EDITRICE ZEUS - Via Cesare Cantù, 16, 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 - www.editricezeus.com Tariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Milano TAXE PERCUE (tassa riscossa) Uff. Milano CMP/2 Roserio - ISSN 1827-4102
beverage & packaging
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n° 1-2020
13/12/19 10:13
10/12/19 10:09
Releasing the Power of the Pomegranate A better way to extract arils from pomegranate
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Juran Metal Works Ltd. 23 B.Shmotkin St., Old Industrial Zone, Rishon Lezion 75363, Israel Tel: 972-3-9640377 Fax: 972-3-9640451 Web site: www.juran.co.il E.mail: juran@juran.co.il
Juran Technologies 23 Shmotkin St., Rishon Lezion 7536326, Israel Tel: 972-3-9640377 Fax: 972-3-9640451 Web site: www.juran.co.il E.mail: info@juran.co.il
20/01/20 15:05
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29/01/20 11:44
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24/01/20 09:57
23/12/19 11:36
ome years ago, Fibrapack emerged as an environmental project after a visit to a small booth with Palm fiber trays range in a French packaging exhibition. Our vision to develop a business that could go further in the goals than money, made us trust on ourselves and made us believe that something innovative could be brought to food packaging. Fibrapack Palm became the top of the iceberg and opened a nice path in the market to introduce new products that they had never been implemented on daily market life, on industrial packaging lines and more over, that were new to the end customers.
Then became Sugarcane fibe s that demolish the believe that more value added packaging with higher costs could never be able to enter in the shelves of main supermarket chains. We did a nice approach on this way and now, the most important chains are using our supermarket trays line, both in white and brown, giving an amazing final touch to products that were just sold on foam trays. Now industry is open to new proposals day by day, supported by end shops and chains that are motivated to protect the environment reducing as much as they can the use of plastics.
We are not against plastics at all, but we support mainly those that are mak-
ing the close loop of recyclability and that are really on the right earth cycle respect. rPET are becoming more and more popular and we are developing where the market and needs demand a special requirement of shelf-life. Special recycling plant has been implemented in Turkey and we are priority partners with them in the market introduction of one of the most advanced rPET in the market in terms of transparency, food contact grades and nice range of products. We don’t stop innovating and we are now introducing a new family of products based on Bamboo paper and boards, as more sustainable and easy recovering resource in the naCONTINUED ON PAGE 44
6 I3D FIBRAPACK - FP 1-20.indd 3
23/01/20 16:47
IMA Active knows all there is to know about mixing, granulation, tableting, filling and coating. Today, we make that knowledge available to the food and dairy industry with a world of tailored solutions. Together we can optimise your processes and innovate your products. IMA Active. A world to explore. foodanddairy.ima-active.com
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23/01/20 16:01
27/01/20 14:16
Individuality, freshness and availability are the guarantee of our success and we want to continue to grow in the global market
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23/01/20 12:14
DAIRY PRODUCTS INCREASE DAILY EFFICIENCY. JUST LIKE OUR ROBOTIC SOLUTIONS. Cama Group is a leading supplier of advanced secondary packaging systems in the dairy industry, continuously investing in innovative solutions. www.camagroup.com
23/01/20 15:15
N. 2-2019
EDITRICE ZEUS - Via C. Cantù, 16 - 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) Tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 - www.editricezeus.com cop DT 2-19.indd 1
SOMMARIO FP 1-20.indd 2
18/06/19 10:15
29/01/20 11:56
editorial management and registered office: Via Cesare Cantù, 16 20831 SEREGNO (MB) - ITALY Tel. +39 0362 244182 +39 0362 244186 web site: www.editricezeus.com e-mail: redazione@editricezeus.com portal: www.itfoodonline.com e-mail: marketing@itfoodonline.com skypeTM: editricezeus
Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry year XXXII - issue n. 1 - FEBRUARY 2020 managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni direzione@editricezeus.com editorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni redazione@editricezeus.com editorial production Sonia Bennati bennati@editricezeus.com account dep. manager Elena Costanzo amministrazione@editricezeus.com project and layout design ZEUS Agency grafica@editricezeus.com creative dep. ZEUS Agency grafica@editricezeus.com translations C. Natalucci translator printing ZEUS Agency Italian Magazine Food Processing Europe: single issue: Euro 25 Annual (six issues): Euro 120 Outside Europe: single issue: US$ 30 Annual (six issues): US$ 170 Subscription payment can be made in the name of Editrice Zeus sas, by bank money transfer or cheque. Italian Magazine Food Processing
We’ll exhibit at... Düsseldorf - Germany EN stand EN/A05
An outline of the suppliers of machines, plants, products and equipment for the food industry. Published: monthly Registration: Court of Monza no.10 of 05.09.2018 Shipment by air mail art.2 comma 20/b law 662/96 - Milan Panorama dei fornitori di macchine, impianti, prodotti e attrezzature per l’industria alimentare Periodicità: mensile. Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Monza, n.10 del 05.09.2018 Spedizione in a. p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 Filiale di Milano The reproduction of the articles and/or pictures published by this magazine is reserved (the manuscripts and/or photos sent to the Publisher will not be returned). The Editor declines all responsibilities for any mistake of photocomposition contained in the published papers of any magazine by EDITRICE ZEUS.
SOMMARIO FP 1-20.indd 3
29/01/20 11:56
ne of the top Chinese producer of healthy product started automating their production lines in the new factory initially with a Cama side loading cartoner machine for stickpack. The bestseller product in their portfolio is a high value meal replacement powder. Due to the fact that their line was a never stop line our customer needed high effici ncy, short maintenance time and high fl xibility on carton dimension because of a variety of sku. In the past the stickpack was randomly collected and inserted into carton manually. For a marketing request, to launch a premium product they decided to collect stickpacks in a neatly way. Moreover to avoid human’s mistakes in unprecise counting, the customer decided to automate the line with proven technology. We offered 3 sku, from 6 counts to 18 counts loaded into a pre-glued carton with a pre-arrangement to serve in the future double stickpack fill r instead of existing one. This line is also very interactive; it can exchange data with customer ERP and upload the performance in real time. Cama collects stickpacks arriving from a multiple fill rs, products are positioned in single pocket each one, they are merged into Cama cartoner main pocket conveyor on edge and loaded into cartons. One laser printing was installed too. www.camagroup.com
14 CAMA - FP 1-20.indd 4
24/01/20 11:50
GEORDNET VERPACKTE PULVER-STICKPACKS Einer der führenden chinesischen Hersteller von Gesundheitsprodukten begann die Automatisierung seines neuen Werks zunächst mit einem Horizontalkartonierer für Stickpacks. Der Bestseller im Sortiment der Firma ist ein hochwertiger Mahlzeitersatz in Pulverform. Da es sich bei der Linie um eine nie anhaltende Linie handelt, benötigte unser Kunde eine Hochleistungsmaschine mit kurzen Wartungszeiten und hoher Flexibilität bezüglich der Schachtelformate aufgrund der Bearbeitung unterschiedlicher SKU. In der Vergangenheit wurden Stickpacks von Hand ungeordnet in die Schachteln verpackt. Um aufgrund von Marktanforderungen ein hochwertiges Produkt auf den Markt zu bringen, beschloss die Firma, die Stickpacks auf geordnete Weise zu verpacken. Sie entschied sich außerdem dafür, die Linie mit bewährter Technologie zu automatisieren, um menschliche Fehler aufgrund ungenauen Zählens zu vermeiden. Wir boten eine Maschine für 3 SKU, von Packungen mit 6 Einheiten bis zu Packungen mit 18 Einheiten, die in vorgeklebte Schachteln verpackt werden. Die Maschine ist schon jetzt dafür eingerichtet, in der Zukunft statt mit der bestehenden Stickpack-Füllmaschine mit einer doppelten Füllmaschine zu arbeiten. Außerdem ist die Linie sehr interaktiv und kann mit dem ERP des Kunden Daten austauschen sowie Leistungsdaten in Echtzeit hochladen. Die Cama-Maschine sammelt von mehreren Füllmaschinen kommende Stickpacks, die Produkte werden jeweils einzeln in Schlitze positioniert und dann auf dem Hauptschlitzförderband des Cama-Kartonierers am Rand zusammengeführt und in die Schachteln geladen. Es wurde außerdem ein Laserdrucker installiert. www.camagroup.com
CAMA - FP 1-20.indd 5
24/01/20 11:50
PACKPACT: SEVEN COMPANIES FOR COMPREHENSIVE AND FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS Some successful experiences born from the collaboration between companies operating in the same sector
n 2013, seven Italian leading companies in the processing and packaging sector decided to join forces and share their knowhow to optimise their business and increase their competitiveness in the global market. The project was born under the name “Processing & Packaging - The High-Tech Italian Way” and was renamed in 2019 as “PACKPACT - Your partner in Advanced Processing & Packaging”. Today PACKPACT is a network of national manufacturers able to offer customers complete, customized
and advanced solutions, backed by the assurance of made-in-Italy technological excellence. Through the integration of each company’s specific skills, the network enables the creation of innovative systems that can perform multiple functions in a single unit. Each company represents the excellence in its specific business, and it is the synergy created through the proactive collaboration among the companies the real added value. Thanks to these collaborations, cus-
tomers can interface with a unique partner and benefit from a one-stopshop. Aiming to establish new collaborations with other Italian producers in the processing and packaging sectors, today the companies of the network are: Cama Group (secondary packaging), Clevertech (front & end of line systems), Ilpra (traysealing, thermoforming fill and seal machines), Makro Labelling (labelling), Ronchi Mario (filling&capping) Tosa Group (wrapping); Universal-Pack (stick pack & sachet fill and seal). With a growing turnover year after
16 PACK PACT FP 1-20 doppia_CORR.indd 4
12/12/19 16:20
year, in 2018 the companies belonging the Network recorded a total turnover of 300 million Euros, of which approximately 85% came from exports.
and in the marketing activities carried out in several markets to represent the Italian excellence of the production chain in the processing and packaging sectors around the world.
important appointment is Interpack 2020, where companies will be represented individually, each one with its own stand according to its product category.
The Network employs over 1,050 people, with a 20% increase in employment in the last two years. The positive trend can also be seen in the ongoing investments in R&D
The markets where the network has had an active presence in the last two years are Iran, India, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Algeria, China, Australia and Thailand. The next
For more information on future fairs and on the companies belonging to the Network, please visit the website www.packpact.it
PACKPACT: SIEBEN FIRMEN FÜR KOMPLEXE UND FLEXIBLE LÖSUNGEN ERFOLGSGESCHICHTEN DER ZUSAMMENARBEIT VERSCHIEDENER FIRMEN AUS DERSELBEN BRANCHE 2013 beschlossen sieben führende italienische Firmen der Processing- und Packaging-Branche, ihre Stärken und ihr Know-how zu vereinen, um ihre Geschäfte weiterzuentwickeln und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf den internationalen Märkten zu verbessern. Das Projekt entstand mit dem Namen „Processing & Packaging – The High-Tech Italian Way“ und wurde 2019 in „PACKPACT - Your Partner in Advanced Processing & Packaging“ umbenannt. Heute ist PACKPACT ein Netzwerk, das sieben nationale Hersteller umfasst, die ihren Kunden vollständige, individuelle und fortschrittliche Lösungen bieten können, welche durch die technologische Exzellenz des „Made in Italy“ garantiert sind. Dank der Kombination der spezifischen Kompetenzen jeder einzelnen Firma kann das Netzwerk innovative Systeme herstellen, die mehrere Funktionen in einer einzigen Einheit integrieren. Die Unternehmen sind jedes für sich genommen Experten in ihrem jeweiligen Geschäftsgebiet, aber die Synergie, die aus ihrer Zusammenarbeit entsteht, bietet dem Kunden die Vorteile eines One-Stop-Shops und eines einzigen Ansprechpartners für die gesamte Produktionskette. Das Ziel für die Zukunft ist es, die Zusammenarbeit mit weiteren italienischen Firmen aus bisher nicht abgedeckten Bereichen der Processing- und PackagingBranche zu beginnen. Heute gehören dem Netzwerk folgende Firmen an: Cama Group (Secondary Packag-
PACK PACT FP 1-20 doppia_CORR.indd 5
ing), Clevertech (Front & End of Line Systems), Ilpra (Traysealing, Thermoforming, Fill and Seal Machines), Makro Labelling (Labelling), Ronchi Mario (Filling & Capping); Tosa Group (Wrapping); Universal Pack (Stick Pack & Sachet Fill and Seal). Dank der entstandenen Synergien und der beständigen Beziehungen haben die Firmen des Netzwerks 2018 einen Gesamtumsatz von 300 Millionen Euro verzeichnet, davon etwa 85 % aus Exportgeschäften. Insgesamt beschäftigen die Firmen 1050 Personen, und die Zahl der Mitarbeiter ist in den letzten zwei Jahren um 20 % angestiegen. Das positive Klima zeigt sich auch in den kontinuierlichen Investitionen in die Forschung und Entwicklung sowie in den gemeinsamen Werbe- und Kommunikationsaktivitäten in verschiedenen Märkten, um die Exzellenz des italienischen Angebots in der Produktionskette der Processing- und Packaging-Branche weltweit bekannt zu machen. In den letzten beiden Jahren war das Netzwerk in folgenden Märkten präsent: Iran, Indien, Arabische Emirate, Russland, Algerien, China, Australien und Thailand. Der nächste wichtige Termin für alle Firmen ist die Interpack-Messe, an der die Firmen einzeln teilnehmen, jede mit ihrem eigenen Stand gemäß ihrer Warenkategorie. Für weitere Informationen über zukünftige Teilnahmen des Netzwerks an Messen und über die Firmen, besuchen Sie bitte die Website www.packpact.it
12/12/19 16:20
Some practical examples of the collaboration between the companies belonging to PACKPACT are the system created by Cama Group and Clevertech for the pet-food sector, a complete line made by Clevertech and Tosa Group for the dairy sector, and the solution developed by Cama and Universal Pack for the food sector.
The Cama-Clevertech line offers a complete end-of-line packaging solution for pet-food boxes with 4 outfeed lines and a robotic unloading and feeding system. The line receives the pouches in 4 fl vors, which are then conveyed by a Clevertech depalletizer on 10 lanes to the Cama feeding conveyors. The pouches are scanned by cameras that send the relevant information to Delta robots for loading using a specific software. The input speed for each fl vor is 135 cartons/min, for a total of 540 pouches/min for the entire line. The products are divided into groups of 8, 12 or 24 in interlaved config ration into boxes or in groups of 4 in fl w-wrap trays. Once the boxes have been fill d or the trays have been packaged in fl w-wraps, everything is conveyed to the wrap-around system for packaging in the shipping crate. Finally, a palletizer carries out the final operations of loading and preparing the pallets. This system fully meets the needs of the market with multi-fl vor, high-speed lines and allows changing fl vors with a 50% reduction in time compared to the competitors. The fl xibility, multi-packing capability and the perfect integration of the two lines offer a 30% more compact footprint than ever before.
Another successful project is the milk sealing system designed by Clevertech and Tosa for Aurora Dairy, an organic milk producer in North America. From the spiral lifter to the pallet stacker, the end-of-line system minimizes the transfer cycle to the forklift and has been designed and assembled by Clevertech integrating the stretch film wrapping solution from Tosa Group. The system consists of 2 palletizers that convey entire pallets to 2 stretch film wrappers. Clevertech and Tosa’s perfect mechanical and electrical design ensures the same materials and components for both supplies, as well as the same documentation, the same interface and an identical software structure developed in accordance with PACKML guidelines.
The result of the collaboration between Cama and Universal-Pack was the development of two lines for a leading consumer goods company into its production facilities located in Egypt and El Salvador. For the plant in San Salvador, Universal-Pack supplied the bagging machine for the primary packaging as well as the stacking, weighing and counting unit for the subsequent transfer to the Cama Group cartoning machine. The entire process is based on a Smart Machinery approach that can be integrated into 4.0 environments for the collection and analysis of production data. The Cama machine, integrated in the Universal-Pack line, belongs to the company’s fi st project Break-Through Generation system. From the UniversalPack line arrive groups of 60 or 36 sachets that the Cama Group machine encloses into 16 cases max of big dimensions. What’s unique about this line are the special and out-of-format dimensions of the package. The major benefits of this project are higher standards of hygiene, the “Easy Entry” safety, the energy-saving engineering and ergonomic solutions, fully integrated in a fl xible and compact structure. In Egypt, on the other hand, Cama provided a double head moulding machine and a closing. Cama’s innovative solutions for the RRP (Retail-Ready Package) offer a wide range of successful packaging machines developed over the years. Universal-Pack provided 2 inserting lines under which Cama boxes were unloaded (line speed 42 boxes/min). The perfect integration coming from the two Universal-Pack lines on one track was based on the following features: brushless motorization and control of the whole line through a single HMI, micrometric dose accuracy, fl xibility in counting, compact design, standard and ULTRACLEAN scalable hygienic levels, integration in 4.0 environments with real-time data collection and analysis to optimize production.
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12/12/19 16:20
MACHINERY - PACKAGING LINES - LOGISTICS Einige konkrete Beispiele für die Kooperation zwischen den Firmen des Netzwerks sind die Systeme von Cama Group und Clevertech für die Tierfutterbranche, von Clevertech und Tosa Group für die Milch- und Käsebranche und von Cama und Universal Pack für die Lebensmittelbranche.
Die Linie Cama-Clevertech bietet eine komplette Lösung für die Endverpackung von Tierfutterpackungen in 4 Varianten mit einem Robotersystem für den Auslauf und die Zufuhr. Die Linie erhält Beutel in 4 Geschmacksrichtungen, die von einem Clevertech-Depalettierer auf 10 Spuren auf die Zufuhrbänder von Cama gebracht werden. Die Beutel werden dann mit Kameras gescannt, welche die Informationen für das Verladen mittels einer Software an die Delta-Roboter übertragen. Die Eingangsgeschwindigkeit für jede Geschmacksrichtung beträgt 135 Packungen/Minute, d. h. insgesamt 540 Beutel/Minute für die gesamte Linie. Die Produkte werden in Gruppen von 8, 12 oder 24 Einheiten in der Interleaved-Konfig ration in Umkartons bzw. in Gruppen von 4 Einheiten in Schalen für die Flow-Wrap-Verpackung unterteilt. Nachdem das Befüllen der Umkartons oder das Flow-Wrap-Verpacken der Schalen abgeschlossen ist, werden die fertigen Packungen zum Wrap-Around-System befördert, wo sie in Versandkartons verpackt werden. Ein Palettierer führt abschließend die letzten Schritte für das Beladen und Fertigstellen der Paletten durch.Dieses System erfüllt die Anforderungen des Markts mit der Bereitstellung von mehreren Geschmacksrichtungen mit Hochgeschwindigkeitslinien und ermöglicht es, Geschmacksrichtungen 50 % schneller als mit Konkurrenzprodukten zu wechseln. Die Flexibilität, die Möglichkeit mehrerer Verpackungsarten und die perfekte Integration der beiden Linien bieten einen um 30 % geringeren Foot Print im Vergleich zum bereits installierten System.
Ein weiteres Beispiel ist das Clevertech-Tosa-System für die komplette Versiegelung von Milch, das für Aurora Dairy, einen nordamerikanischen Hersteller von Biomilch, entwickelt wurde. Von der Spiralhebevorrichtung bis zum Palettenstapler ermöglicht es das Endverpackungssystem, die Zyklen der Überführung auf Hubwagen auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. Es wurde von Clevertech entwickelt und gebaut, wobei das System der Firma Tosa für das Umwickeln mit Stretchfolie integriert wurde. Das System besteht aus 2 Palettierern, die vollständige Paletten zu zwei Folieneinschlagmaschinen überführen. Die perfekte Abstimmung zwischen Clevertech und Tosa bei der mechanischen und elektrischen Entwicklung gewährleistet dem Endanwender, dass er für beide Systeme dieselben Materialien und Komponenten sowie dieselbe Dokumentation, dieselben Schnittstellen und eine identische Softwarestruktur, die in Übereinstimmung mit den PACKML-Richtlinien entwickelt wurde, erhält.
Aus der Zusammenarbeit von Cama und Universal Pack entstanden zwei Linien für eines der weltweit bedeutendsten Unternehmen im Bereich Konsumgüter für Fabriken in Ägypten und Salvador. Für das Werk in San Salvador hat Universal Pack eine Beutelverpackungsmaschine für die Primärverpackung und eine Einheit für das Stapeln, Wiegen und Zählen für die anschließende Überführung zum Kartonierer von Cama geliefert. Dabei lag das Prinzip der integrierbaren Smart Machinery in einer 4.0-Umgebung für das Erheben und die Analyse von Produktionsdaten zugrunde. Die in die Linie von Universal Pack eingefügte Cama-Maschine war das erste Projekt der Reihe Break-Through Generation der Firma. Von der UniversalPack-Linie kommen Gruppen von 60 oder 36 Beuteln, die in bis zu 16 Umkartons von beachtlicher Größe verpackt werden. Die Besonderheit dieser Linie sind die speziellen, nicht standardmäßigen Größen der Packungen. Die Vorteile des Projekts sind ein hoher Hygienestandard, „Easy Entry“-Sicherheit, Energiespartechnik und ergonomische Lösungen. All dies ist in einer fl xiblen und kompakten Struktur zusammengefasst. In Ägypten wurden für die angeforderte Anwendung ein Doppelkopf-Kartonaufrichter und eine Verschließmaschine von Cama geliefert. Die innovativen Lösungen von Cama für den Bereich RRP (Retail-Ready Package) bieten eine Vielzahl von erfolgreichen Verpackungsmaschinen, die über die Jahre hinweg entwickelt wurden. Universal Pack unterstützte das Projekt mit der Lieferung von 2 Beutelverpackungslinien, unter denen die Kartons von Cama abgeladen werden (Geschwindigkeit der Linie: 42 Kartons/Minute). Die perfekte Integration von den zwei Universal-Pack-Linien auf eine Spur nutzt folgende Eigenschaften: bürstenlose Motorisierung und Kontrolle der gesamten Linie über eine einzige Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle, mikrometrische Präzision der Dosen, Flexibilität bei der Verrechnung, kompaktes Design, skalierbare Hygieneniveaus (Standard und ULTRACLEAN), Integrierung in 4.0-Umgebungen mit Echtzeiterhebung und analyse der Daten für die Optimierung der Produktion.
PACK PACT FP 1-20 doppia_CORR.indd 7
12/12/19 16:20
ith decades of fi ld experience on its back, the Italy-headquartered Tropical Food Machinery is a leading company in the global fi ld of fruit processing machinery. Founded in the late 1970s by a pioneering Italian entrepreneur, the company currently boasts an operating branch in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, twofruit processing plants located in the north of the country, as well as liaison offic s in India, Costa Rica, and across the Asia-Pacific and West Africa regions.
Tropical Food Machinery’s corporate philosophy revolves around the notions of fl xibility and versatility. The company always seeks to identify the most appropriate solution in any particular case as it is well cognizant that customers’ needs depend on a wide range of factors, such as geography, ready access to market and a working supply chain. This allows the company to meet the needs of a wide range of clients, from family-owned businesses to large-scale industrial producers.
As the fruit market is set to account for nearly 5 percent of world GDP by 2030, with much of this remarkable growth taking place in the emerging markets of Middle East, Asia and Africa, the company is looking to further shore up its international operation with the aim to be closer to its customers.
Thanks to its decades-long know-how accrued on the fi ld, Tropical Food Machinery is able to offer a wide range of multi-purpose technological solutions, starting from very low capacity systems such as small-size plants on skid or mobile plants to large-scale, automated plants for the industrial process of tropical, deciduous fruit and tomato.
“Rising demand for fruit worldwide represents an unparalleled opportunity to spur innovation, employment and prosperity,” said Stefano Concari, the company’s general director.
Every line is designed in-house and then built and tested before every and each delivery, enabling a complete control over quality and productive speed and creating a strong
sense of responsibility within the company’s workforce. Some of the jewels of this range that have enjoyed particular success recently are the Mini Industry Line 200 and the Multifruit Line 1000. Mini Industry Line 200 arose from discussions with international organizations and was designed to be used by small-scale producers and farmers in decentralized areas. With this line, farmers can process themselves any
20 TROPICAL FOOD FP 1-20.indd 4
13/12/19 11:11
TROPICAL FOOD MACHINERY, OBSTVERARBEITUNGSMASCHINEN Mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung auf diesem Gebiet ist Tropical Food Machinery mit Sitz in Italien ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Obstverarbeitungsmaschinen. Das Unternehmen wurde Ende der 70er Jahre von einem italienischen Pionierunternehmer gegründet und verfügt heute über eine Betriebsstätte im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Minas Gerais, zwei Fruchtverarbeitungswerke im Norden Brasiliens sowie Verbindungsbüros in Indien, Costa Rica, im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum und in Westafrika. Da der Obstmarkt bis 2030 fast 5 Prozent des WeltBIP ausmachen soll und ein Großteil dieses bemerkenswerten Wachstums auf die Schwellenländer des Mittleren Ostens, Asiens und Afrikas zurückzuführen ist, strebt das Unternehmen eine weitere Stärkung seiner internationalen Tätigkeiten an, um Kundennähe zu gewährleisten. “Die weltweit steigende Nachfrage nach Obst stellt eine einzigartige Chance dar, Innovation, Beschäftigung und Wohlstand zu fördern”, sagte Stefano Concari, Generaldirektor des Unternehmens. Die Unternehmensphilosophie von Tropical Food Machinery dreht sich rund um Flexibilität und Vielseitigkeit. Das Unternehmen ist stets bestrebt, die für den Einzelfall am besten geeignete Lösung zu find n und hält sich dabei stets vor Augen, dass die Bedürfnisse der Kunden von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren abhängen, wie z.B. Geographie, einfacher Marktzugang und eine funktionierende Lieferkette. Auf diese Weise kann das Unternehmen die Bedürfnisse einer Vielzahl von Kunden erfüllen - vom Familienunternehmen bis hin
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zu großen Industrieunternehmen. Dank seines jahrzehntelangen Know-hows auf diesem Gebiet kann Tropical Food Machinery eine breite Palette von vielseitigen technologischen Lösungen anbieten, die von sehr kapazitätsschwachen Systemen wie kleinen Gleitanlagen oder mobilen Anlagen bis hin zu großen, automatisierten Anlagen für den industriellen Prozess von tropischen, von Laubbäumen gewonnenen Früchten und Tomaten reichen. Jede Linie wird im Unternehmen konzipiert und dann vor jeder einzelnen Lieferung gebaut und getestet, was eine vollständige Kontrolle über die Qualität und die Produktionsgeschwindigkeit ermöglicht und ein starkes Verantwortungsbewusstsein bei den Mitarbeitern des Unternehmens schafft. Einige der Juwelen dieser Serie, die in letzter Zeit besonders erfolgreich waren, sind die Mini Industry Line 200 und die Multifruit Line 1000. Mini Industry Line 200 ist das Ergebnis von Gesprächen mit internationalen Organisationen und wurde für die Nutzung durch Kleinproduzenten und Landwirte in dezentralen Gebieten entwickelt. Mit dieser Linie können die Landwirte jedes Obst selbst verarbeiten und “trinkfertige” Fruchtsäfte, Marmeladen, Fruchtsalate und Tomatenmark in Glas, Plastik oder Dose produzieren und diese Produkte im Einzelhandel verkaufen. Mini Industry Line 200 ist ca. 12 m lang und hat einen sehr niedrigen Energieverbrauch. Das System wird
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fruit and produce “ready-to-drink” fruit juice, jam, fruit salad and tomato paste packed in glass, pet or tins and sell this production on the retail market. Mini Industry Line 200 is approximately 12-meter-long and has a very low energy consumption. The system supplied already assembled in one single container, preventing bothering assembling issues. Mini Industry Line 200 can be therefore moved from location to another if the season requires so, allowing producers to refin seasonal fruits directly on site, avoiding extra transport problems and related problems. A further upside is that its high manufacturing quality and standards allow the use of non-specialized personnel. Multifruit Line 1000 is designed for the same use in remote areas and highly fl xible situations. The system is the smallest of the company’s fully automatic lines. It has a working capacity up to 1 tons/h of any fruit and can produce
aseptic natural juice/purée and concentrate as well. The aseptic pulp or juice is a semi-finish d product which is fill d in 220 L bag in drum, it is very long-lasting even when stored at room temperature and is then supplied to blending – juicing – baby food companies and even to the HORECA chain. This line is particularly recommended for those entrepreneurs who are not regularly supplied with big quantity of fruits. Given its already deep-rooted presence in most of the largest markets, Tropical Food Machinery boasts also a comprehensive after-sales support service that is able to provide spare parts and a prompt technical support if the need should arise. As Concari put it: “This is what drives our company: relentlessly working with our customers to improve our technologies and offer even higher yields and more efficient production.” www.tropicalfood.net
bereits in einem einzigen Container montiert geliefert, so dass keine Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der Montage entstehen. Mini Industry Line 200 kann daher - jahreszeitenbedingt - von einem Standort zum anderen verlegt werden, so dass die Produzenten saisonale Früchte direkt vor Ort veredeln können, um zusätzliche Transportprobleme und damit verbundene Probleme zu vermeiden. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass die hohe Fertigungsqualität und die Standards den Einsatz von nicht spezialisiertem Personal ermöglichen. Multifruit Line 1000 ist für den gleichen Einsatz in abgelegenen Gebieten und in hochfl xiblen Situationen konzipiert. Das System ist die kleinste der vollautomatischen Linien des Unternehmens. Sie hat eine Verarbeitungskapazität von bis zu 1 t/h aller Früchte und kann keimfreie Natursäfte/Mus und auch Konzentrate herstellen. Das keimfreie Fruchtfl isch oder Saft ist ein Halbfabrikat, das in 220-Liter-Beutel in Fässern abgefüllt wird, auch bei Raumtemperatur sehr lang haltbar ist und dann Babynahrungsunternehmen zum Mischen/Saft machen und sogar der HORECA-Kette geliefert wird. Diese Linie wird besonders für Unternehmer empfohlen, die nicht regelmäßig mit großen Mengen an Früchten versorgt werden. Aufgrund seiner bereits starken Präsenz in den meisten der größten Märkte verfügt Tropical Food Machinery auch über einen umfassenden Kundendienst, der in der Lage ist, Ersatzteile und bei Bedarf einen schnellen technischen Support zu bieten. Um es mit den Worten von Concari zu sagen: “Das ist es, was unser Unternehmen antreibt: die unermüdliche Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden, um unsere Technologien zu verbessern und noch höhere Erträge und eine effizien ere Produktion zu ermöglichen.” www.tropicalfood.net
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02/01/20 17:00
SPA Fruit consolidates Ukrainian producers of products to scale the volumes of supply offered to our customers. • USPA Fruit it is selected premium fruits from Ukraine to the world • USPA Fruit it is reasonable price for excellent quality • USPA Fruit it is professional team and support 24/7 Apples, that is what we famous for! Moderate continental climate in Ukraine and its fertile soils composition contribute to the production of apples of high commercial quality. Agro-climatic condition surrounding our apple farms is a key factor that impacts growth and development of the apples. The apple trees are tedious and require a specific number of chilling hours below +7 °C for the best growth and high productivity. Sufficient sunshine is required for healthy fruit to gain an attractive color. Due to the special climate conditions in Ukraine our apples have intense natural fl vor, high sugar content as well as rich color and aroma. Ukrainian apples are Tasty, Crunchy, Juicy & Fresh! Along with apples, we do other fruits! We create values for suppliers and buyers. We do not just buy and sell but do a lot of things in order Ukrainian fruits and berries to get the different markets all around those 16 countries in the main regions where we work on, such as: South-East, GCC and EU countries. Ukrainian production of the fruits is fragmented, so that it is complex task for local growers to export considera-
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22/01/20 10:28
USPA FRUIT – IHR PARTNER FÜR FRISCHES AUS DER UKRAINE USPA Fruit führt ukrainische Produzenten zusammen, um unseren Kunden entsprechend große Produktvolumen bieten zu können. • USPA Fruit bedeutet ausgewählte, hochwertige Früchte aus der Ukraine für die Welt • USPA Fruit bedeutet günstige Preise für erstklassige Qualität • USPA Fruit bedeutet ein professionelles Team und Kundendienst 24/7 Äpfel, dafür sind wir berühmt! Das milde kontinentale Klima der Ukraine und die fruchtbare Zusammensetzung ihrer Böden tragen zur Produktion von Äpfeln von hoher Handelsqualität bei. Die agro-klimatischen Bedingungen um unsere Apfelanbaufläch n herum sind der Schlüsselfaktor, der das Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Äpfel beeinfl sst. Apfelbäume sind anspruchsvoll und benötigen für das beste Wachstum und eine hohe Produktivität eine bestimmte Anzahl von kühlen Stunden unter +7 °C. Ausreichend Sonne wird benötigt, damit gesunde Früchte eine attraktive Farbe erhalten. Aufgrund der besonderen klimatischen Bedingungen in der Ukraine haben unsere Äpfel einen intensiven natürlichen Geschmack, einen hohen Zuckergehalt, eine kräftige Farbe und ein reiches Aroma. Äpfel aus der Ukraine sind lecker, knackig, saftig und frisch! Nicht nur Äpfel! Wir erzeugen Werte für Lieferanten und Käufer. Wir kaufen und verkaufen nicht einfach nur, sondern tun viel dafür, Obst und Beeren aus der Ukraine an die verschiedenen Märkte von 16 Ländern in den Regionen, in denen wir hauptsächlich tätig sind, zu liefern: Länder in Südostasien, im GKR und in der EU. Der Obstanbau in der Ukraine ist fragmentiert, so dass es für die lokalen Erzeuger schwierig ist, bedeutende Volumen jeglicher Art von Obst über die gesamte Saison hinweg zu exportieren. USPA FRUIT ist jedoch das Unternehmen, das dies schaffen kann, indem wir große Volumen zusammenbringen und für unsere Kunden das Beste der Ukraine auswählen. Wir bieten langfristige Verkaufsprogramme für unterschiedliche Arten von Kunden. Unsere Kunden im Ausland schätzen uns dafür, dass wir mit ihnen in den oben genannten Ländern zusammenarbeiten, das ganze Jahr lang verschiedene Obstsorten aus der Ukraine und anderen Ländern in unserer Region liefern und dabei die beste Qualität zu einem günstigen Preis bieten. Das Unter-
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ble volume of any fruit during whole season.
different countries at the fi st historical time with our help.
However, USPA FRUIT is those company which can do it, aggregating huge volumes and selecting the best from Ukraine to our customers, offering long term sales programs for different types of our customers.
Indeed, Ukraine is one of the world biggest producer of different agricultural crops.
What is valued for our partners abroad, that we cooperate with them in mentioned countries supplying different crops from Ukraine or other origins in our region all round year offering the best quality for reasonable price. USPA FRUIT company presented as USPA FRUIT brand name, so that we do not have any chance to fail. Thus, we are those bridge which work well for all the parties, so Ukrainian crops get to the
Fruits and berries are in a top of interest of agribusiness traditionally as Ukraine is unique country for cultivating such crops as: apples, pears, cherries, plums, apricots, peaches, blueberries, strawberries and a lot of others. Asia, GCC and EU - our priority markets. To know more about USPA fruit visit Fruit Logistica Berlin Hall 7.2b, Stand B-07. www.uspafruit.com
nehmen USPA FRUIT hat die Bezeichnung USPA FRUIT als Markenname etabliert, sodass unser Erfolg garantiert ist. Wir sind die Brücke, die alle Beteiligten verbindet, damit ukrainisches Obst mit unserer Hilfe in andere Länder gelangt. Die Ukraine ist einer der weltweit größten Erzeuger landwirtschaftlicher Produkte. Obst und Beeren sind traditionell von großer Bedeutung für die Landwirtschaft, da die Ukraine für den Anbau dieser Produkte einzigartig ist: Äpfel, Birnen, Kirschen, Pfla men, Aprikosen, Pfi siche, Blaubeeren, Erdbeeren und vieles mehr. Asien, der GKR und die EU sind unsere wichtigsten Märkte. Besuchen Sie Fruit Logistica Berlin Halle 7.2b, Stand B-07, um mehr über USPA FRUIT zu erfahren. www.uspafruit.com
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22/01/20 10:28
HANS KUFFER Fruchthandel GmbH QUALITY without compromise www.kuffer24.com
Hans Kuffer GmbH: “Good quality, few delays”
28/01/20 13:15
he Hans Kuffer Fruchthandel GmbH in Munich has welcomed the fi st shipments of Greek asparagus on 25.2.2019. A second delivery is expected in the middle of February in the company warehouse of the Munich-based company, confirms Theo Hatzivassiliadis, sales manager of the company. “The quality is very good, but due to the weather, there is a little delay in the fi st arrivals of this season, so we expect to be able to supply the big chains reasonably well from the middle of March onwards.” Extension of the Peruvian season The Munich-based wholesaler has
been stocking Greek asparagus for about 8 years and purchases these goods exclusively from several suppliers in four growing areas of Greece. Some of the goods go directly to the food retail trade, partly to neighboring countries (Italy & France). “Normally the fi st shipments arrive somewhere in late February, so we’ve received several inquiries from LEH stores in recent weeks, and the cold spell in Greece means we cannot meet this demand right now.”
Despite the low availability of Greek asparagus, the fi st batches were marketed this week, primarily to restaurateurs and hotels. At the moment,
however, it cannot be ruled out that regional LEH branches will be able to be supplied occasionally, starting next week. “At the moment, however, 22+ asparagus, is the main type, as the 16+ caliber is arriving more and more,” explains Hatzivassiliadis.
Little competition Although the current delays will inevitably continue to be felt during the season, the wholesaler is initially assuming the prices will be good. “Because at the moment there is no German asparagus, only Dutch greenhouse products.” www.kuffer24.com
28/01/20 13:48
IMA Active knows all there is to know about mixing, granulation, tableting, filling and coating. Today, we make that knowledge available to the food and dairy industry with a world of tailored solutions.
o matter what the shape, dimensions or powdery substances, from soup cubes to milk tablets, sweeteners to instant drinks, the answer to your needs for reliability is Prexima, IMA Active’s series of tablet press machines. Powered by IMA’s knowledge of the sector, designed with unique Italian style, built to deliver top-level performance, the Prexima series will drive your productivity to a higher level of efficienc . Prexima is the best solution to handle all production volumes: Prexima 80 is designed for small batch production and R&D; the single-sided Prexima 300 and Prexima 300T for medium production output; Prexima 800 and Prexima 800T for high output and double sided or double layer production. Prexima ensures complete separation between the processing and the mechanical areas thanks to the use of purposely designed seals and protections. Along with this feature, the machine design also provides great accessibility. The processing area is fully accessible once the external doors are opened, while access to the machine basement is required only for maintenance. The Prexima’s compression support is based on robust columns linked together by strong cast iron structures. The compression rollers are incorporated within these cast iron structures and supported on both sides.
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20/01/20 11:02
PREXIMA. UNSER GANZES KÖNNEN. KOMPRIMIERT. IMA ACTIVE VERFÜGT ÜBER DAS GESAMTE KNOW-HOW BEZÜGLICH MISCHEN, GRANULIEREN, TABLETTIEREN, FÜLLEN UND BESCHICHTEN. HEUTE MACHEN WIR DIESES WISSEN MIT UMFASSENDEN MASSGESCHNEIDERTEN LÖSUNGEN FÜR DIE LEBENSMITTEL- UND MILCHINDUSTRIE ZUGÄNGLICH. Unabhängig von der Form, den Abmessungen oder von der pulverförmigen Beschaffenheit, von Suppenwürfeln über Milchtabletten bis hin zu Süßstoffen und Instantgetränken, erfüllt Prexima, die Tablettenpressenserie von IMA Active, Ihre Anforderungen an Zuverlässigkeit. Die Prexima-Serie basiert auf den Branchenkenntnissen von IMA, wurde im unverwechselbaren italienischen Stil gestaltet sowie für Höchstleistungen ausgelegt und wird so Ihre Produktivität auf ein höheres Maß an Effizienz s eigern. Prexima ist die beste Lösung, um alle Produktionsvolumen zu bewältigen: Prexima 80 ist für die Kleinserienfertigung und Forschung und Entwicklung, die einseitige Prexima 300 und Prexima 300T für mittlere Produktionsleistung, Prexima 800 und Prexima 800T sind für hohe Leistung und beidseitige oder zweilagige Produktion konzipiert. Prexima sorgt durch die Verwendung von speziell entwickelten Dichtungen und Schutzvorrichtungen für eine vollständige Trennung zwischen dem produzierenden und dem mechanischen Bereich. Zusammen mit dieser Funktion bietet das Maschinendesign auch eine gute Zugänglichkeit. Der Prozessbereich ist nach dem Öffnen der Außentüren uneingeschränkt zugänglich, während der Zugang zum Maschinenuntergestell nur für Wartungsarbeiten erforderlich ist. Der Kompressionsaufbau der Prexima basiert auf robusten Säulen, die durch starke Gusseisenstrukturen miteinander verbunden sind. Die Kompressionswalzen sind in diese Gusseisenstrukturen eingebaut und auf beiden Seiten abgestützt. Diese außergewöhnlich robuste Struktur - eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für hochwertige Tabletten - garantiert sowohl Vordruck- als auch Hauptdruckkräfte von bis zu 100 kN bei maximaler Zuverlässigkeit. Das Schmiersystem im Untergestellt der Maschine ist automatisiert und arbeitet mit nur einem Öltyp. Das Schmieröl gelangt nicht in den Produktionsbereich. Dies stellt sicher, dass die Maschine sauber ist, kein Öl von den Stempeln tropft und keine schwarzen Flecken auf den Tabletten entstehen. In der Schallschutzkammer der Universität von Ferrara (Italien) wurden Tests durchgeführt, um die besten technischen Lösungen und schalldichten Materialien auszuwählen. Der niedrige Geräuschpegel
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20/01/20 11:02
This exceptionally sturdy structure – an essential requirement for high quality tablets – guarantees both pre-compression and main compression forces up to 100 kN with maximum reliability. The lubrication system in the basement of the machine is automated and works with only one type of oil. The lubricant oil does not go into the processing area, ensuring that the machine is clean, with no oil dripping from punches and no black spots on tablets. Tests have been carried out at the anechoic chamber at the University of Ferrara (Italy) to select the best technical solutions and sound-proof materials. Prexima’s low noise level and minimum propagation of vibration contribute to the operator’s well-being.
The removal of the turret is quick and easy. The HMI guides the operator step by step during each phase of turret extraction. PREXIMA is fit ed with MAX, the new corporate HMI. The synoptic plays a strategic role in improving operator efficienc , while ensuring prompt responsiveness, enhanced predictability and easy learning. Prexima can be installed as a stand alone equipment or connected inline for direct feeding to IMA Corazza wrappers or other packaging equipment. The conveyer system fit ed inside the processing area allows all tablets to be carried to the same exit chute, making for an extremely compact footprint. www.ima.it
und die minimale Ausbreitung von Vibrationen von Prexima tragen zum Wohlbefind n des Bedieners bei. Das Entfernen des Rotor erfolgt schnell und einfach. Das HMI führt den Bediener Schritt für Schritt in jeder Phase der Rotorwechsel. PREXIMA ist mit MAX ausgestattet, dem neuen Unternehmens-HMI. Die HMI-Übersicht spielt eine strategische Rolle bei der Verbesserung der Bedienereffizienz und sorgt gleichzeitig für eine schnelle Reaktionsfähigkeit, verbesserte Vorhersagbarkeit und einfaches Lernen. Prexima kann als eigenständige Anlage installiert oder in Reihe geschaltet werden, um IMA Corazza Wickelmaschinen oder anderen Verpackungsanlagen direkt zuzuführen. Das im Verarbeitungsbereich installierte Fördersystem ermöglicht, dass alle Tabletten zur gleichen Ausgaberutsche befördert werden, was für eine äußerst kompaktes Layout sorgt. www.ima.it
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20/01/20 11:02
PORTUGAL FRESH PROMOTES PORTUGUESE FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND FLOWERS IN GERMANY • Portuguese companies are getting ready to participate in two of the sector’s main trade fairs, IPM Essen and Fruit Logistica. • Germany is the fifth main market for Portuguese exports of fruits, vegetables and flowers
ver the next two weeks, Portugal Fresh, Associação para a Promoção das Frutas, Legumes e Flores de Portugal (Association for the Promotion of Portuguese Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers) is travelling to Germany for an initiative to promote Portuguese products, through its presence at two of the major global trade fairs for this sector.
The fi st stop will be Essen, where IPM Essen, specialised in fl wers and plants, will be taking place from tomorrow through to 31st January. Four Portuguese producers of plants and fl wers will be part of Portugal Fresh’s stand at the fair, where 53 thousand professional visitors are expected. There will be an official visit from Nuno Russo, Portuguese Secretary of State for Agriculture and
Rural Development, who will travel to the fair on 29th January and will also be present at the dinner of the Portuguese delegation. About one week later, from 5th to 7th February, Fruit Logistica in Berlin will kick off, which is one of the biggest in the world, with 78 thousand visitors from 140 countries. 32 companies, organisations and partners will CONTINUED ON PAGE 35 31
27/01/20 17:21
he 20th Year Anniversary is fast approaching for PND, an Italian company that is one of the largest manufacturers of fruit processing machines in the world. Founded in 2000, the company has constantly invested in quality and innovation, specialising in the design and development of advanced solutions for the Fresh cut and convenience companies, as well as for the canning, freezing and dehydrating industries. To celebrate its twentieth anniversary, PND has chosen a place that is ideal to sum up the company’s path of international growth: the FRUIT LOGISTICA exhibition in Berlin. In Hall 4.1 of Messe Berlin, at its stand (A-01), from 5 to 7 February 2020, the company plans to bring together its agents from around the world. It will be a moment of celebration open to all those who, in these twenty years, have been able to appreciate the quality of the machines made by PND. We also invite those who have not yet had the opportunity to discover what the expression “Made in Italy” signifies; which is synonymous with reliability and quality of workmanship. It will be a moment in which to celebrate the ingenuity, passion and tenacity of the two founders of PND, Giovanni Parlato and Vincenzo Di Prisco. With their entrepreneurial spirit, their skills and their experience in the electrical and mechanical field, in twenty years they have built a company capable of excelling in the international market, providing advanced and integrated solutions for the processing of fruit.
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22/01/20 11:26
PND, eine italienische Firma, die zu den größten Herstellern von Maschinen für die Obstverarbeitung zählt, feiert bald ihr 20-jähriges Jubiläum. Die 2000 gegründete Firma hat kontinuierlich in Qualität und Innovation investiert und spezialisiert sich auf die Planung und Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Lösungen für Hersteller von Fresh-Cut- und Convenience-Produkten sowie für die Konserven-, Tiefkühl- und Trockenobstindustrie. Um ihr 20-jähriges Jubiläum zu feiern, hat PND den idealen Ort gewählt, der den Weg der Firma zum internationalen Wachstum zusammenfasst: die Messe FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin. Vom 5. bis zum 7. Februar 2020 plant die Firma, an ihrem Stand (A-01) in Halle 4.1 bei Messe Berlin ihre Akteure aus der ganzen Welt zusammenzubringen. Bei der Feier sind alle willkommen, die in diesen 20 Jahren die Qualität der von PND hergestellten Maschinen zu schätzen wussten. Wir laden aber auch alle ein, die noch nicht die Gelegenheit hatten, die Bedeutung von „Made in Italy“, das für Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität steht, kennenzulernen. Dies wird eine Gelegenheit sein, um den Einfallsreichtum, die Leidenschaft und die Beharrlichkeit der beiden Gründer von PND, Giovanni Parlato und Vincenzo Di Prisco, zu feiern. Mit ihrem Unternehmensgeist, ihren Kompetenzen und ihrer Erfahrung in den Bereichen Elektrik und Mechanik haben sie über 20 Jahre hinweg eine Firma aufgebaut, die im internationalen Markt mit ihrem Angebot an fortschrittlichen und integrierten Lösungen für die Obstverarbeitung hervorstechen kann. Dieser mit Beharrlichkeit und Innovation gepflas erte Pfad hat PND zu einer Firma werden lassen, die auf globaler Ebene tätig sein kann. Sie zeigt eine starke Präsenz in Europa, Südamerika, den USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Australien, Afrika und Asien. PND erhält 97 % ihrer Aufträge aus dem Ausland und bietet in ihrem Katalog 18 verschiedene Maschinen an, die große Mengen von Obst verarbeiten können, wie Äpfel, Birnen, Ananas, Kiwis, Pfi siche, Orangen, Zitronen, Melonen, Mangos und Erdbeeren. Für den Erfolg von PND war es von wesentlicher Bedeutung, dass wir unseren Kunden zuhören und ununterbrochen in Forschung und Entwicklung investieren. Diese Merkmale haben wir von unseren beiden Gründern übernommen, die ihre über Jahre hinweg in Konservenfabriken zuerst im Süden und dann im Norden Italiens erworbene Erfahrung in die Firma eingebracht haben. Auf dem italienischen Markt begann dann die Reise von PND
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This path which has been forged with tenacity and innovation, has led PND to become a company capable of operating on a global scale. It has a strong presence in Europe, South America, United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Africa, and Asia. In fact, PND receives 97% of orders from abroad and boasts 18 machines in its catalogue that process a large quantity of fruits, such as: apples, pears, pineapple, kiwi, peaches, oranges, lemons and then melons, pineapples, mangoes and strawberries. Listening to our customers and our continued investment in Research and Development have been essential to the success of PND. These are characteristics acquired from the two founders who have transferred all the know-how accumulated over years of assistance at the canning companies in Southern Italy and then in Northern Italy. And it was in the Italian market that the adventure of the PND and its fi st pear peeling machine began. It is a product that over time and through continuous evolution, has allowed the development of other fruit processing machinery, including peeling, slicing apples, kiwis and peaches. This success led the newly created PND to receive its fi st orders from Switzerland. The project demanded many safety and sanitisation features, but
PND rose to the challenge and the project was an important testing ground. The lessons learned from this project were quickly adopted by PND allowing the company to grow its international sales. Using the same methodology of listening to the customers, analysing problems and developing the most suitable solution, from the Swiss market the company expanded to the Polish market, gradually acquiring new orders and new customers until we were present on all fi e continents. Our success abroad led to rapid internal growth. Today PND has 42 employees, including internal human resources, administration, sales, technical, production, warehouse and logistics departments. We also have an extensive network of sales and technical support agents all over the world. This growth has been made possible by a combination of the excellent performance of our machinery and by a marketing and promotional strategy that features the PND logo and team at 14 international trade fairs every year. We would love to share our celebration with you and we look forward meeting you at Fruit Logistica 2020. Join us in our celebration and in our next twenty years! www.pndsrl.it
mit ihrer ersten Birnenschälmaschine. Dieses Produkt ermöglichte mit der Zeit und durch eine kontinuierliche Evolution die Entwicklung anderer Obstverarbeitungsmaschinen, darunter Maschinen zum Schälen und Schneiden von Äpfeln, Kiwis und Pfi sichen. Dieser Erfolg führte dazu, dass die noch junge Firma ihre ersten Aufträge aus der Schweiz erhielt. Das Projekt war mit zahlreichen Sicherheits- und Hygieneanforderungen verbunden, aber PND stellte sich der Herausforderung und der Auftrag war ein bedeutender Lernprozess. Die bei diesem Projekt gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden von PND schnell umgesetzt und ermöglichten es der Firma, ihre internationalen Aufträge wachsen zu lassen. Mithilfe derselben Methode, die darin besteht, dem Kunden zuzuhören, Probleme zu analysieren und die am besten geeigneten Lösungen zu entwickeln, weitete sich die Firma vom schweizerischen in den polnischen Markt aus und erwarb dann allmählich neue Aufträge und neue Kunden, bis sie auf allen fünf Kontinenten präsent war. Unser Erfolg im Ausland führte zu einem schnellen internen Wachstum. Heute hat PND 42 Mitarbeiter, darunter die internen Abteilungen Personal, Verwaltung, Verkauf, Technik, Produktion, Lager und Logistik. Wir verfügen außerdem über ein weltweites Netzwerk von Handelsvertretern und Mitarbeitern des technischen Kundendienstes. Die Kombination aus einer ausgezeichneten Leistung unserer Maschinen und einer Marketing- und Werbestrategie, dank der das Logo und das Team von PND jährlich auf 14 internationalen Handelsmessen präsent sind, hat dieses Wachstum möglich gemacht. Wir möchten dies gerne mit Ihnen zusammen feiern und freuen uns darauf, Sie auf der Fruit Logistica 2020 zu treffen. Feiern Sie mit uns und werden Sie Teil unserer nächsten zwanzig Jahre! www.pndsrl.it
34 PND FP 1-20.indd 6
22/01/20 11:26
be represented at Portugal Fresh’s stand, with a history of more than ten years’ presence at this showcase, which takes place every year in the German capital. Germany, the biggest European economy, is the main importer of fruits, vegetables and fl wers from the EU, and the fi th biggest Portuguese export destination for these products, after Spain (number one) France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Gonçalo Santos Andrade, executive chairman of Portugal Fresh highlights: “Germany is a strategic destination for the export of fruits, vegetables and fl wers and has been increasing its sourcing of Portuguese products every year, especially berries and Rocha pears. But these international fairs are also the ideal venue for contacting clients from
other countries and showing the potential of our increasingly diversified production”. The companies Viveiros Monterosa, Viplant, Colossus Plants and Bayflor are participating in IPM Essen. The following companies will be present at Fruit Logistica: 100% Titular, Alitec, Bfruit, Coopval, Emergosol, Frusoal, Frutalvor, Frutas Classe, Granfer, Greenpeas, Hortaibérica, Hortapronta, Hortomelão, Lusomorango, Lusopera, Patricia Pilar, Triportugal, Vale da Rosa and Vitacress. Plus the following associations and partners: Edia, Fepal, Hubel Hidrosoph, Lafpack, Magos, Crédito Agrícola, APK (Portuguese Association of Kiwi growers), AlgarOrange (Association of Citrus Fruit Operators of the Algarve), Refcast (Portuguese Chestnut Association), FNOP (Portuguese Federation of Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisations), APMA (Association of
Alcobaça Apple Producers) and ANP (Portuguese Association of Pera Rocha Producers).
Portugal Fresh – Associação para a Promoção das Frutas, Legumes e Flores de Portugal (Association for the Promotion of Portuguese Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers) has 87 members, representing over 4500 Portuguese producers. It was formed in 2010 with the mission of enhancing the value of “Portugal” as an origin and the characteristics of domestic products and to promote fruits, vegetables and fl wers at home and abroad. Portugal Fresh also endeavours to encourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables, especially among children and young people. portugalfresh.org
27/01/20 17:21
erries have been a valuable source of nutrition for humans even before the dawn of agriculture, feeding huntergathers for thousands of years, and remain among the primary food sources of other primates. Nowadays, berries are considered a “Superfood” due to high phytochemical levels of antioxidants, fib rs and vitamins. Although some berries, such as raspberries and strawberries, have been bred for hundreds of years, formal breeding of most crops began in the early 1900s after the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s findings on the inheritance of traits in peas in 1905. As time progressed, more and more plant breeding programs were established worldwide. The essence of traditional plant breeding lies in the selection of better characteristics among variant plant types, including yield and quality of edible parts, ease of cultivation, harvest, and processing, tolerance to environmental stresses, and resistance against pests. Each of these aspects of agronomic or food value can be dissected into many specific traits, each presenting its own range of variation. In the late 1970s to 1980s molecular applications in plant breeding began to emerge when early DNA characterization was fi st used to identify genetic differences between plants at the molecular level. Today, molecular methods are routine in breeding of the major row crops such as corn and soybeans. Berries are behind in this area — mainly due to much less planting acreage and lower overall crop value. However, as
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the past couple decades have proved clearly - molecular breeding is the future of the berry industry. The practice of molecular breeding has two main objectives - the discovery of genes that control traits of importance, particularly disease resistance and perpetual fl wering, and the development of molecular markers for these traits. A breeder equipped with the right molecular markers to screen seedlings has the ability to identify and discard undesirable plants immediately after the seeds germinate. Such early detection saves a tremendous amount of time, effort and cost. The latest advancements in NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS) and Genomic Analytical tools have provided an enormous boost to these breeding programs, allowing them to accurately identify the area in the genome that’s responsible for a trait of interest, create correlations between the genotype (genetic characteristics) and the phenotype
(observable characteristics) and make high-quality predictions of lines for superior crosses that move towards a desired variety with unique characteristics. Given the myriad of possible genotypes resulting from crossing diverse parents, the limitation for genetic gains is determined by the capacity of the breeding program to evaluate many plants derived from a large number of crosses. Plant breeding is all about the numbers and breeders now have alternatives to evaluating a small number of unscreened seedlings in the fi ld and can instead plant only seedlings which have been evaluated using computational analytical tools to increase their odds of success by three to fi e times. Acknowledging this enormous potential, NRGene has invested the last decade in building top-notch computational genomic tools tailored to accelerate breeding programs. As most berry species have complex
genomics, implementation of advanced molecular tools in breeding has been somewhat limited until now. NRGene’s dedicated tools were specifically designed to tackle the most complex of genomes and aim to bridge the gap between berry species breeding programs and other leading crops such as tomato and pepper. Relying on vast amounts of data and proprietary algorithms, NRGene applies AI tools to ensure highly accurate results throughout all the essential steps of the molecular breeding program – from genome assembly to phenotype-genotype correlation – in order to identify genes associated with desired traits. Data-driven decision making is the key to shorten the time to market of new varieties and to cope with challenges such as pests and increasing temperatures. To find out more about how NRGene can help accelerate your breeding program, visit our website www.nrgene.com
38 NRGENE - FP 1-20.indd 6
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ith exhibitors from more countries than ever before set to take part in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020, the world’s leading fresh produce industry event is returning with a packed event program and an improved hall layout that makes it even easier to create new connections in the global fruit and vegetable business. The show will feature companies from every single link in the supply chain: from growers and exporters to importers, wholesalers and retailers; from specialists in breeding and crop protection to experts in technology and packaging; from transport and logistics operators to marketing agencies and certification providers. And by presenting an unrivalled
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number of new products, services and ideas, FRUIT LOGISTICA also represents the best opportunity to embark on a new commercial journey to almost any corner of the globe. Ecuador, for example, this year’s official FRUIT LOGISTICA partner country, will present new and exciting products like golden berries, tamarillos, soursops and Andean blueberries, which offer the market fresh colours and tastes. In fact, every country present has something new to offer. Trade visitors should look out for orange- skinned, pink-fleshed apples with a tropical taste, for lettuce leaves that double as a serving spoon, for miniature melons that fit in the palm of the hand, and much more. Finding their way around FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 and discovering the very best the industry has to offer will be easier than ever this time around for trade visitors, thanks to a revised layout that groups together specific countries and segments, making the fair easier to navigate and explore. For the first time, many of the event’s key international exhibitors – including BayWa, Edeka, Fresh Del Monte, GlobalG.A.P., SanLucar and Zespri and a strong Belgian contingent represented by VLAM– will be present together in Hall 27. The largest single exhibition space on the Messe Berlin site, this recently completed arena benefits from a dedicated entrance with taxi and bus connections, as well as quick and easy access to several other halls. Nearby in Hall B, trade visitors will be able to discover a greater number of products and services from SouthEast Europe and the Mediterranean region. FRUIT LOGISTICA has seen a significant increase in the number of companies exhibiting from both of these regions, a sign of their growing importance to the international fresh produce market. In the meantime, FRUIT LOGISTICA’s largest country by number of exhibi-
VOM 5. BIS 7. FEBRUAR 2020 ZUR FRUIT LOGISTICA NACH BERLIN KOMMEN UND DEN GLOBALEN FRUCHTHANDEL UNTER EINEM DACH ERLEBEN Mit Ausstellern aus mehr Ländern als je zuvor, einem prall gefüllten Veranstaltungsprogramm und einer verbesserten Hallenaufteilung, die es noch einfacher macht neue Geschäftsbeziehungen im globalen Obst- und Gemüsegeschäft zu knüpfen, wartet die FRUIT LOGISTICA, die weltweit führende Veranstaltung der Frischfruchtbranche, im Februar 2020 auf. Auf der Messe werden Unternehmen aus allen Bereichen der Wertschöpfungskette vorgestellt: von Erzeugern und Exporteuren bis hin zu Importeuren, Großhändlern und Einzelhändlern, von Spezialisten für Züchtung und Pflanzenschutz bis hin zu Experten für Technologie und Verpackung, von Transport- und Logistikunternehmen bis hin zu Marketingagenturen und Zertifizierungsstellen. Durch ihre unübertroffene Anzahl neuer Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Ideen bietet die FRUIT LOGISTICA auch die beste Gelegenheit, sich mit nur einer Geschäftsreise in fast jeden Winkel der Welt zu begeben. So stellt beispielsweise Ecuador, das diesjährige offizielle Partnerland der FRUIT LOGISTICA, neue und spannende Produkte wie Physalis, Baumtomaten, Stachelannonen und Anden-Blaubeeren vor, die den Markt mit frischen Farben und Geschmacksrichtungen bereichern werden. Tatsächlich hat jedes teilnehmende Land etwas Neues zu bieten. Fachbesucher können sich beispielsweise auf orangene Äpfel mit pinkem Fruchtfleisch und tropischem Geschmack, auf Salatblätter, die sich als Servierlöffel eignen, auf Miniaturmelonen, die in die Handfläche passen, und vieles mehr freuen. Die FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 zu erkunden und das Beste zu entdecken, was die Branche zu bieten hat, wird für Fachbesucher einfacher denn je sein. Dank einer überarbeiteten Hallenaufteilung, die bestimmte Länder und Segmente gruppiert, werden Wege verkürzt und die Orientierung auf dem Messegelände erleichtert. Erstmals werden viele der wichtigsten internationalen Aussteller– darunter BayWa, Edeka, Fresh Del Monte, GlobalG.A.P., SanLucar und Zespri sowie eine von VLAM organisierte belgische Gemeinschaftsbeteiligung – gemeinsam in Halle 27 vertreten sein. Die kürzlich fertiggestellte und größte Halle des Messegeländes verfügt nicht nur über einen eigenen Eingang mit Taxi- und Busverbindungen, sondern auch über eine Anbindung an mehrere andere Hallen. In der nahe gelegenen Halle B können Fachbesucher eine größere Anzahl von Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus Südosteuropa und dem Mittelmeerraum entdecken. Aus beiden Regionen ist die Zahl der Aussteller deutlich gestiegen, was ein Zeichen für ihre wachsende Bedeutung auf dem internationalen Frischfruchtmarkt ist. Das nach Ausstellerzahl größte Land der FRUIT LOGISTICA, Italien, wird in drei
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tors, Italy, will be present in three connected halls, making it much more convenient for those interested in exploring what the Italian Peninsula has to offer. Elsewhere, a superb line-up of talks and seminars will explore the various trends that are shaping the fresh produce industry today. Multimedia innovation show Fruitnet World of Fresh Ideas will get things started on 4 February, featuring the launch
of the latest FRUIT LOGISTICA Trend Report, which this time will feature a comprehensive guide to all aspects of sustainability in the fresh produce business and consider how the industry can make itself more sustainable in future. During the exhibition itself, the program continues at the Tech Stage, Logistics Hub, Future Lab and Fresh Produce Forum. Sustainability will be a central theme here too, with speakers explaining how the pro-
duce industry can minimize its use of natural resources, for example by reducing carbon dioxide emissions, or by finding more sustainable forms of packaging that use alternative and even organic materials. Then on Friday 7 February, a brand new Career Network area will host special talks on recruitment and career development. Last year’s hugely popular Start-up Stage will also return to showcase the industry’s brightest new ventures.
zusammenhängenden Hallen vertreten sein, wodurch es für interessierte Fachbesucher wesentlich bequemer wird, das Angebot der italienischen Halbinsel zu erkunden. In einem hochkarätigen Vortrags- und Seminarprogramm werden die verschiedenen Trends vorgestellt, die die Frischfruchtbranche heute prägen. Die multimediale Innovationsshow “Fruitnet World of Fresh Ideas” wird am 4. Februar 2020 den Auftakt bilden und den aktuellen Trend Report der FRUIT LOGISTICA vorstellen, der diesmal alle Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit im Frischfruchtgeschäft beleuchtet und darstellt, wie sich die Branche in Zukunft nachhaltiger aufstellen kann. Während der drei Messetage wird das Programm auf der Tech Stage, im Logistics Hub, im Future Lab und im Fresh Produce Forum fortgesetzt. Dabei steht auch hier die Nachhaltigkeit im Mittelpunkt, wobei die Referenten erläutern, wie der Einsatz natürlicher Ressourcen, beispielsweise durch die Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen oder die Entwicklung nachhaltigerer Verpackungen aus alternativen oder sogar organischen Materalien minimiert werden kann. Am Messefreitag (7. Februar 2020) werden im neugestalteten Career Network Sonderveranstaltungen zum Thema Personalbeschaffung und berufliche Weiterentwicklung angeboten. Auf der im vergangenen Jahr sehr beliebten Start-up Stage werden die erfolgreichsten neuen Geschäftsmodelle der Branche präsentiert.
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s many other industries, the greenhouse industry is facing huge problems such as higher wages, the shortage of labor, changing workforce habits, profit expectations, need of higher productivity, increasing competition.
DECISION MAKING AND DATA ANALYSIS The decision-making process is a very demanding and responsible job. Based on data analysis it is becoming more and more effective yet remaining a highly proactive activity. What does this mean? Acting before something happens is what affects productivity. In the near future (the next couple of years), these innovations will infiltra e to the greenhouse industry, because currently most of the plants are operating as they did 20 years ago and the requirements can only be met by using new technologies, and by adapting a proactive approach instead of a reactive one. DATA IS THE KING All the innovative decision-making solutions are based on data collection, data management and data analysis. Regarding greenhouse management data can help proactively manage all the conditions in the plants like irrigation, the climate of the greenhouse climate, light conditions, the activity of the plant, the effici ncy of biomass production, etc. If we collect enough data from the greenhouse, after a couple of months we will be able to see the patterns of greenhouse conditions and the con-
sequences of our activity. So, we can make the necessary decisions and activities based on data, THIS IS THE “PREDICTIVE MANAGEMENT” IN THE GREENHOUSE. What do you need to reach this stage of greenhouse management? First, you have to start collecting data from your greenhouse in order to be able to set up patterns and match these patterns with your activities and production results. Software solution like GREMON DIGITAL is making it possible to see behind the data and draw conclusions. DATA IS THE NEW FARMER Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data are close friends to each other, AI is
Trutina dashboard as the irrigation module of GREMON DIGITAL
42 GREMON SYSTEMS FP 1-20.indd 3
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unable to function effici ntly without historical data. Our vision, the direction we are heading is that, if we collect the following data: • Temperature • CO2 • Irrigation • VPD • Plant temperature • Biomass weight • Plant condition • Other climate computer data • Human labor •… GREMON DIGITAL’S AI engine will be able to start working and preparing necessary patterns, like: WHAT HAPPENED? - P-band value is high - Humidity is increasing - VPD value is getting low - Plant breathing and water absorption is slowing down - CO2 fixati n is slowing down
WHAT WAS THE REACTION? - Climate computer is opening the ventilation - Vapor leaves through the fans - Cool air comes in through the fans - CO2 escapes through the fans, the concentration is getting lower - Heating starts operating WHAT WAS THE RESULT? - During this cycle CO2 is lost - Plant speed is lost - Extra heating is needed What will you experience when using an AI based solution? Basically, you will see alerts and suggestions, depending on the seriousness of the conditions. On the dashboard you will see suggestions as: • Keep + 0.7 Celsius night temperature • The energy screen should be opened 15 minutes earlier next morning • The fi st irrigation should start at 7.15 am
AI will always try to match actual conditions and data to match one or several patterns and see what the best reaction was that resulted in e.g. the best daily biomass growth (or some other important parameter). What can be the result of a data driven greenhouse management? First, you will be able to experience a constant yield, and predictable business. You will be able to calculate and predict the cost of your resources much better, also manage the human resources more effici ntly. AI is a solution for greenhouse owners and managers that allows them to focus on other important issues in their business., For consultants this is a big advantage to give exact advices based on data. TO GET MORE INFORMATION ON DATA DRIVEN PROACTIVE GREENHOUSE MANAGEMENT, VISIT US DURING FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 – HALL: 8.1 STAND: A-31 www.gremonsystems.com
28/01/20 10:07
ture. From cups to Salad bowls, going through Soup Cups and even Tissue and Toilet paper. Nice light brown color to show nature in its essence and clean packaging with food contact certificati ns. Wheat and Corn based source materials are allowing us to develop the standard Sugarcane range but with alternatives, and this is the one that is offering a better stiffness and nice smooth end product. Biodegradable families are becoming a really good option for some uses that natural fi ers are not still working as desired.
We cannot leave the vision of reusable packaging as a further step in our daily life to be able to implement new alternatives for some uses of materials that are not healthy to the ear. ReboottleÂŽ has become the most advance bottle for infusions we have ever designed and we are in the process to introduce in the EU market as a breaking item to make people think that things can be made better every day. Also we are using this range of products to develop social actions promoting ONGs and donating part of our profit to investigate, as the last
project, about cancer diseases. We cannot just make money and look to another side, but also to put in the society resources to make people’s life better. We are always open to see trends in the market and ready to invest in new materials packaging. We have develop a nice relationship together with our suppliers and customers, and this allows us to have the right information in both sides to make them be close and to be able to move faster in a really competitive and dynamic market. We respect suppliers on their approach but we make them players
44 I3D FIBRAPACK - FP 1-20.indd 4
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fect packaging solution.
UMWELTGERECHTE VERPACKUNGSLÖSUNGEN Nach dem Besuch eines kleinen Stands mit Schalen aus Palmfasern auf einer französischen Verpackungsmesse entstand vor einigen Jahren Fibrapack als ein Umweltprojekt. Unsere Vision, ein Geschäft zu entwickeln, dessen Ziel mehr als nur Geld war, ließ uns an uns selber glauben und daran, dass im Bereich der Lebensmittelverpackung noch Raum für Innovation war. Fibrapack Palm wurde dann die Spitze des Eisbergs und bahnte den Weg für die Markteinführung neuer Produkte, die noch nie im alltäglichen Leben auf dem Markt oder auf industriellen Verpackungslinien implementiert worden waren und die zudem eine Neuheit für die Endkunden darstellten. Danach kamen Zuckerrohrfasern, die der Meinung widersprachen, dass wertvolleres Verpackungsmaterial mit höheren Kosten niemals in die Regale großer Supermarktketten gelangen würde. Wir erarbeiteten eine gute Strategie, und heute verwenden die bedeutendsten Ketten unsere Supermarktschalen, sowohl in Weiß als auch in Braun, die Produkten, welche bisher auf Styroporschalen verkauft wurden, einen wunderbaren letzten Schliff verleihen. Jetzt ist die Industrie für neue Vorschläge offen, die von Einzelhandelsgeschäften und Ketten unterstützt werden, da diese dazu motiviert sind, die Umwelt zu schützen und die Verwendung von Plastik so weit wie möglich zu reduzieren.
Wir sind nicht unbedingt gegen Plastik, aber wir unterstützen
a Europe-wide leading company for individual packaging solutions for freshdie food. Thanks to development, planhauptsächlich Sorten, die den Kreis der Wiederverwertmplementation of the whole packaging line as well as to the almost unlimited range of packaging materials, Frutmac barkeit schließen und die Erde respektieren. rPET wird immer beliebter und wir entwickeln Produkte für die Fälle, in denen tself as a general and global provider of food packaging.
T US @FRUITLOGISTICA! in, 6th–8th February 2019
in the game were we all win-win, together with invest-invest goals to be always on the head of the race.
der Markt und der Bedarf besondere Anforderungen bezüglich der Haltbarkeit stellen. In der Türkei wurde ein besonderes Recyclingwerk realisiert und wir sind dessen vorrangige Partner für die Markteinführung der fortschrittlichsten rPET-Sorte im Hinblick auf Transparenz, Lebensmittelkontakt-Einstufung und Produktpalette.
Wir hören nicht mit der Innovation auf und führen nun eine neue Produktfamilie auf der Grundlage von Bambuspapier und karton ein, da dieses Material eine der nachhaltigsten und am schnellsten nachwachsenden Ressourcen der Natur ist. Von Tassen zu Salatschüsseln über Suppenschalen und sogar Taschentücher und Toilettenpapier mit einer schönen, hellbraunen Farbe, die das Wesen der Natur zeigt. Dies ist ein sauberes Verpackungsmaterial mit Lebensmittelkontakt-ZertiCARDBOARD OR GRASSPAPER 360° AND NOLIMITS PACKAGING – THE CRATES ERECTOR FOR fizier ngen. MATERIAL LID APPLICATION FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS THE 30 X40 FORMAT Hope to see you in Hall 9, booth C-2, at Fibrapack Rohmaterialien auf Weizen- und Maisbasis ermöglichen es by i3d eco packaging ideas. uns, das Standardsortiment aus Zuckerrohr mit alternativen www.ecopackagingideas.com
1 A-03
Happy to come to Fruit Logistica for the second year and ready to meet the most interesting industrials, distributors and free agents around the world to talk about new opportunities and new ideas to pack the world respecting as much as possible the environment and to make a sustainable system that allows us to leave a nice place to live to our sons and their followings.
I3D FIBRAPACK - FP 1-20.indd 5
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Materialien weiterzuentwickeln, da dieses eine bessere Steife und ein schönes, glattes Endprodukt bietet. Biologisch abbaubare Produktfamilien werden zu einer guten Option für einige Anwendungen, bei denen natürliche Fasern noch nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis bringen.
Wir können die Vision von wiederverwendbarem Verpafect packaging solution.
ckungsmaterial nicht weiter auf die Zukunft verschieben, denn wir brauchen in unserem Alltag Alternativen zur Anwendungen bestimmter Materialien, die der Erde nicht guttun.
Reboottle® ist die fortschrittlichste Flasche für Tees, die wir jemals entworfen haben, und wir sind dabei, sie als bahnbrechendes Produkt auf dem EU-Markt einzuführen, um den Menschen zu zeigen, dass Dinge täglich verbessert werden können. Wir setzen diese Produktpalette auch ein, um soziale Projekte zu entwickeln, NGOs zu unterstützen und einen Teil unseres Gewinns zu investieren, um zum Beispiel, wie bei unserem letzten Projekt, Krebserkrankungen zu erforschen. Wir können nicht einfach nur Geld verdienen und in die andere Richtung blicken, sondern wir müssen der Gesellschaft auch Ressourcen zukommen lassen, um das Leben der Menschen zu verbessern.
Wir sind immer bereit, Trends auf dem Markt zu erkennen und in neue Verpackungsmaterialien zu investieren. Wir haben gute Beziehungen zu unseren Lieferanten und Kunden entwickelt, und dies ermöglicht es uns, von beiden Seiten die richtigen Informationen zu erhalten und sie so zusammenzubringen und uns in einem stark konkurrenzbetonten und dynamischen Markt rasch zu bewegen. Wir respektieren die Lieferanten und ihre Strategien, aber wir machen sie zu Mitspielern in einem Spiel, das wir alle gewinnen, und setzen dabei Investitionsziele, die uns immer an die Spitze des Rennens stellen. Wir freuen uns, zum zweiten Mal zur Fruit Logistica zu kommen, und sind bereit dafür, die interessantesten Unternehmer, Vertreiber und Handelsvertreter aus der ganzen Welt zu treffen, um uns über neue Gelegenheiten und neue Ideen zu unterhalten, die Welt so umweltfreundlich wie möglich einzupacken und ein nachhaltiges System zu realisieren, das es uns ermöglicht, unseren Kindern und Kindeskindern einen guten Ort zum Leben zu hinterlassen. Wir hoffen, Sie in Halle 9, Stand C-2, bei Fibrapack von i3d eco packaging ideas zu sehen. www.ecopackagingideas.com
a Europe-wide leading company for individual packaging solutions for fresh food. Thanks to development, planmplementation of the whole packaging line as well as to the almost unlimited range of packaging materials, Frutmac tself as a general and global provider of food packaging.
T US @FRUITLOGISTICA! in, 6th–8th February 2019
1 A-03
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Fruit & Veg Professional Show Martedì 5 - Mercoledì 6 - Giovedì 7 MAGGIO 2020 RIMINI - EXPO CENTRE - ITALIA Organizzato da:
29/01/20 10:02
ICOFRUIT is a registered trademark, owned and distributed by Frutthera Growers, an Italian company located in a town called Metapontino, in the Basilicata region, in the south of the Country. This area is well known and is ideally suited to the growing of strawberries, grapes, kiwi and citrus. These fruits fin their natural habitat here and are included in the most representative made-in-Italy productions. Adopting the integrated production quality system means employing environmentally friendly production methods, protecting the health of both workers and consumers, making use of technical and economic features of the most modern production systems. Special care to the environmental issues led the company to achieve an important result: the drastic reduction of pesticides, implementing specific natural technics and recurring to a massive use of antagonistic insects. Natural protection of the plants gave a large contribution to get a “zero residues” pesticides for a lot of the fruit we produce. Packaging represents another way to respect Earth. A totally brand new compostable packaging has been implemented in our production lines, being entirely degradable and used as a natural fertilizer. Great help for the environment! Frutthera adopts the integrated production quality system that consists of a combination of eco-friendly production methods, the protection of both workers and consumers’ health, and technical and economic requirements of the most modern production systems.
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Storage and conditioning are controlled by a software cell that provides constant monitoring of the products’ temperature and humidity, from the countryside until their final destination into targeted markets.
cultivate more than 500 hectares of land.
Monitoring the correct temperature during transport is guaranteed by small electronic recorders installed on the means of transport. NICOFRUIT products are traceable and trackable. Thanks to a computerized system, the product will be followed through all the stages of processing, packaging and storage to the sale moment so that the consumer can trace back the soil where the fruits and vegetables have grown. Today FRUTTHERA Growers can count on more than 40 partners that
The factory is 12.300 sqm (indoor and outdoor). It is newly built and it has been designed to guarantee the quality of the products.
On average, 160 seasonal workers are employed with a max of 350 in the most intense harvest periods.
Sustainable development is the only possible model for NICOFRUIT - solar panels are located on the storage and on the processing plants, and they are suffici nt to feed most of the company’s energy needs. From the very beginning, dynamism and long-term outlook have allowed the company to reach internal large-
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scale retailers and important market spaces from South America to the Middle East. Analysing percentage shares, the products are sold 50% in the foreign market, 30% in the internal retail and 20% in the general market. Since commercial aggregation is a very important target to achieve, Frutthera joined one of the biggest Producers Organization in south Italy, with a total turnover > 70 mln €, Asso Fruit Italia, that is also a partner of Italia Ortofrutta, the biggest Italian National Union. As a natural consequence of environmental awareness, Frutthera takes part in a lot of projects to achieve this target, organized by Universities, Research Institutions and many other reliable partners. www.nicofruit.it
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HI-TECH MACHINES FOR THE CANNING INDUSTRY Cutting-edge industrial machinery for primary and secondary packaging in the food industry
uomo is an Italian company specialized in the design and production of machines and complete lines for primary and secondary packaging in the food industry. Founded in 1964 as a family business, today the company is internationally recognized for its offer of technologically advanced and innovative solutions. The equipment available, in fact, allows satisfying every need of the small, medium and large canning industry with machines and complete lines for the packaging of different types of food, from meat, fish, to vegetables products. Cuomo’s offic-
es and factory are located in Nocera Inferiore, in the province of Salerno, and cover an area of about 11,000 square meters, 4,500 of which are covered. The company operates in 4 continents through direct sales and agents working locally. In addition to the machinery for the canning industry, Cuomo production includes two other divisions oriented to the production of metal packaging machines and twist-cap machines. Canning machinery carries out the entire food packaging process, in-
cluding heat treatment of filled packaging and secondary packaging. At the heart of these production lines, there are the automatic filling and closing units capable of filling the packaging by gravity, volumetrically or vacuum before closing by automatic seamers. The range of machines for the canning industry reaches production speeds ranging from 60 to 1000 cans /1’, for cans with diameters from Ø 52 to Ø 155. The division for the production of metal packaging offers a wide range of machines for complete lines for
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technological levels, carefully controlling production costs and the capillarity of quality controls, which has allowed the company to maintain high-quality standards certified ISO 9001 for over 50 years. www.cuomoind.it
the production of tinplate cans, twist-off caps and glass jars for food products such as jams, legumes, tuna, ketchup, sauces, etc... Among Cuomo’s outstanding machines, there is also the A480 Automatic Seamer with 10 seaming heads, rotary can, adjustable height tower for seaming metal lids to cylindrical cans. This extremely compact machine is specially designed for closing cans. All Cuomo machines and lines are individually designed and are available in independent operating version or in multi-machine groups. The parts touching the
product are made of stainless steel. Cuomo also boasts an effective preand after-sales service, technical assistance and maintenance, both in Italy and abroad. A valuable consulting service helps the customer in the choice of equipment according to their specific needs, follows the installation and commissioning, and assists the customer in the after-sales for the entire life cycle of the equipment. Finally, Cuomo is a manufacturer of a wide range of spare parts, tool and dies that it distributes internationally. Cuomo embodies a constant commitment to the research of high
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hanks to the commitment and passion of our management for over 3 generations, FRATELLI MOROTTI has been a leader in the plant nursery sector for more than 40 years, and the company is in continuous evolution and expansion. Our major investment in advanced technology and our focused business decisions have permitted our company to establish a facility with more than 50.000 square metres of greenhouses in the prestigious Franciacorta terrain, where every day, with passion and dedication, we cultivate more than 4 million seasonal fl wers and herbs, including our Basil, a product certifi d by Global Gap. Continuous evolution, constant attention to the protection of the environment, respect for our natural resources thanks to the creation of a centralized water system to control the consumption and recycling of water, an efficient system of solar panels, a biomass boiler and a state of the art centralized heating system allow us to satisfy all of our customers’ requests, from the smallest sole traders to the biggest national chain stores. The experience we have gained over the years, together with the professionalism and competence of our partners, allow us to offer a complete, precise service every single day. Fratelli Morotti‌ drawing on the past, taking care of the present, thinking about the future. www.fratellimorotti.it
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FRATELLI MOROTTI, IM BEREICH DER BLUMENGÄRTNEREI FÜHREND IST Das Unternehmen Fratelli Morotti, das dank des Engagements und der Leidenschaft von drei Generationen von Unternehmern seit mehr als 40 Jahren im Bereich der Blumengärtnerei führend ist, befind t sich in ständiger Entwicklung und Expansion. Die bedeutenden Investitionen in fortschrittliche Technologien und die gezielten unternehmerischen Entscheidungen haben es unserem Unternehmen ermöglicht, eine Struktur von über 50.000 Quadratmetern Gewächshäusern in dem renommierten Gebiet der Franciacorta zu realisieren, in der wir täglich mit Leidenschaft und Hingabe über 4 Millionen saisonale und aromatische Blüten kultivieren, darunter dem Basilikum, ein von Global Gap zertifizie tes Produkt. Der Bau einer Wasseranlage zur Steuerung des Verbrauchs und des Wasserrecyclings, einer effizien en
frAtelli morotti FP 1-20.indd 5
Fotovoltaikanlage, eines Biomassekessels und eines thermischen Kraftwerks der neuesten Generation ermöglicht es uns eine ständiger und immer vorsichtiger Entwicklung auf den Schutz der Umwelt und den Respekt der natürlichen Ressourcen, die es uns jeden Tag ermöglichen, alle Anforderungen unserer Kunden zu erfüllen, von den kleinsten Fachleuten bis zu den größten nationalen Ketten. Die über die Jahre gesammelten Erfahrungen, kombiniert mit der Professionalität und der Vorbereitung unserer Mitarbeiter, ermöglichen es uns, stets einen vollständigen und präzisen Service anzubieten. Fratelli Morotti… die Vergangenheit trägt, die Gegenwart wickelt, die Zukunft refl ktiert. www.fratellimorotti.it
23/01/20 12:34
omegranate arils around the world Juran’s ArilSystem, the automated method for extracting the attractive juicy arils from pomegranates, is increasingly a worldwide phenomenon. ArilSystems are operational on fi e continents, with over 45 installations from Australia to China, India to Turkey, Azerbaijan to Chile, and Israel to Japan, the UK, and the USA, and many points in between. Most recently, two additional ArilSystems are scheduled for installation in Germany. Previously, accessing arils was a highly labor intensive process with a high proportion of waste. The ArilSystem process is totally automated, yielding a high quality hygienic product, washed and packed, and all with minimal manpower, and at a range of industrial capacities to suit customer needs. Today’s heightened awareness of health foods has made pomegranates, one of nature’s most remarkably health-enhancing foods, a highly sought after product. Juran helps producers and distributors meet today’s market demands, not only for the fresh fruit market, but also for the beverage and cosmetics markets. ArilSystem produces a superior pomegranate juice without the bitter taste of the fruit membrane tannins, and it accesses the seeds used in the production of increasingly popular lines of natural cosmetics.
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From Germany to Mozambique, from lychees to pomegranates, Juran systems enhance produce, markets, and bottom lines.
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Lychees unleashed Because lychees turn from attractive red to yellow and then brown in just a few days, marketing has been time challenged. Attempts to remedy the situation by immersing the fruit in sulfur, prohibited its entry into some markets, and left an unpleasant aftertaste. Enter Juran and all that changes. Juran’s now well-known SulfurFree Lychee Treatment provides a better tasting, healthier fruit, and better still, a fruit whose beautiful red color lasts far longer. That means that while previously lychees had to be rushed to market considering their very limited shelf life, now lychees have a far longer marketing window with a greatly extended shelf life and can look to distant markets. Juran Sulfur-Free Treatment & Packing Line plants have been installed in Bac Giang, Vietnam, and most recently Westfalia Fruit in Mozambique will be joining the ranks of producers of improved lychees with extended marketing time, with their newly installed Juran SulfurFree Treatment system. Suppliers of fresh produce and related valueadded products to international markets, Westfalia Fruit can now add lychees to their offerings of fresh fruit shipped worldwide.
Totally safe and natural, Juran’s Sulfur-Free system maintains lychees’ attractive color with a 4-5 week extension of shelf life. Growers have breathing space, distributors can address distant markets, consumers get superior fruit, and everyone wins!
now allowing out of season marketing of a range of fruit and berries. Juran Technologies has been impacting agro-technology and the food industry worldwide, developing new ideas for streamlining traditional methods of farming, harvesting, and produce handling since 1966.
Fresh Defrost Another game changer from Juran is its development of a pre-freezing process that does not leave fruit and berries soggy, watery or damaged. Fresh Defrost yields defrosted fruit that is closer in quality to fresh produce than ever before possible,
Visit: www.juran.co.il ArilSystem: http://www.arilsystem.com ArilSystem in Chinese: https://i78330.wixsite.com/arilsysystem FreshDefrost: https://freshdefrost.wixsite.com/website
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olish soft fruit packaging producer, SoFruPak, has chosen Futamura’s renewable and compostable NatureFlex™ films for the windows in its soft fruit tray lids.NatureFlex™ is made from responsibly managed wood pulp and is certified by TÜV Austria OK Compost for home composting, while meeting the EN13432 EU standards for industrial composting. SoFruPak has partnered with Marex, to develop an innovative Cellulose Coated cardboard Technology (CCC) that combines sheets of corrugated cardboard with Futamura’s compostable NatureFlex™ film. Thanks to the use of this compostable cellulose film, the entire packaging is biodegradable and plastic free, and is the first of its kind on the fresh fruit and vegetable market. The innovative packaging allows retailers to meet the growing consumer demand for biodegradable and compostable alternatives to conventional plastic packaging. SoFruPak recently showcased their
plastic free packaging at ExpoSe 2019 in Karlsruhe, where they received the Innovation Award for their SoFruMiniPak® EcoView packaging, which has also been nominated for a prestigious Fruit Logistica Innovation Award in 2020. Adam Sikorski from SoFruPak said; “We have chosen NatureFlex™ films because they are independently certified for compostability, and offer the unique properties that we require for our lidding and windows. The high transparency and gloss of the film give great optical clarity, allowing the consumer to see the quality of the packed fruit inside. The tailored coatings allow the films to protect the fruit from external contamination, as there is no need to perforate. The additional product protection from using the film protects the product from crushing and spilling; during transportation to store and on the way home.” Andrzej Kornacki, Regional Sales Manager at Futamura said; “This application is
a great ‘best fit’ example for NatureFlex. Our films are ideal for fresh fruit packaging because of their unique properties.In this case, this innovative solution showcases how to combine the demand for comprehensive product protection for For Immediate release hard-to-store produce with easier logisPolish soft fruit packaging producer, SoFruPak, has chosen Futamura’s renewable and compostable films for the all windows in its prosoft fruit tray lids. tics (more NatureFlex™ easily stacked), while viding environmentally responsible packNatureFlex™ is made from responsibly managed wood pulp and is certified by TÜV Austria OK Compost for home composting, while meeting the EN13432 EU standards for aging. Our films are particularly popular industrial composting. with bio and organic brand owners due to SoFruPak has partnered with Marex, to develop an innovative Cellulose Coated cardboard Technology (CCC) that combines sheets of corrugated cardboard with Futamura’s their independently certified sustainable compostable NatureFlex™ film. Thanks to the use of this compostable cellulose film, the entire packaging is biodegradable and plastic free, and is the first of its kind on the fresh credentials and can be found wherever fruit and vegetable market. The innovative packaging allows retailers to meet the growing producers, supermarkets and consumconsumer demand for biodegradable and compostable alternatives to conventional plastic packaging. ers opt for “plastic free” packaging.”
SoFruPak recently showcased their plastic free packaging at ExpoSe 2019 in Karlsruhe, where they received the Innovation Award for their SoFruMiniPak® EcoView packaging, which has also been nominated for a prestigious Fruit Logistica Innovation Award in 2020.
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Adam Sikorski from SoFruPak said; “We have chosen NatureFlex™ films because they are independently certified for compostability, and offer the unique properties that we
• Connections with conventional and organic fruit and vegetable producers • Rework the rejected goods and / or sell them • Label change / new label set-up • Collection service throughout Sicily: we collect your goods throughout Sicily, putting them together in our warehouse, labeling them according to the place of delivery and the customer. Then we load them on your truck, if
• Connections zu produzenten von Obst und Gemuese, sowohl konvenzionell- als aus Bioware • Wiederverarbeitung annahmeverweigerter Ware und / oder Verkauf derselben • Etikettenaenderung / Neuerstellung • Abholservice in ganz Sizilien: wir sammeln Ihre Ware in ganz Sizilien ein, stellen diese in unserem Lager zusammen, etikettieren Sie je nach Zustellort und Kunde und laden
diese zur weiterleitung auf Ihren LKW, bei bedarf liefern wir die Ware bis zu Ihnen nach Hause in ganz Europa mit unseren eigenen Frigolkws • Qualitaetspruefung: wir kontrollieren vor der Abfahrt Ihre Ware und erstellen tagtaeglich ein Qualitaetsreport aus. Bei groesseren Mangel werden Sie umgehend telefonisch informiert • Planung von Geschaeftsveranstaltungen: Laden Sie Ihre Geschaeftspartner nach Sizi-
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necessary we deliver the goods from your company throughout Europe with our refrigerated trucks • Quality check: we check your goods before departure and prepare a quality report every day. If there is a serious defect, you will be informed immediately by phone • Corporate events planning : invite your business partners to Sicily: we take care of everything for you • Translations in German, English and Italian • Support with company audits • Storage and sale of organic fertilizers • We manage the Transhipments in a warehouse of 800 square meters, 7 loading areas for trucks, parking for trucks and showers for drivers, car and truck washing, restaurant, taxi service
lien ein – wir kuemmern uns um alles fuer Sie • Uebersetzungen in deutscher, englischer und italienischer Sprache • Unterstuetzung bei Firmenaudits • Lagerung & Verkauf von biologischen Duengermittel • Umschlagslager fuer Spediteure
800 Lager, 7 Ladefla chen fuer LKWs, Parkplatz fuer Lkws und Duschen fuer Ihre Fahrer, Autound LKW Waschanlage, Restaurant, Taxiservice …das sind wir NEXT TO BUSINESS IHRE NIEDERLASSUNG IN SIZILIEN, wir feruen uns Ihnen unseren Service bald anbieten zu koennen!
... We are YOUR OFFICE IN SICILY, not we look forward to offering you our service soon!
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tray sealer and integrated conveyor from Proseal are providing a fruit producer with greater throughput and ample production line space for packing, allowing it to meet increased demand from its customers. Spalding-based HP² - short for Hawthorn Produce, Packaging and Handling –required a high-speed tray sealing machine to meet growing customer demand for top-sealed packs of grapes. The machine had to be capable of sealing 120 packs per minute and to meet these needs, HP² chose the
Proseal GT2s tray sealer with a fully integrated flat-b lt SC conveyor, making a total line length of around ten metres. Nick Bossley, Managing Director at HP², comments: “As ever, Proseal’s service was second-to-none. Installation was completed on the day of delivery – including control links to existing end-of-line equipment to enable staggered controlled stoppages – and production was able to commence on day two. The GT2s and integrated conveyor have been fantastic for us in terms of
extra throughput and added stability and have truly helped us deliver for our customers’ needs. “This was no surprise as we’ve been Proseal customers for a long time and are well aware of the company’s excellent tray sealers.” The large-capacity Proseal GT2s tray sealer is meeting HP²’s need for speed with an average throughput of 127 packs per minute, thus enabling
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the company to comfortably meet customer demands and even take on extra orders. The integrated infeed conveyor ensures that there is maximum space for product loading so HP²’s opera-
tors can always keep up with the demands of the line. Crucially, the conveyor is controlled and managed from the Proseal machine’s user-friendly interface, meaning there is no need for the addition
of a conveyor cubicle, which creates space for additional operators. Equally as important, the single and secure point of control ensures that the infeed conveyor mirrors the speeds of the tray sealer and guarantees instant reaction to any changes in run conditions. This, combined with Proseal’s ProMotion™ system, which uses following motion and intelligent buffering technology to enable trays to feed continuously into the sealer, delivers optimum efficiency and minimal stoppage downtime for HP². “HP² and Nick are loyal customers, so we were delighted to supply them with a machine that is now actually exceeding their throughput requirements, as well as allowing the necessary space for the onward packing of the punnets,” comments Tony Burgess, Head of Sales and Control Systems at Proseal. “Over the years, Proseal and HP² have each played a part in the other’s success and growth, and we very much hope to see our excellent relationship continue.” info@prosealuk.com
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he company Navatta, founded by Mr. Giuseppe Navatta in 1983, produces and installs fruit and vegetable processing lines and boasts references across the globe. Navatta Group is center of excellence for the production and installation of processing machines and turn keys with capacity ranging from 3 to 120 t/h of incoming fresh product. MANUFACTURING RANGE NAVATTA GROUP manufactures and commissions Processing Lines, Systems, Equipment for Fruit, Tomato, Vegetables for: • Peeled / diced / crushed tomatoes, tomato sauces and purees, tomato paste, all fill d into any kind of package or in aseptic; • Diced, puree, juices (single strength
or concentrated) from Mediterranean / tropical fruit, all fill d into any kind of package or in aseptic; • Fruit crushing lines from IQF, frozen blocks and frozen drums • High yield PATENTED fruit puree cold extraction, fruit purees / juices equalized in aseptic. • Wide range of evaporators to produce tomato paste, Mediterranean and tropical fruit concentrates, multi-function evaporator, falling film an forced circulation • Evaporators for coffee and milk: evaporation before spray driers, freeze dryers or other dryers •Evaporators for cogeneration industry (waste treatment) • Aseptic sterilizers • Aseptic fill rs for spout bags/ spout-less bags from 3 to 20 liters,
Bag-in-Drum 220 liters, Bin-in-Box/ IBCs 1.000 – 1.500 liters; • Spiral pasteurizer and cooler • Formulated products productions (jam, ketchup, sauces, drinks) starting from components unloading to dosing, mixing, mechanical/ thermal stabilizing, to fillin into any kind of package or into aseptic mini-tanks; • Processing pilot plants; • Vegetable processing as receiving, rehydration, cooking, grilling and freezing. Navatta Group’s headquarter and the two production units are located in Pilastro di Langhirano, Parma, with a total production area of 10,000 square meters. www.navattagroup.com
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VERARBEITUNGSLINIEN FÜR OBST UND GEMÜSE Die 1983 von Giuseppe Navatta gegründete Firma Navatta baut und installiert Verarbeitungslinien für Obst und Gemüse und arbeitet für Kunden rund um die Welt. Die Navatta Group ist ein Exzellenzzentrum für den Bau und die Installierung von Verarbeitungsmaschinen und schlüsselfertigen Anlagen mit Kapazitäten für eingehende frische Produkte von 3 bis 120 t/h. UMFANG DER HERSTELLUNGSAKTIVITÄTEN Die NAVATTA GROUP baut Linien, Systeme und Maschinen für die Verarbeitung von Obst, Tomaten und Gemüse und stellt diese in Betrieb: • Geschälte/gewürfelte/passierte Tomaten, Tomatensoßen, Tomatenpürees, Tomatenmark, alle in jegliche Art von Verpackung oder aseptisch abgefüllt • Gewürfeltes Obst, Püree, Saft (einfach oder konzentriert) aus mediterranen/tropischen Früchten, alle in jegliche Art von Verpackung oder aseptisch abgefüllt; • Linien für das Zermahlen von Obst (IQF, gefrorene Blöcke, gefrorene Trommeln) • Hochergiebige PATENTIERTE Kaltextraktion für Obstpüree, unter aseptischen Bedingungen homogenisierte Obstpürees/Säfte • Breites Angebot an Verdampfern für die Herstellung von Tomatenmark und Konzentraten aus mediterranen und tropischen Früchten, Multifunktionsverdampfer, Fallfil verdampfer und Zwangsdurchlaufverdampfer
• Verdampfer für Kaffee und Milch: Verdampfung vor Sprühtrocknern, Gefriertrocknern oder anderen Trocknern • Verdampfer für die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (Abfallverwertung) • Aseptische Sterilisatoren • Aseptische Füllmaschinen für Beutel mit/ohne Ausguss von 3 bis 20 Litern, Beutel in Trommeln (220 Liter), Bin-in-Box/IBCs (1.000 - 1.500 Liter) • Spiralpasteurisier- und kühlungsgerät • Herstellung von Fertigprodukten (Konfit ren, Ketchup, Soßen, Getränke) beginnend mit dem Entladen der Zutaten über die Dosierung, Mischung, mechanische/thermische Stabilisierung bis hin zur Abfüllung in jegliche Art von Verpackung oder in aseptische Minitanks • Verarbeitungsmusteranlagen • Verarbeitung von Gemüse, wie Empfang, Rehydratation, Kochen, Grillen und Tiefkühlung Der Sitz der Navatta Group und die zwei Herstellungsstätten liegen in Pilastro di Langhirano, Parma; der Produktionsbereich umfasst insgesamt 10.000 Quadratmeter.
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aper has long been the number one recyclable mono-material. Accordingly, the market leader Sappi has expanded its portfolio of barrier papers and is now offering businesses a vast range of innovative packaging paper solutions. • Adding a new substance, 91 g/ m², to the high-barrier paper range • A range that offers optimal product protection thanks to its oxygen, steam, grease and oil barriers • Enhancing the light barrier papers range with the inclusion of a 75 g/m² Research and development is very important at Sappi, the result of which is the development of an exceptional level of expertise. One key area is packaging paper with integrated functionality. “No other provider on the market anywhere in the world offers as many solutions and appli-
cations as we do. Customers from every part of the globe therefore, put their trust in us and use Sappi material to package their goods,” says Thomas Kratochwill, Vice President Sales & Marketing Packaging and Speciality Papers at Sappi Europe, highlighting the company’s position as an innovation leader. And demand is increasing, as more and more companies from a wide range of industries is looking to combine sustainability and optimal protection in their packaging solutions. Endless possibilities with Sappi paper A 91 g/m² version was recently added to the high-barrier paper range. It opens up additional applications for manufacturers of branded goods. All high-barrier papers from Sappi ensure that the product quality of foods and other goods is preserved. They feature barriers against oxygen, water vapour, grease and mineral oil.
The solutions of the market leader offer even more – outstanding print results, a wide range of finishing options, complete recyclability and integrated heat sealability. High demand for low grammages “Our considerable expertise in Functional Paper Packaging is also evident in low grammages with an integrated mineral oil and grease barrier. These light papers with grammages of 75 g/m² and higher are particularly popular,” says René Köhler, Head of Business Development Packaging and Speciality Papers at Sappi Europe. They prevent any mineral oil from getting into the final product. This keeps products such as rice, cereals, tea and chocolate free of MOSH and MOAH residue. Sappi Guard MS also offers impressive heat sealability, resulting in a reduction in production steps as
Manufacturers from all over the world use Sappi paper, including the world’s largest food company.
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additional sealing media are not required. Sappi offers these packaging papers in several other grammages, which are ideally suited to primary and secondary packaging. Successful collaborations with customers and partners In addition to research and development, Sappi counts on close collaboration with its customers and other partners. This results in future-oriented solutions such as environmentally friendly, multifunctional packaging for a new range of nut and fruit bars recently launched by the world’s largest food company. Sappi will present further innovations in functional paper packaging and other product groups at interpack 2020.
Sappi adds the new 91 g/m² version to its range of Guard high-barrier papers.
www.interportotoscano.com +39 0586 984459 info@interportotoscano.com
Cold Chain SAPPI+HANS KUFFER FP 1-20.indd 4
hall 25 stand A-01
Meet us at FRUIT LOGISTICA BERLINO 5-7 Febbraio 2020 28/01/20 13:21
uices, nectars, jams and dried fruit are the new frontier, the fi st choice for consumers who are increasin their attention towards the characteristics and origin of the Italian products: a commercial segment that is growing, in which Melavì has entered 2 years ago with more than encouraging results. Hence the
need to create a production center for processed products which found its headquarters at the Ponte in Valtellina, with the aim to rationalize the activities after the creation of the creation of the paking room of Tovo S. Agata for the fresh apple. Two distinct poles for as many parallel and complementary activities to point out
the new course of Melavì. The cooperative, with its 300 farmers, a cultivated area of almost 500 hectares, 120 employees and a production that reached 150 quintals in 2019, is the most important fruit growing reality in northern Lombardy Juices, dried products and Rockits: in
22/01/20 10:22
PRODUKTIONSZENTRUM FÜR PRODUKTVERARBEITUNG FINDET SEINEN STANDORT IN PONTE IN VALTELLINA Säfte, Nektare, Konfit ren und Trockenobst sind der neue Schauplatz, die erste Wahl für Verbraucher, die immer mehr auf die Charakteristiken und die Herkunft italienischer Produkte achten. Dies ist ein wachsendes Wirtschaftssegment, in das sich Melavì vor zwei Jahren mit mehr als ermutigenden Ergebnissen vorgewagt hat. Daher bestand Bedarf für ein neues Produktionszentrum für die Produktverarbeitung, das nun in Ponte in Valtellina seinen Standort gefunden hat, mit dem Ziel, nach dem Entstehen des Verpackungsbetriebs für frische Äpfel in Tovo S. Agata die Aktivitäten weiter zu rationalisieren. Zwei separate Zentren für ebenso vie-
le parallele und einander ergänzende Aktivitäten, um den neuen Kurs von Melavì festzulegen. Die Kooperative mit ihren 300 Landwirten, fast 500 Hektaren Anbaufläch , 120 Mitarbeitern und einer Produktion, die 2019 150 Doppelzentner erreichte, ist der bedeutendste Obstanbauer im Norden der Lombardei. Säfte, getrocknete Produkte und Rockit-Äpfel: Im neuen Produktionszentrum von Ponte in Valtellina fi det jede Aktivität ihren Platz, ihre Systeme und ihre Organisation. Insgesamt wurden 750 Tausend Euro investiert. Der Saftbetrieb hat eine stündliche Produktionsrate von über zweitausend Litern mit einer Produktausbeute von 75 %. Der Saft von Melavì ist in drei Varianten erhältlich: traditionell trüb mit mehr Nährstoffen, klar mit einem speziellen Filterverfahren vor der Abfüllung und biologisch mit dem einzigartigen und ausgeglichenen Geschmack eines speziellen Rezepts, das die Sorten Golden (süßer) und Red (saurer) fachmännisch mit einem geringen Anteil anderer Sorten, die für noch mehr Süße und Geschmack sorgen, kombiniert. Dasselbe Rezept ist die Grundlage für die Nektare, die nach demselben Verfahren hergestellt werden und dabei mindestens 65 % Fruchtfl isch beibehalten. Zu den Verarbeitungsphasen zählen das Pressen, die Pasteurisierung bei kontrollierter Temperatur und dann die Sterilisierung. Das neue Werk, das am 25. November den Betrieb aufnahm, ermöglicht es, mit Flaschen und Gläsern unterschiedlicher Größen und mit wiederverwertbarem PET zu arbeiten. Das Ziel ist der fläch ndeckende Vertrieb zunächst in kleinen Läden und Supermärkten in Norditalien und dann in ganz Italien über die großen Einzelhandelsketten, um das Produkt bekannt zu machen, die Anwesenheit von Melavì zu festigen und dann das Herz Europas zu erreichen, speziell in den Märkten, die besonders auf guten Apfelsaft achten. Andere Räume des Werks, die alle saniert wurden, sind der Produktion getrockneter Äpfel gewidmet. Der Trockenofen verarbeitet in jedem Arbeitszyklus, der jeweils 6-8 Stunden dauert, 400 kg frisches Produkt. Die Äpfel werden geschält, das Kerngehäuse wird entfernt und sie werden in Spalten, Scheiben oder Würfel geschnitten, bevor sie den Trocknungsprozess durchlaufen, bei dem sie 90 % ihres Gewichts an Wasser
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the new production center of Ponte Valtellina, each activity fin its own space, its systems and organization. A total investment of 750 thousand euro. The juice room has an hourly productivity of over two thousand liters with a product yield of 75%. The Melavì juice, available in three varieties, the traditional, with more nutrients, the limpid one, with a special fil ering process before bottling, and the organic one,with the unique and stable fl vor of the special recipe that expertly doses the apples of the variety Golden, sweeter, the Red, more acidic, and with a small percentage of other varieties, which give further sweetness and taste. The same recipe is the basis of the nectars that follow the same production process, however retaining the fruit pulp to the minimum of 65%. The processing phases include pressing, pasteurization at controlled temperature, then sterilization. The new factory, activated on Monday 25 November, allows to work both with bottles and glass jars of various sizes and with recyclable pet. The goal is a widespread distribution fi st in northern Italy, in small shops as in supermarkets, and in the rest of Italy, through large retailers, to make the product known, consolidate the presence of Melavì and then reach the heart of Europe above all in those markets that are particularly attentive for good apple juice.
apple. The product is made available in both the conventional and organic versions. In Ponte in Valtellina, the new Rockit packaging system was also installed by the end of May, which made it possible to automate the filling of plastic pipes, of different sizes, which contain the fresh apples. In order to work with the new, technologically advanced machinery, Melavì employees have been adequately trained. The start of production will allow to recover the production capacity with a staff requirement for Ponte in Valtellina similar to the previous working situation before the company merger: between dried products, juices and
Rockit, more than 20 people will be employed per shift, men and women, with a majority of the latter. “With the inauguration of the Ponte in Valtellina Transformed Production Center, an important year ends for Melavì. A rationalization of the activities which brought about the merger of the three cooperatives, optimizing the organization and reducing management costs. Melavì is preparing to tackle both national and international markets both with fresh apples and with apple derivatives with both Melavì and Private label products“ www.melavi.it
Other rooms, all subject to building redevelopment, are dedicated to the production of dehydrated apples. The drying oven processes 400 kilograms of fresh product for each processing cycle which lasts 6-8 hours. The apples are peeled, cored and cut into wedges or slices or cubes, before being subjected to the drying process to allow the loss of 90% of their weight represented by water. The packaging machine divides the apples which have become crispy into transparent bags of different formats: 20 grams of dried product correspond to an
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verlieren. Die Verpackungsmaschine verteilt die jetzt knusprigen Äpfel in durchsichtige Beutel unterschiedlichen Formats. 20 Gramm Trockenprodukt entsprechen einem Apfel. Das Produkt ist in herkömmlicher und biologischer Version erhältlich. In Ponte in Valtellina wurde Ende Mai auch das neue Rockit-Verpackungssystem installiert, das es möglich macht, unterschiedlich große röhrenförmige Kunststoffbehälter mit frischen Äpfeln zu befüllen. Melavìs Mitarbeiter wurden angemessen für die Arbeit mit den neuen, technologisch fortschrittlichen Maschinen geschult. Der Beginn der Produktion wird es möglich machen, die Produktionskapazität wiederherzustellen, mit einem Bedarf an Mitarbeitern in Ponte in Valtellina, der dem der Arbeitssituation vor dem
Zusammenschluss ähnelt: In den Bereichen Trockenobst, Saft und Rockit werden pro Schicht insgesamt mehr als 20 Menschen, die meisten davon Frauen, beschäftigt sein. „Mit der Einweihung des Produktionszentrums für die Produktverarbeitung in Ponte in Valtellina endet ein bedeutendes Jahr für Melavì. Eine Rationalisierung der Aktivitäten führte zum Zusammenschluss von drei Kooperativen, wodurch die Organisation optimiert wurde und sich die Verwaltungskosten reduzierten. Melavì ist bereit, mit frischen Äpfeln und Apfelprodukten sowohl unter dem Namen Melavì als auch mit Handelsmarken in die nationalen und auch in die internationalen Märkte vorzudringen.“ www.melavi.it
22/01/20 10:22
O.P. CSC LAZIO was founded on the aggregation of three storical cooperatives in the territory of Fondi: - O.P. C.O.P.LA., was established in 1965 as a consortium of different associations of the Province of Latina; - O.P. CRISTOFORO COLOMBO, was founded in 1978 by 15 agricultural companies producing fruits, from which other associates were added later with horticultural productions; - O.P. SALTO DI FONDI, constituted in 1977. The union of these three companies led to the establishment of CSC LAZIO at the end of 2008 with the aim of aggregate available productions enriching them of necessary services to supply continually the domestic and international marker with particular reference to the forms of Moder Distribution. In 2013 O.P. AGRICOLA FONDANA joined the group projecting the entire group toward a production in South Pontine of about 32.000 tons of product with a turnover of about 27 Million euro. STRUCTURE Social base: 387 members adhering to the four cooperatives specialized in horticultural productions. Invested surface: 180 ha in open fi ld and 220 ha in greenhouse. Technical assistance: the structure can count on four engineers working full time for the management of technical issues, the application of production rules and activities related to certification p ocesses. Centers for goods reception and processing: the structure has two center for goods reception and processing, the fi st one is 2.800 square meters, covered and fully insulated, the second one is 300 square meters and covered, Cooling capacity: about 1.200 cubic meters. Machinaries: - processing line for equal-weight portion trays - green tomato processing line - weighing and fillin line - 3 pcs rotary packing tables - radish processing line - Flow Pack line - tray wrapping line www.csclazio.com
72 A.O.P. CSC Lazio Soc.Coop.Agr.Consortile - FP 1-20.indd 4
23/01/20 16:13
A.O.P. CSC Lazio Soc.Coop.Agr.Consortile - FP 1-20.indd 5
23/01/20 16:13
MS Group is a world leader for end-of-line packaging of palletized products for all market sectors. In addition to the Italian headquarter the Group consists in 12 subsidiaries based in Italy, Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania. Established in 1949, OMS has a long-established tradition of designing and manufacturing strapping, wrapping and hooding systems. Reliability, experience and fl xibility are three important characteristics that enable OMS to respond to today’s market demands, from the simplest strapping machine up to the most sophisticated packaging plant as well as complete packaging lines for the food processing market. From strapping to stretch wrapping and shrink hooding. All this was made possible thanks to the OMS’ many years’ experience in this market, along with a vast number of tailor made solutions specifically studied for our customers. The important results achieved by the company have to be credited to the now third generation of businessmen who have continued to be involved closely with the market, with the vision of a future characterized by innovation and continuous improvement. OMS has developed the following machine model specifically for the food sector: the 06GS horizontal strapping machine equipped with the patented TR1400HD head and corner application device. This model is one of OMS’s world best-selling family of products and machinery. With the model 06GS automatic horizontal strapping machine is possible
74 OMS FP 1-20.indd 2
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to automatically pack palletized products of any production sector, which need to be kept together during transport or handling or for their safe warehousing or storage. The structure of the 06GS model is not very bulky and can be easily in one piece. It is equipped with a small sized arch that allows to strap products at only 130mm from the ground (or from a possible conveyor below the machine). It can either be installed on completely automatic lines where it exchanges signals with other devices installed upstream and downstream or it can work separately. The machine can be equipped with the TR1400 strapping head. Optionally it can be equipped with an edgeboard corner device. Automatic ring pallet wrapping machine type AVR900: it can be equipped with top sheet dispenser and advertising band applicator (options)
the end of the cycle, the final film tail is safely inserted under the previous wrap. As results no loose film ends, guaranteeing a perfect fi ishing as well as no pallet alignment needed as the system detects and moves towards the pallet. Reliable film end fixing without heat seal. Simplicity and fl xibility. Thanks to the particular telescopic structure, the machine is easily adjustable in height lo suit the maximum pallet height of the palletized loads to be wrapped. With a constant attention to new technologies and market demands, all OMS models are designed to interface with the customer’s network in accordance with the “Industry 4.0” protocols. Operation and production data acquisition devices, according to the horizontal, vertical integration & Cloud criteria, provide all the necessary data to verify and to monitor the entire system as well as to collect production data. www.omsspa.com
The « ring » technology, allows to execute the wrapping cycle without moving the pallet and, consequently, without endangering the quality and the stability of the pallet load while guaranteeing a high production yield also thanks to the exclusive and patented pre-stretch unit activated by the motion of the ring. Possibility to start and stop the wrapping cycle at any height of the pallet load, allowing specific wrapping programs, such as top wrapping and single wrapping. This inventive and unique device guarantees pre-stretch ratio up to 300% without any use of on additional motor or any electrical contact through slip-rings. The results are a largely increased reliability and reduced maintenance as well as stable loads with minimal film consumption. Exclusive and patented “tuck under” system. At
OMS FP 1-20.indd 3
20/01/20 14:53
ociety is calling for a reduction in the use of plastic packaging. However, plastic packaging plays an important role in reducing food waste. How can we balance this out and ensure that by solving one problem, we don’t end up with an even bigger one on our hands? We spoke with Dr. Gary Ward of StePac L.A. Ltd., a company specializing in the development of modifi d atmosphere packaging for shelf life extension of fresh produce. “There is no doubt that we see excessive use of plastic in the industry, but we need to be sensible about this and not abandon it, but only use it when we really need to. A more responsible, leaner, and sustainable approach is required.” 1. Modern society is increasingly concerned by plastic pollution. How significant an issue is plastic pollution in comparison to food waste? Both food waste and plastic pollution are urgent issues. I just wish that food waste was receiving the attention that plastic pollution is. It is responsible for ~8% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Functional plastic packaging is part of the solution for preventing this waste and ousting it would result in even higher levels of food waste. This is where education and a more holistic approach is required.
2. So what is StePac doing about it? StePac believes in a four-pillar
approach for lightening the environmental footprint of plastic packaging. The principles are straightforward: 1. Only use plastic packaging if it is really needed and has a climate positive effect, i.e. it saves more carbon dioxide emissions than it creates 2. Keep it as lean as possible 3. Strive for mechanically recyclable packaging 4. Chemically recycling should be adopted for those functional films that cannot be replaced by mechanically recyclable alternatives and support a circular economy 3. Can you give us examples? There are many examples
of solutions that StePac has developed over the years that are climate positive and contribute to reducing waste and support a more sustainable environment. I’ll refer to some of the most recent. We successfully developed a resealable lidding film solution that enables Chilean cherry exporters to pack and ship by sea to mainland China. It offers multiple benefits • Packing at source in the fina packaging reduces labor costs • Facilitates sea shipment • Preserves quality all the way to the consumers home and is ideal for multiple servings • Fully recyclable when thrown away with the punnet
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27/01/20 16:17
Another example is Xfl w™, a next generation system for bulk-fl w packing of fresh produce. Xfl w meets the needs for automation and leaner film specifications by saving up to 40% in use of plastic film in comparison to the preformed bag variant. Peruvian exporters of blueberries are now benefiting from this by automatically packing 12 clamshells with Xfl w for export. We were recently in China to welcome arrivals of blueberries in Xfl w. The appearance of the film is unsurpassable. Since the film is tightly wrapped around the clamshells and highly transparent, with no condensation, the blueberries are easily visible. The aesthetic appearance of the fil and the quality of the blueberries
StePac L.A. Ltd. - fp 1-20.indd 5
are what matter to the Chinese importers, but from a sustainability perspective this film is lean and is preserving quality of blueberries through lengthy supply chains. Chinese importers are willing to pay premium prices for high-quality cherries and blueberries. This has stimulated growth in export of these fruits from Peru and Chile to China, and with it created a need for such attractive, functional and sustainable packaging to preserve quality during the lengthy sea freight.
exciting products that bring value to our customers and meet the market trends for more responsible and sustainable plastics. Developing shelf life extension packaging products requires a multidisciplinary approach combining a profound understanding of the interaction between produce physiology, prevailing supply chain conditions and packaging design. In this respect, StePac is one of a kind. www.stepac.com
4. What is the key secret of StePac’s success? One of our key attributes is that we listen to our customers and are attentive to trends in fresh produce and packaging. This helps us understand where we should invest R&D efforts to develop new and
27/01/20 16:17
rutmac is a leading manufacturer and supplier of tailored packaging solutions and machinery for the fresh food sector. Its development and planning department, the possibility to implement complete packaging lines, and an unlimited range of packaging materials make Frutmac a well-known and reliable food packaging supplier. With over 50 years of experience in the design and construction of packaging lines throughout Europe, constant R&D investment and a Europe-wide customer service, Frutmac is a real expert in the fi ld.
The company works following three simple guiding principle, being solution-oriented, customer-oriented and offering a full-service. As the CEO of the company says: “Experience does not solve problems on its own, but it really helps”, Frutmac can count on a highly-qualified technical staff, able to develop specific solutions for all customers’ needs. Within the company, people have a central role, whether they be employees or customers. Therefore the company provides clients with everything necessary, from pre-sales advice to full technical support during the warranty and post-warranty period. Frutmac offers a full range of services from the design and production of new packaging solutions, installation and start-up works, and is also happy to advice its clients with the best matching packaging materials. What makes Frutmac’s offer really special is the ability to offer individual packaging solution, suitable for any design and marketing requirements. Each product requires a special packaging, whether for legal, hygienic or cost reasons. Frutmac’s development department is always on the lookout for new trends and ideas in order to offer sustainable packaging options, guaranteeing product preservation, best machinerunning properties and longer shelf life. The company can pack fruit, vegetables, berries, meat fish, bakery products, dried fruit and much more.
78 FRUTMAC - FP 1-20.indd 4
21/01/20 15:24
RE VALUE Tailored packaging solutions for the fresh food sector YOUR PRODUCT
fect packaging solution.
a Europe-wide leading company for individual packaging solutions for fresh food. Thanks to development, planmplementation of the whole packaging line as well as to the almost unlimited range of packaging materials, Frutmac tself as a general and global provider of food packaging.
T US @FRUITLOGISTICA! in, 6th–8th February 2019
1 A-03
FRUTMAC - FP 1-20.indd 5
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Among the packaging solutions offered by Frutmac there are trays, alveoles, films bags and p uches. Trays are an optimal packaging solution for many types of products, such as fruit, vegetables, berries, dried fruit or bakery products. Whether in polystyrene, PP, R-PET or cardboard the company is able to deliver foodtainers in any shape and design. Cardboard trays are made of corrugated board or grass paper, to be wrapped with stretch or fl wpack films. They are also available with PET-coating, with or without lid, already mounted or flat, and can be personalized with offset, flexo or digital printing. Alveoles make the shop-presentation of fruit and vegetables in a stable oblique position and allow safe transport. They can be realised in ground wood pulp, paper and plastic in various sizes, colours and shapes. Paper alveoles can be printed in 4 colours to maximise the advertising effectiveness. Frutmac only offer high-quality stretch, plateau, top-seal and flowpack films in order to guarantee the best product protection while maximizing its shelf life. Films can be of different materials (PVC, PLA, recyclable films) and can be transparent, micro or macro perforated. With multicolour printing, they are ideal for advertising purposes. All bags and pouches can be purchased as single items or on a roll. They are extremely resistant and transparent. They can be processed both by machine and manually, and can be printed in multiple colours.
A wide range of accessories for all kinds of packaging solutions completes Frutmac’s offer: from labels to glue for packaging films, all accessories are of the best, high quality.
80 FRUTMAC - FP 1-20.indd 6
21/01/20 15:24
Frutmac produces and supplies highly-efficient packaging machines that work trouble-free for extended period of time. All machines are suitable for the installation of new packing lines as well as for the integration or extension of existing packing lines. In combination with the packaging materials offered by the company, smooth packaging processes are ensured. Frutmac’s machinery are able to satisfy the following options: automatic feeding; automated placement/positioning; sealing; product weighing labelling and preparation bulk packaging. Frutmac’s R&D department and highly-efficient service team allow the company to be at the forefront of design, technology and innovation. The company is able to respond to the most demanding needs, guaranteeing tailored solutions to its clients. Its presence throughout Europe makes Frutmac a reliable international partner. www.frutmac.com
FRUTMAC - FP 1-20.indd 7
21/01/20 15:24
rom 5 to 7 February in Berlin MULTIVAC will be presenting its wide range of solutions for packing fruit and vegetables. In addition to packaging solutions, which contribute to extending the shelf life of fresh products, another major focus of the trade fair will be the presentation of sustainable packaging con-cepts and attractive labelling solutions for fruit and vegetables as well as snacks and fresh cut products of all types. The exhibits will include the TX 710, a traysealer from the new X-line machine generation. The features of this traysealer are its innovative machine technolo-gy, comprehensive sensor system, intelligent control and high degree of pro-cess reliability - and it sets the benchmark in terms of pack quality and consist-ently high cycle output. At the trade fair MULTIVAC will be showing an applica-tion for packing strawberries in trays made of corrugated board, which are sealed with a PET single-layer film. The sustainable packing of corncobs will be demonstrated on a compact R 085 thermoforming packaging machine. This efficient machine is
aimed particularly at manufacturers, who produce smaller batch sizes. If the machine is designed as the R 085 e-concept version, it can even be operated without compressed air and water, and this offers a high degree of fl xibility in the positioning of the machine in the production environment. The XMeshÂŽ and FreshSafe packaging concepts will also be presented at the trade fair. XMeshÂŽ is a material which, thanks to its net-like structure, provides the air permeability that is so important for fruit and vegetables, and therefore ensures that an extended shelf life is achieved for the product. In addition to this, the FreshSafe system for thermoforming packaging machines and traysealers will also be shown, in which the upper web is perforated inline during the pack-aging process. The perforation pattern can
be individually designed for the product that is to be packed. This means that a defin d gas permeability can be set for EMAP packs, increasing the shelf life of the product significantly. This so-lution is particularly cost-effective, since standard packaging materials can be used, meaning that there is no requirement to stock materials with different perforations. And last but not least, the L 310 conveyor belt labeller for wrap-around labelling of packs (full wrap labelling) will also be shown to the public. This type of labelling offers many possibilities in the design of the pack, and this in turn contributes significantly to increasing the attractiveness of these packs at the point of sale. www.multivac.com
82 MULTIVAC FP 1-20.indd 3
21/01/20 14:00
ajor European organic produce importer-marketer Eosta has revealed the imminent launch of two innovative initiat- ives – a refocused, expanded Dr GoodFood campaign and a new range of plant-based packaging – as part of its participation in leading global trade exhibition Fruit Logistica 2020, which takes place in Berlin, Germany from 5-8 February. Originally introduced to increase consumer awareness of the links between health and farming, Eosta’s groundbreaking Dr GoodFood initiative will be expanded during the course of 2020 into a physical presence that will feature the participation of dieticians and med- ical professionals in selected health food outlets. Initially to be rolled out in The
Netherlands¹ with further retailer participation expected in Germany, France and the Scandinavia region, the renewed campaign will give trusted experts the opportunity to promote the health benefits of produce directly to consumers. During its initial launch, Dr GoodFood focused on linking produce to proactive health care and emphasising its potential to replace some unnecessary, expensive pharmaceutical products, according to Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman. The initial campaign included product packaging which put a satirical spin on the pharmaceutical industry, such as turmeric in blister packs with humorous ‘side effects’ – an example being ‘this turmeric may result in yellow fing rs’ – included on the side of the box. Engelsman said:
“We will now be introducing dieticians and health professionals into health food stores where we will have various ‘food fix mixes’, backed up with a Dr GoodFood website². We will also feature food fi es on YouTube where doctors in their own surgeries will focus on presenting healthy eating recipes rather than prescribing medicines.” The relaunched campaign will also feature a different theme each month to tie in with the seasons and work-life calendar, such as detox, resilience and holidays, focusing on the components of healthy food recommend during each stage of the year. “We will be cooper- ating with doctors and dieticians who be running around in the shops helping customers to buy more fruits and vegetables,” continued Engelsman.
83 EOSTA FP 1-20.indd 3
23/01/20 15:12
eneral System Pack is a world-renowned company which produce different types of packaging machines. Technology is undoubtedly their strong point in addition to the high-quality standard of the machines they produce. General System Pack’s packaging lines are all automated, extremely robust, enduring and easy to operate. Adopting targeted solutions for each circumstance, these machines are designed to better respond to the most severe ergonomic and hygienic requests The wide range of models that the General System Pack offers, always provides excellent solutions for all the fl w pack wrapping sectors, including the automatic feed and the end-of-line
systems. With General System Pack any product will find its “tailored suit” - the company offers numerous solutions including controlled atmosphere, high speed and the most extreme automated processes, always ensuring the best performances. General System Pack is second to none. General System Pack’s packaging machines and systems treat the client’s
product with the same care and attention that the client has during the manufacturing process. The company offers packaging lines that are best suited for small and medium-sized companies that intend to give an industrial slant to their packaging. General System Pack is a reliable, solid and versatile partner who significantly contributes to the success of their clients.
eneral System Pack ist ein gut etabliertes internationales Unternehen, das verschiedene Arten von Verpackungsmaschinen herstellt. Die Technologie ist neben dem sehr hohen Standard der Qualität der eigenen Maschinen zweifellos seine größte Stärke. Die von General System Pack hergestellten Verpackungslinien werden alle elektronisch gesteuert, sind extrem stabil, langlebig, leicht zu handhaben und wurden mithilfe von gezielten Lösungen realisiert, um den höchsten Ansprüchen in Bezug auf Ergonomie
und Hygiene gerecht zu werden. Die breite Palette von Modellen von General System Pack bietet durchweg sehr gute Vorschläge für alle Verpackungsbereiche mit Flow-Pack, einschließlich automatischer Zuführung und Endlinie. Jede Art von Produkt fin et bei General System Pack den richtigen «Maßanzug»; die vielen Lösungen des Unternehmens, die von kontrollierter Atmosphäre über hohe Geschwindigkeit bis zum extremen Automatismus reicht garantiert immer das erreichbare Maximum. General System Pack scheut keinen
Vergleich. Die Verpackungsmaschinen und Anlagen von General System Pack behandeln das Produkt des Kunden immer mit der gleichen Sorgfalt und Aufmerksamkeit, wie sie der Kunde auch auf seine Produktionsprozesse legt. Die angebotenen Verpackungslinien sind die beste Lösung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, die ihr eigenes Produkt in einer Industrieverpackung liefern möchten. General System Pack bietet sich als starker und fl xibler Partner an, der in der Lage ist, wesentlich zum Erfolg der Kunden beizutragen.
84 GSP - FP 2-19_OK.indd 3
18/02/19 14:55
28/06/19 15:15
Below some examples of packaging lines and automated lines Hier sind einige Beispiele für Verpackungsmaschinen und automatische Linien
GSP 55 EVO: Electronic wrapper, versatile and reliable, very fl xible in the formatchange, suitable for food and non-food products, both for single-dose and for multiple packages. Its cantilever structure and easy accessibility, together with its sanificati n regulations, easy maintenance and safety, all this allows this wrapper to stand out. Elektronische Verpackungsmaschine, vielseitig und zuverlässig, sehr fl xibel beim Formatwechsel, ideal für Lebensmittel und Non-FoodProdukte sowohl als Einzeldosis als auch für mehrere Verpackungen. Der freitragende Rahmen und die leichte Zugänglichkeit sowie die Grundsätze der Hygienisierung, Wartung Einfachheit und Sicherheit, für die sie konzipiert wurde, zeichnen die Maschine aus.
GSP 65 BB: The electronic horizontal pack wrapper with a long-time sealing system, model GSP65EVO BB, has been designed to create airtight packaging in a controlled atmosphere. It is suitable for all those products that are diffic lt to carry or that need extra care as well as for those that cannot tolerate any shock during the convey and the film insertion. This is only one of the many solutions that GSP can offer to their clients in order to increase the Shelf Life of the food products within a perfectly stylish bag, which also offers a mechanic protection to its content. Horizontale elektronische Verpackungsmaschine mit langer Schweißzeit, Modell GSP65EVO BB, entworfen für luftdichte Beutel in einer kontrollierten Atmosphäre, für all jene Produkte, bei denen Transportschwierigkeiten auftreten können oder die extreme Sorgfalt erfordern und beim Transport und beim Einsetzen in die Folie nicht beschädigt werden dürfen. Dies ist eine der vielen Lösungen, die GSP anbietet um das Shelf Life, also die Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln, in Zusammenhang mit einer perfekten ästhetischen Hülle zu erhöhen und für einen mechanischen Schutz des Inhalts zu sorgen.
GSP 50 EVO: High-tech electronic horizontal pack wrapper GSP50EVO – fast, versatile, easy and reliable. This machine combines high technology, value for money and high performances all in one. Horizontale elektronische Verpackungsmaschine GSP50EVO, hohes technisches Niveau; Geschwindigkeit, Vielseitigkeit, Bedienerfreundlichkeit und konzentrierte Zuverlässigkeit in einer Maschine vereint, kombiniert hohe Technologie mit einem optimalen Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und Leistungen, die schwer zu schlagen sind.
86 GSP - FP 2-19_OK.indd 4
18/02/19 14:55
• New structure for a more efficient visit to the trade fair • components – parallel event – also fully booked out • SAVE FOOD with new impetus
he interpack 2020 trade fair is totally booked out. By the time the official registration deadline for the most important international event for the packaging industry and related process industries had arrived, businesses had inquired about far more space than was available at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre – as had already been the case with the previous editions. The around 3,000 exhibitors expected from approximately 60 countries will therefore again be occupying all 18 of the available halls as well as large parts of the outdoor facilities when the fair takes place from 7 to 13 May 2020. ‘components – special trade fair by interpack’ with offerings from the industry that supplies packaging technologies, is in its third edition and will again be staged entirely concurrently with interpack in the temporary Hall 18, is also totally booked out. One ticket entitles holders to admission to both fairs. More efficient trade fair visit Interpack focuses on packaging solutions and related process technology, addresses target groups in the fi lds of food, drinks, confectionery, bakery products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, non-food consumer goods and industrial goods. Exhibitors have now also been brought together to create more focused segments with corresponding offerings in order to prevent visitors from these industries from having to cover long distances. That is why suppliers
of processes and machines for the packaging of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics have gathered together in Halls 15 to 17 while interpack 2020 visitors from the fields of machines for labelling and identificati n technology, packaging- materials production and integrated packaging printing will find what they are looking for in Halls 8a and 8b. The offerings in these halls have
also been more clearly structured so that it will be easier for visitors to find the exhibitors that are of interest to them here. Offerings that focus on specific process steps have also been grouped closer together. This applies not only to the fi lds already mentioned above but also to the segment for processes and machinery employed in the packaging of food, drinks, consumer and indus-
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trial goods that will now be located in Halls 5, 6 and 11 to 15 as well as to the segment for processes and machinery for the packaging of confectionery and baked goods that will now be located in Halls 1, 3 and 4. Companies presenting packaging materials and supplies have been positioned centrally around the Haupteingang Nord (Main North Entrance) in Halls 7a, 7, 8a, 9 and 10. Hall 8a offers great potential for synergies. That is where machine suppliers from the fields of packaging production, converting, packaging printing and labelling will be able to find the relevant suppliers of corresponding packaging and materials. The packaging / packaging materials area alone has attracted more than 900 exhibitors. New: Hall 1 and Eingang Süd (South Entrance) Halls 1 and 2 – which had fi st been built in the 1970s – were demolished shortly after interpack 2017 to create space for the Messe Düsseldorf’s architectural flagship: The ‘Neue Messe Süd’ (‘New South Trade Fair Centre’) is now home to the new Hall 1 and an entrance area with a foyer directly in front of it, which boasts a 17-metre-high pointed canopy that has been realised in translucent glass-fib e fabric and integrated LED lighting. It will be providing exhibitors at interpack 2020 with state-of-theart architecture and technology as well as around 500 square metres of more space. The building also includes six conference rooms and is directly connected to the Congress Center Süd (South). ‘components’ to run entirely concurrently with interpack The concept of ‘components – special trade fair by interpack’ is to be continued in its tried-and-tested iteration following the success it enjoyed at the last interpack. Visitors will once again fin the supplier trade
fair in the temporary lightweight Hall 18, which is centrally located within the Düsseldorf exhibition centre and offers around 5,000 square metres of space. This hall is located between Halls 10 and 16 and will be complementing interpack’s portfolio for the entire duration of the trade fair with presentations from the areas of drive, control and sensor technologies, products for industrial image processing, handling technologies and other (machine) components. All visitors and exhibitors at interpack are entitled to free admission to components. For more information, please visit www.packaging-components.com New impetus for SAVE FOOD During interpack, the topic of SAVE FOOD is going to be brought to the city of Düsseldorf for the fi st time in with several different campaigns to reduce food losses and waste and will accordingly get the public directly involved. The programme details are currently still being developed in consultation with the official bo ies.
‘Life without Packaging?’ conference Sustainability has been a subject that has been shaping the industry for years and that has recently become a hotly debated issue as a result of the discussion about plastic packaging in particular. The new ‘Life without Packaging?’ conference will be examining the contentious issue of packaging, sustainability and the environment from various aspects to enable both critics and advocates to have their say and explore what is essential and what is avoidable. The event will be focusing on sustainability and environmental impact, hygiene and the reduction of food waste. The top-class speakers include such representatives from the industry as Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller-Kirschbaum, Head of R&D and Sustainability at Henkel; Louis Lindenberg, Global Packaging Sustainability Director at Unilever; and Xavier Caro, Head of Packaging for the Food Category, Nestlé; as well as Alexander Baumgartner, CEO at Constantia Flexibles. Dr. Marina Beermann from the WWF as well as representatives from envi-
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ronmental organisations will further be joining the line-up of speakers. Prominent voices from science along with sustainability consultants will also be joining the bill: Prof. Dr. Martin Stuchtey, Founder of and Managing Partner at Systemiq, Frank Wellenreither from the ifeu Institute and Sophie Kesselbach from Thinkstep will be introducing their analyses and solutions. The one-day conference will be taking place at the CCD Süd from 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on 12 May, the penultimate day of the fair. Tickets cost € 299.00 and are available from the interpack online shop at www.interpack.com.
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Startup Week in Düsseldorf The Startup Week is going to be staged concurrently for the first time in the city with interpack – it is an event that will be bringing visionaries, fighters and high-flyers together with innovative companies, services and products of the future. A total of around 150 events, workshops and pitches will be taking place in Düsseldorf. More information is available at www.startupwoche-dus.de. Online services to help you with your trip to the trade fair Visitors will find useful tools to help them efficiently plan their visit to the trade fair at www.interpack. com. These tools include the exhibitor database that allows visitors to create their own personal hall plans and a completely revised matchmaking function for initiating meetings with exhibitors along with details about the latest developments being presented by the companies at the fair. An iPhone and Android app are also available for visitors. The apps provide, among other things, the daily updated exhibitor and event database, graphically optimised hall plans and exhibitor details, including contact details, product information, forms for arranging appointments as well as the option to save notes about the respective exhibitors. All individual edits will be available on all platforms – regardless of where they were created. interpack’s homepage also provides information about the ‘Life without Packaging?’ conference, hotel-booking options and tips for the city’s cultural programme to help you plan your stay in Düsseldorf. Articles from interpack’s ‘Tightly Packed’ magazine with news and trends from the industry are also available through the apps. You fill find a summary of the services to help you prepare your trip to the trade fair at www.interpack.com/tradefairplanner. Messe Düsseldorf GmbH P.O. Box 10 10 06 _ 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany Tel. +49 211 4560 01 _ Fax +49 211 4560 668
www.messe-duesseldorf.de INTERPACK FP 1-20.indd 5
29/01/20 13:43
he new fl xible packaging market demands innovative packaging with short delivery times, effici ncy, and at the same time, sustainable and unique. Comexi is known for its commitment to environmental management and for its leading technologies. As a global supplier with a wide experience in manufacturing equipment for the fl xible packaging conversion industry, Comexi offers different product lines specialized in different conversion process such as fl xo printing, offset printing and gravure printing, as well as, laminating, slitting, rewinding and logistic complements. As a leading supplier, Comexi knows exactly which are the fl xible packaging industry demands: fl xibility, faster delivery times and personalized packaging. Also, Comexi is fully aware of brand owners’ needs to differentiate in such a competitive environment and how they are constantly looking for something that makes them stand out. Comexi’s printing and converting technologies are capable of bringing more added value to their products. The laminating and coating market is becoming extremely complex involving a wide range of different solutions. Comexi lamination answers these demands and fulfills the highest expectations thanks to the new machine portfolio and the very close relationship with its customers. Comexi’s laminating line has been exponentially growing since its foundation, thanks to the excellence of its laminating solutions and, of course, based on the trust the customers have put in the group.
Versatile laminating solutions Today’s market demands a wide range of processes: solvent, water and solvent less applications, cold and heatseal, a vast number of varnishes for multiple applications, and more yet to come. Comexi answers all these needs thanks to the Comexi ML1 and Comexi ML2. With the unbeatable Comexi Futura, the most amazing and astonishing holographic effects are now available for the fl xible packaging market with great cost effectiveness. A part from that, the solvent less lamination growing ratio is exponential. For this reason, Comexi offers the top of the range laminating features to the solvent less sector with the renewed series Comexi SL3 and Comexi SL2.
Slitting facilitates differentiation Taking into account slitting technologies, Comexi provides the most sophisticated systems for slitting and rewinding like Comexi S1 and Comexi S2 lines which offer the possibility to work with a double turret or a double shaft. Double turret machines assure higher performance and minimize downtime. Also, Comexi’s slitting machines like Comexi S1 DT and Comexi S2 DT, are designed to meet the most stringent requirements of clients and final consumers. Actually, nowadays there is the need to carry out different applications more easily without increasing the number of processes. With this in mind, Comexi’s slitting solutions can bring significant value for several reasons. First reason is to help in differentiation. A clear example of that is Comexi Cingular Laser, an innovative solution that fits with current market needs. This integrated equipment will increase the usability, shelf life or it will boost the products appearance by a wide range of its
laser processes: micro perforation, macro perforation, scoring, easy opens, windows or resalable labels. Another focus is increasing productivity by automation. Inside the machine different operations can be automated, such as positioning the knives or the cores. Regarding reels exit, Comexi can automate the whole process until the final pallet. It includes a very wide range of possibilities that embraces the automation of unloading, transporting, labeling, weighting or wrapping. At the same time, it will reduce downtimes, human errors and injuries. Additional achievement is to improve the quality and traceability of the delivered jobs. Slitting is frequently the last process and that is the reason why it makes it strategic. So, it makes sense to inspect every single meter slit with video systems and to manage all the data obtained from all the modules connected in the slitting automated net. Also, all that taking into account that factories need to control better and faster their production process, the group has developed Comexi Cloud, the next step in industry 4.0. An innovative software, which provides real data to optimize resources and helps to analyse trends in production and reduce downtimes. www.comexi.com
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23/01/19 12:22
21/05/19 14:04
e’re sure that our pizza will always be true to us”, said Tiziano Zanuto in an interview to the business magazine “Mondo” in the 1990s. He is one of the founders and current CEO of Prodal Srl, a company that produces frozen pizza and snacks based in San Donà di Piave, in the province of Venice. The activity was founded in 1994 when the Zanuto family, already working in the fi ld of pizza making, started up a new business thanks to the courage of a twenty-year-old Tiziano who made good use of the governmental support given to young entrepreneurs. Time seems to have proved him right considering that today, after twenty-fi e years of activity, the adventure that began in a small laboratory has turned into a real business, going from about ten employees to a double shift work on two lines, with a production capacity of 100,000 pizzas per day against a few thousand in the fi st years. At the beginning of its activity, the Venetian company decided to focus on the Italian market only, mainly for two reasons: on the one hand, it was necessary to gain suffici nt experience to deal with the market; on the other hand, it was important to receive a positive feedback on the quality of the product. In the wake of the excellent results achieved in Italy, Prodal decided to enter the foreign market, which was very demanding in terms of product standardisation. Soon after, Prodal’s commercial success, its constant
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The famous frozen pizza brand, Prodal Srl, celebrates its 25th anniversary and chooses the know-how of Tecno Pack S.p.A. to re-think and automatize its packaging department
ORIGINELLE UND FORTSCHRITTLICHE VERPACKUNGEN ZUM SCHUTZ DER QUALITÄT IHRER PRODUKTE Die bekannte Tiefkühlpizzamarke Prodal Srl feiert ihr 25-jähriges Jubiläum und wählt das Know-how von Tecno Pack S.p.A., um ihre Verpackungsabteilung neu zu gestalten und zu automatisieren „Wir sind uns sicher, dass unsere Pizza uns nie im Stich lassen wird“, sagte Tiziano Zanuto in den 1990er Jahren in einem Interview mit dem Wirtschaftsmagazin „Mondo“. Er ist einer der Gründer und der derzeitige Geschäftsführer der Prodal Srl, einer Firma, die tiefgekühlte Pizzen und Snacks produziert, mit Sitz in San Donà di Piave in der Provinz Venedig. Die Firma wurde 1994 gegründet, als die bereits in der Pizzabranche tätige Familie Zanuto dank des Muts des zwanzigjährigen Tizianos, der die Unterstützung der Regierung für junge Unternehmer geschickt zu nutzen wusste, ein neues Unternehmen startete. Die Zeit scheint ihm recht gegeben zu haben, denn heute, nach 25 Jahren, ist das Abenteuer, das mit einem kleinen Arbeitsraum begann, zu einem echten Unternehmen herangewachsen. Aus etwa 10 Mitarbeitern wurden zwei Arbeitsschichten an zwei Linien mit einer Produktionsleistung von 100.000 Pizzen täglich, verglichen mit nur wenigen Tausenden in den ersten Jahren. In ihrer Anfangszeit entschied sich die venezianische Firma, sich nur auf den italienischen Markt zu konzentrieren. Dies hatte zwei Gründe: Zum einen war es nötig, ausreichend Erfahrung mit dem Markt zu sammeln, zum anderen war es wichtig, positives Feedback zur Produktqualität zu erhalten. Angesichts der in Italien erzielten ausgezeichneten Ergebnisse beschloss Prodal, den ausländischen Markt zu erschließen, was im Hinblick auf die Produktstandardisierung äußerst schwierig war. Bald ermutigten Prodals geschäftlicher Erfolg, das konstante Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Produktpalette die Firma jedoch dazu, sich mehr und mehr auf den Export zu konzentrieren. Mit dem Ziel, sich beständig zu verbessern und in Prozessinnovationen zu investieren, baute Prodal 2011 ein neues Werk von etwa 5.000 m2. Die Realisierung eines hochmodernen Automatisierungssystems bedeutete eine signifikante Senkung der Kosten sowie eine Verbesse-
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growth and the development of its range of food products led the company to focus more and more on the exports. Intending to constantly improve and invest in process innovations, in 2011 Prodal built a new plant of around 5,000 m². The implementation of a cutting-edge automation system has meant a significant reduction in costs as well as an improvement in quality and a drastic reduction in the number of non-compliant products, too. Here, it is worth mentioning an innovative
solution introduced in 2018: a brand new blast chilling and storing system, with latest-generation cool stores, able to triplicate the product storing capacity. These structural and operational improvements project the company towards the world of Industry 4.0. In 2014 Prodal started a collaboration with Tecno Pack S.p.A. to develop a high level of technological innovation in its packaging department. The fruitful union between the two companies has led to two great results: the innovative modifi d atmosphere fl w
pack packing and the heat shrink film packaging. Since the very fi st meeting with Andrea Motta, area manager of Tecno Pack, Prodal made it clear that they weren’t just looking for a simple supplier, but were looking forward to establishing a long-term and constructive partnership with a leading manufacturer able to provide guarantees and, above all, to be willing to grow together, with the common aim of creating an advanced technology to ensure the best dress for the queen of Italian food: pizza.
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This is how Tecno Pack has been providing Prodal with high-performance, fl xible and effici nt systems for the past 5 years. The forthcoming delivery of a third line is part of further success. “The great teamwork with Tecno Pack”, says Zanuto, “has led to great results that certainly make us proud, but at the same time remind us of the great responsibility we have for our product. Respecting traditional methods and approaches must be the guiding light for our production”. Prodal’s CEO continues: “One of the primary aspects of our mission is certainly the careful selection of the ingredients and the meticulous compliance with national and international standards regulating the food supply chains”. In fact, Prodal complies with European and international standards for both management and food safety in the production, packaging and storage, and is certifi d to ISO 22000, IFS Food and BRC Food. This aspect, together with the active participation in the main national and international trade fairs, allows Prodal to make its way in the global market, exporting its products in a lot of territories, from Tyrol to Germany, from Dublin to Amsterdam, from New York to Sydney, up to Dubai, Hong Kong and Johannesburg.. And if Tiziano Zanuto admits that he is quite happy with the work he has done so far, he nevertheless insists on not lowering his guard. “Otherwise”, he says with a smile, “I wouldn’t be true to my pizza”. The collaboration between two large companies, both market leaders in their respective sector, could only lead to new, great success.
rung der Qualität und auch eine drastische Reduzierung nicht konformer Produkte. Erwähnenswert ist in diesem Zusammenhang eine 2018 eingeführte innovative Lösung: ein nagelneues Schockkühlungs- und Lagerungssystem mit Kühlräumen der neuesten Generation, das die Kapazität für die Produktlagerung verdreifachen konnte. Diese baulichen und betrieblichen Verbesserungen katapultieren die Firma in die Welt der Industrie 4.0. 2014 startete Prodal die Zusammenarbeit mit der Tecno Pack S.p.A., um technische Innovationen auf höchster Ebene für ihre Verpackungsabteilung zu entwickeln. Die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit der beiden Firmen führte zu zwei großartigen Ergebnissen: der innovativen Flow-Pack-Verpackung unter Schutzatmosphäre und der Heißschrumpffolienverpackung. Seit dem allerersten Treffen mit Andrea Motta, dem Area Manager von Tecno Pack, machte es Prodal klar, dass die Firma nicht nur einfach einen Zulieferer suchte, sondern dass sie eine langfristige und konstruktive Partnerschaft mit einem führenden Hersteller aufbauen wollte, der Garantien geben konnte und insbesondere gewillt war, zusammen zu wachsen und ein gemeinsames Ziel zu verfolgen, nämlich eine fortschrittliche Technologie zu erschaffen, um das beste Kleid für die Königin der italienischen Küche – die Pizza – sicherzustellen. So kam es dazu, dass Tecno Pack nunmehr seit 5 Jahren Prodal mit fl xiblen und effizien en Hochleistungssystemen versorgt. Die bevorstehende Lieferung einer dritten Linie ist Teil des weiteren Erfolgs. „Die gute Zusammenarbeit mit Tecno Pack“, sagt Zanuto, „hat zu ausgezeichneten Ergebnissen geführt, die uns stolz machen, uns aber gleichzeitig an die große Verantwortung erinnern, die wir für unser Produkt haben. Die Beachtung der traditionellen Methoden und Vorgehensweisen muss richtungweisend für unsere Produktion sein.“ Prodals Geschäftsführer fährt fort: „Einer der primären Aspekte unserer Mission ist zweifellos die sorgfältige Auswahl der Zutaten und die strikte Einhaltung der nationalen und internationalen Standards, die die Lebensmittellieferketten regulieren.“ Prodal hält die europäischen und internationalen Standards für Management und Lebensmittelsicherheit in der Produktion, Verpackung und Lagerung ein und ist gemäß ISO 22000, IFS Food und BRC Food zertifizie t. Dieser Aspekt und die aktive Teilnahme an den wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen Messen macht es der Firma Prodal möglich, sich auf dem globalen Markt zu behaupten und ihre Produkte an zahlreiche Orte zu exportieren, von Tirol bis Deutschland, von Dublin bis Amsterdam, von New York bis Sydney und weiter bis Dubai, Hongkong und Johannesburg. Und auch wenn Tiziano Zanuto zugibt, dass er mit seiner bisherigen Arbeit sehr zufrieden ist, besteht er dennoch darauf, in seiner Aufmerksamkeit nicht nachzulassen. „Ansonsten“, sagt er, „würde ich meine Pizza im Stich lassen.“ Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen zwei großen Firmen, beide Markführer in ihrer jeweiligen Branche, kann nur zu einem neuen, großartigen Erfolg führen. www.tecnopackspa.it
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22/01/20 10:43
The Premier Processing & Packaging Event for Asia Returns 17-20 June 2020 Bangkok, Thailand
roPak Asia 2020, the Processing & Packaging trade event for Food, Drink, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, and Consumer Products brought together exhibiting companies and buyers for a record breaking 2019 edition. ProPak Asia is the center stage for market trends, industry & investment networking, and environmental discussion. Nine industry focused zones assemble brands and partici-
pants to network with buyers from across the world at ProPak Asia to discover solutions, new technologies and invest in the world’s most vibrant industries. This event will be the biggest processing & packaging trade exhibition in Asia, utilizing 65,000 sqm within nine halls of BITEC; expecting more than 55,000 buyers from 90 countries, and more than 2,300 exhibiting companies from 50 countries ProPak Asia 2020 includes 9 Indus-
try Zones making it easier for buyers and sellers to meet and develop great business together. ProcessingTechAsia - The 28th International Processing Technology Exhibition PackagingTechAsia - The 28th International Packaging Technology Exhibition DrinkTechAsia - The 19th International Beverage & Brewing Processing & Packaging Technology Exhibition
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02/01/20 14:06
PharmaTechAsia - The 27th International Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics Processing & Packaging Technology Exhibition Lab&TestAsia - The 14th International Laboratory Equipment, Instrument, Test & Measurement and Quality Control Exhibition MaterialsAsia - The 8th International Packaging Materials Exhibitions Coding,Marking&LabellingAsia The 9th International Coding, Marking & Labelling Technology Exhibition Coldchain,Logistics& WarehousingAsia - The 4th International Coldchain, Logisitics & Warehousing Technology Exhibition Printech Asia - The 4th International Converting, Package Printing and Labelling Exhibition With ProPak Asia’s strong relationship and support from stakeholders, associations, institutes, and industry leading experts amass industry specifi thought-leading conferences, industry trend seminars and technical workshops. Empowering start-ups, arming smallmedium enterprises, and boosting
multinational corporations is the proven history of ProPak Asia. ProPak Asia truly is the “Must-Attend” industry event in Asia for Asia, as quality and variety of products increase and expand, and productivity of operations and manufacturing standards are driven higher by consumer demands and new automation and technological advances,
which will be presented at the show. ProPak Asia 2020 will be held from 17 to 20 June 2020 at Halls 98-106 of BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand. Opening hours are 10am to 6pm every day. For more information, please visit www.propakasia.com Please also like our Facebook Page www.facebook.com/ProPakAsia
29/01/20 11:23
14/01/20 16:50
itma Machinery, an Italian company specialized in the design and marketing of machines and complete lines for the Packaging, e-Logistics, Post Press and DM / Transpromo sectors, will take part in the LogiMAT fair in Stuttgart from March 10-12 and the SITL show in Paris from March 17-20. The company plays an increasingly consolidated role in the logistics sector, able to fully meet the needs of companies of different types and sizes, while at the same time excelling as a leader in complex projects. LogiMAT and SITL: first stages of a 2020 dedicated to logistics After an extremely dynamic 2019 full of events and achievements, Sitma Machinery, a company from Spilamberto (MO), is preparing to open an
equally intense 2020 with participation in the LogiMAT fairs (March 1012 in Stuttgart) and SITL (March 1720 in Paris). These events offer a highly regarded stage for presenting a portfolio of solutions dedicated to logistics, from sorting systems to packaging machines, from development of software applications to intelligent management of shipping processes. However, Sitma’s presence at the main trade fair events is not just marked by the presence of it machines, but also by the exclusive know-how the company possesses thanks to 50 years of investment in product and process innovation. Today more than ever, this know-how allows Sitma to carve out a central role within the supply chain, offering
itself as a supplier and global partner for the e-commerce and e-fulfil ment sectors. Not just hardware: the Crono Log offer In recent years, Sitma has invested heavily in expanding its offerings to customers, studying solutions tailored to the specific needs of the market and paying particular attention to e-logistics. This has led to the development of highly advanced hardware solutions and, at the same time, to increasingly effici nt applications capable of operating according to predictive logic (predictive maintenance), optimizing the fl w and operation of the line. Embodying this concept is Crono Log, an innovative start-up accelerated by Sitma, and which provides the market with an integrated
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solution for automatically dropping off parcels, tracing and collecting data during the shipping phases, and smart delivery and return management.
(such as invoices, return notes or other documents), integrating perfectly with the packaging without the need of glue, thus guaranteeing significant ma erial savings.
The result is an extremely effici nt solution for managing shipments from the fi st to the last mile — one that is capable of optimizing the performance of the line and improving effici ncy along the entire supply chain, from initial packaging to delivery to the end user.
Synergy as a basis for innovation Sitma’s attention to sustainability does not stop at the machines, but rather it extends to the entire supply chain, as evidenced for example by the close relationship that the company has established with suppliers of raw materials.
e-Wrap 2.0: the “green” packaging machine for e-commerce Both events will be characterized by the presence of e-Wrap 2.0, the next generation of one of Sitma’s most popular machines, presented last September in Birmingham at the IMHX fair.
Together with companies such as UPM The Biofore Company, a leader in paper production, the company is working to identify new solutions for packaging, taking a simultaneous
Designed specifically for the ecommerce sector, the machine is prefig red as a solution that is both high-performing and environmentally friendly, able to pack packages and envelopes of varying sizes with different types of wrapping materials, including bio film and pap r. The e-Wrap 2.0 can also be equipped with a special feeding system that offers the possibility of picking up, printing and applying paper inserts
approach to developing materials and ensuring their usability with the machines. For this and other projects, the goal is to develop applications with high technological characteristics and high added value, which at the same time are based on respect for the environment and can reach the market in a short period of time. Sitma’s e-commerce packaging solutions and Crono Log’s offerings for smart management of shipments will be available for viewing at the Sitma Machinery stand in Logimat, Hall 5 Booth D21, and at SITL, Hall 6 Booth L99.
Sitma: facts and figures Sitma Machinery, founded in 1965 and headquartered in Spilamberto (Modena) in Northern Italy, specializes in the design and manufacture of machines, systems and complete lines for the Packaging, Post-Press, DM/ Transpromo and e-Logistics sectors, with more than 9,000 machines installed worldwide. The company has branches in France, the United States and Japan that, together with a widespread sales network, allow it to operate in more than 70 countries worldwide, with an export percentage that exceeds 80%. Sitma works constantly with its suppliers and with various university departments to develop new technologies and engineering systems that are modular and fl xible, allowing high levels of customization.
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he high quality, user-friendliness and eye-catching decoration of the sleek EasySnacking™ pot from RPC Superfos are key factors in its selection for a new range of ice-creams from Russian manufacturer Taice. Thanks to In-Mould Labelling, it is possible to show the texture of the ice cream in razor-sharp photo quality on the packaging. This is complemented by the striking purple colour of the lid that catches the consumer’s attention. Overall this smart look of the EasySnackingTM pot makes the product stand out on shelf. In addition to these powerful colours and smooth design lines, the inte-
gral spoon of the handy EasySnackingTM pot is a key feature for Taice. The spoon is neatly separated from the ice cream, and easy to grasp under a tear-off label in the lid. Taice made the vital packaging decision in collaboration with Denis Komarov, the company representative at UnipakCentr. “The Taice ice cream is of excellent quality so it was important to find a packaging solution on a matching quality level,” he explains. “In the EasySnackingTM pot, we found what we were looking for. We value the entire packaging solution, but the spoon deserves a special mention. It is sturdy, convenient and
perfectly in tune with consumer demand for an easy sweet treat.” Taice is a new player in the Russian ice-cream market. The delicious varieties – including blackcurrant, raspberry, cherry, chocolate, strawberry and sweet condensed milk – are sold to end-users through food markets, cinemas, pizzerias and gas stations. “People who have enjoyed the Taice ice-cream from the EasySnackingTM pot tell us that they like it very much,” concludes Denis Komarov. “We do get a lot of positive feedback, both in respect of the quality and taste of the ice cream, and in respect of the packaging solution.”
102 RPC - FP 2-19_OK.indd 3
12/03/19 17:35
LA INDUSTRIA DE PACKAGING Y SU CADENA DE VALOR • Materias Primas • Insumos • Fabricantes de Envases y Embalajes
• Industria de Reciclaje • Logística y Transporte
• Maquinaria • Equipamiento • Tecnología y Robótica
• Impresión Digital • Troquel y Tecnología Láser • Pre Prensa
Síguenos: #LatinPackCHILE - @ExpoLatinPack
www.latinpack.cl ****FILE PER FARE COROCNI.indd 3
29/01/20 15:58
n the back of its extensive experience in the labelling and coding sector, ALTECH offers industrial labelling machines for all sectors featuring rapid and effici nt application at highly competitive costs. To meet the coding and labelling requirements of the food sector, ALTECH has produced a line of labelling machines purposely designed for flat products (food trays mainly) used to preserve an extensive variety of foodstuff. This line is called ALbelt, successfully traded in Italy and abroad by the company. It is a compact and completely automatic linear system equipped with one or more labelling heads of the series ALstep or ALritma, depending on the best config ration required by the application. The most classic config rations can be found in the systems for top labelling, top and bottom labelling, angle and U- labelling, typical of the seals of the trays commonly used to preserve fresh products such as pasta, meat, salad,
and more. For bottom labelling, the system is provided with a two-section conveyor with a label dispenser blade installed between the two sections, or a high-adhesion side belts system to lay the lower part of the product for labelling. Highly fl xible and with expandable and totally customisable components, ALbelt can also be config red as to meet any labelling requirement. As well as applying one or more labels on various parts of the product, ALbelt can be used for more complex applications, such as applying overlapping labels (to propose a discount or special offer) or making a non-stop system for continuous labelling. This picture shows a config ration made up of three ALritma labelling heads for the application of two labels on the upper side and one on the lower side of vegetables trays. Due to the uneven surface of the products, the two upper ALritma heads are equipped
with an air-jet applicator for no contact application to moving trays. The lower and the fi st upper heads are also fit ed with a printer module for printing variable data. Rounding off the system is a downstream adapter by rotary brushes, which ensures optimum adhesion of the label to the product surface. The ALstep/ALritma labelling heads can also be equipped with thermal transfer printers to apply variable data, such as best before dates, barcodes, and other useful information. ALTECH Srl is a leading Italian company specializing in the production of labelling machines and material coding and identificati n systems. Based in Bareggio, near Milan, it counts subsidiaries in the UK, the USA and South America, as well as over 80 distributors who offer sales and support in fi e continents. For further information: www.altech.it - info@altech.it
104 ALTECH - FP 2-19_OK.indd 3
12/03/19 11:03
Supported by:
23/09/19 16:02
2020 ASIA PACKAGING & PRINTING INDUSTRY EXPO (APPI) Date: March 19th-21st, 2020 Website: www.packprintingfair.com Venue: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Address: Fuhua 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China
eet the Burgeoning Chinese Packaging Industry China Packaging Industry Development Plan (2016-2020) states that by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the annual income of the packaging industry should reach 2.5 trillion yuan, and the total export volume of packaging products should increase by more than 20% compared with the 12th Five-year Plan period, accounting for at least 20% global market share.
in China, APPI 2020 will be the fi st trade show of its kind in this young and energetic market! Covering a show fl or of 15,000 sq.m, it is going to put hundreds of quality exhibitors face to face with global buyers! Leveraging the fact that Shenzhen is one of the biggest packages producing cities in China, APPI will take packages makers as the lead role of the show to build a whole industry chain display platform.
Exhibition Scope ∙Various Types of Packages ∙Packaging Materials ∙Packaging Supplies ∙Packaging Equipment ∙Spacial Packages for Luxuries, Functional Packages, and Anti-counterfeit Labels ∙Soft Packages & Films ∙Printing Technology & Equipment
Preview of APPI 2020 Hosted in Shenzhen City, an international economic and trade center
What’s more, visitors of APPI will enjoy free access to the co-located event 2020 Asia Rubber & Plastics
If you are interested in visiting or exhibiting, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Expo (ARP Expo), which will provide you with more packaging ideas and innovations!
106 asia pakaging & printing FP 1-20.indd 3
28/01/20 14:27
24/01/20 15:11
ou are looking for latest developments in beverage technology, beverage production and the beverage industry specialized and tailored for the Russian market? At Beviale Moscow, this is exactly what you will fin . Here are some specific reasons why to visit Beviale Moscow: The whole process chain From raw materials to marketing the final product and any technology or logistic aspect in between - no matter what part you are interested in, you will certainly fin it at Beviale Moscow. Beviale Moscow is the fi st and only exhibition in Russia covering the complete process chain for the whole beverage industry. It is therefore certainly a highlight event for anyone involved in the Russian industry. Global Solutions. Local Success. Beviale Moscow is the combination of two major success factors: Longterm market growth in Russia and the obvious demand for international quality products on the one hand and on the other hand the great expertise of NĂźrnbergMesse when it comes to serving the beverage industry. At Beviale Moscow, you can benefit from the best mixture of it: A high quality exhibition perfectly adapted to the local conditions. Great networking. Great knowledge. Beviale Moscow is more than a simple exhibition. A whole bundle of
108 BEVIALE MOSCOW FP 1-20.indd 4
23/01/20 15:00
accompanying events and special areas give an integral picture of the status of Russia’s beverage market. Prestigious seminars such as the “VLB Seminar for Microbrewers”, a
vital network of supporting industry associations and special areas focusing on most demanded topics such as the “Pavilion for Wine Production & Manufacturing” or the established “CRAFT DRINKS
CORNER” mix up to perfect overall network opportunities and deep contacts into the Russian beverage industry. english.beviale-moscow.com
23/01/20 15:00
12/09/19 09:48
20/01/20 16:13
he “Foodex Saudi 2019” exhibition specialized in the food sector concluded its activities that lasted for four days at the Jeddah Center for Forums and Events with the participation of 600 brands representing 50 countries. They were competing to reserve a place for them in the Saudi market, which is the largest in the Middle East. The exhibition was officially inaugurated by His Royal Highness Prince Fahd bin Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who confi med that the Saudi food product enjoys great support and meets the highest international quality standards. HRH also expressed his admiration for the wide international participation, stressing that it embodies the great position that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia occupies on the economic level and demonstrates its leadership role in the Middle East region as the largest and most attractive market for all investors. Local companies and factories occupied a significant position in the exhibition booths, along with the most prominent countries in the world that participated in the best innovations in fresh, chilled and frozen food, dairy products, food services, cans, meat, poultry, snacks and candy. Mr. Mohammed Talaat, the Director of the Foodex Saudi Exhibition, considered the existing competition within the exhibition’s pavilions between the local and international product a strong evidence of the de-
112 FOODEX SAUDI FP 1-20.indd 4
21/01/20 10:28
velopment witnessed by the Saudi food industry since the launch of the exhibition 7 years ago. He pointed out at the same time to the participation of a number of countries for the fi st time this year with official pavilions and with the support of the governments of their
countries, led by Singapore, India, China and Uzbekistan. He said, ‘The event represents a distinguished trading platform for exhibitors from different countries of the world. Moreover, it witnesses exciting competition for international companies to seize their opportunity in the larg-
est food market in the Gulf region and the Middle East, in light of the economic capabilities enjoyed by the Kingdom, along with the breadth and great fl xibility of its market.’ The exhibition included many important features, including the International Chefs Competition in collaboration with World Association of Chefs’ Societies and the Saudi Arabian Chefs Association. Further, professional chefs representing the most famous and largest hotels and restaurants in the Kingdom competed in a thrilling atmosphere and Chef Thomas Gugler presided the competition. The exhibition honored the creators through the award of Saudi Foodex for Excellence in the Food Industry. Ms. Roa Alhazmi, Member of the Organizing Committee of the Exhibition and Public Relations Director of Reed Sunaidi Exhibitions, said that the exhibition presents the latest food products after it turned into a global display platform that attracts the largest and most important and most infl ential companies. She further stated that the Kingdom’s market has great fl xibility and attractiveness as it includes diverse segments of consumers. She pointed out that the exhibition has contributed, since its inception 7 years ago, to raising the ceiling of ambitions within the retail market, providing many successful investment opportunities, as it contributes to exchanging business and experiences with exhibitors while discovering the latest products and technologies in the food industry.
FOODEX SAUDI FP 1-20.indd 5
21/01/20 10:28
ASIA RUBBER & PLASTICS EXPO 2020 Date: March 19th-21st, 2020 Website: www.asiaplasexpo.com Venue: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Address: Fuhua 3rd Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, China
sia Rubber & Plastics Expo 2020 is expected to cover 30000+ square meters with more than 800 booths and 50000 visits. Focusing on rubber & plastic products, the show aims at building an
international and professional platform for global trade and branding, especially for introducing China’s premium rubber and plastics brands to the world, as well as overseas brands to China. Supported by 100+ global professional media and trade associations,
the show has attracted dozens of exhibitors by the September of 2019. What’s more, our diverse and pertinent live activities and events are also available to all attendees! Exhibition Scope ▪ Plastic Products ▪ Raw materials, auxiliaries ▪ Machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industries ▪ Semi-finish d products, technical parts and reinforced plastics ▪. Mould Extrusion dies, injection molds, blow molds, hot runner systems, etc. ▪ Chemical Dyestuffs and Auxiliaries ▪ Package and Printing If you are interested in visiting or exhibiting, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!
114 asia rubber & plastics FP 1-20.indd 3
28/01/20 14:31
24/01/20 15:11
A.O.P. CSC LAZIO SOC. COOP. AGR. CONSORTILE 8-72-73 Via Pantanello, 2 N. 11-13-15 04022 Fondi - LT - Italy
FRATELLI MOROTTI TRADE & SERVICE SRL 54-55 Via Colombara del Bosco, 74 25031 Capriolo - BS - Italy
ALTECH SRL 104 V.le A. De Gasperi, 72 20010 Bareggio - MI - Italy
FRUTMAC SRL THE PACKAGING SOLUTION 78/81 Via Vilpiano, 46 39010 Nalles - BZ - Italy
ARMA PRODUCTORA CHILE SPA 59 Nueva Providencia 1363, Of 505, Providencia, Santiago De Chile - Chile CAMA GROUP MEMBER OF PACKPACT 11-14-15-16/19 Via Como, 9 23846 Garbagnate Monastero - LC Italy CESENA FIERA SPA 47 Via Dismano, 3845 47522 Pievesestina di Cesena - FC Italy CLEVERTECH SRL MEMBER OF PACKPACT 16/19 Via Brodolini, 18/A 42023 Cadelbosco Sopra - RE - Italy CONSORZIO BESTACK 83 Via Miller, 32 47121 Forlì - Italy DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE - DWTC 120 P.o. Box 9292 Dubai - UAE EURO PUMPS PTY LTD 103 3/10 A Quindus St, Beenleigh, Qld, 4207 Australia F.LLI CUOMO SNC 52-53 Via F.lli Buscetto, 76 Industrial Area 84014 Nocera Inferiore - SA Italy
FRUTTHERA GROWERS SOC. COOP. AGR. IV COV 48/51 Via Provinciale, 15 75020 Scanzano Jonico MT - Italy GENERAL SYSTEM PACK SRL - GSP 84/86 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - VI - Italy GREMON SYSTEMS ZRT. 42-43 6721 Szeged, Dugonics Utca 42 - Hungary GUANGDONG GRANDEUR INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GROUP 106-107-110-114-115 No.2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai - China HANS KUFFER FRUCHTHANDEL GMBH 27 Schäftlarnstraße 10 81371 München - Germany HORTECH SRL 35 Viale dell’Artigianato, 20 35021 Agna - PD - Italy I3D PACKAGING IDEAS 6-44/46 Travessera Dalt 104, Entlo 5° 08024 Barcelona - Spain ILPRA SPA MEMBER OF PACKPACT 16/19 Via E. Mattei, 21/23 27036 Mortara - PV - Italy
IMA SPA IMA ACTIVE DIVISION 7-28/30 Via 1 Maggio, 14 40064 Ozzano Dell’emilia - BO Italy INTERPORTO TOSCANO AMERIGO VESPUCCI SPA 67 Strada Prima, 5 Loc. Guasticce 57017 Collesalvetti - LI Italy JURAN METAL WORKS LTD 1-56/58 23 Shmotkin Street 7536326 Rishon Lezion Israel MAKRO LABELLING SRL MEMBER OF PACKPACT 16/19 Via S. Giovanna d’Arco, 9 46044 Goito - MN Italy MARKGROWN ENTERPRISE LTD 10 Aviation Centre, 002000 36932 North Airport Road, Embakasi 36932-001 Keny Kenya MESSE DUSSELDORF GMBH 87/89 Messeplatz 40474 Dusseldorf Germany MESSE STUTTGART ARES FUARCILIK LTD. ŞTI. 105 Tekstilkent A-11 Blok No:51 34235 Esenler - Istanbul Turkey NAVATTA GROUP FOOD PROCESSING SRL I Cov-64-65 Via Sandro Pertini, 7 43013 Pilastro di Langhirano - PR Italy
www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com _INDICE FP 1-20_corr.indd 1
29/01/20 15:50
NEXT TO BUSINESS SRLS 60-61 C.da Palmento Marchese 97014 Ispica - RG Italy NRGENE 2-36/38 5 Golda Meir St. Ness-Ziona 7403649 Israel NUERNBERG MESSE GMBH 108-109 Messezentrum D-90471 Nurnberg Germany OMIP SRL 3 Via Ponte, 21 84086 Roccapiemonte SA - Italy OMS OFFICINA MECCANICA SESTESE SPA 74-75 Via Borgomanero, 44 28040 Panizzaro - NO Italy P&G EXHIBITIONS MARKETING MEDIA 39/41 Via A. Costa, 2 20131 Milano Italy PACKPACT 16/19 By Honegger Project Manager Via F. Carlini, 1 20146 Milano - Italy PIGO SRL III Cov Via dell’Edilizia, 142 36100 Vicenza - Italy PND SRL II Cov-32/34 Via Brancaccio, 11 84018 Scafati - SA Italy
REED SUNAIDI EXHIBITIONS 111/113 Al Fadl Building, Al Hamra District (Opposite Side Of Al Weleda Maternity And Children’s Hospital) P.o. Box: 6762, 21411 Jeddah K.s.a Saudi Arabia RONCHI MARIO SPA MEMBER OF PACKPACT 16/19 Via Italia, 43 20060 Gessate - MI Italy SAPPI EUROPE 66-67 Mühlenmasch 1 31061 Alfeld Germany SITMA MACHINERY SPA 100-101 Via Vignolese, 1910 41057 Spilamberto - MB Italy SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA MELAVÌ SOCIETÀ COOPERATIVA 5-68/71 Via Nazionale, 20 23026 Ponte In Valtellina - SO Italy
TROPICAL FOOD MACHINERY SRL 20/23 Via Stradivari, 17 43011 Busseto - PR Italy UBM PLC 96/99 240 Blackfriars Road London United Kingdom UNIVERSAL-PACK SRL MEMBER OF PACKPACT 16/19 Via Vivare, 425 47842 San Giovanni in Marignano - RN Italy USPA FRUIT 4-24/26 Office 305, V ozdvyzhenska Str, 45, 04071 Kyiv, Ukraine VILLARI SRL 59 S.P. Allume, 4 98027 Roccalumera - Me Italy
STEPAC L.A. LTD. 9-76-77 Tefen Industrial Park, Building 12, P.o.box 73, Tefen 2495900 Israel TECNO PACK SPA 91/95 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - VI Italy TOSA GROUP MEMBER OF PACKPACT 16/19 C.so IV Novembre, 109/111 12058 S. Stefano Belbo - CN Italy
www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com _INDICE FP 1-20_corr.indd 2
29/01/20 15:50
18-22/01/2020 RIMINI Fair for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.
02-05/02/2020 COLOGNE Fair for the sweets and snacks industry.
05-07/02/2020 BERLIN Fair for fruit and vegetables.
16-20/02/2020 DUBAI Fair for food and hospitality.
12-14/03/2020 ARAD Fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.
24-26/03/2020 SAIGON Fair for packaging, bakery, pastry.
05-08/04/2020 ALGERS Fair for companies operating in the agro-food sector.
07/05/2020 ROME Exhibition on Energy efficiency.
25-27/03/2020 DUBAI Fair for the beverage industry.
15-18/06/2020 TEHRAN Fair for food, beverage&packaging technology.
08/04/2020 MILAN Exhibition on technology for the food&beverage industry. 05-07/05/2020 RIMINI Fair of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.
06-08/04/2020 DUBAI GulfHost is the new home of hospitality for the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
17-20/06/2020 BANGKOK Fair for packaging, bakery, pastry.
03-05/11/2020 DUBAI Fair for processing and packaging technology and food&beverage plants.
HOSPITALITY QATAR 10-12/11/2020 DOHA Fair of Hospitality and HORECA
07-13/05/2020 DÃœSSELDORF Technology fair for packaging, packing, bakery, pastry.
11-14/05/2020 PARMA International food exhibition.
www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com FIERTUTTE_ING_2020.indd 5
29/01/20 11:01
26-28/05/2020 PARMA Fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector.
19-16/06/2020 SÃO PAULO Exhibition for product from packaging.
mcT COGENERAZIONE 25/06/2020 MILAN Exhibition for applications of cogeneration.
12-14/08/2020 SANTIAGO CHILE International packaging trade fair.
17-20/10/2020 STUTTGART Fair for bakery and confectionery industry.
29/09-01/10/2020 NUREMBERG The trade fair for powder processing.
10-12/11/2020 NUREMBERG Fair of raw materials, technologies, logistics for production of beer and soft drinks.
23-26/11/2020 PARIS Exhibition about packaging technology.
16-20/01/2021 RIMINI Fair for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.
ANUGA FOODTEC 23-26/03/2021 COLOGNE Fair on food and beverage technology.
28-30/09/2021 NUREMBERG International packaging trade fair.
18-22/10/2020 PARIS Fair on food products.
24-28/10/2021 MONACO Fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.
21-22/10/2020 VERONA Exhibition on solutions and applications for automation, instrumentation, sensors.
16-19/11/2021 MILANO International exhibition for vine-growing, wine-producing and bottling industry.
28-31/01/2020 MOSCA International packaging machinery exhibition.
MODERN BAKERY 17-20/03/2020 MOSCOW Fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients.
24-26/03/2020 MOSCOW International trade fair for the beverage industry.
06-09/05/2020 SHANGHAI Fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.
INPRODMASH 08-10/09/2020 KIEV International packaging machinery exhibition.
AGROPRODMASH 05-09/10/2020 MOSCOW Fair of machinery and equipment for agroindustrial industry.
www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com www.itfoodonline.com FIERTUTTE_ING_2020.indd 6
29/01/20 11:01
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23/01/20 12:38
29/01/20 15:08
FRUTTHERA GROWERS Soc. Coop. Agr. Via Provinciale, 15 75020 Scanzano Jonico, MT - Italy t. +39 0835 954666 f. +39 0835 953255 info@frutthera.it
29/01/20 17:27