The Scanner SIGLIB Newsletter Volume 5, Number 3
Summer Issue June 2014
Professional Development
In this issue: Message from SIGLIB President
Message from SIGLIB President-Elect
How I Gamified My 6 Classroom Cindy Etherton PD on Target: Librarian- 9 Led Professional Development
You may have known ISTE’s Special Interest Group of Media Specialists as SIGMS before they changed to the Special Interest Group of Librarians: SIGLIB. Following this year’s conference, this group will be known as ISTE’s Librarians Network. Through all the name changes, the group and its mission have remained unaffected. ISTE’s Librarians Network provides a community for school library media
specialists to gather and learn about technologies that improve the operation and programs of the school library media center, increase access to information and create a more effective and efficient teaching and learning environment.
Message From SIGLIB President Tiffany Whitehead SIGLIB President I’m so excited that it is ISTE Conference time
lounges, attending events/parties, and
once again! I have had such an incredible year
volunteering (even if it’s your first
serving as your ISTE SIGLIB (now becoming the
conference, get involved and VOLUNTEER!
ISTE Librarians Network) President, and I look
Our Playground is a great way to do this!).
forward to concluding this great year with lots of
And make sure you have some business
exciting events at this year’s conference. Our
cards handy for when you meet new folks!
Network works hard to provide our members with many conference events specifically tailored 2. Use the #ISTE2014 hashtag. This year the to support librarians.
official hashtag is #ISTE2014. If you are
In the conference
attending the
planner, we’ve also
conference, you MUST
highlighted some
take advantage of the
“PLN Picks” that we
power of Twitter
think would be of particular interest to our
before, during, and after the conference. And
members. As you’re making your final
if you’re not able to attend the conference
conference plans, here are my top five tips for a
this year, following the hashtag will give you a
great conference experience:
wealth of resources so you can still learn
1. Hang out and make connections. This is what
from afar!
the conference is all about! Of course, there’s lots of great information in the MANY sessions that take place during the conference, but I think the most valuable connections and learning take place through conversations and meeting new people. Great ways to do this include visiting the
3. Take in the city. I always make a point to do
some fun sight seeing when attending a conference. There will come a point where your brain is completely overloaded, so plan something fun that will help you recharge your battery! This year in Atlanta, I’m super
excited to visit the World of Coca-Cola and
5. Check out all of our awesome events with
the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library &
the ISTE Librarians Network! There is at
Museum (I absolutely LOVE a presidential
least one ISTE Librarians Network event
every day of the conference, and I hope to
see you at every one of them! We’ve created 4. Don’t forget to eat! I always thought this was silly when I saw it on conference planning lists…but then I realized that I never make time to eat at conferences because I just
a nice graphic that you can save so you can be sure not to miss any of these great chances to network with other library leaders at the conference!
get so BUSY! Plan some lunch and dinner dates with friends at the conference. Grab
I look forward to meeting many of you in
something to eat and drink anytime you
Atlanta! Again, it has been a pleasure serving as
have the opportunity. Bring snacks. And
your president this year.
water. This is just as important as wearing comfortable shoes and not forgetting your extra battery charger!
Have a great summer! Tiffany Whitehead ISTE Librarians PLN President 2013-2014
Swing Into the Digital Age Library Playground Donna Sullivan-Macdonald SIGLIB President-Elect I can’t think of a better way to start off an
location. There will be eight computer
ISTE conference experience than to visit with stations and your colleagues at each will be old friends and new in the Librarians Network happy to share a short, informal (formerly ISTE SIGLIB) Digital Age Library
presentation. Volunteers at the stations
Playground. Here, you’ll be able to chat face-
change hourly, so be sure to stop back often.
to-face with other fabulous teacher
If you’re interested
librarians that
in joining the group
you’ve come to
already sharing in
know through all
the playground,
sorts of social
please visit this link:
media as they
continue to share a
sJkjC3. Volunteering
variety of tips, tools
will give you a
and resources.
chance to share something with other conference
Playground hours
attendees PLUS
will be from 8 AM to
you’ll have bragging
11:30 AM on
rights that you’ve
Sunday, June 29th.
presented at an
Our location will be
in the Georgia
World Congress Center, Building B,
Here are a couple of
on the third level. The area is right next to the topics already planned for the playground: PLN (SIG) Lounge so it’s sure to be a popular
Augmented Reality,
Fiipping Your Library,
Green Screen Videos
and more!
We’d love to hear from YOU, too. There will be much to explore in Atlanta at the Digital Age Library Playground! Come have some
Images supplied by author.
How I Gamified My Classroom Cindy Etherton Greater Albany Public Schools Albany, OR
new culture has been developed through a new strategy that I have found surprisingly effective.
While engagement and rigor are the mainstays of any quality learning environment, I have
Before explaining my new strategy, I feel it
discovered a new tool that has contributed
pertinent to share some basic information about
profoundly: gamification. I recently received my
the schema with which our students operate.
certification in this area because I believed that it These are Generation Z students, typically born could have a positive impact on instruction but I
after 1995. They are technologically connected
was surprised to find out how much. I am talking students. While not all have access to technology well beyond PBL (points, badges and
directly, it profoundly impacts their cultural view.
leaderboards). This is a new strategy to develop intrinsically motivated students. Through this
These try-and-see students are motivated by
gamified structure, I have given students quick
facilitated learning where they get to find the
feedback, provided opportunities for them to give information and understand the process. recognition to their peers and delivered a rigorous structure for learning.
Knowing what drives this type of student, I took a
“Can I do homework?” or “I am going to do the
new approach to helping them learn:
harder assignment.” These types of questions
gamification. I recently received my certification
and assertions have become a mainstay in my
in this area because I believed that it could have
classroom. You may assume these statements
a positive impact on instruction, but I was
would be made only by over-achieving students, but this is not the case. This
surprised to find out how much.
How does gamification happen? I will outline three main strategies: asynchronous
they will learn them, all of us will learn more deeply.
learning, peer acknowledgement, and immediate
In my classroom,
feedback. These
students are directed to
strategies provide both
see pre-recorded
structure for rigor and
lessons in a video
engagement and offer
format (I rarely stand in
the flexible learning
front the class
environment that
anymore). Students
students crave.
then proceed to
practice what I have It’s important to ask
asked them to learn at
students about a game
their pace. I direct the
that they enjoy. Choice
traffic by providing
is one of the new
additional help to those
intrinsic parts of this
who need it and
game -- their choice.
assigning deadlines
The decisions they
accordingly. When they
make impact the game
are done, I give them
as they strategize.
access to a “secret folder.”
Asynchronous learning (not doing lessons at
I never dreamed it
the same rate and/or time as the rest of the
would be as motivating as it is! Students have
class) is all about choice. I am not advocating
to complete all of the practice and assessment
for students showing up in a classroom to tell
pieces at a proficient level in order to see what
the teacher what they should learn. I am
is in this “folder.” The folder contains a
suggesting that if we take the learning
collection of extension tools and activities that
objectives and allow students to choose how
allows students to practice more deeply what I
Images supplied by author.
have asked them to learn. It is individually
awarded as a public recognition of the
assigned and is only open for a limited
accomplishments that students have
time. This “prize” allows for students to be
rewarded for their extra energies and understanding while encouraging them to
The feedback reinforces the learning that is
learn well.
happening, and students are rewarded. While many online tools can help teachers
Peer acknowledgement is also key to this
“gamify” their classroom -- Schoology,
gamified approach. Students are given the
Edmodo, Classcraft, and soon-to-arrive
opportunity to write encouragements to
Google Classroom, gamification doesn’t
each other in recognition of help and the
have to be exclusive to these online
expertise that they have been provided. I
venues. Ensuring students understand
moderate these notes and sift out the
what is expected of them is not a new
extraneous comments, but overall students concept, but the use of rubrics provide a are motivated to become both the expert
more substantive approach.
and the guide. This method is not a situation where a teacher demands
As I look to the next year and the new
learning. Peers are motivated by peers to
students who will enter my classroom, I am
learn well.
struck by both the privilege and
responsibility that I have to help them as This generation of students also thrives on
they continue to prepare for their future.
immediate feedback. Rubrics and recorded Gamification has provided the framework to comments are key. Additionally, badges are help them with just that. *Images supplied by author
PD on Target: Librarian-Led Professional Development Tamara Cox, Librarian Palmetto Middle School Williamston, SC During the summer of my first year as librarian, I schools on technology topics such as Pinterest, was busy cleaning out closets and organizing. As Twitter and iPad basics. One of our most popular I began to unearth devices such as unused
sessions has been creating App Task Cards. This
Kindles, Flip cameras still in the boxes, and
idea can be applied to any app or web tool.
dusty student clickers, I realized that our
Create an App Task Card with brief how-to
teachers were in need of professional
instructions, ideas for the classroom and a task
development for technology.
that teachers must complete to master the app. These hands-on sessions go beyond the typical
Access to the tools wasn’t the problem, so what
app-sharing lessons because teachers get the
could I do as the librarian? Even though it
opportunity to use the app and brainstorm
wasn’t expected or required of me, I decided to
about how they can use it with their students.
plan an event that I called the Gadget Petting Zoo. This was my first official professional
Active Learning: Our professional development
development session and this aspect of serving
facilitators learned to avoid the strict lecture
my teachers has only grown since then.
method when designing their trainings. Instead of sharing a long list of apps, they discovered it
The librarians in my district have become
was much more effective to use a Web Tool or
technology leaders and have created, facilitated, App Safari instead. and taught many innovative professional development sessions. I hope that by sharing
This year, I created a page for each app that
some of our ideas you will be inspired to create
included the app icon and title with a brief
your own librarian-led PD.
description plus a QR code that linked to an example of the app being used in the classroom.
Face-to-Face Sessions: Many of our librarians
Instead of going through each slide, I printed
are leading monthly sessions at their respective and posted them around the room and sent the *Images supplied by author
teachers on an App Safari. Armed with their of them when we shared. This was great for QR reader, they were able to walk around
those teachers who are easily frustrated
and explore the apps. The slides were
when facilitators move too fast through a
shared with them later so that they had
list of tools. In addition, we invited a group
access to all of the links for exploring on
of our student “Tech Ninjas” to assist our
their own time. This was much more fun
app groups. Students were selected and
and effective than an overwhelming app
trained on the apps beforehand so that
they could be available to answer questions. Our teachers loved having the
option for a
“experts” and
training is to
asked that
group apps
the Ninjas
by category
attend every
and host a
meeting in
session on
the future.
the topic, not the apps.
When learning about digital storytelling, for example, our teachers were Differentiation: Teachers are on a variety of asked to choose from a list of 10 different
comfort and ability levels when it comes to
apps. When they came to the session they
technology, and these differences should
were seated by the app they selected. They be considered when creating a session.
were asked to create a product in that app, After a particularly stressful session on and we all shared the products at the end.
Evernote, we invited teachers to split up into a group that stayed at the same speed
Teachers had to learn the details about only one app, but they were exposed to all *Image supplied by author from her Flickr stream
for those who wanted to slow down.
We took those who wanted a slower pace into flipped school and embedded questions into a smaller classroom and went through the
the video. When we met face to face, we
next lesson one step at a time. They were not discussed the video, sharing pros, cons and stressed in a large group and were able to get ideas for using this method next year. We the one-on-one attention that they needed.
modeled the method we wanted to discuss.
Differentiation is standard practice in our classrooms, and we
Our iPad basics
shouldn’t forget that
session utilized a
our teachers need it
screencast of
as well.
instructions. Each teacher was asked to
Flipped Professional
watch the screencast
Development: Many
and then come to me
teachers are aware
on their own time to
of the idea of the
demonstrate their
flipped classroom,
proficiency of a list of
but they may not
skills like creating
have considered
folders on the iPad,
flipping their
syncing apps and
following district
policies. This method
Facilitators shouldn’t
could be adapted to
use those precious
almost anything and
after-school minutes watching videos or
is much appreciated by busy teachers and
reading articles when they can assign them
sports coaches.
as homework and shorten the meeting. Self-Paced Learning: Another idea for PD For the session on flipped learning, we used
facilitators is to use tools such as iTunes U to
the web tool Edpuzzle to share a video of a
build a course that teachers can complete on
their own time and at their own speed. We
involvement in professional development for
are in the process of creating a course just for our district, and I would love to see more our district’s core apps.
librarians in this role.
This year, our librarians offered a monthly
I would like to end with a few tips for making
online book club with built-in technology tasks librarian-led professional development a for each level (elementary, middle, and high
school). Each month had a
different theme such as
when you present, and
wordless picture books,
create an atmosphere of
state book awards or
enthusiasm while learning.
different genres and a
Ask your principal if he or
corresponding technology
she will fund prizes for the
event, or even use some of
Keep it fun! Be positive
your library supply money if We used Edmodo and
you can spare it.
Goodreads to lead discussion, and our
teachers earned technology
takeaway. Teachers want
renewal credits as well as
to leave feeling like they
Give the teachers a
gained exposure to books appropriate for
have something they can try tomorrow.
their students.
Handouts, cheat sheets, app instructions or other easy tips will help them to be
The professional development that our
more comfortable trying out the new
librarians have designed and taught has met
the needs of our teachers and administrators, placed us in a leadership role, showcased our
technology and teaching ability and has
you design your professional
helped our teachers better serve our
development, ask them what they would
students. I am so proud of our *Images provided by author
Poll or survey your teachers. Before
like to learn or areas where they feel
weak. After your session, survey them to get
Teachers benefit just like our students.
honest feedback for future planning. The teacher is the customer. We want them to
know that these sessions are tailor-made for
administrators if they will allow participants
to receive renewal or technology credit
Make it count. Ask your district
hours for attending. This will encourage your 
Remember to build your professional
teachers to attend your sessions and help
development with effective instructional
them to meet that requirement locally, tailor-
strategies. Too often we expect teachers to
made for their needs.
engage their students, differentiate and use brain research when designing lessons, yet
I hope that our ideas have inspired you. If you
we still use the sit-and-get method for their
would like more details about any of these
learning. We should be using classroom
sessions, please check my blog
strategies in professional development.
( or contact me
NOTE OF CAUTION Free online tools are also accessed by people who may post inappropriate things. Please make sure you are comfortable with the content of any site you plan to use with students. Librarians Network Newsletter Committee
Image by suzievesper on
Find us on-line:
Do you have something to share? Would you like to write an article for the newsletter?
SIGLIB Newsletter Committee Shelley Friesen Katie Kotynski Larnette Snow Mary Carole Strother Jacqueline Liesch Elaine Lawrence
Enter your proposal in the Google form: Only accepted proposals will be contacted. Submit as many pro-
Next Edition: Fall Issue: November 2014 Tools of the Trade
SIGLIB Executive Committee Members Tiffany Whitehead President Teacher-Librarian Central Middle School Greenwell Springs, LA Donna MacDonald President-Elect Teacher Librarian Orchard School South Burlington, VT Jennifer Hanson Communications Chair Primary Source Brighton, MA
Elissa Malespina Professional Development Chair School Librarian South Orange, NJ Maureen Sanders Brunner Past-President Instructor and Doctoral Student Pike High School New Augusta, IN