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An Oscar-winning aircraft

The greatest Italeri success in terms of sales and social media interest during 2022 was the F-35 ghter. The aircraft itself was one of the most famous fth generation military aircraft. Its reputation is built upon advanced aeronautical technology and also for its great visibility in movies and video games. The Italeri kit, released in July 2022, was the result of the most advanced modelling design and developmental standards. It immediately became a modelling benchmark and reference point for modern aircraft enthusiasts alongside another great success of 2022, the 1:48 scale F-22 Raptor.

The JSF Joint Strike Fighter program was a developmental project to create a new 5th generation all-weather multirole combat aircraft to replace the existing American and NATO strike- ghter force. The aerospace industry team led by aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin, created the single-seat, single-engine F-35 Lightning II. This ghter employs stealth technology and is characterized by its trapezoidal wings and application of the most advanced hi-tech systems, materials and avionics. Designed to attain air superiority, provide close air support and undertake ground attack missions, it has been developed in differing con gurations for its varying roles. The F-35B with its STOVL (Short Take Off and Vertical Landing) capability has been speci cally designed to operate from modern aircraft carriers such as the British H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth or the Cavour, the agship of the Italian Navy. The U.S Marines Corps plan to deploy the F-35B in both attack and ground support roles. The STOVL version is powered by the Pratt & Whitney afterburning turbofan and its swivel nozzle, which directs the thrust of the engine. Due in part to its operational exibility, its advanced on-board technology, innovative design and performance features, the F-35 Lightning II is already a landmark aircraft in the world of 21st century military aviation
Tornado IDS
1:32 scalascale
Il nuovo kit del Tornado IDS (la prima versione distribuita ai reparti operativi), completa la serie dedicata al celebre aereo da combattimento multiruolo con ali a geometria variabile iniziata con il Tornado Gr4 a cui è seguito il Tornado ECR. Il kit offre inoltre la possibilità di riprodurre, oltre alle più moderne ed attuali versioni a “bassa visibilità”, le mitiche livree degli anni ’80 sempre apprezzate dagli amici modellisti.

The new Tornado IDS kit (the rst version distributed to air force ight squadrons) completes the series dedicated to the famous multi-role ghter aircraft with variable-sweep wings, that began with the Tornado Gr4 and was followed by the Tornado ECR. The kit also offers the option of reproducing, in addition to the more modern “low visibility” versions, the legendary liveries of the ‘80s, which continue to be appreciated by our scale model building community.

1:35 scalascale ll carro armato T-34 è sicuramente uno dei mezzi corazzati più celebri della Seconda Guerra Mondiale ed ha rappresentato la spina dorsale delle forze Armate Sovietiche durante il con itto. I primi T-34, armati con un cannone a canna corta da 76 mm acquisirono subito un vantaggio operativo contro i carri tedeschi più diffusi dell’epoca come i Panzer III e Panzer IV. Grazie al suo motore Diesel di 12 cilindri e di 500 HP era in grado di raggiungere una velocità massima di 55 Km/h. E’ da molti storici considerato, per ef cienza operativa, il miglior carro armato della seconda guerra mondiale.

The T-34 was one of the most famous tanks produced during WWll and was the mainstay of the Soviet Army during this con ict. The rst version of the T-34 which was armed with a 76 mm short barrel gun gained an immediate advantage over the most common German tanks of the era, such as the Panzer III and the Panzer IV. Due to its 12 Cylinders diesel engine, the tank was able to attain a maximum speed of 55 Km/h. It was considered, in terms of sheer operational effectiveness, the best tank of the Second World War.