VISIONS Magazine: Summer 2016 Issue

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for the state of Iowa

Meet 5 alumni who are making their marks on our favorite state

Summer 2016

G E TTI NG START ED BY Carole Gieseke


Iowa: A lot more than nice


owa has been getting a lot of love lately from the national media and the folks who do all those rankings we read about. Maybe it’s the caucus, maybe it’s something else. But all of a sudden people all over the country seem to be noticing what we have to offer here in our little piece of flyover country. For example, Iowa was recently rated the seventh best state in which to raise a child, in the top 10 states for quality of university research and development (well, duh, we knew that), the seventh lowest state for cost of doing business, third in the U.S. for job creation, and among the leading states in low unemployment rates. Central Iowa in particular is raking in the kudos. Des Moines has been cited as the No. 1 best city for families and also the No. 1 city for young professionals. It’s ranked second best for businesses and careers and was named the No. 3 top city for new college grads. Ames, too, is getting much-deserved recognition. In the past couple of years it’s been named the No. 1 college town in the U.S., the No. 1 healthiest city in the U.S., the No. 4 best small city for making a living, and one of the top 100 most livable cities in America. It’s said to be the eighth-best place to retire in the Midwest, one of the best small cities for both job growth and places for college grads, and the 13th Geekiest City in the U.S. (That’s a good thing, by the way.) Iowa’s improving status is not happening by accident. The state’s department of economic development, along with the governor’s office and a whole bunch of city chambers of commerce and the like, are working overtime to make Iowa a more welcoming state, a state where a greater number of college graduates want to


stay, and a state to which lots more people who leave want to come back. Iowa State University, along with the other regent universities, play a part, too. ISU President Steven Leath has pledged to position Iowa State to have a more substantive impact on our local, regional, and state economies, and to serve as an engine for growth and development. The Cultivation Corridor – the innovative business area stretching from greater Des Moines to Ames – is thriving, especially with the expansion of ISU’s Research Park. And we know that ISU alumni are making a difference in the state, working in areas ranging from agriculture to banking to veterinary medicine. Back in 1985, Iowa State had just over 44,000 alumni living in Iowa; by 2010 that number grew to nearly 89,000. We recently reached 100,000 alumni living in Iowa – surpassing the University of Iowa for number of grads in the state. Our cover story in this issue focuses on five of them – but we could have told the story of hundreds, even thousands, who are doing cool things in the state and making Iowa the awesome place we know it to be. Iowa isn’t perfect (no state is), and

I’m the first one to point that out. We wrestle with issues like everyone else: How to fund our educational and mental health services, how to keep our waterways clean, how to regulate production agriculture, how to keep our tax system fair for everyone. Scott Siepker (’05), who you’ve already seen on our cover (and you’re probably in the million-plus group of folks who’ve viewed his “Iowa Nice” video), speaks eloquently on Iowa’s welcoming environment and the kindness of its people. But he’s a funny guy, so he also had this to say about why he loves it here: “We have low traffic,” he says. “When I was in LA driving Tom Arnold around when we were shooting our ‘Wrestling Nice’ video together, I missed one turn and it added 90 minutes to our trip from USC to Beverly Hills, and I just came back here and made out with I-235. Also, you can get a beer here for four bucks and not twelve. Those are small things. Quality of life issues. You know, life is easier here.” Thanks, Scott. I couldn’t have said it any better. 


“ As part of Reiman Gardens’

20-year master plan, alumni, students, and friends have the opportunity to be part of a special ISU Family Bulb Meadow.”



Cyclone strong in Iowa


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Warren Madden: One man’s campus The incredible journey of Goran Micevic Reiman Gardens: Bloom where you are planted Gabby Sherman: To teach is to give Meet the 2016 STATEment Makers


2 4 6 30 32 39 46

Getting Started Letters to the Editor Around Campus Diversions Newsmakers Association News Calendar

On the cover: Iowa actor Scott Siepker (’05 psychology) gives two thumbs up to living in the state of Iowa. PHOTO BY JIM HEEMSTRA




Letters 

WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU Let us know what you think about

stories in this issue – or about other topics of interest to VISIONS readers. Email your letters to: CGIESEKE@IASTATE.EDU. OFFICERS Melanie J. Reichenberger** Chair ’00 Indust. Engr. Mequon, Wis.


Nicole M. (Bell) Schmidt** Chair-elect ’09 Const. Engr., MS ’13 Ankeny, Iowa


Alan E. Krysan** Immediate Past Chair ’87 Ag. Business Lakeville, Minn. #

Katherine E. Hallenbeck** ’02 Finance / MIS Ankeny, Iowa Kari A. (Ditsworth) Hensen** ’96 Sociology, MS ’98 Higher Ed., PhD ’05 Ankeny, Iowa Erin Herbold-Swalwell** ’03 Liberal Studies Altoona, Iowa Ana McCracken** ’84 Fashion Merch. San Francisco, Calif. #

Geoffrey C. Grimes** Vice Chair of Finance ’69 Architecture Waterloo, Iowa #

Julie A. Rosin** Vice Chair of Records ’78 Home Ec. Ed., MS ’83 Ankeny, Iowa

Kathy A. (Sullivan) Peterson** ’95 Speech Communication Aurelia, Iowa Trent L. Preszler** ’98 Interdisc. Studies Cutchogue, N.Y.

Joan Piscitello** University Treasurer ’98 MBA Ex-officio/voting West Des Moines, Iowa

Darryl Vincent Samuels** ’88 Pol. Sci., MA ’90 Comm. & Reg. Plan. / Pol Sci. Pearland, Texas

Jeffery W. Johnson** Talbot Endowed President & CEO PhD ’14 Education Ex-officio/non-voting Ames, Iowa

Deborah Renee (Verschoor) Stearns** ’81 Journ. & Mass Comm. Altoona, Iowa



Kurt Alan Tjaden** ’85 Accounting Bettendorf, Iowa


ELECTED DIRECTORS Mark D. Aljets** ’79 Indust. Admin. West Des Moines, Iowa

Ryan M. York** ’95 Marketing, MBA ’03 Urbandale, Iowa

Kenneth R. Bonus** ’85 Const. Engr. West Des Moines, Iowa


Daniel A. Buhr** ’95 Electrical Engr. Ames, Iowa Eric Burrough** ’97 DVM, PhD ’11 Vet. Path. Ames, Iowa #

Miles Lackey** Associate Vice President/ Chief of Staff Office of the President Representative Ames, Iowa Kim McDonough** ’02 Jlsm. & Mass Comm., MS ’04 College Representative Ames, Iowa #

Thomas A. Connop** ’76 History Dallas, Texas Lawrence Cunningham** ’02 Liberal Studies Ames, Iowa


Wendell L. Davis** ’75 DVM Overland Park, Kan. Craig K. Denny** ’71 Civil Engr., MS ’73 Soil Engr. Lenexa, Kan. #

Duane M. Fisher** ’73 Ag. Ed., MS ’80 Mt. Auburn, Iowa Jeffrey Grayer** ’05 Liberal Studies Grand Blanc, Mich. 4

Phyllis M. Fevold** Non-alumni Representative Ames, Iowa Erik Olson*** Senior, Marketing Student Alumni Leadership Council Representative Golden Valley, Minn.


Some of your articles in “Diversity on Campus” (spring 2016) make VISIONS sound like a new endeavor RE diversity. Returning from military service in the fall of 1946, my brother and I responded to a message from Friley Hall: “Please indicate your willingness to room with a foreign student.” We responded without qualification and enjoyed knowing Fernando De La Plata from Santiago, Chile. Among other things, he was a guest at several parties at our family home in Des Moines. We roomed together for two years until “Ferdy” moved to California. Our expression of friendship included a ski trip to Colorado; we found out that our guest was an alternate on the Chile Olympic ski team. Lowell Titus*

’50 civil engineering Indianola, Iowa I commend you for taking on the topic of diversity in the spring 2016 issue of VISIONS magazine. However, while your choice of topic is a good one, your coverage of the events that happened during the Iowa State football game on Sept. 12, 2015, was extremely bad. Your main article entitled “Diversity” portrays ISU President Steven Leath in a very good light for addressing diversity on campus. In doing so, you completely and reprehensibly rewrote history by omitting the fact that Dr. Leath was derided for hobnobbing with U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, a bigot and racist, at the ISU game on Sept. 12. Even back in September, it was already news that Mr. Trump had described Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and bringing “drugs” and “crime” with them to this country. So when Dr. Leath decided to ignore Trump’s already known racism and sit with Mr. Trump in box seats at the football game, it was students and alumni who were outraged. In the picture accompanying the article showing Dr. Leath with students, there is a good reason why none of them look at all happy. It was because that meeting took place in the aftermath of Steven Leath’s cozying up to racist and Mexican-hater Donald Trump. Even the caption you chose, “ISU President Steven Leath meets with students in an informal setting,” is especially disturbing. This was a confrontational meeting, not “an informal setting.” By that time, another news item you completely failed to mention was the

Membership Key: *Annual member **Life member # 2015 Sustaining Life donor ***Student member

fact that University of Missouri students had driven their university president to resign after he failed to address the ongoing issues of racism there. So Dr. Leath himself was the target of protests and was facing pressure about keeping his own job. While you do accurately describe “a public forum, coordinated by ISU's Student Government and Latinos United for Change (LUCHA),” at NO TIME in this article do you describe the context. Why were Latino students in particular involved in setting up this forum as opposed to other racial and minority student groups? Because Steven Leath appeared with Donald Trump, known Mexican-immigrant-hating bigot. You need to set the record straight. Stop lying to protect Steven Leath, and instead write the true history about ISU students protesting after ISU President Steven Leath appeared and befriended racist Donald Trump who prior to that made very clear that he hates Mexican-American immigrants. Dennis Reed**

’92 computer science Palm Springs, Calif. Editor’s note: Just to be clear, the photo of President Steven Leath taken in an “informal setting” was not the meeting at which he discussed events of Sept. 12 with students. The photo was taken earlier in his presidency. Leath’s commitment to diversity and inclusion has been unwavering.

Carole Gieseke Kate Bruns PHOTOGRAPHY: Jim Heemstra DESIGN: Scott Thornton / EDITOR:


SUMMER 2016 / VOLUME 29 / NO. 2

294-6525 1-877-ISU-ALUM (478-2586)



I was pleased to receive the spring issue of VISIONS and to see so many articles inside dealing with the important issue of diversity. Particularly touching was the piece on Alex Peters, who self identifies as a gay man and bravely talked about the challenges of growing up in a small Iowa town. Now, after joining the LGBTA Alliance at ISU, he feels as if he can continue to explore who he is as a person. I’m heartened to know an organization like the LGBTA Alliance remains on campus as a place where folks can find strength to be who they are. Also from a very small town in Iowa, I could relate to Alex on a personal level. I was among a small group of students to create the first on-campus student organization for LGBT students – then known as the Gay and Lesbian Outreach (GLSO), founded on campus in 19821983. While the community at large has had an organization for the LGBT population of Ames since the 1970s, GLSO was the first to be recognized by and to receive funding from the Government of the Student Body (GSB). The students of Iowa State have had a long history of pushing the university higher and farther with regard to acceptance – whether it be on issue of diversity and equality or on the naming of the Jack Trice Field. I see this latest push from the student body on inclusiveness is another example of how the students have always led ISU on these issues. So proud to be a Cyclone! Jacquelyn J. Bennett**

’86 physical education Alexandria, Va. Why is an anti-Trump protester given space in a diversity issue of what is supposed to be a non-partisan alumni magazine? Wayne Langerman**

’75 economics Dahlonega, Ga. I have very much enjoyed reading the spring issue of VISIONS, with its focus on diversity. However, I wish to comment on two smaller items that may escape attention from many readers. First, is the note about Dr. Iver Anderson being named Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors for his development of lead-free solder. During the summers while I was earning my chemistry degree from ISU, I worked for my dad, who was a plumbing contractor. (I actually obtained my journeyman plumber’s license, and we used leaded solder at that time.) Although I have been a technical specialist in the power industry for 35 years, it is still interesting to see plumbing developments such as the one that came from Dr. Anderson. Lead in drinking water is obviously a very serious issue, as the recent events in Flint, Mich., have graphically illustrated.

Secondly, it was nice to see the Union Pacific Corporation receive the Order of the Knoll Corporation and Foundation Award. Railroads were vital for our country’s development, and they continue to provide critical transportation services. The ties between ISU and UP are impressive. Incidentally, the background screen on my computer is the webcam view of the UP-BNSF crossing in Rochelle, Ill. With great regularity, trains (often weighing 10,000 tons or more) containing the agricultural, automotive, chemical, coal, industrial, and intermodal products mentioned in the VISIONS article pass through this junction.

Letters express the views of the readers and not Iowa State University nor the ISU Alumni Association. Send letters to VISIONS Editor, ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Ave., Ames, IA 50011-1430.

MEMBER BENEFIT SPOTLIGHT Get the most out of your membership

Brad Buecker*

’77 chemistry Lawrence, Kan. I read the spring issue on diversity on campus with great interest. I had the good fortune to work for a company in Northern California (CSAA Insurance Group) that put a great deal of focus on diversity and inclusion. I think people sometimes read this phrase and put a limiting definition to it; e.g., that it applies to only certain subsets of a workforce or a population. However, when a company or a university puts an emphasis on including all voices of all the people who work and study there it will pay great dividends. Including all points of view benefits us all. One of the most gratifying things I learned from my employer’s diversity and inclusion efforts was learning to listen fully to others. I got to learn about my co-workers’ life experiences, both similar and quite different to my own. It was truly an enlightening experience. It is wonderful to see the many different ways Iowa State is trying to bring every student to the table and make them feel welcome and valued. I have seen many people equate diversity and inclusion with being “politically correct,” but it is so very much more than that. Thanks so much for all your efforts with VISIONS. It is wonderful to be able to keep up on what’s happening at ISU, even though I live in Florida now. So proud to be an ISU grad – go, Cyclones. Robin Lasell**

EBSCO Academic Search This comprehensive academic database provides full text as well as indexing and abstracts for thousands of journals and general periodicals (

’83 horticulture Lake Worth, Fla. *Annual member, **Life member Iowa State University values communication with alumni and other audiences, and VISIONS welcomes letters from readers about topics in the magazine. Letters must be signed and include address and daytime phone number. Letters chosen for publication may be edited for length and clarity. The editor may decide to publish a representative sample of letters on a subject or limit the number of issues devoted to a particular topic. While universities are places of open

VISIONS (ISSN 1071-5886) is published quarterly for members of the Iowa State University Alumni Association by the ISU Alumni Association, 420 Beach Avenue, Ames, IA 50011-1430, (515) 2946525, FAX (515) 294-9402. Periodicals postage paid at Ames, Iowa, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to VISIONS, ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue, Ames, IA 50011-1430. For ad rates please call 515-294-6560. Copyright 2015 by the ISU Alumni Association, Jeffery W. Johnson, Talbot Endowed President and CEO and publisher. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016

discussion, letters deemed potentially libelous or that malign a person or group will not be published.

Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, ethnicity, religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. Inquiries can be directed to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance, 3280 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.

The ISU Alumni Association mission: To facilitate the lifetime connection of alumni, students, and friends with the university and each other.

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Graduation takes its biggest stage yet

Around Campus

Spring 2016 commencement not only set a record for number of graduates, but it also marked the first time the event has been held inside Jack Trice Stadium. “It has long been Iowa State’s tradition to ensure everyone is welcome to attend the ceremony, which has been held at Hilton Coliseum. This year, however, we anticipate attendance to exceed Hilton’s maximum capacity,” ISU President Steven

the commencement address as 3,823 students earned undergraduate degrees. (Moniz also received an honorary doctor of science degree at the ceremony.) The total record-breaking graduation class of 4,601 also included 523 master’s students and 113 doctoral students, who graduated in a special ceremony May 5 at Hilton Coliseum.

Cyclones swing through spring




Leath (L) explained in an April 29 letter to the campus community that announced the location change. “This will be an exciting venue for graduates and guests.” The day’s excitement included a smattering of rain and some wildfire smoke that had drifted southward from northern Minnesota, but the outdoor event largely received positive reviews May 7. U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz gave

t Iowa State, 2016 marked another year of success in a sport folks don’t typically associate with the Tall Corn State: golf. The Cyclone women earned a seventh-straight team berth to NCAA Regional competition, while junior Nick Voke earned a second-straight individual berth on the men’s side after finishing in the top 10 at the Big 12 championships for a third-straight year. The men’s team set a number of program superlatives this season, including the 54-hole school record (823) March 19 at the Desert Shootout in Goodyear, Ariz. It was the first of two consecutive tournament titles the Cyclones claimed in 2016; they went on to win the ASU Thunderbird Invitational April 3. The women also broke the program’s 54-hole school record this season, tallying 849 March 2 at the Hurricane Invitational in Miami, Fla. The Cyclones earned top-five finishes in seven of 11 tournaments this season and finished fourth at the 2016 Big 12 Championships. SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS


cool things you should know and share about ISU

1: Iowa State is home to the engineer of the year. Sarah Rajala (A), dean of the ISU College of Engineering, was recently named national engineer of the year by the American Association of Engineering Societies (AAES). “She is a trailblazer and embodies the criteria of inspirational leadership and devotion to engineering education, advancement of the engineering profession, and promotion of public policies,” said Joseph J. Rencis, president of AAES member society the American Society for Engineering Education. 2: Iowa State students are excelling in STEM.

Once again, Iowa State students are represented among the nation’s 252 Goldwater Scholars. Aubrey Foulk, a senior in environmental science and biology from Moline, Ill., and Samuel Schulte, a senior in biochemistry from West Des Moines, were selected to receive the nation’s premier undergraduate scholarship in mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering. Charles Labuzzetta, a junior in math from Holmen, Wis., was an honorable mention selection. 3: The Cy-Hawk Trophy is staying in Ames for a third year. Despite getting off to a slow start last fall, Iowa State did enough to hold on to the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series

trophy for 2015-2016 – becoming the first school to “threepeat” after battling to a 12-12 draw (Iowa would have had to win the series outright to take back the trophy). The Cyclones sealed their fate May 3, when their twice-rescheduled showdown on the softball diamond was finally held at the Cyclone Sports Complex and Iowa State claimed a decisive 5-0 shutout behind the arm of freshman pitcher Savannah Sanders. 4: Iowa State is one of the top ag and forestry

schools…in the world. For the fourth-straight year, Iowa State was ranked among the top 10 programs in agriculture and forestry by the QS World University Rankings. ISU ranked seventh nationally and 10th in the world for its programs in these disciplines last year. 5: Iowa State is keeping the peace. ISU is one of 20

schools that has been recently selected to become a site of the Peace Corps’ preparation program. Established in 2007, the program provides targeted educational and skill-building opportunities for undergraduate students who are interested in serving in the Peace Corps or other international development and service communities. A major reason ISU was selected was because of its innovative global resource systems program.


With love from La Verne


On May 10, 1916, the Board of Education approved the naming of Lake LaVerne in honor of its creator, La Verne W. Noyes. One hundred years later, the “lake” remains a central feature of campus – though issues around its water quality have remained a century-long challenge. As Lake La Verne celebrates the big 1-0-0, we want to hear from YOU. (Everyone has a Lake La Verne story, right?) Share your memories and reflections about Lake La Verne with us by emailing VISIONS associate editor Kate Bruns at kbruns@, and we will publish the collection online or in a future issue. 7

Around Campus

Student WONDER


Rachel Wonderlich admits she had to Google the term “global citizenship” before she interviewed for the internship with Iowa 4-H that she found herself coveting as a college sophomore. Today, Wonderlich (S) – a senior in child, adult, and family services from tiny Ollie, Iowa – has brought the concept to a whole new level by essentially building Iowa 4-H’s global citizenship program from the ground up. It’s a big undertaking for an undergraduate student, but in less than two years Wonderlich has become 4-H’s “go-to gal” on the subject. And to say others took notice of her efforts would be an understatement; this April, Wonderlich became the first ISU student ever to be named National Student Employee of the Year by the National Student Employment Association (NSEA). Ann Wessman (’87 marketing, ’08 English), a program coordinator in ISU’s Student Financial Aid office, just happens to be this year’s NSEA president. But it’s truly a coincidence that Wessman’s colleagues selected Wonderlich for the award, she says; she had to recuse herself from this year’s award deliberation. In the end, Wessman was delighted to hear that she wouldn’t be traveling far to present the 2016 honor. Iowa State employs about 10,500 undergraduate students in a variety of roles, and Wonderlich admits she was surprised and humbled to receive “student employee of the year” recognition from Iowa State earlier this spring. She knew her name would go on to be considered for the state and Midwest Region honors, she says, but she didn’t think much about it. “The past couple of years have been personally challenging for me,” she says, “so I found [my work] some-

thing to retreat to that could also help society at the same time.” Receiving the stamp of approval for her efforts from ISU was plenty; “I was on Cloud 9,” she says. Wonderlich had been nominated by her mentor and supervisor Brenda Allen (MEd ’02), a Youth & 4-H Extension program specialist who called Wonderlich in for a meeting on an ordinary Tuesday in April. Wonderlich wasn’t too fazed when she saw the meeting involved cookies and balloons; she assumed it was a belated celebration of the ISU award with her coworkers and Wessman. That’s when Wessman handed her a little “congrats” card. “I looked on the front and it said ‘Congratulations on being named ISU, State of Iowa, and Midwest Region

Employee of the Year,’” Wonderlich remembers. “But then there was an arrow to the back and it said ‘and national.’ I think I just looked at her with complete disbelief, but then the flood of tears just came. It was very emotional and just completely overwhelming.” Wonderlich is gratified not only by the personal recognition the award provides, but by the opportunity to shine a brighter light on Iowa State University, 4-H, and the concept of global citizenship. “We live in a fairly rural state and there’s not typically a lot of diversity – although that is changing, which is wonderful,” Wonderlich says. “A lot of youth aren’t accustomed to different cultures, so we’re working to develop that cultural competency. When we


Jolly named College of Human Sciences dean

“To be a student employee has given me the opportunity, yes, to make money – but it’s more than that. It’s given me the ability to develop skills in the workplace that the classroom can’t teach. My advice to other student employees is to find something that relates to their passion, because it’s a huge motivator. I not only have that passion for 4-H, but I also have that passion for global citizenship and building cultural education.”



– Rachel Wonderlich

talk about 4-H, we are always striving to raise up the next generation of leaders and agents of change. Global citizenship really falls into the vision for 4-H.” “I have grown through my work with Rachel as she has shared her new discoveries and asked poignant questions on the topic of global citizenship,” Allen wrote in her nomination. “She is never afraid to tackle a new task and seems to constantly be brainstorming new and different ways she can tell this very important story.” For Wonderlich, her passion for global citizenship is rooted in her upbringing on a family farm, where she was extensively involved in 4-H and where her parents frequently hosted exchange students who came


to Iowa seeking to learn more about U.S. agriculture. So the work ethic and cultural curiosity was there. Her internship has given her a chance to channel it for the benefit of future generations. “To be a student employee has given me the opportunity, yes, to make money – but it’s more than that,” Wonderlich says. “It’s given me the ability to develop skills in the workplace that the classroom can’t teach. My advice to other student employees is to find something that relates to their passion, because it’s a huge motivator. I not only have that passion for 4-H, but I also have that passion for global citizenship and building cultural education.”

aura Dunn Jolly, professor of textiles, merchandising, and interiors at the University of Georgia in Athens, has been appointed the next dean and Dean’s Chair of the College of Human Sciences, replacing the retiring Pam White (A) (PhD ’81 food tech), who has served in the position since 2009. Jolly, who holds master’s and doctoral degrees in clothing, textiles, and merchanLaura Dunn Jolly dising from Oklahoma State University, begins her duties at Iowa State July 5. “I am honored to serve as dean,” Jolly said. “It’s a great and diverse college with an exceptional history and a bright future. I look forward to working with faculty, staff, and alumni to help our programs reach new heights, and equip our 5,000 students with the skills and cultural literacy necessary to improve the human condition.”

BY THE NUMBERS Most popular bachelor’s degrees at Iowa State 1. Mechanical Engineering 2. Kinesiology and Health 3. Marketing 4. Elementary Education 5. Finance 6. Animal Science 7. Accounting 8. Civil Engineering 9. Child and Family Services 10. Agricultural Business




STRONG in IOWA 100,000 Iowa State alumni can’t be wrong

For the first time in history, the number of Iowa State graduates living in the state of Iowa has topped 100,000. It’s a great source of pride that Iowa State has the highest number of graduates (100,694) from any college or university living in the state (University of Northern Iowa counts 67,951 alumni in Iowa; the University of Iowa reports a total of 90,169). ISU alumni are active in the arts, politics, agriculture, business, human services, education, engineering, law, human and animal health, energy, global outreach, and more. Here are five alumni you should get to know.

Scott Siepker: Iowa Nice


cott Siepker is a nice guy. But he’s not THAT nice guy. He really wants you to know that the famous Iowa Nice Guy he portrays is just a character. One of many characters. Because he’s an actor. OK, so now that we have that out of the way, we can talk about Scott Siepker the person and how he’s a full-time actor in the state of Iowa, with no day job. The 2005 psychology grad knows that he’s a bit of a unicorn in flyover country. “I’m an actor in Iowa!” he declares. “It’s not a punch line! Most people laugh when I tell them. I’m like, ‘I’m an actor in Iowa,’ and they go ‘Hahahaha.’ I’m like, ‘No, really!’” Siepker juggles a ridiculous number of acting and theatrical projects. He does regular guest spots on a radio show each week. He hosts “Iowa Outdoors,” a program on Iowa Public Television. He’s on stage in local theatre productions (including recently portraying Macbeth). He used to do a show on ESPN. He does a lot (a LOT) of public speaking. And he and his business partners manage a film company, Iowa Filmmakers.


But it was one less-than-two-minute video shot on New Year’s Eve during the 2012 Iowa Caucus cycle that made Siepker a media star. “Iowa Nice” was the brainchild of Siepker’s Iowa Filmmakers partner Paul David Benedict. “The reason Iowa Nice came about was Paul was listening to some radio report about Iowa, and the way they were describing Iowa just didn’t fit with what he thought the reality of Iowa is. In his head he started saying these funny insults and curses, and he thought, ‘This is funny. I should write this down.’ And then he thought, ‘Who do I know who’s OK with swearing?’ So he came to me. And then we went out and filmed it, and I guess the rest, as they say, is history.” Siepker posted “Iowa Nice” to Facebook and to his seven Twitter followers. Several media outlets in town for the caucuses picked it up. The video went viral, he says, when Rachel Maddow of “The Rachel Maddow Show” called it the best political ad to come out that year. At last count, the video had more than 1.4 million views on YouTube. With his newfound success, Siepker tapped back into his Iowa Nice Guy SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

persona for Cyclone Nice and Hawkeye Nice videos, flinging insults at other schools that, he says, “solidified the Iowa Nice Guy as the Sultan of Smack.” But Siepker himself isn’t anything like his most famous character. “I’m certainly not that dry,” he says. “I’m not that cool. I’m much more spastic. But I know that character. I can feel it. And it certainly is a part of me, there’s no doubt about it.” Siepker left his full-time desk job with a major corporate employer in Des Moines in May 2015 to devote more time to his acting career. He recently moved into a larger apartment to accommodate his


growing need for workspace. And he can tick off a long list of projects he wants to work on, everything from a feature-length documentary film about Iowa heroes Jack Trice and Nile Kinnick to television series to expanding his reach as a speaker. But mostly he wants to help promote the state of Iowa as a place where artists of all kinds can make a living. “There are challenges to being a filmmaker and an artist in Iowa, but part of my mission is to make it easier for those who come after me,” he says. “Money is the big thing that’s missing now in Iowa. More artists need to be able to make a living off their art. I’m one of the few,

and there have to be a lot more of us – painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, photographers – more of us who are fortunate enough to be able to do that. I don’t want to move. I want to stay here. I love Des Moines, and I want to figure out a way to make everything happen HERE. I have a wonderful life. I might have the BEST life, I really might.” CG View the Iowa Nice video (warning: strong language): v=qLZZ6JD0g9Y Learn more about Iowa Filmmakers:


Colette Johnson: That Iowa Girl


efying the stereotype that Iowa produces just corn, pork, and eggs, Colette Johnson (L) (’91 accounting) has set out to create niche markets for Iowa products ranging from cheese to salsa to hummus. Her company, “That Iowa Girl,” delivers


products made by Iowa’s small farmers and manufacturers to stores throughout Iowa and surrounding states. It’s a unique business model because, Johnson likes to say, “Nobody else is crazy enough to go out and do what we do.” The idea started out with one product: healthy soy oil. Johnson was working for

a group of soy farmers called Innovative Growers, and she offered to try to get the product placed on the shelves of Hy-Vee grocery stores. It was a natural fit for her, with her family background in farming, a degree in business, and a 1,000-megawatt smile perfectly designed for sales. She picked up a few more clients and in 2010 SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS


STRONG in IOWA “Nobody else is crazy enough to go out and do what we do.”

started delivering non-perishable food items from the back seat of her car. “That Iowa Girl” grew from there. Johnson kept meeting more small business owners who wanted her to promote their products, so she bought a refrigerated delivery truck. And hired a driver. And bought a second truck. And added a sales staff. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016

Today the Iowa products distribution company that Johnson runs out of a former gas station in Clarion, Iowa, represents some 30 vendors and places their products in Hy-Vee and Fareway stores, Natural Grocers, Brothers Markets, and many other grocery stores and food co-ops throughout the state of Iowa as well as to stores in Nebraska, Missouri, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Kansas – more than 300 grocery stores in all. Products run the gamut from Amish bakery items to small-batch potato chips, but a few items have been best sellers. One is La Casa chile con queso, a restaurant-style cheese dip manufactured in Iowa City. “There’s really nobody else who makes a product like this, and it tastes just like you get in the Mexican restaurants,” Johnson said. “La Casa used to have a restaurant in Iowa City, but now they just do food production. People from Iowa City know this product from the restaurants.” Other best sellers are Madame Mary bloody mary mix from Templeton, Oasis hummus from Iowa City, and Gino’s sauces and dressings from Des Moines. New to her distribution list is Do-Biz frozen cookie dough from Ames. “Having a customer like That Iowa Girl puts our product in niche locations that we would never find on our own,” said Craig Smith, president of Sterzing Food Co. in

Burlington. “Colette adds the personal touch that Midwesterners are known for and she represents our Iowa product very well.” In 2013 the business expanded to include an outlet store in Clarion that offers most of the products Johnson and her team distribute to retail stores. “This store is just kind of my fun thing, because I’m so proud of what we have,” Johnson said. “People will ask me about such and such, but as you know we’re kind of in the middle of nowhere, so it’s a way for them to try the same food I’m taking to Hy-Vee…and everywhere else. Guess what? They can come right here.” Johnson sings the praises of small-town Iowa. “I have such fond memories of growing up on the farm,” she says. “When I first graduated from Iowa State and went to Des Moines, that was my dream, to be a city girl. But I love small town safety, and people helping out one another. I’m very blessed that the community supports me.” CG Learn more online:




Moses Bomett: Hopeful Africa


y his own account, Moses Bomett is a man with a foot in two countries a world apart. Born in the United States and raised in Kenya, at age 24 Bomett has spent exactly half of his life in Africa and half in Iowa. That gives Bomett a unique perspective on philanthropy, social services, global relations, and giving back to the places he loves. At age 16 and a junior at West Des Moines’ Valley High School, he started an organization to send books and other resources to schools in Africa. He continued the organization as a student at Iowa State. “America is the land of opportunity,” Bomett says. “People don’t fully grasp what that means unless you come from another country.” His organization, Hopeful Africa, has been active in some capacity for eight years now. To date, it has invested more than $100,000 in seven schools in Kenya, providing more than 5,300 books, 27 computers, and more than 140 student scholarships – and it annually supports 18 teachers in an effort to drive down the high student-teacher ratio there. “Those are the big numbers,” Bomett says. “There’s one more thing I want to share when we talk about the impact in


Kenya, and this you cannot capture in any numbers. There’s a motivational aspect, knowing that there is someone, some people thousands of miles away – you might not have met them, you might never meet them – but they believe in you and they want you to succeed. They want to invest in you. It’s impacted test scores, it’s impacted attendance, it’s impacted the morale of the teachers to teach, just knowing that ‘We have a partner. We have someone behind us.’” Bomett (A) is a 2013 ISU grad with a degree in economics, political science, and international studies. He graduated knowing he wanted to work in the nonprofit world, and he recently received a master’s degree in public administration from Drake University. For the past two years, he’s worked at the Bernie & Berniece Baker Boys and Girls Club at Amos Hiatt Middle School on the northeast side of Des Moines. Hiatt has a multi-ethnic, diverse enrollment; the school’s minority enrollment is 86 percent of the student body, compared with the state of Iowa average of 21 percent. Bomett counts refugees, students for which English is a second language, and many different cultures and countries represented at the school. As director of the Baker Club, Bomett oversees all of the daily programming –

from cooking programs to fitness to games to homework help and literacy – and hires the staff. The club provides programming after school, during the summer, and over school breaks, serving a full third of the school’s enrolled students. In both of his nonprofit worlds, Bomett sees a parallel thread in Iowa. “Once people hear our story, once people see the work we’re doing, the next thing they say is, ‘How can I help? How can I be a part of this? Where do I start? What can I do?’ And that to me speaks specifically here in Iowa and in this Midwest region that there are pockets of opportunity and resources that are untapped. There’s a lot of spirit of helping each other, supporting each other.” Bomett is passionate about providing life-changing opportunities to kids, both in Iowa and in Kenya. “I’ve been asked, ‘Where does it feel like home?’ And I say, ‘I don’t know. I’m a son of both worlds.’ I give back to Des Moines and to Africa. It can be doom and gloom, but that’s not the story I want to tell. I see opportunities every day. It’s not a desolate story. It’s a hopeful story.” CG Learn more online:


“America is the land of opportunity. People don’t fully grasp what that means unless you come from another country.”




STRONG in IOWA Amy Brehm: Coffee and conversation


dult coloring clubs and Bible studies are welcome in Amy Brehm’s Java Joe’s coffee houses. So are fans of country music and fans of heavy metal. And so, too, are Democrats and Republicans. In the true spirit of a community coffee house, Java Joe’s is all about bringing people together and facilitating conversation. “It wasn’t the coffee that was my interest,” admits Brehm, who bought the iconic Java Joe’s in Des Moines’ Court Ave. entertainment district with her husband, Tim, in 2007. “I like to be around people. I like to talk to people. I like to be the one that is inviting people in; I like to be the hostess.” And in 2008, after less than year in the coffee house business – on the heels of 12 years spent as a stay-at-home mom to four kids – Brehm (’92 fine arts) found herself playing host on what is arguably the nation’s biggest stage. A fledgling MSNBC morning program, “Morning Joe,” was denied a spot at the media center during the Iowa Caucuses. But hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were determined to cover the caucuses in Iowa. That’s when the Brehms stepped in and agreed to make Java Joe’s the program’s home base in the state. The move paid off – not only for Java Joe’s, but for Scarborough and Brzezinski. The unique environment and show format attracted attention – most notably from legendary “Meet the Press” host Tim Russert, who would end up passing away later that year. Russert was watching the “Morning Joe” broadcast from the comparatively stuffy media center and quickly deemed Java Joe’s the place to be. Russert grabbed his coat, took off walking toward Java Joe’s, breezed through the tall entryway, asked Brehm for a bagel (“He didn’t


even want it toasted or anything,” Brehm remembers), and sat down to give “Morning Joe” what Brzezinski would later describe as a “literal blessing.” To this day, Scarborough and Brzezinski gratefully cite Java Joe’s as the springboard for their show’s success. “Morning Joe” has been back to Java Joe’s every election cycle since. So has “Today,” “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” and “Hardball with Chris Matthews.” Brehm and her family have rubbed elbows with a slew of NBC News reporters and presidential candidates including Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Chris Dodd, Ben Carson, and yes – even Donald Trump, who Brehm says was nice enough to “fake fire” her The Apprentice-loving teen daughters and whose son, Donald Jr., gave her kids some heartfelt advice about growing up in a family business. It isn’t always easy being at the center of political debate, Brehm admits, grimacing as she sits under a glossy framed photo of Trump affixed to the restaurant’s brick wall and tapping a fingernail at the “F--Trump” that’s been carefully carved by a customer into the tabletop beneath it. In 2012, a video of Brehm kicking “Occupy” protesters out of Java Joe’s went viral. She says she was a little embarrassed when she received notes of praise and even monetary contributions from fellow small business owners. Brehm says she wasn’t trying to make a political statement; she was just thinking of her customers. “We know everybody has their opinion, and we definitely want people to come here and voice that – but in a respectful way,” Brehm says. “They come here to see the candidates and hear about what’s going on. That’s what we enjoy about it – seeing all the different sides; everybody’s in the conversation. But for me, I’m honestly just

thinking about the camera guys or the guy out in the [production] truck who doesn’t get to come inside; does he need something to eat or drink?” At the end of the day, Brehm feels like she and her family have succeeded in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment at Java Joe’s, and all her businesses – she not only owns the original Java Joe’s, but also two other locations in Des Moines and a soon-to-be-opening Java Joe’s in her hometown of Dubuque, SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

as well as CJ’s Bagels/Topped Doughnuts in Ankeny. Brehm also operates the 4th Street Theater adjacent to Java Joe’s, which has become a favorite performance space in the area for lecturers, comics, musicians, and even poetry slams. The band Switchfoot once played an impromptu after-show at Java Joe’s following a concert in Wells Fargo Arena. (“They just tweeted out that they were going to Java Joe’s and then there they were, sitting in a big circle with their guitars,”Brehm remembers. “We love for VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016

people to be able to come in and do that.”) Brehm says it’s exciting to have actors, comedians, musicians, politicians, and pundits walk through her doors on a regular basis, and she’s made lifelong friends with customers from all walks of life and political ideologies – but they’re ultimately just customers to whom she wants to provide a good experience. “We just like having people here,” she says. “I don’t get all star-struck. When Joe Biden walks in, he sits down and he talks

to me. We’re just two people who do two different things for a living, and we just welcome him.” It’s a philosophy – and a business model – that’s uniquely Iowan. “I’m just so proud to be from Iowa,” Brehm says. “This is where the roots are; this is where we started.” KB Learn more online:



STRONG in IOWA Andrew Allen: Advocating for kids


s the CEO of Iowa’s notfor-profit Youth and Shelter Services organization, Andrew Allen can relate to the state’s troubled youth in a way nobody else can. Because he used to be one of them. Charged with felony burglary and vandalism on his 10th birthday, Allen began the life of a juvenile delinquent. Despite having a loving and supportive family, Allen drank alcohol, got high, committed crimes, and nearly failed out of school. Throughout his adolescence, he made regular appearances in juvenile court. Allen’s father was a recovering alcoholic who got sober before Andrew was born, but the genetic predisposition was there. “I think I was afflicted with a lot of the characteristics of an alcoholic from the very start, even before I took my first drink,” Allen said. “I was always living on the edge. I always seemed to find trouble. I tended to think I was smarter than other people. I wanted to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. I couldn’t stand authority.” Allen’s parents took him to a long line of counselors and therapists. At 17, Allen was arrested for drunk driving, and the courts tried him as an adult. It was at that point when Allen knew his youthful actions could have lifelong consequences. He was sent to the Seven-12 House, a residential recovery center in Ames, run by Youth and Shelter Services. For the first six weeks, Allen says, he fought treatment “tooth and nail.” But one day, at age 17 ½, after sneaking a cigarette when he knew that smoking was not allowed, Allen had an epiphany. “Of all the things that I’d done, that was the least of my offenses,” Allen said. “But I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like maybe I shouldn’t have done that. And while I didn’t recognize it at the time, I know today that I started to feel guilty. And I think it was not just for the cigarette


that I had smoked, but all of my transgressions, all of the sin that existed in my life, and I found myself in the bathroom of the Seven-12 House six weeks into treatment, just crying like a baby. I said what was the most honest prayer of my life; I just said, ‘I can’t keep living like this anymore.’” Allen spent three more months in the Seven-12 Recovery House, and everything changed. He learned to put one foot in front of the other every day. He followed his treatment plan. He graduated from the program and went to Des Moines Area Community College. He became involved as an active volunteer in the community. He enrolled in a business program at Iowa State and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in management information systems in 2000. When he took a job in information technology at Principal Financial Group in Des Moines, nobody knew his backstory, and he didn’t plan to tell them. Allen says that he simply created himself as a new person. “Nobody knew that I was a juvenile delinquent or that I was a drug addict/ alcoholic or that I’d been diagnosed a sociopath. Nobody knew my history. The process through Iowa State and YSS had allowed me to recreate who I was and to present to the employment community the sober, recovering, active community member Andrew Allen. I will forever be grateful for that, for people believing in me and continuing to give me a second – or a 25th – shot. And for not having my past weigh me down.” But then Allen got involved in Principal’s volunteer network, and he began to help coordinate projects like volunteer week and Toys for Tots and holiday food drives. He became chair of the company’s United Way campaign and became a member of the foundation board. It was then that someone who knew about his past suggested that he share his story as part of the campaign.

At first, Allen was hesitant. But he ended up sharing his story publicly for the first time as an adult, and the response was incredible. The company raised more money than it had ever raised for United Way, and won the Spirit of America Award, which is the highest honor United Way bestows on a corporation nationally. Allen found


himself on the corporate jet. And he began a multi-year, multi-job trajectory within the organization, culminating as director of community relations for the Principal Financial Group Foundation. “I was managing the corporate social responsibility for a Fortune 500 company, having been a juvenile delinquent/drug addict/alcoholic/diagnosed sociopath,” Allen says. He knew he had it made. But it wasn’t enough. He didn’t feel like he was fulfilling his life’s purpose. He was, he says, being called back to YSS. The organization’s longtime leader and Allen’s mentor, George Belitsos (L)(’12 honorary), was retiring. Allen had been asked to serve on the search committee. But person after person encouraged him to


apply for the position himself. He became the CEO of Youth and Shelter Services on July 1, 2015. YSS provides education and prevention, behavioral health, and transition services to youth throughout the state of Iowa. With physical buildings in six communities, the organization has a presence statewide with youth employment and training services, outpatient addiction and mental health counseling, after-school programs, residential addiction treatment, emergency shelters, transitional living, and contracts such as Iowa Aftercare Services Network from the Iowa Department of Human Services. “If there’s an issue that’s going to impact kids, we’re there,” Allen says. “We’re there

at the city council, we’re there at the state, we’re in the community, providing awareness, and advocating on behalf of kids.” Looking back at his own experience with Youth and Shelter Services, Allen says, “What not a lot of people understand about YSS is not only did they provide the treatment that I needed at the appropriate time, but they went beyond that and they embraced me in this philosophy of community youth development – taking young people and putting them in leadership positions, giving them a voice. That’s what George Belitsos did for me. He believed in me more than I believed in myself.” CG Learn more online:


Through 50 years and five university presidents, Warren Madden has been a stable and continuous presence at Iowa State ✹ Quick: Name a building on the Iowa State campus that was not built or improved under the watchful eye of Warren Madden, senior vice president for business and finance. That’s a tough one, because Madden (L)(’61 industrial engineering) has served in a management role at Iowa State since 1966 – a full 50 years of leadership and involvement at his alma mater. During that time, Iowa State has grown from 15,000 students (up from 9,800 students when Madden enrolled here as a freshman in 1957) to an enrollment last fall of 36,001. “Warren Madden has been instrumental in shaping Iowa State University into the world-class institution it is today,” ISU President Steven Leath (L) said following Madden’s announcement in February that he would retire this summer. “He’s impacted every corner of campus over the past 50 years.”

One man’s campus


Madden came to Iowa State as an engineering student in 1957 from the Chicago suburb of Glen Ellyn, Ill. He and his future wife, Bev, were high school sweethearts. Bev (L) earned her degree in home economics education at Iowa State in • BY CAROL E G I ESE K E •





Warren Madden strides across the Iowa State campus, a place he has helped build and oversee for 50 years.


 ’   1960 and began a graduate program in home management. As part of her graduate appointment she became adviser to the home management houses that were located on the east side of campus. During Madden’s senior year in college, he and Bev decided to get married. The question was, where would they live? Madden remembers being invited to the Tearoom in MacKay Hall, where he was “thoroughly grilled” by then-dean Helen LeBaron Hilton for the better part of a morning before she and others in the department determined it would not be inappropriate for him to live in North Fisher, one of the home management units, with his new bride. Thus began his adventures living with 36 women. Every six weeks 12 women would move into the house to serve their quarter-long home management residency. The women had bedrooms on the top floor. The main floor consisted of a big, traditional living room, a kitchen, dining room, and the adviser’s bedroom. The newlyweds had their own living room and study in the basement. Each quarter, the 12 women lived full-time in the 1961: Senior year at Iowa State home management home, planned all the meals, did all the shopping, and managed the budget. Every meal was unique. “Think about six weeks of breakfasts and never serving the same thing twice,” Madden says, chuckling. “About week three, you’re out of your traditional eggs and bacon and cereals and toast, and then they’re into cream cheeses and things at 7 o’clock in the morning. I finally said to Bev, ‘Thanks, but why don’t you go out and do all of this and I’ll stay down in the basement with our milk carton, cold cereal boxes, and toaster and I’ll do my own thing.” A UNIVERSIT Y ON THE MOVE

After graduation in 1961, Madden went to work for 3M. He earned an MBA from the University of Chicago in 1965. And then, in 1966, he returned to Iowa State to be the grants and contracts officer for then-vice president for business and 22

In his 50 years on campus, Warren Madden has lent his expertise and leadership to hundreds of programs and projects, but if he had to choose, these are the ones of which he’s most proud. 1. Putting together an outstanding team of people in the support areas who are committed to Iowa State 2. The development of the south campus 3. ISU Research Park 4. Maintaining the Ames Lab contract 5. Ames/Iowa State town-gown relationship 6. Contributing to the management of student enrollment growth

Madden gives a tour of Morrill Hall to student media. Madden helped oversee the renovation of the historic building.

Madden reviews notes with ISU President Gregory L. Geoffroy (2001-2012).

“There are a lot of building programs in 50-plus years – that’s a third of Iowa State’s being around – so I’ve had the chance to see the impact of a variety of facility projects… The campus is a very different place than it was when I was here as a student.” – Warren Madden finance Wayne Moore. Iowa State was a very different place at that time. W. Robert Parks was president, and the campus was about to embark on a substantial growth spurt, both in terms of its physical size and its student enrollment. Madden’s role also grew under Parks’ administration (1965-1986). He became the assistant vice president and treasurer and then associate vice president and treasurer. When Moore became vice president for economic development in 1984, Parks named Madden vice president for business and finance, a position he would hold until 2012 when his title changed to senior vice

president under President Leath. In his role as the senior financial adviser to five presidents, Madden oversaw facilities planning and management, accounting and finance, human resource management, public safety, purchasing, University Museums, and more. He helped lead the growth of the campus as it moved south to include what is now the Iowa State Center (Hilton Coliseum, Stephens Auditorium, Fisher Theater, and the Scheman Building), Jack Trice Stadium, Reiman Gardens, the ISU Alumni Center, and the College of Veterinary Medicine facilities. “I’ve sort of been here through the life cycle of that southern end of the south campus,” Madden says. “Getting those buildings down there and the stadium done, that’s probably done more to change the character of Iowa State than anything else.” Madden was instrumental in the renovation of Iowa State’s historical buildings: Old Botany (now Catt Hall), Morrill Hall, the Memorial Union, the Campanile, Curtiss Hall, and currently Marston Hall, to name a few. In 1999, Iowa State’s central campus was one of three university campuses to be recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects as a special place embodying the “heart and SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

soul” of the institution. Director of University Museums Lynette Pohlman (L)(’72 interior design, MA ’76) is one of Madden’s longest-reporting employees, having joined the staff in 1988. “Warren is very supportive of all of his units,” Pohlman says. “He is very supportive of his staff. He listens, he seeks recommendations, and he fine-tunes your thinking. He allows you to fail, and he celebrates when you succeed. He’s always about moving forward. His greatest assets are continuity, stability, vision, and the trust that he builds.” Madden coordinated the campus recovery following major flooding in 1993, 2008, and 2010. He worked to establish the Green Hills retirement community, the Gateway hotel complex, and Research Park. He’s served on the boards of many of Iowa State’s affiliated organizations, including the ISU Foundation, ISU Alumni Association, Stanton Memorial Carillon Foundation, and the Agricultural Foundation. He and Bev have given their personal financial support to projects on campus, including construction of the Palmer Building and the Jischke Honors Building, renovation of Beardshear and Morrill Halls, and key cultural offerings such as the performing arts and museums. “In addition to managing the university’s budget as it increased from just over $268 million to $1.4 billion and overseeing the expansion of campus to more than 13.8 million square feet of building space, he and Bev have also personally supported a number of campus and community projects,” Leath said. Madden concurs that he’s had a hand in not only the size and scope of the campus, but also its reputation. “There are a lot of building programs in 50-plus years – that’s a third of Iowa State’s being around – so I’ve had the chance to see the impact of a variety of facility projects, and lots of them have been challenges,” he says. “The campus is a very different place than it was when I was here as a student.”

He cites the creation of what is now Ames City Hall from what was once the high school as an early victory. He’s worked with the city on student housing issues, the challenges faced during several VEISHEA celebrations, the expansion of meeting and convention facilities, cultural offerings, the CyRide transportation system, and the recent reinvention of Campustown. “I’ve had a chance to travel around the country, and I really do believe we probably have one of the best relationships you’ll find in college and university communities,” Madden says. “I think we’ve done a good job… This is a company town in reality, and Iowa State’s the major enterprise. On any given day there are probably 45,000 people on the campus – and the community’s probably around 64,000 – so more than half of this community is connected with Iowa State either as students or staff and faculty who work here.” The Maddens can be seen at Iowa State and community events ranging from cultural activities to athletics. “I tell people – and I’m partly kidding but partly serious – that I get half my work done Sunday mornings in the grocery store,” Madden says. “That’s the kind of community Ames is. Our social life and our work life are so intertwined you can’t separate them. You go to basketball games and you’re there to be a fan and watch and cheer Iowa State on, but I end up interacting with alumni and business people and there’s a university work element

in that, which I happen to enjoy.” For his longtime contributions to the Ames community, Madden received the Ames Tribune’s Citizen of the Year award in 2013. WHAT’S NEXT

The Maddens plan to spend their retirement years in Ames, their longtime home. “I hope to be involved in some community and volunteer things,” he says. “I hope I can continue to be an Iowa State supporter, fan, and alumnus and be engaged in ways that are helpful. Bev and I also have a bucket list of some travel we’d like to do.” He says he’ll miss the day-to-day connections with the people on campus, and he’ll miss his interaction with the students. “There’s this vibrancy that you have every fall when another 6,000 or 7,000 new people sort of arrive, and they look the same every year and yet you get a year older. I’ll miss some of that interaction. Bev says she’ll know [my retirement is] really happening when I don’t get up and walk out the door early in the morning.” Madden’s many contributions to campus will no doubt be missed. “Warren has so much Iowa State knowledge and so many connections,” Pohlman said. “Iowa State will miss that.” “Warren is an institution here and one of the most loyal, generous, and humble people in our Iowa State family,” Leath said. “His legacy is unmatched, and we will be forever grateful for his dedication and service.”

Bev and Warren Madden pose in 2007 with the portrait commissioned by the directors of the ISU Business and Finance Division and University Museums. The portrait, by artist Jeffrey Martin, hangs in the entrance to the Brunnier Art Museum.


Madden’s impact can be seen beyond the confines of the campus. He’s addressed issues that have benefited the city of Ames as well as the university. He’s a master concensus-builder. And he’s served on countless boards and committees within the community. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016


Alumni Profile The incredible journey of Goran Micevic A fateful encounter with an Iowa State professor’s textbook changes a war-weary young man’s life. BY STEVE SULLIVAN

e was just 12 when they came for him. They didn’t wear uniforms or have badges. They were armed, though, with weapons, as well as strong suspicions that this Yugoslavian boy was an enemy. His parents had spent time in the United States and he was born there. In Yugoslavia during the brutal regime of Slobodan Milosevic, being born on American soil was enough to label you a threat. So they came for him, and they took him from his parents. They detained him and interrogated him for weeks. Goran Micevic made it through this terrifying experience. Surviving the physical and psychological burdens of war, he said, felt like being given a second life where nothing is impossible. For Micevic, that may very well be true. This young man not only survived a war, but a fateful encounter with a biochemistry textbook led to a wealth of opportunities at Iowa State University. His success at Iowa State then took him to Yale University, where he is piling up grants as a young pioneer in the field of cancer research. From Yugoslavia to Macedonia and back

Micevic’s parents are both doctors. In the late 1980s, concerned about the growing instability of Yugoslavia, they came to America on a research fellowship at Northwestern University in Chicago. 24

Micevic was born in Chicago. When the fellowship was over, the family returned home. America provided a brief respite from Yugoslavia’s problems. The country was falling apart. The late 1990s was a time of turmoil and bombs. Young Micevic split his days between school and the bomb shelter - until he was taken from his parents. “They kept close tabs on people leaving and entering the country. My parents were on a list somewhere and I was listed as a U.S. citizen on it,” he said. “The regime feared that information was being provided to foreign governments, so they tracked people down and deported or jailed them. Because of my age, I think they were as surprised as I was when they came for me. I never completely knew who they were.” After weeks of captivity, Micevic was dumped at the Macedonian border. After several weeks of staying with relatives, he was able to sneak back into Yugoslavia and reunite with his parents. “I think we probably cried for a full day,” he remembers. “It was wonderful to be back and be able to put everything behind us. Things started changing for the better after the war was over and I was able to get back to school.” A textbook leads to Ames

Micevic was always a curious boy, with

an insatiable interest in science. “My favorite pastime would be to take something apart to see how it works,” he said. “It would drive some parents crazy to see that their child was studying a remote he had just disassembled, but my parents encouraged it.” During the war, he would help his parents in a makeshift clinic they had set up in a community bomb shelter. He would take vitals and administer insulin shots. This instilled in him the value of medicine. As a high school student, he knew he wanted to pursue a career as a physician researcher and would likely need to go to America to do it. His high school library had few English language textbooks, but one would change Micevic’s life. That book was Biochemistry: The Chemical Reactions of Living Cells, by David Metzler, a now-deceased ISU professor of biochemistry. The book is highly respected in the field, but how it ended up in a high school library in Belgrade, Serbia, is anyone’s guess. Micevic devoured the nearly 2,000-page tome. For Micevic, Metzler’s book came to symbolize the laboratories and collaborative research that could await him at Iowa State. “I couldn’t take the SAT in Serbia, so I went to Macedonia to take it. I did well enough to get admission, and soon received a letter from Iowa State welcoming me to the class of 2010,” he said. He arrived in Ames with $500 and that insatiable curiosity and ambition. Iowa State, he said, more than lived up to the vision inspired by Metzler’s book. “I really enjoyed my time in the biochemistry department,” he said. “It was so welcoming. Most of my years in college were spent doing research in biochemistry. Dr. Kristen Johansen was very welcoming. I never dreamed she’d think this sophomore who barely spoke English would amount to anything. She SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

believed in me and let me tinker in her lab. Because of these people believing in me, I was happy to continue studying and working hard.” Welcome to the lab

Johansen uses Drosophila, a fruit fly, as a model to study the role of protein modifications in regulating gene expression. Micevic was a work study student in her lab, helping with stocking and cleanup. His interest in research was obvious, and Johansen suggested he apply for an internship that would allow him to assist in the lab. He jumped at the chance and was soon working alongside Johansen and her graduate students. This experience, he said, was instrumental in learning experimental design and basic molecular biology techniques. The undergraduate earned one recognition after another. In 2008, he was awarded an academic exchange scholarship to study at the German Cancer Research Center in the laboratory of a VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016

scientist considered a pioneer in the use of mass spectrometry. Johansen and Micevic developed an independent project involving the use of highly specialized techniques to identify sites of chromosomal binding in the Drosophila genome. This work provided the basis of his honors thesis and helped him land a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship in 2009. That same year he was a Mayo Clinic Summer Research Fellow. “He just really stood out,” says Johansen of Micevic. “He has an air about him that gives you great confidence. He loves what he does and is always looking for opportunities to move his projects forward, to get the training and experience he needs. Goran is going to do work that pushes the field into whole new areas.” Micevic graduated summa cum laude from Iowa State in 2010 with a B.S. in biochemistry. He is now enrolled in the combined M.D.-Ph.D. program at Yale University School of Medicine and


On April 12, The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans – the premier graduate school fellowship for immigrants and children of immigrants – announced the names of their prestigious 2016 Fellowship recipients. Of the 30 names announced, one name stood out to those of us at Iowa State: Goran Micevic. Soros Fellows are selected for their potential to make significant contributions to U.S. society, culture, or their academic field and this year were selected from a pool of 1,443 applicants. The 2016 Fellows, who are all 30 or younger, come from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds, and are all naturalized citizens, green card holders, DACA recipients, or the children of immigrants. Fellows receive up to $90,000 in funding over two years for the graduate program of their choice.

is a doctoral candidate in the school’s Department of Experimental Pathology. He’s interested in tumor biology and studies mechanisms of melanoma formation and progression using genetically engineered mouse models of melanoma. In 2014 his research earned him a Research Scholar Award from the Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation and a grant from the American Skin Association. In 2015 he was awarded a National Cancer Institute training grant to study epigenetic changes in melanoma. “To a 12-year-old boy sitting in a bomb shelter in Belgrade, this all would have been science fiction,” he said, looking back on his incredible journey. “I’m very proud what I’ve overcome to be where I am now.”  Originally printed in LINK, the magazine of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, winter 2016, by freelance writer Steve Sullivan 25

Bloom where you are planted

After 20 years of welcoming Iowa Staters and visitors to its landscaped grounds, Reiman Gardens announces its new 20-year master plan – and there’s a special opportunity for you to get involved


eiman Gardens isn’t getting bigger, but it is getting better. The Gardens’ staff recently announced the completion of a 20-year master plan that has been in the works for almost two years. The plan doesn’t increase the acreage of the Gardens, but rather makes better use of the current space. The 20-year plan incorporates several new gardens, a small lake, and water features such as cascades and falls. New hardscape additions include terraces, boardwalks, courtyards, arbors, a stone amphitheater, and a new visitor center. Ed Lyon, director of Reiman Gardens, said master plans are dreams of the ideal and aspirations of how to make the best of every available space. He said that many components of the new plan reflect Reiman Gardens’ Iowa roots, including the use of limestone and edible plants, a nod to Iowa’s contribution to food production. The Reiman Gardens site plan does not encompass future plans for the south side of Jack Trice Stadium, but both plans will complement one another. “They are two separate spaces, but not disparate,” Lyon said. (See sidebar at right.) Despite the changes and additions, the Gardens’ educational mission remains unchanged. “The Gardens won’t be just beautiful, they


will be educational,” Lyon said. “There’s not a garden we’re developing that doesn’t include an educational component.” Many favorite aspects of Reiman Gardens are staying put. “A lot of elements will remain,” Lyon said. “The Hughes Conservatory won’t change, and the Butterfly Wing will remain but be expanded. All the changes that we’re making elevate dramatically what we already have.” Lyon emphasized that two directives for the Gardens have been embraced by the staff and incorporated by the design team. “The first was easy,” he said, “because it was part of the original master plan: maintaining the Gardens’ sense of place. It’s the sense that visitors are in a garden that reflects its heritage and the fact that it is in central Iowa and a part of the Midwest.” The second directive was to make sure the Gardens is one of the leaders in the sustainability movement, with a focus on restoring eroding natural systems of plant diversity. Another primary goal of the 20-year master plan is to enhance Reiman Gardens’ presence throughout Iowa and the nation. Lyon said that by enhancing the Gardens and offering grander exhibits, he anticipates that Reiman Gardens will become a destination stop, increasing tourism revenue for the city of Ames. Lyon estimates the cost to implement the 20-year plan is at least $25 million.

The Stadium-Gardens link The second phase of the Jack Trice Stadium expansion, an $11.5 million development of about 10 acres between the south end of the stadium and Reiman Gardens, began this spring. One part of the project involves removing the parking lot (S3) immediately south of the new End Zone Club facility, shortening the lot on either side of it and replacing the entry road to Reiman Gardens off of University Boulevard. Reiman Gardens’ primary entrance will close for a time in early summer while crews reconfigure the intersection. During this time, visitors will access the Gardens and parking lot from the Beach Avenue driveway. The other part of the project, for which the design isn’t yet finalized, will create a landscaped green space and plaza on the S3 parking lot site as a visual link between the stadium and Gardens. The plaza is expected to include a water feature and formal and informal gathering spaces. The landscaping component will likely begin sometime this fall, with final plantings installed in spring 2017. – From Inside Iowa State


“The Gardens won’t be just beautiful, they will be

educational. There’s not a garden we’re developing that doesn’t include an educational component.” – Ed Lyon, director of Reiman Gardens

A SPECIAL BULB MEADOW NORTHERN GARDENS During the planning process, Roy Reiman (L)(’57 ag journalism), the Gardens’ primary benefactor and namesake, suggested a project that could easily involve the entire Iowa State family: its alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends. The idea came from one of Reiman’s earlier successful projects to make the city of Greendale, Wis., where he currently resides, the “Daffodale Capital of the Country.” He started the process by donating the first 2,000 daffodil bulbs and then asked readers of his Birds & Blooms magazine to send a few bulbs from their gardens so they could say that they had contributed to the mission. Readers exceeded his expectations, sending more than 54,000 daffodil bulbs. The daffodils were planted in 50 sunrays around a red tulip center, representing every state.


“They truly made Greendale a daffodale center,” Reiman said. His idea for Reiman Gardens is another “bulbs from home” project, but with a twist for alumni and friends who don’t have bulbs of their own. Lyon explained that a site adjacent to a planned hillside garden overlooking the Outdoor Living Room area on the west side of the Gardens is fairly steep – so it’s not traversed by visitors, but it’s highly visible. “There’s a trend toward planting ‘meadows’ in place of unnecessary turf or in difficult sites, utilizing native fescues or other short-growing native grasses with bulbs for seasonal interest,” Lyon said. “This meadow would provide ample viewing of bulbs without the need to walk through the beds, and demonstrate to a homeowner a form of gardening with low impact on both environment and maintenance. Mixing

November 11, 2015


ISU Family Bulb Meadow

Reiman Gardens Director Ed Lyon and Sarah Rummery, manager of horticulture, walk through the area that will become the ISU Family Bulb Meadow beginning this fall.

in additional late spring, summer, and fall blooming bulbs would extend the color and interest all season.” Here’s how you can help: The Gardens invites alumni, students, and friends, no matter where they are, to contribute daffodil or other bulbs from their own gardens to the ISU Family Bulb Meadow. You can mail the bulbs or drop them off in person at Reiman Gardens between now and the end of September. “It would be special for alums to know a part of their home is now a part of the 28

campus,” Reiman says. “For alums who can’t afford huge gifts, this offers a chance to give something of themselves they can a small, meaningful way.” Alumni who don’t have a garden or a daffodil bed can still get involved. The ISU Alumni Association has partnered with Reiman Gardens to allow alumni and friends to order flower bulbs online at (see details on the next page). Order by September and the bulbs will be sent directly to the Gardens for fall planting. Whether the bulbs are some of your


To view the Reiman Gardens master plan, go to: www.reimangardens. com/about-us/ master-siteplan/

A bulb meadow in full bloom

own or ordered from the website, Reiman Gardens will match each gift, providing site preparation, labor, meadow grasses, and future maintenance. Lyon says that the hope is to create a beautiful bulb meadow that alumni and students can visit with family and friends for many years, with the knowledge that within the mix, some of their bulbs are part of the floral “family” display. – Content for this story was contributed by Paula Van Brocklin, University Relations


“It would be special for alums to know a part of their home is now a part of the campus.” – Alumnus Roy Reiman, the Gardens’ primary benefactor


Be a part of Reiman Gardens’ ISU Family Bulb Meadow Here’s how you can be part of this campus beautification project! Simply send your flower bulbs to Reiman Gardens or order bulbs online. How to send flower bulbs from your own garden:

* Dig daffodil or other bulbs from your yard * Package and mail the bulbs to Reiman Gardens, 1407 University Blvd., Ames, IA 50011 * Or drop them off in person at Reiman Gardens, located at the south entrance to Iowa State University

How to order new flower bulb packages to be sent directly to Reiman Gardens:

* Visit the ISU Alumni Association website: * Click on the “Reiman Gardens bulb gift” category link on the left-hand side * Choose bulb packages and add to cart. Choose as many as you’d like! * Check out by providing your name and credit card information * Bulbs will be delivered directly to Reiman Gardens in your name CHOOSE FROM: The ISU Graduate Package: 25 “Pay Day” Narcissus bulbs for $25 The Cardinal & Gold Package: 85 red and yellow variety bulbs for $50 The Back-to-school Package: 25 special fall-blooming crocus bulbs for $100 The Super Cyclone Package: 300 daffodil and other bulbs for $250 Details online at

Send your flower bulbs or place your bulb order starting in July 2016. Bulbs should be received no later than Sept. 30. Planting will take place this fall. Note that online orders are tax-deductible; however, shipping is not tax-deductible.




Homecoming 2016: Leave Your Legacy Mark your calendars to come home for ISU Homecoming 2016: “Leave Your Legacy” the weekend of Oct. 28-29. As always, this year’s Homecoming will feature activities for ISU students, alumni, fans, and the community. Here are just a few of the events: ■ Alumni reunions ■ Friday night pep rally and Yell Like Hell at the ISU Alumni Center ■ ExCYtement in the Streets ■ Scholarship silent auction ■ Honors and Awards ceremony ■ Mass Campaniling and fireworks ■ Cyclone football vs. Kansas State For a complete list of events or for information on how to plan a reunion, go to

Attention, classes of 1965 & 1966: Come back to Iowa State this Homecoming to celebrate your 50th reunion! The weekend will feature campus tours, social activities, medallion ceremony, Cyclone football, and reminiscing.

Homecoming Parade is Oct. 23 This fall, for the first time in many years, the Iowa State Homecoming event lineup will include a parade. Sponsored by the Student Alumni Leadership Council, the parade will take place on Sunday, Oct. 23 with a route through downtown Ames. Students, alumni, friends, and the Ames community are invited to join the Alumni Association for this new kick-off to Homecoming Week festivities.

Cardinal Court Scholarships Each year, the Student Alumni Leadership Council’s Homecoming Central Committee hosts a silent auction that raises money for the Cardinal Court Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to two seniors who have maintained an Iowa State grade-point average of 3.0 or above, have shown great character, and have provided service to Iowa State and the Ames community. The winners are crowned

Cardinal Court King and Queen during the Homecoming pep rally, and are later awarded the Cardinal Court Scholarship. Last fall, seniors Zoe Hildreth and Austin Javellana (shown above) were chosen from a strong pool of candidates. The silent auction during Homecoming is the sole source of funding for the scholarships. This year, the auction will be held Oct. 28-29 in the ISU Alumni Center during the Friday night pep rally and the Saturday Cyclone Central tailgate. Cyclone fans are encouraged to stop by and take a look at the great array of auction items and bid generously to support the Cardinal Court Scholarship Fund. The students thank you!

Cy’s Days of Service by the numbers Thank you to all the Cyclones who were able to get out and give back to their communities during Cy’s Days of Service in April. Participants reported more than 2,700 hours of service. Just because April is over doesn’t mean your community outreach needs to be. Stay involved and show your area what it means to be an Iowa Stater! More information on Cy’s Days of Service can be found at ofservice, including final statistics for 2016, photos, and how to get involved in your area. 30

403 Number of participants 2,781 26 The ISUAA Club of Boston participated in a community cleanup day in Cambridge, Mass. The group mulched a playground and tree wells, picked up trash in the community, and planted flowers. First row: Charlie Owen, Joshua Clausman (A)(’12), Andrew Bolstad (L)(’02), Ryan Helling (A) (’13). Second row: Elizabeth McNeill (’02), Katie Clausman, Melissa Gofforth(’15), Liz Kinnal, Trey Hemmingsen (L)(’11).

27 12

Total number of hours Number of states represented Number of Iowa counties represented Number of ISUAA clubs participating



Sept. 5-10, 2016 Cyclones and Hawkeyes pair good-natured rivalry with fun and philanthropy

ISU-Iowa Rivalry Pep Rally with a Heart

Des Moines-area ISU alumni can help the hungry and enjoy a downtown happy hour with the first-ever ISU-Iowa Rivalry Pep Rally with a Heart event. Jointly sponsored by the Iowa State and University of Iowa Alumni Associations, Des Moines-area businesses and alumni are encouraged to collect non-perishable food for the Iowa Food Bank in a friendly competition to see which school can collect the most food. Details were being worked out at press time. To view corporate sponsors and more event details go to

Who’s Invited: All ISU alumni, fans, and friends in central Iowa When: Thursday, Sept. 8, 4-6 p.m. Where: Western Gateway Park, Des Moines Cost: Free, but please donate non-perishable food for the Iowa Food Bank; cash bar will be available

Rival Game Relay Help defend the Cyclone title in Rival Game Relay! The event is an annual 146-mile run/bike relay race from Ames to Iowa City. A fabulous and challenging route, great food, tailgate challenges, and the chance to bring home the title are just a few reasons to sign up your team. Rival Game Relay supports Nephcure Kidney International and the Iowa Donor Network statewide. Teams of cyclists or teams of runners/cyclists may compete.

Who’s Invited: All ISU alumni, fans, and friends When: Friday, Sept. 9 Where: Starting near Jack Trice Stadium and finishing at City Park in Iowa City Cost: Please visit www.rivalgamerelay. com for pricing details. Registration deadline: Aug. 20

Please direct all questions to race directors Mike Maurer (A) (’01 marketing) and Kate Nash Maurer (A)(’95 exercise & sport science) of Urbandale, Iowa, at racedirector@rivalgamerelay. com. The race is a part of Beat Iowa Week festivities. Please note that the ISU Alumni Association is not a sponsor of this event.

Cheer on the Cyclones wherever you are Can’t make it to all the 2016 Cyclone football games to watch in person? Be sure to cheer on the Cyclones at an ISU gamewatch “cyte” near you. To find locations in YOUR city (or wherever you’re traveling), go to Questions? Contact the gamewatch coordinator listed for each location or email Brandon Maske at the Alumni Association at bmaske@iastate. edu. Make sure your email address is up to date with the ISU Alumni Association at to receive individual email invitations to events in your area.

The national gamewatch guide is sponsored by Green Hills Retirement Community.

Iowa State vs. Iowa football game The big state-rivalry game Saturday, Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m. Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City KEEP UP WITH ALUMNI EVENTS AT WWW.ISUALUM.ORG/CALENDAR AND FOLLOW US ON VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016


Newsmakers I O WA S TAT E A L U M N I I N T H E N E W S

Nawal El Moutawakel heads Olympic commission


Let the games begin! Former Iowa State track and field standout and 2007 distinguished alumna Nawal El Moutawakel (’88 physical education) is chairing the coordination commission for the much-anticipated Games of the XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The commission is a 17-member, multinational team of men and women responsible for assisting the Rio 2016 organizing committee during the period leading up to the Olympic Games, as well as monitoring the progress of preparations. An International Olympic

 A telehealth success story

Arizona-based HealthiestYou, a leader in telehealth user engagement, was named by Inc. Magazine to the 2015 Inc. 5000 list, an exclusive ranking of the nation’s fastestgrowing private companies. Making its debut appearance as an Inc. 5000 company, HealthiestYou is ranked No. 846 on the prestigious list. HealthiestYou is owned by “serial entrepreneur” Jim Prendergast (’91 finance). “Our rapid growth can be directly attributed to the fact that HealthiestYou uses consumer engagement to provide easy access and a simple way to understand health care choices that didn’t exist before,” Prendergast said.  One of Iowa State’s eldest

alumni dies

Loren Greiner, one of Iowa’s eldest World War II veterans and one of ISU’s eldest alumni, died April 2 at the age of 108 in Emmetsburg. Greiner (’32 chemistry, MS ’36 agronomy) was featured in the April 6 issue of the Des Moines Register. The story says that Greiner, at age 36, was one of the older men to be in the sixth wave to land on Omaha Beach on D-Day June 6, 1944. He was on the front lines through France and into Germany, and when the war ended he joined his fellow U.S. soldiers as the first to liberate a Nazi concentration camp. After the war he became a soil surveyor for the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. 32

40 UNDER 40

When the Des Moines Business Record announced its 2016 “40 Under 40” in March, Iowa Staters were well represented on the list: • Collin Barnes (’06 interior design), interior designer / corporate focus market leader / stockholder, RDG Planning & Design • Josh Braby (’06 construction engr), partner / project manager for Neumann Bros. Inc. • Josh Ehlen (’03 mgmt & finance), account executive for Reynolds & Reynolds, Inc. • Susan Rathjen (’93 parent, child, & community service), vice president / private banker for Bankers Trust Co. • Cory Scott (’00 comm & reg planning), partner / urban planner for RDG Planning & Design • Jennifer Smith (A)(accounting), assurance manager for McGowen, Hurst, Clark & Smith P.C. • Catherine Swoboda (L)(’08 agronomy, MS ’10), director of planning for the World Food Prize Foundation • Emily Toribio (’06 JLMC), corporate outreach and communications coordinator for Fareway Stores, Inc.

Committee (IOC) member since 1998, El Moutawakel joined the IOC executive board in 2008 when she was appointed as the chair of the 2016 Olympic Games evaluation committee. She is the former minister of youth and sport in Morocco and an Olympic champion, winning gold in the 400m hurdles in the Games of the XXIII Olympiad in Los Angeles in 1984. She also chaired the evaluation commission for the 2012 Olympic Games. El Moutawakel said she was honored to be the first woman to chair the coordination commission.

• Bethany Wilcoxon (’08 comm & reg planning), Capital Crossroads director for the Greater Des Moines Partnership


• Susie Veatch (’01 finance / MIS ) has been named president of Kinze Manufacturing, a farm equipment company in Williamsburg, Iowa. Veatch was formerly vice president. She remains the company’s chief marketing officer. •

Rebecca Snyder (’91 zoology) has left her position as giant panda program coordinator at Georgia’s Zoo Atlanta to become the curator of conservation and science at Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden. In her new position she will oversee the management of the zoo’s conservation and research initiatives.


• Former Iowa State men’s basketball player and head coach Fred Hoiberg (L)(’95 finance) has been elected to the CoSIDA Academic All-America Hall of Fame. He is only the second Iowan to be inducted into the Hall.


• Donald McKale (’66 history) has been honored with the Outstanding Alumni Advising Award by Delta Tau Delta International Fraternity. McKale is a chapter adviser for the Theta Mu Chapter at Clemson University. •

Allen Schroeder (MS ’79 anthropology) received the Legacy Award in March, one of the Wisconsin Governor’s Tourism Awards. Schroeder is the historic site director for three separate historic sites in the state: Pendarvis, Stonefield, and First Capitol. Scott E. Olson (L) (’69 architecture) was re-elected to a second four-year term on the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, City Council. Olson was also recently selected to the Midwest Real Estate News Magazine’s 2015 Real Estate Hall of Fame class.

• For the fourth straight year, Suku Radia (L)(’74 accounting/industrial administration), CEO & president of Bankers Trust Co., has been voted by Des Moines Business Record readers as the most influential business leader in greater Des Moines. Radia topped the annual list of top-25 influential leaders that appears in the 2016 Book of Lists.


Carter Niemeyer (’70 fisheries & wildlife biology, MS ’73) has just published his second book, Wolf Land. The book is a collection of non-fiction “campfire” stories, sharing memorable field experiences about Niemeyer’s interactions with wolves and people. Neimeyer was featured in VISIONS Across America following publication of his first book, Wolfer. He lives in Boise, Idaho.


• Retired Air Force Lt. Col. George A. Larson (’69 history) of Rapid City, S.D., recently published South Dakota War Stories: The Great Plains to Southwest Asia. The book begins with the historic “voyage of discovery” of Lewis and Clark and continues through World Wars I and II, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, and beyond. •

Michelle Eastman (’93 elementary education) is the author of two children’s picture books, The Legend of Dust Bunnies: A Fairy’s Tale and Dust Fairy Tales: Absolutely Aggie. Her books take a lighthearted approach to the compelling desire kids have to fit in while imparting a subtle message about the joy that can come from embracing one’s individuality. Sandra Ottsen Davis (L)(’68 psychology / modern language) has published Pearls of Leadership Wisdom, Volume II. Davis is the chair and co-founder of MDA Leadership Consulting in Minneapolis. Darrek D. Orwig (’09 history) has edited a volume of letters, diary, and artwork of World War I Corporal Francis H. Webster titled Somewhere Over There. A former museum director, Orwig is currently a historic preservation consultant in Wisconsin.

• Chris Voss (’80 industrial admin) was recently featured in the Washington Post’s online magazine in an announcement of his new book, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It. Voss was an FBI agent for 24 years and the agency’s lead international kidnapping negotiator from 2003-07. In the book, he describes negotiating tools he learned working for the FBI that can be applicable to everyday life.

Lindsay Tigue (MFA ’14 creative writing and environment) has published her first book, a poetry collection titled System of Ghosts, which won the 2015 Iowa Poetry Prize. Tigue is currently a PhD student in creative writing at the University of Georgia; this book began as her master’s thesis at Iowa State. Here’s one of the poems from her book:

ALMS FOR THE BIRDS What is ceremony? It’s day in, day out. It’s the feeding in the morning. It’s breath still leaving you. What is sky burial? It’s ritual. Funerary Tibetan practice – leave the loved one on a mountain. Piece by piece, let vultures take a death away. Sometimes I want time to pass. This is the watch I wear each day. This is tea I drink in the evening. There is the neighbor, the mother, the friend. Point out strange, familiar signs. How is it – the days demand more, demand less? I’ll pause here. What is it like to want loss picked clean? Reprinted from SYSTEM OF GHOSTS, University of Iowa Press, 2016 (A) = ISU Alumni Association annual member (L) = ISU Alumni Association life member



To teach is to give By Avery Amensen


person’s true passion tends to find them, even if they’re headed down a completely different path. “I grew up in a small town and attended Iowa Central Community College for two years, intending to study music,” said Gabby Sherman, who graduated from Iowa State in 2015. But after a few courses, she sensed she wasn’t in the right place. “I just knew I wanted to teach students with learning disabilities. I watched my brother struggle through school, which made me think long and hard about the kind of teacher I wished he would’ve had as a student. I wanted to be a teacher – and I wanted to be a great one – so I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way!” With a new fire to help others learn, Sherman packed her bags and enrolled at Iowa State University after completing her program at Iowa Central. After flourishing in her classes, she became a first-generation college graduate when she completed a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, with endorsements in reading, language arts, and special education.


Sherman was still student teaching when she was offered a full-time position as an instructional strategist – or special education teacher – at Merrill Middle School, an international baccalaureate school on the west side of Des Moines. “I’m reminded almost every day that I’m glad I got my degree at Iowa State,” Sherman said. “It forced me to be reflective as a teacher in every education class I took. This reflecting makes me a better professional. I look back on old lessons and units and think, ‘How can I make this better? What did my students struggle with? What did they love?’” After finishing her first full year, Sherman also reflects on what she’s learned overall. “It was really a roller coaster of emotions and work. In special education, my work tends to come in waves. I thought, at first, that the number of things to do would be really overwhelming, but now I know that my work is never-ending because it’s so rewarding and that it will always evolve as I grow as a professional,” she said. Although there are hard days, there are even more victories. “I had a mother in tears at an individualized education program

Above: Gabby Sherman (’15) is living our her passion by teaching in Des Moines, Iowa. Left: Terry Peterson Denny

meeting because her daughter had advanced almost two grade levels in reading in just one semester.” While her own experiences ignited a passion for special education, Sherman encountered the same drive in others along the way. As a recipient of the Terry Peterson Denny Scholarship, she was supported financially as she focused on learning, but she also found a source of personal encouragement. “I met Terry during my senior year. I remember that she was very curious about my backstory and motivations for entering the special education field,” she said. “Terry was so passionate about special education and it was infectious.” “One thing that inspired me about Terry is that she didn’t let the hard work impact her enthusiasm, and that’s something I’ve tried to apply to my job every day. Being a teacher is a huge responsibility, and I take it to heart. Terry cared enough about special education to help fund my time at Iowa State; I plan to honor her memory through my teaching and possibly by creating a scholarship of my own someday.”  SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

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STATEment Makers 2016

Adam Hoebelheinrich ’09 jlsm & mass comm Green Bay, Wis. A sports journalist who has worked for ESPN and is now a video editor for the NFL’s Green Bay Packers

Congratulations to the 2016 class of Iowa STATEment Makers! Sponsored by the ISU Alumni Association in conjunction with the Young Alumni Council, this recognition honors the early personal and professional achievements and contributions of Iowa State’s young alumni (graduates 32 years of age and under). To learn more about the STATEment Makers recognition program or to nominate a young alum for the 2017 awards, go to Nomination deadline is Dec. 1, 2016 Discover this year’s STATEment Makers’ favorite ISU traditions, their guilty pleasures, dream jobs, words of wisdom, role models, and more. STATEment Makers are profiled at statementmakers2016 Michelle Wallace ’12 chemical engr Arlington, Va. Holds a prestigious clerkship in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit – an opportunity afforded to less than five percent of top-100 law school grads

Cory Kleinheksel ’08 computer engr Ames, Iowa Designed a middle school computer literacy course that challenged students to complete a capstone project Tyler Kingkade involving robots ’11 jlsm & mass comm and has now been Brooklyn, N.Y. implemented at Senior editor and higher education middle schools reporter for The Huffington Post district-wide and a national leader on covering issues of sexual violence and assault on college campuses


Onalie Kavindi De Silva Ariyabandhu ’14 econ, int’l studies, & environ studies Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka A thought leader on the issues of health, education, gender equity, and religious tolerance who inspires young girls throughout Sri Lanka

Andrew Lauver** ’12 agricultural studies Rockwell City, Iowa A rising star as a seed sales professional at DuPont Pioneer who was honored as the company’s Frank Ross International Emerging Leader


John Pritchard ’11 electrical engr, PhD ’15 St. Paul, Minn. Co-founder of tech startup HabitAware, which recently won the grand prize in the Logic PD Digital Product Innovation Challenge

Anna Jones ’11 architecture Des Moines, Iowa An architect in training with Substance Architecture in Des Moines and the youngest person ever elected chair of Iowa Women in Architecture

Brenna Lyden ’15 apparel, merch, & design Seattle, Wash. Youngest appointed female CEO in the U.S. at the couture company Third & Loom; runs successful fashion blog, Chic Street Style

Justin Saenz ’11 public service & admin in ag Rosenberg, Texas County extension agent in 4-H and youth development for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

Jacob I. Wilson ’11 pol sci / women's & gender studies Tucson, Ariz. Crowdfunded a scholarship for an LGBT student or ally at his former high school that was so successful he expanded the effort to create a scholarship fund that now serves the entire state of Missouri

Robert “L¯ opaka” Baptiste III* ’06 liberal studies M¯ a’ili, Hawai’i A first-generation college graduate who’s a fixture on Capitol Hill and a leader in the field of Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native advocacy

Colin Hurd ’13 agricultural studies Ames, Iowa Founder and CEO of Agriculture Concepts and creator of TrackTill, an innovative design that eliminates the compaction caused by large row planters and reduces runoff

David Morrison** ’10 genetics, pol sci, & int’l studies Washington, D.C. Led by a passion for international relations to his current position as a consular officer in Beijing, China, representing the U.S. government and Americans overseas VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016

* ISU Alumni Association Annual Member ** ISU Alumni Association Life Member




FOR MORE INFORMATION: cyclonecentral • Reserve buffet meal tickets online* • Shop with our premier sponsors:


Doors open: 3 hours before kickoff

NEW! Shop: One-stop shopping with our marketplace vendors Eat & Drink: Catered buffet*, food trucks, cash bar

Step Show: 80 minutes prior to kickoff sponsored by: campustownspiritstore/home

Go, Cyclones: Alumni Center doors

NEW! Shuttle service: Head to Jack Trice close 30 minutes prior to kickoff

Stadium by complimentary service provided by: *Go to central to reserve meals. (Reservations are required for full meals; however, cash vendors will be on site.)

2016 GAMES Let the ISU Alumni Center be your football gameday headquarters! With food, drinks, a Cyclone shopping marketplace, family-friendly activities, pictures with Cy, and televised games from other Big 12 and rival schools, Cyclone Central is everything under one climatecontrolled roof – rain or shine, hot or cold!


Sept. 3: Northern Iowa Sept. 24: San Jose State Oct. 1: Baylor Oct. 29: Kansas State (Homecoming) Nov. 3: Oklahoma Nov. 19: Texas Tech Nov. 26: West Virginia



Family matters Such a phrase – “family matters” – can have a dual meaning. On one hand, it can simply express a very positive sentiment: family does matter. It sure does in my household, and this concept was modeled to me throughout my upbringing and into my adult life by my parents, siblings, relatives, and in-laws. “Family matters,” on the other hand, can mean the business of the family. Such dealings can be positive, negative, or indifferent. All families deal with family matters…and not all are handled the same way or have similar outcomes. In this issue of VISIONS, our cover feature is about the Iowa State family from a state-of-Iowa perspective – a family that is now more than 100,000 strong. A family that is the largest alumni base of any university or college living in our home state! And when this alumni number is added to that of the largest student body in the state and an ever-growing base of businesses, friends, and fans, Iowa State’s family footprint is expanding at unprecedented magnitudes. So, yes, the phrase “family matters” – both meanings – will become even more important as Iowa State University works diligently to keep true to the values, experiences, and practices that have made this a very loyal, proud, and supportive family. Today, our entire alumni family is more than 240,000 graduates strong. This family has members living in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. We have alumni living in nearly 150 countries. More than 7,000 of our “friends” are listed in our database because they have elected, while not graduates of Iowa State, to support Iowa State as Alumni Association members, donors to Reiman Gardens, University Museums, and other areas of the university. Many of these VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016

Iowa State friends are also season tickets holders in athletics and the performing arts. Others are involved with our colleges, 4-H, Extension and Outreach, and so many other areas of the university. On a personal note, you have been kind enough to be an extended family for Peggy, our kids, and me since we came to Iowa State back in September of 1999. Since that time, Iowa Staters have supported us through the loss of our parents’ homes to fire and Hurricane Katrina, personal health issues, children’s high school and college graduations, daughter’s marriage, grandson’s birth, and, most recently, the deaths of both my father and my mother in April. And then, on the evening of April 16,

Loyalty and pride coupled with hard work and humility and expressed though simple human kindness and humanitarian efforts make the Iowa State family an exemplary expression of the land-grant values and virtues.

of this Iowa State family – a family that truly lives the words to its fight song. You see, Iowa Staters will and do “fight for Iowa State.” The Iowa State family is proud to let the university’s “colors ever fly.” The Iowa State family is “forever true.” They are there until the end, and members of the Iowa State family “hit it hard, ev’ry yard, for ISU.” Again, loyalty and pride, coupled with hard work and humility and expressed though simple human kindness and humanitarian efforts, make the Iowa State family an exemplary expression of land-grant values and virtues. As the Iowa State family continues to grow, I know one thing to be true: Your Alumni Association’s mission, established some 138 years ago by Iowa State’s first graduating class, and modified slightly in recent years by the Association’s staff and Board, is solid, relevant, and important. It simply states that the ISU Alumni Association exists to “facilitate the lifetime connection of alumni, students, and friends with Iowa State University and each other.” Thanks for allowing us to be “Yours for Iowa State,”

Jeff Johnson Talbot Endowed President and CEO PhD ’14 Education

2016, I became the newest member of the Iowa State Greek Community. Beta Theta Pi fraternity initiated me, along with seven undergrads, as new fraternity brothers. I’ve served as the fraternity’s faculty adviser since 2000. What an incredible act of family by these young men and their alumni leaders. Yes, the Iowa State family keeps showing my family, through humility and humanity, how loving, caring, and supportive an extended family can be. And many other families worldwide, in one way or another, have experienced the care and affection, including the tough and honest love and expressions,

P.S. From this point forward, please consider Homecoming to be an open invitation for all alumni, students, and friends to come together as the annual Iowa State family reunion. So mark your calendars to be in Ames for Homecoming 2016, Oct. 23-29! To review a schedule of events, please go to



Two new professionals join Association staff The ISU Alumni Association welcomed two new staff members this spring. Shannon Foote (L)(’90 graphic design) is the Association’s vice president for marketing, engagement, and business development, a new position that oversees member services, constituent engagement, and revenue-generating programs. Foote was most recently the director of client services at AMPERAGE Marketing in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where she led an agency team of account executives and worked with key clients in areas such as nonprofit organizations, health care, higher education, and finance. She has also served as marketing director for Martin Bros. Distributing Co. Inc., and worked as a graphic designer for Luther College in Decorah. In her current position, she will direct the Association’s strategic planning and marketing initiatives in addition to supervising staff who work with the Association’s membership, sponsorship, travel, merchandise, career services, awards, young alumni, student, lifelong learning, and other programs.


Angie Schaper (A) is the new ISUAA program assistant for communications, OLLI at ISU, and ISU Retirees. She joined the ISU Alumni Association staff in March 2016 from North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City. Schaper, who has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa and a master’s degree from the University of Iowa, has extensive experience in library science and educational administration at a variety of higher education institutions. In her current position, she heads up the Association’s memorabilia and historical item collection; assists the OLLI at ISU program in the cultivation, management, and implementation of classes; and oversees the ISU Retirees Association’s Memorial Day program and other events. Schaper filled the program assistant position vacated by Susan Pratt (A), who became the Association’s department coordinator.



Enjoy an elegant rehearsal dinner in the Mente/Boyd Reception Area. Say your vows in the sun-kissed Eggerling ISU Traditions Garden. Dance the night away with family and friends in the Reiman Ballroom. The ISU Alumni Center is a one-of-a-kind setting that offers exceptional service and unforgettable memories. Call 515-294-4625 today to book your special event at the ISU Alumni Center.


420 Beach Avenue • Ames, Iowa (515) 294-4625 / 40





1. Hilton Magic Panorama Poster. 40” x 13½”. $29.99 (2033821).


4. Cardinal Pennant Canvas. 28½” x 12”. $31.99 (19013604326).

2. Women’s Cardinal Iowa State Cyclones Bling T-Shirt by Tribute. 100% Cotton. $30.00 (2032326).




3. Grey Vintage Cyclone T-Shirt by Gear For Sports. 38% Cotton, 12% Rayon, 50% Polyester. $28.00 (2033674).


6. 9.

10. BACK

12. 11. 10.

15. Cardinal I-State Tote. Octagonal Pattern. Zipper Closure. Machine Washable. $44.99 (89493302040).


16. Gold Luster Vintage Cyclone Ceramic Mug. 16 oz. $14.99 (05012217192).


7. Cardinal I-State Bucket Hat. 100% Polyester. $27.99 (88967695020). 8. Gold Walking Cy Hat by 47 Brand. Red Mesh back. $24.00 (88931363107). 9. Cardinal I-State Farm Strong T-Shirt. 100% Cotton. $10.00 (2032150). 10. Women’s White ISU Pin-Striped Baseball Tee with Black Sleeves. 60% Cotton, 40% Modal. $44.00 (2032144). 11. Women’s Gold V-Neck Shirt. 100% Cotton. $22.00 (2033694). 12. Cardinal T-Shirt by Nike. 100% Cotton. $26.00 (2033628).



TOGETHER 13. Grey I-State Micro Towel. 15” x 15”. $14.99 (72314113211).

14. Cardinal Iowa State Soft Blanket. 84” x 54”. 100% Polyester. $42.99 (80629315627).


17. 19.

17. Women’s White I-State Cycling Jersey by Adrenaline Promotions. 100% Polyester. $90.00 (2031057). 18. Cardinal I-State Cycling Jersey by Adrenaline Promotions. 100% Polyester. $90.00 (2023739). 19. Cardinal I-State Padded Cycling Shorts by Adrenaline Promotions. $70.00 (2031058).

5. Iowa State Party Bowl. 3½ Gallon Capacity. Dishwasher Safe. $31.99 (67859816441).


6. Iowa State Party Bowl Expansion Pack. Includes “Big Divide” and Two “Skyboxes”. $14.99 (67859816038). Additional Skyboxes Sold Separately.


21. Iowa State Letter Art Plaque. 13” x 3”. Includes images from Iowa State campus. $11.99 (84910001474).

20. I-State Golf Gift Set. Two I-State Iron Stamped Ball Markers. Two I-State Golf Balls. Eight 2¾” Iowa State Tees. One Cardinal 16” x 24” Tri-Fold Towel. $29.99 (72314102911).

ISU Alumni Association Members Save 15% In-Store or Online Using the Promo Code ISUALUMNI. VISIONS WWW.ISUALUM.ORG SUMMER 2016





Take your tailgate to the next level this fall with some of our ISU “must haves” from the ISU Alumni Association!

Cyclone Nation flag Show your school spirit every time you tailgate with this Cyclone Nation flag UB 449 $22 Member price $19

Cart cooler Tailgate in complete ease with this new I-State cart cooler! Dragging around your cooler is a thing of the past when you can just wheel it to your destination. PT 101 $74 Member price $66

Travel table This is the perfect set up for a tailgate. Just add chairs, food, and friends and you're ready to cheer on the ’Clones. PT 104 $112 Member price $100

Shop online 24/7 at the ISU Alumni Association’s Alumni Collection or call toll-free 1-877-ISU-ALUM



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Become an ISU Alumni Association BUSINESS MEMBER Why? You can put your product or service in front of more than 53,000 ISU Alumni Association members and 244,000 total ISU alumni!  Standard Business Membership Do you want your business to stand out among its competitors? Do you want to show your support of the Alumni Association?  Career-level Business Membership Is your company hiring? Do you want direct access to a targeted group of alumni to promote career opportunities?

“Our business membership has given First National Bank the opportunity to connect with alumni and friends of ISU. As an organization, we are committed to building strong community partnerships, and the ISU Alumni Association does a great job of strengthening relationships between the University, businesses and community members.” Nicole Gebhart (’97 marketing) First National Bank, Ames-Ankeny Business member since 2010

Visit or join online:



Calendar  Alumni Events

 Cyclone Athletics

Aug. 6: ISU Alumni Day at the Iowa Cubs, Des Moines Sept. 3: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Annual BBQ Sept. 5-10: Beat Iowa Week Sept. 8: ISU-Iowa Rivalry Pep Rally With a Heart, Western Gateway Park, Des Moines Sept. 9: Rival Game Relay, Jack Trice Stadium to Iowa City Sept. 17: ISUAA tailgate in Ft. Worth, Texas Oct. 23-29: Homecoming Oct. 23: Homecoming Parade, downtown Ames Oct. 28: ISU 50th Reunion (classes of 1965 & 1966) Oct. 28: Greek Alumni Reunion Oct. 28-29: Alumni Band Reunion Oct. 29: Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition Homecoming Tailgate

Aug. 21: Cyclone Fan Fest, Hilton Sept. 3: Cyclone football vs. Northern Iowa Sept. 10: Cyclone football at Iowa Sept. 17: Cyclone football at TCU Sept. 24: Cyclone football vs. San Jose State Oct. 1: Cyclone football vs. Baylor Oct. 15: Cyclone football at Texas Oct. 29: Cyclone football vs. Kansas State (homecoming)

 Events in the

ISU Alumni Center Aug. 19: ISUAA Board of Directors annual retreat Aug. 20: ISUAA Board of Directors summer meeting Sept. 2-3: ISUAA Club Leadership Conference Sept. 3: Cyclone Central Sept. 24: Cyclone Central Oct. 1: Cyclone Central Oct. 27: ISUAA Board of Directors fall meeting Oct. 28: Homecoming Pep Rally Oct. 28: ISUAA Young Alumni Council fall meeting Oct. 29: Homecoming Cyclone Central tailgate & silent auction

 Career resources Sept. 20: Engineering Career Fair Sept. 21: Business, Industry & Technology Career Fair Sept. 21: People to People Career Fair Oct. 11: College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Fall Career Day

 On campus July 17: Garden Art Fair, Reiman Gardens Oct. 28: Homecoming ExCYtement in the Streets, Mass Campaniling & Fireworks, central campus 46

For all Cyclone sports schedules, go to

Aug. 1: Michelle Holley art exhibit, Memorial Union (through Oct. 24) Aug. 10: Chicago concert, Stephens

Oct. 10: Once, Stephens Oct. 14: Gordon Lightfoot, Stephens Oct. 18: Capitol Steps, Stephens Oct. 27: Kristine Heykants art exhibit, Memorial Union (through Jan. 31)

 Awards

 Alumni travel Check out the 2017 Traveling Cyclones tours in the enclosed travel catalog! To view a list of remaining 2016 tours and see where in the world we’re going in 2017, go to

 Lifelong learning

Aug. 11: Fall OLLI open house Sept. 12: Fall OLLI classes begin

Aug. 1: Distinguished Alumni Award and Honorary Alumni Award nomination deadline* Oct. 28: Homecoming Honors & Awards Luncheon & Ceremony *For criteria and to submit a nomination for ISUAA awards:

 Find more events online Campus Calendar: ISU Alumni Association: Cyclone Athletics: Department of Music and ISU Theatre: shtml Reiman Gardens: Iowa State Center: University Museums: Lectures: Homecoming:

 Arts and entertainment Through July 29: Campus Beautiful: Curating a Democratic Public Art Collection for Student Learning, Christian Petersen Art Museum Through July 29: Christian Petersen, Sculptor: The Founding Artist of the Art on Campus Collection, Christian Petersen Art Museum Through July 31: From Dawn to Dusk: Paintings by Gary Bowling, Brunnier Art Museum Through July 31: 40/40+, Brunnier Art Museum Through July 31: Gathering Glass: University Museums and the Iowa Questers, Brunnier Art Museum SUMMER 2016 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS

Iowa State University Alumni Center 420 Beach Avenue Ames, Iowa 50011-1430


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