Program Drives Contractor Loyalty for Electrical Distributor
Customer Loyalty Case Study AUDIENCE 20,000 independent contractors
“Selecting ITAGroup is still one of the best decisions I have ever made during my career.” -Senior Manager, Marketing Support, Fortune 500 Manufacturer
OBJECTIVES Increase sales revenues. Strengthen contractor customer loyalty.
RESULTS 9% increase in company sales year-to-year.
Top Contractor Purchases
11% increase
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Strategies & Tactics Strategy: Develop a contractor customer loyalty platform under which a variety of initiatives could be implemented and aligned. Tactics: ITAGroup introduced an umbrella strategy where participating vendors paid a program joining fee to participate. The client encouraged its stores to promote a participating vendor’s products over a competitor’s products, both at the counter and through program communication materials. The vendors, in turn, saw the value of their joining fees, as the initiative provided more targeted and measurable results than their traditional store-based advertising. Strategy: Drive loyalty to participating vendors by ensuring employees and contractor customers were aware of and supported the program at all times. Tactics: Program announcement kits introduced the program to contractors and store employees. Contractors regularly received program updates including in-store promotional materials and periodic mailings (often referencing spurts) designed to build upon the base program and target contractor workers purchasing products over the counter. Strategy: Keep purchasing behaviors top of mind with contractor customers. Tactics: Contractors accumulated award points for every dollar of select product purchased and progressed up a series of tiers based on purchase volume. Once a higher tier was achieved, additional award points were awarded retroactive to dollar one. Incremental award points were associated with and funded by the appropriate vendors.
About ITAGroup Business is driven by loyalty. ITAGroup drives that loyalty with a comprehensive range of loyalty solutions. We combine incentive programs, rewards and recognition, group travel and event management to engage employees, motivate channel partners and ignite customer devotion. And we rely on traditional business values like hard work, integrity and great customer service to make sure our clients are successful.
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