Baby Kid Store March April 2020

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About Us Tri Elektronik was established by Remzi Büyüknalçacı in 1972. It stepped into the printing sector with the manufacturing of steel cliché first in 1991. We started exporting raw material of steel cliché in 1996. We started domestic distribution of VISPROX pad printing and screenprinting inks in 2000. Right after this development we signed sales and service agreement of pad printing machines with Comec Italia SRL in 2004. We continued to take our recognized place in the sector as Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. in 2010. We started to make assembling of EAZY 90 in 2013 and EAZY 130 machines provided from 100% Comec Italia SRL in 2015. We are proudly continuing to be a company improving its customer potential with the fame every day thanks to our adherence to quality, customer satisfaction and brand reliability from the very first day. We have currently been operating in the printing industry and manufacturing imports of main elements such as machinery and inks and manufacturing of consumables such as silicon pads and steel clichés. We have also been providing the service and after sale services of the materials that we sell.

Фирма «Три Электроник» (Tri Elektronik) была основана в 1972 году Ремзи Бююкнальчаджи. В 1991 году компания сделала первый шаг в полиграфической промышленности, выпустив стальное клише. В 1996 году мы начали экспортировать сырье стального клише. В 2000 году мы начали продажу красок для тампопечати и трафаретной печати VISPROX. Сразу же после этого, в 2004 году, мы подписали соглашение с Comec Italia SRL о продаже и обслуживании машин для тампонной печати. В 2010 году фирма ООО «Три Электроник Сан.Тидж.Лтд.Шти» (Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.) продолжала занимать свое место в этом секторе. В 2013 году мы начали осуществлять монтаж машин EAZY 90, а в 2015 году -EAZY 130 на 100% продукты Comec Italia SRL. Мы гордимся тем, что продолжаем быть компанией, которая день ото дня увеличивает потенциал наших клиентов благодаря нашей приверженности качеству, удовлетворенности клиентов и надежности бренда.

В настоящее время мы работаем в секторе печати, импортируя основные компоненты, такие как машины и чернила, производя силиконовые тампоны, расходные материалы, как стальные клише. Мы также предоставляем сервис и постпродажную поддержку для всех продуктов, которые мы продаем. Tri Elektronik è stata fondata da Remzi Büyüknalçacı nel 1972. Nel 1991 è entrata nel settore della stampa con la produzione di cliché in acciaio. Nel 1996 abbiamo iniziato ad esportare materiale grezzo di cliché in acciaio. Nel 2000 abbiamo iniziato la distribuzione domestica degli inchiostri da stampa e serigrafia VISPROX. Subito dopo questo sviluppo, nel 2004, abbiamo firmato un accordo di vendita e assistenza per le macchine tampografiche con Comec Italia SRL. Nel 2010 abbiamo continuato a tenere il nostro posto riconosciuto nel settore con il denominazione Tri Elektronik San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.. Nel 2013 abbiamo iniziato a montare EAZY 90 e nel 2015 le macchine EAZY 130 fornite 100% da Comec Italia SRL. Stiamo orgogliosamente continuando a essere un’azienda che migliora il potenziale dei suoi clienti preziosi ogni giorno grazie alla nostra adesione alla qualità, alla soddisfazione del cliente e all’affidabilità del marchio sin dal primo giorno. Attualmente operiamo nel settore della stampa e produciamo importazioni di elementi principali come macchinari e inchiostri e facciamo la produzione di materiali di consumo come lastre di silicone e cliché in acciaio. Forniamo anche servizi e servizi post vendita per i materiali che vendiamo. March / April 2020 1

About Us

Tri Elektronik Makes Your Brand Permanent with Inkprint Method In almost all industries, Tri Elektronik offers a number of advantages to its users by opening a new era in marking with Inkprint printing method. such as paint. After this process, if the brand, size or content will not change, you can continue printing until the end of the day. The printing has no waiting or drying process. Therefore, depending on the professionalism of the operator, you can print approximately 800 to 1200 products per hour. This means a high production rate, such as 5,000-8,000 product prints, with breaks and downtime within a day.

‘You can pay off the machine you bought in just 5-6 months!’

‘If you use the Inkprint Method, no one can tear off your brand from your product!’

Inkprint is a tagless printing and washing instruction printing method in textiles which can be applied just before shipment of finished products such as seamless clothing, underwear, combed, t-shirt, shirt, socks, sportswear, swimwear and hat. The need for sewing labels in the textile sector has been eliminated with the fact that inkprint printing machines can print directly and permanently on the fabric. Inkprint Labelled Marking is resistant to washing, flexing and rubbing and does not shine on the fabric. The product can be printed in one color and two colors. I would like to underline that; we pay great importance to the health issue where the consumer becomes more aware and approaching with great sensitivity. Special textile ink is our main product in Inkprint Tagless Printing method. Our inks are manufactured in compliance with RoHS directives and Toy standards, and contain no heavy metals or harmful substances threatening human health. There is no harm in contacting the user, it does not harm and it does not contain any carcinogenic substances. We also have all test reports and declarations. We provide these documents to companies who want. After printing on the product, it can pass OEKOTEX tests when sent to the test. Inks with ECO PASSPORT certification are also available.

The price of our machine varies between 2,950 Euro and 3,880 Euro depending on accessories added. Considering the savings in cost, time and labor, I can say that it is a machine that will make profit for the user in the short term with a certain capital. Consider like that the daily production of an average sized continuous and serial workshop is around 5,000-5,500 pieces. And they can meet their daily needs with a single inkprint machine. In addition, sewing speeds are increased because they do not lose time to sew labels, and an employee will be less. With a monthly production of approximately 120 thousand units, you can pay off the machine you bought in 5-6 months.

‘Low printing cost with fast printing method’

Inkprint Unlabeled Marking has many advantages to the user. Let me briefly talk about these highlights. First of all, the use of this machine saves time and labor. For example, consider a oneday printing process. In the morning, before printing, there is about ten minutes of preparation for the necessary equipment, March / April 2020 2

About Us

Elsima Türkiye’nin modern çocuk pijama ve eşofmanları üreten bir tekstil markasıdır. Elsima 1 ve 18 yas arası pijama ve eşofmanlar üretmektedir. İlkbahar - Yaz ve Sonbahar - Kış olmak üzere 4 mevsim yeni koleksiyonlar tasarlamaktadır. Şirket 1995 yılında kurulmuştur. Özgün tasarım, kaliteli ürünler, en iyi fiyat ve çocuk sağlığı firmanın temel vizyonudur. Günümüzde Elsima ürünlerini 63 ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Şirketin hedefi dünyanın en çok tanınan çocuk markalarından biri olmaktır. Elsima is a textile brand which produces modern child’s pyjamas and sweatsuits in Turkey. Elsima produces pyjamas and sweatsuits between 1 and 18 ages. The company creates new collections as Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter in 4 seasons. The company was founded in 1995. Unique design, quality products, best price and health of children are vision of Elsima. Today, Elsima exports its products 63 countries. The company aims to be one of the well-known kids brand in the World. Elsima это турецкая текстильная компания, которая выпускает модную спортивную одежду и пижамы для детей. Elsima производит спортивную одежду и пижамы для детей возрастом от 1 до 18 лет. Нами разрабатываются новые коллекции для 4 сезонов, включая сезоны весна-лето и очень-зима. Фирма была создана в 1995 году. Оригинальный дизайн, качественные товары, самые лучшие цены и здоровье детей лежат в основе нашего видения. На сегодня компания Elsima экспортирует свою продукцию в 63 страны. Цель компании - стать одним из самых узнаваемых детских брендов в мире. March / April 2020 4


Editor Always keep smiling!

Hello to all from the spring, when colorful image of flowers blooming from brown branches replacing cold and muggy grayness of the winter season, and the warmth of the sun warming us from the top replacing the breeze of the wind blowing our hair. It has been three months since 2020. Unfortunately, we faced disasters around the world while waiting for a year to bring beauty. Fires, earthquakes, accidents and the corona virus that we have on our agenda. The virus, which started in Wuhan city of China and caused thousands of lives, has shaken the country both socially and economically and unfortunately still continues to spread rapidly in many countries of the world. In fact, it is necessary to believe for a healthy and happy life is to hope and smile should be made a part of life instead of medicines and smiling is an antidote to diseases and negativities. Imagine that evil will end and smile will motivate people and always keep smiling! As Baby & Kid Store magazine, being part in every place which has great importance for Turkey in baby and children industry products. In January and February months, we participated in international fairs such as CBME Turkey Children Baby Maternity Expo, Junioshow, Pitti Immagine Bimbo, Linexpo, Kids’ Time, FIMI-Baby Kid Spain, CJF-Child and Junior Fashion. With the fashion of 2020-2021, the latest trends and our new issue with plenty of content, we take you to the heart of Eastern Europe, Ukraine and we are happy to be with us on this journey. Hope to meet you in our next issue. Have a nice reading!

Sibel Yalçın Editor

Publisher: H. Ferruh Işık on behalf of İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Coordinator Mehtap Akyel Editor Sibel Yalçın

Managing Editor (Responsible) Mehmet Söztutan Design & Graphics Consultant Sami AKTAŞ Foreign Relations İsmail Çakır

Correspondent Tayfun Aydın

Subscription İsmail Özçelik

Finance Manager Cuma KARAMAN

Printed By Head Office İHLAS GAZETECİLİK A.Ş. İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Caddesi İhlas Plaza No:11 A/41 İhlas Holding Yenibosna Merkez Mah. 29 Ekim Cad. No:11 Yenibosna–Bahçelievler/ İSTANBUL Medya Blok Kat:1 Bahçelievler İstanbul March / April Tel: 0212 4542020 30 00 Tel: +90 212 454 22 22 Fax: +90 212 454 22 93 8


Life goes on‌

Unfortunately, the globe is full of disasters nowadays. A big part of the world was hit by coronavirus and the rest is cautious and afraid of getting hit by the virus. China is the first with the outbreak and the country was hit badly in terms of economy and social life. I hope this calamity vanishes soon and China binds up the wounds. The world is like a body in our time. When a part of the body hurts, the rest of the body feels the pain. We are all suffering the losses originating from China.

The closest part to Turkey hit by the disease is our neighbor Iran which was also hit by some recent earthquakes. Van, an eastern Anatolian city close to Iran was also shaken badly and there were 9 casualties in addition to 39 wounded people. The life goes on‌ We have increased our activities to cope with the tough conditions. This is the March issue of Baby & Kid Store and it is the time to issue the magazine in English and ship to various international countries. Despite the negative conditions we published our record issue in January from the standpoints of content, advertisement, turnover, number of copies, etc. It was very much welcomed by the industry and we were motivated on the maximum level. Then we published our February issue which was again in English and taken to Florence, Kielce, Paris and Moscow for distribution at leading international fairs. We are now in different countries to do our job with this March issue. In April we will mostly be in Turkey to distribute at very important shows. I hope the world gets rid of major problems very soon. I wish quick recovery for the Chinese friends first and for other countries which were infected and affected.

Mehtap Akyel, C oordinator

About Us Tulay Textile, founded in 1987, is primarily operating in women’s, men’s and children’s underwear and sleepwear sectors. Tülay İç Giyim and Devino are leading export brands, which play an important part in overseas exports, and important values for the Turkish Textile Industry. Today, we-Larice Club Larice Kids, as a third generation, are pleased to present our new products. We are all dedicated to bringing you the strong and assertive production infrastructure in the area of children’s pajamas, underwear and home wear-pajamas. We are managed by dedicated professionals having rich industrial experience with a passion for innovation and excellence. We are equipped with the young and dynamic staff to be a world-wide brand. While we are preparing Larice Club and Larice Kids branded products, we always ask ourselves one question: How to make childrens happy? Our source of inspiration is the smile on children’s face. We, as Larice Kids, believe that if children are happy, then the worlds is happy, too. And we also know that the things we are designing today are the best investment value for our future children. Here we are... We are all childishly excited to begin our work together.

New Collection from Larice Kids! Larice Kids expands its product range by adding a new one to its rich collection every day with its innovative and original design. By including the Teenage group between the ages of 13 and 18, it continues to prioritize the comfort of young people in the field of pajamas, underwear and home wear. As with every collection of the brand, it is certain that it will be appreciated with this collection.

Детский мир с Larice, становится цветнее. В этом году внутреняя энергия детей, встречается c дизайном. Фирма Larice, впервые со своей коллекцией Весна-Лето, ожидает выставку CBME “Мама”и”Малыш”. Коллекцию этого года, украшает незаменимая для Larice веселая и живая тема. С проектом развлечения и поднятия настроения детям, отправляемся в путь. В этом процессе, душевной и денамичной одеждой, хотим открыть мерцающий мир в глазах детей. B коллекции приятный дизайн смешивается с живыми цветами. В этом, году внемание привлекают мальчиковые и девочковые наборы, даполняющие друг друга. Оригинальные узоры одежды - самое красивое отражение веселого детского мира. На одежде, для девочек элегантные штрихи совмещаются с гармоничными цветами. Узоры цветов, в этом году занимают не последнее место. У мальчиков , Larice настаивает на динамичные полосы и живые цвета. Используемые в расцветке нейтральные тона, придают особый вид. Дизайн, привлекает внимание подборкой гармоничных цветов. Иногда контрастами, а иногда переходящими тонами. Larice, в новой коллекции предстанет перед нами в новом виде. В сфере создания узоров на уровне марки и на модельной основе идет в тему. В этом году, мы увидим и комбинированные модели используемые в группе с отдельными изделиями. Во время создания этих комбинаций,следовали тематическим путем. И в следствии этого, появились изделия имеющие целостность и историю от узоров до полос и цветов. Будьте готовы раскрасить лето с Larice! Основанная в 1987 году под названием Tülay Tekstil, наша фирма начала набирать активные обороты, опираясь в большинстве на производство мужского, женского и детского нижнего белья, а также пижам для детей и взрослых. Заработав особое место на экспорте товара заграницу, наши марки Tülay Tekstil и Devino с особой значимостью продолжают своё развитие на текстильном рынке Турции. На сегодняшний день мы с радостью представляем вашему вниманию новое, уже третье поколение нашей организации под именами Larice Club-Larice Kids. Под маркой Larice Kids, на основании сильного и конкурентоспособного производства, наша фирма дает высококачественное обслуживание в области нижнего белья, пижам и домашней одежды для детей. Имея за спиной многолетний опыт и не теряя в себе стремление к усовершенствованию, вместе с молодым и энергичным коллективом мы ставим перед собой цель достижения успеха мирового значения. В каждой разработке марок Larice Kids и Larice Club мы задаемся вопросом, как благодаря нашей продукции мы можем подарить детям радость. Прекрасные улыбки на лицах детей- это наш самый главный источник вдохновения для создания новых коллекций. Для нас, сотрудников Л Larice Kids , счастье ребенка означает счастливое будущее для всего мира, на что и направлены все наши усилия. Мы знаем, что то, что мы сегодня посеем , то и будем пожинать в будущем для наших детей.

March / April 2020 10

About Us Hamleteks Tekstil, 1996 yılında “Funny Baby” markası ile bebek ayakkabısı üretimine başlamıştır. Ardından Türkiye’nin ve dünyanın büyük markalarına özel üretimler yaparak kurulduğu günden bu güne sektörün ileri gelen üreticisi olmuştur. Hamleteks Tekstil, sektöründe yenilikler yaratmakta, ürün yelpazesini ve çeşitliliğini sürekli geliştirmektedir. Çalıştığı firmalarla ortak amacı; yüksek kalite standartlarında üretilen yenilikçi, özel isteklere cevap verebilen ürünlerle, Türkiye’de ve dünyada yeni ufuklar açabilmektir. Misyonumuz Hamleteks Tekstil, satış ve satış sonrası hizmetlerinde “Müşteri Memnuniyetini” en üst düzeyde oluşturmak ve devamlılığını sağlamak için Kalite Yönetim Sistemi’ni benimsemiştir. Bu amaçla da, teknolojiye olduğu kadar, insan kaynakları, kaynakların etkin ve bilinçli kullanılması, eğitim vb. konulara da gerekli önemi göstermektedir. İş ortakları, müşteri ve çalışanları ile olan ilişkilerinde dürüstlüğü ön planda tutmaktadır. Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk ilkelerinin, sürdürülebilir gelişmenin olmazsa olmazları arasında yer aldığına inanan Hamleteks Tekstil, içinde yaşadığı topluma değer sağlamayı temel sorumluluk alanlarından biri olarak görür ve bu çerçevede tüm ticari ilişkilerini sosyal uyumluluk ilkeleri çerçevesinde yürütür. Vizyonumuz Hamleteks Tekstil, üstün hizmet anlayışı, yüksek üretim kapasitesi, geniş ürün yelpazesi, model, çeşit ve kaliteden ödün vermeyen ilkesi ile yükselen değer olmak için profesyonel ve modern yönetimi ile çalışmalarını devam ettirecektir. Hamleteks Textile started baby shoe production with “Funny Baby” brand name in1996. Then it started to make special productions for leading world brands and has become the leading manufacturer of the sector. Hemleteks Textile has been developing novelties in the sector and has been constantly developing its product portfolio and variety. Its common goal with its trade partners is to respond the special needs of the sector with innovative products produced at high quality standards thereby opening itself to new horizons. Our Mission Hamleteks Textile adopted to gain maximum level of “Customer Satisfaction” at sales and after sale services and Quality Management System in order to maintain permanency. For this reason the company attaches extra importance on human resources, effective and conscious usage of resources, training, etc. as much as its attachment to technology utilization. Our company places honesty forefront in its relations with business partners, customers as well as its staff. With a belief that the institutional social responsibility is inevitable among sustainable development, Hamleteks Textile feels the responsibility of adding value to the society it lives and controls its all commercial relations in this framework. Our Vision Hamleteks Textile will continue its works with professional and modern management to be an uprising value with its superior service understanding, high production capacity and wide product range without compromising on quality, model and variety. Hamleteks Tekstil начиная с 1996 года начал выпускать детскую обувь под брендом “Funny Baby”. Стремительное развитие и производство продукции для крупных мировых и местных брендов позволило стать компании стать ведущей в этой отрасли. Hamleteks Tekstil постоянно работает над ассортиментом и создает новые линейки продукции. Высокие стандарты производства, моментальное реагирование на новинки и технологии на рынке - вот что являются основой компании при работе с партнерами. МИССИЯ Hamleteks Tekstil совершенствуется не только в качестве своей продукции и ассортимента, а также постоянно работает в направлении улучшения качества предоставления своих услуг. Для этого была принята и внедрена система управления качеством «Удовлетворенность клиентов на самом высоком уровне продаж и послепродажного обслуживания». Честные и добросовестные отношения с деловыми партнерами и сотрудниками компании всегда стоят на первом месте. Полагая, что принципы корпоративной социальной ответственности являются непременным условием устойчивого развития, Hamleteks Tekstil рассматривает обеспечение ценности для общества, в котором оно живет, как одну из основных сфер ответственности и осуществляет все свои коммерческие обязанности и отношения в рамках принципов социального соответствия. НАШЕ ВИДЕНИЕ Hamleteks Textile это динамично развивающаяся компания, которая профессионально подходит ко всем вопросам сотрудничества: превосходное обслуживание своих клиентов, высокая производительность, широкий ассортимент продукции, высокое качество и постоянное внедрение новинок в ассортимент позволяют компании быть на высоком уровне.

1996 began Hamleteks Tekstil in der Turkei Neugeborene schuhe produzieren. Für Marken welt weit. Hamleteks Tekstil sucht immer neuigkeiten ouf eigene bereich und sorgt immer für bessere qualitat. Unsere Mission Wir bieten guten service und jederzeit erreichbar. Wir arbeiten mit profesional mit arbeitern haben guten kontakt mit unsere partner. Geben uns mühe für top Qualitöt. Wir produzeiren neue gebeborene schuhe unter internationalen Gesundheitliche Regeln sind hygienisch und aestetisch. Wir sind sehr stolz über nachfrage in und auslöndischem kaufern wünsche zu ertüllen. Unsere Vizion Wir sind bereit alle wünsche zu erfüllen in baby schuhe bereich. Geben uns mühe die beste daraus zu macher. Wir bedanken uns Voraus.

March / April 2020 12

About Us

Örme ve dokuma çocuk giyiminde entegre bir firma olan Zeynep Giyim; 1970 yılında başladığı tekstil sektöründe ki yolculuğunda bugün lider konumundadır. Hazır giyimde yılda iki kere koleksiyon yapan Zeynep Giyim, 0-12 yaş için “Zeyland” ve “Mininio”, yenidoğan grubunda da “Mininio Baby” markası ile faaliyet göstermektedir. Tesislerimizde; 0 – 12 yaş çocuğunun sağlığı ön planda tutularak, kanserojen madde içermeyen boya ve aksesuarlarla, Ekoteks 100 belgesi standartlarına uygun üretim yapılmaktadır. Koleksiyonlarımız başta Avrupa, Rusya, Ukrayna, Belarus ve diğerleri olmak üzere birçok ülkeye ihraç edilmekte ve iç piyasada yaklaşık 300 çocuk butiğinde satılmaktadır

Zeynep Giyim which was found in 1970 is a leader Turkish company in designing, manufacturing and marketing of children’s apparel for domestic and export markets. We have a large collection for children clothes which we produce two times a year (Spring&Summer and Autumn&Winter Collection) for our own brands “Zeyland”, “Mininio” for 0-12years and “Mininio Baby” for new borns. Having the backgound in children’s ready-wear market with the innovation concept and years of experience, we develop and manufacture new and high quality products approved by ECOTEX 100 quality certificate. We are making export to many of European countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. and our clothes are soled around 300 points in Turkish domestic market.


3-6 Month - 8 Years

Компания Zeynep Giyim A.Ş была основана в 1970-ом году является производителем модной детской одежды от 0 до 12 лет.Широкий ассортимент,доступные цены,высокое качество сделало нашу марку одной из первых и лидирующих компаний в Турции. Гордостью компании являются бренды MININIO, MININIO BABY, ZEYLAND. Kак правило дважды в год ведущими дизайнерами разрабатывается новая,сезонная коллекция с учётом последних тенденций европейской детской моды, это «весна-лето» и «осень-зима».Большой модельный ряд гарантирует возможность выбрать стильную, высококачественную одежду. В работе Zeynep Giyim A.Ş в первую очередь заботится о здоровье детей используя красители и аксессуары не содержащие канцерогенных веществ,а только высококачественные материалы,прошедшие гигиеническую экспертизу и соответствующие международным стандартам качества.

Head Office: Koçman Cad. No: 44 Güneşli Bağcılar İstanbul TURKEY Phone : +90 212 656 37 77 Fax: +90 212 550 44 73 Factory : Akbayır Mevkii Velimeşe Çorlu TURKEY Phone : +90 282 674 41 82 - 83 E-mail :

About Us H’A Kids Club, ticari hayatına 2003 yılında İstanbul’un Merter semtinde 30 metrekarelik bir mağazada toptan alım & satım yaparak başlamıştır. Firma, 2016 yılında patentini aldığı H’A by Hilal Akıncı ismi ile ve HA Kids Club unvanı ile ticari hayatına devam etmektedir. Toptan ağını genişleterek sezonunda ortalama 1500 ayrı modelle yurtiçinde 81 ile ve yurtdışında 52 ülkeye ihraç ettiği ürünlerini her yıl 1.5 milyondan fazla çocukla buluşturmaktadır. H’A Kids Club, 2019 yılında faaliyete geçirdiği 3. mağazasıyla Merter Lalebahçe Sokak’ta hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. H’A Kids Club started its commercial life in 2003 by buying and selling in a 30 square meter store in Merter, Istanbul. The company continues its commercial life under H’A by Hilal Akıncı name patented in 2016 and under the title of HA Kids Club. With an average of 1500 different models in the season by expanding its wholesale network, it offers products for more than 1.5 million children from 81 cities in Turkey and 52 countries abroad each year. H’A Kids Club continues to serve the sector with its 3rd store in Merter, Lalebahce Street which they started trade in 2019. Как HBA KIDS CLUB, мы начали свою коммерческую жизнь в 2003 году с оптовых покупок и продаж в магазине площадью 30 м2 в районе Мертер в Стамбуле. С момента своего основания наша компания была преобразована в бренд My Kids & Baby в 2010 году и в настоящее время продолжает свою деятельность в сфере внутренних и международных оптовых продаж в Стамбуле Мертер, 400 м2 торговых площадей, 1000 м2 закрытых площадей, проектирование, планирование, производство и логистику. My Kids & Baby расширяет свою оптовую сеть в 2012 году, поставляя свою продукцию в 81 страну и 52 стран за границу с более чем 1,5 миллионами детей каждый год. В 2016 году H патентA Hilal Akıncı продолжает свою коммерческую деятельность под именем Hilal Akıncı. Наша компания, как H daA Kids Club, работает в основном в арабских странах, а также в Центральной Азии, Европе и Америке. Основные страны, которые мы экспортируем; Америка, Германия, Азербайджан, Босния и Герцеговина, Болгария, Алжир, Эфиопия, Марокко, Палестина, Франция, Южная Африка, Ирак, Великобритания, Иран, Италия, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Ливия, Ливан, Македония, Египет, Молдова, Нигер, Нигерия, Узбекистан, Россия, Сенегал, Сербия, Саудовская Аравия, Тунис, Украина, Греция и др.

H’A Kids Club ‫ ماع ذنم ميمصتلا لاجم يف لمعلا انأدب دقل‬/2003/‫ لحمب‬30‫م‬ ‫ ةيكرت يف‬. ‫لوبنطسإ‬.‫ مساب ةلمجلا لاجم يف رترام‬H.A .kids baby ‫ ماع يفو‬2010. ‫مسا حبصأ‬ ‫ انتكرش‬H.A kids club ‫يجنكأ لاله ةديسلا ةرادإب‬ ‫ نم رثكأب انناكم حبصأ ثيحب‬1000‫ردصنو م‬ ‫نم رثكأل‬.. 81‫اهيف امب ةيكرت جراخ ةلود‬ ‫ نيطسلف‬.. ‫نانبل‬/‫سنوت‬.‫ يبرعلا برغملا رئازجلا‬/ ‫ قارعلا ايبيل‬/‫ ندرالا ناريإ‬.‫ نامع ةنطلس نامع‬.‫رطق‬.‫ نميلا نيرحبلا‬. ‫ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا ةكلمملا‬. ‫ نادوسلا‬..‫ايرتيرإ‬..‫ ايرجين‬.... ‫ اعبط ةيكرت لخاااادو‬. ‫ لودلا يقابو‬.. ‫ناتسكبزوأ‬.. ‫ناتسخازاك‬.. ‫ناجيبرذأ‬.. ‫اينيمرأ‬.‫ايجروج‬..‫صربق ناتسكاجات‬ ‫ ةيكرتلا‬..‫ةيبنجألا لودلا عبيييمجو‬..‫هللدمحلاو‬... ‫اهتريسم لاله ةديسلا عباتتو‬. ‫ةثيدحلاو ةعونتملا تاليدوملا نم ديدجلا عمو‬. March / April 2020 16



H’A Kids Club presents all kinds of clothes for the 0-16 age group with new collections. The brand, which is very ambitious especially in the special group collections called daily evening dresses, diversifies its product range with its bags and hats. and carefully select all our fabrics and utilize them on our machine. Our company manages to collect on the original model and inspire confidence in our customers’ interest and attention to posture. Our customers are in any situation, any time know that we are behind our product. I think that this sense of trust makes us more connected to us. Which cities H’A Kids Club products are offered in Turkey and how many stores you have? Do you have a store abroad? We offer our products in stores of Turkey’s 81 provinces in the country and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. We have three stores in Merter, Istanbul. We are exporting to 52 countries with our customer network which we have expanded day by day. If we rate these values, we can say that 70% of our products are offered at home and 30% of our total production is offered abroad.

As H’A Kids Club family, how do you describe the point you have come since its foundation? What is your company’s potential in the sector and what makes you stand out in the competition? In 2003, we started first to operate in a showroom with 30 square meters in Merter district of Istanbul. Then we again opened our second store in 2016 in 400 square meters in Merter too. We continue to serve our esteemed customers with our third showroom we opened in May, 2019 in Lalebahce. We produce high quality of my products, carefully avoid any content that will harm our children’s health

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About Us

About Us Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti 1994 yılında kurulmuştur. 0-3 yaş aralığındaki bebekler için; bebe tekstil ürünleri, bebe kozmetik ürünleri, bebe bakım ürünleri, bebe araç ve gereçleri, oyuncak vb. ürünleri üretir, ihraç eder ve ithalatını yapar. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, bodyden emziğe, beşikten bebek arabasına yaklaşık 10.000 çeşit ürün ve 120 markanın aynı çatı altında toplandığı firmadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, yurt içinde 900’ü aşkın bayi sayısına sahiptir. Yurt dışında ise 40’tan fazla Ortadoğu ve Avrupa ülkesine ihracat yapmaktadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, bebek ve çocuk alanında mağaza açmak ve bu alanda firmasını geliştirmek isteyenlerin tercih edecek olduğu, dünyanın göz bebeği İstanbul’da hizmet veren ve eşi bulunmayan bir işletmedir. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, kararlılığın, güvenin, kalitenin ve dünya çapında bebe markalarının aynı çatı altında buluştuğu ve yılların deneyiminin markasıdır. Bu marka, % 100 yerli sermayenin ürünü Türkiye’nin tescilli markası “Sebi”dir. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic.Ltd.Şti was established in 1994. It is for babies between 0-3 ages: It produces, exports and imports baby textile products, baby cosmetic products, baby care products, baby equipments, toys... Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, it is the address of around 10 000 type of products and 120 brands from bodies to pacifiers, form cradles to prams. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has more than 900 dealers in Turkey. It exports to more than 40 Middle East and European countries abroad. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, it is a unique enterprise rendering services in the apple of world’s eye Istanbul, and which will be preferred by those who wish to open Baby and Children’s stores and to develop their firms in this area. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, this is the trademark where stability, reliability, quality and worldwide baby brands come together under one roof and has many years of experience. This brand is the product of 100% domestic capital and it is the registered trademark of Turkey “Sebi”. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti ist 1994 gegründet. Produziert, importiert und exportiert baby- textilien, baby- kosmetik, baby- pflege, spielzeuge, kinderartikel für babys 3 bis 3 jahren. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist die adresse von 120 marken und ca. 10.000 produkten von body über schnuller, wiege bis hin kinderwagen. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı besitzt im Inland über 900 fachhändler. Das Unternehmen exportiert im Mittleren Osten und Europa in über 40 länder. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist ein unternehmen, das von denen, die beabsichtigen, laden im bereich baby und kind zu eröffnen und ihren betrieb in diesem bereich weiterzuentwickeln, bevorzugt wird. Das Unternehmen geht seinen Geschäften in der Weltstadt Istanbul nach. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı ist eine marke langjähriger erfahrung, in der sich entschiedenheit, zuverlässigkeit, qualität sowie weitweite baby-marken unter einem dach zusammentreffen. Diese marke ist ein produkt von % 100 inländischem kapital. Die eingetragene marke ist „Sebi“ “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Учредено в 1994 году. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Осуществляет производству, эксопрту и импорту любые виды Текстильные Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Козметические Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Изделия для заботы для грудных ребёнок 0 – 3 года. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является адрес более 10.000 (ресять тысячь) виды изделий и 120 торговых марок ; с утки для движения – по соску, с люлки – по повозку . Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı имеет более 400 дилеров в стране, и кроме того экспортирует свою продукцию в более 40 стран Ближнего Востока и Европы. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одно незаменимое предприятие и оказывающее услуги клиентам в городе Стамбуле являющем зрачку Мира для предпринимателей хотящий открывать магазинов и развивать своих фирм в областе изделий для Грудных Ребёнок и Детей. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одна крыша решительности и надеждности, где встречаются Мировых марок для изделий грудного ребёнка и многолетных опытов в этой областе. Эта марка является продукция 100 % инвестиционного капитала Турции и зарегистрирована под названием «Себи». March / April 2020 20



24 With its 24 years of experience and expert experienced staff, Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı continues to be a pioneer in the sector as the address of trust and quality. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı has all the products that mothers and babies need with its innovative design and wide product range. It continues to serve in domestic and foreign exports. Keeping the ease and comfort together for babies, Safe Line strengthens its product line by receiving the 2020 design award with its ‘Moon’ series.

Hızır Albayrak, one of the partners of Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı, said, “Quality comes first for us. We always have to take into account the health of infants and children in our productions. We do not use any carcinogenic substances so that our products can be used in a healthier way and we prepare products that people can safely use. We have made progress on this path a goal with the principle of “Health is the greatest wealth for us”.

First of all, can we get to know you briefly? Can you briefly mention your position in the Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı brand? I am Hızır Albayrak, one of the company partners. I have been in Sultanhamam since 1988. At that time I was both reading and working. Pregnant mothers who came to Sultanhamam were buying products such as overalls, body and hospital exit. We were supplying the products in our structure and directing the ones that were not available to the neighboring companies. Neither in Turkey in 1991 after serving a combination of everything related to the sought-after mother and baby in the world to realize that we have a place. In April 1994, we established the Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı brand, where everyone can easily supply what they want.

pacifier and stroller needs. We have 4 different brands, Sebi, Tıkır, Safe Line and Pocket&Mama. We have 3 textile ateliers and we make products for different places under our own brand name. What criteria do you pay attention to during production? The most important criterion for us in production is health. Therefore, the use of carcinogenic dyes, such as the use of substances that endanger children’s health, such as the production of substances that are indispensable rules for us at every stage of production. Our goal is not to grow by selling many products, but to advance by making quality and healthy production…

Could you give information about your product groups? There are 295 brands and 85 thousand kinds of products in our structure. In other words, we sell all the products from a mother’s furniture, night and gown needs to a baby’s bottle,

March / April 2020 22

About Us 2017 yılında kurulan ve çocuk tekstil sektörüne adım atan SM Berra Kids, Sultangazi’de bulunan imalathanesinde, Güngören ve Zeytinburnu’nda bulunan mağazalarında 1-12 yaş arasındaki kız ve erkek çocuklarına yönelik pijama grubu, abiye elbiseler, çocuk eşofman takımları, düğünlerde, balolarda ve gösterilerde rahatlıkla giyebilecekleri özel tasarım elbise üretimini yapıyor. Ürünlerinde sağlık ve kaliteyi öncelik olarak benimseyen marka, zengin koleksiyonları ile farklı çeşitlerdeki kumaşları özgün tasarımlarla buluşturuyor. Müşteri memnuniyetine odaklanarak sektördeki yolculuğuna başlayan SM Berra Kids, güvenilirliğiyle de sektörde öne çıkıyor. SM Berra Kids, established in 2017 and stepped into the children’s textile sector, has a pajama group for girls and boys aged between 1-12 years, evening dresses, children’s tracksuits, bodysuits and making special designed clothes children can wear easily in the weddings, ball and shows in its stores located in Sultangazi, Güngören and Zeytinburnu. Adopting health and quality as a priority in its products, the brand brings together different types of fabrics and original designs with its rich collections. SM Berra Kids, which started its journey in the sector by focusing on customer satisfaction, stands out in the sector with its reliability.

SM Berra Kids,фирма на основе фабрики, производит одежду для детей от 1 до 12 лет , Фирма вошедшая в сектор детской текстильной продукции, которая имеет магазины в разных районах Станбула. Производит спортивные для девочек и мальчиков, вечерние платья, детские костюмы,двойки ,тройки, бальные костюмы,пижамы .Магазины находятся в районах Султангази, Гюнгерен и Зейтинбурну. Производство дизайнерской одежды, которую можно легко применять в показах моды. В качестве приоритета в своих продуктах, бренд объединяет различные виды тканей оригинальный пошив и дизайн ,с его богатыми коллекциями. SM Berra Kids, которая начала свой путь в этом секторе еще в 2017 году, сосредоточившись на удовлетворенности клиентов, выделяется в этом секторе своей надежностью

SM Berra Kids ، ‫ ماع يف تسسأت زديك ارب ةكرش‬2017, ‫لافطألا سبالم ةعانص عاطق يف تلخدو‬ ، ‫يزاغ ناطلس ةقطنم يف عقي اهعنصم‬, ‫ونروب نيتيزو نارغنوغ نم لك يف عقت عيبلا تالحمو‬, ‫ نيب مهرامعأ حوارتت نيذلا لافطألا سبالم ةعانص ىلع لمعت‬1-12 ‫ تاماجيبلا ةنس‬، ‫نيتاسف و‬ ‫ ةرهسلا‬، ‫ ةيضايرلا ةسبلألاو‬، ‫تالدبلاو فافزلا تالفح نيتاسفو‬. ‫تاذ سبالم ةكرشلا عنصت‬ ‫تابسانملا لك يف ةلوهسب اهؤادترا نكمي صاخ ميمصت‬. ‫ اهتاجتنم يف ةيولوأك ةدوجلا دمتعت‬، ‫ ةكرام‬SM Berra Kids ‫ ةيلصألا تاميمصتلاو ةشمقألا نم ةفلتخم اًعاونأ‬, ‫يف اهتلحر تأدب يتلا‬ ‫ ءالمعلا اضر ىلع زيكرتلا لالخ نم عاطقلا اذه‬، ‫اهئالمع ةقث لالخ نم عاطقلا اذه يف ةكرشلا تزرب‬ ‫ اهب‬. March / April 2020 24



other at workplaces, providing their references and opportunities for business development. Thus, incoming guests both benefit from this network and every group that is opened expands its business network even more. The cooperation protocol between Istanbul University, one of Turkey’s most established universities, and Union Leading Bosses was signed. Rector of Istanbul University Dr. Mahmut Ak and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Oral Oncul and other officials attended the Leading Bosses Union meeting and a presentation on what can be done for the industry, education and economy of the country’s was made.

The meeting of valuable business people, each of whom has serious investments in the sector and its field, is based on business development and network is held every Wednesday at 06:15. The Leading Bosses Union, consisting of a total of 100 people, including a main staff of 70 people from different sectors and a guest staff of 30 people, brings together proven business people from the sectors. Meetings are held regularly to contribute to the production of the country, to further its goals and to create new projects by reviving the entrepreneurial spirit. In addition to the meetings, 70 members of the main members are visited individually or in groups, visiting each

March / April 2020 30

Interview WGSN EXPLAINS THE LATEST TRENDS OF CHILDREN’S FASHION AT İSTANBUL CHILDREN-BABY-MATERNITY FAIR Founded in London in 1998, WGSN is the world’s leading trend watching company with 75 thousand users in 87 countries. As the first platform that combines advanced technology and human intelligence to meet the unique needs of the global industry, it now provides easy access to insights and inspiration from around the world. With more than 250 trend estimators and data scientists around the world, it helps manufacturers have insights about next season trends. Turkey Sales Manager of WGSN Seden Unlu highlighted details about contemporary trend the next season.

Sustainability is included in our day trends Pointing out that WGSN offers online access to their members via the platform the trends in colors, textures, fabrics, patterns and silhouettes with all areas in the next two years, Seden Unlu said, “On a 2-year agreement with CBME Turkey, there will be our presentations including the next three fairs. In January, we touched on the trends of autumn-winter 2020-2021 at the 38th International Mother Baby Child Products Fair, and the participation was very high. We talked about the macro trends of 2020-2021, the habits of the alpha generation, what this consumer group will want and what will they headed. In addition, we conveyed information about the colors, textures, silhouettes of 2020-2021, what will happen both in terms of accessory shoes and ready-to-wear. In the fair that is to be held next June, we will talk about the spring-summer 2021 trends. In general terms, with over 300 members active in Turkey and in the world, we have six thousand members and 75 thousand users. Therefore, many brands follow the trends on WGSN and realize their designs and collections in this direction. Next year we will talk about more pastel shades in children’s fashion, especially in spring-summer 2020. Sustainability will be one of the most important topics of the season. More organic fabrics, materials and trends that will be more recyclable will come to the fore. We will see the patchwork trend in the coming years as it is a trend that is completely from sustainability. In the seminar we held, the subject of sustainability was at the forefront as much as possible. The trends, plush materials, fur slipper looks, ballet dance clothes, ballet shoes are among the details that will come to the fore especially. In addition, we will talk about sequins, stamps, glitter and glamor in party attire. In the upcoming seasons, we will proceed with mostly organic content but more elegant, more technological fabrics. Girls will represent elegance, boys will represent the outdoor effect. Another macro trend is some more vintage details. The small-flowered nostalgic looks that come out of the grandmother’s closet will be modernized and will appear next season.” Pastel tons will warm us in spring Emphasizing that neon mint tones, ocean colors, light blue and turquoise tones will stand out especially for spring-summer 2020, Unlu added, “We expect to see colors and combinations reminiscent of sand beige,


ocean and sea. Light pink and powder pinks are among the colors that will stand out. In the winter season, we will see a large majority of ambers and browns. Usually it will be a season when the tanned people will rise very much. Green and blue combinations will also be included in our lives. This tells the relationship of fashion with nature and sustainability. So, the earthy tones will be the dance of green and blue. Of course, we can say that the color that we will not miss will be red.” Turkey engages in successful initiatives textile sector Stressing that Turkey’s progressed successfully in becoming famous with the help of social media, she indicated that of old it may take a good time for a trend to come to Turkey. Unlu continued: “It is a country that watches and follows Turkish consumers very close and fast and, adapts to the changes very quickly and whose production processes are extraordinarily fast. Therefore, we can say that it is followed by others. Now we can see the details of a trend in Turkey instantly what we saw in the streets of London. We can say that the new generation is a curious group that is researching and questioning and are able to compete globally. They follow the resources such as WGSN and social media and identify future trends. It takes a very short time to find, see and implement an innovative country that finds solutions that produce a lot in terms of textile. There are many areas but we will proceed to the point where Turkey’s textile sector is very promising indeed.” CBME TURKEY fair has a visionary structure Emphasized on the importance of the CBME Turkey exhibition, Unlu said, “Not too many resources are found related to children’s clothing in the world. Therefore, as WGSN, we are very happy to offer this resource and we think that we made a difference at this point. CBME Turkey has a very visionary structure. It gives a lot of support to both its participants and visitors in such organizations. I think they are very successful in this regard. The participants of the even also make a lot of effort and prepare for the fair. Visitors look quite satisfied with the fair as well. We are very happy for our cooperation in the next season. There are many events in the same way and they are very gratifying for us to be in Turkey Apart from that, WGSN is a platform that the entire industry needs. We see a lot of interest in our presentations. I hope our cooperation continues and I hope we can find more of our members here.”

March / April 2020

About Us

March / April 2020 32



Boinc is one of the most important names in the sector with its dynamic design team and products that can arouse interest all over the world. In 2020, Boinc plans to continue its strategic progress with its quality production approach. What about your export activities and goals? Which countries do you ship to? We currently export to Switzerland, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan, Israel, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, Qatar, Libya, Romania, Serbia and Tunisia. We carry out special advertisement works for these countries and reach our target audience by participating in prestigious fairs.

Which channels do you prefer to reach the consumer? Since many different countries make up our target audience at the same time, regular internet advertising is very important for us. In addition, by participating in fairs, we have the opportunity to communicate face-to-face with our buyers and promote our products closely.

How was 2019 for your brand? What are your goals and projects for 2020? As long as the economy of our country develops, we, as the sector, would like to take the wind of this development behind us and make strides. However, when we think about the process we are in, the internal turmoil experienced by the countries and the problems in the customs of the neighboring countries have started to affect us seriously. Therefore, I can say that 2019 was a difficult year when you took the textile sector as a base. Particularly in the second half of the year, there were serious declines. Our work for the new year is in full swing. Our goal is to maintain our position in a solid way, to move ourselves one step further.

We listened to Yusuf Zeynel Ă–zkan, Sales and Marketing Specialist, Boinc, which will make a name for itself this year with special advertisement works and exhibitions for the countries to which it exports. What are the product groups you offer? We have clothes, bodysuit, sweatshirts, skirts, shorts, tracksuits, tights and t-shirts for children aged 1-12.

What sources of inspiration in clothing design for you? We have a highly dynamic design team that always follows the fashion and trends in the world closely. We process our brand’s style with our experience and knowledge and we regularly present our collections of innovative models that can arouse interest all over the world. What criteria do you pay attention to during production? What percentage of your products are produced in Turkey? We realize the complete production of our products in Turkey. The most important subject that we attach importance to production is definitely quality. We pay great attention to the high quality and compatibility of each material we use.

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About Us Güleçyüz Çorap ve Tekstil 15 yılı aşan üretim ve ihracatı boyunca öğrenmiş olduğu bilgi ve tecrübeyi, siz değerli müşterileri ile paylaşmanın heyecanını yaşıyor. Kurulduğu günden itibaren çorap üretimi yapan uzman kadroya sahip şirketimiz bünyesindeki İstanbul Bayrampaşa’da bulunan 2200 m2’de kurulu olan fabrikamızda %100 doğal elyaflardan üretim yapılıp desen, dokuma, kalite kontrol ve ütü paket işlemleri yapılmaktadır. 2016 yılında firmamız bünyesinde kurulumunu gerçekleştirdiğimiz Defne Baby markamızla short çorap, patik, külotlu çorap ve iç çamaşırı üretimi gerçekleştirip toptan satışını yapmaktayız. Ürünlerimiz bebeğinizin sağlığı düşünülerek birinci sınıf hammaddelerden üretilmiştir. Bebeğiniz için zararlı kimyasallar içermez. Azo-free boya ve nikel-free aksesuarları ile uluslararası üretim teknikleri ve güvenlik standartlarına sahiptir. Yüksek kalite standartları Oeko-Tex belgesi ile tescillenmiştir.

Gulecyuz Socks is experiencing the excitement of sharing its knowledge and experience with our valued customers for more than 15 years of production and export. Since its inception, our company, which has a specialized staff who produces socks, is located in Bayrampaşa, İstanbul, we produce 100% natural fibers pattern, weaving, quality control and ironing package operations in our factory which is built in 2200 m2. In 2016, we produce and sell short socks, booties, pantyhose and underwear with our Defne Baby brand which we have established in our company. Our products are made of first-class raw materials, considering the health of your baby. They never contain harmful chemicals for your baby. It has international manufacturing techniques and safety standards with Azo-free paint and nickel-free accessories. High quality standards are certified with Oeko-Tex certificate.

Компания “Güleçyüz Çorap и Tekstil” испытывает волнение, делясь своими знаниями и опытом с вами, уважаемыми клиентами, приобретенные в течение 15 лет производства и экспорта.С момента своего основания наша компания, имеющая опытный персонал по производству носков, находится в Байрампаша, Стамбул, где на производственной фабрике общей площадью 2200 м2, выполняется производство 100% натуральных волокон, выкройка, ткачество, контроль качества и упаковочные работы. В 2016 году мы начали производство коротких носков, пинеток, колготок и нижнего белье под нашим брендом Defne Baby. Наша продукция изготавливается из первоклассного сырья с учетом здоровья вашего малыша. Не содержит вредных химических веществ для вашего малыша. С аксессуарами покрашенными краской без содержания азота и никеля товары имеют международные технологии производства и стандарты безопасности. Сертифицированы с высокими стандартами качества Сертификата “Oeko-Tex”

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DEFNE BABY PRODUCES WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ALONG WITH SUPERIOR QUALITY UNDERSTANDING Gulecyuz Socks crowning its 30-year history with Defne Baby brand. Gulecyuz Socks and Textile is experiencing the excitement of sharing the knowledge and experience it has learned during the production and export of more than 30 years with its customers. The company, which has been producing socks since the day it was founded, has 100% natural fibers production in 2200 m2 factory located in Bayrampaşa, Istanbul. pattern, weaving, quality control and ironing package operations are done.

Children in Germany are wearing Defne Baby Defne Baby exports mainly to Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Jordan. Mustafa Gulecyuz said that they believe that they will present for all points they want over time. Mustafa Gulecyuz said, “With Defne Baby brand we aim to reach all sales points in Turkey and we will be able to take place as soon as we have reached a good sales graph. Our team continues to work on this subject in a controlled and systematic manner. In addition, Defne Baby started to make its name in the overseas market. In this direction, we export to countries such as Germany and Serbia and we plan the necessary studies to increase the number of regions and countries we have reached. In addition, with our exporting company DevTeks, we deliver all our products that are produced from our factory to every part of Europe.’’

Founded in 2016, Gulecyuz Socks and Textile produces short socks, booties, pantyhose and underwear and provide wholesale with its Defne Baby brand. The products within the brand are produced from first class raw materials considering the health of babies and do not contain harmful chemicals in any way. The brand, which has international production techniques and safety standards with azo-free paint and nickel-free accessories, has registered high quality standards with Oeko-Tex certificate.

Socks is a starter for us Defne Baby comes to mind when we talk about the first socks, the brand in a short time also added children’s underwear. Mustafa Güleçyüz, said they aim to offer all the products needed by the baby under the umbrella of Defne Baby over time.

Gulecyuz Socks, which continues this road that they started 24 years ago by providing employment to many people in their factories in Bayrampaşa and even receiving outsourced production support, says that their goal is not to work hard but to be in the sector with the right moves at the right time. While continuing to invest in Defne Baby, the company also manufactures well-known brands such as Mothercare, Zara, JohnLewis, Mango.

Investment for some, waiting for others Gulecyuz stated that 2019 was a year in which the crisis turned into an opportunity and said, “I don’t think you will have a problem if you step the ground firmly. We decided to expand our market network to take the opportunity. We will ensure that this will be continued through advertising and promotional activities.”

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We also salute spring from the colorful fashion of the little ones with the white leaves and golden trunk adorning the parks of the daisies, tulips have become symbols of a city, as festivals in their name make the sun feel its warmth, just as the sun says hello from the top and makes you feel its warmth!

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Baby Expo Ukraine countdown to dazzle the baby sector

Baby Expo International Trade Fair of Children’s Goods will be held on 10–13 March 2020 in Kiev (Ukraine)

It is the largest Ukraine’s trade fair with 23 editions behind, which attracts business professionals focused on children’s goods. At this year’s edition, over 300 exhibitors will show over 500 trademarks of various children’s products: furniture, baby strollers and prams, car seats, feeding and bathing products, hygiene and body care products, textiles, toys and games, kids’ vehicles and playground equipment, creative supplies, sporting goods, children’s wear, footwear and accessories, fabrics and garment accessories. For many exhibitors, BABY EXPO has been a starting point of their successful entries into the Ukrainian market, reliable partnerships with distributors. About 50% of exhibitors at BABY EXPO are regular ones. Among the exhibiting companies at BABY EXPO 2020 will be the leading manufacturers from Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Belarus, as well as distributors of top children’s brands. Products by Turkish manufacturers are popular with Ukrainian customers due to their high quality and affordable prices. Ukrainians know and like children’s wear by such BABY EXPO exhibitors as TJS TEKSTİL, ZEYNEP GİYİM, DESEN KONFEKSIYON, UGUR ŞAPKA, WOGIBABY, etc. INCITY BOYS & GIRLS and PAMINA will be first-timers this year. Runway shows of the latest collections of children’s wear and footwear within BABY EXPO are a point of great interest for visitors and mass media. Visitors of BABY EXPO are buyers of chain stores, special-

ty and department stores, distributors, senior managers at child care institutions, etc. Participation in trade fairs contributes to business growth, increase of sales territories and volumes. Baby Expo & Children’s Fashion Fair will present best new styles and trends in child’s vogue. Being a great foothold for your business, leading event in children’s fashion industry, Ukraine Baby Expo & Children’s Fashion Fair Spring to be held on 10-13 March 2020, in Kiev, Ukraine. Well-known trade fair of children’s wear and footwear, after rebranding in spring. The fair has been held by ACCO International for over 20 years. Today it is the largest and perhaps the only one B2B children’s fashion event in Ukraine. The fair held twice a year is a must-visit for participants of retail apparel industry, both large chains and small stores.

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About Us BİYO TEKSTİL 1990 yılında kurulan ve uzun yıllar Avrupa ve Amerika’ya ihracat yapan firmamız 2005 yılında Biyokids ve Biyoteks ismi ile kendi koleksiyonunu hazırladı. İnsan sağlığına uygun, kanserojen madde içermeyen materyaller ile her geçen gün daha kaliteli ürünler üretip Avrupa, Asya ve Rusya coğrafyasına ihracat yapıyor, yurt içi ve yurt dışında bayilikler de vererek çalışmalarımıza devam ediyoruz...

BIYO TEXTILE Founded in 1990 and exporting to Europe and America for many years, our company has prepared its collection in 2005 with the name of Biyokids and Biyoteks. We produce quality products which are suitable for human health with materials that do not contain carcinogens and we export to Europe, Asia and Russia, we continue our works by giving distributorship in domestic and abroad ... March / April 2020 42

About Us Ticaret hayatına 1979 yılında başlayan Cantoy, 1996 yılından itibaren bebek çocuk giyim alanında faaliyet göstermeye devam etmektedir. Cantoy, Bursa’nın Vişne Caddesi’ndeki 2800 metrekarelik alanda, 40 çalışanıyla ve Laleli’de 5 katlı binasında sekiz çalışanı ile 700 metrekarelik alanda hizmet vermektedir. Her şeyden önce güveni ön planda tutan Cantoy, iş dünyasında adil bir ticaret anlayışı ile hareket etmektedir. Cantoy’un en önemli çalışma prensibi, üreticileri, müşterileri ve tedarikçileri ile iletişimde güvenilir, açık ve net olmaktır. Cantoy Tekstil, dünya standartlarında ürün yelpazesi ve profesyonel hizmet anlayışını samimiyet ve ciddiyetle devamlı hale getirme çabası içerisindedir. Bu zamana kadar değerlerinden asla ödün vermeyen şirket, var olduğu sürece asla bu değerlerden vazgeçmeyecektir. Bu başarısını kendi ülkesinde gerçekleştiren Cantoy Tekstil, bunu dünyada da adım adım yapmak için gayret sarf eden global bir şirkettir.2010 yılında vişne caddesine ilk adım atan şirket olma özelliğine sahip CANTOY katıldığı 50 ye yakın uluslararası fuar ile Babydola ismiyle yaptığı üretimi ile hali hazırda 80 ülkeye ürün pazarlayabilmekterdir. Babydola markasının merkezini bir pergel ucu gibi Avrupa’ya koyarak şirket genel merkezini Madrid/İspanya’da 2017 yılında açmıştır. Böylelikle tasarım vE üretim standartlarını Avrupa dizayn vE kalitesine uydurarak tüm dünyaya hitap etmek hedefine sağlam bir temel oluşturmuştur. Hedefi daima geçmişinden aldığı tecrübe ve birikimi güncel teknik ve donanımla revize ederek çok daha güzel bir gelecek hazırlamaktır. Cantoy started its commerce life in 1979 and has been active in baby and kids wear since 1996. Cantoy offers its service in an area of 2800 square meters in Visne Street of Bursa with its 40 employees and in an area of 700 square meters, 5 storey building in Laleli with its 8 employees. Cantoy prioritizes trust before anything and acts in the business world with a fair understanding of trade. The most important working principle of Cantoy is to be reliable, straight and clear in communication with manufacturers, customers and suppliers. Cantoy Textile is striving to make world class product range and professional service sense with sincerity and seriousness. The company has never compromised its values until this time and will never give up on these values as long as it exists. Creating this success in its own country, Cantoy is a global company making efforts to realize this step by step in the world. Cantoy, the first company taking the first step to the Vişne Street in 2010, has been able to market its products to 80 countries with its production under the name of Babydola with nearly 50 international exhibitions. Babydola has opened its company headquarters in Madrid / Spain in 2017, putting its headquarters in Europe as a compass point. In this way, it has established a solid foundation for the aim of addressing the whole world by adapting the design and production standards to European design and quality. The goal is always to revise the experience and knowledge gained from the past with current techniques and to prepare a better future. Cantoy, которая начала свою коммерческую деятельность в 1979 году, активно занимается детской одеждой с 1996 года. Cantoy имеет площадь 2800 квадратных метров с 40 сотрудниками на улице Вишне в Бурсе. И восемью сотрудниками в 5-этажном здании площадью 700 квадратных метров в Лалели Истанбул. Прежде всего, Cantoy, который отдает приоритет доверию, действует в деловом мире с спроведливым пониманием торговли. Самый важный принцип работы Cantoy - это быть надежным, ясным и понятным в общении со своими производителями, клиентами и поставщиками. Cantoy Textile стремится к тому, чтобы ассортимент продукции мирового класса и профессиональное понимание сервиса продолжались с искренностью и серьезностью. Компания, которая никогда не скомпрометировала свои ценности до этого времени, никогда не откажется от этих ценностей, пока она существует. Cantoy Textile, которая реализует этот успех в своей стране, является глобальной компанией, которая делает шаг за шагом в этом мире. CANTOY, являясь первой компанией, вышедшей на Вишневую улицу в 2010 году, смогла продать свою продукцию в 80 странах, производя продукцию под названием Babydola, на почти 50 международных выставках. Babydola открыла свою штабквартиру в Европе в качестве компаса в 2017 году в Мадриде / Испания. Таким образом, он заложил прочную основу для решения проблемы всего мира путем адаптации своих стандартов дизайна и производства к европейскому дизайну и качеству. Цель всегда состоит в том, чтобы пересмотреть опыт и знания, приобретенные в прошлом, с использованием современных технических и аппаратных средств и подготовить гораздо лучшее будущее. March / April 2020 44


Pitti Bimbo celebrates its 90th edition Pitti Immagine Bimbo, hosted in Florence from 16 to 18 January 2020, is celebrating its 90th edition.

Creative productions, special events, new brands and international collaborations. Pitti Immagine Bimbo, hosted in Florence from 16 to 18 January 2020, is celebrating its 90th edition. For 45 years it has been the epicenter of a project for kids that, starting with the wardrobe, has expanded to touch on lifestyle and accessories in a world that has managed to engage the entire family beginning with children. Three days offering an extraordinary international overview ranging from designer labels to small experimental brands. Here is Pitti Bimbo’s multifaceted identity. What’s the new? The Top Floor of the Central Pavilion is home to THE KID’S LAB!: 3,000 sqm of innovative venues including KidzFIZZ, Ecoethic, The Nest and Kid’s Evolution. Alongside these, in the path going through the different pavilions we find Pitti Bimbo, the core section of the whole trade show, with its designer collections and ‘iconic’ brands of the kids’ world, the sartorial vocation of Apartment, the dynamism of Sport Generation, the urban soul of Super-

street, the accessories and furnishing elements of Fancy Room and the special selection of on-trend items of the Editorials. In addition, there are runway shows, events, presentations and talks.

The catwalk shows calendar and the special events

A calendar of runway shows, initiatives, presentations, events and cocktail parties because Pitti Bimbo is about browsing, discovering and staying up to date. The special events at the Fortezza include the Pitti Immagine special catwalk shows, presenting a selection of sophisticated and exclusive collections showcased in the APARTMENT section, the innovative, experimental and unusual brands protagonists in the KidzFIZZ section. And the Pitti Bimbo calendar also featured the catwalk show by the Children’s Fashion from Spain brands.

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About Us Üçdal Tekstil 1971 yılında faaliyetine iç çamaşırı üretimiyle başlamış, ürün grubu ve kapasitesini her geçen gün arttırarak günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır. Üretimde ön planda tuttuğu kalite ve müşteri memnuniyetini sürekli hale getirmeyi başaran Üçdal Tekstil 1980’li yılların sonlarında ortaya çıkardığı ‘Brix By Üçdal’ markasıyla da yurtiçi ve yurtdışında da büyük ilgi görmüştür. Erkek, bayan, çocuk iç giyimi ve çocuk pijama üretimi yapan firmamız Türkiye pazarının yanında ABD, Rusya, Ukrayna, Afrika, Balkanlar, İtalya ve birçok Ortadoğu ülkesine ihracat yapmaktadır. Üçdal Tekstil started its activities in 1971 with the production of underwear and has reached to the present day by increasing its product group and capacity.Üçdal Tekstil, which succeeded in making guality and customer satisfaction continuously in the forefront in production, attracted great attention both in domestic market and foreign markets with ‘BRİX by Üçdal’ brand that is launched towards the end of 1980’s. Üçdal Tekstil produce men,women and children underwear and pyjamas which are sold in domestic market and export to U.S.A, Russia, Ukraine, İsrael, Africa, North Africa, the Balkans, İtaly, Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries. Компания Üçdal Tekstil начала свою деятельность в 1971 году с производства нижнего белья и достигла сегодняшнего дня, ежедневно увеличивая свою группу и мощности. Üçdal Tekstil, которому удалось сделать качество и удовлетворенность клиентов, которую он держит на переднем крае производства, привлек большое внимание как внутри страны, так и за рубежом своим брендом «Brix By Üçdal», который он создал в конце 1980-х годов. Наша компания, которая производит мужское, женское, детское нижнее белье и детскую пижаму, экспортирует в США, Россию, Украину, Африку, Балканы, Италию и многие страны Ближнего Востока, помимо турецкого рынка.

‫ ةنس لاد شوأ ةشمقأ يف ةيلخادلا سبالملا جاتنإ أدب‬1971 ‫ةيمكلا و ةيعونلا ثيح نم موي دعب اموي ديزي ديازتم و لاعف جاتنإب‬. ‫تامدخلا لضفأ ميدقت و نئابزلا ءاضرإل يعسلا و ةيلاعلا ةدوجلا ميدقتل ىصقألا مامتهإلا عم و‬ ‫اتفال ابيحرت تقال يتلا “ لاد شوأ ياب سكرب “ ةكرام تانينامثلا رخاوأ يف ةكرشلا تجتنأ‬ ‫ملاعلا ءاحنأ ةفاك يف و رطقلا نمض‬. ‫جاتنإ ىلإ ةفاضإ دالوألا و ثانإلا و روكذلاب ةصاخلا ةيلخادلا سبالملل ةجتنملا انتكرش نإ‬ ‫ديدعلا ىلإ اهريدصت ىلإ ةفاضإ ةيكرتلا قاوسألا ةفاك يف اهتاجتنم خضت لافطألا تاماجيب‬ ‫ ةيكيرمألا ةدحتملا تايالولا لثم ملاعلا لوح لودلا نم‬، ‫ايسور‬، ‫ايناركوأ‬، ‫ةيقيرفألا ةراقلا‬، ‫دالب‬ ‫ ناقلبلا‬، ‫ ايلاطيإ‬، ‫طسوألا قرشلا لود نم ديدعلا و‬. March / April 2020 48


BRIX IS READY FOR NEW YEAR WITH ITS ORIGINAL AND QUALITY COLLECTION Üçdal Tekstil, established in 1971 and has been popular with the quality of its products for half a century, adds meaning to the new year with its wide range of products with its Brix brand.

What developments do technology, mechanization and industrial industry contributed to the production speed from past to present? What do you think about this issue? We are trying to offer the products that we can produce under the best conditions by following this developing technology in both cutting and sewing part. This not only saves us time but also improves our quality. As a company, we are trying to adapt to the developing technology as much as we can.

Brix has been increasing its success since the year it was founded and continues its way by expanding the export volume in the sector and not compromising on quality in its production. Mustafa Arslan, Owner, Brix, said that they have digital projects for the future.

Could you tell us about the establishment of your company and the development process to date? Üçdal Tekstil started its activities in 1971 with the production of underwear. With its Brix brand, it has increased its product group and capacity with each passing day and has reached today. In 1980, we started to produce all the products we made abroad as Brix brand. Later, we directed our production to pajama group. We have been serving children, men and women groups both in Turkey and abroad for half a century.

What drives your designs? Every country has different fashion and different demands. We closely follow the trends of the season, taking into account the wishes of consumers, we produce according to the needs of each country. Is the domestic market and the overseas market going parallel now? Which countries does Brix export to? We are taking strong steps in the overseas market. We export to nearly 25 world countries such as America, Italy, Africa, Russia and Ukraine. In the future, we aim to expand our market with our strong and qualified team in the digital field and digital market by protecting the countries we export to.

Do you carry out production in-house? We carry out our production with a team of 300 people in our facility which is built on 4000m2 closed area where knitting, sewing, ironing-package and quality control departments are located. Our monthly production capacity is 500000. We produce men’s, women’s, children’s underwear, pajamas and nightwear.

What are the factors you pay attention to during the production process? Our company has Oeko-Tex certificate. We attach great importance to quality in our production. We continue our way without changing our suppliers for many years. We are focused on customer satisfaction in healthy production conditions. We take care not to use any carcinogenic substances in our products that may put health risk. We take into account the wishes and needs of consumers and determine our direction in this direction. We take care not to interrupt the delivery dates we provide to our customers. We deliver on the day without any grievance.

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LEATHER JACKETS AND TRENCH COATS ARE COMPLEMENTARY PARTS OF SPRING! As we approach spring, leather jackets, trench coats and denim jackets, integrated with colorful, patterned T-shirts and sweats, will appear as savior parts on light windy days. The combinations, which they will feel comfortable and stylish, will make them stylish.

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The issue of sustainability, which is important today, comes across in all areas. So, what’s sustainability? It is the permanent survival of human life while ensuring the continuity of production and diversity. Sustainability is the ability to meet our own needs without compromising the needs of future generations. With the correct use of natural resources, it is everyone’s primary task, including industrial facilities, to take an environmental approach. Sustainability is also one of the most important factors in managing production processes. Efficient use of resources to ensure full sustainability ensures that you reach your goals as your solution partner. Many studies are carried out in the field of textile sector in the world. Turkey is among the countries where the textile sector is important. For this reason, different methods of testing textile products are used. The main issue where sustainability in textiles is the fact that brands employ workers in good conditions, perform green production with low energy, low water use, bring social contribution to a high level, so the factors used with efficiency positive results. Many sectors around the world negatively affect the environment and human health. The environmental impact of production in the field of textiles should be taken into account and necessary measures should be provided. After conditions are made appropriate, test methods that will not affect the environment should be preferred, so sustainable textile products should be used without adversely affecting the environment.

fited from increasing market demand for organic cotton fiber and has expanded the sales of organic clothing to many major textile brands and manufacturers in the sector. During the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) 2018 Global Cotton Conference, Cotton 2040 launches a new guide to helping brands and retailers radically increase sustainable cotton supply. Cotton is the most widely used natural staple in the fashion industry, but it presents important environmental and social challenges to the clothing industry. While the fashion industry is improving its environmental and social performance, sustainable cotton currently accounts for only about 3% of the total cotton supply. This situation needs to increase in order to further increase the sustainability of the clothing industry. Organic farming is the methods of cultivation and the right forms of production that make it different from traditional cotton farming. For cotton to be organic, cotton fields should not contain insecticides and herbicides for at least three years, and the product should not become genetically modified. Instead of synthetic fertilizers, organic cotton can be grown using natural fertilizers, biological vermin controls instead of pest medicine, avoidance of fuel-based fossils during farming and more efficient extraction strategies.

Organic cotton for sustainable life Many negative environmental, health and social consequences of the textile industry make it possible to recycle the production and use of both cotton and synthetic fibers. The use of non-renewable resources, a large amount of water and energy consumption, infiltration of chemicals and plastics into the ecosystem, dangerous working conditions, land loss and decreased product ranges from cotton production, cotton inhalation serious health problems. Powder has a negative effect on the health of exposure to toxic chemicals during textile production and painting and synthetic clothing. Organic cotton production has begun to grow in response to growing concerns about the environmental and health effects of the textile industry. This development has bene-

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KIDS’ TIME POLAND 2020, a steady streak of success

The kids’ industry one-stop-shop, 11th Kids’ Time is ready boosted the sector on 19-21 February 2020, in Targi Kielce

The KIDS’ TIME Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child - the success story continues. KIDS’ TIME is the best platform to present the latest prams, car seats and restraints, furniture, clothes, toys and everything a mother and child need. The three expo days, 8 exhibition halls filled to the brim with the latest offer of producers and distributors: prams, car seats, toys, furniture, textiles, children’s articles and many more, more than 537 exhibitors, including 73 foreign companies from 20 countries, incl. Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Turkey, USA, Great Britain and Italy. The fair was visited by nearly 8,000 guests from 50 countries. - For over 11 years, we have been developing a friendly, dedicated platform for new products presentation, gain and share the most up-to-date knowledge about the industry’s latest developments. Every year we host top brands as well as market entrants who have just made the début. A truly diverse and international event - said Andrzej Mochoń PhD., president of Targi Kielce. MARKO is the expo strategic partner, the BRANŻA DZIECIĘCA [Children’s Industry] publishing house has traditionally been the main media partner of the exhibition. The extensive exhibitors list included: Mattel, MARKO, Trefl, WADER and Lego, the most important companies which represent the segment of prams and strollers, car seats and baby accessories. - The expo is a permanent fixture on the calendar and a must-attend event not only among the world’s largest brands. Companies which have recently started doing business account for over 25% of the exhibition. Thus KIDS’ TIME expo is becoming even more diverse. KIDS’ TIME has proven to offer the best possible chance for a successful market debut, there is no other place like this one - added Andrzej Mochoń. Accompanying events In addition to the extensive range of accessories for mother and child on display, the expo agenda featured special guests’ visits as well as abundance of training sessions and workshops. The visit was a part of the BUSINESS FORUM: East-West Trade and Exchange and the “round table” which

brought together Poland’s and Russia’s business insiders. The meeting agenda included Elena Semenko’s lecture on new local and export markets opportunities for producers. The meeting was the chance for manufacturers to ask questions and obtain first-hand information from researchers and experts. Thus all the requirements which must be met to obtain a certificate were presented. Manufacturers asked about the language of documentation and whether it is possible to obtain a certificate for a given product that would be accepted by other EU countries. Poland’s eastern neighbours’ offer was featured in the Russian pavilion, the presentation arena for entrepreneurs from the Kirov Oblast. They joined the trade fair under the export support programme, in conjunction with ANO “Kirov Region Export Promotion Centre”. The trade fair schedule also included the Russian and Ukrainian retail chains’ representatives’ visit. One of the leading company from Turkey, Zeynep Giyim San. ve Tic. Inc., participated in the fair. The company since its inception, has watched that innovative, sustainable and customer-oriented policies through Turkey’s has become one of the leading children’s and baby clothing manufacturing company. From the raw fabric to the finished children’s clothing, Oeko-Tex 100 class 1 offers products that respect people and nature in the framework of Sedex. Another Turkish attending company, Kimpeks Textile Inc. was founded in the early 1969s. Our story started in a small weaving workshop; Today, it is on the way to becoming a recognized organization all over the world.

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About Us 2003 yılında kurulmuş olan Monart Ambalaj Oluklu mukavva koli ve kutu sektöründe İstanbul Tuzla Organize Deri sanayi bölgesinde siz değerli müşterilerimize hizmet vermeyi sürdürmektedir. Oluklu mukavva, tripleks koli ve ofset kutu üretimimiz ile sektöre çözüm sunan, 5000 m2 kapalı üretim alanı ve 1000 m2‘lik açık alanında teknolojik baskı, kesim, dikiş ve yapıştırma konularında yeni teknoloji makinaları ile entegre bir firma olan Monart Ambalaj iç ve dış piyasaya hizmet vermektedir. Üretimimizde kullanılan oluklu mukavvalarımızın tümü %100 geri dönüşümlü olup, baskıda kullandığımız boyalar su bazlı olduğundan, çevre dostu ürün kullanımı ile kaynaklarımızı verimli kullanıp hizmetlerimize devam etmekteyiz. Çağdaş ve yenilikçi kurum kültürümüz ile 2013 yılında yapmış olduğumuz yeni makine alımlarımızla Ar-Ge çalışmalarımıza yaptığımız yatırımları arttırarak, müşteri memnuniyeti odaklı çalışma prensibimiz ile kısa sürede yüksek kaliteli ve uygun fiyatlı hizmet sunmaktayız… Sürekli gelişen ve büyüyen firmamız da toplam kalite anlayışımızı her zaman koruyarak siz değerli müşterilerimizi de aramızda görmekten memnuniyet duyarız…

Founded in 2003, Monart Packaging continues to serve our valued customers with flexo printed box, angle and offset printed boxes as well as packaging cartons, boxes and auto sunshade for the promotional sector in Istanbul Tuzla Leather Organized Industrial Zone. Monart Packaging, which is an integrated company with new technology machines in the field of technological printing, cutting, sewing and bonding in 5000 m2 closed production area and 1000 m2 open area, offering solution to the sector with its products such as printed boxes, unprinted boxes, boxes, cut boxes, box boxes, supply cases, profile boxes, carrying boxes, archive boxes, serving the domestic and international markets. All corrugated cardboard used in our production is 100% recyclable, water-based dye that we use in printing we continue to use our resources efficiently with the use of eco-friendly products and services. We offer quality and competitive price service adopting a contemporary and innovative corporate culture with our new machine purchases we have done in 2013 with R & D work and our working principle of customer satisfaction. We are pleased to see our valuable customers by protecting our total quality understanding and growing and enhancing our company...

March / April 2020 54

About Us Çınarlar Ambalaj ilke olarak üstün kalitede ürünleri rekabetçi fiyatlarla sunmayı benimsemiştir. Üretim altyapımız değerli müşterilerimize en kaliteli ürünleri üretmek için son teknoloji üretim ekipmanları kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Günümüzde kaliteli ürünlerin yanı sıra hız ve servis kalitesinin de çok önemli olduğunun farkındayız, bu yüzden standart temin sürelerimiz dahilinde teslimatları gerçekleştirmek konusunda titizlik gösteririz. Ürettiğimiz her ürün birbirinden farklı olmasına rağmen, bizim tüm ürünlerimize yaklaşımımız aynı temel prensipler eksenindedir. Sizleri de bu ayrıcalıklı hizmetten faydalanmaya bekleriz.

“Ürününüzü Kişiselleştirin” Çok çeşitli model, renk ve aksesuar seçenekleri ile ürününüzü kişiselleştirin. Plastik, nonnowen, ham beze kadar birbirinden farklı malzeme seçenekleri, her bütçeye uygun ürünü bulmanıza yardımcı olur. Geriye sadece size uygun rengi, aksesuarı ve baskı yöntemini belirlemek kalır. Konusunda tecrübeli personelimiz sizi en doğru seçime yönlendirecektir.

“Değişken Sipariş Miktarları” Firmamız 1000 adetten 10.000 adede kadar değişen sipariş miktarları için değişken fiyatlar uygular. Böylelikle yüksek adetli siparişlerinizde düşük fiyat avantajı yaşarken düşük adetlerde ihtiyacınızdan fazlasını almadan firmanıza özel ürünlere ulaşmış olursunuz. Çınarlar Ambalaj offers superior quality products with competitive prices. Our production infrastructure has been created using state-of-the-art production equipment to produce the highest quality products for our valued customers. We are aware of the fact that quality and speed and quality of service are very important nowadays, so we are very careful about timely delivering within our standard term. Although each product we produce is different from each other, our approach to all our products is based on the same basic principles. We also expect you to benefit from this privileged service.

“Personalize Your Product” Personalize your product with a wide range of models, colors and accessories. Different material options such as plastic, nonnowen and raw clothing help you find the product for every budget. All that remains is to determine the appropriate color, accessory and printing method. Our experienced staff will guide you to the right choice.

“Variable Order Quantities” Our company applies variable prices for order quantities ranging from 1000 pieces to 10,000 pieces. Thus, while you have a low price advantage in your high numbered orders, you will have reached your special products without lowering your needs. March / April 2020 56

About Us Fatihim Tekstil şirketi 1987 yılında faaliyete başlamıştır. Şirket, 0-16 yaş arası bebek ve çocuk giysileri imalatı ve toptan satışı yapmaktadır. Bugün Fatihim Tekstil, ürünlerini dünya çapında 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Üretimde tüm sağlık unsurlarına ve kalite standartlarına önem veren Fatihim Tekstil sadece yurt içinde değil, yurt dışında da aktif bir profil çiziyor. Dünyadaki 40’dan fazla ülkeye ihracat yapan Fatihim Tekstil hem ülke ekonomisine hem de sektöre katma değer sağlıyor. Marka oluşturmanın süreklilik istediğini her fırsatta dile getiren Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş. Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı İsmail Çolak, Vişne Bebe markasına fayda sağlayacak ve markalaşmayı destekleyici her mecrada yer aldıklarını, markayı daha ileriye taşımak adına sürekli yeniliklerle gündemde olacaklarını belirtiyor. Fatihim Textile Company was established in 1987. The company manufactures and sells baby and children’s clothing for 0-16 age group. Today, Fatihim Textile exports its products to more than 40 countries worldwide. Fatihim Tekstil gives importance to all health elements and quality standards in production and draws an active profile not only in Turkey but also abroad. Exporting to more than 40 countries in the world, Fatihim Textile provides added value to both the national economy and the sector. Fatihim Tekstil A.Ş., which has always expressed that there was a need for continuity in the creation of a brand at every opportunity, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors İsmail Çolak stated that they would benefit from Vişne Bebe brand and they are in every aspect to support branding and they would be on the agenda with the aim of moving the brand forward. March / April 2020 58

About Us Matilda, sektörde adını ilk defa 1992 yılında duyuran Canbey Tekstil’in, 2000 yılında kurulan markasıdır. Sektördeki yolculuğuna dış giyim ile başlayan marka son 5 yıldır ağırlıklı olarak 0-16 yaş aralığında pijama, iç giyim ve homewear giyim üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Dört mevsim çamaşır ve iki sezon olarak da pijama üretimi yapmaktadır. Yurtdışında, özellikle Rusya ve Ukrayna’da okullar için üniforma, eşofman, laboratuvar önlüğü gibi giysilerin de üretimini gerçekleştirmektedir. Gelen talepler doğrultusunda farklı nitelikteki kumaşları kullanarak üretimler yapabilmektedir. İlaveten, kendi etiketi ile ürün satmak isteyen firmalara, zincir mağazalara özel her türde ürünün üretim taleplerini de karşılamaktadır. İhracatta başta Rusya, Ukrayna, Azerbaycan, Beyaz Rusya, Kazakistan, Kırgızistan, Özbekistan olmak üzere Irak, İran, Ürdün, Fas, Cezayir, Arabistan, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Sudan gibi çok sayıda ülke ile faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Matilda is the first brand of Canbey Textile, which was established in 2000, which was first introduced in the sector in 1992. The brand, which started its journey in the sector with outerwear, has concentrated on pajamas, underwear and homewear apparel for the last 5 years. It produces apparel for four seasons and pajamas for two seasons. It carries out the production of clothes such as uniforms, tracksuits, lab coats for schools abroad, especially in Russia and Ukraine. In accordance with the demands of the production of different qualities can be made using fabrics. In addition, it meets the production demands of all types of products specific to the chain stores, for companies that want to sell products with their own label. The company is mainly active in Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Sudan. Торговая марка «Matilda» существует на рынке с 2000 года, являясь брендом фирмы “ CANBEY Tekstil “ , основанной в 1992 году. Бред , который начал свой путь в этом секторе с производства верхней одежды, в последние 5 лет сосредоточился на производстве пижамы, нижнего белья и домашней одежды для девочек и мальчиков в возрасте от 0-16 лет. В настоящее время фирма отшивает по сезонно 2 коллекции пижам и 4 коллекции нижнего белья. А также бренд выпускает коллекцию школьной формы, спортивных костюмов и лабораторных халатов , для школ находящихся за рубежом , в особенности в России и в Украине. В соответсвии с требованиями потребителей фирма производит продукцию с использованием различных качественных тканей. Кроме того , фирма удовлетворяет производственные потребности всех видов товаров , характерных для сетевых магазинов , для компаний , которые хотят продавать товары со своей маркой. Фирма экспортирует свою продукцию в Россию, Украину, Азербайджан, Беларусь, Казахстан, Киргизию, Узбекистан, Туркмению , Грецию , а также продолжает своё сотрудничество со многими странами , такими как Ирак, Иран, Иордания, Марокко, Алжир, Саудовская Аравия, Объединённые Арабские Эмираты, Кувейт, Тунис, Судан.

March / April 2020 60


CJF 2020 Spring 2020 was the best way to generate sales, find suppliers International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion & Maternity Wear was held on February 24-27, 2020 by dazzling all industry

director, self-employed, designer, student, mass media representative

The fair gathered many owners of Turkish factories and the CJF visitors and exhibitors. CJF – Child and Junior Fashion 2020 welcomed many more Turkish buyers from many retail chains and online stores. They agreed on supply contracts to retail chains for 2020–2021. The Russian Trade Forum for Retail Suppliers brought together key players of FMCG market of food / non-food categories. Suppliers got acquainted with the latest trends in consumer behaviour, a ready algorithm of entering retail chains with food / non-food goods and successful suppliers’ case studies on shelf delivery and cooperation with online retailers.

CJF 2020 Autumn ran along with the last edition of anniversary international exhibition for the children›s industry. The wonderful trade show resulted into new ideas and trends of the upcoming fashion season, reliable business partners, creative approaches to business doing, and creative exchange of views. CJF – Child and Junior Fashion is a special event in the world of children’s fashion. CJF targets buyers, manufactures, suppliers and designers of clothes, footwear and accessories for children and pregnant women.

Why to participate in CJF – Child and Junior Fashion to; get the latest information about new products generate sales leads/find suppliers increase brand awareness launch a new products or a new product line find business solutions make new business contacts sign beneficial contracts for the coming year


Job title of visitors: CEO/company owner, purchasing director/buyer, purchasing manager, marketing/advertising

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Bross Socks manufactures the product groups for children, men and women socks and clothes. It provides all the products that consumers can request about socks by differentiating them in its own production capacity. Bross manufactures and sells many products such as moccasin (leather sock), Slipper, ABS Anti-Slide socks, digital printed socks, accessory socks, baby gloves in pantyhose range, combed underwear, boxer, athlete, slip, underwear, undershirts and bodysuits in dress range. We interviewed Yavuz Yavuzarslan, General Manager of Bross Socks, to listen the factors behind their success. production of socks with zero-touch. By adding value to our production with our advanced ERP system, it enables us to respond to the demands of the final consumer in the fastest and most accurate way. Sustainability: The activities of our company are increasing day by day. Our investments and projects related to the use of renewable energy sources, products made from recycled materials, efforts to reduce water consumption, and to increase energy efficiency are ongoing. As the reason consumers choose our products, we know that our sustainability will have a major impact in the medium and long term. We respect the environment, nature and people who work in our ethical genes, and as a company, we care more and more and reflect this on our products and services. What about the machines you use in production? With the latest technological nasal closure knitting machines, we are able to meet all of our customers’ expectations regarding socks with real mesh, real 3D socks, heavy gauge number 3 and 6, double cylinder machines. We have fully automated unmanned 35% of our total production with our automation machines used in post-knitting processes. This ratio is around 5% throughout the sector. With these special tailor-made machines, we increase our productivity and make great efforts to convey products to our customers in a shorter time, with higher quality and added value. We provide continuous development and improvement with our domestic and international consultancy in automation and machinery.

Can you brief us the preparation process of your collections? What inspires you in the design process? As Bross, we have a total of 3 collections per year and we sell these collections within 4 periods. Our collections are designed as summer, winter and all seasons by combining and utilizing the knowledge and values acquired from digital platforms through seminars, consultations, and the follow-up of trends and fashion as a result of the meetings of the models and designs by the sales and marketing unit of our R & D and design department. The most important point of inspiration in the preparation of the collection through the innovative and imaginative solutions which are the vision of the company. To this end, our team spends a lot of time working to produce the firsts and completes the collection by utilizing the finished products with Bross’s own line.

Which countries do you export to? Are there any new markets you intend to enter? We export to 56 countries. We ship our products to China, In-

What criteria do you pay attention to during production? Production standards and procedures of Bross Socks are audited and certified by international organizations such as ISO9001, SEDEX. We are progressing our processes towards our own values ​​in production stages. Quality: In response to a very sensitive quality policy and applicability of our company, we actively use systems aiming at 0 errors with proactive measures and actions with Industry 4.0 systems. Efficiency: In return for the investments made for Industry 4.0, we ensure our sustainability through projects and actions that will increase productivity every day as a result of the work of our engineering department. Technology: Automation systems used in our company are completely designed special for Bross and are not available from any other manufacturer, we provide systems for the

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What developments have contributed to the production speed of technology, mechanization and industrial industry from past to present? What do you think about this issue? Since the day we were established, we have continued to work with innovative solutions and act with the vision of providing sustainable services to our customers, so technology and innovation are the most important issues for us. The contribution of technology to us is to use production techniques that produce our products more efficiently, respond more quickly to the demands of the consumer, and establish an emotional connection with our brand. We started to integrate Industry 4.0 into the infrastructure of our company about 2 years ago, increasing our efficiency and continuously increasing our quality bar. By using industrial robots in production, we accelerated our production value flow and managed to reduce our production costs to lower levels. Most of the technologies used are used in the car manufacturing industry today, but not seen in the textile industry. Industry 4.0 process is still continuing in our company. In addition, our IT team is working on developing and implementing artificial intelligence in our ERP system. By the end of 2020, we will increase our production added value by using artificial intelligence algorithms and coding in our production.

dia and Korea countries. As a target market, we continue to work on the African region in the long term. In the medium term, we aim to continue to develop and grow in the Middle East market.

What are your goals and projects related to export growth? Our goal is to grow 120% by the end of 2022 in export with our own brand. Our department continues its activities in European, American and Middle East markets. We aim to reach consumers abroad with our value-added products we produce. In addition, we will have initiatives about the online overseas franchising system in 2020 and we aim to make sales with our partners online abroad. What about your R & D studies? R & D is an indispensable part of Bross. Our vision and mission to realize our value-added work together with we aim “to do first whatever is not done before”. In this context, the new machine investment suggestions are offered by conducting consumer analysis of R & D, the study of needed products by researching all over the world in terms of materials, exploring different production techniques. Our R & D consultancy service adds strength to the strength of our team and provides support in the production of innovative solutions and products. At the same time, our R & D department creates collections of recycled materials as a result of sustainability efforts and presents them to customers’ appreciation. Today, e-commerce is a tremendous medium. At which stage are your brand’s e-commerce activities? How do you think online sales affect the stores? Our e-commerce investment and work started 2 years ago and today we are progressing with an average annual growth of 100%. We reach more consumers with our private and limited collections and products for our infrastructure works and online. In the medium term, we believe that most of the sales will be made through online sales channels and for this we have established an online sales and marketing unit in our company. Another target of our year 2020 will be to increase brand value and awareness by selling online abroad. Also, in 2020 will have the opportunity to personalize products to our consumers in our online sales and we will take it with that we will be achieving the firsts both in Turkey and world.

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About Us Dünden Bugüne Pamina Pamina, 2011 yılında İstanbul’da bir aile şirketi olarak kuruldu. Kurulduğu ilk günden bu yana birincil hedefi tasarımlarıyla adından söz ettirmek ve modanın belirleyicisi olmaktı. Moda sektöründeki yerini tasarım odaklı bir marka olarak yükseltmeyi hedefleyen firma, adını Mozart’ın “Sihirli Flüt” operasındaki genç prenses karakterinden almakta. Sadece kız çocukları için kıyafet tasarlayan Pamina, yaratıcı, hayalperest ve sürekli gelişen bir moda anlayışını benimseyerek, tasarımlarına yön vermekte. Türkiye ve dünyadaki çocuk giyim fuarlarında oldukça ilgi gören marka, çocuk modasının nabzını tutan büyük bir ar-ge ekibi ile her yıl sonbahar-kış ve ilkbahar-yaz olmak üzere 2 geniş koleksiyon oluşturmakta. Türkiye başta olmak üzere dünyanın birçok ülkesinde çocuk modasının önemli markaları arasında yer alan Pamina, 7 kıtaya ihracat yapmakta. Pamina’nın Öncelikleri Tasarımları ve çizgisiyle öne çıkan Pamina, koleksiyonlarını özel gün elbiseleri temasıyla üretmekte. Çocuk modasına yön vermeyi hedefleyen büyük bir ar-ge ekibiyle hız kesmeden çalışmalarına devam etmekte. Çocuk sağlığı konusundaki hassasiyetinden dolayı insan ve doğaya saygılı üretimler gerçekleştirmekte. Tercih edilen malzemenin kalitesi ve el işçiliğinin kusursuzluğu üretimin birinci şartı olarak benimsenmekte. Müşteri memnuniyeti için, şık, rahat ve yüzleri güldüren tasarımların yanısıra müşterilerle kurulan sıkı ve kusursuz iletişimin gücüne inanmakta. Pamina’nın Hedefleri Dünya çocuk modasına yön vermek Kendini aşan tasarımlar yapmak Hayal edilmemişi hayal etmek Pamina from the Past Until Today Pamina was incorporated as a family company in 2011 in Istanbul. Its primary target since the first day if its incorporation was to become renowned for its designs and to become a determinant of fashion. The company aimed at rising as a design-focused company in the fashion sector and it derives its name from the young princess character in Mozart’s “Magical Flute” opera. Pamina only designs clothes for female children, it has adapted an innovative, imaginative and continuously developing fashion concept and orientates its designs accordingly. The brand attracts considerable attention during the children’s wear fairs both in Turkey and abroad. And with a large R&D team that takes the pulse of children’s fashion, it creates 2 pcs broad collections at each autumn-winter and spring-summer. Especially in Turkey, Pamina has ranked amongst important brands in children’s fashion and it currently exports to 7 continents. Priorities of Pamina Pamina, which comes to the forefront with its design and line, manufactures its collection with the “special days’ clothing” concept. It ceaselessly continues its studies with a large R&D team that aims at orientating the children’s fashion. Its productions are friendly towards the humanity and the nature owing to its sensitively for children’s health. The primary condition for its productions is the quality of preferred materials and the perfectness of handwork. In addition to chick, comfortable and blissing designs, it also believes in close & perfect relation with customers in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Targets of Pamina To orientate the global children’s fashion. To make designs that exceeds itself. To image the unimagined. «Pamina» с прошлого до сегодняшнего дня «Pamina» была основана в 2011 году как семейная компания в Стамбуле. С момента своего создания, основной целью компании стало стало сделать свое имя благодаря дизайну и определяющим фактором моды. Название компании было взято из оперы Моцарта «Волшебная флейта», персонажа молодой принцессы. Стремление компании подняться на более высокое место в секторе моды и стать брендом ориентированный на дизайн. Разрабатывая одежду только для девочек, компания «Pamina» принимая во внимание креативность, мечтательность и постоянно развивающуюся концепцию моды и дает направление своему дизайну . Наш бренд пользуется большой популярностью на выставках детской одежды как в Турции, так и во всем мире. Наша большая научно-исследовательская команда, держащая пульс детской моды, создает две коллекции широкого ассортимента, такие как: осень-зима и весна-лето. Компания «Pamina» выполняя экспорт на 7 континентов мира, является одним из важнейших брендов детской моды во многих странах мира и в особенности в Турции. Приоритеты «Pamina»: «Pamina», которая выделяется своими дизайнами и линиями, выпускает свои коллекции на тему платьев для особых случаев. Большая научно-исследовательская команда, которая ставит целью направлять детскую моду, продолжает работать без замедления. Благодаря своей чувствительности к здоровью детей, компания производит продукцию, уважая человечество и природу. Качество предпочтительного материала и совершенство ручного мастерства принимаются в качестве первого условия производства. Компания верит в силу тесного и идеального общения с клиентами, а также для удовлетворения клиентов в стильный, удобный и заставляющий улыбаться дизайн. Цели «Pamina» Давать направление миру детской моды Создавать превосходящие себя дизайны Мечтать о невообразимом

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About Us


Providing wholesale outerwear for the newborn and 1-14 age group, Jojomama entered this year with the slogan “new year new hope”.

What about the product groups that you have?

to Arab countries between the first and fourth months, we are trying to buy products that meet their demands and interests. In the seventh month, the winter season, we mostly choose products by region of Russia. In this context, I can say that we work seasonal.

We offer products for the 0-14 age group in our Bursa store. Here we sell all kinds of baby clothes, underwear, baby care tools and supplies suitable for newborn groups. We do not have a newborn group in Laleli. Here, we sell the outerwear products for boys and girls aged 1-14 years.

What about your goals for 2020?

I would say that our primary goal is to maintain our current situation. Afterwards, accepting the challenges we had in 2019, we approach 2020 with a more objective and colorful perspective with the slogan “new year new hope”. As Jojomama, we may have an overseas surprise about 2020. Our negotiations continue and we have an international partner. We have a target to open a wholesale store abroad under our own name.

What are the criteria you consider when choosing the products you sell?

When selecting products, we are based primarily on our customer portfolio. Afterwards, we consider which customer region the season will be concentrated on. For example, since we sell more

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The most trendy colors of children’s fashion this summer are blue, pink, green, orange, white, red and yellow colors. Wardrobes, mini pencil skirts for girls, colorful tights, denim shirts and mini shorts are very fashionable. Men are among the products that stand out for children with floral and patterned shirts complete with jeans. Of course, we don’t miss shoes, which are indispensable for combinations. Modern shoes that will integrate with their clothes will give them a different loo March / April 2020


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NATURE REFLECTED IN CLOTHES Green and browns, organic fabrics that are a continuation of sustainability, the colors that will give us a mint breeze and cool us off as we look at warm weather, the colors that are adapted to the clothes are presented this season with the harmonious combinations of children with style it’s coming out.

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About Us NK Tekstil olarak Unsea markamızla 2002 yılından bugüne çocuk modasına yön veriyor, çocuklarımızın sağlığı, mutluluğu ve rahatlığı için en kaliteli ve doğru ürünleri üretmek için büyük bir hassasiyet ile çalışıyoruz. Unsea için çocuklar, kendi karalarını verebilen birer birey olarak kavranmakta ve tasarımlarımızı tüm çocukların beğenisine sunmaktayız. Önceliğimiz bu doğrultuda daima ürünlerimizin kalitesi ve rahatlığıdır. Koleksiyonumuza ebeveynlerin de hassasiyetlerini göz önünde bulundurarak %100 Pamuk kumaşlardan, toksin maddeler içermeyen sağlıklı üretim teknikleri kullanarak şekil veriyoruz. İstanbul Merter ve Laleli’deki toptan satış mağazalarımız, yurtiçi ve yurtdışındaki yüzlerce satış noktalarımız ile her yıl yüzbinlerce çocuğu mutlu ediyor, onların mutluluğundan büyük keyif alıyoruz. As NK Tekstil, Unsea brand has been setting trends in kids wear fashion since 2002 and we work with great sensitivity to produce the best quality and right products for the health, happiness and comfort of our children. For Unsea, children are perceived as individuals who can give their own blessings and we present our designs to all children’s liking. Our priority is always the quality and comfort of our products in this direction. Considering the sensitivities of our parents, we use 100% Cotton fabrics using healthy production techniques that do not contain toxins. With our wholesale stores in Istanbul Merter and Laleli, with hundreds of sales points in Turkey and abroad, we make hundreds of thousands of children happy each year, and we are delighted with their happiness. Компания NK Textile под брэндом Unsea с 2002 года развивает направление детской одежды. Мы работаем с особой деликатностью, изготавливая лучшее качество и подходящие товары для здоровья, счастья и комфорта наших детей. Unsea воспринимает детей как взрослых, которые могут сами выбирать и принимать решения, поэтому мы предлагаем наши модели для всех детей. Нашим приоритетом всегда является качество и комфорт нашей продукции. Учитывая восприимчивость наших родителей мы используем только 100% хлопок, используя только безопасные методы производства, без токсинов. В наших оптовых магазинах Мертер и Лалели в Стамбуле, а также в сотне торговых точках в Турции и за рубежом, мы ежегодно доставляем счастье тысячам детей, получая от этого огромное удовольствие.

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About Us 2014 yılında kurulan Monita Kids, çocuk abiye kıyafetleri üretmektedir. Ortadoğu, Asya ve Rusya başta olmak üzere Avrupa piyasasındaki trendleri takip eden işgücünden hammadde üretimine, pazarlamasından üretimin her aşamasına yerli sermayeli bir firmadır. Monita Kids markası müşteri odaklı, inovatif, sürekli gelişen, çağın gerekliliklerini sadece takip etmekle kalmayıp, bu gereklilikleri belirlemede de rol oynamaya adaydır. Çocukların memnuniyetini ve beğenilerini düşünen üretimler yapan Monita Kids, çocukların hassasiyetlerine, sağlık değerlerine, fiziksel rahatlıklarına önem vermektedir. Monita: “Üretim sürecinin en başında tasarım aşamasındayken kumaş ve aksesuar seçimlerimizi sağlık değerlerine uygun yaparak başlamaktayız. Elbiselerimizin fiziksel rahatlığı sağlayabilmesi, çocukların esnek hareketlerini sağlayabilmeleri için manken provalarla kontrolden geçirip fiziksel kalıplarına uygun formları kullanmaya dikkat ediyoruz. Küçükçekmece’deki fabrikamızda üretim gerçekleştiriyor, Laleli ve Yeşildirek’teki mağazalarımız ile tüketiciyle buluşuyoruz.”

Founded in 2014, Monita Kids produces children’s evening dresses. Following the trends in Middle East, Asia and Russia, especially the European market from labor to production, from raw materials to marketing, Monita Kids is a company with domestic capital. Monita Kids is customer-oriented, innovative, constantly evolving, not only by following the requirements of the era, but is also a candidate to play a role in setting these requirements. Monita Kids, which makes production that considers children’s satisfaction and likes, gives importance to children’s sensitivities, health values and ​​ physical comfort. Monita: “While we are at the beginning of the production process, we are starting to make our fabric and accessory choices in accordance with health values. We take care to ensure the physical comfort of our clothes, to ensure the flexible movement of children to check the manikin rehearsals and physical forms to use the appropriate form. We are producing in our factory in Kucukcekmece and we are meeting the consumers with our stores in Laleli and Yesildirek, Istanbul.”

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About Us

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Kozabiat, one of the leading companies in meeting domestic demands, plans to add color to the 2020 fairs and is preparing to conquer the heart of France with its four brands. In 1996, we listened to the firm’s success story filled with determination from Hilmi Ekmekçioğlu, General Manager of Kozabiat

How did the foundation adventure of Kozabiat started? How do you assess your current position today?

three partners. We are continuing our journey as a family company.

What are your brands and product groups?

The first of these brands is Dominant, which we produce on women’s underwear. We are working on our Deep Sleep brand in our men’s, women’s and children’s pajamas section. We are moving on our Rock Hard brand in our boys and kids boxer section. In our girl and boy collections, we stand out with our Domi Kids brand.

As Kozabiat brand, we announced our name for the first time in 1996. We started our journey in the sector as a company with

What about the emergence of the Domi Kids brand?

For Domi Kids, we can say that we are in our tenth year. We had different brands before. Of course, since we appeal to certain regions of the world, we offered different product ranges and brands in each region. We have decided at Domi Kids for the last 10 years and we continue to work on this brand. Within the Domi Kids brand, there are all products that come to mind in the underwear category on girls and boys, from the age of 0-2 to the age group 15-16.

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When we give box-dealers, these companies hang our logos and signs of our brands. They only sell our products. We supply not only Domi Kids but also all four brands. But when we provide products outside of the dealers, they have their own brands on their own machines. Different companies are also able to sell our products. Poland, and in Russia in the same way. In addition, we trade with Arabia, Macedonia, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Israel, Jordan, France, Italy, Azerbaijan and many other countries. Turkey also has franchises in certain areas of our colleagues we work style.

In which fairs will we see you next year?

We have three fairs in front of us. We are at Salon International De La Lingerie Fair which will be held in France in January. In February, we will attend Istanbul Linexpo Fair. Another fair we will attend in January will be Junioshow. We will attend this fair for the first time in Bursa. We analyzed Bursa a little. Fully set up on outerwear and baby fair I think we will be the first in this fair in terms of laundry and underwear and I guess that we will add a festival there. Because we think that every customer who will buy outerwear will definitely aspire to underwear, but it is a matter of fortune.

What inspires you in the design process?

We have our own design team, photography studio and graphic department. In this sense, we can solve almost everything within ourselves. My wife Nigar is a design teacher and we receive a great deal of support from her. Of course, we have support in terms of traveling around the world. When we look at the world as of this year, we take the color designs, model designs and lines of 2020-2021 and share them with our team members here. Then we create our own unique design products.

What criteria do you pay attention to during production? What percentage of your products are produced in Turkey?

We have an 8,000 square meter factory in Çekmeköy, Istanbul. In addition, we have a production area of ​​10,000 square meters in Niğde. In these two factories, we are going the same way with about 500 friends. We also have sales outlets. One is in İstanbul Yeşildirek and the other is in Zeytinburnu, İstanbul. We address a wide range of products both in the domestic market and abroad. Abroad, we have a dealership in the Balkans. What I call the Balkans; This is a dealership that we have worked for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and similar countries for 20 years. We have a dealership in Macedonia. We have a business collaborator in

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About Us Best Kids, which in its branding period positioned itself as “Turkey’s pioneering brand in child fashion”, follows world trends, and its young and dynamic team prepares classic and unusual designs with the chic and comfortable suited for modern life.Best Kids produces the modern style of classic and casual children’s wear by combining attention to detail with quality fabrics and today presents its collections designed according to various customer demands to its clients through its selling points abroad and all over Turkey. Our company, following technological innovations in our sector closely and regarding investments in training as the most important investments, continues on its way by acting on this understanding with a management policy that always maintains top quality standards.

Best Kids была основана в 1973 году. Best Kids, которая в процессе своего становления упрочилась как «передовая марка детской моды в турции», Трендами вместе с молодой и динамичной командой создаёт классические и экстраординарные дизайны с роскошью и удобством, соответствующими современной жизни. Best Kids, иллюстрирующая современный стиль ежедневной детской одежды объединяя специфические особенности сектора детской одежды с качественными тканями, на сегодняшний день предлагает потребителям коллекции, созданные в соответствии с разными запросами клиентов, посредством торговых точек,распространённых по всей территории турции и за рубежом. Наша фирма вблизи прослеживает за технологическими новшествами в секторе и самым важным капиталовложением считает инвестиции в образование человека. Действуя именно по этому принципу, наша фирма старается придерживаться самых высоких стандартов качества. March / April 2020 82

CNR Expo Center Visit us Hall 2 / C132




Merkez Mah. Fırın Sok. No.67 34381 Bomonti-Şişli İstanbul-Turkey

Meşrutiyet Mah. Şair Nigar Sok. No.31-33 34363 Nişantaşı İstanbul-Turkey

T. : +90 444 5 944 F. : +90 212 221 65 16

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+90 532 172 32 05

About Us

WINIMO WITH THE SUCCESS STORY FROM ADANA TO BURSA, THE HEART OF TEXTILE Winimo, which marked a lot with its quality of Rekor Tekstil with its product range and experienced team, targets new markets in 2020.

How does your product collections work? What inspires you in the design process?

Our product range consists of a team of professional and experienced teamwork. The first stage of production is the product quality of the fabric. Our products are prepared using completely healthy fabrics produced in accordance with standards. The second stage constitutes a model study. Prepared model series went into production in the next stage of our preparation adventure. Finally, our products are carefully ironed and packaged and delivered to our Bursa wholesales branch to be offered for our esteemed customers.

What about your export activities and goals?

With our investments since 2017, our products have reached many countries with Russia-Ukraine-Kyrgyzstan-Azerbaijan-Iraq-Libya. Our search for a new market continues. We have new investment plans for the year 2020 in line with the demands of our new customers.

What are your goals and projects for 2020?

New targets and new investments for the year 2020, we want to meet our customers in Istanbul as well as Bursa. We perform with steady steps with goal of making WINIMO a popular brand for children all over the world.

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Sequins, stamps, glitters and grandeurs in party clothes... Colorful, flight dresses, small floral nostalgic looks coming out of grandma’s closet will be modernised this summer. Girls will represent elegance and boys will represent outdoor influence

March / April 2020 87


Babykid Spain + FIMI has exceeded all expectations in its first edition

Exhibitors have positively valued the synergy between the childcare and children’s fashion sectors and their capacity to bring together in a single forum all the offerings from the children’s universe.

FIMI 2021 is underway”. Regarding national visitors, they came from almost all regions of Spain, among which Catalonia, Andalusia and Valencia stand out. At an international level, European professionals have been the largest group, mainly from Italy and Portugal, followed by the United Kingdom and Germany. We have also received clients from the United States and Mexico, among others. FIMI Summer Experience to dazzle the sector on 19-21 June, 2020 in Valencia This season S · S 20, we will once again be one of the national and international showcases, in the panorama of children’s and youth fashion. We work in each edition to be the platform of the most exclusive and relevant Spanish and Intrenational brands. Our space, is once again, the ideal location in the union of design, quality, sale and novelty in the sector of children’s and youth fashion. We pay attention to every detail that is why we take care of national and international buyers who will come to know the latest “made in Spain” and big foreign Brands news so that, together, we can create the best offer for children and youth fashion.

BABYKID SPAIN + FIMI closes its first edition with a high level of satisfaction from both visitors and participating brands. The event, co-organized by Asepri and Feria Valencia, has exceeded expectations and confirmed that Spain needed a unique, different, inspirational business event. More than 350 national and foreign brands from 12 countries participated in this edition. During the three-day fair, the organization has learned about the interest of many of those brands to expand their exhibition spaces, and even firms not present in this edition have shown their interest in exhibiting at Babykid Spain + FIMI 2021. For Alicia Gimeno, “Babykid Spain+ FIMI is an event that is adding up sectors, brands, internationality and now visitors too. All expectations have been exceeded in a premiere that was born to grow. At present, listening to supply and demand needs is key to moving forward and adapting to the requirements of the sector. Babykid Spain +

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About Us Anne Dokunuşu Gibi… Yıllardır farklı markalar adı altında Üretim, toptan ve perakende satış alanlarında faaliyet gösteren firmamız şimdi yeni markasıyla pazarda yerini almak için yılların tecrübe ve birikimini yeni markası Luggi Baby ile yansıtmaya çalışacaktır. Geçmiş dönemde tüketicinin güvenini kazanan marka aynı kararlılık sorumluluk ve emin adımlarla sektörde söz sahibi olmayı hedeflemektedir. Yeni markası ile eski tecrübelerini birleştirerek tüketicilere daha kaliteli ürünler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. “En değerliniz bizim için de değerlidir” sloganı ile yola çıkan Luggi Baby %100 pamuk olan sağlıklı ürünleriyle bebeğinize rahatlık, huzur ve mutluluk katacaktır. Luggi Baby daha çok kazanç yerine “sağlıklı kaliteli ürün ve müşteri memnuniyeti” anlayışını prensip edinmiştir. Koşulsuz müşteri memnuniyetini ilke edinmiş olan Luggi Baby, üretim kalitesi uzman kadrosu ve sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile pazarlardaki payını her geçen gün müşterilerine sunduğu iyi hizmet ile arttırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ürün grubu yelpazesiyle ne kadar hassas bir noktada olduğunu bilen Luggi Baby bütün üretim ve satış aşamalarında bu sorumluluk bilincini göz ardı etmeden hareket etmektedir.

Çalışanı, üreticisi ve tüketicisi ile el ele vererek geleceğin büyük insanlarının küçücük bedenlerini sımsıcak saracak; kimyasal katkı maddesi olmayan sağlıklı, naturel ürünler üretmeye kararlılık ile devam edecektir. Birlikte üretip, birlikte kazanmak dileğiyle… As a mother’s touch Operating in the field of production, wholesale and retail under several brand names with many years of experience for years, our company is now to take place in the market with a new brand, Luggi Baby. Winning the confidence of the consumer in the past, the brand aims to be leader with the same responsibility, stability by taking firm steps forward in the sector. Combining old experience with its new brand, the company aims to provide better quality products to consumers. With the motto of ‘Your most valuable is valuable for us’, Luggi Baby offers 100% cotton healthy products to provide your baby comfort, peace and happiness. Luggi Baby adopts ‘healthy quality products and Customer Satisfaction’ instead of earning more. Adopting unconditional customer satisfaction, Luggi Baby increases its market share with production quality, expert staff, good service and social responsibility for its customers each passing day. Being aware of in a sensitive point for range of product, Luggi Baby performs in all production and sales processes without ignoring this responsibility. Collaborating with its employees, manufacturers and consumers on offering natural, healthy and without chemical additives products to embrace tiny body of the great people of the future, the company will continue to manufacture with the same principle pertinaciously. Hope to produce together, win together Wie die Berührung einer Mutter Wir produzieren seit Jahren für Einzel- und Großhandel unter verschiedene Marken. Jetzt möchte unsere Firma mit langjährigen Erfahrungen und dem Wissen für unsere neue Marke Baby versuchen ihren Platz auf dem nehmen. In der Vergangenheit Kundenvertrauen gewonnene Firma erzielt mit gleiche Beschlossenheit und Verantwortung von reden lassen. Mit der Verbindung unsere Erfahrung mit unseren neuen Marken möchten wir unsere Kunden noch bessere Produkten anbieten. Luggi Baby beginnt diese Reise mit dem Motto, “ Ihr Wertvollste ist für uns auch wertvoll”, und möchte Produkten aus %100 Baumwolle Ihr Baby Bequemlichkeit, Gemütlichkeit und Glück anbieten. Luggi Baby möchte nicht noch mehr Gewinn sondern mit hoch qualitativen Produkten zufriedene Kunden. Unser Prinzip ist Kundenzufriedenheit ohne Vorbedingung. Wir erzielen mit unseren erfahrenen Mitarbeiter, Produkqualität und soziale Verantwortung unseren Marktanteil erhöhen. Wir möchten unsere Kunden mit unserem Service überzeugen. Luggi Baby weiß dass ihre Produkten auf sehr sensiblen Bereich liegen. Mit dieser Bewusstsein bewegt sich Luggi Baby in jeden Produktions- und Verkaufsstufen. Hand in Hand mit Mitarbeiter, Produzent und Kunden werden wir gesunden und natürlichen Produkten, die Körper von Erwachsenen von Morgen umgeben, ohne chemische Zutaten mit Beschlossenheit weiter herstellen КАК МАМИНО ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ!!!!!! Наша фирма долгие годы работает как оптовым так и розничным производителем детской одежды. С годами набранным опытом работы представляем вам нашу новую марку Luggi Baby. Профессиональный и ответственный коллектив Luggi Baby представляет свой качественный товар на Российском рынке. Наша продукция для самых маленьких поэтому мы знаем как нужно аккуратно и внимательно к нему относиться . С девизом ‘’САМОЕ ДОРОГОЕ ДЛЯ ВАС И ДЛЯ НАС ДОРОГО !!!!! ‘’ наша новая марка Luggi Baby представляет % 100 хлопковая продукция для счастья удобства и спокойствия ваших малышей. Для нас понятие ‘’Здоровый качественный товар и довольный покупатель ‘’ больше чем заработок. НАШ товар не вредит здоровью и не содержит вредных химических веществ. Новая марка с набранным опытом работы представляет еще лучшую качественную продукцию. С ЖЕЛАНИЕМ ВМЕСТЕ РАБОТАТЬ И ВМЕСТЕ ЗАРАБАТЫВАТЬ

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About Us

Sinderella Bebe Aksesuarları, seksenli yıllarda bir annenin hobi niteliğinde bir çalışmasıyla ve kısıtlı üretim kapasitesi ile üretimine başlamıştır. 1992 yılında kurulan ilk atölyesi 1994 yılında değiştirilerek daha da büyümüş ve bugün teknolojik imkanları ile artan üretim kapasitesi ve kalitesiyle bebek patiği üretimini Türkiye’de gerçekleştiren, tamamıyla yerli, sektöre yenilikçi anlayış getiren öncü bir firma olmuştur. Aile şirketi olan Sinderella Bebe Aksesuarları, Bebek Ayakkabılarının da modası olması gerektiği bilinci ile katıldığı fuarlarda yaz ve kış koleksiyonlarını sergileyerek üretimine devam etmektedir. Firmamız kuruluşundan itibaren SİNDERELLA BEBE, FREE BABY markalarıyla tanınmış, 2009 yılından itibaren de FREESURE firmanın tescili markası olmuştur. Freesure Bebek Ayakkabıları bebeklerin de bir modası olduğunun farkındalığını oluştururken, rahatsızlığını dile getiremeyen en kıymetli varlıkların sağlığını düşünerek, zararlı hiçbir materyali kullanmadan üretim yapmayı vazgeçilemez bir prensip olarak kabul etmiştir. Bebek ayak anatomisine, konforuna ve şıklığına uygun üretilen modelleri yaz ve kış koleksiyonlarıyla, yürüme öncesi, 0 - 12 ay arası bebeklerin ayak ölçülerini dikkate alarak 4 farklı numara ile sunmaktadır. Yürümeye başlama macerasının sağlıklı ve gelecekte başarıya koşan büyük adımların şahidi olarak rahatsızlığını dile getiremeyen bebeklerin ayağının konforu olmak en temel misyonudur. Mutlak müşteri memnuniyeti ilkesi ile üretimine modern teknolojiler ile devam eden firma Türkiye’de üretim yaparken dünyanın birçok ülkesindeki bayileri ile minik ayaklara ulaşmaktadır. March / April 2020 92

About Us 1978 yılında triko üretim ve toptan satış yapmak amacı ile kurulan firma, tecrübesi ile triko-tekstil sektöründeki başarılı vizyonunu günümüze kadar taşımayı başardı. Değişen sektör ve piyasa şartlarına kurumsal kimliğini koruyarak adapte olma başarısını gösteren şirket birçok konuda kendini yeniledi ve standartlarını devamlı yükseltti. Danışan Tekstil, triko pazarında, derin tecrübesi ile pazarın trendini birleştirerek kendisini piyasada üst noktalara taşımayı başardı. Ülkemiz ekonomisine yüksek miktarlarda katma değer sağlayan firma, kurumsal kimliğini tüm dünyaya kabul ettirmiş birçok firma ile üretim-pazarlama konusunda başarıyla işbirliği kurarak çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. Söz konusu pazar içerisinde yine birçok kurumsal firma ile dolaylı olarak üretim yaparak ülkemize ve sektöre katkıda bulunmaya devam ediyor. Danışan Tekstil, dokuma ve örme gruplarına ait ürünleri itina ile üretmekle beraber, gününde teslimat konusunda da bir hayli iddialı. Amacı kaliteli üretim beraberinde, en iyi maliyet ve fiyatla tecrübelerini birleştirerek en üst noktada müşteri memnuniyetine ulaşmak, bunlara ek olarak uluslararası tescilli kendi markası olan Baby Mio ile koleksiyonlar hazırlayıp iç piyasa satışı ve ihracat yapmak. Danışan Tekstil derin tecrübesini günümüzün gelişen teknolojileri ile bütünleştirerek sektör içerisinde daha ileriye, değerli müşterileriyle birlikte yürüyecek ve daha da büyüyecek. Misyon: Kaliteli ve sağlıklı triko giymenin herkesin hakkı olduğuna inanıyoruz. Danışan Ailesi, tedarikçilerimiz ve iş ortaklarımız hep birlikte bunun için çalışıyoruz. Vizyon: Yenilikçi, akılcı, ilkeli ve sorumlu yaklaşımımızla bölgemizde lider ekonomik triko üreticisiyiz.

Founded in 1978 with the aim of producing knitwear and wholesale, the company succeeded to bring its successful vision of the knitwear and textile sector up to daylight through its experience. Showing its success in adapting to the changing sector and market conditions by protecting its corporate identity, the company renewed itself in many ways and continuously improved its standards. Combining the trend of the market with the deep experience in the knitwear market, Danışan Tekstil managed to be one of leading companies in the market. Providing high added value to the economy of our country, the company continues to work with many companies by getting their corporate identity popular all over the world by working successfully in production-marketing. It continues to contribute to the country and sector by producing indirectly with many corporate companies in the market. Producing weaving and knitting groups with the products with care, Danışan Tekstil is also very ambitious in timely delivery. In order to achieve customer satisfaction at the highest point by combining the best quality production with the best cost and price experience, in addition to making the collections with the international registered trademark Baby Mio, Danışan Tekstil offers for domestic market and export. The company will integrate its deep experience with today‘s evolving technologies and will continue with its valuable customers in the sector and grow even bigger. Mission: We believe that everybody is right to wear quality and healthy knitwear. Danışan Tekstil Family, our suppliers and our business collaborates all work together to provide it. Vision: We are the leading economic tricot producer in our region with our innovative, rational, principled and responsible approach. March / April 2020 94


Turkey targets $190B in exports in 2020 Turkey is targeting $190 billion worth of exports in 2020, the head of the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly (TİM) said.

tion of 4.7 points to the country’s growth, the largest contri-

Despite multiple hurdles, the country’s exports reached an all-time high in 2019 as they crossed $180.46 billion, up 2.04% year-on-year, according to assembly data. Imports dropped by 8.99% to reach $210.4 billion, while foreign trade deficit decreased by 44.9% year-on-year from $54.3 billion to $29.9 billion. Foreign trade made a record contribu-

bution seen in 18 years in Turkey. In 2019, the export/import

coverage ratio was 85.8% in 2019, up from 76.5% in 2018, she added.

Turkey could achieve greater stability in 2020

Turkey could experience greater stability in 2020, said the credit ratings agency Fitch. “Nonetheless, risks remain multifaceted. Weak monetary policy credibility, economic policy, political, geopolitical and sanctions risks could provoke bouts of asset price volatility, although global interest rate policy should keep external financing conditions supportive,” it added. It said the weak global economic growth will produce a more difficult environment for emerging European countries next year.

“Fitch expects the recovery and rebalancing of the economy to continue, with growth strengthening, inflation falling and the current account deficit contained,” the agency said in report on the outlook of emerging European countries. The report stressed that with no national elections due until 2023, 2020 provides an opportunity for Turkey to implement reforms stated in the government’s New Economy Program, tackling structural credit weaknesses.

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January, soaring 23.6% annually

the month surging 14.6% and reached 78.9 points. The services and retail trade confidence indexes both were up 2.2% month-on-month in January. The former index reached 95.2 points and the latter hit 105 points – the highest level in the last two years. The consumer confidence index showed a slight improvement of 0.1% compared to December. However, confidence in the real sector index slipped 2.1% during the same period.

Confidence in the Turkish economy surged 23.6% in January compared to the same period last year and hit the highest level in the last 20 months at 97.1 points, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) revealed. The index was measured at 96.5 points in December and 78.5 points in January 2019. The rise in the economic confidence index was driven by three sub-readings of the data, namely construction, services and retail trade consumer confidence indices. The construction confidence index was the best performer in

Improvement in inflation expectations continues Inflation expectations continue to improve and are broadly in line with the central bank’s projection of 8.2% by year-end, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) said. In the minutes of its policy meeting, released, the bank said its own policy will depend on further disinflation. The bank cut its key interest rate to 11.25% earlier this month from 24% since July 2019 on the back of stabilizing lira and a drop in inflation, which was 11.8% in December. Last year, it held eight monetary policy meetings, as interest rates fell by 1,200 basis points over the course of the year, from 24%. The bank scheduled 12 committee meetings for 2020. Inflation has been a pressing issue for the economy since the second half of 2018, when it surged to almost 25.24% in October as steep depreciation in the Turkish lira pushed up the price of imported goods.

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Baby & Kid Store


You to the World at International


Baby & Kid Store, the only specialized publication of the Mother Baby Children’s products industry, continues to be a voice at world-famous fairs. We promoted you on 38th International Istanbul Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo, January 8-11, 2020, where baby-children’s ready-to-wear and accessories are exhibited between the ages of 0-16, featuring chirpy products such as the little ones themselves, and participating by industry professionals. We were in Bursa, which is our beautiful city with a beautiful summer, which is famous for its peaches, strawberries, raspberries, pears, figs, olives and chestnuts, which are home to many civilizations with its long history, which contains natural beauties, for JunioShow, January 8-11 by Tuyap Bursa fairs Inc. and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Baby Children’s Garment Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association by hosting thousands of local and foreign guests and we continued to be your voice in the heart of the children’s ready-to-wear industry via Junioshow fair. We turned our route from international fairs to Italy, the heart of fashion, which creates wonders in its kitchen. We took part and distibuted our magazine displaying you on Pitti Immagine Bimbo fair, January 16-18, 90th Babykid + Fimi Spain fair 24-26 January, Linexpo 2020 İstanbul Lingerie, Hosiery Exhibition, 5-8 February, Istanbul Exhibition Center, where new trends are exhibited, fashion shows and visual shows, then at the same we were 9th Pentex Combed Textile and Technologies Fair Pentex fair held in Gaziantep which is famous fot its baklava, and we were in Polish Kid’s Time, February 19-21 and for the last stop we were in the CJF - Child and Junior Fashion Exhibition, February 24-27 held in Moscow, Russia.

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Fair CBME Turkey Children Baby Maternity Expo The Turkey’s largest trade fair organization made baby and children’s fashion industry on the international platform for the 38th International Istanbul Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo was held at the Istanbul CNR Expo Center between the dates of January 8 to 11. More than 600 national and international buyers from 122 different countries and more than 600 brands exhibited in the fair, and the newest and trending products of the sector such as foldable bath tub, travel bag, electric cradle were on display. With the Spring-Summer Baby Kids fashion of 2020, especially baby-kids ready-to-wear and accessories; equipment, baby care and feeding products, furniture and home textiles, toys and so their mothers and pregnant products with cycling group, babies and all product groups of the children’s sector was in CBME Turkey so that Turkey’s largest children, baby, maternity products manufacturers, distributors and buyers gathered under one roof.

Pitti Immagine Bimbo

There are 6 Turkish companies displaying their exclusive products in Pitti Immagine Bimbo 2020. They were satisfied with the fair. International children’s fashion and kids’ lifestyles brought together at Pitti Bimbo to creatively re-

spond to the complexities of the market. Great quality and internationality among the buyers who arrived for an edition characterized by research and attention to topics focused on the environment and sustainability The final attendance figures for this edition (Florence, 1618 January 2020) showed that the number of buyers almost reached 5,900 – a slight and physiological drop compared to one year ago which was strongly influenced by the results for the Italian buyers – with international buyers - from almost 80 foreign countries - exceeding the 2,300 mark at the end of the three days of the fair. With regard to the foreign markets there was important confirmation from the numbers for Russia (which is once again the fair’s top reference market), France and Turkey, and positive performances for buyers from United States, China, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates. Overall the number of visitorsonce again reached a total of 10,000.

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Fair Junioshow Baby Kidswear & Kids Necessities Fair

Organized by Tüyap Bursa Fairs Organization Inc. and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO) in collaboration with Baby and Kids Clothing Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (BEKSIAD), Junioshow has ended. The fair held with the participation of nearly 200 firms was visited by 27 thousand 892 business professionals from 65 countries. Junioshow Fair, one of the most important gatherings of the babies and kids ready-to-wear sector in Turkey, attracted great interest of visitors this year as well. Being the first fair of 2020 in Bursa and hosting its visitors at Tüyap Bursa International Fair Convention and Congress Center between January 8-11th, Junioshow strengthened the exports of the sector. The fair visited by nearly 1300 foreign buyers from 65 countries under the scope of Trade Safari Project of BTSO and the efforts of foreign liaison offices of TÜYAP opened the way for business connections worth of millions of dollars.

Babykid Spain+FIMI

Exhibitors have positively valued the synergy between the childcare and children’s fashion sectors and their capacity to bring together in a single forum all the offerings from the children’s universeValencia, 5 February 2020- BABYKID SPAIN + FIMI closes its first edition with a high level of satisfaction from both visitors and participating brands. The event, co-organized by Asepri and Feria Valencia, has exceeded expectations and confirmed that Spain needed a unique, different, inspirational business event.More than 350 national and foreign brands from 12 countries participated in this edition. During the three-day fair, the organization has learned about the interest of many of those brands to expand their exhibition spaces, and even firms not present in this edition have shown their interest in exhibiting at Babykid Spain + FIMI 2021.For Alicia Gimeno,

“Babykid Spain+ FIMI is an event that is adding up sectors, brands, internationality and now visitors too. All expectations have been exceeded in a premiere that was born to grow. At present, listening to supply and demand needs is key to moving forward and adapting to the requirements of the sector. Babykid Spain + FIMI 2021 is underway”.

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Linexpo Lingerie-Hosiery Fair

one of the reputable textile associations in Turkey and IFM Fuarcilik. LINEXPO, a lingerie exhibition originating from Istanbul and addressing the entire world, is organized only once a year. LINEXPO is organized with the aim of increasing global sectorial awareness and increasing the business volume of our country holding the leading position in textile. One of the most important fashion events in Turkey showcasing lingerie, nightgowns, morning gowns, pyjamas, hosiery, t-shirts, shorts, training suits, tights and sub-industry accessories and setting fashion trends in lingerie for the upcoming 2 years, Linexpo Istanbul Lingerie - Hosiery Fair hosted intense visitors especially from Europe, Middle East and African countries by hosting thousands of local and foreign visitors from many countries of the world.

LINEXPO 2020 was organized on February 5-8 by TIGSAD,

Pentex Combed Textile and Technologies Fair PENTEX Combed Textile and Technologies Fair was held in Gaziantep Middle East Fair Center between 05-08 February 2020 by AKORT Fair with the support of Gaziantep Chamber of Industry and Hosiery Garment and Ready- Wear Manufacturer’s Association (PENKON). PENTEX fair is visited by abundant number of visitors from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Balkan Countries and Caucasian Countries. A very wide range of products from combed textile products to apparel products, from yarn to laser cut and digital print machines, from combed textile machines to weaving machines, from apparel dye and auxiliary chemicals to professional publications are exhibited in the fair which is organized in Gaziantep. March / April 2020



CJF Child and Junior Fashion

CJF - Child and Junior Fashion opened its doors to visitors between February 24-27. Bringing together professionals of the children’s fashion industry from all over the world, the fair helped strengthen existing ties with its collaborators and sign new agreements. In the last marketing research, new products were exhibited and put up for sale. During the fair, seminars were organized about the marketing works to be done to increase sales. Considering the market conditions and demands of exhibitors and professional visitors, the fair is held twice a year in Russia, in February and September.

Kids’ Time

Kids’ Time Poland fair, which was held for the 11th time this year, opened its doors to visitors on February 19-21. It hosted 7800 visitors with more than 530 participants from 20 countries. Baby textile products, car seats, toys, furniture, children’s goods were exhibited. Presenting the most up-to-date information and new products about the latest developments in the industry, the fair hosts many guests every year.

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Second JUNIOSHOW Fair Of 2020 On 10 - 13 June 2020

Junioshow Bursa International Baby, Children’s Clothing and Children’s Needs Fair, by Tüyap Bursa Fair and Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the valuable support of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, will take place on 10 - 13 June 2020 at Tuyap Bursa International Fair and Congress Center.

Held in Bursa, where is Turkey’s manufacturing base in baby children’s apparel sector with a significant share of the apparel industry, meeting alone 80 percent of garment manufacturing, JUNIOSHOW FAIR continues to bring international and domestic baby and child garment industry together. The important platform, which is the Bursa meeting of the sector, combines quality-oriented production with design and offers more than 10 thousand models in the “Autumn & Winter” baby kid textiles creations between the ages of 0 and 12 . Prepared with more than 150 companies consisting of important producers from Bursa, the Fair takes place in a 20 thousand m2 closed area consisting of 4 separate halls and foyer areas with “uniform special decoration stands”.

Interest of International Visitors is Increasing

Within the scope of the works of TUYAP international offices and the Ur-Ge projects carried out by BTSO with the support of the Ministry of Trade, over 1000 business people from more than 60 countries such as Germany, Australia, Azerbai108

jan, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Algeria, Czech Republic, Morocco, Ghana, Georgia, India, Netherlands, Palestine, Finland, France, Iraq, England, Iran, Spain , Israel, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kuwait, Libya, Lithuania, Lebanon, Hungary, Macedonia, Egypt, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sudan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Oman, Jordan, Yemen and Greece will visit Junioshow Bursa Fair for trade where only wholesale is available. Domestic sector representatives from more than 40 cities, especially Istanbul, Gaziantep, Izmir, Ankara and Denizli, will hold important cooperation meetings with the companies at the fair. We aim to continue to add strength to the exporter identity of the sector with the business connections that will be formed during the fair. The exhibition also encourages the participant companies to increase their R&D activities and to improve their quality-oriented production understanding through investments in design and technology.

March / April 2020

Ur-Ge Projects Strengthen the Fair

The “Development of International Competitiveness (URGE)” project, which is carried out specifically for Junioshow, is prepared with the support of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the coordination of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey. Urge project aims to increase the exports of its members and have a voice in international competition. Within the scope of Urge project, it increases the export volume of babies and children ready-to-wear with foreign trade purchasing delegations organized in different geographies of the world, specially organized for JunioShow Fair. The project contributes significantly to both Bursa and the national economy. In the upcoming fair, important buyers will be in our fair within the scope of the project and will establish business connections.

Overview of the first fair of 2020, Junioshow (January 2020)

To briefly touch upon the figures of the fairs that brought the sector twice under the umbrella of Tüyap Bursa, in the first meeting of 2020; We organized the first meeting of JUNIOSHOW in 2020, which brings together the textile fashion and the latest trends determined by the Bursa manufacturers, between the dates of 8 - 11 January 2020. Again , about 200 exhibitors that displayed more than 10 thousand products in the spring - summer concept in 4 halls in uniform special decor stands displayed their latest trends. Having hosted 1,245 foreign buyers from 65 countries, visitors from 49 cities, and 27,892 industry professional visitors for four days, Junioshow also became a colorful event with the 2-day Junioshow fashion show. Business connections established during the fair contributed greatly to the production, competition and export of the sector.

Why Should You Participate in The Next Junioshow?

The fairs, which are held twice a year, have now become a brand. Our companies participating in the fair, which stands out with its international quality, should take their place in the fair with the aim of opening up new markets and increasing their existing market shares in addition to increasing their brand values. If we summarize briefly in items, we can specify followings; Reaching professional visitors from countries where the sector is developing from abroad under the same roof, Establishing new business contacts and partnership agreements, To be able to follow the developments and expectations in the sector closely, Capturing new investment opportunities, To strengthen its prestige by taking part in effective organization, Creating a brand and opening up new markets, Determining the position of the company in the market, determining new areas, 109

To evaluate the chance of competition, To promote new products, to observe the success of the market, To make customer analysis.

Supporters and Collaborators of the Fair

As Tüyap Bursa Fair, there are 292 fairs we have organized since our establishment. Of course, we have a partner who works with us while doing so many exhibitions. With the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where we have joined forces in the past years, we have also taken important steps in bringing new fairs to Bursa in the sectors we are strong at. As a result of the impressions we have gained from the fairs we held together, we make positive contributions to Bursa’s trade volume, with special fairs for its industry, which was organized with this cooperation. In addition to our partner BTSO, we work with the subject of each fair, as well as rooms, associations, etc. For the Junioshow Fair, we have been cooperating with the Baby Children’s Apparel Industry and Businessmen Association (BEKSIAD) since the first year of the fair. We also use the Ur - Ge project supported by the Ministry of Commerce for bringing purchasing delegations from abroad. I would like to thank the Bursa Governorship of Bursa, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality and KOSGEB, for which we received support in all fairs.

BURSA FAIRS Makes A Great Contribution to Bursa’s Economy and Its Exports

Our company Tüyap Bursa Fair, which is included in the TÜYAP Fair Organization Group, was established in 2001, and has made Tüyap Bursa International Fair and Congress Center one of the most important exhibition centers in our country. We continue to strengthen our place in the fair, and increase our weight within the group, both with new projects we have added to the sector every year and by expanding our existing projects. As Tüyap Bursa Fair Organization, our industry has succeeded in meeting the expectations of our exporters by bringing together 11,144,349 people from nearly 100 countries from our establishment until the end of 2019. As Tüyap Bursa Fair, we will continue to work with the power we receive from you in the following years, and we will continue to contribute to the promotion of our city, the country and city industry and trade by increasing the number of fairs and their subjects to Bursa from abroad and domestically.

March / April 2020


Turkey more resilient to internal and external shocks than ever

The worst is behind for the Turkish economy and its financial system, said Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, stressing that Turkey is now more resilient to internal and external shocks. Albayrak’s remarks came in his interview with Japanese Nikkei newspaper. The minister emphasized that the Turkish economy’s immune system has entered a phase in which it is getting stronger. After a financially and economically turbulent period that kicked off in the second half of the year in 2018 and prolonged into the first half of 2019, the Turkish economy had been battered by currency volatility, high

inflation and high-interest rates, resulting in tumbling domestic demand by consumers and investors. Turkey’s GDP entered a promising era of growth in the third quarter of 2019, breaking three consecutive quarters of contraction. The economy grew 0.9% year-on-year between July and September of 2019, according to data of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat).

2020 to be a year of economic recovery for Turkey, reports Show

2020 will be a year of recovery for the Turkish economy with inflation dropping to single digits and growth between 3.5-4%, according to reports by the country’s major investment advisory companies. Private lender Garanti BBVA’s 2020 strategy report said economic and financial circles will take particular interest in the central banks’ rate decisions in 2020 and regional developments will largely shape investment decisions. The report said lower interest and high liquidity environment is here to stay globally as well as in Turkey. The report added that the Turkish lira is expected to undergo a “controlled depreciation” due to a higher current account deficit while the volatility index will show a more stable performance compared to the previous year.

March / April 2020 110

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