Dear Partner,
There's always a good reason to celebrate in Italy! 2018 is approaching and it will bring
important events, such as:
The opening of „FICO Eataly World“ in Bologna, which is an impressive investment
into the Italian food excellence to be visited and tasted!
Palermo, the Italian capital of culture
The 150th anniversary of the death of Gioacchino Rossini
The "Salone del Gusto" in Turin, the best of Italian food and wine exhibition
(September 2018)
Altar servers meeting in Rome - August 2018
...and last but not least, the opening of the most technological and emotional show
in Europe, the Universal Judgement, starting on 15th March 2018 in Rome.
In addition to that, we are already preparing for the events of 2019, two of them:
Matera, the European Capital of culture 2019
500 years since the death of Leonardo da Vinci!