The Scanner SIGMS Newsletter Volume 4, Number 3
Pre-ISTE Conference Issue June 2013
Professional Development
SIGMS provides a support network to school library media specialists and others in leadership positions who are working to promote the use of instructional technologies to enhance student learning. It provides a forum to consider and explore ways in which to best use existing and emerging technologies to improve and enhance teaching and instruction, student learning and management, helping students and teachers become competent, critical and ethical users of information. This newsletter is one way media specialists can share their knowledge with one another and anyone interested in instructional technologies. This issue introduces four tools of the trade used by media specialists.
In this issue: Message from SIGMS President
Message from SIGMS President-Elect
Online Technology PD: Reaching Teachers Where They Are Susie Hall, Beverly Harkness and Rachel Simmons
Teaching with Primary Sources Program of the Library of Congress Lucianne Brown
One Stop Shop: How Databases Serve the Demands of CCSS Amy Huyck
Flipped Professional 13 Development via Google Apps Michelle Colte Michigan Association 19 for Computer Users in Learning’s Special Interest Group for Media Specialists Erik Drake
Message From SIGMS President Maureen Sanders Brunner SIGMS President Welcome to our special ISTE 2013 Conference
attendance. I promise, your conference experience
issue of The Scanner! As you know from previous will be exceptional if you take some advice from issues, your SIGMS leadership team has been
veteran ISTE attendees.
working since last fall to make this conference a great one for you. As I
This is the last issue I will be
write this article, several
writing the introduction as
SIGMS member leaders are
President. The last three
working hard putting
years have been a whirlwind
together a webinar
of learning and networking.
especially for those of you
I thank each of you for
who are attending the
allowing me this time to lead
conference. The webinar
SIGMS and continue the
will be full of tips and
work of the great leaders
tricks, as well as a run down
before me. I look forward to
of the “Must Attend”
continuing to serve SIGMS
sessions for school library
at Past-President for the
media specialists.
2013-2014 year. (continued on next page)
If you were not able to attend the webinar, look for the SIGMS Wiki link at to find this and any of our archived webinars. Also, be sure to continue reading this newsletter as Tiffany’s article us up next and is full of helpful tips to get the most out of your conference
Editor’s Note: Thanks, Maureen for your contributions as head of the SIGMS team. This group would not exist without people like yourself; we appreciate the time you have given us!
(Maureen’s message continued) At the end of ISTE 2013 conference leadership will Shelley Friesen, Newsletter Editor change hands and these folks will make up your
Anthony Doyle, Social Media Director
SIGMS leadership team:
Leslie Farmer, Professional Development Coordinator
Tiffany Whitehead, President
Wendy Stephens, Webinar Coordinator
Donna Sullivan-MacDonald, President-Elect
Peggy George, Webinar Coordinator
Maureen Sanders-Brunner, Past-President Jennifer Hanson, Communications Chair
We still have need for more SIGMS leaders to join
Jenifer Grossman, Professional Development Chair our team. If you are interested, please contact any of the officers for more information. I would also like to welcome, or welcome back, the following people who will server as key leaders on I wish you all a wonderful summer and hope to see several of our committees:
you all at ISTE 2013 in San Antonio!
Message from President-Elect: ISTE 2013 Conference Tips Tiffany Whitehead SIGMS President-Elect
The annual ISTE Conference is always one of the
ference. However, its massive size is reflected in
major professional highlights of my year. I am re-
its awesomeness as well, so if you are attending,
ally looking forward to this year’s conference in
prepare for information overload (but totally in a
San Antonio. This will be my fourth consecutive
good way)!
year attending ISTE, and I would really feel like something major was missing if I didn’t have the
My foremost suggestion for anyone attending
opportunity to attend!
would be to volunteer. I’ve been so happy over the last few years as I’ve had amazing opportunities to
I will admit that my first ISTE experience in 2010
get involved and lead with SIGMS, and it all start-
was a bit overwhelming … it’s such a HUGE con-
ed with volunteering at the conference! There are
tons of opportunities to volunteer with
started by volunteering for the playground back
ISTE and they do a great job of recruiting and
in 2011!! To volunteer for the SIGMS Play-
organizing volunteers. Volunteers even get an
ground, please fill out this form:
awesome ISTE T-shirt for their efforts!
The best volunteer opportunity, in my opinion, is the SIGMS Playground. Volunteers can give an informal 5-10 minute presentation at one of the six computer stations for a one hour or two hour time slot. This gives you a chance to share your favorite tool or resource with many other attendees! It’s such a great way to get involved … and you can tell everyone that you presented at
Joyce Valenza, Nick Provanzano, Tiff Whitehead, Joquetta Johnson at ISTE 2012
an International technology conference!! The best thing for me about the ISTE Conference Interested in getting involved with the SIGMS
is the opportunity to spend time face to face
Playground? Contact me! This year, one of my
with the members of my PLN. I gain so much
duties as SIGMS President-Elect is to coordinate from them throughout the year with the things our SIGMS Playground. And how did I get so in-
they share on Twitter, in their blogs, and through
volved with SIGMS leadership, you ask? Well, it
webinars. ISTE is a chance to have conversations and plan awesome collaborative activities that will have a lasting impact when I return to school in the fall. So I asked some of my dear friends and amaz-
ing members of my PLN to either share three things they are most looking forward to for ISTE 2013 or three tips that they would share with The first time I met my library idols Joyce Valenza and Gwyneth Jones at ISTE 2013
other attendees. You’ll find what they had to say throughout this newsletter if you keep reading!
Online Technology PD – Reaching Teachers Where They Are Susie Hall, Beverly Harkness and Rachel Simmons South Grande Prairie High School Grande Prairie, Texas Professional Development can be a rewarding
projects they were asked to complete could be
experience, but many teachers see it as busy
personal or sample class projects. There were
work and a waste of time. Our approach to
no restrictions on what or how big each
Technology Staff Development here at South
assignment was, just explore and create.
Grand Prairie is to engage the teachers in the same
Teachers were then asked
activities that are assigned
to turn their completed
to their students. We
projects into the
believe the best way to
assignment box in
learn a new skill is to
Edmodo. In the beginning,
practice and do it. We
teachers wanted the
have taken those skills to
Instructional Media
the next level with our
Specialists to tell them
Online Technology
step-by-step how to do it.
Professional Development.
We wanted them to explore and learn new
This past year we did our
skills; but more than that,
Tech PD through Edmodo
we wanted teachers to
and we called it
learn that they could be
“TicTacTech.” It was a takeoff from Tic Tac Toe; successful through trial and error. We wanted the teachers had to get three in a row. Any
to reinforce the idea that technology is fun and
three across or diagonally was worth two hours can be used to synthesize knowledge. of tech credit and any three down was worth one hour of tech credit. Each box was filled
We loved the idea of Online PD for many
with a Web 2.0 application that they could
reasons; we could reach many teachers at
easily integrate into their classrooms. The
once, teachers could do it from anywhere,
and teachers could learn at their own pace.
with our Online PD was so the teachers would
The teacher’s technology literacy level varied
see how easy it was to use and maybe we could
from novice to experienced and in many cases
convince the teachers to start using Edmodo in
the experienced teachers helped the novice
their own classrooms. South Grand Prairie
teachers figure out how to get started or how to students, like students across the country, need turn in the assignment. We had help for the
to be college-ready. Since most colleges use a
projects in the form of online handouts (PDF),
learning management system like Edmodo, we
screencasts, and videos. These were accessible felt many of our teachers needed to be exposed via the Edmodo library or were attached to the
to Edmodo.
assignment box. For us here at South Grand Prairie, it was a
Feedback from the teachers was extremely
huge success and we plan to grow our online
positive; they said they learned new ideas they
PD to other areas beside technology. The
would remember better because they did it
possibilities of online PD are boundless and
themselves. By using Edmodo we were able to
give teachers the freedom to learn and grow
give feedback quickly, which the teachers liked
without being constrained to school.
as well. Our hidden motive for using Edmodo ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Joyce Valenza ( I LOVE ISTE and this year there is no overlap conflict/sacrifice. I can attend both ISTE and ALA! I am looking forward to learning formally and informally and FACE TO FACE from my generous colleagues. The mix itself is inspiring--the folks who are a part of our fabulous SIGMS, our classroom teacher edtech buddies, the admins, the vendors, the academics, the software developers, the publishers--all of whom have been part of, or will be part of, my PLN for years. I love discovering newbie librarians and introducing them to ISTE! From previous San Antonio conferences I know that it is important to go outside! The food, the music, the dancing, the shopping, and the River Walk rock!
Teaching with Primary Sources Program of the Library of Congress Lucianne Brown Governors State University University Park, IL If you are a K-12 educator looking for professional
Listening to Depression Era recordings
development with a uniquely personal touch that
performed by the original musicians vs.
offers an innovative learning focus, we have just
hearing a lecture describing the music
what you need! Your expertise is our passion!
Experiencing a historical documentary prepared using modern day mobile devices with
The Teaching with Primary Sources Program know
exciting digital storytelling that give
how important it is for you to excel as an educator
students access to original artifacts of
and understand that you want to
history vs. watching a slide show
bring something fresh and new to
or viewing photos of those
your students using exciting and
artifacts texts.
innovative tools. We assist
Media Specialists and
educators to bring to life the rich
Classroom Teachers
reservoir of primary sources
The mission of the Library of
from the Library of Congress
Congress Teaching with Primary
(Library) in their classrooms with innovative media Sources (TPS) Program is to build awareness of the and technology, while simultaneously developing
Library's educational initiatives, provide content
lesson plans focused on achieving Common Core
that promotes the effective educational use of the
State Standards.
Library's resources, and offer access to and promote
Why Use Primary Sources? To Bring LIFE Into Your Classroom!
sustained use of the Library's educational resources. The Library achieves this mission through
Imagine the enlivened learning experience you can
collaborations with K-12 educational communities
across the United States.
Reading the actual letter a soldier wrote home after he survived the Battle of Gettysburg vs. The program contributes to the quality of education reading the text book account of it
by helping educators use the Library's digitized
convenient ways to get involved as a media
primary sources to engage students, develop their specialist in your region. Check out the critical thinking skills and construct knowledge.
professional development activities under TPS
Learn about the Library's TPS program and other
with progress along three program levels.
resources available to teachers at teachers.
Teachers have the option of taking workshops and courses offered by TPS Consortium Members
The Library’s primary sources supply a plethora
under all or some of these levels, depending on
of teaching media that encourage innovative
their interests.
designs to achieve Common Core State Standards. As a TPS Consortium Partner for the past ten
Under the TPS Regional Program, interested
years, Governors State University with Illinois'
organizations can incorporate parts of the TPS
professional development offers library media
curriculum that meet their professional
specialists and teachers examples of using various development goals for teachers with support from types of primary sources from the Library with
Regional Coordinators and online resources for
innovative media and technology.
professional development. Are You Ready to Bring Your Lessons ALIVE
There are eleven TPS partners in Illinois and over
and Stand Out as an Educator?
twenty-seven TPS Partners in other states. TPS
Contact Dr. Lucianne Brown, TPS-GSU Director
partners offer professional development free of
( for more information and
charge, with the exception of for-credit
be directed to the nearest TPS Consortium Partner
undergraduate and graduate courses. Most award
to find out how you, as the Library Media
continuing education credit.
Specialist in your area, can become involved or simply follow this link: TPS Consortium
Introductions to locational Teaching with Primary Members Sources Partners will provide you with
One Stop Shop: How Databases Serve the Demands of CCSS
Amy Huyck Media and Technology Specialist Wayland Union Schools
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have not
During the 2012-2013 school year, we launched a
only upped the level of learning for our students, but 1:1 iPad initiative, for students seventh through also the rigor in which we teach. ‘Teach smarter, not twelfth grade. Students’ uses of iPads have harder’ is a lament that all teachers hear, but not
transformed the research process with information at
always embrace.
their fingertips.
This is my story of working in a 7-12th grade 1:1
If you aren’t familiar with MeL (Michigan eLibrary
setting using databases provided by
at, it is a 24/7 online library administered
(Michigan eLibrary) to
by the Library of Michigan
illustrate reliable sources
and provides Michigan
and a one-stop-shop of
residents with free access
information. Using
to online databases and
traditional databases,
other valuable research
students are able to find
credible sources that fulfill the demands of
Unfortunately, there were
multimedia research and
several hiccups using the
presentations set by CCSS.
iPads to access The iPads were set up with Mobicip, a filtered Internet browser, which often
blocked the ability to access databases unless
I am a Media and Technology Specialist for a
students logged in with a library card. To get around
middle and high school, in West Michigan. I must
this limitation, we downloaded the Google App
say I absolutely love how the English Language
(ironically, it is not considered a browser like
Arts Common Core State Standards (ELA CCSS)
Google Chrome) which allowed students to access
embed research and information evaluation
the wonderful resources of MeL.
throughout instruction.
Beginnings Our seventh-grade students participate in a
With CCSS 7.W.7 (Conduct short research
Culture Fair every year in which students research projects to answer a question, drawing on several a country's culture from the Eastern Hemisphere.
sources and generating additional related, focused
With guidance, students narrow their research to
questions for further research and investigation)
three subtopics of culture (for instance, religion,
under way, seventh graders then move on to a
holidays and language may be the subtopics when ‘traditional’ database, or what I like to call a oneresearching Spain’s culture). During this unit
stop shop.”
students are introduced to MeL, what it has to offer and the credibility of resources.
One Stop Shop Students may become overwhelmed with locating
Culture Grams, a trusted resource for this project, resources in traditional databases and would was added to MeL a couple of years ago. Say
rather not bother, so several years ago I came up
good bye to the beastly binders full of printed
with an analogy. I explained to students that back
material for each country! Through MeL, students in their grandparents’ day if they wanted milk and access facts, articles, images, videos, songs, and
bread, they went to the grocery store; a goldfish or
additional resources about the culture of the
special cat food, the pet store; a lawn mower, the
country they have chosen, from the Culture
tractor supply; a new bed, the furniture store; gas
Grams website.
for their car, the gas station, and so on.
And what is even better - almost all of the
But nowadays, you get all of those things and
resources on MeL come with citation. This can be more at a Sam’s Club, Costco or Meijer, in other a touchy subject for some people and I may hit a
words a ‘one stop shop.’ That’s basically a
nerve, but I teach students to look for resources
database. I can type in a topic and get reference
within the resource. Why reinvent the wheel when materials, articles, images, websites, and digital it's pumped up and ready to go? Not only are
media like newscasts, podcasts or vodcasts all in
research and information literacy skills prevalent
one spot: a One. Stop. Shop.
in the standards, but students develop efficiency in their work.
Kids understand this idea, especially since the
CCSS W.8 requires students to ‘gather relevant
questions and guidance from the teachers, students
information from multiple print and digital
focus on a field of study of their choice and the
sources…’ Seventh grade students quickly see the
future outlook for that career. We use the database
benefit of databases, and so we move on to ones
Job and Career Accelerator, an easy application
more traditional.
with over 1,000 different occupations and over five million local and national job postings available on
SIRS Discover is full of text articles, books, over
MeL. Later in the year the same groups engage in
3,000 maps, and video and audio on all topics, and
research that looks at a social question, such as
is a great starting database, with an interface
“How does stress affect a teen’s grades?”
appropriate for students. SIRS also includes reading levels and teacher help pages.
Students use databases that offer full-text articles and multimedia resources,
So how does this look in
such as General OneFile,
other grades?
and Info Trac Student Edition, or Health and Wellness Resource Center,
I do a refresher with students about databases in
full of trusted medical reference materials. (CCSS
which eighth graders critique several websites I’ve
9.W.7; 9.W.8)
selected, one of which is a database from MeLwith which they are not familiar: KidsHealth. We then
Upperclassmen use databases such as Academic
have discussions of the different websites/
Onefile, full text articles, and Opposing Viewpoints
databases available on MeL. In one of the mini-
in Context, contextual information and opinions on
research writing pieces, students use the New Y ork
today’s hottest social issues.
Times database found on MeL to access full text articles addressing universal themes in the book The Digging Deeper
Outsiders (CCSS 8.W.7; 8.W.8).
As students progress in their information literacy and research skills, so does the level of rigor set by
Freshmen analyze the question, “What should I do
the CCSS. By using databases for multimedia
with my life?” in a mini-research project.
research, students will rise to the challenge.
Narrowing their research by self-generated
ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Gwyneth Jones ( 1. Packing a Punch! It's important to pack the right stuff - I blogged about this last year & would add an extra battery pack that's either heavy duty or cute & sleek for all your iDevices & telephony needs! I also try not to take too much home - no paper hording, and not much vendor swag (frankly, it's gotta be something super sweet to lure me to take it home) and bring a lightweight luggage scale if you can - that way you'll know when to ship & when to check! -- It could be a super stress & money saver! 2. Small conversations in big places. I absolutely adore re-connecting with my Peeps, Tweeps, & PLN friends! I love sharing on Twitter but there's nothing better than conversations in person, bright smiles, & warm hugs! I like to hang out at the Blogger's Cafe or the Social Butterfly lounge when not doing board duties or helping out presentations - this is where I find I have the best conversations and am able to meet new kindred spirits! I also like happy hours & small dinners over big parties - but then again, this girl goes to bed by 9:30 so well....there you go! 3. Pace Yourself - The first ISTE or NECC I went to was in Atlanta ‘07 and I was totally overwhelmed, overstimulated, & over achieving! I learned SO much and I've got to say that it inspired me to do even more for my kids & community but it was EXHAUSTING! I actually would go fierce early but fizzle out by 2 or 3pm - the crowds overwhelmed me! I would go back to the hotel, take a wee nap, and then go back out and socialize a bit. So, don't be ashamed if you crash early, take a nap, or don't feel like going to a late night bash. Of course, I know you'll have good company if you do … man, that Joyce Valenza can dance until dawn!
Flipped Professional Development via Google Apps Michelle Colte
A few months ago, my principal asked me to lead
the mandatory training on “Written Opinion” and
Identifying the purpose and tool
to incorporate Web 2.0 tools so that teachers could Ultimately, I knew teachers needed time: to share their learning creatively. She instructed
identify the components of written opinion, to
teachers to watch the Hawaii Department of
create exemplars and to synthesize and share their
Education’s video on Written Opinion prior to the learning using an online tool. We are a Google session and to bring a
Apps for Education
favorite text to the
School (GAFE). We
are in the process of curating our
Her request sounded
curriculum and
simple. Teachers
assessments in shared
would use a familiar
folders for our WASC
text as a basis for an
accreditation. We
argument and back
also plan to roll out
up their stance with
GAFE to students in
evidence from that
grades 3, 4 and 5.
text. However, as I planned the session,
With this in mind, I
questions plagued me. Did the grade levels have
created a Google Presentation (slideshow) to
lessons, rubrics and exemplars for written
provide the collaborative space for our learning,
response? How would they apply their learning
thinking, creating and sharing. I used Google
into their instruction? What familiar, or easy-to-
Forms to gather individual feedback and Google
learn, tool would enable teachers to analyze their
Docs for teachers to share resources and build
text and synthesize their ideas into a creative,
common understanding.
collaborative format within the 90-minute session?
the box “Publish and show a link to the results of Building a common understanding via Google
this form.” As the teachers read each other’s
Forms and Presentations Think:
responses, they naturally looked for validation and
To tap their expertise and understanding of the
asked questions (”Are there responses like
video, I asked them to answer two questions in a
mine?”) and noted differences (”I hadn’t thought
Google Form: “What components would you
of that.”)
expect to find in a written response?” and “What skills would your students need to write a written
Pair: I then asked them to par tner with the
person next to them, read through the form submissions and synthesize their findings into a
As teachers submitted their responses, the form
succinct list of written response components.
invited them to click on a link and “read previous
responses.” This is a great trick I learned from
Share: They listed their findings on one of the
Google Trainer Wendy Gorton at the Hawaii
presentation slides so the entire group could read
GAFE Summit. When you create the form, check each pair’s synthesis of ideas (see slides 6 & 7). the box “Publish and show a link to the results of
To avoid pairs typing over each other’s words, I
this form.” As the teachers read each other’s
assigned each pair a number on the slide (edit
Building a common understanding via Google
mode of presentation). This gave each pair a
Forms and Presentations Think:
workspace but also allowed the rest of us to read
To tap their expertise and understanding of the
each pair’s list. Now, with an understanding of
video, I asked them to answer two questions in a
what went into a written opinion, teachers were
Google Form: “What components would you
ready to critique and then create an exemplar.
expect to find in a written response?” and “What skills would your students need to write a written
Applying our learning
Teachers read a sample written response created by a fifth grade student (slides 8 & 9) and
As teachers submitted their responses, the form
practiced making virtual comments by clicking
invited them to click on a link and “read previous
“Insert > comment.” Then, they created their own
responses.” This is a great trick I learned from
written responses based on the texts they brought
Google Trainer Wendy Gorton at the Hawaii
(slides 11-26 and 42-59). As they finished, they
GAFE Summit. When you create the form, check inserted comments for their colleagues,
familiarizing themselves with the written lesson or unit. I heard teachers ask, “How’d opinion components as a writer and as a peer
you do that?” when somebody else added an
image, changed the slide layout or the background. They were not afraid to try things.
They also gained practice and comfort navigating Google Presentations. One teacher
One teacher discovered the search feature within
acknowledged Google Docs & Presentations
Google Presentation (Insert > image > search)
lend themselves to peer editing. Another
and imported a photograph of an eel to her slide
pointed out that
background, to
students could
sit beneath her
reflect on their
text “Hula Eel”
own writing by
by Shel
highlighting the
(slide 26).
components of
Teachers shed
written opinion in
their “serious”
different colors.
personas and
Highlighting the
had a little fun
too: one
opinion, evidence
teacher praised
and conclusion in different colors could serve as his own work (slide 47) and another used a a self-check for the writer and something
quote as his text and statistics as evidence (slide
tangible for the peer editor. Teachers were
beginning to think about how they would integrate GAFE into their classroom.
Broadening our Audience and Adding Rigor Our students access electronic information and
Spontaneous Learning
use word processing or presentation tools to
Giggles erupted when our instructional media
synthesize their learning, but for many teachers
teacher joined the chat - she was off campus -
other digital integration is unchartered territory.
but it also reminded teachers that they didn’t have to be face-to-face to collaborate on a
The CCSS for Language Arts weave multimedia
into learning, so students use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers"(W.1.6) and “use produce and publish interact and collaborate with others...."(W.4.6) Twitter and Edmodo enable students to publish and collaborate with peers rather easily. Other tools like Toon Doo, Glogster, Go Animate, Voki or Voicethread, push students’ thinking beyond the literal and enable them to share their opinions creatively (slides 33-38). Flipping Professional Development Proponents of “flipped classrooms” frequently identify additional time for students to collaborate, ask individual questions, seek one-to-one instruction and engage in active learning as benefits
of the flipped-classroom model.
ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Shannon Miller ( The three things that I look most forward to ISTE this year.... 1. Even though we connect with one another almost every day through social media, ISTE is the place that we get to reconnect with our wonderful friends in person. And the place that we can make new friends or meet the ones we have only met on Twitter or Facebook before. I love walking outside or hanging out in the Blogger's Cafe and seeing people I have known from Twitter....It is like you have met "a long lost friend" every time. 2. I love all of the connections that I make at ISTE with publishes, Web 2.0 creators, app developers, professionals, companies, experts and others. By making these connections I can bring so much back to the students, teachers and school community I work with. 3. This year I am most excited about my amazing friend Adam Bellow's closing keynote at ISTE! He recently told me a little bit about it and I just cannot wait. We are all going to be inspired by his message.
As we built our understanding of written opinion via Google Apps, teachers took ownership of their learning, brainstorming tips for the implementation of docs or presentations next year (slide 40). And, most importantly, they experienced how they can
share information in a collaborative, digital environment.
ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Elizabeth Kahn ( 1. Attending the conference for the state affiliate of ISTE has been a disappointment the last few years. I feel like I am light years ahead of everyone there, and I know that there is so much more for me to learn. So I am looking forward to networking and attending sessions with people who think like I do. Which means they are willing to stretch themselves and are willing to take chances with new ideas and new technologies. 2. I am definitely excited about meeting people F2F who I have "met" through social media. 3. I hope to leave with several new ideas that I can put into practice in my library next year. We are moving to a brand new building in August, and besides a new physical environment, I would like some fresh ideas for the program too.
ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Nicholas Provanzano ( 1. Take the opportunity to meet people from your digital life in person. It's is a great chance to exchange smiles and hugs face to face. 2. Create your own learning experiences in the hallways. Not all sessions are going to work for you. Find a group of people and talk about what interests you at the moment. 3. Make new connections. It is always great to hang with old friends, but I love meeting new ones. Social events like #EduBros are perfect for meeting new people and growing your PLN.
ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Matthew Winner (http:// 1. Say Hi - Attending conferences is as much about learning lots in concurrent sessions as it is about networking, making new instructional partnerships, and forging collaborative relationships. Don't be afraid to sit next to someone new, ask about their background, and share about yourself. YOU have something great to offer, even if you don't realize it yet. 2. Have a Back-up for your Back-up - Sometimes sessions are full... or aren't what you expected. Having a back-up plan ahead of time will help you stay on top of the conference schedule rather than fumbling through the program. You can also usually get handouts, etc. from the presenter's session via the session page on the conference website. Oh, and if you have a friend with you, divide and conquer so you can cover even more ground. 3. Party Up - Find your way to the evening parties held recreationally (ie. Edubros) or from one of the vendors. These are great ways to make new friends, score some free products from vendors, and break the "conference focus mode". It's also a fun opportunity to meet many of those people you only know from Twitter.
Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning’ Special Interest Group for Erik Drake Media Specialists Coordinator, REMC $AVE Bid Project Ingham Intermediate School District Mason, MI
One of ISTE’s Michigan affiliates, the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) created its own special interest group (SIG) in 2012. MACUL’s SIGMS is an exciting new opportunity for school librarians and library staff to engage with other educators interested in educational technology.
Collaboration, and Assessment” presented by Andy Mann. We sold out early and are looking forward to hosting more pre-con sessions at next year’s conference.
MACUL’s SIGMS is collaborating with MAME on two upcoming events: Summer Institute in Saginaw on July 23 and the MAME Annual Conference in Kalamazoo, November 20-22. Information about these events is available at MAME’s website: http:// Like all MACUL SIGs, membership is free and is open to any MACUL member in good standing with an interest in information literacy, research, reading and Over the next year, our SIGMS plans to partner with technology. SIGMS is partnering with another ISTE other MACUL SIGs to further support school librarians Michigan affiliate, the Michigan Association for Media and staff, and we hope to develop a relationship with in Education (MAME), to enhance learning ISTE SIGMS. opportunities and professional networking for the school library community. MACUL, SIGMS and MAME welcome out-of-state members. Nearly all events for both MACUL and MAME is Michigan’s professional organization for MAME are held in the southern part of Michigan school librarians. Erik Drake, a member of ISTE, within easy access for neighboring states. Joining MACUL and MAME, is serving a two-year term as SIGMS is free and easy. Simply visit SIGMS’s director. Cynthia Kleinheksel is the Assistant and click on “MACUL Membership.” From there, you Director, and Erica Trowbridge is Communications can renew your MACUL membership and join SIGs of Officer. All three officers are current or former school interest to you at any time during the year. librarians. MACUL SIGMS officers and membership look Our membership drive has been a huge success. In just forward to collaborating with ISTE SIGMS to a few months, we were able to recruit nearly 250 strengthen our service to the school library media members, and our membership numbers continue to community. Please visit our website http:// grow. We held our first event at the MACUL Annual in Detroit in March 2013, a preconference specialists/ for additional information. session entitled “iPad – Research,
ISTE advice from Tiffany’s PLN: Sherry Gick ( As a "first timer", the 3 things I'm most looking forward to are: 1. Meeting y'all, my Twitter rockstar PLN members face-to-face! Twitter has expanded my world, my connections, and the way I run my library. Each of you has been influential in my professional life the past two years because of your contributions to the education field and your willingness to share on Twitter and on other social media platforms. 2. The keynote speaker, Jane McGonigal! I'm so excited to hear her speak about gamification and her work. I'm such a Fangirl! 3. All the awesome sessions! I mean's ISTE! My conference planner is slam packed full of so many cool sessions (several being taught by you guys!) I'm looking forward to learning awesome new ideas to enhance my teaching next school year. 4. Visiting Texas! (Yeah, I know this was only supposed to be a list of 3 things, but I've never been to the great state of Texas. Can't wait!)
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SIGMS Newsletter Committee Shelley Friesen Jane Gorman Katie Kotynski Elaine Lawrence Jacqueline Liesch Larnette Snow Mary Carole Strother Karen Webb
Enter your proposal in the Google form:
Authors of approved proposals will be contacted via email. Submit as many proposals as you wish, but be prepared to write them all! Next Edition:
Winter Issue: December 2013 Enjoy your summer!
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SIGMS Executive Committee Members
Maureen Sanders Brunner President Ball State University Muncie, Indiana
Jenifer Gossman Professional Development Chair eLearning Coach, EVSC Evansville, IN
Tiffany Whitehead President-Elect Central Community Schools Baton Rouge, LA
Lisa Perez Member at Large & Past-Chair Chicago Public Schools Dept of Libraries
Jennifer Hanson Communications Chair Primary Source Watertown, MA