Rule-based Approach for Context Inconsistency Management in Ubiquitous Computing

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2010 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing

Rule-based Approach for Context Inconsistency Management Scheme in Ubiquitous Computing Yong-jae Lee, Jaehyoung Lim, Soon J. Hyun, and Dongman Lee Department of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon, Korea {jxherb, theagape, sjhyun, dlee}

<Tim, hasActivity, Cooking> by specifying condition contexts: <Tim, isLocatedIn, Kitchen>, <GasStove, hasState, On>, and <KitchenLight, hasState, On>. When the system detects all the condition contexts true, the resulting context will be deduced as <Tim, hasActivity, Cooking>. While a great deal of effort has been reported in context modeling, acquisition, and reasoning, little has been reported on context consistency management to cope with the dynamic nature of context changes. Solving the context inconsistency problem is an important issue as inconsistent contexts that are stored in the repository can cause incorrect decision-making and hence will trigger wrong application services. It will also cause a processing overhead in the reasoning operations due to the redundant context data remaining in the repository. The inconsistency problem may take place for two reasons: untimely (early or late) elimination of invalid contexts and ignoring the co-existence relationships among deduced contexts. As an example in the former: the context <Tim, hasActivity, Cooking> may be deleted only when another activity context of Tim is detected although Tim finished cooking quite a while ago (i.e., late elimination). Likewise, Tim moves out of kitchen for a short while to get some food so that the cooking context is deleted simply because a partial condition <Tim, isLocatedIn, Kitchen> turns ‘not true’ (i.e., early deletion). The latter problem is derived by a wrong proposition that there is only one deduced context at a time for an entity (Tim). However, both <Tim, hasActivity, Cooking> and <Tim, hasActivity, AnsweringPhone> can be valid at the same time so that the system must retain both as active. Therefore, all cooking services must be continued until Tim really finished the cooking activity. In this paper, we propose our rule-based context inconsistency management scheme to solve the problems addressed above. To eliminate the invalid contexts, we identify condition(s) with a principal impact on the corresponding activities in terms of an elimination rule. The well-described conditions will prevent valid contexts from being deleted improperly. Also, semantic relationships of a deduced context with others can be specified based on the theoretical

Abstract—Context data are updated frequently due to the dynamic changes of the various sensor values and the situations of application entities. Without a proper management, the stored contexts will become different from those of the realworld. Those invalid contexts will cause context inconsistency problems and thus should be eliminated at the right time and in an appropriate manner. In this paper, we propose a context inconsistency management scheme based on context elimination rules that describe the semantics of context invalidity to solve context inconsistency problems. The proposed rule-based scheme will enable users to easily specify elimination conditions for inconsistent contexts. Our performance evaluation shows that the rule processing overhead is compensated for by virtue of the well-maintained repository of the stored contexts. Keywords-context-aware computing; ubiquitous computing; context inconsistency management; rule descriptions

I. I NTRODUCTION Context-awareness is the key concept to user-centered ubiquitous computing services. It enables mobile and ubiquitous (or pervasive) computing applications to proactively provide users with smart services by capturing the contexts of application entities. The context can be defined as the situation of service entities [1]. The context-aware systems must provide proper services by capturing correct contexts that represent the situations of the real-world entities (e.g., users, services, etc.). Contexts can be classified into three categories based on the paths of production: sensed, defined, and deduced contexts [2]. Sensed contexts are directly acquired from sensors. Defined contexts are those that are created by designers or users, and deduced contexts are generated by the system through the rounds of inference operations. To model the contexts and their semantic relations, many context-aware systems employ ontology in that contexts are described using the Subject-Predicate-Object (S-P-O) template, such as <Tim, hasActivity, AnsweringPhone>. The ontology facilitates context reasoning using standard semantic descriptions and built-in rule specifications. Many context-aware systems adopt rule-based inference, and a rule is represented by condition contexts on the lefthand side and a resulting (i.e., deduced) context on the right-hand side. For example, we can design a rule to infer 978-0-7695-4322-2/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE DOI 10.1109/EUC.2010.27


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