e-Learning in Korea

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e-Learning in Korea

Ph. D. Suh, Young Suhk, Executive Director Global Cooperation Research Center Korea Education & Research Information Service (KERIS) March 2010, Spain

Table of Contents


Introduction of Korea

II KERIS Overview III Development of ICT in Education

I. Introduction of Korea

South Korea (ROK) at a Glance  Area: 99.6 K Sq. Km (107th)  Population: 49.0 Million (26th)  GNI: US$ 971.3 Billion (FY07) (GNI per capita : US$20,045)  Economy and ICT (World rank) - OECD member economy in 1996 - Economy (12th) - Broadband diffusion (2nd) - Home PC diffusion (3rd) - DAC member (2009, Nov.)

Children Drinking Aid Milk ( 1954)

Education (General) 

Formal Education - Elementary(6) - Middle(3) - High School(3) - Universities/Colleges(4) - Primary & Secondary: 10,469 schools, 7.4M students, 310K teachers - Universities/Colleges: 376 institutions, 3.3M students, 60K faculty members


Non-formal Education & Training - Public/private job training institutions; private tutoring institutions, adult education centers; in-plant training institutions, etc.

Current Status of ICT in Education Primary & Secondary Education

Students Use of ICT for Learning

98.2% of teachers use ICT for teaching


(KERIS, 2008)

99.58% of students use ICT for class

(OECD, 2006)

Students’ self-confidence using Internet in learning: 97.20% (OECD, 2003) * Average of OECD members: 87.84%

Higher Education

Research Information Service System(RISS) users: 80% of faculty, 98% of graduate students(KERIS, 2008)

86% of univ. adopted e-Learning(2006) 18 cyber universities(2008)





95 90 85


80 75





Size and trends of budget of ICT in education in Korea • • •

Korea invested about 500million $ for ICT in education per year. ex) 2001 : apportion 450 million $ to initiate ICT in Education project But, ICT in education budget reached a peak in 2004 and has since been on a gradual and persistent decline. 10 Billion KW

800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100

Source: Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development "Individual Items of Budgeted Revenues and Expenditures" (annual)

ICT Infrastructure at K-12 Schools 100% PC & Internet available in every classroom (99%: 2-10Mbps speed)

Buwon u-learning Model School

5.0:1 5.0 students share 1 PC 100% 1 PC per Teacher Teachers trained annually


in ICT use in Education

2007. 12 by MEST


1. Vision & Goals Leading Innovator

Specialized Institution

in educational and technological changes through quality future forecasting

in resolving pending educational issues thru effective use of innovative technologies

Benchmarking Target to globally recognized institutions in applying ICT in education

Global Partner Contributing to Future Educational Development

Global Partner with best human resources and outstanding achievements

2. e-Learning Implementation Structure Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)

16 Metropolitan & Provincial Offices of Education (MPOE)


Establish master plans and allocate budget at a national level

Implement policies & allocate budget at a local level Korea Education & Research Information Service - Support policy planning and implementation - Provide ICT-based educational services Schools


Universities & Research Institutes


e-Learning companies

Primary & Secondary Schools

3. Brief History • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sep. 1996 : Launch of EDUNET May. 1998 : Launch of RISS (Research Information Service System) Apr. 1999 : Establishment of KERIS Mar. 2001 : Launch of NEIS (National Education Information System) May. 2002 : Completion of the ERS (Nationwide Educational Resources Sharing System) Dec. 2004 : Certification of KEM (Korea Educational Metadata) as KS Dec. 2006 : ISO 9001 Certification of QMS for international e-learning consulting Jan. 2007 : Received the UNESCO Prize for ICT Use in Education Apr. 2007 : Received the IMS Learning Impact Platinum Award Dec. 2007 : Launch of the KOCW (Korea Open CourseWare) Launch of the Local Education Financial Information System Feb. 2008 : Opening of the ECSC (Education Cyber Security Center) Sep. 2008 : Start-up of the Uzbekistan Consulting Project Nov. 2008 : Beginning of ‘Clean & Green Education’ campaign Dec. 2008 : Launch of ‘Educational Information Publication (School info)’ Apr. 2009 : Start-up of FS for Colombia Education Informatization Project

III. Development of ICT in Education

1. History and Progress Initial Infra Stage

ICT Utilization Stage

1996 ~ 2000

2001 ~ 2003

• ICT infrastructure in all schools - 1 PC : 1 teacher - Internet access to classrooms

• Content development & distribution - Standardization - Education Resources Sharing (ERS) Environment • Teaching & Learning Center

• Education information service system EDUNET • ICT literacy education

Master Plan I

e-Learning Stage 2004~2005

u-Learning Stage 2006 ~ present

• Cyber Home • Future education R&D Learning System - u-Learning • EBS video pilot project streaming content • ICT integrated • KEM as curriculum guideline on Korea educational • University e-Learning metadata for ERS Support Center

• e-Administration

NEIS • Teacher training for ICT use

Master Plan II

• Global Partnership for ICT in Education

Master Plan III

2. Key Factors for Success Firm support and involvement of top administrators in education Build core competence of organizations - Information Centers at provincial education offices - Every school has an ICT teacher & Homepage

Implement user-oriented policies - Teachers : National Teaching-Learning Center路EDUNET - Students, Parents : Cyber Home Learning System, EBS e-Learning Project

Apply monitoring & evaluation system - Annual evaluation with consulting Service

Collaboration among government bodies - MEST, MKE, MCST,& MOL Cooperation

Allocate appropriate financial resources - Budget support : $300M for 5 years(2001~2005).

3. Services & Initiatives

Promote e-Learning Support Policy-Making & Implementation

Facilitate e-Administration

Enhance Academic Resources Sharing

Expand Global Cooperation

Task 1: Support for Policy-Making and R&D Research and Evaluation  To implement Field-oriented Basic Research and Policy Assessment  To Suggest Quality Policy Alternatives to Pending Issues - Drawing up a blueprint for education informatization projects - Conduct timely research to support major government policies - Increasing customer satisfaction through research project process innovation - Study national ICT master plans - Issue white paper and periodic journals

Future Education R&D  To present a vision for future education by establishing

future education blueprint, model and strategy  To enhance policy and system basis and promote e-Learning concepts  Research Areas: R&D on new media, teaching and learning methods and learning environment, effectiveness of e-Learning, - Conduct international collaborative studies - Operate u-Learning model school pilot projects - Presentations and forums for sharing a vision for future education

Task 2 : e-Learning Support for Primary & Secondary Education

Task 2: Educational Information Services EDUNET and e-Learning Services

- EDUNET, educational portal to support teaching-learning activities since 1996 - Support for teachers

Cyber Home Learning System - Internet-based learning support service - To complement school education - To enhance self-directed learning capabilities

Digital Library System Quality Assurance & Standardization Digital Textbook Development

National Teaching-Learning Center-EDUNET • Integration of educational resources Teacher

Central Regional

Knowledge Warehouse

•Teachers •Head teachers •Librarians •Libraries

•Quality content service


•K12 •College •Special

 EDUNET 2.0

EDUNET Parents


•Facilitate information sharing of all stakeholders

Integrated search

•Children Edu. •Life-long Edu.


Administrator •Principal •Supervisor •Policy makers


Facilitate cooperative learning (class to class, school to school)

 No. of registered users: 5.8 million (100% of school teachers registered)  No. of daily users: 490,124 (Dec.2008)

Cyber Home Learning System  Reduce education

gap  Reduce private tutoring expenses  Enhance quality of public education

Cyber Teachers

Parent Tutors 1:1 Learning Management

Major Services  Student-centered  Blended education

Customized learning


Level Assessment

Career counseling

Curriculum-based Supplementary

LMS / LCMS (KEM) Content Repository

Knowledge DB

Quality Assurance • Establishment of Comprehensive Quality Assurance System • Quality Certification of Educational Content • Evaluation of Distance Education & Training Institutes

Standardization • Promotion of e-learning standardization • Participation in international standard-setting activities • Establishment of IMS Korea

Digital Textbook Development • A recent initiative for educational innovation • Development of DT for 6 subjects for grade 5 (Korean, Social Studies, Science, Music, English, Math), 4 subjects for grade 6 (Korean, Social Studies, Science, Math), and Level-Differentiated English DT for grade 3 ~ 6 • Application of DT by 112 pilot schools and establishment of infrastructure

Task 3: e-Learning Support for Higher Education Research Information Service System (RISS) - To provide web-based research information services for researchers, professors, students, and other academic user groups - Launched in 1998 - Research information exchange system among all universities and related institutions in Korea

Support for e-Learning in Higher Education - To share ICT infrastructure and educational resources - 10 e-Learning Support Centers established in 2007 - Korea Open CourseWare established in 2008

RISS (Research Information Service System) Univ. Libraries NII, Japan CALIS, China OCLC, USA Univ. Institutes Academic Societies


Union Catalog & Inter-Library Loan Korea Open CourseWare

Thesis & Dissertation

Journal Articles

RISS 2.0


Librarians Video Lectures & Syllabus

Researchers & Others

Foreign Research DB


Foreign Universities

e-Learning Support Center

Collect & Process


Cost-saving Effect


Enhancing Research Capacity

KOCW (Korea Open CourseWare) Data Gathering 10 e-Learning Support Centers

OAI-PMH (Auto Gathering)

File (Offline Gathering)

KOCW Database



Universities Article, Report, Syllabus

OCW Cyber Universities

Edna, Australia

Search Korea National Open University

SQI (Simple Query Interface)




Task 4: National Education Information System National Education Information System (NEIS) Web-based online education administration system To enhance efficiency and transparency of educational administration To provide quality services to the public Participants: about 11,000 schools, 182 LOEs, 16 MPOEs, KERIS and MEST

Task 4: NEIS (2) - Services General Affairs (Payroll, Audit, Budget, HR Mgmt. for staff, etc.) Staffs (MPOEs, LOEs) School Affairs (Processing students evaluations, recording student activities and their performance, school accounting, etc.)

School Server Systems Academic Academic Academic Academic Affairs Affairs Affairs Affairs


General Affairs G4C Service

16 MetropolitanㆍProvincial Offices of Education Statistics & Report

Teacher/Non-teaching staff (Schools)


Civil Service (Home-Edu, Parents’ Service) (Online requirement and issuance of certificate, Getting information about their child’s school activities)

Code Index G4C Service



Task 5: e-Learning Globalization Strengthening International Partnerships - OECD, UNESCO, World Bank - ISO/IEC SC36, IMS…

Sharing Experiences Reducing the Digital Divide Cooperation with e-Learning Partners - Int’l and joint seminars - Collaborative R&D: with W.B. & OECD Int’l e-Learning Expo & Conference

e-Learning Consulting - Infrastructure support - Training programs (with 16 MPOEs) 18 countries in 2009: Uzbekistan, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Colombia, etc.

MOU in Infrastructure Support: Gwangju – Sri Lanka

French-Korean Seminar on ICT in Education

Training Program for Iraqi Educators

e-Learning Consulting for Dominican Republic



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