140124 Isv January Newsletter

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January 2014 Upcoming Events January Tet Assembly


School closed for Tet holiday

From 28th

February School begins


Parent Event


Important Announcements:

Head of School’s Welcome Welcome to the International School of Vietnam (ISV). ISV is a unique school. We are a new school but already we are developing a history of excellence, and traditions and opportunities for all who come here, whether students, staff or parents.

tolerance and respect for each other. Above all though we expect you to achieve and to learn what it is to succeed in your own terms. It is important that you think about this school as yours, as the place that gives you the opportunities to achieve.

As a student one of the greatest gifts your parents can give you is education. It is your preparation for the future and key to success. Your parents or you have chosen ISV and it is important that you make the right choices while you are here. We have high expectations of students at this school. We expect you to work hard and to make good progress in your studies. We expect you to achieve at a level which extends and challenges you. We expect you to succeed in examinations and assessments. We expect you to have high standards and to behave responsibly. We also expect you to show

ISV is an international school. Being international can mean a lot of different things to different people and being an international school is more than being a school that happens to be in another country. It means that each day we strive to recognize and celebrate our diversity. It means that we appreciate where we have come from and it means we appreciate where others are coming from. It means a totally different way of viewing the world and our place in the world.

This is more than having international mindedness, more than an international curriculum. It is about holding ourselves to international standards in our teaching and learning, in our leadership and in our staff, in our operational systems, in our facilities, in our policies and procedures and in safety. So welcome to ISV and I look forward to getting to know you all much better over the semesters to come.

Being an international Adrian Moody school means that we must hold ourselves to BSc(Ed), BTheol, MA international standards. Head of School

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



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ISV Newsletter

Tet (Vietnamese New Year) Celebration Throughout the week, we have engaged in activities connected to the Vietnamese New Year. We have been decorating our classrooms and learning about what happens during the Vietnamese New Year.

On Monday 27th January we would like all children to come to school dressed in Vietnamese costumes. A fun day of activities has been planned and the day will finish with a Vietnamese New Year Parent Assembly at 1.30pm. Everyone is invited to this special assembly.

IBO Candidacy Approved We received great news from the International Baccalaureate Organisation earlier this month that ISV has been successful in its application to become an IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) Candidate School effective from 01 March 2014.

The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It is defined by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored

using knowledge and skills derived from six subject areas, with a powerful emphasis on inquiry-based learning. The PYP is flexible enough to accommodate the demands of most national or local curriculums. www.ibo.org

Reminders Parents please ensure that the whole month lunch menu now is sent home in the last week and lunch order for next month should be submitted before the month starts either by putting in your child’s school bag or sent by email to office@isvietnam.org.

During the time before and after the Tet holiday, the streets are extra busy. Therefore, please take your child(ren) to the pick-up point and wait for the bus 5 minutes before the normally scheduled time so that our school buses can start the journey earlier and we can avoid the heavy traffic.

Parents please label your child’s belongings, especially EC children since their belongings are everywhere in the school and they can not tell whether it’s theirs or not. We have a Lost & Found area and you may be able to find your missing items there.

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



January 2014

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Pre-K & K1 Updates By Ms. Michele Interactive White Board Last weekend our new interactive whiteboard was fitted in our classroom. On the interactive whiteboard we are able to draw, write, play educational games, play movie clips connected to our inquiry and learning…and so much more!

We have been drawing and getting familiar with some of the tools on the interactive whiteboard this week.

Our Outside Classroom We use outside our classroom as an extension of our classroom and this week outside we have been drawing with chalk, building with blocks, playing with cars down the slopes, and painting with water.

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



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ISV Newsletter

A Message from Ms. Nicole This week we started with our new unit about water. Our central idea for this term is, “Water can be used in many ways and we have a responsibility towards it’’. Our focus will be: sources of water, uses of water and our responsibility to use water wisely. This week we tuned into our water unit by going on a water hunt finding water around school. We also drew water paintings outside and predicted what would happen with our water

pictures if we come back later. Some of the comments were; ‘the sun will drink the water’; ‘the water will dry’; ‘the sun is too hot’; ‘the clouds will get bigger’ and ‘it will rain’. Next week we will be looking at how much water covers the Earth and we will also be looking at our main sources of water (ocean, rivers, lakes).

Ms. Stephanie and Grade 1

Grade 1 recently began a new inquiry unit about water focusing on why water is important, and how we can care for the world's water. We are in the middle of an experiment to see what will happen if we put sand and water in a sealed plastic

bag and leave it in the sun. Students made predictions about what they think will happen ranging from the water changing color, drying up, freezing, to a fish appearing! We have also welcomed four new students since the Christmas break and are excited to have new friends in grade 1 to learn and play with. Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183




January 2014

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Grade 2 Updates

In literacy grade 2 are looking at differ ent types of poems. We have written acrostic po ems and cinquains. We will als o look at diamantes. Here are some of ou r poems.



Small Cute

Decorations TET

Playing Sleeping Eating

Exciting Dancing Singing

I love my sister.

Happy party for TET



By Nene

By Calvin

S tory book about Matilda

S wimming is fun!

C old day on the playground

C elebrations are fun!

H ot in class

H ot summer

O n Monday we have PE

O n Friday we have drama

O N Tuesday I have violin

O rigami is the best

L ovely flowers

L icking ice cream is cold

D rama is fun! A ssembly school rules

D elicious food from the dining hall

Y ummy school lunch

A dventures happen at school Y ear 2 By Phuc

By Laura

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



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ISV Newsletter

Grade 3 Making Dioramas With Ms. Anna

Grade 3 finished their How the World Works unit by making dioramas to show Earth’s natural features and how they can change.

The rain erodes the mountain. (Alex)

A volcano can erupt and destroy a forest. (Thu Han)

A volcano erupts and breaks everything. (Nathan)

A glacier made a valley between the mountains. (Carolina)

A tsunami can cover the forest and mountain. (Mei)

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



January 2014

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Exploring Our Bodies

Grade 4 and 5 Students in grades 4 and 5 have been busy exploring the wonders of the human body. Our inquiries have led us to investigate how our skeletal system works to support our body in everything we do. We're learning how our muscular system is connected to our skeleton and the role that the nervous system plays in sending messages to different parts of the body. Who knew they were all connected?

Ms. Penny

Ms. Kelly

In the coming weeks we will finish our work on the body systems and explore the ways in which nutrition and healthy choices impact our lives. As you know, health and fitness play a huge role in the growth and development of healthy minds and bodies. Students are being exposed to a wide variety of lifelong fitness activities including yoga, kickboxing, cross country running and badminton to name a few. Below are a few photos of our adventures!!

Violin Joggers ECA We now have eight young violinists in the Violin Joggers ECA. This is a beginners violin group that started this semester and the children have been learning to hold the violin and ‘pluck’ the open strings. Already they are playing two pieces of music! The Violin Joggers will be making their debut performance on stage in a Parent Assembly after the New Year holiday. By Ms. Michele Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



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ISV Newsletter

Physical Education Program Term Two– 2014 This term we are reinforcing the skills, routines and programs of the last two terms. As we are in a position of being a new school in Hanoi, it is essential that we instill the required etiquette from day one and continue to reinforce it. This ensures the students understand their role during PE and swimming. As well as reinforcing the skills, routines and programs from the previous terms, it is also essential to ensure the students are gaining new knowledge, skills and routines that are specific to a variety of PE activities. This also allows for reinforcement of what is happening in their classrooms. Below is a break down of the grades and what they are working on in class and how I can integrate the PE and swimming programs to further develop the language and concepts being taught in classes. PK – K1: In class - Senses and Feelings. P.E – How do we feel when we exercise? How do we feel during activities? How do we feel after activities? Do we feel happy at the beginning, during and end of activities? Do we enjoy the activities? Why, How, when, what? K2 – G1: In class – Water. P.E – How important is water in our day-to-day lives and during physical activities. Do we enjoy the activities if we have no water? How can we benefit from water before, during and at the end of physical activities? Why do we need water before, during and after exercise? Why, How, when, what? G2 – 3: In class – Clothes, What we wear and how it can influence many situations. P.E – How do we feel when we exercise in clothes that are not for PE? How do we decide what is worn during physical activities? What would you wear to do activities in? Do we feel happy at the beginning, during and end of activities about what you wear? Do we enjoy what we wear, (for comfort), in all the activities? Why, How when, what? G4 - 5: In class – How the body works. P.E – How do we feel when we exercise? How do we feel during activities? How do we feel after activities? Do we feel happy at the beginning, during and end of activities? What is the body doing during exercise? What does the body need to continually perform physical activities? What happens to the body, physically, as we grow? Do we emotionally and mentally change also? Do we enjoy the activities? Why, How, when, what?

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



January 2014

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As I said earlier, the above are a broad set of goals that can be adapted to allow for all students to gain a solid understanding in PE. The terminology during PE reinforces class work, and extends in to our physical education program while learning, reinforcing and extending on the students skills. Should you have any further questions in regard to PE or swimming, please contact the school and organize a meeting or email me on: liam.chadwick@isvietnam.org

Above are photos of the various activities we are doing in PE. As you can see swimming instruction is a big part of our program, thank you swimming staff are, you are doing a great job. Stretching prior to any activity is essential and we are instilling this in all students. Each student has their time to lead the stretches, which allows for me to assess their skills and abilities to lead, learn the skills taught and follow routines set. To assist with activities during Tet, we have been teaching the students a traditional dance with bamboo, mua sap. The students have enjoyed practicing and now are ready to compete for mua sap champion! I look forward to what the New Year brings to us all. Mr. Liam Chadwick Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



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ISV Newsletter

Health Guide 10 Great Family Fitness Exercise Ideas The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that children who are consistently more active are likely to be healthier adults. And people who don’t exercise are at risk of d e ve l op i n g h i g h b l o o d p r e s sure, osteoporosis, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. Sounds like a prescription to get moving — now! Family Exercise: Shift out of Idle "Childhood obesity is proportional to the amount of time spent watching TV," says George W. Shannon, MD, a family physician in Georgia who serves on the board of directors of the American Academy of Family Physicians. "TV should be limited to time after supper, to sit down and watch informative and educational channels such as PBS, the History Channel, or the Discovery Channel. Limit those TV hours." Dr. Shannon also suggests limiting any other sedentary distractions such as sitting at the computer. "Put your computer in a common area so kids are not in their bedrooms for hours at a time," he says. 10 Great Family Fitness Exercise Ideas Now that you've set the ground rules for sedentary activities, plan some family togetherness time. The idea is to get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day. So, how can you get your family moving in a way that's fun and doesn't feel like a punishment? Here are some easy ways to reach that goal together.

1. Walk to school. Lace up your walking shoes and join the kids for a brisk walk to and from school each day. 2. Check out physical participation video games. "I'm delighted with some of the newer action toys such as the [Nintendo] Wii games. People have the ability to play tennis, bowling, baseball, skateboarding, and snowboarding," Shannon says. "Kids love them. I'm generally trying to get kids away from the TV, but in this case, if they are swinging a bat or dancing, it's great." 3. Build strong bones. Be sure to include bone-strengthening exercise as well, such as hopscotch, jumping rope, gymnastics, or volleyball — any "weight-bearing" activity, one that you do standing up. 4. Take a tour of the park. Make going to the park a reward for a job well done, a good test grade, or anything that deserves a positive nonfood reward. When you get there, play a fast game of Frisbee or pitch a ball. 5. Turn birthdays into an active adventure. Make your presents for birthdays related to activities. Plan a family ski or snow-tubing day trip or visit a nearby zoo. A bike makes a great gift for every family member, as does a basketball hoop in the driveway and a badminton net in the back yard. Make sure that Mom and Dad are included in the bike rides and pick-up games, too. 6. Get to the playground. Musclestrengthening exercise doesn't mean just weight lifting. Take the kids to

Source: www.everydayhealth.com

the playground to swing on the bars, climb a tree, or play tug-of-war. 7. Go to the head of the learn a new activity, take a gether, such as martial arts, yoga — a favorite among please teen girls.

8. Walk the dog. Treat your dog to daily walks that include the entire family. 9. Plant a garden. Whether you choose fruit and vegetables or just some pretty flowers, get the kids involved in an organic gardening project. They'll get some brisk exercise digging, planting, and weeding. Then the whole family can enjoy the fruits of their labor with fresh produce and cut flowers. 10. Follow your kids' lead. "This year I bought my granddaughter the Playskool Dance Cam because she loves to dance," Shannon says. "It takes a picture of a child dancing and puts it on TV dancing with cartoon characters. My basic words of advice are 'go with the flow.' If your child shows interest in some activity, such as dancing, encourage it and go with her to participate."

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org


class. To class todance, or hard-to-


January 2014

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Facility Updates Our Project Team has fully completed the 2nd floor of ISV and is now busily working away on final preparations for the fit out of the 3rd floor. The 2nd floor is for our 6th, 7th and 8th grade middle school students joining us in August of this year. The 3rd floor is the location of many of the specialist rooms that will provide our current and future students with incredible educational facilities. These include: state of the art science rooms, design and technology suite, spacious art rooms, a ceramics facility, two large music rooms as well as several music practice rooms. The 3rd floor also has large exhibition spaces for students to show-off their artistic creations.

We will be opening these areas for tours in the coming weeks.

Year of Wooden Horse

The coming year is the year of the Wooden Horse -- a horse that's bright, intelligent, friendly, energetic and a good friend. A horse is not only a symbol of traveling, but also a sign of speedy success.

The Vietnamese New Year marks a grand celebration and an important Vietnamese holiday. Traditionally the festival honored deities and ancestors. Today it's somewhat


The Year of the Wooden Horse is upon us and promises to be a time of high energy and productivity. We know we all look forward to it.


Vietnamese New Year involves centuries-old rituals, home decorations, celebrations, food and

We would like to take this opportunity to offer you our best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous Tet (Vietnamese New Year), filled with much laughter and love, among family, friends and your loved ones.

social customs. It's customary for every family to cleanse their home, sweeping away the bad luck and making room for the good fortune in the coming year.

Tel: +84 (0) 435 409 183 inquiries@isvietnam.org



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