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XVII. Case Study: Brunello Cucinelli
XVII XVII. Case Study: Brunello Cucinelli
What to do without money but with brilliant ideas: build a business like Brunello Cucinelli. Let’s analyze some of his simple strategies to get started in his business. In each one you will find the real methods that Cucinelli used to develop his company from a small one into a luxury brand renowned all over the world. • When Brunello had only two workers, he aimed to give the idea of having a large company to German customers, that's how he did it: he hired for two hours a day an old German lady who telephoned customers to get feedback on the quality of the products and the sa�sfac�on of each customer, se�ng up a sort of call center. • He copied the idea of Bene�on of do all the white pullovers and then dye them in 110 colors (something to which the Bri�sh tradi�on rebelled since the cashmere according to them had to be only in autumn colors). • Buy a trouser factory to combine with pullovers in order to have a coordinated collec�on. • He covered his mouth with a handkerchief when he answered the phone, if someone asked to talk to the manager he removed the handkerchief and talked to make it look like he had two directors. • When he moved with his collaborators he paid only one room in a luxury hotel and everyone slept there. • He used external services in order to avoid fixed costs. • He personally followed the renova�on of the Castle in Solomeo (the town where it is located his company). • In order to avoid the costs of architects and engineers. • He worked himself directly on kni�ng machines. Teamwork: create small groups of 2-3 students and try to guess why Brunello used these strategies and what are the effects on the customers, on the image of his company and on his brand. Develop a strategy to promote your brand fi�ng in a limited financial budget, using your crea�vity to increase the brand iden�ty and the reputa�on of your company.