serviche charter

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European Institute of Oncology


Service Charter

Dear Madam, Dear Sir We bid you welcome. We advise you to spend some minutes reading this leaflet, in which we have tried to summarize all the information that may be useful to our patients and their companions. IEO constantly strives to achieve excellence in the fields of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancers by developing clinical-scientific research and organizational/management innovation. In this context, a priority of ours is to deliver high quality interventions, placing the patient’s needs at the core of the healthcare pathway. This Service Charter represents our ongoing involvement in implementing the principles and values that inspire and guide us, but it is mainly the tool where you will be able to find all the information you need to get the best from our services during your stay. In addition, please remember that our staff will be pleased to give you any further information you may need and that our Public Relations Office will be at your disposal to receive your comments and suggestions. All the information in the Service Charter is also available at :

Medical Manager


European Institute of Oncology......................................................................... 1 Clinical Activity................................................................................................. 2 • Prevention and Diagnosis Area • Surgical Area • Medical Area

Clinical Interventions......................................................................................... 3 • Consultations and Diagnostic Examinations • Medical Treatments in Day Hospital • Surgeries in Outpatient and Day Surgery Regimen • Medical Treatments and Surgeries in Admission Regimen • Radiotherapy • Other Interventions Admission via the National Health System (NHS) Admission as a Private Patient • Physicians’ Private Practice • Agreements with Mutual Aid Societies and Insurance Companies Patient and Relatives Support • Religious Assistance • Cultural Mediation • Healthcare Education • Telephone Support • Volunteers Association “Sottovoce”

How to... .......................................................................................................... 4 • Identify the IEO Staff • Book an Appointment for Consultations and Examinations • Book an Appointment for Treatments and Surgery • Contact IEO in emergency situations • Request a copy of the Clinical Documents

Admission......................................................................................................... • What you need to bring • Arrival • Rooms • Drugs and food • Visiting patients

• Catering • Diagnostic Examinations • Whom you can ask • Discharge

Services Inside IEO.......................................................................................... • Travel Agency • Bancomat • Bar • Luggage Storage

• Newsagent • Fax • Telephones • Car Park

• Restaurants • Taxis and Driver Services • Surveillance



Rights and Duties of the Patient.........................................................................7 Improvement................................................................................................... • Questionnaires • Public Relations Office

How to arrive................................................................................................... • At IEO (Via Ripamonti) • IEO Travel Easy

• At IEO Centro (Via San Luca) • The free shuttle

8 9

General Information......................................................................................... 10 • Access to the premises • IEO no smoking • How to get directions to IEO

European Institute of Oncology (IEO) IEO is a Scientific Institute for Admission and Treatment (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico - IRCCS) dedicated to oncology. It integrates the various areas related to the fight against cancer: laboratory research, clinical research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and education. The Institute embraces a new principle in the fight against cancer, shifting the focus from the illness to the patient. Thanks to the immediate transfer of the latest results emerging from research to a direct clinical implementation, it has abandoned the traditional therapies based on the maximum intervention that a patient can tolerate, in favour of innovative methods that, with the same effectiveness, guarantee a minimum damage to the patient. Every intervention is based on the “minimum effective” instead of the “maximum tolerable”. Today, 100.000 patients are treated following these principles every year. “I am very proud of the fact that in just a few years the engagement of all the people working at IEO has enabled our care and research model to become a landmark for oncology all over the world”.

Umberto Veronesi Scientific Manager


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

1 Mission and Values

A “patient-sized” organization

The European Institute of Oncology aims to achieve excellence in the fields of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancers by developing clinical-scientific research and organizational/management innovation, all within a context of continuous care in terms of the quality of service provided to patients. The values and principles that inspire and guide the IEO staff are: • Focus on the patient. • Continuous improvement of the quality of healthcare. • Service excellence. • Multi-disciplinary approach to the clinical factors. • Development of experimental research with fast transfer of the results to the patient. • Development of human resources. • European outlook and openness to international collaborations.

Inside the Institute, all physicians work full-time and have a working relationship exclusively with the hospital. By avoiding dividing his/her time between hospital and private practice, the physician dedicates all his/her commitment to the treatment, research, continuous updating and inter-disciplinary exchange with colleagues of the same centre, to the benefit of the patients. Work organization is centred on the needs of the patient and aimed at service excellence.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


European Institute of Oncology

The Research The Institute invests its funds both in clinical research, to treat the patient in the best way, and in basic research, that takes place in the laboratory and aims at understanding the genetic basis of cancer and at developing new drugs. Clinical research mainly takes place by means of clinical experiments performed on patients who give their informed consent, in order to identify specific answers regarding new therapies/procedures, or new ways of using already known therapies. Clinical trials contribute greatly to knowledge and progress in the fight against various diseases. The most effective treatments are the result of long studies. Each clinical study is based on a series of rules called protocols. The protocol describes the features of the people who can treated during a clinical study, the program, the logistics, the examinations needed, the details on the treatment and the length of the study. To ascertain whether or not a person can participate in a clinical trial, an accurate selection program is carried out to understand whether all the requisites specified in the protocol have been satisfied. These requisites are paramount in order to identify those people suited to the experiment, so as to get consistent results; they have no discriminatory intent. Further information on this topic, together with the clinical trials that are being performed at IEO, are available in a specific area of our website (


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

The basic research of the Institute is mainly performed at the IFOM-IEO Campus, which is situated near the Institute and includes more than 400 researchers from all over the world. They are involved in the development of molecular oncology and its applications to the patients’ treatment, thanks to a rapid transfer of the results. The IFOM-IEO Campus was created from a collaboration between IEO and FIRC, Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (Italian Foundation for Cancer Research), and draws upon the example of the most prestigious international centres for its inspiration, where the best researchers can perform their studies on high-quality nextgeneration technology.

European Institute of Oncology


IEO Education

The Institute has always placed great importance on the role played by education. The medical, nursing, technical and administration staff of all levels regularly participates in continuous improvement and multidisciplinary education programs. Many physicians at IEO are also university professors.

The Institute has integrated under one umbrella all the educational activities, both internal and external, to develop and disseminate knowledge and provide educational projects for its collaborators, developing their skills and expertise and broadening the knowledge of all healthcare professionals , an enterprise which also includes the development of Specialization Schools. The priorities of IEO Education, consistent with the scientific, clinical and institutional strategies, are: • spreading IEO’s clinical-healthcare and scientific knowledge to the national and international medical-scientific community, • continuous education of IEO staff, • pre-and post-doctorate education, with both professional development and updating aims, • high education levels of the physicians on clinical research topics, • integration of the internal education programs with the University of Milan.

The Institute also pays attention to the physicians who work in Italy, by promoting and organizing national and international educational events that involve more than 3000 physicians outside IEO every year. A key example is the Milan Breast Cancer Conference, a landmark of scientific updating for more than 1000 physicians that come from all over the world to participate.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012



Clinical Activity The clinical activity at IEO is focused on three main areas: Prevention and Diagnosis, Surgery, and Medical Treatments. All the activities are characterized by a multidisciplinary approach that, by means of a collegial discussion among the various specialty representatives of the three areas, offer the patient a treatment path with the best clinical expertise available. Clinical research activity engages the three areas with 235 active clinical studies in 2010.


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

2 Prevention and Diagnosis Area Anatomic Pathology and Laboratory Medicine • Anatomic Pathology Division • Laboratory Medicine Division • Diagnostic Cytology Unit • Hemato-Oncology Laboratory Unit • Diagnostic Histo-Pathology Unit

Giuseppe Viale Maria T. Sandri Chiara Casadio Francesco Bertolini Massimo Barberis

Endoscopy • Endoscopy Division

Cristiano Crosta

Nuclear Medicine • Nuclear Medicine Division

Giovanni Paganelli

Prevention and Oncological Genetics • Prevention and Oncological Genetics Division

Bernardo Bonanni

Radiodiagnostics • Radiodiagnostics Division • Senological Radiology Division

Massimo Bellomi Enrico Cassano

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Surgical Area


Head and Neck Surgery • Head and Neck Surgery Division • Mouth and Pharynx Neoplasia Unit • Thyroid Neoplasia Unit

Mohssen Ansarin Luca Calabrese Gioacchino Giugliano

General and Abdominal-Pelvic Surgery • General and Laparoscopic Surgery Division • Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Unit • Abdominal-Pelvic Surgery Division • Integrated Abdominal Surgery Unit • Mini-Invasive Surgery Unit

Bruno Andreoni Antonio Chiappa Roberto Biffi Fabrizio Luca Paolo P. Bianchi

Gynecological Surgery, Gynecology • Gynecology Division • Medical Gynecology Unit • Preventive Gynecology Unit

Angelo Maggioni Nicoletta Colombo Mario Sideri

Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery • Reconstruction Surgery Division

Mario Rietjens

Thoracic Surgery • Thoracic Surgery Division • Research and Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Pulmonary Cancer Unit

Lorenzo Spaggiari Giulia Veronesi

Urological Surgery, Urology • Urology Division

Ottavio De Cobelli

Melanoma and Sarcoma • Muscle-Skin Melanoma and Sarcoma Division

Alessandro Testori

Senology • Senology Division • Molecular Senology Unit • Integrated Senological Surgery Unit • Senology Diagnostics and Surgical Therapy Unit

Alberto Luini Viviana Galimberti Paolo Veronesi Stefano Zurrida

Operational Endoscopy and Intervention Radiology • Endoscopy Division • Intervention Radiology Unit

Cristiano Crosta Franco Orsi

Service Charter IEO — January 2012

2 Medical Area Cardiology • Cardiology Division • Cardio-Oncology Unit

Carlo Cipolla Daniela Cardinale

Hemato-Oncology • Clinical Hemato-Oncology Division • Transplant Unit • Stem Cells Unit

Giovanni Martinelli Rocco Pastano Daniele Laszlo

Medical Oncology • Medical Oncology Division • Clinical Pharmacology and New Drugs Division • Fertility and Procreation in Oncology Unit • Medical Treatments Unit (Day Hospital) • Medical Oncology of the Respiratory System and of Muscle-Skeletal Sarcomae Unit • Medical Senology Research Unit • Melanoma Translation Research Unit • Superior and Neuro-Endocrine Digestive Cancers Unit • Support Therapies and Palliative Care Unit • Psycho-Oncology Unit

Aron Goldhirsch Aron Goldhirsch Fedro Peccatori Franco Nolè Tommaso De Pas Marco Colleoni Pier Francesco Ferrucci Nicola Fazio Alberto Sbanotto Florence Didier

Radiotherapy • Radiotherapy Division • Brachitherapy Unit

Roberto Orecchia Roberto Orecchia

Intensive Care • Anesthesia and Resuscitation Division

Marco Venturino

Radiometabolic Therapy • Nuclear Medicine Division

Giovanni Paganelli

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Clinical Interventions IEO offers the following clinical interventions: • prevention • identification of the patient’s risk factors • early diagnosis • surgical and medical treatment with the most advanced techniques available. The patient can access these interventions either within the National Health Service or within the private patients scheme (paid service). The latter allows the patient to choose a specific IEO physician and, in case of admission, to his/her private single room. The chosen physician will work under the private practice scheme.


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

3 Consultations and Diagnostic Examinations

motherapy, Cyberknife and Vero) have been operational since the beginning of 2012.

All consultations and diagnostic examinations take place at the IEO main premises, via Ripamonti 435 – Milan and at IEO Centro, via S. Luca 8 – Milan. In via Ripamonti 435 the following interventions are performed: mammography, ultrasound, radiography, magnetic resonance, CAT, PET and scintigraphy. Consultations, endoscopic examinations and sample/ specimen collections are also conducted.

IEO offers latest-generation equipment both for external radiotherapy and brachytherapy. The division also has 3 linear accelerators in the operating theatre where intra-operative radiotherapy (IORT) is performed, which allows high radiation doses to be concentrated directly on the surgical site in a single administration.

Medical Treatments in Day Hospital At the Day Hospital chemotherapy and support treatments that do not require overnight are performed. The Day Hospital, situated on the first floor of building 2, offers 16 chemotherapy chairs and 16 beds for those treatments that require prolonged medical and nursing care.

Surgeries in Day Surgery Regimen Surgeries that require admission without overnight stay are performed on the second floor of IEO 2, at the Day Surgery Centre. This includes the surgery area and the daily stay area with 32 beds. Rooms have the same facilities as the ordinary stay ones.

Surgeries in Outpatient Regimen Surgery that does not require admission is performed on the first floor of IEO 2, at surgical outpatient departments.

Medical Treatments and Surgeries in Admission Regimen IEO offers 206 beds distributed on the first and second floors, which are used both for post-surgery stay and for medical treatments. Each room includes: a toilet, a TV set, a safe deposit box and air conditioning.

Other Interventions Where necessary and/or if the patient makes a specific request, IEO offers: • Diet and Nutrition Clinic • Physiotherapy, for rehabilitation after surgery • Speech Therapy, for rehabilitation after surgery of the vocal apparatus • Oral Care, for the care of the oral cavity before surgery of the head and neck area • Psychological Support Service, individual or for groups, for the patients and/or their relatives.

Access via National Healthcare System IEO is a Scientific Institute for Admission and Treatment (IRCCS) and, like every public healthcare structure, the patients can access the treatments via the National Healthcare System. Waiting times can be seen at, in the section Online Services – Waiting Times.

Radiotherapy Radiotherapy treatments are performed on floor -1 (below ground level), where three linear accelerators are installed; three further high-tech linear accelerators (ToService Charter IEO — January 2012


Clinical Interventions

Access under the Private Patients Agreements with Mutual Aid Scheme Societies and Insurance Companies In addition to carrying out conventional treatments within the National Healthcare System, IEO offers the patients a special access under the private patients scheme (paid service). In this case, the patient can choose a specific consultant (Private Practice) and, if admitted, he/she can stay in a single room.

Physicians’ Private Practice The relationship between IEO and the physicians is exclusive, which implies that all private practices take place only and exclusively inside IEO premises. Private practice can be performed by all the physicians that have the following roles: • Manager and Co-Manager. • Senior Vice Manager. • Vice Manager. • Assistant. Private practice implies an additional cost that is listed on the invoice together with the interventions performed. The cost of private practice is determined by the role of the physician and according to the requested intervention. This cost is applied when the patient chooses the physician who will perform the interventions (consultations, diagnostic examinations, medical therapies or surgeries).


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

IEO has made agreements with most Insurance Companies offering Healthcare bills and with many specific Mutual Aid Societies. For Direct Agreements, the company has the direct responsibility of the payment, full or partial, of the interventions performed by IEO for its client. In case of partial coverage, IEO will ask the patient to pay his/ her share. For Indirect Agreements, the patient makes the whole payment and then will request a complete or partial refund from his/her Insurance Company or Mutual Aid Society.

For further information The staff at the Admissions office and at the Administration will be pleased to provide further information on this matter.

Clinical Interventions

Patient and Relatives Support Religious and Spiritual Assistance The third floor includes a Chapel dedicated to San Pio from Pietralcina and to the Physician Saints Cosma and Damiano, where the Catholic Holy Mass is celebrated every day at 4 pm. Patients of different religious denominations can request the assistance of ministers of their religion from the nurse coordinator of their department.

Cultural Mediation In order to respect the cultural diversities of its patients, IEO has set up a Cultural Mediation Service. Patients can request the presence of a cultural mediator by asking the nurse coordinator of his/her department.


These publications are available from every department and can be downloaded from This information cannot replace a direct meeting: therefore, we invite you to express freely and without apprehension any concerns you may have to the staff.

Telephone Support To improve continuity of care, the IEO, together with Fondazione Lucè Onlus, offers its patients a Telephone Support Service: 02 9437.0100 (10-18.30 Mon.-Fri.). A nurse will answer who will help the patient to evaluate his/her problem and what to do. According to the situation, the nurse will communicate the problem to his/her reference physician. This service helps but DOES NOT replace the direct communication with the family doctor or the specialized oncologist.

Healthcare Education Healthcare Education In order to improve the patient’s knowledge regarding such important areas (as treatments, feeding, and rehabilitation exercises) the IEO publishes various IEO Booklets and the IEO Informa leaflet.

Volunteers Association “Sottovoce” In order to understand the patients and his/her needs, certain characteristics are needed that go beyond words: intuition, empathy, the ability to listen and also to be silent, and a love of people. This is the philosophy of “SOTTOVOCE”, the IEO Volunteers Association, which provides for the Institute a team of highly motivated and trained people, who wish to dedicate part of their time to the people who suffer from these illnesses. The Volunteers do not replace the medical and nursing staff, they fit “quietly” between the patient and the institute providing a support service for the patient and his/her family

(information on: hotels, transports to/from IEO, books and magazines, internal services). The Secretarial Office of “Sottovoce” is on the ground floor, in the corridor between Hall A and Hall B. “Sottovoce” has a wide collection of books and writings by people who have lived through these illnesses directly or indirectly.

Associazione Volontari IEO Service Charter IEO — January 2012


How to... ...Identify the IEO staff

All the people working at IEO carry an ID card that includes: the name, role, and photo on a colored background. This background helps the patients identify the various operators:




Physician Nurse Coordinator Nurse Healthcare Technician Pathologic Anatomy Technician Physiotherapist Nutritionist Auxiliary Staff Biologist, Chemist, Pharmacist, Physicist, Psychologist Administration Staff

••• ••• •• ••

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Light Blue Orange

White coat White coat with Bordeaux edge White coat with Blue edge with green edge and white coat Blue coat and trousers White coat White coat Light blue coat

Red Green

White coat None

4 Contact IEO in case of emergency... ... book an Appointment for Consultations and Examinations To book consultations and diagnostic examinations, You can: • call 02-57489.001 (from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm). Book online at: •

... book an Appointment for Treatment and Surgery IEO does not have an emergency department, therefore all treatments and surgeries, performed daily (Day Hospital) or with overnight stay (Admission), must be planned after a consultation with a physician of the Institute. If the patient decides to access the treatments as a private patient (paid service), after a consultation with a IEO physician, the Administration Office prepares a cost budget. For those patients who have health insurance or is a member of a Mutual Aid Society, the staff will perform all the necessary administrative duties provided for in the agreement. All booking procedures are performed by the secretarial offices of the departments, following the indications of the physician.

... request a copy of Clinical Documents To obtain a copy of clinical documents, the patient has to fill in a specific form and pay for the copies. • The form is available at the Offices of Building 1 Hall B and on, Distance Services section. • The form can be delivered in person, by mail service, by fax or by e-mail. • The payment can be made in person, by mail form or bank transfer. • The clinical documents can be directly collected from the Medical Reports Office at Building 2, Floor - 1, or they can be received by courier at the address specified on the request form. • To delegate someone to collect the documents, an ID document (original or photocopy) is needed of both the holder and the delegated person. • To collect the documents from the Admission office of IEO 2, we advise you to check in advance that they are ready by calling 02-57489.750 (from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 15 pm). • Copies of the clinical documents are usually prepared in 10 working days. • IEO offers a paid translation service.

... contact IEO in emergency situations As already mentioned, IEO does not have an emergency department open to the public; in case of emergency, the patient can call 118 or the IEO switchboard 02574891 and ask for the doctor on call or check the number specified in the discharge letter.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Admission In order to organize your admission, we provide you with a short list that details all the documents and personal belongings you will need, together with other useful information.

What you need to bring Administration Documents. • Valid ID card or passport. • Tax code or regional service card. • Healthcare card or regional service card. • Insurance bills (only for Private Admissions). Foreign Nationals • Valid ID card, passport or equivalent document with photo. • For EU patients, form E 112 (planned admissions). • For non-EU patients, form STP (temporarily present foreign nationals).

Clinical Documents • Admission request, in original, filled in by your family doctor (only for admissions via NHS). • Previous discharge letters. • Previous clinical records. • Radiology examinations. • Other previous examinations.

Personal belongings • Pyjamas. • Slippers. • Dressing robe or jacket. • Underwear. • Personal Toilette. • Tools for the care and storage of protheses. • Personal medications.

5 Arrival Administration Admission On the day of admission, the reception staff perform all the administration procedures. These take place: From Monday to Friday • For NHS Admissions at the Reception in hall B Building 1. • For Private Patient Regime Admissions (paid service) at the specific Office in hall A Building 1. Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Public Holidays • For both types of admission, at the Reception, on the ground floor of IEO 1. On admission, the documents to be presented to the departmental Nurse Coordinator are prepared and the name of the reference physician is communicated. For Day Surgery admissions, outpatient surgery interventions and Day Hospital treatments, admission is performed at Building 2.

Admission to the Department The patient will be welcomed and admitted to the department by the nurse who collects all the information needed to assess his or her care needs.

Rooms Rooms offer air conditioning, toilet, a TV set, a telephone and a safe. Admission via the National Health Service provides for a double room stay. Admissions under the Private Patient Scheme (paid service) provide for a single room and a sofa bed. Please note that, for hygienic reasons, no flower pots or plants are allowed in the rooms.

Television set The TV set receives the main national channels, both public and private, and satellite channels (Sky).

Telephone The use of the telephone requires that the line be activated. This may be performed on admission at the patient’s request. To make external calls, press the “0” key before the desired telephone number. The cost will be invoiced on discharge.

Safe The safe is located inside the wardrobe, and the instructions for its use are placed inside the door of the wardrobe itself. We suggest that you store any money and documents in the safe whenever you need to leave the room. However, we also suggest that you NOT bring large sums of money or jewellery.

Remember: • In case of admission via the National Health Service, you need to have the original admission request. This document must be filled in by your family doctor and must display the wording “Admission”. • Ordinary stay departments are on the first and second floors of IEO 1.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012



Medications and food

... for companions

All the medications you need during your stay will be prescribed and ordered by the physicians of the Institute. We ask you not to take any pharmaceutical preparations without previous authorization of the medical staff, as the use of other drugs may interfere with the therapy. For the same reasons, we ask you always to seek the opinion of a physician before eating food brought from home.

The self-service restaurant is situated on the ground floor, near the bar. The ticket for a meal can be bought at the automatic dispenser situated in hall A. The ticket grants a main course, a second course with hot side dish, a cold side dish selected from the buffet, fruit or a dessert, water or wine or soft drink. For hygienic reasons, we ask companions and visitors not to eat their lunch or dinner in the patient’s room.

Visiting admitted patients Visit hours are from 10 am to 10 pm. To allow the patients to rest, no entrance is permitted after 10 pm, if not authorized by the nurse coordinators. No more than two people can stay in the room at a time. Access is not granted to children under 12, except in specific cases to be agreed with the nurse coordinator.

Restaurants/Catering... ... for the patients Meal times are as follows: • Breakfast: from 7:45 am to 8:30 am. • Lunch: from 12 pm to 1 pm. • Dinner: from 7 pm to 7:45 pm. During the afternoon a snack is served, if allowed. Meals are served in dedicated thermal trays and prepared specifically for the patient, according to the diet prescribed by the physician and the clinical nutrition service. Every day, a member of the catering staff will come by to collect your orders.


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

Diagnostic examinations The department nursing staff will inform you of any examinations that you will need to undergo during your stay. A staff member will accompany you to the place where the examination will be performed.


Whom to ask Medical Staff The whole medical équipe of the Division will be at your disposal to give you information on the diagnosis, therapy (medical and/or surgical) and on the clinical course and, only with your authorization, may impart this information to your relatives. The physicians are always available at their offices.


Other Staff In addition to the medical and nursing staff, you may also ask for help from the auxiliary staff (light blue coat), who have accomodation, hygienic-environmental and support duties, and also from the administration staff. Remember: if you need clinical information, please refer to the medical and nursing staff only.

Nursing Staff


The Management of Healthcare Services, in collaboration with the Medical Management, has radically changed the model of Nursing Care inside the Institute. In complete consistency with IEO’s mission, in which the patient is placed at the core of the care process, we have decided – and this is the first example in Europe - to introduce an innovative modality to assist the patient and his/her relatives. In fact, the Primary Nursing model has been implemented, which allows a nurse to assist the patient and his/her family, and be the reference nurse from admission to discharge, guaranteeing a customized care. The reference nurse will also facilitate the continuity of care after discharge, by designing a care plan, shared with the patient and his/her family. The nursing équipe consists of a Nursing Coordinator (white coat with bordeaux edge) and the Nurses (with coat with blue edge). The Nursing Coordinator mainly carries out management and organizational functions and is present in the department from 7:30 am to 3 pm.

On the day of your discharge, a nurse will evaluate your general conditions and, during the morning, a physician will visit you to confirm the discharge. The administration staff will perform all the necessary procedures: From Monday to Friday • For admissions via National Health System at the Reception desks in hall B Building 1; • For Private Patient admissions (paid service) at the dedicated Office in hall A Building 1. Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays • At the Reception on the ground floor, for both types of admission. On discharge, you can also make the payment for any expenses and, if needed, you can ask for a copy of your clinical documents. Remember: once the discharge is confirmed, we kindly ask you to leave the room by 10 am, after carefully checking that you have not forgotten any personal belongings and documents.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Services inside IEO To make the Patient’s stay and that of his or her relatives more comfortable, the following services are available.


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

6 Travel Agency

Car Park

The Travel Agency, situated in hall B, allows you to book flights and train tickets. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5:30 pm.

At the entrance of the Institute, on the left, there is an underground car park for patients and visitors. The car park is not operated by the European Institute of Oncology, but by an external company. Rates: • First hour - € 2 • from the 2nd to the 6th hour - € 1 per hour • from the 7th to the 24th hour - € 0,50 per hour After 24 hours, the cycle starts over; The car park is operational 365 days a year.

Bancomat A Bancomat service is situated in the halls on the ground floor.

Bar IEO has two bars. The bar of Building 1 is on the ground floor and is open from Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 7:30 pm. On Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, it opens from 8 am to 6 pm. Outside these hours, drink (hot and cold) vending machines can be found near the bar. The bar of Building 2 is on floor -1 and is open from Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 7 pm.

Luggage Storage Two luggage storage rooms are available for patients and companions, both on floor -1, in the areas under the escalators.

Surveillance A 24/7 surveillance service provides security at the entrance and within the Institute. The surveillance staff can be easily identified from their uniform and ID card. Security cameras operate throughout the Institute. In case of emergency, call the internal extension 2287.

Fax Documents can be sent via fax from the switchboard situated on the ground floor of Building 1.

Telephones Public telephones and an automatic phone card dispenser are situated in the corridor that links the two halls.

Restaurants Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner A self-service restaurant is available for companions and visitors; it is situated on the ground floor near the bar. The self-service restaurant serves: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The restaurant is open: From Monday to Sunday and on Public Holidays • Breakfast from 7:30 am to 10 am. • Lunch from 12 am to 3 pm. • Dinner from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm.

Taxis and Driver Services You can book a taxi or a rental car with driver at the Reception of hall A.

Newsagents The newsagents of Building 1 is situated in hall A and is open from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 5 pm, and on Saturdays from 8 am to 12 am (closed on holidays). The newsagents of Building 2 is on floor -1 and is open from Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm (closed on Saturdays and holidays).

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Rights and Duties of the Patient At IEO, the centrality of the patient is a priority and this takes the form not only of providing the best care and treatment, but also of accurate information. It is therefore important that the patient know his/her rights, to better assess the quality of the treatments he/she is receiving and to know how to get the necessary information. It is also important the patients are aware of their duties, to allow the staff at IEO to help him/her in the best possible way.

Protection of personal data and privacy IEO has devised a specific form to request the patient’s consensus regarding the treatment of his/her personal data. • The form can be found inside the “Personal data protection and privacy” leaflet, that describes in detail the regulations and aims for which IEO asks the patient his/ her consensus to the treatment of personal data. • The leaflet is available on the notice-boards inside the Institute and at all reception desks.


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

7 The patient has the right to: Quality of treatment • Receive the best treatment, safely, through the use of the most advanced technologies and scientific knowledge. • Professional and customized care. Information • Complete information on his/her health status, on diagnostic examinations and therapeutic treatments. • Be informed about alternative treatments, even if they can only be performed in other centres. • Not to undergo treatments or interventions without giving his/her consensus. • Refuse to grant his/her consensus should the Institute ask to use his/her clinical case for teaching or research activities. • Know the name of the physician who will follow him/ her and identify the healthcare staff as far as title, role and personal identity are concerned. • A clear, readable and complete clinical record, with all the information on the diagnosis, treatments and interventions that have been performed. Privacy • Maximum privacy on personal data and on diagnosis, stay and treatments. Human Dignity • Healthcare conducted respecting human dignity and with the utmost attention to personal feelings.

Environment Be welcomed in a comfortable and welcoming environment, that takes into account his/her customs and behaviour. Reports and Claims • Express his/her opinion on the quality of the received intervention and services and receive a fast, clear and comprehensive answer to any claims.

We expect the patient to: • Cooperate with the physicians and nurses, giving clear and precise information on his/hear health status, previous admissions and therapies. • Tell the nursing staff about any drugs and/or herbal products taken at home. • Immediately tell the physician or nurse about any changes in his/her health status. • Call the physician or nurse if he/she feels pain. • Inform the nursing staff if he/she wishes to leave the department. • Show respect for the work of all the staff, being courteous in relationships and reasonable in making requests. • Avoid any behaviours that may cause disturbance or create problems for other patients. • Use the environments, tools and furniture of the Institute properly. • Report any malfunctioning, in order to participate in the improvement of the quality of the services. • Respect the smoking ban in the hospital and the external perimeter area.

Family Doctor • Collaboration between the IEO and the patient’s family doctor, who will be informed on the course of the illness and on the outcome of the administered treatments.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Our plan to improve IEO The continuous improvement of the quality of research, assistance and treatments is one of the main elements of the Institute’s mission. To implement improvement activities, IEO has developed three-year plans with goals that are consistent with the international standards of excellence. The first phase (2003-2005) compared the processes set up at IEO with the standards of the Joint Commission International, the most authoritative body at world level. After the “structural” phase, in the second phase (2006-2008) IEO set about transforming the slogan “the patient at the core” into reality by means of specific projects. These include: • the creation of IEO 2, premises dedicated to prevention and daily/outpatient care;

• the improvement of the information and education of the patient and his/her family, with guides of healthcare education; • a greater involvement of the patient in the treatment and assistance plan by means of “healthcare pathways”; • the improvement of evaluation and fight against pain; • an increase of the certainty in identifying the patient, by involving him/her in each phase of his path; • the prevention of accidental falls.

PATIENT FOCUS Risk Managemet Performance Measurement Customer Satisfaction


diagnosis therapy rehabilitation follow-up

Evidence Based Medicine Continuing Education



Service Charter IEO — January 2012

...follows on the next page

8 Public Relations Office The Public Relations Office is available to collect reports from the patients; it is situated on the ground floor of IEO 1 in the corridor between the two halls, and is open from 10 am to 12 am and from 4 pm to 6 pm, from Monday to Friday. At different times and days, the patients can ask for an appointment. The Public Relations Office can also be contacted via email at or via fax at 0294379.276.

Questionnaires We kindly ask you to spend some minutes to fill in the questionnaire “We are interested in your opinion”, stating freely, sincerely and anonymously your opinions regarding our Institute. The questionnaires, that can be found on IEO’s noticeboards, are collected and processed each month by the Quality and Accreditation Service help our Institute become more and more responsive to patients’ expectations.









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The Third Phase (2011-2013). At present, IEO intends to consolidate these results, develop projects aimed at modernizing its technologies and improve the areas suggested by its patients. The most representative projects are: • Institutional Communication. The publication of the Scientific Report and of the Quality & Safety Report continues, with more timely and detailed news on IEO’s results, with a view to transparently sharing our goals and results with our patients; • Reception, accessibility and comfort. The project “viaggarefacile” (i.e. ”travel easily”) is under way; it will support patients by means of agreements drawn up by IEO with Alitalia, Atahotels and Settimotour (see page 29); • Orientation at IEO. Improvement of signs and internal paths, publication of guides on the clinical pathways and services offered by IEO, on prevention, and on what to do before, during or after an intervention or treatment; • Innovation. Expansion of radiotherapy with three new state-of-the-art advanced linear accelerators, increase of day surgery interventions with a reduction of the days to be spent in hospital and increase in the number of treated patients, Primary care with a reference nurse for each patient; • Continuity of care. Development of the “Protected Discharge” program for patients with particularly serious problems, and creation of a connection service between IEO and family doctors; • Safety. Creation of the “patient’s passport”: the clinical documents will include a photo of the patient, making each “movement” of the care path safer; • Sustainability and savings. Project aiming at: - energy saving; - reduction of photocopies and prints, greater use of IT; - reduction of improper admissions and average stay; - detailed controls of the appropriateness of drugs and equipment use; - good use of the operating theatres, making them more efficient; - fight against waste.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


How to arrive A9

Venezia A4


A8 Varese


Milano Via M oli

no de

IEO Centro

lle Arm



Aeroporto di LInate

IEO Centro Via San Luca 5

Corso Italia

Via Catafimi

Via Cosimo del Fante


Via Marco Burigozzzo

Via Gian Galeazzo

Tangenziale Ovest Uscita Val Tidone Milano Vigentina

Viale Col di Lana


Service Charter IEO — January 2012





9 ... at IEO

... at IEO Centro

By car • from the centre of Milan, go down Corso di Porta Romana towards the South, then take Corso di Porta Vigentina and then Via Ripamonti as far as n° 435. • from the highway, take the Milan West Ring Road as far as Val Tidone-Milano Vigentina Exit and go straight on towards Milan Centre taking via Ripamonti as far as n°435.

By public transport services • from the Central Station, take the tube - 3 (yellow line) as far as the Missori stop, take tram n° 15 at the “Albricci–Da Cannobio” stop as far as the “Italia–S. Luca” stop. • from the centre of Milan, (Piazza Duomo), take tram n° 15 at the “Albricci–Da Cannobio” stop as far as the “Italia–S. Luca” stop. • from IEO, take line 99 at the “Ripamonti-Macconago” stop as far as the “Ripamonti-Quaranta” stop, take tram n° 24 as far as the “Romana-Missori” stop and then tram n° 15 from “Italia-Missori” as far as the “Italia-S. Luca” stop.

By public transport services • from the centre of Milan, take Tram n° 24 in Piazza Duomo - Via Mazzini (direction: Via Noto - Via Ripamonti) as far as the terminal, then take bus n° 99 (direction: Noverasco) or bus n° 222 (extra-urban line) and get off at the first stop, called “Ripamonti-Macconago”. • from the Central Station, take the tube - 3 (yellow line) as far as the Missori stop, take tram n° 24 (direction: Via Noto - Via Ripamonti) as far as the terminal and then take bus n° 99 and n° 222 towards Opera, getting off at the Ripamonti-Macconago stop. • from Malpensa airport, take the shuttle as far as the Central Station, then follow the above-mentioned directions. • from Linate airport, take bus n°73 as far as the town center (Piazza Duomo - Via Mazzini), then follow the above-mentioned directions.

IEO Viaggiarefacile (Travel Easily) All the patients with a booking can use a service made available by IEO, called “IEO Viaggiarefacile” which facilitates travel and hotel booking. Through this service, the patient has organizational support that cares for his/her needs with favourable price conditions, thanks to the agreements with ALITALIA, Atahotels and Settimotour. The agreement with ALITALIA provides for special fares with reductions up to 35% on specific fare classes. Railway tickets can also be purchased. The agreement with the Atahotels group provides for special rates with reductions up to 45% on the best rate published by Quark Hotel (rooms) and Quark 2 (residence – for longer periods). Both structures are rated 4 stars, they are near IEO and offer a shuttle service to the Institute. The advantages of IEO Viaggiarefacile extend to a patient’s companion. For further information, visit, section “Travel and Hotels”.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


The free shuttle Piazza Abbiategrasso 2 (tube, green line) – terminal tram 24 - IEO IEO – terminal tram 24 - Piazza Abbiategrasso 2 (tube, green line)


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

Service from MM Abbiategrasso to IEO


Service from IEO to MM Abbiategrasso

This service is offered by IEO Foundation; you can help the foundation by making a donation at, section IEO Foundation.

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


General Information Access to the hospital is allowed from 7 am to 10 pm every day of the year. For hygienic reasons, no animals are allowed. No food or drink can be brought to the patients without the authorization of the nursing coordinator. We suggest not to bring children under 12 and plants or flowers. IEO no smoking At IEO, it is forbidden to smoke both inside the premises and outside, along the whole perimeter of the building. This policy has been adopted because of the engagement and the role of the Institute in the scientific, healthcare and social fields. We invite all who want to share with us this fight against tobacco, to refrain from smoking while at IEO.


Service Charter IEO — January 2012

10 Who supports the Institute A great project needs solid financial bases in order to be able to grow. Since its beginning, IEO has been supported by various bodies.

IEO Associates • Allianz - Ras • Banca Popolare di Milano • Banca Popolare di Sondrio • Banco Popolare • Edison • Fondazione Cabrino Carena • Fondazione Italcementi • Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri • Gruppo Generali • Gruppo Fondiaria SAI • Intesa San Paolo • Italcementi • MedioBanca • Mediolanum • Milano Assicurazioni • Pirelli • RCS • Sorin Group • Telecom Italia • UniCredit

Ministry and Associations A great contribution to the development of research at IEO has been given by the funding from the Ministry of Health, and various Associations and Foundations. A special “thank you” goes to the Italian Association for Cancer Research (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro – AIRC) that has been financing various projects of the Institute.

Private Citizens Another special “thank you” goes to the People and Companies who made donations through the IEO Foundation and to those who decide to allocate “5 per 1000” (0.5%) of their income tax to IEO. From the data made available by the Inland Revenue, in 2006, 87.948 people chose IEO, proof that the fight against cancer is a priority for many people. All who present the Tax Declaration Return forms “Unico”,” 730” or more simply who receive the “CUD” form from their employer, can choose the destination of the 5 per 1000, by signing and writing the IEO tax code: 08691440153.

IEO Foundation European Institute of Oncology The IEO Foundation is an important tool for financing the projects of the physicians and researchers of IEO. The offices of IEO Foundation are situated on the ground floor, between hall A and hall B

Service Charter IEO — January 2012


General Information

How to get directions at IEO IEO 1 Where


• Public Relations Office

Timetable 10 — 12 | 16 — 18


• Booking Request • Reports and Clinical Records Collection • Pre-admissions and Admission via NHS • Paid Pre-admissions and Admission • Echography/Ultrasound • Mammography • Radiography • CAT........................................................................ Ground Floor

Radiotherapy......................................... Floor -1 Radiodiagnostics

8 — 16 9 — 15 7.30 — 19.30 8 — 19

7.30 — 19.30 8 — 19.30

• Mammography • Echography/Ultrasound • Radiographies • Magnetic Resonance • CAT....................................................................... Floor -1

Stay Departments Surgical Area 1

• Abdominal-Pelvic • Head and Neck • General Laparoscopic • Thoracic • Melanoma......................................... First Floor

Surgical Area 2

• Senology • Plastics and Reconstruction • Gynecology • Urology............................................. Second Floor

Medical Area

• Medical Oncology............................. First Floor • Radiometabolic Therapy.................. First Floor • Brachytherapy.................................. Second Floor • Hemato-Oncology............................. Second Floor

Services Area

• Intensive Therapy.............................. Second Floor

General Information IEO 2 Where



• Consultations • Endoscopic Examinations • PET and Scintigraphy • Day Surgery • Medications • Outpatient Surgery............................................. Ground Floor • Day Hospital........................................................ First Floor

7.30 – 19.30 7.30 – 17.30

Samplings.................................................. First Floor

Get pictorial directions

Endoscopy............................................... Floor -1 Nuclear Medicine

• PET and Scintigraphy • Radiotherapy........................................................ Floor-1


Day Hospital.......................................... First Floor Day Surgery...........................................Second Floor Consultations

• Outpatient dept. 1 to 29 ..................................... Ground Floor • Outpatient dept. 30 to 39 .................................. First Floor • Outpatient Surgery ............................................ First Floor Timetable (Lu-Ve)

Other timetables

7 – 19.30 7 – 19

8 – 18 (Sat-Sun, Holidays)

Facilities • Bar

IEO 1 Ground Floor (Hall A) IEO 2 Floor -1 IEO 1 Ground Floor (Hall A)

• Restaurant Breakfast Lunch Dinner • Newsagent • Travel Agency • Sottovoce Association • Bancomat • Telephones • Chapel

7.30 – 10 12 – 15 19.30 – 20.30 7 – 17 7 – 18 9.30 – 13

IEO 1 Ground Floor (Hall A) 8 – 12 (Sat-Sun, Holidays) IEO 2 Floor -1 IEO 1 Ground Floor (Hall B) IEO 1 Ground Floor 9 – 13 (between the two Halls) (ATM cash dispenser) IEO 1 Ground Floor (Hall A and Hall B) IEO 1 Ground Floor (Hall A and Hall B) IEO 1 Third Floor 14 – 17.30

10 The website reports all the information on IEO, including the ones presented in this document; You can also book consultations and examinations, read the curricula of the physicians and download modules.

Useful Telephone Numbers Switchboard Tel. 02 - 57489.1 CUP (Single Booking Centre) Tel. 02 - 57489.001 Working days: 8.00—16.00 Public Relations Office e-mail: Fax: 02 - 94379.276 Working days: 10.00—12.00 and 16.00—18.00

IEO European Institute of Oncology Via Ripamonti 435 20141 Milano T +39 02 57489.1 F +39 02 57489.208 W

IEO is accredited by the Joint Commission

by the Permanent Group on the Service Charter • Oliviero Rinaldi • Sergio Carlini • Pier Luigi Deriu • Giorgio Magon • Emanuela Ottolina • Bruno Tonon


Service Charter IEO — January 2012


Updated in January 2012

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