SANTA CRUZ CALENDAR Sat. 3/7 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa KEVEL-PRIDE SUBJECT-VIBRANT IRIS-ATS Thurs. 3/12 @ The Crows Nest
Sat. 3/14 @ Coaster’s Lounge
Sat. 3/21 @ The Parish Publick House
Sat. 3/28 The Britannia Arms (APTOS) YMO Vocalist Event w/ THE DEADRINGERS
Fri. 4/10 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa JACKIE ROCKS - MY STUPID BROTHER Sat. 4/11 The Parish Publick House tba
Thurs. 4/16 @ The Crows Nest tba Fri. 4/17 @ Coaster’s Lounge ARCHER – A BAND OF ORCS CRUCIFORNICATION
Sat. 4/18 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa PARIAH FACTION - HONEST MISTAKE
$2000 FINALS - Friday May 1st @ The Catalyst Inn and Spa
Britannia Arms
The Parish Publick House
Always 18 and over!
Friday March 6th Table for 3 in the lounge The Shakeshifters Saturday March 7th YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! AGAINST THE SPREAD-KEVELPRIDE SUBJECT-VIBRANT IRIS Monday March 9th
Everest and The Akron Family Monday March 9th 2009
Everest and The Akron Family
Nokie Edwards
of The Ventures with Robbie and The Sundogs Sat. March 21
March 27th Your Music Olympicks The Backup Razor The Naysayers Cylinder-Asyst
April 10th Your Music Olympicks Jackie Rocks My Stupid Brother tba, tba
April 18th Your Music Olympicks Pariah Faction Honest Mistake tba, tba
Thursday March 12th Cylinder Friday March 13 & 14 Bluegrass Festival 2009 Saturday March 21st Nokie Edwards of The Ventures with Robbie and The Sundogs also The Reef Riders Thursday March 26th Herman Dune Friday March 27th YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! THE BACKUP RAZOR THE NAYSAYERS CYLINDER - ASYST Saturday March 28th The Substitute Preachers Friday April 10th YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! JACKIE ROCKS MY STUPID BROTHER Saturday April 18th YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! PARIAH FACTION HONEST MISTAKE
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YMM STAFF CONTACT: Mike Lyon ☛Editor In Chief - (831) 477-0503 mikelyon@yourmusicmagazine.com Mike Garing ☛Director of Sales and Marketing Event Coordinator - (831) 247-8981 mikegaring@yourmusicmagazine.com Jake Student ☛ Online Sales and Marketing (831) 477-0503 jakestudent@yourmusicmagazine.com Jessica Ashley Skelton ☛ Managing Editor Jessica@yourmusicmagazine.com Itay K ☛Layout/Design/Staff Writer itay@yourmusicmagazine.com Vincente ☛ Editor vincente@yourmusicmagazine.com Ashley Lyon ☛ Assistant Editor Contributing Writers ☛Mike Romans, Barb Rocks, Darien Lomeli, Tracy Forsyth-Lundy, Lidia Galvan, Kevin Madness, Numerous, Dave Pirtle, Brian Crabtree, John Lewis, Jessica Skelton, Maxwell Barna, Holly English, Kimberly Johnson, Josh Cardona, Jameson Ketchum, Josh Pierson, Jon Hermison, and Mat Weir. Contributing Photographers ☛ Alan Ralph, Danny Lopez, Chris Pollard, D.J.Dougherty, Charr Crail Computer & Tech Support ☛ Frank Jimenez Northstar - (831) 724-2083 Distribution ☛ Phil Murphy, Hanz Groper, Man Automatic, Barb Rocks, Blood Print, Big Foot Bamman, First Amendment Distributions
Your Music Magazine ☛ 1515 Capitola Rd. Unit: M Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 477-0503
www.yourmusicmagazine.com myspace.com/yourmusicmagazine myspace.com/yourmusicmagbooking
Copyright 2009 Lyon Entertainment Publishing. Your Music Magazine is a registered trademark owned by Mike Lyon. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any manner or form without prior written consent of the publisher. The Your Music Magazine staff is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. Your Music Magazine is published monthly by Lyon Entertainment. ISSUE #66 MARCH 2009
TABLE OF CONTENTS pg. 8 Papa Roach pg. 12 Les Claypool pg. 15 NOFX pg. 18 MC 2 Emcee w/ Lost pg. 20 CD and Comic Reviews pg. 24 Death Angel pg. 28 Early Man pg. 30 Norcal Metal Report pg. 35 Praetorian pg. 36 A Band of Orcs pg. 37 The Naysayers pg. 38 Rapid Fire pg. 39 FUBAR pg. 40 Honest Mistake pg. 41 Your Music Olympicks Calendar pg. 42 Left of Christ pg. 43 Local Newz pg. 45 Psyopus pg. 47 Cattle Decapitation pg. 50 Wondercon 2009 pg. 51 Chuck BB pg. 54 Capt. Bob Magnante pg. 58 Club Calendar
The band’s been on tour for a little while now. How have the shows been? The tour is going great. From beginning to end, the shows rock and the kids love it. There isn’t one band that sticks out like a sore thumb, you know, as like a downer in the show. And the crowds are awesome ‘cause there are these young kids and there’s an older crowd and they’re all into all the bands and they fuckin’ go off! It’s one of the best tours we’ve been on and we’re all having a really good time. Have you noticed any decline in ticket sales due to the recession in the economy? No man, every show we’ve been playing has been fuckin’ packed! But I think that has a lot to do with the fact that we have four of the best bands doing their thing on stage and bringing a top notch Rock & Roll show. The packaging has a lot to do with it and this is one of the best packages out there. What’s it like working with a new drummer after so many years with the same lineup? Well, the new drummer is great. We’re kind of used to having him back there now, you know? It’s like every night, he’s up there just killin’ it and he’s kind of adjusted to being in the band.
I think before he was this So Cal punk rock drummer and now he’s learned to fall into the pocket of the Papa Roach groove a little bit better. He’s killin’ it. He’s just a really happy-go-lucky guy...he’s a little wild, likes to have fun and he brings a smile to everyone’s face, so it’s exciting and it feels good. Was there any weirdness in the studio as far as recording with a new drummer? I think when we went into making this record, we were all a little on edge, but at the same time we were excited - and I think that really shows on the record; the record is very edgy, but at the same time, it’s exciting. We were also very optimistic - we were looking forward to the change ahead of us and I think a lot of that had to do with Tony being in the band. He got us all excited. We were stoked! And of course, we were a little on-edge because we had gone through so much with Dave departing and changing management, but once we started rockin’ at the house, the thing started to build. It was great. How did the title for the new record come about? Well, we settled on “Metamorphosis” because it really kind of encompasses what the band has been dealing with for the past
10 years. This evolution of the music, who we are as a band, the people that we’ve become, just the world around us and it just seemed fitting, so we went with it. How do you guys come up with new material? A lot of the times, it starts out with me. I write a lot of the music, you know, on the road or at home in my studio. I just bring my laptop and a hard drive and a guitar with me everywhere I go, and I just put down as many ideas as I can. A lot of the times I put down ideas that aren’t necessarily with Papa Roach in mind, and when I do that, sometimes I get different shit that I wouldn’t think of if I was playing with the other guys. I usually have everything stored in a folder and I play it for the guys before we’re going in to write or jam and we’ll either use that as a basis for some of the songs - sometimes a song will already be done and Jacoby will just put lyrics to it and we’ll learn how to play it and make a few adjustments. Then sometimes it’s just all about jamming, you know? We like to have fun, we like to jam. All of the ideas on this record came from spontaneous jams that we had when we were up at the Paramour. So it’s just a combination of both. So you guys stayed at the Paramour while recording? Yeah, we stayed up there - we all had our own rooms. It was really laid back - kind of just chillin’ in this creepy-assed mansion up on top of the Hollywood Hills. Just drinking wine and smokin’ weed and playing music every night..having barbeques and having
friends come over at night just hanging out. We were really trying to concentrate on having a connection and just letting everything cosmically flow between the four of us, especially with Tony being the new drummer - getting to know him and how he plays and really just going from there. It was really about us jammin’ and makin’ noise and having fun. The video for your new song “Hollywood Whore” is perhaps one of the coolest yet simplest videos I’ve seen. Where did the idea come from? It was cool, man. It’s kind of like the most off the wall, cheapest and crazy videos. We wanted to push the record back because we wanted to set it up right. We were taking our time finishing it ‘cause we wanted it to be just right. We had to go on tour before it was even finished, so we said ‘OK, this record isn’t gonna’ come out when we planned, so let’s finish this song and make a video for it, put it out for free and give it to our fans.’ So we got this treatment from this director, and usually we get treatments that are like two pages long and it’s just like ‘blah, blah, blah and the band looks fabulous at this point. Well, this cat Jessie Davies, who’s English, his video idea was like: band performs in a room, shot with one camera, intense shots, and at the end a glorious bloodbath. We were all, OK, that’s the video right there. That’s the treatment. And he did it and I think it’s one of the best videos we’ve ever done. It was definitely inexpensive and we all were stoked and the kids loved it. You’ve got to give them something to talk about something to freak them out.
We didn’t want to do some dramatic video that goes along with the story line, we just wanted to rock and shock. You know, Jacoby doesn’t really rap anymore. Why do you think that is? Well as far as the rapping goes, we’ll always have an underlying hip-hop influence in everything we do. I think a lot of that has to do with the groove and the simplicity of what we do where the bass and the drums and the guitar are locking up and really giving you a 1-2 punch. It’s something that we’ll always have in us because we’re influenced by so many different kinds of music and hip-hop is definitely one of them. As far as Jacoby rapping goes, that was something that we did back in the day. Then Jacoby started really flexing his vocal muscles, you know, with the singing and he became better at it. He really wanted to prove himself as a valid Rock & Roll singer and I think over time, he’s definitely done that. It’s amazing the way he sounds now and the way he sounds on the records. He sounds live. It’s more of what we want to do as a band. We don’t want to be limited to just rapping. We’re not a Rap-Rock band. I think that’s just where he’s at. He really likes singing and he’s doing it really well and the music comes across more powerful. That’s not to say
that we can’t ever do it again if we want to, you know what I mean? We grew up listening to bands like Faith No More, Red Hot Chili Peppers, you know, Rage Against The Machine....bands like that. Beastie Boys...the list goes on, man. What do you think is the biggest challenge out there right now for a band trying to make it? The biggest challenge is really getting your voice heard, you know? There’s a lot of great musicians, there’s a lot of great artists out there, so it’s really like what are you doing that’s different or original enough where it’s tangible enough for people to take it in and really want to pay attention to it. I think it’s hard because there’s just so many bands out there...too many sometimes. But it takes a lot of hard work. Some people get lucky and you really just have to be passionate. You really have to do it for the love of playing music. Just as long as you’re having fun.
I’ll be honest, I was nervous as hell to meet Les Claypool. Not only because I’m a huge fan of Primus and have been since I got my first pube, but because I didn’t want to make a complete jackass of myself in front of one of the Bay Area’s most brilliant minds. Let’s face it, he’s like a legend in these parts. He’s provided the theme music for countless movies and TV shows including South Park and Robot Chicken and has reinvented himself musically ten times over, with projects like Sausage, Oysterhead (featuring Stewart Copeland & Trey Anastasio), The Flying Frog Brigade and Bucket of Bernie Brains. Yeah... he’s a big deal. So, as I enter Mr. Claypool’s office, adorned with wood-carved pigs and an array of oddities and promotional Electric Apricot shwag, the nerves settle a bit...but only a bit...a smidge, if you will. I pull out my laptop and open up Garage Band. “Modern technology at its finest,” Les exclaims, as 12
he attempts a mic check “Hello, hello... check, check, check.” I turn the volume up. “If we hear anything in the background,” he says, “you can turn the tapes over to the Ghost Hunters and they can play that one segment over and over and it’ll sound like a woman crying. But it’s actually my stomach growling.” “That show creeps me out,” I reply. “I mean, I can’t believe it,” he explains “they’re like plumbers or something - like these total guido guys who just decided ‘ooh, we’re gonna’ be ghost hunters’. They’re not even scientist guys.” “But they’ve got cool gadgets,” I add. “Yeah, they’ve got stuff like this,” he points to my laptop, as we both bust up in laughter. “They’re using Garage Band or something... How do these guys have credentials to do any of this stuff?” And with the inclusion of a few moments of absolute hilarity, my nerves have settled and we begin the interview. And it goes a little something like this. (Hit it)
How did your new album “Of Fungi & Foe” come together? Basically, I had all this material and there was talk of what I was going to do next - and we’ve been talking film projects, various things. Finally, you know, I said I’ve got this material, I like this material, so I started working on it again and I started writing other songs for it and so I finally said - I want to do this. So I focused on it, put it together and now it’s “Of Fungi & Foe,” which is somewhat of a response to “Of Whales & Woe.” I think it’s a bit darker and eerier and a little creepier than some of the stuff I’ve done in the past few years. A lot of the music is based on Mushroom Men, which is a pretty creepy game to begin with and then “Pig Hunt,” which is this film I participated in an did the soundtrack for about a 3000 lb wild boar that terrorizes the pot fields of Northern California. It’s not out yet; they’re still working on it. There’s a track with Eugene Hutz of Gogol Bordello on the new record. How did that come about? Well, Eugene and I became good friends and he came up to my house for a couple days. I invited Paulo Baldi (CAKE, Eric McFadden Trio) into the studio the night after we had drank insane amounts of vodka, and to be honest with you, I had no desire to go into the studio; I had no desire to even become vertical. But we actually went into the studio and started drinking some more, which, hair of the dog, helped us out and we just started recording all this stuff. Some of it was really cool and some of it was drunk hung-over guys trying to play their instruments...and one of my favorite pieces became “Bite Out of Life” which is on the new record. So it was more of an impromptu jam session with - with a bunch of damaged men...men that should not have been operating heavy machinery. How about as far as animation is concerned? Anything you’ve been working on lately? Actually, my son’s been animating lately. If you go to YouTube and type in Cage Claypool, he’s my 12 year old son, he’s been doing some little animations. It’s pretty funny. He’s got one up there right now. I might actually have Cage do an animation for one of my songs off the new record. We were talking about doing a competition, actually. Having people, in whatever video medium they want to use, come up with visuals and supportive images for the songs on this record. We’ll post them on my site and all that. We did something similar to that on the last record and we got some really cool pieces. We’re working with this company Shadow Machine that produced Robot Chicken and Moral Orel and whatnot and we’re talking about doing an animated series based on Electric Apricot.
A few years ago at Earthdance, I happened upon the infamous Electric Apricot playing in the blazing hot sun and was quite surprised to see you in all your hippie glory behind the drum set - That wasn’t me, that was Lapland - “Lap Dog” Right. My bad. So, how would you describe your Electric Apricot experience? It was glorious, it was an accomplishment, and it was a huge pain in the ass. Making movies is a pain in the ass. So the idea started as screenplay for a film? Well, I’ve written quite a few screenplays and this idea just kind of came about. I started talking to Matt Stone about it and we laughed about it. He thought it was a good idea and said, yeah you know, we should make it happen. So I talked to Jason McHugh, a mutual friend of ours - he’s a producer, he produced “Orgazmo”, actually - in fact you’re sitting in his chair... and we just made it. We had like $3 to make it with and uh - well actually we made it for quite a bit more than that, but I’m using that as a metaphor for ‘we had no money.’ And it actually came out much better than I thought it was going to. We won 3 or 4 awards at film festivals - I just got back from London a month or two ago, showed it over there. Then National Lampoon picked it up and that’s that. Any plans to release another Primus record? There will be someday. I just don’t know when that day is. Have you guys talked about it at all? We talk about it all the time, you know. We talk about doing a new Oysterhead record all the time - in fact I talked to Stewart today. We talked about Oysterhead records. We’d been talking about a
new record for awhile...I think the original notion was O2 in ‘04. Well, ‘04 has come and gone, so... there’s always talk, it’s just a matter of finding the time when everyone’s available, you know? What’s it like working with Trey? It’s incredibly amazing working with Trey because we’ve become such good friends. I haven’t seen him or talked to him in quite a while. He’s a bit elusive and obviously he’s had some issues to deal with, but when we get together, it’s a great time. When he and I and Stewart are together it’s pretty damn fun and hilarious. He’s a good man - and he’s a great guitar player. It surprises me that in some genres or some arenas, he doesn’t get the props that he really should get. I think a lot of people think, ‘oh, hippie band, jam band, whatever.’ He’s an amazing guitar player and he’s just a great musician. How about Buckethead? Buckethead is Buckethead. His guitar is like another appendage to him. I’m sure he’s playing guitar right now as we speak. If he was talking to you right now he’d be playing, or he’d be thinking of playing, or he’d be moving his fingers - that’s just what he does. Bucket’s the kind of guy where he shows up in your life for a little while and then he just disappears. He’s a bit like Sasquatch or something, but he’s great to play with. He’s a very intuitive player, you know, it’s surprising how good of a pocket and groove he has. You know, a lot of guys who are kind of fast and noodley can’t settle into a groove and he really can. He knows when to give space. You know, I always equate it to passing the ball around - he knows when to take the ball and shoot or when to pass it to somebody else. So are you going to be touring to support the new album? Yeah, that’s the whole Oddity Faire - starting in San Diego. I don’t believe there’s any Bay Area shows because I just did my New Year’s Extravaganza That was with Zappa Plays Zappa, yeah? How was that? It was incredible. We actually did this whole 3D thing, we had a big screen behind us and everybody had 3D glasses in the audience - and not the blue and red ones, but the real high tech ones, because the people were right here next to ILM and they came in and did this whole amazing thing. It was like 3D craziness while we were playing. So tell me more about this Oddity Faire... Well, I’m the guy who’s been on every festival except for Lillith Fair pretty much, and I’ve always wanted, well, since the early days of Primus, to do some sort of package where it was the oddballs and the freaks; like me, and the people that I’m into. So, I’m finally putting something together like that and 14
it’s called the Mutated Mini Fest. It’s like a slice of carney performance, a slice of eclectic music and a slice of Burning Man, you know... Some of the venues are intimate, some of them are pretty big, with different performers coming in and out of different venues. In New York we have a bunch of the actual Coney Island performers coming in and in LA it’s the Mutaytors coming in. We’ve got the Yard Dogs Roadshow coming in, we got Saul Williams, DeVotchka, O’ Death; It’s going to be a night of freakiness. For me, I would have flipped out if, like, the Residents, Beefheart, Tom Waits and Public Image would have toured together. I’m basically trying to get all the weirdos out for one night of brain candy. It’s like the original 2nd stage at Lollapalooza Yeah, but there won’t be any concrete blocks hanging from anyone’s testicles...as far as I know... That’s good to know.
Join Les Claypool on “The Oddity Faire: A Mutated Mini Fest” Tour! West Coast Dates: 3/4/2009 - San Diego, CA - House Of Blues w/ Yard Dogs 3/6/2009 - Las Vegas, NV - House Of Blues w/ Yard Dogs 3/7/2009 - Los Angeles, CA - The Wiltern Theatre w/ Mutaytors, Saul Williams, Yard Dogs 3/8/2009 - Lake Tahoe, NV - Montbleu Theatre w/ Yard Dogs, Saul Williams 3/10/2009 - Portland, OR - Roseland Theater w/ Yard Dogs Saul Williams 3/11/2009 - Seattle, WA - Showbox SODO w/ Yard Dogs Saul Williams
NOFX’s a Little Bit Racist
By Alan Ralph Slim’s, Great American Music Hall photos by Alan Ralph, PhotographN.com The Fillmore photos by Ayumi Masuzawa, PunkRockLive.com To mark their 25th Anniversary, and as part of their recent “They’ve Actutueat ally Gotten Worse Live!” tour, NOFX played five San Francisco shows; at Slim’s, Great American Music Hall, The Fillmore, Thee Parkside, then back to Slim’s. ot After witnessing 4 of the 5 shows (not Thee Parkside), NOFX has not st gotten worse, as they claim, although they have not gotten better, either. The last time they played in San Francisco, three shows in January 2007, this became the livee album “They’ve Actually Gotten Worse Live!” Funny how two years later, NOFX stilll claims to be ‘Worse’ in concert, when in fact, they are fairly consistent throughout. A NOFX show is part stand-up comedy, part punk-rock. “Fat Mike” Burkett and Co. spend a reasonable amount of time cracking jokes, talking about cocaine and alcohol, describing gross sexual practices to the young children that come to the shows (ever heard of a ‘chili dog’ or a ‘snowball’?), and, oh yeah, they even make time to play 20 songs! NOFX modified their set list each night, yet there were similarities, which included their popular songs “Kill All the White Man”, “Jesusland”, “Bob”, “Punk Rock Elite”, “Church and Skate”, “Murder the Government”, “Brews”, and “Radio Radio Radio” (Rancid cover). They played one new song every night called “Quitter”. There was one other new song, a special song written exclusively for The Fillmore show: “The Fillmore has been around for 30 years / The Fillmore has curtains and chandeliers / The Fillmore has real expensive beers / But Thee Parkside gives us free cocaine.” Priceless! Every night after their encore, the amps were turned off, the drumsticks were put down, the instruments came off, yet the band did not leave the stage. Was there a second encore? Did NOFX, in their collective intoxicated state, forget where the stage exit was? No, not really, they just felt like ending the show as ‘NOFX: The Musical’. Who knew that NOFX was so fond of Broadway! Although NOFX has absolutely nothing in common with musicals, there iss ot one similarity to the Broadway musical Avenue Q. According to its website, “It may not g, be appropriate for young children because Avenue Q addresses issues like sex, drinking, and surfing the web for porn.” Hmm, that sounds like a good description of NOFX ass well! This could be the reason that NOFX closed each night with their rendition off Avenue Q’s “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist.” With their instruments turned off, and “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” playing over the house speakers, NOFX and their road crew turned the different venue stages into a Broadway theater for 4 minutes. They lip-sync’d with the song, moving gracefully about the stage in accordance with the flow of the song, occasionally gesturing to Fat Mike when the song mentions “Jews”, or to Ken (Japanese guy who used to work at Fat Wreck Chords) when the song mentions “Orientals”. This was extremely fun to watch at the first Slim’s show, but the novelty started to wear off by the second, third, and final shows, since it was expected. This final show was NOFX’s official 25th Anniversary show. The set list was slightly longer, they hit upon really old songs that they probably haven’t played in 15 years, and they even invited Dave Casillas (NOFX 1985-1988) and Steve Kidwiler (NOFX 1988-1991) to play these old songs. El Hefe (1991-present) rejoined the band as soon as Dave and Steve were finished with their 4-5 songs each. From here, NOFX continued on with their normal set list and encore.. core. This is the only show in which NOFX did come back for a second encore. enue Most of the crowd thought the show was over and left, since they already did their Avenue fter Q rendition. NOFX’s crew never completely dismantled the equipment, and so after about 5 minutes of impatient waiting, Fat Mike stumbled back onstage and grabbedd a ed guitar, Limo (keyboard/monitors/tech) eventually got behind the drums, Melvin grabbed the bass, and they began to play the same riff and verse over and over for what feltlt like an eternity. Those who stayed to watch this saw a guitar solo by Fat Mike, whichh was the only redeeming quality from this second encore. Fat Mike then announced to the remaining crowd that he was “really high”, took off the guitar, remembered where the stage exit was, and exited stage left. Happy 25th Anniversary NOFX, and here’s to 25 more years of toilet humor, decent punk rock, and not becoming ‘Worse’ live!
SANTA CRUZ CALENDAR Sat. 3/7 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa KEVEL-PRIDE SUBJECT-VIBRANT IRIS-ATS Thurs. 3/12 @ The Crows Nest
Sat. 3/14 @ Coaster’s Lounge
Sat. 3/21 @ The Parish Publick House
Sat. 3/28 The Britannia Arms (APTOS) YMO Vocalist Event w/ THE DEADRINGERS
Fri. 4/10 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa JACKIE ROCKS - MY STUPID BROTHER Sat. 4/11 The Parish Publick House tba
Thurs. 4/16 @ The Crows Nest tba Fri. 4/17 @ Coaster’s Lounge ARCHER – A BAND OF ORCS CRUCIFORNICATION
Sat. 4/18 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa PARIAH FACTION - HONEST MISTAKE
$2000 FINALS - Saturday May 2nd @ The Catalyst The Parish Publick House
Inn and Spa
Britannia Arms
is MC’s name is ite ironic that th the defined and qu s it’ ve lie be I ay inion he’s quite Lost. In my op musician who is well on his w ic us en m iv a dr of tly t ec as rr be co future in this MC to a successful accurate description of this st e in or ga m (A A . .S ry .T A st of du r in ”! As a membe in’ would be “Found been rockin’ shows and bustke ’s ta he ts ), Le ad e. re as Sp nb e fa th really drive his out songs that s cranium for a second…. hi a peek inside
Where are you from and when did you first get into MCing? I’m from Watsonville CA, not born but raised. To be honest, I got into the art of MC’n a little late. I was never really into hip hop until college. Before that I was a devout punk/metalhead. I was in and out of punk bands all through my earlier years, then one day, I was introduced to REAL hip hop... I was blown away. Since that moment I have devoted my entire musical career to being an emcee. To be honest I’m glad too, it seems that in the past few years the punk scene has really softened up! (laughs) What have you been working on recently and what are you up to this year? My main man Optyma (from Against The
Spread) and myself have been working on our debut album “Golden Statements” for a few years now. We are expecting the release in the next few months, May/ June is what’s projected. Shadow Tree Publishing and Indopendence Studios have taken me under their wing this year to make sure we get our goals met! The shows are finally starting to pick up and we are planning a California College tour soon so stay tuned! What does progression mean to you and what are you doing to constantly elevate yourself as an artist? Progression is making sure you come out of your experiences a more informed, open person than when you went in. Everyone has different goals, views and outlooks on life... it seems the only important thing is that you grow from what you do. As far as elevating myself as an artist, that is my main goal in this life. And there is only one way that someone starting from the ground level like myself can elevate their status... GRIND. 24/7/365 and 366 days on those leap years! You have to let nothing slow you down. Imagine your perfect future in Hip Hop, what would it be like? Now this is an easy question, I think about this every day! Simply put, I want to live happy and comfortable off of my music. I want my cubicle to be the studio... when I clock in, I want it to be on stage. As far as size of fanbase and things of that nature, I would rather have good sized following of passionate, loyal fans than a HUGE base of people who have heard a song or two and think that I’m kinda cool. I am
myspace.com/thelostemcee - atshiphop.com - indopendence.com
how does it apply to you now? When it came to choosing a name, it just kind of came out. I thought about where I was in life and realized... I had no damn clue! I wasn’t doing what I really wanted, hip hop was new and unfamiliar, I just felt lost in the whole scheme of things. As of now I have found my place in music, I know where i want my life to go... but still know that I don’t know what the hell I am doing! (laugh)
looking forward to the time on the road and awesome shows to come. I know that people out there will feel what I have to say and I cant wait to let them hear it. Why did you choose the name Lost and
Finally, how important has your fanbase support been and what would you like to say to everyone who’s supported you? Without my fans I wouldn’t be doing this interview, singing on stage, hitting up the studio or making a life in music! Fans are everything. There is nothing that I could say to truly express my appreciation for each and every person who feels our music. Thank you. I would also have to thank the people who stuck with me from day one even though they had no obligation. Mainly; Optyma, Corrine, my parents and brother, without these people I would never have the option of music.
Edan Beauty & the Beat Lewis Recordings Not very often do I come across a magnificent masterpiece of pure lyrical and melodically exploration into the sheer depths of creativity and subliminal communication such as I have found with “Beauty and the Beat”. From the very first track you understand that this is not your every day “Hip Hop” album, this is the product of an incredible artist who expands his artistic visions into a groundbreaking array of deeply intoxicating tracks that guide you through an emotionally stimulating and quite often psychedelic journey. Edan will straight up melt your mind away with his impressive display of perfected lyricism and a refreshingly unique take on genre fusion. Not a “new” album by any means (released in 95), but definitely an album that belongs near the top of your “I should have this” list…go cop that pronto son! - Numerous
Julie The Band An Act of Communication Baby Bird Records So, first impressions first: I didn’t want to like this. I mean, a band named “Julie the Band”? That makes no sense. Do they want people to think that they’re some cheesy folk act? Because that’s what I thought when I first pulled the album out of the envelope. And who the
hell is Julie anyways? I swear, if I hadn’t decided to throw this little gem of a CD on, it would have ended up in the “why the hell would we even think of reviewing this” pile. So why would I put this album on if my initial reaction was so dismal? Obie Trice. That’s right, Obie Trice makes a guest appearance on the final track on this album, and I’m still giddy about it. The track, which features Obie Trice eloquently demanding that Scarface and Noriega stay out of Alabama, is a remix of the album’s opener “Foggin’ Up A Clear View”, and really shows the band’s ability to adapt to any style out there. It’s a classic banger! Julie the Band is definitely not your ordinary Rock & Roll outfit; their songs are eclectic and very musical and have a driving force behind them that at times will make your head bob uncontrollably. - Itay K
Black Lips 200 Million Thousand Vice Records This must be how my Dad felt when he brought home his first Rolling Stones LP. The raw, unfiltered raunch of the Black Lips’ new album 200 Million Thousand is a tribute to the early days of Rock & Roll. Before the ProTools, the Marketing Reps and the TRL on MTV, it was all about the music, and the Black Lips have successfully channeled themselves to that era. It’s gritty, the vocals often distort, at times it sounds like you’re playing a record and there’s a big fuzz ball on the needle, but the music on 200 Million Thousand kicks ass and the songs are straightforward enough to make anyone feel like singing along. Recently back from a stint in India where the band got into some trouble after their guitar player whipped out his little feller and proceeded to bang it against his guitar strings during a televised performance, the Black Lips live and breath the Rock life. This album is catchy, nostalgic and just a great listen throughout. - Itay K
Scott Pilgrim w. & a. Bryan Lee O’Malley Oni Press Like many skeptics of the Manga style digest format I have to admit that only recently has this series become a part of my pull list...and I have no idea why that is. This book is badass. And, it’s written and drawn by a hilariously nerdy Canadian! The love of 24-year old Scott Pilgrim’s life, a US born ninja courier by the name of Ramona Flowers is a bit more mysterious than his previous girlfriends; mainly due to the 7 evil exboyfriends that the young Pilgrim must destroy in order to be with her. Oh yeah, he’s also in a band. They’re called “Sex Bob-Bomb”. They suck, but Scott thinks they rule. He also dated a 17 year old named Knives Chau. She’s got crazy knife skills. Now all of a sudden, Scott’s life is getting a bit too complicated for his simple mind to deal with and he may lose the girl of his dreams. Full of cleverly placed video game cliches and hilariously realistic situations, this is hands down one of the best books out there right now. It’s no wonder that they’re already in pre-production for the “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” movie, which has recently been cast and hits theaters in 2010. - Itay K
The Sword
entire family with superhuman, elemental powers. Dara narrowly escapes, only to find the Sword in question, and new abilities of her own. What follows is a fast-paced mythological thriller filled with alternative history, eviscerations, revenge, decapitations, some long plot expositions, and plenty of groin kicks. This is truly one of the best monthly comics out there. - Nate Brand
Crossed w. Garth Ennis a. Jacen Burrows Avatar If there’s anyone out there that knows how to truly stretch the boundaries of moral decency in his stories, it’s Garth Ennis. In this series, a mysterious virus has infected the majority of the population, mutating normal civilians into zombie-like beings with blood-crossed faces. But these are not your normal zombies. These fuckers can adapt - and it seems their rage may not even be fueled by a thirst for brains at all, as a group of these infected bastards are found violently raping a young couple as they tear their young child in two. Brutal, brutal stuff. And I have to admit, I’m not sure if this series would have worked quite as well without the incredibly detailed and gory art of Jacen Burrows. This book is a must read. - Itay K
w. Joshua Luna a. Jonathan Luna
Mysterius: The Unfathomable
Image Comics
w. Jeff Parker a. Tom Fowler
The Luna Brothers’ epic blend of vengeance and myth, this story opens with Dara Brighton, a young woman confined to a wheelchair, whose tranquil home-life is shattered by the sudden appearance of three strangers who arrive at the family’s house demanding that her father return a certain sword. After pleading his innocence, the three brutally murder Dara’s
Wildstorm Part washed-up sideshow magician, part mystic, Mysterius the Magnificent’s illustrious career on the magic circuit has led him to become the most elusive psychic detectives available for hire. And with the help of his newly appointed assistant and personal representative, Delfi,
solves the most unusual cases of sorcery with ease. Tom Fowler’s art in this book is fantastic, and paired with the excellent writing and storyline, this book reads like a classic European comic series and has me itching for more every time I finish an issue. - Itay K
Viking w. Ivan Brandon a. Nic Klein
about crime fiction filtered through one of the most violent and fascinating periods of human history,” writer Ivan Brandon says. “It’s been in the works for so long at this point that I’m overwhelmed to finally get to show it to people.” - Itay K
Invincible Iron Man w. Matt Fraction a. Salvador Larroca Marvel
Image Comics (April 2009)
Now, I got to take a quick look at the proof for the first issue of this upcoming series by Cross Bronx creator Ivan Brandon at WonderCon in San Francisco, and I have to say, it looks awesome. I didn’t have a chance to read through the whole story as the “spoilers” were cleverly removed by Ivan Brandon before allowing me to take a peek, but as Cross Bronx was such a great little series, I have high hopes for this new book. As the tag line reads, it’s a “crime book for the 9th century.” “’Viking’ is everything I love
For anyone who loved last summer’s Iron Man movie and can’t wait for the sequel to get their fix, there’s Matt Fraction’s (Casanova, 5 Fists Of Science) Invincible Iron Man. Not really a sequel or continuation of the movie but a great jumping-on point for new readers, Fraction delivers an intelligent and well-paced story of Tony Stark’s worst days, beautifully illustrated by Salvador Larroca. Terrorism, high-tech toys, and the vengeance-driven son of Obadiah Stane all make this series a fascinating read. Volume 1, The Five Nightmares, is out now. - Nate Brand
By: Holly English
photo credits: www.calibree.com
Last October saw the unfortunate departure of Dennis Pepa, bassist and founding member from San Francisco Bay Area thrash act Death Angel. Pepa, who brought a punk edge to the band, chose to leave in order to expand his musical artistry into other genres. As a result of the founding member’s departure from the band, speculation rose for months from fan and critic alike as to whom, if anyone, would fill his shoes. Enter Bay Area Native and in your face Punk - Assault extraordinaire, Sammy Diosdado, Pepa’s replacement. Diosdado’s inauguration into the band was announced at the beginning of this year. “Death Angel was one of my favorite bands when I was in high school,” said Diosdado, of his newfound status as bassist for Death Angel. “So, I am really stoked to be playing for one of my alltime favorite bands.” Of his induction, Diosdado said, “Death Angel was asked to play a benefit show last month in San Francisco for Deftone’s bassist Chi Cheng (who was involved in a car accident last November, which, to this day has left him in a coma). So they did and played with a couple of different bass players while on stage during the benefit 24
me included. And…it just worked. After that night, they basically said they didn’t need to do any more auditioning - that I was a good fit for the band.” Diosdado, who currently plays in Punk ‘n Roll outfit All Time Highs with Mark Osegueda, Death Angel’s vocalist, many would be apt to think that he was a shooin to fill Pepa’s spot. “But, when Dennis decided to leave, I wasn’t a shoo-in,” argues Diosdado. “Only Mark knew that I’d be interested - everyone else in the band was taken aback, at first.. I mean, I haven’t played Metal since I was a teenager, and I am 32 years old now!” Diosdado has played with an impressive and eclectic catalog of Bay Area bands in the past, which include Osegueda’s side project, All Time Highs, as well as San Francisco Punk band, the Sick. Most recently, he played with San Francsico Punk outfit, Death Valley High, the band who requested Death Angel play the Deftones’ benefit show with them in the first place. Diosdado’s music has been described by many as an “in your face, high-energy Punk assault”. Reading comments written by many fans on Death Angel’s Myspace page, it is safe to say that Diosdado is
a welcome addition to the band, despite the fact that it has been years since he’s played Heavy Metal. “I get my release on stage playing any sort of high energy music.” said Diosdado of his newfound role in a Thrash Metal band. “I like playing a lot of different styles, as long as the energy is there. I gotta get different flavors; it’s like, I can’t eat salami sandwiches for lunch every day, you know? More importantly, I need that release; I get that release on stage. I went to a therapist before - it doesn’t work. I’d rather spend my money on bass guitars!” Diosdado describes his transition into Death Angel as being seamless and natural. “But I’ve cheated a bit,” he admits. “I’m actually good friends with Dennis Pepa, as well as the rest of the guys in Death Angel. I admit I’ve picked Dennis’ brain a bit, since starting with the band. He and I sat down one day, and he showed me his bass runs and such. By sitting down with him, I realized that both of us have really similar styles. Stuff he was showing me felt like second nature. I was thinking to myself, ‘if had been playing Metal all along, I would have probably written music very similar to Dennis.’” “Our friends think it’s kind of freakish how similar Dennis and I are. They say that I am a younger, lighter-skinned version of him. We wear the same size pants. We have the same temper. I grew up watching Death Angel at the Omni and the Stone. As I was growing up, I remember looking up to Dennis. And then to become friends with him and the rest of the guys in the band…words can’t describe.” said Diosdado. Of Diosdado’s personal contributions to Death Angel, “it’s hard to say at this point,” he admitted. “The writing process hasn’t started for the next album yet, so I’m not sure what input I’ll have on the album just yet. Usually when I arrange, I do a hardcore type of style. Blast beats and stuff. A style similar to old school stuff like Agnostic Front and Cro Mags. So, I would think that if I am able to contribute to the next album at all, I would see that it
would be a more hardcore style. But right now, I’m still just trying to get the entire set list down for the upcoming shows that we’re doing. So far, I think it sounds good - it seems to be working for all of us.” As far as upcoming shows and Diosdado’s live debut as a member of the band are concerned, Death Angel is scheduled for two Bay Area shows in March - one at the Kennel Club in Sacramento (March 1) and another at the Key Club in Los Angeles (March 6). “After that, we are on tour with Armored Saint in Australia.” said Diosdado. “This is Death Angel’s first tour in Australia, and I could not be more excited. That’s what makes this completely cool - this tour in Australia is both new to me and the band. Other than that, we’re confirmed with Carcass at the Grand Ballroom on March 20th (San Francisco), and there will be one other show in San Jose in April. Then, we begin booking European festivals for the summer.” After Death Angel’s run to Australia, they will begin working on new material for their next album, their first in more than twenty years without Pepa on bass. “We will be recording by end of year and looking forward to an early spring release,” said Diosdado. “I am still not sure yet if I will be contributing to the album yet; maybe. For all I know at this point, they might just make me sit in a corner and tell me to keep quiet!”
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By: Mat Weir It’s Tuesday night at Slim’s in San Francisco and I’m standing outside with the rest of the smokers, hopelessly trying to stay warm with the flick of a Bic. Yes, even though rock journalists bask in all the fame and glory that comes with the job, we still have to wait in line and be frisked before entering the club. Of course, once we’re in, we can join the band in setting fire to the building as an offering to the gods, but that is another story for another time. Tonight I was interviewing Early Man. I had first heard them about a year and half ago from a buddy of mine. He had given me a copy of their first LP, Closing In, and I was instantly blown away by the power. Started by singer/songwriter/guitarist Mike Conte and drummer Adam Bennati, Early Man will have you banging your head and is an essential for any fan of true grit, metal. So when I saw that I could interview Early Man as they kicked off their West Coast Tour (with Toxic Holocaust and 3 Inches of Blood), I struck like a shark sensing chum. And I’m glad I did too. Not only was it a great interview, but later on I ended up talking with guitarist “Wildman” Pete Macy and bassist Tim Ramage about everything from the My Lai Massacre to the tie between perfect geometry, extraterrestrial life and Jesus. Alright guys, thanks for meeting me. You’ve been on tour a couple of days now, how’s it going? Mike: Awesome. Kickin’ some ass. Good to hear. So I have to ask, you’ve got a full-length dropping soon. I know it’s still being finished in Seattle right now, but any ideas on a date? Mike: Probably around the end of May. You guys have played with some pretty crazy bands: Iced Earth, Mastodon, now 3 Inches of Blood. Any memorable moments while on tour? Mike: There was a time when Pete almost got shot by Brent from Mastodon. Pete: That hasn’t been very well documented, but there was a time when I was literally seconds away from having my brains blown out by Brent. Well, now you have to explain this. . . Pete: Alright, well, essentially (he pauses for a moment, thinking about how to exactly explain this sordid tale)... Alright, well to make a very, very long story short--it wasn’t on the Mastodon tour, it 28
was the tour we were doing after that. We were playing in Atlanta and the Mastodon guys came to the show. Afterwards Brent was like (in a deep growl), “Hey, come to my house and party!” And of course we agreed. So we all went over there with the bands we had been playing with… Mike: Basically, we were really, really drunk (laughs) Pete: Yeah, we were wasted! Brent ended up running out every band that was there. Mike: Little known fact: If you put enough whiskey in Brent, he turns into Yosemite Sam. Pete: He got so crazy that everyone had it in mind, except for me and Adam, to leave his house. So it’s just the three of us at 7 in the morning and I’m thinking, “Oh God, I have to get out of here.” And here comes Brent (deep growl), “You like shooting guns?” And I’m like, “Noooo.” (deep growl) “Well, let’s get my gun.” And here I am, “Yeeaaaahh, that’s not a good idea.” So here he comes, out with a gun and in his drunken growl he screams, “Here! Look’it this!” And this whole time he’s stumbling around his house. So, we try getting him to calm down, saying stuff like “Maybe it’s time to take a nap!” All of a sudden, he sticks the gun in my face; essentially about as far away as me and Tim are (about a foot and a half). After that, I told Brent,
“Alright man, this is not funny anymore. Come on now,” and I push the barrel away from my face. Then he snapped. He looks at me with dead, drunk eyes and growls, “Don’t touch my gun. Don’t call the cops.” I grab Adam and between the front door and the van, the fucking gun goes off! Fucker was loaded. I was concerned that he either shot someone, an animal or himself, so we went back to check it out. Turns out he blew a hole through his wall and fell asleep (laughs). So that was a memorable moment. Probably one of the most memorable moments in my life. I just recently picked up the new EP and it sounds a lot tighter. Is that sound from just switching labels, or do you guys feel yourselves evolving as a band? Mike: Yeah, it’s just us evolving and knowing more all the time. Even when Closing In was being recorded, we had our heads wrapped around some songs and knew what we wanted to hear, but we were new to the game. So our cohesiveness, what we were trying to do, what we were trying to convey, how we would bring songs together, even simple things like timing, how many choruses, verses etc. was much more of a long, drawn out, difficult process than it is now. Whereas now, when you first write the song, you know where it’s going. You can cut all the fat away. And also, the more you play your instrument, the better you get, ya know? Pete: Plus, I joined the band so that made them a third better! Mike: Yeah, Closing In was also before Pete and Tim were in the band. We wrote a song-well, a couple of songs--seriously right before we went into the recording studio. Once you play songs for a long time, or at least long enough, you learn to go, “Oh, we don’t need this part, but this other part we can keep,” etc. But back then we just didn’t cut anything on those songs; so it’s a double-edged sword. I think that record is amazing in certain ways
and in other ways it doesn’t represent us, or what we are doing now. I’ve read that you both Mike & Adam came from Pentecostal backgrounds. How does your background influence your music? Mike: Well, first of all, it’s more true with me than with Adam; it’s kind of become a weird press twist. However, it affects our music madly, I’m sure. It presents itself in my lyrics and in the subject matter. Also, I think a lot of the subject matter that I write about now, the older I get, becomes much more serious and is much more tied into the upbringing. But yeah, it definitely shaped me. You would know, you’re from a similar upbringing. You just can’t get away from it. Adam: I actually wasn’t raised religious at all. That’s just something that was linked to me because of Mike. Mike: Yeah, little known fact: Adam was actually raised by wolves! (everyone laughs) Adam: (laughs) Yeah, my mom always reads interviews and then tells me “Goddamn it, we’re not even Pentecostal!” Pete: Now it’s gonna be, “Goddammit, we’re not even wolves!” So what should we expect from the new album? Pete: Greatest Record Ever! Mike: More refined songs. I don’t want to give the standard answers: “faster, heavier, louder.” I mean, it is some of those things, but I really think the song writing has gotten considerably better. What are your favorite ways to stay entertained on the road? Pete: I like to play with those touch machines you see at bars. You know the trivia games? I try to set the high score across the country (laughs). Mike: That’s very true. Pete: Yeah, if you ever see “Pete Rules,” you’ll know. Tim: (referring to Mike) You and I write some of the better songs, or at least the comedy songs. Mike: Yeah, there’s a lot of comedic relief. Me and Tim get into battles where we try to out-sing one another with ridiculous songs. It gets to a point where everyone else doesn’t even think it’s funny anymore. Reading helps too. Reading and writing music.
last month’s resurrection Well, I hope you all enjoyed because here we are ort, rep tal of the NorCal Me so far have been very nts me doing it again! The com ryone who took the time to positive, so thanks to eve orious power ballads ran vict it, adm to e read. I hav d the published version. rea I n through my head whe rent as I have brought diffe This one will look a little ” ” and “NorCal Unleashed back both the “Quick Bits usions going incl ular reg be will ch sections, whi news. forward. Now - onto the
By Dave Pirtle
Due to personal and musical differences, Hatchet has parted ways with vocalist Marcus Kirchen. The band, thrash metal warriors that they are, will of course carry on with a new vocalist – and a new bassist following the departure of Dan Voigt. They are actively searching for musicians to fill both positions, so if your heart is true and your mettle is metal, consider joining up with one of the frontrunners of the New Wave of Old School Thrash. Kirchen will continue to be seen around the scene as guitarist for the more punk/crossover-oriented Crucial Cause. Skinlab has been hard at work inside Trident Studios laying down tracks for their fourth studio album with producer Juan Urtega, with additional work to be completed at guitarist Snake’s own Greendot Studios. Following their escape from a contract with Crash Music, the band has been in talk with several different labels to release the album, but was confident enough in the material to begin recording “without the support of the big machine! Expect nothing but pure heaviness!” Frankly, I wouldn’t expect anything less. They will probably play some new material at their show on April 24th at the Voodoo Lounge in San Jose, so there is one way you can hear for yourself. All Shall Perish have parted ways with guitarist Chris Storey. The official press release states that both sides felt it was time due to many long standing internal issues, in addition to announcing Jason Richardson as Storey’s
Skinlab replacement. However, in an unofficial statement, the band lamented the difficulties of being in a band while assuring everyone that they will continue to “shred [their] faces off,” before reaffirming their dedication and gratitude to all their fans. Your next chance to see them live will be on March 12 at the DNA Lounge as part of the Atticus Metal Tour. The two-man freakshow known as Bomb and Scary recently became a full-blown spectacle with the additions of drummer Mike Nielsen (ex-Cage/Catharsis) and bassist Tom Eaton as their new drummer. Nielsen had previously worked with guitarist Eric “Bomb” Beard in the band Dr. Chunk. The new musicians will bring a whole new level to the mix, and will make their live debut on March 27th when the band opens for Forbidden in San Diego. Locally, you will be able to see them opening for Death Angel on April 17th along with Mudface, Taunted, and Ikki Crane at San Jose’s Voodoo Lounge. Vocalist Norman Skinner has left Machine Called Man after eight years due to “stylistic differences.” He will continue to provide his powerful pipes to Imagika, who are hard at
Records roster (or perhaps the still active Purple Astronaut). They’re currently finishing work on their debut album, and based on a few samples, I just can’t wait to hear it. Check them out for yourself at http://www.myspace. com/burnriverburn, or go for the gusto and see them at Thee Parkside in San Francisco on March 11th.
Bomb As Scary work writing the follow up to 2008’s critically acclaimed Feast For the Hated. Never one to shy away from a busy schedule, the band will take some time for a mini tour that will include some local shows as well as an appearance at the Nightmare Metal Fest in San Antonio, TX, which will also feature Vicious Rumors and Seven Witches, among others. They are still auditioning for a second guitarist and hope to have the slot filled in time for the tour. Nihlotep is scaling back their show schedule to focus their energy on recording their debut full-length album. The process began in January with drums and guitar and continues this month with vocals and additional instrumentation. According to the band, the new material is “more symphonic and explosive, building epic soundscapes out of rich chording, writhing melody, technical intrigue and unashamed naked rage, sorrow, triumph, terror and awe. It is more intellectual, musically as well as lyrically, while maintaining [a] raw, organic energy.” Damn, these guys use their collective tongue prettier than a $20 whore. When completed, the album will clock in at around a staggering 80 minutes, with a combination of new and rerecorded material. The band is looking at a Spring release with a West Coast tour to follow. I just got wind of this band out of San Francisco called BURNriverBURN. They’ve got a Southern stoner/sludge sound that would have fit nicely on the old Man’s Ruin
Top 10 Playlist for period 1/22 - 2/19 (NorCal Unleashed airs on 90.5 FM KSJS on Thursday nights from 11pm-midnight. Contact madman@ksjs.org for submission information) 1. Cormorant – The Last Tree 2. Spiralarms – S/T 3. Nefarion – Rapier Pt. I (demo) 4. Severed Savior – Servile Insurrection 5. Archer – Doom$day Profit$ 6. Bomb and Scary – Black Wishing Well 7. Exodus – Let There Be Blood 8. Thunderhorse – Blood, Fire, and Steel 9. Psychosomatic – The Unquenchable Thirst 10. A Band of Orcs – Warchiefs of the Apocalypse QUICK BITS: In a follow-up to last month’s report, A Thousand Kingdoms (featuring former members of Interseed) have recruited guitatist Toolio (formerly of the recently disbanded Currency .357) . . . Ivan Mungia (Vomit Trough/ex-Fetus by the Pound/Cursed) was recently announced as both the new bassist for Brain Drill and new second guitarist for Insanity . . . Taunted is putting the finishing touches on their sophomore album, Bleeding Black . . . Psychosomatic has welcomed guitarist Robert Ruiz to their ranks . . . Dropseven has announced the addition of new bassist Micha Whitfield (ex-Bipolar) . . . on the other hand, Zombie Holocaust is searching for a bassist. That’s all I have for this month. Remember, folks – I may be the writer here, but this is YOUR column, to keep you informed of the regional happenings and/or get the word out about your own band. So if you want to see your or your friend’s name in here, send your news to norcalmetal@ksjs.org. Not everybody is on MySpace, you know.
639 Lighthouse Ave Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 642-9404
Video Interview by Mike Lyon with
Praetorian 2/10/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com Introductions: Guitarist: Josh Gonzalez /Past bands: F.S.U. & Flesh Consumed Vocals: Drew Young /Past bands: F.S.U. & Torrid Guitarist: Mike Avina /Past bands: Liquid 8, F.S.U., Psychosis, & Legion Victorious Drummer: Bobby Beneshan YMM: What does Praetorian mean? Josh: It’s an elite Roman Guard for Caesar, at his disposal. At least that’s how it looked on Gladiator. Drew: They are bad motherfuckers. YMM: Praetorian is a pretty new band, how long have you been at it? Drew: We just had our second show on Friday the 13th; we played at the Black Box up at CSUMB. It went really great. It was an awesome show. Josh: Our first show was on Sabbath at The Metro Salinas. YMM: What do you sound like? Drew: I was thinking, power-groove metal with technical death metal. Mike: It’s like death metal for the Pantera kids. YMM: What’s up with the metal scene out in Monterey? Drew: There are a couple bands that keep going around and playing. Pride Subject and Blood Print. Jose’s Underground is the next place we’re playing in March. Josh: And Retribution keeps it going. YMM: I haven’t seen Doc Ricketts doing many shows lately. No more Lava Lounge or Club Octane. Josh: I think Paul Hastey is kind of dropping off the promotion end of that. When the Lava Lounge closed he took that whole thing over to Doc’s. From what I understand he’s just been really busy. He was really a lynch pin in the whole Monterey music scene. The closing of The Lava Lounge was probably the biggest blow to the scene. YMM: What is upcoming for the band? Drew: We will have 3 songs recorded by Monday so we’ll get those up on the Internet and start networking. YMM: Where are you recording? Drew: At CSUMB with Mike’s roommate, its part of his recording class. YMM: How can you be contacted if someone wants to book the band? Drew: You can contact me at: dlymetal@yahoo.com also (831) 306-2146 YMM: Any last words? Josh: Keep it metal. Mike: Watch out for Praetorian.
MONTEREY BANDS SIGN UP for the “live Performance” event NOW!
with all your contact information.
Video Interview by Mike Lyon with
Britannia Arms
Parish Pub
Boardwalk Bowl Coasters Lounge
A Band Of Orcs 2/19/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com Introductions: Hulg ElfR.I.P.per - Zombie oRc plays Crunchy Guitars YMM: Likes/Dislikes Hulg: Crunchy Guitar and him (Gogog). YMM: Any human bands that you have played in the past? Hulg: Just For Dinner.
<Hail Gzoroth> all Orcs yell!
Oog Skullbasher - War Drums and other bangings YMM: I bet your likes are skull Gogog Bloodthroat - Vocals & Power Presence bashing? YMM: Likes/ Dislikes Oog: and much Gogog: Blood, fire, death, desturtion of the hu- wenching! man kind/ Humankind (Laughing From Orcs). YMM: what is Cretos Filthgrinder - Pointy Lead & Rhythm the diet of an Guitars, Pointy guitar make things dead, Orc? What do you eat? Pointy guitar make things dead. Oog: Elves, human, <Gogog>anything in my YMM: What do you like to do on a beautiful path. Sunday afternoon? YMM: Why do orcs love metal so much? Cretos: Add heads to the pile….. Next I’ll add Band: Good war music, good slaying music! your head! YMM: If one of you were to get the ring, what would you do? Gronk! - Shamnism and Bass Guitars (w/ Band: What ring? Is there a ring? Sell it for genuine dwarfgut strings) wenches and ale. Sell the ring and then kill the YMM: How long have you been playing? person you gave it to, to get it back. Gronk: year and a half. YMM: Do chicks dig orcs? YMM: how old might you be? Band: Ugly is sexy. That is what the T-Shirt Gronk: In human years I can not say, time says. passes differently were we come from. YMM: What are some of your next shows? YMM: Where do you come from? Band: Winter Death at the Mateel in Humboldt. Gronk: Hirntodia YMM: What are you going to do in Humboldt? YMM: Likes/ Dislikes? Band: Kill stoners, level the city, dominate Gronk: slave elves/ All opposed to us and the everything, evoke wenching, fire, blood, and domination of human kind! procreation! YMM: How can people hear all about the band? Band: itunes, Amazon, Stockhound, cdbaby, our website and myspace. YMM: Any last words to the humans? Band: Prepare for totalization, All Hail the Mighty Gzoroth! Your Music Olympciks Fri. 4/17 @ Coaster’s Lounge ARCHER – A BAND OF ORCS CRUCIFORNICATION
Video Interview by Jake Student with The NaySayers 2/19/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com Introductions: Ken Smith- Bass Guitar and a little guitar Played: 6 years Style: Blues, Rock, and Punk Influences: Parliament, Chili Peppers, YMM: Other projects or bands? Ken: No YMM: How was the last year for you? Ken: Mellow, I have been searching to find player to play with. “He is really the guitarist but we recruited him to play bass” Duffy Park -Lead vocalist Played: I started with hip hop 12- 15 years ago with lyrics. From there I moved to Chico for 4or 5 years doing a lot of free style and back yard parties. From there I took four or five years off in tell I started working with the band. YMM: What do you write lyrics wise these days? Duffy: whatever is relevant, lately. We have a little bit about the war. We try to keep it real to what we do. We try to show more hip-hop than bling of fancy cars (nothing against that style) it is not just our style. YMM: What do you think the central theme of hip-hop on the central coast area? Duffy: Honestly I have been out of it. Really have been impressed by what I have seen so that is why we have taken to more of rock sound like rage and have slowed it down like sublime. Jake - Guitar and bass “switch it up” Other projects: the Undecides Played: Fourteen years, my pops played guitar, he showed me a few things and yeah. YMM: Are you excited to mix hip-hop and rock? Jake: Yeah, I was timid at first about what it would bring. Murphy Park-Drummer / MC / Producer Murphy: I lay it down in percussion always. YMM: How did the Naysayers start were you just a hip- hop group? Murphy: Originally it was me and Rob with bedroom stuff. We just started to like it and started making beats. I really didn’t have
anyone to spit, so it was really myspace that took us off. We started getting shows around Santa Cruz. People just keep coming back to the shows. They feel the live stuff. YMM: Difference energy wise? Band: a lot of difference, from two members to live playing. Rob - MC Started with lyrics five years ago, free styling at parties. I got a hold of Murphy’s beats and started making stuff in my basement. YYM: What are you working on right now? Shows? Albums? Band: Were so new, only been a band since August, we don’t really want to record an album in tell we have an album worth of quality material.
YMM: Your still defining yourself. Band: March 27th Your Music Olympics at the Brookedale lodge YMM: were should people check out your stuff? Band: myspace.com/naysayermusic also on facebook. Check out the online interview to see a live freestyle from the Naysayers at: www. yourmusicmagazine.com under the YMM videos tab.
Britannia Arms
Parish Pub
Boardwalk Bowl Coasters Lounge
Video Interview by Jake Student
Britannia Arms
Parish Pub
Boardwalk Bowl Coasters Lounge
with Rapid Fire 2/19/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com Introductions: Danny: I play guitar and I sing. Chris: I play drums. Tim: I play bass. YMM: What’s your name mean? How did you pick your name? Danny: We just pretty much sat down with a list of names that the drummer invented and checked off all of the bad ones. Chris: Literally, we picked Hurricane Fire… Danny: But it sounded like a Power Rangers movie. YMM: So why Rapid Fire? Danny: We thought it was cool; we thought it kinda fit us. Chris: That was the second name on the list. YMM: How old are you guys? Danny: We’re all twelve. YMM: How long have you been playing music for? Danny: Chris and I have been playing for two years, and Tim has been playing for about a year and a half. YMM: What got you interested in actually picking up an instrument? Tim: My dad for one is a drummer, Danny: And we thought guitar was really cool. We actually did a lot of practices with the band Jackie Rocks. YMM: Have you done any shows with them? Danny: One. Tim: At Brookedale Lodge. Danny: Oh, and we did one show where we played with them, a party. YMM: Playing house parties already, huh? Danny: Oh we played with them; I was rhythm guitarist for them. YMM: What kind of influences got you into the style of music you play today? Danny: Judas Priest, Guns N’ Roses, Black Sabbath; we play two of their songs; Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Skid Row, stuff like that. YMM: So you like the old stuff… All: Yeah. YMM: Where do you see your music going in the
next couple of years? What would you guys like to get out of it? Danny: What do you mean by a couple of years? YMM: Okay, let’s say one year… Chris: Go on tour. Danny: Probably playing at slightly bigger venues, like Britannia Arms, which is our favorite. Chris: And the Avalon. Tim: More house parties. YMM: You guys have played the Avalon? Danny: We’ve been to the Avalon, and we really want to play it. YMM: So what are most of your songs about? Danny: One of them is about Chris, in the studio, he is like really obnoxious. That’s the funny one. It is kind of self-explanatory. Chris: Basically what we do it is get into the studio and kick out random stuff… Danny: That is cool and our producer Robin writes it down. YMM: So what has it been like being so young and starting a band? Christ: All of the other bands [in the area] are all really supportive of us playing music. YMM: So what do you guys like to do when you are not playing music? Danny: Listen to music, skateboard, spray-painting, and don’t forget partying. YMM: How supportive have your parents been through all of this? Danny: Tim’s mom and our moms have been insane promoters. Tim: My dad really supports the idea. Danny: His dad is an active musician in the band Megatone, He is the drummer. He helps us by being the roadie. Tim: He shows Chris some things on the drums. We switch off: I roadie for his band, and he roadies for us. YMM: What about albums? Are you guys going to be working on anything soon? Danny: We’re working on an original album right now. Four original songs. We don’t really have a name for it yet.
Video Interview by Mike Lyon with
F.U.B.A.R. 2/10/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com
Introductions: Drummer: James Castro (AKA: Flesh) / Plays: Tama Rock Star (five piece set) “It plows, and makes a lot of noise” /Influences: John Bonham, Pat Travers Guitar/ Vocals: Jake Nielson/Plays: Fender Stratocaster /Influences: Stevie Ray Vaughan, Hendrix Bass: Jesse Salaba /Plays: Fender P Bass /Influences: “early blues to Hendrix, early reggae to new reggae to punk & ska” YMM: I saw on your web site, www.cafubar.com you’re working on a full-length CD. FUBAR: Yeah, Should be sometime in the middle of the year, It’s called “The Ravaging” and is going to have sixteen tracks, we’re hoping to release it sometime around March. YMM: Where did you record your new CD? FUBAR: We recorded at Indigital Stu-
dio’s, Big Brody. It was “F’n cool man”, “Good times, laid back”. YMM: What do you have left to finish up the album? FUBAR: Were working on getting the artwork and credits for the final product. YMM: Who does the song writing? FUBAR: Jesse and Jake bring most of the lyrics or tunes to the band, but it is a collective; whoever has an idea can throw it out there. YMM: Did you have all the songs written before you went into the studio? FUBAR: No, some just popped up; a couple songs are freestyles. YMM: You’re playing in the 2009 Your Music Magazine Olympicks March 21st at The Parish Publick House, a new pub on the West Side of Santa Cruz. Last year your band did well in the Band Olympicks, Jake won silver in the Guitar Solo competition in Santa Cruz, and also Bronze in the Monterey competition. What was it like to play in the Guitar Solo Competition? Jake: It was a good time, Flesh and I started off at some bar down the street and when I got there it was kind of late so I just jumped right into it and started shredding. There were a lot of really good guitar players. YMM: Any other shows coming up? FUBAR: March 1st in South Lake Tahoe, and then back down in Santa Cruz on May 7th at the Crows Nest, Check our web site at www.cafubar.com.
YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS Sat. 3/21 @ The Parish Publick House NORTH SWELL - FUBAR
Britannia Arms
Parish Pub
Boardwalk Bowl Coasters Lounge
Video Interview by Jake Student
Britannia Arms
Parish Pub
Boardwalk Bowl Coasters Lounge
with Honest Mistake 2/28/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com YMM: What have you been up to lately? Mike: Well, Right now newest, latest and greatest thing we are working on is a demo. We are recording at Indigital Studios and making some really good progress there. We are looking at getting our stuff out for you guys to get your hands on sometime in the middle of June. We will be having our CD release party at Coasters. Be sure to be there it’s going to be a really good time. I don’t want to give away all the surprises right now but be sure to keep in touch with us and we’ll give you the details. YMM: What’s the best way to stay in touch with you? Cody: Myspace us. Myspace.com/honestmistakemusic- say what’s up, give us shout outs, tell us what you think. Give us some love and we’ll give it back. Pete: “It’s the fi-nal countdown”. YMM: I interviewed you guys about a year ago, how has your music progressed since then? Mike: The progression has gone really well. With the amount of time we have to put into the band now, we’ve made some pretty good strides. As all you musicians know out there, it takes a lot of effort and dedication to get a real defined process in place to make the music more tight. We’ve really been focused on trying to collaborate as a team and work with each other to tighten up our music. Cody: We definitely like keep in the diversity thing alive in everything we do. We take it from metal to hiphop to straight funk, a little bit of reggae here and there, maybe some blues in there, just have fun with it. Doug: I think our key is energy. What we do that other bands don’t do is we just bring this energy and have fun. We feed off the crowd and the crowd feeds off of us. Other bands are always chasing the dream to be this great band and get signed and we just want to play, we just want to rock the house. We want our friends to have a reason to go out and toss back a few beers. YMM: If tomorrow you could have whatever your dream in music may be come true, what’s life going to be like? Doug: Wake up at 12:00 instead of 6:00AM and no shower in the morning. Mike: We’ll have a beer sponsor. Cody: I’d have a harem of women, no? If we could be touring and making more music that would be the platinum dream. Doug: I want to wake up in some town and not know where I am. YMM: What’s been your favorite venue to play so far? Doug: The Catalyst. Mike: Main stage Catalyst. They’ve got great sound, they can accommodate a lot of people and that by far puts them over the other venues in Santa Cruz. Cody: For me, I have the most fun at Coasters. The energy is great. We get treated the best and get to bowl. A big shout out to Rogelio! You’re the man! YMM: It’s not easy to keep the scene alive, how do you guys deal with that? Mike: The best way that we are handling it is to limit our shows. If you are that band that’s playing 5 days a week, and you can only get your bro’s out to support you a few times a week, you may want to consider maybe doing one two shows a month in your area; it gives people a reason to come out. YMM: What do you want to say to your fans? Mike: I want to say thanks for being there for us and supporting us all these years. I just want you guys to know we appreciate you as a band. The biggest payoff for all this hard work is to watch you enjoy yourself and have a good time out there.
SANTA CRUZ CALENDAR Sat. 3/7 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa KEVEL-PRIDE SUBJECT-VIBRANT IRIS-ATS Thurs. 3/12 @ The Crows Nest
Sat. 3/14 @ Coaster’s Lounge
Sat. 3/21 @ The Parish Publick House
Sat. 3/28 The Britannia Arms (APTOS) YMO Vocalist Event w/ THE DEADRINGERS
Fri. 4/10 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa JACKIE ROCKS - MY STUPID BROTHER Sat. 4/11 The Parish Publick House tba
Thurs. 4/16 @ The Crows Nest tba Fri. 4/17 @ Coaster’s Lounge ARCHER – A BAND OF ORCS CRUCIFORNICATION
Sat. 4/18 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa PARIAH FACTION - HONEST MISTAKE
$2000 FINALS - Saturday May 2nd @ The Catalyst The Parish Publick House
Inn and Spa
Britannia Arms
Video Interview by Donovan Dresti with Left Of Christ 2/19/09 from YourMusicMagazine.com
Introductions: OJ: Guitarist /Plays Fernandes Monterey & Ravelle Andy: Guitarist Robbie: Bass Kyle: Drums Charlie-Keyboards YMM: What are your musical influences? OJ: I like a lot of stuff like punk rock, metal, some blues, and a bunch of random stuff. What are your hobbies besides music? OJ: I like riding motorcycles and playing guitar, I don’t really do much other than that. I’m boring-I know. YMM: I hear you guys have a new CD out, is that true? OJ: Yes it is, it’s called Three Sheets to the Wind and it just released at the end of January. YMM: Where can someone get it? OJ: We have it available online through our myspace.com/leftofchrist or www.leftofchrist.com; you can also pick it up on itunes. YMM: What are the bands plans for 2009? OJ: We want to get more shows, do a couple of mini-tours. We’re trying to get on Warped Tour. YMM: If you could be anyone famous who would it be? OJ: I would be Donovan Dresti. YMM: Any shows booked? We don’t have any more shows booked as of yet. We’re trying to focus on getting a permanent singer instead of just a fill-in for shows. What we’re looking for in a singer is someone who has a strong melodic voice, similar to Ryan (our old singer) but not a copycat. A little rougher would be cool, but we’re trying not to be super picky. Someone who’s chill and wants to make some new friends. Just the basics. YMM: Any last words for the kids comin up in bands? OJ: Do your own thing. SAN JOSE BANDS SIGN UP for the “live Performance” event NOW! E-MAIL mikelyon@yourmusicmagazine.com
with all your contact information.
San Jose
MOS Apr 11 FREEX / THE RICHARD CHASE Drew Roullette (bassist from DREDG) just informed me BAND @ KIMOS that they will releasing their new album late March/early April. This album I’m sure will be nothing short of amazFriday, March 20, ing, and a post tour will be happening after it drops and 2009 -Michael they’ll be taking Red Bull cases with them on the long and Schenker Group/ hard road. Check www.dredg.com for details. Doug Doppler/ Points North at VinLive Nation Presents: Lamb Of God/As I Lay Dying/ nie’s in Concord! Children Of Bodom/Municipal Waste/God Forbid: 4/4 @ the Events Center at San Jose State University. Allofasudden 4/11 @ The Independent No one supports the local SJ band scene more agAbout Allofasudden: Driving rhythms, fiery guitar playgressively than Barbrocks. Be sure to check out her ing, and layered harmonies all play a part in creating the March show calendar on page 59 of this issue, and get multifaceted Allofasudden sound. While hard to pin into to a show, dammit! More info available at www.mysone specific genre, a keen sense of melody and unforced pace.com/barbrocks. psychedelia pervade everything AOS does, from big rock choruses to dirty grooves to subtly twisting progressions. Did you make it to the new Halo Guitars custom gui*Tyler Shusterman: Guitar and Vocals *Sean Stringfellow: tar shop in Cupertino yet? The shop had it’s grand Bass and Vocals *Andrew Henning: Guitar and Vocals opening last month, and if you’re looking for the best *George Bersis: Percussion *Jake Wood: Drums in new guitar technology and style get down to Halo Guitars ASAP and ask for Jeff. And tell’em Mike sent FLOOZY Apr 15 The Retox Lounge, with The Backup Raya. The new shop is located at 21621 Stevens Creek zor, Teraton, Law Abiding Citizens, and TBA Blvd., right off of the 85. Open Mon.-Fri. 9AM to 6PM. (408) 873-8606 St. Patrick’s Day is always a blast, and this year the party’s going to be at The Voodoo Lounge in Downtown SJ. Rock the night away with locals The Uglies and Talky Tina. Doors will be at 8PM, with only a $5 cover. Get more info about this and other Voodoo shows at www.voodooloungesj.com. There is a great show this month at The Blank Club. On Saturday, March 28th, Insolence will be performing with Dirtbag Dan, All City Elite, and North Swell. Insolence has left a permanent mark on the SJ scene, and if you’re not careful, you’ll miss ‘em. So mark your calendars, people! (You can use the mag centerfold calendar if necessary)
San Francisco Amazing band “GOOD HUSTLE” will be playing at Nickel City on March 7th. They are an amazing band, go see them live! Their energy drink of choice is Red Bull and they will be sippin’ some pre-show I’m sure. FlexXBronco upcoming shows: Feb 27 2009 King Cobra W/ Altar Boy’s -Seattle, WA Feb 28 2009 Porky’s Cafe and Lounge W/ Altar Boy’s -Longview, WA Mar 20 2009 Annies Social Club w/ The Grannies, Fracas and Midnight Bombers -San Francisco, CA Mar 27 2009 SURF CITY SALOON W/ THE AMPLIFIERS -Huntington Beach, CA Apr 10 2009 Bottom of The Hill, Record Release Show W/ Eric McFadden and Supposatori Spelling -San Francisco, CA Mar 14 SPACE MONKEY GANGSTAS AND THE BEN BENKERT BAND @ GRANT AND GREEN S.F. -FREE SHOW! Mar 28 ABCENT SOCIETY /HOSTILITY/3RD RAIL/FALLING TO PIECES @ KIMOS Apr 4 DISKARTE NAMIN/ AMAYA/ HONEY CHILE @ KI-
Santa Cruz
Padded Cell Productions Proudly Presents The Dickies, Choke on This, Fire Whiskey & The Luxury Sweets. April 10, 2009 Blue Lagoon 923 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz CA 95060 Redbullsurfing.com is supporting Pacific Wave’s 2nd Annual “Spring Fling”. The surf contest on March 17th at Pleasure Point features super pros such as local ripper Jason “Ratboy” Collins who will be in attendance to compete and many more, don’t miss it... YMM is working with Red Bull Energy Drinks this year, and we look forward to significant support from them in ’09. THE 2009 SANTA CRUZ YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS OFFICIALLY KICKED OFF LAST FRIDAY (2/27) AT THE BROOKDALE INN AND SPA! The ’09 SCYMO is officially underway, with the 1st show (last Friday, 2/27, at The Brookdale Inn and Spa) proudly showcasing one of my favorite artists, Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane had the most votes on the night, but only at the completion of the Preliminary event will we know if it was enough to get her to the Catalyst Finals. This year’s SCYMO feature’s over 40 local bands at the best live music venues in town (The Brookdale Inn and Spa, Coaster’s Lounge, Parish Publick House, The Britannia Arms in Aptos, and of course The Catalyst Finals on Friday, May 1st). After working out the kinks in the ’08 YMO event, this year’s competition will be smooth and refined. Last year we awarded over $25,000 in cash and prizes to the top bands in Santa Cruz, San Jose, and Monterey; this year’s event will feature bands in those markets, as well as San Francisco and Sacramento. Be sure to go to our website (yourmusicmagazine.com) to view up to the minute YMO updates, and check out page 58 in this issue for the current SCYMO calendar. Don’t forget, without your support your favorite bands won’t move on to Catalyst Finals and have a chance to walk away with some of the over $7000 in cash and prizes. The top SCY-
MO bands will also get an opportunity to participate in future YMO events. Be sure to get out and support this year’s sponsors, because without their support Your Music Magazine and the Your Music Olympicks would not be possible. SPONSORS: Epiphone Guitars- Thanks to them, over $16,000 worth of brand new guitars will be earned by hard working independent bands in this year’s events. Frenchy’s Cruzin’ Books and Video- Dedicated to helping make your erotic fantasies into reality. Indigital Recording Studio- With the finest recording equipment in town, owner Brody Bergholz has worked with most of the successful local bands here in Santa Cruz. Coffeetopia- 3 local locations, friendly service, and they support you, the local musician! More Music- Amazing guitars, complete stock of accessories, and the most helpful staff I’ve ever met at an equipment shop.
BLOOD PRINT has also been in the studio and is coming out with a 16 track full length CD! CD release April 25 at Lounge Underground 638 Wave St. Monterey, Ca 93955 RETRIBUTION BLOG: www.myspace.com/retribution -After a great deal of effort, we have created a single song standalone version of a guitar hero clone for you to download. The program is called Frets on Fire, and with it you can play the single The Void. This is sort of a pre-release beta version, and it is not fully tested. Depending on the response this gets, there may be more songs, custom graphics, etc. Retribution Hero http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FZEFKI0L You should just be able download it, unzip it somewhere on your hard drive and start fretsonfire.exe. Play is done with the F1-5 keys, enter/shift is the guitar pick, and page down starts star mode. Check out http://fretsonfire.wikidot.com/ for instructions on using a guitar hero controller, adding more songs, links for a mac version, and other faqs. It is possible to get this song working on a modified console, visit http://www.scorehero.com/forum/ for instructions on that. Check out the DEAD RINGERS: Mar 28 2009 your Music Olympicks Santa Cruz “Best Vocalist” event @ The Britannia Arms Apr 3 2009 Carbone’s -Monterey, CA Apr 17 2009 Jose’s Lounge underground Monterey, CA Apr 18 2009 -Aptos Britannia Arms. The Dead Ringers are a classic rock, hard rock, heavy metal, grunge, alternative cover band.... WTF? hendrix, zztop, zepplin, metallica, slayer, alice in chains, soundgarden, smashing pumpkins etc. coming to a bar near you.
Be sure to support Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., as they are again sponsoring Your Music Magazine in ‘09. Every person who enjoys YMM (and the local events that are featured in the mag) needs to realize how important it is to support the businesses that believe in what we’re trying to accomplish, such as giving local musicians a COUNTER CLOCKWISE have some upcoming shows: voice in their community (and beyond). Mar 21 2009 Henflings Tavern -Ben Lomond, California Special thanks to our newest YMM advertisers- Parish Publick Apr 4 2009 The Black Box @ CSUMB -Marina, California House (home to 2 of this year’s YMO shows, on March 21st and May 9 2009 Henflings Tavern -Ben Lomond, California April 11th), Irie Motivations (THEY REPAIR GLASS! See their ad COUNTER CLOCKWISE would like to thanks all our friends, fans on page 4), Chop Shop Beauty Bar (cool local stylists who love and all the other maniacs for comming to our shows and website to local music), and CSUMB (check out their venue, the Black Box support us. You Fuckin Rock. Our debut CD is out!!! We now have T shirts, Pick them up at our shows. Counter Clockwise is from Cabaret) down in Monterey. MONTEREY CA. Founded by the metal driven guitarist Jason. JaI want to remind our readers that Aloha Island Grille not only has son and drummer Reggie began a quest for a ball out bass player. the best Hawaiian style food on the Central Coast, they also are By discovering Greg the band developed a solid foundation of rock our longest running continuous advertiser currently in the maga- riffs backed by heart pounding power. Completing this astounding zine. GREAT FOOD, GREAT PRICES, AND STAUNCH SUP- line-up with Roman on lead vocals. PORTERS OF YOU, THE LOCAL MUSICIAN, AND THE LOCAL MNEMONIC DEVICE is almost done with their new CD! Catch MUSIC SCENE! So get out and support them ASAP! them live with Tenth Key and Beerajuana at The Lounge UnderWith bands like Dirty Penny, Cylinder, Honest Mistake, Sarah Jane, ground March 7th Craig’s Brother, The Devil Himself, and FUBAR currently or recently in studio recording new albums, be sure to keep an eye out for local CD release parties during the next couple months. Check out page 11 in this issue for more info about The Devil Himself’s CD release Sith Entertainment will be at The Boardwalk on Thursday, Mar. party. Also page 27 for info on the Cylinder CD release party. 19th. The show will feature local artists Ill Effect, Diligentz, Mr. Sef, M. Arenas, and 2-4-1. For more info about this and other Boardwalk shows, go to www.boardwalkrocks.com, and don’t forget to support local music! BLOOD PRINT is making the rounds, don’t miss the Hateness! Local Alt. Rock favorites Save and Continue will be performing on Mar 12 2009 @ FATCAT -Modesto, California Mar. 14th at The Distillery in Downtown Sac. I have always been Mar 21 2009 @ Crossroads -Fresno, California personally impressed with S and C, both with their music and lyrics. Mar 29 2009 @ FATCAT -Modesto, California Billy Schult is one of the most talented vocalists I’ve worked with, Apr 25 2009 @ The Lounge Underground -Monterey, California and this group is a must see. Also performing- A Single Second May 9 2009 @ Henfling’s -Ben Lomond, California and Tallboy. Great line-up, great show. May 16 2009 @ Crossroads -Fresno, California May 29 2009 @ Henfling’s -Ben Lomond, California Jun 5 2009 @ Coasters Bar and Grill –Santa Cruz, California Submit news to: mikelyon@yourmusicmagazine.com
Psyopus &
THEE PARKSIDE, SF 1/24/09 By: Mat Weir It’s a freezing Saturday night outside Thee Parkside and with every blow of the wind I’m cursing myself for forgetting a jacket. I was already pissed that night because I had, earlier that day, been standing behind a booth at a dog show, surrounded by thousands of crazy dog people all complaining that their “bitch is a real picky eater,” and then trying to engage me in riveting 15 minute plus conversations about dog nutrition. Yeah. So when I realized I had forgotten a jacket in 20 degree weather with the anger of Zeus blowing, well, that was just the icing. The only thing saving my sanity and thus the surrounding people from my wrath was knowing that inside awaited two golden interviews: the techmetal band Psyopus, and the gore-rific Cattle Decapitation. I was ready to get some aggression out and this was just the place. I had only first heard Psyopus when I found out I had the interview but I didn’t have to listen long to become a fan. Formed in 2002, Psyopus has been blazing a trail of innovative metal like nobody else on the scene. Demonic notes, countless time changes, gut wrenching screams and sublime harmony are all staples of this four piece from Rochester, NY. Their new album, Odd Senses, dropped Feb. 17 and if you have any sense of good metal, you will go out and buy it. If not, then do it because I said so. After gathering my bearings, I was able to sit down with founding father Christopher “Arpmandude” Arp for a discussion about what exactly Psyopus represents and where it will be taking music in the future. Alright, so it’s only a couple days in, but how is the tour going so far? Arp: Good, good. We had a bunch of dates coming from upstate New York down to here, so it’s been pretty good. Everyone has been super cool and the shows are getting progressively better. But I am really looking forward to getting back to the East Coast and
Psyopus I know some of these guys are excited about playing out there. We’re going to be playing some cities that I know we do well in and I’m sure that these guys will do well in. It’s going to be pretty groovy. Alright, so I read online that you have had trouble getting sponsored to the point that you’ve actually sent companies video of yourself playing just to prove your abilities. Arp: (laughs) Well, Mesa Boogie 45 didn’t believe I played as fast as
I claimed. So, I sent them a video and that’s where that story comes from. But otherwise it’s been pretty easy to receive a sponsorship. How did you learn to play so fast? Arp: I didn’t go to school, I didn’t do my homework, and just hung out and played. Just focused on your passion... Arp: Yeah, I guess. I’ve just always been a very hyper-active, high energy kid, too. When you’re playing fast you bring a certain intensity to the music. There’s stuff that came out of who my personality was. Hence, a zillion notes at times but it was never about playing as fast as I could; those parts just happened. There are plenty of guitarists who have articulated alternative picking way beyond my skills. No matter how much I work with a metronome, they’ll be able to just destroy me. But I do what I do and it sounds bad ass, so there you go. Who are your influences? Arp: My influences would be early Megadeth; very abstract riffs. They had a different way of looking at music and all the way through Rust in Peace they did stuff that no other thrash band accomplished. I think Psyopus’ attitude comes from this thrash band called Kalibas in Rochester, NY. . . .well, first there was Lethargy. Bill and Bränn from Mastodon originally played in Lethargy. They were a wackcore, techmetal band, which is what I wanted to do. Rochester just had a good scene for techmetal and weird shit. Until, then I hadn’t even heard anything that impressed me except for some shitty Cannibal Corpse. But at that time, I didn’t even know what it was; it just sounded like a bad recording. So up until someone showed me Lethargy, Pantera had been the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. But Lethargy changed my life! Then Kalibas came and I knew all the guys so I used to beg to be in the band. They were just the fastest, most extreme thing I had ever heard! I was ready to do that! I was gonna be in the band, but they ended up getting along too well to kick anyone out. So, that’s when I started doing Psyopus, but we’re still friends with those guys. I really try to make our band sound different. Even from a young age I wanted to make music as unique as possible. So I guess my inspiration was just the wanting to hear something different coming from current music. It’s been the band’s attitude--and always mine even from the beginning--that 46
there’s enough of the same shit coming out of bands. I’m not against breakdowns, I love them. But Hatebreed came out and did such a good fucking job that everyone wanted to sound like Hatebreed. Then, what really gets you pissed off, is when you go on tour and there are bands in EVERY CITY that sound the fucking same! I want to be supportive of the little kids who come up, “Hey man, here’s my demo.” But then I’ll ask what they sound like, “Oh, you know, melodic metal.” Well…(sigh of disappointment) And that’s in every town! Yeah, I actually had never heard your music before I found out I was interviewing you. And once I did, I was just left wondering how that could’ve happened. Arp: Well we’re really excited about the new album. It’s going to be a conceptual, art fag festival. Lots of conceptual ideas, but it’s not a “concept album.” Sure, the lyrics go together and it has the characteristics of, say, The Wall. But it’s conceptual in the abstract music sense. So if you are just getting into the band, the new album is going to be THE album.
Travis Ryan Half-hour later I was meeting up with Cattle Decapitation bassist, Troy Oftedal, in search of singer Travis Ryan and a quiet room to do the interview. I first discovered Cattle Decapitation in 2006 with their then new release, Karma. Bloody. Karma. I had been eating a vegetarian diet for only about a year and was a huge fan of horror movies, so right away the lyrics about eating humans mixed with their beyond gory album art, sparked the devil in me. Hailing from San Diego, Ca. Cattle Decapitation is an all-out assault on everything you may hold dear and holy. Watching them play that night was epic. Travis’ booming growls and goat-like screeches played off the wailing grind of Josh Elmore’s guitar while
Troy and drummer David McGraw rained down thunderous beats upon the drunk crowd packed tightly in the bar. The interview was great and they couldn’t have been cooler guys. So if you are ever in San Diego, go to Hamilton’s Pub & Cafe for the full Cattle Decapitation experience. And if that doesn’t make sense, then keep reading.
Troy Oftedal
record. He was really involved in the writing process. Travis: Sorry, this was the first time we’ve had a drummer who wanted to! Troy: (laughs) Yeah! He was totally awesome and it was great having a fourth person there for the extra creativity. He definitely added to the songs. Travis: Yeah for some reason, me, Troy, and Josh have always had the same mindset. But finding a drummer…Luckily we found one who did! Usually it’s a give or take thing. I mean, coming from my pessimistic point of view, you would think we would have gotten someone who was totally on the same page but sucked and couldn’t come near what we wanted. But we got both! Someone who’s on the same page and kicks ass.
Alright, so the new album, The Harvest Floor, just came out. How is it better than previous albums? Travis: Eons, that’s a good word. I’d say it’s eons better. We’re more in tune, more pissed off---well, not so much “pissed off,” but I guess stressed out. To some extent we’re on an agenda to stay relevant, but at the same time the new album was more of a “look kids, we may be twice your age, but we’ll kill you.” (laughs)
So how did Dave join the band? Travis: We stalked him quietly for years (laughs). Basically when it was the right time for him, he called us up. At the same time, the band had been discussing how Mike, our old drummer, wasn’t really into it anymore. So, we went to let Mike go and instead he comes at us to say he didn’t want to do the next tour. (laughs) The situation was very similar to when we went to fire our other old drummer, Gabe. Troy: Yeah, that was a very mutual thing. Travis: Very mutual. We went to him and said, “Look dude, you’re not into this whole thing, it’s over.” Troy: But you know, it’s cool cause we’re all still friends. Travis: Oh yeah, definitely friends still.
So how is a Cattle Decapitation song written? Troy: Josh and I normally will sit at home and do a little here and there. We’ll meet once a week and go, “Alright here’s what I got,” “Ok cool, why don’t I add this?” So we try to put stuff together; try to get a formula going. When we’re actually in the studio testing it out, showing the riffs we made to the drummer, we’ll sometimes add to it. You know, stuff that will come to us on the spot. Basically that’s how it goes; we’re all over the place when it comes to writing. Sometimes it’s like, “Oh shit, I almost have an entire song written,” or in Josh’s case, “I have an entire song completely done!” So it’s all over the place, whatever happens, happens. Travis: And this is the first record where we actually let our drummer… Troy: …write some sort of original beats on the
You guys are notorious for having lyrics that discuss animal rights, the meat industry and the like. Are you involved in any protest actions or do you mainly get your message through your music? Travis: It’s more like an underlying thing in the lyrics. (laughs) We don’t have time to do anything else! But I think if we did it would be more proactive. Probably a better thing for us to do would not be in a death metal band, but at least we’re not preaching to the choir. For one thing, we’re not preaching at all! We don’t give a shit what people do, we’re just raising awareness. Unfortunately, a lot of people think we are militant, vegan activists but we aren’t. Troy: First of all, we aren’t vegans. Travis: Yeah, we’re more vegetarians. We say we’re not vegan because we want to be as truthful as 47
possible; we don’t want to mislead anyone. I’ll eat honey and some of us eat things with eggs, cheese, whatever. For us, it’s more about awareness than anything; knowing where your head is at and what’s going on around you. Another reason why we wouldn’t want to claim veganism is…well, look. If I was lost in the forest somewhere… Troy: You do what you have to do! Travis: Unless you’re an idiot and you want to starve! (laughs) But who’s really going to be in that situation? So is everyone in the band a vegetarian? Travis: Our drummer still eats shellfish and some other things. Not that this is an excuse or anything, but he’s from Chile and he claims it’s engraved in his heritage. And that’s another way to look at it: We’re not going to bust anybody for their culture. Troy: Yeah, really just do what you want. We
Josh Elmore don’t go around hurting anyone, and we don’t preach to them. Travis: (laughs) Yeah, we’re really misunderstood people. Everyone thinks we’re hardcore PETA activists and that’s just misinformation. In fact, those people could probably learn a lot from us if they just dropped the whole, “Everyone has to be Ingrid Newkirk and if you eat meat we’re out to get you” thing. We really believe in “to each their own.” If anything, our music just gives the information, you can take it or leave it. At the end of the day it’s death metal, so good luck understanding what the hell I’m saying! (laughs) Alright, I have to ask, just how DID the Cattle Decapitation burger come about? (a quick silence sets in, Troy and Travis look at each other with grins) Travis: Well…he (points to Troy) actually works at the place, but 48
it’s not like he went in and said, “Hey, I got this idea…” Troy: They hit us up. Travis: And then Troy called us saying, “Davey wants to name a burger ‘Cattle Decapitation’” and of course we were ok with it. Troy: So I called Davey back saying, “Yeah man, go for it,” and he just replied, “Good, I already put it on the menu.” Basically it came about because I worked at this restaurant/pub--you know, with crazy beers and all kinds of shit--and we have all different food there. Davey wanted to do a veggie burger and told me to figure it out, so I did. When it was done, he thought it would be funny to name it Cattle Decapitation. Honestly you don’t even have to be a vegetarian. There’s a lot of people who regularly order meat burgers that will also order the Cattle Decapitation. They like it for various reasons. It’s not imitating meat at all; just something completely on it’s own. Travis: Oh man, it comes covered in a bunch of really good sauces too. (sighs with satisfaction) Troy: Everything we use involves beer of some sort. EVERYTHING is made with beer, so it’s pretty awesome. Travis: And by a bunch of alcoholics! Troy: Oh yeah, by a bunch of total jackasses. (laughs) I’ll admit, I haven’t heard the new album yet, but I’m a huge fan of Karma.Bloody.Karma. Travis: It far exceeds. Troy: Ha. Yeah, it’s definitely a step and a half beyond that. Travis: We try to progress with each one. Troy: Yeah, but with this one we went a little farther. Travis: Well, I’m a pessimistic piece of shit, so I still think there’s always work to be done. And when I say that I mean the total decimation of everything else that’s out there. Well that’s a good goal to have! Travis: It might be unobtainable, but it’s the least we can strive for. Just how crazy are you guys to come up with the lyrics and song titles that you do? Travis: (laughs with a proud grin) We discover it everyday. Every moment I realize just how much crazier I’ve become. Nothing really shocks me. In fact, things I usually find weird and trip out on are things that are regular to “normal” people. And I’m sure the things I find normal are just completely fucked up to “regular” people. It just never gets weird enough.
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What happens when you go searching for the blackest, most vile and dark Metal on the planet? Well if you’re the grungy kids in Rick Spears and Chuck BB’s Eisner Award winning book Black Metal, most likely you get thrown into an ancient prophecy empowered by the legendary sword of Atoll and are forced to battle demons for your rightful place as Hell Baron of the Pit. As if you didn’t know... I had a chance to sit down with Metal-head artist Chuck BB at this year’s WonderCon in San Francisco... So can we expect a second volume of Black Metal any time soon? Hopefully before the end of the year. I’m about half-way done with the illustrations. It’s gonna’ be awesome. Maybe just a little more metal a little bit more satanic stuff. I think we got our footing with the first one and now we can kind of get a little more extreme with the next one. We’ve spent time in the real world with the characters and now it’s time to really go down and dirty. Did you enjoy doing the art for this story? You know, it’s 160 pages and I’m not going to lie, it’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of time, but I’m really proud of it. I put in all this time and something really cool came out of it, so it’s pretty awesome.
Obviously the book has done well with your Eisner win this past year. How’s the public response been for the book? The response has been pretty good. I think I only got one negative review. This guy didn’t get it. I talked to him and was like ‘here’s the deal...’. But it’s ok, because I won an Eisner. All these music magazines totally dug it. So the people that I wanted a good response from gave me a good response. Anything else you’re working on other than Black Metal Vol. 2? I just did this book over at Boom Studios called Nyarlathotep. It’s been doing pretty well. Comic-wise, some things may be on the horizon, but I don’t want to jinx it. I’m doing a bunch of covers right now. We’ll see. There may be something, but we’ll see.
5. This isn’t something I’m all that proud of, but on the other hand I was a youth at the time. When I was 7 or 8, the only metal I knew was what MTV provided. This was of course hair metal, and between my friends you could either be a supporter of Poison or Def Leppard (in retrospect, I realize that Def Leppard is a slightly better band). I however, was of the Poison-legion variety. To this day I have a very strong recollection of using a mammoth piece of pink sidewalk chalk to draw the Poison logo on my front porch steps. Sidewalk chalk is Metal as fuck, I know. 4. In the summer of 2006 Emperor reunited to play Los Angeles and New York once more. I never thought I would have had the chance to see them live, since I missed the Imperial Live Ceremony many years back. The moment they began playing “Thus Spake the Night Spirit” a nerdy chill ran up my spine, excellent. 3. For a brief moment in the mid-late 90s I thought Hardcore was cool, and went to some horrible show with Earth Crisis and Madball. I was enjoying the vocalist from Earth Crisis bloviate about how computers are ruining the world, when a Giant stepped on my left big toe, and tore it asunder. The resulting damage has created a perpetually returning ingrown toenail that at times has become so infected I have seriously thought about taking a photo, slapping on a Mayhem logo and sliding it in a jewel case and selling it as an alternate bootleg cover for the infamous “Dawn of the Black Hearts” Album. 2. I finally found and purchased Ulver’s “The Trilogie – Three Journeyes through the Norwegian Netherworlde” Vinyl Box Set. This three LP set collects the picture disc versions of my personal favorite Metal albums from my personal favorite Post-Black Metal outfit. The box set is super rare and set me back $200. I haven’t even listened to it yet, I just gaze longingly at its mighty awesomeness. I think that if anything this proves that I’m dedicated to the music, and I’m a huge lame nerd who doesn’t have $200 anymore. 1. That time I visited Norway, and a few of my friends talked me into burning down a church… Or not. Actually, probably that time that I drew some black metal kids, and Rick Spears was like “Hey that’s pretty sharp lets make a story around them” and then Oni Press was like “hey that story is pretty sharp lets make a book about them” and then they printed up a book about kids who were really into Black Metal! That’s probably my biggest bestest Metal Moment ever!
I originally met Bob Magnante in 2004 when I was a piercing apprentice at Yoni Tattoo in Los Angeles. While it’s always beneficial to keep a good rapport with your co-workers, right away I could tell that Bob was genuine when he talked to you. Over the time that I worked there we would become friends over discussions about music, politics, tattoos, art and Santa Cruz; I had just moved from there and it was his ultimate living destination. As even more time went on, I would watch him put on some of the cleanest pieces in the shop and even ended up getting some originals myself. In November 2008, a strange twist of events would leave an opening at True Art Tattoo in Santa Cruz and Bob began working there within the week. Recently I was honored enough to be able to sit down with my friend and interview him about tattoos, art, and owning your life. You’ve been tattooing out of shops for 12 years. Prior to that, I know you started off on your own. Yeah. I got tattooed by Bob Roberts in 1988, which was fucking scary getting tatted by that dude. And after that I ordered crappy equipment for too much money and started tattooing friends out of my house. Then I met Bob Vessels and Mark Mahoney. Bob started having me come into the shop; hanging out, drawing, scrubbing tubes and eventually making needles. Then I got to hang out with Mark, watch him tattoo, make needles, and then go home and try to do what I saw them doing. Plus, I kept getting tattooed by other people. I started getting my arms tattooed so I could watch. Then you go home at night and try to find someone to tattoo on. So it’s a home taught thing. I consider the first eight
years of tattooing my own learning. I don’t really consider it solid tattooing like out of a shop. I did have a portfolio of images, which landed me a job, but in Hollywood. So what was the first shop you worked at? The first shop was called L.A. Tattoo; it was on Hollywood Blvd. Basically you walked in and it was Harley Davidsons, bongs, pipes, whatever the fuck you wanted (rolls eyes). And of course, tattooing in the back. But fuck, Baby Ray was there; fucking Mike Brown was there. After doing that for two years, I had enough of a portfolio to get a better job at a real tattoo shop that was owned by an artist and off the boulevard. That was Studio City Tattoo. And how long were you there? It was four years at Studio City. And that was really good. The artists were good and it was more of a custom shop even though there was flash on the walls. Plus it was run properly; like sterilization. Compare that with L.A. Tattoo who had an Ultra-Sonic that sat out next to the autoclave. And I swear to god, the motherfuckers would reach their bare hands into the ultrasonic to pull out their tubes.
Awww, that’s a case of hepatitis waiting to happen. It was nasty, just gross. You’d have to be careful too, because everyone would want to tell you what to do. There are so many idiots
out there who aren’t good, but really think it. Do you focus on a particular style or does your style just flow naturally? Well, when I first started tattooing and getting tattooed, it was all about the traditional tattoos. But when I met Mark Mahoney and Bob Vessels, their style was single needle instead of mags. So instead you’d get these highly detailed images done in black and grey. For instance, Mahoney was the king of doing tiny, baby cherubs with just a crazy amount of detail. Basically my tattooing was similar to my drawing. I would pretty much do pen and ink style drawings throughout high school and into junior college, which then worked well for tattooing. However, after tattooing for a while in shops, my style began gravitating away from that single-needle, fine line, to a bolder line and a heavier feel. So I guess I went back to traditional. Alright, so if you could tattoo anyone, living or dead, who would it be? I think I’d just really like to be able to tattoo people who understand; people who are collectors or more than just someone walking off the street and picking out a tattoo. To have someone like that want a piece from me…that would make me happy. They know they can get a piece from anybody but they want something from you; that’s cool. That is more important to me than an actual person. (pauses) But, you know if I had to pick someone, maybe I would pick somebody who really inspires me. Like, high quality of tattooing in Santa Cruz, San Tennessee Williams. I love his plays, stories, Francisco, basically this whole area. It was everything. Shit, or like Hunter S. Thompson like, “Wow, the Bay is the Mecca!” You know or Bukowski! You know, someone who would you are going to walk in and get a good piece come at you with some weird thing they of art. Here you can have a good experience wanted tattooed. It would be an interesting with the artist, build a friendship and make experience to have to actually spend 45 connections. It took me 36 years to get out minutes with someone like that. of L.A. and then another couple to get here. What’s your favorite thing about I’ll be 39 this year, so it’s taken me almost tattooing? 40 years to get to Santa Cruz. So yeah, to Bob: I think it’s being able to go to work finally make it up here…that’s HUGE. everyday and actually create something. Plus I get paid for it! I can go to work--me, What would you be doing if you weren’t a guy who didn’t graduate college and didn’t tattooing? go to art school. But through work and Shit, probably pounding nails! I used to play determination, I can now go to work, draw, guitar as a kid; everyone wants to be in a have someone say, “I like that,” and then band. But after a little while I realized it wasn’t permanently put it on their body, all while my passion so I stopped. But, hell, I don’t getting paid. I’m blessed, truly blessed. know what I’d do… (pauses) I’d probably be in jail. I think I’d probably be a basket Well, you’re living the dream! case of some sort because there are so Yeah, it is sort of the American Dream. many things tattooing fills for me on so many People hate their jobs and everyday they different levels. It’s not just the creativity, it’s are pissed off to go to work. While I get to the different drives that tattooing fulfills. If go to work where we laugh and yuck it up I didn’t have that, I don’t know what would all day. Nobody tells me what to do so I get fulfill it. Whether it would be drugs, crime or to run my own show. Yeah (pauses) it’s the whatever, it would have to fulfill that rush; dream. I really think it’s what everybody that sense of…but see, tattooing is also a lot would want for themselves one day; to do more positive for me than it used to be. So what they want. Plus, ever since I’ve known maybe I would have to be doing something you I’ve been telling you that I wanted to live positive, but I really think I’d be kind of a fuck in Santa Cruz. up. Tattooing is all I know. And then always knowing that there was this
Viva La Revolution In a past issue of YMM we had a story about a man (and company) who was starting to make a big name for himself. His company grew and he gained a lot of respect as a promoter and CEO of the company Bulldogs Boneyard ENT & Records. During 2008 Bulldog fell sick with testicular cancer for the last time. He disabled his company and went through his treatments and in April of 2008 he finally had his cancer removed. Within a month he had lost his mother to a long battle with diabetes. During this series of unfortunate events he had an epiphany. He wanted to start a new company with the mindset of only helping others in need. According to Paul Gutierrez, former CEO of Bulldogs Boneyard ENT & Records, “ Bulldog was an image that grew for a few different reasons. His way of partying and hardcore attitude were a big part of it. And how we raised a few hundred grand for charities. This time it’s going to be bigger and better and it’s all for charity!” So this was the birth of Blackout Kandy ENT, a high geared entertainment company designed to help any local artist get discovered, and all shows will be done for charity, not their old standard of 75% of shows. Already this year they have done $50,000 for charity. The goal of the company is to hit 1 million for charity this year and the next big event is estimated to bring in the astounding total of $800,000. You can find all info on Blackout Kandy ENT at blackoutkandyent.com, also at myspace.com/blackoutkandyent. You all need to keep your ears open for the newest BKE artist, Sarah Jane, who is taking the scene by storm with her beautiful voice and looks; this girl has it all and is the next big thing to hit the rock industry.
“The only way to find yourself is walking that lonely road of faith by yourself” - Paul Gutierrez
SANTA CRUZ CALENDAR Sat. 3/7 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa KEVEL-PRIDE SUBJECT-VIBRANT IRIS-ATS Thurs. 3/12 @ The Crows Nest
Sat. 3/14 @ Coaster’s Lounge
Sat. 3/21 @ The Parish Publick House
Sat. 3/28 The Britannia Arms (APTOS) YMO Vocalist Event w/ THE DEADRINGERS
Fri. 4/10 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa JACKIE ROCKS - MY STUPID BROTHER Sat. 4/11 The Parish Publick House tba
Thurs. 4/16 @ The Crows Nest tba Fri. 4/17 @ Coaster’s Lounge ARCHER – A BAND OF ORCS CRUCIFORNICATION
Sat. 4/18 @ The Brookdale Inn & Spa PARIAH FACTION - HONEST MISTAKE
$2000 FINALS - Saturday May 2nd @ The Catalyst The Parish Publick House
Inn and Spa
Britannia Arms
San Francisco The Fillmore
3/06 Black Label Society 3/12 Cut Copy 3/13 The New Mastersounds 3/14 The Pretenders 3/15 The Pretenders 3/16 Blue October 3/17 Primal Scream 3/19 SubCity Take Action Tour 3/20 Brett Dennen 3/21 Brett Dennen 3/22 Ray Manzarek 3/23 Missy Higgins 3/26 Bob Weir 3/27 Robert Earl Keen 3/28 Y & T 3/30 Bonnie Prince Billy 4/01 Ratatat 4/02 Ratatat 4/03 The Disco Biscuits 4/04 Lila Downs 4/10 Yonder Mountain String Band
The Warfield
3/07 Tom Jones 3/13 G Love & Special Sauce 4/01 The Expendables 4/04 Lily Allen 4/07 Jacks Mannequin
Bottom of the Hill
3/17 Ariel Pink 3/18 Jason Webley 3/19 The Chop 3/20 Samsara Blues Experiment 3/21 Company Car 3/24 The Homosexuals 3/25 The Spinto Band 3/26 Dark Meat 3/27 Marnie Stern 3/28 Free Moral Agents 3/29 Trans Am 3/30 Pigeon John 3/31 Chad VanGaalen 4/01 Triple Cobra 4/02 White Denim 4/03 Great Lake Swimmers 4/04 Acid Mothers Temple 4/08 Clem Snide 4/09 Headlights 4/10 Eric McFadden Trio
Santa Cruz
The Catalyst
3/07 Moonshine Bandits 3/11 Andre Nickatina 3/12 Repeat Repeat 3/13 Greg Cross 3/14 The Lovemakers 3/15 Giant Panda Guerilla Squad 3/18 Tim Barry 3/19 John West 3/20 Al Frisby 3/21 Jackie Greene 3/24 Ok Go 3/26 Militia of Love 3/27 Please Do Not Fight
3/28 Robert Earl Keen 4/02 Martin Sexton 4/03 Ratatat 4/04 T.S.O.L. 4/07 The Disco Biscuits 4/10 Mike Pinto 5/1 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! $2,000 “Live Performance” Finals
Brookdale Inn and Spa
3/06 Table for 3 in the lounge / The Shakeshifters 3/07 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! Against the Spread/Kevel Pride Subject/Vibrant Iris 3/9 Everest and The Akron Family 3/12 Cylinder 3/13 & 14 Bluegrass Festival 2009 3/21 Nokie Edwards of The Ventures w/ Robbie & The Sundogs/ The Reef Riders 3/26 Herman Dune 3/27 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! The Backup Razor/The Naysayers/ Cylinder/Asyst 3/28 The Substitute Preachers 4/10 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! Jackie Rocks/My Stupid Brother 4/18 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! Pariah Faction/Honest Mistake
Coasters Lounge
3/06 Howlin’ Hounddog & The Infamous Loosers 3/13 The Soundcurrent 3/14 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! Beauty In Discord/Man Automatic/ Seduce The Dead 3/20 Hollywood 77th 3/27 Steffan Ross 4/3 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! The Devil Himself/300 Pounds/ Whatever Fits 4/17 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! Archer/A Band Of Orcs/Crucifornication
The Crows Nest
3/07 The Refugees 3/12 Your Music Olym-picks 3/13 Nora Cruz 3/14 Pacifi c Wave Night 3/20 B-Movie Kings 3/27 Power House Blues Band 3/28 Ronnie Dobbs & The Fuzz
The Parish Pub
3/14 Final Summation 3/20 Daytime ART SHOW 3/20 Fire Whiskey 3/21 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS! North Swell / FUBAR 3/26 A Single Second 4/11 YOUR MUSIC OLYMPICKS!
The Britannia Arms
3/07 The Jeffro Paul Band 3/10 SC Songwriter Contest 3/12 Larry Hosford & Friends 3/14 Wild Rovers 3/19 Larry Hosford & Friends
3/21 Mowalker 3/24 SC Songwriter Contest 3/26 Larry Hosford & Friends 3/28 YMO “Best Vocalist” Event w/ The Deadringers
Barb Rocks
3/17 Jekyl 3/18 Nattcu 3/19 Mr. Crowley 3/20 TV Stole my Name 3/21 Hotwired 3/26 Tripp 3/27 Terminal 6 3/28 World Romantic 3/30 Die Fast 4/02 Divine Heresy 4/04 Acidic 4/09 John Carpenter
3/06 Armored Saint 3/08 Soilwork 3/09 Boomkat 3/11 Cromwell 3/12 De La Soul 3/16 Petty Cash 3/17 Skid Row 3/18 Burlesque Bingo 3/19 Rick Springfield 3/20 The Adicts 3/21 The Adicts 3/23 Petty Cash 3/24 Destruction 3/25 Carnival 3/26 Forbidden 3/27 Pete Rock 3/28 Bleeding Through 3/29 DJ Quiks Groove 3/30 Petty Cash 4/02 Warped Tour Kickoff 4/03 The Haunted 4/04 A&R Connection
San Jose
Events Center @ SJ State University
4/4 Lamb Of God/As I Lay Dying/ Children Of Bodom/Municipal Waste/God Forbid 3/14 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino Red Sunday/RubberSideDown/ One Over Eight/ Automatic Rival 3/18 @ VooDoo Lounge Serenity Now/Usurper Vong/ Fasten/ Powder Train 3/22 @ Zen Lounge Northern Son/Echo Bridge/ Point 3/David Kerrey 3/28 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino Madman’s Lullaby/The Devil Himself/ Six Ounce Gloves/¿Anonymity? 4/04 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino My Monster/Test of Will/ One/Farewell Typewriter 4/15 @ VooDoo Lounge Bands TBA 4/17 @ Catalyst - Atrium Stage Bands TBA 4/25 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino Jade of Days/T Minus 7/more TBA
Club Retro
3/07 Consider the Thief
The Key Club
Monterey Live
3/10 Bidwell/Call the Cops 3/12 Expansion show 3/13 Coolfield/Anderson 3/19 Expansion Show 3/21 Playground Patriots 3/26 Expansion show 3/27 Hands of Hope 3/28 Carnifex 4/07 War of Ages
3/06 Andrea Blunt 3/07 Scarlet Symphony 3/08 Jesses Sunday Jam 3/09 Sean Smith 3/10 Orchestra of Antlers 3/11 Chris & Thomas 3/17 The Bog Iron Boys
3/13 Escape the Fate 3/14 RX Bandits 3/17 Breathe Carolina 3/18 Knights of the Abyss 3/19 Ill Effect 3/20 Luke Bryan 3/21 Hero’s Last 3/22 Brett Dennen 3/27 Craig Owens 3/28 Thriving Ivory 3/29 Suffocation 3/31 Burden of a Day 4/01 Sonny 4/02 Almost Nothing 4/03 Silverstein 4/04 Alesana
*Sea Otter Classic www.seaotterclassic.com Monterey, CA April 16-19 *Maverick’s Surf Event www. maverickssurf.com Half Moon Bay, CA *Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org *Joshua Tree Music Festival www. joshuatreemusicfestival.com Joshua Tree, CA May 15-17 *Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival www.bonnaroo.com Manchester, TN June 11-14 *SalmonAid Festival www.salmonaid.org Oakland, CA June 20-21 *High Sierra Music Festival Quincy, CA July 2-5 *Telluride Blues and Brews Festival Telluride, CO Sept 18-20
The Boardwalk
West Hollywood The Whisky
3/13 The Conleys 3/14 Scour 3/15 Natccu
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Music Festivals & Events:
Sat March 14 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino Red Sunday, RubberSideDown, One Over Eight, Automatic Rival Wed March 18 @ VooDoo Lounge Serenity Now, Usurper Vong, Fasten, Powder Train Sun March 22 @ Zen Lounge Northern Son, Echo Bridge, Point 3, David Kerrey Sat March 28 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino Madman's Lullaby, The Devil Himself, Six Ounce Gloves, ¿Anonymity? Sat April 4 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino My Monster, Test of Will, One, Farewell Typewriter Wed April 15 @ VooDoo Lounge Bands TBA Fri April 17 @ Catalyst - Atrium Stage Bands TBA Sat April 25 @ Britannia Arms - Cupertino Jade of Days, T Minus 7, and more TBA
For Booking please send email to:
More info online: www.barbrocks.com www.myspace.com/barbrocks
UpcomingSierra Nevada Brewing Co. Music Festivals and Events: *Sea Otter Classic www.seaotterclassic.com Monterey, CA April 16-19 *Maverick’s Surf Event www.maverickssurf.com Half Moon Bay, CA *Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org
*Joshua Tree Music Festival www.joshuatreemusicfestival.com
Joshua Tree, CA May 15-17 *Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival www.bonnaroo.com Manchester, TN June 11-14 *SalmonAid Festival www.salmonaid.org Oakland, CA June 20-21 *High Sierra Music Festival www.highsierramusic.com Quincy, CA July 2-5 *Telluride Blues and Brews Festival www.tellurideblues.com Telluride, CO Sept 18-20