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Ita ly’s Veneto region ob jec tive


Veneto’s tourism agencies are working together with local players to create Smart Tourism Destinations where the stakeholders, under the management of a DMO, facilitate access to tourism and hospitality products



MILAN - «Dealing with tourism today calls many factors into consideration, including sustainability and the ecological and digital transition These are essential elements to ensure the development of our destinations and a better redistribution of tourist flows,»- said Veneto’s tourism councillor Federico Caner - We are focusing on the new way people are choosing to travel today They tend to want to discover hidden places, d i f f e r e n t c u l t u r e s , a n d l o c a l products, and for this kind of slow tourism there are many itineraries on our rivers and walking and cycling trails around our region » Digitalization is a prime objective for the destination, and Ven e t o ’ s t o u r i s m a g e n c i e s a r e working together with local players to create Smart Tourism Destinations where the stakeh o l d e r s , u n d e r t h e m a n a g ement of a DMO, facilitate access to tourism and hospitality products

In focusing on slow tourism, sustainability, and the beauty of its cultural and natural heritage, the region’s innovative appro-

IS playIng The carDS Of SuSTaInabIlITy anD DIgITal TranSITIOn

The total revenues in 2019, made us Italy’s number one inbound operator

Federico Caner

ach puts the spotlight on its nine UNESCO sites - from Venice and its lagoon to Verona, and from Padua to the Prosecco Hills and the Dolomites

Numbers show that the strategy is going in the right direction as in 2022 Veneto recorded some 62 million overnights, o f w h i c h 4 2 m i l l i o n f r o m abroad, thus returning almost to pre-pandemic 2019 levels.

«Our seaside resort towns on the coast alone recorded 35 m i l l i o n o v e r n i g h t s i n 2 0 2 2 ,said Councillor Caner - These numbers are also thanks to the investments made in new tourism products that enhance the entire region and help govern the phenomenon of over-tourism »

The Region by numbers

Numbers show that the strategy is going in the right direction

62 millions overnights, of which 42 million from abroad

35 million overnights in Veneto’s seaside resort towns on the coast alone in 2022

NINE UNESCO sites from Venice and its lagoon to Verona, and from Padua to the Prosecco Hills and the Dolomites


There are many itineraries on rivers and walking and cycling trails around the region

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