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technological plan for education the Portuguese framework for ICT in education

technological plan for education framework

Lisbon Strategy Education and Training 2010 Program

Technological Plan

Making Europe the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world Developing skills for a Knowledge Society ICT as a basic tool for learning and working

Reinforcing the qualifications of the Portuguese people Higher quality in the education and training system

National Strategy for Sustainable Development

An inclusive Information and Knowledge Society Reinforcing ICT skills

Technological Plan for Education



School Portal

Technological Kit Computers, video projectors and interactive whiteboards


ICT Competencies Training and Certification

Simplex School School management platform

Electronic Assessment

Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Education

ICT Internships

High-speed broadband Internet

Internet in the Classroom Local Area Networks

ICT Academies School Card

School S@fety

Transversal Projects one 2 one initiatives for teachers and students Technological Support Centre for Schools

Technology technological kit for schools


To make the teaching / learning process increasingly more interactive To reinforce IT equipment in the classroom: Interactive whiteboards, computers connected to the Internet and video projectors


5 students per computer in 2008/2009, 2 in 2010 1 videoprojector in every classroom in 2010 1 interactive whiteboard in every 3 classrooms in 2010

Contents School portal


To create a portal for school community with content sharing, distance learning and collaborative tools

To facilitate the availability of quality digital educational contents online


To develop interactive teaching/learning methods To generalise the use of students’ e-portfolio

To create an electronic platform for school management

To increase efficiency in management and communication between agents in the teaching community To improve access to school information

Contents digital educational contents



To provide quality digital educational resourses, making them universally available at the school portal

To certify and make available quality digital educational resoures To stimulate the market for the production of digital educational resources under quality guidelines established by universities

Training ICT skills training and certification


To create a modular, progressive and subjectoriented ICT skills training and certification system for teachers and non-teaching staff

To generalise ICT skills training and certification


To promote the use of ICT in teaching and school management


Formal and informal training on the use of ICT in the classroom: Informal in-service training: workshops organised in each school by the school ICT team and by the school library coordinator. Formal in-service training and skills certification scheme that is on implementation. It holds credits for career development but it is not mandatory.

“one 2 one� initiatives in education

e.escola, e.professor and e.oportunidades initiatives


To provide lower and upper secondary school students, teachers and adults in adult education programmes with the opportunity to aquire laptops and broadband Internet connection at exceptional prices. The programme is co-funded by mobile telecommunication companies through the Information Society Fund


To generalise the use of computers and Internet in the teaching/learning process

e.escolinha initiative summary



To provide primary school students with the opportunity to acquire laptops and broadband Internet connection at exceptional prices.

To generalise the use of computers and Internet, starting at very early ages, at school and at home and to maximise their use in the processes of teaching and learning To introduce the first computer into homes through the youngest members of families providing equal opportunities in the access of Information Society

Underlying Principles

• Partnership industry universities authors parents associations and other education stakeholders regional and local authorities teachers in service training centres • Integration with other political education measures

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