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Todas las Comunicaciones para la Administraci贸n P煤blica.Modelos de Integraci贸n de las TIC en Educaci贸n Madrid, 17 de Marzo de 2010 Federico Traspaderne

Principales tendencias tecnol贸gicas en comunicaciones

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 - 2015

El móvil es la tecnología clave

• La tecnología móvil es el medio de mayor penetración entre la población (110% Sep 08)

• “No podría salir sin mi móvil”. Teléfono móvil, llaves y dinero son los elementos esenciales para llevarse

• Cobertura omnipresente a través de todo el territorio (casa, trabajo, viajes, área rural…)

• Mantener la sencillez:si la tecnología se complica el interfaz de usuario debe simplificarse

Servicios en la Nube… Computing is taking on a new shape. It is becoming more centralized again as some of the activity moves into data centers, and it is turning into what has come to be called a “cloud”, or collections of clouds. Computing power will become more and more disembodied and will be consumed where and when it is needed.

Data Centers are becoming factories for computing services on an industrial scale; software is increasingly being delivered as an online service; and wireless networks connect more and more devices to such offerings. In 2006 Amazon started offering a computing utility called Amazon Web Services (AWS). Anybody with a credit card can start a virtual machine.

Software will become a service delivered online. Applications will no longer come as a big chunk of software, but will be made up of a combination of electronic services. The approaches may be different but the vision is the same: to create IT systems that adapt to the business needs of companies and allow them to connect.

Software as a Service (SaaS): The corporate world has become less and less willing to buy software for large sums of money, so software firms listed on America’s stock markets now make most of their profits from maintenance and other services. Once Salesforce and NetSuite had shown that the SaaS model works, the incumbents began to move faster. In September last year, SAP presented “Business ByDesign”, a package of web-based enterprise applications for smaller businesses.

Devices. There is a greater variety of hardware through which to access the cloud. Desktop and laptop computers are starting to lose their monopoly for surfing the web as smaller devices such as smart mobile phones start to compete with them. The amount of devices wirelessly connected to the internet will speed up a shift that is already under way: from a “device-centric” to an “information-centric” world.

Business: The cloud will make businesses more adaptable, interconnected and specialized. Many startups would probably not even exist without the cloud. Companies will rely more on services provided by others. The cloud will also be felt on a macroeconomic level. Just as it makes small firms more competitive, it will help developing economies to move ahead.

Security: The cloud may be the ultimate form of globalization. Controlling where data are stored and how they are treated is a challenge. Computing clouds are complex, but can be roughly divided into three layers: infrastructure, applications and the periphery where they meet the real world.

Opciones estrat茅gicas para competir en el espacio de las Comunicaciones Unificadas Fijo




Banda Ancha





Integraci贸n de Sistemas





Servicios en la Nube

Posicionamiento competitivo de Vodafone Espa帽a Fijo




Necesidades AAPP

Agilidad / flexibilidad

Fiabilidad / Seguridad Banda Ancha







Sencillez Necesidades AAPP

Gesti贸n de Presupuestos Cloud


Integraci贸n de Sistemas

Servicios en la Nube

N煤cleo Complementario

IP como facilitador clave

Integraci贸n de servicios personalizados en modelos de multi-acceso

La evolución

Propuesta VF: La Administración se centra en desarrollar la sociedad de la información sobre la capa de servicios horizontales y aplicaciones verticales • Integración Total de comunicaciones fijas y móviles de un modo sencillo sin inversión ni costes de mantenimiento •Servicios en la Nube: flexibilidad, agilidad y completa evolución del servicio

1.1 Education Subsegment Deep Analysis – Customer Insight Trial plans in different public service regional organizations

Applications targeting teaching profession: • Localization & Student monitoring: attendance, warning, report cards • Reminders/notifications: real time SMS absenteeism remainders, etc. • Mobilization and simplification of procedures, as print of reports for teacher’s control and support in meetings with parents.

 Opportunity for end-to-end technological solutions: Educational centers connectivity and Applications for teachers and students

Source: IDC Research

Alianza con Microsoft para impulsar los servicios horizontales de IT

Servicios en la Red

Hosted Exchange (Premium Mail with shared calendar, contacts and tasks)

Business Productivity Online Suite

Office Communicator (PC voice/video calling, presence and Instant Messaging) LiveMeeting (web and audio conferencing and collaboration) SharePoint (online workspace and document sharing)

@ Oficina Vodafone Voz

Oficina Vodafone Oficina Vodafone Banda Ancha Correo m贸vil

Apoyados en el ecosistema para impulsar las aplicaciones verticales

Vertical services for main industries

Applications market on web and mobile portal

Development environment for Partners

Internet and Alliances API

• Enablers, tools and development environment through Business Place Platform - Alliances website with program and basic info - Partners management tools - Alliances developments tools and guides - Vodafone Network Telco APIs - Widget Developer Platform

• This structure offers scalability and flexibility to VF and its Partners and Alliances

• Vodafone Business Place offer a new and powerful sales channel to 3rd Parties through - Web Portal - Mobile Portal and widget menu

• This Portal will allows Vodafone and its Alliances, get value from applications

• Vodafone Business Place will offer a high value set of vertical applications thanks to join it the main vertical solutions experts • A bunch of new players developing segmented solutions will appear on a hosed managed services environment - Consultancy agencies, IT providers, management support, marketing & sales support…

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