Gamma new sept 2013 gamma mylifestyle 40

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my lifestyle


Continuous research and innovation, without

ever forgetting traditional values. A clear vision of the present and an eye on the future. By adhering to these two principles, Gamma gives concre te form to its passion for design every day. The results are a distinct style and an intrinsic elegance of each element, where handcrafted workmanship meets design, highlighting the craftsmanship in contemporary forms and state of the art lines. Welcome to Gamma.

Ricerca continua e innovazione, senza mai

dimenticare i valori della tradizione. Visione limpida del presente e sguardo rivolto al futuro. Attraverso questi presupposti si concretizza ogni giorno l’amore per il design Gamma. I risultati sono una spiccata personalità ed una eleganza intrinseca di ogni singolo elemento, dove la realizzazione manuale unita al design esalta l’artigianalità anche nelle forme contemporanee e nelle linee più moderne. Benvenuti in Gamma.














car naby


















saint tropez 104 herman 110 lounge 116 avenue 120

les ĂŠtoiles 124 occasional chairs & coffee tables

technical sheets 136


Alfre d is both relaxed and sure of himself.

Behind the formal and almost austere look hides an open and welcoming nature. When you really get acquainted, Alfre d knows how to listen and give support, how to make you feel safe and provide all those feelings of wellbeing that make you feel at ease. In summary, Alfre d is an icon of masculine elegance, with an unpretentious style, and the perfect balance between form and function.

Alfred si muove disinvolto e sicuro di se.

Dietro l’aspetto formale, quasi severo, nasconde un carattere aperto e disponibile, “accogliente”. Quando lo conosci veramente Alfred ti sa ascoltare e ti asseconda, sa darti sicurezza e tutte quelle sensazioni di benessere che ti mettono così a tuo agio. In sintesi Alfred è una vera icona di eleganza maschile, di stile senza snobismi e ostentazioni, sintassi corretta tra forma e funzione.


alfred 07

08 alfred

alfred 09

10 alfred

alfred 11

12 alfred

alfred 13


The Soho is the epicenter of the everyday life.

So informal and uninhibited, is able to accept every request of relax. The back cushions move backwards with a simple gesture, suddenly seat changes, depth increases considerably, the soft cushions embraces us with generosity. The background is transformed, always new, always surprising, always Soho.

Soho è l’epicentro attorno al quale ruota

la vita in tutti i momenti della giornata. Così informale e disinibito, si presta ad assecondare ogni richiesta di relax: gli schienali arretrano con un semplice gesto, immediatamente la seduta si trasforma, la profondità aumenta considerevolmente, i morbidi cuscini accolgono con generosità. Il paesaggio si è trasformato, sempre nuovo, sempre sorprendente, sempre Soho.


soho 15

16 soho

soho 17

18 soho

soho 19

20 soho

soho 21

It takes a simple gesture to transform the seat depth. Un semplice gesto basta per trasformare la profonditĂ delle sedute.

soho 23


The Aston concentrates all Gamma

qualities into a new extraordinary model. As a result of a mix of tradition, technology, handcrafted ability and pure emotion, Aston shows the contemporary version of the “capitonné” art and becomes a re fere nce point in the interior design world. Aston does not suffer the passage of time, but re tains that particular status and look that belong to the moder n classic art, going further any fashions.

Aston riunisce tutte le conoscenze di

Gammain un nuovo modello straordinario. Nato da una combinazione magistrale di tradizione, tecnologia, abilità artigianale ed emozione pura, interpreta la lavorazione capitonné in versione contemporanea e diventa un punto di riferimento nell’interior design. Aston non subisce il passare del tempo ma acquista quello status di moderna classicità che va oltre ogni moda.


aston 25

26 aston

aston 27

28 aston

aston 29

30 aston

aston 31

32 aston

aston 33


Sound is an embracing experience,

it fills a whole ambient, even large ones like a theatre or a stadium, with the intensity and the ability to involve the audience. The Sound does exactly the same thing: it is enchanting, generous, looks like it is moving, embraces us with its comfort, and relax us. The Sound, like music, is a real “language” providing infinite interpretations.

Il suono è un’esperienza avvolgente,

riempie un intero ambiente, anche immenso come un teatro o uno stadio, con la sua intensità e la capacità di coinvolgere il suo spettatore. Sound si comporta esattamente allo stesso modo: è coinvolgente, generoso, attraente, si muove, ci accoglie con la sua comodità, ci rilassa. Sound, come la musica, è un vero e proprio “linguaggio” capace di infinite interpretazioni.


sound 35

36 sound

sound 37

38 sound

sound 39


I taste the sound of the guitars, drums,

harmonica. This sort of dance, this shuffling boogie, wraps me up in vivid emotions. The blues is real, direct, honest, whether it be a sweet song like that of Bobby "Blue" Bland or unfaltering and threatening as that of Howlin' Wolf, it's still always about the blues. Here, in the twilight, stretched comfortably on my couch, I indulge in its rhythm, just drifting away.

Assaporo le chitarre, la batteria, l’armonica.

Questa sorte di danza, questo strascicato boogie, mi avvolge di vivide emozioni. Il blues è autentico, diretto, onesto, sia che si tratti di un canto dolce come quello di Bobby “Blue” Bland o deciso e minaccioso come quello di Howlin’ Wolf, si tratta sempre di Blues. Qui, nella penombra, comodamente allungato sul mio divano, assecondo il suo ritmo, abbandonato alle emozioni.


blues 41

42 blues

blues 43


Today it is “Breakfast at T i ffany’s”

with Audrey Hepbur n, at dawn, on Fifth Avenue sidewalk, in a black sheath dress by Givenchy, pearls string and Wayfarer Ray Ban glasses with turtle frame. In the background the sound of the beautiful Moon River. Here, relaxed in our sofa, we lightly touch the leather of the cushions and we enjoy this scene that re presents one of the most iconic symbol of style.

Oggi facciamo “Colazione da Tiffany”

con Audrey Hepburn. Caffé nero e croissant da passeggio, all’alba, sul marciapiede della Fifth Avenue, in tubino nero di Givenchy, fili di perle e occhiali Wayfarer Ray Ban con montatura di tartaruga. Ci fa da sottofondo il suono della splendida Moon River. Qui, rilassati sul nostro divano, sfioriamo la pelle dei cuscini e ci godiamo questa scena che ha consacrato una vera e propria icona di stile.


tiffany 45

46 tiffany

tiffany 47

The back cushions lift up turning into comfortable headrests. Gli schienali si sollevano trasformandosi in comodi poggiatesta.

48 tiffany

car naby

Evert time I get to Car naby Street,

my thought goes to The Beatles and to my first trip to London, long time ago. T i me does not pass by, the charm of this road rests intact, everything has a different rhythm, calm and relaxed. Every moment I spend in my Car naby sofa gives me the same feeling, the same emotions, tranquility and relax. Comfortable, looking forward to my next trip to Car naby Street.

Ogni volta che arrivo in Carnaby Street

il mio pensiero va ai Beatles e al primo viaggio a Londra, tanto tempo fa. Per me qui il tempo non passa, il fascino di questa strada rimane inalterato negli anni, tutto ha un ritmo diverso, più tranquillo, rilassato. Ogni momento che trascorro sul mio divano Carnaby mi trasmette le stesse sensazioni, tranquillità e relax. Comodo, pregustando il prossimo appuntamento a Carnaby Street.


carnaby 51

52 carnaby

carnaby 53


Events at the Halcyon Gallery are always an

opportunity to evaluate the latest work of the most important contemporary artists, from the rest, between Mayfair and Piccadilly, the auction house of Sotheby's was established since 1744. This is the area where important business deals took place, then as now; the great London "Developers" certainly knew what they were doing. I've always found Bond Street to be so dynamic, so exclusive and always exciting. Bond is amazing.

Gli appuntamenti dell’Halcyon Galler y sono

sempre un’occasione per valutare gli ultimi lavori dei più importanti artisti contemporanei, del resto qui, tra Mayfair e Piccadilly, la casa d’aste Sotheby’s era già attiva fin dal 1744. In quest’area poi si sono sempre fatti grandi affari e, allora come oggi, i grandi “Developers” londinesi sapevano il fatto loro. Bond Street mi assomiglia, così dinamica, così esclusiva, sempre emozionante. Bond è sorprendente.


bond 55

56 bond

bond 57

Bond: accuracy of volume and balance of proportions. Bond: esattezza dei volumi ed equilibrio delle proporzioni.

58 bond

bond 59


The total freedom to choose. To go with the

flow or to change course. To surf the open seas, without limitation, enjoying the endless space, wind and sun. The same feeling of freedom, the chance to mold your own space and to relax and enjoy it, changing the distribution of this space with a simple movement. Soleado knows how to satisfy our desires and dreams.

Totale libertà di scegliere. Assecondare le

correnti o decidere di cambiare direzione. Navigare in mari aperti, senza limiti, godere dello spazio infinito, del vento, del sole. La stessa sensazione di libertà, la possibilità di scegliere il proprio spazio, di viverlo in modo informale, cambiandone la configurazione con un semplice movimento. Soleado sa assecondare i nostri desideri e i nostri sogni.


soleado 61

62 soleado

soleado 63

64 soleado

soleado 65

The Soleado sofa is elegantly covered in Piuma leather upholstery E515. La pelle Piuma E515 veste elegantemente il modello Soleado.

66 soleado


Reading the first book on Golf technique

from 1687 it is amazing to see how similar the way to interpret the "swing" was then with respect to how we conceive it today. This further confirms that the game of golf is based on simple concepts and movements, which above all, are natural. Simple, just like the lines and volumes of the Swing Sofa and natural as the colour ranges which dress the sofa itself.

Leggendo il primo libro di tecnica del Golf

del 1687 è incredibile notare quanto simile fosse il modo di interpretare lo “swing” rispetto a come lo concepiamo oggi. Questa è l’ennesima conferma che il gioco del golf si basa su concetti e movimenti semplici e soprattutto naturali. Semplici proprio come le linee ed i volumi del modello Swing e naturali come le gamme cromatiche e le pelli con cui vestire il proprio divano.


swing 69

70 swing

swing 71

72 swing

swing 73


It's the key piece on the chessboard. All

strategies of the game revolve around it: to cleverly aim for victory, beating the opponent with a decisive move and, finally, to deliver checkmate. The King sofa is without a doubt, the absolute master of your living space. Honouring its name, it welcomes you with open arms and wraps itself around you, offering protection and surrounding you with the attention that only a king can give.

È il pezzo chiave del gioco. Attorno alla sua

figura ruotano tutte le strategie della partita: puntare abilmente alla vittoria, battere l’avversario con una mossa decisiva ed, infine, dare scaccomatto. King è padrone assoluto del suo spazio, senza complessi e compromessi. Forte del suo valore ti accoglie benevolo, ti abbraccia, ti protegge, ti circonda di attenzioni come solo un vero re sa fare.


king 75

78 king

king 79



To reach out and feel that you can almost

touch the sea. A few steps separate the terrace from the beach and the warm, welcoming sand. Long walks along the shore, this undefined boundary which is always in motion, of an unknown colour, ranging between pearl and silver. To re tur n after a short while to the terrace and our Bellevue to enjoy a cool drink, to watch the sunset. Immersed in a dream.


Allungare un braccio ed avere la sensazione

di toccare il mare. Pochi gradini separavano la terrazza dalla spiaggia, dalla sabbia tiepida, accogliente. Lunghe passeggiate sul bagnasciuga, questo confine indefinito, sempre in movimento, di un colore imprecisato, fra il madreperla e l’argento. Poi bastava un attimo per tornare sulla terrazza di Bellevue e rinfrescarsi con un aperitivo ghiacciato, guardare il tramonto. Immersi in un sogno.


bellevue 81

82 bellevue

bellevue 83

Nubuk in natural shades: a second skin feeling within Gamma. Il Nabuk in tonalitĂ naturali: la sensibilitĂ delle pelli secondo Gamma. 84 bellevue


Ian Fleming's James Bond appeared for the

first time in 1953, in "Casino Royale". In one of the most intense moments of the romance, Bond orders at the bar of the Casino, a Vesper Martini in memory of Vesper Lynd, a Bond girl he had been in love with. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of white vermouth, an olive and a twist of lemon... all "shaken", not stirred.

Per la prima volta nel 1953 in “Casino Royale”

di Ian Fleming compare James Bond. In uno dei momenti più intensi del romanzo Bond ordina, al bar del Casino, un Vesper Martini in memoria di Vesper Lynd, bondgirl di cui l’agente 007 era innamorato. Tre parti di Gordon’s Gin, una parte di Vodka, mezza parte di Ve rmouth bianco, un’oliva e un twist di limone... il tutto rigorosamente “agitato”, non mescolato.


twist 87

88 twist

twist 89

90 twist

twist 91


There is a table reserved at Mokambo.

She placed her purse down on it, sat alone for a while and quickly rose on her feet as Alejandro invited her to dance a tango, a milonga, and then a waltz. A whirling of glances, of sensuality. Bodies touch, move away and come together again, the resolute steps now become languid, drama now dances with passion. And then, a storm of applause.

Al Mokambo c’è un tavolino riser vato.

Ha appoggiato la borsetta, si è seduta solo un attimo e si è subito alzata perchè Alejandro l’ha invitata a ballare: un tango, una milonga, poi ancora un valzer. Un vortice di sguardi, di sensualità. I corpi si toccano, si lasciano e si riprendono, i gesti decisi ora si fanno languidi, il dramma ora balla con la passione. E infine un uragano di applausi scroscianti.


mokambo 93

94 mokambo

mokambo 95

Mokambo with chaise longue: generous size and great comfort. Mokambo con chaise longue: dimensioni generose e grande comfort.

96 mokambo

mokambo 97


It is hard to imagine that there is, on this

earth, a city that can re main unchanged over time as Ve nice. But if the façades, churches, bridges are always those of the past, the true heart of the city strives to keep pace with contemporary life. Here, as always, there is no shortage of creative daring: during the early 1900's, Mariano Fortuny contributed significantly to the development of contemporary design.

È difficile immaginare che esista, su questa

terra, una città capace di rimanere inalterata nel tempo come Venezia. Ma se le facciate, le chiese, i ponti sono sempre quelli di un tempo, il vero cuore pulsante della città si sforza di mantenere il passo con la contemporaneità. Qui, da sempre, non mancano esempi di grande audacia creativa: all’inizio del ‘900 Mariano Fortuny contribuì significativamente allo sviluppo del design contemporaneo.


laguna 99

100 laguna

laguna 101

102 laguna

laguna 103

saint tropez

It all starts at Bodega, facing the harbour, a

restaurant-lounge with beautiful and essential contemporary fur niture. You have something to drink, listening to the blues in the background until 2, then everyone goes to the club, the temple of the show-biz, the disco "de la jeuness dorée de la côte". Girls dressed in Dior or Dolce and Gabbana laugh and drink Cristal, and let themselves go more and more towards endless night, here in Saint Tropez. On my Saint Tropez.

Tutto comincia al Bodega, di fronte al porto:

un risto-lounge con un bel arredamento contemporaneo ed essenziale. Si beve qualcosa con un sottofondo blues fin verso le 2, poi tutti verso il club, il tempio dello show-biz, la discoteca “de la jeunesse dorée de la côte”. Ragazze in Dior o Dolce e Gabbana ridono e bevono Cristal, e si lasciano andare sempre di più verso la notte infinita, qui a Saint Tropez. Sul mio Saint Tropez.


saint tropez 105

106 saint tropez

saint tropez 107

108 saint tropez

saint tropez 109


Man has no tasks except one: to find the way

to himself, to discover his own destiny – not an arbitrary one – a nd live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. ...Many times I had fantasized about my future, about becoming a painter or poet or prophet, or something similar. Nothing of the sort. ...All that is secondary. The genuine vocation of each man is to find the way to himself.

Per gli uomini non esiste nessunissimo dovere,

tranne uno: cercare se stessi, consolidarsi in sé, procedere a tentativi per la propria via ovunque essa conduca. ...Molte volte avevo fantasticato sul mio futuro, poeta o profeta o pittore o qualcosa di simile. Niente di tutto ciò. ...Tutto ciò è secondario. La vera vocazione di ognuno è una sola, quella di conoscere se stessi.

(Hermann Hesse)


herman 111

112 herman

herman 113

114 herman

herman 115


Elegant palaces, grand boulevards interspersed

by tree-lined squares. In fact, it is just what Haussmann had in mind when he oversaw the construction of new cities in the mid-nineteenth century. Such a context can only give rise to stimuli, advice, endless suggestions, everyone can express in their own language the beauty and quality that can be breathed in by just walking aimlessly around the city.

Palazzi eleganti, affacciati su grandiosi

boulevard inframmezzati da piazze alberate. In effetti è proprio quello che Haussmann aveva in mente quando sovrintendeva alla costruzione della nuova città alla metà dell’ottocento. Un tale contesto non può che dare vita a stimoli, suggerimenti, suggestioni infinite, ognuno può tradurre nella propria lingua la bellezza e la qualità che qui si respira semplicemente camminando senza meta apparente per la città.


lounge 117

118 lounge

lounge 119


Out of the cor ner of his eye Gatsby saw that

the blocks of the sidewalks really formed a ladder and mounted to a secret place above the trees – he could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder.

Con la coda dell’occhio, Gatsby vedeva che

gli edifici sui marciapiedi costituivano una vera e propria scala e salivano a un luogo segreto al disopra degli alberi; poteva arrampicar visi, se lo faceva da solo, una volta in cima avrebbe potuto succhiare la linfa della vita, trangugiare il latte incomparabile della meraviglia.

(Francis Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby)


avenue 121

122 avenue

avenue 123

les étoiles

Listen to music with your soul.

Don't you feel an inner being awakening within you? It is because of him that you raise your head, your arms rise up, you slowly walk towards the light. This awakening is the first step of dancing as I conceive it.

Ascoltate la musica con l'anima.

Non sentite un essere interiore che vi si risveglia dentro? È per lui che la testa vi si drizza, che le braccia si sollevano,


che camminate lentamente verso la luce. E questo risveglio è il primo passo della danza come la concepisco io.

(Isadora Duncan)


les étoiles 125



les ĂŠtoiles 127


dolly 128 les ĂŠtoiles


oyster les ĂŠtoiles 131

kate carrie

132 les ĂŠtoiles

les ĂŠtoiles 133

moon moon

les ĂŠtoiles 135

technical sheets

The purpose of a product range is as important

as the beauty and quality of the materials used. All models respond in an excellent manner to the issues of modularity thanks to extensive modularity, compositions with a chaise longue, cor ner modules, daybeds, easy to use mechanisms for varying the depths and heights of back seats, being able to create, there fore, an infinite variety of configurations. W i th the models from Gamma's collection, it's possible to create a bespoke and unique living space like no other.

La funzione di un prodotto Gamma è importante

come la bellezza, come la qualità dei materiali. Tutti i modelli danno eccellenti risposte ai temi della componibilità grazie ad ampie modularità, composizioni con chaise longue, angolari, daybed, meccanismi di facile utilizzo per variare profondità di sedute e altezze di schienali potendo realizzare, quindi, un ventaglio infinito di configurazioni. Con i modelli della collezione Gamma è possibile costruire uno spazio che somiglia solo a se stessi e a nessun altro.


Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%. Seat depth 68 cm - 27".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%. Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths. Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J. Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

138 technical sheets

technical sheets 139

140 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 58 cm - 23".

Seat depth 58 cm - 23".

technical sheets 141

142 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

technical sheets 143

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

144 technical sheets

technical sheets 145

146 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Mixing above groups (Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - J.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups Y - J.

Seat depth 60 cm - 24".

Seat depth 66/107 cm - 26"/42".

technical sheets 147

148 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

technical sheets 149

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%. Mixing above groups (Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths. Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups Y - J. Seat depth 66/106 cm - 26/42".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%. Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths. Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J. Seat depth 62 cm - 24".

150 technical sheets

technical sheets 151

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Corner pieces E01, CON and E20 are odd pieces and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J. Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

152 technical sheets

technical sheets 153

154 technical sheets

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%.

Mixing above groups (X - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Mixing above groups (X - Y - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - J.

Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - Y - J.

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Seat depth 59 cm - 23".

technical sheets 155

Seat depth 54 cm - 21".

Seat depth 56 cm - 22".

Seat height 41 cm - 16".

Seat height PNA 40 cm - 16".

Seat height POL 38 cm - 15".

Seat depth 56 cm - 22". Seat height 44 cm - 17".

Dimensions: the first figure shows sizes in centimeters, the second in inches. Each piece is made by hand and has its own uniqueness. Measures may vary with a tollerance up to 3%. Mixing above groups (X - J) will create sectionals with different seat widths. Corner piece E01 is an odd piece and can be used with all above groups X - J.

Seat depth 60 cm - 24".

Seat height POL 44 cm - 17".

Seat depth 62 cm - 24".

Seat depth 50 cm - 20".

Seat height PNA 42 cm - 17".

Seat height POS 46 cm - 18".

Seat height 41 cm - 16".

Seat height 41 cm - 16".

Seat depth 57 cm - 22".

156 technical sheets

technical sheets 157

Hard wood frame covered in leather.

Wood top.

Glass top.

Painted metal base.

Chrome metal base or painted metal base.

Chrome base or black chrome base available on up-charge.

Black chrome base available on up-charge. Top finish – Finiture del piano


sherwood oak

Wood top covered in leather. Painted metal base. Chrome base or black chrome base available on up-charge. Metal legs finish – Finiture piedi in metallo


158 technical sheets

dark chrome

metallic grey

metallic anthracite

RAL 9003 - signal white

RAL 7044 - silk grey

RAL 3005 - wine red

RAL 8019 - grey brown

RAL 9005 - jet black

technical sheets 159

HEADQUARTER GAMMA ARREDAMENTI INTERNATIONAL Spa V ia Pitagora, 3 – 47121 Forlì (FC) – Italia Ph. +39 0543 708311 – Fax +39 0543 701795

U.S.A. GAMMA Inc. 520 South Hamilton Street High Point, NC 27260 Ph. 336 886 8060 – Fax 336 886 8059

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