2010 EMC Directory & Design Guide

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2010 EMC Directory

& Design Guide technologies EMC Design ................................................... 90 Filters ...............................................................61 Lightning, Transients &ESD ............................68 Sheilded Conduits ............................................82 Shielding ............................................................82 Standards ........................................................106 Testing & Test Equipment...............................10

directories Company Directory.........................................162 Consultant Services .......................................128 Government Directory ....................................146 Products & Services Index ...........................152 Professional Societies ....................................138 Standards Recap ............................................129

industries & applications Aerospace .................................................. 32, 72 Automotive ........................................................32 Medical ..............................................................32 Military ............................................................124 Telecom..............................................................32


contents 2010 10

TESTING & TEST EQUIPMENT Egregious Errors in Electromagnetic Radiation Evaluation .....10 Reasons for widely differing results in commercial radiated emission measurements DaviD a. Weston, eMC Consulting inC.

In-situ EMC Testing Using Surface Current Sense Wires .........16 Measurement approach minimizes interaction with local EM-environment Mart Coenen, eMCMCC bv; tiM Maas, asMl bv; Yili Hu, einDHoven universitY of teCHnologY; anD artHur van roerMunD, einDHoven universitY of teCHnologY


Radiated Emission Measurements at 1/3/5/10/30 Meters ..... 24 Trend shifts towards making measurements at antenna distances closer and closer to the Equipment Under Test Daniel HooliHan, HooliHan eMC Consulting

Choosing the Right Chamber for Your Test Requirements ..... 32 Developments within the standards community have led to new chamber validation procedures above 1 GHz and alternative test methods using FARs Martin Wiles, vinCe roDriguez

Surface Scan on IC Level with High Resolution......................... 50 Measuring of near field above ICs or open DIEs with precisely positioned microprobes is a new tool for engineers to detect and solve EMI levels


Jรถrg HaCker, langer eMv-teCHnik gmbH

Reinventing Compact Immunity Testers .................................... 58 Equipment availability and automation are essential to meet demands niCHolas WrigHt, eMC Partner ag


FIlTErS Extending the Concept of Common Mode Noise: Single Mode ..62 Mechanism of generation of common mode noise in switch mode power supplies Jalal tabasi neJaD, eMC engineer


Cover Design by Amelia McKean


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emc directory & design guide 2010

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contents 2010

Interference technology EMC Test & Design Guide 2008


Lightning, transients & esD Protection of Variable Speed Drives Utilizing the Cascade Protection Approach ................................................................................. 68 Preserving mission-critical systems from damages of surges, spikes, and transients ensures protection from equipment destruction, disruption in service, and costly downtime HarsHul Gupta, alltec corporation

The Dip Tube ................................................................................................ 72 Materials qualification process essential in preventing nonconforming or suspect counterfeit packaging that can lead to ESD hazards during parts inspection process, long-term storage issues and failures in manufacturing


robert J. Vermillion, nasa-ames researcH park


shieLDing COTS Alternatives to MIL SPEC Flexible Conduit Systems for EMI/RFI Containment ............................................................................... 82 Applications, electrical and physical performance, termination and installation factors of shielded flexible conduits linda sardone, Zero Ground



Design The Square Shielded Magnetic Loop ................................................... 90 Simple square wire loops may be well suited for injecting signals into circuit boards by inductive coupling douGlas c. smitH, d.c. smitH consultants

106 82

stanDarDs The IET’s Guide on EMC for Functional Safety .................................106 When correctly applied, real financial savings can be expected, along with a significant reduction in financial risks keitH armstronG, cHerry clouGH consultants



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emc directory & design guide 2010

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contents 2010 2010 update on iEmi and HEmp ...........................................................124 research activity is transitioning strongly toward development of more specific “product” standards to ensure that equipment and systems can be designed to meet these threats when warranted Dr. William a. raDasky, PhD, PE, mEtatEch coPoration

Departments & Directories Editorial ...............................................................................8 Consultant sErviCEs..................................................132 standards rECap...........................................................133


profEssional soCiEtiEs.............................................140 GovErnmEnt dirECtory.............................................146 produCts & sErviCEs indEx.....................................152 Company dirECtory.....................................................162 indEx of advErtisErs..................................................176

eDitorial review BoarD Keith Armstrong

dAniel d. hoolihAn

Cherry Clough Consultants

Hoolihan EMC Consultants

stephen CAine

williAm F. Johnson

Alion Science & Technology

WFJ Consulting

thomAs Chesworth

herbert mertel

Seven Mountains Scientific, Inc.

Mertel Associates

riChArd Ford

mArK montrose


Montrose Compliance Services, Inc.

donAld heirmAn

henry w. ott

Don Heirman Consultants, LLC

Henry Ott Consultants

InterferenceTechnology—The Annual EMC Guide, The EMC Symposium Guide, and The EMC Test & Design Guide are distributed annually at no charge to qualified engineers and managers who are engaged in the application, selection, design, test, specification or procurement of electronic components, systems, materials, equipment, facilities or related fabrication services. To be placed on the subscriber list, complete the subscription qualification card or subscribe online at InterferenceTechnology.com. ITEM PublIcaTIons endeavors to offer accurate information, but assumes no liability for errors or omissions in its technical articles. Furthermore, the opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. ITEMTM, InterferenceTechnology™—The Annual EMC GuideTM, and Interference Technology.comTM are trademarks of ITEM PublIcaTIons and may not be used without express permission. ITEM, InterferenceTechnology—The Annual EMC Guide, The EMC Symposium Guide, The EMC Test & Design Guide and InterferenceTechnology.com, are copyrighted publications of ITEM PublIcaTIons. contents may not be reproduced in any form without express permission.


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emc directory & design guide 2010

from the editor ALL IN A DAY’S WORK


ooking back at some of the stories that have dominated the news over the past year, it is evident that the

expertise of EMC engineers is in more demand than ever.

Indeed, a recent report by NanoMarkets LC, a Virginia-based analyst firm, shows that EMC, once a relatively stagnant market, is now a growth opportunity due to the explosion in wireless communications and the trend towards miniaturization of personal electronics with more features and components inside. As higher bandwidth data networking expands into workplaces and homes, shielded network cables will displace the less robust unshielded ones. On the heels of the release of Apple’s new iPad, Princeton University in New Jersey has blocked 20 percent of the tablets on campus because they interfere with other devices using the school’s wireless network. Higher bandwidth data networking comes in addition to the ongoing growth in the use of HDMI cables for high-definition audio/video signals - cables that require EMI/RFI shielding where previous generations did not. The automotive sector will also be a significant driver for EMC materials and components going forward. While the industry faces increased scrutiny for the risk of EMI given all of the bad publicity surrounding Toyota, the movement towards hybrids and electric cars in addition to the increasing amount of on board computing and electronics devices will also drive an increased use of shielding, according to the NanoMarkets report. Meanwhile, as U.S. vehicle recalls related to electronic systems have tripled in the past 30 years after a surge in the use of computers to control functions such as acceleration, lawmakers and safety advocates say the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has failed to keep pace with the technology. At the agency responsible for ensuring the safety of motor vehicles in the U.S., two engineers out of 125 specialize in electronics, the transportation secretary said last month. The consequence of all these trends is that without a new approach to EMC engineering, there will be uncontrolled safety risks for people in general, plus uncontrolled financial risks for manufacturers and service providers who employ electronic technologies, as Keith Armstrong points out in his article reviewing the IET’s Guide on EMC for Functional Safety (Page 106). Finally, media attention has focused a great deal on high power electromagnetic threats and whether the country is prepared to deal with such situations. Standardization work dealing with IEMI is moving forward in the IEEE EMC Society and other groups to determine the feasibility of such attacks, and to determine ways to detect an attack and protect against the types of disturbances that might be generated, according to Dr. William Radasky’s update on HEMP and intentional EMI (IEMI), which referes to the deliberate attempt to produce

electromagnetic radiated disturbances to interfere with the operation of commercial equipment (Page 124).

The NanoMarkets report says the total market value for EMC products and materials will be driven to $13.6 billion by 2015, but it is impossible to determine the monetary value of reducing safety risks to anyone who uses a product that contains electrical components. Sarah Long, Editor

S u b s c r i p t i o n s

ITEM, InterferenceTechnology—The EMC Directory & Design Guide, The EMC Symposium Guide, and The EMC Test & Design Guide are distributed annually at no charge to engineers and managers who are engaged in the application, selection, design, test, specification or procurement of electronic components, systems, materials, equipment, facilities or related fabrication services. Subscriptions are available through interferencetechnology.com.


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2010 EMC Directory & Design Guide Publisher Paul Salotto Editor Sarah Long Production Manager Amelia McKean Business Development Manager Bob Poust Business Development Executives Tim Bretz Leslie Ringe Administrative Manager Eileen M. Ambler Special Projects coordinator Kate Savo Marketing Manager Josephine Munis circulation Manager Irene H. Nugent Product Development Manager Helen S. Flood Administrative Assistant Karen Holder Publisher Emeritus Robert D. Goldblum President Graham S. Kilshaw


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Copyright © 2010 • ITEM Publications • ISSN 0190-0943

emc directory & design guide 2010

Maybe We Should Have Called It The A+ Series.

Our New “A” Series uses less energy, delivers more power, is lighter, smaller, and delivers a better price performance ratio. Our new, redesigned “A” Series amplifiers are so powerful and so efficient that we’re able to make them 25% to 50% smaller while maintaining the same output power. They’re now lighter, more portable, and able to fit easily in a control room and that translates to one great value for you. Yet they still deliver 500, 1000 and 2500 watts of power, and even more depending on the model you choose. We’re getting more expandable too. Our “A” Series amps now cover the 10 kHz to 250 MHz frequency range. So you can test to virtually any standards. They feature the latest FET technology, and can be controlled remotely with IEEE, RS-232, USB and Ethernet interfaces. And with all these innovative features, our “A” Series amps use less energy, that’s good for you and good for the environment. Our new “A” series also comes with enhanced cooling technology. At 40 years old, AR is still exceeding the grade, in quality, value, technology, craftsmanship, and service after the sale. And that makes these new “A” Series amplifiers a no-brainer. To learn more, visit www.ar-worldwide.com or call us at 215-723-8181.

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testing & test equipment

E g r E g i o u s E r r o r s i n E l E c t r o m a g n E t i c r a d i at i o n E va l u at i o n

egregious errors in electromagnetic Radiation evaluation reasons for widely differing results in commercial radiated emission measurements DaviD a Weston emc consulting inc. merrickville, ontario, canada

MiL-stD-461 RaDiateD eMission MeasUReMents In 1967, the first version of MIL-STD-461 was introduced. Radiated emission measurements were allowed outside of a shielded room but due to the low levels of radiated emission limits, compared to an average ambient, measurements were invariably made inside a shielded room. Most of these rooms did not contain radiofrequency absorber and errors as high as +40dB to –30dB were observed.[1] Even so, military and space authorities were concerned with emissions 3dB above the limit (possibly 43dB above or 27dB below). In MIL-STD-461D, a requirement was introduced for a minimum amount of absorber around the EUT and on the back wall. While this certainly helped reduce errors, it was not perfect. Many test houses have now implemented a semi-anechoic chamber with ferrite tiles for low frequency and absorber cones for high frequency. In the small room described in [1], ferrite tiles and cones as well as absorber loads are placed at strategic locations in the room. Comparing the radiation from a reference source on the Open Area Test Site (OATS) to the well damped room, the correlation from 20MHz to 1000MHz at room resonance frequencies is +5 and –9dB and a maximum of +5dB at all other frequencies. The field uniformity measurement for this room is also excellent. 10

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CoMMeRCiaL RaDiateD eMission MeasUReMents These measurements are made on an OATS, 3m or 10m semi-anechoic chamber, or in a GTEM cell, or in some cases with the EUT in situ at a manufacturer’s site. In an article published in 2000, the results of radiated emission testing from five different test facilities were compared.[2] The test facilities included two 3m and one 10m OATS, one GTEM and two semi-anechoic chambers, one of which was a 3m. One difference between the measurements on all the sites was that the EUT was the same equipment but had different serial numbers. When emissions were measured at the same frequency at all the test facilities, a difference of 12.46dB between the first 3m OATS and the 10m anechoic chamber was seen and a difference of 14dB was seen between the first 3m OATS and the 10m OATS. In all cases, the first 3m OATS recorded lower emissions. At some frequencies, emissions were seen at one site and not at another and ambients were ruled out. This represented an error of up to 25dB. The 3m OATS measurements were then suspect. The NSA calibration was repeated for the first 3m OATS at the critical frequenƒ(MHz)

NSA ∆ (dB)







Table 1. Repeat NSA calibration results on the first 3m OATS. emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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testing & test equipment

E g r E g i o u s E r r o r s i n E l E c t r o m a g n E t i c r a d i at i o n E va l u at i o n

Frequency (MHz)

1st 3m Oats

2nd 3m OATS

Delta (dB)

















Table 2. Comparison between emissions from the same EUT with the same cable orientation on two different 3m OATS.

Polarization Frequency OATS 10m range (MHz) measurement (dBμV/m)

OATS corrected to 3m (dBμV/m)

3m anechoic chamber measurement (dBμV/m)

FCC Class A limit converted to 3m (dBμV/m)

Delta between 3m chamber and OATS measureMent (dB)

























































Table 3. Comparison between measurements made on the same EUT on a 10m OATS and a 3m semi-anechoic chamber.

cies using “Roberts” dipole antennas and the results are shown in Table 1. The calibration of the test equipment, cables and antennas used on the first 3m OATS was repeated and all were within specification. The cable orientation used at the first 3m OATS test facility was in accordance with Figure 9(c) of ANSI C63.4, with the power/signal cable brought back up to the nonconductive tabletop and then looped back down in a serpentine fashion with the droops at least 40cm above the ground plane. Some further manipulations were then made to maximize emissions. ANSI C63.4 mentions that “in order to replicate emission measurements, it is important to carefully arrange not only the system components but also system cables. Wires and AC power cords.” Cable orientation at all other sites were unknown but its importance was seen in tests on the final site. The same EUT was then sent to the second 3m OATS and the results were compared to the first 3m OATS with a 7.2dB difference. Cable orientation was compared between the two sites and in the second 3m OATS, the cables were draped down from the center of the turntable rather than from the edge. Then it was brought back from the power supply and coiled in the center of the turntable in a large loop. The same EUT was then re-measured on the first 3m OATS using the identical cable orientation and the difference between the two sites is shown in Table 2. This level 12

interference technology

of correlation we consider acceptable. Also, the 2nd 3m OATS measurements and the repeat NSA calibration seem to vindicate the 1st 3m OATS facility. The measurements also reinforce the importance of cable orientation. It was expected that the article in 2000 would have resulted in some comments or recommendations or even disagreement, but no response was elicited. Since 2000, we have seen numerous cases where radiated emission data from different test sites have shown an unacceptable variation. We have observed that the correlation between measurements made on two OATS is often higher than the correlation between an OATS and a 3m or 10m semianechoic chamber. In one case, a consistent 26dB was seen between one site and another. Only after the site with the 26dB higher measurement was asked to use a signal generator to check the test instrument was the problem found. It was a modern instrument with a switchable 26dB pre-amplifier and inclusion of the amplifier was not indicated on the front panel. This situation had been in effect since the instrument was first purchased. Very recently, we have been working with a manufacturer who has had equipment tested at two 10m OATS test sites with a good correlation. However, the measurements made in a 3m anechoic chamber by a test facility chosen by the customer results in some very different emission levels. Not only was there a 38.9dB variance between the first OATS emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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testing & test equipment

E g r E g i o u s E r r o r s i n E l E c t r o m a g n E t i c r a d i at i o n E va l u at i o n

and the 3m chamber, but in comparing the emissions many of the emissions were higher for vertically polarized fields on one site and on the other site for horizontally. Table 3 compares the emissions against the FCC Class A measured at 10m on the OATS and 3m in the chamber. FCC Class A measurements are routinely made at 10m on the first OATS and to convert these approximately to the 3m chamber measurements, 20 log 10m/3m = 10.5dB was added. This distance correction is strictly true only for a point source. In measurements on large equipment or equipment with cables, we find that the difference between measurements at 10m and 3m is not always 10.5dB. However, the error is nowhere near as large as the differences shown in Table 3 Despite a close correlation between the two 10m OATS measurements, in which the EUT passed the Class A limits with a 9dB safety margin, the customer insisted that the measurements made by the facility with the 3m semianechoic chamber was correct. The manufacturer had already gone to great lengths in the design and manufacture to achieve the low levels shown in Table 3 and further improvement was needed in the design and engineering of the EUT to satisfy the customer. This resulted in more expense for the manufacturer, added to the frustration in knowing that the EUT had almost certainly passed the requirements and a delay due to numerous levels of re-engineering.

CONCLUSIONS It is not clear why such a large variance in commercial radiated emissions exists. If a facilities site has met the Normalized Site Attenuation (NSA) calibration, then the OATS and anechoic chamber measurements should be comparable, which is often not the case. Does the anechoic chamber exhibit resonances that are not seen in the NSA calibration? Cable orientation and the time spent in maximizing cable emissions plays a role but surely not to the extent of 25 and 38.9dB as in the two examples. Also, at high frequency, where emissions may be sourced by seams in an enclosure, the emission may be in the form of a narrow beam and table rotation speed does affect the detection of such an emission. The correction of 10.5dB in going from a 10m to 3m measuring distance is also not always correct, especially for physically large EUTS. In the first OATS site described in this report, a sanity check is made of the measurement cable and antenna by using the known levels from FM transmitters in the vicinity. These have not changed significantly over the last 12 years and their use is the only known benefit of the OATS ambient levels. We propose that some standard form of site validation prior to each test be performed. One suggestion is the mandatory use of an inexpensive battery-powered 30MHz–1000MHz comb generator connected to a fixed vertical and horizontal orientation and length section of conductor, representing the cable. The source needs to be stable with varying battery voltage and with a shutdown when the voltage falls too low. Expecting a standard EUT cable orientation from all test sites will go some way in correlating emissions between sites. Other options must exist and the purpose of this report is to stimulate discussion, compare anecdotes and find the source of errors and a solution to what we perceive as a major problem, especially for manufacturers, but also for the reputation of test facilities. REFERENCES • [1] Weston, D.A. Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Applications. Published by Marcel Dekker, 2000. • [2] Weston, D.A. “Lack of Standardized Testing Leads to Widely Varying Measurements at Different Commercial Test Sites,” NARTE News, Volume 8, Number 3, Fall 2000. David A. Weston is principle EMC Engineer at EMC Consulting Inc., Merrickville, Ontario Canada. A member of IEEE and NARTE, Weston has worked full time in EMC for the last 30 years. He is author of the book “Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles and Application,s” as well as numerous papers and reports, many of which are available at emcconsult inginc.com. He studied at Croydon Technical College from 1960 to 1965 and in 1965 received the Radio and Television certificate from the City and Guilds of London Institute, both in England. n

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emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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testing & test equipment

I n - s I t u EMC t E s t I n g u s I n g s u r f a C E C u r r E n t s E n s E w I r E s

in-situ eMC testing using surface Current sense Wires measurement approach minimizes interaction with local em-environment

Mart Coenen emcmcc bv, eindhoven, the netherlands

tiM Maas Asml bv, Veldhoven, the netherlands

Yili Hu student eindhoven university of technology, the netherlands

artHur van roerMund eindhoven university of technology, the netherlands

aBstraCt In-situ EMC testing is, for large fixed systems and installations within the scope of the European EMC Directive, not a primary requirement other than unintended RF emissions may not affect intended radio frequency communication services, like the requirements of IEC/EN 55011 outside the end-user’s premises. Whatever happens on the premises of the industrial end-user is a matter of negotiations and agreements between the various system suppliers and the end-user, in particular when EMC is lacking between two or more (sub-) systems installed. A formal standardized method for verification is IEC CISPR/TR 16-2-5 Ed. 1.0, but one of the root problems is the usage of common EMC measurement antenna nearby a conductive object, when performing in-situ EMC investigations, which remains doubtful. In a pan-European TEMCA-2 (ended 2007) project, several investigations have been carried out which have not (yet) re16

interference technology

sulted in a standardized test method but their results have been reported at several international EMC symposia. In this paper, part of an adapted in-situ measurement approach is presented, which minimizes the interaction with the local EM-environment even further by using surface current sense wires. This new test method has already been submitted as NP to the international standardization bodies concerned. It has also been presented at the EMC compo 2009 in Toulouse and the Asian Pacific EMC symposium (APEMC) 2010 in Beijing. introduCtion Most of the formal EMC requirements are defined at a transportable product level rather than for physically large (distributed) systems or installations. At the product level RF emission tests have been defined conductively on mains supply and other cables connected below 30 MHz, but the interaction by radiation is more cumbersome when the equipment under test cannot be placed on an open area test side (OATS) or in a semi-anechoic room (SAR). Additionally, many physical large systems and installations cannot be tested functionally at such “defined” test EMC facilities due to their functional and operational constraints. With the basic RF emission and immunity standards only moveable apparatus is considered. Considering large (distributed) systems or installations, there will be a fixed electrical connection which is typically not suited for formal tests using artificial mains networks (AMNs) or coupling/decoupling emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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I n - s I t u EMC t E s t I n g u s I n g s u r f a C E C u r r E n t s E n s E w I r E s

network (CDNs) on all cables connected. Most large (distributed) systems or installations have their outer surface metal covered and all cables will be routed in metal cable carrying conduits in-between the sub-systems of the total system or installation concerned. OVERVIEW When using the formal standardized test methods, the positioning of the floor-standing equipment and the cable routings are defined and to a certain extent determined by the tests that have to be applied; conducted RF emission, EFT, conducted RF immunity, ESD. Also the placement of the floor-standing equipment w.r.t. the ground reference plane (GRP) differs from an insulation foil (ESD), 0,1 meter (EFT and conducted RF immunity) to 0,4 meter with conducted RF emission testing. In addition, there is also an everlasting discussion about what to do with (excessive) cable routing. With the test method proposed by the TEMCA-2 project, an antenna wire has to be positioned over the distributed system or installation concerned and has to be routed at a distance of 0,1 meter from the metal surface of that distributed system or installation. At the near and far-end of the U-shape antenna wire RF termination impedances of 150 Ω are used towards the ground reference plane (GRP), see Figure 1. This test method proposed has great resemblance with the large loop antenna which is in place for years as part of IEC/EN 55015 to measure magnetic RF emission from tubular luminaries. The use of 150 Ω termination impedance is equal to the common-mode impedance values used in IEC/EN 61000-4-6. The latter impedance values have also been confirmed by later studies at MST EMC where common-mode cable termination resistances were recommended in the range 50 -500 Ω in the frequency range 30 MHz till 1 GHz to stabilize cable influences during radiated measurements. For large systems and installations, the common-mode termination of all cables connected can be implemented by the use of CDNs, snap–on EM-clamps, MDS clamps and equivalent devices. PHYSICAL APPROACH From physically small (compared to the wavelength concerned) electrical and electronic devices, the RF emission performance, both conducted as well as radiated, can be obtained by measuring the equivalent disturbance source voltage level at the ports of the equipment. E.g. the impedance stabilizing network (ISN) has been defined in IEC/EN 55022 for telecom ports up to 30 MHz. With IEC/EN 55014-1, the MDS absorbing clamp has been introduced to measure the available RF power from small appliances by tuning the distance (= CM impedance) between the appliance and the clamp until the maximum power was obtained. Exchanging the MDS clamp by an EM-clamp or CDN (≈ 150 Ω common-mode impedance) 18

interference technology

Figure 1. Radiated test method proposed by TEMCA-2

Figure 2. Surface current sense wire example

in a fixed position near to the appliances has resulted in correlation as close as ±2 dB over the frequency range of interest, typically 30 to 300 or even up to 1000 MHz. With IEC/EN 55015 (2005), the use of CDNs has been introduced in the frequency range 30 to 300 MHz to eliminate the need of radiated tests and the MDS-clamp and substitute it with a network at a fixed position. When the antenna port source amplitude is known and thereafter multiplied with a “statistically fair” radiation resistance/ impedance of 150 Ω, the RF emission is quantified conductively from 150 kHz up to 30 MHz or even 300 MHz or above. A high frequencies, more compact (horn) antennae can be used with sufficient directivity. What all these methods have in common is “Stokes law”

Aside the direct emission from the conductive surfaces of the physically large system or installation also commonmode excitation voltages may occur between the ground reference plane (GRP) structure: the building’s structure, and the frame of the equipment itself. This common-mode disturbance voltage can be easily measured by using CDNM1, see Figure 4 or by using CFP or CVP-probes. NEW APPROACH Different from the application in Figure 1, the surface current sense wires are installed on the conductive surfaces of the physically large system or installation parts in various emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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testing & test equipment

I n - s I t u EMC t E s t I n g u s I n g s u r f a C E C u r r E n t s E n s E w I r E s

orthogonal orientations over a 19-inch rack, e.g. at 0.5 or 1 meter intervals, see Figure 3, the voltages over the system’s or installation's conductive surface holes, slits and display windows will induce their noise voltage in the surface current sense wire with minimal RF losses and without seriously affecting the characteristic impedance of that micro-strip wire topology. One constraint remains in particular; the on-top-of the surface current sense wire has to be routed direct and tight over the conductive surface of the system or installation under test to maintain the characteristic impedance of 50 Ω with minimum reflections; S11. Figure 3. Example of applying sense wires

positions and orientations. By taking an appropriate wire diameter/insulation thickness ratio of this current sense wire, a micro-strip configuration can be achieved with a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω. The current sense wire can be applied by putting this insulated wire in-between a pair of RF connectors of which the outer shells shall be connected to the conductive surfaces of the system or installation to be tested, see Figure 3. When the surface current sense wire is routed in various

CALIBRATION The surface current sense wires do not require excessive calibration other than the selection of the conductive wire diameter versus the wire insulation used to obtain the 50 Ω micro-strip impedance. Measurements have shown that the RF transfer losses along a 3 meter long wire with 2,5 mm 2 copper crosssection are limited to a few dB, see Figure 4 for the test set-up and Figure 5 as an example of a transfer function. Additional measurements and simulations have been performed on a shielded metal box; 0,4 x 0,3 x 0,2 m with a slit, see Figure 6. An inside wire has been mounted crossing the 10 mm wide slit diagonal. The inside wire is terminated with 50 Ω. The ultimate need to gain formal acceptance is to prove that the RF emission as measured with the surface current sense wires and/or CDNs are always equal or higher than the measured EM radiated fields. As the correlation applies to passive networks, reciprocity applies to immunity testing. Simulations have resulted in the current distributions like given in Figure 6. The E-field to be expected from an unintended radiation source can be expressed by the first-order approximation:

where: E = E-fieldstrength [V/m] R = distance of observation [m] and PERP = effective radiated power [W]. In case of full surface current sense wire coupling, all RF power would be induced in the sense wire and appear across the 50 Ω load of the surface current sense wire. APPLICATIONS This measurement methodology has been used with RF emission measurements, RF immunity measurements and impulse immunity measurements; EFT. Similar to the measurement results when using CDNs, the EMC results obtained are always more stringent as when measuring it at 3 or 10 meter distance with antennae. With surface current sense wires, the individual induced voltages are measured Correlations as high as 1 dB were found both for RF emission, see Figure 7, as well as radiated RF immunity between the worst-case measurements obtained by using 20

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the surface current sense wire technique (without applying any shielded room) and formal measurements by using antennae at 10 meter distance in a qualified semi-anechoic room (SAR) of a Notified Body when the appropriate conductive limits are applied. For those cases when using bi-conical and log-periodic antenna at 1 meter distance from a physically large systems in-situ, the EM background environment was mostly dominated by other equipment and results could only be obtained by “subtracting” spectral plots with/without the system into operation but this approach is suffering from latency due to the necessary start-up and shut-down sequences for the large systems involved, leading to marginal system level conclusions. Due to the extreme vast coupling between the system and/or installation under test and the various surface current sense wires applied, the obtained RF emission levels are typically very high and easy to measure with high signal-to (other) noise ratio due to other nearby contributors. There is no disadvantage between the test time necessary when using typical EMC antennae and moving them around the system or installation under test and applying the sense wires over the surfaces and making the measurements at their accessible ports. With the RF immunity test using the surface current sense wires, less than 5 Watt available power is more than enough to test against high stress levels: > 30 Voltemf and over 300 mA induced surface currents may result over the whole frequency range of application. Similar with EFT tests, the impulse stress can proportionally be applied to the surface current sense wires. Care shall be taken that the impulse withstand capabilities of the termination resistances at the end of these sense wires. CONCLUSIONS A si mple st ra ig ht for wa rd measurement method using surface current sense wires has been introduced with has shown to be very economic, fast and reproducible and easy to apply. Aside an EMI-receiver or RF spectrum analyzer, only band-pass or high-pass filters are necessary to prevent overloading of their inputs due to the broadband nature of the signals that might be induced on the sense wires. The sense wire configuration over the system or installation to be tested shall remain unchanged during the 3 tests to be performed: RF emission, RF interferencetechnology.com

immunity and immunity against EFT. The RF emission sensed by using the surface current sense wires and/or CDNs is always above the radiated peak emission levels. The effect from the local EM-ambient to the RF emission results is at least an order less, when adjacent EMC compliant systems are considered. When applying the RF immunity test, hardly any disturbance is added to the local EM-ambient. Only very low RF power is required to test the systems and installations to severe RF immunity levels. RF immunity can, therefore, be verified over the whole frequency range rather than just at the ISM frequencies. As the surface current sense wires make contact to the system’s or installation’s accessible metal surfaces, the test method is considered electrically safe. By using the surface current sense wires in combination with CDNs, large distributed systems and installations can be EMC characterised and qualified in-situ with high confidence.

Figure 4. Test set-up for the surface current sense wires

Figure 5. Example of transfer loss between the RF voltage normalized over the slit and the voltage obtained at the end of the surface current sense wire.

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testing & test equipment

I n - s I t u EMC t E s t I n g u s I n g s u r f a C E C u r r E n t s E n s E w I r E s

Figure 8. Configuration of the shielded box with slit Figure 7. Comparison between conducted and radiated results from the small metal shielded box with single slit connected to a single feeding coaxial cable

Figure 6. Current distributions within and outside the metal box

FUTURE WORK In the meanwhile, the frequency range of application has been extended to 3 GHz without drawback. Whether it is also suited to be extended downwards in frequency e.g. to 50 Hz, needs to be further investigated. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work carried out has been performed as part of a WBSO Research and Development (S&O) program promoted by the Dutch Government under number ZT09051042. SO in collaboration with TMC Electronics and ASML Electronic Development. REFERENCES • [1] Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC • [2] IEC CISPR/TR 16-2-5, Ed. 1.0, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods -Part 2-5: In situ measurements for disturbing emissions produced by physically large equipment. • [3] IEC CISPR 14-1 Consol. Ed. 5.1 (incl. am1), Electromagnetic compatibility -Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus -Part 1: Emission • [4] IEC CISPR 15 Consol. Ed. 7.2 (incl. am1+am2), Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment • [5] IEC CISPR 22 Ed. 6.0, Information technology equipment -Radio


interference technology

disturbance characteristics -Limits and methods of measurement • [6] IEC 61000-4-6 Ed. 3.0, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques -Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields • [7] IEC 61000-4-3 Consol. Ed. 3.1 (incl. am1), Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test • [8] IEC 61000-4-4 Ed. 2.0, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques -Electrical fast transient/ burst immunity test • [9] Alternative EMC testing methods for large machines (TEMCA2), ht tp://cordis.europa.eu/data/PROJ_ FP5/ACTIONeqDndSESSIONeq112 242005919ndDOCeq168ndTBLeqEN_PROJ.htm • [10] K.H. Gonschorek, F. Schlagenhaufer, An alternative test method for in-situ radiation measurements, Dresden University of Technology, Germany, EMC Europe 2006 • [11] F. Schröder, K. H. Gonschorek, J.E. Rodriguez, E. Perea, E. Zabala, Simulations and measurements applying the test wire method, EMC Europe Barcelona, 2006 • [12] J. E. Rodríguez, WORKSHOP; Testing of large machines: Temca-2 project, EMC Europe Barcelona, 2006 • [13] Johan Catrysse, Filip Vanhee, Jos Knockaert, Ivan Hendrickx, Véronique Beauvois, Alternative methodologies for the evaluation of the EMC-Behaviour of large machines, EMC Lab, Applied & Computational Electromagnetics, University of Liège, B28 Institut Montefiore, 4000 Liège, Belgium, 2007 Mart Coenen has more than 30 years of experience in EMC in various fields and has published many papers and publications. He has been actively involved in international EMC standardization since 1988 and was awarded with the IEC 1906. He is the former project leader of the standards: IEC 61000-4-6 and IEC 61000-4-2 but has moved his focus towards EMC in integrated circuits. He was the former convenor of IEC TC47A/WG9 and until last year, a member of IEC TC47A/WG2. n emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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R a d i at e d e m i s s i o n m e a s u R e m e n t s

Radiated emission Measurements at 1/3/5/10/30 Meters trend shifts towards making measurements at antenna distances closer and closer to the equipment under test Daniel HooliHan hoolihan emc consulting lindstrom, mn

inTRoDUCTion There are two principal types of emission measurements in the world of electromagnetic compatibility: conducted emission and radiated emission. The conducted emission measurements are either a voltagecapacitive-tap type of measurement or they are a current-clamp type of measurement. On the other hand, the radiated emission measurements are unique in that they must always state “the horizontal distance from the Equipment-under-Test (EUT) to the receiving antenna.” This horizontal distance, which can be 1, 3, 5, 10, or 30 meters, and the standardized limits associated with those distances, are the subject of this article. one-MeTeR MeaSUReMenTS There are two well-known EMC-measurement standards that reference a 1-meter measurement distance for radiated emissions. They are MIL-STD 461 and RTCA DO-160. There are other standards that also use the 1-meter horizontal distance, but they are not as commonly used by the typical EMC laboratory. First released in 1968, MIL-STD 461 has always specified a 1-meter antenna distance; originally inside of a shielded room with bare walls and, then, in later revisions, inside of a shielded room with anechoic material on the walls. MIL-STD 461 is the standard used to test and qualify products 24

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sold to United States military organizations and it has been widely duplicated in other countries’ specifications for EMC of military electronic products. RTCA DO-160 is the EMC standard for commercial aircraft electronics and it is maintained by RTCA, Incorporated in Washington, D.C. The latest version is RTCA-DO-160F, which was released in December 2007. Its Section 21 addresses “Emission of Radio Frequency Energy” and it specifies a 1-meter antenna distance inside of a shielded room with anechoic material (electromagnetic field absorbers) on the ceiling and about one-half of the wall surfaces. At this time, no other major emission standard (for example, international standards CISPR 11, CISPR 22, and proposed CISPR 32) specifies an antenna measurement distance of 1 meter. The primary reason for this is a belief that the antenna is in the “near-field” of the EUT at a 1-meter antenna distance. THRee-MeTeR MeaSUReMenTS Three-meter measurements are growing increasingly prevalent in the measurement world. They have been used by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for a number of years, especially for measurements of Class B digital devices (computers and similar devices). Par. 15.109 (Radiated emission limits) of the FCC Rules says: (a) Except for Class A digital devices, the field strength of radiated emissions from unintentional radiators at emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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a distance of 3 meters shall not exceed the following values: Frequency of Emission (MHz)

Field Strength (microvolts/meter)







Above 960


Three-meter measurements can be made in an Open Area Test Site or, more likely these days, in a 3-meter semi-anechoic chamber due to the increasingly higherambient electromagnetic levels found in the environment. Three-meter measurements are also specified for radiated emission measurements above 1 GHz in the international standards arena. FIVE-METER MEASUREMENTS Radiated emission measurements made at a 5-meter horizontal antenna distance are growing in popularity. This is a “compromise” distance between 3 meters and 10 meters. The advantages to measurements made at 5 meters are that you can have a larger turntable in a 5-meter chamber and it is “easier” to meet the Volumetric Normalized Site Attenuation criteria for 3-meter distances in a larger 5-meter room. However, at the present time, no international standards specifically call out a 5-meter “standard” measurement distance. TEN-METER MEASUREMETNS Many technical experts consider the 10-meter measurement distance to be the “gold standard” in today’s Electromagnetic Emission measurement world. Ten-meter measurements are made at both Open Area Test Sites and in semi-anechoic chambers. The chambers are increasingly popular due to the rising ambient levels in the real world because of digital TV and other new electronic developments. Other advantages of the 10-meter antenna distance is that it allows a larger turntable to be used, and, therefore larger products can be tested with the receiving antenna in the “far-field” of the product’s emanations. Again, the FCC Rules are strongly stated in Par. 15.109 (Radiated emission limits) where it says: (b) The field strength of radiated emissions from a Class A digital device, as determined at 10 meters, shall not exceed the following: Frequency of Emission (MHz)

Field Strength (microvolts/meter)







Above 960



It should be noted that several Asian countries only accept 10-meter measurements for Class A and B products as per CISPR 22; namely, Taiwan and South Korea. 30-METER MEASUREMENTS Thirty-meter measurements were the preferred measurement distance for Class A Digital Devices when the FCC rules were first released for "computers" back in 1979. The main reason for this was the CBEMA Report (1) released in 1977 in response to FCC Docket 20780 (2). The 1977 CBEMA report states “89 percent of receiving antennas found within 100 meters of commercial Electronic Data Processing/Office Equipment installations can be expected to be 30 meters or more from the installations.” Therefore, the CBEMA report chose “30 meters” as a reasonable control distance for radiated emission limits from Class A computers. Also, it should be noted that the FCC imposed rules at 30 meters (approximately 100 feet). In a history article (3) by Herman Garlan, chief of the Radio Frequency (RF) Devices Branch in 1973, he states, “The rules then in effect (for operation with a duty cycle) permitted a field-strength level of 50 uV/m at 100 feet (30 meters) on frequencies between 88-108 MHz.” Also, in the 1970s, the German VDE testing authorities used a 30-meter test distance for much of their testing (4). Problems with relatively high-ambient levels from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz at 30 meters made it very difficult to make measurements. In addition, the antenna mast had to be 6 meters high at 30 meters, which was a challenge for EMC test labs. Normalized Site Attenuation (NSA) was also a technical issue for 30-meter test sites; it was achievable but time-consuming and more complex than NSA at 10 meters or 3 meters. Because of these difficulties, in the early 1980s the FCC released a Docket 80-284, which eventually changed the preferred test distance for Class A digital devices to 10 meters. In the United States, the 10-meter distance for Class A devices has been the dominant distance for the last 25 years. It should be noted that there are still strong technical arguments for using a 30-meter test distance for frequencies below 30 MHz due to the longer wavelengths of the electromagnetic energy. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Part 15 of the FCC rules states in 15.109 (g), “As an alternative to the radiated emission limits shown in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, digital devices may be shown to comply with the standards contained in Third Edition of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), Pub. 22, “Information Technology Equipment – Radio Disturbance Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement.” The Third Edition of CISPR 22 (1997) has the following limits:

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R a d i at e d e m i s s i o n m e a s u R e m e n t s

Table 5 – Limits for Radiated Disturbance of Class A ITE at a measuring distance of 10 meters Frequency of Emission (MHz)

Quasi-Peak Limits – dBuV/m

30 – 230

40 (= 100 uV/m)

230 – 1000

47 (= 224 uV/m)

Table 6. – Limits for Radiated Disturbance of Class B ITE at a measuring distance of 10 meters Frequency of Emission (MHz)

Quasi-Peak Limits – dBuV/m

30 – 230

30 (= 32 uV/m)

230 – 1000

37 (= 71 uV/m)

If we compare the FCC and CISPR 22 limits at 10 meters, we have the following tables: Frequency of Emission (MHz)

FCC Field Strength – CLASS A (microvolts/meter)

CISPR 22 – CLASS A (microvolts per meter)













Above 960



Frequency of Emission (MHz)

FCC Field Strength – CLASS B (microvolts/ meter)

CISPR 22 – CLASS A (microvolts per meter)













Above 960



The two sets of limits (FCC and CISPR 22) are reasonably close, if you assume an inverse distance fall-off of signals. However, let’s take a closer look at the inverse distance fall-off assumption. INVERSE DISTANCE FALL-OFF The inverse distance fall-off theory, also called the 1/r theory, assumes a small source in a free-space (free-field) environment. In general, these two conditions are not met in a typical EMC measurement. Most products have lengths and widths so they are not 28

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necessarily a “small source”; for example, a table-top product is placed on a non-conductive table 0.8 meter above the ground plane and the power cord from EUT starts at the ground plane and reaches up to the EUT. The nonconductive table has a standard size of 1.0 meter wide and 1.5 meters long. The product under test is usually smaller than the table but it is possible for it to be bigger than the standard table. The ground plane is typically a solid metal floor or a metallic screen with small openings. In both cases, a reflected wave from the ground plane complicates the measurement of the radiated fields from the EUT. There have been a number of technical studies on the fall-off of electromagnetic fields from measurements close to a product versus a regulatory limit at a further distance from the product. We will look at a number of those studies in this paper. The author was unable to find any technical paper that justifies an inverse-distance fall-off for real products in an Open Area Test Site or a semi-anechoic chamber, especially for distances below 10 meters. TECHNICAL STUDIES ON FALL-OFF OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS One of the first papers on “Falloffs” was written by William E. Cory and Frank C. Milstead in 1969[6]. It said: “Propagation predictions in the near field, while less accurate, can be made to within about 10 db.” Albert A. Smith, Jr. wrote a paper in 1969[7] that modeled surface waves and space waves and found a complex relationship below 100 MHz. However, the paper goes on to say “Above approximately 100 MHz the space wave predominates for ‘source and receiving heights of 1 meter’ and the induction fields are negligible for ‘antenna to EUT distances’ greater than 1 meter.” Herman Garlan’s paper says in the “History of Part 15” section that “The original low-power rule, the λ/2π rule, was adopted in 1938. This rule provided a reasonable operating standard on frequencies up through the AM broadcast band – up to 1600 kHz. This standard was still usable up to about 10 MHz where the λ/2π rule permits a field of 15 uV/m at about 5 meters or 16 feet. While this standard served the needs of 1938, by the end of World War II, in 1945, it was hopelessly inadequate.” The CBEMA paper was published in 1977; it was a comprehensive review of the interference potential of large computers. It says “A practical site that allows measurements at the minimum test distance of 3 meters is shown in Figure 10-3. Results of measurements in such practical test sites at varying distances between the equipment being tested and the measurement antenna, have been found to be within +/- 6 dB of those predicted using a 20 dB/decade falloff relationship between the equipment and the antenna.” Yet another paper was published in 1980 by Robert F. German and Ralph Calcavecchio[8]. This paper says “It is generally accepted that EMI radiated from large equipment should be measured at a distance of 30 meters. Measureemc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


ments in the 30-1000 MHz frequency range at this distance usually are in the far-field of the source. However, ‘due to ambient conditions’ it is desirable to allow measurements to be made at distances of 3, 10, or 30 meters. It will be seen that, when appropriate assumptions are made, a measurement technique can be identified that relates measurements made at different distances by the 1/r attenuation factor of free space propagation.” The paper goes on to say that “An EMI source is simulated by an electrically short dipole antenna. Actual EMI sources may be more complex and the topic of future work.” Thus, the paper concludes 1/r works for “electrically short dipoles.” Another paper from two engineers who worked at IBM[9], concluded: “The radiation from more than 25 different products showed a great variation from the 20 dB attenuation often assumed between three and 30 meter field strength levels.” It stated further that “These products varied in maximum linear dimension from one to 10 meters.” Also, the paper had three E-field falloff figures: “In all three falloff figures, it is noted that the radiated field at few frequencies attenuate at a rate of 20 dB per decade distance). This does not contradict the theoretical 20 dB falloff in free space between two points in the far-field located at a distance ratio of 10 to 1 away from a point source or from a dipole antenna small relative to the wavelength radiated. In fact, a very large source (see Figure 8b) could in the ex-


testing & test equipment treme show a falloff approaching 0-dB because it contains a large number of geometrically distributed sources, both horizontally and vertically. The fields from such multiple sources superimpose and may generate an almost plane wavefront (a plane wavefront exhibiting 0-dB falloff).” Another paper, by Arlon T. Adams, Yehuda Leviatan, and Knut S. Nordby,[10] covered a study concerned with the near fields of computer products. The study states that “The measurement distances of 3 to 30 meters may lie in the near or the far field , depending on the dimensions of the product and the frequencies emitted.” Furthermore, the study says, “In other words, the average slope in the oscillatory region is less than 20 dB per decade (it is about 10 dB per decade.) In other words, a product just meeting FCC rules at 3-m distance may exceed the rule when measured at 30 m. Thus, measurements made at short distances and then normalized to larger distances will yield far-fields smaller that they should be.” An additional paper by Adams and Nordby[11] reemphasized the above points. In 1987, there was an article published in the 1987 IEEE International Symposium on EMC record[12] by J. D. Gavenda concerning vertical dipole sources in EUTs. His paper stressed the point that vertical electrical fields are also produced off the end of a horizontal electric dipole, and broadside to a horizontal magnetic dipole. The paper states that “In free space at distances large compared with

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testing & test equipment the wave-length and with the maximum dimensions of the EUT, the field strength falls off inversely with distance. However, the presence of a conducting ground plane causes reflected signals which interfere constructively or destructively, depending on height above the ground plane and frequency, with the direct signal. This invalidates any simple inverse-distance falloff rule, so correction factors must be used in the extrapolations.” In the paper, he has a falloff figure for a vertical dipole that is a shallow-v-shaped with a only a 7 dB falloff from 30 to 100 MHz, a mere 4 dB falloff from 100 to 300 MHz, and, then, back to about a 7 dB falloff from 300 – 1000 MHz. A very well-known and respected paper was written in 1987 by Joseph DeMarinis of Digital Equipment Corporation[13]. One of the goals of this paper was the “Prediction and Measurement of correlation errors between 3-meter and 10-meter site distances and development of bands of confidence around such correlation.” In its Introduction, the paper says, “It is well known that signal falloff versus site distance does not follow the 1/distance rule which is proscribed by the regulatory standards and that very large correlation errors can exist between test results taken at different distances. It was of particular interest to the project at hand, to try to understand the relationship between 3-meter and 10-meter sites.” The resulting data of the study showed a falloff of only 4 to 9 db from 30 -200 MHz for vertical signals and a falloff between 9 and 14 dB for horizontal signals. From 200 – 1000 MHz, the falloff for vertical signals ranged from 3 to 11 db and for horizontal signals it ranged from 8 to 13 db. All of this data, predicted and actual, was for Open Area Test Sites. In 1993, three engineers from Austria wrote a paper on radiated emission testing at 3 meters[14]. This paper investigated a difference in extrapolation factors (0 db/decade in CISPR 11 and 20 dB/decade in CISPR 22) that existed at that time. Measurements were made at an Open Area Test Site and showed a range of falloff from 1 dB to 18 dB from a setup representing a typical personal computer. The paper presented worst-case extrapolation factors, for 3 and 10 meter test results, for both horizontal and vertical polarizations. Another paper in 1996 by Christopher l. Holloway and Edward F. Kuester[15] looked at the comparison of OATS and semi-anechoic chambers. It stated that by looking at site attenuations of the two venues an equivalent comparison could be made. It concluded that “This comparison is generally quite good at frequencies higher than 300 MHz, but at lower frequencies (30 -300 MHz), large discrepancies are often observed due to reflections from the chamber walls.” Finally, a paper given in 2009 by Blankenship, Arnett, and Chen described another perspective on looking at the falloffs from 3 to 10 meters[16]. This paper also predicted a complicated falloff curve for signals between 3 and 10 meters and it was based on testing in semi-anechoic chambers. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS It can be seen over the past 40 years that the measurement of radiated emissions from electronic equipment has been 30

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R a d i at e d e m i s s i o n m e a s u R e m e n t s

an active topic. It is also observed that there has been a trend over the last four decades towards making measurements at antenna distances closer and closer to the Equipment Under Test. We have gone from an environment of making measurements at 30 meters on commercial electronic products to an environment of making measurements at 3 and 10 meters. The military and commercial avionics products have consistently used a one-meter antenna distance, however, they have made improvements in the shielded-room locale by adding anechoic material to the ceiling and, at least, part of the wall surfaces in the chamber. The risk with moving closer to the product under test is that the receiving antenna can be immersed in the near-field environment of the EUT. When this happens, and it does at various distances and frequencies depending on the size and internal sources in the product, predicting falloffs of electromagnetic energy with the inverse distance falloff formula (1/r distance factor) does not work and the fields measured at distances further from the product will, in general, be at a higher amplitude than that predicted with a 1/r falloff. One solution to this issue is to mandate all Class A products be tested at 10 meters with no exceptions. Then, there would be no falloff debates since Class A products could not be tested at a closer distance. Since Class B products are already commonly tested at 3 meters for FCC regulations, this can continue with no change; however, if Class B products are tested at 10 meters we would still need to discuss falloffs from 3 to 10 meters. Products tested at 5 meters need to be investigated further as to their falloffs since there has been a limited amount of research done on the falloffs of fields from 5 meters to 10 meters over the frequency range 30 -1000 MHz. If industry would like to test Class A products at 3-meters, there would have to be a correction factor applied to handle that situation. It is probably not 0 db (as was used in CISPR 11 in 1998) and it is probably not 10 dB (as 1/d falloff would predict). It is some factor between those two theories and it would have to be frequency dependent. A proposal along those lines would be a correction factor that would be added to the 10-meter regulatory limit when the product is tested at three meters. As a first estimate, the following is proposed: 30 – 100 MHz - + 6 db 100 -300 MHz - + 3 dB 300 – 600 MHz - + 6 db 600 – 900 MHz - + 7 dB 900 – 1000 MHz - + 8 db These numbers are consistent with references (12) and (16). This set of correction factors would cover the vertical field falloffs and would be even more conservative for the horizontal field falloffs (which are closer to the 1/r falloff curve.) REFERENCES • 1. CBEMA Report – CBEMA/ESC5/77/29 – “Limits and Methods of Mea-

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surement of Electromagnetic Emanations from Electronic Data Processing and Office Equipment,” 20 May 1977. 2. Federal Communications Commission – Notice of Proposed RuleMaking – FCC Docket No. 20780 - “In the Matter of Amendment of Part 15 to redefine and clarify the rules governing restricted radiation and lowpower communication devices,” – Adopted April 14, 1976 and published on April 23, 1976 at 41 Federal Register 17938. 3. Herman Garlan, “FCC Improves Spectrum Utilization Thru Use of Part 15,” 1973 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE 73 CHO 751-8 EMC, June 20-22, 1973. 4. Herbert K. Mertel, “VDE Interference Regulations of West Germany,” ITEM 1980, R & B Enterprises, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, 1980. 5. Federal Communications Commission – Notice of Proposed RuleMaking – FCC Docket No. 80-284, “Test Methods for Part 15 Devices, June, 1980. 6. William E. Cory and Frank C. Milstead, “The Effects of the Local Environment on Interference Measurement and Prediction,” 1969 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Record, IEEE 69C3-EMC, June 17-19, 1969. 7. Albert A. Smith, Jr., “Electric Field Propagation in the Proximal Region,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. EMC-11, No. 4, Nov. 1969. 8. Robert F. German and Ralph Calcavecchio, “On Radiated EMI Measurement in the VHF/UHF Frequency Range,” 1980 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE 80CH1538-8EMC, 1980. 9. T. M. Madzy and K. S. Nordby, “IBM Endicott EMI Range,” 1981 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE 81CH1675-8, August 18-20, 1981. 10. Arlon T. Adams, Yehuda Leviatan, and Knut S. Nordby, “Electromagnetic Near Fields as a Function of Electrical Size,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. EMC-25, No. 4, November 1983. 11. Arlon T. Adams and Knut S. Nordby, “Electromagnetic Near Fields as a Function of Electrical Size,” 1983 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE 83CH1838-2, August 23-25, 1983. 12. J. D. Gavenda, “Effect of Electromagnetic Source Type and Orientation on Signal Falloff with Distance,” 1987 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE 87CH2487-7, August 25-27, 1987. 13. Joseph DeMarinis, “Studies Relating to the Design of Open Field EMI Test Sites,” 1987 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE 87CH2487-7, August 25-27, 1987. 14. H. F. Garn, E. Zink, and R. Kremser; “Problems with RadiatedEmission Testing at 3 m Distance According to CISPR 11 and CISPR 22,” 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,IEEE93CH3310-0, August, 1993. 15. Christopher l. Holloway and Edward F. Kuester, “Modeling SemiAnechoic Electromagnetic Measurement Chambers,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 38, No. 1, February, 1996. 16. Ed Blankenship, David Arnett, and Sidney Chan; “Searching for the Elusive Correction Factor between 3m and 10m Radiated Emission Tests,” 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE CFP09EMC-CDR, August 17-21, 2009.

STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS REFERENCES IN ARTICLE MIL-STD 461: Latest version is MIL-STD-461F – Interface Standard – Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and interferencetechnology.com

testing & test equipment Equipment – United States Department of Defense - 10 December 2007. RTCA DO-160: Latest version is RTCA DO-160F – Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment – RTCA, Incorporated, 1828 L Street NW, Suite 805, Washington, DC 20036 – December 2007. Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulation, 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, 10-01-09. ANSI C63.4: American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from LowVoltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz, FCC Rules reference 2003 version, latest version is dated 2009. CISPR 22: International Electrotechnical Commission – Information Technology Equipment – Radio Disturbance Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurement, Third Edition – 1997 is referenced by the Part 15 of the FCC Rules; latest edition of CISPR 22 is Edition 6 dated 2008. Daniel Hoolihan is a past president of the IEEE EMC Society. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 1987 and has held numberous leadership positions in the society. Dan is also active on the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee on EMC, C63 as Vice Chairman. He was co-founder of Amador Corporation (1984-1995). He can be reached at DanHoolihanEMC@aol.com n

THE FIRST FM APPROVED RETRACTABLE TELESCOPING SPRINKLER HEAD FOR ANECHOIC CHAMBERS Sprinkler Innovations provides innovative product and design solutions for the fire protection industry’s most demanding environments. FM Approved retractable telescoping sprinkler heads for anechoic chambers protect their most valuable investments. Our proprietary technology is your best choice for anechoic chambers. • Designed and built to be virtually maintenance-free for 7 years • Trip test time is only 2 hours • RF Shielded to 105dB at 40GHz • Slam tested at 225 lbs • Easily installed to replace your current system • Retracts and resets after testing • No need to enter chamber or remove anechoic materials for tests or false activations Sprinkler Innovations Phone: 800 850-6692 Fax: 603-468-1031 Email: jbeers@sprinklerinnovations.com Web: www.sprinklerinnovations.com Patent # 6808128 MADE IN USA

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

choosing the right chamber for Your test requirements Developments within the standards community have led to new chamber validation procedures above 1 ghz and alternative test methods using fArs Martin Wiles Vince rodriguez ets-lindgren

Figure 1. EMC anechoic chamber at Philips Eindhoven.

All photos used with permission of ETS-Lindgren


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i. introduction Anechoic chambers are used today for performing EMC measurements according to a variety of published EMC standards. There are many different fields of application including consumer electronics, automotive, aerospace, military, medical, telecommunications and others. Standards are developed and published worldwide by different organizations resulting in different requirements and consequently different chamber types. EMC anechoic chambers, especially those with conductive floors (called semi-anechoic chambers or SAC), are primarily used for testing radiated emissions (RE) in the frequency range from 30 to 1000 MHz and radiated immunity (RI) from 26 or 80 MHz

to 1000 MHz, with extensions to 6 GHz, 18 GHz, or even 40 GHz with RE measurements becoming more frequent. While there are standards that call for radiated measurements down to the low kHz or even to the low Hz range, these standards do not specify any need for absorption or anechoic behavior as the chamber validation criterion starts at 30 or 80 MHz. In most cases, at these low frequencies where current absorber technology cannot deliver any level of absorption, the chambers are going to be too small (electrically) for resonant modes to appear. Different methods and criteria for validating chambers and performing EMC measurements for testing immunity or capturing emissions are standardized, including test distances, field levels, emission limits, pass criteria, equipment set up and so on. There are, however, cases where standards are vague regarding the chamber performance. For example, some automotive component standards mention a given level of reflectivity at the EUT area but do not provide any specific method to test this requirement. In those cases, some interpretation of the wording of the standard is needed or consulting with the appropriate standards developers as to their intent or to better specify the requirements in a subsequent edition of the standard. ii. todaY’s tecHnologY Fundamentally, the EMC anechoic chamber is a shielded room with RF absorber materials installed on the four walls and ceiling and possibly on the floor. The design of EMC anechoic chambers is dictated by the emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

Model 3117 Dual-Ridged Waveguide Horn Frequency Range: 1 - 18 GHz

Model 3183 Broadband Mini-Bicon Frequency Range: 1 - 18 GHz

CISPR 16-1-4 Chamber Characterization:

The Antennas You Need Are Here! Smart Choices The new CISPR 16-1-4 standard requires chambers to be characterized above 1 GHz. ETS-Lindgren has a pair of broadband antennas that make the task easier. Both antennas have an operating frequency range of 1-18 GHz, so you don’t have to stop for band breaks. Detecting signals of interest with our new mini-bicon is also simplified. With maximum power input levels of 50W at 1 GHz to 25W at 18 GHz, it can generate signals with higher amplitudes that won’t get confused with noise floor clutter.

Complete Systems We make a lot of great antennas, but ETS-Lindgren is also the world’s largest manufacturer of EMC components and test systems. So if you don’t already have one, we can provide a chamber, or a complete turnkey system, or anything in between. (If you do have a chamber, but it’s non-CISPR compliant, we can help with that too.) Information for the antennas featured here is available at www.ets-lindgren.com/3117 and www.ets-lindgren.com/3183.

www.ets-lindgren.com Phone +1.512.531.6400  info@ets-lindgren.com Offices in the US, Finland, UK, France, India, Singapore, Japan, China, Taiwan © 2009 ETS-Lindgren

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

Figure 2. Single skin type enclosure

Figure 3. Sandwich type enclosure

standards and the available technology. This section describes some of the main components with a focus mainly on the RF absorber technology. RF Shield Technology The chamber itself will almost always be a shielded room or Faraday cage, which means that it is an isolated RF environment that is not disturbed by external interference and in turn does not disturb the external environment itself. The shielding specification is typically defined from 10 kHz to 18 GHz (and sometimes to 40 GHz) with acceptance testing methods described in IEEE 299 [1] or EN 50147-1 [2]. The user will typically define the required shield attenuation levels. Typical values for the two main types of shielded panel technology are given below. Other components of the shielded room that we will mention briefly are the door, whose quality and size will significantly influence the overall cost and performance of the shielded room, as well as RF filtering for electrical, data and other cabling that must be present in the room. RF AbSoRbeR Technology The RF absorber materials that line the surfaces of the shielded room play a major part in the chamber design. There are three basic types of absorber available. These are summarized below. • Microwave Pyramidal Absorber: The name may be misleading as this material is used down to 200 MHz or even 80 MHz, well below the traditional microwave range. This material is generally referred to as the traditional “blue stuff” or “blue foam.” This is a material where a substrate (usually polyurethane) is loaded with carbon. To achieve any level of absorption, the material must be of a certain electrical size from the base to the tip of the pyramid. Thus, it is commonly used at higher frequencies. There are, however, some chambers used for EMC where this material is still used. The original EMC chambers in the early 1980s used this material with pyramids having 2.4m in length in order to have usable 34

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Figure 4. Typical performance of “single skin” enclosure

Figure 5. Typical performance of a Series 501™ door installed in an ETS-Lindgren Series 501™ “Sandwich” type enclosure.

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

Figure 6. Single skin modular system.

Figure 7. Sandwich type modular system

Figure 8. Shielded door

Figure 9. RF filters


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Figure 10. Microwave absorber

undesired reflection suppression down to 30 MHz. More recently, multi-purpose chambers such as the SatelliteAntenna-EMC-Measurement chamber at the Laboratory of Integration and Testing (LIT) of the INPE (Brazilian National Institute of Space Research) used specially cut 1.8m pyramids to meet the EMC requirements as well as the absorption levels for antenna measurements over the frequency range of 500 MHz to 40 GHz. • Ferrite tile: In the 1990s, and even much earlier, ferrite tiles were introduced as a non-linear absorbing material. These are magnetic loss materials that are truly narrowband materials. For ferrites to work optimally, they need to be mounted on a metal backing and the spacing between the tile and the metal is critical. Tiles have excellent absorption characteristics given their low profile, usually 5 to 7 mm in thickness. Unfortunately, they stop being absorbers at frequencies around 1.5 GHz or even lower. Recently some manufacturers have introduced plastic pyramids injected with ferrite powders. These pyramids are short and provide good absorption in the 15 to 20 dB normal incidence up to 6 GHz and above, but for them to work at low frequencies they need to be matched with ferrite tile. This need for ferrite tile makes the chamber absorber very heavy and requires additional support for the chamber. It is important to note the savings in size usually does not offset the high cost of the material. • Hybrid absorber was created as a combination of the two above technologies. This is not as simple as placing the traditional microwave “blue stuff” on top of the ferrite tile. By doing this combination, the ferrite performance is eliminated. Basically what happens is that as the EM wave penetrates the absorber, it starts traveling in a media that has a wave impedance very different from that of air. This wave impedance in the absorber is so different from that of the ferrite that the EM energy bounces off the ferrite without penetrating it, and penetration is the key to absorption. The problem is solved by adjusting the carbon content of the “blue stuff.” This can be done by reducing the carbon on the foam or by using hollowed pyramids. A different approach uses shaped coatings of lossy paint on polystyrene substrates to create a lossy impedance transform that makes a smooth change from the free space wave impedance to the wave impedance of ferrite. This transformation makes the ferrite more efficient at low frequencies. At high frequencies, the lossiness of the coating on the shape provides the absorption. ABSORBER POWER HANDLING Before discussing anechoic chambers, the power handling of the absorber needs to be reviewed. This is important as exceeding the power handling might lead to destruction of the material and possible fire or emission of hazardous fumes. Traditionally, most manufacturers have used 200 V/m as the limit in their literature for EMC absorbers. As military and automotive standards call for much higher fields, it is prudent to make some clarifications. The emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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first is that most broadband absorbers convert EM energy into thermal energy which is then dissipated harmlessly into the chamber as thermal heat. Unfortunately, most foam materials are thermal insulators so they are Figure 11. Ferrite tile absorber not the best materials when it comes to dissipating the heat generated during absorption. The second is that tests run during the early 1970s on the traditional “blue stuff� showed that the material could easily handle power densities of 1 kilowatt per square meter which some manufacturers reduced adding a safety margin to 775 watts per square meter. This is about 600 V/m and this is for traditional foam. The foam used in hybrid materials having lower carbon content tends to have poorer absorption and less heat generation for a given field. In 2004, tests were conducted at the anechoic chamber located at Delphi in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. This chamber was used for CISPR 25 [3] testing. During the test levels of 600 V/m, and even 700 V/m, continuous wave (spot frequency) were generated close to the absorber and the foam was able to stand the levels without excessive warming. More recently, work was performed by ETS-Lindgren at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Indiana where the absorber was changed mechanically to cover more surface area and thus dissipate more heat. This specially cut absorber was able to withstand up to three kilowatts per square meter CW without the need for forced air cooling for a period of more than 20 minutes.[4] Higher levels of power handling can be achieved with other materials such as more open cell products called filter foam (7.5 KW/sqm) or special high power materials made from a honeycomb-like substrate (> 10 KW/sqm). Even higher levels can be achieved by ventilating the materials. Methods of measurement for absorber performance are described in IEEE 1128.[5] In particular, absorber evaluation is described in actual applications as in anechoic or semi-anechoic chambers and lined open area test sites.

Figure 12. Hybrid absorber

used to generate the required field. Here, combination antennas are the preferred technology if adequate power is not available. Radiated emission testing requires high Figure 13. Absorber power precision calibrated handling analysis antennas (calibration is the key word here, not necessarily high precision which is not called out in most testing standards). Antennas have technically changed very little with biconicals and log periodics remaining the preferred technology between 30

AntennA technology The antennas used for radiated emission field EMC testing are of key importance compared to the rest of the instrumentation. Over the past 10 years, antenna technology has clearly progressed and adapted to the different tests required by the standards. The older biconical and log periodic designs have seen the arrival of hybrid or combination antennas that can cover the entire frequency band of 26 MHz to 3 GHz or 80 MHz to 6 GHz in one sweep by combining and matching a biconical section to a log periodic section. Such combination antennas are often greater than a meter in width and length. Radiated immunity testing will require low VSWR and high gain so that the smallest possible amplifier may be interferencetechnology.com

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

MHz and up to 2 GHz, although there are some combination antennas wh ich offer sufficient precision for compliance. For faster testing and to minimize setup changFigure 14. Absorber power handling measurement es, combination antennas can be used for emission and immunity testing at the same time, so many EMC product measurements will be performed with combination antennas. However, chamber calibration according to radiated emission standards such as CISPR 16-1-4 [6] will prefer the higher accuracy (lower uncerFigure 15. Hybrid antenna tainty of their calibrations) of the biconical and log periodic antennas. This is due to the smaller electrical size 1 of the antenna and subsequent better definition of the log periodic antenna phase center. In addition, a combination antenna is about 1.5 m long and has its low frequency section at the back. Assuming that the phase center is defined as the mechanical center of the antenna, the two low frequency sections will be separated at a 3 m distance by 3 m plus an extra 1.5 m (i.e., a 50% increase in the separation). For the most difficult chamber validation described by the NSA method, this has a not insignificant effect, and 2 means that biconical and log periodic antennas are preferred at least for the chamber validation. The FAR (fully anechoic rooms) test methods, described later, have refined this method using a 3 small biconical antenna, but this has led to other problems and these methods are likely to return to standard size biconical antennas. For radiated immunity testing, the antenna is generally calibrated at 1 or 3 m separation between the source Figure 16. Automotive immunity antennas. (#1 fore-shortened log; dual log array; #3 location and that of the receiving locaoptional cable reel) tion in order to give an idea to system 38

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designers how much power can be developed with a given signal input. For radiated emission testing, antennas are calibrated as pairs on a standard antenna calibration site that meets stricter NSA requirements than that for compliance testing according to ANSI C63.5 [8] [9]. Note that a new draft standard CISPR 16-1-6 [7] [10] solely on antenna calibration is currently being developed by IEC/CISPR and will reference ANSI C63.5 as one of the techniques for antenna calibration. This work has been under way for some time so that CISPR documentation will have an antenna calibration method. There is an emphasis to get this published this year or by early next year. Note that automotive testing will typically require developing higher field levels in the chamber which means different antennas will be needed. Field Probe Technology Another key component for field measurements is the field probe that is used to measure field strength during radiated immunity measurements. Important parameters for field probes include frequency range, in-band frequency response, dynamic range (maximum and minimum detectable field strength), isotropic response, response time, sample rate, and probe operation time. A laser powered probe may be appropriate in situations where long, uninterrupted and continuous operation is desired (to avoid battery charging between tests). In certain applications, it may also be important to know how a probe responds to a modulated (AM/FM) field. AnTennA MAsT Technology Radiated emission tests will require antennas to be mounted to a mast that will need to scan from 1 m to 4 m in height. The same antenna is often used for radiated immunity tests but will not scan. Other bigger antennas such as those used for automotive testing will have their own separate masts. Note that the ANSI C63.4 standard already stipulates that to meet requirements, “aiming� the antenna towards the EUT to maximize emissions above 1 GHz is required.

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TurnTable Technology Both radiated emission and immunity tests will require full azimuth rotation of the equipment under test (EUT). Metal topped turntables are typically installed in the chamber floor with their minimum size encompassing the entire EUT and its cables. Most turntables will have variable speed operation and can be operated by a remote controller that will also control the antenna mast. III. eMc anechoIc chaMber TyPeS EMC anechoic chambers can be divided into different groups as follows: • Partially lined: There are two types ◊ The chamber surfaces are not fully covered with absorber per MIL STD 461 F [11] and RTCODO 160 [12] where parts of the walls and ceiling are a bare shield. ◊ Other partially lined chambers are fully covered with ferrite absorber but have a partial treat-

ment of hybrid foam absorber for the higher frequencies. Hence, at frequencies below 1 GHz, these are semi-anechoic, but above 1 GHz they are partially lined with absorber in critical areas. • Semi-Anechoic Chamber (SAC): The walls and ceiling are covered with absorber while the floor is a Figure 17. metal reflecting ground plane. Field probe • Fully Anechoic Room (FAR): All surfaces are covered with absorber including the top of any turntable used where the turntable is at the same elevation as that of the bare floor of the chamber or room. Depending on the need to fully comply with these standards, EMC anechoic chambers can also be further divided into two groups: pre-compliance (where testing is for research and development or where the purchase budget is limited) or full-compliance (where testing is for type approval). While a manu- Figure 18. Turntable


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Figure 19. Antenna tower

facturer who can fill the chamber test schedule with its own internal needs will focus the chamber requirement on its own product standards, an independent test lab must broaden its scope to be able to meet the requirements of as many standards as possible and to accommodate a wide range of products of different type and size. Throughput is often important in both cases and a quick change from one test set-up to another is an important part in chamber ergonomics. • Pre-compliance compact chambers - RI pre-compliance/RE precompliance ◊ Compliance to IEC 61000.4.3 [13] radiated immunity ◊ Pre-compliance to the radiated emission standards such as CISPR 22 [14] ◊ Typical size: 7.2 m x 3.0 m x 3.0 m (L x W x H) • Full compliance chambers - RI compliance/RE compliance ◊ Compliance to IEC 61000-4-3 radiated immunity ◊ Compliance to the radiated emission standards such as CISPR 22 and ANSI C63.4 ◊ Typical sizes: • 3m: 8.5 m x 6.0 m x 6.0 m; 2m diameter quiet zone 40

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

• 5m: 11.5 m x 7.0 m x 6.0 m; 2m diameter quiet zone • 10m: 18.8 m x 11.6 m x 8.5 m; 3m diameter quiet zone The most common type of chambers will be either the compact 3m (3m distance with a limited height scan for pre-compliant testing) or a full 3m (3m distance with full height scan) although many test organizations continue to have larger chambers up to 10 m types as the radiated emission limits in CISPR 22 are at 10 meter separation from the EUT for Class A; only Class B EUTs can be measured down to a 3 meter separation between 30 and 1000 MHz in particular circumstances. The compact chamber, if the standard allows the shorter separation distance, offers the advantage of being able to fit into the majority of buildings due to their limited height of 3m. The full 3m and larger chambers are typically part of a dedicated parent building purposely built in many cases to house the chamber. Readers should also be aware that a current trend for older chambers with adequate shielding effectiveness, such as those installed in the 1980s, is to retrofit the chamber using current technology. In this case, old absorber is removed and replaced with new absorber. The result is improved overall chamber performance and a larger interior footprint due to the smaller size of current absorber.[15] IV. STANDARDIZATION The main test applications for EMC are the consumer electronics, telecom, medical, automotive and military/aerospace industries. There is no single organization regrouping all the standards covering the above groups. The European Union (EU) has played a key role since 1992 in initiating a major overhaul in the standards available and has produced a number of directives such as the EMC Directive (2004/104/EC) [16], the Automotive Directive (2004/104/ EC) [17], the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) [18], the R&TTE Directive (99/5/EC) [19], and the Medical Devices Directive (2001/104/EC) [20]. These directives require the testing of all products to be sold within the EU according to standards which

have been either developed (mostly by CENELEC and ETSI), or which have been derived from existing standards. Standards organizations such as the IEC/CISPR are a major source of CENELEC EMC standards per an agreement between the IEC and CENELEC. The IEC and its special committee known as CISPR publish voluntary generic, basic and product standards on a global level. It is extremely active and its newly published documents need to be monitored on a regular basis to ensure that other standards organizations, which generld ally have representation in CISPR, harmonize with CISPR’s activity. BASIC STANDARD - CISPR 16 Radiated emission measurement methods, test instrumentation specifications and measurement uncertainty are covered under the basic standard CISPR 16, while specific product group requirements are covered by CISPR 11 [21], 14 [22], 20 [23], 22 and 25. In the U.S., FCC Part 15 [24] requirements are similar to these methods but there are some significant differences. CISPR 16 has undergone major changes in recent years and now includes chamber validation methods for both Semi Anechoic Chambers (SACs) and Fully Anechoic Rooms (FARs) in CISPR 161-4 and most recently for chamber validation above 1 GHz. The CISPR 16-1-4 chamber validation method < 1 GHz for SACs is the Normalised Site Attenuation (NSA) method which is identical to that in ANSI C63.4 (the source for this work). Using a pair of antennas previously calibrated on a suitable OATS or in a suitable semi-anechoic chamber, chambers will then be validated over the frequency range from 30 to 1000 MHz. A transmit antenna is placed at different positions and heights on the turntable and a receive antenna is scanned from 1 m to 4 m at a 3 m (which is allowed only for Class B equipment in CISPR 22) or 10 m distance depending on the test separation distance cited in the emission limits. When normalized to theoretical values, the site’s NSA must be within +/-4 dB of theoretical. The size of the EUT/quiet zone will vary and emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Figure 20. Compact chamber

Figure 21. Full 3m chamber

Figure 24. CISPR 16-1-4 FSNSA Tests

Figure 22. 5m chamber

Figure 25. CISPR 16-1-4 sVSWR Tests

Figure 23. 10m chamber

Figure 28. CISPR 12 chamber

Figure 26. IEC 61000-4-3 Example of illumination of successive windows

Figure 29. Ground plane table for CISPR 25 component tests


Figure 27. CISPR 22 chamber

Figure 30. CISPR 25 vehicle chamber

Figure 31. MIL STD 461 chamber

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

will dictate the size of the room and the distance at which the measurements are made. For example, EUTs larger than 2 m in their horizontal “footprint� are typically not tested at 3m since their front face would be in the near field of the antenna when the product is rotated by the required turntable, producing emissions at significantly varying separation distances. Such large equipment is generally Class A designated and hence the 10 m distance would be required as the limits are at that separation. Antenna calibration plays a key role in the uncertainty budget of this measurement and is typically carried out per the ANSI C63.5 standard. There is much discussion currently at the CISPR 16 level concerning the antenna calibration under the draft new CISPR 16-1-6 document and also the NSA method itself and the so called RSM (Reference Site Method) [25] [26] that differs fundamentally in some details to the NSA method. RSM is yet to be fully introduced and it is not clear that NSA will not be kept as there is more and more information showing that the NSA method also uses the same concepts of the RSM method; hence, they may not be all that different except for implementation. The CISPR 16-1-4 chamber validation method <1 GHz for FARs has incorporated much of the well known work previously developed by CENELEC and is known as the Free Space NSA or FSNSA method. This is again a volumetric test with a pair of antennas but differs from NSA in that it specifies












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the use of a small biconical transmit antenna for the whole range 30 to 1000 MHz and the receive antenna must be the same as used subsequently for the product tests. The transmit antenna is placed at three different heights and five different positions at the extremes of the test volume and the FSNSA is then measured at 3 m or 5 m separation. In addition, both antennas are allowed to be tilted or aimed towards each other thus allowing the use of one individual antenna factor – this is much simpler than the multiple geometric antenna factors required for NSA tests. The pass criteria is again +/-4 dB and so far most chambers are showing similar behavior as a FAR (with floor absorber) or SAC (with ground plane) in that a compliant 3 m SAC will also be a compliant 3 m FAR with the same being true for the pre-compliant smaller chambers if the floor absorbers are sufficient. An additional development for CISPR 16-1-4 was the recent publication of a chamber validation method for sites above 1 GHz called the Site VSWR or SVSWR test. This method has implications for existing chambers because it will test them more severely than the Free Space Transmission Loss (FSTL) [27] method that has been commonly used until now. One of the key differences is the SVSWR’s use of an isotropic source antenna in conjunction with a broadband horn receive antenna compared to FSTL’s use of typically two horn antennas so that SVSWR exposes more of the chamber to the antenna beam and pattern. Several different positions are measured by moving the antenna along the line of sight to specified test points at the perimeter of the test volume and then calculating the SVSWR of the data group at that position. The criteria is SVSWR < 6 dB which is the difference between the highest level measured and the lowest level measured at each test frequency, polarization, antenna test height, and multiple transmit locations to pass. Another point to note with this test is that the floor absorbers cannot be higher than 30 cm. This was to ensure that not too high of emissions from a floor standing product were suppressed by emanating through floor absorbers. Experience with this measurement is currently somewhat limited but the implications so far are that compliant FARs will pass easily as long as the floor anechoic material mirrors the ceiling anechoic material. SACs will pass as long as any partial lining designs with hybrid absorbers increase the coverage of hybrid and use 30 cm microwave absorbers on the floor and the corners of chambers which may not have had sufficient absorber material initially installed. This validation method is being questioned because the small number of sampling points and their locations which might be in the nulls. Site validation methods based on time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements are being suggested.[28] BASIC STANDARD - IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated immunity requirements are covered under the basic standard IEC 61000-4-3, with various other standards (i.e., CISPR 24 [29] ITE immunity, IEC 60601-1-2 2001medical immunity [30]) referring back to this standard but retaining needed specific product setup. The measurement of field uniformity is carried out over a specified test area emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Commercial Electronics& Medical


Title of Standard

General Description

CISPR 16-1-4

Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus


IEC 61000-4-3

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test



CISPR 14-1

CISPR 14-2




TR 102-273

ETS 300-328 Aircraft

RTCA DO 160 MIL-STD-461F requirement RE 103

Frequency Range

Min Chamber type


Full SAC/FAR 3m,5m,10m


80 MHz to 6 GHz


Methods of measurement of radio-noise emissionsfrom low voltage electrical and electronic equipment in the range 9KHz to 40GHz


9KHz to 40GHz

Full SAC 3m,5m,10m

Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement



Full SAC 3m,5m,10m



Full SAC 3m,5m,10m


Full SAC 3m,5m,10m


Full SAC 3m,5m,10m


Full SAC 3m,5m,10m


Full SAC/FAR 3m,5m,10m


Full SAC 3m,5m,10m


Full FAR 3m,5m


Full SAC 3m,5m,10m


Mil- Std chamber

“Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement”, Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard

Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement “Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement “ Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Improvement on Radiated Methods of Measurement (using test site) and evaluation of the corresponding measurement uncertainties; Part 3: Anechoic chamber with a ground plane Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Wideband transmission systems; Technical characteristics and test conditions for data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using spread spectrum modulation techniques Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment







Department of Defense: Requirements for the control of electromagnetic interference characteristics of subsystems and equipment Radiated Emissions, Electric Field, 10KHz to 18GHz

Military Electronics

80 MHz to 18 GHz (Absorber only) RE

MIL-STD-461F requirement RS 103

Department of Defense: Requirements for the control of electromagnetic interference characteristics of subsystems and equipment Radiated Susceptibility, Electric Field, 2MHz to 18GHz

Mil- Std chamber

80 MHz to 18 GHz (Absorber only) RI


Title of Standard

General Description

Mil- Std chamber

Frequency Range

ETS-Lindgren minimum chamber that meets this standard


Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engine driven devices - radio disturbance characteristics - limits and methods of measurement


150KHz to 30MHz limits have not been set 30-1000MHz and 1000MHz-18GHz under study

Standard 10m chambers with large QZ diameters can meet this standard.


Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics for the protection of receivers used on board vehicles


150KHz- 1000MHz

CISPR 25 type

ISO 11451

Road vehicles - vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy


check equivalent SAE standard

check equivalent SAE standard

ISO 11452

Components- test methods for electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy


check equivalent SAE standard

check equivalent SAE standard

30MHz - 1000MHz

Full 10m


SAE J551

vehicle testing


Test limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of vehicles, Motorboats, and spark-ignited Engine Driven Devices



Test limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of vehicles and devices, broadband and narrowband, 150KHz to 1000MHz



CISPR 25 type


100KHz-18GHz 1.8MHz-1.3GHz 1MHz- 400MHz

Full 10m Full 10m Full 10m

-11 -12 -13 SAE J1113

Vehicle Electromagnetic immunity-Off vehicle source Vehicle Electromagnetic Immunity-On board transmitter simulation Vehicle Electromagnetic Immunity-Bulk Current injection component testing


Electromagnetic compatibility measurement procedure for vehicle components- immunity to electromagnetic fields 10KHz-18GHz absorber lined chamber



CISPR 25 type


Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicl3e Components-Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields, 10KHz to 1000MHz



CISPR 25 type


Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of components and modules for the protection of receivers used on board vehicles



CISPR 25 type

2004/104/EC European Automotive Directive

Vehicle and Component testing


Method of measurement of radiated narrowband emissions from vehicles



Full 10m

ANNEX V ( CISPR 12 and 25 )

Method of measurement of radiated narrowband emissions from vehicles



Full 10m

Method of testing for immunity of vehicles to electromagnetic radiation



Full 10m


Method of measurement of radiated broadband electromagnetic emissions from electrical/electronic sub-assemblies



CISPR 25/ SAR 3m


Method of Measurement of radiated narrowband electromagnetic emissions from electrical/electronic subassemblies



CISPR 25/ SAR 3m

ANNEX IX (ISO 11452 )

Method's) of testing for Immunity of electrical/electronic sub-assemblies to electromagnetic radiation



CISPR 25 type

ANNEX VI (ISO 11451-2)


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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

(typically a 1.5 x 1.5 m vertical plane), made up of 16 points at 80 cm above the floor. The test criteria are for 75% of the 16 points to be within 0-6 dB of each other and at all frequencies used. This test ensures that EUTs are subjected to known field levels during the radiated immunity tests. Absorbers are partially required on the floor for this test and should be removed when carrying out the radiated emissions tests. Hybrid absorbers on rolling carts are typically used and moved off to the side walls when not in use, thus making the change from RE to RI testing practical and fast. When RE testing is not required, some chambers are left as a FAR with full floor coverage. Both the compact and full compliance chambers will typically pass these criteria without problem using ferrite or hybrid absorbers. It should be noted, however, that the relatively new standard for medical devices, IEC 60601-1-2 (a derivative of IEC 610004-3) now requires testing to 2.5 GHz which, in effect, becomes 3 GHz (also for the combination antennas). Consequently, most compact chambers now will need to use hybrid materials and not just the ferrite-only design whose performance drops off from 1 GHz upwards. Further, as a result of its extension to 6 GHz, IEC 610004-3 has now developed procedures for validating sites above 1 GHz involving the use of smaller test planes – called “windowing” - or multiple transmit positions to take into

account the directive nature of the antennas at higher frequencies. In other words, the transmit antenna may or may not be able to fully illuminate the EUT from a single position because of its beamwidth. Increasing the separation away from the plane will better illuminate the EUT but will require more power for the incident field. The alternative “windowing” method of illuminating parts of the EUT one by one from different transmit positions avoids the above but potentially could yield different results from that of full illumination at the same time. IEC – CISPR JOINT TASK FORCE ON FULLY ANECHOIC ROOMS (DRAFT IEC 61000-4-22) [31] At this point it is important to note that the IEC and CISPR have created a joint task force between IEC TC77B and CISPR A to create a draft document describing methods of measurement in Fully Anechoic Rooms. The idea is to simplify the logistics of the measurement such that there is one single chamber validation test instead of two different tests, one for emissions and one for immunity. In addition, the EUT test setup is to be the same for both emission and immunity testing to again allow simplified and faster testing. The goal is to still have measurements that protect the radio services and to adequately assess the product immunity. The proposal is quite radical because it creates potential conflict with IEC 61000-4-3 and CISPR 16-1-4, but has passed voting at the time of writing and is due to be published sometime in 2010.

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V. EMC APPLICATIONS We now discuss test applications and describe the typical chamber type used to carry out EMC testing related to a specific application. A quick look reference guide may be found in Table 1 which summarizes the applications with the type of chamber required.


• • • • • • •

A2LA Accredited “CE” Mark Testing 200 Volts per meter NARTE certified EMI engineers Full service engineering support FULL VEHICLE ANECHOIC CHAMBER DOC, FDA, FCC, RTCA, MIL-STD, SAE testing

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Consumer Electronics Typical chamber type: Compact, Full 3m/5m/10m Typical frequency range: 30 MHz to 6 GHz Although there are many variations on basic tests due to specific product functionality tests, most of the type approval requirements remain under the methods described below: CISPR 11 (Industrial Scientific and Medical - Emission) CISPR 13 [32] (Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment-Emission) CISPR 14-1 (Consumer Electronics - Emission) CISPR 14-2 [33] (Consumer Electronics - Immunity) CISPR 20 (Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment-Immunity) CISPR 22 (Information Technology Equipment-Emission) CISPR 24 (Information Technology Equipment-Immunity) With the exception of CISPR 11 (10 m chamber only but will update soon to accept 3 m tests for small objects), the chamber requirements for compliance in all cases will be a full 3m SAC or FAR designed for 30 MHz to 6 GHz for radiated emissions and 80 MHz to 6 GHz for radiated imemc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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munity with removable absorber on the floor (SAC). Note that FCC testing goes to 40 GHz. Product development and R&D activity will generally choose a fully anechoic compact chamber using the chamber for pre-compliant radiated emissions work and compliant radiated immunity. Note that the changes reported in CISPR 16 are included in the latest version of product standards such as CISPR 22 (ITE) and CISPR 13 (broadcast devices). There is now major activity to merge these standards into a new CISPR 32 [34] in the future which will be identified as a multimedia equipment standard that includes ITE and receivers. Telecommunications Typical chamber type: SAC/FAR, Compact, Full 3m separation Typical frequency range: 30 MHz to 6 GHz (18 GHz) Depending on standard This market has been one of the most active in the last five years in line with the growth in the mobile phone market. A significant number of chambers are being built and used either for product development or type approval testing. In Europe, EMC testing comes under the R&TTE directive and refers to the previously mentioned CISPR 22 and 24 standards, while in the U.S. testing falls under FCC Part 15 regulations and Telecordia [35] (formerly Bell Communications Research - Bellcore) requirements. Specific product standards developed by ETSI [36] define many other test methods in addition to those mentioned above and the only one that changes the chamber requirements is the transmitter spurious emissions. This can be found in a vast majority of the large number of different standards ETSI has produced. The requirements of the anechoic chamber define a fully lined chamber for 3 m and 5 m spurious emission tests using 1 m absorber specified against the following table of frequency vs. absorber performance: -10 dB 30 to 100 MHz -20 dB 100 to 300 MHz -30 dB 300 MHz to 10 GHz The strict application of this requirement does not always take place due to ETSI’s inadequate definition of the absorber and chamber requirement, since there is no definition of how to measure these values. If this is applied to the exact specifications above, and these values are interpreted as absorber reflectivity values, it will mean hybrid absorber of 1,000 mm in length. This then becomes a large full 3 m chamber and may require rethinking the treatment of the floor which would be difficult to remove for the basic ground plane tests required by CISPR 22. If, however, it is allowed to interpret these values in a more flexible way by measuring them using the very old industry method “Termination VSWR" [37], then these values can be achieved with a 1 m long pyramid and the chamber therefore will be less costly. The “Termination VSWR” method is basically a slotted line technique that was used in the very early days of EMC chamber testing some 20 plus years ago and can produce interferencetechnology.com

some very attractive looking data. Unfortunately, for many who choose this more attractive route, they soon discover that product testing below 100 MHz can be limited since 1 m pyramidal absorbers do not work well enough, something we also knew 20 years ago. Automotive Typical chamber type: Small partial lined to full 10 m separation Typical frequency range: 80 MHz to 40 GHz Automotive requirements tend to make chamber design variable due to the large number of standards available and the need to test at component and/or full vehicle level. As one solution, General Motors decided to build to the most difficult common denominator for testing, which is the 10 m emission test, and also have the ability to be compliant with the next 20 years of standards changes. Now they have four identical 10 m chambers. Although this is probably an extreme case, it is an example of the dilemma that manufacturers face. At the same time, every manufacturer will still have its own unique requirements which are often very difficult to meet. Of recent note is the Automotive EMC Directive, requiring car accessories to meet the CE mark requirements. This has been a source of discussion between automotive and telecom manufacturers for some time at ETSI in order to

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avoid overlap of testing under the R&TTE and the Automotive EMC Directives. Such issues will increase in this market as the products become more sophisticated. The automotive standards these manufacturers apply are basically quite simple, with the most common coming from CISPR, SAE, and ISO. These standards are usually copies of each other, with small differences. CISPR 12 [38] Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engine driven devices - radio disturbance characteristics - limits and methods of measurement Typical chamber type: Standard 10 m chambers Typical frequency range: (150 KHz) -30 MHz to 1000 MHz The 10 m emission testing locates the antenna 10 m from the outer shell of the vehicle. The antenna is not scanned but located at 3 m height (for 3 m testing, the antenna is located at 1.8 meters). Both sides of the vehicle and both polarizations are tested and the antenna is to be in line with the middle point of the engine compartment with no height searching for maximum received emission. A two antenna position chamber makes the test much easier. A monopole is used for the range 150 kHz to 30 MHz, and only vertical polarization measurements are made. For 30 MHz to 200 MHz, a biconical antenna is used, and the log periodic is used for the range 200 MHz to 1000 MHz. Alternatively, tuned dipoles can be used for the entire range. For 10 m testing, the antenna is located 3 m over ground and it is not scanned. The antenna is 10 meters from the outer skin of the vehicle and in line with the engine midpoint. Both sides of the vehicle are tested. For 3 m testing, the antenna is placed at 1.8 m, and both horizontal and vertical polarizations are measured. CISPR 25 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics for the protection of receivers used on board vehicles Typical chamber type: 7.1 m x 6.85 m x 4.3 m (36” pyramidal absorber only) (Can be smaller if hybrid absorber is used) Typical frequency range: 70 MHz to 2500 MHz Testing to this standard requires an absorber lined chamber where the absorption of the material has to be better than 6 dB for the range 70 MHz 1000 MHz. For the chamber testing procedure, a monopole antenna is used for the range 150 kHz to 30 MHz, a biconical antenna is used for the range 30 MHz to 200 MHz, and the log periodic antenna is used for the range 200 MHz to 1000 MHz. Full vehicle testing is used to see how the radio or radios in the car are affected by the different systems in the vehicle (for example, how the radio is affected by the windshield wipers). The most important recent change to chambers for CISPR 25 testing have seen that the old requirement of 2 m distance to the shield from the antenna tips or the EUT (in addition to the 1 m requirement from the antenna and EUT to the absorber tips) has been eliminated. This is mainly due to the fact that absorber technology is now able 46

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to provide the required absorption levels (which have not changed since the original version of the standard) with shorter absorber. Although no validation method is described in CISPR 25 Edition 3, several different frequency dependent methods are currently being discussed by a joint task force from CISPR A (16) and CISPR D (25). The project still has some way to go with no clear outcome predictable at this stage. A CISPR chamber used for CISPR 25 testing can be used for EU, SAE and ISO automotive standards. The chamber is meant to be used for automotive component testing; with proper floor reinforcement, it can be used to test full vehicles as indicated in the standard document. SAE J551[39] VEhiclE TESTing And iSO 11451[40] Typical chamber type: Full 10 m Typical frequency range: 10 kHz to 18 GHz For 10m testing, the antenna is located 3m over ground and it is not scanned. The antenna is 10 meters from the outer skin of the vehicle and in line with the engine midpoint. Both sides of vehicle are tested. For 3m testing, the antenna is placed at 1.8m and both horizontal and vertical polarizations are measured. There is no absorbent material between the antenna and the EUT. The antenna is placed at least 2m from the vehicle engine’s center point, the uniformity plane is horizontal, and it is a 1.5 diameter circle where the field for frequencies above 200 MHz is between +/-3 dB for 80% of the frequencies. SAE J1113 [41] cOmpOnEnT TESTing And iSO 11452 [42] Typical chamber type: Similar to that of CISPR 25 Typical frequency range: 10 kHz to 18 GHz An absorber lined chamber is required. Antennas and a field generator to cover the range are required. There is no need to scan the antenna and a test bench is required; the DUT is placed on the bench with the wiring extended to a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN), and the antenna is placed at 1 m distance. Note: The wording Device Under Test (DUT) is used in these test specifications versus Equipment Under Test (EUT). 2004/104/Ec Typical chamber type: • Annex 1-6: Standard 10 m chambers • Annex 7,8,9: CISPR 25 chamber • Typical frequency range: 10 kHz to 18 GHz miliTAry Typical chamber type: Small with partial lining of microwave absorbers Typical frequency range: 80 MHz to 40 GHz Military standards will vary from country to country and will have little in common with current civilian standards. They are published by respective departments of defense. emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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However, the chamber requirements are typically quite simple. 200 MHz and a log spiral antenna 200 MHz to 1 GHz • MIL-STD-461F: Requirements for the Control of Elecand horn antennas above 1GHz . tromagnetic Interference Emissions and Susceptibility • There is no chamber specification or validation proce• There is no chamber specification or validation procedure. Instead there is only a minimum RF absorption dure. There are guidelines for the minimum amount requirement for the RF absorbers that partially line the of absorber required and where to place it in the shielded room surfaces. chamber. There are no differences between the latest Absorber requirements for reflection suppression: version of the standard (F) and the E and D versions ◊ 100 to 250 MHz -6 dB regarding the required absorber treatment. Ab◊ Above 250 MHz -10 dB sorber specification is 6 dB normal incident reflection suppression @ 80 MHz, rising to 10 dB between 250 MHz and 40 GHz. A 60 cm (24 inch) microwave absorber will partially fulfill the requirements of this specification. Chambers used for MIL STD test10866 Chandler Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601 ing can also fulfill the requirements (800) 952-5302 • (818) 755-1700 • Fax (818) 755-0078 for RTCA- DO-160. In general, See our catalog online at www.solar-emc.com CISPR 25 chambers will meet the Contact us at sales@solar-emc.com requirements for MIL STD testing if the test bench is long enough for the longer cable harness. Innovative EMI Solutions Since 1960 • The basic chamber size will be approximately 6.1 m x 6.1 m x 3.7 m


AerospAce Typical chamber type: Small, partial lining of microwave absorbers; same as MIL-STD Typical frequency range: 80 MHz to 40 GHz Radiated field EMC testing on full scale EUTs, such as aircraft, is rare and often carried out in the open at the edge of military airfields. Most testing is carried out at the component level according to the RTCA DO 160F. • Main configuration is similar to the MIL-STD-461F standard with a ground plane table in a relatively small chamber. RF absorbers are installed to minimize the reflections from the shielded room surfaces. • RS testing is carried out from 100 MHz to 18 GHz at different test levels a lthough mode-stirred/ reverberation chamber testing techniques are becoming more common due to the high levels of Electric field ( 200 V/m) required for some equipment and the relative ease of these two techniques to generate such fields. • RE testing is carried out from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. Typical antennas used are a rod antenna 10 kHz to 30 MHz, a biconical antenna 30 to interferencetechnology.com

Lightning transient generator The Solar Model 2654-1 Lightning Generator synthesizes electrical impulses needed for testing susceptibility to transients induced in aircraft equipment by lightning strikes. The peak voltage and current requirements of RTCA/DO-160E, Section 22 are met at Levels 1 through 3. Using available accessory probes, pulses can be applied by pin injection, cable bundle injection, and ground injection.

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Choosing the right Chamber for your t est requirement s

VI. CONCLUSION This overview of EMC anechoic chamber applications and specifications provides a general perspective to EMC engineers unfamiliar with this technology. The reader should understand that EMC chamber design is quite well established and as a consequence, most manufacturers should be able to give a very accurate idea of the chamber required for a given set of standards. There are many other current developments within the standards community with the most significant coming out of CISPR with its basic standards series contained in CISPR 16. This has led to new chamber validation procedures above 1 GHz and alternative test methods using FARs which should be monitored closely. Related activity on antenna calibration, for example, is contained in ANSI C63.5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Don Heirman, Chair of CISPR and past chairman of CISPR A, for his valuable review of and contributions to this article. REFERENCES • [1] IEEE 299Standard Method for Measuring the Effectiveness of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosures. 2006. • [2] EN 50147-1 Anechoic chambers. Shield attenuation measurement. 1996


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• [3] CISPR 25 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics for the protection of receivers used on board vehicles. 2008 • [4] V. Rodriguez, G. D’Abreu and K. Liu, “Measurement of Power Handling of RF Absorber Materials: Creation of a Medium Power Absorber by Mechanical Means,” 2009 Symposium Proceedings of the Antenna Measurement and Techniques Association. • [5] IEEE 1128 Recommended Practice for Radio-Frequency (RF) Absorber Evaluation in the Range of 30 MHz to 5 GHz.1998 • [6] CISPR 16-1-4. Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – part 1-4: radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment- radiated disturbances. 2007. • [7] CISPR 16-1-5. Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-5: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Antenna calibration test sites for 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz.2003 • [8] ANSI C63.4 American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.2009 • [9] ANSI C63.5 American National Standard for Calibration of Antennas Used for Radiated Emission Measurements in Electro Magnetic Interference.2006 • [10] CIS A 858 CD. Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-6: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - EMC-Antenna Calibration.2009

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Wil es • [11] MIL STD 461 F. Requirements for the control of electromagnetic interference characteristics of subsystems and equipment. 2008. • [12] RTCA DO160. Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment 2007. • [13] IEC 61000.4.3, “Electromagnetic Compatibility Part 4.3 Testing and measurement techniques radiated radio frequency electromagnetic field immunity test equipment – Radiated Disturbances”. 2008 • [14] CISPR 22. “Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics- limits and methods of measurement”, 2008 • [15] M. Wiles, “Update on CISPR Standards: What’s New Above 9 kHz” and B. Archambeault, S. Connor, E. Schumann, “Site Attenuation Prediction for Refurbishing an Older EMC Chamber,” In Compliance, August 2009. • [16] COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2004/108/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing Directive 89/336/EEC • [17] COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2004/104/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 14 October 2004 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 72/245/EEC relating to the radio interference (electromagnetic compatibility) of vehicles and amending Directive 70/156/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers • [18] COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2006/95/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 December 2006 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits • [19] COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 1999/5/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity. • [20] COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2007/47/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 September 2007amending Council Directive 90/385/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices, Council Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices and Directive 98/8/EC concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market • [21] CISPR 11. Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement.2009 • [22] CISPR 14-1 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission.2009 • [23] CISPR 20 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement.2006 • [24] Title 47 CFR Part 15. FCC • [25] CISPR/A/859/CD CISPR 16-1-4 Amd.1 Ed. 3.0 Introduction of the Reference Site Method (RSM). 2010 • [26] CISPR/A/860/CD CISPR 16-1-5 Amd.1 Ed. 1.0. Introduction of the Reference Site Method (RSM). 2010 • [27] Seibersdorf Laboratories - Radio Frequency Engineering - Price List Site Validation.2010. • [28] M. Windler and Z. Chen, “EMC Test Site Qualifications: Site Voltage Standing Wave Ratio versus Time Domain Reflectometry,” In Compliance, January 2010 interferencetechnology.com

testing & test equipment • [29] CISPR 24 Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement . 2002 • [30] IEC 60601-1-2 Medical electrical equipment — Part 1-2:General requirements for basic safety and essential performance 2007 • [31] CIS/A/780/CD – IEC 61000.4.22 Ed 1. “Radiated Emissions and Immunity measurements in fully anechoic rooms.” 2009 • [32] CISPR 13. “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement”, 2009 • [33] CISPR 14-2 Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard.2008 • [34] CISPR I/295/CD Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Multimedia Equipment – Radio disturbance - characteristics - Limits and methods of measurements. 2008 • [35] GR-1039 CORE EMC/ Electrical safety. Bellcore Telcordia. • [36] ETSI EN 300 328. Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive. 2006. • [37] IEEE STD 149, Termination VSWR, method 1979 . • [38] CISPR 12 Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engine driven devices - radio disturbance characteristics - limits and methods of measurement.2007 • [39] SAE J551 Performance levels and methods of measurement of EMC of vehicles and devices. 2000 • [40] ISO 11451 Road vehicles - vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy.2005-2007 • [41] SAE J1113 Electromagnetic Compatibility measurement procedures and limits for vehicle components. 1995-2002 • [42] ISO 11452 Components - vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances by narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy. 1997-2007 Martin Wiles, BSC, MSC, MIEE is a Senior RF Engineer at ETSLindgren, in Stevenage, England. He represents the UK as a member of CISPR A. He can be reached by e-mail at martin.wiles@ets-lindgren.com. Vicente Rodríguez, BSEE, MS and Ph.D in Engineering Science with an emphasis on Electromagnetic Theory. Dr. Rodríguez is a Senior Principal Antenna Design Engineer at ETS-Lindgren in Cedar Park, Texas. He is a member of the IEEE and several of its technical Societies, including the Antennas and Propagation, Microwave Theory and Techniques, and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Societies. He is also a senior member of the Antenna Measurements Techniques Association (AMTA). He may be reached by e-mail at vince.rodriguez@ets-lindgren.com or by phone at 512.531.6400. ETS-Lindgren is a corporate member of ANSI C63®; its engineers actively contribute to the development of the ANSI C63 standards. n

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S u r f a c e S c a n o n Ic l e v e l w I t h h I g h r e S o l u t I o n

surface scan on Ic Level with High resolution measuring of near field above ics or open Dies with precisely positioned microprobes is a new tool for engineers to detect and solve emi levels JĂśrg Hacker langer emV-technik gmbh Bannewitz, germany

abstract Today, engineers have less time to develop electronic circuits. The time to market is getting shorter and the requirements on the products are increasing. It means that there will be less time to solve problems at the end of development, especially EMC. Furthermore, the development of low noise emission printed circuit boards (PCBs) are getting more difficult because of the trend towards higher integration densities and faster clock cycles, as well as integrating more and more radiators like wireless capabilities on to the integrated circuits (IC). Based on this, it is getting more essential to get all necessary information of all electric parts before they will

be placed on customer PCBs. This applies also to the EMC-characteristics of the ICs. Therefore, the EMC measurement for ICs is getting more and more common. This paper presents the development of small E & H field probes with a precision positioning device to scan the surface of an IC to locate the E or H field. The device can locate the probes with a repeatability 5 Âľm. 1. IntroductIon The EMC characteristic of ICs must be divided into the detection of radiated emissions and the immunity against EMC

Figure 1. Measuring System (e. g. ICS 103)


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Figure 2. Test result of a Volume Scan, shown frequency: 200 MHz

disturbance. This paper will discuss the detection of electromagnetic disturbance above ICs and open DIE with near-field microprobes. According to international EMC standards for ICs, near-field microprobes are used that clearly exceed IEC standard requirements (as defined in IEC 61697-3) in terms of their measurement parameters, such as resolution and frequency range. They allow the developers to measure electromagnetic disturbance emission on IC and open DIE and precisely localize the respective field sources in the IC or DIE. IC redesign could be planned on a better knowledge of the EMC issues in the IC and the final result could be verified with provable measurements. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the cost and the time for the development of new IC or redesign. Also for the developer of electrical circuits based on IC a precise detection of radiated emission above the IC is clearly with a benefit. With this information, it is possible to conclude for the PCB, e.g. which signal should be additionally shielded or which signal/pin is not critical for the radiation. For this purpose, Langer EMV developed near-field microprobes based on IEC 61697-3, to detect electromagnetic fields with a precision in the µm-range of the IC's surface. Due to their high resolution and sensitivity, the near-field microprobes can no longer be guided by hand but must be precisely moved by a scanner system. 2. Measuring systeM Measuring spatial amplitude-frequency characteristics of electromagnetic emissions requires an IC test system architecture with the following components: 1. Near-field Microprobes 2. Scanner 3. Spectrum Analyzer 4. PC + Software (e. g. ChipScan) Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of IC test system setup for measurements based on the surface scan method in accordance with IEC 61967-3. Three types of Microprobes are necessary to detect the 52

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S u r f a c e S c a n o n Ic l e v e l w I t h h I g h r e S o l u t I o n

entire electromagnetic field with a location accuracy in the µm range. To achieve this, Langer EMV developed several microprobes, each probe for a special case. The E-field probes are built to detect the electrical field. H-field probes are built to measure the magnetic field. Two magnetic field probes are required; they differ in their plane of polarization: The „H„ type H-field probe has a horizontal polarization and the „V„ type H-field probe has a vertical polarization. The directional pattern of the vertically polarized H-field probe has two zero values for physical reasons. The field components located in the plane of the vertical probe can only be detected by rotating the HV-field probe. The Scanner brings the microprobes in position with a high mechanical resolution and high repeatability. For measuring an electromagnetic field with high resolution the accuracy should be at least 20 µm and the repeatability less than 5 µm. At least four axes are necessary to completely detect EMC emissions from the IC. Three axes are required for the movement in X-, Y- and Z-direction and the fourth is to rotate the microprobe, which is necessary for the vertical H-field probe. The basic design of the microprobes is constructed to accomodate the Langer EMV Scanner. Furthermore, the mounting option of the microprobes was built to fit the common scanner systems. The third part of the measuring system is a PC with a controlling and measuring software. Functions are: (1)detection of all connecting devices; (2) control of the scanner system; (3) initialization of the spectrum analyzer; (4) detection of the measuring results of the spectrum analyzer; and (5) visualization of the measuring results in a descriptive way. EMC emission measurements on ICs provide large quantities of data which are compiled in six dimensions in a database. Not all six dimensions can be represented graphically at the same time, so that the representation is therefore reduced to feasible five dimensions. Figure 2 shows an example for a volume scan over an IC with a horizontal H-field probe. The software allows executing automatic scans. Each scan volume could be easily defined via scripts and can be executed in ChipScan. 3. near-field Microprobes 3.1 probe design The IEC 61697-3 describes the parameters of microprobes, for example the mechanical construction, frequency range and resolution. According to the norm, the probe tip consists of a semi-rigid cable with a single coil for measuring the electromagnetic emissions. The disadvantage of this measuring setup is, it could not differentiate between the measured voltage at the probe tip and the magnetic or electrical field. Because of this Langer EMV designed two different types of microprobes, one type for measuremc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


Figure 3. Types of probe tips, a - E-field, b - vertical H-field, c horizontal H-field

Figure 4. General application layout

Figure 5. Set up for current measurement

ing the electrical field and the second for measuring the magnetic field. The magnetic field probes are additionally shielded against coupling of the electric field. Therefore, the microprobes allow the user to separately examine the electrical and the magnetic emissions on IC and DIE surfaces, e. g. bonding wires and pins. It is also possible to measure with a magnetic probe above a conductor or IC-Pin and to make a conclusion about the current, which flows through the conductor. Currently the smallest position resolution that could be achieved with an E-field probe is 65 µm. Figure 3a shows the general construction of an E-field probe. The electrical field strength is detected between the electrode on the probe tip and the shielding of the probe tip. The resolution of the H-field probes is defined by their interferencetechnology.com

testing & test equipment inside diameter. The magnetic probe tips consist of a coil with specified winding and inside diameter, refer to Figure 3b and 3c. Both these parameters basically define the size of magnetic field (resolution) and the strength which is detected. Today the smallest inside diameter is specified at 150 µm, for horizontal and vertical polarization. This results in a position resolution of the measured magnetic field of 80 µm. In the future there will be a smaller resolution possible, approximately 60 µm or less with a probe diameter of 100 µm. All magnetic probes are shielded against coupling from the electrical field. All microprobes are equipped with an internal 30 dB pre-amplifier. The amplifier allows to detect low signals clearly. The frequency range of the microprobes is calibrated from 1 MHz up to 3 GHz. This range will be extended to a higher frequency to accommodate the IC development with higher clock frequencies. Magnetic field strength and current determination The magnetic field strength HRF in the magnetic field probe coil can be calculated from the voltage output signal UProbe of the magnetic field probe by means of the calibration characteristic. The correction factor KH of the magnetic field probe is independent of the measurement geometry in each individual application, i.e. the probe can be guided at an arbitrary distance and angle relative to the electric conductor without any correction error (Figure 4). The result is the average magnetic field that is coupling to the probe coil.

Current CorreCtion: There is a consistent physical correlation between the magnetic field HRF and the current IRF which depends on the geometry of the current conductor layout. The given correction factor KI thus refers to a defined reference setup. The determined current values ICorr are only correct if the geometric parameters coincide with the reference setup (Fig. 5) when the probes are used. If there are deviations from this setup, the current values ICorr will also deviate. The calculated current value ICorr can only be used as an orientation value. Use of the correction factor KI in the adapted quantity equation:

4. Measuring above a stripline By its design, each microprobe type has a special measuring characteristic. In the following test cases we will discuss both H-field probes - the horizontal and vertical. As shown in Figure 6. The following measurement setup was used. The measurement is based on the following parameters: interference technology


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the stripline has a diameter of 25 µm, distance to ground 20 µm and termination of 50 Ω. The low end of the probe tip is adjusted to 20 µm above the stripline. The stripline is powered by the tracking generator of the spectrum analyzer with a voltage level of 100 dBµV. The probe was moving above the stripline on a line with length 3 mm and the measuring steps were 30 µm. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the measurement results for both H-field types. For each measurement point (plot) the amplitude with reference to the frequency is indicated. It can be easily seen, both probe types are measuring in a different way. The horizontal probe measures a minimum at the center of the stripline. Intensive magnetic fields are located at the edges of the stripline, which is also the site of the respective Figure 6. Measuring example - stripline local maximum values of the scan volume. This behavior depends on the direction of Unlike the horizontal polarized probe, the vertical the magnetic field lines and on the position of the measurprobe measures a high magnetic field strength over the ing coil in relation to the field lines. At positions where the conductor path. At the edges of the stripline, the vertical coil is parallel to the field lines, the probe could not detect version measures a local minimum. a magnetic field. Only the electrical field is measured.


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Figure 7. Transverse Scan above a stripline with a horizontal H-field probe

Figure 8. Transverse Scan above a stripline with a vertical H-field probe

In each test case the amplitude and the width of a measured minimum or maximum depend on the distance of the probe tip to the measuring object and the width of a measured stripline or any other electrical line. With the knowledge of the ratio of electrical field in comparison to magnetic field, each magnetic microprobe can be qualified.

but with different probes. As we discussed in chapter 4, the horizontal H-field probe measures directly above with the current runs a local minimum, and on the edges a local maximum. These can also be clearly seen in Fig. 11. From

5. IC-SCan 5.1 IC-Volume Scan In the following test case two surface scans were performed on an IC. The DUT was a 8051-model from Maxim - DS89C430, system clock at 20 MHz. The first Scan was done with a horizontal H-field probe and the second scan with a vertical one. The following settings were met: • Scan Volume: 11.0 x 11.0 mm • Step width: 200 µm • Measured spectra 10.000 • Points per spectrum 500 The driving of the scanner, the detection and the interpretation of the measuring results were done by ChipScan software. Figure 9 shows the measurement setup. As it is shown, the IC was mounted on a ground plane. All other electrical parts were mounted on the back of the ground plane. This setup helps to minimize boundary effects from other electrical parts. Three pins were used for driving LEDs to monitor the program. All other pins were programmed as inputs. The measurement results are illustrated in Figure 10 and Figure 11. The bar on the right side of both screenshots shows the relation between colour and strength of magnetic field. Red means a high signal strength of about 80 dBµV and blue stands for 20 dBµV (of the probe output). Both measurements were done above the same DUT, interferencetechnology.com

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S u r f a c e S c a n o n Ic l e v e l w I t h h I g h r e S o l u t I o n

is hardly detecting a magnetic field. Maybe there is no magnetic field or the magnetic field is not in the sensitive probe direction. As a consequence of this, there should be done a second measurement, where the measuring coil (microprobe) is turned by an angle of 90°. This way the magnetic field could be detected, which is located 90° to the first measured one. If such a surface scan is done with different distances to the IC the magnetic field can be displayed in the entire volume above the IC. In Figure 12 all points with the same probe voltage output are displayed. This diagram is very helpful for examining the coupling effects from the IC to other metallic parts which could be placed near to the IC in real applications – e.g. heat sink, connectors, shielding parts. Figure 9. IC measurement setup

5.2 IC-Pin Scan Using a vertical H-field probe offers the additional opportuthe VCC Pin the supply current flows via the bond connity to measure the high frequency current flowing trough ductor into the IC. At the chip the current takes different IC-pins. By using the basic measurement setup shown in paths and is returned via the bond conductor and the VSS Figure 4, it is very simple to place the probe automatically Pin to the board. close to every IC-pin and measure the current. One result The vertical H-field Probe could only measure the is shown in Figure 13. magnetic field, where the current flows parallel to the Typically each pin of an IC can be a source of high freprobe measuring coil. There are some locations where the quency current – power- and output-pins as well as inputmagnetic field is measured, especially in the power supply 7233 Retlif ITEM EMC Half_4c 4/30/09 11:28 AM Page pins. 1 It depends on the IC itself and the impedance of the region of the IC. In other locations of the IC the microprobe

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Figure 13. Result of a pin-scan Figure 10. Surface Scan over Test IC with vertical H-field probe, shown frequency 40MHz

connected electronic circuit. Therefore, the knowledge of these currents enables the designer of the board the opportunity to place series resistors or capacitors to GND in an optimal way.

Figure 11. Surface Scan over Test IC with horizontal H-field probe, shown frequency 40MHz

6. ConClusion In this paper a measurement method to detect the probe output representing the magnetic and electric field in the location of the EUT in the µm-range is shown. It is shown that the measuring of near field above the ICs or open DIEs with precisely positioned microprobes is a new tool for engineers to detect EMI levels and to solve these in a reliable way. The measurement was done on reference PCB-assemblies or on the customer PCBs. In the future there are a lot of opportunities to improve the measurement of electromagnetic fields in the µm range. With a smaller resolution, the detection over DIEs could be done more precisely; therefore smaller parts of integrated circuits could be scanned with a higher resolution. The frequency range must be increased. Because of higher clock cycles the product standards will be increased, so therefore there will be a requirement of EMI disturbance measurements to be performed in the higher frequency range above 3 GHz. Today, a lot of simulation is performed on the EMC behavior of ICs. Right now it is not possible to compare simulation results with measuring results. 7. RefeRenCes • [1] www.langer-emv.de • [2] product description MAXIM DS89C430: http://www. maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/an_pk/2 Jorg H ack er i s a g ra du at e eng ine er with L anger E MVTechnik GmbH. n

Figure 12. Surface Scan over Test IC with horizontal H-field probe, shown frequency is 40MHz interferencetechnology.com

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R e i n v e n t i n g C o m pa C t i m m u n i t y te s t e R s

reinventing compact immunity testers equipment availability and automation are essential to meet demands

Nicholas Wright emc PArtner Ag laufen, switzerland


n the dim and distant days of the last century, EMC emerged relatively late on the evolutionary scale. Although engineers “of a certain persuasion” were laying the foundations as far back as the early 1960s, it was not until the European Union decided on a common identification mark (CE) to be a legal requirement in December 1994 that EMC became mainstream among test engineers. Test equipment manufacturers look back misty eyed on those times, remembering the phenomenal rise in demand as the date of implementation approached. Because the CE marking requirements were quite specific, being embodied in so called “generic” standards, it was relatively easy to define the operating parameters for a compact tester. Less easy was to shoehorn four previously autonomous test generators, ESD, EFT, Surge and Dips into a single enclosure with one common Coupling / Decoupling Network (CDN). What makes a compact immuNity tester? From a purely technical standpoint, the compact immunity tester was a quantum leap in design. Basic engineering combined with creative thinking was required. An obvious starting point was rationalizing voltage requirements into a single PSU to provide power to all the circuit elements. Using a commercially available unit would keep costs down and allow the design to


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move forward quicker. Something that requires more thought and a lot of experience in EMC test equipment design is the single EUT power outlet. This is a masterstroke taken very much for granted. The concept is brilliant, place a mains connector on the instrument front panel and switch automatically between test modes. An EUT can be connected to the test equipment using it’s own power lead (which incidentally should be a test requirement anyway). Simple! The hardware to achieve this is anything but simple. It requires a CDN with characteristics for both SURGE and EFT requirements combined with the ability to source 500A inrush current for the DIP test. Real estate is at a premium so to achieve all this common circuits need to be placed on a few PCBs. This all leads to a physical reduction in the instrument size. This creates a new problem, because there is now limited space on the instrument front panel for all the knobs, dials and switches. The obvious answer was to develop a controller and system software with intuitive user interface. This formula has worked well, in varying degrees, since the birth of compact designs until the present day. Why chaNge a WiNNiNg formula? Sixteen years is a long time on the electronic evolutionary scale. A lot has happened in the intervening years, some of it even good. Just like in the halcyon days of CE testing, standards are central to and continue driving the EMC business. Whether the design and production is in Europe, America or emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Asia, customers are international and they, mostly, demand compliance. Also people think in a different way. It is an interesting observation how much society has changed with regard to the environment. Laws have been enacted and suddenly we are separating our garbage! There is a logical extension of the environmentally friendly society into the design of electronics. We have become obsessed with how many Mega Watts we consume in the standby LEDs on our multi-media systems and do you know how much energy is required to send an e-mail or surf the web? Changes in public opinion can be a strong motivation to take a long hard look at how we do things. Another aspect is the education of users. The honeymoon period is long over and, increasingly, users are becoming aware of the shortcomings in current compact tester designs. What, in the beginning, was the main advantage is proving to be an Achilles heel of compact designs. Modern electronics are inherently reliable, but if one of the circuits does expire, that usually means the tester is out of operation until a repair can be affected. Clearly, having all the voltage supplies in a single unit is a tremendous space saving, but again, failure renders the whole tester unusable. The revolution in electronics over the last 16 years has provided solutions. It is now possible, without a corresponding expansion of volume to overcome these issues. In fact, it is possible to make a truly modular design which fulfils the promise of user expansion without the need for an excursion to the manufacturer.

Looking Forward, the green revoLution Everybody nowadays takes environmental issues very seriously. Implementation of the RoHS directive in 2006 has already given us lead free soldering and banned the use of certain materials such as Mercury and Cadmium. While the WEEE directive tells us how to dispose of unwanted materials in a safe and environmentally friendly way. The next hurdle is to reduce power consumption so the scarce resources we have will last, at least until alternative energy sources are sufficiently robust. The ever increasing use of intelligent power in test equipment is the best way to achieve this aim. Fully modular circuits help to meet this objective by allowing power management systems to only activate circuits when they are needed. This has the effect of dramatically reducing overall power consumption. Power management systems also include the effective use of ventilation, which can be controlled through temperature sensors embedded at strategic points. Not least this concept greatly reduces noise pollution levels. Looking backwards, moduLar architecture Imagine a world where it is possible to choose where and when to expand your test equipment. As your business develops, so further elements can be added to increase capability. If one circuit needs to be calibrated, it can be taken out on site and with minimal fuss, forwarded

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R e i n v e n t i n g C o m pa C t i m m u n i t y te s t e R s

to the cal lab as a light weight low cost package, saving money and valuable fuel resources. A modern compact generator with truly modular design is the realization of this dream. By placing intelligence in every module users are, for the first time, given the ability to configure a test system to include any combination of ESD, EFT, SURGE, DIPS, Voltage VARIATIONS or COMMON MODE tests. This unprecedented flexibility opens whole new horizons for test laboratories that can optimize equipment to meet current demand but add new capability as and when the need arises. A side effect of the distributed intelligence concept is that integration with other test equipment can further expand test capability. Which Way to go? The relentless progress of time has finally sounded the death knell for tried and trusted communications interfaces. RS232 and GPIB are children of a different age. Remote control of a tester with RS232 interface is only possible using a USB convertor as modern PCs no longer support this protocol. GPIB was the fastest communication protocol of it’s time and is still widely used. However, it requires expensive additional hardware and software. Modern test equipment takes full advantage of the Ethernet LAN port and web browser which is fast and provided as standard with every new computer. Modern test systems utilizing this combination offer users a low cost remote control solution. On the surface, USB may appear to be the most suitable interface type. However it has one major drawback, a susceptibility to EMC interference. In a generator designed to produce these disturbance sources, this is a major problem. USB still has its place as a handy interface to transfer data between machines using the ubiquitous “stick”. PoWer through ProgreSS New designs using latest technology allow a step further on the path of compact test equipment design. If approached intelligently, further expansion of test capability can add to the attractiveness of a combined tester. One such example is the IEC61000-4-16 common mode test requirement. This requirement comes from the same stable as the other more common test types. It is therefore logical to include it in any new compact design. It fits perfectly with the modular concept and greatly expands capability to include tests at DC, AC and in the frequency range up to 150kHz. Not everybody will need to perform this test type, so just like all the other modules, users could add it only if required. Another example of the modular concept working to the advantage of test engineers. the influence of teSt StandardS Having mentioned that standards are driving our industry forward, what changes have taken place and what’s in the pipeline? In general, IEC standards are becoming tighter in relation to acceptability of impulse tolerances. The first move has been for the IEC61000-4-2 (ESD) to be released with a clearer definition and for the first time in an IEC 60

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publication, the implementation of measurement uncertainty. Test equipment with parameters on the extremes of the tolerance band, will fall outside when uncertainty is taken into account. A general “tightening-up” is taking place as this process will be implemented throughout the IEC, and eventually CENELEC, to cover all basic standards. It is important to understand that every measurement made includes an uncertainty due to random effects that are beyond our control and systematic components such as measurement probe cable and oscilloscope tolerances. These can be accounted for by calculating a standard uncertainty value (k). The figure illustrates how a perception of pass or fail enters a grey area once uncertainty has to be considered. Measurement A, is clearly within the amplitude tolerance even allowing for uncertainty. Measurement D is clearly outside the amplitude tolerance and is not acceptable. Examples B and C are the grey area where the probability of a measurement being within tolerance limits is reliant upon the uncertainty of the measurement equipment. To be sure parameters remain within tolerance limits, basic generator waveform parameters need to be fairly close to the nominal values. Summary When introduced to the market in the early 1990s, the Compact tester was a revolution. Aimed at satisfying a particular market niche, for CE compliance testing to the new European EMC directive. The Compact tester represented a huge leap forward in EMC test equipment technology and offered significant price saving compared to the “stand-alone” equipment that was previously in use. However, the realities of squeezing so much circuitry into such a small volume lead to compromises in design and serviceability. From this initial experience, everybody has gotten older and wiser. The standards too have matured and place new requirements on both test equipment and processes. The customer expectation is not least a factor in the evolution of compact test equipment. Equipment availability and automation are essential to meet twenty first century demands. Nicholas Wright is international sales manager at EMC Partner AG. He can be contacted at sales@emc-partner.ch n

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E x t E ndin g t h E c o n c E p t o f c o mm o n m o d E n o i s E: s in g l E m o d E

extending the Concept of Common Mode Noise: single Mode (*) mechanism of generation of common mode noise in switch mode power supplies Jalal Tabasi NeJad emc engineer toronto, ontario, canada


lectronic switching circuits are used for power conversion, data communication and other applications. According to the theory of Fourier Transform, in these circuits, the periodical change of the current/voltage produces harmonics in a wide frequency spectrum. The resultant currents of these harmonics are called conducted emission (CE), and are categorized classically as differential and common mode (DM, CM) currents — or noises. While the existence of differential current is trivial, the concept of CM current, which implies that the currents in two different circuits are equal for the whole frequency spectrum, raises some questions about its credibility. CM current, as a reminder, is the current that circulates through the parasitic (capacitance) to the Chassis (Ground). CM currents are the main contributor to radiated emissions. In power supply applications, where the power and return wires are usually unshielded, the big loop consisting of the power (return) wire and its “ground return path” is the main reason for radiated emissions. In systems that use differential signaling to establish communication, the signal wires are usually shielded. In these systems, the ground path, which usually is made on the surface of the shield, produces emission, which acts like an antenna element. In this paper we focus on the mecha-


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nism of the generation of common mode noise in switch mode power supplies. This investigation will show the limitation of the applicability of the CM concept. We will also show that we need to introduce a new concept if we want to provide a correct explanation for the ground return current. GeNeRaTiON OF COMMON MOde CURReNT iN a TYPiCal sWiTCH MOde POWeR sUPPlY Figure 1 shows the schematic of a power supply with Line Stabilization Networks (LISN) in Power and Return lines. LISNs are used for controlling power supply impedances. In this circuit the inductance as seen by the primary of the transformer and the leakage capacitance existing at the drain of the MOSFET are the main components contributing to the generation of common mode noise. Upon switching of the MOSFET, the variations of the magnetic and electric fields produce current that pass through parasitic capacitance to the chassis. The ground (chassis) return current of the power line is shown in Figure 1. In Figure 2, a differential capacitor C has been installed between power and return wires to reduce the differential current. With the insertion of this capacitor, part of the ground return current of power line now is diverted, by capacitor C, to return line. Actually the common mode current is generated. In order to have equal currents (*) The author presented the idea of Single Mode current in IEEE COMCAS 2009 under the title of: “New Concept about Common Mode Noise”. emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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E x t E ndin g t h E c o n c E p t o f c o mm o n m o d E n o i s E: s in g l E m o d E

Figure 1. A typical switch mode power supply with the parasitic capacitance of the switching device, the arrows show only the ground return noise of the power line. (Š 2010 IEEE)

on Power and Return lines, the impedance of the capacitor should be zero in all frequency range. We know that capacitors are far from having this property. In conclusion, we can say that CM currents exist, partially, in some frequency range. We see that the

Figure 2. By adding the differential capacitor C, single mode signal of power line has been changed to CM (partially). (Š 2010 IEEE).

ground return currents are different in Power and Return wire. SINGLE MODE CURRENT From the above discussion, we can conclude that, ground return currents can be divided to common mode and

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single mode (SM) currents. Single mode current is that part of the ground return which passes only through one wire. With the introduction of Single Mode ground return current, we can understand that the limitation of CM mode choke in reduction of ground return currents (SM + CM). CM chokes also suffer from phase introduced by the differential capacitor (C) and low impedance at low frequency. APPLICATION OF SINGLE MODE EMI filters are used in Switch Mode Power Supply to reduce the noise generated by switching devices. Ferrite chokes and capacitors that are used in these filters, suffer from low frequency inefficiency and high frequency resonance which leads to major limitations in noise reduction. In this respect, techniques have also been developed to cancel these parasitic effects [1], [2]. On the other hand, the concept of SM can help us find other type of solutions. In the following, we will show, by an example, how symmetrical configuration can reduce substantially the ground return (SM + CM) currents. In Figure 3, symmetry has been accomplished by splitting the transformer into two equal transformers and installing a capacitance in the source equal to drain leakage capacitance. We are anticipating that this symmetrical circuit will produce opposite SM currents in Power and emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010



Return lines, cancelling each other on the ground plane. Ground return (SM + CM) has been shown in Figures 4 and 5 for asymmetric and symmetric configurations. Application of the symmetry has reduced the ground return by 150dB. This reduction is far better than any simulation of circuits consisting EMI filters with asymmetrical configurations. The importance of this special configuration is that we theoretically reduced the ground return by huge amount, and now it is up to manufacturing that how accurately symmetrical circuit can be made. CONCLUSION In this, paper, we found the limitation of CM noise. In the attempt to improve the theory, we introduced the new concept of Single Mode current. We applied the concept of SM and symmetry to reach to a circuit configuration with major ground noise reduction.


Figure 3. Anticipating that symmetrical configuration would reduce the CM noise, symmetry has been obtained by splitting the transformer winding and providing the same parasitic capacitor at the source and drain of the MOFET. The circuit is symmetrical around the MOSFET. (Š 2010 IEEE).

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E x t E ndin g t h E c o n c E p t o f c o mm o n m o d E n o i s E: s in g l E m o d E

Figure 4. Ground noise of circuit shown in Figure 1. (Ground noise is calculated as the sum of currents of power and return lines).

Figure 5. Ground noise of the symmetrical circuit shown in Figure 3. Symmetrical configuration has led to quiet CM result. (© 2010 IEEE)

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to acknowledge the assistance and support of Chris Apostolopoulos and Sterling Rogers at Honeywell Canada. REFERENCES

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• [1] Shuo Wang, Rengang Chen, Jacobus Daniel Van Wyk, Fred. C. Lee and Willem Gerhardus Odendaal, “Developing parasitic cancellation technologies to improve EMI filter performance for switching mode power supplies” IEEE Trans. Electromagn.Compat., vol. 47, no.4, pp. 921-929, Nov. 2005. • [2] Shuo Wang, Rengang Chen, and Fred. C. Lee “Common-Mode Noise Reduction for Power Factor Correction Circuit With Parasitic Capacitance Cancellation” IEEE Trans. Electromagn.Compat., vol. 49, no.3, pp. 537-542, Aug. 2007. Jalal Tabasi Nejad, IEEE member, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. He is an EMC engineer with extensive experience in aerospace, medical and power electronic industries. Contact him at jtabasi@hotmail.com n


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lightning, transients & esd

P r o t e c t i o n o f va r i a b l e s P e e d d r i v e s

protection of Variable speed Drives utilizing the Cascade protection approach Preserving mission-critical systems from damages of surges, spikes, and transients ensures protection from equipment destruction, disruption in service, and costly downtime HarsHul Gupta Alltec corporation Asheville, nc


n today’s competitive industrial environment, maximization of operations is essential, and companies cannot risk system malfunction or potential failure due to power disruptions. The end result can be disastrous, ending in loss of production, profits, clientele, and ultimately, complete operational failure. This makes the quality of power of vital importance. Consequently, heavy duty applications require power filtering and maximum protection and should only utilize surge suppression with the highest caliber of reliability and performance standards. Besides essential quality, engineered placement of these Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) is equally critical to the protection solution.

lIGHtNING & traNsIENts Vs. ElECtrONICs Dating before Benjamin Franklin’s famous kite experiment in 1752, lightning has long been a devastating natural adversary to human invention. Around the world there are 100 lightning strikes per second (or 8,640,000 times per day), and lightning incurs billions of dollars worth of combined electronic and property damage. However, it should be noted that these strikes are only a fraction of the constant threats facing electronic equipment, as around 80% of the spikes and surges in a facility’s electrical systems are internally generated. Operations such as the turning on and off of 68

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loads, rotating of motors, and transformer switching are often the main causes of internally generated transients. Lightning induced or internally generated transients are known to cause electronic equipment failure. Additional organizational costs can include: business operational downtime, replacement equipment delivery time, maintenance repairs, electrical repairs, etc. Power filtering and power protection is best accomplished when proper quality Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) are applied utilizing the cascade protection approach. Much like how the quality of water improves with multi-layering filtering techniques, power quality is enhanced with a cascaded application of transient filtering devices on an industrial process control system. An example of the cascade protection design approach, which is often preferred in industrial settings, is illustrated in the following article. CasCaDING CasE stuDY Boscan oil field is located in Maracaibo City, Venezuela and operated by Chevron. In an area confirmed by NASA to be one of intense isokeraunic activity, Boscan’s operations were experiencing continuous system downtime after repeated lightning storms. With the majority of Boscan wells pumping heavy crude oil and using several different processes, the Variable Speed Drives that feed the electro-submergible pumps were found to be those with the highest levels of vulnerability. After a lightning storm, many of these drives failed due to damage to the electronic boards. emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

lightning, transients & esd

G u p ta

In this comprehensive case study, the cascade protection method was chosen to monitor 60 wells at the Boscan field. The purpose of selecting this particular method was to decrease system downtime while providing critical yet cost-sensitive protection of the most susceptible electronic components within the drive cabinet. The cascade protection approach proved to be the most effective and provided a more secure and stable electrical environment where a single SPD device was determined to be insufficient. An explanation of the cascade protection approach and an illustration of how to best implement this methodology is provided below. PROTECTION OF DRIVES The use of various types of drives to control motors is very common. The purpose of the drive is to increase the efficiency or to manage the speed of the motor being controlled. Through various processes and control mechanisms, the drive often reshapes the sinewave to provide a signal to the motor that allows for greater efficiency or varies the frequency of the signal to control the speed of the motor. Applying SPDs to a drive system mitigates the damage that can occur due to voltage surges. Figure 1 illustrates a typical drive layout. Often, the incoming voltage is 480V, but other voltages may be used. The incoming power is usually stepped down to a lower voltage that provides power to the control circuit. The control circuit contains sensitive electronics. Once the power is acted upon by the drive, the output is fed to the motor.

There are five opportunities for protecting the typical drive system, each of which are labeled in Figure 1 with a circled number and are described below. 1. Drive input. Protecting the drive input is an essential step in protecting the drive system. Providing protection at this location prevents surge damage due to events propagated on the electrical system from upstream sources, external events such as lightning and switching surges created by the electric utility, and the interaction of multiple drives on the same system. At this location, a parallel connected, voltage responsive circuitry device is appropriate (one without frequency responsive circuitry). Frequency responsive circuitry is not recommended for this location due to the fact that this location is typically more susceptible to switching induced transients as opposed to frequency transients. This environment is classified as IEEE Category C where the exposure of transients is greatest. ANSI/UL 1449 3rd Edition Type 1 SPD is recommended for this location. 2. Inverter input. The inverter input is one of the extremely sensitive and critical areas of the drive itself. It is at this location that care must be taken and the proper power quality analysis be conducted. You may install a parallel connected, frequency responsive circuitry device provided you have confirmation that within this drive no additional capacitors have been installed to mitigate harmonic currents. If they have, then at this location, a parallel connected, voltage responsive circuitry device is appropri-

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lightning, transients & esd

P r o t e c t i o n o f va r i a b l e s P e e d d r i v e s

IEEE Category

ate (one without frequency responsive circuitry). This environment is labeled as IEEE Category B where there are both switching induced transients and frequency transients. ANSI/UL 1449 3rd Edition Type II SPD is recommended at this position. 3. C ont rol c i rc u it . The control circuit is the most sensitive and can be damaged by even small voltage frequency transients. ProtecFigure 1. One line diagram of a typical drive layout. tion at this location is essential. A series connected SPD with frequency responsive circuitry is Category A where there are maximum levels of exposure recommended for this location. Filtering capabilities of to frequency transients. ANSI/UL 1449 3rd Edition Type series mounted devices is extremely good providing low III SPD is recommended at this site. let-through voltage. This location is categorized as IEEE 4. Drive output. Protecting the immediate drive output is recommended when the length of the connection between the drive and the motor is longer than 50 ft (15m) or if the connection is routed along an external wall or outdoors. One reason for protecting at the immediate output when the length of the connection to the motor is long is due to reflected waves that can occur as the signal (often higher frequency) from the output of the drive reaches the motor and is then reflected back and forth between the drive and the motor. This action can create “voltage piling” — the reflected voltage adds to the nominal voltage and other reflected waves. The SPD will aid in reducing the voltage peaks of the reflected waves. More importantly, if the connection between the drive and the motor extends outdoors, along a path that is exposed to the environment or close to the building’s steel structure, protection at this location is important to diminish the effects of direct lightning or induced voltage surges due to nearby lightning. These surges can cause damage to the drive, even if protection is provided at the motor input. This location is similar to the drive input when the exposure of transients is compared. At this location, a parallel connected, voltage responsive circuitry device is appropriate (one without frequency responsive circuitry). IEEE classifies this environment as Category C where there are the highest levels of switching induced transients. Here, ANSI/UL 1449 3rd Edition Type 1 SPD is recommended. 5. Motor input. Protecting the motor input is an essential step in protecting the drive system and the motor itself. Providing protection at this location prevents 70

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lightning, transients & esd

G u p ta

surge damage due to events propagated from the drive output to the motor input. Providing protection at this location aids in extending the life of the motor as the SPD helps to prevent damage to the windings and bearings of the motor due to surges. The environment at the motor input can be classified as IEEE Category C if the motor is located 50 feet from the drive output. If less, the environment can be classified as IEEE Category B. ANSI/UL 1449 3rd Edition Type 1 or Type II SPD would be recommended. CONCLUSION Sophisticated and highly susceptible microprocessor based electronics and data communication networks are integrated across every sector of today’s fast-paced business world. Preserving these mission-critical systems from the damages of surges, spikes, and transients ensures that these systems are protected from equipment destruction, disruption in service, and from costly downtime. REFERENCES • 1. Bustamante, F., Biternas, J., Borjas, J., Viloria, L, Edwards, J., and Chavez, J. (August 2006). Cascade Protection with Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors (TVSS) in Variable Speed Drive for Electro-Submergible Pumps. IEEE Explore Digital Library. Retrieved March 25, 2010 from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/freesrchabstract.jsp?tp=&arnumber=4104519&que


ryText%3DCascade+Protection+with+Transient+Voltage+Surge+Suppre ssors+.LB.TVSS.RB.+in+Variable+Speed+Drive+for+Electro-Submergib le+Pumps%26openedRefinements%3D*%26searchField%3DSearch+All 2. IEEE Power Engineering Society (2002). IEEE Guide on the Surge Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits (IEEE Std. C62.41.1-2002). New York, NY. 3. IEEE Power Engineering Society (2002). IEEE Recommended Practices on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits (IEEE Std. C62.41.2-2002). New York, NY. 4. IEEE Power Engineering Society (2002). IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Testing for Equipment Connected to Low-Voltage (1000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits (IEEE Std. C62.45-2002). New York, NY. 5. IEEE Power Systems Engineering Committee (2005). IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment (IEEE Std. 1100-2005). New York, NY. 6. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (2006). UL Standard for Safety for Surge Protective Devices, UL 1449 Third Edition. Northbrook, IL.

Harshul Gupta, Vice President of Engineering MSEE & Six Sigma GB, Alltec Corporation, Asheville, NC. n

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lightning, transients & esd

T h e D i p Tu b e

the Dip tube A formalized materials qualification process is essential in preventing non-conforming or suspect counterfeit packaging that can lead to esD hazards during parts inspection process, long-term storage issues and failures in manufacturing RobeRt J. VeRmillion, CPP/Fellow rmV technology group, llc nAsA-Ames research Park moffett field, cA


he aerospace community has made excellent progress in employing an active defense posture for the inspection of suspect counterfeit parts. From recent industry presentations by the DoD, it does not appear, however, that suspect or non-conforming packaging materials in the supply chain have been considered. Utilization of packaging as a preventative measure in combating the rapid proliferation of counterfeit products will not be addressed in this paper. The aerospace sector is a relative new-

Figure 1. CPU transistor count 1971 to 2009 (Moore's Law)


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comer to implement anti-counterfeit measures as compared to the medical device and pharmaceutical sectors in the use of packaging engineering countermeasures. As recently as 2008, the aerospace sector has seen launch delays and issues in space due to non-compliant materials. Since the business model now includes outsourcing with contract manufacturers (CMs) or subcontractors, in-house validation has been replaced by reliance upon the supplier to do the right thing. In addition, reliance upon distribution and supplier driven recommendations is increasing as retirements and layoffs in the aerospace sector continue to accelerate. Consequently, a vendor technical datasheet can prove meaningless unless in-house or third party validation is performed. To further compound the matter in today’s business climate, one is more likely to see Class 0 devices (an ESD sensitive device <250 volts) being incorporated within an ESD controlled aerospace environment. In 1971, the Intel 4004 was equal to about 2300 transistors. Modern day densification has led to a 2 billion transistor equivalency with the IntelŽ ItaniumŽ processors (codenamed Tukwila) in 2009 up from the previous count of 750,000,000 in 2008. Is aerospace ready for handling ESD sensitive devices less than 50 volts during the inspection and manufacturing process? (See Figure 1). Do current receiving inspection protocols employed by the user and distributor compromise Class 0 ESD sensitive devices during the validation and handling process? Parts 1 and 2 of this article will focus on three major packaging types that are emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


utilized to protect ESD sensitive devices to and from the distributor by the device makers, then received by the customer for in-process manufacturing. To the surprise of the aerospace user and distributor alike, non-compliant or suspect counterfeit antistatic Dip Tube (Rails), JEDEC Trays and Tape & Reel pose real issues. Compliant ESD sensitive devices can be compromised by the use of suspect counterfeit, non-conforming or recycled ESD packaging products. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protective packaging sourcing is not restricted to USA and European sourcing. Products from the Asian Pacific Region provide distributors, CMs and brokers the static control materials and packaging over the web and through new channels of distribution. In recent years, some contract manufacturing (CM) organizations and suppliers may have been sacrificing quality for price. Some issues that were resolved in the early 1990s for ESD packaging are today resulting in corrective actions for ESD protective packaging and material nonconformance. There are, however, very reputable suppliers of ESD packaging located throughout the world. However, the qualification of a product based upon a supplier’s specification sheet is not enough to insure that company ESD requirements are being met. Organizations need to follow a formalized materials qualification process.

lightning, transients & esd

Figure 2. Dip Tube (Rails), JEDEC Trays and Tape & Reel

Figure 3. Damaged areas spanned by apparent liquid on stored device (pictured area 14 micrometers wide) [2]

ESD MATERIAL & PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS For the past several years, many static control packaging schemes have not b e en i n con formance with ANSI/ ESD, I EC , M I L STDs and internal compa ny procedures. Often, the corrective actions stem from so called “ k no c k o f f s ” o f Figure 4. During air transport, RH can drop to 9.33% after 20 minutes in-flight. brand name prodthe use of six hazardous materials in the manufacture of ucts. In addition, requirements for recyclability, Amine free various types of electronic and electrical equipment. Each and Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) European Union member state will adopt its own enforcerequirements by organizations may assist in improving ment and implementation policies using the directive as a adherence to requirements. The RoHS 2002/95/EC was guide. In fact, there could be as many different versions of adopted in February 2003 by the European Union. The the restriction as there are states in the EU. RoHS is often RoHS directive took effect on July 1, 2006. Many North and referred to as the “lead-free” directive and restricts usage South American, European and Asian organizations have to six substances.[3] A suspect counterfeiter could show already implemented this initiative. The directive restricts interferencetechnology.com

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T h e D i p Tu b e

Figure 5. NASA charge generation test with Kraft Paperboard @ 12% RH

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adherence in well drafted supportive data, however, real conformance would be in question. ANTISTATIC TRANSFER Non-conforming and suspect ESD products can, however, incorporate the use of antistats containing amines. Supplying amine free products can prove costly to the counterfeiter. To dip or spray packaging with a soapy mixture typically found in a grocery store can be utilized as a substitute but with consequences. Issues put to rest in the early 1990s, for example, have resulted in recent launch delays, lessons learned, corrective actions and costly damage of compliant devices during shipping, receiving inspection and manufacturing. Many of these incidents could have been prevented if the materials had been validated for chemical, physical and electrostatic integrity before introduction into the supply chain. Antistatic transfer of surfactants (amine agents/fatty acids) can cause stress cracking of the polycarbonate structure of a FR4 circuit board. Mirror fogging, reduced soldering capability and discoloration can take place over time. One method of testing is to press an antistatic material (over a given time) against insulative plastic. It has been estimated that an acceleration factor for the MIL-Spec accelerated aging test is approximately 17 days. One day at 1600 F equals 17 days at room temperature. Antistats for long term storage pose issues with longevity and humidity performance during transport and storage. According to John Kolyer, Ph.D. (Boeing, retired), antistats emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Figure 7. Dip tubes from quarantine were evaluated for electrostatic decay and charge generation

Figure 6.

Figure 9.

Figure 8. Dip Tubes were cut into 12” lengths for testing at 12% +/- 3%RH, 730F +/- 50F after 48 hours of preconditioning.

can lose effectiveness at 9% or 10% RH. During transport and shipping, relative humidity will drop during flight and conditions of low RH as seen during winter months in Colorado or Santa Ana Wind conditions in California. Moreover, it is not uncommon to see conditions of <4% RH. During air transport, RH can drop to 9.33% after 20 minutes in-flight (Figure 4). A 7” x 7” sheet of corrugated Kraft paperboard (cardboard) charged, for example, up to -4403 volts. At 50% RH, the same sheet can charge <10 volts. Dr. Ray Gompf (NASA-Kennedy Space Center, retired) utilized the NASA Tribocharge Generation Test for the evaluation of materials. A small sheet of corrugated (7” x 7”) charged to over +10,000 volts as seen in Figure 5. How does this relate to non-conformance? Moreover, a suspect counterfeit polymer at low RH could charge to many thousands of volts. A suspect counterfeit packaging material would in all probability not be designed for ESD protection. Several component manufacturers have established practices of subjecting dip tubes to physical testing and electrostatic discharge (ESD) testing in order to prevent major associated Field Induced Model (FIM) discharges. Two to four separate tests are utilized for the validation of static control dip tubes as follows: 1. 2-Point Resistance for the Inside and Outside per ANSI/ ESD STM11.13-2004 (2009) 2. Electrostatic Decay per Mil Std 3010A-2005 (Method 4046) 3. Triboelectric Charge per EIA 541-1988, Appendix B or ESD Adv. 11.2-1994, Appendix A 4. Hand Held Charging per ESD Adv. 11.2, Appendix F The dip tubes from quarantine as seen in Figure 7 were evaluated for electrostatic decay and charge generation. In this case, the Dip Tubes were cut into 12” lengths for testing at 12% +/- 3%RH, 730F +/- 50F after 48 hours of preconditioning (Figure 8). The NFPA 5-lb weight atop the interferencetechnology.com

insulative Plexiglas prevents movement in the chamber and isolates each tube for resistance testing. Not pictured is the LCR-FN-11005 inside ITEM ad 6/30/08 Pagesawing 1 measurement the dip tubes 2:02 after PM circular in half. Passing constitutes readings of <1.0 x 1011 ohms.

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Table 1a. 12.3%RH at 73.60F after 48 hours of preconditioning

Table 2a. 12%RH 730F after 48 hour of preconditioning

Table 3a. 12%RH, 73.60F after 48 hours of preconditioning


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T h e D i p Tu b e

Table 1b. 2-point resistance ANSI/ESD STM11.13-2004

Table 2b. Electrostatic decay +/-5kV to 0v limit = <2.0 seconds

Table 3b. TriboCharge ESD Adv. 11.2

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Table 4. 2009 ITRS technical requirements - electrostatics

Table 6. Suction cup pen picking up device from suspect charged dip tube

Table 8. ESD events and voltage in process interferencetechnology.com

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Table 5. 3-dip tube charge generation with grounded personnel at ESD workstation

Table 7. Tweezers making contact with device on ESD safe workstation

Table 9. 12.2%RH, 74.40F after 48 hours of preconditioning interference technology


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T h e D i p Tu b e

ELECTROSTATIC DECAY The 6� cut dip tubes were placed into the fixturing of the calibrated ETS 406C testing unit. The test requires conducting measurements at +/-5000 volts to 0 volts for an electrostatic decay in <2.0 seconds. Tables 2a and 2b illustrate the results. The compliant dip tube as highlighted in yellow produced decay times of <2.0 seconds. However, the insulative noncompliant dip tube decay was over 2.0 seconds. The test was called at 12.1 seconds as the decay time continued to run for several minutes. FARADAY CUP (Q=CV) After the dip tubes are ionized to remove stored charge, a grounded operator begins testing begins by lifting the dip tube and teeter tottering the rail at 450 allowing the compliant components to free fall into the Faraday Cup as seen in Figure 10. Some organizations require a passing score of <+/-1.0 nC or about <+/-100 volts. Table 3 illustrates

Figure 10.

the results of testing between the compliant dip tubes and non-compliant antistatic plastic rails that housed compliant ESD sensitive devices. FIELD EVALUATIONS FOR STATIC CONTROL COMPLIANCE It was not surprising that a non-compliant dip tube would fail initial testing. However, during in-house assessments in the semiconductor and aerospace sectors with end users, contract manufacturers (CMs) and component distributors, non-compliant and suspect counterfeit dip tubes are utilized to package ESD sensitive devices. ESD components in an aerospace environment may be sensitive to <50 volts (Figure 4). Are receiving inspection end users and distributors putting Class 0 ESD sensitive devices (<250 volts limit) at risk? What happens to a dip tube at 50%RH on a grounded ANSI/ESD S4.1-2006 compliant workstation? Three noncompliant dip tube specimens were held under ionization for 10 seconds to remove charge while grounded. Dip tubes were then placed on the ESD safe workstation at the RMV NASA-Ames lab. Said tubes were pulled a distance of 6 inches across the workstation and lifted up to a computer interfaced non-contact voltage probe. The bottom graph in Table 5 illustrates measurements taken at an aerospace CM with a non-compliant dip tube containing validated ESD sensitive components. The CM results in Table 5 generated a corrective action for the dip tube supplier. Table 6 illustrates what could happen when a distributor (with quarantined dip tubes) handles 78

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Figure 11. After the dip tubes are ionized to remove stored charge, a grounded operator begins testing begins by lifting the dip tube and teeter tottering the rail at 450 allowing the compliant components to free fall into the Faraday Cup.

ESD components during the inspection process. ANSI/ESD S20.20 and several organizations require maximum voltage to be <+/-100 volts at the ESD safe workstation. However, handing Class 0 devices during the receiving inspection process with ESD sensitive components at <50 volts could be compromised with suspect dip tubes. For example, a dip tube was picked up and handled by a grounded distributor (Table 6) while removing ESD sensitive components from the dip tube rail with a suction cup vacuum wand to rest atop a proximity voltage antenna (Prox V). Table 7 illustrates metal to metal contact (Machine Model) between the stainless steel tweezers and component leads that make intimate contact with an ESD sensitive device as it exits a suspect or non-compliant dip tube. As the tube was charged, the path of least resistance is from the leads of the device to tweezers and ground. Consequently, a peak discharge of over 300 volts was recorded by the ESD event antenna a foot away. IN-PROCESS MANUFACTURING Said customer had failure issues during manufacturing with ESD sensitive devices. The machine center was process assessed (troubleshooting) for ground integrity and resistance to ground at pre-selected critical spots. However, after placing a non-contact voltage probe and ESD Event antenna during manufacturing (Table 8), corresponding electrostatic discharges took place during manufacturing costing thousands of dollars. The resistance and charge generation of the dip tubes were high. The suspect dip tubes were identified as being recycled interferencetechnology.com

and rewashed. IPA or de-ionized rinsing can strip topically coated antistats from PET-G or APET polymers. Table 9 illustrates the results of suspect tubes when using the 2-point resistance testing. In summary, despite ESD symbols or markings, static control packaging requires validation in addition to reviewing a vendor’s technical data sheet. After testing dip tubes in the lab and field, non-compliant dip tubes can fall into three categories: suspect counterfeit, non-compliant or recycled. The aerospace quality assurance effort during the inspection of suspect counterfeit components needs to include physical testing of dip tubes to insure that the receiving and outgoing inspection process is not compromised by insulative or contaminated dip tubes. A followup of this paper will address suspect JEDEC trays and Tape & Reel issues related to non-compliance and suspect counterfeiting.

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T h e D i p Tu b e

REFERENCES • [1] Non-compliant or Suspect Counterfeit Materials Can Lead to ESD Hazards and Long-Term Storage Issues, Bob Vermillion, NASA QLF, Kennedy Space Center, 18 March 2010 • [2] Electronic Part Damage by Antistat Vapor, John Kolyer, Ph.D., Arie Passchier, Ph.D. and WG Peterson, The Boeing Company • [3] Wikipedia • [4] ESD from A to Z, Dr. John Kolyer and Watson, 2nd Edition • [5] Mil Handbook 1686C-1995 • [6] Mil Handbook 263B-1994 • [7] EIA ST ANDARD • [8] Packaging Materials Standards for ESD Sensitive Items, EIA-541, June 24, 1988, Appendix C, "Triboelectric Charge Testing of Intimate Packaging Materials" • [9] ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 • [10] ANSI/ESD STM4.1-1997 • [11] ANSI/ESD STM11.13-2004 • [12] ESDA Adv. 11.2-1995 • [13] Using An ESD Packaging Materials Qualification Matrix for Contract Manufacturing and Supplier Conformance, Sep 1, 2006, Albert Escusa, Texas Instruments and Bob Vermillion, RMV Technology Group, LLC • [14] Ed Dimmler, PCX Inc. for Specimens • [15] Dr. John M. Kolyer, Ph.D., Rockwell International, Telephone interview in 2004 • [16] The Charged Device Model & Work Surface Selection, John Kolyer and Donald Watson, October 1991, pp. 110-117

• [17] Humidity & Temperature Effects on Surface Resistivity, John Kolyer and Ronald Rushworth, Evaluation Engineering, October 1990, pp. 106-110 • [18] Military Handbook-263B-1994 • [19] Triboelectric Testing at KSC Under Low Pressure and Temperature ESD Association Proceedings 2002, Dr. Ray Gompf, PE • [20] ITRS Technical Requirements – Electrostatics, The ITRS is devised and intended for technology assessment only and is without regard to any commercial considerations pertaining to individual products or equipment • [21] Intel Website, Moore’s Law Bob Vermillion, CPP/Fellow, is a Certified ESD & Product Safety Engineer-iNARTE with practical and "hands-on" expertise in the mitigation of material Triboelectrification on a Mars surface and in troubleshooting robotics or systems in aerospace, disk drive, medical device and pharmaceutical, automotive and semiconductor sectors. A co-author of several ANSI level ESD documents, Bob serves on the BoD with iNARTE, is a member of the ESD Association Standards Committee and conducts ESD Seminars in the USA and abroad, including guest speaker engagements for California State Polytechnic University, San Jose State University, University of California at Berkeley and Clemson University. In June 2010, Bob will conduct a seminar at Oxford University. Bob is Chief Technology Officer of RMV Technology Group, LLC, a 3rd Party ESD Materials Testing and Consulting Company. He can be reached at 650-964-4792 or bob@esdrmv.com. n

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C O T S a lT e r n aT i v e S T O Mil S P e C f l e x i b l e C O n d u i T S y S T e M S

CoTS alternatives to MiL SPeC Flexible Conduit Systems for eMi/rFi Containment Applications, electrical and physical performance, termination and installation factors of shielded flexible conduits Linda Sardone Zero ground Woodridge, il


lectronic solutions for military and government equipment and installations are expanding rapidly, and the need for supplemental shielding of cable runs via conduit is moving beyond traditional applications requiring MIL SPEC flexible conduit systems. The good news for electrical, design and shielding engineers with program requirements or incentives to incorporate Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) components is that a relatively new alternative to MIL SPEC flexible conduit systems is gaining acceptance. Shielded flexible conduits are being specified in land, sea and flight environments and in fixed and mobile applications where their form/fit/function meets the requirements of the application, and where MIL SPEC is not required. Applications, electrical and physical performance, termination and installation factors of shielded flexible conduits is discussed, and compared with long-available commercial commodity products Liquid Tight Flexible Metallic Conduit (LFMC) and Rigid Conduit, commonly called Schedule 40.

eMerGinG CoTS aPPLiCaTionS For SHieLded FLeXiBLe CondUiTS A function of any conduit is physical protection of the cable run internally. But where EMI/RFI and other types of interference are a concern, shielded conduit is an 82

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Figure 1. The selection of shielded flexible conduits as part of the EMI/RFI protection system for a building control system in the upgrade of Minuteman III ground support facilities was validated by successful results to selected tests from MIL-STDs 461 and 464 relevant to the application, including HEMP and near strike lightning.

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C O T S a lT e r n aT i v e S T O Mil S P e C f l e x i b l e C O n d u i T S y S T e M S

egress occurs when cables radiate interference that compromises the performance of nearby sensitive equipment. Examples of egress are when power cable must be run in close proximity to data cable or communications or control equipment. Interference by ingress occurs when unwanted external interference couples onto insufficiently shielded cable. Examples of ingress are when a generator is operating near data cable or when either data or power cables are exposed to external threats, such as near strike lighting or an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event. EMP concerns are in the news regularly, with recent attention focused on vulnerability of military, utility and communication systems to the effects of an Figure 2. Development of an estimated 40% lighter weight braid shielded core product EMP event, such as an E-bomb attack. Pomay expand the future use of shielded flexible conduits where weight is a critical design tentially non-lethal, although still highly factor. destructive, an E-bomb attack would disable electrical and electronic equipment in the affected area. When planning for critical equipment protection, cable runs through shielded flexible conduits are an option to be considered by EMI and electrical engineers along with filters, enclosures and other specialized shielding materials. Shielded flexible conduits have been specified for inFigure 3. Shielded flexible conduit uses a flexible metallic core of stallation in secure ground support facilities for building bronze or steel covered with a tinned copper braid as the second layer control and communications systems. Mobile ground of shielding. applications include tactical, communications, supply and shelter systems. Although many Naval installations require MIL SPEC conduit, shielded flexible conduit is in use below decks in selected electrical systems. Aerospace usage is limited to short length applications such as camera signal and power, due to the weight of current metallic cores used in shielded flexible conduits. Applications bridging defense and commercial markets are antennas, large scale test and detection equipment, test enclosures, and large pumps.

Figure 4. Shielded flexible conduit is designed to be compatible with commercial liquidtight flexible conduit fittings, which provide shieldto-ground (shield-to-drain) connections when terminated as designed to a bulkhead or metallic enclosure.

effective component in the interference mitigation system. Power and signal cables are run through these conduits where electrical interference with sensitive electronic circuits such as communications, radar and data transmission is a concern. The two broad categories of interference related to cable are egress and ingress. Interference by 84

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DEFINING THE SHIELDED FLEXIBLE CONDUIT ALTERNATIVE Shielded flexible conduit uses a flexible metallic core of bronze or steel covered with a tinned copper braid as the second layer of shielding as in Figure 3. This shielded core is typically outer jacketed with PVC or with a low smoke, zero halogen compound, such as polyurethane, which is often required in military and government applications for its safety characteristics when installed indoors or in closed environments where personnel are working. Shielded flexible conduit is designed to be compatible with commercial liquidtight flexible conduit fittings – Figure 4 – which provide shield-to-ground (shield-to-drain) connections when terminated as designed to a bulkhead or metallic enclosure. These fittings are cost-effective and readily available in emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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C O T S a lT e r n aT i v e S T O Mil S P e C f l e x i b l e C O n d u i T S y S T e M S

galvanized steel. Additional metals and finishes are offered in most common trade sizes, including stainless steel fittings for rust resistance. These commercial fittings terminate in seconds without special tools and are designed to be removable for maintenance of internal cables. . WHAT ENGINEERS WANT TO KNOW Published shield effectiveness testing for shielded flexible conduit in the frequency range from 1MHz–1GHz has been verified by major government subcontractors. As seen in Figure 5, shielded bronze and steel flexible core conduits deliver substantially more shielding effectiveness than unshielded commodity steel LFMC. The size range for COTS shielded f lexible conduit is 3/8-inch to 2-inch, compatible to U.S. commercial trade size dimensions, which differ from MIL SPEC sizing. (See Figure 6). Where MIL SPEC circular back shell connectors are required, adaptors are

Figure 5. Shielding effectiveness of shielded flexible conduit. Shielding effectiveness (attenuation in dBs) of steel and bronze core conduits over a spectrum of test frequencies from 1 MHz to10 MHz Electric field, to 100 MHz to 1 GHz (1000 MHz) Planewave field. Tests were performed per MIL-STD-285 on ½-inch trade size conduit. Testing results anticipated for publication later this year will provide a much wider frequency range of testing from 10 KHz–18 GHz.

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C O T S a lT e r n aT i v e S T O Mil S P e C f l e x i b l e C O n d u i T S y S T e M S

Figure 6. Standard Trade Size Dimensions (Inch-Pound)

available to make the transition from commercial trade size fitting to MIL SPEC connector. Shielded flexible conduit as a situational problem solver is used as a tool by numerous test facilities to troubleshoot EMC concerns. Where testing has isolated a problem area of interference, shielded flexible conduit can be utilized in the specific area impacted by emissions, preventing a larger redesign of the entire cable run. Changes in MILFigure 7. Shielded flexible conduits STD-461F testing, which are specified to address EMI/RFI limit integral shielding of issues in wind turbine controls as power cables, may lead well as solar applications. designers to choose shielded flexible conduit as a designed means of isolating power cables from signal cables in the field, rather than relying on anticipated field conditions which may not materialize. Use of readily available standard cable types run through shielded flexible conduit may also be a practical option versus designing in small quantities of custom shielded cable with typically some combination of high minimum quantities, long lead times, higher prices and one or more redesigns as program requirements evolve. Installation time can impact both project budgets and installation schedules. Prime contractors have confirmed that shielded flexible conduit installs in half the time of rigid conduit. Custom MIL SPEC connectors may take considerable time to attach, versus seconds for commercial fittings on shielded flexible conduit. To minimize waste, continuous lengths of 1,000 feet or more are typically available, depending on shielded flexible conduit size. Shielded flexible conduit will negotiate bends within its stated bend radius, although it is not intended for continuous flex applications. Shielded flexible conduits may be designed as liquid tight (water resistant), but are not intended for submersion. 88

interference technology

COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS In the mid 1990s, CE compliance became mandatory for many products sold in Europe, and significantly reduced the allowable amount of EMI/RFI emissions from electrical apparatus. Shielded flexible conduits have assisted various commercial equipment manufacturers with reducing EMI/RFI emissions related to cabling, in order to attain CE certification. Industrial applications include medical diagnostic equipment, mobile sensor antennas, large scale test and detection equipment, test enclosures, large pumps and the growing Free Space Optics (FSO) market. Shielded flexible conduit is also utilized in wind turbine controls, industrial automation (robotics), broadband antennas, locomotive engines, and in the highest end of custom home theater installs. COMPARING THE ALTERNATIVES When compared with LFMC, shielded flexible conduit’s superior COTS shielding effectiveness makes it the preferred choice where MIL SPEC is not required, but has typically been used in the past. Although rigid conduit components are inexpensive, they incur higher labor costs to install, particularly in tight spaces. Additionally, cable runs installed in rigid conduit are difficult to access for service versus shielded flexible conduit. CONCLUSION Conventional wisdom supports designing for EMI/RFI protection as a more cost-effective solution than retrofitting an existing system. Yet the need for the EMI/RFI protection of sensitive electronics in military, government and civic environments suggests that both new design and retrofit will be equally important tasks for many years. Electrical, design and shielding engineers have the option of evaluating readily available COTS conduit alternatives where MIL SPEC is not required. COTS alternatives, particularly shielded flexible conduit, may deliver electrical and physical performance to satisfy the requirement, with shorter lead times and cost savings potential in components, installation time or both. Linda Sardone is the Sales & Marketing Manager for dBzSHIELD® shielded flexible conduits at Zero Ground LLC. In her current role, Linda is responsible for developing new shielded conduit products and accessories, expanding the markets for dBzSHIELD, and overseeing the network of distributors and manufacturer’s reps for Zero Ground. Linda’s background includes 25 years of sales and sales management experience in the specialty cable industry. She can be contacted at sardone@ zero-ground.com. n

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Th e s q u a r e s h i e l d e d m a g n e T i c l o o p

the square shielded magnetic loop simple square wire loops may be well suited for injecting signals into circuit boards by inductive coupling

Douglas C. smith D.c. smith consultants los gatos, cA

the size of the source itself. To help insure electric field symmetry when the loop is used on the surface of a circuit board in the near field, the gapped side should be held against the board with the loop itself perpendicular to the board. And therein lies the main reason for using a square loop; most circuit boards are flat and one side of the loop can be held directly against a circuit board resulting in better coupling to the circuit than a round loop of the same size would give. Figure 3[2] shows a small square shielded loop held next to a connection between a circuit board and the underlying “chassis.�

CoNstRuCtioN DEtails Square magnetic loops are very useful troubleshooting tools. This article will describe the construction and characteristics of shielded magnetic loops and compare them to unshielded magnetic loops made from stiff wire. Figure 1 shows a square shielded loop built into a plastic housing, which has been split to show the loop inside. The electrical construction of the loop is described in [1]. For our purposes, one can think of the loop as starting with a straight length of semirigid coax of small diameter with an SMA connector on one end and shorting the center conductor to the shield with solder at the other end. Then the loop is bent around to form a square (being careful not to bend the coax too sharply at the corners) and the solder shorted end is soldered back on the coax so as to form a square symmetric Figure 1. Cutaway view of a square shielded loop. A small gap is made in the shield in loop the middle of the side opposite the feed line. A close up of the loop in Figure 1 is shown in Figure 2. The gap in the shield can be seen in the middle of the right side of the loop. As shown in [1], shielding against electric fields is best achieved if the field is symmetric around a line from the solder junction to the gap in the shield, a condition that is met when a shielded loop is used to measure a field much further from a source than Figure 2. Close-up of square shielded loop 90

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emc design

Th e s q u a r e s h i e l d e d m a g n e T i c l o o p

In this case, there is coupling from all four sides of the loop into the circuit to achieve maximum coupling. One can minimize the work required to build a shielded loop by buying a short length of small semi-rigid coaxial cable with SMA connectors already mounted on each end. The assembly can be cut in half to make two shielded loops

results in a significant resonance between the shielded loops. Such a resonance can cause errors in signal injection used for troubleshooting circuits. Figure 4 shows an overall view of the test comprised of a pair of square shielded loops connected to a spectrum analyzer set up to perform a two port insertion loss mea-

Figure 3. Example of a small shielded loop

Figure 4. Measuring loop to loop coupling for a pair of square shielded loops

saving the trouble of mounting the connectors on the semirigid cable. The smaller the semi-rigid coax diameter, the better coupling between the center conductor of the coax and the adjacent circuit. I use square shielded loops both to measure many kinds of signals and to inject small RF signals (~0 dBm) into circuits. Some of my techniques involve coupling high voltage/current short pulses into a circuit[3]. I do not recommend shielded loops made from small semi-rigid coax for this purpose because of possible voltage breakdown in the coax and even heating under some conditions. For large pulses, I use unshielded stiff wire loops. PARASITIC COUPLING (Electric field shielding of magnetic loops is not always effective) Shielded magnetic loops are used to reduce electric field coupling to the loop and square magnetic loops are useful for coupling signals into a PCB or measuring noise in a circuit. However, significant electric field coupling can still occur with shielded loops. One case of electric field coupling between a pair of shielded loops is presented, which 92

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Figure 5. Close-up of Loops for Coupling Measurement

Figure 6. Plot of loop to loop coupling showing ~394 MHz resonance emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


surement. The two loops are positioned end-to-end and held in place with paper tape on the back of the loops. A close-up of the two loops is shown in Figure 5. The semirigid coax used to form the loops is encased in the plastic seen in the figures. Figure 6 shows the resulting plot of insertion loss (un-

emc design normalized) between 10 MHz and 1 GHz. Notice the significant dip of around 30 dB at about 394 MHz. This feature has the appearance of a resonance that can be explained with reference to Figure 7. The capacitance between the shield segments shown in Figure 4 form a resonant circuit with the inductance of the

Figure 7. Circuit of parasitic resonance Figure 8. Measuring loop to loop coupling for a pair of square shielded loops at 1 cm spacing

two loops. The current path for the resonance is shown by red arrows. The loops I used were one inch on a side, so the effective loop for the resonant circuit is approximately two inches by one inch. The Missouri University of Science and Technology inductance calculator[4] gives an inductance Figure 9. Close-up of loops for coupling measurement at 1 cm of about 125 nH for such a loop assuming a wire (shield) spacing radius of 10 mils. The resonant frequency of 394 MHz then yields a capacitance of about 1 pF for the total capacitance in the tuned circuit of Figure 4. But how is energy coupled into this resonant circuit? There are a number of ways to explain how this happens, but the important point is that it does happen. Adding ferrite to the coax cables feeding the loops did not change the characteristics of Figure 3 so the current loop of Figure 4 is the controlling feature. One possible simplified explanation is as follows: Current flowing in the center conductor of the driven loop generates inductive voltage drop (Ldi/dt) around the loop. A shielded cable is nearly an ideal transformer, so the voltage drop on the center conductor under Figure 10. Plot of loop to loop coupling with 1 cm spacing and ~495 MHz resonance interferencetechnology.com

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Figure 11. Measuring loop to loop coupling for a pair of square shielded loops (end-to-end)

Figure 12. Close-up of loops for coupling measurement (reversed direction)

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each of the two shield segments is magnetically coupled into the shield segments as Mdi/dt. The mutual inductance, M, between the center conductor and the shield, is the inductance of the shield itself. This driving voltage on the two shield segments causes current to flow around the four shield segments coupled by the parasitic capacitance between the loop shields as shown in Figure 4 thus driving the resonant circuit. In this discussion, I am treating the circuit as composed of lumped elements since each segment and the loops themselves are small compared to a wavelength at 400 MHz. If a resonance caused by the current path of Figure 7 is the reason for the dip in plot in Figure 6, then moving the loops apart should increase the resonant frequency. This would happen because the capacitance between the loops is reduced. Figure 8 shows the test setup modified to space the loops one cm apart. The two loops are taped to a plastic ruler to maintain the spacing during the measurement. A close-up of the spaced loops is shown in Figure 9. The resulting two port insertion loss plot is shown in Figure 10. Note that the resonant dip has moved to about 495 MHz. This would represent a significant drop in capacitance on the order of 40%. As the loops are moved further apart, the capacitance between all parts of the loops begin to contribute an increasing portion of the capacitance between the loops com-

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plicating the picture somewhat. One would not expect the capacitance to decrease as much as just that of the facing sides as the loops are separated. This effect can result in errors during troubleshooting a circuit using signal injection. The problem is that using a shielded loop can sometimes give a false sense of security that electric field effects are not important. PARASITIC COUPLING BETWEEN UNSHIELDED WIRE LOOPS Unshielded wire loops are inexpensive and easy to build. However, capacitive (E field) coupling has always been a concern when using these simple loops. Coupling between unshielded wire loops is investigated, included parasitic capacitive coupling. Performance is compared to shielded loops and the simple unshielded wire loop is shown to be superior in some cases to shielded loops. Figure 13. Response of end-to-end loops (reversed directions) Figure 11 shows an overall view of the test setup comprised of a pair of square wire (unshielded) loops connected to a spectrum analyzer set up to perform a two port insertion loss measurement. The two loops are positioned end-to-end. A close-up of the two loops is shown in Figure 12. The loops are about one inch, a few cm, on a side. In Figure 12, the loops are reversed in position, that is the + side of one loop (center conductor of BNC) is opposite the - of the other loop (ground side of BNC). This will be referred to as the “reversed” direction. By inverting one of the loops in Figure 12 the “normal” direction is obtained (+ side to + side of the loops). Data is presented for both directions. Capacitive coupling between the loops would cause the normal and reversed positions of the loops to yield different responses or cause resonant responses. If only magnetic field coupling existed Figure 14. Response of end-to-end loops (normal directions) between the loops, the change resulting when one of the loops is reversed would be a 180 degree phase shift in the output, which would not change the spectrum analyzer plot. If significant capacitive coupling existed between the loops, the output of the receiving loop would be the combination of the inductive and capacitive components. Since the phase of the induc- Figure 15. tive component is reversed when one loop is reversed but Measuring the phase of the capacitive component is not, the spectrum loop to loop analyzer plot will be different. coupling for a Figures 13 and 14 show the loop-to-loop transmission pair of square from 10 MHz to 1 GHz for the reversed case and normal shielded loops cases of the two loops as explained above. As discussed (overlapped) 96

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Figure 17. Response of overlapped loops (normal direction)

Figure 18. Response of overlapped loops (reversed direction)

Figure 16. Close-up of loops for coupling measurement (normal direction) interferencetechnology.com

emc design above, the loop-to-loop transmission for a pair of shielded loops in the end-to-end configuration contained a deep resonance of about 30 dB due to inter-loop capacitance. Neither Figure 13 or Figure 14 shows such a resonance, with the frequency response being relatively flat by comparison. The differences between Figure 13 and Figure 14 are about 6 dB maximum at a few frequencies and the traces are not as smooth as the shielded loops. However the “lumps� in the frequency response in Figures 13 and 14 are only a few dB in peak amplitude, much smaller than the 30 dB resonant dip seen in the shielded loop case discussed above. The relatively flat frequency response in Figures 13 and 14 are indicative that simple wire loops may be useful for injecting signals into circuit board paths and cables by inductive coupling. Figure 15 shows the overview of a related case where the loops are overlapped to insure maximum coupling. Figure 16 shows a close-up of the loops. Notice in Figure 16 that the loops are arranged in the normal position as opposed to reversed in Figure 12, that is the side of the loops connected to the BNC center pin (or shield connection) are both on the same side. Figures 17 and 18 show the coupling from 10 MHz to 1 GHz for the setups of Figures 15 and 16 in both the normal and reversed orientations. The difference between the two traces is only a few dB, and without shielding. The response curves look very close to the response of shielded loops that are overlapped, within a few dB. COUPLING TO A PCB (From shielded and unshielded magnetic loops) Shielded loops are often used to minimize electric field (capacitive) coupling. A case is shown where using a shielded loop to inject signals into a path on a circuit board results in a significant resonance whereas using an unshielded wire loop results in a relatively flat frequency response of the injected signal. Unshielded wire loops are thus shown to be more useful than shielded loops in some cases. Figure 19 shows a square unshielded wire loop held up to a path crossing a break in the ground plane of a test board that is used for many of my experiments. The injected signal was measured at the BNC connector on the board (left side) for the cases where the loop is positioned as shown and for a 180 degree rotation of the loop and similarly for a square shielded loop (embedded in plastic for strength) as shown interference technology


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in Figure 20. the shielded loop. I suspect this result Figures 21 and 22 show the mea- holds in general for injecting signals sured signal at the BNC connector on into circuit boards with ground and the board for the unshielded wire loop power planes. in the normal position (as in Figure 1) and for the 180 degree rotated position MEASUREMENTS IN THE TIME of the loop respectively. The data was DOMAIN taken using a spectrum analyzer as a (For shielded and unshielded magnetic two port insertion loss measurement. loops) The square loop was connected to the Shielded loops are often used to tracking generator output and the BNC minimize electric field (capacitive) connector on the board was connected coupling. A case is shown where using to the receiver input of the analyzer. both unshielded and shielded magnetic Capacitive coupling between the loops to inject signals into a path on loop and the board will cause either a circuit board results in an injected a resonance effect (dip or peak in the signal that is about the same for both response) or a directional effect when loops. Unshielded wire loops are thus the loop is rotated 180 degrees because shown to be as useful as shielded loops the phase of the inductive coupling for pulse injection. changes by 180 degrees whereas the Figure 25 shows a square unshielded capacitive coupling remains the same. wire loop held next to a path crossing As can be seen in Figures 21 and 22, a break in the ground plane of a test there is no resonant effect, the frequency response is nearly flat. The capacitive coupling itself is very low compared to the inductive coupling because the difference between Figures 21 and 22 is only a few dB and then only at the higher frequencies above 600 MHz. Contrast the responses in Figures 21 and 22 for the unshielded loop to the responses in Figures 23 and 24 for the shielded loop. In both Figures 23 and 24, a resonant dip in the response is seen similar to that shown Figure 19. Coupling a signal into a circuit path using a for coupling between shielded square unshielded wire loop (covered with heat shrink loops. In this case, the reso- tubing) nance is due to the sum of the inductance of the shields of the loop and the inductance around the split in the ground plane interacting with the capacitance between the shields and the ground plane of the board. As one would expect for a shielded loop, the plots in Figures 23 and 24 are not very sensitive to the normal and rotated positions of the loop. One can conclude from the plots that the unshielded loop works better for injecting sig- Figure 20/26. Coupling a signal into a circuit path using a nals into a path crossing a square shielded loop (embedded in a plastic housing for ground plane split than does strength) emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


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Figure 21. Injected signal for unshielded loop

Figure 22. Injected signal for reversed unshielded loop

Figure 23. Injected signal for shielded loop

Figure 24. Injected signal for reversed shielded loop

Figure 25. Measuring the coupled signal into a circuit path from a square unshielded wire loop in the time domain

Figure 27. Fischer Custom Communications TG-EFT Pulse Generator


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board that is used for many of my experiments. The injected signal from a TG-EFT pulse generator connected to the loop was measured at the BNC connector on the board (left side) using an oscilloscope for cases where the loop is positioned as shown and for a 180 degree rotation of the loop. A similar test was done using a square shielded loop as shown in Figure 26. Bandwidth of the oscilloscope used was 500 MHz and the TG-EFT was set to generate open circuit pulses of 100 Volts with a risetime of about 2 ns and a pulse duration of about 100 ns. Figure 27 shows the TG-EFT pulse generator. Figures 28 and 29 show the results as displayed on the oscilloscope using the unshielded loop oriented in the both positions parallel to the path over the break in the ground plane, 180 degrees rotated from each other. Both plots have about the same pulse shape, amplitude, and width. Any change between the plots might be attributable capacitive coupling, however the only difference of any note is that the risetime in Figure 25 is a little faster than in Figure 26. The overall difference in the plots is not significant enough to make much difference when using pulse injection for troubleshooting designs. The plots in Figures 30 and 31 for the shielded square loop are also very similar as well as having about the same risetime for both plots. The amplitude of the injected pulse is about 20% less because the distance between the center conductor of the semi-rigid coax forming the loop is further from the path on the circuit board due to the diameter of the coax and the thickness of the plastic housing. The slight improvement in matching of risetimes is not significant enough to warrant the extra complication and cost of shielded loops. In addition, if the scope had greater bandwidth, the resonance at about 600 MHz between the shielded loop and the board would likely cause distortions in the pulses displayed in Figures 30 and 31. MEASUREMENTS IN THE TIME DOMAIN USING A COMB GENERATOR (An unusual use for a comb generator)


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Possible sensitivity to electric fields/ capacitive pickup has been a factor in the past in selecting shielded magnetic loops over unshielded ones. Data is presented to show that in the near field, shielded loops may be required for sensing signal currents in some cases. Figure 32 shows a shielded magnetic loop probe held near a ground plane split to sense signal current. Data was also taken using the unshielded wire loop shown in Figure 33 to compare the responses of the two magnetic loops and determine when the wire loop’s electric field sensitivity becomes important. The signal source, shown in Figure 34, for this experiment was an AET USB Powered Comb Generator. [5] Comb generators produce a large number of harmonics that are useful in a number of frequency domain measurements normally made using a spectrum analyzer or similar instrument. But in this case, it was used to furnish fast pulses for the experiment and measurements were made on an oscilloscope. The comb generator used has a 1.8 MHz fundamental frequency and edge rates of about 400 picoseconds. The output of the comb generator was connected to the BNC connector in the upper left corner of the circuit board in Figure 32. The resulting current in the signal path and the load resistor on the right side of the board resulted in signal current f lowing around the split in the ground plane and both shielded and unshielded loops were used to sense this current. Figure 36 shows the test setup using the simple wire loop of Figure 33. This is the same setup shown in Figure 32 for the shielded loop except for the use of the unshielded loop. Figure 37 shows the output of the shielded loop. A resonance at about one GHz can be seen on the waveform. This could be partially due to loop self resonance or capacitive coupling to the shield. To test the effects of electric field coupling, the loop was rotated by 180 degrees. The inductive pickup should invert and any capacitive pickup should stay nearly the same. The reversed loop output is shown in Figure 38 and is just emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Figure 28. Injected signal for unshielded loop (Vertical scale = 500 mV/div, Horizontal scale = 5 ns/div)

an inverted version of the wave shape in Figure 37. Since the waveforms in Figure 37 and Figure 38 are inverted with otherwise the same shape, capacitive coupling to the loop is not significant for this configuration. Figures 39 and 40 show the same


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Figure 29. Injected signal for reversed unshielded loop (Vertical scale = 500 mV/div, Horizontal scale = 5 ns/div)

cases for the unshielded wire loop. One can easily see these waveforms are not just inverted versions of each other. There is significant capacitive coupling between the loop and the circuit made more important by the fast rise time of 400 picoseconds. The

capacitive coupling combined with the inductance of the wire probably produced the lower frequency resonance easily seen in Figure 40 and to a lesser extend in Figure 39. CONCLUSION The construction details of a square shielded loop were presented along with a source of materials for building one. Square shielded loops are very useful devices. Parasitic capacitance coupled to a shielded magnetic loop can affect its performance. In this case, a resonance was caused that significantly affected the signal induced into a second shielded magnetic loop. Frequency response plots of the coupling between small simple wire loops is reasonably f lat, similar to shielded loops. This suggests that simple square wire loops may be well suited for injecting signals into circuit boards by inductive coupling. Capacitive coupling from an unshielded loop is not always a problem that requires the use of shielded loops to solve. On the contrary, sometimes unshielded loops work better than shielded loops. This article has shown that unshielded loops are useful for injecting signals in many cases and into circuit boards specifically. Unshielded loops can even outperform shielded loops in some applications. Given the ease of constructing an unshielded emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Figure 30. Injected signal for shielded loop (Vertical scale = 500 mV/div, Horizontal scale = 5 ns/div)

Figure 31. Injected signal for reversed shielded loop (Vertical scale = 500 mV/div, Horizontal

loop and its low cost, this is an important result. Another conclusion that can be drawn is that shields are just thick wires with inductance and capacitance and are not a “magic” solution to prevent unwanted coupling in all cases. Significant capacitive coupling was demonstrated when using an unshielded wire loop to sense current f lowing near a ground plane split. Yet, other results

show that for injecting a signal into a signal path crossing a ground break, the simple wire loop was superior. Until more work is done, one must test to see which type of loop works best for a given situation and not just assume that one type of loop is always better.









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Figure 34. AET USB powered USB comb generator

Figure 32. A shielded loop being used to sense signal current from a comb generator)

REFERENCES • 1. "Signal and Noise Measurement Techniques Using Magnetic Field Probes," 1999 IEEE EMC Symposium paper • 2. June 2006 Technical Tidbit, "Measuring Structural Resonances"

Conductive silicone for EMI-shielding

Figure 33. A simple wire loop • 3. November 2007 Technical Tidbit, Measuring Structural Resonances in the Time Domain - Part 1 • 4. Missouri University of Science and Technology inductance calculator http://emclab.mst.edu/inductance/rectgl.html • 5. AET USB Powered Comb Generator http://www.appliedemtech. com/usbsmain.html Douglas C. Smith has worked over four decades specializing in high frequency measurements, circuit/system design and verification, switching power supply noise, EMC/ESD, and immunity to transient noise. He has lectured at many universities and delivered public and private seminars. He maintains a website, www.dsmith.org, devoted to high frequency measurements and troubleshooting. n

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Th e Ie T ’ s G u I d e o n eMC f o r f u n C T I o n a l s a f e T y

the iet’s guide on emC for functional safety When correctly applied, real financial savings can be expected, along with a significant reduction in financial risks Keith Armstrong cherry clough consultants stafford, united Kingdom


lectronic complexity is increasing with no end in sight, increasing self-generated noise levels, while the feature sizes in silicon integrated circuits continue to shrink, making them emit more noise while at the same time more susceptible to noise. The use of electronics in safetyrelated applications is growing very rapidly indeed, with (once again) no end in sight. We have already reached the point where the normal testing-based approach to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is totally inadequate where safety is concerned, as current media interest in automobiles with malfunctioning “electronic throttles” shows. The inevitable consequence of all these trends is that without a new approach to electromagnetic compatibility engineering, there will be uncontrolled safety risks for people in general, plus uncontrolled financial risks for manufacturers and service providers who employ electronic technologies, as Figure 1 attempts to show. This looming problem was recognized in the late 1990s, and since then the new discipline of “EMC for Functional Safety” has been developed to help electronic systems maintain tolerable levels of safety risks. My Working Group at the IET started work in 1998, and in 2008 produced the first ever guide on how to do EMC for Functional Safety [1]. It comprehensively describes practical and cost-effective procedures for both man-


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agement and engineering, and can be used immediately to help to save lives and reduce injuries, whenever electronic technologies are used in safety-implicated products, systems or installations of any kind. It is so practical that it even includes useful checklists to aid project management, design and compliance assessment. The IET Guide can also be used to improve reliability, for example in highreliability, mission-critical, or legal metrology applications. (Although some “fail-safe” design techniques may not be appropriate for such applications.) Brief overview of the iet’s 2008 guide Ever-more sophisticated electronic technologies (including wireless, computer and solid-state power conversion) is now commonplace, and increasing in every sphere of human activity, including those where errors or malfunctions in the technology can have implications for functional safety. Activities affected include, but are not limited to: • Commerce • Industry • Banking • Government • Security • Medicine and healthcare • Agriculture • Defense • Energy and energy efficiency • Entertainment • Leisure Transport: Vehicles and Infrastructure: Road, Rail, Marine, Air, Space, etc. emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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Th e Ie T ’ s G u I d e o n eMC f o r f u n C T I o n a l s a f e T y

Figure 1. Increasing safety and financial risks due to EMI

All electronic technologies are susceptible to suffering from errors or malfunctions caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI), and increasingly sophisticated technologies tend to be more susceptible. As well as natural sources of EMI, such as lightning and electrostatic discharge (ESD), all electrical and electronic technologies are sources of EMI, and as electronic technologies become more sophisticated they tend to emit EMI at higher levels and/or higher frequencies. Plus, there is a huge trend towards the increasing use of wireless datacommunications and switch-mode power conversion (e.g. energy savings, “green” energy sources, electric and hybrid vehicles, etc.), but these are inherently very noisy technologies indeed. Functional safety engineering and EMC engineering have developed separately for decades, partly because of mandates by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), but also for other reasons [2]. This means that we now have the situation that functional safety engineers do not generally have a good knowledge of EMC, and EMC engineers do not generally have a good understanding of functional safety. And, it has to be said, most “traditional” safety engineers often have a poor understanding of Functional Safety – a discipline that itself only really got going in 2000 with the publication of IEC 61508 [6]. At the time of writing (March 2010) there are no pub108

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lished EMC standards that are appropriate for achieving functional safety, and there are no safety standards that include appropriate EMC requirements for functional safety (mostly, they have no EMC requirements at all). However, although it is not a published standard (yet) – we do have IEC TS 61000-1-2 [8], which was written with aim of filling a gap in IEC 61508 [6] by providing its “missing EMC Annex”. The 2nd Edition of [6], due to be published very soon (maybe during 2010) lists [8] as the document to apply to control EMC for functional safety purposes. The IET’s Guide takes [8] and develops its requirements into a 180+ page practical guide that is easy to follow, complete with checklists to aid designers, project managers and assessors. Whilst doing this, it also uses a more general terminology than [8] so that it can be used in any project, regardless of the functional safety standard being applied, whether it is IEC 61508 [6], ISO 14971 (medical) [9], ISO 26262 (Automotive) [10], IEC 60335-1 [11], IEC 61511 [36], IEC 62061 [37], or none. The IET Guide’s aim [1] is to provide management and technical tools that enable the use of electronic technologies in applications where they could have an impact on functional safety – controlling the risks due to EMI for customers and third-parties, and thereby reducing financial risks to manufacturers and service providers. Financial risks mostly arise due to product liability emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

standards legislation, but also due to safety regulations that can cause unsafe products to be banned from large markets such as the European Union (EU) and/or undergo recall. Many companies are aware that legal claims that go against them could be very costly indeed, and could also ruin their brand reputation. For this reason, they have, for decades, employed legal experts to either win cases for them, or settle out of court with binding non-disclosure agreements. In this way the true cost of poor engineering has generally been hidden from the public, government, and other companies. At some point the costs of doing EMC engineering properly will be less than the legal costs of ignoring it (or the loss of sales due to media exposure). That point may already have been reached, because of the general financial improvements that are available from EMC engineering. [3] and [4] show that appropriate EMC engineering techniques have been available for some time, to help reduce the costs and timescales in design and development, and reduce unit manufacturing and warranty costs whilst improving functionality and maximizing market share. The Guide’s methods can be used to reduce risks in high-reliability, mission-critical and legal metrology applications, as well as generally improving financial performance and market share, and will also help suppliers to the UK’s military comply with Annex H of the UK’s DEF STAN 59-411 Part 1 [5]. To avoid confusion with the many different terms used in electrical and electronic engineering (for example: device, apparatus, system, safety system, installation, etc.) the IET Guide coined a new acronym –EFS – defined as: “Any entity employing electrical and/or electronic technologies that provides one or more functions having a direct impact on safety.” The intention of inventing EFS was to cover the entire range of constructional possibilities. Note that an EFS is never a component, part, element, subsystem or subset of the entity that is providing the safety function. There are many types of organizations as well as those called “manufacturers” who could create an EFS, so to avoid confusion the Guide calls them all “EFS creators.” Figure 2 shows the nine basic steps employed by the Guide, which include checklists to aid project management, design and compliance assessment. It has been pointed out that the figure actually shows ten steps, but only nine of them are involved with actual engineering, hence the term “9-Step Process”. Figure 2 is for a ‘Simple EFS’, but the Guide also describes an expanded process that will handle projects of any size, with any number of levels of subcontracting, known as “Complex EFSs”. Part 2 of this article discusses how various practitioners of functional safety and/or EMC will need to learn new tricks. Part 3 shows why it is that we can no longer rely on EMC testing alone, and Part 4 provides brief descriptions of each of the steps in Figure 2. up the learning Curve The Guide’s approach means a significant learning curve 110

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Th e Ie T ’ s G u I d e o n eMC f o r f u n C T I o n a l s a f e T y

for many EFS creators. But the alternative is a future of unacceptable levels of deaths and injuries, and unacceptable financial risks and losses by both the creators and their customers or users, as shown in Figure 1. The process described by the Guide should be clearly seen for what it really is – a methodology for improving cost-effectiveness and reducing financial risks over the medium and longer term. In fact it is much more than that – it is also a methodology for ensuring customer and investor confidence. For government bodies and other non-profit organisations it provides similar benefits. Executives could also use it as a method for reducing their personal liability under the UK’s Corporate Manslaughter Act – or similar legislation in other countries – that aims to ensure that one or more senior responsible individuals are held personally accountable when their company’s actions (or inactions) cause safety accidents. Functional safety assessors (e.g. those already qualified to assess to IEC 61508 [6] or its “daughter” standards such as IEC 61511 [36] or IEC 62061 [37]) will need to develop the necessary skills to assess EMC for functional safety. No doubt some EMC testing laboratories will also develop the necessary skills to assess the EMC for Functional Safety of an EFS design. Some of them will certainly want to expand their markets by offering customized EMC tests for EFS, and offer assistance in developing individual EMC for Functional Safety test plans. Many reasons why eMC testing is insuffiCient for Controlling safety risks Also see [2] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] and [17]. 1.1 reasonably foreseeable faults not tested Immunity to the normal electromagnetic (EM) environment can be negatively affected by faults, for example: • Missing or damaged conductive gaskets • Loose/missing fixings in enclosures or cable shielding • Failure of surge protection devices • Intermittent electrical connections • Dry joints, open or short circuits (e.g. in RF filters) • Out-of-tolerance or incorrect components Normal safety testing simulates all reasonably foreseeable faults to check if the protection that has been designed-in (usually as the result of a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, or similar) operate as intended. But EMC immunity testing is only performed on perfect specimens of products and systems. This is enough on its own to disqualify EMC testing as being a sufficient means, on its own, for demonstrating that EMI cannot cause excessive functional safety risks. In fact, the manager of an Automotive EMC Test laboratory recently told me that it is not uncommon for automotive components in serial manufacture to fail their regular quality-control EMC tests. Engineers visit the test lab, discover that the components have been assembled incorrectly – and although they function correctly, their immunity to EMC emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


Th e Ie T ’ s G u I d e o n eMC f o r f u n C T I o n a l s a f e T y

Figure 2. The IET’s “9-step process” applied to a “Simple EFS”


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has been compromised. They correct the mistake with the component, the test is repeated and passed. There’s nothing wrong with the design – as far as passing its EMC tests is concerned, anyway – but no steps were taken in the design to provide a fail-safe or backup system for the reasonably foreseeable assembly error. Also, no steps are taken to improve the production process, so the EMC characteristics of vehicles delivered to customers are unknown. 1.2 Reasonably foreseeable use, and misuse not tested A basic principle of good safety engineering practice (and a way to help avoid liability claims) is that tolerable safety risk levels must be maintained despite reasonably foreseeable use or misuse. Of course, it is impossible to make anything perfectly safe – but people are known to behave in certain ways, which includes the propensity to make mistakes in certain known ways – so safety engineering takes this into account. However, as for faults (see above), EMC immunity testing assumes that equipment is operated perfectly at all times, and will never be damaged, modified or upgraded by anyone.

standards 1.3 Anechoic chambers not representative of real-life EM environments Most radiated immunity test standards specify anechoic test chambers, which are unlike all real-life EM environments (except for a missile when it is flying through the air) and so their results can differ markedly from what will happen in real life. Some manufacturers and most EMC test laboratory managers assume that increasing the test levels well beyond what will occur in real-life provides a “safety margin” (a rather unfortunate term, in this context!). Of course, testing at higher levels does improve confidence that the test level applied was actually at or above the test levels specified for the environment, as shown in Figure 3, and [18] shows that this “expanded uncertainty” is an important technique when controlling safety risks. Also, if we assume that mitigation measures such as shielding and filtering will degrade by a few dB over the life of the equipment, it is reasonable to add those few dB to the test level. But what if a 60dB shield or filter suffers a catastrophic fault, or the operator leaves the shielded door open, do we test with 60dB higher levels? For instance, instead of testing at 3V/m, add 60dB to allow for the degraded shielding or filtering, and test at 3,000V/m? And if we also want to increase the test

Figure 3. Using “Expanded Uncertainty” improves test confidence when testing linear systems for continuous radiated or conducted immunity interferencetechnology.com

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standards level setting by four standard deviations to achieve 99.99% confidence that we tested at or above the specified level, do we then test at 10,000V/m? [18] shows that testing at higher levels is no universal panacea, and describes a number of easily understood reasons as well as those discussed above. There are also concerns about the measurement uncertainties in the test chambers, with some EMC testing experts suggesting large and unpredictable uncertainties [19] [20]. Reverberation chambers can provide much more realistic tests [21] [22], and for this reason are used by many manufacturers of flight-critical avionics and preferred by [23]. 1.4 Reasonably foreseeable RF modulations not tested For ease of testing, low costs and repeatability, standard RF immunity tests use 1kHz sinewave modulation, although some vehicle manufacturers employ pulse modulation to simulate digital cellphones and radars above about 600MHz, and military standards use 1kHz squarewave, for example [5], [38]. However, real-life environments contain EM disturbances with a range of modulation types and frequencies, as pointed out by [24]. [25] and [26] show that immunity can be significantly degraded (e.g. by 20dB or more) when EMI

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modulation corresponds with frequencies or waveforms used in internal processes, or resonates with circuits, cables, transducers or loads. Modulation’s importance for EM immunity has been well known in military electronic warfare for many decades, but is only now just starting to be addressed by some standards, see [23] and [27]. 1.5 Reasonably foreseeable simultaneous EM disturbances not tested EMC immunity testing applies a limited number of types of EM disturbance, one at a time. But in real-life operation, equipment is often exposed to simultaneous EM disturbances. For example: two or more RF fields at different frequencies; a radiated field plus a conducted transient or electrostatic discharge, etc. [28] shows that equipment that passes its individual immunity tests can be much more susceptible to lower levels of the same disturbances when they are applied simultaneously, as they can be in real life. In the EMC world it is often argued that simultaneous disturbances are too unlikely, but it is pretty obvious that (for example) distorted AC mains supply waveforms occur all the time, and if this results in a lower peak level (as it often does) then the storage capacitor on the unregulated side of the DC power supply will not be charged up as much

Figure 4. Example of demodulation and intermodulation


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as normal, and an equipment’s susceptibility to dips and dropouts in the AC supply will be different from when it is tested with a nominal supply. It is also pretty obvious that some areas of the world suffer from quite high field strengths from nearby radio broadcast transmitters, even large parts of some cities are exposed to fields of over 3V/m at multiple broadcast frequencies at once. In such areas transients and ESD continue as normal, of course, meaning that exposure to one or more RF fields at the same time as transients and ESD is a reasonably foreseeable situation (and one that was tested by Michel Mardiguian [28] and found to cause problems). And even independent transients will occur simultaneously on occasion. Maybe so infrequently that they can be ignored for normal purposes, but, for example, when considering a safety-related system that is made in very high volumes, like automobiles on the roads in their tens of millions, even such a very small possibility could be happening on a daily basis, and so is reasonably foreseeable and needs to be taken into account. Simultaneous disturbances with different frequencies can cause EMI through intermodulation (IM), which (like demodulation) occurs naturally in non-linear devices such as semiconductors. Figure 4 shows a simple example of two RF fields at different frequencies, which can cause EMI by:

standards • Direct interference from each frequency independently • Demodulation of the amplitude envelopes of either frequency, or both mixed together • Intermodulation, in which new frequencies are created Imagine we perform normal radiated immunity testing over the frequency range 150kHz – 6GHz, and discover that our product is too susceptible over 10 – 200MHz. Being competent EMC engineers we add or modify shielding and filtering to make it effective over the susceptible frequency range, so that the equipment now passes the test. We pat ourselves on the back, and proceed to the next test, or the next product. We didn’t bother to improve the mitigation over the range 200MHz – 6GHz, because it was not needed to pass the test. Why waste the time, and add unnecessary cost? But in real life, simultaneous noises in the frequency range 200MHz – 6GHz will occur, and will enter the product, where they will intermodulate, with some reasonably foreseeable probability of creating internal noises in the 10 – 200MHz range and causing the very interference we were so pleased that we had stopped. [18] shows that that the original test might never discover this problem, no matter how high its test level. 1.6 Only one port tested at a time An item of equipment subjected to a radiated EM field picks

Figure 5. Some of the EM environment issues to be taken into account interferencetechnology.com

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standards up RF voltages on all of its cables, with phase differences between them due to their different routing, stray capacitances, etc. But conducted immunity tests only apply RF stresses to one cable at a time. Qinetiq PLC (in the UK) tell me that they have injected RF energies into all of an equipment’s conductors simultaneously, but with phase shifts to match what would be expected in real life. They discovered that the immunity could be significantly worse than when one cable was tested at a time when following the standard immunity test methods. (Unpublished work at the time of writing.) 1.7 Reasonably foreseeable physical/climatic effects not tested For safety, it is important to maintain an appropriate level of EM performance over the anticipated lifecycle, despite the reasonably foreseeable effects of physical and climatic environments, including the following: • Mechanical (e.g. static forces (bending, twisting) , shock, vibration, etc.) • Climatic (e.g. temperature, humidity, air pressure, etc. – both extremes and cycling effects) • Chemical (e.g. oxidation, galvanic corrosion, conductive dusts, condensation, drips, spray, immersion, icing, etc.) • Biological (e.g. mould growth, rodent gnawing, etc.) • Operational “wear and tear” over the lifetime (e.g. friction, fretting, repetitive cleaning, grease build-up, etc.) • Ageing and corrosion Foreseeable effects vary from immediate (e.g. non-flat mounting opening a gap and degrading shielding), to longterm (e.g. corrosion of a shield joint or filter ground bond). MIL-STD-464 [29] describes a number of real-life problems of this nature; [30] and [31] are also relevant, as is the last paragraph of [32]. [33] shows that up to 20dB degradation in filter attenuation can be caused by combinations of ambient temperature, supply voltage and load current within the filter’s ratings – compared with the results of the normal immunity tests. Highly-accelerated life testing (known as “HALT”) is already performed by some manufacturers, to check that functionality is maintained over the anticipated lifecycle, but the resulting “pre-aged” units are not then tested to see if their EM characteristics have degraded by too much, even in the avionics and military industries. However, I am told that the Russian Military take their equipment after simulation of their lifetime physical and climatic exposure, and run their EMC tests again to check they still meet the specs. 1.8 Quality of EM EnginEERing dEsign ignoREd by EMC tEsting It is very common for manufacturers to EMC test their products, iterating their designs until they pass. Apart from being a very bad use of resources and running huge financial risks [4] – this might not reveal whether the pass was achieved by good EM design, or by something that would not be adequately controlled in serial manufacture over the production life. 116

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For example, if a product’s EM design does not cope with component tolerances, semiconductor die-shrinks, variations in assembly (e.g. cable harnesses, grounding, etc.), replacement of obsolete components, firmware bug fixes, etc., then reasonably foreseeable variations in serial manufacture could degrade its EM characteristics and worsen safety risks. Just because one or two samples of a product passed their EMC tests means nothing at all for the EM characteristics of the products actually supplied, unless its design has taken care of the above variability issues. This is, of course, a general issue for any system integrator – even if you go to the trouble of checking that the correct EMC tests really were carried out and really were passed, for the units you are planning to buy to assemble your system – how can you be sure that the units supplied would pass the same tests? Remember the automotive EMC test lab manager’s story at the end of 3.1. And (under EU Directives, if not in other countries), it is the company that placed the finished equipment on the market who is liable for all of its safety and EMC. In the case of non-compliance, they can’t simply point official investigators back down the supply chain and expect to avoid prosecution themselves. All system integrators are assumed to be professionals, and as a result be fully aware of issues such as those just discussed. 1.9 Reasonably foreseeable assembly errors not tested for Good safety engineering always requires some basic testing of each unit manufactured to make sure that assembly errors have not made it unsafe. But standard EMC tests do not include any requirements for manufacturers to perform routine checks on EM characteristics in serial manufacture. Test laboratories say that it is not uncommon for items of equipment that function correctly to fail EMC tests because of “misbuild”. Although most manufacturers employ rigorous end-of-line testing, including in-circuit tests that will discover misbuilds that affect functionality, they almost never aim to discover misbuilds that can affect EMC characteristics, which can then affect safety risks. 1.10 systematic effects not tested The general assumption is that if all of the products incorporated into a system pass their immunity tests individually, then the systems thus created will also be immune enough and would pass their immunity tests. The assumption is that there is then no point in testing the completed systems, because they would be bound to pass. But these assumptions are completely wrong. Performance degradations that are perfectly acceptable when an item of equipment is EMC tested, or are not even measured during the testing, could have significant implications for the functional safety of systems that use them. A good example is a 3.3V DC power supply unit used to power a microprocessor-based unit. When tested to IEC 61000-4-4 (fast transient burst) the power supply output emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010



hiccups – goes to zero for a few hundred milliseconds and then automatically recovers. The manufacturer agrees that this meets Performance Criterion B, which is all that is required. When the microprocessor unit is tested to IEC 61000-4-4, nothing goes wrong with it at all. But put the two units together to control a robot and apply the same test to this simplest of systems, and the micro will crash and take tens of seconds to reboot, whilst the system it is controlling goes haywire and perhaps lays waste to all around it, including any poor individuals within reach of its arms. It is in fact a common experience that, when systems are tested, there is very poor agreement between the EMC test results on items of equipment, and on the systems that are constructed with them [34]. 1.11 Maximum test level not necessarily worst-case Electronic devices are all non-linear, and circuits/firmware can be very complex, so products can sometimes fail when tested with low-level EM disturbances – but fail in a different way – or even pass when tested with the maximum specified levels. But many EM immunity tests only expose equipment at the highest specified level, to save testing time and cost. Lower disturbance levels will usually be much more likely in real life, and so could be much more significant for functional safety. 1.12 Conclusion – EMC immunity testing is never sufficient on its own for safety I hope I have shown that EMC testing can never be sufficient – on its own – to demonstrate that functional safety risks are low-enough, or that risk-reduction will be high enough, over the lifecycle of an EFS, taking its physical and climatic environments (including wear and ageing) into account. The number of variables is simply too large. Test plans could be drawn up which would provide the necessary design confidence, but no-one (even governments) could afford their cost, or the very long time they would take. But we’ve been here before! In the 1990s it was realised that testing was not sufficient to demonstrate that software programs were reliable enough for use in safety systems. After many hundreds of man-years of work by academia and industry, the result was Part 3 of IEC 61508 [6]. What is required to do EMC for Functional Safety is to adopt the approach that has been taken in every other aspect of safety engineering (including software, since 2000) of employing proven good engineering techniques such as risk management, using a wide range of verification and validation methods. Verification and validation will still involve some EMC testing – maybe quite a lot of it – but the point is that it will probably be carefully tailored for each project, to provide confidence in the safety design and manufacture where the other verification and validation techniques are not able to give us the confidence we need for the level of risk (or riskinterferencetechnology.com

reduction) that is our target. They will generally not be just a fixed set of EMC tests. (This should be good news for test lab managers and engineers everywhere – something to engage their brains instead of simply repeating the same boring tests day after day after day!) To put it a different way, doing EMC for Functional Safety means that we need to apply Risk Management methods – such as those in IEC 61508 [6] – to EMC. This was exactly the approach that was taken by IEC 61000-1-2 [8], and also by the IET’s Guide that is the subject of this paper [1]. DisCussing thE stEps in thE iEt’s guiDE 1.13 step 0: Managing the 9-step process The IET’s new Guide requires that an organization with responsibility for any of the activities within the scope of the Guide’s process, should appoint one or more persons to take overall responsibility for: • The EFS, or for all relevant activities • Coordinating the EMC-related activities • The interfaces between those activities and other activities carried out by other organizations • Carrying out all the requirements of this Step • Ensuring that EMC is sufficient and demonstrated in accordance with the objectives and requirements of the it r Km e lv So rb.co m o ble os ro .ecc P e w Fret ww When a

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standards IET’s Guide Responsibility for EMC-specific functional safety activities may be delegated to other persons, particularly those with relevant expertise, and different persons could be responsible for different activities and requirements. However, the responsibility for coordination, and for overall EMC for functional safety, should reside in one or a small number of persons with sufficient management authority. As with all safety engineering undertakings, the time, effort, and skill required for performing and managing an activity depends upon the level of safety risk (or riskreductions) considered acceptable for the EFS. Lower levels of risks require greater confidence in design and verification – hence more work and more thorough documentation. 1.14 Step 1: Determine the Intersystem EM and Physical Phenomena The IET’s Guide accepts that an EFS may need to maintain certain minimum levels of EM immunity despite at least one fault, such as the wear-out of a surge protection device by the surges it is exposed to over time. Another example is a broken filter ground connection, which could be caused by poor assembly; shock, vibration, or corrosion over the lifecycle; or wilful damage. EFS designers need to know enough about their equipment’s “environment” (EM; physical; climatic; wear; ageing, etc. over the anticipated lifecycle) and foreseeable faults and misuse, to select appropriately-rated components, and to design circuits, software, filtering, shielding, overvoltage protection, etc. They need this information to be able to achieve the reliability required for operational functions that could have an impact on safety over the entire lifecycle. For example, engineers need enough information to be able to design: • EFS and its EM/physical mitigation techniques to cope with the foreseeable range of EM disturbances over the anticipated lifecycle of the EFS, including low-probability events (how low depends on the safety requirements of the EFS) and simultaneous EM disturbances. • Feedback circuits – so that they do not become unstable due to temperature variations affecting component parameters (e.g. gain-bandwidth product, phase margin, etc.). • Filters – so that vibration and corrosion will not cause their ground bonds to degrade; and that variations in supply voltage, load current and temperature do not degrade their attenuation too much [33]. • Shield joints and gaskets – so they will continue to perform as required despite twisting of the frame due to mounting on non-flat surfaces; and will withstand wear and tear, corrosion, mould growth or other lifecycle influences [30]. • Surge protection that will withstand the foreseeable overvoltages and overcurrents for the lifecycle of the EFS, or at least for the period between maintenance activities. • EFS and its EM/physical mitigation techniques so that their EM and physical characteristics will not be unacceptably degraded by lifecycle activities such as: 118

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maintenance; repair; refurbishment; modification; upgrade; decommissioning, etc. • etc. They also need this information to create a test plan for both EMC and HALT that will verify/validate the design, and to design the routine EMC testing and physical stress screening required in volume manufacture. The EM/physical environments that exist without the EFS in place are called intersystem environments, and are the subject of Step 1 in this EMC for functional safety process. Where the statistical distribution of an EM, physical or climatic “threat” is not known, the reasonably foreseeable worst-case value that could possibly occur during the lifecycle should be determined with sufficient accuracy, and the design based on that. Figure 5 shows some of the EM issues that should be taken into account when assessing an intrasystem EM environment. 1.15 Step 2: Determine the Intrasystem EM and Physical Phenomena Each item of electrical/electronic equipment creates its own EM and physical disturbances, and so has an effect on its local EM/physical environments. Where an EFS is comprised of several items of equipment, the emissions from one or more of them might interfere with one or more of the other parts of itself. This is known as intrasystem interference, and is the subject of this step. Where the statistical distribution of an EM, physical or climatic threat is not known, the worst-case value that could possibly occur during the lifecycle should be determined with sufficient accuracy, and the design based on that. The combination of the worst-case intersystem and worst-case intrasystem environments should be captured in the environmental specifications that are the output of Steps 1 and 2 to the rest of the EMC for functional safety process. 1.16 Step 3: Specify EM/Physical Phenomena vs Functional Performance No EMC or safety standard can ever specify exactly what is required for a given EFS, because to be adopted internationally it must inevitably adopt a general approach and strike a balance between under-engineering and over-engineering, often called a technical/economic compromise. Competent engineers should therefore carefully assess each EFS with respect to its operational situations. This Step in the EMC for functional safety process creates an “EMC safety specification” that helps a given EFS achieve tolerable levels of safety risks, or risk-reductions. It is also part of a process that helps ensure the amount of safety engineering is just right, so that under- and over-engineering is avoided. Steps 1 and 2 assessed the worst-case EM and physical environments over the anticipated lifecycle. The outputs from these Steps are specifications for the worst-case EM and physical environments. Where appropriate, it can help to base these specifications on existing standards (such as the DEF STAN 59-411 [5], MIL-STD-461F, the IEC 610004 series or IEC 60721 series [35]), competently modified emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


INTERFERENCE TECHNOLOGY KICKS OFF “2010 EMC Seminar Tour” Across United States In today’s difficult financial circumstances, wasted efforts and delays in EMC design and development must be avoided at all costs. In order to achieve this challenging combination of demands, superior EMC engineering practices must be implemented from the start of a project. From May 17th through June 3rd, Interference Technology, in conjunction with renowned expert and educator Keith Armstrong, is offering courses in Los Angeles, San Jose, Boston, Detroit and Chicago to address these issues. The sessions will give EMC and electronics engineers an opportunity to improve their practical knowledge of EMI / EMC, to network with other local EMC practitioners and engineers, and to stay current in the field.

Courses Auto eMC Testing, regulations, and eMC to Control Functional safety risks

Basic and Advanced PCB Design for eMC and signal Integrity

Designing for Costeffective eMC, and Financial Benefits

Please confirm your participation by registering at www.interferencetechnology.com/markets/seminars.html OR contacting us at 484-688-0300 About Keith Armstrong Keith is a renowned EMC expert with over 20 years of EMC experience. He is a UK Chartered Engineer, a Group 1 European Engineer, has chaired the IET Working Group on EMC and Functional Safety, is a member of several EMC standards committees, and has published several books and hundreds of articles on EMC. Over the past couple of months he has spent time on panels like “Toyota Truth,” giving his expert advice on the Toyota acceleration issue, and discussing the role EMI has played in this very public story. He was recently interviewed by news channels like CNN and CBS, and quoted by USA Today. He has also taught EMC courses in the UK, US, China and Australia. To stay informed on future seminars, visit interferencetechnology.com.

standards as necessary. Doing this can make it easier to verify and validate the design by testing, in Steps 7 and 8, because test laboratories and equipment hire companies (and many manufacturers) will already have much of the equipment and expertise necessary to apply those test methods. This Step 3 is concerned with creating the EMC safety specification for the EFS, which will include both EM and physical specifications, and upon which Steps 4 and later steps all depend. Where an EFS creator subcontracts part of the design, the subcontracted item requires an Item Requirement Specification (IRS) that helps to ensure that the overall EFS complies with its EMC safety specifications, see Step 6 in Section 5.7. 1.17 Step 4: Study and Design the EFS It is important to ensure that EFS do not become unsafe as a result of EMI due to their EM environment (including EMI they create themselves). It is also important to ensure that the EM emissions from a new EFS (or part of it) do not increase safety risks by interfering with existing EFSs. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of the EFS designer (which may be a team of people) to apply appropriate EM/physical measures throughout the lifecycle of the EFS. Where it is not within the authority of the designer to apply a certain measure (e.g. repair of an EFS after it has been sold to another company), the designer should provide appropriate and clear instructions on what should be done, and by whom, with clear warnings about the potential consequences for safety risks (or risk-reductions) of failing to follow them. In most cases, mass-produced electrical, electronic or programmable electronic products and other devices and interconnections that are often used to assemble an EFS cannot be expected to have EM emissions and/or immunity characteristics that are adequate for all of the possible EM environments that an EFS might experience. Therefore, it is important to recognize that EM and/or physical mitigation measures, applied at the level of the equipment, system and/or installation, are often an effective way to achieve the required characteristics for the target level of safety risk. One aim of this Step in the Guide is to provide an overview of some of the measures and techniques that are available for the achievement of functional safety with regard to EMI. It cannot specify how to design an EFS, because each EFS and its application and EM/physical environment is so different. Instead, it discusses the major design issues and some techniques by which they may be addressed. Whilst the IET Guide describes many design techniques that can be used in Step 4, it is not comprehensive; there are other techniques that could be equally effective. They are just a list of some techniques that have been found useful in the past, and there is no obligation to use all or any of them. Some of these techniques might not be suitable for some types of EFS. How the EFS designer ensures that the desired levels of safety risks (or risk-reductions) are achieved over the anticipated lifecycle is entirely up to him or her. Performing a risk assessment for EMC for functional 120

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safety generally requires using at least one “bottom-up” (inductive) method, such as FMEA, Event Tree Analysis, etc., plus at least one “top-down” (deductive) method, such as Fault Tree Analysis. Also required is “brainstorming”, using a wide variety of participants (not just designers), plus Task Analysis, Human Reliability Analysis, and other methods where relevant. But the normal, standardized risk assessment methods were never designed to cover EMI issues, so need competently adapting to take into account, for example: • “Latch-up” (all integrated circuit pins pulled low simultaneously by a malfunction inside itself) • “Common-mode” disturbances (which affect two or more subassembly ports or circuit nodes simultaneously) • EMI and intermittent contacts, which can create noises that can be mistaken for valid signals • Multiple simultaneous faults (unless their probability is shown to be low enough, over the anticipated lifecycle, to treat them one-at-a-time) • Etc. When presenting papers and discussing EMC for Functional Safety, as I have been for 10 years now, I sometimes meet people dismiss me as some crank who wants to make everything perfectly safe. Well, we all know that nothing can ever be perfectly safe, and the IET’s Guide is no exception. The whole point of [6], [8] and the 2008 Guide is to spend money and time wisely, to make things that are no more costly then they need to be to achieve an appropriate level of safety risk. To take some medical examples, one day we might be using the IET’s Guide to help design a product that will be used on babies and young children, where the “tolerable risks” we are prepared to accept are very low indeed. But another day we might be using the Guide to help design a medical device that will be used to try to extend the lives of people who otherwise have only a couple of days to live. For such devices, a very high probability of dying as a direct result of a malfunction in the device might be acceptable – maybe as much as 50% in some situations. 1.18 Step 5: Create EM and Physical Verification/Validation Plans As was shown in Section 4 of this paper, EMC testing can never be sufficient on its own to demonstrate that risks are low enough, or that risk-reduction will be high enough, over the lifecycle of an EFS, taking its physical environment (including wear and ageing) into account. Test plans could be drawn up which would provide the necessary design confidence, but no-one (even governments) could afford their cost, or the very long time they would take. No other safety engineering discipline, including software, ever relies totally upon testing a finished product. In fact it is very well recognised in safety engineering, and especially in functional safety engineering, that testing alone is insufficient. What they employ instead, and we now need to apply to EMC, is competent design engineering, plus a variety of verification and validation techniques, which will include some carefully-targeted testing. emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010



Different designs of EFS may employ modified or different design techniques (see Step 4 of the Guide) and/or be used in different applications – but to be time- and costeffective we must accept that no single design methodology will be found to be suitable for all types of EFS. Where EFS designs and/or applications differ, verification and validation techniques may need to be adapted – and different techniques may need to be employed. The EMC testing employed may need to be adapted, or different tests applied. No one verification/validation plan or EMC test methodology is suitable for all designs of EFS (to be time- and cost-effective). Step 4 of the Guide’s 9-step process (see Figure 2) designed the EFS, using techniques as appropriate to its application, functions, and the EM/physical requirements of its EMC safety specification and risk assessment (from Step 3). Step 5 now deals with planning the verification and validation of the EFS design, including its EMC testing, against the EM/physical requirements of its EMC safety specification (from Step 3). Most of the text and graphics in this Step deal with EMC testing issues, but that does not mean that testing is the most important verification and validation method of the several that must be applied. For example: Expert Review is often found to be the most powerful method for detecting design errors, and also one of the quickest and most cost-effective. The planning of the validation and verification techniques needs to be performed by competent and knowledgeable personnel during the design phase (Step 4), because the two steps are interactive. It can be possible to avoid lengthy and expensive verification and validation programmes by doing the design in a different way, and employing certain verification and validation techniques can sometimes allow design to proceed faster, or lower-cost parts to be used.

The required EM/physical performance specifications should be in the purchasing contracts for the standard products or custom items, and “CE marking” or Certificates of Compliance should never be taken as evidence of EM performance. Remember: an EFS is never a component, part, subset, or a purchased standard product or custom-designed item that is incorporated into something else – it can only be the finished, complete entity that, when finally installed, is what provides the function that has a direct impact on safety risks, or risk-reductions.

1.19 Step 6: Selecting Standard Products / specifying Custom Hardware or Software Step 6 applies only where the EFS designer(s) permits the EFS creator to have such freedom of choice. In some EFS designs, especially simpler ones, some EFS designer(s) will completely specify everything about the EFS, including any standard volume-manufactured or custom-engineered items of hardware or software that are to be incorporated within it. The EFS creator then has no flexibility in this regard and Step 6 does not apply to that EFS. This Step of the process is concerned with selecting standard volume-manufactured items of hardware or software and/or specifying custom-engineered items of hardware or software, for incorporation into the EFS by the EFS creator (who may or may not be the same company as the EFS designer(s)). The aim of this step is to ensure that – taking into account the EM/safety design of the EFS – the EM/physical/ climatic performance of any standard volume-manufactured or custom-engineered items of hardware or software incorporated into the EFS do not prevent it from meeting the EM safety specification of the EFS (from Step 3).

• LEMP-DO 160: SW, LW, DSW per RTCA-DO-160


1.20 Step 7: Assemble, install, commission and verify the EFS A very wide variety of assembly, installation, commissioning and verification activities are possible in this Step. Some of them might take place on the manufacturer’s site (or manufacturers’ sites), and some on the operational site (including fixed locations, vehicles, vessels, etc.), depending on the type of EFS and the way it is designed. These activities all fall within the lifecycle phase known as “Realization” in [6], and include such concepts as manufacture and integration. They are all specified by the design and verification documents created during Steps 4 and 5, in order to meet the specifications created by Step 3, so that the EFS achieves the desired levels of safety risk, or





GENERATORS • LEMP-EFA 1: per EFA/SPE-J-E-1000 up to 80MW • LEMP-EFA 2: per EFA, SPE-J-000-E-1000 • NEMP-EFA 1: DSW 2-50-100MHz, 10kV! • NEMP-EFA 2: 5ns/24ns, up to 50kV/m • EMP-461 C6 DSW: per MIL 461, 10kHz up to 100MHz • LEMP-IEC-DSW: per IEC 61000-4-12, 100kHz/1MHz • MBG-1M/10M/800V: multiburst AIRBUS, BOEING, SAE • LEMP-MIL 1757, "Big Bang". STANAG, DEF-STAN


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standards risk-reduction, over its lifecycle. 1.21 Step 8: Validating the EFS This is the Step in which the finished, fully functioning EFS is validated as complying with its Step 3 requirements for safety risks and/or risk-reductions over its lifecycle, by implementing the validation plans from Step 5. Where the EFS is large, or is a distributed system, EMC testing of its final build stage might be impractical and/or there may be no standard test methods that are suitable. A wide variety of validation activities are available for use in this Step (see Step 5) depending on the type of EFS and the way it is designed, to support whatever testing is practical (and affordable) to achieve sufficient confidence in the safety risks, or risk-reductions, achieved by the EFS. 1.22 Step 9: Maintain EM and Physical Performance Characteristics over the Lifecycle An EFS must maintain certain levels of safety risks and/ or risk-reductions over its entire lifecycle, which of course, includes operation, maintenance, repair, refurbishment, and modifications and upgrades to its mechanics, electrical and electronic hardware and software. It must also remain safe enough during dismantling and disposal. The safety of everyone who could be exposed to risks from the EFS in any of its lifecycle phases must be controlled, by appropriate design and/or management procedures. For example: where an EFS is controlling a powerful robot, during certain lifecycle activities (other than operation) it may be acceptable to remove the power to its motors and actuators, so that if the EFS suffers interference (e.g. due to the door of a shielded enclosure being opened) the robot cannot make any unintended or erroneous movements. If the robot needs to be operated whilst a shielded enclosure door is open, it may be acceptable for the person in charge of that activity to clear the area of any radio transmitters, or clear the area reachable by the robot of any personnel, both of them being precautions that are not taken during normal operation. Different types of personnel perform the various activities during these phases of the lifecycle. For example: an operator will have a different set of skills, competencies and experiences than someone performing a repair or installing an upgrade, and will generally (but not always) be exposed to safety hazards for a shorter time. For this, and other reasons, the levels of safety risk or risk-reduction that are necessary for the EFS during various post-manufacture activities could be different from those that are necessary during operation. Dismantling and disposal lifecycle phases often require no safety precautions, but the issue should always be addressed because sometimes they can. For example: nuclear power plants can take a long time to dismantle and dispose of, and certain types of EFS (e.g. cooling systems, safety interlocks, radiation alarms, etc.) need to remain operational and provide the required level of safety risks (or riskreductions) during part or all of those phases.


interference technology

Th e Ie T ’ s G u I d e o n eMC f o r f u n C T I o n a l s a f e T y

HELPFuL annExES and CHECkLiStS The IET’s new guide provides everything necessary to use it in real-life projects, and to assist those who might be unfamiliar with the topics of EMI and EMC. It includes a comprehensive glossary of terms and acronyms, a basic understanding of what EMI phenomena can occur and how they can affect equipment, and comprehensive checklists, one for each Step in the Guide’s “9-step process”, which may be used by designers, project managers, and as an aid to assessors in certain types of verification and validation activities. REFEREnCES • [1] The IET’s “Guide on EMC for Functional Safety”, August 2008, ISBN 978-0-9555118-2-0, available as colour-printed book from http://www. emcacademy.org/books.asp, or as free download from www.theiet.org/ factfiles/emc/index.cfm. • [2] D A Townsend et al, “Breaking All the Rules: Challenging the Engineering and Regulatory Precepts of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, 1995 IEEE International EMC Symposium, Atlanta, pp 194 – 199 • [3] Keith Armstrong, “Profit from EMC”, IEE Review, July 1994, EMC Supplement: pp S-24 and S-25, www.theiet.org • [4] Keith Armstrong, “When the going gets tough – smarter design wins”, The EMC Journal, Edition 81, March 2009, pages 21-24, www. theemcjournal.com • [5] Ministry of Defence, Defence Standard 59-411, “Electromagnetic Compatibility”, generally known as DEF STAN 59-411, available from www.dstan.mod.uk • [6] IEC 61508, “Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems”, in seven parts, www.iec.ch • [7] The EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and its official guide: • ht t p://eu r-lex.eu ropa.eu/LexUriSer v/site/en/oj/20 0 4/l _ 39 0/ l_39020041231en00240037.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/ electr_equipment/emc/directiv/dir2004_108.htm#guide • [8] IEC TS 61000-1-2, Ed.2.0, December 2008, “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 1-2: General – Methodology for the achievement of the functional safety of electrical and electronic equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena”, www.iec.ch • [9] ISO 14971, “Medical Devices – Application of risk management to medical devices”, www.iso.org • [10] ISO 26262 (draft), “Road vehicles - Functional safety”, www.iso.org • [11] IEC 60335-1, “Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. General requirements”, www.iec.ch • [12] Keith Armstrong, “Why EMC Immunity Testing is Inadequate for Functional Safety”, 2004 IEEE Int’l EMC Symp., Santa Clara, Aug. 9-13 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8443-1, pp 145-149. Also: Conformity, March 2005, http://www.conformity.com/artman/publish/printer_227.shtml • [13] Keith Armstrong, “Functional Safety Requires Much More Than EMC Testing”, EMC-Europe 2004 (6th International Symposium on EMC), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sept. 6-10 2004, ISBN: 90-6144990-1, pp 348-353. • [14] Keith Armstrong: “EMC in Safety Cases — Why EMC Testing is Never Enough”, EMC-UK 2007 Conference, Newbury, UK, Defence & Avionics session, October 17, 2007. • [15] Keith Armstrong, “EMC for Functional Safety”, Keith Armstrong (a half-day paper) 2004 IEEE Symposium on Product Safety Engineering, Santa Clara, August 13-15 2004 emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


Armstrong • [16] David Pommerenke et al, “Characterization of Human Metal ESD Reference Discharge Event and Correlation of Generator Parameters to Failure Levels — Part I: Reference Event”, and “Part II: Correlation of Generator Parameters to Failure Levels”, IEEE Transactions on EMC Vol. 46 No. 4 November 2004, pp 498-511 • [17] Simon J Brown and Bill Radasky, “Functional Safety and EMC”, IEC Advisory Committee on Safety (ACOS) Workshop VII, Frankfurt am Main, Germany March 9/10 2004 • [18] Keith Armstrong, “Why Increasing Immunity Test Levels is Not Sufficient for High-Reliability and Critical Equipment”, 2009 IEEE Int’l EMC Symp., Austin TX, Aug 17-21, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4285-0 • [19] L Jansson and M Bäckström, “Directivity of Equipment and its Effect on Testing in Mode-Stirred and Anechoic Chamber”, IEEE Int’l EMC Symposium, Seattle, WA, Aug. 1999. • [20] G J Freyer, “Distribution of Responses for Limited Aspect Angle EME Tests of Equipment with Structured Directional Directivity”, The 2003 Reverberation Chamber, Anechoic Chamber and OATS Users Meeting, Austin, TX, April 2003. • [21] G J Freyer and M.O. Hatfield, “An Introduction to Reverberation Chambers for Radiated Emission/Immunity Testing”, ITEM 1998, www.interferencetechnology.com/ArchivedArtcles/shielded_rooms_ and_enclosures/I98art15.htm?regid= • [22] G J Freyer, “Considerations for EMC Testing of Systems with Safety and/or Reliability Requirements”, EMC Europe 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Sept. 6-10 2004. • [23] RTCA/DO-160F December 6, 2007, “Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment, Section 20, Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Radiated and Conducted)”. Clauses 20.4 and 20.5 attempt to cover the sensitivity of equipment to modulation type or frequency. • [24] Ron Brewer, “EMC Failures Happen”, Evaluation Engineering, December 2007, http://www.evaluationengineering.com/features/2007_ december/1207_emc_test.aspx • [25] S Wendsche and E Habiger, “Using reinforcement learning methods for effective EMC immunity testing of computerised equipment”, Proc. Int. Symp. EMC (ROMA’96), Rome, Italy, Sept 1996, pp.221-226. • [26] R Vick and E Habiger, “The dependence of the immunity of digital equipment on the hardware and software structure”, Proc. Int. Symp. EMC, Beijing, May 1997, pp 383-386. • [27] DaimlerChrysler Joint Engineering Standard DC-10614, “EM Performance Requirements --- Components, 2004-01”. Clause 7 attempts to address modulation type and frequency. • [28] Michel Mardiguian, “Combined Effects of Several, Simultaneous, EMI Couplings”, 2000 IEEE Int’l EMC Symp., Washington D.C., Aug 21-25, ISBN 0-7803-5680-2, pp. 181-184. • [29] MIL-STD-464, “Electromagnetic Environmental Effects – Requirements for Systems”, Department of Defense Interface Standard, March 18 1997. • [30] L Sjögren, M Bäckström, “Ageing of Shielding Joints, Shielding Performance and Corrosion”, IEEE EMC Society Newsletter, Summer 2005, www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/newsletters/emcs/summer05/ practical.pdf • [31] W.H. Parker, W. Tustin, T. Masone, “The Case for Combining EMC and Environmental Testing”, ITEM 2002, pp 54-60, http:// subscribe.interferencetechnology.com/ArchivedArticles/test_ instrumentation/i_02_10.pdf?regid= • [32] J Rajamäki, “Correlations Between EMI Statistics and EMC interferencetechnology.com

• • •

Market Surveillance in Finland”, 2004 IEEE International EMC Symposium, Santa Clara, August 9-13 2004, ISBN 0-7803-8443-1, pp 649-654 [33] F Beck and J Sroka, “EMC Performance of Drive Application Under Real Load Condition”, Schaffner Application Note 11 March 1999; EMC Zurich, 2001; Power Quality, June 2001. [34] T Schrader et al, “On-Site EMC Testing and Interference Prevention”, 2009 IEEE Int’l EMC Symp., Austin TX, Aug 17-21, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4285-0 [35] IEC 60721, “Classification of environmental conditions”, www.iec.ch [36] IEC 61511, “Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector”, www.iec.ch [37] IEC 62061, “Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safetyrelated electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems”, www.iec.ch [38] MIL STD 461F, 10 December 2007, “Department of Defense Interface Standard – Requirements For The Control Of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment”

Keith Armstrong was graduated from Imperial College, London, in 1972 with an Honours degree in electrical engineering. He has been a member of the IEEE since 1977, a UK Chartered Engineer since 1978, and a Group 1 European Engineer since 1988. He founded Cherry Clough Consultants in 1990 to help companies reduce timescales, warranty costs, and other expenses while complying with the EMC Directive and other standards and regulations. Keith can be reached at keith.armstrong@ cherryclough.com. n








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2 010 U p d at e o n IeMI a n d H eMp

2010 update on iEmi and hEmP research activity is transitioning strongly toward development of more specific “product� standards to ensure that equipment and systems can be designed to meet these threats when warranted

Dr. William a. raDasky, Ph.D., P.E. metatech corporation goleta, cA

Figure 1. Publications developed by IEC SC 77C (at end of 2009)

introDuction It has been three years since the state of the art dealing with IEMI and HEMP has been updated in the Interference Technology Annual EMC Guide in 2007 [1]. A significant amount of work has been accomplished worldwide during this period. This paper will review significant special sessions and tutorials at International EMC Conferences, published papers and reports, and advancements in the area of standards. With regard to conferences there have been many IEMI and HEMP special sessions and tutorials that were presented beginning at the EMC Europe Workshop in Paris in June 2007 and ending with the EMPACT Conference in Niagara Falls, N.Y.,

in September 2009. The highlights will be presented here. A second area to be discussed in this article is the work of the U.S. Congressional EMP Commission. They completed the first portion of their work in 2004 by describing the overall HEMP threat to the U.S. infrastructure, and they restarted their work in May 2006 to review the response to their initial report and to encourage those responsible for the critical infrastructures to develop mitigation methods to deal with the threat. A second report was completed in 2008 and will be briefly discussed here. A third area of work includes the activities of SC 77C of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in Geneva, Switzerland. This subcommittee of the EMC committee in the IEC has prepared three new publications over the past three years, bringing the total to 20 standards and reports dealing with the high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) and other high power electromagnetic (HPEM) threats, such as IEMI on civil systems. Meetings of the project teams of SC 77C were held in Sydney, Australia, in September 2007; in Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 2008; and in Lyon, France, in September 2009. This paper will discuss the status of the work to date and recent accomplishments. A final short section dealing with other HEMP and IEMI standardization efforts is found at the end of this article. iEmi BackgrounD To refresh the reader regarding the terminology employed here, the term IEMI refers


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standards to the deliberate attempt to produce electromagnetic radiated and/or conducted disturbances to interfere with the operation of commercial equipment. This could be done for criminal or terrorist purposes, although the purpose of the technical work is to determine the feasibility of such attacks and to determine ways to detect an attack and/or to protect against the types of disturbances that might be generated. Standardization work dealing with IEMI is moving forward in the IEEE EMC Society, IEC SC 77C and Cigré. HEMP Background The terminology of the electromagnetic pulse has evolved over the years, but today the generic term for all types of nuclear generated electromagnetic transients is EMP. Sometimes one will see the term NEMP, which clearly identifies the particular pulse of interest as being generated by a nuclear detonation. Of interest here is the EMP created by a high-altitude burst, generally defined as one occurring at a burst height greater than 30 km. For this altitude regime, the radiation produced by the nuclear burst does not reach the Earth’s surface, but several types of intense electromagnetic signals will. Because the burst is at high altitudes (in space), this type of EMP is usually referred to as HEMP. The concern is that these high-level electromagnetic fields will create serious problems for computers and other electronic systems on the Earth’s surface, including the critical infrastructures (power, telecommunications, transportation, finance, water, food, etc.). This is the focus of the U.S. Congressional EMP Commission and the IEC Subcommittee 77C in Geneva. EMc confErEncEs dEaling witH iEMi and HEMP The past three years have seen an intense interest in research and conference papers dealing with high power electromagnetic environments and effects, including IEMI and HEMP. It is interesting to recognize that the research activity is worldwide, and the readers of this article should consult the proceedings of the conferences mentioned here if they are interested in further details. EMC Europe Workshop in Paris: June 2007 – This workshop dealt with “EMC: Safety, Reliability and Security of Communication and Transportation Systems.” A special session on IEMI was held during the workshop dealing mainly with transportation and communications aspects of IEMI. Eight papers were presented by authors from Norway, Russia, Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. The topics included the evaluation of IEMI impacts on computer networks, the safety and reliability of communications systems in the face of IEMI, the modeling of communications and sensor networks under an IEMI attack, and scenarios indicating threats of IEMI to railway system communications. EMC Zurich Symposium in Munich: September 2007 – A half-day tutorial dealing with IEMI environments, effects, protection, and standardization was presented. EMC Zurich Symposium in Singapore: May 2008 – A special session on high power electromagnetics with 7 126

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papers was presented dealing with comparisons between HEMP and IEMI parameters, propagation of UWB transients in cables, IEMI denial of service, pulse testing of PC Internet cards, IEMI impacts on railway communications, and IEMI infrastructure impacts in Sweden. EUROEM Symposium in Lausanne: July 2008 – A double session with 12 papers was held at this conference dealing primarily with IEMI with a few papers dealing with HEMP. Authors from Germany, Norway, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S. presented papers dealing with radiated and conducted threat waveforms, impacts on wired communications from IEMI, protection approaches for fixed facilities, and progress in standardization. EMC Zurich Symposium in Zurich: January 2009 – A half-day tutorial dealing with IEMI and HEMP environments, effects and protection was presented. EMC ‘09/Kyoto: July 2009 – A special session on IEMI was held that consisted of 5 papers dealing with the IEMI risk classification of facilities, denial of service of wired communications by IEMI, and several papers on standardization including IEMI standards being developed in Russia, in the IEC, and also in the ITU. The ITU work is very important, as they have written recommendations to protect telecommunications central offices from the effects of HEMP and IEMI. IEEE EMC Symposium in Austin: August 2009 – Tutorial and Special Sessions held on IEMI. The tutorial was entitled, “Protection Against Short Pulse High Power IEMI Threats.” The presentations covered an overview of the IEMI threats, observed effects, classification of the effects, coupling into electronic systems, protection concepts and protection measures. During the same week a special session entitled, “High Power UWB Interaction with Electronic Systems,” was held with 4 papers from Germany and Sweden. These dealt with coupling to short signal traces, susceptibility of IT networks to IEMI, evaluation of the vulnerability of complex systems to IEMI and how to classify the expected impacts of IEMI on facilities. EMPACT America Conference in Niagara Falls: September 2009 – Major public conference dealing with the threat of HEMP on the infrastructure of the United States with over 900 attendees. Several politicians, former government officials and researchers presented papers dealing with the threat of HEMP and what should be done to protect against it. In addition, there were presentations dealing with the work of the U.S. Congressional EMP Commission, which has done the most significant work on this problem since 2001. The major topic areas of the conference included: understand the threat, protecting the infrastructure, strategies for action, and emergency preparedness and recovery. tHE u.s. congrEssional EMP coMMission EMP commission tasks In 2001, the U.S. Congress formed a Commission to assess the threat of high-altitude EMP on the United States, looking into the future for 15 years. The Commission was emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


Radask y

chaired by Dr. William R. Graham, former Science Advisor to President Reagan. “The EMP Commission was tasked to assess: 1. The nature and magnitude of potential high-altitude EMP threats to the United States from all potentially hostile states or non-state actors that have or could acquire nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles enabling them to perform a high-altitude EMP attack against the United States within the next 15 years. 2. The vulnerability of United States military and especially civilian systems to an EMP attack, giving special attention to vulnerability of the civilian infrastructure as a matter of emergency preparedness. 3. The capability of the United States to repair and recover from damage inflicted on United States military and civilian systems by an EMP attack. 4. The feasibility and cost of hardening select military and civilian systems against EMP attack. The Commission was also tasked to recommend any steps it believes should be taken by the United States to better protect its military and civilian systems from EMP attack. In accord with its charter, the Commission focused on the electromagnetic pulse produced by high-altitude nuclear weapon detonations, as opposed to other types of nuclear and non-nuclear EMP phenomena. Unless clearly indicated to the contrary, all references to EMP are to the electromagnetic pulse produced by a high-altitude nuclear detonation [2].”

It is noted by this author that the more precise technical term of HEMP is used in this article. The EMP Commission published two public reports including their Executive Report in 2004 [2] and the report dealing with the Critical National Infrastructures in 2008 [3]. A summary of their activities and their two public reports follow. EMP CoMMission Work froM 2001 to 2004 As part of their initial study effort from 2001 to 2004, the EMP Commission examined the historical record of information including data from high-altitude nuclear tests performed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962, and they directed research to evaluate the susceptibility of today’s critical infrastructure. While the EMP Commission studied all major aspects of the critical infrastructure, they determined that the power system was the most critical due to its connection to all of the other major infrastructures such as communications, transportation, emergency services, energy distribution, water/food, etc. After considerable study the commission concluded [2]: 1. HEMP-induced functional collapse of the electrical power grid risks the continued existence of U.S. civil society 2. Early-time HEMP transients are likely to exceed the capabilities of protective safety relays 3. Late-time HEMP could induce currents that create significant damage throughout the grid

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standards Wideband Simulators HIRA II- PGB, Germany AVTOARRESTOR, Ukraine Narrowband Simulators HPM 3 GHz, 6 GHz and 9 GHz, Czech Republic HYPERION, France MELUSINE, France EMCC Dr. RaŠek HIRF-Simulator, Germany SUPRA, Germany SP Faraday, Sweden MTF, Sweden ORION, United Kingdom Radio Frequency Environment Generator (REG), United Kingdom

Figure 2. Simulators covered in IEC 61000-4-35 [4]

4. The national electrical grid is not designed to withstand near simultaneous functional collapse 5. Procedures do not exist to perform “black start” after an EMP attack as restart would depend on telecom and energy transport, which depend on power 6. Restoration of the national power grid could take months to years 7. HEMP-induced destruction of power grid components could substantially delay recovery. The Commission’s overall power system conclusion was: “Widespread functional collapse of the electric power system in the area affected by EMP is likely.” EMP CoMMission Work froM 2005 to 2008 In their second phase of work, the EMP Commission examined the response of government agencies to the recommendations in their 2004 report, and they also continued studies examining important aspects of the infrastructures in order to produce a more detailed report in 2008 [3]. This report had 12 main chapters dealing with: • Infrastructure commonalities • Electric Power • Telecommunications • Banking and Finance • Petroleum and Natural Gas • Transportation Infrastructure • Food Infrastructure • Water Infrastructure • Emergency Services • Space Systems • Government • Keeping the Citizenry Informed: Effects on People Given this work, there is discussion in Congress at this writing to bring back the Commission or a Task Force to ensure that their recommendations are fully dealt with by government agencies. Time will tell if this occurs. In any event, the EMP Commission has succeeded in publishing detailed information concerning the threat of high-altitude EMP to the civil infrastructure, allowing the public for 128

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2 010 U p d at e o n IeMI a n d H eMp

the first time to have a clear understanding of the importance of this threat. iEC sC 77C (HigH PoWEr transiEnt PHEnoMEna) introduction to iEC Figure 3. HIRA II-PBG wideband sC 77C simulator [4] As described above with the published work of the EMP Commission and their continuing efforts to ensure that steps are taken to deal with the HEMP problem, it is clear that the protection of the civilian infrastructure from this severe electromagnetic threat is more important than ever. Since 1989, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland has been publishing standards and reports dealing with the HEMP and IEMI threats and methods to protect civilian systems from these threats under IEC SC 77C (High Power EM Transients). As these are electromagnetic threats, it was decided from the beginning that this work would be closely integrated with the EMC work being performed by the IEC and other organizations throughout the world. In fact IEC Technical Committee 77, the “parent committee” of SC 77C, has the title “EMC”. Figure 1 indicates 17 previous (at the end of 2009) IEC SC 77C publications (in black and blue) and the three newest publications (in red). The blue publications in the upper right of the figure deal mainly with HPEM/IEMI aspects, and these were published over the past five years. In the lower left there are three documents that were published in late 2009. While several of the older publications deal specifically with HEMP, many deal generally with the protection methods available for high-intensity EM fields at frequencies above 10 MHz, which covers both HEMP and IEMI. In the remainder of this section, we will summarize the contributions of the three newest publications. iEC/tr 61000-4-35 IEC/TR 61000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-35: Testing and measurement techniques – High-power electromagnetic (HPEM) simulator compendium [4]. The project leader was F. Sabath, Germany. This technical report provides information about existing system-level High-Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) simulators throughout the world and their applicability as test facilities and validation tools for IEC SC 77C immunity test requirements. The HPEM simulators described consist of high and medium power narrowband microwave test facilities and wideband simulators to produce radiated electromagnetic fields. These test facilities are extremely useful for testing equipment and systems to determine their susceptibility or immunity to IEMI. Figure 2 lists two wideband simulators that are covered emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


Radask y

in the report, and nine narrowband simulators. In each category there are detailed parameters (e.g., field strength vs. range, beam width of fields, time history details for wideband, etc.) that are discussed so a potential user can determine whether a particular simulator would be useful for testing their equipment or system. In addition to technical data concerning each simulator, photographs are also presented in the compendium. Figure 3 shows the HIRA II-PBG simulator.

Figure 4. E1 HEMP tangent radius as a function of the height of burst [6]

IEC/TS 61000-5-8 IEC/TS 61000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 5-8: Installation and mitigation guidelines – HEMP protection methods for the distributed infrastructure [5]. The project leader was W. Radasky, U.S. This technical specification is intended to inform the user that there are special aspects of the HEMP threat for widely distributed infrastructure systems such as the power grid or telecommunications network. Since HEMP is generated from a nuclear burst at high altitudes above the Earth, the electromagnetic fields reach the ground nearly simultaneously with regard to the operation times of some systems. For example a 100-km high burst would illuminate a “circle” on the Earth’s surface that would have a radius of ~1100 km. The arrival of the fast (E1) electromagnetic field would be first directly below the burst (distance of 100 km) and then “later” at a distance of ~1100 km (note that figure 4 is not to

scale). The time difference is found by taking the difference in distance (1000 km) and dividing by the speed of light, resulting in 3.3 ms, which is within one power cycle in the U.S. (16.67 ms). Clearly disturbances that are injected into the power network at widely separated distances within one power cycle are not normally experienced or considered by the power industry. In addition to the simultaneous aspect of the fast (E1) HEMP, systems which normally deal with slower transients (such as lightning) use practices such as grounding that are not always sufficient for higher frequencies. In figure 5 the grounding of the shields of control cables as they enter a




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interference technology


standards Level

2 010 U p d at e o n IeMI a n d H eMp





Unable to determine due to effects on another component or not observed.


no effect

No effect occurs or the system can fulfill his mission without disturbances.



The appearing disturbance does not influence the main function or mission.



The appearing disturbance reduces the efficiency and capability of the system.


loss of main function (mission kill)

The appearing disturbance prevents the system from being able to fulfill its main function or mission.

Classification by criticality requires analysis of the observed effect and its impact on the function of the system with regard to a particular application. This classification scheme depends on the system’s application and its operational conditions. As a result, the assessment usually requires the assistance of a system specialist, who is familiar with the system under test. Table 1. Categorization of effect by criticality [7]

substation control house are shown. Ground wire lengths on the order of 30 to 100 cm are shown, and these lengths do not provide low impedance paths to ground for frequencies above 100 MHz. IEC/TS 61000-5-9 IEC/TS 61000: Electromagnetic com-

Figure 5. Grounding of control cables at junction box [5]


interference technology

patibility (EMC) – Part 5-9: Installation and mitigation guidelines – System-level susceptibility assessments for HEMP and HPEM [7]. The project leader was A. Wraight, UK. The aim of this technical specification is to provide information on methods and techniques available to assess the impact of HEMP, HPEM and IEMI on systems. In this context a system refers to a collection of subsystems, equipment and components brought together to perform a function. Specifically, a consistent methodology for the assessment of systems to the effects of HEMP, HPEM or IEMI is given. Table 1 illustrates the definition of the criticality of effect, which is required to determine whether an effect observed during testing is important or not. This definition will result in a decision as to whether protection is required to prevent the effect from occurring once the assessment program is completed. The main objective of this technical specification is to provide an approach to determine whether a system needs to be protected against various HPEM

threats. In order to accomplish this objective, the use of low-level continuous wave (cw) testing is recommended. An example is shown in figure 6 where a transfer function is determined between an external incident field and a measured current inside. In addition, there are flow charts in the document to help the user apply the assessment procedures, and several annexes are included to deal with some of the more complex aspects. IEC SC 77C is enthusiastic about this technical specification and hopes that with experience by users, it will become a full standard in the future. OThEr IEMI and hEMP STandardS aCTIvITIES There are three additional standards activities that have been underway over the past three years, by the ITU-T, the IEEE EMC Society and Cigré C4. Each of these is discussed briefly here. ITU-T STUdy GrOUP 5 The International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications Sector (ITU-T) has been working since 2005 to protect telecommunications and data centers from disruption from HPEM threats, which include HEMP and IEMI. They have relied a great deal on the publications of IEC SC 77C to prepare their recommendations. In 2008 they completed the first draft of the recommendation to protect against electromagnetic weapons [8] and they are working on the draft for protecting against HEMP. These recommendations are expected to be completed by 2011. IEEE P1642 The IEEE EMC Society with the support of TC-5 (High Power EM) has been developing the “Recommended Practice for Protecting Public Accessible Computer Systems from Intentional EMI [9].” The purpose of this work is to provide guidance to businesses and government who are operating computer systems in close proximity to public access. The concern is that criminals and terrorists could use small electromagnetic weapons to disrupt or destroy important computer emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010


Radask y ITEM Magazine, April 2007. • [2] “Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack,” Vol. I: Executive Report, 7 April 2004 (download at www.empcommission.org). • [3] “Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, Figure 6. Low-level cw induced current measurement [7] Critical National Infrastructures,” April 2008 (download systems without any trace of an attack. at www.empcommission.org). The focus on this work is to establish • [4] IEC/TR 61000-4-35, Electromagnetic appropriate threat levels, protection compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-35: Testing methods, monitoring techniques and measurement techniques – High-power and to recommend test techniques electromagnetic (HPEM) simulator compento ensure that installed protection is dium, 2009. adequate. This document is scheduled • [5] IEC/TS 61000-5-8, Electromagnetic compatfor publication in early 2011. ibility (EMC) – Part 5-8: Installation and mitigation guidelines – HEMP protection methods for Cigré C4 BroChure on ieMi the distributed infrastructure, 2009. The International Council on Large • [6] IEC 61000-2-9, Electromagnetic compatibilElectric Systems has formed a working ity (EMC) – Part 2: Environment – Section 9:

group WG C4.206 entitled, “Protection of the high voltage power network control electronics against intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) [10].” This working group is preparing a brochure that will recommend protection methods for the control electronics found in high voltage substations. The work is expected to be completed by the end of 2011.

SuMMary It is clear that over the past three years a tremendous amount of activity has occurred in the areas of IEMI and HEMP. Given current trends, the research activity is transitioning very strongly toward the development of more and more specific “product” standards to ensure that equipment and systems can be designed to meet these threats when warranted. Any readers who are interested in contributing to this research or standards, please contract this author at wradasky@aol.com. referenCeS

Description of HEMP environment – Radiated disturbance, 1999. [7] IEC/TS 61000-5-9, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 5-9: Installation and mitigation guidelines – System-level susceptibility assessments for HEMP and HPEM, 2009. [8] “Application of requirements against HPEM to telecommunication systems,” Draft recommendation K.hpem, ITU-T, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008. [9] “Recommended Practice for Protecting Public Accessible Computer Systems from Intentional EMI,” IEEE P1642, Draft, 11 August 2009. [10] “Protection of the high voltage power network control electronics against intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI),” Cigré Study Committee C4, WG C4.206, 8 April 2008.

Dr. William A. Radasky, Ph.D., P.E., received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1981. He has worked on high power electromagnetics applications for more than 41 years. In 1984 he founded Metatech Corporation in California, which performs work for customers in government and industry. n

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• [1] W. A. Radasky, “2007 Update on Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) and Highaltitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP),”


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emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

standards recap


standards recap

ompliance with standards makes or breaks the marketing of any new product. This section recaps new and revised national and international EMC standards. The information below has been featured in our weekly Interference Technology eNews. Just go to InterferenceTechnology.com, subscribe to the eNews, and you’ll be updated on important changes in EMC standards weekly.

APRIL 2009

MAY 2009



ISO/IEC CASCO-CONF-2 Ed. 1.0 (2009-03) con-

The entire 269-page document containing EMC

tains a CD on all the ISO/IEC Standards and Guides necessary for laboratories to demonstrate their competence to carry out testing, calibration, and sampling. The basic requirements are stipulated in ISO/IEC 17025:2005. This is the list of all the ISO/IEC Publications included on the CD: ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997; ISO/IEC Guide 43-2:1997; ISO/IEC Guide 60:2004; ISO/IEC Guide 68:2002; ISO/ IEC Guide 98-3:2008; ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007; ISO/IEC 17000:2004; ISO/IEC 17020: 1998; ISO/IEC 17025: 2005; ISO/IEC 17025:2005/Cor.1:2006, and ISO/IEC 17040:2005.

standard MIL-STD-461F, “DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTERFACE STANDARD: Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment,” is available for reference or downloading. Go to the U.S. Department of Defense’s website at www.assistdocs.com and enter the document title in the Search field.


titled “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase). This standard deals with the limitation of harmonic currents injected into the public supply system. It specifies the limits of harmonic components of the input current that may be produced by equipment tested under specified conditions. Harmonic components are measured according to procedures in Annexes A and B.

The International Electrotechnical Commission

(IEC) has issued IEC 61000-4-27 (2009-09) entitled, “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-27: Testing and measurement techniques – Unbalance, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase.” This standard considers immunity test for electric and/or electrical equipment (apparatus and system) in its electromagnetic environment. Only conducted phenomena are considered, including immunity tests for equipment connected to public and industrial networks. It establishes a reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to unbalanced power supply voltage. The standard applies to 50- Hz/60-Hz, three-phased powered electrical and/ or electronic equipment with rated line current of up to 16 A per phase. NEW EMC STANDARD FOR VARIATION OF POWER FREQUENCY & IMMUNITY TESTING IEC 61000-4-28 is entitled “Electromagnetic

compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-28: Testing and measurement techniques – Variation of power frequency, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase.” This standard establishes a reference for evaluating the immunity of electric and electronic equipment when subjected to variations of power frequency. Only conducted phenomena are considered, including immunity tests for equipment connected to public and industrial networks. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (1999), its amendment 1 (2001), and its amendment 2 (2009). There is, therefore, no need to order amendments in addition to this publication.




has released IEC 61000-4-13 Amd. 1 Ed. 1.0 (2009-05) entitled “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-13: Testing and measurement techniques – Harmonics and interharmonics including mains signaling at AC power port, low frequency immunity tests. IEC ISSUES TWO AMENDMENTS ON EMC TESTING AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES The International Electrotechnical Commission

(IEC) has issued two amendments on EMC testing and measurement techniques. IEC 61000-4-34-amd1 Ed.1.0 is entitled “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques – Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase.” IEC 61000-4-14-amd2 Ed. 1.0 is entitled “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-14: Testing and measurement techniques – Voltage fluctuation immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase.”

interference technology


standards recap

JUNE 2009 New CaNadiaN Radio SpeCifiCatioN StaNdaRd foR UwB deviCeS industry Canada issued Radio Standards Specifi-

cation 220, Issue 1: Devices Using Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology, which establishes provisions for short-range devices using ultra-wideband (UWB) technology. This Specification Standard applies to vehicular radar devices; communication, measurement, location sensing, and tracking devices, and radar imaging ground penetrating radar (GPR), in-wall radar imaging, through-wall radar imaging, medical radar imaging, and radar surveillance devices. The standard became effective immediately. Any revisions to the next version will be based on comments received. The entire 16-page document can be found online. ameNded StaNdaRd foR Rf LimitS iN SCieNtifiC aNd mediCaL eqUipmeNt CiSpR 11 ed. 5.0 (2009-05) is entitled “indus-

trial, scientific and medical equipment – Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement.” This standard applies to ISM equipment operating in the frequency range of 0 Hz to 400 GHz and to domestic and similar appliances designed to generate and/or use radio-frequency energy. It covers emissions requirements related to radio-frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 400 GHz. Measurements must be performed only in the frequency ranges in which limits are specified in Clause 6. This fifth edition of CISPR 11 cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2003, its Amendment 1 (2004), and Amendment 2 (2006). It constitutes a technical revision. It has the status of a Product Family EMC standard in accordance with IEC Guide 107, Electromagnetic compatibility. eURopeaN UNioN poStS HaRmoNized em StaNdaRdS the official Journal of the european Union has

posted online “the framework of the implementation of Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility.” The 21-page document provides the exact titles of 127 Cenelec, 12 CEN, and five ETSI standards.

JULY 2009 mod iSSUeS StaNdaRd oN tHe Safe USe of Rf eNeRgy the U.K. ministry of defence issued def StaN

05-74 Issue 3 “Guide to the Practical Safety Aspects of the Use of Radio Frequency Energy.” This defence stan134

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dard provides guidance on the practical safety aspects of the use of RF energy. Guidance has been included within the Standard for those directly engaged in the design, manufacture, siting, operating, and testing of equipment and for those managers, who though not directly involved, require knowledge of the procedures and disciplines recommended. It must be emphasized that the intention is that appropriately trained personnel undertake all procedures detailed in this document. It should be noted that no attempt has been made within this standard to set numerical limits for exposure levels. New CiSpR diStURBaNCe StaNdaRd foR SoUNd aNd teLeviSioN ReCeiveRS CiSpR 13 ed. 5.0 (2009-09) is entitled “Sound

and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement.” This standard applies to the generation of electromagnetic energy from sound and television equipment and similar transmissions and from associated equipment. It describes the methods of measurement applicable to sound and television receivers or associated equipment and specifies limits for the control of disturbance from such equipment. The frequency range covered extends from 9 kHz to 400 GHz. This fifth edition of CISPR 13 cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2001, its Amendment 1 (2003), and Amendment 2 (2006). This edition constitutes the introduction of the RMS-average detector as an alternative to quasi-peak and average detector for conducted and radiated emission measurements. New StaNdaRd oN emC immUNity foR geNeRaL LigHtiNg eqUipmeNt the international electrotechnical Commission

has published IEC 61547 Ed. 2.0 (2009-06) entitled “Equipment for general lightning purposes – EMC immunity requirements.” The standard’s requirements apply to lighting equipment that is within the scope of IEC Technical Committee 34, such as lamps, auxiliaries, and luminaires, intended either for connecting to low- voltage electricity supply or for battery operations. Excluded from the scope of this standard is equipment for which the immunity requirements are formulated in other IEC or CISPR standards. This revised standard updates reference to basic standards, a process that also required some editorial changes in the tables. SyStem-LeveL SUSCeptiBiLity aSSeSSmeNtS foR Hemp aNd Hpem a new standard, ieC/tS 61000-5-9 ed. 1.0

(2009-07), is entitled “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 5-9: Installation and mitigation guidelines – System-level assessment for HEMP and HPEM.” This standard presents a methodology to assess the impact of High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) environments on emc directory & design guide 2010

standards recap electronic systems. In this context, a system refers to a collection of sub-systems, equipment, and components brought together to perform a function. The techniques associated with this methodology and their advantages and disadvantages are presented in full along with examples of how the techniques can be applied to evaluate the susceptibility of electronic systems found in such installations. This work is closely related to EMC system level susceptibility. Limitation of VoLtage fLuctuations and fLicker in Low-VoLtage Power suPPLies iec 61000-3-5 ed. 2.0 (20009-07) is entitled

“Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Limits – Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 75 A.” This standard deals with emission of disturbances due to voltage fluctuations and flicker. The recommendations in this Technical Specification are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment that has a rated input current exceeding 75 A per phase and is intended to be connected to a public low-voltage AC distribution system. Recommendations that specify information enabling a supply authority, manufacturer, or consumer to assess equipment are given in Annex A. This second edition cancels and replaces IEC 610003-5 published as a Technical Report type 2 in 1994 and constitutes a technical revision. The entire document and the title have been modified to eliminate any conflict with the published IEC 61000-3-11.

AUGUST 2009 euroPean commission reLeases new emc directiVe Quick guide the european commission has released a new

“Quickguide” regarding the Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15th of December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility. To access the guide, go to the European Commission website at http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/electrical/emc/ and click on “New EMC Guide.” iec reLeases new emc conducted immunity standard on July 30, 2009, the iec released iec 61000-4-

16-am2 Ed. 1.0. This bilingual document is the second amendment of the EMC standard for the testing and measurement techniques for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz. iec reLeases emc test methods for communications cabLe the international electrotechnical commission interferencetechnology.com

(IEC) has released IEC 62154-4-11 and IEC 62153-4-12 which detail test methods for metallic communication cables. Part 4-11 deals with coupling attenuation or screening attenuation of patch cords, coaxial cable assemblies and cables manufactured with connectors. Part 4-12 deals with coupling attenuation or screening attenuation of connecting hardware. Both specifications involve the absorbing clamp method of testing. uPdated emc immunity test sPecification the iec has released an updated version of iec

61000-4-14. This new edition 1.2 applies to electrical and/or electronic equipment that have a rated input current up to 16 A per phase and aims to establish a reference for evaluating the immunity of electric and/ or electronic equipment when subjected to positive and negative low amplitude voltage fluctuations. Only conducted phenomena are considered, including immunity tests for equipment connected to public and industrial power supply networks. This standard has the status of a basic EMC publication.

SEPTEMBER 2009 new iec standard coVers human exPosure to eLectromagnetic fieLds the new iec 62577:2009 applies to a single

stand-alone broadcast transmitter operating in the frequency range 30 MHz to 40 GHz when put on the market. The objective of the standard is to specify, for such equipment operating in typical conditions, the method for assessment of compliance distances according to the basic restrictions (directly or indirectly via compliance with reference levels) related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. reVised Power freQuency magnetic fieLd immunity test standard replacing the first edition published in 1993 and

its Amendment 1 published in 2000, the IEC released a revised version standard, IEC 61000-4-8:2009. This Electromagnetic Compatibility standard relates to the immunity requirements of equipment, only under operational conditions, to magnetic disturbances at power frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz related to residential and commercial locations, industrial installations and power plants and medium voltage and high voltage sub-stations. This standard does not cover interference due to capacitive or inductive coupling in cables or other parts of the field installation. new ansi standard on emc for Lifts, escaLators and moVing waLks the document, din en 12016:2009, specifies

the immunity levels and test conditions for lifts, escalainterference technology


standards recap tors and passenger conveyors in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. The document applies to the sub-systems and/or apparatus of lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors, an assembly of which will comprise an installation. IEC Standard CovErS HIgH altItudE EMP ProtECtIon MEtHodS the International Electrotechnical Commission

(IEC) released IEC/TS 61000-5-8:2009 which provides guidance on how to protect the distributed infrastructure (power, telecommunications, transportation and pipeline networks, etc.) from the threat of a high altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP). IEC rElEaSES CorrECtIon to voltagE FluCtuatIonS the IEC has released the first corrigendum to

IEC 61000-3-5. Part 3-5 deals with voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 75 A.

OCTOBER 2009 SECond EdItIon oF rFId ItEM ManagEMEnt Standard the IEC has released ISo/IEC 18000-2:2009,

which defines the air interface for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating below 135 kHz. The purpose of the standard is to provide a common technical specification for RFID devices that can be used by ISO committees developing RFID application standards. The standard is intended to allow for compatibility and to encourage interoperability of products in the international marketplace. nEw Standard For EvaluatIon oF aC SIdE HarMonIC PErForManCE the new IEC/tr 62001:2009(E) deals with the

specification and design evaluation of AC side harmonic performance and AC side filters for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) schemes. The standard is intended to be primarily for the use of the utilities and consultants who are responsible for issuing the technical specifications for new HVDC projects and evaluating designs proposed by prospective suppliers. The scope of this technical report covers AC side filtering for the frequency range of interest in terms of harmonic distortion and audible frequency disturbances. It excludes filters designed to be effective in the Power Line Carrier (PLC) and radio interference spectra. The technical report defines the technical basis for a contract between two parties, who in this document will be referred to as the “customer” and the “contractor.”


interference technology

IEC oFFErS CorrIgEnduM For EMC SurgE IMMunIty tESt Standard the IEC has released Corrigendum 1 from the

IEC 61000-4-5 EMC standard. The new release is titled “Corrigendum 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test.” Standard For ConduCtIvE gaSkEtS In FrEquEnCy rangE oF dC to 18 gHz the IEEE Std 1302™-2008 standard for the IEEE

Guide for the Electromagnetic Characterization of Conductive Gaskets in the Frequency Range of DC to 18 GHz assists in evaluating gasket measurement techniques, establishing gaskets exhibiting properties critical to the intended application, highlighting limitations and errors of rival measurement techniques, and providing a comparison for the techniques used. Emphasis is placed on the measurement techniques adopted into standards or extensively used.

NOVEMBER 2009 IEC rElEaSES CorrIgEnduM For voltagE varIatIonS IMMunIty tEStS Standard the IEC released a corrigendum for the electro-

magnetic compatibility standard IEC 61000-4-34, titled “Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase.” ISn to BE uSEd For MEaSurEMEnt oF EMI Japan’s voluntary Control Council for Interfer-

ence by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI) will start dealing with the filing of conformity verification reports on telecommunication ports conducted EMI from April 2010. This notice is about Impedance Stabilization Network (ISN) to be used for the measurement of EMI in this case. There are two types of circuits of which an ISN is made. The restriction on the use of ISN warned in this notice is going to be reflected in the VCCI Technical Requirements (V-3/2009.04) at the next revise time, which can be viewed in the Technical Requirements(V-3/2010.04) in the VCCI Website after April 1, 2010. gEnEral guIdE on HarMonICS and IntErHarMonICS MEaSurEMEntS the IEC released a new edtion of IEC 61000-4-7

titled “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-7: Testing and measurement techniques - General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto.” IEC 61000-4-7:2002+A1:2008 applies to instrumentation intended for measuring spectral emc directory & design guide 2010

standards recap components in the frequency range up to 9 kHz which are superimposed on the fundamental of the power supply systems at 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

current exceeding 16 A per phase. It covers equipment installed in residential areas as well as industrial machinery.

New CISPR 22 INteRPRetatIoN Sheet

the International electrotechnical Commission

the IeC has made available “Interpretation sheet

1 - Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement” as prepared by CISPR Subcommittee I. The subcommittee says that at its October 2007 meeting, the maintenance date for the next edition of CISPR 22 was set for 2012. As a result, the work identified within CISPR/I/279/MCR will not be started for the time being, the subcommittee says. At the subsequent meeting it was decided that certain items within the MCR would benefit now from further clarification and an interpretation sheet would be helpful to users of the standard, with the intent of including this information in a future amendment to the standard. This information does not change the standard; it serves only to clarify the points.

DECEMBER 2009 FCC ClaRIFIeS USe oF aSC C63® the FCC’s office of engineering and technology

(OET) has released a Public Notice to clarify the use of measurement standards for Part 15 compliance testing for intentional and unintentional radiators. Section 15.31 of the FCC’s rules states that certain intentional and unintentional radiators must be measured for compliance using the standard published by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) C63® - Electromagnetic Compatibility, ANSI C63.4-2003, American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range between 9 kHz and 40 GHz. ASC C63® revised this standard and released (ANSI C63.4-2009) and developed a new standard, (ANSI C63.10-2009) specifically for intentional radiators operating in a wide range of frequency bands. New eMC IMMUNIty teSt StaNdaRd the International electrotechnical Commission

(IEC) released the edition 1.1 of the IEC 61000-4-34 standard titled “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with mains current more than 16 A per phase.” IEC 61000-4-34:2005+A1:2009 defines the immunity test methods and range of preferred test levels for electrical and electronic equipment connected to low-voltage power supply networks for voltage dips, short interruptions, and voltage variations. This standard applies to electrical and electronic equipment having a rated input interferencetechnology.com

MUtUal ReCogNItIoN CB SCheMe has released the “Scheme of the IECEE for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (CB Scheme) - Rules of Procedure.” The document defines the organization, procedures for acceptance of National Certification Bodies and their CB Testing Laboratories, and procedures for the users of the CB Scheme. CoRRIgeNdUM to Rtte dIReCtIve haRMoNIzed StaNdaRdS lIStINg the correction to directive 1999/5/eC of the

European Parliament and of the Council of March 9, 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity was published on December 15 to correct anomalies with the December 2 listing.

JANUARY 2010 CeNeleC gUIdeS avaIlaBle FRee oNlINe anyone involved in complying with european eMC

standards and the EMC Directive can access updated versions of CENELEC Guide 24: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Standardization for Product Committees concerned with apparatus, and CENELEC Guide 25 on the use of standards for the implementation of the EMC Directive to apparatus, free of charge on the CENELEC Website. eMC StaNdaRd FoR laNd MoBIle SeRvICe etSI technical Committee electromagnetic com-

patibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) published in November 2009 the European Standard ETSI EN 301 166-1. The standard is part 1 of a multi-part deliverable covering land mobile service; radio equipment for analogue and/or digital communication (speech and/or data) and operating on narrow band channels and having an antenna connector. etSI eN 301 166-2 v1.2.3 electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spec-

trum Matters (ERM); Land Mobile Service; Radio equipment for analogue and/or digital communication (speech and/or data) and operating on narrow band channels and having an antenna connector; Part 2: Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive. Summary list of titles and references harmonized standards under Directive 1999/5/EC on R&TTE. This text voids and replaces that published in Official Journal of the European Union C 293 of Dec. 2, 2009, p.1.

interference technology


standards recap Noise suppressioN staNdard ieC 62333-3:2010 provides characterization of

parameters for electromagnetic noise suppression sheet (NSS) for digital devices and equipment used in a frequency range between 30 MHz to 30 GHz. Guidance is given for uniform presentation of the properties of noise suppression sheet, intended for use in manufacturers and users technical data. NSS suppresses noise at its source, rather than absorbing noise at a distance. Therefore NSS is distinguished from RF wave absorbers used in free space. New Cable Networks eMC staNdard the new ieC 60728-2:2010(e) applies to the

radiation characteristics and immunity to electromagnetic disturbance of EM active equipment (active and passive equipment) for the reception, processing and distribution of television, sound and interactive multimedia signals as dealt with in the IEC 60728 series. The standard specifies requirements for maximum allowed radiation, minimum immunity and minimum screening effectiveness and describes test methods for conformance testing.

FEBRUARY 2010 New traNsieNt/burst test staNdard the new ieC 61000-4-4-amendment 1 outlines

electromagnetic compatibility testing and measurement techniques for electrical fast transient/burst immunity.

documents. The search functions on the CD are identical to those on the IEC Webstore, allowing users to do text searches as well as searches by publication references, dates, technical committees and ICS codes. It is also possible to look for IEC Publications in French and Spanish. Once the program is installed on a computer, its database can be updated every two weeks with new bibliographical data. It also gives links to all National Committees and appointed sales outlets. etsi eN 301 839 part 2 harmonized eN covering essential requirements

of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive ETSI EN 301 839-2 V1.3.1, published in October, is part two of a multi-part deliverable covering Short Range Devices (SRD); Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and Peripherals (ULP-AMI-P) operating in the frequency range 402 MHz to 405 MHz. etsi eN 301 839 part 1 technical characteristics and test methods. etsi

EN 301 839-1 V1.3.1, published in October, is part 1 of a multi-part deliverable covering Short Range Devices; Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and Peripherals (ULP-AMI-P) operating in the frequency range 402 MHz to 405 MHzElectromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters; Short Range Devices; Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants and Peripherals operating in the frequency range 402 MHz to 405 MHz.

third editioN of Cispr 16-1-1

ieC 61000-4-7 ed. 2.1: updated staNdard for harMoNiCs MeasureMeNts

the international electrotechnical Commission’s

testing and measurement techniques - general

new version of CISPR 16-1-1:2010 specifies the characteristics and performance of equipment for the measurement of radio disturbance in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18 GHz. In addition, requirements are provided for specialized equipment for discontinuous disturbance measurements. The specifications in this standard apply to EMI receivers and spectrum analyzers. CISPR 16-1-1:2010 is also available as IEC Standards+ CISPR 16-1-1:2010, which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.

guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected thereto. IEC 61000-4-7:2002+A1:2008 applies to instrumentation intended for measuring spectral components in the frequency range up to 9 kHz which are superimposed on the fundamental of the power supply systems at 50 Hz and 60 Hz. For practical considerations, this standard distinguishes between harmonics, interharmonics and other components above the harmonic frequency range, up to 9 kHz. Defines the measurement instrumentation intended for testing individual items of equipment in accordance with emission limits given in certain standards (for example, harmonic current limits as given in IEC 61000-3-2) as well as for the measurement of harmonic currents and voltages in actual supply systems. The contents of the corrigendum of July 2004 have been included in this copy. This consolidated version consists of the second edition (2002) and its amendment 1 (2008). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.

New Cispr 16 series speCifiCatioN the ieC released on Jan. 28 the first edition of

CISPR 16-SER, a specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods. According to the IEC Web store, this pack contains all parts to CISPR 16. ieC releases New Catalog oN Cd the catalog provides users with an ideal tool for

consulting the entire bibliographical information on International Standards, specifications, reports and other 138

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emc directory & design guide 2010

standards recap EMC AssEssMEnt of BAsE stAtions Etsi ts 125 113 V8.5.0: Universal Mobile tele-

communications System (UMTS); Base station and repeater electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) (3GPP TS 25.113 version 8.5.0 Release 8) ETSI TS 125 113 V8.5.0, published this month, covers the assessment of base stations, repeaters and associated ancillary equipment in respect of electromagnetic compatibility. The document specifies the applicable test conditions, performance assessment and performance criteria for base stations, repeaters and associated ancillary equipment: The environment classification used in the present document refers to the environment classification used in IEC 61000-6-1 [5] and IEC 61000-6-3 [6].

MARCH 2010 ElECtroMAgnEtiC noisE froM 10 Hz to 40 gHz CoVErEd in rEVisEd stAndArd A major revision is now available for iEEE

C63.2™, “American National Standard for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation, 10 Hz to 40 GHz Specifications.” The standard provides electromagnetic compatibility techniques and requirements for instruments measuring quasi-peak, peak, rms, and average values for electrical and electronic equipment for various applications. nEw ring, dAMpEd osCillAtory wAVE iMMUnity tEst stAndArds UnE-En 61000-4-12:1997 has been replaced by

UNE-EN 61000-4-12:2007, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-12: Testing and measurement techniques - Ring wave immunity test (IEC 61000-412:2006), and by UNE-EN 61000-4-18:2008. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -- Part 4-18: Testing and measurement techniques - Damped oscillatory wave immunity test (IEC 61000-4-18:2006). AMEndMEnt to Cispr 11 stAndArd the international Electrotechnical Committee

has announced the release of CISPR 11-am1, which covers radiofrequency disturbance characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical equipment and outlines the limits and methods of measurement. EMC iMMUnity stAndArd AMEndMEnt the international Electrotechnical Committee

has announced the release of IEC 61000-4-3-am2, the second amendment to Part 4-3 of the EMC radiated, radio-frequency and electromagnetic field immunity test standard. sCopE of En 61000-4-8:2010 ExtEndEd to CoVEr 60 Hz iEC 61000-4-8:2009 relates to the immunity

requirements of equipment, only under operational coninterferencetechnology.com

ditions, to magnetic disturbances at power frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz related to: - residential and commercial locations; - industrial installations and power plants; medium voltage and high voltage sub-stations. The applicability of IEC 61000-4-8:2009 to equipment installed in different locations is determined by the presence of the phenomenon, as specified in Clause 4. This standard does not consider disturbances due to capacitive or inductive coupling in cables or other parts of the field installation. Other IEC standards dealing with conducted disturbances cover these aspects. The object of IEC 61000-4-8:2009 is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment for household, commercial and industrial applications when subjected to magnetic fields at power frequency (continuous and short duration field). IEC 61000-4-8:2009 defines: - recommended test levels; - test equipment; - test set-up; - test procedure. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1993 and its Amendment 1 (2000). It forms a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: the scope is extended in order to cover 60 Hz. Characteristics, performance and verification of the test generator and related inductive coils are revised. Modifications are also introduced in the test set-up (GRP) and test procedure. ElECtriCAl fAst trAnsiEnt/BUrst iMMUnity tEst stAndArd AMEndEd iEC 61000-4-4 Amd.1 Ed. 2.0 b:2010: Amend-

ment 1 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test. Amending IEC 61000-4-4 Ed. 2.0 b:2004, this part of IEC 61000-4 relates to the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment to repetitive electrical fast transients. It gives immunity requirements and test procedures related to electrical fast transients/bursts. It additionally defines ranges of test levels and establishes test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common and reproducible reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrical fast transient/bursts on supply, signal, control and earth ports. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000-4 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. iEC UpdAtEs MEdiCAl ElECtriCAl EqUipMEnt EMC stAndArd the international Electrotechnical Commission

has released a new interpretation sheet for the general requirements for basic safety and essential performance and electromagnetic compatibility tests for electrical medical equipment in IEC 60601-1-2 Corr.II1 {Ed.3.0}. n

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professional societies professional societies

IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (S-27) Headquarters: IEEE Operations Center 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 Phone: (732) 981-0060 www.ewh.ieee.org President: Francesca Maradei fr.maradei@ieee.org The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional engineering society, is a global organization of individuals dedicated to improving the understanding of electrical and electronics engineering and its applications to the needs of society. The parent organization has over 360,000 members, approximately 70 percent of whom belong to technical groups such as the EMC Society. Membership in the IEEE is on a qualified basis, with a basic annual fee of between $130.00 and $165.00 depending on the region of the world. The U.S. fee is $165.00. The Institute offers major medical and life insurance at low group rates, and each member receives a copy of the monthly publication, Spectrum. Affiliate, associate, and student memberships are available for those who do not qualify for regular membership; and special arrangements are provided for those temporarily out of work. Members may join one or more of the 39 technical societies by paying the additional individual society fee(s). The EMC Society has an annual fee of $25.00. Student memberships are $13.00. The EMC Society, which enjoys a membership of over 5000, functions through a Board of Directors elected by the Society membership. The Board includes 20 membersat-large who serve staggered 3-year terms. The Executive Board consists of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and five Vice Presidents, who oversee the activities of standing and technical committees. The officers are elected by the Board of Directors. The annual IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility is sponsored by the Board of Directors, which also coordinates activities of standing technical and ad hoc committees. EMC Society publications include Transactions on EMC, a quarterly journal which features state-of-the-art papers on interference technology and EMC, and the EMC Society Newsletter, a quarterly newsletter of society activities, industry developments, practical papers, and notices of meetings, regulations, and new publications. The EMC Society also has a group of distinguished


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lecturers who are available to present talks to IEEE and other organizations. The Society subsidizes the lecturers’ expenses, and organizations are encouraged to contact Dr. James Drewniak (573) 341 4969 or drewniak@mst.edu.com for further details. Chairmen of these committees welcome assistance and indications of interest in committee activities from the EMC Society membership. EMC Society activities are provided by 54 chapters with members in 61 countries worldwide. A Committee Directory, listing officer, board, committee, and chapter contacts’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers, is available on the IEEE EMC Society website at www.emcs.org. The EMC Society is also active in technical conferences and symposia through its sponsorship of the annual International Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium and participation in other worldwide symposia. Symposia and conferences are announced in the EMC Society Newsletter. The IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility will be held in Austin, Texas from August 17–21, 2009. Visit the Symposium website at www.emc 2009.org. The EMC Society has published a number of standards. For information on EMC Society and other IEEE standards, contact the IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331; Phone: (732) 981-0060.

IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society While product safety had been addressed in various committees over the years, there was never a professional society or symposium solely devoted to product safety engineering as a discipline until recently. The IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society (PSES) began operation on 1 January 2004. The field of interest of the Society is the theory, design, development and implementation of product safety engineering for electronic and electro-mechanical equipment and devices. This includes the theoretical study and practical application of analysis techniques, testing methodologies, conformity assessments, and hazard evaluations. The Society’s mission is to strive for the advancement of the theory and practice of applied electrical and electronic engineering as applied to product safety and of the allied arts and sciences. The Society provides a focus for cooperative activities, both internal and external to IEEE, including the promotion and coordination of product safety engineering activities among IEEE entities. In addition, the Society will provide a forum for product safety engineering professionals and design engineers to discuss and disseminate emc directory & design guide 2010

professional societies technical information, to enhance personal product safety engineering skills, and to provide product safety engineering outreach to engineers, students and others with an interest in the field. The Society is accepting members at any time during the calendar year, both full IEEE members and affiliate members. Membership is available at www. ieee.org/services/join/. The IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society works closely with various IEEE Societies and Councils that also include product safety engineering as a technical specialty. Currently there are 12 chapters with more in the formation process. Every year, the PSES hosts a Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering. The next conference will be in Toronto, Ontario on 26-28 October 2009. The Symposium will consist of Technical Sessions, Workshops, Tutorials and Demonstrations specifically targeted to the compliance engineering professional. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss problems with vendors displaying the latest regulatory compliance products and services. For more information, visit http://www.ieee-pses.org/symposium/. Past papers from the Symposia are available in IEEE Xplore or on CD (for a fee). In addition to hosting an annual conference, the PSES provides the opportunity for product safety engineers to publish technical papers in a newsletter. See http://www. ieee-pses.org/newsletters.html. For further information and details on the Society, including becoming an author, please visit the website at www.ieee-pses.org.

dB Society This unique, interesting, and exclusive fraternity of EMC engineers was founded in 1975 by 10 eminent EMC engineers. The purpose of the dB Society is to open doors within the EMC community. Its primary objectives are to greet and to welcome new engineers, suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers to the EMC community and to assist them in establishing contacts in the EMC field. The following membership requirements are unique and rigidly enforced: • Ten years of service to the EMC community, • Five years of service to a recognized professional, EMC organization, • Sponsorship by two Duo-Decade members, • Favorable recommendations by three other recognized individuals in the EMC community, and • Acceptance by the Admissions Board. Business meetings and informal, relaxed get-togethers take place during major EMC functions. A formal evening social function is the highlight of each year and is usually conducted during the IEEE EMC Symposium. All meetings are for members only. U.S. membership is limited to 100 EMC engineers. There are Society affiliates in the United Kingdom, India, and Israel. Qualified candidates are invited to write to:


The dB Society 22117 NE 10th Place Sammamish, WA 98074 FAX: (425) 868-0547 E-mail: j.n.oneil@ieee.org

ESD Association Headquarters: ESD Association 7900 Turin Road, Building 3 Rome, NY 13440-2069 phone: 315-339-6937 fax: 315-339-6793 email: info@esda.org website: www.esda.org Founded in 1982, the ESD Association is a professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of electrostatic discharge (ESD) avoidance. From fewer than 100 members, the Association has grown to more than 2,000 members throughout the world. From an initial emphasis on the effects of ESD on electronic components, the Association has broadened its horizons to include areas such as textiles, plastics, web processing, cleanrooms, and graphic arts. To meet the needs of a continually changing environment, the Association is chartered to expand ESD awareness through standards development, educational programs, local chapters, publications, tutorials, certification, and symposia. ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP In the late 1970s, electrostatic discharge, or ESD, became a problem in the electronics industry. Low-level ESD events from people were causing device failures and yield losses. As the industry learned about this phenomenon, both device design improvements and process changes were made to make the devices more robust and processes more capable of handling these devices. With devices becoming more sensitive through the year 2010, it is imperative that companies begin to determine the ESD capabilities of their handling processes. The ESD Technology Roadmap can be downloaded at: www.esda.org ANSI/ESD S20.20 CONTROL PROGRAM STANDARD AND CERTIFICATION A primary direction for the association is the continued implementation of a facility certification program in conjunction with ISO registrars. With the association’s ESD control program standard, ANSI/ESD S20.20: Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices), the Association offers a means of independently assessing a company’s ESD control program and of issuing a formal ANSI/ESD S20.20 certification. interference technology


professional societies The ANSI/ESD S20.20 standard covers the requirements necessary to design, establish, implement, and maintain an ESD control program to protect electrical or electronic parts, assemblies and equipment susceptible to ESD damage from Human Body Model (HBM) discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts. Developed in response to the Military Standardization Reform Act, ANSI/ESD S20.20 has been formally adopted for use by the U.S. Department of Defense. Although ESD programs have been part of some ISO 9000 audits in the past, the assessment frequently has been cursory and actual judgment of the program has been left to the individual auditor. ANSI/ESD S20.20 provides a formal, consistent process standard that can be audited. It provides a single, auditable ESD standard for OEM’s, suppliers, and contractors. To date, there are approximately 132 facilities in 13 countries that have become ANSI/ESD S20.20 certified. Accredited registrars conduct the actual assessments of the companies. The association has developed a training program for the registrars and supervises registrar witness audits. This independent assessment of a company’s ESD control program could be performed as part of the company’s ISO 9000 surveillance audit or as a separate audit. Currently, there are 161 trained auditors in 13 countries who have been certified to conduct ANSI/ESD S20.20 audits. In addition, the ESD Association offers an ESD program documentation review service. For a fee of $1,500 (US), members of the ESD Association’s Facility Certification committee will review your ESD program documentation and will compare it to the requirements listed in ANSI/ ESD S20.20-2007. Facilities that choose to become certified will use the ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 standard as the basis for their certification. A report will be provided that describes the areas that need to be improved for documentation to be compliant with ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007. This service should be considered a MUST for any company that is preparing for facility certification based on ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007. SYMPOSIA, TUTORIALS, AND PUBLICATIONS As part of its commitment to education and technology, the association holds the annual EOS/ESD Symposium, which places major emphasis on providing the knowledge and tools needed to meet the challenges of ESD. Scheduled for August 30-September 4, 2008, at the Disneyland Hotel, in Anaheim, CA, USA, the annual Symposium attracts attendees and contributors from around the world. Technical sessions, workshops, authors’ corners, seminars, tutorials, and technical exhibits provide a myriad of opportunities for attendees to expand their knowledge of ESD. In addition to tutorials and seminars, the association offers a number of publications and reference materials for sale. These range from proceedings of past EOS/ESD Symposia to textbooks written by experts in the field of ESD.


interference technology

TechAmerica Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee (G-46) Headquarters Christopher J. Denham III VP, Standards & Technology TechAmerica 1401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1100 Arlington, VA 22209 Phone: (703) 248-5326 www.TechAmerica.org Committee Chairman Robert H. Davis Lockheed Martin, MS2 P.O. Box 4840, EP7-MD-52 Syracuse, NY 13221-4840 Phone: (315) 456-1085 FAX: (315) 456-0689 robert.h.davis@lmco.com TechAmerica is the association that was created by the merger of AeA and ITAA. Earlier in 2008, ITAA and GEIA merged. The result of these mergers is an organization that is the leading voice for the U.S. technology industry, which is the driving force behind productivity growth and jobs creation in the United States. TechAmerica is the technology industry’s only grassroots-to-global advocacy network. With nearly 1500 member companies, 17 regional councils and offices in Beijing and Brussels, the association represents the full spectrum of the technology industry. TechAmerica is the technology industry’s only grassroots-to-global advocacy network. The organization has expanded initiatives in areas such as: information Assurance / Information Security, Identity Management, Cloud Computing, Global Sourcing / Globalization, Intelligence agencies, Department of Defense & NASA, and State & Local programs and public policy advocacy. TechAmerica provides programs for business development, networking and market intelligence in the Federal arena, dealing with government entities such as Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission,, Congress, as well as with state and local governments. TechAmerica has a team of public policy professionals at state, federal and international levels, that allow the organization to successfully influence legislative and regulatory issues that affect member companies. In addition, TechAmerica offers an active standards development program to provide industry with proven solutions to business process challenges. The program is nationally and internationally recognized for its leadership and expertise in the development of standards. Configuration Management, Systems Engineering, Systems Safety, Earned Value Management, Logistics, Reliability and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) area where emc directory & design guide 2010

professional societies TechAmerica is involved in standard. The Electromagentic Compatibility (EMC) Committee (formally known as G-46) deals with the system-oriented discipline that ensures electromagnetic compatibility in electronics design. The Committee develops technical criteria and procedures to guide the design engineer. Its work also includes spectrum management and conservation; secure communications; and electromagnetic emissions, susceptibility, control, and characterization. The EMC Committee was established to provide an industry/user position on government specifications, regulations, and standards. Participation has expanded to include G-46 representation on the various committees drafting government specifications and standards. For example, G-46 participated on the working committees for MIL-STD-464A and MIL-STD-461E and provided update recommendations to MIL-STD-461F. The scope of G-46 activities has expanded to foster and facilitate the EMC discipline for the benefit of TechAmerica member companies. Committee activities include spectrum management and conservation; personnel safety; and health care electronics design, usage and installation in terms of regulated and non-regulated electromagnetic (EM) emissions and immunity. Inter- and intra-environmental areas as they affect systems, subsystems and equipment, subassemblies, and components are also areas of concern. In addition to other activities, committees: • Review, assess, advise, and coordinate related activities of organizations/individuals in government, industry, and technical societies. • Assure that EMC legislation, regulations, specifications, standards, requirements, and evaluation procedures are adequate for procurement and application. • Assure that EMC legislation, regulations, specifications, standards, requirements, and evaluation procedures are harmonized with their commercial counterparts to the maximum extent practical for procurement and application. • Propose and recommend action and provide support to other organizations, as deemed desirable. • Coordinate and promulgate information to facilitate advancement of the state-of-the-art. The EMC Committee meets annually in conjunction with the IEEE EMC Symposium. In 2009 the committee will be meeting in Austin, Texas. In recent years the meeting venue has changed to meet the needs of industry. In addition to being a luncheon meeting, the meeting agenda now includes current EMC topic presentations from both industry and Government. Meeting attendance has more than doubled with this new venue. Plan to join us if you at the 2009 EMC Symposium in Austin this summer. Additional information on TechAmerica and the EMC Committee (G-46) can be obtained from Phyllis Call at (703) 284-5315, phyllis.call@techamerica.org, or via the GEIA website at http://www.geia.org.


Society of Automotive Engineers Committee AE-4, Committee Headquarters: Dorothy Lloyd Aerospace Standards Specialist Society of Automotive Engineers 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 Phone: (724) 776-4841 dlloyd@sae.org Committee Chairman: Committee Chairman: Gary Fenical Laird Technologies P.O. Box A Shielding Way Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 Phone: (717) 424-8510, ext. 1177 gfenical@lairdtech.com SAE International is a professional society of engineers dedicated to a broad spectrum of engineering disciplines within the aerospace and automotive fields. Under the SAE Aerospace Council, technical standards committees address disciplines ranging from electrical power to multiplex signal characteristics—and from fiber optic data transmission to electromagnetic compatibility. The many elements of EMC are handled by SAE Committee AE-4, Electromagnetic Compatibility, which was organized in 1942 under the Aerospace Council. The committee is composed of technically qualified members, liaison members, and consultants—all of whom are responsible for writing standards on electromagnetic compatibility. Committee AE-4 provides assistance to the technical community through standardization, improved design and testing methodology, and technical forums for the resolution of mutual problems. Engineering standards, specifications, and technical reports are developed by the Committee and are issued by the Society for industry and governments worldwide. Objectives of Committee AE-4 are to advance the state of technology, to stabilize existing technology, to obtain a uniformity of EMC requirements among government agencies, and to further the interests of the EMC technical community. The theme of “design before the fact” for EMC is a guiding concept. Special attention is given to maintenance of EMI control requirements consistent with the rapidly advancing state-of-the-art. The following is a partial list of documents that have been issued to assist in implementing SAE objectives. For a complete list, visit the SAE website at www.sae.org or call SAE Customer Service at (724) 776-4841. AEroSpACE rECommEndEd prACtICES (ArpS)

ARP 935A Control Plan/Technical Construction File ARP 936A Capacitor, 10 mF for EMI Measurements ARP 958C Electromagnetic Interference Measurement Anteninterference technology


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ARP 958D ARP 1172 ARP 1173 ARP 1267 ARP 1481A ARP 1705 ARP 1870 ARP 1972 ARP 4043A ARP 4242 ARP 4244

nas, Standard Calibration Method Electromagnetic Interference Measurement Antennas, Standard Calibration Method Filters, Conventional, EMI Reduction, Specifications for Test Methods for EMI Gasketing EMI Measurement of Impulse Generators, Standard Calibration Requirements and Techniques Corrosion Control and Electrical Conductivity in Enclosure Design Coaxial Test Procedure to Measure the RF Shielding Characteristics of EMC Gasket Materials Aerospace Systems Electrical Bonding and Grounding for Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety Recommended Practices and Procedures for EMC Testing Flightline Bonding and Grounding of Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility Control Requirements, Systems Recommended Insertion Loss Test Methods for EMI Power Line Filters

AerospAce InformAtIon reports (AIrs)

AIR 1147 EMI on Aircraft from Jet Engine Charging AIR 1209 Construction and Calibration of Parallel-Plate Transmission Lines for EMI Susceptibility Testing AIR 1221 EMC System Design Checklist AIR 1255 Spectrum Analyzers for EMI Measurements AIR 1394A Cabling Guidelines for Electromagnetic Compatibility AIR 1404 DC Resistivity vs. RF Impedance of EMI Gaskets AIR 1423 EMC on Gas Turbine Engines for Aircraft Propulsion AIR 1425A Methods of Achieving EMC of Gas Turbine Engine Accessories, for Self-Propelled Vehicles AIR 1499 Recommendations for Commercial EMC Susceptibility Requirements AIR 1662 Minimization of Electrostatic Hazards in Aircraft Fuel Systems AIR 1700A Upper Frequency Measurement Boundary for Evaluation of Shielding Effectiveness in Cylindrical Systems AIR 4079 Procedure for Digitized Method of Spark Energy Measurement sAe Ae-4 electromAgnetIc envIronmentAl effects (e3 or emc) commIttee The SAE AE-4 E3 Committee provides a technical, coordinating, and advisory function in the field of E3. The focus is on problem areas in which committee expertise can be effectively applied at the national and international levels. Electrical and electronic accessories are studied for compatibility within systems and with various communications media. Engineering standards, specifications, and technical reports are developed and are issued for the general information of industry and government. In the past, subcommittees have included AE-4R, Aircraft Radiated Environments, and AE-4H, High Power RF


interference technology

Simulators and Effects. AE-4 E3 holds national meetings in conjunction with the IEEE EMC Society Symposium, usually held in August at various locations. Additional information about meetings or more specific information on the activities of the Committee can be obtained by contacting: Dorothy Lloyd Aerospace Standards Specialist Society of Automotive Engineers 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 Phone: (724) 776-4841 dlloyd@sae.org or the Chairman, Gary Fenical, gfenical@lairdtech.com. Visit the SAE’s Technical Standards Committee Forum website at http://forums@sae.org.

iNARTE inArte, Inc. (the International Association for Radio, and Telecommunications and Electromagnetics, Inc.) was founded as a non-profit membership/certification organization in 1982. With the advent of deregulation and the Federal Communications Commission’s “encouragement/urging” private industry to establish certification standards to fill the licensing void, iNARTE initiated and developed a comprehensive certification program for telecommunications engineers and technicians. In 1988, a Command of the United States Navy, seeking a credible and respected certification entity, selected iNARTE as the administrative agent for the certification of engineers and technicians in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). In 1993, iNARTE, certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as a Commercial Operators License Examination Manager (COLE Manager), was authorized to administer all examination elements for FCC licensure (formally an FCC responsibility). In 1994, the ESD Association selected NARTE to implement and administer a certification program for Electrostatic Discharge Control Engineers and Technicians. During 1997, two nations, China and Japan, requested iNARTE assistance in the establishment of specific incountry certification programs comparable to and able to meet iNARTE certification standards. In 2000, iNARTE established the Unlicensed Wireless Systems Installer certification to identify fully qualified design and installation personnel. This certification accredits professionals who design and install wireless systems that do not require a license from the FCC—including information systems, security systems, and transportation systems. In 2001, iNARTE developed an Agreement with the IEEE EMC Society for the co-promotion of awareness and education in EMC/EMI fields. Today the EMC Society is the keeper of the body of knowledge from which the iNARTE examinations are derived. In 2003 iNARTE, together with specialist partners, develemc directory & design guide 2010

professional societies oped the Product Safety certification program. The Product Safety program accredits professionals who use hazard-based analysis to identify and develop solutions to eliminate or minimize safety hazards. In 2004 iNARTE signed an Agreement with the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society, PSES, to co-promote awareness and education in Product Safety. Today, technical experts within the PSES assist iNARTE in the development of the examination question pools. In 2006 iNARTE executed Agreement with ANSI ASC 63, the Accredited Standards Committee on EMC, for the purposes of joint cooperation and promotion in education and technical achievement in EMC engineering. By 2007, the global interest and participation in iNARTE Certification programs had resulted in almost one quarter of members being from overseas countries. In recognition of this, the iNARTE Board of Directors voted unanimously to change the Association name to the, “International Association for Radio. Telecommunications and Electromagnetics, iNARTE.” As iNARTE, an agreement of mutual support and cooperation was signed with the ESD Association in 2007. The ESDA will assist iNARTE in formulating and maintaining the question pools from which certification examinations are derived.

ACIL—The American Council of Independent Laboratories The American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) is the trade association representing independent, commercial engineering, and scientific laboratory, testing, consulting, product certifying, and R&D firms; manufacturers’ laboratories; related non-profit organizations; and consultants and suppliers to the industry. The organization was founded in 1937. All ACIL activities focus on its mission: to enhance members’ success by providing advocacy, education, services, and mutual support and by promoting ethics, objectivity, independence, and free enterprise. ACIL is a voluntary, non-profit membership organization. Programs are determined by members, administered by an elected Board of Directors, and supported by a professional staff operating from headquarters in Washington, D.C. ACIL’s ConformITy AssessmenT seCTIon ACIL’s Conformity Assessment Section consists of firms with wide and varied interests, all performing testing, listing, or labeling in accordance with applicable safety and performance standards, and/or materials testing and resolution of product and structural problems. Several committees have evolved within the Section to meet the needs of its diverse membership, including the EMC Committee, the U.S. Council of EMC Laboratories, and the Third-Party Product Certifiers Committee. In January 2005, the Section sponsored a booth at the Consumer Electronics Show that advocated the advantages of independent third-party testinterferencetechnology.com

ing and the capabilities of ACIL member EMC laboratories. ACIL’s emC CommITTee ACIL’s EMC Committee was established in 1996 to address the common concerns of the ACIL EMC community. The Committee sponsors educational sessions at ACIL meetings that include both technical and policy issues such as mutual recognition agreements (MRAs). The Committee updates members on the latest developments, upcoming requirements, and activities in the field—both domestic and international. In January 2002, ACIL published a 143-page document, Technical Criteria for the Accreditation of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Radio Testing Laboratories, a checklist to assist both assessors and laboratories. The Committee also formed the U.S. Council of EMC Laboratories (USCEL) in an effort to aid U.S. laboratories in addressing technical issues arising from the U.S./EU MRA and other global concerns. As the USCEL Secretariat, ACIL provides staff and supports volunteers active in this important area. Over the past several years, ACIL has administered round robin proficiency testing programs with two artifacts allowing laboratories to make both AC line conducted and radiated emissions measurements over the frequency range of 0.15–30 MHz and 30 MHz–1 GHz, respectively. While continuing the round robins in the frequencies noted above, ACIL has launched another round robin with a new test artifact. This artifact will allow participating laboratories to demonstrate proficiency for radiated emissions measurements in the frequency range of 1–18 GHz. Emissions measurements above 1 GHz are becoming increasingly common with the advent of fast processors and wireless devices in the 2.4- and 5-GHz bands. ACIL also was instrumental in the formation of the Telecommunication Certification Body Council (TCBC). New rules establishing TCBs were adopted by the FCC in December 1998, providing more options for manufacturers—they can now choose to have their product certified by either the FCC or a private certification body (TCB). A TCB may approve equipment subject to certification (e.g., transmitters, telecom terminal equipment, or scanning receivers). The TCB Council addresses the specific concerns of the TCB community and all constituent bodies are permitted to participate. U.s. ProdUCT CerTIfIers Key U.S. product certifiers are ACIL members and are reaping many benefits, such as participation in the ACIL Third-Party Product Certifiers Committee (3P²C²). This Committee provides a forum for members to discuss and to act upon various issues of common interest. This committee formed the American Council for Electrical Safety to serve as a forum among testing laboratories, regulators, and electrical inspectors. n

interference technology


government emi/emc directory

directory of government personnel involved in emi/ emc


he following is a list of the principal U.S., NATO and Canadian Government personnel known to be involved in the interference technology field. This list is based upon best available data at the time of publication. Additions, deletions and corrections for any facility may be updated at any time by e-mailing your changes to slong@interferencetechnology.com.

dePartMent oF deFenSe defense Spectrum organization

DSO Director: Ms. Paige R. Atkins .........703-325-2567 Paige.Atkins@disa.mil DSO Dep Dir: Mr. Ralph Puckett ..............703-325-2874 Ralph.Puckett@disa.mil

Strategic Planning office (SPo)

SPO Director: Mr. Steven A. Molina ...... 703-325-0435 Steven.Molin@disa.mil Internat'l Team Lead: Mr. Chris Hofer ....703-325-2876 EST Team Lead: Ms. Mary Lin .................703-325-0136 National Team Lead: Mr. Dan O'Neill .....703-325-2606

Joint Spectrum center (JSc)

2004 Turbot Landing Annapolis, MD 21402-5064 Tel: (410) 293-4957 Fax: (410) 293-2631 commander, JSc (J00): COL John J. HICKEY Jr., USA ................ (410) 293-2450 John.Hickey@jsc.mil Commander's Group: commander@jsc.mil technical director (J01): Mr. Mike Williams .................................. (410) 293-2457 mike.williams@jsc.mil executive officer (J02): CDR Robert "Jeff" Lamont, USN ........... (410) 293-2452 Jeff.Lamont@jsc.mil operations division (J3): Chief: LTC Kevin T. Laughlin................... (410) 293-9813 Kevin.Laughlin@jsc.mil Senior Engineer: Mr. Robert Lynch ....... (410) 293-9816 robert.lynch@jsc.mil rd&a division (J5): Mr. Robert Schneider .............................(410) 293-4958 robert.schneider@jsc.mil Senior Engineer: Mr. Marcus Shellman, Jr. .................... .................................................................(410) 293-4959 marcus.shellman@jsc.mil Team Lead: Mr. Matthew Grenis .......... (410) 293-9264 matthew.grenis@jsc.mil R&D Team Lead: Mr. Serey Thai ............ 410-293, 9263 Serey.Thai@jsc.mil Spectrum Management information technology division (J6): Acting Chief: Mr. Joseph R. Whitworth ......................... ................................................................. (410) 293-9822 Plans and resources division (J7): Chief: Mrs. Joanne F. Sykes .................. (410) 293-2356 joanne.sykes@jsc.mil applied engineering division (J8): Chief: Aaron Leong, Lt Col, USAF.......... (410) 293-2682 Aaron.Leong@jsc.mil Senior Engineer: Mr. Irving Mager, Jr. (J8). ................... ................................................................. (410) 293-2103 irving.mager@jsc.mil Chief, DSRMA: Mr. Ted Grove ................. 410-293-2222

Joint Frequency Management and Spectrum engineering office, atlantic (JFMo Lant) Director JFMO LANT (USJFCOM/J63) 1562 Mitscher Ave., Ste. 200 Norfolk, VA 23551-2488 Tel.: (757) 836-8006 Fax: (757) 836-8022


interference technology

United StateS air Force aeronautical Systems center (aSc)

aSc/enad 2530 Loop Road West , B560 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7101 Fax: (937) 255-5305 E3 Technical Expert Mr. Manny Rodriguez .............................(937) 255-8928 manuel.rodriguez@wpafb.af.mil EMI/EMC Tech Specialist Ms. Natalia G. Bartholomew................. (937) 255-9218 natalia.bartholomew@wpafb.af.mil EMI/EMC Engineer Mr. Brian M. Lezanic ..............................(937) 255-9051 brian.lezanic@wpafb.af.mil Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Engineer Mr. Jose Pabon Soto ..............................(937) 255-0139 jose.pabon-soto@wpafb.af.mil

aeronautical Systems center (aSc)

312/326 ae SW (Fighter Bomber Wing) 702 ae SG (B-2) 2690 C St., B556 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7424 Fax: (937) 255-9450 Mr. Joe Harrington ................................. (937) 656-5149 joseph.harrington@wpafb.af.mil

aeronautical Systems center (aSc)

312/326 ae SW (Fighter Bomber Wing) 702 ae SG (B-2) 2690 C St., B556 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7424 Dr. Phil Beccue .......................................(937) 255-6881 Philip.Beccue@wpafb.af.mil

aeronautical Systems center (aSc)

312/326 ae SW (Fighter Bomber Wing) 651 ae SS (B-52) 2690 C St., B556 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7424 FAX (937) 656-4621 Mr. Jeremy Burns .................................. (937) 255-7025 jeremy.burns@wpafb.af.mil

HQ air Force Material command (aFMc)

aFMc/en P Bldg. 262/Rm N145/Post116D Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 Fax:(937) 656-4183 Mr. John S. Welch ..................................(937) 255-0651 john.welch@wpafb.af.mil

aeronautical Systems center (aSc)

516 ae SW (Mobility) 836 ae SG (tankers) 2530 Loop Road West, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 Mr. Robert Rosengarten ........................(937) 255-3451 Robert.Rosengarten@wpafb.af.mil

aeronautical Systems center

Special operations Forces Systems Group 667 ae SS/en 1895 5th St. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7200 Fax: (937) 255-4018 Mr. Steven Coffman ...............................(937) 255-2860


aeronautical Systems center

reconnaissance Systems Wing 303 ae SG (Global Hawk) 2640 Loop Road West Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7106 Mr. Dave Osborn..................................... (937) 255-7437 david.osborn@wpafb.af.mil

air Force research Laboratory, Sensors directorate

aFrL/ rYra 2241 Avionics Circle Bldg 620, Rm 1DG106 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 45433-7318 EMI Laboratory Mr. John Zentner ....................................(937) 904-9024 john.zentner@wpafb.af.mil

air combat command (acc)

85 engineering installation Squadron 85 ei S/ScYM 670 Maltby Hall Drive, Ste.234 Keesler AFB, MS 39534-2633 85.eis.scym@keesler.af.mil Specialized Engineering Flight: Mr. George R. McNeer, SCY .................. (228) 377-1037 Electromagnetics Section Chief: Mr. Frederick G. Blache, SCYM .............(228) 377-3926 frederick.blache@us.af.mil E3 Engineers: Mr. Randal Blanchard, SCYT ................. (228) 377-1068 randal.blanchard@us.af.mil Mr. Edward Carballo, SCYM.................. (228) 377-1096 edward.carballo@us.af.mil Mr. Gordon Conley ................................. (228) 377-1080 gordon.conley@us.af.mil Mr. Stephen L. Dabney ...........................(228) 377-1074 stephen.dabney@us.af.mil Ms. Kristen M. Hanson .......................... (228) 377-1073 kristen.hanson@us.af.mil Mr. Tim O. Hillman.................................. (228) 377-1278 timothy.hillman@us.af.mil Mr. Justin L. Johnston ........................... (228) 377-3041 justin.johnston@us.af.mil Mr. Carlton L. Jones ............................... (228) 377-1088 carlton.jones@us.af.mil Mr. James W Laycock ............................ (288) 377-1035 james.laycock@us.af.mil Captain Siyeon Lee .................................(288) 377-1126 siyeon.lee@us.af.mil Mr. Tom Lipski ........................................ (228) 377-1084 thomas.lipski@us.af.mil Mr. Alton J. Richards III ......................... (228) 377-1079 alton.richards@us.af.mil Captain Jason R. Seyba ......................... (288) 377-1085 jason.seyba@us.af.mil Mr. Gregory P. Smith .............................. (228) 377-1083 gregory.smith.7@us.af.mil Mr. Jesse L. Thomas III ...........................(228) 377-1126 jesse.thomas@us.af.mil Mr. Phi D. Tran ........................................ (228) 377-1096 phi.tran@us.af.mil Mr. Truong X. Vu ..................................... (228) 377-1866 truong.vu@us.af.mil Mr. Brandon Walker ............................... (228) 377-1048 brandon.walker.1@us.af.mil

emc directory & design guide 2010

government emi /emc directory Mr. Robert (Nick) Wilson, Sr. Electronics Engineer ....... ................................................................. (228) 377-1047 robert.wilson.6@us.af.mil

united states army u. s. army research, development and engineering Command (rdeCOm)

attn.: amsrd-aar-aeP-F Bldg. 3208 Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 Fax: (973) 724-3025 Mr. Tom Crowley, Supvr. ........................(973) 724-5678 thomas.m.crowley@us.army.mil Mr. Derrick Coppin, Proj. Engr. ..............(973) 724-4871 derrick.coppin@us.army.mil Mr. Daniel Gutierrez, Sr. Proj. Engr. ................................ .................................................................(973) 724-4667 daniel.gutierrez@us.army.mil Mr. Paul Lee, Proj. Engr. ..............(973) 724-4584/4667, paul.m.lee@us.army.mil Mr. Rutveej Patel, Proj. Engr..................(973) 724-4082 rutveej.patel@us.army.mil

army research, development, and engineering Command (rdeCOm)

attn: rdmr-aes-e3 Building 4488 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 Fax: (256)313-3194 E3 for Army Aircraft Airworthiness E3 Branch Chief:: Mr. Dave Lewey.....................................(256) 313-8464 dave.lewey@us.army.mil E3 Team Lead, Attack/Recon/Cargo Team: Ms. Karen Compton ...............................(256) 313-8437 karen.compton@us.army.mil E3 Team Lead, Utility/Fixed Wing/SOA Team: Mr. Duane Driver ....................................(256) 313-8447 duane.driver@us.army.mil Mr. Dale Heber ....................................... (256) 313-2229 dale.heber@us.army.mil Mr. Bruce Hildebrandt............................(256) 313-8457 bruce.hildebrandt@us.army.mil Dr. Randolph Jones ................................(256) 313-8462 randolph.d.jones@us.army.mil Mr. Abner Merriweather ....................... (256) 313-8470 abner.merriweather@us.army.mil Mr. Brian Smith,iNCE, iNCT...................(256) 313-8484 brian.smith42@us.army.mil Mr. John Trp............................................ (256) 313-3148 john.trp@us.army.mil Mr. Mike Dreyer@us.army.mil ..............(256) 313-6384 michael.dreyer@us.army.mil Mr. Dan Hinton .......................................(256) 313-8497 daniel.w.hinton@us.army.mil Mr. Keith Herndon .................................. (256) 313-3152 Phillip.k.herndon@us.army.mil Mr. Roy Lawson .................................(256) 313-8454 roy.lawson@us.army.mil attn.: amsam-rd-mG-sd SC Functions Mr. Dave Smith....................................... (256) 876-1688 wayne.d.smith2@us.army.mil

army test and evaluation Command (ateC) redstone technical test Center (rttC)

e3 test Branch Attn.: CSTE-DTC-RT-E-EM Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-8052 Supervisor: Mr. James L. Zimmerman .................................................................(256) 876-6386 jzimmerman@us.army.mil Mr. Jeff Craven ......................................(256) 842-2952 jeffery.d.craven@us.army.mil


Mr. David Anconetani ............................(256) 876-0981 danconetani@us.army.mil Mr. David Elkins......................................(256) 876-3965 delkins@us.army.mil Mr. Jarrod Fortinberry ...........................(256) 876-3505 jfortinberry@ us.army.mil Mr. Allen Landrith ..................................(256) 876-9495 alandrith@us.army.mil Ms. Jennifer Oberle ...............................(256) 955-6140 joberle@us.army.mil Mr. Joe Reyenga ....................................(850) 833-2837 gerald.reyenga@eglin.af.mil Dr. Tom Shumpert...................................(256) 876-9974 tshumpert@us.army.mil Mr. Andrew Smilie ................................. (256) 876-9512 asmilie@us.army.mil Mr. Lee Stucker ...................................... (256) 876-1790 lstucker@us.army.mil Dr. Mark Waller ......................................(256) 313-6970 mwaller@us.army.mil Dr. Ken Whigham ...................................(256) 313-0257 kwhigham@us.army.mil

army Center for Health Promotion & Preventive medicine (Cdr usaCHPPm)

radiofrequency/ultrasound Program attn.: mCHB-ts-OrF 5158 Blackhawk Road Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403 Mr. John J. DeFrank ...............................(410) 436-3353

army engineer research and development Center

Construction engineering research Laboratory attn.: Ceerd-CF-F P.O. Box 9005 Champaign, IL 61826-9005 Dr. William J. Croisant ........................... (217) 373-3496 william.j.croisant@erdc.usace.army.mil

army electronic Proving Ground test engineering directorate

Laboratory division attn.: tedt-eP-teL Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7110 Div. Chief Mr. Rafael Anton ..................(520) 538- 4916 rafael.anton@us.army.mil E3 Test Facility/Blacktail Canyon Technical Lead.: Mr. Johnny Douglas ...(520) 533-5819 johnny.douglas@us.army.mil Mr. James Smith ....................................(520) 538-5188 james.a.smith4@us.army.mil Ms. Rachel Blake ....................................(520) 538-2818 rachel.m.blake@us.army.mil Mr. David Seitz .......................................(520) 533-5819 david.seitz3@us.army.mil Antenna Test Facility Technical Lead: Mr. Doug Kremer .........(520) 533-8170 douglas.kremer@us.army.mil

army intelligence and security Command G-4, technical support division attn.: iaLO-t 8825 Beulah St. Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5246 Tel.: (703) 428-4479 Fax: (703) 428-4911 Ms. Anne Bilgihan ambilgi@mi.army.mil

army nuclear and Chemical agency (usanCa)

army test and evaluation Command (ateC)

united states army aberdeen test Center (atC) electromagnetic interference test Facility (emitF) attn.: Cste-dtC-at-sL-V-emi 400 Colleran Road, Building 456 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5059 Fax: (410) 278-0579 EMITF Supervisor: Mr. Michael C. Geiger ............................ (410) 278-2598 michael.c.geiger@us.army.mil Electrical Engineer: Mr. Clinton Sienkiewicz ........................ (410) 278-9340 cliftin.sienkiewicz@us.army.mil Electronic Technicians: Mr. Duane Buono.................................... (410) 278-9340 duane.buono@us.army.mil Mr. Keith Deitz........................................ (410) 278-9339 keith.deitz@us.army.mil Mr. Christopher Dennison ...................... (410) 278-9340 c.dennison@us.army.mil Mr. JR Gildeleon ..................................... (410) 278-9339 john.gildeleon@us.army.mil Mr. Todd Holman .................................... (410) 278-9340 richard.t.holman@us.army.mil Mr. Tom Martin....................................... (410) 278-9340 thomas.j.martin@us.army.mil Mr. Brian Savage ................................... (410) 278-4851 brian.c.savage@us.army.mil Mr. Gary Stotts ....................................... (410) 278-9340 gary.stotts@us.army.mil Mr. Dennis Wanzer.................................(410) 278-4832 dennis.wanzer@us.army.mil

army test and evaluation Command (ateC)

survivability division attn.: teae-sZn Bldg. 1660 1660 Jeb Stuart Road Ft. Bliss, TX 79916-6812 Fax: (915) 568-4404 Mr. Joe Reza ...........................................(915) 568-6539 jose.reza@us.army.mil

White sands test Center

attn.: tedt-WsV-e (s Jesson) Building 21225 White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002-5158 Ms. Stephanie Jesson ...........................(575) 678-6107 Stephanie.jesson@us.army.mil Ms. Janet Danneman .............................(575) 678-6307 Janet.danneman@us.army.mil Mr. John Chavarria................................. (575) 678-1993 John.chavarria@us.army.mil

united states marine COrPs marine Corps Operational test and evaluation activity (mCOtea)

3035 Barnett Ave. Quantico, VA 22134 Chief of Test............................................(703) 432-0927

marine Corps systems Command (mCsC)

attn.: mr. Praful Bharucha (C4ii/aCenG) 2000 Lester Street Quantico, VA 22134-5010 E 3 Control Program Sponsor Mr. Praful Bharucha ...............................(703) 432-3806 praful.bharucha@usmc.mil

7150 Heller Loop, Ste. 101 Springfield, VA 22150-3198 Mr. R. Pfeffer ..........................................(703) 806-7862

interference technology


government emi/emc directory united states navy Mid-Lant area Frequency Coordination Office

naval air Warfare Center aircraft division Code 23013 Cedar Point Road, Unit 4, Building 2118 Patuxent River, MD 20670-1183 Fax: (301) 342-1200 Mr. Mikel R. Ryan ....................................(301) 342-1532 mikel.ryan@navy.mil

naval air systems Command (navaiR)

electromagnetic environmental effects (e3) division aiR 4.1.13 48142 Shaw Road, Building 3197, Suite 1040 Patuxent River, MD 20670 E3 Div. Hd.: Mr. Mike Squires.................(301) 342-1660 michael.squires@navy.mil Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Air Systems EMI Corrective Action Program (ASEMICAP) Ms. Angela Foret .....................................(301) 342-7813 angela.foret@navy.mil Mr. Steve Rhoten ................................... (301) 995-2712 steven.rhoten@navy.mil E3 Aircraft Engineering Branch AIR Br. Head: Mr. Ted Rothman................... (301) 342- 9223 theodore.rothman@navy.mil Ms. Carrol Basanez .................................(301) 757-2451 carrol.basanez@navy.mil Mr. Paul Belusko ..................................... (301) 757-2446 paul.belusko@navy.mil Mr. Jon Bergmann ..................................(301) 995-3832 jon.bergmann@navy.mil Mr. Ken Deans ........................................ (301) 757-2447 kenneth.deans@navy.mil Mr. William DePasquale ........................ (301) 757-6961 william.depasquale@navy.mil Mr. Travis Flanagan ................................ (301) 342-7771 travis.flanagan@navy.mil Mr. Frederick Heather ............................ (301) 342-6975 frederick.heather@navy.mil Mr. Reggie Hope..................................... (301) 342-6975 lionel.hope@navy.mil Mr. DJ Jardine .........................................(301) 757-2451 david.jardine@navy.mil Mr. Joe Kmetz ........................................ (301) 757-2361 joseph.kmetz@navy.mil Mr. Matthew McNealy .......................... (301) 757-2445 matthew.a.mcnealy@navy.mil Mr. Felipe Nazario ...................................(301) 342-1662 felipe.nazario@navy.mil Ms. Jennifer Nguyen ............................. (301) 995-7671 jennifer.nguyen@navy.mil Mr. Luke Onachila....................................(301) 757-2420 luke.onachila@navy.mil Mr.Steve Salisbury................................. (301) 342-2255 steven.salisbury@navy.mil Mr. John Schultz .................................... (301) 757-2456 john.schultz@navy.mil Mr. Craig Simmons ..................................(301)342-4907 craig.simmons@navy.mil Mr. John Tonello ......................................(301) 342-2158 cheryl.weiland@navy.mil Mr. Thierry Wandji ................................. (301) 342-3297 ketchiozo.wandji@navy.mil

navaL aiR WaRFaRe CenteR aiRCRaFt divisiOn

electromagnetic interference Lab, Patuxent River, MD Fax: (301) 342-5390 EMI Lab Branch Hd.: Mr. Lance Pearce ............... (301) 342-0851


interference technology

lance.pearce@navy.mil Mr. Kenneth Brezinski ............................(301) 342-0848 kenneth.brezinski@navy.mil Mr. Tom Dennehey .................................(301) 342-0832 thomas.dennehey@navy.mil Mr. Richard Harvan ................................ (301) 342-0847 richard.harvan@navy.mil Ms. Diane Kempf ....................................(301) 342-0850 diane.kempf@navy.mil Ms. Pam Lumsden .................................. (301) 342-0852 pamela.lumsden@navy.mil Mr. Patrick Mills ..................................... (301) 995-4148 patrick.n.mills@navy.mil

navaiR aircraft division, Lakehurst

aiR Hwy. 547, Bldg. 355-2 Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5112 Fax: (732) 323-1844 EMI Lab Mr. Richard Del Conte ........................... (732) 323-2085 richard.delconte@navy.mil Mr. David Fetzer .................................... (732) 323-2085 david.fetzer@navy.mil

navaiR Weapons e3 engineering

China Lake site 41M200d 1900 Knox Road, Stop 6622 China Lake, CA 93555-6001 Fax: (760) 939-1065 Br. Head: Mr. John Brandt ..................... (760) 939-1625 john.brandt@navy.mil Mr. Matthew Artelt ...............................(760) 939-7092 matthew.artelt@navy.mil Mr. Chinh Dang .......................................(760) 939-9435 chinh.dang@navy.mil Mr. Luke Dawson....................................(760) 939-7565 luke.dawson@navy.mil Mr. Fernando Garcia...............................(760) 495-2622 fernando.m.garcia1@navy.mil Ms. Patricia Siegel .................................(760) 939-4637 patricia.siegel@navy.mil Mr. Gabriel Waliser ................................(760) 939-8997 gabriel.waliser@navy.mil

navaiR Weapons targets division

Point Mugu site 41M200e 575 I Ave., Ste. 1 Point Mugu, CA 93042-5049 Fax: (805) 989-3826 Ld. Engr.: Mr. Les Jue.............................(805) 989-7884 leslie.jue@navy.mil

navaiR, aircraft division

48202 Standley Rd. Unit 5,Ste. 3B Patuxent River, MD 20670-1910 Integrated Battlespace Simulation & Test Department AIR 5.4.4 ICE Fax: (301) 342-6982 Div. Head: Mr. Kurt Sebacher .................(301) 342-1664 Kurt.Sebacher@navy.mil Dep. Div. Head: Mr. Brian Woode ......... (301) 995-2331 brian.woode@navy.mil Mr. Vern Panei ........................................ (301) 342-6150 vern.panei@navy.mil Electromagnetic Compatibility Branch ( EMC) Hd.: Mr. Mark Mallory ............................(301) 342-1663 mark.mallory@navy.mil Mr. Paul Achtellik ................................... (301) 342-7820 paul.achtellik@navy.mil Mr. Omar Ali ............................................(301) 342-7814 omar.ali@navy.mil Mr. Rich Andrusko ...................................(301) 342-7810

richard.andrusko@navy.mil Mr. Mike Clelland ................................... (301) 342-8605 michael.clelland@navy.mil Mr. Russ Danaher ...................................(301) 342-0020 russell.danaher@navy.mil Mr. John Finley .......................................(301) 342-4855 john.finley@navy.mil Mr. Xuyun Gan ........................................ (301) 342-8725 xuyun.gan@navy.mil Mr. Scott Graham ................................... (301) 342-7809 scott.graham@navy.mil Mr. Matt Griffith......................................(301) 757-9414 matt.griffith@navy.mil Mr. Remash Guyah ................................. (301) 342-8681 remash.guyah@navy.mil Mr. Scott Halt ......................................... (301) 342-7575 scott.halt@navy.mil Mr. Ryan Hanks ...................................... (301) 342-7785 ryan.hanks@navy.mil Mr. Danny Johnson .................................(301) 342-7811 daniel.r.johnson@navy.mil Mr. James Lewis ....................................(301) 342-5845 james.g.lewis@navy.mil Ms. Alexis Martin .................................. (301) 342-0199 alexis.martin@navy.mil Mr. Jeffrey Miller ................................... (301) 757-0019 jeffrey.c.miller@navy.mil Mr. Tim Moynihan .................................. (301) 342-7846 timothy.moynihan@navy.mil Mr. Mike Nahaj....................................... (301) 342-3554 michael.nahaj@navy.mil Mr. Sam Niebauer .................................. (301) 757-0016 samuel.niebauer@navy.mil Mr. Donn Rushing ................................... (301) 342-7848 donn.rushing@navy.mil Mr. Chris Theofolis ..................................(301) 342-1667 chris.theofolis@navy.mil Ms. Virginia Wines (Sec.) ....................... (301)757-2507 virginia.wines@navy.mil Electromagnetic Environments (EME) Branch AIR EME Fax: (301)757-3611 (Bldg. 2105) (301) 342-3786 (Bldg. 2100) Branch Hd.: Mr.Alan Mazuc .................. (301) 757-3609 alan.mazuc@navy.mil Mr. Dave Brown......................................(301) 342-4597 dave.a.brown@navy.mil Mr. John Crim ..........................................(301) 757-3612 john.crim@navy.mil Mr. Fabrizio Donis................................... (301) 757-3604 fabrizio.donis@navy.mil Mr. Jack Farren....................................... (301) 342-0507 jack.farren@navy.mil Ms. Jack Faulkner ..................................(301) 995-2350 jack.faulkner@navy.mil Mr. Miikka Holso .................................... (301) 757-3604 miikka.holso@navy.mil Mr. Charles Joseph ................................ (301) 757-3608 charles.joseph@navy.mil Mr. Bruce McClure ..................................(301) 342-0511 bruce.mcclure1@navy.mil Mr. Mike Orloske .................................... (301) 757-3604 mark.orloske@navy.mil Mr. Fulton Preston .................................. (301) 342-6979 fulton.l.preston@navy.mil Mr. Mike Whitaker ................................. (301) 757-3604 mike.whitaker@navy.mil Aircraft Information Security (TEMPEST) Branch AIR TEMPEST Fax: (301)342-4593 Branch Hd.: Ms. Margaret Orr............... (301) 995-2433 margaret.orr@navy.mil Mr. Scott Anderson ................................(301) 342-6066 scott.t.anderson@navy.mil

emc directory & design guide 2010

government emi /emc directory Mr. Robert (Nick) Wilson, Sr. Electronics Engineer ....... ................................................................. (228) 377-1047 robert.wilson.6@us.af.mil

united states army u. s. army research, development and engineering Command (rdeCOm)

attn.: amsrd-aar-aeP-F Bldg. 3208 Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 Fax: (973) 724-3025 Mr. Tom Crowley, Supvr. ........................(973) 724-5678 thomas.m.crowley@us.army.mil Mr. Derrick Coppin, Proj. Engr. ..............(973) 724-4871 derrick.coppin@us.army.mil Mr. Daniel Gutierrez, Sr. Proj. Engr. ................................ .................................................................(973) 724-4667 daniel.gutierrez@us.army.mil Mr. Paul Lee, Proj. Engr. ..............(973) 724-4584/4667, paul.m.lee@us.army.mil Mr. Rutveej Patel, Proj. Engr..................(973) 724-4082 rutveej.patel@us.army.mil

army research, development, and engineering Command (rdeCOm)

attn: rdmr-aes-e3 Building 4488 Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 Fax: (256)313-3194 E3 for Army Aircraft Airworthiness E3 Branch Chief:: Mr. Dave Lewey.....................................(256) 313-8464 dave.lewey@us.army.mil E3 Team Lead, Attack/Recon/Cargo Team: Ms. Karen Compton ...............................(256) 313-8437 karen.compton@us.army.mil E3 Team Lead, Utility/Fixed Wing/SOA Team: Mr. Duane Driver ....................................(256) 313-8447 duane.driver@us.army.mil Mr. Dale Heber ....................................... (256) 313-2229 dale.heber@us.army.mil Mr. Bruce Hildebrandt............................(256) 313-8457 bruce.hildebrandt@us.army.mil Dr. Randolph Jones ................................(256) 313-8462 randolph.d.jones@us.army.mil Mr. Abner Merriweather ....................... (256) 313-8470 abner.merriweather@us.army.mil Mr. Brian Smith,iNCE, iNCT...................(256) 313-8484 brian.smith42@us.army.mil Mr. John Trp............................................ (256) 313-3148 john.trp@us.army.mil Mr. Mike Dreyer@us.army.mil ..............(256) 313-6384 michael.dreyer@us.army.mil Mr. Dan Hinton .......................................(256) 313-8497 daniel.w.hinton@us.army.mil Mr. Keith Herndon .................................. (256) 313-3152 Phillip.k.herndon@us.army.mil Mr. Roy Lawson .................................(256) 313-8454 roy.lawson@us.army.mil attn.: amsam-rd-mG-sd SC Functions Mr. Dave Smith....................................... (256) 876-1688 wayne.d.smith2@us.army.mil

army test and evaluation Command (ateC) redstone technical test Center (rttC)

e3 test Branch Attn.: CSTE-DTC-RT-E-EM Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-8052 Supervisor: Mr. James L. Zimmerman .................................................................(256) 876-6386 jzimmerman@us.army.mil Mr. Jeff Craven ......................................(256) 842-2952 jeffery.d.craven@us.army.mil


Mr. David Anconetani ............................(256) 876-0981 danconetani@us.army.mil Mr. David Elkins......................................(256) 876-3965 delkins@us.army.mil Mr. Jarrod Fortinberry ...........................(256) 876-3505 jfortinberry@ us.army.mil Mr. Allen Landrith ..................................(256) 876-9495 alandrith@us.army.mil Ms. Jennifer Oberle ...............................(256) 955-6140 joberle@us.army.mil Mr. Joe Reyenga ....................................(850) 833-2837 gerald.reyenga@eglin.af.mil Dr. Tom Shumpert...................................(256) 876-9974 tshumpert@us.army.mil Mr. Andrew Smilie ................................. (256) 876-9512 asmilie@us.army.mil Mr. Lee Stucker ...................................... (256) 876-1790 lstucker@us.army.mil Dr. Mark Waller ......................................(256) 313-6970 mwaller@us.army.mil Dr. Ken Whigham ...................................(256) 313-0257 kwhigham@us.army.mil

army Center for Health Promotion & Preventive medicine (Cdr usaCHPPm)

radiofrequency/ultrasound Program attn.: mCHB-ts-OrF 5158 Blackhawk Road Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403 Mr. John J. DeFrank ...............................(410) 436-3353

army engineer research and development Center

Construction engineering research Laboratory attn.: Ceerd-CF-F P.O. Box 9005 Champaign, IL 61826-9005 Dr. William J. Croisant ........................... (217) 373-3496 william.j.croisant@erdc.usace.army.mil

army electronic Proving Ground test engineering directorate

Laboratory division attn.: tedt-eP-teL Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7110 Div. Chief Mr. Rafael Anton ..................(520) 538- 4916 rafael.anton@us.army.mil E3 Test Facility/Blacktail Canyon Technical Lead.: Mr. Johnny Douglas ...(520) 533-5819 johnny.douglas@us.army.mil Mr. James Smith ....................................(520) 538-5188 james.a.smith4@us.army.mil Ms. Rachel Blake ....................................(520) 538-2818 rachel.m.blake@us.army.mil Mr. David Seitz .......................................(520) 533-5819 david.seitz3@us.army.mil Antenna Test Facility Technical Lead: Mr. Doug Kremer .........(520) 533-8170 douglas.kremer@us.army.mil

army intelligence and security Command G-4, technical support division attn.: iaLO-t 8825 Beulah St. Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5246 Tel.: (703) 428-4479 Fax: (703) 428-4911 Ms. Anne Bilgihan ambilgi@mi.army.mil

army nuclear and Chemical agency (usanCa)

army test and evaluation Command (ateC)

united states army aberdeen test Center (atC) electromagnetic interference test Facility (emitF) attn.: Cste-dtC-at-sL-V-emi 400 Colleran Road, Building 456 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5059 Fax: (410) 278-0579 EMITF Supervisor: Mr. Michael C. Geiger ............................ (410) 278-2598 michael.c.geiger@us.army.mil Electrical Engineer: Mr. Clinton Sienkiewicz ........................ (410) 278-9340 cliftin.sienkiewicz@us.army.mil Electronic Technicians: Mr. Duane Buono.................................... (410) 278-9340 duane.buono@us.army.mil Mr. Keith Deitz........................................ (410) 278-9339 keith.deitz@us.army.mil Mr. Christopher Dennison ...................... (410) 278-9340 c.dennison@us.army.mil Mr. JR Gildeleon ..................................... (410) 278-9339 john.gildeleon@us.army.mil Mr. Todd Holman .................................... (410) 278-9340 richard.t.holman@us.army.mil Mr. Tom Martin....................................... (410) 278-9340 thomas.j.martin@us.army.mil Mr. Brian Savage ................................... (410) 278-4851 brian.c.savage@us.army.mil Mr. Gary Stotts ....................................... (410) 278-9340 gary.stotts@us.army.mil Mr. Dennis Wanzer.................................(410) 278-4832 dennis.wanzer@us.army.mil

army test and evaluation Command (ateC)

survivability division attn.: teae-sZn Bldg. 1660 1660 Jeb Stuart Road Ft. Bliss, TX 79916-6812 Fax: (915) 568-4404 Mr. Joe Reza ...........................................(915) 568-6539 jose.reza@us.army.mil

White sands test Center

attn.: tedt-WsV-e (s Jesson) Building 21225 White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002-5158 Ms. Stephanie Jesson ...........................(575) 678-6107 Stephanie.jesson@us.army.mil Ms. Janet Danneman .............................(575) 678-6307 Janet.danneman@us.army.mil Mr. John Chavarria................................. (575) 678-1993 John.chavarria@us.army.mil

united states marine COrPs marine Corps Operational test and evaluation activity (mCOtea)

3035 Barnett Ave. Quantico, VA 22134 Chief of Test............................................(703) 432-0927

marine Corps systems Command (mCsC)

attn.: mr. Praful Bharucha (C4ii/aCenG) 2000 Lester Street Quantico, VA 22134-5010 E 3 Control Program Sponsor Mr. Praful Bharucha ...............................(703) 432-3806 praful.bharucha@usmc.mil

7150 Heller Loop, Ste. 101 Springfield, VA 22150-3198 Mr. R. Pfeffer ..........................................(703) 806-7862

interference technology


government emi/emc directory united states navy Mid-Lant area Frequency Coordination Office

naval air Warfare Center aircraft division Code 23013 Cedar Point Road, Unit 4, Building 2118 Patuxent River, MD 20670-1183 Fax: (301) 342-1200 Mr. Mikel R. Ryan ....................................(301) 342-1532 mikel.ryan@navy.mil

naval air systems Command (navaiR)

electromagnetic environmental effects (e3) division aiR 4.1.13 48142 Shaw Road, Building 3197, Suite 1040 Patuxent River, MD 20670 E3 Div. Hd.: Mr. Mike Squires.................(301) 342-1660 michael.squires@navy.mil Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Air Systems EMI Corrective Action Program (ASEMICAP) Ms. Angela Foret .....................................(301) 342-7813 angela.foret@navy.mil Mr. Steve Rhoten ................................... (301) 995-2712 steven.rhoten@navy.mil E3 Aircraft Engineering Branch AIR Br. Head: Mr. Ted Rothman................... (301) 342- 9223 theodore.rothman@navy.mil Ms. Carrol Basanez .................................(301) 757-2451 carrol.basanez@navy.mil Mr. Paul Belusko ..................................... (301) 757-2446 paul.belusko@navy.mil Mr. Jon Bergmann ..................................(301) 995-3832 jon.bergmann@navy.mil Mr. Ken Deans ........................................ (301) 757-2447 kenneth.deans@navy.mil Mr. William DePasquale ........................ (301) 757-6961 william.depasquale@navy.mil Mr. Travis Flanagan ................................ (301) 342-7771 travis.flanagan@navy.mil Mr. Frederick Heather ............................ (301) 342-6975 frederick.heather@navy.mil Mr. Reggie Hope..................................... (301) 342-6975 lionel.hope@navy.mil Mr. DJ Jardine .........................................(301) 757-2451 david.jardine@navy.mil Mr. Joe Kmetz ........................................ (301) 757-2361 joseph.kmetz@navy.mil Mr. Matthew McNealy .......................... (301) 757-2445 matthew.a.mcnealy@navy.mil Mr. Felipe Nazario ...................................(301) 342-1662 felipe.nazario@navy.mil Ms. Jennifer Nguyen ............................. (301) 995-7671 jennifer.nguyen@navy.mil Mr. Luke Onachila....................................(301) 757-2420 luke.onachila@navy.mil Mr.Steve Salisbury................................. (301) 342-2255 steven.salisbury@navy.mil Mr. John Schultz .................................... (301) 757-2456 john.schultz@navy.mil Mr. Craig Simmons ..................................(301)342-4907 craig.simmons@navy.mil Mr. John Tonello ......................................(301) 342-2158 cheryl.weiland@navy.mil Mr. Thierry Wandji ................................. (301) 342-3297 ketchiozo.wandji@navy.mil

navaL aiR WaRFaRe CenteR aiRCRaFt divisiOn

electromagnetic interference Lab, Patuxent River, MD Fax: (301) 342-5390 EMI Lab Branch Hd.: Mr. Lance Pearce ............... (301) 342-0851


interference technology

lance.pearce@navy.mil Mr. Kenneth Brezinski ............................(301) 342-0848 kenneth.brezinski@navy.mil Mr. Tom Dennehey .................................(301) 342-0832 thomas.dennehey@navy.mil Mr. Richard Harvan ................................ (301) 342-0847 richard.harvan@navy.mil Ms. Diane Kempf ....................................(301) 342-0850 diane.kempf@navy.mil Ms. Pam Lumsden .................................. (301) 342-0852 pamela.lumsden@navy.mil Mr. Patrick Mills ..................................... (301) 995-4148 patrick.n.mills@navy.mil

navaiR aircraft division, Lakehurst

aiR Hwy. 547, Bldg. 355-2 Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5112 Fax: (732) 323-1844 EMI Lab Mr. Richard Del Conte ........................... (732) 323-2085 richard.delconte@navy.mil Mr. David Fetzer .................................... (732) 323-2085 david.fetzer@navy.mil

navaiR Weapons e3 engineering

China Lake site 41M200d 1900 Knox Road, Stop 6622 China Lake, CA 93555-6001 Fax: (760) 939-1065 Br. Head: Mr. John Brandt ..................... (760) 939-1625 john.brandt@navy.mil Mr. Matthew Artelt ...............................(760) 939-7092 matthew.artelt@navy.mil Mr. Chinh Dang .......................................(760) 939-9435 chinh.dang@navy.mil Mr. Luke Dawson....................................(760) 939-7565 luke.dawson@navy.mil Mr. Fernando Garcia...............................(760) 495-2622 fernando.m.garcia1@navy.mil Ms. Patricia Siegel .................................(760) 939-4637 patricia.siegel@navy.mil Mr. Gabriel Waliser ................................(760) 939-8997 gabriel.waliser@navy.mil

navaiR Weapons targets division

Point Mugu site 41M200e 575 I Ave., Ste. 1 Point Mugu, CA 93042-5049 Fax: (805) 989-3826 Ld. Engr.: Mr. Les Jue.............................(805) 989-7884 leslie.jue@navy.mil

navaiR, aircraft division

48202 Standley Rd. Unit 5,Ste. 3B Patuxent River, MD 20670-1910 Integrated Battlespace Simulation & Test Department AIR 5.4.4 ICE Fax: (301) 342-6982 Div. Head: Mr. Kurt Sebacher .................(301) 342-1664 Kurt.Sebacher@navy.mil Dep. Div. Head: Mr. Brian Woode ......... (301) 995-2331 brian.woode@navy.mil Mr. Vern Panei ........................................ (301) 342-6150 vern.panei@navy.mil Electromagnetic Compatibility Branch ( EMC) Hd.: Mr. Mark Mallory ............................(301) 342-1663 mark.mallory@navy.mil Mr. Paul Achtellik ................................... (301) 342-7820 paul.achtellik@navy.mil Mr. Omar Ali ............................................(301) 342-7814 omar.ali@navy.mil Mr. Rich Andrusko ...................................(301) 342-7810

richard.andrusko@navy.mil Mr. Mike Clelland ................................... (301) 342-8605 michael.clelland@navy.mil Mr. Russ Danaher ...................................(301) 342-0020 russell.danaher@navy.mil Mr. John Finley .......................................(301) 342-4855 john.finley@navy.mil Mr. Xuyun Gan ........................................ (301) 342-8725 xuyun.gan@navy.mil Mr. Scott Graham ................................... (301) 342-7809 scott.graham@navy.mil Mr. Matt Griffith......................................(301) 757-9414 matt.griffith@navy.mil Mr. Remash Guyah ................................. (301) 342-8681 remash.guyah@navy.mil Mr. Scott Halt ......................................... (301) 342-7575 scott.halt@navy.mil Mr. Ryan Hanks ...................................... (301) 342-7785 ryan.hanks@navy.mil Mr. Danny Johnson .................................(301) 342-7811 daniel.r.johnson@navy.mil Mr. James Lewis ....................................(301) 342-5845 james.g.lewis@navy.mil Ms. Alexis Martin .................................. (301) 342-0199 alexis.martin@navy.mil Mr. Jeffrey Miller ................................... (301) 757-0019 jeffrey.c.miller@navy.mil Mr. Tim Moynihan .................................. (301) 342-7846 timothy.moynihan@navy.mil Mr. Mike Nahaj....................................... (301) 342-3554 michael.nahaj@navy.mil Mr. Sam Niebauer .................................. (301) 757-0016 samuel.niebauer@navy.mil Mr. Donn Rushing ................................... (301) 342-7848 donn.rushing@navy.mil Mr. Chris Theofolis ..................................(301) 342-1667 chris.theofolis@navy.mil Ms. Virginia Wines (Sec.) ....................... (301)757-2507 virginia.wines@navy.mil Electromagnetic Environments (EME) Branch AIR EME Fax: (301)757-3611 (Bldg. 2105) (301) 342-3786 (Bldg. 2100) Branch Hd.: Mr.Alan Mazuc .................. (301) 757-3609 alan.mazuc@navy.mil Mr. Dave Brown......................................(301) 342-4597 dave.a.brown@navy.mil Mr. John Crim ..........................................(301) 757-3612 john.crim@navy.mil Mr. Fabrizio Donis................................... (301) 757-3604 fabrizio.donis@navy.mil Mr. Jack Farren....................................... (301) 342-0507 jack.farren@navy.mil Ms. Jack Faulkner ..................................(301) 995-2350 jack.faulkner@navy.mil Mr. Miikka Holso .................................... (301) 757-3604 miikka.holso@navy.mil Mr. Charles Joseph ................................ (301) 757-3608 charles.joseph@navy.mil Mr. Bruce McClure ..................................(301) 342-0511 bruce.mcclure1@navy.mil Mr. Mike Orloske .................................... (301) 757-3604 mark.orloske@navy.mil Mr. Fulton Preston .................................. (301) 342-6979 fulton.l.preston@navy.mil Mr. Mike Whitaker ................................. (301) 757-3604 mike.whitaker@navy.mil Aircraft Information Security (TEMPEST) Branch AIR TEMPEST Fax: (301)342-4593 Branch Hd.: Ms. Margaret Orr............... (301) 995-2433 margaret.orr@navy.mil Mr. Scott Anderson ................................(301) 342-6066 scott.t.anderson@navy.mil

emc directory & design guide 2010

government emi /emc directory Ms. Lesley Boylston ...............................(301) 342-6064 lesley.boylston@navy.mil Mr. Tom Dorrie........................................(301) 342-6065 thomas.dorrie@navy.mil Mr. Dan Lemanski...................................(301) 342-6086 daniel.lemanski@navy.mil Mr. Jimmy Lyon ...................................... (301) 342-6129 james.lyon@navy.mil Ms. Kim Wooden .....................................(301) 342-2194 kimberly.wooden@navy.mil

Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD)

Code 12350 Research Parkway Orlando, FL 32826-3275 Mr. Allen D. Parker, NCE ........................(407) 380-4920 allen.parker@navy.mil

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Charleston

(SPAWAR SYSCEN, Charleston) P.O. Box 190022 North Charleston, SC 29419-9022 Fax: (843) 218-4238 Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) Branch, Code 5610 Branch Hd.: Mr. Wayne Lutzen..............(843) 218-5723 Wayne.lutzen@navy.mil E3 Engineers Reco Baker ..............................................(843) 218-3988 Reco.baker@navy.mil Mr. Frederic Duffy ..................................(843) 218-4363 Frederic.duffy@navy.mil Mr. Michael Hanna.................................(843) 218-4039 Michael.a.hanna@navy.mil Mr. Guillermo Leiva ................................ (843) 218-7129 Guillermo.leiva@navy.mil Mr. Jeff Lucas ........................................(843) 218-4377 Jeffery.lucas@navy.mil Mr. Thomas Sessions .............................(843) 218-6331 Thomas.sessions@navy.mil

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific, Pacific C4ISR Department

(SSC PAC, PAC C4ISR DEPT) 2293 Victor Wharf Access Road Pearl City, HI 96782-3356 Fax: (808) 474-5511 Ms. Candice Saka.................................(808) 471-4028 Candice.saka@navy.mil Mr. Jack Munechika.............................. (808) 471-1976 Jack.munechika@navy.mil Mr. Randy Yamada............................... (808) 474-6061 Randy.yamada@navy.mil Mr. Lloyd Hayashida............................. (808) 474-1967 Lloyd.hayashida@navy.mil

SPAWAR Systems Center - Pacific

(SSC-Pacific) 53560 Hull St. San Diego, CA 92152-5001 Fax: (619) 553-3791 Applied Electromagnetics Branch, Code 5541 Branch Hd.: Dr. John Meloling .............. (619) 553-2134 john.meloling@navy.mil Mr. Jeffrey C. Allen ................................(619) 553-6566 jeffrey.allen@navy.mil Ms. Carol Becker .................................... (619) 553-1033 carol.becker@navy.mil Mr. David C. Dawson .............................(619) 553-4075 david.c.dawson@navy.mil Mr. David Hurdsman ..............................(619) 553-4261 david.hurdsman@navy.mil Mr. Lance Koyama..................................(619) 553-3784 lance.koyama@navy.mil


Mr. Ahn Lee ............................................(619) 553-3426 ahn.lee@navy.mil Mr. P. Michael McGinnis ....................... (619) 553-5092 mike.mcginnis@navy.mil Ms. Nazia Mozaffar ...............................(619) 553-2593 nazia.mozaffar@navy.mil Mr. Rick Nielsen ..................................... (619) 553-6015 rick.nielsen@navy.mil Ms. Jeanne Rockway .............................(619) 553-3886 jeanne.rockway@navy.mil Mr. Kianoush Rouzbehani ...................... (619) 553-3134 kian.rouzbehani@navy.mil Raquel Sanchez-Karem ............................619-553-5876 raquel.sanchez-karem@navy.mil Ricardo Santoyo-Mejia .......................... (619) 553-6139 ricardo.santoyomejia@navy.mil Anirudha Siripuram ................................(619) 553-8749 anirudha.siripuram@navy.mil Ron Thompson ........................................(619) 553-0457 ron.thompson@navy.mil Electromagnetics Technology Branch, Code 5542 Branch Head: Matt Osburn....................(619) 553-5941 matthew.osburn@navy.mil Dr. Rich Adams ....................................... (619) 553-4313 rich.adams@navy.mil Mr. Jim Birkett........................................(619) 553-3586 jim.birkett@navy.mil Mr. Jose L. Chavez .................................(619) 553-5075 jose.chavez@navy.mil Dr. Will Cronyn .......................................(619) 553-5084 will.cronyn@navy.mil Mr. Chris Dilay ........................................(619) 553-3794 chris.dilay@navy.mil Mr. Vincent V. Dinh ................................ (619) 553-7255 vincent.v.dinh@navy.mil Ms. Silvia Goodman, Secretary.............(619) 226-5953 silvia.goodman@navy.mil Mr. David Hilton .....................................(619) 553-2666 david.r.hilton@navy.mil Mr. Carl P. Kugel .....................................(619) 553-3066 carl.kugel@navy.mil Ms. Wendy Massey ............................... (619) 553-9711 wendy.massey@navy.mil Mr. Daniel Meeks ...................................(619) 553-6753 daniel.meeks@navy.mil Dr. John D. Rockway ..............................(619) 553-5438 john.rockway@navy.mil Mr. Alberto Rodriguez ............................(619) 553-5697 alberto.rodriguez2@navy.mil Mr. Dave Southworth ............................(619) 553-3248 dave.southworth@navy.mil Advanced ElectromagneticTechnology Branch, Code 5546 Branch Hd.: Jodi McGee ........................(619) 553-3778 jodi.mcgee@navy.mil Diana Arceo ............................................(619) 553-6344 diana.arceo@navy.mil Lam T. Bui................................................(619) 553-6038 lam.bui@navy.mil Jennifer Edwards ...................................(619) 553-5428 jennifer.edwards@navy.mil Daniel R. Gaytan..................................... (619) 553-7461 daniel.gaytan@navy.mil John L. Hunter ........................................(619) 553-5086 john.hunter@navy.mil Lillie Jackson, Secretary........................(619) 553-5076 lillie.jackson@navy.mil Dr. Burt Markham ...................................(619) 553-6082 burt.markham@navy.mil Mr. Marcus Maurer ................................(619) 553-3797 marcus.maurer@navy.mil Mr. Aldo Monges.................................... (619) 553-6129 aldo.monges@navy.mil Mr. Filemon Peralta ................................(619) 553-3043

filemon.peralta@navy.mil Mr. Hoa Phan ..........................................(619) 553-0148 hoa.phan@navy.mil Mr. Randall Reeves ................................ (619) 553-1032 randall.reeves@navy.mil Mr. Anthony Ton .....................................(619) 553-5428 anthony.ton@navy.mil Mr. Daryl W. Von Mueller ......................(619) 553-6527 daryl.vonmueller@navy.mil Mr. Benton Wong ...................................(619) 553-3043 benton.wong@navy.mil

Chief of Naval Operations

Code NC-1, PT-5451, N6F13 2000-Navy Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000 Fax: (703) 601-1323 Spectrum Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) & EMP Policy & Programs Head: Mr. Dave D. Harris ......................(703) 601-3968 dave.harris@navy.mil

Naval Ordnance Safety and Security Activity (NOSSA)

NAVORDSAFSECACT INDIAN HEAD Electrical Explosives Safety Code N84 Farragut Hall, Bldg. D323 23 Strauss Ave. Indian Head, MD 20640-5035 Fax: (301) 744-6088 Mr. Charles L. Wakefield .......................(301) 744-6082 charles.wakefield@navy.mil

Naval Research Laboratory

Code 5348 4555 Overlook Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20375-5320 Tel.: (202) 404-7726 Mr. Larry Cohen Lawrence.Cohen@nrl.navy.mil

Naval SeaSystems Command (NAVSEA)

Force Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) and Spectrum Management Warfare Systems Engineering Directorate (SEA 06) 1333 Isaac Hull Ave., S.E., Stop 5011 Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-5011 Fax: (202) 781-4568 Force E3 and Spectrum Management Branch Branch Head: Mr. J. Don Pierce ............ (202) 781-4214 james.d.pierce@navy.mil

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane)

Code GXS 300 Highway 361, Bldg. 3287E Crane, IN 47522 Fax: (812) 854-3589 Mr. Larry McKibben ............................... (812) 854-5107 Lawrence.McKibben@navy.mil

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division

5493 Marple Road, Suite 287 Dahlgren, VA 22448-5153 Electromagnetic Effects Division, Code Q50 Div. Hd: Mr. Marshall Baugher ..............(540) 653-3416 marshall.baugher@navy.mil E3 Systems Engineering and Technology Branch, Code Q51 Branch Hd: Mr. Chris Barnes ................ (540) 653-3457 christopher.j.barnes@navy.mil E3 Assessment and Evaluation Branch, Code Q52 (RADHAZ/EMV) Branch Hd: Mr. Charles Denham, NSWCDD RADHAZ Program Manager ................................. (540) 653-3444

interference technology


government emi/emc directory charles.denham@navy.mil HERO Testing: Mr. Richard Magrogan ............................ ................................................................ (540) 653-3445 richard.magrogan@navy.mil HERO Surveys/Site Approvals: Mr. Steve Springer ...... .................................................................(540) 653-2931 steven.p.springer@navy.mil HERP/HERF Surveys: Mr. Robert Needy ........................ ................................................................ (540) 653-3446 robert.needy@navy.mil E3 Test & Evaluation, Wireless & Below Deck RF Propagation: Mr. Mike Slocum..............(540) 653-2212 michael.slocum@navy.mil CREW/CIED RADHAZ Testing: Mr. Jonathon Watson .. .................................................................(540) 653-5271 jonathon.p.watson@navy.mil E3 Ship Integration Branch, Code Q53 Acting Hd.: Mr. Rich Link .......................(540) 653-3476 rich.link@navy.mil E3 Force Level Interoperability Branch, Code Q54 Branch Hd.: Mr. Kenneth Larsen .......... (540) 653-8907 kenneth.d.larsen@navy.mil Shipboard EMI Control Group: Mr. Jason Bardine, Lead.........................................................(540) 653-7450 jason.bardine@navy.mil Spectrum Engineering Group: Ms. Margaret Neel, Lead........................................................ (540) 653-8021 margaret.neel@navy.mil Force E3 Interoperability Group: Mr. John "Bart" Barbee, Lead.......................................... (540) 653-3483 john.s.barbee@navy.mil Joint E3 Interoperability Group: Mr. Al Pitts, Lead........ ................................................................ (540) 653-6268 albert.pitts@navy.mil Shipboard EMC Improvement Program: Mr. George Winters, Program Lead ......................... (540) 653-3463 george.f.winters@navy.mil

Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)

1176 Howell St. Newport, RI 02841-1708 Fax: (401) 841-7423 Submarine Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E 3 ) Branch, Code 3431 Br. Hd.: Mr. Craig F. Derewiany ............. (401) 832-5542 craig.derewiany@navy.mil Mr. Scott Albert ..................................... (401) 832-4122 scott.albert@navy.mil Mr. Jon Bond ..........................................(401) 832-6480 jon.bond@navy.mil Mr. Michael J. Carpenter.......................(401) 832-5540 michael.j.carpenter@navy.mil Mr. Kent Clemmons ................................ (401) 832-5522 kent.clemmons@navy.mil Mr. Brian Clougher ................................. (401) 832-4213 brian.clougher@navy.mil Mr. Douglas L. DeAngelis ...................... (401) 832-5872 douglas.deangelis@navy.mil Mr. Jamie A. Donais................................(401)832-3603 jamiedonais@navy.mil Mr. Anthony Francis ...............................(401) 832-5493 anthony.francis@navy.mil Mr. Edward R. Javor...............................(401) 832-5546 edward.javor@navy.mil Mr. Alan T. McHale ................................(401) 832-5635 alan.mchale@navy.mil Mr. Michael P. Martin ............................(401) 832-5630 michael.p.martin@navy.mil Mr. Paul D. Opperman ............................(401) 832-4092 paul.opperman@navy.mil Mr. Fredric A. Stawarz ...........................(401) 832-5550 fredric.stawarz@navy.mil Mr. John L.Thibeault .............................. (401) 832-5551 john.thibeault@navy.mil Mr. Richard L. Thibeault......................... (401) 832-5552


interference technology

richard.thibeault@navy.mil Mr. Oscar R. Zelaya ................................ (401) 832-5597 oscar.zelayaor@navy.mil EMC Laboratory .....................................(401) 832-5554


Spectrum Management and Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Office Net-Centric Capabilities/Strategic and Tactical Communications Branch Information Dominance Directorate 2511 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22244-0001 Tel: (703) 601-1414; Fax: (703) 601-1323 Director: Mr. D. Mark Johnson ...............(703) 601-1414 david.m.johnson4@navy.mil

OTHER UNITED STATES AGENCIES Dept. of Health & Human Services

Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health 12725 Twinbrook Pkwy. (HFZ 133) Rockville, MD 20852 Tel.: (301) 827-4944 Electrophysics Branch, Div. Physical Sciences Mr. Howard I. Bassen, Chief Mr. Paul S. Ruggera Mr. Donald Witters

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) Radiation Protection Division (6608J) 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20460 Fax: (202) 343-3204 Director: Mr. Jonathan Edwards ...........(202) 343-9437 edwards.jonathan@epa.gov Mr. Norbert Hankin ................................(202) 343-9235 hankin.norbert@epa.gov

HQ, Federal Aviation Administration

ATC Spectrum Engineering Services, AJW-6 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20591 Dir.: Mr. Oscar Alvarez ........................... (202) 267-7531 Oscar.Alvarez@faa.gov Spectrum Assignment & Engineering Office, AJW-63 Manager: Mr. Jerrold B. Sandors.......... (202) 267-9720 Jerrold.Sandors@faa.gov Spectrum Planning & International Office, AJW-64 Manager: Mr. Robert A. Frazier ............(202) 267-9722 Robert.Frazier@faa.gov

Federal Aviation Administration

FAA Aviation Safety (AMN-110N) 1601 Lind Ave. S.W. Renton, WA 98057 Fax: (425) 917-6590 Chief Scientific & Technical Advisor, EMI & Lightning: Mr. David Walen..................................... (425) 917-6586 dave.walen@faa.gov

Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Office of Engineering & Technology Tel.: (202) 418-2470 Chief: Julius P. Knapp Deputy Chief.: Mr. Ira Keltz Deputy Chief: Ronald Repasi Deputy Chief: Alan Stillwell Associate Chief: Bruce Romano Policy & Rules Division Tel.: (202) 418-2472 Chief: Geraldine Matise Deputy Chief: Mark Settle

Spectrum Policy Branch Chief: Mr. Jamison Prime Technical Rules Branch Chief: Ms. Karen Ansari Spectrum Coordination Branch Chief: VACANT Electromagnetic Compatibility Division Tel: (202) 418-2475 Chief.: Walter Johnston Technical Analysis Branch Chief.: Mr. Robert Weller Experimental Licensing Branch Chief.: Mr.James Burtle

Federal Communications Commission Laboratory

7435 Oakland Mills Rd. Columbia, MD 21046 FCC Laboratory Division Dr. Rashmi Doshi, Chief ......................... (301) 362-3011 Mr. Jim Szeliga ....................................... (301) 362-3051 Mrs. Pat Wright ...................................... (301) 362-3001 Equipment Authorization Branch Mr. Joe Dichosco, Chief ........................ (301) 362-3024 Ms. Evelyn Cherry .................................. (301) 362-3022 Mr. Steve Dayhoff .................................. (301) 362-3027 Mr. Tim Harrington ................................ (301) 362-3039 Mr. Andrew Leimer ................................(301) 362-3049 Mr. Stanley Lyles .................................... (301) 362-3047 Ms. Diane Poole .....................................(301) 362-3034 Audits and Compliance Branch Mr. Raymond Laforge, Chief ................. (301) 362-3041 Mr. David Galosky .................................. (301) 362-3290 Ms. Katie Hawkins ..................................(301)362-3030 Ms. Phyllis Parrish .................................(301) 362-3045 Mr.Martin Perrine ...................................(301)362-3025 Mr. Richard Tseng .................................(301) 362-3054 Mr.Samuel Uganzenwoko ......................(301) 362-3033 Technical Research Branch Mr. William Hurst, Chief ....................... (301) 362-3031 Mr. Kwok Chan ........................................(301)362-3055 Mr. James Drasher ................................. (301) 362-3047 Mr. Steve Jones ..................................... (301) 362-3056 Mr. Steve Martin .................................... (301) 362-3052 Mr. Tom Phillips ......................................(301) 362-3044 Mr. George Tannahill .............................. (301) 362-3026 Customer Service Branch Mrs. Sandy Haase, Chief ....................... (301) 362-3013 Ms. Bessie Bordenave ............................(301)362-3046 Ms. Linda Elliott ......................................(301)362-3032 Mr. Tim Jamerson .................................. (301) 362-3014 Mr. Ken Reitzel ........................................ (301)362-3015 Ms. Bette Taube ......................................(301)362-3028 Mrs. Joycelyn Walls ............................... (301)362-3017

Goddard Space Flight Center

Greenbelt, MD 20771 Code 565 Electrical Systems Branch Mr. Steven Graham, EMC Engr. .............(301) 286-3248 Steven.M.Graham.1@nasa.gov Code 549.0, Electromagnetic Systems Engineering Mr. Todd Bonalsky, PhD, lead engineer. (301) 286-1008 Todd.M.Bonalsky@nasa.gov

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Kennedy Space Center Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 EMC Engineers Team Lead: Ms. Dawn Trout (VA-F3) ........................ (321) 867-5366 dawn.h.trout@nasa.gov Mr. Ron Brewer (Analex) ....................... (321) 867-5329 ronald.w.brewer-1@nasa.gov Mr. Kevin Clinton (VA-F3) ...................... (321) 867-5314 kevin.j.clinton@nasa.gov emc directory & design guide 2010

government emi /emc directory Mr. Tung Doan ........................................ (321) 867-5330 tung.m.doan@nasa.gov Mr. Paul Edwards ................................... (321) 867-8927 paul.edwards@nasa.gov Mr. Noel Sargent (Analex) .....................(216) 433-3395 noel.b.sargent@nasa.gov Mr. James Stanley ..................................(321) 867-1991 james.e.stanley@nasa.gov Mr. Jarek Tracz ....................................... (321) 867-2780 jarek.a.tracz@nasa.gov EMC Test Engineer Manager: Mr. Jack Cowras (VB-E1) ....................... (321) 867-2914 john.cowras-1@nasa.gov

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Langley Research Center

5 North Dryden St., Bldg. 1202 Hampton, VA 23665 Fax: (757) 864-9884 EMC Test Facility (MS 130) Ms. Courtney Rollins .............................. (757) 864-7814 c.h.rollins@larc.nasa.gov HIRF Laboratory (MS 130) Mr. Jay J. Ely .......................................... (757) 864-1868 j.j.ely@nasa.gov Mr. Truong X. Nguyen ............................ (757) 864-7528 t.x.nguyen@larc.nasa.gov EMI/EMC Analysis and Troubleshooting (MS 488) Dr. Arthur T. Bradley...............................(757) 864-7343 arthur.t.bradley@nasa.gov

National Aeronautics and Space Administration John H. Glenn Research Center

21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, OH 44135 EMC Engineer Mr. Tesfahunei T. Tecle ........................ (216) 433-6620 tesfahunei.t.tecle@grc.nasa.gov

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

2101 NASA Rd. Houston, TX 77058-3696 Avionics Systems Test Branch (EV4) Branch Chf.: Ms. Linda Bromley ............ (281) 483-0129 Analysis Grp. Ldr.: Ms. C. Sham ............ (281) 483-0124 EMC Grp. Ldr.: Mr. Robert Scully .......... (281) 483-1499 robert.c.scully@nasa.gov EMC Test Laboratory Facility Mgr: Mr. Rod Robinson ............. (281) 483-1465 Electronic Systems Test Laboratory Facility Mgr: Mr. Ned Robinson ............ (281) 483-0130

National Aeronautics and Space Administration George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812 Spectrum Manager: Terry Luttrell ........ (256)544-0130 Terry.Luttrell@nasa.gov EMC Engineers (M/S ES42/4708) Division Chief: Mr. Tony Clark ...............(256) 544-2394 Tony.Clark@nasa.gov Branch Chief: Mr. Jeff Wesley .............. (256)544-3393 Jeff.Wesley@nasa.gov Team Lead: Mr. Mark Krome ................ (256) 544-5635 Mark.Krome@nasa.gov Mr. Michael Crane (ERC) ......................(256) 544-7259 Michael.G.Crane@nasa.gov Mr. Tim Dew (ERC) .................................(256) 544-3718 Timothy.M.Dew@nasa.gov Mr. Ross Evans (Dynetics) ..................... (256) 961-2305 Ross.W.Evans@nasa.gov Mr. Truman Glasscock (Triumph) ...........(256) 544-5318


Truman.G.Glasscock@nasa.gov Mr. Kenneth Gonzalez (Qualis) ..............(256) 544-1658 Kenneth.P.Gonzalez@nasa.gov Mr. Steve R Jones ................................. (256) 544-4373 Steve.Jones@nasa.gov Mr. Steve Linthicum (Dynetics) .............(256) 544-5312 Steven.E.Linthicum@nasa.gov Mr. Jonathan Mack ............................... (256) 544-3599 Jonathan.D.Mack@nasa.gov Mr. Matthew McCollum ........................(256) 544-2351 Matt.Mccollum@nasa.gov Mr. Matthew McGrath (Dynetics) ........(256) 544-3051 Matthew.M.McGrath@nasa.gov Mr. Tom Perry (Jacobs) ..........................(256) 544-0744 Thomas.A.Perry@nasa.gov Mr. Glenn Shelby ................................... (256) 544-0694 Glenn.Shelby@nasa.gov EMI Test Facility .....................................(256) 544-8121

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Electromagnetics Division Boulder, CO 80305 Div. Chief: Dr. Perry Wilson ...................(303) 497-3406 pfw@boulder.nist.gov Secretary: Ms. Willa Mayns ................. (303) 497-3132 RF Fields Group 818.02 Group Leader: Mike Francis ...................(303) 497-5873 francis@boulder.nist.gov Secretary: Ms. Sharon Olsen ................(303) 497-3321 sharon.olsen@boulder.nist.gov Antenna Metrology (818.02 project) Ms. Katie MacReynolds.........................(303) 497-3471 mreynold@boulder.nist.gov Reference Fields & Probes Mr. Dennis Camell .................................. (303) 497-3214 dennis.camell@boulder.nist.gov Field Parameters and EMC Applications (818.02 project ) Galen Koepke..........................................(303) 497-5766 koepke@boulder.nist.gov Metrology for Wireless Systems, Project Leader Kate Remley............................................(303) 497-3652 kate.remley@nist.gov Quantum Electrical Metrology Division, 817 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Div. Chief: Dr. Michael H. Kelley ...........(303) 497-4736 michael.kelley@nist.gov

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20230 (202) 482-1850 Emergency Planning Subcommittee Chairman Chief: Mr. Stephen R. Veader ................ (202) 482-4417 sveader@ntia.doc.gov Spectrum Planning Subcommittee Chairman Chief: Mr. Stephen Butcher ................... (202) 482-4163 sbutcher@ntia.doc.gov

Institute for Telecommunications Sciences (ITS)

325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3328 Exec. Officer: Mr. Brian Lane.................(303) 497-3484 blane@its.bldrdoc.gov Director: Mr. Al Vincent .........................(303) 497-3500 avincent@its.bldrdoc.gov Spectrum & Propagation Measurements Division Mr. Eric D. Nelson ...................................(303) 497-7410 enelson@its.bldrdoc.gov Telecommunications & Information Technology Planning Division Mr. Jeffrey R. Bratcher .......................... (303) 497-5132

jbratcher@its.bldrdoc.gov Telecommunications Engineering, Analysis & Modeling Division Ms. Patricia Raush .................................(303) 497-3568 praush@its.bldrdoc.gov Telecommunications Theory Division Mr. Frank Sanders .................................. (303) 497-7600 fsanders@its.bldrdoc.gov

CANADA Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment (DND)

PO Box 6550 Cold Lake, AB T9M 2C6 Canada Tel.: (780) 840-8000 Mr. Serge Couture ............................................ ext. 7511 serge.couture@forces.gc.ca

ITALY Ministry of Defense

Centro Interforze Studi per le Applicazioni Militari (CISAM) Via della Bigattiera 10 San Piero a Grado 56010 San Piero a Grado (Pisa) Italy Fax: +39 050-961001 Director: Amm. Isp. Giordano Cottini .................+39 050-964200 Scientific Coordinator: Silvio Zotti Martelli ..............................+39 050-964200 silvio.zotti@cisam.it


Instituto per le Telecomunicazioni e l'Elettronica della Marina Militare "Giancarlo Vallauri" Viale Italia 72-57126 Livorno Italy E-mail: mariteleradar@marina.difesa.it EMC Dept. Ric. Ing. Giancarlo Misuri........... + 00-39-0586-238208 EMC Section/Laboratory Cdr. Roberto Desideri .................. +00-39-0586-238153 C.T.E.R. Salvatore Trovato .......... +00-39-0586-238153

TEMpEST CoNTACTS Army Electronic proving Ground Test Engineering Directorate

RF Test Division Attn.: CSTE-DTC-Ep-TR Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613-7110 Div. Chf.: Mr. Ed Watt ............................(520) 533-8133 Ed.Watt@epg.army.mil E3 Branch/Blacktail Test Facility Br. Chf.: Mr. Johnny Douglas .................(520) 533-5819 johnny.douglas@us.army.mil Mr. James Smith ....................................(520) 533-2818 james.smith@epg.army.mil

Contact Us If you would like to add or update your information in the Directory of Government Personnel Involved in EMC/EMI, please contact Editor Sarah Long at slong@ interferencetechnology.com

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products & services index products & services index


nterference technology 's 2009 EMC Products & Services Index contains approximately 200 different categories to help you find the equipment, components, and services you need. Locate additional product information by consulting the Advertiser Index on page 224. Full details of all the suppliers listed within each category can be found in the Company Directory, starting on page 216. All listings are free of charge to advertisers. To list your company in the index or to update a listing, go to the Products & Services Directory on www.InterferenceTechnology.com.

Absorber ClAmps Com-Power Corporation DNB Engineering, Inc. ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications

White Sands Missile Range AneChoiC ChAmbers – Fire proteCtion ETS-Lindgren Sprinkler Innovations

Absorptive Filters Dontech Incorporated Instruments For Industry (IFI) Intermark (USA) Inc. Murata Electronics North America TMD Technologies Ltd AmpliFiers Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AE Techron, Inc. Amber Technologies AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation CAP Wireless Comtech PST Corporation CPI Communications&Power Industries Satcom Div. dB Control emscreen GmbH Instruments For Industry (IFI) MILMEGA Ltd. NP Technologies, Inc. OPHIR RF AneChoiC ChAmber CAlibrAtion to ieC 80-3 Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC D.A.R.E!! Calibrations ETS-Lindgren Sprinkler Innovations AneChoiC ChAmber testing D.A.R.E!! Calibrations DNB Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren F-Squared Laboratories National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Sprinkler Innovations TUV SUD America Inc. AneChoiC ChAmbers Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Albatross Projects GmbH Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Braden Shielding Systems EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren Sprinkler Innovations


AneChoiC mAteriAls Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. ETS-Lindgren Fair-Rite Products Corp. MAJR Products Corporation Sprinkler Innovations AntennA Filters Captor Corporation Fotofab AntennA mAsts Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Sunol Sciences Corporation AntennAs Advanced Test Equipment Rentals A.H. Systems, Inc. AHD EMC Lab / Amber Helm Development L.C. Amber Technologies Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation ARA Technologies Beehive Electronics Captor Corporation Com-Power Corporation Dynamic Sciences International, Inc. emscreen GmbH ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) Liberty Labs, Inc. Lubrizol Conductive Polymers Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Q-par Angus Ltd ROHDE & SCHWARZ, Inc. Sunol Sciences Corporation TDK Corporation TMD Technologies Ltd. Wavecontrol AntistAtiC CoAtings ACL Staticide Dontech Incorporated Swift Textile Metalizing LLC AntistAtiC mAteriAls ACL, Inc.

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Swift Textile Metalizing LLC ArChiteCturAl shielding produCts Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Orbel Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Audio susCeptibilitY trAnsFormers Solar Electronics Co.

GORE Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Mech-Tronics Nolato Silikonteknik Orbel Corporation Photofabrication Engineering Inc. Precision Photo-Fab, Inc. Schlegel Electronic Materials Orbel Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. books

Automotive testing D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. Eurofins Product Service GmbH National Technical Systems Protocol Data Systems Inc. Radiometrics Midwest Corp. RFI Global Services Ltd. TESEQ bACkshells, shielded Assemblies, terminAtions Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Northern Technologies Corp. Orbel Corporation bellCore testing (see telCordiA)

D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. Henry Ott Consultants ITEM Publications Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. - AZ Lightning Technologies, Inc. brAid Calmont Wire & Cable, Inc. Kemtron Limited Magnetic Shield Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Zero Ground LLC broAdbAnd emi deteCtors Advanced Test Equipment Rentals ETS-Lindgren Fotofab

D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. biConiCAl AntennAs A.H. Systems, Inc. Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) Liberty Labs, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. TESEQ TMD Technologies Ltd

Looking for … AntennAs. You’ve

bidireCtionAl Couplers Instruments For Industry (IFI) Fotofab GORE Kemtron Limited LCR Electronics, Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation Nolato Silikonteknik boArd level shields 3Gmetalworx World Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp.

found one great source of information. On InterferenceTechnology.com,

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emc directory & design guide 2010

products & services index Cabinetry & Hardware EMCC DR. RASEK FIBOX Enclosures Fotofab Cables & ConneCtors Alco Technologies, Inc. CONEC Corporation - USA Hi-Tech Controls Hi-Voltage & EMI Corp ITT Interconnect Solutions Ja-Bar Silicone Corp Laird Technologies Positronic Industries PSC Electronics Sabritec Sealcon Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc Calibration serviCes Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Austest Laboratories Braco Compliance Ltd. D.A.R.E!! Calibrations E. F. Eelectronics Co. EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Instruments For Industry (IFI) LTI Metrology Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. National Technical Systems Pearson Electronics, Inc. RMV Technology Group, LLC TESEQ TUV SUD America Inc. World Cal, Inc. Calibration testing D.A.R.E!! Calibrations Liberty Labs, Inc. RMV Technology Group, LLC CertifiCation serviCes Braco Compliance Ltd D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories ITEM Publications MAJR Products Corporation National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. RMV Technology Group, LLC TUV SUD America Inc. Coaxial filter ConneCtors EMC Eupen, A Div. of I2R Corp. LCR Electronics, Inc. RFI Corporation Sabritec Soshin Electronics Europe GmbH Competent/Certified aCCrediting bodies testing D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. interferencetechnology.com

DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. F-Squared Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC Computer-aided analysis serviCes Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Apache Design Solutions Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren National Technical Systems Remcom TUV SUD America Inc. Visron Design, Inc. ConduCtive adHesives, Caulks, epoxies, & elastomers Adhesives Research, Inc. ARC Technologies, Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Creative Materials, Inc. Dontech Incorporated Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Master Bond Inc. Nolato Silikonteknik P&P Technology Ltd. Silicone Solutions SOLIANI EMC SRL Sunkyoung S.T. Tech-Etch, Inc. ConduCtive ClotH ARC Technologies, Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Intermark (USA) Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Schlegel Electronic Materials Swift Textile Metalizing LLC ConduCtive Coatings ACL Staticide Adhesives Research, Inc. ALX Technical Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Conductive Compounds Inc. Dontech Incorporated Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Nolato Silikonteknik Schlegel Electronic Materials Swift Textile Metalizing LLC

ConduCtive Containers


Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. LCR Electronics, Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories MuShield Company, Inc. Saelig Company Schlegel Electronic Materials Select Fabricators, Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC

CAPLINQ Corporation Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc.

ConduCtive laminates

ConduCtive plating

Adhesives Research, Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Schlegel Electronic Materials Swift Textile Metalizing LLC

Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Potters Industries Swift Textile Metalizing LLC

ConduCtive materials 3M Electrical Markets Division ACL Staticide Adhesives Research, Inc. Alchemetal Alco Technologies, Inc. All-Spec Industries Antistatic Industries of Delaware ARC Technologies, Inc. Caprock Mfg. Central Coating Company Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Cima NanoTech, Inc. Desco Industries Inc. Device Technologies, Inc. Dontech Incorporated Eeonyx Corp. Intermark (USA) Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp Kemtron Limited LGS Technologies Lubrizol Conductive Polymers MAJR Products Corporation Marktek MTI - Microsorb Technologies Mueller Corporation Oak-Mitsui Technologies Potters Industries, Inc. Progressive Fillers International Schlegel Electronic Materials Sealing Devices Inc. Sulzer Metco (Canada) Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC THEMIX Plastics, Inc. Venture Tape Corp ConduCtive paint ACL Staticide Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Schlegel Electronic Materials Swift Textile Metalizing LLC

Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. ConduCtive plastiCs

ConduCtive tapes Adhesives Research, Inc. Bystat International Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Intermark (USA) Inc. ITW/Pressure Sensitive Adhesives & Components Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Conduit, eleCtriCal, sHielded, magnetiC & rf Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation Zero Ground LLC Consultants BorderWatch Compliance Services LLC Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Don HEIRMAN Consultants Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EM Software & Systems-SA Pty. Ltd EMC Management Concepts EMCC DR. RASEK EMITEMC Equipment Reliability Institute ERA Technology Ltd trading as Cobham Technical Services ETS-Lindgren F-Squared Laboratories Henry Ott Consultants Hoolihan EMC Consulting ITEM Publications Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. - AZ

interference technology


products & services index LCR Electronics, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. MAJR Products Corporation Mooser Consulting GmbH Power Standards Lab (PSL) Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC Swets Information Services B.V. TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range Coupling-DeCoupling networks Haefely EMC Liberty Labs, Inc. Crt eleCtro-optiCal shielDs Dontech Incorporated Fotofab Magnetic Radiation Laboratories MuShield Company, Inc. Current probes A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Ion Physics Corporation Liberty Labs, Inc. Pearson Electronics, Inc. Solar Electronics Co. Sypris Test and Measurement TESEQ Design software AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG EM Software & Systems-SA Pty. Ltd FEKO Moss Bay EDA Remcom Inc. Sonnet Software, Inc. Die Cut shielDing Material APEX Die & Gasket Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Fotofab GORE Identification Products Corp Insul-Fab, A Division of Concote Corp. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited M&C Specialties Co. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation Nolato Silikonteknik Orion Industries Inc. Orbel Corporation P&P Technology Ltd.


Spira Manufacturing Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. DireCt lightning testing DNB Engineering, Inc. F-Squared Laboratories Lightning Technologies, Inc. National Technical Systems TUV SUD America Inc. e-fielD antennas A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. eleCtrostatiC Charge/ DeCay Meters Advanced Test Equipment Rentals eleCtrostatiC DisCharge (esD) generators Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMC Partner EMC Test USA Haefely EMC Lightning Technologies, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Suzhou 3CTEST Electronic Co.,Ltd. eleCtrostatiC DisCharge (esD) siMulators Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMC Partner EM Test USA Fischer Custom Communications Haefely EMC HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Liberty Labs, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. National Technical Systems Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. TESEQ eleCtrostatiC DisCharge (esD) testing Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. F-Squared Laboratories Lightning Technologies, Inc. Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range

interference technology

eMi gaskets Adhesives Research, Inc. ACS Industries, Inc. Boyd Corporation CGS Technologies China EMI Shielding Materials Co., LTD Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Fotofab GETELEC GORE Intermark (USA) Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited Magnetic Radiation Laboratories MAJR Products Corporation Nolato Silikonteknik Orbel Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Plastic-Metals Technology Inc. Spira Manufacturing Corporation Stockwell Elastomerics, Inc. United Seal and Rubber Co., Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. eMi reCeivers Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation ETS-Lindgren Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. Solar Electronics Co. TESEQ World Cal, Inc. eMi test antennas A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Fotofab Instruments For Industry (IFI) Macton Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. Sunol Sciences Corporation TMD Technologies Ltd eMissions testing Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Don HEIRMAN Consultants Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories LCR Electronics, Inc. maturo GmbH Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America Inc Montrose Compliance Service, Inc.

National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. V-COMM, LLC White Sands Missile Range eMp generators EM Test USA EMC Partner Fischer Custom Communications HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Montena EMC Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. eMp siMulators Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EM Test USA EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK Fischer Custom Communications HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. National Technical Systems eMp, sgeMp systeM assessMent DNB Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. - AZ National Technical Systems eMp/lightning effeCts testing D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc.

Looking for … Meters provide vital

data. You’ve just found some great sources for meters—electrostatic charge and decay, field intensity, magnetic field, RF power, or RAD-HAZ. Check the comprehensive, and continuously updated, listings of meter manufacturers in the Products and Services Directory on InterferenceTechnology.com.

emc directory & design guide 2010

products & services index EMCC DR. RASEK Lightning Technologies, Inc. National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TESEQ TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range EnvironmEntal tEsting D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. F-Squared Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC TUV SUD America Inc. EuropEan CErtifiCation tEsting Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK EU Compliance Services, Inc. F-Squared Laboratories INTERTest Systems, Inc. ITL Israel LCR Electronics, Inc. National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. faCilitiEs & shiEldEd EnClosurE sErviCEs Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC Compac Development Corp DNB Engineering, Inc. ETS-Lindgren Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation Rittal Corporation fCC part 15 & 18 tEsting Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Compliance Testing D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Don HEIRMAN Consultants Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories LCR Electronics, Inc. Montrose Compliance Service, Inc. National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. fCC part 68 tEst EquipmEnt Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Com-Power Corporation interferencetechnology.com

EM Test USA EMC Partner HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc.

Kemtron Limited Taiyo Yuden (U.S.A.) Inc.

Schaffner EMC, Inc Schurter Inc. WEMS Electronics

fiBEr optiC CaBlEs

filtEr ConnECtors

ETS-Lindgren Michigan Scientific Corp.

fCC part 68 tEsting

fiBEr optiC systEms

Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK Haefely EMC LCR Electronics, Inc. National Technical Systems

Accurate Controls Ltd. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals D.A.R.E!! Instruments Fischer Custom Communications Michigan Scientific Corp.

fEEd-through filtErs Captor Corporation EMI Filter Company LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America Radius Power, Inc. RFI Corporation Schaffner EMC, Inc. Syfer Technology Limited Tri-Mag, Inc. WEMS Electronics fErritE BEads & CorEs Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Cosmo Ferrites Limited Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Fair-Rite Products Corp. Ferronics Inc. Intermark (USA) Inc. Kemtron Limited LCR Electronics, Inc. MAJR Products Corporation Murata Electronics North America National Magnetics Group, Inc. THORA Elektronik GmbH Wurth Electronics Midcom W端rth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG Schaffner EMC, Inc fErritE supprEssion ComponEnts ARC Technologies, Inc. Fair-Rite Products Corp. Intermark (USA) Inc. Kemtron Limited LCR Electronics, Inc. MAJR Products Corporation Murata Electronics North America Schaffner EMC, Inc. fErritEs Adams Magnetic Products Co. ARC Technologies, Inc. Dexter Magnetic Technologies EMC Component Group, Inc. Fair-Rite Products Corp. Intermark (USA) Inc.

fiEld intEnsity mEtErs Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMC Test Design ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) SRICO, Inc. filtEr arrays

AEF Solutions Glenair Inc. Heilind Electronics RFI Corporation Sabritec filtEr modulEs LCR Electronics, Inc. RFI Corporation Schaffner EMC, Inc Schurter Inc. filtEr pin ConnECtors LCR Electronics, Inc. Sabritec filtEr pins

Fotofab LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America RFI Corporation Syfer Technology Limited filtEr CapaCitors Beijing Tempest Electronics Technologies Co. Ltd. Captor Corporation EMI Filter Company Fotofab LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America Radius Power, Inc. RFI Corporation Sabritec Schaffner EMC, Inc. Syfer Technology Limited X2Y Attenuators LLC WEMS Electronics filtEr ChokEs Captor Corporation Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Datatronics Fair-Rite Products Corp. Fuss-EMV LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America Radius Power, Inc. RFI Corporation Schaffner EMC, Inc Schurter Inc. WEMS Electronics filtEr Coils Captor Corporation Communication Coil, Inc. Curtis Industries LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America Radius Power, Inc. RFI Corporation

EMI Filter Company Syfer Technology Limited filtErEd powEr Entry modulEs Americor Electronics Ltd. Curtis Industries LCR Electronics, Inc. Radius Power, Inc. RFI Corporation Schaffner EMC, Inc Schurter Inc. Tri-Mag, Inc. filtErs Advanced Monolythic Ceramics, Inc. Aerodev Electronmagnetic Tech Alco Technologies, Inc. Amphenol Canada Corp. API Delevan Arcotronics, Inc. Capcon International, Inc. Captor Corporation CONEC Corporation - USA Cre8 Associates Ltd. Curtis Industries EESeal Electrocube, Inc. EMI Filter Company EMI Solutions EPCOS, Inc. Fil-Coil Filter Networks Filtronica, Inc. Genisco Filter Corp. Hi-Voltage & EMI Corp High & Low Corp. Instruments For Industry (IFI) Intermark (USA) Inc. Johanson Dielectrics, Inc. JRE Test, LLC MPE Murata Electronics North Okaya Electric America, Inc.

interference technology


products & services index Oxley Developments Company Ltd Pacific Aerospace & Electronics, Inc. Panasonic Electronic Components PSC Electronics Quell Corporation Radius Power, Inc. RF Immunity Ltd. RFI Corporation Sabritec Schaffner EMC, Inc. Schurter, Inc. Spectrum Advanced Specialty Products Syfer Technology Limited TDK Corporation Transtector Systems Inc. Tyco Electronics Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. VPT, Inc. WEMS Electronics Fingerstock Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Fotofab Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Orbel Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Tech-Etch, Inc. ground resistance testers ACL Staticide AEMC Instruments grounding rods Intermark (USA) Inc. Zero Ground LLC

Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Harnesses Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Magnetic Shield Corporation Zero Ground LLC HelmHoltz coils ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Magnetic Shield Corporation HigH voltage Pulse transFormers Pearson Electronics, Inc. Honeycomb sHielding ETS-Lindgren Fotofab Intermark (USA) Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Spira Manufacturing Corporation Tech-Etch, Inc. Horn antennas A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) Liberty Labs, Inc. TESEQ TMD Technologies Ltd

grounding services Intermark (USA) Inc. RMV Technology Group, LLC Zero Ground LLC grounding systems Intermark (USA) Inc. Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. Zero Ground LLC gtem cells Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Instruments For Industry (IFI) Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. H-Field antennas A.H. Systems, Inc. AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI)


immunity testing A.H. Systems, Inc. Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories LCR Electronics, Inc. LEDE-SIECIT National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TESEQ TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range

HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Ion Physics Corporation Lightning Technologies, Inc. National Technical Systems Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. World Cal, Inc.

HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. World Cal, Inc. ligHtning strike testing

induced current meters & Probes AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation EMC Partner ETS-Lindgren inductors BI Technologies Captor Corporation Frontier Electronics, Corp. Kemtron Limited Micrometals, Inc. Murata Electronics North America RFI Corporation Schurter Inc. interFerence generators Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. TESEQ iron core Powdered magnetic materials Fair-Rite Products Corp. iso 9000 testing EMCC DR. RASEK National Technical Systems Swift Textile Metalizing LLC TUV SUD America Inc.

line imPedance stabilization networks (lisns) Com-Power Corporation EMCC DR. RASEK Liberty Labs, Inc. Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. TESEQ log Periodic antennas A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) JRE Test, LLC. Liberty Labs, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. TMD Technologies Ltd

isotroPic Field sensors D.A.R.E!! Instruments ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) Liberty Labs, Inc. Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. ligHtning generators Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EM Test USA EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK Fischer Custom Communications Haefely EMC HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. World Cal, Inc.

Looking for … ShieLding valuables from harm is an age-old idea, but effective use of EMI shielding products can be a challenge and today’s sensitive electronics demand the best shielding choice. There’s an “Ask the Experts”

imPulse generators

ligHtning simulators

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation EM Test USA EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK Haefely EMC

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EM Test USA EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK Fischer Custom Communications Haefely EMC

interference technology

D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range

Forum devoted to shielding on InterferenceTechnology.com. Post a question yourself, or check out the answers.

emc directory & design guide 2010

products & services index Magnetic Field Meters Combinova AB Fischer Custom Communications Magnetic Shield Corporation Magnetic Field Probes AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Langer EMV –Technik GmbH Magnetic shielding gaskets Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Fotofab Kemtron Limited Magnetic Radiation Laboratories MAJR Products Corporation Orbel Corporation Spira Manufacturing Corporation Microwave absorbers ARC Technologies, Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. ETS-Lindgren Intermark (USA) Inc. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Microwave Filters Cobham Microwave EMI Filter Company Fotofab Instruments For Industry (IFI) Murata Electronics North America RFI Corporation Syfer Technology Limited Microwave Power aMPliFiers Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation CPI Communications&Power Industries Satcom Div. Giga-tronics/Ascor Incorporated Instruments For Industry (IFI) MILMEGA Ltd. TMD Technologies Ltd Mil-std 188/125 testing Advanced Testing Services Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK National Technical Systems Mil-std 461 / 462 testing AHD EMC Lab / Amber Helm Development L.C.


Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories Harris GCSD EMI EMC TEMPEST Test Lab National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories RFI Corporation RMV Technology Group, LLC Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range Mobile shielded rooMs Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMCC DR. RASEK MAJR Products Corporation Select Fabricators, Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC MonoPole antennas Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) Liberty Labs, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Mri shielding Dontech Incorporated ETS-Lindgren Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation navlaP / a2la aPProved testing Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp. D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories Liberty Labs, Inc. National Technical Systems Panasonic Automotive System Company of America Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories TUV SUD America Inc. World Cal, Inc. network analyzers World Cal, Inc. Parallel Plate line test set EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications

White Sands Missile Range

Portable test equiPMent A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals ETS-Lindgren Haefely EMC HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Instruments For Industry (IFI) Pearson Electronics, Inc. Prostat Corporation Power line conditioning equiPMent Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Power line disturbance Monitor Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Voltech Instruments Ltd. Power line Filters Curtis Industries Delta Electronics Delta Products Corp. DNB Engineering, Inc. Emission Control, Ltd. Filter Concpets Inc. Fuss-EMV JINAN Filtemc Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. MPE Murata Electronics North America Radius Power, Inc. Schurter AG Syfer Technology Limited Tri-Mag, Inc. RFI Corporation WEMS Electronics Printed circuit board (Pcb) Filters Captor Corporation Curtis Industries LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America Radius Power, Inc. Schurter Inc. Syfer Technology Limited Tri-Mag, Inc. RFI Corporation WEMS Electronics Product saFety testing D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories LCR Electronics, Inc. National Technical Systems Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. radhaz testing DNB Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK Retlif Testing Laboratories

radiation hazard Meters Advanced Test Equipment Rentals ETS-Lindgren radiation hazard Probes Advanced Test Equipment Rentals ETS-Lindgren Instruments For Industry (IFI) retroFit Filters & connectors Schurter Inc. RFI Corporation Schaffner EMC, Inc. rF Power aMPliFiers Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation CPI Communications&Power Industries Satcom Div. D.A.R.E!! Instruments Instruments For Industry (IFI) MILMEGA Ltd. Murata Electronics North America Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. TESEQ TMD Technologies Ltd rF Power coMPonents EM Test USA MKS Instruments rF Power Meters AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation ETS-Lindgren Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. World Cal, Inc. rF shielding gaskets ARC Technologies, Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Fotofab GORE Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Nolato Silikonteknik Orbel Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Schlegel Electronic Materials Spira Manufacturing Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. rF shielding Material Adhesives Research, Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Cybershield Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Fotofab

interference technology


products & services index GORE Intermark (USA) Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation Nolato Silikonteknik Orbel Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Spira Manufacturing Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. TWP Inc Zero Ground LLC RS03 > 200 V / MeteR teSting D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range RtCA DO-160 teSting Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories LCR Electronics, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp Retlif Testing Laboratories Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. SCiF DeSign COnStRuCtiOn & MAintenAnCe EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren ShielDeD AiR FilteRS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. ETS-Lindgren Fotofab Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Spira Manufacturing Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. ShielDeD BuilDingS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren MAJR Products Corporation ShielDeD BuS BARS

Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation Orbel Corporation Zero Ground LLC ShielDeD CABinetS & hARDwARe Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. LCR Electronics, Inc. Magnetic Shield Corporation MuShield Company, Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC ShielDeD CABle ASSeMBlieS & hARneSSeS Binder-USA Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Fotofab GORE Lapp USA LCR Electronics, Inc. Lutze Inc Magnetic Shield Corporation MegaPhase LLC Sabritec Swift Textile Metalizing LLC The Phoenix Company of Chicago Zero Ground LLC ShielDeD COMpOnentS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation Schurter Inc. Spira Manufacturing Corporation Tech-Etch, Inc. Zero Ground LLC ShielDeD COnDuitS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Electri-Flex Company Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation Zero Ground LLC ShielDeD COnneCtORS Adhesives Research, Inc. Binder-USA Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kycon Lutze Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Orbel Corporation Sabritec Southwest Microwave, Inc. Zero Ground LLC

Adhesives Research, Inc.


interference technology

ShielDeD DOORS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren Swift Textile Metalizing LLC ShielDeD enClOSuReS Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC ALTECH AR Tech ClickFold Plastics Electrorack Enclosure Products IMS/AMCO Engineered Products JRE Test, LLC Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation Marktek Inc. Modpak, Inc. Select Fabricators, Inc. ShielDeD FAnS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. ETS-Lindgren Fotofab Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Spira Manufacturing Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. ShielDeD FuSe hOlDeRS

LCR Electronics, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation National Technical Systems Shielding Resources Group, Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Zero Ground LLC ShielDeD ROOMS & enClOSuReS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Alco Technologies, Inc. Allied Moulded Products, Inc. Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Braden Shielding Systems Caprock Mfg. Captor Corporation Comtest Eng. emscreen GmbH ETS Lindgren Frankonia Global EMC Ltd Holland Shielding Systems BV Instruments For Industry (IFI) Kform, Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. ORBIT Advanced Electromagnetics, Inc. (AEMI)

Magnetic Radiation Laboratories ShielDeD ROOM FilteRS Captor Corporation Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated ETS-Lindgren Fotofab LCR Electronics, Inc. RFI Corporation WEMS Electronics

Looking for … TesTing is the bedrock of EMC compliance.

Complying with regs and preventing interference

ShielDeD ROOMS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMP-tronic ETS-Lindgren I. Thomas GmbH Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation ShielDeD ROOMS, ACCeSSORieS Ad-Vance Magnetics, Inc. Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated EMCC DR. RASEK EMI Technologies, Inc. ETS-Lindgren Gaven Industries Inc.

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emc directory & design guide 2010

products & services index Panashield, Inc. Rainford EMC Systems Ltd. Ramsey Electronics SAELIG Company Select Fabricators Inc. SOLIANI EMC SRL Spira Manufacturing Corporation Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures Swift Textile Metalizing LLC TDK Corporation V Technical Textiles, Inc. VitaTech Engineering, LLC Shielded RoomS, leak detectoRS / monitoRS Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC ETS-Lindgren Shielded RoomS, lighting SyStemS Magnetic Radiation Laboratories MAJR Products Corporation Shielded ScanS, monitoRS & cRtS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation Orbel Corporation Shielded SwitcheS Fotofab Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Shielded tRanSpaRent windowS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Dontech Incorporated Instrument Plastics LTD Kemtron Limited MAJR Products Corporation P&P Technology Ltd. Tempest Security Systems Inc. Shielded tubing Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MuShield Company, Inc. Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Zero Ground LLC Shielding Adhesives Research, Inc. Alchemetal Alco Technologies, Inc. Amphenol Canada Corp. Amuneal Manufacturing Corp. API Delevan ARC Technologies, Inc. Axonics, Inc. Bal Seal Engineering, Inc.


Brim Electronics, Inc. Central Coating Company Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Cima NanoTech, Inc. Connors Company Device Technologies, Inc. Dontech Incorporated East Coast Shielding Ed Fagan Inc. EMC Component Group, Inc. Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. FEUERHERDT GmbH Fotofab GORE HFC Shielding Prod. Co. Ltd. Holland Shielding Systems BV Intermark (USA) Inc. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. JEMIC Shielding Technologies JRE Test, LLC Kemtron Limited LGS Technologies Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MH&W International Corp MTI - Microsorb Technologies MuShield Company, Inc. Nolato Silikonteknik Orbel Corporation Rainford EMC Systems Ltd. Roxtec Rubbercraft Saint-Gobain High Performance Seals Sealing Devices Inc. SOLIANI EMC SRL Specialty Silicone Products Spira Manufacturing Corporation Swift Textile Metalizing LLC Tech-Etch, Inc. Universal Air Filter Vanguard Products Corp. Vermillion, Incorporated VTI Vacuum Technologies Inc. WaveZero, Inc. Zippertubing Co. Zuken Shielding effectiveneSS teSting Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. D.A.R.E!! Calibrations D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Dontech Incorporated Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren F-Squared Laboratories National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC

TUV SUD America Inc. White Sands Missile Range Shielding foilS Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited Leader Tech, Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation MuShield Company, Inc. Orbel Corporation Tapecon, Inc. Shielding mateRial, magnetic field Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. Fotofab Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. Kemtron Limited Less EMF Inc. Magnetic Radiation Laboratories Magnetic Shield Corporation MAJR Products Corporation MuShield Company, Inc. Nolato Silikonteknik Orbel Corporation Spira Manufacturing Corporation VacuumSchmelze GmbH & Co. KG Zero Ground LLC

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation D.A.R.E!! Instruments Narda Safety Test Solutions S.r.l. Rohde & Schwarz. Inc. World Cal, Inc. York EMC Services Ltd. Signal line filteRS Captor Corporation EMI Filter Company ETS-Lindgren LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America RFI Corporation Syfer Technology Limited WEMS Electronics

MILMEGA Ltd. Site attenuation teSting Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab D.A.R.E!! Calibrations D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK

Site SuRvey SeRviceS Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab D.A.R.E!! Calibrations D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren F-Squared Laboratories Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. - AZ Magnetic Shield Corporation National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC Solid State amplifieRS AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Instruments For Industry (IFI) MILMEGA Ltd. SpectRum analyzeRS Com-Power Corporation Test Equipment Connection World Cal, Inc. SpRead SpectRum pRoductS Mercury United Electronics Inc. StandaRdS tRanSlationS

Signal geneRatoRS

Silicon caRbide uhf amplifieRS

ETS-Lindgren F-Squared Laboratories National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories

Advanced Programs, Inc. ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC EMCC DR. RASEK TUV SUD America Inc. Static contRol mateRialS & equipment ACL Staticide Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Swift Textile Metalizing LLC SuppReSSoRS ARC Technologies, Inc. Fair-Rite Products Corp. Fischer Custom Communications Kemtron Limited LCR Electronics, Inc. Murata Electronics North America SuRge & tRanSientS ACL Staticide Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Alltec Corporation AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation ARC Technologies, Inc. CITEL Inc. EM Test EM Test USA EMC Partner Haefely EMC

interference technology


products & services index HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Intermark (USA) Inc. Kikusui America Inc. L. Gordon Packaging Lightning Technologies, Inc. Nextek Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Okaya Electric America, Inc. RTP Company Test & Measurement Australia Pty Limited Thermo Fisher Scientific Transtector Systems Inc. Zero Surge Inc. Surge Protection ACL Staticide Bourns Inc. Metatech Corporation Phoenix Contact telcordia teSting D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK National Technical Systems Radiometrics Midwest Corp. telecommunicationS teSt networkS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals EMC Partner HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc.

teSt acceSSorieS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation D.A.R.E!! Instruments EM Test USA EMC Partner EMCO Elektronik GmbH ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Instruments For Industry (IFI) Ion Physics Corporation Pearson Electronics, Inc. Solar Electronics Co. TDK-Lambda Americas teSt antennaS A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Com-Power Corporation Electro-Metrics Corp. Instruments For Industry (IFI) Macton TESEQ teSt caPacitorS LCR Electronics, Inc. Solar Electronics Co.

tem cellS Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Instruments For Industry (IFI) Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. temPeSt FilterS Captor Corporation Curtis Industries Dontech Incorporated LCR Electronics, Inc. RFI Corporation Syfer Technology Limited WEMS Electronics temPeSt SuPPreSSed Dontech Incorporated MAJR Products Corporation Orbel Corporation temPeSt teSt equiPment A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Fischer Custom Communications temPeSt teSting D.A.R.E!! Calibrations EMCC DR. RASEK National Technical Systems


teSt equiPment, leaSing & rental A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation EMCC DR. RASEK Instruments For Industry (IFI) Ion Physics Corporation Magnetic Shield Corporation Michigan Scientific Corp. TESEQ teSt equiPment, rePair & calibration A.H. Systems, Inc. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Electronic Instrument Associates EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK ETS-Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Instruments For Industry (IFI) Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Pearson Electronics, Inc. TESEQ TMD Technologies Ltd teSt inStrumentation Aaronia Advanced Test Equipment Rentals A.H. Systems, Inc. Aeroflex Agilent Technologies, Inc.

interference technology

All-Spec Industries Anritsu Company APREL Laboratories AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Bird Technologies Group / TX RX Systems Circuit Insights LLC Com-Power Corporation CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG EM Software & Systems-SA Pty. Ltd. EMSCAN Corporation EM Test EM Test USA EMC Partner EMSS Consulting PTY (LTD) emscreen GmbH ETS Lindgren Fischer Custom Communications Haefely EMC Hermon Labs TI HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Ion Physics Corporation Kikusui America Inc. Langer EMV –Technik GmbH Laplace Instruments Ltd. Liberty Labs, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Macton Magnetic Shield Corporation NEDC Fabricating Solutions Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Pearson Electronics, Inc. PPM (Pulse Power & Measurement) Ltd Praxsym, Inc. Protek Test and Measurement Ramsey Electronics ROHDE & SCHWARZ, Inc. SAELIG Company Safety Test Technology Co., Ltd Shanghai Empek Electromagnetic Technology Ltd. SIEMIC Testing and Certification Services SILENT Solutions SimLab Software GmbH Solar Electronics Co. Suzhou 3CTEST Electronic Co.,Ltd. TDK Corporation TE Connection Asia Test & Measurement Australia Pty Limited Test Equipment Connection Thermo Fisher Scientific TREK, INC. Wavecontrol World Cal, Inc. teSt SoFtware Averna D.A.R.E!! Instruments NEXIO teSting 3C Test Ltd Acme Testing Company

Advanced Compliance Solutions, Inc. Advanced Testing Services Aero Nav Laboratories AHD EMC Lab / Amber Helm Development L.C. Alion Science & Technology American Environments Co., Inc. Amuneal Manufacturing Corp. Applied Physical Electronics, L.C. ATLAS Compliance & Engineering BEC Incorporated Blackwood Labs Bureau Veritas (formerly CurtisStraus) Cascade TEK CertifiGroup CETECOM Inc. Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. CKC Laboratories, Inc. Communication Certification Laboratory Compatible Electronics, Inc. Compliance Certification Services Compliance Testing, LLC Compliance Worldwide Core Compliance Testing Services Cre8 Associates Ltd. Criterion Technology, Inc. CSA International D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. Dayton T. Brown, Inc. dBi Corporation Diversified T.E.S.T Technologies DNB Engineering, Inc. Don HEIRMAN Consultants E-LABS Inc. E. F. Electronics Co. ElectroMagnetic Investigations, LLC Electronics Test Centre Elite Electronic Engineering Inc. EM Software & Systems-SA Pty. Ltd. EMC Integrity, Inc. EMC Technologies Pty Ltd. EMC Tempest Engineering EMC Testing Laboratories, Inc. Environ Laboratories, LLC F-Squared Laboratories Global Advantage Global Certification Laboratories, Ltd. Global Testing Hermon Laboratories iNARTE, Inc. Ingenium Testing, LLC International Certification Services, Inc. Intertek Testing Services IQS, a Division of Degree Controls ITC Engineering Services, Inc. Jacobs Technology Inc. JS Toyo Keystone Compliance Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. L F Research EMC L-3 Communications Cincinnati

emc directory & design guide 2010

products & services index L.S. Research Laboratory Testing Inc. Langer EMV –Technik GmbH Liberty Labs, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Little Mountain Test Facility Mesago MET Laboratories, Inc. National Technical Systems NAWC AIRCRAFT DIVISION - E3 Branch Code NCEE Labs Nemko Inc. Northwest EMC, Inc. Parker EMC Engineering Percept Technology Labs, Inc. Philips Applied Technologies EMC Center Pioneer Automotive Technologies, Inc. - EMC Lab Power-Electronics Consulting: DC, AC, and RF Product Safety Engineering Inc. Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. Protocol Data Systems Inc. Pulver Laboratories QinetiQ Qualtest Inc. Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Remcom Inc. Retlif Testing Laboratories RF Exposure Lab, LLC RFTEK Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. Rogers Labs, Inc. Rubicom Systems, A division of ACS SAE Power Seven Mountains Scientific, Inc. (ENR) SGS Source1 Compliance Sypris Test and Measurement Tempest Inc. TESEO Test Site Services The Compliance Management Group Timco Engineering, Inc. TRaC Global Tranzeo EMC Labs Inc. Trialon Corporation TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. TUV SUD America Inc. Ultratech Group of Labs Underwriter's Laboratories Inc. Videon Central, Inc. Walshire Labs, LLC Washington Laboratories, Ltd. Willow Run Test Labs, LLC Yazaki Testing Center TesTing LaboraTories AHD EMC Lab / Amber Helm Development L.C. AT4 Wireless Cranage EMC & Safety


D.A.R.E!! Consultancy D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. DNB Engineering, Inc. Don HEIRMAN Consultants Elite Electronic Engineering, Inc. EMCC DR. RASEK F-Squared Laboratories Global EMC Inc. Green Mountain Electromagnetics International Compliance Laboratories, LLC Langer EMV –Technik GmbH LCR Electronics, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. National Technical Systems NAWC AIRCRAFT E3 DIVISION Code NU Laboratories, Inc. Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. Radiometrics Midwest Corp. Retlif Testing Laboratories RMV Technology Group, LLC SDP Engineering, Inc. Sprinkler Innovations TESEO S.p.A. TRaC Tranzeo EMC Labs Inc. TUV SUD Senton GmbH TUV Product Service Ltd. Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. World Cal, Inc. TUV SUD America Inc.

TransienT DeTecTion & measuring equipmenT

TraveLing Wave Tube (TWT) ampLifiers

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation Ion Physics Corporation Pearson Electronics, Inc.

Applied Systems Engineering, Inc. AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation CPI Communications&Power Industries Satcom Div. Instruments For Industry (IFI) Quarterewave Corp. TMD Technologies Ltd

TransienT generaTors Advanced Test Equipment Rentals AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation EM Test USA EMC Partner EMCC DR. RASEK Fischer Custom Communications Haefely EMC HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. Lightning Technologies, Inc. Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. Solar Electronics Co. TESEQ Test & Measurement Australia Pty Limited Transient Specialists, Inc. World Cal, Inc. TransienT suppressors LCR Electronics, Inc. Littelfuse Inc. Vishay Intertechnology

TurnTabLes Com-Power Corporation ETS-Lindgren Macton Micronor Inc. uninTerrupTeD poWer sysTem APC by Schneider Electric voLTage probes Advanced Test Equipment Rentals Fischer Custom Communications Haefely EMC Solar Electronics Co. Wire & cabLe fiLTers LCR Electronics, Inc. RFI Corporation

Training, seminars & Workshops A2LA - American Assoc. for Laboratory Accred. Andre Consulting, Inc. Cherry Clough Consultants CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc. Don HEIRMAN Consultants EMC Engineering and Safety EMCC DR. RASEK EMCMCC bv Fotofab Henry Ott Consultants Hoolihan EMC Consulting Integrated Engineering Software Jastech EMC Consulting, LLC Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. - AZ Langer EMV –Technik GmbH LCR Electronics, Inc. Montrose Compliance Services, Inc. Moss Bay EDA National Technical Systems QEMC Retlif Testing Laboratories Simberian Inc. spec-hardened systems Stephen Halperin & Associates Ltd. TESEQ TUV SUD America Inc. Zuken USA Inc.

interference technology


company directory company directory


anufacturers, consultants, and service organizations active in the interference technology field are listed in this directory. All companies shown are advertisers in this issue—the page numbers of their advertisements are shown with their listings, and their U.S. and International sales offices are also given. To learn how to be included in this directory, please e-mail to info@interferencetechnology.com.


AEF Solutions. .......................................................................

A2LA - American Assoc. for Laboratory Accred. .....

Foxborough, MA; 508-698-2115; www.aemc.com

ProNova Elektronik GmbH ...................................49-7141-2858-20 Singapore Technologies Electronics LTD ................65-6413-3119 Izmir, Norana .........................................................90-232-464-0011 Shi-Chih City, Taipei-Hsien, Superlink Technology Corp. .................................................................................886-2-2698-3456 VZL Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000

Aero Nav Laboratories. ......................................................

Albatross Projects GmbH..................................................

Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom; +44 1227 711455; www. aefsolutions.com

5301 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 350, Frederick, MD 21704; 301-644-3248; Fax: 301-662-2974; info@A2LA.org; www. A2LA.org

AEMC Instruments...............................................................


College Point, NY; 718-939-4422; www.aeronavlabs.com

Kauthenbergstr. 14, Strickscheid, DE-54597 Germany, www. aaronia.de

Accurate Controls Ltd.. ...................................................... Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 1202 678108; www. accurate-controls.ltd.uk

ACL Staticide.. ................................................................ 103 840 W. 49th Place, Chicago, IL 60609; 847-981-9212; info@ aclstaticide.com; www.aclstaticide.com

Acme Testing Company.. ...................................................

Aerodev Electromagnetic Tech.. .................................... 19525 Talavera Lane, Edmond, OK 73012; 405-760-6064; FAX: 405-285-6572; usa@aerodev.com; www.aerodev.com

Aeroflex. .................................................................................. Wichita, KS; 316-529-5208; www.aeroflex.com

Agilent Technologies, Inc.. ............................................... 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051; 800-8294444; contact_us@agilent.com; www.agilent.com

2002 Valley Highway, Acme, WA 98220; 360-595-2785; 888-226-3837; FAX: 360-595-2722; acmetest@acmetesting.cfom; www.acmetesting.com

Adams Magnetic Products Co.. ......................................

807 Mantoloking Road, Suite 203, Brick, NJ 08723; 732-4510123; 800-275-6312; info@adamsmagnetic.com; www. adamsmagnetic.com

Adhesives Research, Inc................................................... 400 Seaks Run Road, Glen Rock, PA 17327; 800-445-6240; 717-227-3245; Fax: 717-235-8320; www.adhesivesresearch.com; George Cramer, VP, Marketing & Commercial Development, gcramer@arglobal.com

Ad-Vance Magnetics, Inc... .............................................. 625 Monroe St., P. O. Box 69, Rochester, IN 46975; 574-2233158; FAX: 574-223-2524; sales@advancemag.com; www. advancemag.com

Advanced Compliance Solutions, Inc... ....................... Atlanta, GA; 770-831-8048; www.acstestlab.com

Advanced Monolythic Ceramics, Inc.. ......................... 3101 Constitution Ave., Olean, NY 14760; 716-372-5225; FAX: 716-372-5467; info@amccaps.com; www.amccaps. com

Advanced Programs, Inc.. ................................................. Columbia, MD; 800-445-6240; 410-312-5800; www. advprograms.com

Advanced Test Equipment............................................ 45 10401 Roselle St., San Diego, CA 92121; 800-404-2832; Fax: 858-558-6570; sales@atecorp.com; www.atecorp.com

Central North, Mark Bohuslav ............................................800-404-2832 Central South, Chris Reed ...................................................800-404-2832 North East, Kevin Croppo ....................................................800-404-2832 North West, Patrick Kennedy .............................................800-404-2832 South East, Greg Johnson ...................................................800-404-2832 South West, Jim Tighe.........................................................800-404-2832

Advanced Testing Services.. ........................................... 9420 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87113; 505-292-2032; FAX: 505-237-8430; 877-292-2031; sales@ advanced-testing.com; www.advanced-testing.com

AE Techron, Inc. ....................................................................

2507 Warren St., Elkhart, IN 46516; 574-295-9495; Fax: 574295-9496; sales@aetechron.com; www.aetechron.com


interference technology

Nattheim, Germany; +49 7321 730500; www.albatrossprojects.com

Alchemetal. ............................................................................

3327 80 Street, Suite 2, New York, NY 11372; 917-297-3560; egreenwood@alchemetal.com; www.alchemetal.com

Alco Technologies, Inc....................................................... 1815 W. 213th St. #175, Torrance, CA 90501; 310-3284770; Fax: 310-328-1262; alcotech@alcotech.com; www. alcotech.com; Lawrence Corky Lopez

Alion Science and Technology........................................ West Conshohocken, PA; 610-825-1960; http:// rb.alionscience.com

All-Spec Industries.. ...........................................................

ACS Industries, Inc.. ............................................................

One New England Way, Lincoln, RI 02865; 401-769-4700; FAX: 401-333-2294; shielding@acsind.com; www.acsindustries.com/products/industrial-applications/EMI-RFI_Shielding/default.html


5228 US HWY 421 N, Wilmington, NC 28401; 800-5370351; 910-763-5664; sales@allspec.com; www.all-spec. com

A.H. Systems, Inc. ....................................................... 1, 23

Allied Moulded Products, Inc. .........................................


Alltec Corporation.. .............................................................

9710 Cozycroft Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311; 818-998-0223; Fax: 818-998-6892; sales@ahsystems.com; www.AHSystems.com; Arthur C. Cohen, Pres.; Travis Samuels, Ops. Dir.


T & M Solutions ..........................................................770-973-7492 T & M Solutions ..........................................................770-523-0017 T & M Solutions ..........................................................770-973-7492 Southwest Electronic Ind., Inc. ................................972-523-0017 Southwest Electronic Ind., Inc. ................................972-523-0017 T & M Solutions ..........................................................770-973-7492 Richardson, Southwest Electronics Ind..................972-523-0017 INTERNATIONAL Sydney, Test & Measurement Australia PTY Limited ................................................................................... 61-2-4739-9523 Ludwigsburg, ProNova Elektronik GmbH ..........49-7141-2858-20 Lelystad, EEMCCoimex .........................................31-320-295-395 Sofia, Test Solutions ................................................359 2 970 1990 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Ludwigsburg, ProNova Elektronik GmbH ...........49-7141-285820 Beijing, EMC Technology Ltd. .............................86-10-8267-5757 Beijing, Compliance Direction Systems, Inc ....86-10-6846-0592 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Ludwigsburg, Pro Nova Elektronik GmbH .........49-7141-2858-20 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Madrid, Unitronics S.A.U. .....................................34-91-540-0125 Gennevilliers, EMV France.....................................33-147-91-7530 ProNova Elektronik GmbH ...................................49-7141-2858-20 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Vector Technologies LTD. ................................. 30-210-68-58008 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Singapore Technologies Electronics LTD ................65-6413-3119 TTL TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. .........................91-22-292-07690 Kfar-Saba, Wave Technologies............................. 972-9-7644878 Segrate,Narda Safety Test Solutions s.r.l. ........ 39-02-2699871 Druento, Teseo S.P.A. ............................................ 39-011-9941911 Tokyo, Techno Science Japan Corp. ................... 81-3-5717-6130 Kyunggi-Do, Taehung Trading Inc. ...........................031-454-2070 EEMCCoimex ..........................................................31-320-295-395 Singapore Technologies Electronics LTD ................65-6413-3119 Lelystad, EEMCCoimex .........................................31-320-295-395 Rentametric Int’l.........................................................305-767-4000 Warszawa, AM Technologies Polska................ 48-22-53-22-800 Moscow, Sernia LTD.........................................011 7 495 932 9242 Singapore Technologies Electronics LTD ................65-6413-3119 Alianza S.E.T. ...............................................................571-691-5369 AGETO MTT AB .................................................. 46-0-8-446-7730

222 North Union Street, Bryan, OH 43506; 419-636-4217; sales@alliedmoulded.com; www.alliedmoulded.com

64 Catalyst Drive, Canton, NC 28803; 828-646-9290; 828646-9527; bchittum@allteccorp.com; www.allteccorp.com

Alltest Instrument, Inc.. ..................................................... 1310 S. Roller Road, Ocean, NJ 07712; 732-695-0800; FAX: 732-695-0801; 800-251-0706; harvey@alltest.us; www. alltest.us

ALTECH. ................................................................................... Arramcourt, France; +33 1 608099360; altech-france.com

ALX Technical. ...................................................................... Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada; 905-761-0370; www. alxtechnical.com

Amber Helm Development L.C. / AHD EMC Lab......... 92723 Michigan Hwy 152, Sister Lakes, MI 49047; 877-7302433; 877-730-2433; Fax 269-424-7014; ghelm@ahde.com; www.ahde.com; Gordon L. Helm, NCE MI

St. Joseph, Amber Helm Development L.C. / Gordon Helm, NCE / PE................................................................................269-313-2433

Amber Technologies.. ......................................................... 4 Oxford Las; Smithtown, NY 11787; 631-724-4619; FAX: 631-361-4836; rsjaniec@aol.com

American Environments Co, Inc. .................................... 17 Commercial Blvd., Medford, NY 11763; 631-736-5883; FAX: 631-736-5272; wmiller49@optonline.net; www.aeco. com

Americor Electronics Ltd. .................................................

Elk Grove Village, IL; 800-830-5337; www.americor-usa.com

Amphenol Canada Corp.. ...................................................

20 Melford Drive, Scarborough Ontario M1B 2X6, Canada; 416-291-4401; 416-292-0647; sales@amphenolcanada.com; www.amphenolcanada.com emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory Amuneal Manufacturing Corp... ..................................... 4737 Darrah St., Philadelphia, PA 19124; 215-535-3000; FAX: 215-743-1715; 800-755-9843; info@amuneal.com; www.amuneal.com

Andre Consulting, Inc. ........................................................ Bothell, WA; 206-406-8371; http://andreconsulting.com

ANDRO Computational Solutions, LLC. ........................ Rome, NY; 315-334-1163; www.androcs.com

Anritsu Company.. ................................................................ 1155 East Collins Blvd., Suite 100, Richardson, TX 75081; 972-644-1777; FAX: 972-671-1877; 800-267-4878; marcom@anritsu.com; www.us.anritsu.com

Antistatic Industries ........................................................... Northvale, NJ; 800-214-7900; www.antistaticindustries. com

Apache Design Solutions .................................................. San Jose, CA; 408-457-2000; www.apache-da.com

APC by Schneider Electric................................................ West Kingston, RI; 800-788-1704; www.apc.com

Apex Die & Gasket Inc........................................................ P.O. Box 1442, Tempe, AZ 85280-1442; 888-937-3907; dave@dieandgasket.com; www.dieandgasket.com

API Delevan.. ......................................................................... 270 Quaker Road; East Aurora, NY 14052; 716-652-3600; 716-652-4814; apisales@delevan.com; www.delevan.com

Apogee Labs, Inc.................................................................. 210 S. Third St., North Wales, PA 19454; 215-699-2060; dhendricks@apogeelabs.com; www.apogeelabs.com

Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AET) LLC...... ................................................................................................ 42 P.O. Box 1437, Solomons, MD 20688-1437; 410-474-1009; Fax: 410-326-6728; info@AppliedEMtech.com; www. AppliedEMtech.com

Applied Physical Electronics, LC ................................... P.O. Box 341149, Austin, TX 78734; 512-264-1804; Fax: 512264-1784; info@apelc.com; www.apelc.com;Rich Schreib, Vice President of Business Development

Applied Systems Engineering, Inc. ................................ Fort Worth, TX; 817-249-4188; www.Applsys.com

APREL Laboratories. ........................................................... 17 Bentley Ave., Nepean Ontario K2E 6T7, Canada; 613-8202730; 613-820-4161; info@aprel.com; www.aprel.com

AR Receiver Systems.......................................................... 21434 Osborne St.,Canoga Park, CA 91304-1520; 818-8823977; Fax: 818-882-3981;info@ar-worldwide.com; www. ar-worldwide.com. Products are purchased through AR RF/ Microwave Instrumentation.

AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation .............................. ......................................................................................9, 19, 35 160 School House Road, Souderton, PA 18964; 215-7238181; 800-933-8181; info@ar-worldwide.com; www.ar-worldwide.com AK AL AR AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA IA ID IL IN

Syntek ......................................................................... 503-614-3403 Brennan Associates .................................................. 727-445-5006 Testech Sales Engineers ...........................................972-644-5010 Technical Marketing Specialists.............................480-929-0009 Altamont Technical Services....................................925-294-9774 Technical Marketing, Inc. .........................................303-488-0220 R.J. Sickles Associates ............................................. 781-862-5100 Delmarva Engineering ...............................................410-990-9000 Advanced Technical Marketing ...............................800-310-8805 Brennan Associates .................................................. 727-446-5006 Brennan Associates ...................................................770-402-2560 Electronic Instrument Associates Inc. ....................630-924-1600 Syntek ..........................................................................425-822-7777 Electronic Instrument Associates Inc. ....................630-924-1600 Delta Technology Solutions......................................419-394-6766



KJS Marketing ............................................................816-578-4751 Delta Technology Solutions......................................513-677-3987 Testech Sales Engineers ...........................................972-644-5010 R. J. Sickles Associates ............................................ 781-862-5100 Delmarva Engineering ...............................................410-990-9000 R.J. Sickles Associates ............................................. 781-862-5100 Delta Technology Solutions......................................419-394-6766 Electronic Instrument Associates Inc. ....................612-695-4055 KJS Marketing ............................................................816-578-4751 Brennan Associates .................................................. 727-446-5006 Syntek ..........................................................................425-822-7777 Delmarva Engineering ...............................................410-990-9000 Intersell .......................................................................603-465-5690 R.J. Sickles Associates ............................................. 781-862-5100 Advanced Technical Marketing ...............................800-310-8805 Technical Marketing Specialists............................. 505-286-0079 Altamont Technical Services....................................925-294-9774 Advanced Technical Marketing ...............................800-310-8805 GSC Representatives................................................. 585-385-1170 Delta Technology Solutions......................................419-394-6766 Testech Sales Engineers ........................................... 817-282-4471 Syntek. ....................................................................... 503-614-3403 Advanced Technical Marketing ...............................800-310-8805 R.J. Sickles Associates ............................................. 781-862-5100 Brennan Associates ...................................................770-402-2560 Brennan Associates ...................................................770-402-2560 Testech Sales Engineers ...........................................972-644-5010 Technical Marketing Specialists..............................801-944-5605 Delmarva Engineering ...............................................410-990-9000 Syntek .........................................................................425-822-7777 Electronic Instrument Associates Inc. ...................630-924-1600 INTERNATIONAL AUS Faraday Pty Ltd .......................................................61-3-9729-5000 AUT EMV GmbH .............................................................49-89-614-171-0 BELARUS Radiant-Elcom................................................. 7495-725-0404 BLG AR Benelux B.V. ........................................................31-172-423000 BRA IME LTDA ................................................................55-11-3871-2329 CAN Source Engineering .................................................... 519-654-8511 CHN Corad Technology Ltd. ........................................... 852-2793-0330 CZH H Test a.s. ................................................................ 420-235365207 DNK Erik Blichfeld................................................................45-7552-2020 FIN Caltest Oy ............................................................... 358-9-530-6070 FRA AR France. ................................................................33-1-4791-7530 GER EMV GmbH ...............................................................49-89-614-1710 GRC Vector Technologies Ltd. ......................................30-210-6858008 HKG Corad Technology Ltd. ........................................... 852-2793-0330 HUN H Test a.s. ............................................................... 420-235365207 IND Complus Sys. Pvt. Ltd. .........................................91-80-416-83883 ISR Erantel Electronics, Ltd............................................972-9-7663478 ITA Teseo SpA...............................................................39-011-994-1911 JPN Nippon Automatic Control .................................... 81-3-5434-1600 KOR EMC Solution ............................................................82-22168-3910 LUX AR Benelux B.V. ........................................................31-172-423000 MYS Precision Technologies PTE, Ltd. ............................ 65-6-2734573 MEX Sistemas e Ingenieria de EMC ........................... 52-55-2168-2148 NLD AR Benelux B.V .........................................................31-172-423000 NZL Faraday Pty Ltd. ......................................................61-3-9729-5000 NOR Nortelco A/S..............................................................47-22-57-6100 PAK Telec Electronics & Machinery Ltd........................ 92-21-5217201 POL Urzadzenia Elektroniczne Import..............................022-313-1735 PRT Wavecontrol............................................................ 34-93-320-80-5 RUS Radiant-Elcom.......................................................... 7495-725-0404 SGP Precision Technologies PTE, Ltd. ............................ 65-6-2734573 SAF Protea Technology, Ltd. ..........................................27-11-887-2637 SPA Wavecontrol, S.L. ................................................... 34-93-320-80-5 SWE CE-BIT Elektronik AB ............................................... 46-8-735-7550 SWZ Emitec AG ................................................................. 41-41-748-6010 TAI Evergo Electronics Corp. .....................................886-2-2752-0767 THA Anatron Co. Ltd......................................................66-2-732-0902-4 TUR Orko Mumessillik ..................................................90-312-438-2213 UK AR United Kingdom............................................... 441-908-282766

AR Tech .................................................................................... Fontana, CA; 909-829-4444; www.artech2000.com

ARA Technologies.. ............................................................. P.O. Box 226, Smithtown, NY 11787; 631-724-4619; FAX: 631-361-8691; emc@aratech-inc.com

ARC Technologies, Inc. ................................................. 95 11 Chestnut St.; Amesbury, MA 01913; 978-388-2993; Fax: 978-388-6866; sales@arc-tech.com; www.arc-tech.com; Mackenzie O’Connell, Marketing Coordinator

Arcotronics Inc.. ................................................................... 20-1 Jules Court, Bohemia, NY 11716; 631-563-9568; 631-563-

9569; rich@arcotronics.net; www.arcotronics.net

AT4 Wireless... ...................................................................... PTA, C/ Severo Ochoa, 2, Campanillas, Malaga 29590, Spain; +34 952 6191 00; jcasini@at4wireless.com; www. at4wireless.com

Atlas Compliance & Engineering, Inc. .......................... San Jose, CA; 408-971-9743; www.atlasce.com

Austest Laboratories .......................................................... Chatswood, NSW, Australia; +61 2 9882 6500; www. austest.com.au

Autosplice, Inc.. .................................................................... 10121 Barnes Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92121; 858-6783181; FAX: 858-535-0130; cmiller@autosplice.com; www. autosplice.com

Averna ............................................................................................ Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 514-842-7577; www.averna. com/urt/ Axonics, Inc................................................................................. Suffern, NY; 845-228-8924; www.axonics.net

B Bal Seal Engineering, Inc...................................................... 19650 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610; sales@balseal. com; www.balseal.com; 949-460-2100: FAX: 949-4602300; 800-366-1006 Bay Area Compliance Labs Corp....................................... Sunnyvale, CA; 408-732-9162, ext. 3106; www.baclcorp. com

BEC Incorporated...................................................................... Pottstown, PA; 610-970-6880; www.bec-ccl.com Beehive Electronics ................................................................ 8555 Lawrence Lane, Sebastopol, CA 09547; sales@ beehive-electronics.com; www.beehive-electronics.com; 707-824-9206; FAX: 707-581-1955 Beijing Tempest Electronics Technologies Co. Ltd. . Room 321, Zhuanxiu Building No.83, Fuxing Road, Beijing; tempest@public.bta.net.cn; www.chinatpst.com

BI Technologies ......................................................................... 4200 Bonita Place, Fullerton, CA 92835; sales@bitechnologies.com; www.bitechnologies.com; 714-447-2345; FAX: 714-447-2400

Binder-USA.................................................................................. Camarillo, CA; 805-437-9925; www.binder-usa.com Bird Technologies Group / TX RX Systems 30303 Aurora Road, Solon, OH 44139; sales@bird-technologies.com; www.bird-technologies.com; 440-248-1200; FAX: 440-248-5426; 866-695-4569

Blackwood Labs........................................................................ 8 Woodfieldside Business Park, Pontllanfraith, Blackwood, South Wales, NP12 2DG, United Kingdom; test@ blackwood-labs.co.uk; www.blackwood-labs.co.uk; +44 (0) 1495 229219

BorderWatch Compliance Services LLC....................... Madison, AL; 256-348-4228; www.borderwatchllc.com

Bourns Inc. ................................................................................... Riverside, CA; 951-781-5500; www.bourns.com

Boyd Corporation ...................................................................... Modesto, CA; 209-236-1111; www.boydcorp.com

Braco Compliance Ltd ............................................................ Christchurch, New Zealand; +64 21 208 4303; www. bracocompliance.com Braden Shielding Systems........................................... 85 9260 Broken Arrow Expressway, Tulsa, OK 74145; gpierandri@bradenshielding.com; www.bradenshielding.com; 918-624-2888; FAX: 918-624-2886



company directory Bureau Veritas (formerly Curtis-Straus)......................

Littleton Distribution Center, One Distribution Center Circle, Suite #1, Littleton, MA 1460; ElectricalMail@BureauVeritas. com; www.BureauVeritas.com/EE; 978-486-8880; FAX: 978-486-8828; 877-277-8880

Bystat International Inc. .................................................... Ville St-Laurent, Quebec, Canada; 514-333-8880; www. Bystat.com

Cima NanoTech, Inc............................................................. 1000 Westgate Drive, St. Paul, MN 55114-1067; sales@ cimananotech.com; www.cimananotech.com; 651-6466266; FAX: 651-646-4161

Circuit Insights LLC.............................................................. Pasadena, CA; 626-201-0488; www.LoopSlooth.com

CITEL Inc..................................................................................


1515 NW 167th Street, Suite 6-303, Miami, FL 33169; citel@citelprotection.com; www.citelprotection.com; 305621-0022; FAX: 305-621-0766

Calmont Wire & Cable, Inc................................................

CKC Laboratories, Inc. ........................................................

Santa Ana, CA; 714-549-0336; www.calmont.com

CAP Wireless ........................................................................ 3235 Grande Vista Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320; info@ capwireless.com; www.capwireless.com; 805-499-1818; FAX: 805-499-6649

Capcon International, Inc.................................................. Inwood, NY; 516-371-5600; www.capconemi.com

CAPLINQ Corporation......................................................... Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; +1 613-482-2215; www.caplinq. com

5046 Sierra Pines Drive, Mariposa, CA 95338; ckclabs@ ckc.com; www.ckc.com; 209-966-5240; 866-779-9776; 800-500-4362

ClickFold Plastics ................................................................ 2900 Westinghouse Blvd, Ste 118, Charlotte, NC 28273; info@clickfold.com; clickfoldplastics.com; 866-649-8665

Cobham Microwave ............................................................ Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 1243 670711; www.cobham.com/microwave

Combinova AB .......................................................................

2303 120th St., Lubbock, TX 79423; caprock@caprockmfg.com; www.caprock-mfg.com; 806-745-6454; FAX: 806-745-5963

Bro, Sweden; +46-8-627 93 10; www.combinova.se Compac Development Corp. 1460 North Clinton Ave., Suite O-15, Bay Shore, NY 11706; sales@compac-rf.com; www.compac-rf.com; 631-5853400; FAX: 631-585-3534

Captor Corporation ......................................................... 66

Communication Certification Laboratory....................

Caprock Manufacturing.....................................................

5040 South County Road 25A, Tipp City, OH 45371; 937667-8484; Fax 937-667-5133; stimms@CaptorCorp.com; www.CaptorCorp.com; Bob Jenks, Sales/Design Engineer; Nathan Miller, Sales/Design Engineer; Joe Otto, Sales/Design Engineer; Brian Monnin, Sales/Design Engineer; Scott Timms, BP/GM; Ryan Sollmann, Sales/Design Engineer CA

Fremont, R C Products LLC/Bruce Creedy..............510-656-8490 Palm Desert, Ramsgate Tech Sls/Don Hosmer.....760-779-5600 FL Tampa, CBC Electronics/Seth Brock ....................... 813-969-1901 IN CRP Technical Solutions/Chris Platt ........................317-841-7273 MA New England region, Integral Sales/Neil Reynolds .......................................................................................508-533-7732 TX Wylie, Stewart & Associates/Fred Stewart .........972-442-0336 WA Lionheart Northwest, Inc./Leo Smale....................425-882-2587

Central Coating Company.................................................. 165 Shrewsbury Street, West Boylston, MA 01583; ldenefrio@centralcoating.com; www.centralcoating.com; 508-835-6225; FAX: 508-835-6228

CertifiGroup............................................................................ 901 Sheldon Drive, Cary, NC 27513; info@certifigroup.com; www.certifigroup.com; 800-422-1651

CETECOM Inc. .......................................................................

411 Dixon Landing Road, Milpitas, CA 95035; sales@cetecomusa.com; www.cetecomusa.com; 408-586-6200

CGS Technologies ................................................................ Phoenix, AZ; 623-869-0600; www.cgstech.com

Cherry Clough Consultants ............................................... Stafford, Straffordshire, United Kingdom; +44 1785 660 247; www.cherryclough.com

Chomerics, Div. of Parker Hannifin Corp. .............. 94 77 Dragon Court, Woburn, MA 01888; 781-935-4850; Fax: 781-933-4318; chomailbox@parker.com; www.chomerics. com; 100 Indigo Creek Drive, Rochester, NY 14626-5101; pterilli@parker.com; www.chomericstest.com; 781-9394158; FAX: 781-935-2758


interference technology

Compliance Certification Services 47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; usainfo@ccsemc. com; 510-771-1000; FAX: 510-661-0888

Compliance Worldwide ..................................................... 357 Main St., Sandown, NH 03873; Larry@cw-inc.com; http://cw-inc.com; 603-887-3903; FAX: 603-887-6445

Comtech PST Corporation.................................................

Communication Coil, Inc. ..................................................

Comtest Eng. ..........................................................................

Schiller Park, IL; 847-671-1333; www.communicationcoil. com

Compatible Electronics, Inc. ............................................ Brea, CA; 714-579-0500; www.celectronics.comm

Compliance Testing............................................................. Chandler, AZ; 480-926-3100; www.compliancetesting.com

105 Baylis Road, Melville, NY 11757; sales@comtechpst. com; www.comtechpst.com

Industrieweg 12, 2382NV Zoeterwoude, Ch. Of Commerce, Leiden no 28042416, Netherlands; engineering@comtestnl. com; www.comtestnl.com; +31 71 5417531

CONEC Corporation - USA.................................................

343 Technology Drive, #1101, Garner, NC 27529; info@ american.conec.com; www.conec.com; 919-460-8800; FAX: 919-460-0141

CPI Satom Division .............................................................. 811 Hansen Way, 51625 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1031; satcommarketing@cpii.com; www.cpii.com/product.cfm/4/11; 650-846-3803

Com-Power Corporation................................................15

Cranage EMC & Safety .......................................................

Conductive Compounds Inc..............................................

Cre8 Associates Ltd.............................................................

Connors Company Inc.........................................................

Creative Materials, Inc. .....................................................

114 Olinda Drive, Brea, CA 92823; 714-528-8800; Fax 714579-1850; sales@com-power.com; www.com-power.com Hudson, NH; 603-595-6221; www.conductivecompounds. com Carver, MA; 508-866-5392; www.ConnorsRep.com

Core Compliance Testing Services ............................... Hudson, NH; 603-889-5545; www.corecompliancetesting. com

Cosmo Ferrites Limited ...................................................... Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India; 911792 277231-36; www. cosmoferrites.com

China EMI Shielding Materials, Co. Ltd........................ Jinan, Shnadong, China; 86-531-88111984; www.china-emi shielding.com


Ft. Lauderdale, TEQSPEC, Bob Leacock................. 954-370-5824 M. Lader Co. ................................................................610-825-3177 PVP Sales, Vince Schiel............................................. 201-841-2293 Scientific Devices, New England.............................508-528-2458 R.A.Mayes, Eric Evans ..............................................303-761-9447 PVP Sales, Vince Schiel............................................. 201-841-2293 Comreps, John Casey ................................................972-867-7003 Lionheart, Leo Smale .................................................425-882-2587 M. Lader Co. ................................................................610-825-3177 Comreps, John Casey ................................................972-867-7003 R.A.Mayes, Eric Evans ..............................................303-761-9447 M. Lader Co. ................................................................610-825-3177 INTERNATIONAL Zugs, CPI Switzerland.............................................41-41-749-8522 Munich, CPI Germany ........................................... 49-89-45-87370 FA Consulting .................................................................. 49-70-8077 Advancetec OY .......................................................358-9-3505-260 Walton-on-Thames, CPI UK................................44-1932-898-080 New Delhi, CPI India ................................................91-11-614-6716 Tel Aviv, Rapac Electronics ...................................972-3-920-3456 Torino, CPI Italy ........................................................ 39-11-771-4765 Tokyo ....................................................................... 81-3-3639-9814 Oudstrijdersstraat, CPI Belgium ............................. 32-14-43-1140 Hans H. Schive ...........................................................47-66-76-0513 CPI Asia, Inc.................................................................65-6225-0011 Stockholm, Compomill............................................46-31-733-2150

1940 W. Alexander Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84119; info@ cclab.com; www.cclab.com; 801-972-6146; FAX: 801-9728432

Cascade TEK .......................................................................... 5245-A NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124; www.cascadetek.com; 503-648-1818; FAX: 503-648-1798; 888-835-9250


Market Drayton, Shropshire, United Kingdom; +44 1630 658568; www.cranage.co.uk

Lutterworth, Leicestershire, United Kingdom; +44 (0)1162 479787; www.cre8-associates.com Tyngsboro, MA; 978-649-4700; www.creativematerials. com

Criterion Technology, Inc. ................................................. 1350 Tolland Road, Rollinsville, CO 80474; myoung@ criteriontech.com; www.criteriontech.com; 303-258-0100; FAX: 303-258-0775

CSA International................................................................. 178 Rexdale Blvd., Toronto M9W 1R3, Canada; 866-7974272; Fax: 416-747-4149 ; cert.info@csa-international.org; www.csa-international.org

CPI (Communications&Power Industries) Canada Inc. .........................................................................................13 45 River Drive, Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 2J4, Canada; 905877-0161; Fax: 905-877-5327; marketing@cmp.cpii.com; www.cpii.com/cmp; Tom Sertic


R.A.Mayes, Eric Evans ..............................................303-761-9447 Redondo Beach, C-WAVE .........................................310-937-3521 San Jose, MC Microwave, Inc. ............................... 408-446-4100 R. A. Mayes, Eric Evans.............................................303-761-9447

CST of America速, Inc.................................................. 105 492 Old Connecticut Path, Suite 505, Framingham, MA

emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory 01701; 508-665-4400; info@cst.com; www.cst.com

aspx; 847-956-1140; 877-221-5052

CST of America, Inc. ..................................................650-472-3790 InTernATIonAl oxley, rF Shop ..........................................................61 7 3375 6767 CST AG .....................................................................55 11 2645 6470 Shanghai, CST China ltd...................................... 86 21 5080 2328 Beijing, CST China ltd. ..........................................86 10 8248 3820 CST Computer Simulation Technology ................. 49 6151 7303 0 CST France eurl.......................................................33 1 45 37 38 25 nottingham, CST UK ltd. ...................................... 44 115 9061 120 CST AG .....................................................................39 0363 3512 42 KawasakiCity, AeT, Inc............................................81 44 980 0505 CST of Korea, Inc. .....................................................82 31 781 6866 Kuala lumpur, CST Southeast Asia.......................6 03 6203 7690 Hsinchu, nearson Marketing Group, Inc. ..............886 3 5332541 CST AG ......................................................................91 44 32551460 CST AG, Prague ......................................................420 257 219 488

Diversified T.E.S.T. Technologies ...................................

CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG ...............

Dexter Magnetic Technologies.......................................



Bad nauheimer Str. 19, Darmstadt, Hessen 64289, Germany; info@cst.com; www.cst.com; +49 6151 73030; +49 6151 7303100

Curtis Industries ...............................................................74 2400 S. 43rd St., Milwaukee, WI 53219; 414-649-4200; Fax: 414-649-4279; sales@curtisind.com; www.curtisind.com; Steven Powers, Pres.; Al Hungsberg, Sales Director; Glenn Cumming, Prod. Mgr.; Don reynolds, VP Sales & Marketing

Cybershield ............................................................................

Groton, nY; 607-898-4218; www.dttlab.com


Ecliptek Corporation ........................................................... Costa Mesa, CA; 714-433-1200; www.ecliptek.com

Ed Fagan Inc. ..........................................................................

769 Susquehanna Ave., Franklin lakes, nJ 07417; sales@ edfagan.com; www.edfagan.com; 201-891-4003; FAX: 201-891-3207; 800-348-6268

D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc......................................... 1250 Peterson Dr., Wheeling, Il 60090; 847-537-6400; Fax 847-537-6488; jblack@dlsemc.com; www.dlsemc.com; Brian Mattson, General Manager; Steve Grimes, Sales and Applications engineer; Donald Sweeney, President; Jack Black, business development manager 1050 Morse Avenue, elk Grove Village, Il 60007; 800775-3829; Fax: 877-221-5052; @dextermag.com; www. dextermag.com/softmagnetics.aspx


elk Grove Village, Midwest - Chicago......................847-956-1140 Chelmsford, east Coast - Boston ............................ 978-250-4300 Hicksville, east Coast - new York............................ 516-822-3311 rockwall, Southwest - rockwall............................. 214-505-1670 InTernATIonAl CHn Suzhou, China .......................................................+8625-84812400 GBr Berkshire, UK ..................................................+44 (0) 1189-602430

lufkin, TX; 214-227-3680; www.cybershieldinc.com


Eeonyx Corp. .......................................................................... 750 Belmont Way, Pinole, CA 94564; info@eeonyx.com; www.eeonyx.com; 510-741-3632; FAX: 510-741-3657

EESeal ...................................................................................... 5639 B Jefferson ne, Albuquerque, nM 87109; eeSeal@ Quell.us; www.eeseal.com; 505-243-1423; FAX: 505-2439772

Electri-Flex Company ......................................................... roselle, Il; 800-323-6174; www.electriflex.com

Electrocube, Inc.................................................................... 3366 Pomona Blvd., Pomona, CA 91768; esales@electrocube.com; www.electrocube.com; 909-595-4037; FAX: 909-595-0186; 800-515-1112

ElectroMagnetic Investigations, LLC ........................... 20811 nW Cornell road, Suite 600, Hillsboro, or 97124; support@emicomply.com; www.emicomply.com; 503-4661160; FAX: 503-466-1170; 888-466-1160

Electro-Metrics Corp.......................................................... Johnstown, nY; 518-762-2600; www.electro-metrics.com

D.A.R.E!! Calibrations ........................................................

DNB Engineering, Inc. ......................................................7

Electronic Instrument Associates .................................

D.A.R.E!! Consultancy ........................................................


Electronics Test Centre (MPB Technologies Inc.) ...

Woerden, Utrecht, The netherlands; +31 348 43 18 07; www.dare.nl/en/calibration Woerden, Utrecht, The netherlands; +31 348 430 979; www.dare.nl/en/calibration

D.A.R.E!! Instruments.........................................................

Woerden, Utrecht, The netherlands; +31 348 416 592; www.dare.nl/en/calibration

Datatronics ............................................................................. romoland, CA; 951-928-7700; www.datatronics.com

Dayton T. Brown, Inc. .......................................................... Bohemia, nY; 631-589-6300; www.dtbtest.com

dB Control ...............................................................................

3535 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, CA 92833; 714870-7781; Fax 714-870-5081; Doug@dnbenginc.com; www.dnbenginc.com; Doug Broaddus, exec. VP

riverside, Tony Piraino, Sls & Mktg Manager .......951-637-2630 Coalville, Clay Alred, Manager................................435-336-4433 InTernATIonAl TWn Taiwan, .......................................................................... 222-777-534

DNB Engineering, Inc. ........................................................ 5969 robinson Ave., riverside, CA 92503-8620; 951-6372630; Fax 951-637-2704; Stan@dnbenginc.com; www.dnbenginc.com

216 Hillsboro Ave., lexington, KY 40511; jrbarnes@iglou. com; www.dbicorporation.com; 859-253-1178; FAX: 859252-6128

Delta Electronics.................................................................. Amphur Bangpakong, Chachoengsao, Thailand; +66 (0)38522480; www.deltaww.com

Electrorack Enclosure Products..................................... Anaheim, CA; 714-776-5420; www.electrorack.com

143 Jumping Brook road, lincroft, nJ 07738; 732-741-7723; Fax 732-530-5695; d.heirman@ieee.org; www.DonHeIrMAn.com; lois Heirman, Secretary/Treasurer

Elite Electronic Engineering Inc. ....................................

dB Society...............................................................................

dBi Corporation.....................................................................

Airdrie, Alberta, Canada; 403-912-0037; www.etc-mpb.com

Don HEIRMAN Consultants ....................................... 132

Fremont, CA; 510-656-2325; www.dBControl.com

22117 ne 10th Place, Sammamish, WA 98074-6863; 452-868-2558; Fax: 425-868-0547; j.n.oneill@ieee.org; d.hoolihan@ieee.org

P.o. Box 6487, Bloomingdale, Il 60108-6487; frank@ electronicinstrument.com; www.electronicinstrument.com; 630-924-1600; FAX: 630-477-0321

Dontech Incorporated ................................................. 102

700 Airport Blvd., Doylestown, PA 18901; 215-348-5010; Fax 12215-348-9959; info@dontechinc.com; www. dontechinc.com; Jeff Blake, Director, Sales & Marketing; Bill Cusack, eastern regional Sales Manager; randall Pyles, Director–engineering; John Vecchione, Western regional Sales Manager

Dynamic Sciences International, Inc. ..........................

1516 Centre Circle; Downers Grove, Il 60515-1082; 800-elITe-11, 630-495-9770; FAX 630-495-9785; sales@ elitetest.com; www.elitetest.com; Steve laya, Mktg. Mgr.; John Schmit, Inside Sales Mgr.

Elmag, ETS-Lindgren .......................................................... Cedar Park, TX; 512-531-6400; www.ets-lindgren.com

EM Software & Systems-SA (Pty) Ltd ......................51

Delta Products Corp ............................................................

6130 Variel Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367; 818226-6262; Fax: 818-226-6247; 800-966-3713; market@ dynamicsciences.com; www.dynamicsciences.com

Desco Industries Inc. ..........................................................



Fremont, CA; 919-767-3860; www.deltaww.com

3651 Walnut Ave., Chino CA 91710; Service@Desco.com; www.DescoIndustries.com; 909-627-8178; FAX: 909-6277449

Device Technologies, Inc. ................................................. 155 northboro road; Unit 8; Southborough, MA 01772; npetri@devicetech.com; www.devicetech.com/shielding/ default.asp; 508-229-2000; FAX: 508-229-2622

Dexter Magnetic Technologies....................................... 1050 Morse Avenue, elk Grove Village, Il 60007; info@ dextermag.com; www.dextermag.com/soft-magnetics.


E. F. Electronics Co...............................................................

217 W. Mill St., Montgomery, Il 60538; eFeMCTeST@aol. com; 630-897-1950

E-LABS INC ............................................................................ 4007 leonard Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22408; info@elabsinc.com; www.e-labsinc.com; 540-834-0372; FAX: 540-834-0373

East Coast Shielding ........................................................... Hackettstown, nJ; 908-852-9160; www.eastcoastshield-

Po 1354, Stellenbosch 7599 SoUTH AFrICA; +27 21 8801880; Fax: +27 21 8801936; info@emss.co.za; www. emss.co.za

Hampton, eM Software & Systems (USA) Inc,.....866-202-9262 InTernATIonAl DeU Boblingen, eM Software & Systems GmbH .................................... ................................................................................49 7031-714-5200

EM TEST .................................................................................. Sternenhofstrasse 15, reinach (Bl), 4153, Switzerland; sales@emtest.ch; www.emtest.com; +41 61 717 91 91

EM TEST USA ................................................................... 39 Amherst, nH; 603-769-3477; www.emtest.com

interference technology


company directory EMC Component Group, Inc.............................................. 2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 106, Santa Clara, CA 95054; sales@emccomponent.com; www.emccomponent.com; 408-330-9216; FAX: 408-330-0012

EMC Engineering and Safety ........................................... Haifa, Israel; 972-528396080

EMI Filter Company .........................................................71 12750 59th Way North, Clearwater, FL 33773; 727-5857990 / 800-323-7990; Fax 727-586-5138; sales@emifiltercompany.com; www.emifiltercompany.com; Sally Hubbell, Sales Manager; Ted Nordquist, Chief Engineer

EMI Solutions Pvt Ltd..........................................................

EMC Eupen, A Div. of I2R Corp. ........................................

Bangalore, Karnataka, India; +91-80-27836837 / 27836838; www.emisindia.com

EMC Consulting Dr. Rasek .................................121, 123

2200 North Telshor Blvd., Las Cruces,NM 88011; tezak.d@ emitechnologies.com; www.emitechnologies.com; 575-5329190; FAX: 575-532-0884

5033 Industrial Rd., Bldg. 6, Farmingdale, NJ 7727; sales@ emceupen.com; www.emceupen.com; 732-919-1100; FAX: 732-919-7196

Moggast, Boelwiese 8, Ebermannstadt 91320, Germany: 499194-9016; FAX 49-9194-8125; emc.cons@emcc.de; www. emcc.de; Mrs. Irmhild Helldoerfer; Personal Secretary; Frank Scheuering, Team Assistant

EMC Integrity, Inc.................................................................

EMI Technologies, Inc. .......................................................

Emission Control, Ltd .......................................................... Butler, WI ; 262-790-0092; www.emissioncontrol.com

EMITEMC ......................................................................... 132

Longmont, CO; 303-776-7249; www.emcintegrity.com

Arroyo de la China 3510 Rio Negro, Bariloche, Argentina; +542944527498; hsineiro@emitemc.com; Hernan Sineiro

EMC Management Concepts ...........................................

EMP-tronic .............................................................................

EMC Partner AG ............................................................... 59

ENR (see Seven Mountains Scientific) ................. 109

INTERNATIONAL Sydney, Test & Measurement ............................. +61 2 4739 9523 Buenos Aires, Mannos ...................................... +54 11 4373 25 85 Berchem-Ste-Agathe, Decatel .............................+32 2 469 00 90 Sao Paulo, Test & Measurement ......................+55 11 5092 5229 Manassas, HV Technologies ................................+1 703 365 2330 Shanghai, Precision International ..................... +86 21 6211 5111 Prague, Tectra ......................................................+420 281 921 650 Iserlohn, H+H .........................................................+49 2371 7853-0 Ramadan City, Horus ................................................ +20 15 379416 Barcelona, Wavecontrol ..................................... +34 933 20 80 55 Helsinki, INEL ....................................................... +358 10 423 7570 Cosnac, EMC Partner...........................................+33 5 55 74 31 68 High Wycombe, EMC Partner ..........................+44 1494 44 42 55 Athens, ACTA...................................................... +30 210 600 33 02 Budapest, EL Test ....................................................+36 1 202 18 73 Petach Tikva, Dan-El.............................................+97 2 3 927 1888 Milan, AFJ Instruments .................................... +39 02 91 43 48 50 Tokyo, Nippon Automatic Control ...................... +81 3 5434 1600 Seoul, Kwang Wha Trading ................................ +82 2 2679 39 96 Manassas, HV Technologies ................................+1 703 365 2330 Oosterleek, Rimarck.............................................. +31 229 503 478 Poznan, ASTAT...................................................... +48 61 849 80 61 Vellinge, ERDE..........................................................+46 40 42 46 10 Singapore, Precision Tech....................................... +65 6273 4573 Istanbul, Aktif Neser...........................................+90 216 577 6999 Taipei, Precision International...........................+886 2 8512 4888 Manassas, HV Technologies ................................+1 703 365 2330 Sandton, Protea Electronics ................................ +27 11 719 57 00

EMSCAN Corporation.........................................................

Sterling, VA; 703-864-7023; www.emcmanagement.com

Baselstrasse 160, 4242 Laufen, Switzerland; +41 61 775 20 30; sales@emc-partner.ch; www.emc-partner.com AU AR BE BR CA CN CZ DE EG ES FI FR GB GR HU IL IT JP KR MX NL PL SE SG TR TW US ZA

EMC Technologies Pty Ltd ................................................ 176 Harrick Road, Keilor Park -Melbourne, Victoria 3042, Australia; chris@emctech.com.au; www.emctech.com.au; +613 9365 1000

EMC Tempest Engineering................................................ 2190 East Winston Road, Anaheim, CA 92806; www. emctempest.com; 714-778-1726

Helsingborg, Sweden; 464-223-5060; www.emp-tronic.se www.7ms.com

emscreen GmbH ...................................................................


Wallbergstraße 7, Taufkirchen, Bavaria 82024, Germany, info@emscreen.de, www.emscreen.de;

EMSS Consulting PTY (LTD)............................................. 32 Techno Ave., Technopark, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7600, South Africa; bbosch@emss.co.za; www.emssixus. com; +27 21 880 1880

Environ Laboratories, LLC ................................................. Bloomington, MN; 952-567-2302; www.environlab.com

EPCOS, Inc. ...................................................................... 105 186 Wood Ave. S, Iselin, NJ 08830; 732-906-4374; Fax: 732-632-5927; inductors-emc.usa@epcos.com; http:// www.epcos.com/emc; For Technical assistance: Dr. Richard Michelson; EPCOS, Inc. - NY Lab; 20-1 Jules Court, Bohemia, NY 11716 USA T +1 516 658 1131; mailto: Richard. Michelson@epcos.com MI

Madison Heights, Galco Industrial Electronics .....248-542-9090 INTERNATIONAL CAN Boucherville, Transfab Magnetic Solutions.......... 450-449-0412

Equipment Reliability Institute........................................ 1520 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Barbara, CA 93109; tustin@ equipment-reliability.com; www.equipment-reliability.com; 805-564-1260

ERA Technology Ltd Trading as Cobham Technical Services................................................................................... Leatherhead, Surrey, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 1372 367030; www.cobham.com/technicalservices

Alpharetta, GA; 770-475-8819; www.emctesting.com

EMCMCC bv............................................................................

Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products, Inc. ...117 28 York Ave., Randolph, MA 02368; 781-961-9600; Fax: 781-961-2845; sales@eccosorb.com; www.eccosorb.com; Michael Plante, Director of Sales & Marketing


interference technology



EMC Testing Laboratories, Inc. .......................................

Planegg, Germany; +49-89-8955650; www.emcoelektronik.de



Newton, MA; 508-292-1833; www.emctd.com

EMCO Elektronik GmbH .....................................................


1715-27 Ave. NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7E1, Canada; emscan-assist@emscan.com; www.emscan.com; +1403291 0313

EMC Test Design...................................................................

Eindhoven, Netherlands; 31-6-53811267; www.emcmcc.nl


ETS-Lindgren ........................................... 33, Back Cover 1301 Arrow Point Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613; 512-5316400; Fax: 512-531-6500; info@ets-lindgren.com; www. ets-lindgren.com; Chris Brown, Sls. Mgr. AL AZ CA CO CT FL GA

Decatur, Brennan Associates...................................706-367-5581 Tempe, TMS ...............................................................480-929-0009 Livermore, Altamont Technical Services................925-294-9774 Greenwood Village, TMS.........................................303-488-0220 Norwalk, ETS-Lindgren ...........................................203-838-4555 Clearwater, Brennan Associates............................ 727-446-5006 Loganville, Brennan Associates...............................770-466-1500


Cedar Rapids, EIA .......................................................612-695-4055 Bloomingdale, Elect. Inst. Assoc. ............................630-924-1600 Glendale Heights, ETS-Lindgren..............................630-307-7200 Indianapolis, Elect. Inst. Assoc. ...............................630-924-1600 Frederick, EMC Technologists..................................301-668-7002 Lake Lotawana, KJS Marketing Inc. .......................816-578-4751 Raleigh, EMC Technologists ......................................732-919-1100 Hollis, Intersell ........................................................... 603-465-7500 Farmingdale, EMC Technologists .............................732-919-1100 Albuquerque, Technical Marketing Specialists ...................................................................................... 505-286-0079 East Rochester, GSC Rep. ......................................... 585-385-1170 Arlington, CF Scientific Systems .............................817-467-0970 Salt Lake City, TMS....................................................801-944-5605 Bothell, Del Black Assoc. ......................................... 425-487-4396 Normandy Park, ETS-Lindgren.................................206-824-8122 Jackson, Electronic Inst. Assoc. ..............................630-924-1600 INTERNATIONAL Buenos Aires, Precision Electronica SRL........... 5411-4343-6277 Buenos Aires, Vimelec S.A. .................................54-11-4912-3998 Bayswater Victoria, Faraday .................................61-3-9722-9100 Vienna, UEI ..................................................................43 154515880 Sofia, GIGA Electronics-- HOLADAY ONLY............359 2 731 498 Sao Paulo, QUEMC............................................... 55-21-9236-7473 QUEMC................................................................... 55-21-9236-7473 Nepean, Multilek Inc. ................................................613-226-2365 Cham, Emitec AG.......................................................41-41-7486010 Santiago, Sistema de Instrumentacion-- HOLADAY ONLY .....................................................................................56-2-696-0031 Beijing, Corad Technology-- HOLADAY ONLY .................................................................................86-10-8275-5304 Shanghai, Corad Technology-- HOLADAY ONLY ................................................................................. 86-21 6466-9185 Chengdu, Corad Technology-- HOLADAY ONLY ...................................................................................86-28-739-0426 Xian, Corad Technology-- HOLADAY ONLY ........................................................................ 86-29-524-7655 x 808 Shenzhen, Corad Technology-- HOLADAY ONLY ...............................................................................86-755-8357-2143 Beijing, ETS-Lindgren China ............................... 86-10-8275 5304 Satna Fe de Bogota, High-tec Higene Industr. Ltd.-HOLADAY ONLY ........................................................57-1-414-8636 Praha, Testovaci Technika s.r.o. .........................420-602-123-989 Martinsried, EMCO Elektronik GmbH .............49-89-895-569-25 Brake/Unterweser, ETS-Lindgren Germany......49-4401988963 Maintal, Pischzan Technologies-- HOLADAY ONLY ...................................................................................49 6109 771 948 Taastrup, Metric A/S ...............................................45-43-71 64 44 Cairo, Omega Integrated Systems ........................ 20-2-337-0501 Madrid, ALAVA Ingenieros .....................................340915679720 Madrid, Nusim SA-- HOLADAY ONLY ...................3491 657 4024 Eura, ETS-Lindgren Finland ...................................358-2 8383 300 LeBlanc Mesnil, ETS-Lindgren Europe ..............33-1-48 65 34 03 Emerainville, M2S Sarl ...........................................+33 164 616329 Gennevilliers, M2S-- HOLADAY ONLY ............33-4-68-81-49-52 Bucks, EMV Ltd.-- HOLADAY ONLY ..................+44 1908 566556 Herts, ETS-Lindgren UK ....................................44-0-1438-730700 Athens, J B Cambas Ltd.-- HOLADAY ONLY.........30-1-674-7464 Perama-Piraeus, Marac Elect. ................................. 301 43 14 361 Kowloon, Corad Technology-- HOLADAY ONLY ..................................................................................... 852 2793 0330 Kwun Tong Kowloon, MaxTech Instruments Limited ..................................................................................... 852 27 933591 North Point, PTC International- HOLADAY ONLY ................................................................................... 852-2-827-9977 Halasztelek, ProMet Merestechnika Bt. ...............36-24-521-240 Bangalore, Complus Systems ............................91-80-2343-8707 Bangalore, Complus Systems-- HOLADAY ONLY ........................... .................................................................................91-80-2343-8707 Bray Co. Wicklow, Data Edge Ltd. .....................44-1908-566-556 Tel Aviv, R.D.T. Equip. & Systems............................97-236450745 Venaria Reale , AICOM Group .............................. 39.011.2265003 Torino, TESEO SpA-- HOLADAY ONLY.................39 011 994 1911 Tokyo, Access Japan Corporation ........................81-424-81-2977 Astech Corp., Astech Corp. ..................................81-3-3366-0813 Tokyo, ETS-Lindgren Japan ...................................81-3-3813-7100 Seoul, Eretec ...........................................................82-31-436-1100 Youngdeungpo-gu, Eretec-- HOLADAY ONLY ....................................................................................82-31-436-1100 Col. Condesa, SI EMC sistemas e Ingenieria ...52-55-5553 8970 Selangor, TME-- HOLADAY ONLY .........................603-5634-1017 Alphen a/d Rijn, EMV Benelux B.V. .....................31-0172-423000 Ohmtronics-- HOLADAY ONLY...............................31 40 257 3148 Oslo, Laobrel AS -- HOLADAY ONLY.......................47 23 05 19 30 Nortelco ....................................................................... 47 22 57 6100 Auckland, Vicom .......................................................64-3-379-3793

emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory NZL Christchurch, Vicom-- HOLADAY ONLY ...............64-3-379-3793 PAK Saddar Karac, Telec Elect. & Mach..........................92-21-517201 PER Lima, Eliana Rey de Castro F. de C. Instrumentos y Compl ........................................................................................511-241-5334 PHL Makati City, ArK One Solutions .............................63-2-833-9050 POL Warszawa, UEI ..................................................... 48-22-549-92-46 PRT Alges, Rohde & Schwarz Portugal- HOLADAY ONLY ....................................................................................351 214 155700 RUS Moscow, Swemel ......................................................70952656672 SGP Singapore, ETS-Lindgren Singapore.......................65-653 67078 SGP Singapore, Precision Tech.-- HOLADAY ONLY ........65-273-4573 SGP Singapore, Precision Technologies Pte Ltd ............... 65-2734573 SWE Solna, Ce-Bit Elektronik .........................................46-87-35-75-50 SWE Motala, Proxitron AB--HOLADAY ONLY ................ 46 141 580 00 THA Prakanong, Bangkok, Comfort International Co.-- HOLADAY ONLY......................................................................... 66-02-391-7078 TUR Istabul, Alka Elektrik-- HOLADAY ONLY.............90 212 245 1295 TUR Istanbul, aReF Medical Technical Services ............................................................................... 90-212-296-54-46 TWN Hsien, Burgeon....................................................+886-03-3280531 TWN Taipei, Lintek Corporation-- HOLADAY ONLY ..............................................................................886-02-270-90387 VEN Caracas, Physion Technologiea Nuclear-- HOLADAY ONLY ......................................................................................58-2-34-87-08 VNM Hanoi, Victory Co., Ltd.-- HOLADAY ONLY........... 84-4-976-1586 ZAF South Africa, Environmental Instruments-- HOLADAY ONLY ..................................................................................27-021-975-1213 ZAF Bramley, Protea Data Systems ..............................27-11-719-5791


Tel Aviv, Maron Technologies, Ltd.........................972-3-9067155 South Korea, Eretec, Inc..........................................82-31-4270061 Mexico, SI-EMC................................................... 52-55-55-538970 Singapore, Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd. .............................65-355-0851 Bangkok, Dietheim Trading Co., Ltd. ......................66-2-332-7140 Kaohsiung, Burgeon Instrument Co., Ltd.............886-7-227-2701 Tao-Yuan Hsien, Burgeon Instrument Co., Ltd. ...................................................................................886-3-328-0531

ETS-Lindgren China ............................................................ Beijing, China; +86 (10) 8275 5304; www.ets-lindgren.com



Filter Concepts, Inc.............................................................. Santa Ana, CA; 714-545-7003; www.filterconcepts.com

Filter Networks .....................................................................

Eurofins Product Service GmbH .....................................

Filtronica, Inc.........................................................................

Reichenwalde, Germany; +49 33631 888 0; http://product testing.eurofins.com

Euroshield Oy, ETS-Lindgren ...........................................

607 Brazos St., Suite U, Ramona, CA 92065; peter@ filtronica.com; www.filtronica.com; 760-788-4975; FAX: 760-788-4356; 888-FILTRONICA

Eura, Finland; 358 2 8383 300; www.ets-lindgren.com

F F-Squared Laboratories .................................................... 26501 Ridge Road, Damascus, MD 20872; 704-918-4609; Fax: 440-632-5542;Ken DeVore, kdevore@f2labs.com; www.f2labs.com

Middlefield. ................................................................ 440-632-5541

Fair-Rite Products Corp. ............................................... 64

Tempe, Technical Marketing Specialists...............480-929-0009 Livermore, Altamont Technical Services................925-294-9774 Monrovia, Technical Marketing Specialists ......... 505-286-0079 Monrovia, Wallace & Wallace ................................ 626-305-8800 Greenwood Village, Technical Marketing Specialists ......................................................................................303-488-0220 Hollis, Intersell ........................................................... 603-465-7500 Clearwater, Brennan Associates, Inc. ................... 727-446-5006 Orlando, Brennan Associates, Inc. ..........................407-239-4399 Jefferson, Brennan Associates, Inc. .......................706-367-5581 Bloomingdale, Electronic Instrument Assoc..........630-924-1600 Noblesville, Electronic Instrument Assoc. ............. 317-770-3689 Overland Pk., M.I.N.K. Assoc. ..................................913-341-8309 Lexington, R.J. Sickles Assocs. ............................... 781-862-5100 Frederick, EMC Technologies ...................................301-668-7002 New England Area, Intersell ................................... 603-465-7500 Minnetonka, Electronic Instrument Assoc. ...........612-695-4055 St. Louis, M.I.N.K. Assoc., Inc. .................................314-995-5355 Raleigh, EMC Technologies ......................................919-832-6244 Hollis, Intersell ........................................................... 603-465-7500 Farmingdale, EMC Technologists .............................732-919-1100 Albuquerque, Technical Marketing Specialists ...................................................................................... 505-286-0079 East Rochester, GSC Representatives.................... 585-385-1170 Dublin, Delta Technology Solutions ........................740-881-3883 St. Mary, Delta Technology Solutions ....................419-394-6766 Salem, Del Black Associates ...................................503-463-9590 Arlington, CF Scientific Systems Inc. ......................817-467-0970 Cedar Park, CF Scientific Systems, Inc. ...................512-250-2127 Salt Lake City, Technical Marketing Specialists .......................................................................................801-944-5605 Seattle, Del Black Associates ..................................206-246-6619 Bothell, Del Black Associates.................................. 425-487-4396 INTERNATIONAL Buenos Aires, Raul Salerno ................................54-11-4568-6657 Rio de Janeiro, QUEMC Ltda ..............................55-21-2557-3342 Nepean, Ontario, Multilek Inc ..................................613-226-2365 Hong Kong, MaxTech Instruments Ltd..................852-2793-3591 Le Blanc Mesnil, ETS-Lindgren France ...............33-1-4865-3403 Stevenage, ETS-Lindgren UK .............................44-1438-730-700

77 Windsor Place, Central Islip, NY 11722; 631-467-5328 www.custompowersystem.com/

Mentor, OH; 440-918-1425; www.eucs.com

Your Signal Solution 速


Fil-coil / Custom Power System......................................

2400 S. 43rd St., Milwaukee, WI 53234-3925; sales@ filternetworks.com; www.filternetworks.com; 414-6494200; FAX: 414-649-4279

Fair-Rite Products Corp.

400 High Grove Blvd., Glendale Heights, IL 60139; 630307-7200; Fax 630-307-7571; info@lindgrenrf.com; www. ets-lindgren.com; Benjamin Turner, VP, Sales & Marketing; Bob Piemonte, Industrial Sales Manager; Wayne Martin, Government Sales Manager; Joseph Barwick, Industrial Business Development Manager

Glen Burnie, MD; 410-760-9696; www.fiboxusa.com

EU Compliance Services, Inc...........................................


ETS-Lindgren (Lindgren RF Enclosures, Inc.) ....................................................................... 33, Back Cover

FIBOX Enclosures. ...............................................................

1 Commercial Row, P.O. Box J, Wallkill, NY 12589; 845895-2055 ; Fax: 845-895-2629; ferrites@fair-rite.com; www.fair-rite.com;Frank Babic, Product Manager; James Montgomery, Applications Engineer; Jerry Barbaro, Area Sales Manager (Western US, Mexico); Alan Keenan, European Sales Manager; Bob Polhamus, Area Sales Manager (Northeast US, Canada); Paul Zdanowicz, Director of Sales and Marketing AZ CA CA CO FL IL IL IL IN MN NY OH PA VA WI


Phoenix Arcadia Tech. Sls........................................ 480-956-8144 Seal Beach MFS Mktg. Grp. .....................................562-598-7355 Sunnyvale PSC............................................................ 408-737-1333 Littleton Chinook Technical Sls. .............................. 303-933-9007 Altamonte Sp. CBX Electronics................................ 407-774-9100 Wheaton Chas. D. Atwater Assoc. ........................ 630-668-2303 Elk Grove Village Dexter MMD .................................847-956-1140 Chicago Newark Electronics ...................................312-784-5100 Ft. Wayne Frank J. Campisano Co......................... 219-486-6443 Eagan Holmes Assoc. ...............................................651-686-5354 Woodstock Elna Ferrite Labs. ..................................914-679-2497 Columbus Frank J. Campisano Co. ...........................614-538-1176 Leechburg Frank J. Campisano Co. .........................412-845-2577 Roanoke A. B. Kreger Co. ......................................... 540-989-4780 Oshkosh Chas. D. Atwater Assoc............................414-303-0811 INTERNATIONAL Victoria Specialised Conductives .............................3-9846-1490 Mississauga Pipe-Thompson, Ltd............................905-281-8281 Pierre Fonds ................................................................514-624-8760 Madrid Redislogar S.A. .............................................. 34-1413-9111 Illzach Cedex Euro Schaffner..................................33-8-931-0400 Broxboume Cirkit Holding PLC ...........................44-1992-441-306 Colnbrook Dexter MMD .....................................44-1753-737-400 Silram Ltd. Kfar Saba ..............................................972-9-767-1332 Technopartner Capriate ...........................................39-2-909-1540 Nisshin Electric Co. Tokyo.....................................81-33-226-5055 Fair-Rite Asia Pte Ltd. ...................................................65-281-1969 Ce-Bit Elektronik Solna............................................ 46-8-735-7550

Ferronics, Inc.........................................................................

Fischer Custom Communications...............................11 20603 Earl St., Torrance, CA 90503; 310-303-3300; Fax: 310-371-6268; sales@fischercc.com; www.fischercc.com; Allen Fischer, Vice President DEU FRA GBR ISR ITA ITA JPN NLD SWE

INTERNATIONAL Taufkirchen, emv GmbH .........................................49-89-614-1710 emv, s.a.r.l. (FRANCE) ............................................ 33-1-6461-6329 emv, Ltd. ..................................................................44-1908-566556 Kfar-Saba, Silram, Ltd.............................................972-9-767-1332 Savona , PMM .............................................................39 0182 5864 Torino , Teseo ............................................................ 39-011-739651 Tokyo, Nippon Automatic Control ..................81-(0)3-5434-1600 Comtest Instrumentation, B.V. .............................. 31-71-541-7531 Stockholm, CE-BIT.................................................... 46-8-735-7550

Fotofab Corporation ....................................................... 86 3758 Belmont Ave., Chicago, IL 60618; 773-463-6211; Fax: 773-463-3387; sales@fotofab.com; www.fotofab.com; James Tankersley, Inside Technical Sales Representative; Earl Danner, Sales & Marketing Manager

Frankonia EMC ...................................................................... Industrie Strasse, 16, Heideck, D-91180, Germany; 49 91 77-98 500; www.frankonia-emc.com

Frontier Electronics, Corp. ................................................ Simi Valley, CA; 805-522-9998; www.frontierusa.com

Fuss-EMV ................................................................................ Berlin, Germany; +49 30 404 4004; www.fuss-emv.de

G Gaven Industries Inc. .......................................................... Saxonburg, PA ; 724-352-8100; www.gavenindustries.com

Genisco Filter Corp. ............................................................. San Diego, CA; 858-565-7405; www.genisco.com

GETELEC .................................................................................. Buc, France; (33) 1 39 20 42 42; www.getelec.com

Giga-tronics/Ascor Incorporated .................................. 4650 Norris Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583; info@ gigatronics.com; www.gigatronics.com; 925-328-4650; FAX: 925-328-4700

Glenair Inc...............................................................................

Fairport, NY; 585-388-1020; www.ferronics.com

1211 Air Way, Glendale, CA 91201-2497; sales@glenair.com; www.glenair.com; 818-247-6000; FAX: 818-500-9912

FEKO ..........................................................................................

Global Advantage.................................................................

P.O. 1354, Stellenbosch, 7599, South Africa; info@emss. co.za; www.feko.info; +27 21 8801880

Feurherdt GmbH.................................................................... Motzener Str. 26 b, Berlin, 12277, Germany; emc@feuerherdt.de; www.shielding-online.com; +49 30 710 96 45 51

180 Brodie Drive, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K8, Canada; larry. cook@globaladvantage.ca; www.globaladvantage.ca; 905-883-3919

Global Certification Laboratories, Ltd. ......................... 4 Matthews Drive, East Haddam, CT 06423; info@globaltestlabs.com; www.globaltestlabs.com; 860-873-1451; FAX: 860-873-1947 INTERFERENCE TECHNOLOGY


company directory Global EMC Inc......................................................................

Identification Products Corp ............................................

Riverside, CA; 951-781-4540; www.Global-Testing.com

RUS Moscow, Radiocomp ...........................................+7(095)361-0904 SGP Singapore Technologies Electronics Ltd (STEE)...... +65 4131727 SWE Stockholm, Ingenjörsfirman Gunnar Petterson AB ......................................................................................+46-8-930280 THA Singapore Technologies Electronics LTF .................+6564131727 TWN THonova Resources, Taiwan ............................... +886289726289

GORE. ...........................................................................98, 100

IMS/AMCO Engineered Products ..................................

Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada; 905-883-8189; www. globalemclabs.com

Bridgeport, CT; 203-334-5969; www.idproducts.com

Global Testing........................................................................

402 Vieve’s Way, Elkton, MD 21922-0160; 800-445-4673; Fax 800-774-4673; electronics.usa@wlgore.com; www. gore.com

Green Mountain Electromagnetics ............................... Middlebury, VT; 802-388-3390; www.gmelectro.com

h Haefely EMC...................................................................... 69 1650 Route 22, Brewster, NY 10509; bbolz@hipotronics. com; www.haefelyemc.com; 845-279-8091

Harris GCSD EMI EMC TEMPEST Test Lab ................. Melbourne, FL; 321-727-6209; www.harris.com

Heilind Electronics ..........................................................78 Wilmington, MA; 800-400-7041; www.heilind.com

Henry Ott Consultants ................................................. 132 48 Baker Rd., Livingston, NJ 07039; 973-992-1793; FAX 973-533-1442; h.ott@verizon.net; www.hottconsultants. com; Henry W. Ott, Pres.

Hermon Laboratories TI ..................................................... Binyamina, Israel; +972-4-6268450; www.hermonlabs.com

HFC Shielding Prod. Co. Ltd. ............................................. 515 Valley St., Maplewood, NJ 07040; EmiGasket@hotmail. com; www.emigasket.com; 973-928-7769

Hi-Tech Controls ................................................................... 14853 E. Hinsdale Ave., Suite D, Centennial, CO 80112-4240; info@hitechcontrols.com; www.hitechcontrols.com; 303680-5159

Hi-Voltage & EMI Corp. ...................................................... 93 Stone Lane, Levittown, NY 11756; rfhivoltage2@aol. com; www.hivoltage.li; 516-644-5486; FAX: 516-735-3585

High & Low Corp................................................................... Taipei Hsien, Taiwan; +886 2 89191800; www.hal.com.tw

DesPlaines, IL; 847-391-8203; www.imsep.com

Instruments For Industry (IFI) ........................ 20, 26-27 903 South Second St., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779; 631-4678400; Fax: 631-467-8558; info@ifi.com; www.ifi.com; Mark Swanson, President; Mike Yantz, Sr. VP Sales; Catherine Schlie, Sales/Marketing; Leon Benatar, VP Engineering; Abe Jaffe, Director of Operations



Holaday Industries, Inc., ETS-Lindgren ....................... Cedar Park, TX; 512-531-6400; www.ets-lindgren.com

Holland Shielding Systems BV ........................................ Jacobus Lipsweg 124, Postbus 730, Dordrecht TX, Zuid Holland 3300 AS, Netherlands; info@hollandshielding.com; www.hollandshielding.eu

Hoolihan EMC Consulting .......................................... 132 32515 Nottingham Court, P.O. Box 367, Lindstrom, MN 55045; 651-213-0966; Cell: 651-269-3569; danhoolihanemc@aol.com; www.emcxpert.com

HV TECHNOLOGIES, Inc...................................................5 P.O. Box 1630, Manassas, VA 20110; 703-365-2330; FAX 703-365-2331; emcsales@hvtechnologies.com; www. hvtechnologies.com; Tom Revesz, EMC Sales Manager

i I. Thomas GmbH .................................................................... Stade, Germany; +49 4141 82920; www.schirmkabinen.com


interference technology


Huntsville, SMA..........................................................256-881-6035 AZTEC Enterprises, Inc. ........................................... 800-304-3565 Danville, Advanced Technical Sales (ATS)............. 925-736-2147 Denver, AZTEC Enterprises, Inc.............................. 800-304-3565 dB Instruments Co......................................................508-238-1303 Washington, Creative Marketing Associates Ltd. (CMA) ....................................................................................... 301-953-7740 Longwood, SMA......................................................... 407-682.7317 Byron, SMA .................................................................478-953-1088 AZTEC Enterprises, Inc. ........................................... 800-304-3565 Micro Sales .................................................................614-563-9800 Micro Sales .................................................................614-563-9800 dB Insruments Co. ......................................................508-238-1303 Columbia, Creative Marketing Associates Ltd. (CMA) ....................................................................................... 301-953-7740 dB Instruments Co......................................................508-238-1303 Micro Sales .................................................................614-563-9800 SMA. ............................................................................256-881-6035 AZTEC Enterprises, Inc. ........................................... 800-304-3565 Fuquay-Varina, SMA..................................................919-567-9222 dB Instruments Co......................................................508-238-1303 South Plainfield, Contech Marketing ......................908-755-5700 AZTEC Enterprises, Inc. ........................................... 800-304-3565 AZTEC Enterprises, Inc. ........................................... 800-304-3565 Dublin, Micro Sales ....................................................614-563-9800 Eastern Pennsylvania, Micro Lambda Inc. ............ 609-259-0400 Western Pennsylvania, Micro Sales .......................614-563-9800 dB Instruments Co......................................................508-238-1303 SMA. ............................................................................919-567-9222 SMA..............................................................................256-881-6035 El Paso, Aztec Enterprises, Inc................................ 800-304-3565 Arlington, CF Scientific Systems .............................817-467-0970 Park City, AZTEC Enterprises, Inc........................... 800-304-3565 Creative Marketing Associates Ltd. (CMA) ............................................................................ 800-262-4662, x113 dB Instruments Co......................................................508-238-1303 Micro Sales .................................................................614-563-9800 AZTEC Enterprises, Inc. ........................................... 800-304-3565 INTERNATIONAL Mt. Riverview, Test & Measurement Australia Pty Ltd................. ..................................................................................... +61247399523 EMCO Elektronik ..................................................... +49898955650 Air-parts B.V. ..............................................................+31172422455 Rio de Janeiro RJ, QUEMC ....................................+552181116661 Vancouver, Jerome and Frances Co. Ltd. ................604 986-1286 Ottawa, Multilek ........................................................613-226-2365 Planegg, EMCO Elektronik ..................................... +49898955650 Shenzhen, Everjet Science & Technology Co ................................................................................+8675526864487 Planegg-Martinsried, EMCO Elektronik .............. +49898955650 Hovik, Saven Hitech....................................................+4767120512 Madrid, Adler Instrumentos ................................+34-91-3584046 Alphen aan den Rijn, Air-Parts B.V. ........................+31172422455 Alphen aan den Rijn, Air-Parts B.V. .......................+33158340000 Hertfordshire, Dowding & Mills, U.K. ................+44-462-421234 Athens, M.J.PRINIOTAKIS SA .................+302107227719 or +30 SECUNDERABAD (Hyderabad), Kaytronics ......+914027847924 Petachtikva, RCM Ltd. ..........................................+972-3-9229006 Rome, LP Instruments...........................................+390640800491 Trezzano, LP Instruments ..................................... 39-02-48401713 Tokyo, Techno Science Japan Corp. (TSJ) ........... +81357993160 Kyonggi, Specs (Specsvision)................................. +82317065211 Singapore Technologies Electronics Ltd. ................+6564131727 DA Lelystad, EEMC Coimex.................................+31 0320295395 Hovik, Saven Hitech....................................................+4767120512 Poznan, Astat Sp. Z o.o............................................+48618488871 Warsaw, Unitronex Corporation............................+48226312643

iNarte, Inc. .............................................................................. 840 Queen St., New Bern, NC 28560; 800-89-NARTE/ 252672-0111; Fax: 252-672-0111; Lawrence@inarte.us; www. narte.org; Brian Lawrence, Executive Director

Ingenium Testing, LLC......................................................... 761 South Central Ave., Rockford, IL 61102; Jim.Blaha@ IngeniumTesting.com; 815-315-9250; FAX: 815-489-9561

Instrument Plastics LTD..................................................... Unit 35, Kings Grove Industrial Est, Maidenhead, Berkshire, Maidenhead, United Kingdom SL6 4DP; sales@instrumentplastics.co.uk; www.instrumentplastics.co.uk

Insul-Fab, A Division of Concote Corp. ......................... Coppell, TX; 214-956-0055; www.insulfab.com

Integrated Engineering Software .................................. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 204-632-5636; www. integratedsoft.com

Intermark (USA), Inc. ......................................................70 1310 Tully Road #117, San Jose, CA 95122; 408-971-2055; Fax: 408-971-6033; sales@intermark-usa.com; www. intermark-usa.com; Masa Hatakeyama, VP CA


San Diego, Rina Tsujimoto ........................................858-202-1585 INTERNATIONAL Frankfurt, Ichikawa ...............................................49-6106 8524 20 Tsen Wann, Sano.......................................................852-2612-1161 Nagoya, Yoshida......................................................81-52-261-2740 Singapore, Mori ...............................................................65-56-6511 Taipei, Iguchi ..........................................................886-2-26988833

International Certification Services, Inc.....................

1100 Falcon Ave., Glencoe, MN 55336; duane@icsi-us. com; www.icsi-us.com; 320-864-4444; FAX: 320-864-6611; 888-286-6888

International Compliance Laboratories, LLC ............. Neenah, WI ; 920-720-5555; www.icl-us.com

Intertek Testing Services .................................................. 70 Codman Hill Road, Boxborough, MA 01719; icenter@ intertek.com; www.intertek.com; 978 263 2662; FAX: 978 264 9403; 800-WORLDLAB

INTERTest Systems, Inc..................................................... Colorado Springs, CO; 719-522-9667; www.intertest.com

Ion Physics Corporation .................................................... 373 Main St., P.O. Box 165, Fremont, NH 03044; 603-8955100; Toll Free: 800-223-0466; Fax: 603-895-5101; sales@ ionphysics.com; www.ionphysics.com; Leslie Faunce, Marketing Manager; Helmut Milde, President

IQS, a Division of Degree Controls................................. 257 Simarano Drive, Marlboro, MA; cnasser@iqscorp.com; www.iqscorp.com; 508-460-1400; FAX: 508-460-7979

ITC Engineering Services, Inc. ........................................ 9959 Calaveras Road, P.O. Box 543, Sunol, CA 94586; itcemc@itcemc.com; www.itcemc.com; 925-862-2944; FAX: 925-862-9013

emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory



ITEM Publications ......................................... 81, 119, 132 1000 Germantown Pike, Suite F-2, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462; 484-688-0300: Fax 484-688-0303; info@interferencetechnology.com; www.interferencetechnology.com; Bob Poust, Business Development Manager

InternAtIonAl CHn Beijing, leadzil ....................................................... 86-10-65250537 JPn tokyo, tUV SUD ohtama, ltd. ..............................81-44-980-2092

Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd - AZ........................ 132 2538 West Monterey Ave., Mesa, AZ 85202; 480-755-0080; dgerke@emiguru.com; www.emiguru.com; Daryl Gerke, Pe

Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. - MN ..................... 132

628 leVander Way, South St. Paul, Mn 55075; 888-eMIGUrU; bkimmel@emiguru.com; www.emiguru.com; William Kimmel, Pe

Kycon ........................................................................................

ITL Israel..................................................................................

1810 little orchard St., San Jose, CA 95125; jill_scarnecchia@kycon.com; www.kycon.com; 408-494-0330

ITT Interconnect Solutions ...............................................


lod, Israel; 972 8 9153100; www.itl.co.il

66 east Dyer road, Santa Ana, CA 92705; nas.hashemian@itt.com; www.ittcannon.com; 714-628-8277; FAX: 714-628-8470

ITW/Pressure Sensitive Adhesinves & Components ...........................................................................

Hatfield, PA; 800-219-9095; www.labtesting.com Chesterfield, Mo; 636-898-6048

Langer EMV-Technik GmbH ........................................ 55 D-01728 Bannewitz nthnitzer Hang 31, Germany; www. langer-emv.de

Jastech EMC Consulting, LLC ..........................................

Farmington Hills, MI; 248-876-4810; www.Jastech-eMC. com

LCR Electronics, Inc. .......................................................75 9 S. Forest Ave., norristown, PA 19401; 610-278-0840; Fax 610-278-0935; sales@lcr-inc.com; www.lcr-inc.com; Anand Awasthi, Sales engineer; ron Minicucci, VP, Sales & Marketing CA nY nY oH PA tX

JEMIC Shielding Technologies ....................................... 1160 S. Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17104; Sales@jemic. com; www.jemic.com; 717-232-1030

CAn InD Pol

JINAN Filtemc Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd ...........


Jinan, Shnadong, China; 86 531 85738859; www.filtemc. com

Johanson Dielectrics, Inc. ................................................

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmay, CA 191342; info@johansondielectrics.com; www.johansondielectrics.com; 818-364-9800

JRE Test, LLC .......................................................................... Mendon, nY; 585-298-9736; www.jretest.com

JS TOYO Corporation (Shenzhen) Ltd. .......................... 2-25G, China Phoenix Building Futian CBD, Shenzhen,, 518026 China; www.jstoyo.cn


Universal Components ..............................................949-707-0407 PMr, InC. ....................................................................631- 244-1420 l-MAr Assdciates.................................................... 585- 899-3920 electronic Salesmasters .......................................... 216- 831-9555 Keystone Sales & Marketing .................................. 610- 745-7237 Biggs and Associates ...............................................972- 679-5871 InternAtIonAl national Power and Signal ......................................519- 763-4225 trinity technologics ...............................................91-80-25719382 Seen Distribution................................................... 48-22-625-1225 SYSteM elementy elektroniczne.........................48 56 67 87 000 Kilia teknoloji .......................................................... 90 212 3439055

Leader Tech, Inc.................................................................... 12420 race track road, tampa, Fl 33626; 813-855-6921; Fax: 813-855-3291; sales@leadertechinc.com; www. leadertechinc.com; tim Black, Director, Sales & Marketing

Less EMF Inc. ......................................................................... Albany, nY; 518-432-1550, www.lessemf.com

19-21 Finch Drive, Springwood Industrial estate, Braintree CM7 2SF, United Kingdom: +44-1376-348115; FAX 44-1376345885; info@kemtron.co.uk; www.kemtron.co.uk

Keystone Compliance ......................................................... new Castle, PA; 724-657-9940; www.keystonecompliance. com

Kform, Inc. ............................................................................... 9A Acacia lane, Sterling, VA 20166; kform@kform.com; http://manufacturing.kform.com; 703-450-4401

Kikusui America Inc............................................................ 1633 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 331, Burlingame, CA 94010; 650259-5900; Fax 650-259-5904; itoko@kikusuiamerica.com; www.kikusuiamerica.com


Lightning Technologies, Inc. ....................................... 80

10 Downing Industrial Pkwy, Pittsfield, MA 01201-3890; 413-499-2135; Fax: 413-499-2503; lti@lightningtech. com; www.lightningtech.com; Kenneth Wiles, Pres.; Mary Cancilla, off. Mgr.; edward rupke, VP Marketing; Mike Dargi, VP - test Services

Littlefuse Inc. ......................................................................... Chicago, Il; 773-628-1000; www.littlefuse.com

LTI Metrology......................................................................... Hatfield, PA; 800-784-2882; www.labtesting.com

Lubrizol Conductive Polymers......................................... 9911 Brecksville road, Brecksville, oH 44141; statrite@ statrite.com; www.statrite.com; 888-234-2436; 216-4476232; 888-234-2436

Lutze Inc. ................................................................................. Charlotte, nC; 704-504-0222; www.lutze.com

m Macton .............................................................................. 131 116 Willenbrock road, oxford, Ct 06478; 203-267-1500; FAX: 203-267-1555; bavigne@macton.com; www.macton.com

Magnetic Radiation Laboratories .................................. 690 Hilltop Drive, Itasca, Il 60143; 630-285-0800; Fax: 630285-0807; admin@magrad.com; www.magrad.com

L F Research EMC................................................................. 12790 route 76, Poplar Grove, Il 61065; info@lfresearch. com; www.lfresearch.com; 815-566-5655; FAX: 815-5473467

L. Gordon Packaging ........................................................... 22 W. Padonia road, Suite 304A, timonium MD 21093; lgordonpkg@verizon.net; www.lgordonpackaging.com; 410-308-2202; FAX: 410-308-2207

L.S. Research ......................................................................... Kemtron Limited ...................................................................

InternAtIonAl JPn Yokohoma, Mitsunobu Samoto............................ 81-45-500-1280

7500 Innovation Way, Mason, oH 45040-9699; Steven. Davis@l-3Com.com; www.l-3Com.com/ce; 513-573-6809; FAX: 513-573-6499

Laird Technologies ..............................................................

3300 General Motors road, Milford, MI 48380; www. jacobstechnology.com; 248-676-1123

1346 Yellowwood road, P.o. Box 230, Kimballton, IA 51543; 712-773-2199; Fax 712-773-2299; info@liberty-labs.com; www.liberty-labs.com; Michael W. Howard, President/Ceo; Cindy Schechinger, office Admin.

L-3 Communications Cincinnati Electronics..............


Jacobs Technology Inc. .....................................................

Liberty Labs, Inc. ..............................................................17

Boulder, Co; 303-447-2828, www.lecglobal.com

Laboratory Testing Inc. ......................................................

252 Brighton Ave., Andover, nJ 07821: 973-786-5000; Fax: 973-786-5546; mcruz@ja-bar.com; www.ja-bar.com

2950 W. Wintergreen, P.o. Box 763039, lancaster, tX 75134; info@lgsco.com; www.lgstechnologies.com; 972224-9201; FAX: 972-228-0652; 800-441-5470

Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc....................

Southapmton, PA; 215-322-1600; www.mcspecialties.com

Ja-Bar Silicone Corp. .........................................................

LGS Technologies ................................................................

W66 n220 Commerce Court, Cedarburg, WI 53012; sales@ lsr.com; www.lsr.com; 262-375-4400; FAX: 262-375-4248

Laplace Instruments Ltd .................................................... 3B, Middlebrook Way, Cromer, norfolk, nr27 9Jr, United Kingdom; tech@laplace.co.uk; www.laplaceinstruments. com; +44 (0) 12 63 51 51 60

Lapp USA ................................................................................. 29 Hanover road, Florham Park, nJ 7932; sales@lappusa. com; www.lappusa.com; 973-660-9700; FAX: 973-6609330; 800-774-3539

LEDE-SIECIT ........................................................................... 48 & 116 St., la Plata, Buenos Aires 1900, Argentina; lede@ ing.unlp.edu.ar; +54 11 221 4250877

Magnetic Shield Corporation .......................................... 740 n. thomas Drive, Bensenville, Il 60106-1643; 630-7667800; Fax 630-766-2813; shields@magnetic-shield.com; www.magnetic-shield.com; r. Dasso, Sls. Mgr.; B. Friestedt, Sls. Mgr.; M. Wickler, Chief operating officer

MAJR Products Corp. .........................................................

17540 State Hgwy 198, Saegertown, PA 16433; 814-7633211; Fax: (814) 763-2952; sales@majr.com; www.majr. com; terry o’laughlin, V.P. Sales & Marketing ;Melissa White, Inside Sales

Marktek, Inc........................................................................... Chesterfield, Mo; 314-878-9190; www.Marktek-Inc.com

Master Bond Inc. .................................................................. Hackensack, nJ ; 201-343-8983; www.masterbond.com

interference technology


company directory maturo GmbH ......................................................................... Pfreimd, Germany; +49 9606 9239130; www.maturo-gmbh. de

Mech-Tronics ........................................................................ Melrose Park, IL; 708-344-9823; www.mech-tronics.com

engineer@microsorbtech.com; www.microsorbtech.com; 401-767-2269; 401-767-2255

www.nceelabs.com; Doug Kramer, Lab Manage

Mueller Corporation............................................................

NEDC Fabricating Solutions.............................................

530 Spring St., East Bridgewater, MA 02333; 508-5832800; info@muellercorp.com; www.muellercorp.com

42 Newark St., Haverhill, MA 01832; (978)374-0789; www. nedc.com

Nemko USA ............................................................................

MegaPhase LLC .................................................................... Stroudsburg, PA; 570-424-8400; www.megaphase.com

802 North Kealy Ave.; Lewisville, TX 75057; bruce.ketterling@nemko.com; www.nemko.com; 972-436-9600

Mercury United Electronics Inc. ....................................

NEXIO .......................................................................................

Rancho Cucamonga, CA; 909-466-0427; www.MercuryUnited.com

Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH..................................... Rotebuehlstrasse 83-85, Stuttgart, D-70178, Germany; www.mesago-online.de/en; 49 711 61946 26

MET Laboratories, Inc. ....................................................... 914 W. Patapsco Ave., Baltimore, MD 21230; info@metlabs. com; www.metlabs.com; 410-354-3300; FAX: 410-3543313; 800-638-6057

Metatech Corporation ........................................................ Goleta, CA; 805-683-5681; www.metatcechcorp.com

MH&W International Corp................................................ 14 Leighton Place, Mahwah, NJ 7430; salesm@mhw-intl. com; www.mhw-intl.com; 201-891-8800; FAX: 201-8910625; 866-MHW-CORE

Michigan Scientific Corporation .................................... 321 East Huron St., Milford, MI 48381; 248-685-3939; Fax: 248-684-5406; mscinfo@michsci.com; www.michsci.com

Micrometals, Inc. ................................................................. Anaheim, CA; 714-970-9400; www.micrometals.com

Micronor, Inc. ........................................................................

Toulouse, France; +33 561 440 247; www.nexio-online.com

Murata Electronics North America ............................... ...........................................................INSIDE BACK COVER 2200 Lake Park Drive, Smyrna, GA 30080-7604; 800-2416574; www.murata.com; Satoshi Sonoda, President; Tony Coalson, Sr Vice President, Sales & Marketing; David McGinnis, Vice President, Western Area Sales; Christopher Borawski, Direction Eastern Sales; Jim Masui, General Manager, Component Marketing (CAP & EMI); Jerry Kolbe, Director, Business Development; Woody Wilder, National Manager, Distribution; John Sutherby, Directory Marketing Communications

MÂľShield Company, Inc. ............................................... 87 9 Ricker Ave., Londonderry, NH 03053; 888-669-3539; 603666-4433; Fax 603-666-4013; info@mushield.com; www. mushield.com; David Grilli, Pres., Sr. Engr.

n Narda Safety Test Solutions, s.r.l. .................................. Segrate, Italy; 39-022699871; www.narda-sts.it

National Magnetics Group, Inc....................................... Bethlehem, PA; 610-761-7600; www.magneticsgroup.com

Newbury Park, CA; 805-499-0114; www.micronor.com

National Technical Systems - Headquarters .............

Milmega Ltd .........................................................................3


Ryde Business Park, Nicholson Road, Ryde, United Kingdom; +44 (0)1983-618004; FAX 44 (0)1983-811521; sales@ milmega.co.uk; www.milmega.com

Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America Inc............... 9351 Jeronimo Rd, Irvine, CA 92618-1904; mdeaservice@ mdea.com; 949-465-6206

MKS Instruments.................................................................. 2 Tech Drive, Suite 201, Andover, MA 01810; mks@mksinst. com; www.mksinst.com; 978-645-5500

Modpak, Inc. .......................................................................... Kenduskeag, ME; 207-884-8285; www.modpak.com

............................................................................................................ 24007 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200, Calabasas, CA 91302: 800270-2516; FAX 818-591-0899; info@ntscorp.com; www. ntscorp.com; Nia Carignan, Marketing Supervisor

Camden, NTS Camden ..............................................870-574-0031 Tempe, NTS Tempe ....................................................480-966-5517 Culver City, NTS Culver City ..................................... 310-641-7700 Fremont, Elliott Labs ..................................................408-245-7800 Fullerton, NTS Fullerton ............................................ 714-879-6110 Santa Clarita, NTS Santa Clarita............................ 661-259-8184 Santa Rosa, NTS Santa Rosa/Phase Seven..........707-284-5875 Sunnyvale, Elliott Labs ..............................................408-245-7800 KSWichita, NTS-USTL .......................................................... 316-832-1600 MA Acton, NTS Acton ......................................................978-263-2933 MA Boxborough, NTS Boxborough.................................978-266-1001 MI Detroit, NTS Detroit.................................................. 313-835-0044 NJ Tinton Falls, NTS New Jersey................................. 732-936-0800 TX Plano, NTS Plano ........................................................972-509-2566 VA Rustburg, NTS Rustburg/DTI ...................................414-846-0244 INTERNATIONAL CAN NTS Calgary ...............................................................403-568-6605

Montena EMC ........................................................................ Rossens, Switzerland; +41 26 411 93 34; www.montena. com

Moss Bay EDA ....................................................................... Redmond, WA; 206-779-5345; www.mossbayeda.com

MPE ........................................................................................... Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 151 632 9100; www.mpe.co.uk

MTI - Microsorb Technologies, Inc. .............................. 32 Mechanic Ave., Unit 211, Woonsocket, RI 02895-0089;


interference technology

Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. ............................................ 48 1-4-4, Chiyoda, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, 252-0237, Japan; 81-42-712-2051; FAX: 81-42-712-2050; sales@noiseken. com; www.noiseken.com; Yuji Kimizuka, Sr. Mgr. NY

New York, Shinyei Corp. of America.......................917-484-7892 INTERNATIONAL

AUS DHS Elmea Tools GmbH ....................................... 41-1-813-5380-0 BRA Sao Paulo, T&M Instruments ............................. 55-11-5092-5229 CHN Shanghai, Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd. ......................86-21-5820-5887 Dalian, Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd........................... 86-411-8762-2136 Shenzhen, Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd.................... 86-755-8209-6179 Tianjin, Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd. .......................... 86-22-8386-5887 Shanghai, Shanghai Precision Instrument Co., Ltd......................... .................................................................................. 86-21-6211-5111 DEU Rodemark, DHS Elmea Tools GmbH .................49-6074-9199080 IND Bangalore, Complus System Pvt Ltd ................91-80-4168-3883 IDN Jakarta, Nihon Denkei Co. Ltd. ........................... 62-21 8087-1621 Chennai, MEL Systems and Services Ltd., ......91-44-2496-1903 ISR Ramat Gan, IES Electronics Agencies (1986) Ltd. .....................................................................................972-3-7530751 ITA Druento, TESEO SpA................................................39-11-994 1911 KOR Seoul, Noise Technology Co. Ltd. ........................ 82-31-781-7816 MYS Kuala Lumpur, Nihon Denkei, Sdn Bhd ...............60-3-2283-5702 PHL Makati City, Nihon Denkei Co., Ltd. .........................63 2 8452638 SGP NihonDenkei Co. Ltd. ............................................... 65-6355-0851 THA Bangkok, Nihon Denkei Co. Ltd. ............................66-2-675-5688 Bangkok, Industrial Electrical Co., Ltd. ................ 66-2-642-6700 TWN Taipei, Precision International Corp. .................886-2-8512-4888 VNM Hanoi, Nihon Denkei(Vietnam) Co., Ltd ..................84 4 951 6505

Nolato Silikonteknik .................................................... 104 Bergmansv 4, Hallsberg, Hallsberg 702 16, SWEDEN; 46 582 88900; magnus.johansson@nolato.se; wwwnolato.se/ silikonteknik

Northern Technologies Corp............................................ 95 Konrad Crescent, Markham, Ontario, L3R 8T8, Canada; sales@northerntech.com; www.northerntech.com; 905475-9320; FAX: 905-475-5719; 800-456-1875

2393 Teller Road #108, Newbury Park, CA 91320; sales@ nptrf.com; www.nptrf.com; 805-376-9299; FAX: 805-3769288

2353 Mission Glen Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051-1214; 408-247-5715; FAX 408-247-5714; mmontros@ix.netcom. com; www.montrosecompliance.com; Mark Montrose, Prin. Consult. Amtmannstrabe 5, Egling/Thanning, 82544 Germany; 49-8176 92250; http://mooser-consulting.de/en_index. php?lang=english

439 Littleton Road, P.O. Box 385, Westford, MA 01886; 978-486-0582; Fax: 978-486-0583; nextek@nexteklightning.com; www.nexteklightning.com; Tim Mullane, Director Business Development

NP Technologies, Inc. .........................................................

Montrose Compliance Services, Inc...................... 132

MOOSER Consulting GmbH ..............................................

NexTek, Inc.............................................................................

Nu Laboratories, Inc............................................................ NAVAIR Advanced Warfare Technologies .......... 125 NAWCAD E3 DIVISION - Code 4.4.5, 48202 Standley Road, Hangar 144, Suite 3B Unit 5,Patuxent River, MD 20670-1910; 301-342-1663; Fax 301-342-6982; Mark.Mallory@navy.mil; Kurt.Sebacher@navy.mil; www.nawcad.navy.mil

NAWC Aircraft Division - E3 Branch Code 48202 Standley Road, Hangar 144, Suite 3B Unit 5, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1910; Mark.Mallory@Navy.mil; www. nawcad.navy.mil; 301-342-1663; FAX: 301-342-6982

NCEE Labs ............................................................................... 4740 Discovery Drive, Lincoln, NE 68521; 888-567-6860; 402-472-5880; Fax: 402-472-5881; info@nceelabs.com;

Annandale, NJ; 908-713-9300; www.nulabs.com

o Oak-Mitsui Technologies .................................................. 80 1st St., Hoosick Falls, NY 02090; bob.carter@oakmitsui. com; www.oakmitsui.com; 518-686-8088; FAX: 518-6868080

Okaya Electric America, Inc. ........................................... 52 Marks Road, Suite 1; Valparaiso, IN 46383; 800-8520122; Fax: 219-477-4856; sales@okaya.com; www.okaya. com; Brian Maxwell, Marketing Manager

emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory Ophir rf Inc. ............................................................................. Los Angeles, CA; 310-306-5556; www.ophirrf.com

Philips Applied Technologies - EMC Center............... High Tech Campus 26, 80036, Eindhoven, Noord Brabant, 5600JW, Netherlands, emc.testlab@philips.com; www. emc.philips.com; 314-027-46762

Phoenix Contact ................................................................... Harrisburg, PA; 717-944-1300; www.phoenixcontact.com/ usa_home

Orbel Corporation................................................................. 2 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045; 610-829-5000; www. orbel.com; Dave Robson, Director of Sales, DRobson@ orbel.com

ORBIT Advanced Electromagnetics, Inc. (AEMI) ..... P.O. Box 711719, Santee, CA 92072-1719; sales@aemi-inc. com; www.aemi-inc.com; 619-449-9492; FAX: 619-4491553

Photofabrication Engineering, Inc................................. 500 Fortune Drive, Milford, MA 01757; 508-478-2025; Fax: 508-478-3582; pei@photofabrication.com; www. photofabrication.com

Pioneer Automotive Technologies, Inc. - EMC Lab.. 100 S. Pioneer Blvd., Springboro, OH 45066; mark.condon@ pioneer-usa.com; www.pioneeremc.com; 937-746-6600; FAX: 937-746-6828

Orion Industries Inc.............................................................

Plastic-Metals Technology Inc.......................................

Oxley Developments Company Ltd. ...............................

Positronic Industries ..........................................................


Potters Industries.................................................................

P & P Technology Ltd. .........................................................

Power-Electronics Consulting: DC, AC, and RF ........

Ayer, MA; 978-772-6000; www.orionindustries.com

Priory Park, Cumbria, Ulverston, LA12 9QG, United Kingdom; sales@oxley.co.uk; www.oxleygroup.com; +44 0 1229 840519

Tigard, OR; 503-684-0725; www.p-mtinc.com

423 N. Campbell Ave., P.O. Box 8247, Springfield, MO 65806; info@connectpositronic.com; www.connectpositronic.com; 417-866-2322; FAX: 417-866-4115 Malvern, PA; 610-651-4704; www.pottersbeads.com

Braintree, Essex, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 1376 550525; www.p-p-t.co.uk; Wujiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu, +86-512-63327966

Panashield, Inc. .................................................................... 185 West Norwalk Road #R, Norwalk, CT 06850-4312; 203-866-5888; Fax 203-866-6162; help@panashield.com; www.panashield.com; Mark Prchlik, Dir. of Sales; Peggy Girard, President

Panasonic Automotive System Company of America ................................................................................... Peachtree City, GA; 770-515-1443

Panasonic Electronic Components ............................... Secaucus, NJ; 800-344-2112; www.panasonic.com/ industrial/electronic-components

Parker EMC Engineering ...................................................

Power Standards Lab (PSL).............................................. Alameda, CA; 510-919-4369; www.powerstandards.com

PPM (Pulse Power & Measurement) Ltd. ................... 65 Shrivenham Hundred Business Park, Watchfield, Swindon, SN6 8TY, United Kingdom; sales@ppm.co.uk; www. point2point.co.uk; +44 1793 784389

Praxsym, Inc. ......................................................................... 120 S. Third St., P.O. Box 369, Fisher, iL 61843; sales@ praxsym.com; www.praxsym.com; 217-897-1744; FAX: 217-897-6388

Precision Photo-Fab, Inc. .................................................. Buffalo, NY; 716-821-9393; www.precisionphotofab.com

Product Safety Engineering Inc. .....................................

Pearson Electronics, Inc. ..............................................37

Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. .....................................


iNTERNATiONAL Lengwil-Oberhofer, Telemeter Elect.....................41-71-6992020 Corad Technology Ltd., T&M................................. 852-2793-0330 Munchen, Nucletron Vertriebs GmbH ...............49-89-14900220 Evry Cedex, BFi OPTiLAS SA............................. 33-1-60-79-59-01 Newbury, Alrad instruments .......................... 44-1-635-30345 Kfar Saba, Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.................. 972-9-7644800 Milan, Hi-Tec S.R.L. ................................................. 39-2-39266561 Tokyo, Seki Technotron Corp. ................................... 03-3820-1716 Seoul, Blue & Green Trading Co...........................82-2-2026-4444 Eindhoven, Ohmtronic BV .......................................31-40-2573148 Oslo, Semitronics AS ..............................................47-22-80-49-20 Broadway, Denver Tech. Prods. ............................27-11-626-2023 Orebro, Trinergi AB.................................................. 46-19-18-86-60

PennEngineering .................................................................. Danboro, PA; 215-766-8853; www.pemnet.com

12955 Bellamy Brothers Blvd., Dade City, FL 33525; pse@ pseinc.com; www.pseinc.com; 352-588-2209; FAX: 352588-2544

QinetiQ ..................................................................................... Farnborough, Hampshire, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 1252 393437; www.QinetiQ.com/emc

Q-par Angus Ltd. ................................................................... Barons Cross Laboratories, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8RS, United Kingdom; julian.robbins@q-par.com; www.qpar.com; 01568 612138

Qualtek Electronics Corp. ................................................. 7675 Jenther Drive, Mentor, OH 44060; mailbox@qualtekusa.com; www.qualtekusa.com; 440-951-3300; FAX: 440-951-7252

Qualtest, Inc. .......................................................................... 5325 Old Winter Garden Road, Orlando, FL 32811; 407293-5844; Fax: 407-297-7376; info@qualtest.com; www. qualtest.com

Quarterwave Corp. .............................................................. Rohnert Park, CA; 707-793-9105; www.quarterwave.com

Quell Corporation ................................................................. 5639 B Jefferson NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109; 505-2431423; Fax: 505-243-9772; EESeal@Quell.US; www.eeseal. com; Paul Miller, President; Kevin Foreman, CEO

iNTERNATiONAL CHE EMCT inc....................................................................41 31 859 3494 DEU Filcon Electronic......................................................49 89 6141 6928 GBR Acte Components................................................. 44 1 256 845 888 Esprit Solutions, Ltd. ..............................................44 151 531 0454 GTK (UK)......................................................................44 1243 87724 JPN Japan Aerospace Corp.............................................(212) 841-7439 NOR T & G Elektro AS ..........................................................47 6712 9062

r Radiometrics Midwest Corp. ...................................... 44 12 E. Devonwood, Romeoville, iL 60446; 815-293-0772; Fax: 815-293-0820; info@radiomet.com; www.radiomet.com; Dennis Rollinger, CEO

Progressive Fillers International, Inc. .......................... 2404 East 28th St., Chattanooga, TN 37407; 423-629-0007; Fax: 423-629-0444; support@pfillers.com; www.progressivefillers.com

Prostat Corporation ............................................................. Bensenville, iL ; 630-238-8883; www.prostatcorp.com

Protek Test and Measurement ........................................ 45 Smith St., Englewood, NJ 7631; sales@protektest.com; www.protektest.com; 201-227-1161; FAX: 201-227-1169

Protocol Data Systems Inc. ..............................................

Radius Power, Inc. ...........................................................61 1751 North Batavia St., Orange, CA 92865; 714-289-0055; Fax: 714-289-2149; info@radiuspower.com; www.radiuspower.com; George Wells, VP, Sales & Marketing

Rainford EMC Systems....................................................... St. Helens, United Kingdom; +44 (0)1942 296190; www. rainfordemc.com

Ramsey Electronics.............................................................

4741 Olund Road, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V4X 2A1, Canada; parms@protocol-emc.com; www.protocol-emc. com; 604-607-0012; FAX: 604-607-0019

590 Fishers Station Drive, Victor, NY 14564; 585-924-4560; Fax: 585-924-4555; dave@ramseyelectronics.com; www. ramseytest.com; www.ramseyforensics.com; Dave Olsen, Technical Sales

PSC Electronics ....................................................................

Remcom ...................................................................................

Percept Technology Labs, Inc. ........................................ Boulder, CO; 303-444-7480; www.percept.com

Pacific Aerospace & Electronics, Inc...........................

Pulver Laboratories, Inc. ...................................................


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (+55.21) 8111 6661; www.QEMC. com.br

1601 N. A.W. Grimes, Suite B, Round Rock TX 78665; jcurtis@ptitest.com; www.ptitest.com; 512-244-3371

307 Calle Del Mundo, Santa Clara, CA 94086; sales@ pscelex.com; www.pscelex.com; 408-737-1333; FAX: 408737-0502; 800-654-1517

434 Olds Station Road, Wenatchee, WA 98801; dgardner@ pacaero.com; www.pacaero.com; 509-665-6500; FAX: 509-663-5039

QEMC ........................................................................................

4 Tyler Road, Lexington, MA 02420-2404; nathansokal@ gmail.com; 781-862-8998

15246 Daphne Ave., Gardena, CA 90249-4122; 310-3234188; Fax: 310-323-4188; parkeremc@worldnet.att.net; www.parkeremc.mustbehere.com; William H. (Bill) Parker, EMC Conslt.

4009 Transport St., Palo Alto, CA 94303; 650-494-6444; Fax 650-494-6716; sales@pearsonelectronics.com; www. pearsonelectronics.com; Jeff Reed, President; Chris Waters, VP Engineering


State College, PA; 814-861-1299; www.remcom.com

Los Gatos, CA; 408-399-7000; www.PulverLabs.com

interference technology


company directory esdrmv.com; 650-964-4792; FAX: 650-964-1268

Rogers Labs, Inc. ..................................................................

Radius Power, Inc. ...........................................................61

4405 West 259th Terrace, Louisburg, KS 66053; rogers@ pixius.net; www.rogerslabs.com; 913-837-3214; FAX: 913-837-3214


1751 North Batavia St., Orange, CA 92865; 714-289-0055; Fax: 714-289-2149; info@radiuspower.com; www.radiuspower.com; George Wells, VP, Sales & Marketing

Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. .......................................................

Rainford EMC Systems.......................................................

10127 E. Admiral Place, Tulsa, OK 74116; 800-520-4769; Fax: 918-254-2544; info@roxtec.com; www.roxtec.com


RTP Company.........................................................................


St. Helens, United Kingdom; +44 (0)1942 296190; www. rainfordemc.com

Ramsey Electronics............................................................. 590 Fishers Station Drive, Victor, NY 14564; 585-924-4560; Fax: 585-924-4555; dave@ramseyelectronics.com; www. ramseytest.com; www.ramseyforensics.com; Dave Olsen, Technical Sales

Remcom ................................................................................... State College, PA; 814-861-1299; www.remcom.com

Columbia, MD; 410-910-7800; www.rohde-schwarz.com

Roxtec, Inc. .............................................................................

580 E. Front St., Winona, MN 55987; rtp@rtpcompany.com; www.rtpcompany.com; 507-454-6900; FAX: 507-454-2041

Rubbercraft ............................................................................ 15627 South Broadway, Gardena, CA 90248; info@rubbercraft.com; www.rubbercraft.com; 310-328-5402; FAX: 310-618-1832


Rubicom Systems, A division of ACS ............................

806 Linden Ave., Rochester, NY 14602; emiproducts@ schlegel.com; www.schlegelemi.com; 905-893-3241; FAX: 905-893-5623

284 West Drive, Melbourne, FL 32904; jgerke@rubicomtestlab.com; www.rubicomtestlab.com; 321-951-1710

s Retlif Testing Laboratories .......................................... 56 795 Marconi Ave., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779; 631-737-1500; Fax: 631-737-1497; sales@retlif.com; www.retlif.com; Walter A. Poggi, Pres.; William K. Hayes, Exec. V.P.; Scott Wentworth, NH Branch Mgr.; Joseph Maiello, PA Branch Mgr. CT DC NC NH PA

Danielson, Mantec, Inc./Peter Mann ......................860-774-1551 Washington, Retlif ..................................................... 703-533-1614 Charlotte, Retlif ......................................................... 704-909-2840 Goffstown, Retlif ....................................................... 603-497-4600 Harleysville, Retlif ...................................................... 215-256-4133

RF Exposure Lab, LLC ..........................................................

2867 Progress Place, Escondido, CA 92029-1531; Info@ rfexposurelab.com; www.rfexposurelab.com; 760-737-3131; 760-737-9131

RF Immunity Ltd..................................................................... 2 Prat St., Yavne, 81227, Israel; haimk@rfimmunity.co.il; www.rfimmunity.co.il; 972 732331300

RFI Controls Company ........................................................ 340 Village Lane, Los Gatos, CA 95030; los.gatos@

rficontrols.com; www.rficontrols.com; 408-399-7007; FAX: 408-399-7011

Sabritec .............................................................................. 67 17550 Gillette Ave., Irvine, CA 92614; 949-250-1244; Fax: 949-250-1009; customerservice@ sabritec.com; www. sabritec.com; Shannon Durr, Marketing Communications Manager

SAE Power .............................................................................. 1500 E Hamilton Ave Ste 118, Campbell, CA 95008, www.saepower. com/emirfi-filter-products

Saelig Company ................................................................... 1160-D2 Pittsford-Victor Road, Pittsford, NY 14534; info@ saelig.com; www.saelig.com; 888-772-3544; FAX: 585385-1768

Safe Engineering Services & Technologies, Ltd....... 3055 Boul. des Oiseaux, Laval, Quebec, H7L 6E8, Canada; info@sestech.com; www.sestech.com; 800-668-3737

Safety Test Technology Co., Ltd ......................................

RFI Global Services Ltd. ..................................................... Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom; 919-622-4088; www.rfi-global.com

RFTEK ....................................................................................... Raleigh, NC ; 01256 312000; www.rftek.net

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. .......................................... 360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400, Herndon VA 20170; sales@rheintech.com; www.rheintech.com; 703-689-0368; FAX: 703-689-2056

Rittal Corporation................................................................. 1 Rittal Place, Urbana, OH 43078; rittal@rittal-corp.com; www.rittal-corp.com; 937-399-0500; FAX: 937-390-5599; 800-477-4000

RMV Technology Group, LLC ............................................ NASA Research Park, Bldg. 19, Suite 2030, MS 19-46C, Moffett Field, CA 04517; renee@esdrmv.com; www.


interference technology

Schlegel Electronic Materials ........................................ ........................................................ INSIDE FRONT COVER

Schurter Inc........................................................................71 447 Aviation Blvd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403; info@schurterinc.com; www.schurterinc.com; 707-636-3000; FAX: 707-636-3033; 800-848-2600; Marjorie Tibbs, mtibbs@schurterinc.com

SWI Lucerne....................................................................+41 41 369 33 82

SDP Engineering Inc. .......................................................... Lake Forest, CA; 949-588-7568; www.sdpengineering.com

Sealcon .................................................................................... 14853 E. Hinsdale Ave., Suite D, Centennial, CO 80112-4240; info@sealconusa.com; www.sealconusa.com; 303-6991135

Sealing Devices Inc............................................................. 4400 Walden Ave., Lancaster, NY 14228; seals@sealingdevices.com; www.sealingdevices.com; 716-684-7600; FAX: 716-684-0760; 800-727-3257

Select Fabricators, Inc. ...................................................... Canandaigua, NY; 888-599-6113; www.select-fabricators. com

Pu Tian Science Park B415, 28 Xin Jie Kou Wai Da Jie, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100088 P.R. China; 86-10-51654077; FAX: 8610-82051730; overseas@instrument.com.cn; www.instrument. com.cn

Seven Mountains Scientific, Inc. (ENR).......................

Saint-Gobain High Performance Seals ........................

201 Route 17 North, Rutherford, NJ 07070; maureen. plowman@sgs.com; www.ee.sgs.com/ee_index/emc_ee/ product_certification_emc.htm#emc-testing-capabilities; 201-508-3188; FAX: 201-935-4555

7301 Orangewood Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92841-1411; sealsmarketing@saint-gobain.com; www.omnishield.saintgobain.com; 800-544-0080

P.O. Box 650, Boalsburg, PA 16827; 814-466-6559; mail@7ms.com; www.7ms.com; Thomas Chesworth

SGS ............................................................................................

Shanghai Empek Electromagnetic Technology Ltd. .....................................................................................................

RFI Corporation ................................................................ 65 100 Pine Aire Drive, Bay Shore, NY 11706-1107; ilashinsky@ rficorp.com; www.rficorp.com; 631-234-6400; FAX: 631234-6465


Regional Manager/ Mike Sheppard....................... 262-338-0256 Raleigh, Aurora Tech Marketing/Gail Jones ......... 919-829-1970 Regional Manager/ Mike Sheppard....................... 262-338-0256 Smithtown, Synergy sales/Barbara Macomber....631-979-1313 Victor, Net Sales/Kathy Paladino ............................585-924-1844 Westlake, Allied Enterprises,Inc/Jim Estin ..........440-808-8760 Halbar-RTS/Megan Gustafson ...............................425-893-8400 Media, Colrud-Lowery/Peggy Manley ...................610-566-6686 Richardson, Advanced Technical Sales/Todd Zara ........................ .......................................................................................214-340-1300 Halbar-RTS/Megan Gustafson ...............................425-893-8400 Meridian Markeeting, Inc./ Michele La Berge ...... 303-790-7171 INTERNATIONAL Sao Paolo , Spectrum Comercio /Dominique Alves ...................... ............................................................................BZ55-11-3889-0052 Richmond, Halbar-RTS/Megan Gustafson ...........425-893-8400 Brampton, E-Cubed Components, Inc/Michael Wheeler.............. ....................................................................................... 905-791-0812 Regional Manager /Mike Sheppard MX ............... 262-338-0256

Schaffner EMC, Inc......................................................... 67 52 Mayfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837; 800-367-5566; Fax: 732-225-4789; usasales@schaffner.com; www.schaffner. com/us; Gillis Mellen, Pres. AZ

Phoenix, JBS Associates, Inc/Debbie Cusimano ........................... ........................................................................................602-244-1212 CA Valencia, C & N and Associates/Peter Cop ...........661-254-5844 CA Vista, Admor Technical sales/Tracy Moran...........760-522-4140 CA San Jose, O’Donnell Associates North/Sherry Varela.................. ...................................................................................... 408-456-2950 CO Centennial, Meridian Marketing,Inc/Michele La Berge................ ....................................................................................... 303-790-7171 FL Oviedo, Sunland Associates/Dan Hollowell .........407-365-9533 IA Regional Manager/ Mike Sheppard....................... 262-338-0256 ID North, Halbar-RTS/Megan Gustafson ..................425-893-8400 ID South, Meridian Markeeting, Inc./ Michele La Berge ................... ....................................................................................... 303-790-7171 IL Elk Grove Village, Brainard-Nielsen Marketing,Inc./Arthur Guerra...........................................................................847-734-8400 KS Regional Manager/Mike Sheppard ....................... 262-338-0256 MA Hingham, Norris Associates, Inc/Holly Good ........ 781-749-5088 MN Minneapolis, Rockford Controls Minnesota/Mitzi Gerecke......... .......................................................................................763-557-2801

Shanghai 200233, China; sales@empek.com.cn; www. empek.com.cn; 86-21-64851854

Shanghai Viewtran Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

............................................................................................................ Shanghai, China; +86 21 62477218 62477258; Fax: +86 21 62475839; vtexpo@online.sh.cn; www.emcexpo.com; Yimin Xu, Manager

Shielding Resources Group, Inc. .................................... Tulsa, OK; 918-663-1985; www.shieldingresources.com

SIEMIC Testing and Certification Services ................ 2206 Ringwood Ave., San Jose, CA 95131; info@siemic. com; www.siemic.com; 408-526-1188; FAX: 408-526-1088

SILENT Solutions LLC ......................................................... Amherst, NH; 603-578-1842; www.silent-solutions.com

emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory GBR Alton, Accelonix Ltd...................................................01420 590000 Hitchin, Dowding & Mills ..........................................01462 421234 IND Bangalore, ELTEL Systems ...................................................265467 ISR Tel Aviv, R.D.T. Equip. & Systems.................................03 6450745 ITA Milan, L.P. Inst. S.r.l......................................................02-48401713 JPN Tokyo, Nippon Automatic Ctrl. Co. ..........................03-5434-1600 KOR Seoul, EMC Solutions .............................................82-2-2168-3910 NLD Veldhoven, Comtest Instr. B.V. ...................................40-290-8830 NOR Nesbru, IDS A.S..........................................................47 66 98 18 70 SGP Precision Technologies ............................................. 65-6273-4573 SWE Motala, Proxitron AB .......................................................141-58000 TWN Taipei, Alpha Precision Instr. Corp............................02-25084204 ZAF Wynberg, Protea Comm. & Meas. Div.......................11-786-3647

Soliani EMC SRL ................................................................... Via Varesina 122, 22100 Como, Italy; +39-031-5001112; Fax: +39-031-5005467; info@solianiemc.com; www.solianiemc. com

Sonnet Software, Inc. ......................................................... North Syracuse, NY; 315-453-3096; www.sonnetsoftware. com

Soshin Electronics Europe GmbH ..................................

DEU Schwabach, European Sales....................................49-9122-7950 MEX Guadalajara, Marfil .................................................011-52-33-3670

Syfer Technology Limited..............................................61 Spira Manufacturing Corporation............................. 89 12721 Saticoy St. South, N. Hollywood, CA 91605; 818-7648222; Fax 818-764-9880; sales@spira-emi.com; www. spira-emi.com AZ CA CA DC MD NM NV NV VA

Tucson, Synergistic Technology Group ...................520-760-0291 RC Products ................................................................ 510-440-0500 San Diego, Altamont Tech. Serv. .............................858-733-0618 Carwithen Associates ...............................................410-549-3335 Mt. Airy, Carwithen Associates Inc. .......................410-549-3335 Synergistic Technology Group..................................520-760-0291 North, RC Products.................................................... 510-440-0500 South, Synergistic Technology Group.....................520-760-0291 Carwithen Associates ...............................................410-549-3335 INTERNATIONAL Tricom Mikrowellen GMBH ....................................49-8161-86066 Tricom Mikrowellen GMBH ....................................49-8161-86066 USA Contact, IES Technologies Inc.........................630-632-5941 Tricom Mikrowellen GMBH ....................................49-8161-86066 Getelec ................................................................... 33-146-44-68-91 Silram Ltd..................................................................972-9-767-1332 Intermark Co., Ltd. .................................................. 81-587-34-3761

Liverpool, NY; 315-730-5667; www.source1compliance.com


Southwest Microwave, Inc. .............................................

Sprinkler Innovations .....................................................31

Westerbachstrasse 32, c/o NGK Europe GmbH, Kronberg im Taunus, D-61476, Germany; oversea@soshin.co.jp; www. soshin-ele.com; 49-6173-993108

Source1 Compliance ...........................................................

Tempe, AZ; 480-783-0201; www.southwestmicrowave.com

Southwest Research Institute......................................... San Antonio, TX; 210-684-5111; www.swri.com

Spec-Hardened Systems................................................... Rochester, NY; 585-225-2857; members.aol.com/SHSESCMYPAGE/INDEX.HTML

Specialty Silicone Products............................................. 3 McCrea Hill Road, Ballston Spa, NY 12020; astiles@ sspinc.com; www.sspinc.com; 518-885-8826; FAX: 518885-4682; 800-437-1442

95 Ledge Road, Suite 4, Seabrook, NH 03874; jbeers@sprinklerinnovations.com; 800-850-6692; FAX: 603-468-1031

SRICO, Inc. .............................................................................. Columbus, OH; 614-799-0664; www.srico.com

Stahlin Non-Metallic Enclosures................................... 500 Maple St., Belding, MI 48809; jstalsonburg@stahlin. com; www.stahlin.com; 616-794-0700; FAX: 616-794-7564

Stephen Halperin & Associates Ltd. ............................. Bensenville, IL; 630-238-8883; www.halperinassoc.com

Stockwell Elastomerics, Inc............................................ Philadelphia, PA; 215-335-3005; www.stockwell.com

Stork Garwood Laboratories Inc. .............................. 29 7829 Industry Ave., Pico Rivera, CA 90660; www.garwoodlabs.com; 562-949-2727; FAX: 562-949-8757; 888-427-4111

Suzhou 3CTEST Electronic Co.,Ltd. ............................... Spectrum Advanced Specialty Products ............... 63 8061 Avonia Road, Fairview, PA 16415; 814-474-1571; Fax: 814-474-3110; info@spectrumcontrol.com; www.specemc. com; Kerri Fabin, Director of Sales & Marketing - EMI Filters & Components AL AZ


Huntsville, GWA-Alt/Hsv..........................................256-882-6751 Tempe, Westrep ........................................................480-820-9932 Queen Creek, W. Reg. Sales Office/Jim Devere............................. .......................................................................................866-281-0903 Anaheim, Westrep .....................................................714-527-2822 Los Altos, Recht......................................................... 650-964-6321 Centennial, W. Howard Associates ........................303-766-5755 Hutchinson Island, FLA Technology Sales ............ 954-802-2385 Lake Mary, SE Reg Sales/Jason Russolese ......... 866-565-6226 Cedar Rapids, MidTech .............................................219-395-0028 Indianapolis, Dytec, Inc. ............................................ 317-578-0474 Indianapolis,Alliance Mfg. (Automotive) ...............317-575-4600 Woburn, Kitchen & Kutchin ...................................... 781-782-0700 Columbia, Mechtronics Sales ..................................410-309-9600 S. St. Paul, North Port Engineering .........................651-457-8000 Raleigh, EMA (Electronic Marketing Association) ......................... .......................................................................................919-847-8800 Fairfield, TAM (Technical Applications & Marketing) .................... .......................................................................................973-575-4130 E. Syracuse, Leonard D. Allen ...................................315-431-1001 Elizabethtown, NE Reg Sales/Jeff Showers.........866-281-0988 Richardson, Pro-Comp Sls. ........................................817-912-3750 El Paso, World Class Marketing...............................915-585-3228 Redmond, Haleo, Inc. .................................................425-497-8500 INTERNATIONAL ON, Canadian Source Corp. .......................................905-415-1951


2th Anda Park No.198 Jinshan Road, Suzhou Jiangsu, 215011, China; sales@3ctest.cn; www.3ctest.cn; 051268413700

Sulzer Metco (Canada) Inc. .............................................. 10108 - 114 St., Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 4R1, CANADA; 780-992-5280; Fax 780-992-5275; rich.weiler@sulzer.com; www.conductivefillers.com; Rich Weiler, Business Manager, Electronic Materials

Sunkyoung S.T. ...................................................................... Hwaseong-Si Gyeonggi-Do, Korea; 82-31-351-8171; www. sunkyoungst.com

Sunol Sciences Corporation ............................................ Dublin, CA; 925-833-9936; www.sunolsciences.com

Swets Information Services B.V..................................... 160 Ninth Avenue PO Box 1459, Runnemede, NJ 08078; info@us.swets.com

Swift Textile Metalizing LLC ........................................91 P.O. Box 66, Bloomfield, CT 06002; 860-243-1122; Fax: 860243-0848; info@swift-textile.com; www.swift-textile.com; Steven Smith, Sales

Old Stoke Road, Arminghall, Norwich, NR14 8SQ , United Kingdom; +44 1603 723310; FAX: +44 1603 723301; sales@ syfer.co.uk; www.syfer.com

Sypris Test and Measurement - Corporate Office .... ..................................................................................................... 6120 Hanging Moss Road, Orlando, FL 32807; testinfo@ sypris.com; www.wetest.com; 800-839-4959; FAX: 407678-0578

t Tapecon, Inc. .......................................................................... Buffalo, NY; 800-333-2407; www.tapecon.com

TDK-Lambda Americas ...................................................... Neptune, NJ; 732-922-9300; www.us.tdk-lambda.com/hp

Tech-Etch, Inc................................................................. 101 45 Aldrin Road, Plymouth, MA 02360; 508-747-0300; Fax 508-746-9639; sales@tech-etch.com; www.tech-etch.com; David Dahlquist, Shielding Products Business Manager AL CA CO DC FL GA IL KS MA MD ME MI MN MO NC NH NJ NY OH OR PA UT VA WA WI WY BEL CAN CHN DEU DNK FRA GBR ISR ITA JPN NOR PRK SGP TWN ZAF

Huntsville, Blair Engineering, SE, Inc. ......................256 880 6602 Brea, Motion Components........................................ 714-255-1080 Santa Clara, Ross Marketing Assoc. ......................408-988-8111 Westminster, Straube/Delltron.............................. 303-426-0890 Ellicott City, Eastern Tech Corp.................................410-715-2100 Miami, Blair Engineering, SE, Inc..............................305 498 4882 St. Petersburg, Blair Engineering, SE, Inc. ..............727 869 8600 Norcross, Blair Engineering, SE, Inc.........................770 734 0400 Barrington, EMT Engineering Sales ........................ 847-481-7403 Kansas City, Midtec Associates, Inc.......................913-541-0505 Carver, Connors Co., Inc. ..........................................508-866-5392 Ellicott City, Eastern Tech Corp.................................410-715-2100 Carver Connors Co., Inc. ...........................................508-866-5392 Farmington Hills, R. C. Merchant Co., Inc................248 476 4600 St. Joseph, R. C. Merchant Co., Inc..........................269 983 7378 Burnsville, EMT Engineering Sls..............................952-888-1020 St. Louis, Midtec Associates, Inc. ............................314 839 3600 Wake Forest, Blair Engineering, SE, Inc. ...............919 -562-6644 Carver, Connors Co., Inc. ..........................................508-866-5392 Marlton, Brandon Associates, Inc. ..........................856-767-2899 Canandaigua, Brandon Associates, Inc..................716-394-6080 Commack, Brandon Associates, Inc.........................631 864 8058 Kettering, Frederic Ohmer & Assoc. .......................937-434-1454 Beaverton, Technical Marketing, Inc. .................... 503-627-9000 West Chester, Brandon Associates, Inc. ................610-738-8500 Tech-etch, Inc..............................................................503-747-0300 Mechanicsville, Eastern Tech Corp ........................ 804-402-2277 Kirkland, Technical Marketing, Inc. .........................425-739-4600 Spokane, Technical Marketing, Inc. ........................509-924-7609 Miquon, EMT Engineering Sls..................................262-236-4001 Westminster, Straube/Delltron.............................. 303-426-0890 INTERNATIONAL Teleson .........................................................................322-482-0737 Dollard des Ormeuaux, The ID Group Inc. ..............514-575-8044 Beijing, Mindar China Co. LTD...............................8610 64680338 Berlin, Feuerherdt Gmbh .......................................4930710964550 Gydevang, Bomberg EMC Products ......................... 454 814 0155 Viroflay Cedex, Milmega S.A. ................................330164460442 Rochdale , TBA Electro Conductive Products ......441706 647718 Rishon Le-Zion, Maham Fasteners.........................972 3 9626516 Sirces/Italy .....................................................................0255231395 Tokyo, Taiyo Wire Cloth Co. .......................................81334937051 EG Components ..........................................................472-325-4603 Eretec .........................................................................823-1427-0061 Ayer Raja Industrial Estate, Glocom Marketing PTE, LTD. ........................................................................................65 6873 0933 Taipei Hsien, TennMax, Inc.....................................886226954137 Bryanston, Actum.....................................................27 11 463 2240

interference technology


company directory Tempest Security Systems, Inc....................................... Troy, OH; 937-335-5600; www.tempestusa.com

TESEO S.p.A. .......................................................................... Druento (TO), Italy; +39-011-9941911; www.teseo.net

TESEQ, Inc. ........................................................................ 54 52 Mayfield Ave., Edison, New Jersey 08837; 732-417-0501; 888-417-0501; Fax: 732-417-0511; usasales@teseq.com; www.teseq.com CA NY NY OH PA TX


Universal Components ..............................................949-707-0407 PMR, INC. ....................................................................631- 244-1420 L-MAR Assdciates.................................................... 585- 899-3920 Electronic Salesmasters .......................................... 216- 831-9555 Keystone Sales & Marketing .................................. 610- 745-7237 Biggs and Associates ...............................................972- 679-5871 INTERNATIONAL National Power and Signal ......................................519- 763-4225 Trinity Technologics ...............................................91-80-25719382 SEEN Distribution................................................... 48-22-625-1225 SYSTEM elementy elektroniczne.........................48 56 67 87 000 Kilia Teknoloji .......................................................... 90 212 3439055

Test & Measurement Australia Pty Limited. .............. Blaxland, NSW, Australia; +61-2-47399523; www.TandM. com.au

Test Equipment Connection.............................................. Lake Mary, FL; 407-804-1299; www.TestEquipmentConnection.com

Test Site Services ................................................................ 30 Birch St., Milford, MA 01757; lab@testsiteservices. com; www.testsiteservices.com; 508-634-3444; FAX: 508-634-0388

571700; www.tracglobal.com

Transtector Systems Inc....................................................

1624 Sauget Industrial Pkwy, P.O. Box 5006, Sauget, IL 62206; uaf@uaf.com; www.uaf.com; 618-271-7300; FAX: 618-271-8808; 800-541-3478

Transient Specialists, Inc..................................................


10701 N. Airport Road, Hayden, ID 83835; roliveira@ transtector.com; www.transtector.com; 208-762-6113; FAX: 208-762-6133 Burr Ridge, IL; 630-887-0329; www.transientspecialists. com

Tranzeo EMC Labs Inc. ....................................................... Pitt Meadows, British Columbia, Canada; 604-460-4453; www.tranzeo-emc.com

TREK, INC. ............................................................................... 11601 Maple Ridge Road, Medina, NY 14103; sales@ trekinc.com; www.trekinc.com; 585-798-3140; FAX: 585798-3106; 800-FOR-TREK

Trialon Corporation.............................................................. 1465 Walli Strasse Drive, Burton, MI 48509; pkrug@trialon. com; www.trialon.com/test_engineering.html; 810-3417931; 800-847-8111

Tri-Mag, Inc. .......................................................................79 1601 N. Clancy Court, Visalia, CA 93291; 559-651-2222; Fax: 559-651-0188; jmli@tri-mag.com; http://www.tri-mag. com/Filters/Filters.html; Jia Ming-Li; Luanne Martinez

TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc...........................

12 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT 06470; info@tuv.com; www. tuv.com; 203-426-0888; FAX: 203-426-4009; 888-743-4652

THORA Elektronik GmbH................................................... Herrieden, Bavaria, Germany; 0049-9825-92800; www. thora.com

3C Test Ltd. - EMC Testing .................................................

Silverstone Technology Park, Silverstone Circuit, Towcester, Northants, NN12, 8GX, United Kingdom; 01327 857500; Fax: 01327 857747; sales@3ctest.co.uk; www.3ctest.co.uk

3Gmetalworx World............................................................ 101 Planchet Road, Concord, L4K 2C6, Canada; 905-7387973; MGomez@3gmetalworx.com; www.3gmetalworx. com

3M Electrical Markets Division ...................................... 6801 River Place Blvd., Austin, TX, 78726-9000; 800-2450329; electrical@3M.com; www.3M.com/electrical

3M Electronic Solutions Division................................... Sanford, NC; 866-722-3736; www.3MStatic.com

Timco Engineering, Inc. ..................................................... 849 NW State Road 45, Newberry, FL 32669; info@ timcoengr.com; www.timcoengr.com; 352-472-5500; FAX: 352-472-2030; 888-472-2424

TMD Technologies Ltd....................................................14 Swallowfield Way, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1DQ, United Kingdom; +44 20 8573 5555; Fax: +44 20 8569 1839; heather. skinner@tmd.co.uk; www.tmd.co.uk

TRaC ..........................................................................................

4502 Route 31, Palmyra, NY 14522; whoge@rochester. rr.com; www.shieldextrading.net, 315-597-1674, FAX: 315-597-6687

Vacuum Schmelze GmbH & CO. KG................................ Hanau, Germany; +49 6181 380; www.vacuumschmelze. com

Vanguard Products Corp.................................................... 87 Newtown Road, Danbury, CT 06810; info@vanguardproducts.com; www.vanguardproducts.com; 203-744-7265; FAX: 203-798-2351

Venture Tape Corp................................................................ 30 Cpmmerce Road, P.O. Box 384, Rockland, MA 02370; sales@venturetape.com; www.venturetape.com; 781-3315900; FAX: 781-871-0065; 800-343-1076

Vermillion, Incorporated.................................................... 4754 South Palisade, Wichita, KS 67217; fhunt@vermillioninc.com; www.vermillioninc.com; 316-524-3100

Malvern, PA; 610-251-5287; www.vishay.com

Wood Dale, IL; 800-323-9562; www.phoenixofchicago.com

1 Lowell Research Center, Lowell, MA 01852; sales.esd@ thermo.com; www.thermo.com/esd; 978-275-0800; FAX: 978-275-0850

V Technical Textiles, Inc...................................................

Vishay Intertechnology ......................................................

The Phoenix Company of Chicago .................................

Thermo Fisher Scientific ...................................................

Cranbury, NJ; 609-655-1200; www.vcomm-eng.com

2171 Sandy Drive, State College, PA 16803; kent.vonada@ videon-central.com; www.videon-central.com; 814-235-1111

202 Forest St.; Marlborough, MA 01752; ewilbur@cmgcorp. net; www.cmgcorp.net; 508-281-5985; FAX: 508-281-5972

621-D East Lake St.; Lake Mills, WI 53551; info@THEMIXplastics.com; www.THEMIXplastics.com; 920-945-0599; FAX: 920-945-0596; 888-234-3304

V-Comm, LLC ..........................................................................

Videon Central, Inc. .............................................................

The Compliance Management Group ...........................

THEMIX Plastics, Inc. .........................................................

Universal Air Filter...............................................................

Visron Design, Inc. ............................................................... TÜV SÜD America Inc., New Brighton, MN................

West Henrietta, NY; 585-292-5780; www.visron.com

1775 Old Highway 8 NW, Suite #104, New Brighton, MN 55112; 651-631-2487 or go to www.TUVamerica.com; Fax 651-638-0285; info@tuvam.com; www.TUVamerica.com; Anita Westman, EMC Account Executive; Kevin Larson, Product Director EMC/Aero

VitaTech Engineering, LLC ................................................

TÜV SÜD Senton GmbH......................................................

Didcot, NY; 585-292-5780; www.voltech.com

Straubing, Germany; +49-9421-5522-0; www.tuev-sued. de/senton

TÜV Product Service Ltd. .................................................. Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom; +44 (0)1489 558100; www.tuvps.co.uk

TWP Inc. .................................................................................. 2831 Tenth St., Berkeley, CA 94710; sales@twpinc.com; www.twpinc.com; 510-548-4434; FAX: 510-548-3073; 800-227-1570

Tyco Electronics ...................................................................

620 S. Butterfield Road, Mundelein, IL 60060; bob.fawley@ tycoelectronics.com; 847-573-6508

u Ultratech Group of Labs ..................................................... 3000 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 6G4, Canada; vic@ultratech-labs.com; www.ultratech-labs.com; 905829-1570

Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. .................................... Corporate Headquarters, 333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062-2096; EMC@us.ul.com; www.ul.com/hitech/emc; 847-272-8800; FAX: 847-272-8129

United Seal and Rubber Co., Inc......................................

115 Juliad Court, Suite 105, Fredericksburg, VA 22406; jvitale@vitatech.net; www.vitatech.net; 540-286-1984; FAX: 540-286-1865

Voltech Instruments, Inc. .................................................. VPT, Inc. ................................................................................... 11314 4th Ave. West, Suite 206, Everett, WA 98204; vptsales@vpt-inc.com; www.vpt-inc.com; 425-353-3010; FAX: 425-353-4030

VTI Vacuum Technologies Inc ......................................... 1215 Industrial Ave., Reedsburg, WI 53959; wil.sales@ vactecinc.com; www.vactecinc.com; 608-524-9822; FAX: 608-524-9722

w Walshire Labs, LLC .............................................................. 8545 126th Ave N., Largo, FL 33773; Peter_Walsh@ walshirelabs.com; www.walshirelabs.com; 727-530-8637

Washington Laboratories, Ltd. ........................................ 7560 Lindbergh Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20879; info@wll. com; www.wll.com; 301-417-0220; FAX: 301-417-9069

Wavecontrol .......................................................................... Pallars, 65-71, Barcelona, 8018, Spain; info@wavecontrol. com; www.wavecontrol.com; +34 933208055

WaveZero, Inc. ...................................................................... 818 Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94086; moreinfo@wavezero. com; www.wavezero.com; 408-830-5100; FAX: 408-7738480

Atlanta, GA; 770-864-0532; www.unitedseal.com

Malvern, Worcestershire, United Kingdom; +44 (0) 1684


interference technology

emc directory & design guide 2010

company directory WEMS Electronics ....................................................... 127 4650 W. Rosecrans Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250-6898; 310644-0251 Ext. 176; FAX: 310-644-5334; salesinfo@wems. com; www.wems.com; John O’Brien, W. Regional Sales Dir.; Norm Richarte, Engineering Mgr.; Allel Ifri, Sr. Field Applications Engineer; Rodney Boyd, E. Regional Sales Dir.

White Sands Test Center E3 Test Facilities ......... 129 USA White SandsTest Center, Bldg 21225, White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002; 505-678-6107; FAX: 505-678-3999; name@ wsmr.army.mil; www.wsmr.army.mil

Wilcoxon Research .............................................................

20511 Seneca Meadows Parkway, Germantown, MD 20876; wilcoxon@meggitt.com; www.wilcoxon.com; 301-3308811; FAX: 301-330-8873; 800-WILCOXON

Willow Run Test Labs, LLC................................................ 8501 Beck Road, Bldg 2227, Belleville, MI 48111; joe@wrtest.com; www.wrtest.com; 734-252-9785

W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc............................................. 555 Paper Mill Road, Newark, DE 19711; 800-445-4673; electronicsusa@wlgore,com; www.gore.com/emi; Jason Rodriguez, Marketing Communications; Nadine Whelan, Technical Marketing


World Cal, Inc. ....................................................................... 2012 High St., 410 Elk Horn, IA 51531; info@world-cal.com; 712-764-2197; FAX: 712-764-2195


Wurth Elecktronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG.................... Waldenburg, Germany;+49 (0) 7942/945-0; www.weonline.com

Wurth Electronics Midcom .............................................. Watertown, SD; 605-884-3551; www.we-online.com

X X2Y Attenuators LLC ........................................................... Erie, PA; 814-835-8180; www.x2y.com


Zero Ground....................................................................... 83 3392 Hillside Court, Woodridge, IL 60517-1438; 401-3778389; FAX: 425-930-3626; service@zero-ground.com; www.zero-ground.com; Mark Panko, ZERO GROUND LLC, V.P. Sales & Engineering; Linda Sardone, Sales & Mktg. Mgr.; Donna Silvers, President, 2nd Source Wire & Cable - Authorized Distr.; Karl Christiansen, Sales Mgr., JAN Electronics Supplies - Authorized Distr.; Marie Logan, V.P. Americor Electronics Ltd. - Authorized Distr.

Yazaki Testing Center ......................................................... 6800 N. Haggerty Road, Catnon, MI 48187; testing@ us.yazaki.com; www.yazakiemc.com; 734-983-6012; FAX: 734-983-6013

CA Brea, 2nd Source ........................................................714-572-9977 CT New London, JAN Electronics Supplies................ 860-442-4386 IL Elk Grove Village, Americor Electronics Ltd...........847-956-6200 Export Americor Electronics Ltd........................................847-956-6200

York EMC Services Ltd.......................................................

Zero Surge Inc. ......................................................................

York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom; 01904 434440; www.yorkemc.co.uk

889 State Route 12, Frenchtown, NJ 8825; info@zerosurge. com; www.ZeroSurge.com; 908-996-7700; 800-996-6696

interference technology



WHen you contAct our AdvertISerS, pLeASe rememBer to teLL tHem you SAW tHeIr Ad In Interference tecHnoLogy.

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interference technology

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zero ground



emc Directory & Design guiDe 2010

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©2010 ETS-Lindgren

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