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beverage & packaging BEVERAGE - BO
COP FP 5-15.indd 1
EDITRICE ZEUS - Vial Ballerini 66, 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 - Tariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Milano TAXE PERCUE (tassa riscossa) Uff. Milano CMP/2 Roserio - ISSN 1827-4102
IP67 small gearmotors for the food industry.
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n° 5-2015
16/10/15 11:45
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( Technology + Innovation )
VARVEL SpA Via 2 Agosto 1980, 9 ■ Loc. Crespellano ■ 40053 Valsamoggia (BO) ■ Italy Tel. +39 051 6721811 ■ Fax +39 051 6721825 ■
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We work with taste. To produce quality.
For 40 years, we have been designing and manufacturing fruits juices tanks, with stirrers to mix sugar syrups, marmalades, dairy products, concentrates and alcoholic beverages. Fracchiolla. Solutions for real experts. Among our best clients
Industrie Fracchiolla S.p.a. S.P. 133 per Valenzano km 1,200 70010 Adelfia (Ba) - Italy T. + 39 080 4596944 F. +39 080 4596810
AB and Granarolo, Italian leaders work in synergy in the name of energy efficiency.
Linpac and Sacchital launch Linkraft.
CEPI SPA 53-54
T E C H N O L O G Y DIRECT MANUFACTURERS 1985-2015 went places, we’re going places. OF BULK-HANDLING SYSTEMS
N. 2-2015
EditricE ZEus - Vial Ballerini 66, 20831 - sErEGNO (MB) tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 -
Flexibility in bulk aseptic packaging.
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Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry year XXVII - issue n.5 - November 2015 managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni editorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni
editorial production Sonia Bennati
A catalogue “extended” to thousands of applications.
account dep. manager Elena Costanzo
project and layout design ZEUS Agency creative dep. ZEUS Agency
Modern Bakery Moscow 2016.
translations Leomilla Translation Muller Worldwide Links Srl printing Faenza Industrie Grafiche Italian Magazine Food Processing Europe: single issue: Euro 25 Annual (six issues): Euro 120 Outside Europe: single issue: US$ 30 Annual (six issues): US$ 170 Subscription payment can be made in the name of Editrice Zeus sas, by bank money transfer or cheque. Italian Magazine Food Processing
We’ll exhibit at... PAD 15 - Stand T8 Hall BOCF Stand A012 Rimini (italia)
An outline of the suppliers of machines, plants, products and equipment for the food industry. Published: Bi-monthly Registration: Court of Milan no. 676 of 20-09-1989 Shipment by air mail art.2 comma 20/b law 662/96 - Milan Panorama dei fornitori di macchine, impianti, prodotti e attrezzature per l’industria alimentare Periodicità: bimestrale. Autorizzazione del tribunale di Milano, n°676 del 20-09-1989 Spedizione in a. p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 Filiale di Milano The reproduction of the articles and/or pictures published by this magazine is reserved (the manuscripts and/or photos sent to the Publisher will not be returned). The Editor declines all responsibilities for any mistake of photocomposition contained in the published papers of any magazine by EDITRICE ZEUS.
SOMMARIO FP 5-15.indd 3
27/10/15 10:49
Handwerk trifft Hightech- Vertrieb trifft Kreativität Handel trifft Hersteller - Craft Beer trifft Streetfood
om 10. bis 12. November kommt wieder das Who’s who der internationalen Getränkefachwelt zur BrauBeviale nach Nürnberg, der in diesem Jahr bedeutendsten Investitionsgütermesse der Branche. Rund 1.150 Aussteller von Rohstoffen, Technologie, Logistik und Marketing stellen den Besuchern (2014: 37.200) ihre Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen zur Schau. Die BrauBeviale ist Pflichttermin und zugleich Trendbarometer 4
der Branche. Sie präsentiert kreative Ideen und Lösungsansätze für jeden, der in der Getränkewirtschaft tätig ist. Das Fachangebot der BrauBeviale umfasst die gesamte Prozesskette der Getränkewirtschaft. „Das lockt Experten aus sämtlichen Bereichen der Branche nach Nürnberg“, weiß Andrea Kalrait, Projektleiterin der BrauBeviale. „Brauer und Mälzer, aber auch Hersteller anderer al-
koholischer und alkoholfreier Getränke, sowie Fachleute aus dem Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, der Verpackungsindustrie, Handel und Gastronomie - sie alle finden in den acht Messehallen, was sie für ihr Tagesgeschäft benötigen.“ Handwerk trifft HightechQualität und Effizienz liegen jedem Getränkehersteller besonders am Herzen. Bei der BrauBeviale wird er fündig: Von den geeigneten Rohstoffen über die
Ottimi contatti. Ottimi affari.
L’artigianato incontra l’hightech. Il salone che unisce. Le soluzioni incontrano la domanda, in un dialogo tra pari: la BrauBeviale è proprio questo! Qui nascono idee discutendo insieme, qui si incontra il settore! Non perdetevi i circa 1.100 espositori con tecnologie avanguardistiche e progetti creativi per la produzione, il confezionamento e la commercializzazione di bevande. Benvenuti a casa!
BrauBeviale2015 Norimberga, Germania | 10 – 12 novembre Informazioni: NürnbergMesse Italia S.r.l. | Tel + 39.02.28 51 01 06 |
Technologie bis hin zur Logistik und Marketing diskutieren Aussteller mit ihren Kunden über deren individuelle Anforderungen. Ob Maschinen und Anlagen für die Getränkeherstellung, für das Abfüllen und Verpacken von Getränken oder die Logistik innerhalb des Betriebs und darüber hinaus – für jedes spezifische Bedürfnis werden gemeinsam passgenaue Lösungen erarbeitet. Ambitionierte Brauer nehmen am European MicroBrew Symposium am Vortag der Messe teil. Die gefragte Weiterbildungsveranstaltung wird gemeinsam von der NürnbergMesse sowie der Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei (VLB), Berlin, veranstaltet. Fragen rund um die Wertschöpfungskette PET beantwortet PET@ BrauBeviale mit der PET PASSION WEEK, präsentiert von BrauBeviale und PETnology. Eröffnet wird das Event von einem internationalen, zweitägigen Kongress am 9. und 10. November. Für Mittelstand und Global Player gleichermaßen interessant: In der PETarena präsentieren Firmen unter dem Motto „connecting comPETence“ ihr Angebots- und Leistungsspektrum für attraktive Lösungen zur gesamten PET-Wertschöpfungskette. Zum Thema PET Recycling informiert die Gütegemeinschaft Wertstoffkette PETGetränkeverpackungen. Vertrieb trifft KreativitätAuch für Marketingexperten und Vertriebsspezialisten lohnt sich der Besuch: Auf sie warten im Fachangebot spritzige Ideen rund um Vermarktung, Werbung und Dienstleistungen in der Getränkebranche. Außerdem kann jeder Besucher im Forum BrauBeviale seinen Wissensdurst stillen, Fragen stellen, Antworten erhalten oder sich einfach nur kurz im Messerummel niederlassen. Zahlreiche renommierte Branchenpartner haben ein abwechslungsreiches Programm auf die Beine gestellt. Zum Thema Marketing erhalten die Zuhö6
rer beispielsweise kreative Impulse zu „Neues Markenerleben – Getränkemarken, die Verbraucher wirklich berühren“, „Markenerlebnis durch Design“ bis hin zu „Online-Vermarktung“ und „Wein für Bier, was rat ich Dir? Was kann man von der Weinvermarktung noch lernen?“. Aber auch zu weiteren Themen, die den Markt bewegen, wird im Forum referiert, erläutert, diskutiert: „Energie in der Getränkebranche“, „Packaged Water“, „Craft Distilling/Craft Spirits“ – nicht zu vergessen der Aspekt Ausund Weiterbildung. Auch die Eröffnung findet wieder im Forum statt. Die Privaten Brauereien Bayern,
ideeller Träger der BrauBeviale, diskutieren mit prominenten Vertretern der Branche zum Jubiläum 2016: „500 Jahre Reinheitsgebot: Chance oder Korsett?“ Handel trifft HerstellerNeben dem umfassenden Fachangebot bietet die BrauBeviale in ihrem Rahmenprogramm zahlreiche interessante Anknüpfungspunkte für Besucher aus dem Lebensmittelhandel, Getränkefachhandel und der Gastronomie. Verstärkt wird der Effekt dieses Jahr durch die Kooperation mit PRO FachHANDEL/GES eG, die den direkten Austausch zwischen
werklich hergestellten Obstbränden näher. Zu guter Letzt geht es nicht nur um Alkoholisches – auch bei einer Wasserverkostung kann der geneigte Besucher seine Geschmacksknospen unter Beweis stellen und Händler und Gastronomen das passende Wasser für ihr Angebotsportfolio testen. Treiber des Trendthemas ist und bleibt jedoch der European Beer Star, der bereits seit 2004 seine Messeheimat auf der BrauBeviale hat. Zur schönen Tradition gehört, dass die Besucher am ersten Messetag aus den Goldmedaillengewinnern ihr Lieblingsbier küren: den Consumers‘ Favourite in Gold, Silber und Bronze.
der Besucherzielgruppe Brauerei und dem Fachhandel fördern soll. Die Craft Beer Corner, die letztes Jahr Prämiere hatte, wird weiter ausgebaut. Ganz ohne dem Vertriebsdruck der Anbieter ausgesetzt zu sein, können Händler und Gastronomen hier neue Bierspezialitäten verkosten und sich Ideen für eine Erweiterung ihres eigenen Angebots holen. Namhafte Biersommeliers wie unter anderem Sylvia Kopp, Weltmeister Oliver Wesseloh und Markus Del Monego präsentieren an verschiedenen Bars neutral und professionell Biere in den Kategorien Hopfen, Malz, Hefe und Spezial mit extra Slots für Produkte aus
USA, England und Italien. Und weil auch die Glasform Einfluss auf das sensorische Erleben hat, wird dies an einer weiteren Bar eindrucks- und geschmackvoll demonstriert. Aber nicht nur Bier hat eine solche Vielfalt und verschiedene Facetten zu bieten, deshalb widmet sich die diesjährige BrauBeviale dem außergewöhnlichen Trinkgenuss im Allgemeinen. Das Motto: „Kreative Bierkultur trifft Premium Spirituose“. Ganz in diesem Sinne finden auch Tastings über das Bier hinaus statt. International anerkannte Spirituosen-Experten bringen interessierten Fachbesucher die Vielfalt von Whisky, Rum, Gin und hand-
Craft Beer trifft StreetfoodEssen und Trinken gehören unweigerlich zusammen. Da liegt es nahe, den außergewöhnlichen Trinkgenuss mit unkonventionellem Essen zu paaren. Einen vielversprechenden Blick über den Teller- bzw. Glasrand für Getränke-Hersteller, Marketing-Experten und Gastronomen verspricht die SFC Street Food Convention, die im Rahmen der BrauBeviale erstmals stattfindet – initiiert und organisiert von „FoodtruckSzenevater“ Klaus P. Wünsch. Andrea Kalrait sieht deutliche Synergien: „Das ist für Besucher beider Veranstaltungen eine tolle Chance, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen und sich zu vernetzen. Streetfood ist unkonventionell – ähnlich wie die Kreative Bierkultur, Trendthema der BrauBeviale.“ Beide Szenen verbindet der „Craft-Gedanke“ – geprägt von einer guten Portion Kreativität und einem gehörigen Schuss Mut und Optimismus. In Form eines Branchentreffs zur „mobilen Kulinarik“ tauschen sich bei der SFC Street Food Convention bereits etablierte Betreiber aus und informieren Interessenten über alle Aspekte des Business hinter Foodtrucks, Streetfood & Co. Die zweitägige Veranstaltung startet am Donnerstag, dem letzten Tag der BrauBeviale, und öffnet am Freitagnachmittag mit einem Street Food Market ihre Tore für die Öffentlichkeit. 7
NDUSTRIE FRACCHIOLLA SPA is a worldwide leader company, skilled in designing, manufacturing and installation of stainless steel tanks, for FOOD, CHEMICAL & PHARMA fields of any size and realized also on final destination place. Storage and Process tanks. Beer Fermenters, Crystallizers, Dissolvers, Mixing Tanks (with Stirrer) cooled and heated, of any size, for mushy, liquid and semi liquid substances, granulates and powders products. For over 40 years, passion, internationalism, research and reliability have been the pillars on which the company builds his success.
strial Facility, a fleet consisting in 40 vehicles and 4 Truck cranes and a comprehensive range of technologically advanced machines.
INDUSTRIE FRACCHIOLLA SPA is perfectly managed and can trust on a manpower consisting of 120 employees, 20,000 square meters of indu-
Today the company is run by the three Fracchiolla Bros and their sons, who are strongly motivated to develop their family business.
Very modern productions techniques, accuracy in details, reliability of his products, prices competitiveness, punctuality and a very skilled after sales service, are some of the factors that makes prestigious INDUSTRIE FRACCHIOLLA SPA supported by a constant growth of its exportation.
eit über 40 Jahren steht das Familien geführte Unternehmen “Industrie Fracchiolla S.p.A.” als eine der führenden Unternehmen auf den Internationalen Edelstahltank markt. Der hohe Qualitätsstandard unserer Produkte ist das Ergebnis einer konsequent verfolgten Qualitätspolitik, in allen bereichen unseres Hauses. Von der Anlieferung des Rohmaterials bis zur Auslieferung des fertigen Produktes sorgen neueste Technik und das spezifische KnowHow unserer 120 qualifizierten Mitarbeiter auf insgesamt 20.000qm für beste Produktionsbedingungen und hervorragende Ergebnisse. Mit der Projektierung und Bau bis zur Installation unserer Edelstahltanks für die Getränke,-Nahrungsmittel, Chemie-Pharma Industrie, die natürlich auch vor Ort gefertigt werden können, dank unserer 40 Fahrzeugen und 4 Autokräne. Eine Industrie die auf der ganzen Welt tätig ist.
Die kundenspezifische Ausrichtung steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Das wollen wir mit unserem umfangreichen Service deutlich machen. Nicht allein die Qualität der Produkte macht einen Lieferanten und
Produzent zum geeigneten Partner sondern auch die Flexibilität, die Schnelligkeit und der Service. Vom ersten Augenblick an begleiten wir mit hoher Fachkompetenz Ihren Auftrag.
Continuing to grow by developing internationally while staying true to the principals of high quality and “Italian spirit”, through a “green” policy linked to energy efficiency: these are the common denominators of the two companies, AB and Granarolo. Given the high electricity and thermal energy consumption levels required by its production processes and with a view to cutting back on its use of fossil energy sources, with economic saving and an improved environmental condition in terms of greenhouse gases as a result, Granarolo S.p.A. recently installed as many as two AB cogeneration plants at its production sites in Pasturago di Vernate (Milan) and Gioia del Colle (Bari).
ndustrial agrifood companies are huge thermal energy and electricity “consumers” within their production chain, which has an enormous impact on both their energy bill and the environment. Cogeneration is therefore the ideal solution to address the needs of these companies. Granarolo S.p.A., the largest Italian-owned industrial agricultural operator in
Italy, which is growing both in Italy and at an international level, focuses immensely not only on the quality and excellence of its own products, but also on energy efficiency and protection of the environment. That is why it chose AB, an international leader in its own sector, to engineer and construct two cogeneration plants at the production sites in Pasturago di
Vernate, in the Province of Milan, and Gioia del Colle, in the Province of Bari. The electricity produced by the two plants will be fully used by the production sites, as will the thermal energy, achieving a considerable financial saving and significantly cutting greenhouse gas emissions. These two plants are expected to cut CO2 emissions by 5,800 tonnes/year.
The Specialist
Energy efficiency that helps the food industry. The supply chains of the food industry are very energy-intensive and require large amounts of steam, hot water, and cold water. Cogeneration is the best solution for supplying the demand for electricity and heat. AB is able to provide turnkey solutions, competitive in performance, modular in power output and with a customized after-sales service. A single interlocutor for you to benefit from the full potential of cogeneration.
AB. The leAding gloBAl group speciAlizing in cogenerATion.
AB plants Pasturago di Vernate The activity of the Pasturago di Vernate plant (Milan) is aimed at producing and packing fresh milk, cream, yoghurt, desserts and UHT milk. The plant, an ECOMAX® 33 HE, is powered by natural gas and is a modular container solution with a total rated power of 3,354 kWe at full load and total thermal input power of 7,674 kW. The new plant will produce electricity which, net of consumptions by the auxiliary equipment, will be fully used by the production site of the company, while the thermal energy produced by the exhaust gas and engine cooling system will be used for the company’s technological purposes in the form of 11 barg steam and hot water at 90°C respectively. An exchanger with fumes pipes will be installed on the fumes circuit to produce steam, which is to be used by the company for its own production purposes. The total recoverable thermal energy is 2,808 kWt. The unit is expected to be operative for around 7,000 hours/year. AB plants Gioia del Colle The activity of the Gioa del Colle plant (Bari) is aimed at treating and packing fresh pasteurised milk and UHT milk of the “Perla” and “Granarolo” brands. The plant, un ECOMAX® 10 NGS, is 12
powered by natural gas and is a modular container solution of a total rated power of 1,063 kWe at full load and total thermal input power of 2,673 kW. The new plant will produce electricity which, net of the consumptions of the auxiliary equipment, will be used to meet the energy demands of the factory; the thermal energy produced by the exhaust gas and engine cooling system will instead be used for the company’s technological purposes in the form of 13.5 barg steam and hot water at 90°C respectively. A heat exchanger with fumes pipes will be installed on the fumes circuit to pro-
duce steam, which is to be used by the company for its own production purposes. The total recoverable thermal energy is 1,148 kWt. The unit is expected to be operative for around 6,799 hours/year. Who are AB Founded in Orzinuovi in 1981 by Angelo Baronchelli, AB (www.gruppoab. com) operates in the sectors of cogeneration and the use of energy from renewable sources. AB is now the global point of reference for cogeneration, thanks to its outdoor 100 to 10,000 kWe modular solutions. More than
Consumption of natural gas
Input power
Mechanical power output
Electric power output
Recoverable thermal power (hot water)
Recoverable thermal power (exhaust gases cooled at 180 °C)
Electrical efficiency
Thermal efficiency
Total efficiency
900 plants have been installed to date, for a total electrical power rating of over 1,300 MW. The production capacity has quadrupled in recent years and there are now over 500 employees. AB is now present with direct affiliates in Poland, Serbia and Croatia, as well as in Spain, Romania, the Czech Republic, Austria, Brazil, The Netherlands, France, Germany, the UK, Canada, the USA and Israel, and it has recently opened in Russia and Turkey, too.
Who are GRANAROLO The Granarolo Group, one of the main players in the Italian agrifood sector, comprises two different, synergistic worlds: a consortium of milk producers - Granlatte - which operates in the agricultural sector and collects the raw material - and a joint stock company - Granarolo S.p.A. - which sells the finished product and has 12 production sites located throughout Italy, 2 in France and 1 in Chile. The Granarolo Group is therefore the most important Italian milk production chain, in which producers grouped together as a cooperative have direct shares. It brings together around 1,000 dairy farmers, a raw material collection organisaton in the barn with 70 instruments and 1,200 vehicles for milk distribution, which handle 750 thousand tonnes/year and serve more than 60 thousand points of sale every day, where 11 million Italian families buy Granarolo products. The Granarolo Group had approximately 2,100 employees at 31 December 2014. 77.48% of the Group is controlled by the Granlatte Consortium, 19.78% by Intesa Sanpaolo and the remaining 2.74% by Cooperlat. The Company declared a provisional turnover of more than one billion Euros in 2014.
Consumption of natural gas
Input power
Mechanical power output
Electric power output
Recoverable thermal power (hot water + exhaust gases cooled at 210 °C)
Electrical efficiency
Thermal efficiency
Total efficiency
rand enhancement specialist API is highlighting the versatility of its new TA Foil and helping to quench the thirst of visitors by bringing bottles of Citra Burst IPA craft ale with a specially commissioned beer label to its stand 4A55 at Labelexpo Europe in Brussels. The label has been designed to highlight the exceptionally fine detail possible with TA foil, alongside its capability to cover large solid areas and achieve high-quality gloss effects for text and graphics. With a wide range of shades available TA foil is the result of 3 years research and development by API, offering an unmatched level of versatility to meet the demands of printers and designers across the variety of machines and substrates in the market. Printed by Constantia the label uses the over-printable TA foil with a wide range of colours to demonstrate its versatility and impact for brand owners. The label has been matched with the Citra Burst IPA brewed by Alechemy Brewing in Livingston, to bring the perfect
craft beer to those attending the API stand at the exhibition. Hester McQueen, Marketing Manager comments “Labelexpo Europe is the ideal place for us to launch both our creative services and new TA foil by showcasing API’s fresh approach to drinks labelling technology with our special API Citra Burst craft beer.” API works closely with customers to help find the most effective pack enhancement effects to add value to their brands, taking inspiration from API’s latest trend boards which capture the key themes evolving in packaging design to give brands stand out shelf presence. “We are inviting all designers, printers and brand owners to come to our stand, sample the beer and see our portfolio of foil, laminate and holographic solutions and how together with the latest packaging trends they can deliver exceptional brand enhancement and real on shelf impact for their products,” concludes McQueen.
About API API is a leading manufacturer and distributor of foils, laminates and holographics which provide exceptional brand enhancement and protection for products worldwide. With over 90 years’ experience API’s packaging solutions are part of a highly collaborative approach to customers’ needs. By working with its supply chain partners API ensures the most demanding requirements of brand owners and specifiers are met. Operating from fifteen locations across Europe, America and Asia, API’s product packaging solutions help companies across a wide-range of industry sectors including alcoholic drinks, confectionary, tobacco, perfumery, personal-care, cosmetics and healthcare. Through its Holographics division API is also a trusted supplier of custom optical solutions to protect secure documents and branded goods against counterfeit and fraud. For more information on API and its range of foil, laminate and holographic brand enhancement products visit its website at
DICIAMO LA VERITÀ: IL LEGNO BATTE L’ACCIAIO! LA NUOVA DIVISIONE GRANDI CAPACITÀ DELLA GARBELLOTTO S.P.A. “I nostri tini di grandi capacità sono di varie specie legnose e hanno costi in linea con quelli dei recipienti di altro materiale, ma a differenza di questi solo il legno dona bellezza e gusto.” I tini Garbellotto sono ideali per i reparti di stoccaggio di distillati, aceti e altri liquidi alimentari e vengono costruiti in base alle necessità di dimensione e alle specifiche esigenze di invecchiamento.
G & P Garbellotto S.p.A. Viale Italia, 200 - 31015 Conegliano (TV) Italia - Tel. +39 0438 366410 - - P.I. / C.F. 01162440265
anotti Spa has designed and manufactured systems for food refrigeration for over 50 years. A leader in the field, we base our professionalism on the constant search for technological innovations to apply to our products. As for green solutions for food refrigeration, for many years Zanotti has offered units for small- and medium-capacity cells that operate on gas with a very low environmental impact such as Propane R290 or Propylene R1270. Lately, the range of natural gases products has expanded to become the most comprehensive range available on the market. Condensing and CO2 monobloc (R744) units for industry use are the latest in the field of ready-to-use appliances. They are optimal solutions for quick and safe installation in me-
dium- and large-capacity cells. The latest regulations in terms of eco-sustainability and energy savings are encouraging energy-efficient products. The new condensing units designed by Zanotti have less refrigerant charge due to new technologies related to the mini-channel, low noise and increased accessibility to components during maintenance. For the new R407F condensing units, Zanotti has recently obtained certification in accordance with the program developed by ASERCOM in compliance with the Ecodesign directive, which, with respect to condensing units, will come into force on 7/1/2016. The Ecodesign directive imposes the minimum requirements of efficiency, depending on the type of application and the power class of the units and also requires complete doc-
umentation on its performance data according to the established parameters. Only a few companies have had their units certified. Zanotti is among the very few which offer unit that operates with R407F gas, a new gas with reduced environmental impact for use in the refrigeration field. Zanotti offers a very broad range of products for applications ranging from small, medium to large capacities. For supermarkets and large logistics centers, it offers CO2 multicompressor systems in both subcritical and transcritical cycles, providing therefore a totally green product. The new generation of industrial systems with green solutions provides high performance by using screw compressors with speed control and a variable compression ratio for high efficiency.
Conveyor belts for the packaging industry Costacurta conveyor belts are used in packaging as well as in many other industrial processes. Thanks to the specific experience gained over more than 60 years, Costacurta can assist the client in the selection of the most suitable type of belt for the specific application. Costacurta conveyor belts are suitable for applications with temperatures ranging from -150째C to +1150째C.
CROWN AND BREWDOG BRING SCOTTISH CRAFT BEER TO CANS Packaging leader helps enhance offerings with development of a new filling line
s the craft beer revolution continues to gather momentum, demand for aluminum cans as the packaging format of choice for brewers is on the rise in the UK and throughout Europe. The need to accommodate the requirements of craft producers outside of the mainstream has been recognized and embraced by CROWN Bevcan Europe & Middle East, a business unit of Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) ( In response, the company has partnered with Scottish brewers BrewDog (www. to develop a new 400 cpm filling line in the company’s Aberdeen production center. BrewDog spearheaded the rise of craft beer in the UK and is listed in The 2012 Sunday Times Fast Track 100 as the fastest growing food and drink company in the UK, exporting to over 55 countries and boasting a global portfolio of 26 bar franchises. The new packaging line allows for BrewDog’s premium branded beer Punk IPA to be packaged in 33cl and 50cl cans, as well as its three main brands Dead Pony Club, This. Is. Lager. and Jack Hammer to be canned in the 33cl format - and has the capacity to include further brands in the future. The can is the perfect choice for craft brewers as it affords a wider range of options when compared to other packaging formats. The
protection cans offer from light and oxygen is also crucial, as it ensures that the beer reaches drinkers in the same condition in which the brewer intended – something that is of paramount importance to BrewDog. Craft brewers are also increasingly turning to metal packaging as a means to better differentiate their brands on store shelves, making full use of the 360-degree billboard a can offers. BrewDog selected Crown as its development partner in Aberdeen due to the latter’s ability to offer cutting-edge pre-press and print technologies and unrivalled customer technical
expertise. The team is working with BrewDog to create innovative and striking packaging design concepts and then quickly bring them to market. New cans will be developed with Crown’s soft touch varnish finish – a tactile effect that reduces the reflectivity of metal over the whole surface of the can, giving the product a premium look and feel while reflecting the uniqueness of the ingredients within. All design creation, pre-press and proofing activities for BrewDog will take place at Crown’s European Design Studio. Located in Leicester, UK, the studio serves as a onestop shop for brand owners across the EMEA region.
Martin Dempster, Director, Special Ops, BrewDog, plc said: “We see cans as the ideal packaging for craft beer. Its ability to keep the beer fresh and to retain its unique flavor is what attracted us to this format and the team at Crown has made it possible for us to move forward with this very quickly. Within the wider drinks industry we are a relatively small player, but Crown’s technical service team tailored training and support for us and made the whole process feel like a partnership from start to finish, in the same way it would for a global brewer. It is this bespoke treatment and its obvious passion for the can, and the industry, that put Crown ahead of its competitors for us.”
ABOUT CROWN HOLDINGS, INC. Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, Crown Holdings, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of packaging products for consumer marketing companies around the world. Crown makes a wide range of metal packaging for food, beverage, household and personal care and industrial products and metal vacuum closures and caps. As of December 31, 2014, the Company operated 149 plants located in 40 countries, employing approximately 23,000 people. For more information, visit
In addition to providing the packaging itself, Crown has provided added support and expertise, offering flexibility with order sizes and facilitating line support. Historically, minimum order sizes made it difficult for craft brewers to justify packaging in cans, but Crown has diversified in order to accommodate the needs of the craft brewers in this area. Other services offered to BrewDog include a 360-degree review of its operation, from security analysis to package integrity, helping to maintain filling lines at optimum speeds with minimum downtime. In addition, Crown’s comprehensive training for operatives and engineers gave BrewDog the necessary tools to carry out changeovers themselves, quickly and efficiently. “Our Customer Technical Service team has established an excellent relationship with BrewDog,” said Matt Twiss, Marketing & Business Development Director, CROWN Bevcan Europe and Middle East. “BrewDog chose to work with us following a series of discussions, throughout which their team was able to see that our approach is one that echoes its own views that the can is the obvious, and most sustainable, choice for packaging craft beer. Crown has a legacy of
leadership in the craft brew sector and is strongly passionate about this fast-moving, innovative industry. We love being a part of such a rapidly expanding, exciting sector and our work with BrewDog will help it to expand its operations and to support the next level of growth.” Craft beer has seen extensive growth in the US in recent years, which has driven its popularity around the world. Over 500 craft brewers are in operation across its 50 states and numbers continue to rise at a phenomenal rate. It is a trend that shows no signs of slowing down and the UK is already beginning to follow in these footsteps. US brewers such as Sly Fox, Upslope Brewing and Dagger Falls, to name but a few, have all taken advantage of Crown’s dedicated service when it comes to moving their products successfully into cans. Now, across the pond, BrewDog is seeking to emulate their successes and to expand its horizons in the same way. For craft beer, cans, it seems, really do provide all the answers.
he Filtration Division of power management company Eaton is showing an extensive range of filtration products at the BrauBeviale trade fair in Nuremberg from November 10 through 12 (stand 202, hall 7), with solutions for various process steps in beverage production. One of the highlights is the mineral-free BECOPAD® depth filter medium. Also available alongside the flat sheet are the BECODISC® stacked disc cartridge and BECO PROTECT® CS Cell Stream depth filter cartridge. The compact and closed design of the stacked disc cartridge provides a large filter area in a small space and allows easy handling, as well as easy sterilization and cleaning. Available in all clarifying sharpness levels of BECOPAD filter material, the stacked disc cartridges can be flexibly adapted to different process parameters. As a fine filter, the BECO PROTECT CS CellStream depth filter cartridge provides optimal protection for downstream membrane filter cartridges, as it is excellent at reducing fine colloids and microorganisms. Their unique wrapping maximizes the filter area and simultaneously increases the mechanical and thermal stability. More than 50 steam cycles are therefore possible, positively influencing the economic efficiency of the entire filtration process.
By using the BECOPAD depth filter sheets, breweries also benefit from an increase in filtration efficiency of up to
20%, a reduction of rinsing volumes of up to 50%, and exceptional process hygiene by avoiding drip losses. The high-quality, biodegradable BECOPAD material filters safely yet gently, preserve the valuable hop oil aromas in the sensory profile of beers. Visitors to the fair also have the opportunity to learn about Eaton’s new vegan fining agents. They are made from peas and potatoes and are used in the fining and clarification of must, wine and fruit juices because of their excellent clarification and stabilizing properties. The plant
proteins are free from genetically modified organisms and allergens and thus follow the current industry trend of vegan and health-conscious beverage production. In addition, as a one-stop shop of filtration products, Eaton is presenting filtration systems and housings for its ranges of filter sheets, stacked disc cartridges, filter cartridges and filter bags, as well as a wide range of beverage treatment products and filter aids.
Shaking hands on a good partnership: Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer (left), Deputy CEO of Messe München International and Domenico Zonin, President of Unione Italiana Vini (UIV).
he trade-fair cities of Munich and Milan have teamed up to create a special constellation in wine technology: SIMEI, the leading international exhibition for enological and bottling equipment, will in future take place every four years in conjunction with drinktec, the world´s leading trade fair, in Munich. SIMEI will still retain its tradi-
tional two-year cycle, but from now on, its venue will alternate between Italy and Munich. “This agreement is unique in the international tradefair business,” says Domenico Zonin, President of the Unione Italiana Vini Società Cooperative (UIV): A cooperation agreement to this effect has now been signed by the organizers of the two trade fairs-the Milan-based
Unione Italiana Vini Società Cooperative (UIV) and Messe München. drinktec and SIMEI are therefore pooling their respective strengths in a twin platform that will be the world´s most important technology, trading and marketing showcase for the sector. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Managing Director at Messe München with responsibility for drinktec, sees
Raising their glasses in a toast to the cooperation between drinktec and SIMEI: (f.l.t.r.) Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer (left), Deputy CEO of Messe München International, Domenico Zonin, President of Unione Italiana Vini (UIV), Francesco Pavanello, Director General of UIV and Petra Westphal, Exhibition Group Director of Messe München and drinktec.
this cross-border cooperation as strengthening both parties: “I am very pleased that we have reached an agreement. Both trade fairs will benefit from it. The exhibitors at drinktec, of which almost half also offer solutions for the wine industry, will have access to even more potential customers as a result of the integration of SIMEI. Vice versa, too, the international scope of drinktec will benefit the SIMEI exhibitors. And not least, this agreement also strengthens the status of Munich as a top location for trade fairs.” Domenico Zonin is also confident: “The cooperation with drinktec is the basis for the further development and internationalization of SIMEI, as the leading trade fair for wine technology.” The next SIMEI takes place from November 3 to 6, 2015 in Milan. After that, from September 11 to 15, 2017, it will celebrate its Munich premiere, as an integrated part of drinktec. In 2019 SIMEI will then again be held in Italy, where, supported by drinktec, it will feature an extended portfolio to include further beverage categories. The agreement between MMG and UIV makes provision for a
special SIMEI exhibition space within drinktec 2017 in Munich dedicated exclusively to the wine sector. This showcase is to extend to at least two exhibition halls, and cover a total of 20,000 square meters of space. As a result the total hall space taken up by the world´s leading trade fair drinktec rises to over 150,000 square meters. In addition to this, the organizers of the two trade fairs have agreed that SIMEI will also get involved in the worldwide events portfolio of drinktec: With drink technology India, food & drink technology Africa and China Brew China Beverage, drinktec already has a strong presence in key global markets. SIMEI has been held in Milan since 1963, and it is regarded as the world´s leading trade fair for wine technology. Over 600 exhibitors and more than 40,000 visitors are expected to attend SIMEI in 2015. The origins of drinktec go back to the 1950s. This trade fair is regarded as the world´s No. 1 event for the beverage and liquid food industry: It covers the entire process chain from raw materials, agents and additives, to production, filling, packaging and logistics, as well as marketing. Francesco Pavanello, Director-General of UIV, commented: “I am proud to see
the attention and recognition shown to this joint project by such an important and international trade-fair company as Messe München. The most important components of this agreement in our view are: UIV retains the brand rights to SIMEI; SIMEI has high visibility at a trade fair as prestigious as drinktec; and we have the possibility of further joint projects in the medium and long-term.” Richard Clemens, Managing Director of the VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association (Fachverband Nahrungsmittelmaschinen und Verpackungsmaschinen), the conceptual sponsor of drinktec, sees the cooperation as above all bringing advantages to the exhibitors and visitors of both trade fairs: “The technology already showcased at drinktec for the wine industry will now be superbly supplemented by this cooperation with SIMEI. For drinktec exhibitors there will be additional visitor potential from strong winegrowing countriesabove all Italy. In addition the cooperation also offers significant added value to visitors from emerging winegrowing countries, thanks to a more in-depth spectrum of products and services.
SELF-STANDING POUCHES NOW AVAILABLE IN WEBBED FORMAT Sacmi is taking up the challenge posed by the flexible wine and water packaging sector by offering a new integrated solution for the automated control of self-standing pouches that provides customers with huge advantages in terms of output flexibility and efficiency.
specialised supplier of complete plants for the filling, packaging and palletization of flexible packages, Sacmi Packaging is bringing innovation to the self-standing pouches sector: these flexible drink containers (for example, the 3-litre wine pouch is particularly popular in central and northern Europe) differ from traditional pouches as they stand up alone and do not need to be contained in a box. Appreciated by the market on account of their flexibility - to begin with, they are excellent for the application of high-grade graphics - these flexible, boxless pouches were, until now, characterised by not inconsiderable production difficulties: firstly, unlike traditional pouches, their infeed into the machine could not be automated as the pouches were supplied individually
and were not webbed together. Now, thanks to an important agreement with Swedish firm Quadpak - which makes the pouches - Sacmi can offer the market continuously-linked ‘webbed’ self-standing pouches that allow fully automated machine infeed. This gives manufacturers major advantages, the biggest being the total absence of manual tasks during loading, filling and unloading. Intended, in particular, for the wine and water sectors, self-standing webbed pouches are rapidly increasing market shares in central-northern Europe, starting with the strategic French market. Sacmi sees the solution as adding considerable value to an already comprehensive plant range that, based on a single technological platform (bag-in-box filling machines characterised by solutions that ensure efficient,
totally ultra-clean filling control), lets manufacturers handle traditional webbed bags, self-standing single pouches and, lastly, the new self-standing webbed pouches. This fully integrated turnkey range will play a starring role on the Sacmi stand at Simei 2015, the international wine and bottling technology fair being held at Fiera Milano (Milan) from 3rd to 6th November 2015- HALL 15 E13/E11. More specifically, the ability to handle all pouch types on the same platform lets manufacturers carry out fully automated production, at no additional cost, of both small decorated lots (e.g. for special events, promotional purposes, trade fairs etc.) and large-scale batches while benefitting from all the reliability, precision and finished product quality typical of all Sacmi filling solutions.
Four-day installation sees two labellers replaced by one and still achieves a 16% increase in capacity.
ountain Valley Spring Company has added 16% to its labelling capacity by replacing two existing bottle labelling machines in its Hot Springs, Arkansas plant with a single Sidel rollfed labeller, the Rollquattro Evolution, in a short and simple four-day implementation process. The company also simplified its processes and further demonstrated its commitment to sustainable production with the introduction of this new Sidel labeller. Preparing for the next 100 years The senior leadership team at Mountain Valley Spring Company understands the value of innovative manufacturing technology. The company has earned its place as the oldest continuously operating bottled water company in the United States by having reliable and efficient equipment to consistently deliver quality products to its customers. In business since 1871, the U.S. premium spring water bottler has had to keep pace with over 140 years of changing market, consumer, and production demands while, at the same time, protecting its brand and bottom line. Labelling - integral to both manufacturing and marketing strategy - is no exception.
Reliable technology for an addedvalue labelling process Prior to implementing the new Sidel Rollquattro Evolution labeller into its production line, Mountain Valley Spring Company utilised two labellers from another supplier. Familiar with Sidel’s blow moulding solutions, the Mountain Valley Spring Company team chose to integrate more technology from the leading global provider of PET solutions for liquid packaging into their operation to help simplify their processes.
So when it needed to upgrade its labelling capabilities, Mountain Valley Spring Company knew that the Sidel Rollquattro Evolution labeller was the perfect solution to help the brand grow into the next century.
“Our former system caused all sorts of inefficiencies on the line, which created excess scrap and added costs to the production of our packages,” said Dennis Adams, Director of Operations for Mountain Valley Spring Company.
“We considered a couple of different options, but selected the Sidel Rollquattro Evolution. Looking back, the choice to go with Sidel was simple. In my 27 years in the industry, the company has always been known for its reliable technology.” Fast installation and start-up Factory testing of Sidel labellers prior to shipment helps ensure simple installation with minimal downtime, limiting impact on production. As a result, the Rollquattro Evolution implementation process at Mountain Valley Spring Company proved to be quick and seamless for Adams and his team. Within four days, the two existing labellers were dismantled and the new Sidel labeller was up and running, helping the Mountain Valley
Spring plant personnel to avoid production delays. “We shut down on a Saturday morning, rotated the machine and connected to services on Sunday afternoon. By Tuesday, we were ready to go,” said Adams. “The setup was smooth with the Sidel team working alongside us.” Adding 16% labelling capacity with one labeller instead of two Since installing and commissioning the Rollquattro Evolution labeller in May, 2015, Mountain Valley Spring Company has experienced improved labelling speed and performance – both critical components to the company’s continued success. “Within one week of deploying the Rollquattro Evolution labeller, we quickly realised it alone could tackle the work of two of our previous labellers,” said Adams. “Having one total solution has enabled us to streamline our labelling process and will ultimately increase the number of bottles we can label, achieving 700 bottles per minute (bpm) compared to the 600 bpm running previously.” Mountain Valley Spring Company has primarily been utilising the Rollquattro Evolution to apply full-wrap film labels to recycled PET (rPET) bottles.
Flexible and accurate technology Uniquely flexible, the rotary Rollquattro Evolution labeller is equipped with an ergonomically designed, robust and precise linear labelling station. It labels containers with common and uncommon shapes ranging in diameter from 53mm to 110mm. Additionally, the Rollquattro Evolution can easily handle a wide variety of label materials and thicknesses - from wrap-around-rollfed paper to plastic labels – and accommodate a range of container materials, including lightweight PET and other plastics, glass and metal. The highly accurate label application, made possible by the patented label transfer drum and glue and cutting modules, delivers a quality fit time after time; and the automated vacuum, with easy programmable settings, increases label tension and stability control. The label application and overlap alignment are precise at every speed, even for uniquely shaped bottles, with no additional wipe-down system required for label overlap closure. “This solution’s simplified design and high quality parts have contributed to
improvements in our efficiency and performance levels, and saves us a lot of time during changeover procedures” said Adams. “It complements our extensive bottle product line in a dynamic way.” The natural supplier of sustainable labelling solutions One of the key drivers in Mountain Valley Spring Company’s selection of Sidel as its supplier of choice for labellers was the company’s commitment to sustainability. The Rollquattro Evolution’s ability to precision-label lightweight bottles, while reducing glue consumption and waste, won over the long-standing bottler who uses 50 percent rPET in its PET bottles and 35 percent recycled glass in its glass bottles. Due to its unique hot-glue roller design, the Rollquattro Evolution provides savings of at least 15 percent on total annual glue consumption versus other hotglue labellers on the market. “Our team makes sustainability a priority. For decades we’ve concentrated on practicing low-impact water withdrawal, reducing the packaging and energy used in manufacturing, and choosing renewable energy sources whenever possible,” said Adams. “Working with a company like Sidel that matches our dedication to preservation has been incredibly valuable toward our efforts.” Simple, efficient, and sustainable: Sidel’s family of labelling equipment is designed to maximise both the impact packages make on the shelves and the profit producers can earn. For more information about Sidel’s line of labellers and the Rollquattro Evolution labeller specifically, visit
ASEPTIC LIQUID PACKAGING SYSTEMS FOR FOOD AND BEVERAGE INDUSTRY Lamican presents LamiPak, Aseptic Carton Packaging and LamiCups to the European beverage market.
eading Finnish Aseptic Packaging Company Lamican is well-known for its innovative aseptic liquid packaging system for the global food and beverage industry is proud to showcase three very important solutions to the European beverage market: LamiPak, LamiCan and LamiCups. Established in Finland in 2007, Lamican is appreciated as a pioneer in ecologically responsible, commercially appealing food and beverage packaging. Lamican’s production facilities are located in Finland and China, with the former dedicated to filling machine and packaging material development and the latter producing aseptic packaging material. LamiCan which is the most important product and trademark, is a paperboard based easy-tohold, easy-to-open and easy-to-drink-from can. It provides 12 months of shelf life without the need for costly product
refrigeration or preservatives. LamiCan 250ml is an aseptic paperboard package ideal for all types of ambient distribution. Perfect for premium brands, it has the eye-catching feature of printing around the full circumference of its body and different materials such as metalized material can be used. It is designed to be the perfect single serve size package for everything from still drinks, dairy to juices. LamiCan 250ml can be filled with liquids such as dairy products, milks made of oats, soy and rice, water, flavoured water, sport and energy drinks, ice tea, coffee drinks, juice, smoothies. LamiPak, Aseptic Carton Packaging is another important product we are offering to the European beverage market. LamiPak is aseptic roll-fed packaging material that runs on rollfed filling machines, equal in quality and specifications as that of existing roll-fed filling machines, but less complicated pricing structures and a much lower price range. LamiPak meet the
exact specifications required for these filling machines. We are able to offer technical service in Europe and in Asia. LamiCups, paper cups available for hot and cold drinks, available in single wall and double wall with excellent printing and forming features, made from 100 per cent OBA free food grade paper, using flexo printing from BHS Gallus - Germany and PE Extrusion from Davis Standard Germany. The LamiCup product range is made in our state of the art facilities China and set up with strict compliance on hygiene. LamiCups sizes available are 4, 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 12, 16, 22 oz. single or double walls.
Aseptic Liquid Packaging Systems
GEA High pressure homogenization Choose all the advantages of a leading process Longer shelf-life, better overall product performance improved taste and nutritional values
engineering for a better world
he extensive range of adhesive technologies available from Avery Dennison has expanded once again - this time to include TrueCut™ - a new adhesive technology specifically for paper. TrueCut technology enables major enhancements to conversion speed and adheres better on both cardboard and during low temperature applications. This results in a strong combination of benefits for converters who are looking for superb on-press performance and for end users requiring the broadest possible window of applications. Jan ‘t Hart, global director, Paper & VI, said that label converters will immediately see the benefits of faster and easier operations: “The adhesive gives up to 100% higher conversion speed compared with industry standards and can minimise or sometimes completely eliminate set up time between rolls. Other benefits include fewer web breaks and a shorter ‘time to stick’ (with a threefold improvement vs. an existing alternative). Consistent conversion performance for paper applications, and minimum press downtime, can make a very important difference to productivity.” TrueCut technology can substantially reduce production costs due to its outstanding stability on the press. Rolls can be changed quickly, with almost no adjustments needed when changed. This consistency and reliability brings quantifiable savings and extra capacity at no additional cost. Gaps between labels can also be made smaller to generate less
ABOUT AVERY DENNISON Avery Dennison (NYSE:AVY) is a global leader in labeling and packaging materials and solutions. The company’s applications and technologies are an integral part of products used in every major market and industry. With operations in more than 50 countries and more than 25,000 employees worldwide, Avery Dennison serves customers with insights and innovations that help make brands more inspiring and the world more intelligent. Headquartered in Glendale, California, the company reported sales of $6.3 billion in 2014. Learn more at
waste, and die lifetime is increased thanks to lower-pressure die-cutting. Jan ‘t Hart added that this new adhesive enables a broader range of applications: “Label end users will see improved performance with variable information and logistic applications thanks to the increased tack on cardboard. The adhesive is
compliant with European food regulation 1935/2004/EC as well as the German Recommendation (BfR) XIV, and can safely stand in direct contact with dry, moist and fatty foodstuff. Paired with better adhesion at lower temperatures this innovation is very widely applicable in the food segment.”
Bornemann pumps. For a hygienic production.
Bornemann SLH pumps are available with pump speeds up to 3,600 rpm. This range makes process cycles as well as CIP and SIP procedures possible with just one pump. Furthermore the high speed range increases the flexibility of use with varying viscosities, temperatures, operating pressures or other important criteria where efficient and profitable production are the objective. Like all Bornemann SLH twin screw pumps the 4th generation is EHEDG and 3A certified.
ITT Bornemann GmbH Industriestraße 2 31683 Obernkirchen, Germany Fon: +49 5724 390-0 Fax: +49 5724 390-290
SORDI has played a leading role in the industrialization of dairying, a position still held by continuous research and the application of high level technology.
ynamic management and foresight has permitted the company - founded over 130 years ago (1881) to perceive the need for improvement and, in many instances, to anticipate trends and policies with most advanced and reliable equipment. The comprehensive range of equipment produced places SORDI among the world’s foremost manufacturers. Main activities are in milk sterilization and pasteurization, cheesemaking, yoghurt lines, soy and vegetable milks/Tofu lines, fruit juices lines and CIP closed cycle chemical cleaning systems. Both in development and production the unerring aim of SORDI has been
to preserve the nutritive value of the processed product and to maintain the organoleptic properties of typical products. SORDI’s keen interest in advanced research is reflected in the high technological level of their fully automatic plants. Automation permitted the rationalization and improvement of processes with consequent lowering of costs. Research is carried out on the premises by specialized engineers and technologists, and close contacts is maintained with universities and organizations engaged in pure and applied research to verify the results and a continual updating on the
most recent technologies, automation and plant engineering. In addition to providing know-how and advanced technology for dairy plants, SORDI is also and engineering firm which designs and builds partial or complete units ready for immediate use worldwide. This activity calls for considerable responsibility and specific competence to undertake the complex technical and organizational tasks normally involved.
HEAT TREATMENT AND STERILIZATION OF LIQUID PRODUCTS SORDI was among one of the first companies in the world to offer the indirect heat exchange as a method
for the pasteurization and sterilization of liquid food products. This has become a major area of activity for SORDI. Starting with the heat treatment of milk, SORDI progressed to the heat treatment of a wide range of products and took account of changing organoleptic requirements and market fluxes. The technology of indirect heat exchange offers high thermal efficiencies, lower operating costs and offers the flexibility to adapt to new production requirements. For the treatment of liquid food products, SORDI can provide highly automated systems, which offer hygienic security and the standardization of product quality and characteristics.
PROCESSING LINES • • • • • • •
• • • •
Milk reception and control units HTST thermal processing systems ESL thermal pasteurizing systems UHT thermal sterilization systems, direct type (plates or tubular) Milk recombining lines Sweetened, condensed milk lines Preparation and processing lines for creams, puddings, icecream mixes Vegetable creams processing lines Syrup rooms for drinks preparation Preparation lines for fruit juices and drinks Extraction and processing lines for vegetable milk (milk from soy, rice, oats, etc.) Production plants for Tofu (soy cheese)
CHEESE MAKING In the cheese making field, SORDI can boast many important examples of automated plants where the manufacturing processes are programmed and managed by programmable logic computerized systems. SORDI has a long and proud tradition in this field. SORDI’s know-how in this field is characterized by the flexibility and the attention to details of different
types of processing lines, typically for the production of soft, stretched curd, hard, cooked and semi-cooked cheeses. The lines flexibility, together with SORDI’s understanding of cheese making process and the requirements of cheese makers, allow modifications of the processing parameters and the intervention of the cheese maker, allow the production of cheeses having special characteristics. Lines are often supplied in modular form, which allows the expansion of capacity by addition of further modular elements.
• Production lines for ricotta, from whey and from proteic concentrates
SORDI cheese making lines include: • Production lines for high moisture soft cheese (Crescenza, Feta, Caciotta and similars) • Production lines for pressed and hard cheese (Gouda, Emmenthal, Pecorino, Grana, Casera, Manchego, Rossijskij, Komstromskoj and similars) • Production lines for pasta filata cheese (mozzarella, Kashkavall, and similars) • Production lines for fresh cheese (Quark, Petit Suisse, Labneh and similars) • Lines for Cottage Cheese • Lines for creamy Tvorog, granular and shaped type • Lines for analogue cheese (cheese from proteic concentrates)
FERMENTED PRODUCTS PRODUCTION LINES Thanks to its long experience, SORDI may design and realize plants with different levels of automation for acidified and ripened products. • Lines for stirred yogurt • Lines for set yogurt • Lines for drink yoghurt • Lines for Kefir and similar products • Lines for Smetana/ acid cream
Sordi designs and manufactures C.I.P. plants for the process lines and the equipment prepared for cleaning-inplace (CIP). The CIP systems can be divided in two categories: • Dosing plants for the concentrated cleaning solutions • Centralized CIP cleaning units.
Tetra Pak has recently launched the Tetra Evero Aseptic onelitre - the first aseptic carton bottle for milk.
he new carton combines the easy handling and pouring of a bottle with the environmental and cost advantages of a carton. It is initially being aimed at the ambient white milk market, including nonoxygen sensitive enriched products, as well as flavoured milk and cream. Unlike traditional carton materials, which are aseptically sterilised before they are formed into shape, the Tetro Evero Aseptic is pre-formed and not flat-packed, meaning it requires an alternative approach. The majority of existing technologies for sterilising performed shapes rely on a gas-condensation process. This process involves the gas condensing on the material surface, but this is known to be complex and difficult to control. The Tetra Evero Aseptic, however, uses a new gas-phase sterilisation technique which involves the cartons passing through a unique aseptic chamber in pairs where they are exposed to hydrogen peroxide. The gas comes into contact with the whole preformed package - inside
er products. Steel belts are not just available as flat conveyors, they can be customised in many ways and offer novel and exciting solutions to a variety of complicated conveying problems. Belts can be perforated with complex patterns for timing, vacuum or dosing applications.
and out, removing any contaminants that might have been present before entering the aseptic chamber. The cartons travel on steel belts during this production process. The use of steel belts is a highly hygienic alternative to using traditional plastic and PU conveyor systems. Avoiding the spread of contaminants is imperative in belt technology: steel belts are far easier to clean than their plastic counterparts and do not need to be lubricated in order to transmit power. This is important because germs and potentially harmful bacteria are attracted to dust generated by lubricant grease, which can potentially contaminate food or oth-
Together, the steel belt technology and the new gas-phase sterilisation technique used in the production of the new Tetra Evero Aseptic have resulted in a highly effective means of commercial sterility - an innovative development which should now set the gold standard for the production of aseptic packaging across Europe and the rest of the world.
FP Packaging has been a solid reference point in the technology of packaging with heatshrinkable film for over 25 years. In late 2011, it joined the group Tecno Pack S.p.A., thus beginning
a new journey of even greater technological, commercial and industrial development. Electronic continuous packaging machines, built on fully cantilevered structures, high perfor-
mance, top operational reliability, simplified sanitisation, versatility of use and project customisation are just some of the strong points of the IFP Packaging offer. Automatic loading systems, bun-
dling machines of all sizes and complete end-of-line machines are totally customised by our knowledgeable and flexible technical department. The primary goal of IFP Packaging is to conform the maximum state of the art according to the special requirements of customers. At the same time, the company offers the market strong and versatile mass-produced packaging machines, with an extremely interesting price/quality ratio. With IFP Packaging, you will find the perfect tailor-made solution for any type of format: ranging from controlled atmosphere to high-speed, up to top automation levels, always ensuring the best achievable result. Packaging, storing and protecting all food products, wrapping technical items (even large items as mattresses or radiators), creating and containing units of bottles or jars, presenting boxes in a shiny and invisible film, guaranteeing the correct number, weight and quantity in each pack: IFP Packaging machines have no limits in their scope of application. Currently industry leader, IFP offers a partnership that is useful and decisive for the success of each of its customers.
urope’s leading multi-material packaging manufacturer, LINPAC, has partnered with Sacchital, leading Italian flexible packaging experts, who have 70 years of experience in manufacturing and supply of paper/plastic printed laminates to the food industry. Together, they’ve produced a new film laminate to meet the demands of retailers and consumers. LINKraft offers a complete packaging solution for sliced meat, fresh pasta, chocolate goods and many more products, combining outstan38
ding strength and presentation characteristics with environmental credentials. The robust and reliable laminate offers a natural yet traditional look and feel for contemporary packaging design and is suitable for organic and fresh products. The laminate can also be designed with a see through window giving consumers a chance to view the pack contents, which improves pack shelf appeal and drives retail sales.
The LINkraft laminate secures the freshness of the pack contents and extends product shelf life through the inclusion of a high performance barrier layer fit for MAP and vacuum technologies. Product safety is also enhanced through the use of hermetic sealing and packs are designed to open easily meeting the needs of aging and disabled consumers. From an environmental perspective, LINkraft is both renewable and sustainable; thanks to FSC (Forest
Stewardship Certification) certified paper and ultra light LINPAC films. Notably the product is also recyclable as it has been designed with the correct proportion of paper and plastic content to be included in consumers’ home waste collections. Fabio Musati, Barrier Films Business Development Manager, LINPAC Pontivy says, “We believe that our new LINKraft product offers an efficient and reliable packaging solution which presents and protects products to the highest standards for the most demanding customer. We see ourselves as partners for packers, manufacturers and retailers and we enjoy working with our customers to create new packaging solutions, which match consumer demands with the highest technical standards of strength and presentation, combined with a low carbon footprint.”
For retailers, packers and food service clients, LINPAC is an international market leader in the production of primary fresh food packaging and food service solutions. We are a multi material technology provider operating across a network of 18 manufacturing sites and 23 sales operations servicing 71 countries. We champion the reduction of food waste by delivering innovative and efficient packaging solutions. With over 40 years of experience in food packaging safety and security, LINPAC is the most trusted brand in today’s market.
fresh thinking...
t: +44 (0)1977 692400 e:
Efficient, sustainable protective barrier for packaging
No more mineral oil mixtures transferred into food from packaging: Sappi’s new papers with integrated mineral oil barrier bring new safety and capability to recycled packaging solutions for the food industry in a sustainable and efficient way. The two key benefits: Minimum 15-month mineral oil barrier protection and very good heat sealing capabilities so that food packaging does not require any additional coating seal. A contribution by René Köhler, Group Manager for Flexible Packaging at Sappi Fine Paper Europe
ackaging protects the product it contains from dirt, contamination and destruction. However, there can be significant consequences when the packaging itself becomes a concern: The existence of poisonous mineral oil mixtures has been detected in various foods since the 1990s. Recycled packaging carton board was identified as the source of these mineral oil mixtures in food. Printing inks from recycled newspapers that contain solvents are the primary culprits due to the fact that poisonous hydrocarbons cannot be fully removed in the re40
cycling process. A residual amount, normally around ten percent, remains in the recycled material after processing. The ink on the printed packaging can also contain mineral oil mixtures and can migrate into the food as well. Dry foods and foods containing fat are affected: Rice, noodles, chocolate products, muesli, potato dumplings and baby food. The mineral oils predominantly migrate into food – even at room temperature – as volatile gases. Most inner pouches currently used fail to offer adequate migration
protection. Safe solutions, such as those using complex laminates with aluminium and PET, are both expensive and not environmentally friendly. The transfer of mineral oil into food is the result of two key properties of the food itself: First, the particular surface of the food onto which the mineral oil is absorbed; and secondly, the percentage of fat in the food into which mineral oils can easily be dissolved and absorbed. These residues consist of a complex mixture of saturated (MOSH) and unsaturated hydrocarbons
(MOAH) suspected of being carcinogenic. Humans ingest the poisonous substances by consuming the food with high-risk consequences: In 2009 the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR; Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) determined that mineral oils can become concentrated in the human body with ingestion over time. Animal testing has shown that they are highly poisonous and can cause liver inflammation, heart damage and other diseases, including cancer. The conclusion of the BfR was that it is urgent that the transfer of mineral oils into food should be minimised. Solutions expensive and a long way off Industry and researchers have long been looking for solutions to eliminate these unwanted risks. The entire printing sector is discussing how
THREE QUESTIONS TO KERSTIN DIETZE, MARKETING MANAGER FOR SAPPI SPECIALITY PAPERS, SAPPI FINE PAPER EUROPE What has the market’s response been to the idea of packaging papers with an integrated mineral oil barrier? The interest in an efficient and sustainable mineral oil barrier solution is very high and is growing. The increasing interest is certainly also driven by the imminent introduction of legal requirements. Many product manufacturers are now focused on this issue and are looking for rapid solutions. For this reason, the response to our official product launch during Interpack 2014 was extremely positive. There were many enquiries from product manufacturers and processors about our innovative and recyclable barrier papers, with our efficient and easy-to-implement solution enjoying a great deal of interest. Are there any specific projects yet, and how is the ongoing development of the mineral oil barrier papers progressing? Currently there are multiple customer tests running on different packaging types for tea, cereals, chocolate and various dry foods. We are very optimistic that we will be able to present the first successfully implemented projects very soon. The development work will not come to an end following the successful market launch of the mineral oil barrier papers, however. The next stage is to expand the number of weights on offer for these barrier papers. What further developments is Sappi currently working on? Sappi is increasingly investing in the development of special papers. Thanks to expansion of the specialist centre for special papers in Alfeld, we will be able to present many additional innovations in the future. The Algro Nature and Leine Nature papers that can be composted at home, as well as the mineral oil barrier papers Algro Guard M and Leine Guard M are the first innovative results of these investments. In addition to this, our company is also running various development projects in the area of sustainable packaging solutions. A key focus is the integration of different functionalities into our papers. We will be announcing additional products and solutions very soon.
to migrate to inks free of mineral oil for the long term. Carton manufacturers are working on improved cleaning processes for recycled papers; and paper processors are voluntarily avoiding the use of inks containing mineral oil for packaging printing. However, none of these solutions can have the desired impact in the short term however, and even when they are achieved, the associated costs are very high. Functional barriers, either in the form of coated, painted or laminated folding cartons or impermeable inner pouches, is a potential solution that is currently available. The use and benefit of packaging materials with mineral oil barriers (abbreviated as MOB (Mineral Oil Barrier)) are currently an important topic of discussion in the packaging sector. Although some of these measures are currently being implemented by product manufacturers, there is a need to do more, and soon: Legal requirements for this are anticipated in Germany, in particular, where a legal bill is still being discussed. However, a recommendation for the use of barriers for inner pouches in food packaging has existed in Austria since 2012. Sappi presents its solution To enable the continued use of recycled paper in packaging materi-
als, Sappi has developed a solution in partnership with BASF and Eurofins that brings innovative MOB papers into the market. The Sappi paper has a barrier coating which is applied during the production process in the form of a special dispersion agent. These new paper types for flexible packaging prevent the penetration of potentially harmful substances into food while allowing the ongoing, sustainable use of recycled cellulose in packaging materials, including outer packaging and transport packaging, ensuring improved food safety. Sappi introduced MOB papers as a technology demonstration at Fachpack last year . Shortly afterwards, these papers were awarded the “PPI Award 2013 for Advances and Innovation.” At this year’s Interpack, MOB papers were introduced onto the market under the brand names Algro Guard M for outer packaging that require high print quality, and Leine Guard M for inner pouches and bags. These save, sustainable and cost-effective solutions have been generally available since Spring 2014. Homogeneous, sealed surface One of the technical challenges in developing the MOB papers lay in achieving a homogeneous coating
to fully cover the pre-coated paper substrate. Even small defects in the coating can have a direct effect on the quality of the barrier function. This means it is important to have an exceptionally smooth, non-porous raw paper with a full-coverage primer offering. Another challenge was finding a production window on the coater to permit a barrier coating to be applied to product without the rollers becoming blocked. Together Sappi and BASF succeeded in developing coating solutions to address these challenges. It required the creation of a water-based polymer dispersion that could guarantee the necessary barrier while providing a stable and fault-free film using the predefined parameters without blockages. For this purpose, the film formation had to be aligned with the blocking response to achieve the optimal formulation. Test confirms effectiveness To test the effectiveness of the barrier coating in preventing the penetration of poisonous mineral oils into food and other sensitive products, BASF turned to Eurofins Consumer Product Testing GmbH, an international bioanalytics service provider. This lab focuses on test-
ABOUT SAPPI Sappi Fine Paper Europe (SFPE) is the leading European manufacturer of coated fine paper, as used for premium magazines, catalogues, books and high-end print advertising. The company has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Sappi Fine Paper Europe is renowned for innovation and quality. The graphical papers includes the brands Magno™, Quatro™, Royal™, Galerie™, GalerieArt™ and Jaz™. Algro®, Fusion®, Leine® and Parade® are the brands for special labels, top liners, packaging paper and boxes. Sappi papers are manufactured in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified factories and all plants in the EU are EMAS-registered. SFPE plants also have chain of custody certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) and/or through the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™). Sappi Fine Paper Europe is a division of Sappi Limited (JSE), a global company based in Johannesburg, South Africa, which employs over 14 000 people and has production sites in seven countries on three continents, sales offices in 50 countries and customers in over 100 countries worldwide. More information on Sappi can be found at
Frank dice: puoi scordartelo amico!
Algro® Guard M e Leine® Guard M sono i perfetti “buttafuori” per proteggere i tuoi prodotti alimentari. Questi prodotti innovativi e riciclabili a base carta di Sappi offrono una soluzione integrata altamente efficiente e sostenibile contro gli oli minerali per minimo 15 mesi. Le eccellenti proprietà di termo-saldabilità di questi prodotti barriera riducono il numero di processi di lavorazione e anche i costi di produzione. Rendi il tuo imballaggio per prodotti alimentari più sicuro e più economico!
ing and analysing foods, pharmaceutical products and environmental samples as well as consumer goods. Eurofins conducted a threemonth test cycle on behalf of BASF. These and other tests have definitively shown that papers with MOB barriers developed jointly by BASF and Sappi prevent mineral oil residues in recycled cardboard and recycled carton from migrating into food during the standard shelf life of the foods in question: The two new Sappi papers, Algro Guard M and Leine Guard M, have the necessary MOB functionality for a protective period of at least 15 months - in other words, far longer than the normal maximum shelf life of the products - as well as very good sealing capabilities. It is precisely the integrated MOB functionality and the excellent sealing capability of the papers that ensure that no additional processing steps or extra coatings are needed to meet these requirements. This
results in shorter value chains and more efficient overall production times. Before these tests were conducted, the supervisory bodies in the food industry were of the opinion that the migration of mineral oils could only be safely prevented via functional barriers such as inner pouches. According to information from Eurofins, the material from BASF was the first directly applied coating able to demonstrate appropriate barrier properties. Thanks to the surface properties of the new MOB papers, they are also very well suited for downstream processing to enhance the packaging according to brand owner requirements. These types of enhancements are not always required, however. For example, tests have shown that the MOB papers also offer excellent aroma protection. This is demonstrated, for example, by protection against
the loss of camphors (peppermint) and limonene in foods packaged using these papers. At the same time, the barrier paper also protects against environmental odours that could impair flavour penetrating the packaged food from the outside. Conclusion: on the right path Both of these new Sappi paper types feature two key properties: Guaranteed mineral oil barrier protection for 15 months and excellent heat sealing capabilities. The market interest in this packaging solution is immense. This confirms for Sappi that its approach in developing a packaging solution with mineral oil barrier was the correct one: The many benefits of paper and carton as packaging materials - renewable, environmentally friendly, recyclable, compostable and biodegradable - now include providing a mineral oil barrier for improved food safety.
great success! General System Pack confirmation the undoubted validity of horizontal flow pack packaging machines and automatic loading systems. Strong focus on long dwell welding systems has allowed GSP to emerge as a market leader in the sensitive sector of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The GSP 65 BB BOX MOTION model aroused particular interest, created and designed to provide great versatility when used with food products. It extends shelf life using a hermetic envelope containing the right mixture of CO2 and nitrogen and makes the product look more appealing to the discerning end user. Ease of sanitising, accessibility and rust resistance of GSP packaging machines and equipment further distinguish and qualify GSP
Technology, even when applied to hostile environments such as production departments of frozen foods, dairy products, etc. Trusting General System Pack guarantees concrete and innovative so-
lutions integrated with your needs, for the global packaging of your company.
ARTEN PACKAGING is the market leader and frontrunner of technology across the metal and plastic container industry in Turkey,Middle East,South Eastern Europe,North Africa.We have approximately 2500 employees in our 14 factories and offices,2200 in Turkey and 300 working abroad.Sarten is the manufacturer of 3pcs.welded and 2 pcs.drawn metal containers for a variety of industries including canned foods, cooking oil, aerosols, pesticides, engine oils, paints.In plastic containers supplies, Sarten offers products made of PET, PE and PP for the lubricants, agricultural chemicals (COEX), paints, ketchup,mayonnaise etc. (COEX), cleaning materials and cosmetics industries. Our market share in the Turkish food can market is approximately 60% and in ready meals sector it is more than 80%. We also have approximately 35% of the canned edible oil market.Twist caps offered by SARTEN in a wide range of diameters (38 mm to 100 mm) and different types , are ideal for various requirements of customers and they meet the demands of food industry. Twist Caps are suitable for hot , cold , aseptic filling , pasteurisation and sterilisation of various food and beverage applications.Sarten offers a wide range of diameters (38 mm to 100 mm) and different types of twist caps.Easy-open ends and twist caps are mainly used in the food industry. Plastic containers and bottles are used for packing;dairy products,ketc hup,mayonnaise,mustard the food industry. We are very active in sales of metal food cans and plastic bottles and jars to Europe and USA with special focus to geogaphically closer markets mainly in the south eastern europe. We are producing more and more conventional and shaped food cans with thinner but stronger materials with special panelling formats
down gauging is continuing in all sizes.CTP platemaking,digital preprint proofing,streamlining of artwork to proofing then to ink mixing and then ink control in presses via one common language software is creating very good results in print quality and repeatability of jobs.In house central manufacture of toolings provides uniformity in all operations in all our factories.Improvements to all metal food can making machinery and seamers at ours and our customers plants as well as plastic containers moulds are esigned,manufactured,assembled and tested at our R&D department. Quality control and assurance are clearly crucial in our line of business. Our
accreditations include ISO 9000,ISO 14001,ISO22000,GMP,Lean Enterprise and Manufacture and 5S is practised in all our sites. Latest investments include 6 colours UV printing line,UV coating line,,CTP plate making,shaped food cans and aerosols lines.5 liters rectangular for edible cooking oil,motor oil,chemicals etc. cans manufactured with thinner and stronger material with specially designed panels on the body to increase axial load carrying and stackability of these cans was succesfully introduced with collaboration of one of our major client.UN certification for the transportaion of dangerous goods was obtained for this can.
market leader company, Tecno Pack offers solutions that are always specific and designed for every field of application, with special focus on the food sector. Tecno Pack provides the packaging technology that your company requires: from the small manual loading electronic flow pack packaging machine to the complete system
that removes products from the production line, stores them in single or multiple packs and then transports them to be palletised. A sales team of highly skilled technicians, a knowledgeable and flexible technical department, in-house production of all mechanical parts, careful selection of trade materials, top class production team and timely
after-sales services, which is present worldwide, enable Tecno Pack to offer its customers machines and systems that are designed as “tailormade clothing” and recognised as the ultimate expression of current technological innovation by companies as Barilla, Nestlé, Pavesi, Kraft, Baxter, Chipita, PepsiCo and many others.
High-speed, flexibility, modified atmosphere, product shelf life and global packaging integration in the company system are some of the issues that Tecno Pack tackles daily with enthusiasm and determination and which, together with its customers, provide it with new evolutionary impetus. Tecno Pack is totally confident in being able to conceive its “tailor made clothing” also for your product and is committed from the outset in designing it, using the same care with which it is manufactured. Tecno Pack’s goal is to achieve only technological excellence, conforming it to the requirements and developments of your company and therefore gain, over the years, your total satisfaction. Tecno Pack’s offer is to work with you, so it can be decisive in the success of your company.
epi celebrates its 30 years of business activity. We manufacture turn-key plants for the storage, transport and dosage of raw materials, serving the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry. With more than 100 people working in its seat in Forlì – Italy – and a large network of partners and representation in the five continents, thanks to a sales division that is strongly oriented to consultancy and collaboration, we builds customized solutions for our customers and the raw materials they use. Over 7000 m2 of productive area, more than 4000 systems the world over and a turnover of about 20 millions in 2014, after 30 years we are both different and the same. Innovation and tradition, flexibility,
high accuracy, craftsmanship and industrial precision mark out our systems, which are also the result of a profound understanding of the raw materials, decades of experience and the trust we have built with our customers. The design of our systems also allows for their future extension or changes, you can adopt Cepi systems for the food sector to handle both dry ingredients as well as liquids for the production of: bakery products, pizza, pasta, cous cous, confectionary/chocolate products, premix of powders, breakfast foods, snack foods, candies, chewing gum, pet food … The management aggregates competences in the design and mechanics, production and logistics, and a deep knowledge of
the raw materials acquired through a steady presence in the market. Nothing we did in the course of our work was wasted, neither the time we took to study a new material, nor the technology we developed to meet a unique need. No two systems are the same and each one we built has proved to be a chance to stretch ourselves, to learn something, to keep moving. Cepi is always up with changing markets, very demanding from the technical and technological point of view, and invests in new machineries, such as those specific for cutting and welding, or those for automatic cleaning of INOX, or the tower for the building of outdoor silos and many other equipments which purpose is to rationalize the production, be more 53
independent and reduce prices, too. We invest also in people, in order to offer competitive and always better products. To this end, starting from questions raised by our customers our internal R&D department develops new solutions and perfects those existent. Cepi has patented multiple technologies and has received many awards for the Excellency of our procedures. We partner permanently with the Bologna University in project development, research on mechanical applications and materials testing. The CEPI systems take care of your process entirely, providing highly competitive automation systems for the production control and plant management and full traceability. Stop by Cepi stand A5.251 at IBA in Munich, we can present our best solution for your bulk handling necessities. More in detail, we can offer: • OUTDOORSILOS in stainless steel built in dedicated tower and INDOORSILOS made of panels or in trevira HT antistatic fabric, Atex certified, patented Cepi, built in our internal tailoring. Extraction of product by fluidized bed or vibrating cone, available also with multiple extractions, produced in our factory with proper molds. • WEIGHING and DOSAGE systems in loss of weight, or volumetric, or in
continuum; • AUTOMATIC DOSAGE of MINOR-INGREDIENTS through modular and integrated units loaded manually or automatically thanks to direct suction of the product from the sack. High accuracy of metering; • MANUAL DOSAGE OF MINOR-INGREDIENTS through table or ground scale; • Storage, transport and dosage systems for LIQUIDS, double jacket or isolated tanks that could be weighted on cells; water mixing unit and measuring device for liquids; • DOSAGE of MACRO-INGREDIENTS through Bags and Big Bags unloading stations; • internal production of ACCESSORIES to improve and purify the quality of raw materials, such as sifters, magnets detectors, lumps breakers, filters … • SUGAR MILLING SYSTEM ATEX certified. Automatic feeding of granulated sugar; previous sifting and control of product by means of a sifter and a magnet detector; grinding mill GAS FREE thanks to the air recycling; storage mixer provided with stirrer in order to avoid any lump; • SYSTEMS for the production of INVERTED SUGAR; • FERMENTING TANKS, YEAST MEL-
TERS, BREAD RE-WORK DISSOLVERS with temperature control device, agitator and refrigerating system and as optional connection with weighing cells, pump and PHcontrol device, too; • FLOUR COOLING SYSTEM on silbox silo which allows the constant and controlled temperature of dough 12 months/year. This process occur without the addition of water, nor using any cooling agent (CO2, ...) COSTANT TEMPERATURE => RECIPE = ALL THE YEAR => COSTANT PRODUCT • SYSTEMS for BREAD AND BISCUITS SCRAP RE-WORK for the production of bread crumbs, or croutons, or a powder similar to flour which could be re-used in production; • INTERNAL ELECTRICAL and SOFTWARE DESIGN for standard or customized dosages; • INTERNAL DESIGN of COMPUTERIZED SYSTEMS, provided with innovative raw materials MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE to monitor the whole production process and trace back to the origin of the product, all this from your office. You can find all this and more by visiting our web site Cepi is the reliable partner which supports your growth and can offer swift and qualified post-sales assistance, in addition to punctual answers to every and any questions that might crop up.
WORLD PREMIÈRE: ‘ATMOSPHERIC BAKING’ MIWE roll-in e+: top baking results with standard pressure in the baking chamber
IWE presented a world première at this year’s iba: atmospheric baking. The new MIWE roll-in e+ is the first oven in the world that can bake with a defined, standard atmospheric pressure in the baking chamber. This provides an even baking result that is unaffected by external factors such as air pressure, air speed and humidity. The latest rack oven generation also offers an impressive 8% higher energy efficiency, as well as simpler operation and cleaning. What’s more, it is the first rack oven in the world to
come with a wireless core temperature sensor. The MIWE innovation guarantees not only even baking results, but also absolute process reliability, improved oven operation and, in many cases, shorter baking times. This also saves energy costs. A flue that doesn’t draw air, changes in the weather or a lack of suitable air pressure in the production area – despite all the improvements in baking technology, until now uncontrollable external factors have always made baking more complex, hindering our planning and control over the process.
With atmospheric baking, the pressure in the baking chamber remains stable. When the overpressure in the baking chamber caused by the steam jet drops back to ambient pressure, the controller intervenes and keeps the pressure constant at 0 Pa relative to the ambient pressure until the end of the baking process. In older systems, the air pressure in the baking chamber always dropped by 5 to 10 Pa after steaming, then increased to generate a significant overpressure when the slide valve was opened. The fact that no cold air is added during atmospheric baking reduces the power consumption, while other energy-saving solutions have improved the energy efficiency of the latest MIWE roll-in e+ by a further 8%. The patented flue gas piping system reduces power consumption, as it has an additional channel that is also used to heat the steam. Meanwhile, the MIWE eco:wing positioned in the flue gas pipeline also saves energy. The patented air regulation system MIWE aircontrol, the temperature management system MIWE deltabaking, the triple glazing with insulating glass and the optional heat storage wall provide additional improvements to the rack oven’s energy efficiency. How much power is actually consumed during baking can be documented and displayed
MIWE roll-in e+ The new generation MIWE roll-in e+ 3.0 with ‚Atmospheric baking‘ and the new 10“ control panel.
using the optional energy meter and consumption display. The core temperature is documented during the baking process in keeping with the hygiene directive. This requires no additional work thanks to the world’s first core temperature
sensor system in a rack oven, which uses multi-point sensors in the oven to transmit the measurements via a wireless connection. MIWE’s developers have made further improvements to the user-friendliness of the new MIWE roll-in e+. The
programs in Easy and Professional mode can be operated using the touch-screen display of the MIWE TC - now with a 10” screen. Thanks to its patented automatic capacity regulation, the controller allows for a reliable baking process, even for small batches and when using the special function for baking small frozen products. The much brighter baking chamber lighting and the new LED status light make it easier to visually monitor the baking process. At MIWE, hygienic design means flat, jointless surfaces that are easy to clean. This applies not only to the splash-proof housing, but also to the baking chamber, the rotating plate that carries the rack trolley, and the door.
MIWE roll-in e+ Drehteller The new rotary plate is not only more hygienic but even more stable.
Speaking of which, the door can also be hinged on the left or right, with minimal time and effort. The adjustable seals mean that the doors are always steam-proof, and they can also be fitted with an optional softclose function.
irex (, whose headquarters are located in Sedico, Belluno province, close to the Natural Park of the Belluno Dolomites, has accumulated nearly forty years of experience in the design and construction of cooking equipment dedicated to the foodservice sector and large scale. Recently the company has expanded their premises, a new production lines and as well new spaces dedicated to new technical and commercial offices, we have invested heavily in acquiring laboratory equipment of the latest generation in support of the hard work of research and development. The offer, articulated on equipment of various sizes and capacity, from 30 to 600 liters, includes cookers 58
electronically controlled static and tilting, multi-purpose mixer cookers, universal kettles with lifted baskett or tilting mechanism, vacu-
um cookers. The study of the needs of food industries leaded us to realize machines and accessories that complement each other and which
CUCIMIX More than a small cooker Safety, reliability, better quality of the finished product, greater availability of human resources, savings in time and money can be summed up in one word: CUCIMIX. It is a gas or electric mixing cooker with direct heating, designed for big labs and industry.
Equipment with electronic control
Courtesy of Italian Gourmet, from the book “CROSTATE” by Gianluca Fusto, 2014 Photo by Giovanni Panarotto
Cucimix is a truly versatile, compact all-in-one multifunctional industrial cooker that allows you to work automatically, without requiring constant control on the part of staff and occupying less than 2 cubic meters, with 30 or 70-litre capacity, in electric and gas versions. Praline, sugar cooking, caramel, custard, syrups are just a few examples of the potential of this machine. For more information about the Cucimix electric or gas cookers contact us.
realize a real process line based on the high technology of each device and on the flexibility of function.
Example of small process line for the production of fruit jams or canned vegetables:
Firex think of the transformation of raw materials, such as fruit, to produce food ready-for-sale, a process that affects the small food industries, but also agricultural producers who can jump into the direct sales market.
1 Wash the fruit with Vegetable washer. The tank compartmented allows you to wash different products at the same time, while the vortex of the water is controlled depending on the needs. Each phase is automatic and programmable. The basket, practical and light, allows easy extraction of clean product. 2 Drying with the centrifuge. Before cooking it eliminates the excess water with the centrifuge specification for fruits and vegetables, which facilitates the work and saves time. The speed is adjustable depending on the product, while the basket is easily extractable. The steel structure
Firex is able, therefore, to follow you step by step, to find, among the different lines produced, the machinery most suitable for the needs of the food industries. In the specific case of the production of jams, for example, the company is able to offer equipment for all processing stages: from the equipment for the washing and the drying of the fruit to the multi-purpose machine for cutting and vacuum cooking, until the pasteurizing machine for the jars.
and the base rubber for the stability and the absorption of vibration, make the centrifugal Firex a professional appliance. 3 Inserting the fruits washed still whole in the vacuum cooking machine “High-P”. It’s the new born at Firex that, thanks to its patented multipurpose mixer, can cut the whole fruit, mix it and mix all ingredients. High-P makes jam only with ingredients such fruit and sugar: with the vacuum cooking, in halved cooking times, maintaining color, fragrance and taste of fresh fruit. In 15 minutes you can realize up to 20 kg of jam. 4 With the pasteurizing machine Fixpan, the product into jars lasts longer. After packing proceed to pasteurization in water of jam jars with Fixpan. In four moves your product is ready for sale! Vacuum cooking is also fast and maintains maximum nutritional value of foods. The cooking technique under vacuum allows to transform the foods at lower temperatures than with the open lid open. For example, fruit boil already at 80° C avoiding so the usual oxidation of the product. In this way, the colors and the organoleptic qualities of foods are kept intact and the end result is great and quick. In fact the last born in Firex, High-P is a cooker capable of using the vacuum in static or dynamic form and so to produce 20 kg of jam in less than 15 minutes or 50 kg of meat sauce in 35 minutes , considerably reducing the processing times and keeping unchanged the organoleptic properties of foods. Here with tools Firex you can get high quality food, genuine, shortening the supply chain and making the 100% products of our territory.
ademaker Crusto Bread line Bread comes in many shapes and sizes. This staple food is on the daily menu of people in virtually all corners of the world. At Rademaker they have managed to transform the traditions of the past into robust, state-of-the-art industrial bakery production lines. Today, the ever changing need for new types of bread reflects even faster changing consumer attitudes. Rademaker is familiar with types of bread from all over the world. The Dutch based company have incorporated all of this know-how into their flexible Crusto bread line that will allow users to anticipate the future requirements of their customers. It is designed to produce a wide range of breads from soft dough, strongly hydrated dough, pre-fermented dough, bio dough and firm dough. The unique modular design of the produc-
tion line allows for fast product changeovers and for expansion with customized additions with which the users can easily adapt their product range. Designed to meet the highest hygienic and safety standards, the Rademaker Crusto bread line will yield maximal results in terms of product quality and return on investment, with a focus on ingredient and waste reduction. Capacities range from 500 kg - 9.000 kg per hour, consistently produced hour by hour, day by day, and year by year. Why sheeting technology? Rademaker are specialists in sheeting technology. They have chosen the sheeting technology above the traditional system because sheeting provides some important benefits. Sheeting makes it possible to handle a great variety of dough types, from ‘green’ to pre-fermented dough, all at high capacities. By using stress-
free dough sheeters and laminating technology, you can achieve basically any dough and bread structure desired. The Rademaker Crusto breadline concept allows to combine traditional bread types with artisan bread types, all produced on one sheeting system. Wide product assortment at significant capacities The Crusto bread line is developed to produce a wide assortment of breads for mid-sized to industrial bakeries. Whatever bread product the user need, the Crusto bread line can make it. The line consists of a number of innovative and versatile modules on wheels that can easily be positioned in any required line order. This flexibility is key when it comes to configuring the desired application and managing production efficiency. When industrial bakeries choose for the Crusto bread line, Rademaker will provide them
with the best solution for their situation, even if this means developing a customer-specific module. Unlimited variety for the best quality Versatility is key in the Rademaker Crusto bread line. Thanks to the modular set-up, this flexible production line allows it’s users to produce a wide range of breads by simply exchanging one or more modules. A good recipe is the very basis of the bread quality. As it is Rademaker’s quest to produce a wide variety of high quality breads, the Crusto bread line is capable of handling a large variety of recipes, including those for breads with a high water % (strongly hydrated) or low salt content, with bio ingredients, or gluten free, pre-fermented, levain, mother dough, biga and sponge dough. All these recipes result in a very wide range of bread products. If for example it’s users want to produce tin breads Rademaker focus on achieving a fine and consistent crumb structure, as with the high-water absorption artisan breads the focus is on obtaining a light, authentic and open bread structure. Whatever bread product industrial bakeries desire to produce, dough processing holds no secrets to Rademaker. While the Crusto bread line is developed to produce an extensive and international
assortment of breads, Rademaker can take the extra step and apply one of the major strengths of the company, namely developing customized modules tailored to specific needs. Continuous improvement and innovation When industrial bakeries choose Rademaker as their partner in bread lines, they choose for the very best. The company listen to customers, keep close track of market developments and treasure the feedback of their service engineers. This enables the Rademaker Research & Development department to develop innovations customers can face the future with. The robust and durable production lines are built from first-class materials by qualified professionals. Special components are sourced from selected third party suppliers with a proven track record. Rademaker equipment meets international food processing standards and is designed for wet cleaning. Hygiene and safety are top priorities. The quality that results from all of this and of which Rademaker is so proud, reflected in every single component of every production line build and in every service that is provided. A continuous improvement program ensures that this high quality is maintained at all times.
he use of bulk aseptic packaging in the fruit processing industry is extremely popular. It can be used for puree, NFC juice, concentrates, particulates (dices, cells, pulp) etc and allows long shelf life and considerable decrease in the problems of disposal of traditional packaging methods. Taking into consideration the considerable capital cost investment of an “aseptic bulk packaging line” including a sterilizer and a filler it is important that the choice of the characteristics of the equipment be carefully selected in order to match with present (and also future) applications. Some of the points to be taken into consideration are: FOR THE STERILIZER • Quantity to be processed. • Type of product to be sterilized and its (their) organolectic characteristics (viscosity, thermosensitivity, presence of fibers/particulates etc). FOR THE FILLER • Quantity to be packed. • Type of aseptic bag/container and relevant size. • Characteristics of the product and presence, if any, of fibers and particulates (in this case max size needed). The sterilizer is chosen on the basis of the above considerations and can be of different models, including: • Plate type (standard or widegap to allow the use with fiber). • Tube in tube (standard or for high pressures). • Multitubular. • Scraped surface. • Batch type for special applications (like fruit preparation for yoghurt). Similarly the filler can be chosen according to the criteria indicated above and can be of different models including: • 1 head filler, complete with aseptic tank.
• 2 heads filler. • 1/2 heads filler for the filling of 1000 kg bags or 4 drums on a pallet. All fillers can be equipped to fill small bags in box and can be equipped with aseptic heads for 1 or 2 inches depending upon the size of particulates that can be present in the product. Flexibility is also required for the sterilization method that is usually steam but complemented by disinfectant (Hydrogen
peroxide solution) depending on pH of the product to be filled. Bertuzzi Food Processing, a leading Italian Company operates since 1936 in the design and construction of machinery and plants for the processing of fruits and vegetables. Bertuzzi produces ALL types of sterilizers and all types of fillers indicated above and is therefore in the best position to suggest to the customer the system that better fits and its present and future needs.
a company of MAZZONI LB
BERTUZZI FOOD PROCESSING Srl, founded in 1936, is one of the major world players in the design and supply of machines and complete plants to transform any type of vegetable and fruit into juices, concentrates, baby food, jams, readymade drinks etc.
BERTUZZI FOOD PROCESSING Srl, fondée en 1936, est l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux dans la conception et la fourniture de machines et d'installations complètes pour la transformation de tout type de végétales et de fruits en jus, concentrés, aliments pour bébé, confitures, boissons prêtes à l'emploi, etc.
THIS INNOVATION WAS HONORED WITH THE “INTERNATIONAL FOODTEC AWARD 2015” IN SILVER. The LSM adds the capability to the MPA for the analysis of raw milk samples. It is fully automated, including cleaning and can handle liquids from whey to ice cream pre-mix.
uality control requirements for food production and food processing are constantly increasing. Modern FT-NIR spectroscopy presents the industry with many possibilities for fast and simple quality control in the laboratory and can also be used to monitor the production line directly. The new-generation analytical instruments are easy and intuitive to use and even enable shift workers to carry out analyses alongside production. Fast analysis is beneficial at every stage in the production chain because errors made at one specific point often impact on the final pro66
duct. With FT-NIR, manufacturers can: • analyse samples from tankers quickly, prior to unloading, and therefore reject any deliveries that do not meet specifications; • identify raw materials before use and quantify and assess their properties; • conduct on-line quality control at important production steps and prior to bottling; • check food is fit for human consumption. The following examples demonstrate some of the possible uses of FTNIR spectroscopy technology in the food industry.
Analysis of milk and dairy products On account of seasonal and regional variation in the composition of raw milk, it is essential for all subsequent processing steps that the milk will be standardised. FT-NIR spectroscopy analyses the key parameters, fat, protein, dry matter and lactose, with accuracy comparable to that of conventional mid-infrared systems (FT-IR). Using the LSM (liquid sampling module) – a sample feed with optional homogenisation and automatic cleaning routines – samples are simply pumped into a temperature-controlled transmission-flow cell, where they are measured.
Any kind of milk, e.g. raw milk, skimmed milk or UHT milk, can be analysed, as well as other liquid dairy products including cream, condensed milk, liquid ice cream, flavoured milk products and concentrates, i.e. even viscous products that conventional milk analysis instruments struggle to measure. Another advantage of FT-NIR spectroscopy is that one single piece of equipment can be used to measure not only liquid samples but solid and paste-like products too, including cheese, powdered milk and yogurt. This allows for the cost-effective analysis of different quality parameters in all relevant products, ensuring quick quality control at the individual stages of production.
Quality control of frying oils Deep-fried foods, such as chips, fish products, doughnuts and crisps, have become a substantial part of our diets today. This calls for a quick and simple method for closely and continuously monitoring the degradation in quality of deep-frying oil and thereby detecting harmful byproducts that develop from oxidation and polymerisation in particular. Various criteria are applied to determine when the oils need to be changed. For instance, the total polar materials (TPM) and polymerised triacylglycerol (PTG) levels are defined using gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Regulations in many EU countries state that a deepfrying oil should contain below 24-27 % TPM, and 16 % PTG. However, no single parameter can be considered conclusive. A variety of tests should always be consulted to measure the by-products resulting from both oxidative and thermal processes in the oil before a valid conclusion can be drawn. Using FT-NIR spectroscopy, these parameters, as well as other important readings such as acid value and Anisidine value, can be established from one single measu-
Rapid quality control for edible oils and oilseeds can be achieved by Bruker’s dedicated FT-NIR solutions. The analysis is quick, cost-effective and safe to use, even for untrained staff. rement. FT-NIR was included in the DGF standard methods (DGF C-VI 21a) last year as a screening method for the analysis of deep-frying oils. Many other important quality parameters for fresh, unused deep-frying oils and other cooking oils, such as olive oil, can be analysed using FTNIR. Besides the iodine value, the
trans-fatty acid content and the acid value, the various fatty acids can be quickly identified too.
Solutions for the meat-processing industry With global demand for meat and meat products continuing to grow, it can be a challenge to always de-
The major application areas for FT-NIR spectroscopy in the food industry include meat, dairy, beverages, edible oils, flour & bakery ingredients and condiments as well as grains and oilseeds.
liver the quality that customers expect. FT-NIR technology, which can produce analysis results in less than a minute, has the capability to complete, or even replace, a wide range of conventional quality assurance testing procedures for meat and meat products, both in the laboratory and on the production line. For example, it is very important for sausage manufacturers to determine the often variable fat content in their meat supplies when planning subsequent production steps. Furthermore, the fat content is a common criterion for value-based payment to suppliers. In this respect, FT-NIR spectroscopy represents a valuable tool for assessing the raw materials going into the product. The parameters of fat, protein and water can be determined simultaneously using just one measurement. The results can be used as a basis for decisions about production procedures. In sausage production, there is a legal requirement to define the maximum water content, minimum pro-
tein content and total fat content. The salt level is also of particular interest to the manufacturer and consumers as well. FT-NIR has proven itself to be an efficient method of analysis for measuring levels of moisture, fat, protein and salt in the different sausage varieties. Additionally, water activity (aw-value) can be analysed to optimise the product’s shelf life.
and even over conveyor belts. Up to six sensors can be multiplexed by a single MATRIX-F FT-NIR spectrometer. One example is the monitoring of the milk powder process. The key points in the spray drying process can be monitored by installing sensors e.g. in the storage tanks, the inline feed of the spray dryer as well as at the powder outlet of the fluid bed dryer.
Monitoring Food Processes Online
FT-NIR spectroscopy is however not restricted to the laboratory. There is a strong trend to take spectroscopy on the line rather than taking the sample to the lab. Not only quality and safety issues, but also economic considerations motivate the producers to develop methods for the real time process analysis. Online measurements are suitable for solid and liquid samples alike. There are different contact and non-contact sensors available which can be implemented into pipes, bypasses
FT-NIR spectroscopy is a high-performance method of analysis that is increasingly being used in the food industry. With its simple operation, it has the potential to replace a wide range of conventional analysis methods and to serve as a rapid method that dramatically increases the number of samples that can be measured. Consequently, the quality of the raw materials, production processes and end products can be controlled and monitored more closely.
The award winning MATRIX-F FT-NIR spectrometer allows the direct measurement in pipes, bypasses and even over conveyor belts leading to a better understanding and control of the process.
Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys for the food industry Thanks to a clean and essential design, to a totally hermetic execution and to a protection level IP66 or IP67, the Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys, also available in stainless steel, are easy to clean and drastically reduce the risks of contamination in the food processing industry.
Moving ahead.
You don't need to be the biggest to do things better; You onlY need the will to do it. And to know how.
ision, mission and philosophy of excellence In a country with food manufacturing potentials, food manufacturing has to be set as one of the pillars of technological and economical progress. PIGO set a goal to become an initiating force in technological and consequently economical progress in food processing industry, a leader in country and in the world in manufacturing of food processing machines from its program. Today, PIGO has established itself as a world-class leader in the design and manufacture of high technology freezing equipment and freeze dryers, as well as fruit and vegetable processing equipment, with an extensive experience in both freezing and fruit and vegetables processing. PIGO machines are the result of many years of experience, research and development. PIGO can proudly say that its machines achieve excellent operating characteristics and energy efficiency, while being user friendly, thus guaranteeing many advantages and privileges to the company’s buyers.
Main products PIGO has specialized in building fluidised bed freezers, EASY Freeze, the most suitable for IQF freezing variety of fruits, vegetables and numerous sea, meat and cheese products, redefining IQF technology with adaptable air flow. Our EASY Freeze technology is providing perfect shape of IQF product and no clumps - full controlled fluidisation method keeps the product constantly suspended above the belt in a cushion of air. The result is the immediate crust freezing and efficient core freezing of individual pieces, regardless of type, variety or condition of product. Freezing efficiency is maximized for each unique product, whether the product is heavy, light, soft, sticky or fragile, thanks to variable speed control of all fans and belts, allowing on-the-fly optimization of air flow conditions. Interior video monitoring allows for real-time supervising of operating conditions, allowing the complete control and adjustments of the entire process from outside, without necessity to enter into the freezer. EASY Freeze is considered as
the freezer with the most superior sanitation, giving the possibility to freeze different products one after the other without risk of cross – contamination. EASY Freeze is energy saving and trouble free solution for all your freezing needs. Within the freezing equipment product line, PIGO also manufactures the innovative EASY Freeze SPYRO, the latest generation of spiral freezers giving utmost advantages to the users in terms of energy efficiency, hygienic conditions and advanced technological characteristics, such as: › Belts gear motors are positioned outside the insulated cabin (no lubrication inside the freezer) avoiding any risks of contaminations due to some oil leakages; › The unit doesn’t have any mezzanine floor and or intermediary platform, to avoid any dirtiness accumulation (presence of any mezzanine floor or intermediary platform are making more difficult the cleaning operations) – the absolutely highest hygienic standards; › Freezer design is made according to max. thermal load and max. surface
Food Processing Machinery
EASY Freeze
Complete solutions for Fruit & Vegetable Processing
Deaeration & Fruit Processing Solutions
The Art of Freezing & Processing
› ›
occupied on the belt by the different products foreseen; Low maintenance cost and low spare parts cost due to utilisation of high quality commercial components; Low pressure fans to higher air speed. In order to obtain a quick freezing process EASY Freeze SPYRO is designed for high speed circulation (4 -10 m/sec) of cold air in contact with the product, on the whole length of the spiral conveyor; Very low weight loss, which is two times less than with vertical air flow Hitting the incoming product with the coldest air; the product is therefore immediately “crusted” and snow formation diminished.
PIGO freezers are built in modular sizes and all components are made entirely of stainless steel, capable to provide perfectly frozen product even for delicate products like cooked rice, raspberries, etc. PIGO also designs, fabricates and assembles sophisticated pilot and production freeze dryers, EASY Freeze DRYER - LYOPHILIZER, product line which includes a broad range of standard and custom units. The freeze drying - dehydration technology allows to save delicate aromas while drying the frozen product under vacuum, producing premium quality product. The machine is made entirely in stainless steel (chamber, doors, hinges, shelf modules, trays etc) with shelf modules and vapour condenser contained inside the chamber.
Viewing ports are provided in the doors, allowing observation of both the vapour condenser and product trays during the drying cycle.Each unit is equipped with complete refrigeration plant of corresponding size, including also refrigeration condensing unit which is purpose-built with capacity control to allow economical use of refrigerant. Besides EASY Freeze, EASY Freeze SPYRO, and EASY Freeze DRYER – LYOPHILIZER, one of the company’s main machines is automatic Pitting machine PG103 having at least 50-100% higher capacity than any other pitting machine
on the market. Experience of all PIGO’s clients confirms work with 0,00% of remained stones when adequate quality and preparation of the fruit (clean, calibrated product with adequate ripeness) is provided. To get a better idea of what PIGO does, please visit the website or just send an e-mail to, they will be very glad to send their detailed offer, and also a DVD with plenty of videos with its machines in the work. Short video clips of PIGO machines in operation are available on, look for PIGOsrl.
COMPLETE, TURNKEY AND TAILOR-MADE SOLUTIONS FOR DAIRY BUSINESS ICF & Welko grants quality, production efficiency and energy saving in full compliance with the strictest international standards
ilk is broadly acknowledged as a complete staple: nature created a unique way of feeding babies safely and completely, providing nutrients, proteins and essential fats in equal proportions. Yet, milk has a cardinal role also in adults’ lives since it contains essential vitamins and mineral salts. The only limitations to its use are to be connected to its own exceptional features: since this is a food rich in nutrients, it may well be attacked and contaminated by microorganism, pathogenic and not, and even when it undergoes thermal treatment, its life cannot be longer than 6 days for standard pasteurization, and 25 days for ESL. Moreover, since milk is also made of 90% water, volumes to be transported are relevant and transport itself may be expensive in economical and environmental terms. It follows that most consumers depend on local suppliers and fresh milk market is subject to substantially important variations. UHT high-temperature treatment enables from the one hand to extend the shelf-life of the product, while from the other hand it reduces its vitamin content and changes its sensorial profile: UHT milk is characterized by so-called “cooked” taste, due to sugar caramelization, volumes to be transported remain the same and therefore the problems connected to the consumption of fresh milk remain.
Thanks to spray drying, milk is more available in terms of geography and shelf-life: milk powder can be transported everywhere inexpensively, on account of its lower weight and volume, and then preserved up to two years while maintaining its nutritional and sensorial characteristics unaltered. Increasing demand of special prod-
ucts (infant food, nutraceuticals, functional food) with special characteristics generates new challenges for plants manufacturers such as ICF & Welko: thanks to its extensive experience in processing plants for the food industry, especially for the dairy and beverage sectors, this company provides turnkey solutions for the production of any kind of milk powder while granting quality, production efficiency and energy saving, in full compliance with the strictest international hygiene, safety and environmental standards. Owing to its background as an engineering company, ICF & Welko designs and builds tailor-made plants, offers utmost process flexibility, making use of all automation levels. It also provides technical, technological and engineering support by interacting with all the players of the dairy business, from wellknown multinationals to small firms committed to competing in the market thanks to a winning idea or firstclass product. Making use of its widespread assistance network and partnerships, in any part of the world, ICF & Welko guarantees assistance within 24 hours from the request. Its pride is customer’s satisfaction, real and concrete, since most of its turnover consists of customers wanting to increase their production capacity, improve quality, diversify their investments by extending their product range.
INNOVATION IN LEAK DETECTION MINIMISES FOOD WASTE Ishida Europe is launching a revolutionary new leak detector to help food manufacturers minimise spoilage in pre-packed retail products.
esigned for use with a wide variety of foods including fresh, cooked and cured meat, poultry, seafood, fruit, salads, vegetables, cheese and ready meals, the Ishida AirScan uses advanced laser technology to identify leaks of CO2 from holes as small as 0.5mm in sealed modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) packs at speeds of up to 180 packs per minute. It has been designed to be easily integrated into existing production lines. “With retailers and suppliers under pressure to minimise food waste, packaging leaks have been associated with almost 500,000 tonnes of food wasted in production each year,” explains Alan Mutch, Ishida Europe’s Quality Control Manager. “Compromised packaging can lead to bacterial spoilage, reduced shelf-life and a damaging rise in complaints and returns. This can result in increased cost of production, loss of brand image and reputation, and the heightened risk of retailer fines.” The new Ishida AirScan offers fast, 100% reliable and completely non-destructive identification of leaks of C02 and has been designed to be highly effective in fast moving production environments so that maximum quality can be achieved without compromising on high throughput speeds and minimum packing time. By maintaining the optimum gas fill for each pack, the leak detector provides consistent product quality, and allows production problems to be identified and rectified quickly. It
also reduces the amount of packaging that has to be scrapped, while the non-destructive testing process ensures that product can be re-packed. The Ishida AirScan is part of Ishida Europe’s quality control range, which also includes X-ray inspection systems, checkweighers, weighprice-labellers, seal testers and vision systems. “Initiatives such as the Courtauld Commitment, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the grocery sector, along with high profile food recalls, mean that suppliers and retailers
are giving increasing priority to driving out waste, reducing risk and optimising performance,” points out Alan Mutch. “Investment in quality control equipment delivers quick commercial returns, not only by ensuring a high quality product leaves the factory gate, but also in providing retailers with the added reassurance that they are sourcing from responsible suppliers that can deliver high levels of customer satisfaction.” For more information watch the Ishida AirScan video:
New fruit slicers by M.f.t.
orrone Food Tech, specialists in fruit and vegetable processing, have implemented their range of fruit slicers with a new version of their apple wedger-chunker and slicer. M.F.T. is an Italian designer and manufacturer of fruit and vegetable processing equipment whose experience and know-how dates back to 1946. Besides being among the leaders in fruit peeling and cutting, in the last 15 years
the staff of M.F.T. have widened their fields of expertise by gaining a large number of new customers across the whole fruit and vegetable processing industry, and throughout the world. The result of this is a wide production range that includes complete lines for fruit and vegetable processing such as for fresh-cut fruit, fruit and vegetable preserves, jams and marmalades, candied fruit, dried fruit, canning lines for fruit and vegetables (tomatoes, peaches, pears, etc,), fruit juices, purees,
frozen fruit, citrus essential oil extraction, limoncello. Amongst the latest innovations, special attention is deserved by the new versions of completely automatic apple wedger-chunker and apple ring slicer. The new MW apple wedger and chunker is in fact a compact machine that allows coring apples and cutting them into either segments (wedge slices) or chunks (also called cubes). The horizontal cut unit may be disabled, thus allowing to switch from 75
wedge slices to chunks in a matter of seconds. Moreover the blades may be very easily replaced, thus allowing to quickly change the coring size, the number of segments and the dimension of the chunks, according to new production requirements. The changeover is really a matter of few minutes! The machine is extremely compact and it includes the tank, the elevator and the orienting system for complete automatic feeding and operation. The production capacity of the MW ranges from 300 to 900 kg/h, according to number of lanes. Another worthwhile piece of equipment is the MW-R apple ring slicer. This machine, which is designed for coring and slicing apples into rings, is particularly suitable for the fruit drying industry requiring very thin ring slices for production of apple chips. Features of this model again include: complete automatic feeding and operation, compactness (feeding tank, elevator and automatic orienting system), quick changeover of cutting unit for rapidly switching slice thickness and last but not least the capacities ranging from 400 to 1200 kg/h. 76
f the rate of progress is becoming faster and faster, Mini Motor has always travelled at the same speed. It has done this by keeping abreast of the changes in technology marking the advent of flexible automation. It also achieves this by growing and expanding as a company, by automating its manufacturing processes and extending its product lines to a potentially infinite range. Mini Motor has achieved all of this in the name of quality, precision and efficiency: key values that will continue to be its guiding principles in the future. Quality precision Efficiency: “endless” Values Mini Motor designs and manufactures all of its products and their components inhouse: motor, reduction unit and electronics. This manufacturing choice is a guarantee of prime build quality, absolute operating precision and superior efficiency with better performance and lower consumption. Mini Motor will continue to build its future and the future of its customers on these values. Customisation: the added value. Mini Motor not only has an extensive range of standard products, it can also supply bespoke products
to meet specific demands in terms of dimensions, challenging applications, extreme temperature conditions, etc. Thanks to its in-house ISO 8 Clean Room, it can also make special production runs in small quantities in decontaminated conditions. Constantly evolving production Mini Motor’s production currently includes tens of thousands of items.
The ongoing technical development of its products is shown by the many important innovations like: XC worm screw GEAR MOTORS, 1 Hp maximum power in just 288 mm of length, with 20% better performance than competing motors with the same power rating; DBS BRUSHLESS SERVOMOTORS with integrated drive. Servomotor and drive in a single, exceptionally compact prod-
uct, ideal for product changeover systems; MCBS and MCFBS BRUSHLESS SERVO GEAR MOTORS , the latest development in worm screw gear motors; MINIACTION, new drives and frequency converters offering an outstanding performance / price ratio. Mini Motor Stands For Safety Mini Motor’s ongoing commitment to maintaining the quality parameters of its production system has been confirmed by ISO 9001:2000 certification, which replaces and supplements the former UNI EN ISO 9001 achieved in 1994. All Mini Motor products have been awarded the cCSAus mark (Canadian Standards Association) for both the Canadian and the American markets, and IP65 and IP67 degree
of protection according to CEI EN 60529, thanks to the build solutions employed and the high quality of the components used. Mini motor: world class quality. Mini Motor has its own branches in Italy, United States, Benelux and Germany. Its constantly expanding network of authorised dealers currently handles distribution in over 40 countries around the world. Four Categories For Thousands Of Items Motors and Coaxial Gear Motors Asynchronous three-phase and single phase motors with 2 or 4 poles from 9 to 740 W. Coaxial gear motors, available in two sizes: 55 mm and 80 mm. Worm screw gear motors Worm screw gear motors, available in four
sizes: with c/c distance 20, 26, 32, 38. Reduction ratios up to 475, torque up to 90 Nm (XCE 150 Nm). Brushless gear motors and motors Brushless 4-pole sinusoidal motors from 32 to 880 W, with torque from 0.085 to 2.4 Nm. Planetary reduction units with reduction ratios up to 49 and torque up to 95 Nm. Worm screw reduction units with reduction ratios up to 80 and torque up to 9 Nm. BLDC and Drivers 230 Vac drives for brushless and asynchronous motors, with and without feedback for power ratings up to 750 W. 24/48 Vdc brushless motors and gear motors with integrated drive with absolute, multiturn encoder and range bus; power ratings up to 500 W.
ini Motor new integrated geared motors Series XC grant maximum power of 1 Hp in overall length of only 288mm; this is an important target for the company that has always successfully hit the goal of getting maximum performance in minimum footprint. In terms of performance it is worth highlighting that Mini Motor new geared motors feature 20% yield more in comparison with motors of similar power, and 30% smaller size. With IP65 standard and IP67 protection, the new mini geared motors Series XC feature a three phase motor, 2 poles and 4 poles, with three levels of power each, with external ventilation, F-rating winding and power capacity from 0,25 to 0,75 kw. Warm reduction gear in hardened steel has 38 mm span, die-cast aluminium case, Caro bronze crown with 120-160 HB hardness, and pure rubber sealing rings for high tempera-
tures; lubrication is by long-duration special additivated oil. The ratio available offers 7 possibilities within one range from 5 to 100, while nominal torque is up to 35 Nm. Alike all other Mini Motor products, the geared motors Series XC are entirely manufactured in-house: motor, geared motor and electronic parts as guarantee of utmost precision and final quality that run out every possible problem of connection, interface and yield loss that might happen when motors and geared motors of different producers are assembled. This production strategy, mirroring corporate precise philosophy, enables Mini Motor not only to offer a definitely unique product in terms of quality, design and performance, but also to propose solutions featuring tailored devices built upon customers’ requirements, also in case of difficult or hard conditions, as an alternative to market standard products.
TO MINI MOTOR THE FUTURE OF HANDLING IS INTEGRATED MINI MOTOR proposes the best solution to many sectors of industrial automation, with special regard to the packaging one
ith the new Series DBS consisting of motor and integrated drive, Mini Motor proposes the best solution to many sectors of industrial automation, with special regard to packaging, which is of strategic importance to the food and pharmaceutical, and change of format sectors. In addition to models 55/100 and 55/50, the Series DBS has also been extended with two new products, as follows: MCDBS with angular warm gear reducer, and DBSE with epicycloidal reducer with reduced backlash. These new products stand out for a section board of 55mm, power up to 220W, torque up to 0,7 Nm, drive with profibus and modbus field bus, 24 and 48 Vdc. An SSI multi-revolution absolute encoder of 4096 impulses offers ever greater possibility of speed, torque, position and homing regulations. Technical features are: • 5 digital inputs and 1 analogic input • 1 relay output (NO) • Serial port RS485 for parametrization • Connectors (IP67) Motor is threephase, 4-pole, sinusoidal, close shape, provided with rotor with NdFeb magnets, safety heat protection, permanent magnet stationary brake (optional), class F winding, IP35 protection. Thanks to DBS solution, we can have: • Easy installation, • Less wiring, • Lower costs. The new Series DBS, thanks to the installation of 1 single feeder and 1 interface module, turns out as a sim-
ple and inexpensive solution, which enables to install a small-size electrical switchboard and solve any problem typical of standard systems that require many Servo Drives and wires. Mini Motor will exhibit at IPACK-IMA 2015, Hall 4 - stand N15 P20.
n occasion of the forthcoming sps ipc drives, mini motor has completed its series of miniaction and dbs drives miniaction 300 miniaction 300, designed as the only drive that operates both series of AC Brushless servomotors and series of threephase asynchronous motors, has been extended with 3 new models for more specific and inexpensive use. Series 400 and 500 are for three-phase asynchronous motors up to 0,75 kW only, while series 200 is inverter/ drive up to 2,3 Nm, like topof-the-range miniaction 300, but with only 4 inputs and one digital output. The heart of the power section is, for the whole range, a smart IGBT module (IPM) that integrates all necessary protection as to make the product utterly reliable and efficient, and to al-
low less external equipment. Control is by 32 bit microcontrollers supplied with instruction set, optimized for speed and therefore specialized in precision motor control. With the new series DBS, consisting of motor and integrated drive, Mini Motor has created an ideal solution for many industrial automation sectors, with special regard to strategically important food and pharmaceutical packaging, and change of format. As well as model 55/100 and 55/50, two new models have extended the Series DBS: MDCBS with angular worm reducer and DBSE with epicycloidal reducer with little backlash. These new products are also characterized by section board of 55mm, power up to 220 W and torque up to 0,7 Nm, activation with profibus and modbus bus field, tension of 24 and 48 Vdc. An absolute encoder SSI, multi-revolution at 4096 impulses, allows the greatest range of speed, torque, position and homing adjustment. Mini Motor is also going to present its new series of stainless steel IP68/IP69K brushless gearmotors at SPS IPC Drives Italia, Hall 3 – Stand F018.
“CUSTOMIZED” EXCELLENCE A motor reducer featuring extraordinary characteristics for heavy duty operations: that’s not an exception to mini motor but further proof of its mission
t is a fact: to build a gear motor characterized by features and performances different from standard is not exceptional to Mini Motor, but the evidence that its peculiar engineering and production flexibility is frequently recognized and appreciated by customers of the world over. It is just product and service customization that has shaped Mini Motor’s activity over the years to the eyes of the stakeholders of the different branches of industrial automation. Particular request from the beverage sector The gear motor we are highlighting now is labeled as PCF5TS, a number that shows it is part of the line of gear motors suitable for the food sector. This case in particular, the customer active in the bottling sector had required a gear motor for heavy duty, suitable for frequent washing and sanitization with highly aggressive chemicals to guarantee utmost sterility of produc-
tion lines. Mini Motor solution: special varnish, IP67 protection and increased torque. As any Mini Motor gear motor of Series PCF, this product features a totally enclosed motor, no cooling fin, as to facilitate cleaning operations. External surface is coated in special epoxy varnish that perfectly resist to chemicals and corrosion, while high IP67 protection level grants continuous operativ-
ity and steady performance over time. This Mini Motor gear motor features a definitely higher torque than standard PCF models, with far more revolutions. This gear motor offers different reduction ratio (5, 7, 10, 20, 40) with rated torque up to 20 Nm. Version B3 with foot and B5 with flange are available. Hollow shaft in stainless steel Aisi 416 upon request.
Advanced automatic final testing system records and certifies that every geared motor meets technical requirements set in advance: a certainty for the producer that turns important guarantee for the customer.
t Mini Motor it is time for exams, or tests actually. We are talking about particular tests that enable to grant, or certify exactly, the excellence of “made in Mini Motor” with reliable
data to be traced back also in the future. To this regard, the company has adopted an automatic final testing system for every single geared motor, once assembled, to undergo specific controls before delivery to
customers. The system consists of a line equipped with state-of-the-art devices. Operators intervene in the three phases that follow. Firstly, after receiving a geared motor from the assembly line, an operator applies
ery. To get higher safety, a numerical code is added to the product before its final seal by means of metal plate showing serial number and other relevant information. The result of the test is briefly noted on a special list certifying that the test has been carried out and accompanying the product right to the receiver.
on it a QR code and gets it ready with wiring for the following tests. Secondly, the geared motor is started and connected to electronic equipment that automatically read speed, noise and dielectric strength values; the product goes back to production for further analysis in case of values exceeding or failing the parameters
set. The values recorded combine to make a complete file on the geared motor - also inclusive of a picture of it - which stands as a real identity card, together with a “rating card”. This file is then saved in a dedicated server where all data of Mini Motor production is archived. Thirdly, the geared motor is made ready for deliv-
Mini Motor final testing system praises accuracy, which together with quality and efficiency, is cardinal part of the corporate mission. This system enables Mini Motor to configure a parameter standard, a sound reference for the company and, at the same time, also further important guarantee for final customers.
Varvel SpA launches innovative products thanks to its R&D department in the forefront which enables to hit important goals
arvel SpA, well-established Bologna-based company specialized in designing speed reducers and variators with sixty years of history and tradition, keeps aiming at the future. The company has recently passed the second phase of Horizon 2020, an European programme securing the necessary funds for a new cutting edge “smart reducer” prototype that will be able to operate without lubricant. The objective of this innovative project is the realization of a maintenance free worm gearbox in sizes 28, 40 and 50. An ambitious project which lasts 24-30 months and totaling €1,200,000. This European program is in fact the natural evolution of a hoped development process in which the company has demonstrated an unwavering commitment over the decades. Its success could really lead to a revolutionary product with a huge, positive impact on the community, in terms of efficiency, reduction of environmental impact, energy saving and safety. A similar challenge has not been undertaken yet by qualified competitors. “We accepted the challenge - says Francesco Berselli, President of Varvel SpA - with an enthusiasm born out of the great work delivered by everyone in Varvel over the years and still today, after the celebration of our Sixtieth anniversary. However important it may be, this goal is a starting point towards Europe and the whole world, strengthening the internationalization process that sees us today in more than 60 countries in all five continents.” “Our R&D has always been in the forefront - says Mauro Cominoli, Managing Director of Varvel SpA thanks to a constant exchange with universities, laboratories and national programmes. This effort enabled us to achieve significant results whose outcome will
be evident only in the next years.” The impact of a new “smart reducer” operating without lubricant would open new scenarios within the power transmission world and mechanics in general. It will bring high benefits in resource and machinery management, as well as the environmental impact reduction. Performances, reliability and product life-cycle will also benefit future scenarios that are already taking form in Varvel’s R&D. Constant improvement We can and must improve, especially when we need to combine global market’s requirements with increasingly performing products. That is why Varvel Spa has therefore decided to design a new range of bevel helical gearboxes in addition to the current series RO-RV, now called RO2. The major novelty of this gearbox series is the reduction ratio with two gear stages. The new bevel/helical gearboxes includes four sizes: - RO02 - torque 120 Nm - max 25 mm. hollow shaft. - RO12 - torque 200 Nm - max 30 mm. hollow shaft. - RO22 - torque 330 Nm - max 35 mm. hollow shaft.
- RO32 - torque 550 Nm - max 40 mm. hollow shaft. This first approach makes evident a significant feature of the new series: on average, torque capacity is higher by about 20% to 30% compared with that of key competitors on the market. Another notable technical feature is the selection of reduction ratios: gear ratios are from 1/5.2 to 1/51.5 for a total of twenty ratios so as to fulfil the majority of speeds asked by the market. A third technical feature is the monolithic structure of the gear housing: this is a key issue for this type of gearboxes, as usually the housing is the only connection to the machine frame. “That’s an important decision deriving from the utter decision to go on investing in the future, thanks to new proposals and ever advancing technology as to meet the specific needs of different markets, maintaining an international perspective while meeting the specific needs of our customers,” says Francesco Berselli, President of Varvel SpA. Mauro Cominoli, General Manager of Varvel SpA, says “It’s a farsighted albeit very concrete corporate policy that grounds on the knowledge that a product must be sound in terms of
quality and reliability, and also able to provide an effective solution that meets the different requirements of different realities in the market.” Certified ethics Varvel SpA obtained the certification for Health and Safety Management System according to the international standard BS OHSAS 18001 (British Standard Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series). The new certification integrates the already awarded UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 14001 for quality and environment regulation - switching to a management system designed to strengthen internal organisation. The decision to join the programme aimed not only to reduce ownership risk of incurring in fines or interdiction measures for legislation breaches but also to manage more carefully health and safety issues starting from the initial phases of initial investments and production technology. Some of the most important phases the certified system focuses on are danger recognition and risk evaluation, outsourcing management and plant access, chemical substances processing, personal protection devices, hazard, injury and emergency management, training and performance improvement. Automation in Food & Beverage Varvel SpA ensures innovation and flexibility in the applications for the food industry. The manufacturing of
mechanical components for industrial processes requires significant flexibility in production. For this reason Varvel has stood out with regard to its production of gearboxes and variators for different small and medium-sized applications in various sectors. In the Food & Beverage industry, Varvel, in collaboration with a few manufacturers of industrial machines for pasta production, has gained considerable experience in devising and making worm, in-line, parallel shaft and shaft-mounted gearboxes that are compatible with the movements of industrial mixers. Varvel’s R&D department designs the reducers internally, starting from the client specifications and using the state-of-the-art computing software for gear design. Generally speaking, the pasta making machine consists of two separated vats; base ingredients are poured in the first vat, and then mixed by an auger powered by worm speed reducers or for machines with a greater capacity, bevel/ helical gearboxes. The dough is then put in the second vat where the ingredients are finely mixed in order to produce the fresh pasta. In this phase, a second auger is used driven by worm speed reducers or bevel/helical gearboxes. The dough is then pushed through a press chamber where it is extruded through a drawplate for the continuous production of the fresh pasta. A blade tool, connected to a worm reducer regulating the cutting speed for long or short-type pasta siz-
es, then automatically cuts the dough. Any of Varvel’s worm reducers or bevel/helical gearboxes can be used in the standard versions of this type of machinery. If required, special reducers can be made using FDA-approved (Food and Drug Administration) class H1 lubricants for the Food & Beverage industry that do not alter mechanical performance. Also, to further protect against the corrosive effect of cleaning agents used on the machines, another version of the reducer is available that is covered with a special type of paint that has been approved for use in the Food & Beverage industry. Regarding mills and animal feed equipment, it is becoming more and more important to perform a proper assessment of the atmospheres in which the machines operate since, as of 2003, the European Community classifies them as potentially explosive according to the ATEX Directive 94/9/CE. All machinery in such environments must be designed based on an adequate assessment of the risks of explosion. With regard to mechanical components, it may be sufficient to just use only suitable components that have been already classified by the ATEX Directive. In July 2003, Varvel was the first Italian gearbox manufacturer to submit its technical files to Notified Body number 0080: INERIS (French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks), for the certification of its products that are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The certification allows reducers to work in Group II (Surface Industries), Category II (Obligation of submitting technical files to the Notified Body), in explosive atmospheres with the presence of gas (G) or powder (D) in classified Zone 1 (2G) and Zone 21 (2D), the latter includes mills and animal feeding factories.
INTERPACK 2017: EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION NOW OPEN “components” registration opens in parallel
nterested companies of the packaging and processing sector in the fields of food, beverages, confectionery, bakery products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, non-food consumer goods, industrial goods and associated services can register as of now for interpack 2017. The international flagship trade fair of the packaging sector and related processing industries will be taking place at Düsseldorf’s exhibition grounds from 4 to 10 May 2017. interpack is a platform for complete value chains, encompassing processes and machines for the packaging and processing of packaged products as well as packaging materials, packaging means and their production, and finally services to the packaging industry. What makes interpack special is its unique array of exhibits and the peerless internationality of its exhibitors and visitors. The last interpack in May 2014 attracted some 175,000 experts, 84 per cent of whom reported being involved in decision-making processes in their respective companies. The overall verdict of the surveyed visitors was excellent, with 97 per cent of them
saying they would recommend the trade fair. Of the exhibitors, 83 per cent stated that they had acquired new customers. It is possible to register for interpack 2017 online at www. Companies who took part in interpack 2014 can retrieve their existing details. The official closing date is 29 February 2016. Parallel event: “components” Following its premiere in 2014, “components for processing and packaging” for suppliers to the packaging industry is taking place with an overhauled concept in a central location at interpack. “components” is targeted at exhibiting companies that supply drive, control and sensor equipment, products for industrial image processing, handling equipment, industrial software and communication, and complete automation systems for packaging machines. Also eligible to take part are manufacturers and suppliers of machine parts, subassemblies, accessories and peripheral equipment as well as those of components and auxiliary materials for pack-
aging means. There are no longer any constraints on company stand design, unlike in 2014 when only a selection of system stands was available. Registration within the same period as for interpack is possible at WE INNOVATE To mark the start of registration, interpack is consistently continuing its strategy, launched at the last staging of the fair, of addressing specific target groups. Under its main claim “We innovative”, the focus in communication via all channels is on stories of companies in the eight core target groups. Films about these “innovative eight” form the centrepiece of the communication campaign. This approach can also be found in the printed check-in magazine that potential exhibitors receive at the start of registration. Furthermore, all the films can be viewed not only on interpack’s YouTube channel, but also at the totally revamped website This now also has a responsive design for optimised display on mobile devices.
exhibitions meetings
rom the Expo year to the SIGEP year. An ideal “handover” to continue highlighting the quality of Italian-made food will confirm the important role of the 37th SIGEP, the world’s first 2016 expo ready to add the concrete business to promotional activities. The event will be at Rimini Fiera from January 23rd to 27th.
Record-breaking numbers that indicate the sector’s excellent level of innovation and quality. For SIGEP 2016 top international events have already been decided, authentic shows that, as is the tradition, will highlight the world’s major schools of artisan confectionery and the master craftsmen who are their backbone. For Gelato there will be the World Cup, for which teams are from 14 countries such as Australia, Germany, Argentina, Egypt, Japan, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, U.S.A., Chile, Mexico, and which will be held in the prestigious setting of the South Foyer; for Pastry, there will be the appointment with The Pastry Queen which is involving teams from Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Australia, India, France, the Balkans, the competition, dedicated to women pastry-chefs from around 86
the world, intends to give them a unique opportunity to share experiences and a platform for growth for female chefs who work with style to demonstrate to the world the professionalism of the international pastry - making sector. The theme of the competition will be The Art of Dance: This theme must be illustrated through a work of art made of sugar and pastillage, used harmoniously to create the required products, which include: contemporary single-serving tart, Coffee ice-cream dessert in a glass, Single-serving chocolate dessert on a plate, Mini bijou pastry. Moreover, the world contest of the Star of Chocolate, the International Chocolate Making Competition will fill the Pastry Arena starting from 25th January. Master chocolatemakers will be called on to create special chocolate pastry creations on a “Jazz Music” theme. Innovative single-portion éclair, a reinterpretation of hot chocolate served with two mini pastries of different shapes, a dessert in a glass and artistic sculpture, the shape and flavour of which will emerge through the participants’ skills and thanks to the ductility of one of the main
ingredients in pastry-making: chocolate, a firm favorite wherever you go in the world. Simultaneously with SIGEP there will take place RHEX, (Rimini Horeca Expo), hosting products and technology for catering and food service in Halls B7 and D7.
The previous edition of the leading artisan confectionery expo, reference point of a world market - that of artisan gelato, pastry and bakery products - that is continually growing, was attended by over 187,000 trade visitors, 38,000 of whom were from abroad, a share that has practically doubled in five years.
Dates: 23 - 27 January 2016; Organizers: Rimini Fiera S.p.A.; edition: 37th; frequency: annual; classification: international; admittance: trade members only; hours: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm, last day 9:30 am - 3:00 pm (3:00 - 5:00 pm only with online tickets); business unit manager: Patrizia Cecchi; project managers: Gabriella de Girolamo (gelato), Giorgia Maioli (pastry, bakery, coffee); exhibitor info: tel. +39 (0)541 744521 fax +39 (0)541 744772; Web site:
Approved Event
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22nd international trade fair for bakery and confectionery for Russia and the CIS Modern Bakery Moscow will take place in Moscow at IEC “Expocentre” on March 14 - 17, 2016.
xposition The entire production chain of bakery and confectionery products is presented at the exhibition, from ingredients and raw materials to packaging. Bakery and confectionery equipment, fats and oils, chocolate, flour, refrigerating engineering, dispensers, fast food, ice cream, pizza and pasta production, café- and shop-fitting, equipment for professional kitchen and many other items one can find at Modern Bakery Moscow.
Figures 2015
A large-scale exposition of technological equipment for bakery and confectionery goods production of first-rate suppliers is traditionally demonstrated at Modern Bakery Moscow. The leading equipment manufacturers such as Debag, Mecatherm, Miwe, Revent, Rondo, Wachtel GmbH and many others present at their booths a wide range of modern machinery and equipment. Almost all Russian top companies, In 2015 during the three days 11 084 professional visitors managed to see the products, presented by 180 exhibitors from 17 countries. Among the exhibitors were 110 Russian and 70 international companies. Modern Bakery Moscow gives participants and visitors a unique opportunity to get a whole picture of the field development and get to know information on novelties and innovations of bakery and confectionery market.
which produce food machinery, such as Russkaya trapeza, Tauras-Fenix, Voshod, Shebekinskiy machinostroitelniy zavod, SEMZ, yearly participate in Modern Bakery Moscow. The exhibition is rich in ingredients for bakery and confectionery products. The trade fair participants, such as Dawn Foods, Fazer, Martellato, Dalniya melniza, Italika Trading, Leipurien Tukku, St.-Petersburg melnichniy kombinat, Saf-Neva, Unigra demonstrate at their booths brand new products and relevant solutions for modern production. Business program In cooperation with numerous partners at Modern Bakery was organized a platform for experience exchange and advanced training course. More than 20 events were held within the framework of the
Modern Bakery Moscow fringe program. During these events experts from industry, politics and associations informed about current issues of bakery and confectionery industry. In 2016, organizers are going to pay particular attention to workshops and seminars for field professionals as well as expand the list of discussed topics. Switzerland’s leading Centre of Excellence Richemont will continue giving their training courses to everyone interested in the art of baking and confectionery production. For the third time professional confectioners and newcomers will vie for the prize in the International Confectionery Art Cup in various categories.
MODERN BAKERY MOSCOW 2016 Vom 14. bis 17. März 2016 findet im IEC „Expocentre“ in Moskau die 22. internationale Bäckerei- und Konditoreifachmesse für Russland und die GUS Modern Bakery Moscow statt. ery eine Plattform für den Erfahrungsaustausch und für Schulungen für Fortgeschrittene geschaffen. Das begleitende Rahmenprogramm der Modern Bakery Moscow bot mehr als 20 Veranstaltungen. Dabei informierten Experten aus Industrie, Politik und Verbänden über aktuelle Themen aus der Bäckerei- und Konditoreibranche.
Wie üblich werden auf der Modern Bakery Moscow zahlreiche technologische Geräte für die Herstellung von Bäckerei- und Konditoreiwaren von erstklassigen Lieferanten vorgeführt. Führende Gerätehersteller wie Debag, Mecatherm, Miwe, Revent, Rondo, Wachtel GmbH und viele weitere stellen an ihren Ständen
eine große Auswahl an modernen Maschinen und Geräten vor. Fast alle führenden russischen Produzenten von Maschinen zur Lebensmittelherstellung, darunter Russkaya trapeza, Tauras-Fenix, Voshod, Shebekinskiy machinostroitelniy zavod und SEMZ, nehmen alljährlich an der Modern Bakery Moscow teil. Bei der Ausstellung werden zahlreiche Zutaten für Bäckerei- und Konditoreiprodukte vorgestellt. Die Teilnehmer der Fachmesse, darunter Dawn Foods, Fazer, Martellato, Dalniya melniza, Italika Trading, Leipurien Tukku, St.-Petersburg melnichniy kombinat, Saf-Neva und Unigra präsentieren an ihren Ständen brandneue Produkte und hilfreiche Lösungen für die moderne Produktion. Geschäftsprogramm In Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren Partnern wurde bei der Modern Bak-
Während der drei Veranstaltungstage 2015 sahen 11.084 Fachbesucher die Produkte, die von 180 Ausstellern aus 17 Ländern präsentiert wurden. Unter den Ausstellern waren 110 russische und 70 internationale Unternehmen. Die Modern Bakery Moscow bietet Teilnehmern und Besuchern eine einzigartige Chance, sich einen Gesamteindruck der Entwicklungen in diesem Geschäftsfeld zu verschaffen und sich über Neuheiten und Innovationen auf dem Bäckerei- und Konditoreimarkt zu informieren.
Zahlen 2015
usstellung Bei der Ausstellung wird die gesamte Produktionskette von Bäckerei- und Konditoreiprodukten zu sehen sein – von den Zutaten und Rohstoffen bis hin zur Verpackung. Geräte für Bäckereien und Konditoreien, Fette und Öle, Schokolade, Mehl, Gefriertechnik, Zutatenspender, Fast Food, Speiseeis, Pizza- und Pastaherstellung, Ausstattung für Cafés und Ladenlokale, professionelle Küchengeräte und viele weitere Artikel sind auf der Modern Bakery Moscow zu finden.
2016 werden sich die Organisatoren besonders auf Workshops und Seminare für Außendienstmitarbeiter konzentrieren und die Liste der Diskussionsthemen erweitern. Das führende Schweizer Kompetenzzentrum Richemont bietet weiterhin Schulungen rund um die Back- und Konditoreikunst für alle Interessenten an. Bereits zum dritten Mal treten Konditoreiprofis und Neueinsteiger im Wettbewerb um den International Confectionery Art Cup in verschiedenen Kategorien gegeneinander an.
804 espositori e marchi Le ultime innovazioni Il meglio della French
2 concorsi
• La Coppa del Mondo della Panificazione • Il Mondiale dell’Arte Dolciaria
Per ulteriori informazioni: Tel.: 02 43 43 53 20 e-mail:
Nuove date, nuovi giorni: da venerdì 5 a martedì 9 febbraio
RCS Lyon 380 552 976 - Crédits photos : George Doyle ; Nemanja Sekulic / Getty Images ; X…- Juillet 2014
east europe
meeting • events •
russia • china middle east • asia
семинары • asia • middle east • east europe SIGEP
17-21/01/2015 RIMINI International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.
24-27/03/2015 COLONIA International food and beverage technology exhibition.
16/04/2015 BOLOGNA One day exhibition and conference on the technologies for the food industry.
21-24/04/2015 BARCELLONA International packaging exhibition.
21-24/04/2015 BARCELLONA European showcase dedicated to the sector of machinery and technology for the food industry.
19-21/05/2015 VERONA International exhibition of products and technologies for environmental hygiene.
19-23/05/2015 MILANO International exhibition for the packaging industry.
19-23/05/2015 MILANO Pocessing & packaging for the meat industry.
10-11/06/2015 ISTANBUL Event about: savoury snacks, snack nuts, potato chips, corn chips, potato sticks, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and almonds, baked snacks, tortillas, pretzels, popcorn, pork rinds, rice crackers, flips, savoury biscuits.
09-12/05/2015 PARMA International food exhibition.
12-17/09/2015 MONACO International fair for the bakery and confectionery industry.
12-14/05/2015 PARMA Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector.
23-25/09/2015 RIMINI International exhibition of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.
29/09-01/10/2015 NORIMBERGA Trade Fair for Packaging Solutions.
10-14/10/2015 COLONIA International exhibition of food and beverages.
23-27/10/2015 MILANO Show for Bakery and Fresh Pasta and Pizza Industry.
27-28/10/2015 VERONA International exhibition for food processing.
03-06/11/2015 MILANO International exhibition for vine-growing,wine-producing and bottling industry.
10-12/11/2015 NORIMBERGA Fair of raw materials, technologies, logistics for production of beer and soft drinks.
10-12/03/2016 RENNES The show of food industry suppliers.
23-27/01/2016 RIMINI International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery.
03-05/02/2016 BERLINO International fair for fruit and vegetables.
31/01 - 03/02/2016 COLONIA The international supplier fair for the confectionery industry.
16-20/10/2016 PARIGI International exhibition and conference on technologies for food& beverage and food products.
25-28/10/2016 PARMA International exhibition and conference on instrumental and process analysis and laboratory technology.
06-09/11/2016 CHICAGO International Packaging Trade Fair.
05-09/02/2016 PARIGI International Show for the Bakery and Confectionery Industry.
07-12/05/2016 FRANCOFORTE International Trade. Fair for the meat processing industry.
SPS/IPC/DRIVES/ITALIA 24-26/05/2016 PARMA Trade fair for manufacturers and suppliers in the industrial automation sector.
Settembre 2016 RIMINI International exhibition of machinery and equipment for the fruit and vegetable processing.
08-11/10/2016 LAS VEGAS International Fair for the bakery and confectionery Industry.
14-17/11/2016 PARIGI Exhibition about packaging technology.
RUSSIAN PROPACK - BEVTEK China 15-17/07/2015 SHANGAI International exhibition for the food industry and for packaging technologies.
WORLD FOOD MOSCOW 14-17/09/2015 MOSCOW International exhibition for food and drink products.
AGROPRODMASH 05-09/10/2015 MOSCOW International trade exhibition of machinery and equipment for agroindustrial industry.
29/11-01/12/2016 BORDEAUX International exhibition for vinegrowing,wine-producing and bottling industry.
21-23/10/2015 NOVOSIBIRSK International exhibition for food beverages and ingredients.
Gennaio 2017 RIMINI International exhibition for the artisan production of ice-cream, pastry, confectionery and bakery. 04-10/05/2017 DĂœSSELDORF Technology fair for packaging, packing, bakery, pastry.
27-29/10/2015 KIEV International exhibition for food and drink products.
26-29/01/2016 MOSCOW International packaging machinery exhibition.
14-17/03/2016 MOSCOW International nternational trade fair for bakery equipment and food ingredients.
12-14/09/2015 RIYADH International trade exhibition about food packaging, juices and soft drinks, sweet and snacks, dairy.
11-14/10/2015 RIYADH The International Trade Show for Food Products, Ingredients and Technologies.
HQ SHOW 2015
13-15/10/2015 QATAR Global exhibition in Qatar featuring all aspects of the Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe food, supply, design and investment Industry.
22-24/10/2015 CAIRO Leading exhibition for packing and packaging in the Middle East and African Region.
27-29/10/2015 DUBAI International exhibition and conference on instrumental and process analysis and laboratory technology.
26-29/01/2016 ALGERS Djazagro represents for the Algerian food-processing professionals even of the Maghreb, the key-event to meet expert companies, food-processing leaders of the industry and coming from 4 corners of the world.
26-28/04/2016 LAGOS International Trade Show on Agriculture, Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology and Food, Beverages & Hospitality.
08-10/05/2016 DUBAI Exclusive Exhibition and Conference for the Beverage Industry in the Middle East and North Africa Region.
27-30/05/2016 TEHRAN International Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology Trade Fair.
22-25/10/2015 ISTANBUL Leading showcase in the fast growing Eurasian region, for packaging machinery, production, processing, technology, printing, design and equipment.
01-03/12/2015 ACCRA International Trade Show on Agriculture, Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology and Food, Beverages & Hospitality.
AB ENERGY 10/13 Via Gabriele d’Annunzio, 16 25034 Orzinuovi - BS - Italy
GARBELLOTTO g&p SPA 15 Viale Italia, 200 31015 Conegliano - TV - Italy
belt technologies 34 3rd Floor, Pennine House, Washington NE371LY, Tyne and Wear
GEA NIRO SOAVI Mechanical Equipment Italia Spa 29 Via Mario da Erba Edoari, 29/A 43123 Parma - PR - Italy
BERTUZZI FOOD PROCESSING SRL 64-65 Corso Sempione, 212 bis 21052 Busto Arsizio - MI - Italy BRUKER OPTIK GMBH 66/68 Rudolf Plank-Str. 27 D-76275 Ettingen - Germany CEPI SPA 53-54 Via G. Ansaldo, 15 ZI La Selva 47122 Forlì - FC - Italy Costacurta Spa-VICO 17 Via Grazioli, 30 20161 Milano - Italy CROWN IMBALLAGGI ITALIA SRL 18-19 S.S.18 km 41 84015 Nocera Superiore - SA - Italy ENOVITIS - SIMEI 22-23-85 Via S. Vittore al Teatro, 3 20123 Milano - Italy Eval Europe N.V. 49 Haven 1053 Nieuwe Weg 1 - Bus10 2070 Zwijndrecht - Belgiu EVERY DENNISON 30 207 Goode Avenue Glendale, CA 91203-1222 USA Exonder srl 31 Via Zanotti, 14 28040 Borgo Ticino - NO - Italy FARHAT 61 Facing Ghandour Factory Richani Zone - Choueifat - Lebanon FIREX SRL 58/60 Zi Gresal, 28 32036 Sedico - BL - Italy
GENERAL SYSTEM PACK SRL - GSP 45-46 Via Lago di Albano, 82 36015 Schio - VI - Italy Herti JSC 25 38, Antim I Str. 9700 Shumen Bulgary ICF & WELKO Spa 73 Via Sicilia ,10 41053 - Maranello - MO - Italy IFP PACKAGING SRL 35/37 Via Lago di Alleghe, 19 36015 Schio - VI - Italy IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH 96 Landfriedstraße 1a 69117 Heidelberg Germany IMBALL SRL IV COV Via Cà De Testi, 16/3 40037 Sasso Marconi - BO - Italy INDEX® Conferences & Exhibitions Organisation Est. 21 P.O.Box: 13636, Dubai, UAE. Ibn Sina Medical Complex #27, Block B, Office 203 Dubai Healthcare City INDUSTRIE FRACCHIOLLA SPA 1-8-9 S.P. per Valenzano km. 1,200 70010 Adelfia Canneto - BA - Italy Messe DUSSELDORF GMBH 84 Stockumer Kirchstr.61 40474 Dusseldorf Germany
Messe Stuttgart Ares Fuarcılık Ltd. ti 57 Oruç Reis Mah. Barbaros Cad. Tekstilkent Sitesi A-11 Blok No:51 34235 Istanbul - Turkey Ishida Europe 74 11 Kettles Wood Drive Woodgate Business Park Birmingham. B32 3DB United Kingdom Lamican Oy 28 P.O. Box 28 37601 Valkeakoski Finland LINPAC PACKAGING SRL 38-39 Via Monte Pastello, 40 37057 S. Giovanni Lupatoto - VR Italy MFT Srl 75-76 Via Madonna di Fatima, 35 84016 Pagani - SA - Italy MINI MOTOR SRL I COV - 77/81 Via E. Fermi, 5 42011 Bagnolo in Piano - RE - Italy NürnbergMesse Italia Srl 4/7 Via Camillo Hajech, 45 20129 Milano - Italy OWP OST WEST PARTNER GmbH 88/90 Ulmenstraße 52 f 90443 Nürnberg - Germany PET ENGINEERING SRL III COV Via Celtica, 26/28 ZI Ungheresca Sud 31020 San Vendemiano TV - Italy
RIMINI FIERA 86-87 Via Emilia, 155 47921 Rimini - Italy RULLI RULMECA SPA 69 Via Toscanini, 1 24011 Almè - BG - Italy SACMI IMOLA Srl 24 Via Selice Provinciale, 17/A CP 113 40026 Imola - BO - Italy SALONI INTERNAZIONALI FRANCESI SRL 91 Via Caradosso, 10 20123 Milano - Italy SAPPI EUROPE 40/44 Mühlenmasch 1 31061 Alfeld Germany SARTEN AMBALAJ SAN. VE TIC. A. 47-48 Balmumcu Mah. Zincirlikuyu Yolu Sok. No:4 80700 Beikta Turkey Sidel SPA PARMA 26-27 Via la Spezia, 241/A 43126 Parma - Italy SORDI Impianti SRL 32-33 Via Paolo Gorini, 9 26836 Montanaso Lombardo - LO Italy TECNO PACK Spa 50/52 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio - VI - Italy
PIgo srl 70/72 Via Pontaron, 30 36030 Caldogno - VI - Italy
VARVEL SPA II COV - 82-83 Via 2 Agosto 1980, 9 Loc. Crespellano 40053 Valsamoggia - BO - Italy
rademaker bv 62-63 Plantijnweg 23 P.O. Box 416 4100 AK Culemborg The Netherlands
ZANOTTI SPA 16 Via Martin Luther King, 30 46020 Pegognaga MN - Italy _INDICE FP 5-15_CORR.indd 1
27/10/15 11:12
22 00 1 5
Uzbekistan Expo Uzbekistan Agrominitech Agrominitech Expo May May 21-29, 21-29, 2015 2015
th 10 for Agriculture Agriculture and andFood FoodIndustry Industry 10thInternational International Exhibition Exhibition for
Tashkent,Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Tashkent,
iFood iFood
August August 26-29, 26-29, 2015 2015 th 16 Food, Food FoodProcessing Processingand andPackaging Packaging 16thInternational International Exhibition For Food,
Mashhad,Iran Iran Mashhad,
Meat Industry/ Industry/ AgroProdMash Meat AgroProdMash October 05-09, 05-09, 2015 October
20ththInternational International Exhibiton for Food 20 Food Processing ProcessingIndustry Industryand andPackaging Packaging
Moscow, Moscow,Russia Russia
Agro+Food+Drink+Tech Expo Agro+Food+Drink+Tech Expo Georgia Georgia November 18-20, 18-20, 2015 2015 November
15ththInternational International Exhibition Exhibition for 15 for Agriculture Agriculture and andFood FoodIndustry Industry
Tbilisi, Tbilisi,Georgia Georgia
MAFEX-Pack2Pack MAFEX-Pack2Pack December 09-11, 2015 December 09-11, 2015 th
4 International Exhibition for Food, Food Processing and Packaging 4th International Exhibition for Food, Food Processing and Packaging
Casablanca, Morocco Casablanca, Morocco IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH IFWexpo Heidelberg Landfriedstraße 1a | GmbH 69117 Heidelberg/Germany | +49 (0) 62 21-13 57-0 | Landfriedstraße 1a | 69117 Heidelberg/Germany | +49 (0) 62 21-13 57-0 |
Visit us at Hall 7, Booth 349 Nϋrnberg – Germany 10-12 November 2015
Progetto grafico:
ion r t c du me
Proton Fo er ar rm r
IMBALL S.r.l. Costruzione Macchine Automatiche PARTNER OF
ADV IMBALL FP 5-15_volutaLoro.indd 3
e Fo Unit s a C ing loser d a Lo on C r t e Car e Clos er er k s k c a c C e Pa Pa y d s a Ca lf Re d n r u e e o v h r e S A ap ck Sle r W ?pa l k Mu lepac BoB e?zers l Pal of
ing Years Solu tion s
Ph.: +39/051842154 Fax +39/051842856
Via Cà De Testi, 16/3 40037 Sasso Marconi (BO) - ITALY 26/10/15 11:38