed in us? Just as the earth contains magic for those with the senses to perceive it, so the body holds magic for those with the knowledge to understand it. There is a continuous dance between the physical and the nonphysical, they are always in relation to one another. That’s why by following the principles of nature, we take our power and health back into our own hands. In this way, we are able to flow with the true rhythms of our being. Interestingly, the word ‘symptom’ comes f rom the Greek word syn, which means together, and piptein, which means to fall. Most often, we develop patterns over time that eventually accumulate into symptoms. A symptom is the final destination in a journey that has taken place over a long period. Through symptoms, your body communicates what’s happening in your internal world. They are useful clues for us in our journey towards healing.

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THE TWO SIDES OF THE BODY Everyone has aspects of the masculine and the feminine, whether male or female – we know women can be rational and men can be nurturing. The Yang or Masculine Principle lies on the right side of the body and relates to our ability to be assertive, authoritative, practical or intellectual. Symptoms on this side are usually connected to our relationship to the external world - business, competition, politics, power, and our function in society.

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The Yin or Feminine principle lies on the left side and relates to our ability to express our creativity, to provide care and nurturing, to surrender and receive help, and to trust and listen to our intuition and wisdom. Symptoms on this side usually relate to our ability to be artistic, gentle and nurturing to ourselves and the surrounding world.


The green rush is occurring world-wide and the demand for Cannabidiol (CBD) is on the rise. CBD Biotechnologies offers lab tested, advanced absorption CBD f rom hemp, and contains no THC. This means it won’t make you ‘high’. It’s uniquely extracted and contains added terpenes. These are molecular compounds in plants that give them their various tastes and scents, and they are naturally found in the cannabis plant. Non-psychoactive CBD products that say ‘full-spectrum’ or ‘broad-spectrum’ on the label will usually include added terpenes which is a perk especially if dealing with specific health related issues.

There’s a huge buzz around CBD Oil at the moment, with many shared stories of its incredible ability to support the body in restoring balance and eliminating dis-ease. We pick the brains of CBD Biotechnologies to find out what it’s all about. Living in the fast lane has its perks. The progressive 21st century has seen us freer than ever with access to more information than at any point in our history. It has also seen the massive rise in chronic health conditions synonymous with being stressed, burnt out and energy depleted. This has led us in the search for anything and everything that might offer what it feels like to drift back into the slow lane - to feel vibrant and energised. CBD is leading the way as a sustainable solution. WHO NEEDS CBD? We’ve all got ‘something’ we’re dealing with whether underlying anxiety, chronic pain and inflammation or simply an inability to switch off and get a good night’s rest. We side swipe our aliments as if something to be ignored, but the truth is they are vital early warning signs from the body that something is out of whack. It eventually gets to a point where we realise we need something to support ourselves – but what is it? Supplement aisles are filled with tinctures, lotions and potions promising the world. The reality is that much of what is out there can only be used for short periods of time, may balance one part of the body and cause imbalance in another or are simply ineffective. Many trials show CBD as a long term, all round wellbeing partner. It brings us back into balance - that sweet spot called homeostasis which our body strives to achieve at every point, each and every day. HOW DOES CBD WORK CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. As humans, we have special receptors called cannabinoid receptors. Many of these receptor sites are concentrated in the central nervous system, while others are found in the organs of the body, including the skin, digestive tract and reproductive organs. The cannabinoids found in CBD are like little keys that unlock our CBD receptor sites. All the cell receptors together make up a larger endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is described as the greatest neurotransmitter system in the body aiding all vital bodily functions including: mood, memory, motor control, immune function, reproduction, pain perception, appetite, sleep and bone development. A major advantage of CBD is its ability to restore homeostasis – the point of dynamic balance. This is where the key to ultimate health lies.


Pain relief Inflammation Appetite regulation Anxiety Psychosis management Reduction in seizures and convulsion Healthy Sleep Autoimmune disease support Reduction in blood sugar level Prevention of nervous system degeneration Psoriasis Reduces risk of artery blockage Kills or slows bacteria growth and treats fungal infection Inhibits cell growth in tumours/cancer Bone growth

CBD oil has documented success stories in treating epilepsy and arthritis in both humans and pets.



HARD TISSUE The hard tissue parts of the body, like the bones and teeth relate to the soul and the element of earth. They respond to your vibration and health at a soul level, at the core of your being. Just as the earth forms the central point around which the other elements flow and exist, so your body forms the skeleton or supportive inner framework of your body. Your bones are fundamental to your overall health - they are what hold you together. Life cannot exist without form, and your bones provide this form. So, if you are experiencing issues relating to your bones or teeth, it’s useful to look at the beliefs existing at a soul level. Those that give meaning to other aspects of your life. Your bones usually hold issues of trust, survival, safety, and tribal belonging. These are the things that ground you and keep you anchored in the physical world. Your core beliefs about yourself and your place in the world provide you with structure, strength and support. When experiencing symptoms in your teeth or bones, take a quiet moment and sit with a journal. Reflect on your stability and structure in life. Do you feel a sense of belonging, or do you feel insecure? Are you financially stable and cared for? Address all your basic survival requirements and if you find you feel alone or unsafe, make changes to overcome this. Reduce monthly expenses to lessen financial pressure, engage f riends or family for support, and practice positive affirmations to trust in your soul and purpose for this life.

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SOFT TISSUE Soft tissue areas like skin, muscles and flesh have a connection with thoughts and the element of fire. Your thoughts and experiences affect your nerves directly, which in turn affect your skin, muscles and flesh. Here we see the value of the phrase, ‘as we think, so we become’, which encourages daily mindful living. How fiery are your thoughts – do they rage out of control like wildfire, creating havoc through your system, or do they burn gently like a candle flame, bringing harmony and peace? Symptoms relating to digestion and the related soft tissue organs like the small intestine are usually associated with an obsessive or analytical mind, or an inability to decipher between necessary and unnecessary thoughts. Many of us have busy minds, but what may help is an exercise where you spend ten minutes with yourself in silence. Observe the thoughts that come to mind, then sit and write them down – is your mind full of mindless chatter, or is it quiet and serene? If your thoughts seem busy, negative or overwhelming, see if there is a connection to an organ, muscle or ligament that may be problematic or painful. Work at altering the thoughts and see if the symptoms diminish.

FLUID Bodily fluids like blood, tears and urine relate to emotions and the element of water. They usually correspond to your feelings and the circulation of those feelings throughout your being. Blood and fluid in the body circulate and nourish the cells and organs, they also release emotion through tears and urine. Your body is about 70% water and like a river or ocean that flows f reely, so should emotions be invited to flow. They should be felt and experienced. We see the heart as being at the centre of our cardiovascular system. The love and emotion it emits is circulated by the blood. Fluid symptoms are usually related to tenderness, showing you where your emotions are overflowing and out of control, or repressed and locked away. When allowed to flow f reely, your emotions bring movement and flow to your longings, beliefs and desires. We are emotional beings and emotions are meant to be felt, not hidden away. Emotions are an expression of the heart - when the heart and love stop, life can no longer exist. The examination in this case is whether you are able to allow your feelings to flow, and how much you have been trained to repress your emotions and bottle them inside.

THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The circulatory system is tied to communication and the element of air. Through the air we breathe, life is communicated into being. Just like air connects the space between the other elements, so the circulatory system connects the space between your body and mind, and your body and the outside world. This system is linked to communication. The nervous system is responsible for transmitting information between your body and for determining your body’s coordination. It has two working systems: the central nervous system, which conveys information throughout every cell; and the autonomic nervous system, which maintains automatic functions like digestion, heartbeat and breathing. Through the intercommunication of cells, neurons and neuropeptides, nerves receive information in the brain f rom the emotions, thoughts and feelings. For instance, pain in the body often indicates a disturbance in communication between the nerves and the rest of the body. Communication flow can be affected by repressing thoughts and feelings, taking on too much responsibility, walking a path that is not right for you, or stretching yourself too thin. Pain often indicates an internal emotional or psychological pain.

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Remember everything is not always clear cut and specialists often possess different understandings as to what causes diseases. It is important to follow your own intuition, remembering to stay open to help and assistance in cases of severe illness. If you are finding it difficult to understand the root cause of your symptom, try writing down your feelings, thoughts and emotions when a symptom arises, or ask a f riend to help highlight traits or behaviours that may be unconscious or unseen to you.

DECIPHERING THE SYMPTOMS: 1. The body is broken up into two sides – the Masculine (right) and the Feminine (left). 2. Issues relating to the soul may show up in the hard tissue. This forms your earth connection. 3. Issues relating to thoughts may show up in the soft tissue. This forms your connection to fire. 4. Issues relating to emotions may show up in the blood. This forms your connection to water. 5. Issues relating to communication may show up in the circulatory system. This is your connection to air.

About Kerry-Ann Aiken

Words have always been Kerry’s source of inspiration. After school she studied Journalism and English at the University of Johannesburg where she worked at the English department for 3 years, immersing herself in literature and satisfying her thirst for beautiful stories. “I believe life is a magnificent web of interwoven stories – we are all characters to each other’s plots. My writing is greatly inspired by nature and the natural kingdoms, and I am always looking for new ways to add to the mystique and magic of life.” Kerry lives on a farm in Benoni with her husband in a small cabin, which they’re slowly moving off the grid. They spend their spare time planting trees, growing their own food, and creating art with labyrinths and walkways. FO R MO RE IN FORMAT ION CON TACT KERRY AT KER RYKILLEN@GMAIL .COM

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And while I stood there, I saw more than I can tell And I understood more than I saw; For I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. Black Elk Wichsha Wakan, Oglala Lakota


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‘Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.’ Margaret Atwood

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water Exploring a heightened appreciation for water takes us into the many mystical properties it demonstrates, from the ability to record memory to life generating properties. Through rhythms and turbulences, the exploration of water brings together science and spirit, technology and humanism, reason and intuition.


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ater, is a mysterious and unfathomable element. It is well-known that water is essential to life, but more than this, water is life. Making up to 70% of the human adult body and covering roughly 70% of the Earth’s surface, this liquid of life literally shapes our planet and all that exists on it. From the delicate flakes which pirouette in the sky, to the ferocious waves of the rugged ocean, it takes many different forms and can be soft and unyielding, life-giving and life-destroying. Emerging research shows that water has an intelligence, a language of its own. Yet the more we learn about its mesmerising properties, the more questions we unearth.

The Secrets of Water

Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms bonded together with an oxygen atom. Its chemical name, H2O, is the most well-known of all the chemical formulas. Yet despite extensive research, we know very little about this humble substance. Although it may be classified as a ‘simple’ molecule, in reality, it has a highly complex and anomalous character. Time and time again, it continues to elude scientific understanding by bending the laws of physics. Why is water the only substance on Earth that is stable as a solid, liquid and gas? Why does water, unlike almost any other substance, expand when it f reezes? And why does water rise up through the roots and stems of plants and defy the laws of gravity?

Whilst these anomalies may seem small and inconsequential, each one is crucial in shaping life on the planet. Take f reezing for instance. According to physics, liquids expand when they are heated, and contract when they are cooled. If water followed this rule, ice would sink, and eventually all ponds, lakes and oceans would f reeze solid, making life underwater next to impossible.[1] Incredibly, H2O contracts when it cools, but only up until 4 degrees Celsius; any temperature below this and it starts to expand. This unique and wonderful phenomenon allows ice to float on water, breathing life into the Earth’s waters. And so it is for all of water’s curious quirks and oddities. If just a single one of these anomalies were missing, life as we know it, would not exist.

The phenomenon of water on our planet is indescribably big and complex. It behaves in so many different ways, and accordingly, effects life, makes life or breaks life. Sadhguru

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The Liquid of Life

It is no surprise astronomers look first for water when searching for extra-terrestrial life. All living organisms rely on H20, in some form, for survival. The average adult takes in two and a half litres daily. This water circulates through the body, transporting, dissolving and replenishing nutrients, providing the energy necessary for our everyday bodily functions. In other words, it is the elixir of life. It is no wonder that the first great civilisations emerged alongside rivers like the Nile, the Euphrates, the Tigris and the Yangtze. To this day, water continues to quench our needs and desires. From growing crops and keeping livestock, to transportation and energy production, H2O remains indispensable to everyday life.

Beyond simple sustenance, for millennia, humans have harnessed its’ healing power. Like veins, water runs through the earth, twisting and turning to create a web of streams bursting with energy and vitality. Ancient cultures have long revered these rivers for their potential to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. In India, the River Ganges, personified as the goddess Ganga, is regarded as the most sacred river of all. It is the heart and soul, the life and blood of India. Hindus believe that bathing in the pure waters of the Ganga can heal sickness of both body and mind. Just one drop alone is believed to be enough to purify the soul. The Indian emperor Akbar called it the ‘water of immortality.’

Ganga is the goddess of the river Ganges. She and the river are worshipped as one. Hindu legend believes that Ganga descended to Earth from heaven when hearing the cries of people dying from drought. Shiva, the god of destruction, divided Ganga into seven streams. Part of this stream remains in the heavens as the Milky way, whilst the rest flows in India as the river Ganges. In art, Ganga is depicted as a beautiful, fair-complexioned woman sitting on a Makara (a sea monster). She wears a white crown with a water lily and in her hands, she holds a water pot.

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Ancient Greece was well versed in the therapeutic qualities of water. Hypocrites, often considered the father of modern medicine, was particularly inspired by the healing powers of thermal springs. He believed all disease stemmed f rom an imbalance of bodily fluids. To restore balance, he proposed bathing in warm springs, alongside walking and regular massages. Naturally rich in minerals and geothermal energy, thermal springs offer benefits that include detoxifying the body, relaxing the muscles and strengthening the nervous system.[2] Over 2500 years later people still experience these rejuvenating effects. Whilst Greece is considered the founder of hydrotherapy, healing thermal springs are all over the world. Renowned springs include O jo Caliente in New Mexico, Baden-Baden in Germany and Kusatsu in Japan.

In Greek mythology it is said that Hercules, son of Zeus frequented thermal springs to regain strength after his legendary labours.

Water features in many creation stories. In the religion of Ancient Babylon, the world was made from the co-mingling of the goddess of salt water, Tiamut and the god of fresh water, Apsu. In the book Genesis, God made the world by creating a ‘firmament in the midst of the waters.’ And according to the Qur’an ‘we created every living thing from water.’ Even science, which does not usually agree with religion when it comes to the origin of cosmos, suggests life may have originated f rom water, with some theories contending it all began in deep sea hydrothermal vents. The truth is, no one will ever know how life on Earth really began. The knowledge far outlives the memory of any organism on Earth. Yet there may well be one thing capable of remembering. And that, is the humble water molecule itself.

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Yes, you read that right. Water has memory. A fascinating hypothesis on the intelligence of water shows that water receives and imprints external influences, recording, or remembering, any information it comes into contact with. This means the whole of water’s history with the world is recorded. Water molecules are organised in clusters, which when viewed at high magnification, have their own unique and mesmerising patterns. Whilst the chemical composition of H2O remains unchanged, these clusters can adapt and store information, working, in a sense, as memory cells. This phenomenon is illustrated in an experiment where a flower is immersed in water for several minutes before the water is extracted. When multiple samples of the water are magnified, it shows that each molecule transformed to produce the same mesmerising shape. This, when repeated with different flower species, produced a whole new set of nearly-identical images. What is astonishing is how the same body of water responds in different ways to different people. When a group of students extracted a drop f rom the same body of water, all at the same time, the molecular pattern of each individual sample showed different and unique patterns.

Water is the most malleable computer on the planet. Sadhguru Some scientists believe human consciousness can influence water. According to Doctor Masaru Emoto, our thoughts and words have a unique magnetic code which can interact with water and affect its molecular structure. Positive emotions, like love and gratitude, create beautiful and harmonic shapes, increasing the natural energy of water. In contrast, negative emotions, like aggression or anger, produce distorted and ugly patterns, reducing the water’s quality and energy. Like Emoto, Sadhguru emphasises the importance of treating water in the right manner: ‘you can either float on the water, or you can drown. The same water that can take you places, is the same water that can drown you. If you become ‘f riends’ with water, your physical life on all levels is well taken care of.’

In traditional South Indian homes, water is kept in a copper vessel. Copper is an essential trace mineral vital to the body and known to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is said that water, (tamara jal) should be stored in the vessel for 8 hours to acquire these beneficial qualities. According to Ayurveda drinking tamara jal balances the three doshas in your body, vata, kapha and pitta.

Water is clearly our most precious resource. Although it may be the most abundant, 97% is oceanic salt water, and 2.1% is locked up as ice. This leaves less than 1% as f resh water. Cape Town’s water crisis reminds us how truly valuable it is. As Benjamin Franklin wisely said, ‘when the well is dry, we know the worth of water.’ Water is more than just the sustenance of life, water is life. It is a source of energy and inspiration. So next time you take a sip, or even brush your teeth, take a moment to appreciate the wonders of this miraculous element… and maybe even say a loving thank you.


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Tsitsikamma Crystal Mountain Spring Water

contains a delicate balance of minerals that give it a unique sweet taste.

WATER ACROSS CULTURES Throughout the world, water has been celebrated as a symbol of life, sustenance, healing, fertility, abundance, and purification. Ancient civilisations respect for this precious resource, is illustrated in their beliefs, values and rituals. Whilst the importance of H20 to human life is recognised universally, each culture attaches their own unique meanings and myths to it.

The source is situated in the pristine Tsitsikamma Mountains, where only Mother Nature resides. From within a quartzite aquifer, Tsitsikamma Crystal Spring Water makes its purifying journey through layers of rock, imparting the goodness you deserve - created by Nature herself. Visit www.tsitsikammacrystal.co.za


Water, or ‘Akshitam,’ is the giver of life, destroyer of evil and purifier of the soul. In Ancient India, rivers were seen as holy goddesses, and a place to heal and cleanse sins. The Ganges, worshipped as the Goddess Ganga, is considered the most sacred river of all.


Blessed water is used to cleanse and purify body and soul before prayer. It is primarily associated with baptism.

Taoism: In Ancient China, water, the

essence of nature, is a metaphor for our path in life: ‘Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river’ – Lao Tzu

Animistic religions:

Indigenous people hold the deepest respect for water, seeing it as a sacred and life-sustaining gift. Their traditional knowledge and way of living teaches them to honour water and live sustainably.


Water symbolises purity, clarity and calm. The offering of water at Buddhist shrines embodies the aspiration to cultivate these virtues.


Islamic cultures believe water should not be sold or bought. Water is a gift from God. It is life.


Water plays an important role in cleansing rituals. Mikvah is a ritual bath used for nullifying impurity enough to purify the soul.

[1] https://www.siyavula.com/read/science/grade-11/ intermolecular-forces/04-intermolecular-forces-02 [2] https://www.iol.co.za/travel/world/europe/basking-ingreeces-healing-waters-1674829

Tsitsikamma Crystal’s bottles are light weight and 100% recyclable. We care about the environment and therefore help fund recycling initiatives and infrastructures through PETCO. Thanks to them, South Africa has one of the highest audited PET recycling rates in the world (67% of all PET bottles compared to 40% of glass bottles are recycled). For more information and recycling collection points throughout South Africa, visit www.petco.co.za. In return for this pristine water, our gift to nature is a donation per bottle of Tsitsikamma Crystal Spring Water sold to GKEPF for Rhino Protection: visit www.gruwing.co.za So each time you choose Tsitsikamma Crystal, you’ve made an excellent water quality choice, environmental impact choice and you have helped save rhinos.



Dehydrated FRUIT & VEG

If you’re travelling to an area with limited fruit and veg, take dehydrated versions with you. Think spinach wraps, cheezy broccoli, sweet potato chips, salt and pepper zucchini strips, cauliflower popcorn or any range of fruit: strawberries, bannanas, pear and pineapple. For starters, here’s a recipe for cinnamon apple slices. This version is done in an oven although it’s highly recommended to invest in a dehydrator. YOU NEED: 5 apples, ¼ cup lemon juice and 1 tsp cinnamon HERE’S HOW: Wash and core apples then slice thinly and evenly. Mix ¼ cup of lemon juice with 3 cups of water and dip each piece to prevent browning. Pat them dry then sprinkle with cinnamon. Turn your oven to 65 degrees Celsius. Place your apple rings on a cooling rack in the oven and leave the door slightly ajar. After 5 to 8 hours check that all the moisture has been removed by ripping one in half. It should look dry and dense. Cool before storing in a glass jar.

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Organic greens can be tricky to find when you’re on a road trip or far from your stomping ground. SOLUTION: take fast sprouting alfalfa seeds with you, and you’ll have an endless supply of greens. YOU NEED: organic alfalfa seeds, a glass jar and some water. HERE’S HOW: Rinse the seeds before you start. As a precaution you may want to presoak them in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to make sure no pathogens grow alongside the sprouts. Then empty 3 tablespoons of seeds into a clean glass jar. Cover them with water and leave overnight. Rinse them in the morning and add new water. In the afternoon, rinse them again and leave them damp but not immersed in water. In the next day and a half rinse periodically and keep them dampened. Little shoots will start to emerge. Another day and you’ll have tons of delicious sprouted alfalfa. You may want to start a day or two before you leave so they’re ready while travelling. Snack on them directly from the jar. Drizzle them with olive oil and lemon, and a sprinkle of Himalayan salt and eat as they are or add salad ingredients and put them in a wrap or sandwich. Keep a fresh batch on the go to renew your supply.

your daily dose of life

Fermented CABBAGE

A guaranteed supply of probiotic rich goodness is easy with a couple of jars of fermented veggies. Add a spoonful to any meal, sandwich or salad. Here’s a basic recipe for tangy sauerkraut with living bacteria. YOU NEED: 3 grated carrots, 3cm grated ginger root, 2 minced garlic cloves, a medium cabbage, a tablespoon of salt


is a live, liquid probiotic containing the most

natural possible form of beneficial bacteria needed for: Consistently optimum digestive function. Resolving digestive disorders and imbalances. Maintaining optimal body health and energy.

HERE’S HOW: Put the carrots, ginger and garlic in a bowl. Set aside one cabbage leaf for later use. Finely slice the cabbage and add to your bowl. The total weight of all the veggies should be about 1 kilo. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon salt and wait 20 minutes for it to dissolve, then thoroughly massage the salt into the veggies. Squash them down well into a litre jar. Use your hands or a spoon. The brine will rise to the top. There should be about 4cm space at the top of the jar. Take the spare cabbage leaf, tear it to size and place it over the top of the veggies inside the jar. Place a weight on top of that. You can use a clean pebble or anything weighty to make sure the veggies are below the line of the brine. Store away from direct sun and allow to ferment for 1 to 4 weeks. After a week it will be tasty and slightly crunchy and after 4 weeks it will be more potent and less crunchy. Your ferment can be kept up to a year in the fridge. Remember to date the lid. TIP: If the brine level falls below the level of the sauerkraut, top it up with a teaspoon of salt diluted in half a cup of water. After about a week fermentation will have kicked in and any bacteria that would cause mould will have been replaced by beneficial bacteria.

Contains no colourants or preservatives. Gluten and dairy free. Vegan-friendly. Suitable for diabetics. Non-GMO. Available at health shops, Wellness Warehouse, Faithful-to-Nature and select Spar Supermarkets. New stockists welcome. Available in 500ml and 1 Litre

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Liquid and raw...you cannot get a probiotic any closer to its natural state!



Before your spinach, kale or broccoli starts wilting, dehydrate it into a power green powder to spoon into a juice, sprinkle on salad, create herbal salt mix, add to soup or stew, frittatas and more. A jar of green powder allows you to get your green quota while on the move. YOU NEED: Any variety of greens like spinach, kale, parsley, broccoli HERE’S HOW: Firstly, collect your greens and remove all stems and veins. Dry off any excess moisture by laying them on dish towels and pressing down. Arrange evenly on dehydrator trays. You can put them quite close together as they’ll shrink substantially. Use a setting a little higher than herbs but slightly lower than veggies. Let them dry for about 6 hours. Once dry, put them in your blender and whizz until powdered. You can also use an oven on a very low temperature, especially if you have an air circulator. Remember to leave the door open so moisture can escape. You now have a concentrated source of iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin K, C, E, phytonutrients, and small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids – a powerhouse of nutrients to supplement your green intake.

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TRAVELLING SNACK PACK Cacao nibs, coconut flakes, almonds, sunflower seeds, dried mango

Wrap IT UP

A spectacular feast can be made from combining a variety of ingredients in a nori roll or coconutbased wrap. There is no need to eat processed, artificially preserved or life depleting food when you have delicious alternatives. TRY THIS: Spread a very thin layer of miso paste or hummus on half your wrap. Then add any or all of the following: avocado, kimchi, tofu, micro greens, baby spinach, sprouts, sunflower seeds, coconut flakes, pomegranate seeds, goji berries (soak briefly in hot water to make them soft), cashew nuts. Drizzle with olive oil and season with your green powder. After you’ve created your food garden delight, roll it up tightly and eat with relish.

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PHOTO: Tatum Cochrane


Chili Lime

Roasted Chickpeas GLUTEN FREE, VEGAN (MAKES 1 CUP)

YOU NEED: 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas, 1 Tbsp extravirgin olive oil, 1/4 tsp chili powder, lime zest, 1 tsp fresh grated ginger, 1/4 tsp sea salt HERE’S HOW: Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Dry them off on a paper towel. Put the olive oil, chili powder, zest and ginger in a large bowl and mix well. Add the chickpeas and stir until they are well coated. Spread them out on a baking tray lined with parchment. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes moving them occasionally. When crisp and lightly browned, remove and sprinkle with sea salt.

Happy Almond Chia Pudding


Hazelnut Truffles RAW, VEGAN (MAKES 12)

Expect a nice crunch from the hazelnuts and a ‘not too sweet’ nutty flavour with a smooth melt-in-yourmouth texture.

YOU NEED: 1/4 cup chia seeds, 1/2 cup coconut milk, 3/4 cup almond milk, 1/4 cup cacao nibs, dash of almond essence

YOU NEED: 2/3 cup hazelnuts, 1/4 cup raw cacao powder, 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 10 soft pitted dates, 1 Tbsp honey or coconut nectar, 2 Tbsp coconut oil, desiccated coconut for rolling

HERE’S HOW: Combine the chia seeds, coconut milk, almond milk and almond essence in a bowl and stir well. Chill overnight in the fridge. Add more almond milk if necessary and top with cacao nibs before serving.

HERE’S HOW: Put all ingredients into a highpowered blender. Process until well mixed with some of the hazelnut pieces intact. Remove and roll into small balls. Roll in unsweetened coconut.

BE PLASTIC FREE Take a pro-earth stand and look out for eco-friendly packaging options. There are a number of companies producing biodegradable and earth-friendly options.


Use recycled glass jars to transport your food. It keeps everything perfectly fresh and plastic free. Brown paper bags are a great old-fashioned way of packing your lunch. Get your local tailor to sew up some fabric bags using calico and a drawstring.

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AU GU ST 2019



Product Guide

Showcasing brands and the stories behind

the brands, featuring all the wonderful people and research bringing the brands to life.

From innovative food and nutritional products to earth-friendly green living, the latest in supplements and tinctures, natural and botanical chemical-free beauty, aromatherapy and plant based fragrance equipment, healing support, appliances,, and more. In this issue you will find everything you need to support a life filled with . well-being and know-how.



R80 (incl. VAT)


R64 in other countr ies







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Trade your sunglasses for a hat

Our eyes get good exercise adjusting to sun and shade variants. Exercising them in this way helps preserve eyesight. Some practices recommend sun gazing to increase energy and wellbeing. Ditch your sunglasses for a hat and allow yourself to be in tune with the rising and setting of the sun and absorb its powerful energy.

Natural Sun Care

Sun rays can be quite harsh on the skin and it is important to have protection without using a sun block with an abundance of harmful chemicals. Protect your skin naturally with coconut oil, beeswax and other chemical free options.

Bring your bare feet

It’s time to re-connect. Leave your shoes at home and go as you are, barefoot and all. Earth offers us the most incredible natural healing - all she asks is for us to simply connect. Walking barefoot allows us to ground our energy, making us feel safe and connected. Benefit from healing vibrations that remove negative energy and bring us into balance and harmony.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent multipurpose travel essential. Use it as a moisturiser after a day in the sun, for itchy bites, scratches and as a natural lubricant.

TIP: Keep it in a tightly sealed jar as it tends to leak.


I simply cannot go anywhere without my lavender essential oil. It can be used for sleep, as a natural fragrance, to treat pimples and to give massages. Take some with and gift a few drops to others as you go along.



12 Remember Your Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the crucial supplements for healthy bones and muscles, with our most important muscles being our brain and heart. This is a great supplement especially if you are going to be very active. Magnesium helps regulate electrical signals in the body and build strength in bone and muscle tissue so we can function optimally.

Happy Tummy

Most travelers experience a certain amount of irregular bowl movements when travelling as our bodies adjust to new environments and routines. Bring along a few tea bags of tummy loosening tea to help keep the bowls happy and moving.

Bug shielding

No need for chemicalbased insect repellents. There are so many natural alternatives available like moringa or citronella. Bring along some citronella essential oil or candles to keep bugs away.

Eco-Friendly Moon Cycle

If you are a woman on your menstrual cycle take ecofriendly sanitary items such as Hannahpad or Moon Cups. This means your menstruation is making no impact on the environment and allows you to be more natural during this sacred time.

Everything Organic & Eco friendly

As much as you can, make everything organic and ecofriendly. If you are out in nature, see if you can wild forage some of your food. Grass can be juiced, mushrooms collected, and there’s nothing nicer than freshly picked veggies and fruit. Make a no-plastic vow and use glass jars and material bags to cart things around.

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YOU WANT TO PACK IT ALL IN DURING A HOLIDAY OR BREAK, BUT DOES THAT MEAN YOU HAVE TO PACK IT ALL? WE OUTLINE A FEW TIPS TO HELP YOU MASTER THE ART OF PACKING – THE ZEN WAY. First things f irst, pack a calm mind. It doesn’t matter if you’re dashing off to far shores with numerous connecting flights and lay-overs or simply taking time out in your own back yard, the trick to ensuring your break is actually a break, is keeping calm. Being organised and practical really helps. When you know you’ve got your essentials and important documents in a safe and easily accessible place, you’ll already feel more zen. Pack some gratitude too. If you’re getting away, then you’ve already got something to be grateful for – something to come back to. Mindfully enjoy every moment by taking the time to invite in a stunning sunrise, eat just for energy, appreciate your body and your mind, re-connect with nature or connect for the f irst time with a new place and people. 90 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t



Less is more doesn’t necessarily mean you have to leave all your favourites behind. It might mean using less space in your travel bag. Instead of folding your clothes, roll them – this staves off wrinkles and saves space.

Keep a protecting crystal with you – a shungite crystal is perfect for protecting you f rom energy-draining people and x-ray machines.



You can also do your bit by travelling lighter – the less weight on an aeroplane or in a car, the less fuel used, so you can lighten your carbon footprint, even if the person next to you seems to have packed the kitchen sink.


Divide and conquer – get really practical by creating outf its before you pack. Make sure you have a mix and match collection that will cover every eventuality. For example, you can wear the same pair of jeans with a t-shirt during the day and a smarter top at night. No need to pack extra bottoms.


Make a list of the absolute must-haves (like shampoo and toothpaste) and decant into travel size packs.


Strip away any unnecessary packing materials f rom your toiletries – it’s not always easy to f igure out how to recycle in a new place.


Check your destination to make sure you have clothes appropriate for visiting sacred sites or temples.

1. 2.

A wrap or a shawl is an easy-to-carry item that can be used to protect your head f rom harsh sun, a wrap to keep out the chill, a covering for the ground to sit on, or to give you a little privacy if you need to nap.


Think natural materials like cotton and hemp for your clothing. Even if you’re going to colder climes, layering with cotton is often a lot more comfortable and warm than squeezing yourself into an oversized nylon jacket. It’s def initely lighter and better for your skin, and dries quicker if a wash is in order.


If you don’t want to pack heavy, complete with a French press and your favourite coffee beans, you might want to consider something lighter like instant coffee sachets, or even go ultralight with coffee beans that you can simply chew for your kick. You could also pack at savage level and forgo coffee altogether – but, who wants to do that?


A foldable, re-usable shopping bag goes a long way to ensuring you’re ecoconscious while shopping, and it can always be used as a beach bag if you need one.


A new set of luggage is always a joy, but consider upcycling some of your older bags and suitcases. Use fabric strips and colourful duct tape to make your bag completely unique – it’ll help you identify it on the collection conveyor belt as well.

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Tea Tree Oi l - highly versatile for anything f rom cleaning up wounds to warding off mosquitoes, this oil is a little miracle in a bottle.

– antibacterial and antimicrobial for body and surfaces; also use as a stimulant to fend off jetlag.

l i O Sage

Peppe r m in t Oi l PACK SOME ESSENTIALS – great for treating an upset stomach and soothing headaches.

Le m o n O i l – beautifully relaxing and mood uplifting. Put a few drops on your wrists or on a scarf, especially in busy airports or markets.

Be rgamot 92 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

– perfect for indigestion and heartburn, for a sore throat or allergies and hay fever.

RIFE & RESONANCE Everything in our universe vibrates at a specific rate, this is what we call frequency. It’s like a universal language that’s understood by everyone and everything. Frequency is a communication method especially useful when it comes to microscopic proportions. Cells in the body speak to other cells through the vibration of frequency. In this way they are able to balance body functions. Back in the thirties a man called Dr. Royal Raymond Rife created a device that uses electrical resonant radio-frequency (RF) to destroy harmful bacteria in the body. It was based on the principle that as everything in the universe has a specific vibrational frequency, so too does bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, amoeba, mould etc. When you add more of the same frequency to the microorganism, it cannot tolerate it and it bursts or dies. An easy way to understand the principle is when we have a glass in front of a speaker. When the music plays at a certain frequency, the wine glass starts to vibrate and when the frequencies match with enough power, eventually the wine glass shatters. Rife had phenomenal results with all kinds of disease conditions. Harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi were eliminated in the body without harming the users. Since that time, many people have used many machines claiming to be versions of the original Rife machine to overcome disease conditions with frustratingly varying and often disappointing results. Dr Oliver Macleod Smith, local South African doctor who has been researching the Rife machine for ten years emphasises that the key is to use the correct frequencies, power and wave shape. In other words to use exactly what came out of an original Rife machine, as Rife was the only one to get these staggering results. As some of the technology used in the original Rife machine has been unavailable until now, the discovery, reverse-engineering and understanding of an original Rife machine has led to a renewed interest and better results. Dr Oliver was determined to get these factors correct and in line with the original and worked tirelessly with all manner of technicians to achieve this. Specifically, he relied heavily on the research group that was lucky enough to track down and purchase an original machine found in the attic of a retired doctor who used it for many years. He now uses Rife with incredible results on patients with cancer, malaria, skin conditions, colon issues and more. “The most amazing results come from autoimmune conditions”, says Dr Oliver who has great hope for people that have been struggling with these conditions for years.

Rife’s research recorded many specific frequencies that could be used to heal acute, chronic and serious diseases by safely shattering pathogenic microorganisms by using the correct intensity of correct frequencies. Because healthy body cells and symbiotic/beneficial micro-organisms resonate at a higher frequency, the Rife effect does not damage them. It is important to note that this therapy does not seek to destroy cancer cells, but rather to destroy the pathogens within the cells causing them to be malignant. Once this is achieved the cancer cells start to die off through a process known as apoptosis. This is the crucial difference from mainstream oncology. Dr Oliver explains that rather than having to determine the particular frequency of the offending pathogen, it’s possible to sweep through a broad band of frequencies during a session to target a broad range of bacteria or pathogens. Interestingly, it was an equipment malfunction in Dr Rife’s lab that led to the discovery of this amazing possibility.

PLEXUS 560 RIFE Micro Pulse Generator

1000’s of medical applications and solutions in one box! Revolutionary Rife wave technology can prevent and cure most modern day diseases. Support the natural immune system without harmful chemical concoctions.

IMPORTANT:When opting for Rife therapy or

purchasing a ‘Rife’ machine it is important to confirm that the machine’s output equals that which came from the original Rife machine. This is explained in www.rifevideos.com, the website from the research group that reverseengineered an original machine. An oscilloscope and spectrum analyser is a definitive way to determine whether the frequency you are working with is accurate. Rife machine operators should be able to demonstrate this to you. A treatment involves holding a metal charge conductor in one hand and another in the other hand. You plug in almost like a battery. A mild tingling sensation is felt during the approximate 20 minutes required. It is possible for participants to feel immediate relief. Depending on what the condition is, it may take multiple sessions. TREATMENT APPLICATIONS


Tinka Boverhoff info@artofhealth.co.za 082 855 9906


"Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it and let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you." Eckhart Tolle

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The Most Magical Place of All

PLANET EARTH From an exploration of earth-centered

technologies for both sustaining and restoring the planet, including green power and green building, to cleaning the ocean and sustainable farming, we look at how we can continue living in a world supportive of biological, and human, life. BY DOMINICA TAYLOR

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Planet Earth is a beautiful, powerful and mysterious place. Can it be just a coincidence that the veins on the back of our hands mirror the spread of branches on a tree? Or the rhythms of renowned classical music echoes the beating of our hearts? Life is interlinked in all ways. When any link is harmed, the other links are affected. We should think of the environment as our mother. There is no crime worse than harming one's mother. 98 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

We are dependent on the Earth, not the

other way around. In our arrogance, we have flagrantly overlooked this.

Buddhism teaches that the life of the

Buddha resides in every plant and tree, even in the smallest dust mote: it is a

philosophy of the utmost reverence for life. With news of rising sea levels, creeping pollution, vanishing wildlife and extreme weather patterns we are presented with a precarious future for our planet. This instils uncertainty and helplessness giving rise to ‘eco-anxiety.’ We take hope in noticing solutions unveiled by the universe itself. Technologies around the world are increasingly turning to nature as a solution. From familiar concepts such as solar panels and wind turbines, to the more curious methods of feeding cows seaweed, we delve into technologies working to slow, halt or reverse the adverse effects of climate change. The world is miraculous, and capable of healing itself if we give it space to do so. It is an enormous goal, and one we can all work towards together.

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ENERGY Whilst fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas - have played an essential part in human history, our dependence on them is declining as we find more sustainable sources. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, remains as one of the most effective tools to slow and ultimately stop climate change. Green power is a subgroup of renewable energy with environmental benefits, and includes solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tidal, biogas and some biomass power. In contrast to fossil fuels, green power works in harmony with the Earth, using naturally replenishing resources to produce environmentally-friendly and sustainable energy. Lower green energy costs, means it’s easier to implement alternative energy sources, especially solar and wind. From sun-drying meats, fruits and grains, to filling the sails of Ancient Greek ships, humans have used wind and solar for millennia. Solar panels and wind turbines are increasingly more common and considered two of the most sustainable and cost-effective forms of energy production. For some scientists, mother nature is much more than a supply of energy. It is a source of inspiration.

Here are a few of the technologies using natural processes in their innovations.

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Solar power uses the second most abundant element on Earth to harness the limitless energy of the sun. Phenomenally, the energy in all the planet’s reserves of coal, oil and natural gas equals eighteen days of stored sunshine from the Earth. Solar panels are a remarkably simple technology that converts sunlight directly to electricity. SmartFlower is one of the imaginative innovations designed to mimic the movement of a flower. The solar ‘petals’ unfold as the sun rises, and follows the sun throughout the day. One day using SmartFlower charges an electric car enough to drive 100km’s. It produces significantly more power than solar roof panels, and is portable, self-cleaning and adapts into a protective curl in stormy weather.

Wind energy uses turbines to harness and convert the kinetic power of wind into electricity. Being large and slightly noisy, they’re not as well suited for urban environments; however, the ‘Tree Vent,’ created by French company NewWind, is designed to look like trees. At 3 metres tall with 72 noiseless leaf turbines, they need the slightest breath of air, and function in winds less than 8km, making them ideal for urban use.

Every year, up to thirteen million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans. It is one of our most pressing environmental concerns. This last year, we see a glimmer of hope as people do their part to reduce, reuse and recycle their plastics. Even the United Nations launched a major global campaign to eliminate plastic pollution in the sea. All 193 members of the UN have signed the resolution, with 127 of those countries working to ban single-use plastic. Already we see the fruits of this movement. For example, Australia and England have experienced an 80 percent drop in the use of plastic bags since implementing regulations, with England further reporting 30 percent fewer bags in their coastal waters than in 2010. Such results show our efforts to tackle marine litter are working and, little by little, we can help save our marine wildlife. Yet we have a long way to go when it comes to cleaning up our oceans. Our next challenge is to remove the plastic already in them. One start-up, however, believes they may have a solution.

DID YOU KNOW? The plastic in our oceans effects the food we eat. When animals feed on plastic, toxic chemicals bioaccumulate. This travels up the food chain, ultimately making its way into the human diet.

Ocean Clean Up is dedicated to eradicating the world’s oceans of plastic. Much of the debris in the oceans collects together to form five plastic islands around the world. The largest of these, known as the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch,’ sits between Hawaii and California, and holds up to 80, 000 tonnes of plastic. To remove this manually would not only take thousands of years, but would incur immense costs. Dutch inventor Bovan Slat, believes he can clean up to fifty percent of the patch in just five years, for a fraction of the price. Inspired by the natural ability of the coast’s shorelines to accumulate rubbish, Slat devised a 600-metre-long machine which uses the Earth’s forces of the wind and waves to concentrate the plastic. This is then collected and recycled into high quality products, to prevent it from re-entering the ocean. The non-profit organisation launched its first mission in September 2018, and whilst a task as immense as this will undoubtedly take many trials and errors, we have faith the project will fight its battle against plastic and look forward to seeing how it evolves in the future.

OCEANS http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/quick-questions/how-much-plastic-is-in-the-ocean.html https://www.fastcompany.com/90277654/127-countries-are-now-working-to-ban-single-use-plastic ; https://www.care2.com/causes/finally-some-good-news-on-plastic-bags-in-our-oceans.html


SHELTER Buildings are responsible for roughly a third of energy consumption around the world. The building sector is the largest contributor to climate change. More so than industry and transportation. ‘Green building’ is a response to environmental concerns, by minimising water use, optimising energy efficiency, conserving natural resources and lowering waste generation. Besides benefitting the environment, it reduces financial costs and creates healthier work and living environments. Here are some of the planning, designing and maintenance strategies working with nature for a greener and more sustainable future. Popular in the 60s and 70s, geodesic domes are making a comeback as efficient, inexpensive and eco-friendly housing. Geodesic domes are half sphere structures


made up of a network of triangles. This allows an extremely strong structural framework using minimal materials. Architect Buckminster Fuller developed the dome following the second World War to address the post war housing crisis. The dome is not just a random shape, it embodies the structure and flow of nature itself. Fuller was inspired by the patterns inherent in nature - the structural uniformity of crystals, flowers, snowflakes and seed pods. By identifying and understanding the methods of nature, Fuller believed they could be used to solve problems in all areas of human endeavour. He later coined the term ‘synergetics’ to describe this philosophy. A second strategy which stands out, perhaps for its more literal interpretation, is green roofing. Whilst the concept is centuries

Not sure what to do with your unrecyclable plastic? Ecobricks will use up unwanted non-recyclable plastics and ensure they don’t end up in the ocean. By saving, segregating and packing plastic into bottles, we can create reusable building blocks to be used to create anything from tables and chairs to playground structures and walls.

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old, increased awareness has encouraged living roofs globally, with urban rooftop farming particularly fashionable. From reducing noise pollution to purifying the air and increasing biodiversity, a living roof provides benefits at economic, ecological and societal levels. A significant environmental benefit, is the ability to regulate indoor temperature. By providing natural insulation in the winter, and having a cooling effect in summer, less heating and air conditioning is required and therefore fewer greenhouse gases and air pollution. Reduced energy and utility costs is an incentive for building owners. And besides, green environments are proven to have a positive impact on wellbeing by inducing feelings of relaxation, inspiration and positivity.

5 Natural & Eco-Friendly Building Materials BAMBOO – Bamboo is one of the best ecofriendly building materials on the planet. Not only is it fast-growing, (some species grow up to a metre in 24 hours), but it absorbs carbon dioxide as it grows. Strong, light-weight and cost-effective, bamboo is used for a variety of purposes, like constructing support frames, walls and floors. Being prevalent around the world, it is usually easy to source locally, reducing transport costs. HEMP –

Hemp can be used to make ‘hempcrete’ by combining the woody interior of the Cannabis plant with lime and water. The result is a naturally airtight yet breathable and lightweight material. It can be used for both construction and insulation. Hemp is a fastgrowing renewable source.

MYCELIUM – Mycelium is the vegetative tissue

of fungi. This living organism is used for a variety of materials, from concrete to metals to glass, and is stronger than traditional concrete. It is also an extremely good insulation material, trapping more heat than fiberglass. And the best part? Mycelium is even capable of healing itself, reducing the need for expensive repairs.


When sealed properly, straw bales provide high levels of insulation. Straw is also a soundproofing material fairly resistant to fire as air cannot pass through it. Made from the harvests of wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax or rice, straw is affordable and renewable.


Earth is one of the most sustainable building materials. Literally the planet’s own material, nothing is more natural. It requires no processing and can usually be sourced on site. One method used for thousands of years is rammed earth. Made by packing soil with a tiny amount of cement to bind and strengthen, it is nearly as strong as concrete.



AIR Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, absorb and trap the sun’s heat causing the ‘greenhouse effect.’ Whilst these gases are found naturally in the air, human activities, like burning fossil fuels, agriculture and deforestation are disturbing their equilibrium. We are creating greenhouse gases quicker than Earth can remove them, causing the average temperature of the Earth to increase at a rate nearly twice that of fifty years ago. As explored above, switching to cleaner energies or more sustainable building strategies, can help to reduce our climate-pollution emissions; however, that still leaves an unnaturally high concentration of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere. Removing these gases from the air may be as simple as turning to plants…

Carbon Dioxide


Providing oxygen, food, medicine and shelter, plants are essential to survival. It’s no surprise they are the obvious solution for climate change. Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, is the greenhouse gas most responsible for global warming. Whilst released naturally via processes such as respiration or volcanic eruptions, burning fossil fuels and deforestation, amongst other activities, are causing the concentration of atmospheric CO2 to increase at an alarming rate. Plants naturally absorb CO2 during photosynthesis as part of the biological carbon cycle, transforming it into a protective waxy shield called suberin to protect their roots. Researchers at Salk Institution of Biological Studies in San Diego are working to ‘harness’ this biological process. By modifying plants to have bigger and deeper roots, the plant will naturally photosynthesise more (and extract more CO2 from the environment). Not only will this reduce air pollution, but will benefit plants by making them more tolerant to unstable weather patterns.

Agriculture is one of the biggest culprits responsible for producing greenhouse gases, especially methane. Methane traps up to 28 times more heat on the Earth’s surface than CO2. Although rice cultivation and biomass burning contribute to methane emissions, livestock farming, in particular cows, are the guiltiest offenders. The average dairy cow producing up to 200 litres of methane a day. Cows, alongside sheep and goats belong to a class of animals called ruminants. Ruminants have four stomachs and digest food in their intestines. This is aided by bacteria, which during the process produce methane. Research shows that feeding cows seaweed, garlic or onion could cut down on these emissions. Globally, scientists are experimenting with supplements that may reduce cow flatulence. In California, researchers feeding cows dried seaweed found reduced methane emissions by nearly 60 percent. In Wales, experiments with garlic extract reduced methane by up to 50 percent, whilst in Spain, adding Propyl Propane Thiosulfonate (the compound in onions which give them their strong flavour) likewise had a positive result.

https://muchadoaboutclimate.wordpress.com/2014/10/01/how-much-methane-does-a-cow-actually-produce/ https://e360.yale.edu/features/how-eating-seaweed-can-help-cows-to-belch-less-methane http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/mid_ /6288012.stm; https://www.freshplaza.com/article/8710/Scientists-use-onions-to-reduce-cow-methane-emissions/

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Magic Mushrooms When people think of fungi, they often think of mushrooms. However, mushrooms are only a small visible part of a much larger organism. The vegetative body of the fungi is called the mycelium and is the medium through which it absorbs its nutrients. If you like, the mushrooms are the flowers and the mycelium is the root (although not all fungi produce mushrooms). Mycelium is found in abundance all over the planet as it easily colonises soil and many other substances. As it grows, the cells branch out and build a vast, filamentous network, which, in a sense, act like a glue, binding together different natural particles. Mycelia plays a crucial role in our ecosystem. Not only do they recycle nutrients, and turn dead organic manner into minerals, but act as a kind of underground network, linking together the roots of different plants, sharing information that may help or harm their neighbours. Mycologist Paul Stemets calls it ‘nature’s internet.’ It is no surprise then, that something so powerful and intelligent may hold the solutions to many of the problems we face today.

Purify Dirty Waters

Various projects across the world use mycelium to clean polluted water. The Ocean Blue Project, based in Texas, grows oyster mushroom spawn in a mixture of coffee grounds and straw in burlap sacks. The bags are placed into streams so water can filter through them. As the mushrooms grow, they capture and break down toxins, removing and neutralising pollutants in the river. Oyster

mushrooms, among others, are shown to reduce E. coli, heavy metals, pesticides and oil.

Eat Plastic

The main problem with plastic, is it cannot biodegrade - it never goes away. Incredibly, researchers found a type of mushroom that can eat plastic. The fungus secretes enzymes which break down the plastic and create a food source for themselves. Inspired by this discovery, scientists realised they could turn the environmental problem of plastic, into an environmental solution of food. And so, the Fungi Mutarium was born. Fungi are cultivated on an agar shape, named ‘FU,’ designed to look like a mushroom. The agar (seaweed-based gelatine) mixed with sugar and starch acts as a nutrient base for the fungi. The ‘FU’ is filled with plastics, which the fungi then digest. As it grows it covers the mould so it looks like a wild mushroom. The final product is completely non-toxic and can be flavoured.

Raw Building Materials

Carefully cultivated, mycelia can be used to make an astonishing variety of materials. From metal to glass to manufactured wood, making materials from fungi requires much less energy than plastic or concrete, and the final product is both self-extinguishing and, depending on the design, bullet-proof. Biodegradable, organic and carbon negative, its environmental benefits seem endless. Car manufacturer Ford is apparently teaming up with Evocative, a New York-based biotech company, to create compostable car parts from mushrooms.

‘The possibilities for what you might use mycelia for are scarily endless;

batteries, airplanes, cars, shoes, your bed, bullet proof vests... grow robots out of them that will be partially alive and biodegradable.’

Philip Ross, Mycoworks (San Francisco-based start-up producing sustainable products from mycelia)

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WHAT CAN WE DO? Eat a plant-based diet: Eating less meat and dairy is the single most

effective way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet. Research suggests that by avoiding meat and dairy, farmland around the world could be reduced by more than 75 percent and still feed the global population.

Use energy wisely:

Whether turning off light switches, conserving water or using cold wash settings for your laundry, small changes go a long way in reducing your energy output.

Green your commute:

Using public transport, riding a bike and car-sharing reduces climate-polluting emissions and is also a cost-saver.

Reduce food waste:

A third of all food produced goes to waste. Not only is food waste a humanitarian concern, but is a significant source of greenhouse gases. Meal planning, freezing, getting creative with leftovers and composting will all curb waste. And even better is to grow your own food.

Boycott single-use plastic: Help save our oceans and wildlife by keeping a zero-waste kit on hand. Make sure you are never caught off-guard by investing in reusable essentials like bamboo cutlery, stainless-steel water bottles, organic cotton bags and reusable coffee cups. Switch to renewable power:

Invest in alternative energy sources at home or talk to your workplace about transitioning to more sustainable options.

Educate the little ones:

Teaching children about sustainable living from a young age will set them up with the right skill and mindset, to make living in a way truly supportive of our planet second nature.

‘Nothing will benefit human health and increase

chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.’ Albert Einstein 106 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

Eco-Village Living A model for planetary sustainability & human happiness. Community has always been natural to human beings, but in modernised Western culture, the notion of ‘every man for himself’ or ‘every nuclear family for themselves’ has become the norm, and not always with the best consequences for living sustainably on a finite-sized planet! An ecovillage can be defined as a small-size, humanscale settlement of somewhere between 3 and 25 members – a member generally being a single person, couple or a family. The smaller the group, the easier to manage and the larger the group, the more resources available to create the shared vision. By sharing land (most often rural though not necessarily so), community members save on ownership costs and maintenance, enjoy a framework of security (it’s generally always occupied) and reap the benefits that come from sharing life with like-minded others. Usually there is also an intention to be self-sufficient with regards to energy (no longer a luxury in this country), water and food. Truly, if one wishes the most exalted kind of health, which comes largely from eating fresh, living, highly mineralised organic food, then growing it oneself is the way to go. Additionally, an ecovillage is a unique environment to raise healthy children and provides creative opportunities for schooling, education, vocational guidance and personal development. Living in community, however lightly structured, is not without its challenges, and requires a similar kind of mature commitment and presence as in any serious relationship – especially when there are collective decisions around money, time and energy - and situations of the kind where your neighbour’s horse ate all your cabbages! Ultimately there is the understanding that living in community with others is a kind of spiritual practice in and of itself and is a context for significant human growth. The vision we all have about ecologicallysustainable community living is indeed a beautiful one although does require work.

It is becoming more and more evident that we are living at a time where living co-operatively in sustainable community is becoming more than simply a good idea, it is becoming vital. And as the financial, political, social and ecological systems we are used to depending on degrade further, we will need each other more and more.

Green Canvas of Light If you’ve ever thought about living in an ecovillage, sharing resources and responsibly stewarding land in a sustainable manner, Green Canvas of Light is an opportunity in the Garden Route to consider. Green Canvas of Light (Pty) Ltd is an early-phase ten share ecovillage on a 50ha forestfarm in the Wilderness Lakes area of the Garden Route, with a number of different opportunities for participation. Architectural guidelines focus on natural building materials, ecological integrity and aesthetic beauty. Patterns of farming and land use are derived from Permaculture, Biodynamics, Shizen Nōhō (One-Straw Revolution) and the practices of traditional sacred cultures. Food grown is always organic and predominantly heirloom. For more about the project or to visit, email JP on jp@ holistica.net or make contact via WhatsApp on 082-882-5584.

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Longevity, Immortality & Transcendence BY J EA N- PIERRE LE ROUX

Without recourse to the conventional, the ultimate cannot be shown The Great Buddhist Sage & Alchemist Nãgãrjuna

Welcome back! This continues our series on conscious yogic biohacking, where we take cutting-edge longevity practices to the next level. In our last issue (January 2019) we covered a broad range of topics related to longevity and provided an overview of the essential philosophy behind it. Here is a brief recap on key understandings from the previous article; •

The function of longevity goes well beyond merely extending life, and has a more holistic purpose. It has to do with present time happiness, energy and presence, while ageing in a graceful and vital way, and, most importantly using the additional time for the highest purposes possible. While there are many substances―special foods, herbs, enzymes, alchemical elixirs― that serve to revitalise and extend life (often referred to as ‘Soma’), the highest form of Soma is generated by the body itself. And the practices that stimulate the glands to secrete this regenerative chemistry are the high road of longevity practice.

The domain of love, intimacy and sexuality is a usable context for the development of profound health and well-being – and yogic sexual practices (with or without a partner) benefit the generation of internal Soma. The body and mind (including the emotion and breath) are a single system, and taking care of health requires addressing the brain, the mind and the emotional heart. What we think and feel has profound implications to our physical health and overall well-being. Immortality of the physically born body-mind is not possible, but through transcendence of that body-mind and thus inherent identification with that which Is, without beginning or end, immortality can be attained, or more correctly… Realized.

In this article we delve more deeply into areas we touched on in the previous issue, particularly endocrine health, hot and cold therapies, meditation and stress, and creating radiant beauty from within.

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But First, Some Magic...… Nāgārjuna, who lived from around 150 to 250 CE in South India is considered one of the most important Buddhist Realisers (sometimes referred to as the ‘Second Buddha’) and is founder of the Madhyamaka school of Mahāyāna Buddhism. Apart from authoring key philosophical texts (including the Mādhyamika-śāstra or the ‘Treatise of the Middle Way’), he was also a metallurgist, alchemist and accomplished exponent of longevity. He wrote extensively on the tradition of Rasayana (the alchemical branch of Ayurveda) and is purportedly the developer of Navaratna (meaning ‘Nine Gem’), one of the most revered substances in existence for regenerating the body-mind. There are a number of subtle variants to the formula, but one I’m familiar with (and have just placed on my tongue) is made from Ruby, Blue Sapphire, Emerald, Yellow Topaz, Chrysoberyl, Red-Brown Garnet, Cultured Fresh-Water Pearl, Lapis Lazuli and Himalayan White Coral in a base of Organic Red Rose Petal, 24 Karat Gold and .999 Silver. All these components go through a complex process of purification via physical (heating, cooling, grinding, wetting, drying) and spiritual (mantra, invocation, puja) means, and it takes a full year to make a single batch. This shows the lengths we are prepared to go for well-being, and the technology already in existence. The ancient means for embodied wellness we have access to are highly refined, and with all the hacks being developed in the present era (including sophisticated medical and genetic interventions) we have immense knowledge and opportunity at our fingertips. And yet, despite all this, the body appears to have its programme (thus far anyway) and physical death comes to us all, even to Nāgārjuna! There is no magic bullet, just dedicated practice to life lived at the highest octave possible.

The Science Of Telomeres

Very simply, telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes during cell division (and also prevent genes from end-to-end fusing). More technically, it is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences at each end of a chromosome that contain no genetic information. During chromosome replication, the enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their duplication all the way to the end of a chromosome, so in each duplication the end of the chromosome is shortened. A cute analogy is to imagine a bricklayer adding a row of bricks to a wall while walking backwards along the wall. To lay a brick in front of himself he has to stand on the brick underneath him, and then take a step back to do the next one. When he gets to the last brick he is stuck and cannot lay (replicate) that brick because he’s standing on it. Exactly the same thing happens during cell division when DNA has to be replicated – the end tips cannot be copied successfully – without the telomere. If there was no telomere every cell division would result in the loss of genetic information and the body would start malfunctioning and making mistakes while synthesising its proteins – not good! But with the telomere end caps in place, what happens instead is the telomere is shortened instead of the genetic information being cut into. In the usual case, cells can divide somewhere between 40 and 70 times before the telomeres are used up (referred to as the Hayflick Limit) and cell senescence and/or incorrect DNA replication sets in. Telomeres can however be replenished (rather simply by an endogenous enzyme called telomerase reverse transcriptase). Enhancing the function of this enzyme is clearly fertile ground for exploring cellular―and thus human―longevity.

Many people in this modern scientific era believe that medical technologies and biohacks will allow us to push the envelope of longevity like never before, and are hoping we’ll invent some kind of super pill to allow us to live a very long time. And while there are definite possibilities worth exploring further (for example by activating the enzyme which increases telomere length on our DNA strands), hacking longevity is tricksy and complex. h o l i s t i c a . n e t | 109


Conundrums of Longevity Bio-Hacking A classic example of the complexity all longevity technologists have to ponder and wrestle with, is this:

Of all protocols, ones based on increasing the natural expression of human growth hormone (HGH), show significant promise (and forget taking external HGH injections as this is almost always a bad idea due to subtle feedback mechanisms built into the human endocrine system). HGH is secreted from the pituitary gland, from where it signals the liver to produce IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). IGF-1 then goes on to produce all kinds of cool effects in the body (muscle growth and repair, improvements in bone density, fat loss) and the brain (producing new brain cells and protecting them from dying – which directly shows itself as improved memory and executive cognitive function). All good so far! However… elevated IGF-1 is also associated with shorter lifespan in animal studies. And also in humans – particularly in the study of centenarians. Reducing levels of IGF-1 increases the expression of the stress resistance genes and the level of key endogenous antioxidants like superoxide dismutase (SOD). This protects the body from the wear and tear from natural oxidative stress, and the integrity of our DNA. (We discussed in the last article how caloric restriction is a very reliable biomarker for longevity, and this is the mechanism by which it accomplishes it. Eating less lowers IGF-1.) So there is a clear trade-off here. Increased HGH and thus increased IGF-1 seem to delay ageing and increase the expression of youthful qualities. And yet it also ages us! To really work this requires extreme subtlety (and not a small amount of grace!). We will address this here through a series of articles which includes how to work with this particular HGH paradox intelligently.

Endocrine Health Primer This section is primarily focused on the male hormonal system, though much of this is applicable and relevant to both sexes. (We will address the technical subtleties of the female system in an upcoming article.) The human hormonal system is complex and delicately refined. It is self-correcting and dynamically balanced with complex feedback loops to maintain itself in ideal homeostasis. The procreative urge, deeply hardwired into our DNA and emotional nature, is given physical expression through the play of our hormones. When we are young this force is so powerful it is hard (though not impossible) to disrupt it. Young women are challenged in this regard with the availability of birth control pills, which in every case disturb hormonal balance. For many this is a sacrifice they are prepared to make to avoid unintentional pregnancy but it’s not ideal due to the strain on the endocrine system. In these times, apart from mitigating pregnancy, even young people with their very robust hormone systems need to take care. The number of endocrine disrupting chemicals in our environment is growing all the time. To ensure robust endocrine health the following points are important: Minimise association with plastics containing compounds that function as xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are not estrogen but they bind to the estrogen receptors on the cells and have estrogenic effects on the body. This tends to feminize men and predispose women to estrogendriven cancers, like breast cancer. So avoid plastics wherever you can: plastic food containers, plastic utensils, clingwrap, water in plastic bottles, even new car interiors (new car smell is largely outgassing plastic). Another important vector is synthetic pesticides, the majority are significant xenoestrogens. When committed to longevity and vitality, eating organic food is absolutely foundational. Non-organically grown food, apart from being low in (or often devoid of) critical mineralisation, is also bad for your hormones and will weaken, aberrate and age you over time. Likewise, if you eat animal products, then avoid meat, eggs or dairy from conventional commercial agribusiness. These often contain the hormones given to the animals (and their hormone metabolites), which will affect your hormonal system.

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Important herbs can be used as an adjunct and support to meditation and will mitigate the habitual stress response, even if taken without engaging a meditation practice. These include:

Meditation & Steroid Hormones Another critical foundational matter is stress. If the stress of life in this modern world is not managed intelligently it has profound effects on hormone expression. The body secretes cortisol to deal with stressful situations and cortisol production directly competes with the production of other steroid hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and estrogens. The body literally has a choice to use pregnenolone to make one of the two hormones, cortisol or testosterone (or estradiol in women) in any moment from a finite supply of raw material. Besides competing for the production of important androgenic hormones, long-term ongoing cortisol production is damaging to the body and basically catabolic. It is important and necessary for priming the body for sudden stressful situations, but it’s meant to be short-lived. Once the stressful situation has passed or been dealt with then cortisol levels should drop and the body can return to its natural state of building and regenerating. However many people suffer a constant state of mild (or often not so mild) stress, which is a consequence of our present (and often overpaced) ways of living. Managing stress (and thus cortisol) levels is vital, and is accomplished through adequate sleep (and the amount that works for you), conscious exercise forms like Yoga and T’ai Chi, deep, full and relaxed breathing, meditation, acceptance, forgiveness and trust (which is the same as the conscious transcendence of doubt in life itself). Meditation can take multiple forms with vast and myriad methods and paths by which to practice.

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Three major streams are: •

Meditation on stillness and natural breath, allowing the mind to settle, allowing thoughts to arise as they will but not following after them, simply being attentive to the breath, allowing the body to consciously relax, merely being present. Using the mind and actively practicing gratitude, remembering all that is good in our lives and the world, and giving thanks for that. Contemplating that which we desire and giving thanks (before the fact even) for receiving that. Gratitude for the gift of existence itself. Contemplation of Consciousness itself, or that which is immortal and unborn, by simple whole-body attention to the mere feeling of Being. Being present to the Heart – and engaging in the ecstatic worship of Love, of Truth, of ‘Is-ness’, of God (whichever term is most real to you).

Each of these forms of meditation has their own outcome, but each has a deeply de-stressing effect and lowers cortisol.

Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry / Withania somnifera). Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum, Sceletium expansum or hybrids of the two) – preferably with decent mesembrenone levels. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Gotu Kola is also sometimes referred to as Brahmi, but Bacopa is superior. Yamabushitake (Lion’s Mane / Hericium erinaceus) – eaten whole or extracted. Can be taken stacked with microdose amounts of Psilocybe spp. for deeper effects. Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) especially for its L-theanine content. High altitude and shading support a good theanine : caffeine ratio – often found in top quality matchas. Lingzhi (Red Reishi / Ganoderma lucidum) – wild-harvested from hardwood is best. Houpu extract (Magnolia Bark / Magnolia officinalis). Goji Berries (Chinese Wolfberry / Lycium barbarum). Ganja (Cannabis sativa / Cannabis indica) - preferably outdoor grown and seeded, i.e. not the more commonly available sinsemilla. Or CBD / cannabidiol extract. Even homemade raw sauerkraut, which supports endogenous serotonin production, will serve here.

Until stress is properly handled, even upstream endocrine supplements such as pregnenolone and progesterone will not be fully successful interventions. All this is the foundation on which the rest is built (and is generally applicable to both men and women). h o l i s t i c a . n e t | 111


Warrior Biochemistry 101 Now the fine-tuning – mainly for men, and mainly for men over 35 (the rest of you young lions don’t really need to practice anything further if you’re taking care of the above). Simplistically, we want to ensure high testosterone production while also protecting testosterone viability – by preventing excessive binding to sex hormone binding globulin, and by protecting testosterone itself by inhibiting its conversion to estradiol by the enzyme aromatase. Because modulating the endocrine system effectively is a complex and subtle art, what is presented here is necessarily more simple than in practice! (For the record I am giving no address whatsoever to synthetic testosterone injections or patches, whether bio-identical or novel testosterone analogues as I do not personally support that approach. You’ll get short to medium term benefits but at a real cost to the long-term vitality of your endocrine system and your ability to be deeply in tune with yourself as a man.)

Interestingly, testosterone is not just about libido or sexual performance as many presume, but is primarily experienced by men as clarity, directionality and drive. If you’re a man and find yourself less decisive than you used to be when younger, and having less mental, physical and emotional energy to get things done, then chances are your testosterone is dropping and/or your estrogen (in the form of estradiol / E2) is increasing. Testosterone (T) comes into being as follows: The hypothalamus releases Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) which stimulates the pituitary to produce Luteinizing Hormone (LH). LH travels to the testicles where it stimulates the Leydig Cells to produce testosterone, using cholesterol as a raw material. (If taking statins to decrease cholesterol you may want to seriously reconsider that.) All good so far and if the hypothalamus, pituitary and testes are working well then all should be well. It’s clear that maintaining the health of these glands is vital.

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Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is a fungus in the family Hymenochaetaceae. It is parasitic on birch trees mainly (though does also grow on others). The sterile conk is irregularly formed and looks like burnt charcoal. It is not the fruiting body of the fungus, but a sclerotium or mass of mycelium, mostly black from large amounts of melanin (which also signifies high Jing). Chaga mushrooms typically grow in deciduous forests in colder climates of Northern Europe, Asia and North America. They range from 20 to 30cm in diameter, have a characteristic rough, woody surface and can weigh over 10kg. Interestingly, Chaga often forms a symbiotic relationship with the birch trees on which they feed, helping them heal damaged regions on the trunk.


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Powerful antioxidant and source of superoxide dismutase (SOD) which halts oxidation, especially from free radicals like singlet oxygen. A superior medicinal mushroom containing over 215 phytonutrients, glyconutrients including betulinic acid, polysaccharides, beta-glucans, tripeptides, triterpenes, sterols, saponins, inotodiols and melanin. Contains significant amounts of riboflavin and niacin. High copper, calcium, manganese, zinc and iron. One of nature's richest sources of the minerals rubidium, potassium,

caesium and germanium – which help the body remain alkaline. A good source of pantothenic acid which aids the adrenal glands and digestive organs. A vital source of plant-based sterols which reduce LDL cholesterol, stabilise blood pressure, increase metabolism and support the endocrine system. Chaga that comes specifically from birch trees are also rich in betulinic acid which has been used to shrink some types of cancerous tumours.

Pro-Tip: Chaga regenerates the endocrine glands. Good for men and women. Use it a lot.


Without recourse to the conventional, the ultimate cannot be shown The Great Buddhist Sage and Alchemist Nãgãrjuna

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On the foundation of healthy and robust endocrine gland function, men (certainly men over 35) will be wanting to:

1. Increase testosterone production, 2. Protect the testosterone they’re making from being bound and/or metabolised in inauspicious directions and, 3. Enhance cellular response to testosterone. it is completely empty – and this is the biochemical basis for intermittent fasting as a longevity practice.

Increase testosterone production Many synergistic strategies for increasing and supporting T production include: •

Temperature extremes like ice water bathing, cryo-sauna and heat sauna (regular or Far Infrared).

Sunlight – on the skin generally to increase vitamin D synthesis (which supports optimum T function), and directly on the testicles to increase the activity of the Leydig Cells. And also sun gazing (particularly at sunrise), which decreases melatonin release and increases testosterone production.

High-intensity, heavy weight training – fast, heavy, to exhaustion.

Holding power-dominance poses – think alpha gorilla trying to intimidate wanna-be-alpha gorilla and being prepared to actually deal with the uppity gorilla. Also traditional yoga ‘strength asanas’ – weighted or unweighted.

Increasing HGH. Testosterone production tends to track HGH release so increasing HGH is a direct strategy. HGH is increased via intermittent fasting, highintensity interval training, taking HGH secretagogues such as Goji and Mucuna pruriens (Velvet Bean), keeping insulin low at night when HGH is secreted, getting to bed early enough, and eating higharginine foods. A very effective HGH secretagogue is ghrelin, a hormone produced by the stomach only when

Ensure adequate selenium, boron, zinc and broad trace minerals in the diet.

Using key T supporting herbs like Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), Tribulus Terristrus, Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides), Rou Cong-Rong (Cistanche deserticola) and Panax ginseng.

A diet that is low glycemic, moderate to high fat, moderate protein, high in phytonutrient vegetables and low in animal protein is best. And obviously no commercial meats with exogenous hormone residues or nonorganic plants with xenoestrogenic pesticide residues.

Controlling cortisol levels. When stressed the body diverts pregnenolone to make cortisol instead of testosterone.

Being deliberately decisive. This is an effect of high testosterone and positive testosterone/estrogen balance. By the principle of sympathetic resonance this is a bidirectional process.

Taking her properly! With loving dedication, intensity and commitment to her pleasure rather than yours. Inhaling the pheromonal essence of a woman sublimed in ecstatic orgasmic release is good for your health. As well.


Protect the testosterone you’re making from being bound and/ or metabolised in inauspicious directions: Only about 3-5% of testosterone is free to exert activity at the cellular level. The rest is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and to a lesser extent to albumin. SHBG levels increase with age and render testosterone effectively inactive. In addition, SHBG-bound T is acted upon by an enzyme called aromatase, which metabolizes T to estradiol (E2) – generally not good for men. Testosterone is also acted upon by 5-alpha reductase (5AR) to form dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The jury is still out on whether this is a good or bad thing. Most clinicians will probably seek to reduce 5AR in men over 40. Personally I lean the other way – at least for now, and especially if there are no prostate issues I would not seek to suppress 5AR with herbs such as Saw Palmetto and Pygeum, even though these are generally good for prostate health and preventing male pattern baldness. This is because: • DHT is considerably more potent as an agonist of the androgen receptor than T itself – and that is good for physical male expression altogether, promoting amino acid uptake in fast twitch muscles fibres and increasing protein synthesis, cell signalling, cell proliferation and ATP production. • DHT helps prevent the aromatization of T to E2 and works as an antagonist to the estrogen receptor thereby decreasing estrogen’s ability to bind. Additionally DHT itself cannot be aromatised to estrogen, only T can. • DHT increases libido and is good for overall penis health.

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How to lower SHBG activity: • Use Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) and Damiana (Turnera diffusa) • Maintain body fat between 8% and 16%, no more, no less. • Take oat grass juice or oat grass tincture. • Increase HGH and IGF-1 (deer antler is a good supply of IGF-1). • Take nettle root extract or its key active, 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran. • Ensure adequate magnesium in the diet. Natural Aromatase inhibitors: The following phytonutrients, herbs and foods can be used to suppress the activity of aromatase (which is what converts testosterone to estradiol and androstenedione to estrone – neither of which we want): •

• • • • • • • • •

Flavonoids such as quercetin (grapes, berries, Ginkgo biloba) and naringenin (high in grapefruit) Red grape polyphenols especially resveratrol Selenium (Brazil nuts are a good source) Chrysin (from honey and passion flower) Damiana Agaricus bisporus (white button mushrooms) Mangosteen fruit Pomegranate Maca Kudzu

Clearing Excess Estrogen (both endogenous and exogenous xenoestrogens): • Improving liver function • DIM and I3C • Calcium-d-glucarate • Cruciferous vegetables like horseradish, cabbage, savoy cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, mizuna, Chinese cabbage, turnip, mustard greens, tatsoi, wild arugula, arugula, maca, watercress, radish, daikon, wasabi • Parsley • Olives • Trimethylglycine

Ways to increase androgen sensitivity and androgen receptor density (which makes your available testosterone go further): • • •

Fasting Supplementing with L-carnitine and L-dopa (from Velvet Bean) Forskolin (from Coleus forskohlii)

And… all of that being said… be at peace. We die anyway. And everything we love decays. Loving, with intention and force, in the present moment is the only ground a warrior really has to stand on.


The Quintessence of


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For better or worse, a massive industry targets women, (and men to some degree) creating a sense of lack and inadequacy and subsequent desire for a whole range of products and treatments – from skin cream to false eyelashes, botox, breast augmentation and everything in between. While any of these may serve anyone in a particular moment, radiant beauty is ultimately a glow reflecting an inner state of radical health and wellbeing. It is a function of our diet, our energetic relationship with nature and of course our emotional state. One can always see someone who is in love! Or who radiates peace, joy and contentment. A diet that supports this radiance is based on naturally grown, living food, high in enzymes and low in toxins. Food that is light, digestible, nutritionally dense and does not burden the body or toxify cells. Electromagnetism is fundamental to human energy and expression. We immediately recognise someone who shines with high-energy vibration and magnetism. While this obviously involves a person’s force of personality, personal power and spiritual presence, it has just as much to do with the degree of electrical conductivity in the body. Kirlian photography can measure the electrical coronal discharges of foods and herbs. The difference between cooked and raw, conventionally grown (with pesticides and fertilisers) and organically grown, is always distinct, with higher coronal discharge from the latter. The work of Professor Fritz-Albert Popp, Dr Hugo Niggli and others confirm that, in addition to the chemical composition of foods, living organisms also emit biophotons or low-level luminescence (light with a wavelength between 200 and 800 nanometres). This light energy is thought to be

Beauty is radiance, a reflection of the heart, of presence and of health. The quality of the skin, the clarity of the eyes, the tone of the muscles, grace of movement these all combine to create our perception of beauty. And indeed, all of this is secondary to our capacity to radiate love – which is ultimately at the root of all we call beauty. stored in the DNA structure during photosynthesis. Present research, suggest the biophoton wave is emitted from the chromatin of the cell nucleus. Calculations show that the helix form of the DNA molecule exhibits the ideal geometric form known as a ‘hollow resonator’ which allows effective light storage. Foods that store and emit the highest levels of biophoton and electromagnetic energy are predominantly fresh, raw, naturally grown, naturally ripened fruits, seeds, nuts and vegetables, i.e. living foods. Living foods engender life (including magnetism and light) in us – this is why a raw, high plant-based diet is optimal for supporting radiant beauty. The eyes reflect the quality of the liver. If congested (indicating a level of toxicity in the body) the eyes will appear dull. When the liver is open and flowing the eyes shine and the whites of the eyes will be bright white rather than have a sallow tinge. So it’s simple, keep the blood clean if you want to look your best!

PRO TIP: Regular coffee enemas (weekly or monthly) keep the bile flowing well and the liver clean. A gall bladder flush is good for a more serious treatment – perhaps annually.

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The two most important beauty minerals: Silicon and Sulphur Silicon is significantly present in cartilage, connective tissue, hair, ligaments, muscles, skin, tendons and teeth, and helps maintain the elasticity of the arterial walls. A silicon-rich diet leads to beautiful teeth and jaw formation (especially from an early age), and is vital for good gum health. For yogis it is a key mineral assisting with flexibility of muscle, tendons and ligaments. Connective tissue contains significant amounts of collagen, elastin and polysaccharides also formed using silicon. High levels of silicon make good skin, hair and nails. Importantly, the soft tissue ratio of silicon to calcium is a clear marker of youth. At birth we have a high silicon to calcium ratio and as we age this ratio reverses, with calcium increasing and silicon decreasing. The calcification of our soft tissues changes things that were once juicy and elastic (skin, eyes, lips, spinal discs, arterial walls etc) to become hard and calcified. This is testament to the ageing process. [Pro-Tip: Calcium supplements should be live-source, derived from living materials such as algae, not from rocks or synthetic lab creations which will tend to calcify soft tissue and have an ageing effect.]

Sulphur is a key mineral that supports the overall radiance and complexion of the skin, as well as good hair and nails. Like silicon, it is essential for joint health and flexibility and vital to healthy collagen formation. It is also key to wound healing and minimising scar tissue. Sulphur is a fundamental detox ingredient, making the cell membrane more permeable and allowing wastes to be removed from the cells more efficiently. It is important for healthy liver function, particularly for the phase 2 liver detox pathway.

Foods high in sulphur include: * The entire cruciferous vegetable family (the same as mentioned above for clearing excess estrogen) * Durian (wicked!) * Bee pollen * Hemp seeds * Egg yolks (preferably raw) * Bluegreen algae * Garlic and onions * Nasturtiums * Noni fruit * Spirulina * Pumpkin seeds

High silicon foods include: * Hemp leaves and hemp leaf juice * Mature wild grasses and grass juices (Kikuyu is excellent) * Cucumber, tomato and bell pepper (especially the skins of these) * Oats, oat grass juice and oat straw (oat straw good as a tea) * Bamboo shoots * Radishes * Nettles (leaves mainly) * Alfalfa * Lettuce microgreens * Marjoram

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An added benefit from drinking significant volumes of grass juices is that living grass juice supplies copious amounts of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) which is converted into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) in the body, which is one of the most important longevity and vitality chemicals that exists.

In addition to these noble silicon and sulphur rich foods, the following are also considered highly rejuvenating and beautifying: * Aloe * Coconut and coconut oil * Figs * Macadamia nuts * Olives and olive oil (extra virgin, unheated and unfiltered ideally) * Papaya, grapefruit and pineapple (excellent source of beautifying enzymes) * Turmeric (juiced roots are the best) * Oysters * Walnuts * Sweet potatoes * Goji berries * Schizandra berries * Dendrobium orchid (primarily the stem * Shatavari * Ashwagandha * Longan fruit * White Peony root * Fresh water pearl powder * Royal jelly * Purslane * Avocado * Pears * Blueberries (preferably wild) * Diamond bhasma (produced in the same way as the Navaratna mentioned above) * Cilantro * Cape gooseberry * Rooibos tea * Sunlight and moonlight charged spring water

Things to avoid if you want to maintain your beauty are: * All junk foods (obviously) * Smoking * Alcohol * Coffee * Animal fats cooked at high temperatures * Advanced glycation end products / browned sugars and proteins * Excess salt * Overeating and thus incomplete digestion * Bad food combinations (concentrated carbs and concentrated protein at the same meal) * Unfiltered chlorinated tap water * Too many legumes * Too much sun * Too little sun * Excessive starches * Hydrogenated oils Remember that anything you put on your skin winds up in your blood stream. If you wouldn’t eat it don’t use it on your body! Finally… zeolite clay whole-body masques, urine (your own) skin washes and semen (from your healthy lover) as a facial toner.

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Tibetan Tummo, Inner Fire & Ice Water Immersion • Tummo is The name involves bodily

a traditional Tibetan Buddhist practice of generating internal heat. Tummo is variously translated as ‘Inner Fire’ and ‘Fierce Woman’ and various yogic practices including breath control, visualisations and locks. Its purpose is to support the ability to endure significant cold, including ice water immersion for extended periods.

This has obvious practical implications when living in the Himalayas - and extreme cold exposure has significant health benefits including enhancing immunity and circulation and activation of brown adipose tissue. Brown fat, predominant in newborns and hibernating animals, contains mitochondria, (our miniature energy producing factories). White fat cells do not. Brown fat mitochondria actually burns up fats and sugars to produce ATP (and generates significant heat in the process) whereas white fat just kinda sits there until it gets metabolised. Studies show that cold exposure causes stem cells to differentiate into brown fat cells rather than white fat cells. The more cold exposure we endure, whether daily cold showers (an easy hack), ice water immersion or super low temperature cryotherapy chambers (or cryosaunas), the more significant the benefits. Cryosaunas are liquid nitrogen driven chambers with exposure to minus 120˚C and colder for up to 3 minutes. While icy, it is not as severe as ice water immersion, and provides all the benefits: decreased inflammation, increased metabolism and a real psycho-somatic ‘reboot’. Tony Robbins, mega success coach, travels internationally every week

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on average to present his seminars. He travels with a full-body cryosauna to manage the high stress on his body. Cold exposure has been popularised in modern times by ‘The Iceman’, Wim Hof from Holland. He set a number of world records for cold immersion (including distance swimming under ice―since surpassed by Stig Severinsen) and has a profound relationship to the cold. The trauma of losing his wife, the love of his life, to depression and then suicide is, he says what inspired him to explore life more deeply though his relationship with the cold, who he personifies as a great teacher.

Breath is Life, Cold is God & Feeling is Understanding



Wim Hof The Wim Hof Method, available from him or his certified instructors, when compared to the more rigorous traditional Tibetan Tummo is a relatively simple technique involving breathwork and concentration. While getting icy is good for us, so is getting hot! Mitochondrial biogenesis, in which we create new mitochondria in our cells, gives added vitality and energy to the body. In addition, when taking a sauna (either conventional, FIR or steam) we create what are known as heat-shock proteins. These proteins are directly involved in cellular regeneration and increased neuronal growth factors in the brain. And of course all the other obvious things like improved blood circulation, muscle relaxation, emotional stress relief and skin detoxification. So temperature extremes on both ends of the spectrum are good! Your local gym, health club or spa likely has a sauna and/or steam room (and hopefully soon cryosaunas will be the norm). Until then, a chest freezer, full of water on low setting, is a simple hack!


The ultimate Longevity & Vitality hack! Cryotherapy is a safe and highly therapeutic immersion in nitrogen gas at temperatures of -120˚C to -160˚C, currently used by serious biohackers, performance coaches and elite athletes - and now available to you.

• • • • • • • •

Better mental clarity Increased metabolism Lowered inflammation More powerful immunity Accelerated cellular regeneration Improved peripheral blood circulation Quicker recovery from muscle stiffness Enhanced brown fat biogenesis and white fat burning


SPECIAL OFFER Holistica readers are entitled to a special discounted rate on cryosauna units in South Africa. Contact 082-882-5584 to discuss purchasing one or more of these units for your home, gym or spa please quote the code HOLI-ICE.


“I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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Renew your passport, cash in on your f requent flyer miles and get ready for mind-blowing, holistic adventures. The world is an amazing place, filled with exquisite beauty – f rom scenery to people. Explore the world while opening your heart and mind to a holistic way of life with our inspirational A-Z of wanderlust.

Here’s a creative bucket list to aspire to. BY K IRSTEN A LEXA NDER

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Sleep in a transparent capsule suspended 300 metres off the side of a cliff face in Peru’s Sacred Valley. Skylodge is the world’s first hanging lodge and offers unrivalled 3600 views over the mystical Andes, the rapids of Rio Urubamba and the Sacred Valley. Book through AirBnB.


Take a holistic holiday at sea – on board the MSC Divina you’ll be treated to presentations from some of the world’s top thinkers and professionals in plant-based health and living, as well as classes in vegan cooking, yoga, fitness, meditation and more. Cruise around stunning Jamaica, Panama, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia and Aruba. Book through www.holisticholidayatsea.com

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Spend a week at the Findhorn Foundation, one of the largest intentional communities in Britain. Book for Experience Week and participate in an ecovillage community that addresses the externals of sustainable living. It also encompasses the heart of sustainability – the inner life of human beings in their search for meaning and purpose. You’ll be part of an intercultural, multi-generational group that challenges old systems and breaks down the story not yet written – allowing you to explore who you really are and where you want to go in a creative, supportive and welcoming environment. To book, go to www.findhorn. org/programmes/experience-week

Start with some of the museums listed below:


Open your mind and heart to possibilities by learning about your city and the people you share your world with by exploring history, the arts and new happenings in your locale.

Liliesleaf - 7 George Avenue, Rivonia, Johannesburg South Af rican Museum, 25 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town Red Location Museum, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth Apartheid Museum, Northern Park Way and Gold Reef Road, Johannesburg Hector Pieterson Museum, 8287 Khumalo St, Orlando West, Soweto MuseumMAf ricA, housed in a 1913 building opposite Johannesburg’s iconic Mary Fitzgerald Square Maropeng, the Cradle of Humankind, R563 Hekpoort Road, Sterkfontein Ditsong National Museum of National History, Paul Kruger Street, Tshwane South Af rican Jewish Museum, 88 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town Killie Campbell Africana Museum, 220 Gladys Mazibuko Road, Durban


COCO-MAT Eco Residencies is located at the lovely Vagia beach, where you will find a natural haven from the Aegean summer winds, a lush sandy shore, crystal clear waters and a glorious sunset.

COCO-MAT Hotel at the island Serifos, Greece invites you to ease up, slow down and truly enjoy your time on an island that can offer you the authentic Cycladic experience, without any tourist hassle. Your stay at COCO-MAT Eco Residencies in Serifos, the materials, the earth-toned decoration, the magnificent sea view, the natural airconditioning and the ample natural light will make you feel at home.

COCO-MAT Eco Residencies Serifos | Tel: +30 694Town 8303164 | info@serifos.cmhtls.com | http://serifos.coco-mat-hotels.com/en/ COCO-MAT | 15 on Orange Street, Cape | Tel: 021 422 1122 | E-mail: capetown@coco-mat.co.za


E –


For the adrenaline junkie, take it to the max by exploring the Norwegian archipelago with explorer Alan Chambers; camp out on a glacier, learn to haul an ice-sled on skis, go dog sledding and snowmobiling. Book at www.ganeandmarshall.com

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Closer to home, Veldandsea offer seasonal foraging adventures – helping you discover your edible landscape, f rom wild mushrooms to seaweeds and shellfish, edible weeds and flowers, to roots and shoots. They’re based at Good Hope Gardens Nursery in Cape Point. Book through www.veldandsea.com


Worldwide, glamping has become hugely popular. There are so many options, but we love the experience offered by Glen Eden Ranch in Montagu – you can book a handcrafted gypsy caravan, an authentic tepee and an open-fronted pod with a kitchen and dining area. Book at www.glenedenfarm.co.za


Indulge in maximum relaxation and healing in the natural hot springs of KwaZulu – ShuShu hot springs in Eshowe bubble f rom the ground onto an island in the middle of the Thukela River between Nkandla and Ntunjambili (Kranskop). To book, go to www.eshowe.com/ shushu-hot-springs


Spend a few nights in a glass igloo in Kakslauttanen, Finland, surrounded by exquisite wilderness. Indulge in a smoke sauna coupled with ice swimming for an invigorating experience. Book at www.kakslauttanen.fi

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Jiva in Sanskrit means ‘life, living being, the principle of life, vital breath, soul, existing, existence’. Re-energise your jiva at Song Saa private Island off the coast of Cambodia, which embraces the Buddhist tradition of metta bhavana – the cultivation of loving-kindness. To book, go to www.songsaa.com


Take to the water in Vietnam. Cruise and kayak along the emerald waters and limestone peaks of Halong Bay, dip into traditional Vietnamese culture by trekking through lush hill tribe villages, walk and cycle on a tour through historic towns of Hue, Hoi An and Hanoi. Dig a little deeper into Vietnam’s history by crawling through the Cu Chi war tunnels, and sample local produce and float through the Mekong Delta by boat. Book at www.exodus.co.uk/ za/vietnam-holidays/culture/trails-vietnam/

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Dive into the ancient mysteries of sacred places by exploring ley lines, a spiritual connection of one sacred site to the next. Some of the most famous and studied ley lines exist in England, with Stonehenge most definitively on the list. Tour these ancient sites by booking at www.journeyswithsoul.com/sacred-tours


Machu Picchu deserves prime place on any spiritual bucket list. Maximise the experience by going on a meditation journey and connecting with the energy vortexes. Book at www.bookretreats.com/4-daymeditation-and-hiking-journey-inmachu-picchu-peru.


Where better to learn about food than France – stay in a luxurious 200-year-old house in St Saturnin and experience a raw vegan cleanse, nutritional consultations and learn how to create lasting life changes. Book at www. chateaudemouillac.com

Eat Well, Do Good! Nourish your body, mind & soul.

O – OPEN WATER SWIMMING Instead of merely taking a dip during your holiday, make swimming the central part of getting around. Explore the Cyclades, a group of islands in the Aegean sea by swimming f rom island to island and experiencing sea caves and tunnels, islets and arches. To book, go to www.swimtrek.com/ packages/swimming-holidaygreek-cyclades-short-swims

We’re always up to something on our beautiful country farm, whether serving fresh wholesome home-grown food at Leafy Greens Café or producing hundreds of handmade meals for healthy outlets around the country, we’re dedicated to natural wellbeing from the earth. Find out more @leafygreenscafe AFRICAN HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO

12- 13 OCTOBE R 2019


Take a Buddhist pilgrimage trek to Pemako in India. It’s challenging, but well worth it as you encounter mysterious spiritual centres, tribespeople and ancient forests. The trek begins in Dibrugarh, the tea capital of Assam. From there you travel to Tuting, the town where the last motorable roads end and the towering Eastern Himalayan ranges start. Book at www.responsibletravel. com/holiday/20120/buddhistpilgrimage-trek-to-pemako

Our African Health and Wellness Expo will be taking place on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of October showcasing industry leaders on Rocky Ridge Farm. It’s the perfect setting with over 43 hectares of open grassland, organic vegetable gardens, exquisitely manicured lawns and flowerbeds under the shade of mature trees. Contact antonia@leafygreens.co.za to participate or log onto our website for more details.

BOTANICALS PURE PLANT NUTRITION We also have our ever-growing Antonia’s Botanicals brand: our food factory where we handcraft delectable raw, dehydrated snacks, stoneground nut butters, and fresh-from-theearth jams and preserves. @antoniasbotanicals | www.antonias.co.za

www.leafygreens.co.za 010 595 4563 | mytable@leafygreens.co.za ROCKY RIDGE ROAD, BEYERS NAUDE DR. MULDERSDRIFT, GAUTENG



Align your energy with chakra healing in India. Serenity Surrender takes you on a journey to wellness, with walks into the jungle and a visit to a temple that attracts Earth’s magnetic waves. Book at www.responsibletravel.com/ holiday/20561/spiritual-wellness-tour-withchakra-healing-in-india


Equestrian therapy is a well-known modality that helps all number of malaises and conditions. Combine that with Shakti Naam yoga, which raises the life force energy using breath, mudra, and postures to remove unwanted blocks and strengthen spiritual connectedness. This all happens in the Mexican Highlands, between the famous pyramids of Teotihuacan and the UNESCO site of San Miguel de Allende. To book, go to www.rancholascascada.com

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Purify your mind and body with a silent retreat in Mazunte, Southern Mexico. Opt for a 10-day immersion experience that focuses on accessing your real and essential nature, the supreme and divine Self, through an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques. Book at www. hridaya-yoga.com/meditation-retreats/10-dayhridaya-silent-meditation-retreat


Immerse yourself in nature in the forests of Northern Sweden at the Tree Hotel. You’ll be surrounded by the spectacular smell and sweet air of pine trees while the northern lights illuminate your stay. The power of nature offers you a profoundly spiritual experience. To book, go to www.treehotel.se/en


The benefits of switching off and tuning out are well-known. But how do you truly do a digital detox? It’s not just about switching off, it’s what happens when you switch on again. Learn to connect again at Digital Detox Retreats in various locations in the U.S. To book, go to digitaldetox.org/retreats


Voluntourism is a beautiful way to give back and see the world. There are so many possibilities, which can be found at www.projects-abroad/ projects/ or www.voluntourism.org. From living in the Amazon Rainforest and working to protect wildlife and indigenous plants or shark conservation in Fiji, to childcare in Ghana or Incan archaeology in Peru, you are sure to find something to inspire you.



Take a life-changing walk on the wild side in Uganda and immerse yourself in a chimpanzee habituation experience, spend time with Uganda’s mountain gorillas, visit the crater lakes and so much more. To book, go to www.wildf rontierstravel.com/


Invigorate your love life with a tantric holiday in Bali where you’ll learn about energetic activation, authentic relating, expanded states of awareness, ecstatic awakening breath, bodywork and so much more. Book at www.templeoftantricarts.com


There are so many yoga retreats around the world, so choosing just one isn’t easy. But ancient Morocco is a bucket-list worthy destination, so this one, nestled in the foothills of the Anti-Atlas mountains, overlooking a UNESCO protected Argan forest with the beach a two minute walk away, sounds like a great choice. To book, go to www.df rostsurfandyoga. com/paradis-plage/yoga-villa


The Hidden Dragon hotel in Switzerland offers numerous workshops f rom shamanic wisdom to goddess retreats. Set at 1500m above the village of Veysonnaz in Switzerland, the resort caters for a unique tribe of alpine adventurers, explorers, dreamers, yogis, nature lovers, foodies and free spirits. To book, go to www.hidden-dragon.com

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Reboot in Bali 10 top R eju ve na tion Sp ots

Sharni Quinn is a living example of someone who opted out of a traditional work-life to manifest a different reality. After going down a rabbit hole by working too hard she took herself off to Bali to recover from burnout. It was here she mastered the secrets of living a dream life and found a way to sustain herself doing everything she wants to. Who better than to share some tips on rejuvenation. BY S HA RNI QUINN

“One of the best ways to recharge and redesign your life is to get away and gain perspective. See things from a fresh new angle and shift your mindset on a tropical island!� 136 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

Bali has always been my go-to healing haven, and now that Bali is my home, I am able to share some unique gems off the beaten track, away from tourists. Here are 10 rejuvenation secrets I joyfully share with you: Rice Joglo, Ubud

1.Create your own Day Retreat at Desa Seni, Canggu

After a long flight, nothing can reset your Zen vibes like a full day of pampering. Once you step foot into Desa Seni, you feel like you have been transported to Bali paradise. Start your day with a signature massage, then a dip in the pool, followed by delicious organic snacks and tea, and finish your day of bliss with a nurturing Yin Yoga session in their outdoor Shala.

2. Cleanse your worries at a Holy Water Temple, Ubud The Holy springs of Pura Tirta Empul - believed to possess curative properties - gush out through 30 large waterspouts into two sacred purification pools. Stand with your head under each waterspout (a purification ritual known as ‘melukat’), set your intentions, say a mantra and physically feel the stress and strain release f rom your mind and body.

3. Eat green banana pancakes after a peaceful walk along a secret rice field path, Rice Joglo, Ubud Meander on foot along this beautiful rice field path all the way to magical Rice Joglo. There Sonu and Wayan welcome you for breakfast with the tastiest green banana pancakes in Bali. Wayan picks the pandan leaves f rom their organic garden, blends them with egg, rice flour and water and serves them with flaked coconut and drizzled palm nectar. Sonu is a gem and loves sharing his story of rebuilding the old traditional Joglo house by hand. If you are walking back at night, you may be blessed with fireflies lighting up your path.

Holy Water Temple, Ubud

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4. Make your own Mala beads, Ubud

Rudraksha beads have special healing powers which flow f rom their electromagnetic properties (similar to magnets) to balance and re-boot your energy. What makes this Rudraksha and gemstone Mala even more powerful is that you make it yourself. Plus, at the end of this workshop, you and your beads are blessed by a traditional Balinese Priest.

5. Drink a cup of cacao and feel your heart chakra open, Ubud

Chocolate lovers will love this ‘cacao ceremony’ treat. Zest restaurant is a hip and super trendy spot with the most sublime tasting cacao drink. This specific one has 3 premium ingredients: Balinese organic whole cacao beans, f reshly extracted palm nectar and multitudes of heart-warming love. Relish the view, sip mindfully, feel your heart open and enjoy the rich and creamy drink of heaven.

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6. Visit a traditional healer to clear your negative energies, Ubud

9. SUP with turtles in warm crystal water, Gili Air


10. Laze in a hammock, reading your latest Holistica magazine, sipping on a watermelon cocktail, Nusa Islands

Tjokorda Gde Rai is a master spiritual healer f rom a lineage of the King of Ubud. Although you can’t book an appointment and may sit in the open consultation space watching the other consultations for hours, it is absolutely worth it. It is nothing you have ever experienced before. He sticks his fingers in your ears, prods your toes with a wooden stick and miraculously heals you from physical or mental disease and imbalances.

Dance your way to happiness, Ubud

Friday night ecstatic dance at the legendary Yoga Barn is a prime social event in Ubud. Expect crazy moves from the local expats (including glitter and dress up gear); plenty of gorgeous, toned, sweaty bodies; funky tunes from the DJ and a feeling of total euphoria after hours of dancing.

8. Spoil yourself for a night of luxury on a remote eco-friendly island, Gili Air Slow – the name says it all. This exquisite luxury villa on Gili Air is where you get to unwind. Take a dip in your private pool, chillax in your own garden or enjoy an outdoor shower while gazing at the stars. Slow down, rejuvenate and delight in the magic of this eco-friendly island.

Feel like racing a turtle? As you peek down into the ocean, the water is so clear you see turtles swimming underneath your Stand Up Paddle Board. I tried to race one. The turtle won! Nothing like spending the morning on warm water, doing exercise you love, breathing in f resh, clean air and feeling the sunshine on your skin to get life force pumping through your body.

Nusa Ceningan is the smallest of the Nusa islands, although has some of the funkiest chill-out beach lounge locations. Laze in a hammock at The Island restaurant and take in the view of the ocean while you sip on f resh watermelon cocktails and read your favourite magazine (Holistica of course).

Traditional healer, Ubud

SUP in Gili Air

Sharni is passionate about inspiring women to ‘Become Freedom Women’ and coaches fellow yoga teachers and female health professionals to create more time, energy and money in their life, without burning out. Currently, she lives in Bali, works only 3hrs a day, enjoys yoga at world-class studios and has a massage every second day. If you would like to join her and redesign your life, go to www.sharniquinn.com for inspiration. For more Bali experiences download the ‘Ultimate Healthy Travel Guide to Bali’ at www.sharniquinn.com

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Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life. Buddha

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Buddhist RETREAT CENTRE Being at the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo, KwaZuluNatal is like floating on a cloud. It’s high above a valley with vistas of velvet hills, ancient cycads, wildflowers in all directions and home to the rare Blue Swallow – it’s a declared Natural Heritage Site and has an extraordinary peace-invoking sensibility.


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Anyone can go. Numerous retreats and programmes throughout the year invite a profound sense of gratitude, a refreshed mind, an altered attitude and a deep renewal of spirit. From Vipassana silent meditation to Qi gong, yoga, meaningful walks, birdwatching, prayer, heart opening ceremonies, sacred drumming, studies on wellbeing and so much more, the options are extensive with both structured programmes and self-retreats. Meandering through the many hectares of wilderness you’ll stumble across countless delights including a giant Buddha, an inviting labyrinth, Zen gardens, the deer park and Buddha Boma all of which conspire to engage you in contemplation and reflection. Cottages and lodges offer congenial accommodation and nesting opportunities with access to a meditation hall, library, lecture room and art studio. Vegetarian meals are lovingly prepared daily and eaten communally. We met up with the gregarious Louis Van Loon and his gorgeous wife Chrisi to find out how this most majestic and awe-inspiring Buddhist Retreat Centre came about. Louis shows up in the most delightful combination of mischievous playfulness, punctured with deep and serious profundity - and stories enough to fill a best-seller. Around about 1955, Louis was travelling in India and fell ill. It was a time when many of the Tibetan community were arriving in India to settle in the North. Most of them were starving and near death. “In those days,” Louis explained, “people in India were very poor and the poor Tibetans weren’t all that welcome.” When he went back the next year these Tibetan refugees were thriving. “They became affluent, they were joyful and creative. They had a sense of community, a great joy for living alongside courage and humility. And compassion. All the qualities the Dalai Lama exudes - qualities of the human spirit.” Being so impressed with the Tibetan sentiment attracted Louis to Buddhism. One particular occasion he walked down a hill and saw a couple who had not eaten for days with a piece of barley bread they were about to feast on. Without thinking, they offered to share their measly crust of bread. “That, to me was a sign of nobility,” muses Louis who delighted in their ‘joie de vivre’. “During that time, it was just after the war, people were disillusioned and atheism became popular. There were so many troubles of a religious nature going on at the time so I decided to become an active atheist.


Ixopo, Kwazulu-Natal

I began formulating an idea of what atheism would be like and as I did that, I found I became more and more Buddhist. I became a Buddhist without knowing it.” “Then when immersing myself more into Buddhism it was quite tricky as there were no South African Universities where one could study the philosophy.” Delving more into study, Louis went on to do his Masters in Buddhist Philosophy and wanted to make it available in South Africa. He remembers having an interview for a University post to teach Buddhism. “Highly educated teachers of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism were all sitting around the table asking me things like: What is the Buddhist view of the soul? That was also tricky as I presented Buddhism to them not as a religion but rather as a philosophy or way of life.” Louis ended up teaching in several Universities but mainly in Cape Town. Originally Louis was f rom Holland, although he never felt it was home, as it offered such a predictable life and, “I wanted to meet up with some danger”, he explained. “I was hoping for a bit of unpredictability.” And so after graduating as a Civil Engineer and Architect he headed to South Africa where he ‘got drunk on the beauty of the country’. He started the Vegetarian Society of South Africa, became an activist and infiltrated abattoirs with cameras. During his Civil Engineering career he saw a lot of Kwa-Zulu Natal and the view across the Valley of a Thousand Hills reminded him of Sri Lanka, a place he loved and spent a lot of time when he was

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It’s a place you can bring your thoughts and your poetry to heighten and enlighten or your angst and indecision to simply look at or leave against the hills. recovering f rom a serious illness he contracted in India. Wanting to bring the same sense of serenity he found in Sri Lanka, gave him a vision of the current Centre. “I bought the Ixopo property in the pouring rain and mist. Strange intuition always guided me to do crazy things. I couldn’t see a thing but after being driven to the gate by the estate agent I got out the car, wandered a few metres and said, I’ll buy it. I remember her shouting across the mist, “You idiot, you haven’t even seen it.” Driving along the dirt roads was precarious and nothing had been developed there yet. I had a clapped out old 1947 Land Rover and on weekends would go to auctions, collect building material and cart them to the property. Finally in 1980 I opened the centre and hosted a meditation retreat to one participant. There were two teachers and one student. Since then, the centre has grown and collected many accolades along the way. CNN featured the Buddhist Retreat Centre as one of the 10 finest meditation centres in the world. Chrisi is instrumental in compiling the programmes and inviting teachers. What makes the centre so appealing is the eclectic range of offerings. “We’ve even had a kite-making workshop for children,” she says. Louis always wanted to keep it relaxed and playful. It definitely has a Buddhist undertone although it’s a different kind of Buddhism, one that fits into South Af rica.

CONSTRUCTING THE GIANT BUDDHA. One of the many features is the giant Buddha perched in the garden. If you don’t know it’s there and you just come across it, it’s totally overwhelming. Amazingly, it was Louis himself who constructed the Buddha, and not without a story. “When it came to sculpting the mouth, I was lost. I had left it for so long because the mouth is so important and gives everything away that the Buddha stands for. The expression cannot be a smirk, it’s not a smile either. It needed to be engaging.

For weeks I deliberated and eventually approached a sculptor friend of mine. ‘I don’t dare’, he said. So, having no option but to do it myself, I spent days up on a scaffold until one day I fell to the ground and damaged my back. I had to be carried to my cottage where I spent weeks recovering. During this time I finally realised what that enigmatic smile is about – it’s about overcoming suffering. I had a corset made to protect my back, had myself hoisted to the

top and there I sat strapped onto the scaffold unable to climb up or down to check the proportions. Finally I finished it and I’m happily and immodestly pleased to say that it is one of the nicest Buddha faces I’ve come across – even in my travels in the East. What’s more, the story contains the Buddhist tenet that to live a meaningful life in relation to other people, you must first understand your own and others’ suffering.




BODHI KHAYA RETREAT CENTRE NEAR GANSBAAI This is no ordinary retreat – with a working community who contribute in every way to all aspects of the retreat, from housekeeping to teaching, Bodhi Khaya is supremely special. All visitors are invited to begin a journey of creating and participating in the space and forging a deeper relationship with themselves, with community and nature. The community is made up of people who live and work as custodians of the land and curators of the Bodhi Khaya experience. Many people experience Bodhi Khaya as a kind of ‘coming home’. It has a culture of inclusiveness and connectedness that brings a special kind of release and belonging. Many of the spiritual and self-discovery retreats held here have also contributed to a sense of serenity woven into the many beautiful spaces. Set on 217 hectares of pristine fynbos and milkwood forests near Gansbaai, Bodhi Khaya is home to diverse ecological treasures. You can enjoy all of this along one of the six hiking trails, or while dipping in the lily dam or salt pool. The meditation and yoga hall overlooks the gardens and the labyrinth (crafted in harmony with the floral eco-system, incorporating fynbos, aloes and indigenous plants), and the circular tipi-style event space represents creation – the sun, moon,

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turning of season and the cycle of life to death to rebirth. There’s also an opportunity to become part of the community, by volunteering for a participation programme with 40 hours a week of gardening, housekeeping, maintenance, kitchen, landscaping, retreat participation and hosting over a 28 day period. During that time, volunteers are treated to three vegetarian meals a day, prepared using ingredients grown in the garden, mentorship, meditation instruction and training on mindfulness, hospitality as well as an introduction to permaculture. It’s an introduction to true community living and time for healing and growing on your own journey. Personal retreats are a special highlight, allowing time and space to fully engage with the earth and your soul. With a choice of different accommodation styles, being the Cloister, Courtyard, Communal and Camping, one thing you’ll be assured of is a deep sense of peace and inclusiveness, surrounded by soulfully magnificent nature. The caring and truly community-minded space ensures you’ll be gently held in a safe space. Whether you are coming alone for time-out, scheduling a retreat, volunteering or simply coming to be in nature, Bodhi Khaya is a spiritual home with an invitation to feel nurtured and welcome.

Bodhi traditionally translated into English with the word enlightenment, although its literal meaning is closer to ‘awakening’. The Buddha was enlightened under what came to be known as the Bodhi Tree. Khaya comes from the African Nguni (Zulu) word ‘i-khaya’, meaning dwelling, abode, or home. Kaya is a Sanskrit word which means body in the sense of many qualities gathered together, joined and united as one - the embodiments of lovingkindness, compassion, wisdom and skilful means which appear in the world to help sentient beings.

HOST YOUR RETREAT AT BODHI KHAYA Winter is a perfect time to host a retreat and our beautiful facilities are ready to envelop you with fireside warmth and cozy rooms. Bodhi Khaya is offering up to 30% discount on rates for retreats from May until August 2019. Email Caron on info@bkr.co.za for more information

072 385 6978 www.bodhi-khaya.co.za

H12 LESHIBA ECO-LODGE & RETREAT IN LIMPOPO In a hidden valley on top of the Soutpansberg Mountains in Limpopo, you can spend time contemplating everything or nothing above the clouds surrounded by astonishing beauty. Leshiba is an eco-lodge and game reserve with an abundance of wildlife and a paradisiacal space to explore, relax, retreat or engage in adventure. If you want to lose yourself, there are numerous secret little places to hide or walk in meditation through the labyrinth, or solo hike on a well-marked trail. You could also spend peaceful hours in the permaculture garden and medicinal plant nursery, participate in game drives or guided bush walks and experience the archaeology and ancient Rock Art in rocky overhangs. Noria Mabasa, an internationally renowned local artist, has created a sculpted wonderland of artworks that seamlessly blend art and living spaces offering four different accommodation options: Venda Village Lodge, Luxury and Lavish Suites, Hamasha Bush Camp and Luvhondo. Leshiba offers an ‘Art of Life’ experience, a place to connect to yourself and to nature. It truly is a magical retreat, a garden of eden that you will long to return to time and again.

011 483 1841 | info@h12leshiba.co.za | www.h12leshiba.co.za

Come to Rivers ide... and exp er ience th e tr a nq u illity and s er enity of a bea ut iful pr oper ty with a p ea c e m er id ia n r unning thr ough o ur g r o und ...

Boutiq ue H otel with 2 c on f e re n c e ve n u e s hosting up to 120 gue sts a t a tim e . Ri v ers i de has ho s ted Kundalini Teacher Schools, Zhi neng Q ui g o ng retreats , World Life alignment C o nf erence, H o ng Ko ng Yoga Schools and co untl es s o ther ret reat s

Corner of Valley and Welbevind Road Hout Bay | Cape Town | 7806 +27 21 790 7475 reservations@riversideboutiquehotel.co.za

www. r i v e r s i de bo ut i q u e h o t e l . c o . za



Rituals to a warming Chakra Delight, you’ll definitely want to schedule this into your time spent at the hotel.

It’s iconic and there’s a reason for that. It’s been around for over sixty years and although beautifully modernised, has all its history intact. The Oyster Box is the darling of all hotels, it’s a definite treasure and upholds the beautiful service standards of yesteryear where you are absolutely assured all your needs are attended to in the most gracious way. It is majestically placed on Umhlanga’s beachf ront overlooking the Indian Ocean, just a few steps away from the lighthouse. With 86 luxurious rooms, the Oyster Box is a beautiful getaway that allows you to truly step out of your life and out of time.

Another highlight of theirs is the famous high tea, set in the gorgeous Palm Court, which boasts not only plant filtered dappled sunlight, but chandeliers that used to grace the ceilings of the Savoy in London. The high tea is a feast for the eyes and palate inviting you to spend time relaxing and listening to the live piano gently serenading in the background.

Peace is certainly what you’ll feel when visiting the spa, which is set in a luscious tropical garden and run on holistic principles, combining ancient wisdom and modern expertise. From Himalayan Salt

The Oyster Box is committed to eco principles, and all products used in the hotel are locally sourced and environmentally f riendly. Recycling and energy conservation are high on the list, and they consistently take part in beach clean-ups and community-based programmes to ensure sustainability. Stay for the weekend or simply visit the spa or book for their high tea or a memorable meal.

031 514 5000 | info@oysterbox.co.za | www.oysterbox.co.za

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Join us for the inaugural

GRANDE PROVENCE IN FRANSCHOEK From award winning wines and exquisite cuisine, to meticulously selected art and Cheetah encounters, staying at the Grande Provence is a truly unique and sensational experience. Silhouetted against the majestic mountains, deep within the heart of South Africa’s Winelands, lies the historic vineyards of Grande Provence Estate. Five minutes from the centre of Franschhoek and under an hour from Cape Town, the 17th century wine farm is the perfect escape from everyday life. As we entered the driveway, lined with rows upon rows of vibrant vines, we felt momentarily transported to the French countryside - a nod to the region’s Huguenot history - before glimpses of thick white-washed walls and thatched roofs rooted us back in South Af rica. This is a vineyard undeniably proud of its 325-year-old heritage. For overnight stays, there are two types of accommodation options, La Provençale or The Owner’s Cottage. I had the privilege of residing in the latter. Nestled in grounds shaded by rustling oaks, the cottage has four en-suite bedrooms, a deluxe suite, a lounge with open fireplace, and conservatory. The interior delicately treads the line between rustic and chic with soft charcoals and earthy furnishings balanced by an

eclectic array of traditional ornaments. Leading on from the conservatory is a charming country garden, patio and swimming pool. A sheltered den with a wood-burning fire takes the chill off cooler evenings. We took in the Grande Provence’s renowned and extensive art collection. The Gallery, one of the most highly regarded galleries in the Cape, exhibits a range of exquisite art - f rom prints and paintings to ceramics and traditional beadwork – f rom some of South Africa’s finest artists. At the restaurant, young chef Marvin Robyn, interweaves tradition with innovation in a delectable 4 or 5 course set menu. Each dish is a work of art. From Malay onions, oyster cream, smoked snoek and fish kaiings to tempura kale, broccoli and miso with ponzu dressing, we savoured every mouthful, hoping it would never end. Yet the ‘piece de resistance’ had to be the springbok rump, rich and velvety, accompanied by mielie pap, chakalaka, buchu and honey jus. The celeriac crème brulee, with its delicious nutty undertones, was a perfect end to a sensational meal. Equally delightful is the Grande Country Picnic, with everything f rom farm baked bread and Dalewood camembert to a heirloom garden salad and decadent brownie. As we sat at our red and white chequered picnic tables shaded by a leafy green oak, we sipped our wine and cherished the final moments of a truly wonderful and memorable stay.

Lokinwi Body Mind and Spirit Festival Lokinwi is leading the Body Mind and Spirit industry into the 21st century. Join us at this profile-shifting event as we all recreate the Body-Mind-Spirit space. LISTEN to inspirational speakers share their wisdom

CONNECT with exhibitors at the exhibition centre

READ the festival magazine, it’ll be on sale

EXPLORE the Psychic Readers’ Room

MOVE Your body with the movement modalities

Lokinwi Body Mind and Spirit Festival Riversands Incubation Hub,

14th and 15th September 2019





ANGALA RETREAT FRANSCHOEK ANGALA is the perfect place to attend or host a retreat. Whether joining a yoga weekend, a self-development immersion, meditation, learning a new skill, a hiking adventure, a nurturing spa experience or a deep break away, you’ll love everything Angala has to offer.

wellness destination. You can meditate in the ozonated solar heated pool with invigorating jets; swim lengths in the eco pool and settle in the infrared sauna and steam room.

Angala is rated as the top Getaway destination in the Cape Winelands by Getaway magazine

Twelve appointed rooms and cottages have everything you might need. Expect giant beds and quality linen. Look for their upcoming retreats, host one yourself or take yourself away on a self-retreat.

Incredible views of the Franschoek Valley and mountains surround the property. Many of the rooms offer a bath or shower under the stars. Each is a sanctuary filled with peace. Meals offer a bounty of treats with f resh produce from nearby farms. Healthy and tailormade options are available. It’s a deeply soothing and resplendant Corner R45 & Klapmuts Road, through the Vrede en Lust Farm, Simondium, Franschhoek. 021-874 1366 | 087-057 4500 reservations@angala.co.za | www.angala.co.za * Contact us for our incredible Winter Specials for South African Residents.

AKASHA MOUNTAIN RETREAT NEAR HEIDELBERG To absolutely unwind, disconnect and spend time in surreal beauty, Akasha Mountain Retreat is the perfect dreamscape. Many visitors have said it’s the most beautiful place on earth! With incredible panoramic views over the Langeberg Mountains and the secluded Duiwnhoks Dam, you can spend your days lazing in a Hammock on the Cape-Maroc style patio, hike through forest and fynbos or cycle through a magical bike trail. With the abundance of nature and trees, Akasha Mountain Retreat is a birdwatching haven. Outdoor activities include hikes, horse encounters, birdwatching, stargazing and swimming.

Marimbas and drums are provided for those with a musical bent and live instrumental guitar music is available on request. Being out in uninterrupted nature, stargazing is a must, with a dazzling display of the night sky. The main house and suite are designed for down-time, with enchanting décor offering a feeling of expansive and earthy glamour.

082 090 1741 | info@akasharetreat.co.za www.akasharetreat.co.za 150 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

It’s absolutely quiet and secluded offering off the grid relaxation you seldom find. You simply won’t ever want to leave. You can occupy the entire house all to yourself knowing the owners are nearby to attend to anything you may require. Akasha is an absolute experience destined to rejuvenate the most weary of souls.

CHERRY GLAMPING ELGIN VALLEY Turning left just after Peregrine Farm stall near Elgin outside Cape Town makes it so easy to get right out of the city into a nature-filled soulful space without having to drive too far. Cherry Glamping puts you firmly in touch with the woody smoke of warming bonfires, the fresh dewy scent of oxygen filled air, and the expansive landscape of possibilities. Garden hammocks invite you to curl up with a book while at the same time hiking trails invite you eagerly along contour trails. There’s something so fresh and organised about this beautifully constructed space. And total comfort comes so naturally. Browsing the common loungey area I found hot water bottles, yummy rusks with a supply of boiled water, tea and coffee next to comfy chairs and cushions. Magical fairies must have been keeping the fire going as it was always burning. And the glamping tents are so well equipped. They’re on platforms, have bedside lights, luxurious linen – it’s very easy to forget you’re in a tent. It’s the perfect place for a yoga retreat, a hiking weekend or a wine sipping breakaway.

Weddings, retreats, festivals, team-building functions, events, family gatherings, reunions. Anything is possible. www.cherryglamping.co.za




ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION Successful children of the future will be creative, confidant and empowered, and equipped to deal with modern day challenges. Here are some of the better-known alternative education establishments that have garnered much deserved airtime over the last decade, including: Montessori and Waldorf Schools.



Golden Gate National Park | Clarens | 012 428 9111 Free State Botanical Gardens | Bloemfontein | 051 436 3530

Baobab Montessori | Bryanston | 083 533 9401 Bryanston Montessori | Kensington B | 011 326 0367 Montessori Pre and Primary | Buccleuch | 011 802 4506 Calibre Education | Bryanston | 011 463 0966 Kids Town | Morningside Manor | 082 498 8507 Maria Montessori House | Chartwell | 011 460 1737 Michael Mount Waldorf | Bryanston | 011 706 6125 Nurture and Nature | Douglasdale | 011 705 3170 Nurture and Nature | Magaliesig | 011 465 1129 Montessori Pre-School | Sandown | 011 883 1946 The School of Modern Montessori | Linbro Park | 011 608 1584 The Village Waldorf School | Pretoria East | 012 345 3771 The Waldorf School | Mooiplaats | 012 802 1175


Ballito Montessori | Ballito | 032 525 7826 Hilton Montessori | Hilton | 033 343 3551 Roseway Waldorf | Hillcrest | 031 768 1309 Sunshine Montessori | Avoca | 031 565 0612 College of Modern Montessori | Durban | 031 767 4627


The Learning Mill | Polokwane | 071 570 9427 The Montessori Centre | Polokwane | 015 291 4568


Montessori Pre Primary |Rustenburg | 072 906 0282


Auburn House | Kenilworth | 021 797 7872 Beehive Montessori | Stellenberg | 021 919 4223 Carnegie House | Paarl | 021 872 7599 Constantia Waldorf School | Constantia | 021 794 2103 Gaia Waldorf School | Pinelands | 021 447 0546 Hermanus Waldorf School | Hermanus | 028 316 2938 Hout Bay Montessori | Hout Bay | 021 790 3309 Imhoff Waldorf School | Kommetje | 021 783 4237 Khanyisa Waldorf | Plumstead | 021 761 1709 Kids Company | Somerset | 021 851 0686 Knysna Montessori | Knysna | 044 382 5316 Michael Oak Waldorf School | Kenilworth | 021 797 9728 Montessor@Home | Paarl | 076 020 7921 Newberry House | Somerset West | 021 847 1585 Pinelands Montessori | Pinelands | 021 486 9035 Rainbow Montessori School | Durbanville | 021 975 4831 Ready Steady Grow | Cape Town | 021 531 7372 Stellenbosch Waldorf School | Stellenbosch | 021 881 3867


Virtual Schools | Online | 087 808 6972 Montessori Africa Schools | 011 792 4796


Makana Botanical Gardens | Grahamstown | 046 603 8240 Kwelera Botanical Gardens | Kwelera River Mouth | 012 843 5000



James & Ethel Gray Park | Abbotsford | 011 435 4727 The Wilds | Hougton | 011 643 2313 Rhodes Park | Kensington | 011 622 1829 Kloofendal Nature Reserve | Kloofendal | 011 760 9143 Rietfontein Nature Reserve | Rietfontein | 011 943 3578 Delta Park | Blairgowrie Darrenwood Dam | Cresta | 011 712 6600 Johannesburg Botanical Gardens | Emmarentia | 011 782 1193 Walter Sisulu Botanical Gardens | Roodepoort | 086 100 1278 Zoo Lake | Parkview | 011 483 1017 Pretoria National Botanical Gardens | Pretoria | 012 843 5071 Beechwood Gardens | Sandton | 082 406 0085 Brenthurst Gardens | Parktown | 011 646 4122

KWAZULU-NATAL National Botanical Gardens | Pietermaritzburg | 033 344 3585 Durban Botanic Garden | Durban | 031 322 4021 iSimangaliso Wetland Park | Sodwana Bay | 035 590 1633 Royal Natal Park | Drakensburg | 021 975 2189 Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve | Oribi Gorge | 033 845 1999


Thohoyandou Botanical Gardens | Thohoyandou | 015 962 4258


Lowveld National Botanical Garden | Nelspruit | 013 752 6216


University Botanical Gardens | Potchefstroom | 018 299 2753


Harold Porter Botanical Gardens | Bettys Bay | 028 272 9311 University Botanical Gardens | Stellenbosch | 021 808 3054 Garden Route Botanical Gardens | George | 044 874 1558 Karoo National Botanical Gardens | Worcester | 023 347 0785 Arderne Gardens | Claremont | 021 444 1697 Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens | Newlands | 021 799 8783 Platbos Indigenous Forest | Gansbaai | 082 411 0448 Newlands Forest | Table Mountain National Park | 021 712 0527 Diepwalle Forest | Knysna | 044 382 5510

ECO VILLAGES There’s an exciting movement towards community living, as the desire for meaningful connection increases in our increasingly demanding (and arguably) disconnected world. No matter what your age, race, gender or relationship status – eco villages are there for us to plug into.


Honeyville Nature Reserve | Humansdorp | 042 295 1417 Bulungula Lodge | Coffee Bay | 047 577 8900 Crossways Farm Village | Thornhill | 042 286 0939 152 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

Khula Dhamma Retreat Centre | Haga Haga | 073 534 9018 Kuthumba | The Crags | 083 581 0832 Terra Khaya | Hogsback | 082 897 7503 Wild Spirit | Nature’s Valley | 082 828 8008

Water Rhapsody | Cape Town | 021 531 9864 Waterquest | Cape Town | 076 438 1024


Earthrise Mountain Lodge | Ficksburg | 087 808 2709 Nebo Mountain Lodge | Ficksburg | 083 766 5552

FARMERS MARKETS Get the freshest of the fresh, seasonal, organic, locally grown produce and live sustainably. Support your local farmers by doing your weekly shop at one of these incredible spaces, while also enjoying a great family day out.



Cresset House | Midrand | 011 314 1148


Umphakatsi Peace Ecovillage | Nelspruit | 079 766 5803

Back To Earth Night Market | Port Elizabeth | 083 572 1858 Lavender Blue Market | East London | 043 732 1172 Porterville Market | Port Elizabeth | 084 049 5757 Tea in the Tree’s | Chintsa | 072 611 2367



Happy Toes | Groot Marico | 073 319 3713 Tlholego Village | Rustenburg | 072 638 8580


Blue Hippo | Greyton | 083 359 3270 Blue Rock Village | Somerset West | 021 300 1722 Bodhi Khaya | Gansbaai | 072 385 6978 Green Canvas of Light | Wilderness | 044 883 1020 Green Guerillas | Sunnydale | 021 785 7704 Oude Molen Eco Village | Pinelands | 066 042 0062 The Lynedoch Eco Village | Lynedoch | 021 881 3500 Xhabbo Village | Swellendam | 082 441 7827

GREEN BUILDING From solar installations to rain water harvesting, take steps to make your home more sustainable by engaging with some of these service providers.

EASTERN CAPE Genergy | Port Elizabeth | 086 115 9159 Neterby Solar | Walmer | 041 581 4087 Bloem Solar | Bloemfontein | 083 300 4618 Solar Earth | Kimberly | 051 831 236


Aquaperm | Kempton Park | 011 975 0170 Eco Log Homes | Randburg | 011 462 0308 Nambi Log Homes | Wonderboom | 012 543 2057 One Energy | Benoni | 012 667 5890 Solar Lanterns | Woodmead | 011 234 4501 Solar Ray | Midrand | 011 065 6500 The Flooring Company | Boksburg | 011 894 3545 Wetlands Pools | Gauteng & Cape Town | 082 900 5691


Artsolar | Durban | 031 100 1019 Solartech | Midlands | 0861 618 618

MPUMALANGA PowerEnergy | White River | 013 750 2676 Solar Focus | White River | 013 750 2470

NORTH WEST Solar North West | Rustenburg | 072 187 2996

WESTERN CAPE Akwasolv | Kommetjie | 082 903 4457 D & G Maintenance | Somerset West | 082 074 539 Eco Pools | Plumstead | 021 761 3759 Eco-Design Architects | Woodstock |021 447 1528 Gardenrest | Fish Hoek | 082 495 7997 Lead Sun | Paarl | 021 418 0237 Pure Rain Technologies | Cape Town | 0861 111 4307

Clarens Country Market | Clarens | 058 256 1692 Hartelus Market | Parys | 082 641 9618 Langenhovenpark | Bloemfontein | 084 919 1676


Organic & Natural Market| Bryanston | 011 706 3671 Fourways Market | Fourways | 010 534 6622 Food & Farmers Market | Melville | 082 808 9471 Farmers Market | Modderfontein | 073 234 9994 Olympus Farmers Market | Pretoria | 084 858 6141 Riversand Farm | Midrand | 082 927 9675 Sylvia’s Market | Observatory | 0861 666 166 Walkerville Farmers Market| De deur | 079 076 7680


Dargle Country Market | Howick | 082 561 0757 Drummond Farmers Market | Drummond | 079 317 7579 Karkloof Farmers Market | Howick | 082 851 8649 Farmers Market | Pitermaritzburg | 082 886 0687 Shongweni Farmers Market | Hillcrest | 031 777 4686


Mina’s Art Cafe and Farm Venue | Magoebaskloof Mountains | 083 980 8433 The Farmyard Trading Post | Polokwane | 015 296 0217

MPUMALANGA BFM | Hazyview | 013 750 0469 Casterbridge Country Market | White River | 013 751 1540 The Malalane Market | Malelane | 084 252 4194

NORTHWEST Jasmyn Farmstall | Hartebeespoort | 012 259 1183

WESTERN CAPE Cape Town Market | Cape town | 021 531 1840 Earth Fair Market | Tokai | 082 738 1779 Gansbaai Farmers Market | Gansbaai | 028 384 1439 Harkerville Market | Plettenberg Bay | 084 510 9939 Oranjezicht Farmers Market | Granger Bay | 083 628 3426 Outeniqua Farmers Market | George | 076 781 3621 Porterville Farmers Market | Porterville | 084 049 5757 Stellenbosch Slow Market | Stellenbosch | 081 831 3011 Vegan Goods Market | Plumstead | 084 423 3771 Wild Oats Farmers Market | Sedgefield | 044 883 1177

HEALTH FOOD CAFÉS From family owned whole food cafes to the trendiest vegan hotspots we highlight some of our favourite foodie hangouts where you’re guaranteed to find healthy, moreish options that don’t cost the earth.

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EASTERN CAPE Nina’s Real Food | Jeffrey’s Bay | 042 296 0281 Lavender Blue Market | East London | 043 732 1172 Fynboshoek Cheese | Tsitsikamma | 072 342 0445

FREE STATE O’s Restaurant | Parys | 056 811 3683


Lexi’s Healthy Eatery | Sandown | 083 300 2120 Fruits & Roots | Bryanston | 011 463 2928 The Greenside Café | Greenside | 011 646 3444 Free Food | Melrose | 082 406 4699 The Fussy Vegan | Craighall | 060 716 6029 Leafy Greens | Muldersdrift | 010 595 4563 Conscious | Greenside | 011 646 7250 Jacksons Real Food Market | Bryanston | 011 463 1598 Govindas | Midrand | 060 625 4791

KWAZULU-NATAL Hare Krishna Govindas | Longcrof | 031 507 6559 Vrushiks | Briadene | 031 573 1322


Wild Sprout | Kenilworth | 082 532 2619 Plant | Cape Town | 072 521 9252 Whole Earth Café | Cape Town | 021 780 1138 Nourish’d | Cape Town | 064 755 2431 Foliage | Franschoek | 021 876 2328 Raw and Roxy | Cape Town | 079 599 6277 Green & Vegan | Cape Town | 083 293 5501 Paradise Organic | Swellendam | 083 454 2237 Brownies & Downies | Cape Town | 021 200 0459 The Real Food Company | Prince Albert | 082 319 7031 Zucchini | Sedgefield | 082 811 1195 Mary Anns | Cape Town | 021 856 2500 Vegan Kitchen | Knysna | 082 061 3166

HEALTH SHOPS There seem to be an increasing number of health shops popping up around the country, making the ‘healthy’ alternative more accessible. Some have taken it even further, banning plastic and opting for the most earth friendly choices possible. We love our growing community of wellness advocates!


HealthWise | East London | 043 726 7685 The Wholefood Store | East London | 043 735 1098 Health Hut | George | 044 873 2649 Pow Wow Health & Bookstore | George | 044 874 0025 Health & Living | George East | 044 871 0765 Mustard Seed Health Shop | Grahamstown | 046 636 1496 Nature’s Own Pharmacy | Humewood Port Elizabeth | 041 363 8555 Health Support Centre | Jeffreys Bay | 042 293 3704 Vitality Health Shop | Uitenhage | 041 992 2867 Little Miracle |Kimberley | 053 832 7294 Health Shop | Newton Park | 041 365 2185 Elemental | Port Elizabeth | 041 384 504 Health Wise | Port Elizabeth | 041 585 3029 The Body Bar | Port Elizabeth | 041 360 9541


Lauren’s Natural Health Centre | Bethlehem | 051 303 8361 Emagenes Westdene | Bloemfontein | 051 430 7775 Let’s Eat Right | Bloemfontein | 051 447 8560 Let’s Eat Right | Bloemfontein | 051 436 7070 The Sunflower Shop | Parys | 056 817 6217 Nature’s Way Health Shop | Welkom | 057 352 4371


Helping Hands Health Shop | Bedfordview | 011 616 2514 Nutri-balance Centre | Benmore | 011 883 3602 Healthways Rynfield Terrace | Benoni | 011 969 5431 Natural Health Centre | Benoni| 011 849 0680 Splendour Health & Beauty | Roodepoort | 011 475 2700 The Health Hubb | Roodepoort | 011 475 7426 Physique | Cresta | 011 678 1212 Sage and Thyme | Cresta | 011 678 2915 Natural Remedies Centre | Centurion | 012 663 1838 One Life Health Foods | Centurion | 012 665 1934 Body Conscious | Boksburg | 011 826 6841 Health Habits | Boksburg | 011 913 3004 Natural Life | Brooklyn | 012 469 159 The Crazy Nut | Brooklyn | 012 460 2874 Fruits & Roots | Bryanston | 011 463 2928 Nature’s Garden Health Shop | Edenvale | 011 542 5043 The Natural Health Shop | Pretoria | 012 991 4808 The Fig and Olive Health Shop | Fordsburg | 011 834 3581 Natural Health & Beauty Health | Fourways | 011 465 2342 Neal’s Yard | Fourways | 011 465 9962 Nutri-Force | Fourways | 011 465 0933 The Body Connection | Germiston | 011 824 0488 The Health Shop | Heidelberg | 016 349 6623 Hippocrates Nutri-herb | Kempton Park | 011 394 4414 Ultimate Health | Kempton Park | 011 391 2058 Health Works | Hyde Park | 011 325 5168 Balfour Park Health Shop | Highlands North | 011 786 9539 Health Oasis Lynnwood | Pretoria | 012 361 6619 Health Shop | Lynnwood | 012 348 6110 Melrose Natural Remedies | Melrose | 011 887 5041 Nature’s Pharmacy | Melville | 011 726 3496 Spa Afrique | Melville | 011 726 2108 Healthways | Menlo Park | 012 460 8282 Health Yard | Menlyn Park | 012 348 6398 Body Conscious | Alberton | 011 867 2693 Tranquility Health Shop | Meyerton | 082 257 3843 Nature’s Way | Vereeniging | 016 454 8644 Frutti Nutti Health Shop | Vereeniging | 016 422 3421 Health Perfect | Midrand | 011 315 2155 Health Equilibrium | Montana | 012 548 0933 Health Crossings | Montana | 012 548 4488 Howard’s Health | Monument Park | 012 346 0920 One Life | Moreletta Park | 012 993 2159 Body Conscious | North Riding | 011 794 2414 Reform Haus | North Riding | 011 794 1873 Organic Wholefood | Parkhurst | 011 788 7257 Tyrone Avenue Pharmacy | Parkview | 011 646 3818 Arcadia Health Shop | Pretoria | 012 326 1227 Health Wise | Pretoria | 012 332 4504 Jemonice Health Shop | Pretoria North | 012 546 8022 Health Matters | Randburg | 011 787 9776 Health Thyme | Randburg | 011 789 3322 Best of Nature | Randpark Ridge | 011 791 1743 Nutri-balance Centre | Rosebank | 011 327 5338 Weleda Pharmacy Rosebank | 011 442 7407 Bunny’s Health Shop | Rosettenville | 011 435 3558 Nuts About Health | Roodepoort | 011 958 2723 Grass Roots | Sandton | 011 884 7220 Health And Herb Centre | Sandton | 011 783 7906 Nutri-balance Centre | Sandton | 011 784 9249 Reform Haus | Sandton | 011 802 1706 Zest For Health | Southdale | 011 680 1592 Health for All | Westonarea | 011 753 3434 Bahati Health & Info Centre | White River | 013 751 1679 Sports Supplement & Health Shop | Woodmead | 011 802 8402


Basically Health | Amanzimtoti | 031 916 1125 154 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t

Fit as a Fiddle | Amanzimtoti | 031 903 6709 The Feel Good Shop | Berea | 031 201 8169 Natural Foods & Health | Bluff | 031 467 0048 Health Box | Durban | 031 305 2890 Health Box | Durban | 031 201 7212 Health Fare | Durban | 031 309 5920 Zach’s Living Wholefood | Westville | 031 266 9479 Health Sure | Durban Central |031 301 5654 Health Fare | Durban Central | 031 305 5896 The Health Shop | Durban Central | 031 306 1198 Basically Health | Durban North | 031 564 1318 Body and Health | Durban North | 031 563 1911 Health On Broadway | Durban North | 031 563 8104 The Earthworm | Durban North | 031 563 0346 Health & Beauty Centre | Empangeni | 135 772 1131 Natural Health Centre | Durban | 031 767 1690 The Health Cove Glenwood | Durban | 031 201 8769 Hillary Health Shop | Durban | 031 463 3329 Food For Thought | Hillcrest | 031 765 2071 Future Health | Hillcrest | 031 765 1845 Hillcrest Health Shop | Hillcrest | 031 765 7794 Total Health Shop Howick | Durban | 033 330 3045 Health Wise | Kloof | 031 764 0472 Health World | Kloof | 031 764 1846 Natural Health Centre | Ladysmith | 036 637 5379 Health Fare | Margate | 039 317 1700 Health Essentials | Malvern| 031 464 0667 Montclair Health shop | Montclair | 031 913 2920 Green Earth Health Shop | Mosselbay | 044 690 5700 Carjo Health | Musgrave | 013 201 5904 Energy & Health | Newcastle | 034 312 6836 Healthy Alternative | Newcastle | 034 315 2273 Macrobiotic Health Shop | Pietermaritzburg | 033 342 8489 Nature’s Pantry | Pietermaritzburg | 033 394 7420 Nu Health | Pietermaritzburg | 033 345 3188 Nutri-Action | Pietermaritzburg | 033 394 4170 Full Of Beans | Pinetown | 031 702 6072 Health on Springfield | Pinetown | 031 701 0561 Die Gesondheidswinkel | Pongola | 082 601 5799 Better Bodies Health Studio | Queensburg | 031 464 6457 Health & Beauty Centre | Richards Bay | 035 753 4078 Heritage Health Shop | Richards Bay | 035 789 0175 Country Health | Rosetta | 033 337 367 Scottburgh Health Shop | Scottburgh | 039 976 2978 Wareings Health Store | Shelley Beach | 039 315 0796 Healthy Attitude | Umhlanga | 031 561 4270 Healthy Life | Umhlanga | 031 566 3022 Healthy Living | Umhlanga | 031 572 2664 Millenium 3 | Umhlanga | 031 561 7400 Umhlanga Health Shop | Umhlanga | 031 561 4694 Health & Herb | Underberg | 033 701 1577 Waterfall Health Shop | Waterfall | 031 763 3594 Carjo Health | Westville | 031 265 0118 Westville Health Shop | Westville | 031 266 5397


Health & Beauty | Pietersburg | 015 295 3153


The Good Food Shop | Nelspruit | 013 755 1091 One Life | Nelspruit | 013 741 2420 Nature Health Shop | Witbank | 013 656 0661


Kasha Health Shop | Swakopmund | 09264 644 00367 Natural Health Centre | Windhoek | 09264 612 54849


One Life | Klerksdorp | 082 710 6379

Only Natural | Klerksdorp | 018 462 8040 Pain Clinic & Health Store | Klerksdorp | 018 464 3610 Hennies Herbal | Health Potchefstroom | 018 297 0435


Martin’s Health Store | Strand | 021 419 1448 The Froot | Century City | 021 551 7842 The Natural Route | Kenilworth | 021 671 2469 The Natural Route | N1 City | 021 595 2233 The Natural Route | Kloof St | 021 426 5696 Healthy Life | Waterfront | 021 421 5443 Simply Natural | Century City | 021 551 2931 Natural Remedies | Claremont | 021 683 1465 The Good Stuff | Claremont | 021 674 4380 Human Nature | Constantia | 021 794 5078 Health Connection | Diep River | 021 715 6697 Earth Essence | Fish Hoek | 021 782 4012 Natural Health | Hermanus | 028 316 2616 The Village Health Shop | Hermanus | 028 312 1308 Strictly Natural | Heidelberg | 016 349 6721 Health & Sport Clinic | Mosselbay | 044 693 0514 Health Connection | Hout Bay | 021 790 8770 Wheelers Health Shop | Hout Bay | 021 790 3136 Health Focus |Knysna | 044 382 1722 Healths Bells | Knysna | 044 982 7931 Lesley’s Natural Remedies | Knysna | 044 382 5828 Die Gesondheidswinkel | Kuilsrivier | 021 903 8785 For Goodness Sake | Melkbos Strand | 021 553 4790 For Goodness Sake | Milnerton | 021 551 1566 Nature’s Lore | Noordhoek | 021 785 2977 Betterway Living Health Shop | Oudtshoorn | 044 272 7472 Roodeberg Health Shop | Paarl | 021 871 1034 Human Nature | Plettenberg Bay | 044 533 2465 Country Health and Art | Riversdale | 028 713 3633 Health Fayre | Rondebosch |021 685 3288 Health Matters | Sea Point | 021 434 5490 Nature’s Den | Somerset West | 021 851 6722 The Village Health Shop | Somerset Mall | 021 8523733 Inyanga | St Francis Bay | 042 294 0031 Die Boord Health Shop | Stellenbosch | 021 887 9400 Nature’s Way Health Shop | Stellenbosch | 021 887 5742 Majha’s Corner Health Shop | Swellendam | 028 514 1744 Nature’s Deli | Table View | 021 557 1420 Health 2 You | Tokai | 021 713 1380/9 The Constantia Co-op | Tokai | 021 794 4997 Vita Kem | Tygervalley | 021 914 2431 Bioharmony Health Shop | Wynberg | 021 797 8629

HOT SPRINGS Bathing in a hot spring truly is a profound spiritual experience, offering nourishment to the mind, body and spirit. Immerse yourself in these mineral rich natural waters and soften into a deep relaxation as you quietly drift away.

EASTERN CAPE Fish Eagle Spa | Aliwal North | 051 634 2450

KWAZULU-NATAL Gooderson Natal Spa Hot Springs | Paulpietersburg | 034 9950300


Klein Kariba | Bela Bela | 014 736 9800 Tshipise | 015 539 0634 Warmbaths Resort | Bela Bela | 014 736 8500

MPUMALANGA Badplaas | Baberton | 017 844 8000

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Riemvasmaak Hot Springs | Augrabies

WESTERN CAPE Avalon Springs |Montagu | 023 614 1906 Caledon Springs | Caledon | 028 214 5100 Calitzdorp Spa | Calitzdorp | 044 213 3371 Goudini Spa | Breede River Valley | 023 349 8100 The Baths | Citrusdal | 022 921 8026 Warmwatersberg Spa | Warmwatersberg | 028 572 1609

The Play Shed | Pinelands | 021 801 0141

LABYRINTHS Walk a Labyrinth and learn how to calm your mind and get some reflection. You’ll be spoilt for choice with many options to explore around the country.


Cedar Guest House | Baviaanskloof | 044 923 1751 Obesa Nursery | Graaf-Reniet | 083 446 8689 St. Francis Health Centre & Spa | Port Alfred | 046 625 0927 Mindful Meditation Centre | Port Elizabeth | 041 379 5511 KIDDIES PLAY Having fun and getting active doesn’t need to stop when you have kiddies. Wild Goose Labyrinth & Hermitage | Hogsback | 045 962 1070 There is an array of outdoor parks, arty centres and play sanctuaries at The Edge Mountain Retreat | Hogsback | 045 962 1159

our disposal which will surely get your little ones feeling joyful and creative.


Holmeleigh Farmyard | Port Elizabeth | 041 379 2901 Kaperjolle | Kroonstad | 072 381 5811


Die Buiteplaas | Bloemfontein | 072 143 4030


Gnu Kids | Muldersdrift | 074 920 7786 Jozix | Bryanston | 082 456 2358 Jungle Joes | Bramley | 011 887 1771 Kids Unleashed | Alberton | 011 869 8246 Kidz Fun House | Edenvale | 082 560 5805 Kidzville | Kempton Park | 083 463 1429 Kinglets & Queenies | Ruimsig | 079 736 7113 Lory Animal & Owl Sanctuary | Midrand | 011 315 7307 Monkey Tricks | Pretoria | 082 558 2928 Old Macdonald | Lanseria | 010 110 1446 Plasie | Flora Park | 082 575 6117 PWC Bike Park | Bryanston | 010 591 9273 Rhino & Lion Park | Pelindaba | 011 957 0349 Spaanyard | Honeydew | 082 869 2385 The Art Farm | Alewynspoort | 079 208 8716 TumbleBugz | Benoni | 072 279 0336 WiJump | Brakpan | 011 915 0614


Animal Farm Yard | Hillcrest | 031 765 2240 Flag Animal Farm | Durban | 032 947 2020 Go Bananaz | Amamzimtoti | 084 565 2116 Sugar Rush Park | Ballito | 060 997 9996 Umeni River Bird Park | Durban North | 031 579 4601


Jump for Joy | Rustenburg | 084 408 4648 Thabakwena | Modimolle | 073 466 7113


The Splat Company | Nelspruit | 076 942 0502


Die Geel Bus Kinderpartytjie | Potchefstroom | 082 783 3770 Monkey Sanctuary | Hartebeespoort Dam | 012 258 9904


Bugz Play Park | Kraaifontein | 021 988 8836 Cool Runnings | Tygervalley | 021 949 4439 Giraffe House | Stellenbosch | 021 884 4506 Happy Valley | George | 044 873 0046 Imhof Farm | Kommetjie | 021 783 4545 Opikopi | Durbanville | 021 976 6788 The Blue Train Park | Mouille Point | 084 314 9200 156 | h o l i s t i c a . n e t


Larens van der Post Memorial | Philippolis | 051 522 2569 Spiritual & Chakra Labyrinth | Oranjeville | 082 905 7441


Secret Garden | Honeydew | 073 795 2174 The Grange | Benoni | 083 561 5281 Insight Training Centre | Kyalami | 011 464 2173 Sedida Mountain Retreat | Pretoria | 012 259 0170 Magic Garden Centre | Vereeniging | 016 428 3390


Shanbhala Labyrinth | Ashburton | 033 326 1919 Koinonia Conference Centre | Durban | 031 777 1446 Rietvelei Farm | Estcourt | 082 558 1682


Boondocks Mountain Lodge | Kaapmuiden | 082 808 2733


Lost City Maze | Rustenburg | 014 552 1946 Celtis Lodge | Magaliesburg | 076 166 9123 Margert Roberts Herb Farm | Magaliesburg | 012 504 2121 Chakra Vyuha Classcal Labyrinth | Rustenburg | 014 592 8911 Good Shepard Retreat | Hartebeespoort Dam | 012 259 1222


Plant Maze | Franschoek | 084 880 8564 Milkwood Maze | Kommetjie | 084 880 8564 Prickly Pear Maze | Simondium | 021 863 3852 Hedge Maze | George | 044 870 7123 Plett Puzzle Park | Plettenberg Bay | 044 534 8853 Platbos Forest | Gansbaai | 082 411 0448 Temenos | McGregor | 023 625 1871 Daisy Labyrinth | Paarl | 081 797 7679 Lemonshoek | Barrydale | 028 572 1643 St George’s Cathedral | Cape Town | 021 424 7360 Robben Island | Cape Town | 021 413 4200 Earth Temple | Hout Bay | 021 790 1366

OUTDOOR ADVENTURE From Canopy tours to wolf sanctuaries and epic sky diving experiences, there is no shortage of ‘thrill seekers’ stoking our adventurous spirit and stirring up feelings of wanderlust!


AfriCanyon River Adventures | The Crags | 044 534 8055 Skydive Plettenberg Bay | Plettenberg Bay | 082 905 7440 Sundays River Adventures | Colchester | 071 185 6565 Tsitsikamma Canopy Tour | Tsitsikamma | 042 281 1836 Tsitsikamma Falls Adventure | Tsitsikamma | 042 280 3770 Untouched Adventures | Storms River | 073 130 0689 Garden Route Wolf Sanctuary | Plettenberg Bay | 074 303 0657 Tsitsikamma Wolf Sanctuary | Witelsbos | 082 956 4175

Knysna Elephant Park | Knysna | 044 532 7763


Jozi Tours | Johannesburg | 011 025 5840 MoAfrika | Johannesburg | 082 506 9641 Magaliesberg Canopy Tour | Magaliesberg | 079 492 0467


Drakensberg Adventures | Mkhomazi | 033 702 0330 Durban Green Corridor | Blue Lagoon | 031 322 6026 Durban Skydive Centre | Estone | 072 214 6040 Drakensberg Canopy Tour | Drakensberg | 083 661 5691 Karkloof Canopy Tour | Howick | 033 330 3415


Acacia Africa | Killarney Gardens | 021 556 1157 African Budget Safaris | Hout Bay | 021 791 0878 Detour Africa | Cape Town | 021 424 1115 Garden Route Adventure Centre | Mossel Bay | 044 691 3184 Guru Tours | Helderberg | 061 479 4097 Nomad Tours | Strand | 021 426 5445 Dragon Dune | Mossel Bay | 082 971 1405 South African Youth Travel | Roggebaai | 065 875 0463 Cape Canopy Tour | Vyeboom | 021 300 0501 Monkey Town | Somerset West | 021 858 1060 World of Birds | Hout Bay | 021 790 2730

Ukuvuna Urban Farming | Midrand | 011 805 7768 Watercombe Farm | Chartwell | 083 381 9103 Windy Willows | Honeydew | 079 492 2549 LVG Plants | Hekpoort | 010 591 6858 Margaret Roberts | De Wildt | 012 504 2121


Blackwoods | Athlone | 033 342 1180 Bloomingdales Garden | Hinton Grove | 031 564 5859 CJMGrowers | Ballito | 082 775 1224 Coastal Nurseries | Margate | 039 312 2627 Enchanting Gardens | Kloof | 031 764 1156 Grovida | Briardene | 031 205 2872 Indigro | Linkhills | 031 763 3045 Maric Nursery | Umhlali | 082 456 8092 Nkosi Nursery | Howick | 033 330 5857 Palms & Tropicals | Westville | 031 267 1111 Sebenza Farm | Margate | 039 312 0378 Sunshine Seedlings | Scottsville | 033 390 3047 Sutherland Seedlings | Ixopo | 039 834 1953 The Mushroom Farm | Assagay | 031 768 2143 Tuinhuise Nursery | Ladysmith | 036 637 5280 Twinstreams Indigenous | Mtunzini | 082 776 8128 Watersmeet Farm | Richmond | 033 212 1283 Zululand Nurseries | Eshowe | 082 327 1698


PLANT NURSERIES There is a special kind of bliss that takes over when you’re in a large space filled with vibrant green plants. One instantly feels at ease and re-energised by the natural sensory experience. It’s also the ideal space for the kids to ‘get lost’ and immerse themselves into some of nature’s wonders.

Callidendron | Polokwane | 083 501 1039 Rosy Adeniums | Phalaborwa | 082 922 0026 Van Niekerk Nursery | Polokwane | 015 291 1272



Obesa Nursery | Graaf Reniet | 079 496 8067


Alma Nursery | Welkom | 057 392 1940 Greenside | Bloemfontein | 076 982 7375 Pretty Gardens Centre | Bloemfontein | 051 451 1069


Colourful Group | Honeydew | 011 794 5733 Eckards | Bedfordview | 011 453 8573 Fleurtation Garden | Broadacres | 064 019 7399 Flutterby Nursery | Midrand | 082 658 1136 Garden Delights | Kyalami | 083 441 0611 Garden Shop | Broadacres | 011 465 6485 Garden World | Muldersdrift | 011 957 2047 Gariep Nursery | Faerie Glen | 012 991 2988 Grow Wild | Midrand | 011 465 8857 Hecker Nursery | Boskburg | 011 894 3634 Hillcrest Wholesale | Linbro Park | 011 458 6016 Indigo Garden Centre | Carlswald | 011 702 3160 Instant Trees Nursery | Germiston | 011 906 9901 Kazimingi | Benoni | 079 871 8829 Lifestyle | Randpark Ridge | 011 792 5616 Ludwigs Roses | Midrand | 012 544 014 Majestic Nursery | Germiston | 082 413 5989 Marvellous Orchid | Lynwood | 012 348 5037 Nicolas Plants | North Riding | 083 229 2697 Peebles Plants | Randburg | 011 708 2181 Plant Paradise | Moreleta Park | 012 998 5480 Plantland Akasia | Akasia | 012 942 8714 Random Harvest | Muldersdrift | 084 553 0598 Sawasdee Bonsai & Orchids | Midrand | 082 959 4296 Sterlig Nursery | Roodepoort | 011 764 1014 The Farm Nursery | Fourways | 076 342 3310


Montana Garden & Pet | Nelspruit | 013 741 4612

Afralia Flora Nursery | Hartebeespoort | 083 555 8040 Garden Fun | Hartebeespoort | 012 259 0900 Impala Nursery | Hartebeespoort | 084 014 2965 Siyakula Nursery | Hartebeespoort | 076 639 7949 Plantae | Brits | 084 752 6823 Serenity Farm | Brits | 061 748 2456 The Garden Bridge | Klerksdorp | 081 589 6540


Groenmyn Kwerkery | Kimberly | 082 496 9222


Elands Nursery | Rocklands Elands | 041 955 5671 Succulents on Cape | Port Elizabeth | 041 360 2778 Witbos Nursery | Kenton-on Sea | 082 960 9248 Mnandi Nursery | Mnandi | 082 850 9852 Bargain plants | George | 073 141 2876 Cape Garden | Somerset West | 021 858 1157 Defynne | Nursery Paarl | 021 869 846 Duckitt Nurseries | Darling | 022 492 2602 Fisk | Muldersvlei | 021 884 4313 Good Hope Gardens Nursery | Cape Point | 060 509 4288 Harry Goemans Garden Centre | Sunnydale | 021 785 3201 Hart Nursery | Ottery | 021 703 8689 Kraaibosch | George | 044 889 0092 New Horizon Nursery | Newlands | 021 551 7010 New Plant Nursery | Victoria Bay | 044 889 0055 Nonke Plants | Stellenbosch | 021 887 6972 Olive Branch Nursery | Wellington | 021 873 6503 Paarl Nursery | Paarl | 021 863 1036 Plantify Gardens |Kloof Nek | 065 161 2215 Sea Point Nursery | Sea Point | 021 434 8873 Soil4Life | Constantia | 021 794 4982 Steyns Nursery | Stellenbosch | 079 562 9491 h o l i s t i c a . n e t | 157

The Orchard Nursery | Klapmuts | 060 919 3939 Rusty Barrow | Joostenberg Vlakte | 072 605 5743 Tulbagh Nursery | Tulbagh | 023 230 069


SPIRITUAL SANCTUARIES Looking for a place to retreat and renew your spirit? Check out some of the top local, spiritual havens that have inspired mindful seekers to make numerous return trips on their quest for inner peace and stillness.


Landela Camp | Rocklands | 083 265 3289 St Luke’s Retreat | Port Elizabeth | 041 373 0039


Heronbridge Retreat | Nooitgedacht | 072 738 3056 Melody Hill Retreat | Magaliesburg | 083 501 8406 Mohale Rest & Retreat | Pretoria North | 083 288 8478 Nan Hua Retreat | Bronkhorstspruit | 013 931 0009 Rocky Valley Christian Centre | Krugersdorp | 011 954 3598 Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre | Craighall Park | 078 530 8116


Dharmagiri | Underberg | 082 473 5525 Kadampa Meditation Centre | Durban | 031 266 0096 Solitude Retreat Centre | Midlands | 082 465 1514 The Bhuddist Retreat Centre | Ixopo | 087 809 1697 Waterfall Retreat & Environmental Centre | Waterfall | 079 516 0071 Pumula Retreat | Umzumbe | 079 767 8699


Emoyeni Retreat Centre | Mooinooi | 082 308 1533


Akasha Retreat | Heidelberg | 082 09 1741 Beulah Christian Retreat | Wellington | 084 254 6455 Bodhi Khaya | Overberg | 028 388 0156 Center for Christian Spirituality | Parow | 021 939 3943 Kagyu Samye Dzong | Kenilworth | 021 761 2978 Schoenstatt Retreat & Conference | Constantia | 021 794 3132 Temenos Retreat | McGregor | 023 625 1871 Tushita Kadampa Meditation | Observatory | 021 447 1650 Vipassana Association | Worcester | 023 004 0147 Volmoed | Hermanus | 028 312 1282 Blue Hippo | Caledon | 021 202 2756 Long Valley Farm | Robertson | 023 626 6836


Lotus lifestyle Group | Bryanston | 084 4998 944 Lunula Yoga Studio | Midrand | 082 955 2282 Lion Yoga | Muldersdrift | 082 441 3810 Earth Yoga Studio | Kyalami | 071 361 8656 Living Yoga | Craighall | 074 148 3350 The Studio | Johannesburg | 083 391 1311 The Art of Movement | Randburg | 011 486 0638 Sivananda School of Yoga | Parkview | 011 646 4084 Balance | Edenvale | 084 917 7463 Harmony House | Parkwood | 082 900 5356 Yoga Warrior | Rosebank | 082 559 6713 Hot Pod Yoga | Linden | 076 484 7216


Limber Lotus Studio | Kloof | 072 335 1522 Hot Yoga Durban | Berea | 072 018 0544 Jivananda Centre | Durban North | 031 563 3773 Inner Wellness Studio | Musgrave | 079 262 3877 Monsoon Yoga | Westville | 078 308 1835 Durban Yoga Shala | Musgrave | 083 661 5797 Oneness Yoga Studio | Westville | 076 905 8490 Surfsup Yoga | Durban | 082 777 9062 Core Wellness | Durban North | 031 563 0079 Power Pilates Studio | Westville | 072 819 9511 Eaglesview Yoga Studio | Winston Park | 082 443 5875 Limber Lotus Lifestyle Studio | Gillitts | 072 335 1522 Pilates and Yoga | Winston Park | 083 362 3957


Marulamala Yoga Studio | Hoedspruit | 078 161 9121 Yoga Awakening Africa | Hoedspruit | 083 424 3889 Ire Lifestyle Gym | Warmbaths | 083 656 2687


YOGA STUDIOS Whether you’re looking to start or deepen your yoga practice, there are no shortage of vibey studios to get you feeling excited to move your body. Through a series of postures and conscious breathwork we access a heightened level of awareness, and thereby truly understand what it means to be present.


Life Love Yoga | Bloemfontein | 082 893 7694 Bhakti Yoga Center | Bloemfontein | 051 447 7029 Ruths Yoga Center | Bloemfontein | 051 444 2091

World’s View |Somerset West |083 521 2187 Reunion | Woodstock | 079 587 2281 Yoga Zone | Kloof | 021 421 8136 Goa Yoga | Eden on the Bay | 082 603 5253 Yoga Life | Waterkant | 021 418 2884 Yoga Spirit | Constantia | 021 794 5300 City Rock | Paarden Eiland | 021 447 1326 Durbanville Yoga | Durbanville | 021 976 4947 Mysore | Gardens | 082 691 2698 The Owl and Wolf | Sea Point | 084 693 8263 The Source Yoga and Pilates | Constantia | 021 794 2640 MyUTOPIA | Waterfront | 021 202 2271 House of Yoga | Claremont | 079 758 0649 YoYoga | Pinelands | 021 286 2906

Hot Yoga Studio | East London | 071 479 8102 The Art of Living | Port Elizabeth | 082 601 3559 Yoga Shala | Port Elizabeth | 084 559 1010 Back to Wellness | East London | 083 330 6948 DHARMAGIRI SACRED MOUNTAIN RETREAT Silent meditation, yoga & mindfulness retreats focused on psycho-spiritual & healing modalities. Underberg, Kwazulu-Natal 082 473 5525 www.dharmagiri.org

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POPLAR GROVE FARM AND ZENDO Zen Meditation Retreats Self-catering accommodation Colesberg, Northern Cape 082 816 5903 www.stoepzen.co.za

Lisa Heath Therapeutic Reflexology inc. boots & cupping (Vacuflex System) Hatha Yoga at The Heart of Yoga Studio Fairland, Johannesburg 082 565 8033 lisaheath@mweb.co.za

Karen Sophia Enneagram Coach ILS Master Coach and ILS Enneagram Coach Trainer Somerset West 082 855 9158 info@karensophiacoaching. com

Audrey Missing Massage Therapy and Wellness Massage and Holistic Healing Noordhoek , Cape Town 0828569550 audreymissing@gmail.com


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