EDITRICE ZEUS - Vial Ballerini 66, 20831 - SEREGNO (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 244182 -0362 244186 - www.editricezeus.com Tariffa R.O.C.: Poste Italiane spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n.46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Milano TAXE PERCUE (tassa riscossa) Uff. Milano CMP/2 Roserio - ISSN 1827-4102
beverage & packaging
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16/04/14 17.19
Save the date for INTERPACK
May 08.-14. | Hall 3 | Booth D07
think process!
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31.03.14 13:04
System F is a revolutionary new inline liquid filling system and unlike anything else currently available. Ease of use, efficiency, hygiene, flexibility and scalability have all been designed in to one neat energy saving package.
Refreshingly innovative... Quickly and easily remove all product contact parts tool free
Reduces running costs... Highly efficient motion systems cut running costs by up to 73%
Minimises downtime... Bottle change-overs can be fully automated and done in an instant
Future proof... Increase production capacity by upgrading modules as required
Highly versatile... Fill containers ranging in size from 100ml to 25 litres on one machine
Register your interest here
Hall 4 Stand E39-10
Due to launch at Interpack, System F has been developed to meet the needs of industries as diverse as lube oils, foods, agrochemicals and cosmetics. Find out more about the innovations which make this filler stand out from the crowd. You can find System F at Interpack, or contact Adelphi for a private viewing. Adelphi Packaging Machinery | +44 (0)1444 472300 | www.adelphi-pm.com
8-14 MAY
OMAS TECNOSISTEMI SRL: ADVANCED ROTARY MACHINE Innovative design and easy to clean
OTARY MACHINE Continuous motion rotary monobloc with innovative design and easy to clean. Versions available with speed of 170 bpm and 240 bpm. Thanks to the high quality standards, to the precise mechanical motions and to the solid main frame, the machine is ideal to be installed in the Cosmetic and in the Pharmaceutical environment. All the contact parts with the product are in stainless steel 316 or approved FDA materials, fully dismountable and sanitizable and the machine is available for the installation in sterile area or under laminar flow.
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The machine is available in two models: GRC- ROTARY CAPPING MONOBLOC with 6 or 8 capping heads and 1,2 or 3 turrets for different kind of caps. GRFC - ROTARY FILLING AND CAPPING MONOBLOC in the version
with 4-6-8 filling nozzles for liquids, dense products and available with volumetric filling station, with ball valves, with rotary valve or rotary pumps. Different options are available on demand such as: the automatic bottles reject system, the brushless servomotors for the electronic adjustment of the capping heads, the automatic height adjustment of the filling and capping stations from the touch screen panel, the memorization of the recipes and the automatic set up of the machine, the cleaning system and the validation protocol IQ-OQ-PQ-DQ-FDACFR21. It is also available the certification of the materials with its traceability.
17/04/14 15.38
o compete as a leader in an increasingly complex market, Fiorini International has implemented and maintains an up to date and efficient business management system. It coordinates harmoniously and with synergy all aspects covering quality, environment, health and safety and integrates “know how” with technology and the professional skills of the employees in order to ensure cost optimization while increasing its capacity for development. Fiorini International, over the course of many years, has received different certifications: ❱ Quality System Certification in compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 standards ❱ Certification in compliance with the BRC/IoP “Global Standard”, related to the hygienic and sanitary quality of the primary packaging ❱ Certification in compliance with the ISO 14001:2004 standards, related to the process management with a potential environmental impact ❱ Certification according to OHSAS 18001:2007 standard, on the management of health and safety of employees in the workplace ❱ Multisite Certification of the Chain of Custody according to the PEFC scheme, issued by SGS South Africa that guarantees the full traceability of the certificated materials starting from the forests of origin, managed in an ecosustainable way, to its own finished products. ❱ Multisite Certification of the Chain of Custody according to the FSC scheme issued by SGS South Africa that guarantees the full traceability of the certificated materials starting from the forests of origin, managed according to strict environmental,
FIORINI FP 2-14.indd 3
social and economic standards, to its own finished products. ❱ Certification GLOBAL SEDEX SMETA that is an innovative and effective
supply chain management solution, helping to reduce risk, protect the company reputation and improve supply chain practices.
17/04/14 15.02
FIORINI PUBB FP 2-14.indd 3
17/04/14 15.01
II COVER- 29/31 Leading technology serving the global packaging of your company
41 Introducing a new frontier in food packaging Water-based food packaging
TOMACE 174/176 Tomace, the answer to surface corrosion, adhesion, and friction.
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SOMMARIO FP 2-14.indd 2
18/04/14 14.16
MINIMOTOR I COVER-104/107 Mini motor: get bigger by thinking smaller.
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Machineries, plants and equipment for food and beverage industry year XXVI - issue n.2- April 2014 managing editor Enrico Maffizzoni e ditorial manager S.V. Maffizzoni
ACMAVOLPAK 77/80 Flexible solutions for the fast moving consumer goods market
editorial production Sonia Bennati account dep. manager Elena Costanzo project and layout design ZEUS Agency graphic and paging ZEUS Agency translation Nexo Translations printing Faenza Industrie Grafiche
MACFRUT 189 International Exhibition of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry
Italian Magazine Food Processing Europe: single issue: Euro 25 Annual (six issues): Euro 120 Outside Europe: single issue: US$ 30 Annual (six issues): US$ 170 Subscription payment can be made in the name of Editrice Zeus sas, by bank money transfer or cheque. Italian Magazine Food Processing
The world of business www.macfrut.com
International Exhibition of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry
24 25 26 September 2014 Cesena ITALY
An outline of the suppliers of machines, plants, products and equipment for the food industry. Published: Bi-monthly Registration: Court of Milan no. 676 of 20-09-1989 Shipment by air mail art.2 comma 20/b law 662/96 - Milan Panorama dei fornitori di macchine, impianti, prodotti e attrezzature per l’industria alimentare Periodicità: bimestrale. Autorizzazione del tribunale di Milano, n°676 del 20-09-1989 Spedizione in a. p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96 Filiale di Milano The reproduction of the articles and/or pictures published by this magazine is reserved (the manuscripts and/or photos sent to the Publisher will not be returned). The Editor declines all responsibilities for any mistake of photocomposition contained in the published papers of any magazine by EDITRICE ZEUS.
SOMMARIO FP 2-14.indd 3
18/04/14 14.16
FP Packaging carries on with the evolution and the implementation of its range of machines and automatic systems dedicated to packaging in shrinking film from single fold reel, 4 welds; but also for flexible film up to employing controlled atmosphere for extending the life of food products. 30 years of continuous development result now in a global leader capable to study, produce, install products ranging from the single fully electronic horizontal packaging machine up to complete packaging lines for any kind of product; a specific experience was gathered in complete systems for the TISSUE sector. At the INTERPACK 2014 International Fair IFP Packaging will present its DIAMOND X
BOX MOTION model which, thanks to a total control through brushless motors allows the packaging of a wide range of products and to minimize format change times, all contained in a machinery system with side configuration designed for the highest sanitation. Another new product displayed at INTERPACK 2014 will be the high speed system with robotic grip of flow pack items, formation of the multipack and relevant packing of the bulk through a TWIN T model machine; an example of the degree of global automation that IFP is capable to offer to its customers. Topics such as high speed, complete automation of the whole primary, secondary and endline packaging cycles, are, each single
day, interpreted by applying the highest state of the art, both from a mechanical and an electronic point of view. The customer who opts to entrust its products to a IFP system will not merely find a piece of machinery, but a flexible, skilled and very experienced company, always keen to evolve in any moment and to change according to the needs of its customers. The visit to the IFP PACKAGING Stand at INTERPACK 2014, located in Halle 5 row B 03 from 8 through 14 May in Dusseldorf, and the direct contact will make also you appreciate the substance and solidity of a company and of a technology which is appreciated by the most famous Brands worldwide.
IFP FP 2-14.indd 3
as Unternehmen IFP Packaging fährt in der Entwicklung und Erwei-
terung seines Angebots an Maschinen und Automationen für die Folienschrumpfverpackung mittels
einfachem Folien-Rollenträger oder doppeltem Folien-Rollenträger mit vierfacher Schweißnaht ständig
22/04/14 12.46
fort; dies gilt auch für Maschinen für Verpackungen mit flexiblen Verbundfolien bis hin zu Maschinen für die Verpackung unter kontrollierter Atmosphäre zur Haltbarkeitssteigerung von Lebensmitteln. 30 Jahre ununterbrochene Entwicklung haben uns heute zu einer weltweiten Führungsrolle verholfen, dank der wir in der Lage sind, sowohl einzelne vollkommen elektronisch gesteuerte horizontale Verpackungsmaschinen sowie komplette Verpackungslinien für jeden Produkttyp zu entwerfen, bauen und installieren; besondere Erfahrung wurde dabei mit kompletten Verpackungssystemen für die TISSUE-Branche gesammelt. Zur Gelegenheit der internationalen Messe INTERPACK 2014, präsentiert IFP Packaging das Modell DIAMOND X BOX MOTION, das es dank der kompletten Kontrolle
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mit bürstenlosen Gleichstrommotoren ermöglicht, eine große Vielfalt an Produkten zu verpacken und so Ausfallzeiten wegen Formatwechsel auf ein Mindestes zu reduzieren. Dies mithilfe eines Maschinensystems, das so konzipiert ist, dass äußerste Hygiene- und Desinfektionsbedingungen optimal gewährleistet sind. Eine weitere Neuheit auf der INTERPACK 2014 ist die Hochgeschwindigkeitsanlage mit Robotergreifer für Flow Pack-Verpackungen, Multipack-Formationen und die entsprechende Abpackung des Bündels durch eine TWIN T Maschine; ein Beispiel des globalen AutomationsNiveaus, welches das Unternehmen IFP seiner Kundschaft zu bieten hat. Themen wie hohe Geschwindigkeit oder die komplette Automation des gesamten Primär-, Sekundär- und Tertiärverpackungszyklus werden
sowohl in mechanischer wie in elektronischer Hinsicht täglich nach allen Regeln der Kunst interpretiert. Kunden, die ihre Produkte einem IFP System anvertrauen, finden nicht nur eine Maschine, sondern das dahinterstehende flexible, kompetente und erfahrene Unternehmen, das jederzeit bereit ist, sich den Anforderungen der Kundschaft anzupassen und dementsprechend weiter zu entwickeln. Ein Besuch des Stands IFP PACKAGING auf der INTERPACK 2014, Halle 5. Korridor und Stand B 03, die vom 8. bis 14. Mai in Düsseldorf stattfindet sowie ein direkter Kontakt mit uns, gibt Ihnen die Gelegenheit, die Standhaftigkeit und Solidität einer Realität und Technologie kennenzulernen, die bereits weltweit von den wichtigsten Markenzeichen eingesetzt und geschätzt wird.
18/04/14 12.54
Sektkellereien Rotkäppchen-Mumm rely on BEUMER high-capacity packaging systems:
n order to transport palletised beverage cartons to the central warehouses and distribution centres of the customers, the German market leader for sparkling wine, Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH, Freyburg (Unstrut), decided to equip two of its production locations with the BEUMER stretch hood M high-capacity packaging systems. These systems package the palletised beverage cartons quickly, flexibly and sustainably with a stretch hood film. In Eltville on the Rhine (Hesse), BEUMER has adapted the packaging system so that the film size is changed with respect to the pallet size. These systems enable the Sektkellerei company to reduce shipping and complaint costs considerably in the medium term. The Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH headquartered in Freyburg at the Unstrut in Saxony-Anhalt
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is leading producer of sparkling wine in Germany. They are also one of the top producers of various spirits and wines. Owing to their production of exclusive wines, the RotkäppchenMumm Sektkellereien hold a “Sparkling wine” market share of approx. 50 % in the food trade. The company group currently has around 550 employees and produces at five different locations in Saxona-Anhalt, Thuringia, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg. Production Manager Karl-Josef Lauzi describes the Hesse Sektkellerei: “In Eltville on the Rhine near Mainz, we have a very traditional location.” Lauzi has been working for the Sektkellereien for over 30 years and is responsible for the entire Rotkäppchen-Mumm production operation. Lauzi explains, “the company was founded in 1811. The well-known sparkling wine brands are Mumm, MM Extra and Jules Mumm; all of
which are produced at this location.” The various beverages are filled and bottled automatically, closed with cork, agraffe and capsule and provided with a corresponding label. Next, they are packed into different cardboard boxes. The packaged bottles are picked up by a palletiser, which stacks them onto pallets. Prior to implementing BEUMER technology, the upper surfaces of the cardboard boxes were glued and transported to a binding machine where the palletised beverage cartons were tied up. Beverage cartons would then be carried through the pallet transport system to the goods issue - where they can be prepared for the shuttle truck of the logistics service provider. Every year approximately 300,000 pallets leave this location. However, in the past, due to frequent hard braking, sudden steering moves and sharp curves, during transport, car-
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tons loosened themselves from the compound, falling onto the loading space. The result was broken bottles and lost product. “For a faster material flow in their central warehouses many customers rely on automatic loading and unloading systems,” says Lauzi. This requires product to be sufficiently secured and protected.
Safer, More Stable and Especially Sustainable In order to reduce damage during transport and to meet the increased logistics requirements, Sektkellerei searched for a packaging solution to ensure safer and more stable beverage stacks. “At the beginning of 2012, the Engineering and Logistics departments contacted us with a concrete request”, recalls Klaus-Dieter Enzenbach, Sales Manager at BEUMER Maschinenfabrik GmbH in Beckum. In order to demonstrate their innovative engineering, BEUMER invited the Sektkellereien team to Beckum to carry out packaging testing of their products. “In the testing hall, the impressive BEUMER stretch hood M, high-capacity packaging system, was presented”, proclaims Joachim Engler. After testing, the benefits of the stretch hood became clear and both the shrink wrapping and the stretch wrapping techniques were eliminated as packaging options, as they did not meet Sektkellereien’s requirements due to high film consumption. “The BEUMER high-capacity packaging system pulls a 40 micrometres thin film hood over the palletised beverage cartons. Optimally packaged,
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the cartons are protected against damage during transport and reach the customer in perfect order,” says Engler. “Moreover, two different pallet sizes can be packaged with this multi-format system. The change is semiautomatic and it is not necessary to retrofit the system. Thus, we are well prepared for future requirements”. In order to demonstrate the conformity of the product and the increased stability of loads packed with the BEUMER stretch hood M, BEUMER and Rotkäppchen together with DEKRA, the world’s leading expert organisation for safety, quality and environmental protection, performed different driving tests under extreme conditions. The results were favourable and in March 2013, BEUMER was awarded with a contract including supply, installation and commissioning of the high-capacity packaging systems.
Sustainability Black and White Both loading stability and sustainability were critical decision making factors for Sektkellereien. In support of our commitment to deliver sustainable material handling solutions, BEUMER Group has developed the BEUMER Sustainability Index (BSI). This validation system is used to evaluate the sustainability of new machines in a continuous, systematic and verifiable way on three comprehensive levels: economics, ecology and social responsibility. Economic performance, market presence, financial opportunities and
risks are well-known parameters. BEUMER products will only become economically sustainable, when they and the corresponding production processes are tailored to long-term customer use. The BEUMER specialists evaluate the value of each product, not just their cost. If we consider the BEUMER stretch hood series for example, an intuitive human-machine interface simplifies operation and makes quick work of film roll changes. Operating parameters can be changed as well. Furthermore, this system is highly energy efficient. BEUMER technical experts, in cooperation with film manufacturers developed a solution to meet specific needs and requirements. “If the filled bottles on the pallets are exposed
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is then guided to the shipping area by a conveying system.
to extreme heat and sunlight during transport, this may result in the formation of condensation,” explains Enzenbach. “In such cases a perforated film is used, which enables the water steam to escape”. Another special feature of this thin film is: after utilisation, the film can be returned into the multi-cycle system and recycled - thus considerably reducing packaging waste.
Optimal Service
Accurate Insertion into the Packaging Line The BEUMER stretch hood construction series is a modular system, which can be adapted flexibly to the individual requirements of the user. “To allow better handling of the perforated films, we have designed a special device”, explains Enzenbach. This device makes sure that the film is picked up without any problems either by the gripping system or the suction unit. Particularly with perforated, thin film, there runs a risk of the holes interlocking at the cut edges due to the punching process. The conveying technology was also adapted and is now able to transport different pallet sizes to the BEUMER stretch hood M. A challenge for the BEUMER specialists was the time frame during which the system had to be installed and commissioned. “We had exactly three weeks”, recalls Enzenbach. The location stops operation only once a year in summer. During this period machines and systems are subject to extensive service measures. “It was this time, we were expected to insert the BEUMER stretch hood accurately into the line”, explains Enzenbach. This phase of the project was concluded without issues. The new packaging system has been successfully running since August 2013. A conveyor is used to feed the palletised beverage cartons into the packaging system. The innovative control technology automatically recognises different stacking heights and adapts itself accordingly. An
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ultrasonic sensor determines the required film length. The film is then cut and sealed along the cut edge. This forms a hood, which is stretched, pulled over the stack and down underneath the pallet base ensuring more retention force by a special base reinforcement. The BEUMER stretch hood system acts on the high contracting forces of the film. This fits the entire stack snugly “as a second skin” and provides the required stability. This quick and efficient packaging process protects goods from the environment. The palletised goods are clearly visible due to the smooth surface of the transparent, highly flexible film. This enables packaging of up to 100 pallet loads per hour. The hooded pallet
To ensure a trouble-free course of the intralogistics processes, BEUMER Group offers optimal service and maintenance after commissioning with their Customer Support Team. “The service concept is individually designed for and in cooperation with the customer”, explains the BEUMER specialist Enzenbach. This includes inspections at regular intervals as well as planning and availability of spare or replacement parts. In case of system failure or disruptions, teleservice is available around-theclock with the BEUMER Hotline. Furthermore Joachim Engler, head of the Engineering Department and his team are aware that the system and all components can be easily accessed by maintenance personnel. “Since its installation the BEUMER stretch hood M has been running very stable”, says Ulrich Wiegel, Managing Director of Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH. The support offered by the BEUMER employees is exemplary. “The experiences gained in Eltville on the Rhine could be incorporated several weeks later during another installation and commissioning of the packaging system at the location in Freyburg, Saxony. The system was ready for use after only 2 days”.
09/04/14 14.50
Hall 06 - Stand A05
La nuova linea sarà presentata alla fiera Interpack Düsseldorf – Germania, dall’8 al 14 Maggio 2014. La linea è completa di: • alimentatore flaconi vuoti • monoblocco con dosaggio, controllo del volume e velocità di dosaggio su brushless Schneider • display e elettromeccanica Schneider • controllo ed assistenza a distanza (con remote control) • controllo di accesso alla linea da parte dei diversi operatori
La linea può dosare dai volumi minimi 10 ml fino ad arrivare al 1000 ml Velocità di produzione in base al volume e prodotto fino a 3000 p/h Tappatura con frizione magnetica Possibilità di inserimento etichetta sleever o adesiva in automatico Lucidatura delle parti a specchio e parti a contatto con il prodotto in Aisi 316 Versatilità, facilità cambi formato grazie alla memorizzazione ricette e produttività per ogni singolo formato
Sede operativa: Via del Fornaccio, 6 50012 Bagno a Ripoli – FIRENZE, Italy Tel. +39 055 6240238 - Fax +39 055 6920641 Mob. +39 3293320847 +39 3894707243 e-mail: filltech@alice.it filltechsrl@gmail.com Skype: filltechsrl www.filltechsrl.com
eneral System Pack carries on with the evolution and the implementation of its range of machines and automatic systems dedicated to flow pack packaging. 30 years of continuous development result now in a global leader capable to study, produce, install products ranging from the single fully electronic horizontal packaging machine up to complete packaging lines for any kind of product. At the INTERPACK 2014 International Fair General System Pack will present its GSP 50 EVO model which thanks to a total control through brushless motors allows to pack a wide range of products and to minimize format change ti-
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mes. Another new product displayed at INTERPACK 2014 will be the GSP 75 EVO horizontal packaging machine with gravity feeder and high speed automatic biscuit inserters; surely a winning combination when the blend between high performance and packing perfection is required. On the other hand, controlled atmosphere and sealed pack will be interpreted by GSP 65 EVO BOX MOTION. Topics such us high speed, controlled atmosphere complete automation of the whole primary, secondary and endline packaging cycles, rendered by applying the highest state of the art, both from a mechanical and an electronic point of view. The customer who opts to en-
trust its products to a GSP system will not merely find a piece of machinery, but a flexible, skilled and very experienced company, always keen to evolve in any moment and to change according to the needs of its customers. The visit to the General System Pack Stand at INTERPACK 2014, located in Halle 5 row B 03 from 8 through 14 May in Dusseldorf, and the direct contact will make also you appreciate the substance and solidity of a company and of a technology which is appreciated by the most famous Brands worldwide.
01/04/14 11.46
eneral System Pack erweitert in ständiger Fortentwicklung seine Maschinen und Automationen für das Packaging Flow Pack. 30 Jahre ununterbrochene Entwicklung haben uns heute zu einer weltweiten Führungsrolle verholfen, die in der Lage ist, sowohl einzelne vollkommen elektronisch gesteuerte horizontale Flow Pack-Verpackungsmaschinen sowie komplette Verpackungslinien für jeden Produkttyp zu entwerfen, bauen und installieren. Zur Gelegenheit der internationalen Messe INTERPACK 2014 präsentiert General System Pack das Modell GSP 50 EVO, das es dank der kompletten
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Kontrolle mit einem bürstenlosen Gleichstrommotor ermöglicht, eine große Vielfalt an Produkten zu verpacken und so Auszeiten wegen Formatwechsel auf ein Mindestes zu reduzieren. Eine weitere Neuheit auf der INTERPACK 2014 wird unsere horizontale Verpackungsmaschine GSP 75 EVO mit Schwerkraftförderer und automatischen Hochgeschwindigkeits-Einschiebern für Kekse; eine absolut positive Kombination, wenn eine Verbindung zwischen höchster Leistung und perfekter Verpackungspräzision gefordert sind. Verpackungen mit kontrollierter Atmosphäre sowie Vakuumverpackun-
gen werden indessen durch unsere Maschine GSP 65 EVO BOX MOTION repräsentiert. Themen wie hohe Geschwindigkeit, kontrollierte Atmosphäre oder die komplette Automation des gesamten Primär-, Sekundär- und Tertiärverpackungszyklus werden sowohl in mechanischer wie in elektronischer Hinsicht täglich nach allen Regeln der Kunst interpretiert. Kunden, die ihre Produkte einem GSP System anvertrauen, finden nicht nur eine Maschine, sondern das dahinterstehende flexible, kompetente und erfahrene Unternehmen, das jederzeit bereit ist, sich den Anforderungen der Kundschaft anzupassen und dementsprechend weiter zu entwickeln. Ein Besuch des Stands General System Pack auf der INTERPACK 2014, Halle 5, Korridor und Stand B 03, die vom 8. bis 14. Mai in Düsseldorf stattfindet sowie ein direkter Kontakt mit uns, gibt Ihnen die Gelegenheit, die Standhaftigkeit und Solidität einer Realität und Technologie kennenzulernen, die bereits weltweit von den wichtigsten Markenzeichen eingesetzt und geschätzt wird.
01/04/14 11.46
he 20th Eurasia Packaging Fair is preparing for a record breaking event to mark its anniversary event, with the new Print Packaging Technology section leading to a substantial boost in interest from both exhibitors and visitors, both within Turkey and across the world. With over 1,200 companies from more than 40 countries exhibiting in Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center, Istanbul from the 18th - 21st September, the event will once again be the biggest annual packaging fair in Eurasia. Berkan Öner, Project Group Director of Eurasia Packaging Fair said “We are really pleased with how the event is shaping up for this year. Our new Print Packaging Technology has been very well received, and the show overall is 75% full with exhibitors coming from Turkey and around the world. As well as wanting to meet the key manufacturers who
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already attend the show, our visitors have been expressing the desire to meet different international exhibitors with print machinery and packaging products from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Macedonia, the Middle East, Russia, Taiwan and Ukraine being in particularly high demand. We have seen great support from ASD, the packaging manufacturers association in Turkey, as well as from AMD, ESD, KASAD, MASD and SEPA, which will once again help us to have a cutting edge professional education programme”. Professional hosted buyer groups are being organised from all over Europe, Asia and Africa, utilising
the many international offices of both Reed Exhibitions and Tüyap Fairs Group, in conjunction with local chambers of commerce. Potential hosted buyers from all over the world, and particularly Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan should express their interest at www.packagingfair.com or visit the team at their stand Hall EN.1 / /04 at Interpack in Dusseldorf.
10/04/14 15.34
TRUESEAL CORP. Add: Rm. 218, Garden Five Works BB, 289, Munjeong-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Kore Tel: +82-2-459-0937 Fax: +82-2-459-0938 Website: www.trueseal.co.kr E-mail: packaging@empas.com
Company As a leading company in Korea, Trueseal is specialized in manufacturing induction cap sealing machines, which can seal the lips of all kinds of plastic bottles such as, PE,PP,PS,PET, Multilayer, including glass bottles. The system supplies Induction Cap sealers, Induction Capless sealers, Induction Pick & Place sealing machines. The system is compact and competitive in quality and price, supplies the local market and exports to many countries.
Products Induction Cap Sealer can be supplied in manual type, automatic type, air cooled, and water cooled type. The company’s innovative sealing coil can seal the sealing diameter of 20-120mm by only one sealing head without any additional parts. And the entire system is composed of modularized parts that are designed for easy operation and control. Model OSTS 3000A air-cooled sealer is compact, lightweight and high-speed. The system can cover the speed rate of Max. speed 600 bpm and make long-term cost savings. Moreover, the system is fully guaranteed for three years.
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17/04/14 16.12
tate-of-the-art flexible packaging effectively addresses the issues of storing goods and their logistics, expands the ways of communicating with the end-users, and discovers new sales areas. UKRPLASTIC produces flexible packaging that demonstrates excellent appearance, high barrier properties, effective processability on the packaging lines, while allowing to extend the products shelf life and stay environmentally friendly at all phases of the life cycle. The company’s team realizes the importance of using high-quality flexible packaging to strengthen the customer’s presence in the market, thereby it is consistent in upgrading the production process and implementing brand-new technologies, and offers attractive product solutions for business development. In the Central and Eastern Europe area, UKRPLASTIC is the largest manufacturer of flexible packaging materials for food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and other industries. As reported by the Plimsoll ra-
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ting agency, in 2013 UKRPLASTIC moved up to gain 29th position in the rating of the largest global manufacturers of flexible packaging and ranked 22nd by the business efficiency rating. The Plimsoll rating agency estimated the UKRPLASTIC’s standing in the market as being STRONG. This is a family-run business founded in 1927, and its almost a hundred-year history is closely related to evolution and development of the packaging industry. The UKRPLASTIC’s activities rest on the principles of a well-balanced management policy, hair-line orchestrated development strategy, on-the-fly decisions making, and a customertailored approach. The UKRPLASTIC’s experts cooperate with the companies of food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and other industries globally and have gained a professional repute worldwide, standing them out as those who are always on alert to assist in solving the most challenging technological, industrial, and marketing issues. Packaging is the key element of
success for any goods, therefore, UKRPLASTIC is constantly improving its production processes and is developing advanced technologies to enhance the product features. UKRPLASTIC is a powerful scientific and industrial complex with highend technologies for producing flexible packaging, from granules and inks to ready-made rolls and packages. Most flexible packaging materials are produced by UKRPLASTIC under the proprietary trade marks of BIPAN ®, SOLAN ,® ALPAN ,® VIPAN ®, and TWISPAN ®. The company produces five- and nine-layer co-extruded films, and has mastered the production of eleven-layer structures for the first time ever in the international practice. In order to produce laminated materials, different types of in-line lamination are used to vary between coextruded, solvent, solventless, two- and three-layer lamination. Plasma treatment and vacuum films metallization are employed. The company has arranged an upto-date printing facility that has no equals to compete with. There are
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10- and 11-unit rotogravure and flexographic printing presses, digital reference inspection systems and installations to supervise the print quality. Electronic design, digital and laser technologies for prepress processes, stochastic screening, and ultraviolet drying of printing inks and lacquers are also applied. The produced packaging can make an impression of a paper bag, while retaining the functional features and performances of the flexible packaging material. The technology of a composite selective lacquering as well as combination of glossy and matte surfaces altogether render the inimitable style to the packaging. The UKRPLASTIC’s flexible packaging materials make allowance for all specific features of production, storage, and usage of various categories of the products. While selecting a proper packaging material, the company experts first of all focus on providing the utmost protection of the product against those environmental factors it is the least resistant to. For example, the biscuits packaging is supposed to primarily protect the product against moisture absorption and off-odors. A lower protection level is required to neutralize oxygen and light exposure. In order to protect the packed product and prevent its damage, the flexible packaging materials for detergents have to provide high integrity and stiffness. The UKRPLASTIC packaging protects the product against moisture, off-odors, neutralizes light and oxygen exposure and prevents aromatized products from aroma loss. The flexible packaging materials offer reasonable price and outperform other packaging in their efficiency. For each product category the company offers its tailor-made product solution, whose cost-efficiency and viability have been proved by a longtime experience.
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The highest quality and safety of these packaging materials are an apparent benefit for the customers. The production process employs only those materials and raw stock that are certified in compliance with the international and European safety standards. The products’ samples are thoroughly tested in the company’s quality lab equipped with the state-ofthe-art facilities. When required, the labs of the company’s partners worldwide are used. The flexible packaging materials manufactured by the company are physiologically neutral, neither change the food flavors of the products, nor contain any chlorine compounds or emit dioxin when being recycled in the combustion process. Owning to the cutting-edge technologies of flexographic and rotogravure printing, the UKRPLASTIC’s packaging materials contain far less residual solvents than the most of their countertypes. This makes the materials more friendly to the human body and environment. These packaging materials comply with all the current sanitary and hygienic regulations, they are produced from the high-quality raw stock and are internationally certified. UKRPLASTIC has introduced an effective ecology management system, the company regularly proves its conformance with the require-
ments of the International Standards like ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management Systems), ISO 22000:2005 (Food Safety Management Systems), and ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems). The company’s products have won a lot of awards from the reputable professional associations. Last year UKRPLASTIC, apart from the three wins in the individual categories, received the grand prize of the contest - The Best of the Best Packaging from GAA and The Golden Prize from EFIA - 2013 Gold Print Award. Such a high appraisal of the UKRPLASTIC’s products by the worldwide professionals confirms that the company’s clients are offered the packaging material whose usage becomes the competitive advantage in the market. The flexible polymer packaging materials are rather versatile in their application, therefore, UKRPLASTIC will be glad to see you among its customers! We welcome you to our stand No. 10Е10 at the Interpack show!
01/04/14 15.35
Ideas materialized in products
almatic offers technologically cutting-edge machines for producing innovative single-dose containers to a market constantly looking for new packaging and technologies. A concrete example of it? The new val 175 machine! Valmatic was founded over 30 years ago as manufacturer of thermoforming machines for the production of suppositories and vaginal ovules. Together with its automatic machines’ production, valmatic has developed the contract-packing service, an outsourced manufacturing that consists in the single-dose filling of liquids such as dietary supplements, beauty products and medical devices but also balms, creams and gels manipulated in controlled atmosphere.
Thanks to its know-how due to the long-term experience, valmatic offers a full-service that goes from the creation of the single-dose container, also customized, to the realization of the secondary packing into cards, counter displays, cases and more, providing a finished product ready to be marketed.
its mold step of 240 mm and a very high productivity per hour is the right choice for pharmaceutical and food industry. Our long-term experience in contract packaging carried out with lines produced internally is a valid guarantee for all customers interested in. Only with a daily use of the machines in production it’s possible to understand how we can improve them and successfully test the applicable technologies.
Our start off at interpack
Valmatic designs and manufactures thermoforming-filling lines for producing single-dose containers and suppositories. Valmatic machines are designed and manufactured in italy. Extremely versatile, they meet the needs of the customer: the changeover time is very quick and the output per hour is deeply high. From the experience in outsourced manufacturing, valmatic has developed a series of ffs models that meet all market needs: from the miri line machine that, by filling and sealing preformed vials, is suitable to labs or small companies that must handle small batches of vials to our ffs mod. Vt240 machine that with
The new val175, the valmatic’s preview at interpack 2014 (pav. 8A, stand d12), is a thermoforming and filling machine designed for producing single-dose containers form-filled in laminated plastic sheets in which the whole company know-how has been put in: thanks to the easy access of this machine, even for the less trained operator the format changeover from 5 to 300 ml is really fast. Val175 has been designed for food and cosmetic industry; at interpack it will be used with a new format of 70 ml suitable for fruit juices, single-dose drinkable beverages and take-away products. An important feature is the significant
An all-around service
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wastage reduction in relation to the finished container, with a consequent remarkable cost cutting. Val 175 is an all-around machine conceived for medium and large production: it can manufacture small vials in low thickness plastic films but also capacious containers in high thickness films, both with or without flat bottom (stand-up). Its scope can vary from the coupling of a single folded film, which allows the centering of the printing on both sides to the coupling of 2 plastic films or of one plastic film and one aluminum film (peelable). When purchasing, the customer shall decide the most suited solution (also indicating the amount between one or two reels). Val 175 employs a mechanics combined with a cutting-edge electronic control both for the operator interface and the internal motion management. It is equipped with a siemens touch screen operator panel, with a display of 10” fitted for remote control. The machine motion is possible thanks to a pneumatic-mechanical handling system controlled by profinet modules, with cycles that can be adapted to the specific requirements of a product as well as a very short changeover times.
10/04/14 13.09
ecno Pack carries on with the evolution and the implementation of its range of machines and automatic systems dedicated to flow pack, pillow pack, cartoning and end line packaging. 30 years of continuous development result now in a global leader capable to study, produce, install complete packaging lines and in particular for Bakery. At the INTERPACK 2014 International Fair Tecno Pack S.p.A. will present a line designed for an U.S. customer, it will be entirely made in stainless steel and equipped with a ip 65 wash down electric system, it will employed for packing differently shaped pre-cooked pastries which will be placed by robots in cartons and then flow packed. A second flow pack automatic line for bakery products will be coupled
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to an automatic system for secondary grouping. The brand new FV210 multi-axis vertical electronic side packaging machine with 14 radial head scale, together with a second FV025 machine equipped with a volumetric dosing unit, will be able to give to the visitor an even partial view of the possibilities which Tecno Pack offers to the global vertical packaging market; FV210 is indeed an absolutely innovative system which can integrate within a single machine the possibility, through absolutely manageable format changes, to obtain normal pillow bags, block bottom bags, with four side seals and with double block bottom, up to obtaining the refined DoyPack bag made through the rotation of the cut&seal unit. Topics such as high speed, control-
led atmosphere complete automation of the whole primary, secondary and endline packaging cycles, are, each single day, interpreted by applying the highest state of the art, both from a mechanical and an electronic point of view. The customer who opts to entrust its products to a Tecno Pack system will not merely find a piece of machinery, but a flexible, skilled and very experienced company, always keen to evolve in any moment and to change according to the needs of its customers. The visit to the Tecno Pack Stand at INTERPACK 2014, located in Halle 5 row J 22 from 8 through 14 May in Dusseldorf, and the direct contact will make also you appreciate the substance and solidity of a company and of a technology which is appreciated by the most
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ecno Pack erweitert in ständiger Fortentwicklung seine Maschinen und Automationen für das Packaging Flow Pack, Pillow Pack, Cartoning und End Line. Eine 30 Jahre währende Fortentwicklung hat dem Unternehmen zu seiner heute fast weltweit verbreiteten Führungsrolle verholfen und es ist deshalb in der Lage, komplette Verpackungslinien für jeden Produkttyp, insbesondere für die BäckereiBranche zu entwerfen, bauen und installieren. Zur Gelegenheit der internationalen Messe INTERPACK 2014 präsentiert Tecno Pack S.p.A. eine Linie für Kunden aus Amerika; die Maschine besteht komplett aus Edelstahl mit einer elektrischen Anlage IP 65 Wash Down und wird vorwiegend der Verpackung von verschiedenformigen vorgebackenen “Teigwaren” gewidmet, die mittels Roboter direkt in die Kartons befördert und dann automatisch in Flow Packs abgepackt werden.
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Eine zweite automatische Flow Pack-Verpackungslinie für Backwaren wird für die sekundäre Gruppierung an ein automatisches System gekoppelt. Die neue vertikale und elektronische, durch eine Waage mit 14 radialen Köpfen betriebene Mehrbahn-Verpackungsmaschine FV210, kombiniert mit einer zweiten Maschine FV025 mit Volumendosierer, gibt dem Messebesucher eine partielle Übersicht der Möglichkeiten, die Tecno Pack dem Weltmarkt für die vertikale Verpackungsbranche zur Verfügung stellt; das FV210 ist ein absolut innovatives System, das mit einem einzigen Gerät durch die bedienungsfreundliche und schnelle Formatänderung die Möglichkeit gibt, normale Schlauchbeutel, Klotzbodenbeutel, Seitenfaltenbeutel mit vier Seitenschweißnahten und doppeltem Klotzboden sowie die begehrten, mittels Rotation der Siegeleinheit produzierten Doy Pack Standbeutel herzustellen. Themen wie hohe Geschwindigkeit,
kontrollierte Atmosphäre oder die komplette Automation des gesamten Primär-, Sekundär- und Tertiärverpackungszyklus werden sowohl in mechanischer wie in elektronischer Hinsicht täglich nach allen Regeln der Kunst interpretiert. Kunden, die ihre Produkte einem Tecno Pack System anvertrauen, finden nicht nur eine Maschine, sondern das dahinterstehende flexible, kompetente und erfahrene Unternehmen, das jederzeit bereit ist, sich den Anforderungen der Kundschaft anzupassen und dementsprechend weiter zu entwickeln. Ein Besuch des Stands Tecno Pack auf der INTERPACK 2014, Halle 5, Korridor und Stand J 22, die vom 8. bis 14. Mai in Düsseldorf stattfindet sowie ein direkter Kontakt mit uns, gibt Ihnen die Gelegenheit, die Standhaftigkeit und Solidität einer Realität und Technologie kennenzulernen, die bereits weltweit von den wichtigsten Markenzeichen eingesetzt und geschätzt wird.
01/04/14 11.50
“THINK PROCESS” – VON DER EINZELNEN KNETMASCHINE ZUR KOMPLETTEN BÄCKEREITECHNIK Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gehörten Mut und Entschlossenheit dazu, ein Unternehmen zu gründen. Der große Börsenkrach 1873 hatte die goldene Gründerzeit abrupt beendet, die Wirtschaft war in Krisenstimmung. Herrmann Werner ließ sich davon nicht abhalten. 1879 eröffnete er die „Herrmann Werner Maschinenfabrik“, die Vorläuferin der wenige Monate später beim Amtsgericht eingetragenen „Werner & Pfleiderer Maschinenbaufabrik in Cannstatt“.
errmann Werner und Paul Pfleiderer kannten sich von ihrem gemeinsamen Maschinenbaustudium am Stuttgarter Polytechnikum. Als sich Werner selbstständig machte, führte Pfleiderer bereits in England ein Maschinenhandelsunternehmen und besaß ein Patent für eine Knetmaschine mit zwei elliptischen Schlaufen. Um diese auch in Deutschland zu fertigen, gewann er Werner zum Partner. Das Geschäft mit Knetmaschinen entwickelte sich in Deutschland glänzend, nicht zuletzt durch die große Nachfrage der chemischen Industrie und den Großbäckereien des Militärs.
lich sind, unabhängig von anderen Anbietern selbst konstruieren und bauen. Dieses Ziel des Firmengründers wurde über die Jahre hinweg konsequent verfolgt und ist bis heute unter dem Begriff think process die unternehmerische Leitidee.
Schon damals wünschten sich die Kunden von Werner & Pfleiderer nicht nur Knetmaschinen, sondern ganze Produktionsanlagen. Teigwalzen, Ausstechmaschinen und Öfen beschaffte Pfleiderer zunächst aus England, bis Herrmann Werner eine richtungsweisende Grundsatzentscheidung traf: Zukünftig werde WP alle Einzelkomponenten, die für eine komplette Anlage erforder-
Die Produktionsausweitung von Werner & Pfleiderer begann mit modernen Backöfen. In London hatte die Firma Perkins ein spezielles Dampfrohr entwickelt, womit die Wärme in den Öfen besser verteilt und der Brennstoff effektiver ausgenutzt werden konnte als in den bis dahin gängigen in Ziegelsteinen gemauerten Öfen. „Werner, Pfleiderer & Perkins Ltd“ wurde 1893 ge-
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gründet, die deutsche Firma erhielt den Zusatz „Cannstatter Dampfbackofen-Fabrik“. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit folgten weitere Eigenkonstruktionen: Maschinen zum Teigformen, zum gewichtsgenauen Teilen, ein Kegelrundwirker und ein GehängeGärschrank. Ende der 1890er-Jahre war die Herstellungslinie vollständig. WP, ursprünglich Spezialist für Misch- und Knetmaschinen, bot nun die gesamte Palette der Bäckereitechnik an. In dieser Zeit veränderte sich auch die industrielle Antriebstechnik hin zu Elektromotoren. Bislang gab es in den Fabriken zentrale Kraftquellen in Form von Dampfmaschinen oder Gasmotoren. Da mit Elektromotoren Einzelmaschinen angetrieben werden konnten, war es zum ersten Mal auch für handwerkliche Bäckereien möglich, Teig maschinell herzustellen. Für moderne Bäckereien wurde die Viennara-Knetmaschine von WP schnell zur Standardausrüstung. Die neue Antriebsmöglichkeit automatisierte auch die Arbeit in den
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Brotfabriken. Der kontinuierlich arbeitende WP-Gehängeofen mit der Bezeichnung „Auto-Ofen“ erreichte eine Leistung von 10.000 Brötchen pro Stunde. Der Erste Weltkrieg bremste die dynamische technische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Die einst so erfolgreich aufgebauten Auslandsmärkte gingen nach dem Kriegsende für WP weitestgehend verloren. Werke, Tochterfirmen und Verkaufsniederlassungen im Ausland wurden enteignet, mussten verkauft oder geschlossen werden. In dieser schwierigen Situation gelang WP dennoch mit Öfen in Stahlbauweise eine bedeutende Innovation, die allerdings eine Finanzkrise des Unternehmens nicht verhindern konnte. 1927 kommt es zur Umstrukturierung in eine Kommanditgesellschaft, die Geschäftsführung wird einer selbstständigen Direktion unter Vorsitz von Otto Fahr übertragen. Damit war der Fortbestand zwar gesichert, doch der „Schwarze Freitag“ an der Wall Street am 25. Oktober 1929 und dessen Folgen wirkten sich auch auf WP aus. Zwischen 1929 und 1934 sank die Zahl der Mitarbeiter von 1350 auf 555, der Umsatz schrumpfte von 16 auf 5 Millionen Mark. Wirtschaftlich aufwärts ging es für WP wieder mit der Entwickelung eines bis heute bewährten Heizsystems für Backöfen: der ZyklothermTechnik. Damit war es möglich, die Temperatur genau zu regeln und besseres Gebäck zu niedrigeren Produktionskosten herzustellen. Mit diesem Erfolg wuchs das Unternehmen kräftig. 1938 entstand in Stuttgart-Feuerbach ein zentrales WP-Werk mit eigener Energieversorgung, auf dem alle Fertigungsstätten und Büros konzentriert wurden. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges, im Winter 1944/45, wurde das
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Werk durch Fliegerangriffe größtenteils zerstört. 1949 übernahm Otto Fahr erneut die Führung von WP und verbreiterte das Produktionsprogramm. WP-Technik wurde nicht nur in der Backbranche eingesetzt, sondern u.a. auch zur Produktion von Seife, Zahnpasta, für Spritzguss- und Kunststoffteile, Reifen und Bremsbeläge, Telefongehäuse und Radiergummis. Eine Revolution in der Ofentechnik gelang WP 1953 mit dem MATADOR. Mit dem neuartigen Etagenofen in Stahlwärme-Konstruktion und mit seinem Umwälzheizsystem ZYKLOTHERM konnten Bäcker zum ersten Mal zeitlich flexibel produzieren. Das stundenlange Vorheizen der Holz- und Kohlebacköfen gehörte nun der Vergangenheit an. Auf einen Schlag steigerte der MATADOR auch die Bäckereikapazität. Denn platzsparend gebaut bot er auf derselben Stellfläche mindestens zwei Etagen mehr als die Schamottöfen.
Eine weitere wichtige Weichenstellung war der Weg in die Auslandsmärkte und der Aufbau eigener Auslandsgesellschaften. Ende der 1960er-Jahre betrug der Exportanteil am WP-Umsatz bereits 64 %. Die Produktionsfläche in StuttgartFeuerbach reicht nicht mehr aus. Da Flächen und Arbeitskräfte in der baden-württembergischen Landeshauptstadt knapp waren, entstand ein neues Werk im bayrischen Dinkelsbühl. 1964 zog zuerst die erfolgreiche Produktion des Etagenbackofens MATADOR um, 1973 folgt die gesamte Ofenfertigung und 1979 Brötchenanlagenbau für handwerkliche Bäckereien.
Von Werner & Pfleiderer zur WP BAKERYGROUP “think process“ – die weitsichtige Idee von Werner Herrmann wird auch heute noch erfolgreich umgesetzt, und zwar von einer ganzen Gruppe von Spezialmaschinenbauunternehmen für die Bäckereibran-
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che. Sie bilden gemeinsam die WP BAKERYGROUP. Den Grundstein der WP BAKERYGROUP legte Jürgen Horstmann, als er 1989 die Emil Kemper GmbH in Rietberg übernahm. Das nordrheinwestfälische Maschinenbauunternehmen blickt auf eine lange Firmengeschichte zurück, die 1885 begann, als Emil Kemper mit seinem Partner in einer kleinen Werkstatt Milchzentrifugen baute. Bereits 1890 errichtete er eine Fabrik in Rietberg/Neuenkirch. Dort entwickelte er weitere landwirtschaftliche Maschinen, die er in alle Welt vertrieb. Nach 1945 übernahm Kempers Tochter Käthe das Unternehmen und stellt die Produktion auf Knetmaschinen um. Anfang der 1950er-Jahre folgten Mehlsieb- und Teigformmaschinen, danach Brotund Brötchenanlagen. In der WP BAKERYGROUP ist WP Kemper das Kompetenzzentrum für Teigdosierung- und Knetung sowie für Produktionsanlagen zur Herstellung von runden und eckigen Brötchen sowie fettgebackenen Produkten. 1997 akquirierte Jürgen Horstmann gleich zwei Spezialmaschinenbauer auf einen Schlag: Werner & Pfleiderer in Dinkelsbühl, das seitdem unter dem Namen Werner & Pfleiderer Lebensmitteltechnik firmiert, sowie WP Haton. Haton gehörte bereits seit 1975 zu Werner & Pfleiderer. Das 1949 von Harry Tonnaer gegründete Unternehmen hat seinen Sitz in Helden-Panningen in den Niederlanden. In der WP BAKERYGROUP ist WP Haton der Spezialist, wenn es um die Herstellung von Brot jeglicher Art geht. Seit 1998 gehört auch Werner & Pfleiderer Industrielle Backtechnik zur WP Gruppe. Das Unternehmen, das aus der ursprünglichen Gesamtgesellschaft in Stuttgart Feuerbach aus der Werner & Pfleiderer GmbH hervorging, hatte bis dahin eine wechselvolle Geschichte.
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Nachdem im Jahre 1997 Jürgen Horstmann den Bereich handwerkliche Backtechnik der Werner & Pfleiderer in Dinkelbühl erworben hatte, verblieb die Sparte der Industriellen Backtechnik zunächst noch am Standort in Stuttgart Feuerbach und firmierte unter Beteiligung eines südafrikanischen Investors als Werner & Pfleiderer Combake. Der Firmensitz wurde von Stuttgart Feuerbach nach Tamm verlegt. Erst nach Übernahme dieses Unternehmensteiles im Jahre 1998 wurde daraus die Werner & Pfleiderer Industrielle Backtechnik GmbH und damit ein Mitglied der WP BAKERYGROUP. Diese bedeutenden Veränderungen gingen einher mit einer umfangreichen Restrukturierung zu einem flexiblen und erfolgreichen Engineering Unternehmen. Innerhalb der WP BAKERYGROUP konnten nun wieder alle Ressourcen, von der Planung und Ausführung von industriellen Backöfen bis zu schlüsselfertigen Projekten, vereint werden. Die Schwerpunkte der Arbeit innerhalb der WP IB liegen im Bereich des Engineering für Anlagen der Frischback- und der Dauerbackwarenindustrie weltweit. Hier entstehen Systemlösungen von der ersten Skizze bis zur fertigen Produktionsanlage, die mit hoher Engineeringkompetenz besonders die kundenspezifische Anforderung in den Vordergrund stellen. Die jeweiligen Produkte wie Maschinen und Öfen werden stetig weiterentwickelt, um auch den neuen Anforderungen hinsichtlich Energieeffizienz und Umweltverträglichkeit gerecht zu werden. Weitere Schwerpunkte der Entwicklung sind im Bereich der Hygiene und der Service-/ Wartungsfreundlichkeit zu sehen. Als jüngstes Mitglied kam 2013 WP Riehle zur WP BAKERYGROUP.
Der Aalener Spezialist für Frittieren, Fettbacken, Blechreinigen und Belaugen wurde 1967 von Walter Riehle gegründet. Die erste Maschine war der kleine Tauchboy zur manuellen Belaugung von Brezeln. Heute reicht die Anlagenkompetenz von der Handwerksmaschine bis zu leistungsfähigen Groß- und kundenspezifischen Sonderanlagen. In der Summe ist die WP BAKERYGROUP weltweit der größte Anbieter von Maschinen und Anlagen, der die gesamte Prozesskette von Handwerks- bis zu industriellen Großbäckereien bedient. Eigene Niederlassungen hat die WP BAKERYGROUP in den USA, in Frankreich, Italien, Österreich, Russland und in der Ukraine. Über internationale Handelspartner ist die Gruppe auch in zahlreichen anderen Ländern vertreten. Viele der Tochterunternehmen sind seit Jahrzehnten, einige seit mehr als einem Jahrhundert Marktführer in ihrem Bereich. Durch die Spezialisierung der einzelnen Werke werden sämtliche Sparten der Produktionstechnik abgedeckt und im Zusammenspiel aller Unternehmen entstehen neue Geschäftsfelder, wie etwa der Energiedienstleister WP Green. Das garantiert, dass WP auch weiterhin alle Anforderungen von Bäckereien aus einer Hand erfüllen kann. „Prozessdenken bedeutet für uns, alle Einzelschritte in der Produktion einzubinden und optimal miteinander zu vernetzen. Dadurch wird es möglich, kontinuierlich Backwaren auf hohem Qualitätsniveau sowohl wirtschaftlich als auch ressourcenschonend herzustellen. think process war in den zurückliegenden 135 Jahren unsere erfolgreiche Unternehmensphilosophie und unser Alleinstellungsmerkmal und wird es auch in Zukunft bleiben!“, sagt Jürgen Horstmann, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der WP BALKERYGROUP.
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ambelli has widened its portfolio of solutions by introducing on its well reputed range of shrink-wrapping and tray-packer machines robotic pick and place systems to handle unstable and / or irregular shaped containers. Nowadays food manufacturers in order to make easier and more satisfying consuming the food re-engineered their food containers and today the most popular ones have become difficult in shape to be handled with conventional packaging machineries. Some examples are the plastic cups for yoghurt, jelly or dessert, or even the cups for warm soup wrapped with insulating thermal cardboard sleeve or the glass bulb shaped jars for spices and seasoning condiments. For handling these containers it must be avoided buffering and back-pressure and it is necessary to adopt pick and place devices that based on picking directly
ries of shrink-wrapping machines allows to reduce the costs of the package using thinner film. The robotic pick and place developed by Zambelli offers a great flexibility and can be a solution for a large number of applications ranging from cosmetic, dairy, beverage, spices, and every time it’s required the hanInterpack_2014_High.pdf 1 14/04/2014 17:06:18 dling of a not conventional container.
the product are able to sort the container without the negative effect of the mass flow. In this way the containers can be easily grouped in the pattern wanted and packed in plastic tray or cardboard tray then wrapped with shrink film or in closed wrap-around carton. The industrial robot integrated into the Zambelli shrinkwrapping / case-packer machines allows to reduce the equipment footprint, the movements of containers and packages for the benefit of the efficiency and reliability. Once the robotic system has completed the grouping cycles the pattern obtained can be then wrapped with heat-shrink film to protect it and ensure its integrity. The final bundle will result in a robust and economic package as the Zambelli technology offered by its seC
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17/04/14 12.17
Wipotec is recognized globally as the leading system provider for the integration of intelligent weighing technology. Discover our Weigh Cell Concept in a modular and flexible design. We’ve got the solution for your application!
T +39.02.73952424
www.wipotec.com testatina MB IFM.indd 2 2014-02-10_pulse-inspection_2x210x297_IT.indd ENG
interpack 2014
Hall 15
Booth B41
21/03/14 11.27
OCS Product Inspection solutions benefit from the latest technological innovations driven by our application orientated developments and our in-house manufacturing. Flexible OCS Product Inspection: because reliability and precision matters.
interpack 2014
Hall 15
Booth B41 testatina MB IFM.indd 3
T +39.02.73952424
www.ocs-cw.com 21/03/14 11.27 11.02.2014 14:55:20
EXCELLENT PRODUCT INSPECTION FROM OCS – DISCOVER SIMPLICITY AT WORK OCS Checkweighers shows its widest product portfolio ever at interpack 2014
uring the 20th interpack edition (08 – 14 May 2014) OCS Checkweighers will showcase its most comprehensive product portfolio ever. Covering almost twice the size as their previous stand from interpack 2011, OCS will answer every aspect of current and future application needs. With OCS’s broad range of inspection solutions for weighing, scanning and verifying, the highest requirements of the packaging industry are perfectly served.
Dynamic Weighing: 100% inline weight control up to 640 ppm OCS categorise its checkweighers in three product lines: Essential (EC-E), Medium (HC-M) and Avantgarde (HC-A). Each machine is designed to be easily and conveniently integrated into existing production lines. Each machine stands for an excellent performance. Whilst ensuring the highest reliability, these checkweighers are reading the individual product weight, verifying the reading against the set weight value and rejecting all incorrect weight units automatically. The HC-M and HC-A family offers a huge model variety which is driven by the market demands. The HC-M-WD (protection class IP 69K) for example is made for intensive wash down cleaning regimes and strict hygiene requirements. Self-evident it complies to the HACCP and IFS regulation. OCS machinery leads the way with
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sophisticated servo drive conveyor technology, to ensure perfect product handling. The technology in the servo drives is second to none and benefits from being practically maintenance free. Product handling is key to customer success. The same can be said for the unique Weigh Cells based on Electro Magnetic Force Restoration, with distinct competitive advantages such as AVC technology. AVC (Active Vibration Compensation) allows the precise dynamic weighing in even the worst vibration affected environments. AVC is cleverly utilised to compensate for background vibration to ensure consistently accurate weight readings. This technology is not only come handy in weak building structures or heavy forklift traffic but even when running speeds over 400 ppm.
X-ray Scanning: much more than simple contamination detection The appreciated application flexibility from the checkweigher range is also implemented in the comprehensive product portfolio of sophisticated X-ray scanners. The best possible product inspection is guaranteed by utilising a modular ma-
chine design and an intelligent but unique X-ray inspection approach. Scanners by OCS Checkweighers fulfill highest requirements with regards to precise detection and ensure best possible food safety. These scanners not only detect foreign objects and other contaminants such as stones, eventually glass, plastics and bones with a higher density.But furthermore, they detect product flaws such as broken, deformed or incomplete products and rejects them. The unique camera-detector-technology
renders product pictures of stunning sharpness and resolution (as high as 0,15 mm). Taken images can be stored and kept for further reference. Additionally with its modular design the OCS X-ray range helps customers with bespoke requirements. For example the X-ray is fitted with a closed water cooling loop that is both compact and can be fully flexible in design.
Advantage built-in: Excellence by in-house development & manufacturing The extraordinary manufacturing depth and the setup of all design and production steps under one roof guarantees the exceptional quality, flexibility and reliability of OCS Checkweighers’ whole array of products. OCS customers benefit from the fact that all key components and the systems themselves are manufactured entirely in-house. This allows direct communication, perfect customisation to individual needs and a future proofing investment with a guaranteed spare parts service where needed many years down the road. www.ocs-cw.com
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Wipotec is recognized globally as the leading system provider for the integration of intelligent weighing technology. Ever since it was founded more than 25 years ago the company has been growing constantly and quickly. Today, Wipotec has 400 employees and subsidiaries in Italy and the USA.
he core business of Wipotec is the development, production and integration of ultra-fast precision Weigh Cells and high-tech weighing systems for high-speed applications. Wipotec Weigh Cells are applied in a wide range of industrial production processes, such as checkweighers, filling and dosing as well as the integration in packaging machines. Furthermore, highly specific solutions, tailored to the needs of the customers, are implemented for the pharmaceutical industry to weigh capsules, tablets, syringes and vials. The Weigh Cell work according to the principle of Electro Magnetic Force Restoration (EMFR). They are based on the monoblock technology which makes them extremely precise and fast and enables them to render accurate weighing results even at highest speeds and under the most adverse conditions. Vibrations can be actively compensated for. The product range includes models which can weigh a mere microgram and others which can deal with loads from µg up to 150 kg. Wipotec places special emphasis on the independent development of all necessary technologies and core components. Therefore, about 25
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percent of the staff work in hardware and software development. The in-house development and project engineering departments enable the company to provide all production documents required within a very short time frame and with a maximum of flexibility. The heart of all Weigh Cells, the socalled monoblock, is manufactured in the in-house machining centre by means of state-of-the-art CNC milling machines. However Wipotec’s systematic in-house policy does not end with the mechanical manufacturing, the printed circuit boards are also manufactured under the
same roof by automatic pick-andplace machines. These components are put together in the cleanrooms of the Weigh Cell assembly before they have to undergo an extensive testing and adjusting process. Finally, the Weigh Cells reach their application in dynamic checkweighers and in integrable weighing systems. “We have a healthy customer mix – we supply all leading names and key players in the pharmaceutical and food packaging sector, but we also have a very good spread of smaller clients,” explains Wipotec’s international sales director Michael Kirsch. “We have agreements with the large accounts like BOSCH, Bausch + Strobel, Optima or IMA, just to mention a few. Michael Kirsch explains: “Our company is the clear market and technology leader in precision Weigh Cells for packaging machine OEMs worldwide.” And he adds: “We were looking for additions to our portfolio, which would be of interest to our existing customers.” So Wipotec designed and developed several X-ray scanners with a revolutionary technology. These products offer higher performance and better detection of foreign objects.
11/02/14 13.22
MUT COMI, member of AMUT GROUP, is a 100% Italian company result of the cooperation between AMUT and COMI merging their technological know-how in thermoforming field. Together AMUT thermoforming division, operating since 2002, and the previous production of COMI, have created an industrial facility capable of providing plants in the international thermoforming scenery distinguished for the sturdy structure and for running high performances at low energy consumption. AMUT COMI thermoforming machines boast a proven strength and durability also under heavy conditions of cutting tougher materials such as PET and PP at high cycles rate. The great passion for the challenges and the ongoing efforts and success of the R&D Department make AMUT COMI the ideal partner for thermoformed plastics items manufacturers. AMUT COMI designs and manufactures special solutions dedicated to specific products, working on endless improvements of its machines to always meet the needs of the market. The technological know-how in extrusion enables AMUT COMI to supply complete in-line plants and “turnkey projects” including auxiliary equip-
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ment (rimming machines for PP or HIPS, pre-heaters for PP foil; multi-axis stackers; stacking manipulators, automatic units to convey the formed products to the subsequent operations, end line automated systems). Innovative design criteria are the strength of AMUT COMI: to give an example, F series is distinguished for its modular structure, which allows to add one or more stations in a second time, satisfying the productive requirements of the customers. F and V series include a pressure or vacuum forming and steel rule die cutting, technology suitable for the production of trays, plates, lids, containers, plant pots, using any thermoplastic material. The number of station can be chosen, from 3 up to 4 or more: forming, punching, steel rule die cutting, assembling/ labelling and stacking unit. AMP, FTV and PA1000 series are suitable for processing materials with barrier layers and general purpose thermoplastic (PP, GPPS, HIPS, PET, PLA, PVC), with simultaneously forming and punching technology, divided into tilting or vertically movable design. GLE series includes forming and punching in two stations, suitable for manufacturing of HIPS disposable products, such as cups, vending items.
AMUT COMI counts in its range also special machines for peculiar requests: FTLT series is able to produce thermoformed panels for cooling towers (PVC or PP) and FFG-E e VK-C series PS foam packaging. AMUT COMI has presented two of its new cutting edge machines during K show, meeting with success the consent of the customers: thermoforming machine model FFG-820-ADV and AMP 850 S-GP.
Model FFG-ADV-820: Equipped with dual technology, separate forming and steel rule die cutting and in-mould forming and steel rule die cutting, and achieve extreme versatility and flexibility.
Main Features: Max mold size: 880 x 620 mm Thermoforming depth positive/negative: 140mm (up to 210mm version pos/neg) Foil width, max: 920 mm Forming press: 60 tons (up to 80 tons) Cutting press: 60 tons (up to 80 tons) Production cycles: over 61/min Dry cycles: 83 ❱ Handling system with knee pads and satellite roller screw. ❱ 4-columns forming press, 4-columns
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cutting press. ❱ Upper and/or lower cupping with servomotor. ❱ Sheet index, with double toothed chains and wear-resistant slide plates. ❱ Chains adjustment on three points. ❱ Forming with compressed air and / or vacuum. ❱ Quick clamp system of forming and punching mold, cutting and stacking tools. ❱ Connections consumers direct -print port on the plans. ❱ Heating plate frames. ❱ Infrared heating with control in percentage. (Various configurations of control and management of the thermoforming oven on request). ❱ Stacker bulkheads. ❱ Evacuation molded ergonomic height via elevator. ❱ Transport system chains into the shot. ❱ PLC supervision of the work parameters.
Model AMP 850 S-GP: Equipped Engineered for PP disposable cups and “AQUA CUP” . The total production is more than 95.000 pc/h. as average, in case of 55 cavities mold the output goes to 116.000pc/h.
Main Features: Mould size max: 850 x 560 mm Forming depth, positive/negative: 15 / 150 mm Max foil length: 900 mm Pitch max.: 500 mm Closing force: 70 ton Production cycles: over 35/min Dry cycles: 45 Number of mould cavities: 45 or 55
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❱ Pick up stacker for conical and squared cups, even for low weight cups; ❱ forming and cutting simultaneously, with tilting movable lower platen; ❱ forming by compressed air; ❱ sheet feeding system, with double toothed chains and wear-resistant slide plates; ❱ chains adjustment on two positions, with independent electric drive; ❱ upper and lower forming oven, with lengthwise control of rows of heaters (customized zoning layout on request); ❱ Special oven for PP; ❱ final cut regulation with electric drive; ❱ start-up no-cut operation; ❱ PLC supervisor to set up working parameters; ❱ automatic stacker with cups counting system; ❱ in line automatic packing machine, in-line with stacker; ❱ machine configuration including line to pack into sleeves; ❱ in-line grinder for skeleton, placed after the thermoforming machine.
Model VPK-C84 Forming and steel rule die cutting machine
Main Features: Mould size max: 840 x 650 mm Forming depth, positive/negative: 130 mm Max foil length: 890 mm Forming press: 25 ton Cutting press: 60 ton Production cycles: 45/min Dry cycles: 45 ❱ Handling system by servomotors. ❱ 4-columns forming and cutting press. ❱ Upper and/or lower plug with servomotor. ❱ Forming with compressed air and/or vacuum. ❱ Quick clamp system for forming and punching mold, cutting and stacking tools. ❱ Steel-rule dies heating plate. ❱ Upper oven partial heating (last pitch). ❱ Wall stacker(other versions available).
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ALL NEW LIQUID FILLING MACHINE SETS NEW STANDARDS ❱ The filling zone is completely covered to minimise the risk of product contamination ❱ The machines ‘up and over’ guarding offers unrestricted access to the filling zone with no ‘hidden’ areas With hygiene being a primary focus for the food manufacturing industry, where the machine’s components are in direct contact with the product, hygienic design of your filling machine will add value to the overall product and will help keep machine downtime to a minimum.
Optimised Functionality
he Adelphi Group has redesigned its range of filling equipment to meet the demanding needs of the food manufacturing industry. Using state-of-the-art technology and introducing all the technical improvements needed to make the new range of machines more hygienic, user friendly and higher-performing; Adelphi has responded to food manufacturers ongoing requirements for increased production output, lower operating costs and greater standards of hygiene with the launch of its System F range of innovative inline fillers. Implementing machine design guidelines specific to the food manufacturing industry all processing modules were designed with hygiene in mind:
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❱ All surfaces of the closed box section machine frame are at least 15 degrees off horizontal eliminating any unwanted pooling of product and allowing the machine to be hosed down; there is also clear access under the machine body so a high level of cleanliness can be maintained ❱ The product tank has internal angles of no less than 135 degrees to eliminate difficult to clean areas ❱ the product tank can even be rotated rearwards by 90 degrees to allow easy access for cleaning at floor level by an operator ❱ A quick release and quick strip pumping and filling system can be easily removed for thorough cleaning ❱ The purging trough has open angled surfaces and no crevices
Along with hygienic design a key market trend in the food manufacturing industry in recent years has been flexibility. Flexibility is a term food manufacturers can use to specify the adaptability a machine has to run various products or containers which differ in size and shape. The improvements introduced with this new range of filling machines have allowed a reduction in both product and container change over times, with relative maximisation of production output. The modular design of the quick strip and easy clean System F pumping and filling system means that downtime whilst carrying out a product change over is significantly reduced. All contact parts can be removed and replaced within 10 minutes, with no tools, and, if needed, contact parts can then be stripped to their component parts in just a further 5 minutes. The machines design is such that product change over’s can be achieved extremely quickly by simply exchanging used contact parts with a pre-sterilised set. Container change over’s can be done in an instant and the System F range offers the option for this to be fully automated. The required fill volume
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can be pre-set by the recipe recall from the HMI touch screen and the ‘Y’ axis nozzle movement allows for quicker container change over adding to the machines productivity. Containers ranging in size from 100ml to 25 litres can be filled on one machine simply by interchanging the pumping module as required. Offering the most innovative technology currently available on the market, new synchronised SERVO drive technology ensures consistency of fill volume with the ability to adjust the filling and nozzle speed and nozzle height quickly and efficiently. All of these factors combine to save precious production time, and to maximise the output achieved. In addition, energy saving drive systems ensure that System F delivers significant energy cost savings when
compared to a similar pneumatically driven filling machine. The machine could pay for itself in energy savings alone in less than six years. System F will be on display to the
public for the first time in Hall 4 at Interpack 2014. The filler will take pride of place on Stand E39-10. For more information please visit: www.adelphi.uk.com/system
Consistently Consistently Rademaker Rademaker ADELPHI FP 2/14.indd 4
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Errepan is one of Italy’s leading producers of baking pans and metal baking equipment for the confectionery and bread-making industries.
ove for the perfect form Over 25 years of passion for the perfect form have allowed Errepan to position itself on the Ita¬lian podium of metal pan and equipment manu¬facturers for the confectionery and bread-making industries. Technological evol¬ution, innovation and determina-tion have done the rest to satisfy an increasingly diversified and heterogeneous demand, borne of the international comm¬ercial relationships that the company has developed over the years. Certified quality Errepan has been ISO 9001 certified since 1998 for its system of quality, guar¬anteeing respect for operational
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proc¬edures throughout the entire production process. Complementing the company’s certified quality is the quality of its daily inter¬actions with clients, with a part¬icular focus on meeting their needs. International trade shows In addition to Italian events, Errepan has long had a pres¬ence in the biggest international trade shows to reach local mar¬kets and give potent¬ial clients the chance to “see with their own eyes” the reality that excell¬ence in the field currently represents. The products With a broad, comprehensive line of products, Errepan is able to sati¬sfy
every need of the confect¬ionery and bread-making industry. The range of available forms is constantly expanding, motiva¬ted by (among other things) the push from clients, which the marketing department (with inim¬itable support from the technical office) then takes as its own and transforms into perpetually new products and solutions. Pans for croissants, plum cakes, muf¬ins, tarts, the most original soft cakes, but also for pan¬bauletto, pan carré, and sand¬wich bread. The tray with self-carrying paper cup holders is an inter¬esting and innovative solution. It can be used as a pan on the produc¬tion line or as a support in the product proto¬typing phase, with a consequent reduction in cost.
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in love with the perfect shape baking pan for
baking pan for
baking frame
Equipment for bread and cake baking industries
ERREPAN s.r.l. Via Terracini, 4 TREVIGLIO (BG) - Italy Tel. +39 0363 301806 Fax +39 0363 303473 www.errepan.it - info@errepan.it
Loaf pan with ridged containers
Pan for croissants on a single aluminium tray or sheet
Flat sheet for high output machines
Semi-spheric form with highly non-stick Teflon.
Slotted loaf pan with automatic cover lock
Sheet for hamburgers for up to 125mm in diameter
Tray with self-carrying paper cup holders
Pan for muffins with a large selection of shapes and diameters
Stackable pan for panbauletto
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10/04/14 15.42
EUROFOLD Fold wrapping machine for biscuits on edge complete with Automatic Portion Feeder Volumetric Version
urosicma have attended Interpack for the past 40 years, a long collaboration that has led to a significant growth of the company over the years. Today, according to a study conducted by the Politecnico Institute of Milan and published on the Italian business newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” on the 16th of February, Eurosicma is among the TOP 5 most competitive Italian companies in the packaging sector. Close to its 50 years of activity, Eurosicma has the same successful key factors that characterized the company from its foundation: constant innova-
tion to develop new products employing high-advanced technologies for the improvement in terms of efficiency and productivity of the plants. The applications Eurosicma will exhibit for the bakery sector are: ❱ EURO 88 EDG and EUROFOLD Models, the flow and fold automatic horizontal wrapping machines, completed with integrated automatic feeding and portioning system for dry, filled and sandwich biscuits, crackers, rusks, rice cakes to be wrapped on edge. EURO 88 EDG is able to reach a speed over 200 packs/min, while EUROFOLD up to 90 packs/min. EURO 77 DS 900 Flow wrapping machine for candies and gums
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❱ SAMA Model, the automatic wirecut sandwiching machine to produce sandwich biscuits, combined with Eurosicma’s flow wrapper EURO 88. SAMA Model in the two lanes configuration can reach up to 1400 sandwich biscuits/min. ❱ EURO 88 linked to the SSTF – Soft Side Transfer Feeder, the highperformance feeding system for wafers, equipped with double servomotor, that allows the gentle transfer at high speed of products from the multi-belts feeder into the chain of the flow wrapper. In the double lanes version the feeder is able to reach over than 240 packs/min. The applications Eurosicma will exhibit for the confectionery sector are: ❱ SMART unit – High-performance Rows Distribution System for a wide range of products coming in flat position from the processing line and placed in rows (bars ,cakes, enrobed
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products, noodles, marshmallows). Such device is able to reach a speed up to 50-55 rows/min. ❱ HSF8 - High Speed Feeding and Timing System - Pressureless Highperformance Feeding and Timing system with 8 belts, able to handle products at high speed avoiding any contact between them. Flexible and efficient system suitable also for “dif-
ficult products” to handles such as bars with irregular shapes, jellies, nougats, cup cakes, enrobed, thin and sticky products. Such device is able to reach a speed around 9001000 packs/min. ❱ EURO 77 DS 900 Candy Version, High-performance flow wrapping machine able to reach 2000 pcs/ min. The EURO 77 DS series is suit-
able for wrapping a wide range of products such as soft candies, jellies, lollipops, pellets with dedicated configurations applied on the disc feeding systems. EURO 77 TIV, Cut & Wrap flow pack machine suitable for shortmedium sized products coming from rope and able to reach over than 900-1000 packs/min.
965 gegründet, Eurosicma hat eine wichtige Rolle in dem LebensmittelSektor seit den siebziger Jahren gespielt und ist ein der Italienischen Unternehmen, das spezialisiert sich auf automatische horizontale Verpackungsmachinen, sowohl auf dem italienischen Markt als auch dem internationalen Markt. Eurosicma entwickelt und herstellt eine breite Palette von Verpackungslösungen für Nahrungsmittel, Gesundheits- und Hygieneartikel und Pharmazeutika. Für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie bietet Eurosicma sowohl Flow-Pack als auch Fold-Pack Stil für horizontale Primär-, Mukltipacks- und auf Anfrage auch Zweitverpackung. Das Unternehmen herstellt Verpackungs- und Handlingsystemen für verschiedene Produkte wie Süβigkeiten, Kekse, Waffeln, Backwaren, Schokolade und Snacks. Für die Sanitär- und Pharmaindustrie bietet Eurosicma Lösungen für die Herstellung und Verpackung von Pflastern, Wundverbänden und Wattenstäbchen. Diese Maschinen können auch mit
der Cartooning-Unit geliefert werden. Eurosicma startet mit 30 Mitglieder und heute hat 150 Mitglieder und erreicht einen Gesamtumsatz über 30 Millionen Euro. Die gesamte Produktion zählt 4000 Maschinen, verkauft in über 80 Länder weltweit. Aus diesem Gesichtspunkt kann sich Eurosicma wie “Multi-spezialisierter Hersteller von automatischen Maschinen“ qualifizierten. Eurosicma kann heute ihren Kunden personalisierte Lösungen anbieten, die jede Bedürfnisse erfüllen können. Mit qualifizierten Departemente wird jede Phase der Produktionsprozess, von der Planung zu der gesamten Herstellung, von der Qualitätskontrolle bis zu der AfterSales Service, mit Professionalität und Wissen geführt. Eurosicma ist ein zuverlässiger Partner und hat konkrete und beweisbare Merkmalen, die verschieden sich selbst von anderen Unternehmen der dieselben Sektoren. ❱ Ernst und Erfahrung, gesichert von über 45 Jahre und über 4000 verkaufte Maschinen in 80 Länder weltweit.
❱ Kunden, die Eurosicma wählen, sind nie allein gelassen dank der wirkenden After-Sales Service sowohl mit Support von Italien als auch von Ort, wo qualifizierte Ingenieurequipe werden ausgebildet. ❱ ProduktQualität, gesichert von der “Handmade in Italy” Produktion und von strenge Qualitätskontrolle. ❱ Eurosicma ist ein flexibles Unternehmen, sowhol in den Verbindungen mit ihren Kunden als auch (beziehungsweise) in den Produkte. Eurosicma will immer ihr Wissen teilen und herstellt personalisierte Lösungen, die spezifische Bedürfnisse führen. ❱ Eurosicma ist ein zuverlässiges Unternehmen, das technische und kommerzielle Garantie sichert, um alle Kundenbedürfnisse zu erfüllen, von dem kleinen Unternehmen zu dem multinationalen Konzern.
High-performance Rows Distribution System for a wide range of products coming in flat position from the processing line and placed in rows
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SECURE SEALS AND GENTLE HANDLING OF FILL GOODS WITH ULTRASONICS Ultrasonic sealing for packaging. Hermetically tight joints reduce the leaker rate and make the industry sit up and take notice. Moreover, narrow seams save packaging material while cold tools are gentle on sensitive feed material. A closer look at a reliable and efficient alternative for heat sealing.
Ultrasonic sealing module for manufacturing of pouches
ealing is a process of substance-bonded joining of composite material with a thermoplastic layer, with this layer being subject to technical welding conditions. For this reason, ultrasonic welding systems have been successfully implemented for a variety of sealing applications in the field of packaging, such as bags, blisters, pods, and cartons for quite some time now. The benefits speak for themselves: ❱ Short cycle times between 80 and
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200 ms ❱ No thermal influences on feed material and packaging material ❱ Quality assurance by means of detailed parameterization ❱ Sealing of product-contaminated surfaces (liquid, powder, paste) ❱ Good hot tack ❱ Saving of packaging material due to narrow seams ❱ Reduced effort for cleaning of sealing tools ❱ Good overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
Basic ultrasonic principles: Transformation of mechanical vibration into heat The ultrasonic waves are mechanical sound waves that are transformed into friction heat and thus cause a substance-bonded connection at the molecular level. Friction heat is generated by deformation work, i.e. inner friction within the molecular bond, and through boundary layer friction, i.e. outer friction between the sealing materials. During the ultrasonic process,
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mechanical vibrations of an ultrasonic frequency are applied to the foil at a specific amplitude, force, and duration. The process parameters depend on foil structure, foil thickness and joint geometry. From the applied supply voltage, the ultrasonic generator generates high voltage, which oscillates at an ultrasonic frequency. In the converter (sound transducer) the oscillating high voltage is transformed into mechanical longitudinal vibration by means of piezoceramic elements exploiting the reverse piezo effect. This longitudinal vibration, in turn, excites and causes vibration in a mechanical resonance unit (stack). The vibration amplitude generated in the converter can be changed in the booster and the Sonotrode by utilization of different mass ratios, and thus be adjusted to the respective sealing job. The Sonotrode is the vibrating and “cold” sealing tool that directly applies vibration onto the packaging material at the supplied joining force. The frequency represents the number of vibrations per second and ranges between 20 kHz and 35 kHz (20 kHz is equal to 20,000 deformation cycles per second) for packaging materials. The vibration amplitude is equal to half the peak-to-peak amplitude, i.e. from zero value to peak value, and ranges between 5 and 50 µm.
Narrow seams Ultrasonic seals are slimmer than heat contact seals, but equally tight
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and strong; and in addition, they save packaging material. Precise focusing of energy to melt the material is ensured by means of the anvil and/or Sonotrode contour and the small contact surface between Sonotrode and anvil. Anvils mostly have a textured structure with reduced contact surfaces and serve as passive tools; thus they must be mechanically decoupled to prevent from vibrating and ensure optimum utilization. The contact surface of the anvil consequently defines the sealing zone and hence the point of initial melt formation upon sound exposure; from that point, the sealing layer of the packaging material is transformed into a liquid state. After termination of ultrasonics exposure, the sealing layer material solidifies. During this period the pressure is maintained
for melt cool-down for a material and machine-based hold time. Then, the packaging materials are firmly connected with each other.
Tight sealing through productcontaminated surfaces Tight and strong sealing joints are also achieved for product-wetted sealing layers, since the mechanical ultrasonic vibrations literally “knock off” any feed material residues. This significantly reduces the number of leaking packages. Due to the option of parameter adjustment to the sealing process, variations in layer thickness, humidity content, and temperature difference can be detected and compensated within the specified limits. The ultrasonic generator saves all data and allows for quality assessment of the sealing process by means of reference/
Ultrasonic sealing tool for salad packaging
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actual comparison. Consequently, process check complies with highest quality requirements. Since operation is performed with cold tools, packaging and feed material are hardly subjected to thermal loads. The cleaning effort is reduced and sealing tools are not soiled even in case of malfunctions in the filling process, which is a great advantage, particularly for temperature-sensitive feed materials with low melting points, such as chocolate-containing or chocolate-coated products. The use of nonstick coating, such as Teflon strips, is not required.
Short cycle times Ultrasonic sealing is characterized by high energy efficiency, since energy is only required during actual sound exposure and short cycle times can be realized with sealing times of between 80 and 200 ms. This is particularly beneficial with thick packaging materials or connections between injection molded packaging materials/accessories and foils. In comparison with permanently heated heat contact processes, ultrasonic systems are ready for
operation immediately upon switchon of the ultrasonic generator. By storing the sealing parameters in the memory of the ultrasonic generator, automatic switch-over among parameter sets is possible. Changes become immediately effective upon start of the next sealing process, so that no machine downtime is required. Intelligent adjustment of sealing parameters to ambiencebased or process-related changes allows for consistent and uniform sealing quality.
Increased hot tack With the ultrasonic process, the heat required for melting is only generated inside the seal (sealing layer) within the joining area. The support layer remains nearly completely cold and upon termination of energy input, the heat dissipates faster to the outside due to the temperature difference between the support layer and the sealing layer so that the hot-tack resistance is significantly higher. Hot tack characterizes the strength of the joint immediately after termination of the thermal joining process without
cooling. For vertical form, fill and seal (VFFS) machines in particular, high values are important since the seal joints are subjected to heavy loads through filling immediately after sealing. The principal difference between ultrasonic sealing processes and heat contact processes is the temperature distribution. In heat contact processes the packaging materials are heated up from the outside by means of permanently heated or impulse-heated sealing tools. Since the temperature at the surface of the packaging material is higher than in the sealing area, heat flow into the inside of the joint is maintained after removal of the sealing tools. Initial hot-tack strength is low and a cooling period is required to achieve a strong joint. Moreover, overly high temperatures in the sealing tools will cause thermal damage to the packaging material (shrinkage or burning), material sticking to the sealing tools, or impairment of the feed material. By applying ultrasonics, these negative factors can be minimized. www.herrmannultraschall.com
Ultrasonic sealing applications for solid and liquid food
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dealplast produces: welding, BIOPLASTIC/PVC IDEALPLAST di IvanoPVC Sironiultrasonic - Via Vignazzola, 117without - 20821 MEDA (MB) - ITALY bottom of metal Cylinders of idealplastpackaging@gmail.com materials and pressure lid with easy – openFolding boxesTel. / sleeves of 344841 PET/ /solvents. +39 0362 1952088 / 343732 - E mail: PP/BIOPLASTIC/PVC, gluing with PET/BIOPLASTIC/PVC lateral ultra- ing. All products by Idealplast are sonic welding and the bottom ul- certified for alimentary use and polyurethane adhesives, no solvents. Réglettes/Réglettes for macarons/ trasonic welding, without solvents. are sold with certificates of milids of materials PET/BIOPLASTIC/ Cylinders of materials PET/PP/ gration
IDEALPLAST di Ivano Sironi - Via Vignazzola, 117 - 20821 MEDA (MB) - ITALY
Tel. +39 0362 344841 / 1952088 / 343732 - E mail: idealplastpackaging@gmail.com
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Nuova Erreplast will exhibit at Interpack 2014.
You can find us and our products at Hall 9 B11.
16/04/14 12.14
ncreasingly valued by the market, the LABELX device has emerged as a strategic resource implemented by LABELPACK for the purpose of addressing a wide range of label application issues. Produced in thousands of different versions, the LABELX is an extremely reliable and high-performance labelling unit that’s available with a complete range of accessories designed to facilitate its integration within any automatic packaging line. The units, in fact, are available in three different widths of 140mm, 250mm and 350 mm, all of which feature an advanced electronic management system that’s capable of ensuring exceptional speed and accuracy. All the operating parameters are managed via a simple and highly-fun-
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ctional Touch-screen operator’s panel. With the integration of thermal transfer printing units, the LABELX device can be transformed into a high-performance label printing and application system that’s capable of resolving numerous label printing and application problems on high productivity shrink wrapped packages, complete with “non-stop” production line management functions, as well as the verification of the proper application of the label and the legibility and compliance of the relative bar codes. The LABELX is even available in a version with a dual motorization system, which allows for speeds of up to 80 m/ min. to be obtained. The range of labellers produced by LABELPACK is complemented by the LABELX JR version, which
is perfectly suited to low productivity applications and can even be equipped with thermal transfer printing modules for printing various data items and bar codes. The LABELX and LABELX JR units even serve as the basis for the MODULAR and COMPACT labelling systems designed by LABELPACK to meet all the demands of the most important industrial sectors. These COMPACT solutions have been specifically designed to satisfy the various application requirements of the food industry, above all in terms of integration with industrial bakery and pastry packaging lines, combining high modularity with exceptional design efficiency and reliability, all at an extremely affordable price.
09/04/14 12.04
n italian product’s leader Company in dairy and fresh food market, asks to CICRESPI for an integrated and scalable solution suitable for traceability on secondary packaging. Packs and trays, containing a single product type, have to be identified with self adhesive labels, reporting traceability data both as human readable characters as well as GS1-128 barcodes The required system can not be a simple print&apply, because the need is to bring the flow control to its highest reachable level. The solution’s architecture, shared on any production line, is an integration of a Real Time Print&Apply system, a barcode scanning device checking both code readabiltiy and succesful labelling, and a HMI with CICRESPI RCS1 Software for traceability management. The RCS1 software was compiled according Customer’s requirements, and it allows to the line’s Supervisor the recalling of the job data which are necessary for the order, by using the touch screen HMI which is positioned on the production line. This system can share the data with some remoted database tables; it allows the proper configuration; it does a the self-checking of the operations done and, moreover, it stores into a local database any phase, allowing the internal audit the access to all the tracking data. This system can share the data with some remoted database tables; it allows the proper configuration; it does a the self-checking of any operation done and, moreover, it stores into a local database any
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phase, granting to the internal Audit the access to all the tracking data. The Print & Apply is the reliable CICRESPI LAMPO, with a transversal pneumatic pad applicator and with a 6� thermal transfer print engine. The winning feature of this model is the capability of high rate /high cadence application, together with a real time 1:1 print phase. It means that a unique label is joined to its proper single pack, because the label is printed simultaneously to the product passage. the application errors and any possible mixing between products and labels are avoided. At last, the system comes with different checking devices which are used for print checking and application checking. The most visible one is a barcode reader, with oscil-
lating mirror, which is mounted in the area following the application one. It has a twinned function, as barcode readability checker and label application confrimation check. Being the system flexible and compact, the CICRESPI LAMPO Sys-
tems were easly positioned on nine different lines. Infact, CICRESPI is open to the customization of its standards, and versatility is one of our signaled point of strenght. The nine lines were installed in the last months and we can say with proud satisfaction.
Track&Trace Identification
You can find us at
Safety Hall 08a Stand F03
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rom 1966 on, our company works in the area of molds in polycarbonate for chocolate working using 65 highly qualified employees, who are engaged in the production of molds from design to the finished product.
Our history: ❱ On 1966 Foundation of Cabrellon company ❱ On 1985 The company moved to the current location, that actually has approximately 10,000 meters of covered area. ❱ On 1994 Our company acquires the only competitor on the Italian territory (Cartesid). ❱ On 2006 We acquired the foreign competitor, Yorkshire Molds (Great Britain). Our production is divided in 2 sections: production of standard molds designed and developed from our artists and that customers can admire and browse from our online catalogue. The second section, instead, focus-
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es on developing of exclusive products upon request of our customers. A highly qualified technical staff, is responsible for transforming our customers’ ideas into reality. Our employees are very attentive to all your needs and are always available to suggest the most suitable solutions to get the best result. In addition to human resources, of course, we use cutting edge technologies, such as CAD / CAM programming and 3D; CNC machines of latest generation, without counting the park of injection machines for molding of the finished products. In fact we keep attention to follow and adopt the new technologies, because on product development we always keep the maximum precision to guarantee best performances. Lot of attention is used during verification of precision and tolerances of the dimensions of the molds, which are checked and measured by our measuring center. Also in the choice of the materials we put all our attention, in fact, we would like to supply to our custom-
ers molds with best performances possible, with a keen eye to ecology ( in fact, we produce electricity from renewable sources that do not emit CO2 and that do not generate nuclear waste) and also an eye toward the new legislation (for example, use of materials that are free of bisphenol A).
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Zeus Advertising CABRELLON ADV FP.indd 3
09/04/14 13.39
he consumption of high quality fruits preparations has highly increate for a number of applications including: ❱ Yoghurt ❱ Backery filling ❱ Desserts Quality standards have also increased both in terms of size of the fruit particulate and their shape (in some cases and applications whole fruits are used). Typical examples are strawberries, blueberries and other berries used in both yoghurt and desserts. The various ingredients (fruits, sugar, juice/puree, additives etc) are mixed and pasteurized in a special pan and then transferred to aseptic pan (pans) for cooling down to less than 40°C and, eventually, transferred to the filling. In order to obtain a perfect final product even in presence of always more stringent requirements in terms of quality and characteristics of the product (low brix, excellent microbiology, large particulate content, productivity, high level of automation) specifically designed plants have to be designed.
Some but few of the main characteristics of the system are: 1 The system has to be specifically designed and manufactured in order to make possible the production of product with very large particulate (and high percentage) assuring a very limited shape damage. This is accomplished by: ❱ Special stirrer design ❱ Large passage product valves ❱ Product transfer by gravity with help of nitrogen at low pressure ❱ Use of large diameter DN65 pe-
ristaltic pump only in case of high product viscosity 2.The system has to be designed in order to assure an aseptic product to be filled. 3.High flexibility. The system has to include an extremely efficient CIP (cleaning in place) system in order to perfectly clean the whole plant in reduced time, in order to be ready to change recipe to respond to market requirements in “real time”. 4.The pasteurizer must provide an efficient Brix standardization system based on a vacuum circuit that allows a deaeration of the mixture assuring therefore the elimination of oxygen with consequent benefit effects on the product (no oxidation, better color and organolectic characteristics also during prolonged storage). 5.Extremely efficient instrumentation is needed. A control board complete with a touch screen su-
pervisor monitors all phases of the operation. The extremely advanced instrumentation and control reduce to the minimum the intervention of the personnel, reducing possibilities of contamination. 6.The product can be filled aseptically in stainless steel tootes or in aseptic bags. 7.All construction details must be at state of the art to considerably increase in quality and asepticity the final product. A wide experience in the supply of state of the art plants for the production of high quality fruits preparations has been gained by Bertuzzi food Processing, an Italian company that operates since 1936 in the design and supply of plants and machinery to process fruits and vegetables to produce juice, concentrates, baby foods, jam, ready drinks, smoothies etc…
12/02/14 11.48
rambati is a company with a tradition. It was founded in 1945 by Francesco Brambati and has always managed to keep up with the times and capitalize on its experience represented by an unbeatable source of knowhow. The most important secret, however, is its dynamism. It has never rested on its laurels and has always been able to update its proposals and to understand (and in many cases anticipate) the requirements of its customers. The managers of the company today are the third generation of the family. This means that in the natural course of events the company has been able to keep its outlook fresh and dynamic whilst remaining faithful to traditional values. Today more than ever, its management team is made up of people with a level of enthusiasm making it possible to quickly incorporate technological innovations on the one hand, and marketing requirements on the other. The Brambati group, based in Codevilla in Northern Italy, has a history of more than 65 years in food industries, such as bakeries, pasta, biscuits and baby food. They specialize in the development and installation of complete equipment for storage, handling, blending, weighing and dosing of solids, granular, and liquid raw materials. Brambati is highly specialized in plants for the production of coffee. In this sector, a winning card is its capacity to provide “turn-key” plants from the receipt of the green coffee through to the feeding of packaging machines and including
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many processes in between such as cleaning, storage, weighing, blending, roasting, conveying (standard and high density flow rate), milling and degassing. Remote connections by modem guarantee immediate control with reduction of costs and time. Grinders in various sizes, made to high specificity according to the requirements of various markets. Roasters are also available in many different sizes and can be either traditional or custom-built in order to allow complete flexibility in coffee roasting. All machines are supplied with the option of an afterburner and/or catalytic converter to control the emission of fumes into the atmosphere. This is especially important in taking particular care of the quality of the product, and also in minimizing environmental impact. Brambati’s success is due to their know-how in different food sectors and that for years, Brambati has been aware of the problems relating to it. If the management of processing production is nowadays so efficient and trustworthy, it is certainly due in part to the proposals that the company offers. Brambati has been able to propose increas-
ingly evolved technology that conforms to modern needs, such as the traceability of goods, precise management of processing, respect for the quality of the materials used and the environmental impact of the systems supplied. All projects represent a well-balanced union between engineering and informatics. The rapid development of information technology has also enabled Brambati to reach higher levels in efficiency and process control. One of company’s strong points is precisely the ability to adapt its proposals on the basis of the standards required by the various markets. That’s the reason why the company is so competitive in foreign markets, from Europe to the Far East, from America to Australia, from Africa to Middle East, where the name Brambati is increasingly gaining ground. Informatics has played a decisive role in making all kinds of processing simple and more controllable. The company also provides hardware and software command panels and all systems can be completely computerized and automated. Nowadays, with simple intervention it is possible to exercise complete control of many types of processing.
16/04/14 17.14
abels are important in today’s world. Consumers choose the widest range of goods in the supermarket thanks to their labels, which associate them with the ads seen on TV. Thousands of brands and millions of products, with billions of packages chosen every day with no help from sales staff except at the till. The label is the “silent salesman”. Cosmetics, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, detergents, drinks; products in vials, bottles, cases and jars, in turn packaged into boxes, packs and pallets for safe transport and storage. Behind all this are the selfadhesive or linerless labelling machine, working swiftly and with perfect synchronization together with other units of the production and packaging process. To decorate, mark and code each single product with data and expiry information. An overwhelming job, if you think about it, but one which is reliably handled by the ultimate in high-tech equipment. Like ALTECH labellers: labelling machines, in line labelling systems for the most diverse packaging types imaginable, and label print&apply units.
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The background of ALTECH The first ALTECH labelling machine started production in September 1991. It was the result of the commitment of a small group of people whose joint intention was to produce innovative self-adhesive labelling machines. Advanced Labelling Technologies, ALTECH was the result. Nowadays millions of self-adhesive labels are applied by ALTECH systems every day. From the factory in Bareggio, close to Milan, these labellers reach purchasers located in all five continents. Industrial labellers, self-adhesive labelling machines, linerless systems, sleeve applicators, made up of simple labelling heads that can be integrated into existing packaging lines, or complete in-line systems equipped with conveyors and adjusting, orienting, spacing, checking, ejecting and sorting units which meet the customers’ most sophisticated production requirements. These are complemented by real-time print&apply systems, of which ALTECH is a leading, innovating company in the sector of material identification, codification and
traceability. ALTECH self-adhesive labellers are versatile, flexible, reliable and performing, the result of its twenty-year experience as a curious, open and smart market player. A company relying on its expert staff and resources to continuously enhance the “Advanced Labelling Technologies” it was named after: ALTECH.
ALTECH mission In order to build excellent labelling systems, it is important to have ex-
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perience, organizational skills and the right know-how, to pay attention to detail and to have a passion for mechanics. Labelling machines are the final element of a packaging line and qualify the previous stages of the process by applying a label that will convey the image of that particular product. For this reason, their manufacturing technology plays a crucial role. But those who turn to ALTECH for their requirements will also encounter the capacity to listen and learn, since the first impulse towards innovation often comes from an ongoing dialogue with customers and the market, a major challenge in the labelling machine industry. “To solve labelling problems in an innovative way” is ALTECH’s tag line.
The value of ALTECH labelling machines Quality choices lie behind every ALTECH labelling machine, but they go well beyond Italian and international safety and production regulations (EC, UL, IQ/OQ, GAMP...). ALTECH utilizes only quality materials; high resistance alloys, stainless steel screws and extremely reliable electronic and pneumatic components supplied by world-class companies. Each labelling machine has been designed, when possible and appropriate, to be modular and expandable. All elements can be readily accessed and are easy to disassemble. Every detail is always designed, controlled and codified, and every machine is supplied with diagrams and the list of relevant parts. Suppliers are chosen according to strict criteria to ensure the reliability as well as the availability of their products throughout the world. The electronic parts have been designed so that all ALTECH industrial systems are user-friendly under any working conditions. For each labelling machine manufactured by ALTECH, a specific technical file is created and stored in
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the company’s archive. It contains its designing criteria, components, and the outcome of the final tests carried out with the products provided by the customer. The machine is supplied with thorough documentation, including the relevant use and maintenance instructions and a catalogue of spare parts to provide support over time.
ALTECH Range and Solutions Decorate, inform, promote, codify, seal, identify. All this is possible by applying a label through the automatic application. With hundreds of solutions, all tested and reliable, automatic labeling machines ALTECH can do so easily through a system of automatic labeling inserted into the wrapping of products with precision and accuracy, resolving all issues related to the shape of goods or characteristics and performance of the packaging line. And if among these solutions there is none that serves the customer, it develops a special ALTECH’s to solve even the most complex problem of labeling.
Its standard range encompasses the following products: The ALstep labelling head is a compact-sized and low-cost applicator for self-adhesive labels, which can be easily integrated into already existing packaging lines. ALstep is based on a robust, reliable mechanical structure; it can be fitted into particularly restricted areas, also thanks to the side access web threading allowing a fast, easy label change over. ALstep can hold label rolls up to 300 mm of diameter for a long operating time; it is equipped with a separate control box with cooling fan which makes it possible to operate it in harsh industrial environments. ALstep comes in both S and M versions, for label widths up to 100 and 200 mm. respectively. Its maximum label dispensing speed is as high as 30 m/min. (20 m/min. in the M version) thanks to a microprocessorcontrolled stepper motor enabling the operator to enter all labelling parameters by means of the display
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and function keys. Such parameters are stored on EEPROM and automatically recalled by switching on the machine. An E version is particularly cheap. ALritma is a high performance selfadhesive label applicator designed to be integrated into packaging lines where production speed and reliability are primary needs. ALritma is based on an innovative mechanical structure which can match great sturdiness with versatility. It is available in three versions, S, M and L, for label widths up to 100, 200 and 300 mm. respectively. The label driving group has been designed to exploit the stepper motor features to the full, by guaranteeing an accurate label positioning even at the highest production speeds; the side access has made the web threading easier. The label applicator is controlled by a powerful microprocessor, with a display “Touch Screen”, which allow for the running of advanced
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functions by relieving the operator from complicated mechanical adjustments and considerably speeding up the format changeovers. An ALritma X has been recently developed for extremely high performances. The ALline is an in-line system which can be configured for the automatic labeling of cylindrical, elliptical or rectangular products; moreover, it can suit specific requirements, such as the application of tamper-proof seals or labelling of singularly shaped products. All ALline linear labellers have equally been designed according to cutting edge designing criteria which, in strict compliance with CE regulations, make every machine suitable for even the harshest of conditions, guarantee great labelling accuracy even at high production speeds and feature a high degree of operatorfriendliness, as the start and change-over operations are particularly
simple and intuitive. In more detail, ALline is based on the “built-in” philosophy, which means that all components are “included” in the structure/cabinet, well protected against dirt and accidental bumps. The grey (or stainless steel) structure is extremely sturdy and, thanks to its eye-catching design, it qualifies the whole packaging line. ALcode units are systems for the printing/application of self-adhesive labels. They may be interfaced with a computer and can apply the just-printed label to both still and moving products. For label printing, ALcode can integrate the various thermal transfer engines made from the Japanese SATO (or compatible). Which has specifically developed them for the use on automatic applicators: resolution of 8 or 12 dots/ mm., up to 300 mm/sec. of print speed, 4 “, 5 “ or 6 “ of printable width. In every ALcode print&apply
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system, the mechanics, pneumatics and electronics have been suitably integrated to meet the typical requirements of machines operating in an industrial environment, which need to combine reliability, userfriendliness, accessibility, and interchange ability. A range of standard devices has been engineered for the application of labels, thus enabling ALcode to apply labels in any position and at any linear speed. The ALpharma labelling systems have been specially devised by ALTECH for pharmaceutical products. Based on the wide experience gained in designing its innovative labelling systems, which have proven extremely successful in all market sectors, ALTECH has developed the ALpharma line, whose particularly advanced features fully comply with the strict rules and regulations of the pharmaceutical industry. The ALpharma models are: ALpharma A - for vials and small bottles. The labelling is performed from tray to tray, “in-the-star-wheel�. Up to 150 products/min ALpharma B - for shaped cases, with both bar code labels (tags, vignettes) and tamper evident angle labels folded along the flaps (up to 200 products/min). ALpharma C for in-line wrap-around labelling of
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small cylindrical bottles. Up to 250/ min ALmatic is a semiautomatic applicator of self-adhesive labels for cylindrical products. Its easy functioning provides for the manual loads of the product in the labelling position by the operator who activates the control lever. So ALmatic provides to the rotation of the product and to the application of the label till a completely happened adhesion. Thanks to the ergonomics of the system and to the presence of templates of comparison ALmatic allows an exact labelling, making easier the manual operations of the placing of the product. ALsleeve is an automatically-operated system designed to apply plastic, heat shrink sleeves to provide body decoration and/or effective tamper evident seals on caps and lids for food, cosmetic and chemical products. Sleeves are obtained from a flat, continuous tubing made of heat shrinkable plastic material (PET, PVC, Polypropylene) wrapped in a roll, which is first cut at a programmable height (or at a specific mark) and then applied onto the product with a synchronized mechanism activated by a product tracing photocell.
ALTECH Service ALTECH machines are used in every industry field, from food to cosmetics, from pharmaceutics to chemistry. Today the company distributes its products on the Italian territory through a direct sale and service structure, whereas a network of 80 dealers, trained both in promotion and in technical service, provide a qualified distribution in 50 different countries in Europe and overseas. All packed products such as food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics etc. need to be decorated, identified, sealed and marked, in order to meet the requirements for their sale, transportation, storage and handling in general. In the majority of cases the answer is a label, and usually an adhesive label. That is why ALTECH systems are so well diffused, why we are often consulted and why our suggestions are often followed. Our Sale Agents are real consultants and our Distributors are trained and motivated professionals who are sensitive to customers’ problems and organized to satisfy customers from all points of view. They know about logistics and packaging problems and they know the materials they are dealing with. They can outline the best configuration for every labelling problem, matching the standard modules included in our catalogue in order to offer custom-made solutions, supplying nothing more, but above all nothing less than what is needed. Once installed, an ALTECH labelling machine is serviced right through its life by expert technical staff that provides repairs and implementation, if required. This is how the success of our systems translates into success for our distributors, and benefit for our customers, in a synergic relationship of mutual cooperation. For further information visit www.altech.it Or apply to ALTECH subsidiaries www.altech-uk.com www.altech-us. com www.altech-la.com
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Alit S.r.l. offers a wide range of solutions in the Food Processing Machinery. Our innovation has been running since 1999 from +100°C to -40 °C.
lit is become a specialist in product handling and thermal processing of baked products, with 54 people involved and more than 700 customers worldwide. Proofing, cooling, freezing, pasteurizing are the proposed programs which offer two patented external drive Spiral Solution. ALIFLEX® and SPINFLEX®.
Alit can offer several and peculiar designs, 40 belt widths to choose, up to 180.000 different spiral configurations: Low-in/Low-out in the same tower, oval design (racetrack) to minimize the footprint of the units. The most popular for effectiveness and brilliance is the spiral with inversion (see below) which allows to get both the inlet and the outlet at the same level.
with stainless steel wire-mesh belt and 3 with snap-on modular plastic mesh with stainless-steel support.
Different kinds of filtration systems are devised to avoid air pollution during the thermal process. Moreover, many combinations of ATU are available, with or without internal and external air mixing. Modular proofing unit with optional cold humidity control is available.
SPINFLEX, the plastic chain model, grants an incredibly low noise level. The ultra-low friction of the chain allow ALIT a 40% energy saving, using an amazing 2,2-3kW motor on an average capacity unit. Furthermore, Alit has been developing a two ways strategy to offer the right solution for every needs: the “Taylor made”, which is the highest level of customization and flexibility in order to fulfill the customer needs and the most demanding regulations; the “Ready to”, a new modular family with ready solutions for the most frequent needs. Optimized and tested units with low production lead-time and appealing price.
Cooling and Freezing. The customer can choose between 3 all stainless-steel bar-type belts, 4
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Alit is specialized in Air Treatment Units that are designed according to the product and the process specifications.
ALIT has lot of experience in all the most popular freezing media (CO2, Freon, Ammonia,…) and know how to manage the advantages of each one of it. Spiral freezers are effective, efficient, and affordable. Drum spirals are popular but are not as flexible as the external driven spiral, which are less demanding in footprint and grant a more efficient line design.
The possibility to chose the air flow on the products (horizontal, vertical or mix) and the lower energy necessary to drive it (approx 30-40% less than ordinary spiral) helps to draw an
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efficient line. The open design of the ALIT spirals allows full control of the air direction in freezers, coolers and proofers. It is consequently possible to use vertical, horizontal and mix air flow in the freezers with optional automatic sequential defrosting. ALIT offer high food safety standard, with smooth surfaces, open design and “all stainless steel” construction which means easy cleaning and perfect hygiene standard. A dedicated conveyor washing system and CIP (Cleaning-In-Place) complete the offer and grant an efficient and automated cleaning of our belts.
Not only spirals. Alit is also specialized in a wide range of units to increase efficiency or extend the product range on new-built or existing bakery lines: belt and table top conveyors, oven loaders, oven unloaders, trays handling, depanning units.
ALI-Step Family. ALI-Step is the name of a family of step proofers and trays storage systems suitable for trays, pill-boards or any flat product support. The frame construction is entirely made in stainless steel and all mechanical components are sized to last. Insulating panels are made in
stainless steel on inner sides for the highest hygiene level. ALIT’s 3D humidity and temperature control grants an optimal climate inside the cabinet and help the customer to handle even the most sensitive product. ALIT offer a choice of two Air Treatment Logic: a Centralized Air Treatment Unit or a precise Zone Management System that assure a full control on every area of the proofing cabinet. Trays are handled with care thanks to magnetic stopper and frequency controlled movements. The main Competitive Advantage is the capacity to manufacture products with an unique combination of costs and benefits. And the devotion to our customers with a partnership philosophy. Passion, Solidity, Simplicity, Flexibility, Commitment, are our guide-line and a good reason to choose Alit as your partner.
SRL Conveyors & Food Processing
w w w. a l i t. co m
SRL Food Processing
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At high production bottling rates, today must be a high degree of specialization of the related processes. The washing of recycled bottles, for example, is increasingly performed with technologically advanced machines.
n the beverage industry, the automatic washing of recycled bottles has now reached a high level of specialization. In this context, works AKOMAG, company located in Soragna (PR), able to offer a varied production, which includes bottle washing machine, rinsing machine, sterilizers for glass or PET bottles, crate washer and accessories to complement. Very large is the choice of the washer, the potential of which obviously varies in base at the model, and the ranges it is from 100 to 50.000 bph. The modular structure of all installations allows to gradually increase the functions and the level of sophistication, including special washing sections and sanitizing, automatic control of process parameters, security systems, energy recovery, reduction of discharges and automatic sanitization of the parties most important from the point of view of hygiene.
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Start the washing. At low production capacity, the range offer GENESI, available in very small dimensions in order to be inserted in any operating environment. Designed under the indication of the producers with low production capacities, the series has a simple but functional washing cycle, which lowers operating costs (water, energy, detergent) without negatively affecting cleaning bottles to recycle, the complete removal of the labels and their total evacuation outside. The particular ease of use and maintenance, increases productivity and reduces downtime. The modularity of the GENESI series allows at the customer to “build a machine to measure” , adapting it from time to time to different types of use (water, wine, oil, beer, soft drinks). Constructed in accordance with the Machinery Directive (CE), is equipped with all the accessories
needed for the proper functioning: a heat exchanger built with stainless steel tubes arranged geometrically to prevent the deposit of mud or various precipitation that would compromise the performance or, alternatively, a combustion chamber built with direct burner operation. Safety guards and dust cover to protect the unloading of bottles; grouped grease; saving valve for the water network and automatic control of the presence of water in the last rinsing station; electronic speed control; electronic security on the main gearbox that stop the machine in case of overload; spray pumps with casing and impeller made in stainless steel AISI 316 and protective filters; valves for emptying the waste paper and spray tanks; control panel adjustable, made in stainless steel; IP55 electrical plant; gauges and thermometers in visual range of the operator; setting and control of all the machine by “touchscreen”. This are the main ameni-
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ties that characterize the series. The GENESI machine is also arranged for the introduction of detergent and liquid additives in the bath and in the detergent tank, disinfectants and other products in the spraying tanks. Internal spraying (made with selfcleaning rotating nozzles) and external high pressure spraying are easily removable for routine cleaning and maintenance. The loading and unloading of bottles is completely automatic, and perfectly synchronized with the movement of the main chain.
Dry cycle. To streamline the washing cycle , the company has realized the HYDRA series, a series of fully automatic machines which comprise a first station for emptying the bottles followed by pre-washing spraying and first pre-maceration bath. This configuration helps to reduce the pollution of the detergent bath and reduce fuel consumption. The triple station for labels extracting ensures their complete detachment from used bottles, while the rotating filter displaced over the entire width of the machine ensures the evacuation outside. The bottle washing is complete with indoor and outdoor spraying, which occurs with high-pressure cleaner distributed with rotating nozzles self-cleaning and self-centering. To complete rinsing, however, ensure the phase abatement alkalinity followed by spraying with external and internal water network. Built according to the Machinery Directive (CE) also, the series has a different predispositions that increase safety, including: sensors for slowing down and eventually stopping the machine in case of failure or obstruction of bottles on conveyor; detergent introduction and liquid additives in the bath and other products in spray tanks; the
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automatic loading and unloading of the bottles is perfectly synchronized with the movement of the main chain; the economizer valve for the water network and the automatic control of the presence of water on the last rinsing station. Other amenities are important, as: automatic resetting of the chutes for loading and unloading bottles from the control panel; grouped grease; electronic variable speed with remote control (inverter); setting and control of all the machine by “touch-screen�; self-centering and self-cleaning rotating spray at high pressure; external spraying easily removable for cleaning and maintenance; valves for emptying baths and spraying tanks; control panel made in stainless steel; IP55 electrical plant; gauges and thermometers in visual range of the operator. At the bottles unloading are arranged safety guards and dust protection. The electronic safety on every gearbox allows at the machine to stop in case of overload. The heat exchanger and pumps are always made in stainless steel.
tire wash cycle, verifying operation via control systems. The tubes of external washing are constructed so as to reduce maintenance to a minimum. But in case it will be necessary, the dismantling and cleaning are very simple. The regulation of the temperature in the tanks is automated through a modulating proportional pneumatic system, which offers a guarantee of accuracy and safety of operation. The main motor, oversized, ensures a long lasting efficiency by minimizing the mechanical wear. The electronic variable frequency allows to manage the main engines installed in HYDRA HP series via remote control. The automatic press for the collection of labels evacuated from the detergent bath is full of a recovery system of the detergent solution that accumulates in the pressing phase. AKOMAG has dedicated several years to the creation of bottle washing machines and the high quality standard achieved by all its production, advanced technology and timely after-sales service, has allowed at this company to come in several primary and manufacturing with the certainty of having created a safe machinery and Quality for Various needs. This undertaking was given by all its facilities, from design to engineering, from the search for the most innovative materials to the constant testing of the products in the works. With this AKOMAG mission, every day thought to be better and invest in quality, with the knowledge to do a good job.
Very high productivity and automation in the wash meet in the HP model in the same series. Despite the sophistication , just an operator to remotely manage the en-
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AT INTERPACK: FLEXIBLE SOLUTIONS FOR THE FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS MARKET AcmaVolpak, part of the Coesia Group, will exhibit some of its latest solutions for fast moving consumer goods sectors, including Confectionery & Chocolate products, Tea and Coffee.
mong the many novelties on show, the company will present some of its finest solutions dedicated to the fast moving consumer goods, namely the Acma SP1 flowpacker and the horizontal form-fill-seal machine Volpak SC140. The two machines are a perfect examples of AcmaVolpak construction approach, which aims to merge high end performances with great efficiency, energy saving and reliability. Other solutions on show will be the Acma M888 multy style wrapping machine, the Enflex STD-22 for stand-up pouches and Volpak SI-280. First time on show also for the T4 Modula, Tecnomeccanica’s new solution for packaging tea in filter bags. Last but not least, the company will present a complete packaging line for coffee capsules, which will consist of a series of fully integrated machines: the Qi for capsule filling and the MiniWrap. Such innovative packaging line will also include a cartoner and some state of the art solutions for industrial processing.
ACMA MACHINES T4Modula Designed and manufactured by Tecnomeccanica – the brand dedicated to the tea market – T4 Modula is AcmaVolpak’s new, medium-speed, tea bag machine.
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It consists in a double chamber “knotted” packaging solution, particularly appreciated in worldwide markets as it guarantees users with the highest product authenticity and aroma. In addition to its performance in line with its category (T4 can package up to 250 bags per minute), this new solution by AcmaVolpak is particularly advanced in terms of sustainability and materials saving. The tea bag packaged by T4, which could be defined within the most beautiful in the world, is produced in non heat-sealed filter paper, it is 100% biodegradable and is closed without using any metal staple in order to better pre-
serve the genuineness of its content. An octagonal tag is placed on the front of the bag, while the string is attached underneath; these features make the tea bag aesthetically more pleasant and optimise brand visibility, thus supporting the customer’s marketing strategies.
Qi Qi is designed to fill rigid and semirigid capsules. It guarantees a high production rate (the line’s speed may be 140, 350 or 500 pieces per minute). Acma’s capsule processing machine, thanks to the design of the batchers on independent stations, guarantees maximum precision in
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controlling the weight in the filling phase (the precision tolerance is less than 0.1 gr. per capsule). It is also pre-arranged for vacuum directly inside (in the configurations from 350 and 500 ppm), required to extend the product’s shelf life. During the design phases, special attention was paid to reducing the consumption of capsule assembly materials; for example, initial tests on the material used to seal the upper part of the capsule (or insert the filter paper inside it) indicate a reduction in waste paper and savings of 48% (depending on the diameters) as opposed to the conventional machines. The central core of the system is its transfer unit, which develops horizontally; by exploiting the full perimeter of the machine, the overall spaces are minimized and the production flow can be set clockwise or anti-clockwise according to the layout requirements of the production area. This also means that it is possible to employ just a few operators on several machines who can supervise one or more lines.
MiniWrap MiniWrap wraps capsules and pods guaranteeing a significant production rate. Tight wrapping results are achieved by mean of dedicated
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induction sealers, customized folding devices, vacuum and Nitrogen injection system. Incredible reduction of wrapping material (up to 40%), together with tightness wrapping offer the possibility to reduce also the dimension of the cartons and cases with important savings in both material costs and logistic. A wide range of optional applications further optimize machine performances
M888 Patented multi style automatic wrapping machine, suitable for a wide range of pre-formed candies and chocolate products with flat bottom, it can handle also soft toffee like korovka. The multi style wrapper model M888 combines the benefit of continuous motion in-feed system, namely higher speed and sensitivity in handling the product during the first wrapping phases, with those of indexing motion, offering greater precision during the final wrapping process and high flexibility to move from one style to another. The wrapping style and size changeover can be accomplished in less than 60 minute. Thanks to the cantilevered architecture the M888 offers a very high accessibility for easy maintenance and cleaning. The machine can make the following packaging styles: bon bon viennoise, double twist, fancy, bunch and portfolio; gianduiotto is coming soon.
SP1 Acma is able to offer the market a full range of technologically leadingedge machinery that successfully fits into new or existent production lines to package loose and horizontally and vertically stacked products in single wrap or multipack format. Acma’s offer includes three different models of flow packers: SP0, SP1 and SP2, designed around four fundamental principles: performance, simplicity, flexibility and sustainability. Acma does not just commercialise wrapping machines, but is indeed able to provide its customers with distribution and infeed systems to manage product alignment and machine infeed, on one or more lines. The modular distribution systems designed by Acma manages incoming products arranged in rows aligned by the process line with great efficiency. Some automatic applications are also available to feed one or more packaging lines: for example: a biscuit or cracker packaging line can be divided, by feeding a first machine for packaging in stacks and a second for packaging in “slugs”. By means of horizontal or vertical loaders, the product is subsequently transferred to the infeed system. The machine infeed systems are driven by independent brushless motors and guarantee particularly delicate product handling, at the same time allowing easy access to the various components thanks to the cantilevered design, which translates into ease-of-use and hygiene simplicity. The flow packers of Acma SP series pack single products or multipacks at medium and high speeds, with hot or cold sealing system: the rotary sealing unit can also be supplied in the “Longdwell” version, which thanks to its traversing movement during the sealing phase, allows to process particularly resistant materials at high speed that have to guarantee
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technology inside
8-14 MAY 2014 HALLE 6 BOOTH D-31/E-57
ACMAVOLPAK, a member of the Coesia Group, is a leading business in the development and commercialization of packaging machinery and integrated packaging solutions for the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry, backed by a strong technological know-how in Flexible Pouch Form-Fill-Seal, Wrapping, Flow Wrapping, Bottle Filling, Capsule Filling and Tea Bagging sectors. ACMAVOLPAK works constantly in partnership with its customers in co-creating and producing innovative packaging lines, in order to satisfy and even exceed their expectations.
A Company of
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a totally airtight seal of the package. The wrapping film unwinding system is equipped with an automatic splicer, so that the reel can be replaced quickly without having to shutdown the machine.
VOLPAK MACHINES STD-22 The open design and the accessibility to all of the mechanisms convert the STD-22 into the ideal equipment for the client who looks for ease of use and low maintenance cost. You can manufacture Stand Up type pouches, with front, lateral or well centered caps in the upper sealing, sachets with different shapes, reaching a production output of up to 140 sachets per minute. Thanks to its versatility, it is the ideal machine for affronting a great variety of projects; from dehydrated soups with or without pasta and vegetables, to grated cheese, sauces, juices, dairy products, etc. Available with zipper applicator, corner and top cap fitment.
SC-140 With the SC series, Volpak presents the new range of HFFS machines with continuous motion technology doubling the production rates. The Volpak SC series is based on two platforms, for pouches up to 500ml and 1500ml capacity, that cover
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the needs of the world-wide market for flexible pouches. With the new SC series customers can double their production capacity benefiting from important savings in energy, maintenance, packaging cost and space. The machine also uses a linear pouch forming module, guaranteeing the seal integrity and quality of the pouches produced and a continuous carrousel, featuring a modular build concept, equipped with different turrets for pouch opening, filling, capping and top sealing, depending on project configuration. The single fill station and the gentle handling of the pouches are key to optimize the filling conditions for any type of product. Finally, the top seal turret allows operating in optimum conditions, and is designed to accommodate pouches with or without caps. SC is available
in two versions, depending on the format and volume of the pouches and in many configurations: for liquid products with or without reclosable caps and for dry products with or without re- closable zippers.
SI-280 Availability, Performance and Quality, the three pillars for the development of the new SI series, designed to maximize Overall Equipment Effectiveness. The new SI-280 offer the possibility of producing larger pouch formats and even working in triplex, with all the advantages of the SI series. The new SI turns changing format into a controlled process by guiding the operator and leaving no room for improvisation. We look forward to welcoming you to Interpack 2014, Hall 6 D31 E57
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Hall 3 stand 3E23
Gluten free
Artisan Bread
Breadsticks and flat bread
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roduct info; “TWINKLE TPB200ES-16 and EMS-200” High Speed Triangular Teabag Machine and Enveloper- 200 teabags per minite - High Productivity(Fully Automatic and Minimal Down Time) - Cost Reduction(Use Regular Filter, Tag and Thread) - Optional Equipment: Enveloper, Cartooning Line and Checkweigher etc.
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oday, energy is an increasingly valuable asset and, as such, companies that handle large bottling and packaging systems are paying more and more attention to how to use it, and choose high-efficiency and low power consumption machines. When designing the line end solutions presented at Interpack in Düsseldorf (Stand 14D12), SMI kept in mind the needs of energy saving and environmental protection. In fact, SMI machines used for line end packaging are equipped with brushless motors without using geared motors; thanks to this choice, the production facilities have greater energy efficiency and consequently use up less electrical current. The integrated “Packbloc” system displayed at Interpack 2014 for
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secondary packaging, obtained by joining a Smiflexi packer with a Smipal palletizer, is driven solely by high efficiency brushless motors (yield up to 98%), which ensure a marked reduction in electricity consumption, maintenance costs and noise levels. The conveyor belts used in the system are equipped with drives that regulate motor speed based on the machine’s actual operational needs. As such, they provide the system with only the amount of energy required at a given time and ensure savings of up to 35% on electricity consumption.
Smipal APS PLUS: the innovative “3 in 1” palletisation solution The compact “Packbloc” system on display at Smigroup’s stand no. 14D12 at Interpack 2014 brings
ahead the conceptual innovations presented at the latest edition of Drinktec. In fact, SMI engineers have further optimized the compactness and flexibility of this system, which, as concerns the line-end palletisation, uses the advanced technology of the new APS PLUS series by Smipal. The main and most innovative feature of the APS PLUS palletisers is the integration in the machine’s fixed column of all the mechanical components taking care of the pallet layers construction, the empty pallets feeding operation and the interlayer pads insertion. The following three components move on this column: the layer-loading head-holding cross beam, which performs vertical movements; the loading head (the so-called “basket”) that, thanks to a system of tel-
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escopic guides, performs rapid and accurate horizontal movements along the cross beam and, lastly, an articulated arm based on SCARA technology that performs both vertical and horizontal movements for feeding the empty pallets and inserting the interlayers. The aforesaid articulated mechanical assembly is housed on one side of the central column, perpendicular to the one that houses the cross beam bearing the loading head; the SCARA arm performs vertical movements by sliding on the central column to pick up and release the pallets and the interlayers and moves horizontally in a range of 180° to transfer the pallets and interlayers from their magazines to the palletising pallet. These operations are handled by the machine’s automation and control system in perfect synch with the operations performed by the layerloading head, so that the vertical and horizontal movements of the various mechanical units installed on the central column can follow precise and coordinated trajectories that prevent any contact or interference between them.
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Neat and logistically efficient end of line
New APS 1550 P PLUS automatic system
The new palletisers of the Smipal APS PLUS series adopt a number of design features that, compared to traditional solutions, have led to a significant reduction in the size and overall dimensions of the system. Furthermore, the integration of multiple functions (all housed in one central column) offers considerable advantages as far as operative flexibility, workplace safety and machine maintenance are concerned. Another advantage of the compact design of the APS PLUS systems is the option of concentrating the use of forklifts, transpallets, etc. in a well-defined zone, optimizing the management of the loading and unloading areas. In fact, since the pallets and interlayers are handled on the same side of the palletiser, this does not interfere with the other activities of the production line. With its compact size, the Smipal system can be easily installed also in bottling and packaging lines, the end line area of which is enclosed in cramped spaces.
Thesystem exhibited at Interpack 2014 integrates Smiflexi LWP 30 model wrap-around casepacker with an APS 1550 P PLUS palletising system. This allows you to minimize the conveyour belts that connect the two machines, save on the initial investment and limit running and maintenance costs of line end packaging systems. Another innovative aspect of the model exhibited at Interpack is made up of the machine inlet and the layer pre-formation system, consisting of a cadencing belt, a product insertion belt, which forms the row, and a one-way translation system that contributes to forming the layer. The layer is transferred from the belt to the loading head smoothly and precisely as it exploits the belt’s movement, and does not require the use of any mechanical layer translation components. Smipal’s new automatic system, designed according to FCR (Full Cost Reduction) methods, is pretested at the factory and delivered to the customer fully assembled and wired. Hence, the time required for start-up is minimized to the benefit of the management operations and scheduled system maintenance.
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SEW-EURODRIVE–Driving the world
No Matter What You Move: We Drive It.
Settori industriali diversi, sfide diverse e un unico partner competente: SEW-EURODRIVE. La nostra tecnica innovativa degli azionamenti vi offre la massima qualità e vi aiuta a ridurre i costi di impianto. Le nostre soluzioni soddisfano già oggi i requisiti di efficienza energetica del futuro. Sviluppiamo sistemi di azionamento all'avanguardia per tutte le industrie e abbiamo la soluzione giusta anche per la vostra.
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14.01.14 10:23
uropool was established in Parma in 1993 in the heart of the Italian Food Valley, an area par excellence of the technology applied to the food, packaging and bottling industry. Europool’s mission is to provide a high standard of engineering for bottling and packaging lines. Europool seeks out the most advantageous solutions thanks to their technology and market solution know-how as well as the extensive experience of their team of engineers and technicians. For each project Europool acts as
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a technical office at the service of the customer in order to obtain solutions with definitive costs and times. Europool offers the customer a global service: sourcing of suppliers and their quality control, coordination and direction even for subsidiary works, drawing up of systems plans, safety requirements and personnel training.
Description of Application: Managing machine intake and output flows, often high performance and high efficiency, sometimes in-
terfacing with pre-existing or third party devices which requires us to predict and prevent any critical issues in the product flow and at the same time to comply with maximum production flexibility. This is possible thanks in part to the new Europool Aculine which is a single line accumulation conveyor equipped to manage all types of products. In the event of problems on the line upstream this application accumulates the flow of bottles exiting the primary packaging machines without holding up production.
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By means of a cart which is managed with positioning the bottles are conveyed in serpentine transport which can be of variable length depending on the needs of the line. Once the problem is resolved, the accumulated product is returned to the line at a speed sufficient to clear the accumulated product, ready for storage.
Needs of the customer: 1) Complete automation solution from a single supplier 2) Modularity of the machine 3) Reduction of the number of product codes / Improved service and warehouse management costs 4) Energy savings 5) Electrical panel reduction 6) Cabling costs reduction 7) Reduction of start-up and optimisation times / costs
Description of the solution: We decided to provide a solution complete with the whole machine: 1) The supervisor part is managed through operator panel SEW DOP11B-30 to read the line speeds, bottles accumulated and machine
fault management. 2) Control of the entire machine process is managed with the SEW PLC MoviPlc DHF41B board with standard IEC 61131-3 programming. This board allows management of all the SEW automation products (Movigear / Brushless) as well as all the sensor components for bottle counting or accumulation management. 3) The bottle conveyor belts are moved with the mechanatronics Movigear B system which includes inverter, brushless motor and parallel axis reducer in one product. This product provides a series of advantages: IE4 energy efficiency, reduction of installed power, creation of a line with a limited number of codes thanks to the fact that it allows a high range of speeds, managing up to 250% of the rated torque in the
take-off phase. All the machine sensors are connected to the GIO11B boards which reside on the Movigear for remote digital intake and output management, significantly reducing cabling times / costs. 4) Positioning of the accumulation trolley was managed with the ECR Movigear B version with built in encoder. 5) The linear motion of the belts is synchronised by means of a SEW PLC board with the rotary motion of the belts used for transfer of the bottles onto the accumulation belt. This rotary motion is generated by two servo geared motors controlled by SEW Movidrive actuation.
Conclusion: Compared to standard solutions the following advantages were obtained: 1) The installed power was cut in half from 11KW to 5.5KW. 2) Absorption was reduced by 50% 3) The entire machine was created with only 6 codes, including the electrical panel. Mr Bruno Docimo SEW-EURODRIVE Italia
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04/04/14 10.02
EVERSE OSMOSIS PLANT In the wine industry, in order to balance climatic alternations, Reverse Osmosis plants are a more profitable alternative to traditional technologies such as MCR, cryoconcentration, vacuum-evaporation, etc. These plants manufactured by VELO ACCIAI are very reliable; and their usage is well estabilished to obtain: ❱ enrichment of red and white musts, without any thermal stress; ❱ must concentration up to 3035° Brix;
❱ low power consumption; ❱ lower managing costs; ❱ ease of use and operation; ❱ in the concentrate: increase of aroma precursors (volatile aromatic compounds and terpenes), increase of acids, anthocyanins, extracts, color, polyphenols, scent, fermentable sugars and salts. According to the used membrane, in the permeate we will get: water without aromatic components, sugars, no terpenes and infinitesimal quantities of acids. In the dairy industry, for the recovery and/ or processing of milk, dairy products and derivatives, the usage of R.O. plants allows: ❱ RECOVERY; ❱ CONCENTRATION; ❱ ENRICHMENT; ❱ REDUCTION OF POLLUTION LOAD
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TECNOLOGIE A MEMBRANA Design / Tecnologia / Innovazione
Design / Technology / Innovation
IMPIANTI DI FILTRAZIONE TANGENZIALE VELO ACCIAI Innovativi impianti a fibra cava per filtrazioni di mosti e vini fermi e frizzanti. Basso consumo energetico, qualità e brillantezza del prodotto filtrato eccellenti.
CROSS FLOW FILTERS BY VELO ACCIAI Innovative hollow fiber plants for musts and wines filtration. Low power consumption, quality and excellent brightness of the filtered product.
Velo Acciai Srl › Via S. Lorenzo, 42 › Ca’ Rainati 31020 S. Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV) ITALY tel. +39 0423 968966 › fax +39 0423 968982 www.veloacciai.com › info@veloacciai.com
tecnologie a membrana membrane technologies
ARTEN PACKAGING is the market leader and frontrunner of technology across the metal and plastic container industry in Turkey,Middle East,South Eastern Europe,North Africa.We have approximately 2500 employees in our 14 factories and offices,2200 in Turkey and 300 working abroad.Sarten is the manufacturer of 3pcs.welded and 2 pcs.drawn metal containers for a variety of industries including canned foods, cooking oil, aerosols, pesticides, engine oils, paints.In plastic containers supplies, Sarten offers products made of PET, PE and PP for the lubricants, agricultural chemicals (COEX), paints, ketchup,mayonnaise etc. (COEX), cleaning materials and cosmetics industries. Our market share in the Turkish food can market is approximately 60% and in ready meals sector it is more than 80%. We also have approximately 35% of the canned edible oil market.Twist caps offered by SARTEN in a wide range of diameters (38 mm to 100 mm) and different types , are ideal for various requirements of customers and they meet the demands of food industry. Twist Caps are suitable for hot , cold , aseptic filling , pasteurisation and sterilisation of various food and beverage applications.Sarten offers a wide range of diameters (38 mm to 100 mm) and different types of twist caps.Easy-open ends and twist caps are mainly used in the food industry. Plastic containers and bottles are used for packing;dairy products,ketc hup,mayonnaise,mustard etc.in the food industry. We are very active in sales of metal food cans and plastic bottles and jars to Europe and USA with special focus to geogaphically closer markets mainly in the south eastern europe. We are producing more and more conventional and shaped food cans with thinner but stronger materials with special panelling formats
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down gauging is continuing in all sizes.CTP platemaking,digital preprint proofing,streamlining of artwork to proofing then to ink mixing and then ink control in presses via one common language software is creating very good results in print quality and repeatability of jobs.In house central manufacture of toolings provides uniformity in all operations in all our factories.Improvements to all metal food can making machinery and seamers at ours and our customers plants as well as plastic containers moulds are esigned,manufactured,assembled and tested at our R&D department. Quality control and assurance are clearly crucial in our line of business. Our
accreditations include ISO 9000,ISO 14001,ISO22000,GMP,Lean Enterprise and Manufacture and 5S is practised in all our sites. Latest investments include 6 colours UV printing line,UV coating line,,CTP plate making,shaped food cans and aerosols lines.5 liters rectangular for edible cooking oil,motor oil,chemicals etc. cans manufactured with thinner and stronger material with specially designed panels on the body to increase axial load carrying and stackability of these cans was succesfully introduced with collaboration of one of our major client.UN certification fort he transportaion of dangerous goods was obtained for this can.
09/04/14 11.35
he term ‘convenience’ can mean many things in food packaging – functionality and easy handling, microwavability, easy opening and closing, and ‘eating on the go’ are all obvious examples. But convenience can also refer to extending the shelf life of products or ensuring their safe handling in a busy kitchen environment. For these requirements and more, plastic has few equals. Its many convenience benefits have been invaluable both in helping to develop market sectors and to launch new products. The variety of pots and tubs created for dips, salads and all types of snacking on the move, and the introduction of high barrier squeezy sauce bottles are just two examples. Barrier technology in particular has opened up a whole new market for extended ambient shelf life convenience products such as ready meals, sauces, soups, fruit desserts, nuts, vegetable spreads, dairy products and pickles. What’s more, plastic technology has the flexibility to offer different processes to meet the needs of different product types. Europe’s leading rigid plastics packaging supplier RPC Group uses all three of the major plastic manufacturing techniques – thermoforming, blow moulding and injection moulding – to provide tailored packaging solutions for individual product characteristics or branding requirements, for example the need for reclosability, intricate eye-catching designs, or a large family-size pack. Two solutions from RPC for Heinz’s famous Baked Beans demonstrate the flexibility of barrier plastics to meet different market requirements. A 1kg blow moulded jar is being used for the Fridge Pack, which combines extended shelf life with portion control - once opened the jar can be resealed and stored in the fridge for up to five days. Meanwhile, thermoforming produces the popular Snap Pots,
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which provide convenient microwavable individual portions. Plastics’ design flexibility is another key factor in the material’s success. RPC Barrier Containers recently developed a long shelf life ambient packaging solution for a range of ready meals produced by French foodservice specialist Soulié Restauration, part of the William Saurin Group. The barrier pack provides a shelf life of up to 18 months for the ready-toheat typical French recipes. The custom-designed tub and lid have been created to resemble a traditional casserole pot and are coloured red or yellow depending on the product. The eye-catching colours and innovative design help to create on-shelf impact and brand differentiation in a highly competitive market sector. Such design flexibility is not restricted to bespoke pack designs. RPC Superfos’s SuperLock® containers combine an oxygen barrier on all surfaces with a membrane seal to ensure an almost nonexistent oxygen transmission rate. This provides an ambient shelf life of up to 24 months for a wide range of products. The innovative in-mould label which in-
corporates the barrier also offers high quality printing to create outstanding and eye-catching graphics that deliver effective brand identity and on-shelf appeal on crowded retail shelves. Another standard container solution from RPC Bebo Plastik is meeting the dual needs of the convenience of re-closing and the reassurance of tamper-evidence for a variety of spreadable products such as cheese, margarine and butter. The new Bebo Swing incorporates a unique perforation process which ensures easy opening. The re-closable lid can be hinged or fully removed. The lid is welded to the tub through ultrasonic welding. The result of all these convenience and design benefits is that plastic is replacing more traditional materials for many food packing applications. For example, Bornholms, a market leader in seafood in Scandinavia, is converting most of its packaging solutions from cans to plastic packs from RPC Superfos, citing the benefits of improved logistics, user-friendliness and a shelf life of two years under ambient temperatures. RPC Superfos has developed a series of
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four types of packaging with an entirely new oxygen barrier solution, created especially for Bornholms. Under ambient temperatures, the shelf life is two years. Bornholms says the conversion has enabled it to increase the filling speed, reduce the cost of the packaging material and optimise logistics. Another very positive effect has been the reduced carbon footprint. Material conversion has also been seen frequently in the busy kitchen environment where multilayer plastic has long been considered a safe and more modern packaging solution. In collaboration with RPC, Citres Spa, the Italian food specialist in pickles, pesti and sauces, is pioneering the supply of its products in new polypropylene jars. With a major focus of its turnover in Northern Europe, Citres Spa has developed a plan to meet the needs of customers in markets which for some time have restricted and in certain cases banned the use of glass in foodservice kitchens, requiring instead the introduction of more ecological, safe and lightweight jars. The company has therefore worked with RPC to develop a solution that meets its requirements for long shelf life (up to 36 months), lightness, resealability, recyclability and easy opening, while maintaining the freshness and authenticity of the products. The RPC jars all feature a multilayer PP/EVOH/PP construction that can be pasteurised and sterilised to provide a long ambient shelf life. Following the success of its multilayer
bottles and jars for glass replacement, RPC Corby has now also launched modern plastic alternatives to the tin can and composite pack. Both the Apollo and Artemis containers combine extended ambient shelf life, featuring a PP/EVOH/PP multilayer structure for the effective protection against oxygen ingress, with all the established lightweight, easy handling and safety benefits of plastics. They also offer the convenience of re-closing. The 380ml Apollo is suitable for a variety of food processes including hot fill, retort and pasteurising, and offers an attrac-
ucts such as nuts, instant coffee and infant milk formula. The high barrier material structure protects products against moisture and oxygen (and has the option of a UV-light inhibitor), meaning there is no need for the product to be bagged inside the container. The many convenience benefits of plastics also offer important environmental advantages. Lighter containers save on raw material usage and reduce the carbon footprint of transportation, while reclosable packs and extended shelf life do much to help reduce food wastage.
tive, fluted design in the same diameter as a can, with full sleeving and labelling options to create effective branding and on-shelf appeal. It is also stackable to maximise shelf space. The Artemis jar meanwhile offers a practical and convenient solution for a variety of dried, powdered and granulated prod-
Such a variety of pack solutions for a wealth of different products underlines plastics’ strength and versatility. Indeed, given its design flexibility, sustainability benefits and convenience, it is hard to imagine what the food market would be like today without plastic packaging.
n der Lebensmittelverpackung trägt der Begriff „Convenience“ (gleichbedeutend mit „praktischer Nutzen“ oder „praktische Vorteile“) vielerlei Bedeutung – Funktionalität und Anwenderfreundlichkeit, Aufwärmen in der Mikrowelle, einfaches Öffnen und Schließen sowie Essen „on the Go“
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sind einleuchtende Beispiele. Allerdings kann sich Convenience auch auf verlängerte Haltbarkeit von Produkten oder deren sichere Handhabung in betriebsamen Küchen beziehen. Was diese und weitere Anforderungen angeht, suchen Kunststoffe ihresgleichen. Ihre vielen praktischen Vortei-
le sind sowohl bei der Erschließung von Marktsektoren als auch bei der Einführung neuer Produkte von hohem Wert. Die Vielfalt der für Dips, Salate und allerlei Snacks „on the Go“ kreierten Behälter und Becher und die Einführung von zusammendrückbaren Hochbarriereflaschen für Soßen sind nur zwei die-
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sbezügliche Beispiele. Insbesondere die Barrieretechnologie eröffnet einen komplett neuen Markt für bei Raumtemperatur länger haltbare Convenience-Produkte wie Fertigmahlzeiten, Soßen, Suppen, Fruchtdesserts, Nüsse, pflanzliche Aufstriche, Molkereiprodukte und Sauerkonserven. Aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität bietet die Kunststofftechnologie zudem vielfältige, auf verschiedene Produkttypen abgestimmte Verfahren. Als Europas führender Anbieter von starren Kunststoffverpackungen nutzt die RPC Group die drei führenden Kunststoffherstellungsverfahren – Thermoformen, Blasformen und Spritzguss – für Verpackungslösungen nach Maß. Dabei werden individuelle Produkteigenschaften oder Branding-Anforderungen berücksichtigt, zum Beispiel die Notwendigkeit der Wiederverschließbarkeit, komplexe und auffallende Designs oder große Familienpackungen. Zwei Lösungen von RPC für die berühmten Baked Beans von Heinz beweisen die Flexibilität von Barrierekunststoffen, wenn es gilt, unterschiedlichen Marktanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Ein blasgeformter 1-kg-Behälter wird für die Kühlschrankpackung (Fridge Pack) verwendet, wobei verlängerte Haltbarkeit und Portionskontrolle unter einen Hut gebracht werden – nach dem Öffnen kann der Behälter wieder verschlossen und bis zu fünf Tage lang im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt werden. Indes gehen aus dem Thermoformen die beliebten Snap Pots hervor, die praktische, in der Mikrowelle aufwärmbare Einzelportionen bieten. Die gestalterische Flexibilität von Kunststoffen ist ein weiterer wichtiger Faktor für ihren Erfolg. RPC Barrier Containers entwickelte kürzlich eine bei Raumtemperatur lange haltbare Verpackungslösung für ein Sortiment an Fertigmahlzeiten des französischen Foodservice-Spezialisten Soulié Restauration, einem Unternehmensbereich der William Saurin Group. Die Barrierepackung gewährleistet bis zu 18-monatige Haltbarkeit der aufwärmbereiten, typisch französischen Rezepte.
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Der spezielle Becher mitsamt Deckel ähnelt einer traditionellen Kasserolle und ist je nach Produkt rot oder gelb gefärbt. Die auffälligen Farben und das innovative Design stechen im Ladenregal ins Auge und gewährleisten die Markendifferenzierung in einem hart umkämpften Marktsektor. Diese gestalterische Flexibilität beschränkt sich nicht auf Verpackungsdesigns nach Maß. SuperLock®-Behälter von RPC Superfos verbinden eine Sauerstoffbarriere auf allen Oberflächen mit einer Membrandichtung, um fast völlige Sauerstoffundurchlässigkeit zu gewährleisten. Und das Ergebnis? Ein breites Produktspektrum, das bei Raumtemperatur 24 Monate haltbar ist. Das Innovative, die Barriere enthaltenden In-Mould-Label ermöglichen zudem hochwertiges Bedrucken … für hervorragende und ins Auge fallende Grafiken, die in dicht gedrängten Regalen eine attraktive, effektive Markenidentität vermitteln. Eine weitere standardmäßige Behälterlösung von RPC Bebo Plastik schlägt zwei Convenience-Fliegen mit einer Klappe: einerseits Wiederverschließbarkeit und andererseits Originalitätssicherung bei unterschiedlichsten streichfähigen Erzeugnissen wie Käse, Margarine und Butter. Neu ist Bebo Swing: hier gewährleistet ein einzigartiges Perforationsverfahren das einfache Öffnen. Der wiederverschließbare Deckel wird klappbar oder abnehmbar gestaltet. Der Deckel ist
durch Ultraschallschweißung mit dem Becher verbunden. Das Ergebnis all dieser Convenienceund Design-Vorteile ist, dass Kunststoff traditionelle Materialien bei zahlreichen Lebensmittelverpackungsanwendungen ablöst. Beispielsweise stellt Bornholms, ein Marktführer für Fischprodukte in Skandinavien, die meisten seiner Verpackungslösungen von Dosen auf Kunststoffbehälter von RPC Superfos um. Als Gründe hierfür werden verbesserte Logistik, Anwenderfreundlichkeit und zwei Jahre Haltbarkeit bei Raumtemperatur angeführt. RPC Superfos entwickelte insgesamt vier Verpackungsarten mit einer völlig neuen Sauerstoffbarrierelösung speziell für Bornholms. Bei Raumtemperatur ist zweijährige Haltbarkeit gegeben. Eigenen Angaben zufolge konnte Bornholms – durch die Umstellung – die Abfüllgeschwindigkeit erhöhen, die Kosten des Verpackungsmaterials senken und die Logistik optimieren. Ein weiterer sehr positiver Effekt ist die verbesserte Klimabilanz. Auch in betriebsamen Küchen, in denen mehrlagiger Kunststoff seit Langem als sichere und moderner Verpackungslösung gilt, hat sich häufig eine Materialumstellung vollzogen. In Abstimmung mit RPC setzt Citres Spa, ein italienischer Spezialist für sauer eingelegtes Gemüse, Pesto-Varianten und Soßen, auf neue Behälter aus PP. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Absatz in den nordeuropäischen Ländern. Er
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führte Citres Spa dazu, sich über die Erwartungen von Kunden in Märkten Gedanken zu machen, in denen der Einsatz von Glas im Gastronomie- und Großküchenbereich zum Teil eingeschränkt oder sogar untersagt ist. Folglich sind auf solchen Märkten nachhaltige, sichere Behälter mit geringem Eigengewicht an der Tagesordnung. Daher hat sich das Unternehmen gemeinsam mit RPC mit der Entwicklung einer Lösung befasst, die über eine lange Haltbarkeit (bis zu 36 Monaten) im Regal hinaus mit folgenden Eigenschaften aufwartet: geringes Eigengewicht, Wiederverschließbarkeit, Recyclingfähigkeit und leichtes Öffnen. Gleichzeitig sollten die Behälter weiterhin Frische und die traditionsbetonte Positionierung vermitteln. Alle eingesetzten Behälter von RPC zeichnen sich durch einen mehrschichtigen PP/EVOH/PP-Aufbau aus. Sie können pasteurisiert und sterilisiert werden, zwei Voraussetzungen für eine lange Haltbarkeit bei Raumtemperatur. Aufgrund des Erfolges seiner mehrlagigen Glasersatz-Flaschen und
-Behälter hat RPC Corby jetzt auch moderne Kunststoffalternativen zur Weißblechdose und Verbundpackung eingeführt. Die Apollo- und ArtemisBehälter zeichnen sich durch verlängerte Haltbarkeit bei Raumtemperatur und einen mehrschichtigen PP/EVOH/ PP-Aufbau für den wirksamen Schutz vor Sauerstoffeintrag aus. Hinzu kommen alle von Kunststoffen gebotenen Pluspunkte wie geringes Gewicht, einfache Handhabung und Sicherheit und – nicht zuletzt – die praktische Wiederverschließbarkeit. Der 380 ml fassende Apollo-Behälter eignet sich für eine Vielzahl von Lebensmittelverfahren einschließlich Heißabfüllung, Retortenbehandlung und Pasteurisierung und bietet ein attraktives, geriffeltes Design mit demselben Durchmesser wie eine Dose sowie umfassende Sleeving- und Etikettierungsmöglichkeiten für effektives Branding und Attraktivität im Regal. Zur optimalen Nutzung des Regelraums ist er auch stapelbar. Der Artemis-Behälter hingegen bietet eine praktische Convenience-Lösung für eine Vielzahl
von getrockneten, pulverförmigen und körnigen Produkten: als Beispiele seien Nüsse, löslicher Kaffee und Babymilchpulver genannt. Das Hochbarrierematerial-Gefüge schützt Produkte vor Feuchtigkeit und Sauerstoff (optional ist ein UV-Licht-Inhibitor möglich), weshalb das Produkt keine Beutel innen im Behälter erfordert. Die zahlreichen praktischen Vorteile von Kunststoffen bieten auch wichtige Umweltvorteile. Leichtere Behälter sparen Rohstoffe und verbessern die Klimabilanz im Hinblick auf den Transport, wogegen wiederverschließbare Packungen und verlängerte Haltbarkeit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu reduzierter Lebensmittelverschwendung leisten. Derart vielfältige Verpackungslösungen für eine Fülle von verschiedenen Produkten unterstreichen die Solidität und Vielseitigkeit von Kunststoffen. Angesichts ihrer gestalterischen Flexibilität, Nachhaltigkeit und Convenience ist kaum vorstellbar, wie der heutige Lebensmittelmarkt ohne Kunststoffverpackungen aussehen würde.
Packaging brought to life at interPack See us on stand D21, hall 10 www.rpc-group.com RPC FP 2/14.indd 6 52517 RPC Food Processing_Interpack_Advert.indd 1
@rpc_group 10/04/14 10.04 19/03/2014 15:48
rying is the oldest system to preserve food. Open air drying using sun and wind has been practiced since ancient times. Industrial equipments can ensure more consistent results speeding the process, improving quality and reducing costs. In addition to this dryers are used for the treatment of additives, essences, dyes, and in general all industrial products utilized in food processing. Given the breadth of the field of application, the type of machines is very variable and ranges from the little tunnel used by the farmer for local production of high quality dried food up to the big belt conveyor dryer or fluidized bed for the large scale food industry. According to the principle of operation and to products treated we can distinguish the following “families” of dryers.
Tunnel dryers model LIBECCIO and GHIBLI The process performed in the tunnel dryer is the closest system to the natural sun drying. Material to be dried is placed on trays and closed into an insulated “room” with controlled air flow and temperature. Trays can be fixed or, usually, resting on wheeled carts. The drying time ranges from 6 to 48 hours according to the product. Size of the machine is defined by the useful drying surface and varies from 10 to 860 m2. Capacity depends on the product that can be loaded at a rate of 5-20 Kg per square meter. Substances to eliminate pests and melds can be added to the air flow. This kind of dryers is used for fruit and vegetables. Little and sophisticated models are
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dedicated to sensitive and expensive materials like medicinal herbs and saffron.
Belt conveyor dryers model ETL They are single or multiple belts dryers having from 5 up to 500 sq\m. useful surface, fitted with high efficiency ventilation system and intermediate reheating of the drying air if required. The dryer ETL is continuous, fully automatic equipment suitable for medium and large productions. It consists of one or more perforated strips on witch the product, loaded with continuity, moves at a constant speed. The drying is produced by a stream of air passing through tape and product. Part of the circulating air is extracted by a fan and replaced by an equally amount of hot air. The entire system is divided into standard “zones” that differ in the direction of the air flow. Temperature, air flow and relative moisture of air are controlled by the automatic control system. Such kind of dryers is used for sliced fruit or vegetables like apples, carrots, onions, spinach, or herbs and flower like chamomile
material creating the so called “fluidized bed” A slow blender moves the whole mass in such a way that is homogeneously invested by the air. Filter bags are placed over the drying chamber to avoid dust pollution. The working principle is simple and is based on the exposition of the product to a direct hot air stream. The air in contact with the product gives it part of its internal energy. This causes the water evaporation and, at the same time, the reduction of air temperature. Material can be loaded batch wise (TS type) or continuously, and discharged batch wise (TS, TS PULSE) or continuously. This system guarantees the higher performances and efficiency, and can be utilized for light particles, dust or paste.
Fluidized bed dryers model TS, TS PULSE, and TSA.
Fast drying type Flash and Turboflash
The dryer consist of a cylindrical body (the diameter range from 0,4 to 5 meters and even more) that is divided in two parts by a special tray provided with patented shaped blades. They produce a lot of fast air’s blades such to hold in suspension the product alternated to as many zones of relative calm. The air flow accelerated by the drying tray blades surround and lifts the drying
Some materials are sensible to the temperature. Such kind of materials can be dried with hot air but reducing the time of treatment to few minutes or seconds. In the “flash” technique the air flow carries and dries the product in a single and quick passage. In particular the turboflash realizes a swirl of hot air that lift and dry the product (usually dust or little crystals, like flour or
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O so
C.R .S .I
TS L'essiccatoio a letto fluido, una macchina per tutte le stagioni. L'essiccazione a letto fluido discontinuo è quella che meglio si adatta a tutte le possibili esigenze presentando la più grande flessibilità. Il prodotto è più umido del previsto ? Non importa, si allungherà un po' il ciclo. Il prodotto è particolarmente leggero e polveroso ? Non importa c'è il filtro integrato. Il volume si riduce drasticamente durante l'essiccazione? Fa niente, si caricherà in più step scaricando solo alla fine. Il cliente vuole un prodotto molto più secco del previsto? Si può fare. Quelli della ricerca si sono inventati una nuova formulazione? Non importa, l'essiccatoio è sempre lo stesso. E se l'essiccazione non serve più? Si può sempre rivendere. TS essiccatoio per polveri, granulari e prodotti pastosi.
TSF : L'essiccazione in un “flash” Combinando L'azione del letto fluido con quella del flash , il TSF è una macchina ideale per prodotti termosensibili. L'essiccazione quasi istantanea impedisce infatti il degrado termico dei prodotti trattati.
ELFVO :l'essiccatoio continuo per grandi portate la tecnica del letto fluido unita all'avanzamento per vibrazione permette di essiccare in continuo grandi portate di polveri o granulari. Centro Ricerche Sviluppo Impianti SA SWISS RESEARCH & ENGINEERING CH - 6814 Cadempino (Lugano) Via Industria, 7 - Stabile Talea Tel. +41 91 9601090 - Fax +41 91 9601099 E-mail info@crsi.ch - Sito: http://www.crsi.ch
SOCIETÀ ITALIANA ESSICCATOI S.R.L. 20090 CALEPPIO DI SETTALA (MILANO) – ITALY Via Amendola, 5 Tel. +39-0295307234 - Telefax +39-0295899062 E-mail: info@sieita.it - Sito: http://www.sieita.com
sugar, but in some circumstances also liquids). Constructively the TSF looks similar to TS family using the same patented drying tray to separate the inlet air chamber to the drying chamber. Difference is the speed of the process and the extraction system of exhaust air that allow adjusting the residence time of dust inside the dryer.
APPLICATION EXAMPLE: TS PULSE DRYER FOR GREATED CHEESE As, and more than other foods, the cheese is an alive product. The drying’s plant doesn’t have only to reduce moisture but also to preserve the aspect, the colour and the taste of the product. The time of treatment has to be brief, to avoid the “cooking” of the material, and this eliminates in prior all the systems to indirect exchange. The air that produce the drying has however to be attentively dosed. A too elevated quantity of air, in fact, makes the product “rough” and undesirable to the palate. For this reason the flash technique cannot be applied. The best choice is so the TS dryer that is loaded directly from the graters. The drying time is 30-40 min-
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utes, and the whole cycle (comprising cooling and discharge) takes 1 hour. Capacity, according to the different models, ranges from 20 kg to one ton of dried material per hour.
the temperature. Residence time of product is less than one minutes. Standard capacity ranges from 1000 to 2000 kg/h.
Domestic breadcrumbs are obtained by slow natural drying of waste bread. But for industrial application fresh bread is realized exactly for this purpose and must be quickly dried. The process must be continuous. Both Turboflash and TSA dryer are applicable but TSA allow treating bigger particles and for this reason is preferred. The capacity of the most common plants ranges from 400 to 800 Kg/h of fresh material
After the extraction of juice, carrots are a paste still containing sugar fibres and vitamins that can be useful as flour for industrial application. The product is sticky and delicate and requires a long drying time at low temperature. The ETL dryer allow to reduce the moisture contents from about 85% to less than 5% without damage or colour changes.
Dates require a long process before to be packed and sent around the world. At first is necessary to eliminate any possible ants, and, at the same time dry them to a very little value of moisture, allowing the storage. Naturally the product so treated is hard like a stone and requires to be dehydrated before packing using steam. The dryer LIBECCIO allow making all this operations with a single machine.
The natural moisture contents of flour are around 16%, but it has to reduce at 13 % of moisture, or less. So the dryer must Reduce the moisture contents to a value ranging (from 13% up to 2% in an only passage and in automatic way) Avoid the damage of protein content The last point compels to use the TSF dryer that eliminate the effects of
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shida Europe’s newest range of multihead weighers, the RV Series, has been independently certified as having a market-leading level of water and dust ingress protection for its WP waterproof models. This makes the weighers ideal for all types of fresh and frozen food applications, which require regular wash downs between shifts. IP rating tests were carried out at a leading UK independent testing centre, which proved that the Ishida RV’s design and assembly consistently comply with the highest industry standards. These relate to dust and water ingress resistance, including the most stringent IP-69K test. This compliance means the weighers are more water resistant than ever before and are perfectly suited in applications where equipment has to be thoroughly sanitized. In addition, the RV-WP range is also certified for IP-6X (dust tight), IP-X5 (protected against water jets), IP-X6 (against powerful water jets) and IP-X7 (protected against temporary immersion). All tests were in accordance with BS EN 60529:1992 and Ishida believes it is the first company in its sector to have these tests completed and ratings successfully awarded by an official external body. The RV-WP models incorporate a number of design features to prevent water ingress and facilitate fast and easy cleaning. These include upgraded seal and gasket designs, and enhanced manufacturing assembly processes with increased fixing points for uniformed gasket compression. The machines are also supplied with angled surfaces for rapid wash down and run off (ensuring faster drying times) and reduced crevices in bushings and hoppers, which helps to eliminate bacteria traps. As a result, the weighers offer maximum hygiene while minimising downtime for cleaning. “The successful compliance of these tests strongly demonstrates that our RV-WP specification machines are rigorously engineered for waterproof protection,” comments Nigel Smith, Ishida Europe’s Multihead Weigher Applications Specialist. “Scrupulous hygiene standards are essential for any fresh or frozen food operation but if a weigher is out of service for too long for cleaning, this can have a negative effective on production throughput and targets. Our RV-WP range has therefore not only been designed to be tough enough to handle anything during production but also to be able to withstand a thorough clean in the fastest possible time.”
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The new D-Series: the fruit of three years’ design, planning and testing
he PFM Group are now making their entry into the pouch sector with the new D-Series. This range of Horizontal Form Fill and Seal Machines produces the highly successful Stand-Up Pouches, which are becoming extremely popular in a large number of different food, nonfood and beverage industries. Innovation and diversification are the precepts that have inspired the PFM Group’s strategies over the last few years and the D-Series was developed precisely with these in mind: a machine unparalleled on the market in terms of features and performance, the fruit of three years’ design, planning and testing by companies in the PFM Group. The PFM D-Series Full Servo produces a vast range of stand-up pouches with
relative accessories for powder, granular, dense and liquid products; the D-Series’ applied technology has enabled it to successfully overcome the most common problems encountered in producing pouches (easy format change, accessibility and hygiene) and is aimed at narrowing the gap between the machine and operators deriving from its complex use. The machine produces flat or stand –up packages, shaped on upper and/or lateral sides, with zip or central/lateral cap. The machine is supplied complete with a wide range of optionals for modified atmosphere packaging and various dosing systems for liquid and dense products. “With the D-Series,” Andrea Fioravanti, Research and Development Director, has announced, “PFM have speeded up innovation by allocating over 3% of
their turnover to research and development. The PFM D-Series is a range of extremely innovative machines that demonstrates PFM’s experience in using state-of-the-art mechatronic technologies for processing flexible film. The D-Series opens up new horizons in the pouch sector by offering the opportunity to modify times, sealing pressure and cutting pitch from the recipe; it comes complete with selfdiagnostic alarm systems and offers easy maintenance and sanitisation, high performance and easy format changeover. The PFM D-Series brings total innovation to the industry: it facilitates operators in every sense thereby allowing higher production rates to be achieved through its excellent overall performance and extremely short format changeover times”.
Format Changeover: one of the procedures at the heart of the packaging pro cess has been rendered extremely simple and fast for any operator. Simple: all the machine’s functions and parameters are extremely easy to programme, even by unskilled operators. Accessible: the Full Side Access construction concept enables all the parts of the machine to easily be reached for sanitisation and maintenance operations.The dosing area can be closed with side walls to allow direct cleaning.
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abelling technology will be present at this edition of Interpack also. In Pavilion 14, stand 14D09, P.E. Labellers and Packlab will show customers four different types of labelling machines, to meet the various market demands. From the most recent product from P.E. Labellers, the innovative MAYA model sleeve applicator, ideal for applying shrink sleeve labels on containers of any material, shape and size (the machine can be seen in operation at the stand), to roll-fed labelling machine ROLLMATIC; the versatility of the
MODULAR labelling machine will also be on display. Packlab will present a linear self-
adhesive labelling machine mod. WING REPC FBW 60, with an edge: self-adhesive stations with adjustable axles and height-depth, motorised and controlled electronically from the LCD keypad on the adhesive unit, thanks to motors installed directly on the two axles. This configuration also allows for the adjustment of the automatic size change directly from the HMI panel (optional). This innovative labelling machine can be tried through a practical demonstration of the labelling phases, available during the fair.
Thanks to their wide range of rotary labelling machines and linear self-adhesive ones, P.E. LABELLERS and PackLab oer you the best labelling solutions for any container shape and size, for any production speed and for any kind of product with all the technologies available:
Cold Glue
Hot Melt
PACKLAB SRL info@packlab.it
P.E. LABELLERS S.p.A pelabellers@pelabellers.it www.pelabellers.com
P.E. LABELLERS FP 2/14.indd 3
STAND 14D09 www.packlab.it
Print & Apply System
In 2014, the company is updating its range of products, expanding its sales in foreign markets, and renewing its partnership with Studer, the leading brand of grinding machines.
ini Motor’s success today is still based on its founder’s original insight: get the best performance and efficiency from much smaller gear motors than those sold by its competitors. And why? Fewer installation problems for customers and more potential applications for Mini Motor gear motors in different fields of manufacturing. That was in 1974 and this initial idea took the company a long way, backed by a manufacturing philosophy that went against the flow: put the focus on absolute product quality, designing and making motors and gear units entirely in-house.
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Subsequent developments in technology applied to automation was an ultimate boost for Mini Motor’s production: by adopting robotic machines, it was not only able to increase its production volumes and continue to expand its range, it was also able to perfect the accuracy of its controls applied at every stage of the manufacturing process. In more recent years, Mini Motor has prepared an ISO 8 Clean Room (category 100000) so it can make special production runs in small quantities in decontaminated conditions: another step forward to increasingly enhanced product customisation and bespoke customer service.
1 million motors in 40 years. As 2013 came to a close, on the eve of its 40th anniversary, the first gear motor with a six-digit serial number came off Mini Motor’s production line. Passing this goalpost naturally prompts a moment of reflection as regards the corporate values that made this possible. For Mini Motor, these values are reflected in superior build quality that starts with choosing the best materials; in absolute operating precision to guarantee constantly excellent performance, and in superior efficiency for optimum performance matched by reduced consumption. These values are described in Mini Motor’s
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corporate video, available to view on its website. However, there is also a fourth value revolving around the concept of customisation. Because, Mini Motor’s mission continues to focus on supplying bespoke products capable of meeting specific demands in terms of dimensions, challenging applications, extreme temperature conditions, and anything else above and beyond the standard products available on the market.
A new range in the name of innovation. Mini Motor current range has tens of thousands of different product codes, with different types of equipment, various power ranges and reduction ratios, types of connection, different degrees of protection and options. Other variables also come into play depending on
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the specific demand that each product was designed to handle, such as special paints, increased power ratings, etc. Mini Motor decided to organise this vast number of product codes by dividing its range into four main categories: coaxial gear motors, worm screw gear motors, brushless servomotors and drivers. The new XC Series of worm screw gear motors provide 1 Hp maximum power even if they are just 288 mm long. They are 30% smaller than competing motors providing similar power, but offer 20% better performance. The standard versions offer IP65 protection but an IP67 version is also available on request. The new DBS brushless servomotors with integrated driver is the true “flagship” of Mini Motor’s production: the servomotor and driver have been made into a single, exceptionally compact product, ideal for product changeover systems. The three-phase 4-pole sinusoidal motor is completely enclosed, with a thermal safety feature, class F winding, and IP65 protection. The DBS55 version has a 55 mm flange and torque up to 0.7 Nm. The driver has a 24 to 48 Vdc power supply and has an absolute, multi-turn SSI magnetic encoder, enabling control of torque, speed, position and homing. The optionals include the DP profibus. Planetary or worm screw versions of the reduction unit are available.
Its other products include the new MCBS and MCFBS brushless servo gear motors - the latest development in worm screw gear motors- and the new Miniaction range of drivers and frequency converters offering an outstanding performance / price ratio.
Joining forces with Studer for uncompromising precision. Mini Motor has again turned to a Studer automatic machine to safeguard the utmost grinding accuracy of its gear units. The new unit is called the S22 and can undertake traditional cylinder grinding on the production line, as well as grinding shapes and threads at high speed (HSP), ideal for the production at Mini Motor that not only demands high quality, it is also large scale and has to be “flexible”. On its side, Mini Motor played an important part in the engineering of the S22 by giving it an extra automatic function, enabling the straightening of all the gears directly in the production line after they have undergone heat processing and before they undergo cylinder grinding. By confirming its confidence in the Swiss brand Studer, Mini Motor is underlining its intention to keep its entire production cycle in-house, with the aim of guaranteeing the “absolute quality” that is acknowledged by Mini Motor customers all over the world.
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2014 erneuert das Unternehmen sein Produktangebot, erweitert seine Präsenz in ausländischen Märkten und wiederholt die Synergie mit Studer, dem Leader im Schleifen.
er Erfolg von Mini Motor beruht nach wie vor auf der ursprünglichen Intuition des Gründers: Mit im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz sehr viel kleineren Getriebemotoren hohe Leistungen und Performance erzielen. Und was ergibt sich daraus? Für den Kunden weniger Installationsprobleme und für Mini Motor mehr Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für die Getriebemotoren in verschiedenen Branchen. Man schrieb das Jahr 1974 und diese von einer gegen den Trend laufenden Fertigungsphilosophie unterstützte Intuition sollte das Unternehmen weit bringen: Im eigenen Haus und mit Blick auf die absolute Produktqualität Motoren und Getriebe planen sowie herstellen.
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Dank der Entwicklung von Automatisierungstechnologien erfuhr die Produktion im Hause Mini Motor einen entscheidenden Impuls. Der Einsatz von robotisierten Maschinen ermöglichte dem Unternehmen die Steigerung der Produktionsmengen und eine stete Erweiterung des Produktangebots sowie eine ver-
besserte Präzision der Ansteuerung in allen Fertigungsphasen. In den letzten Jahren hat Mini Motor einen Reinraum ISO 8 (Klasse 100000) eingerichtet, durch den nun dekontaminierte Sonderproduktionen mit geringen Stückzahlen möglich sind und dies ist ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung immer mehr auf den Kunden abgestimmter Produkte und Dienstleistungen.
40 Jahre und 1 Million Motoren. Gegen Ende des Jahres 2013 – am Vorabend des 40-jährigen Bestehens – baute Mini Motor den ersten Getriebemotor mit einer siebenstelligen Seriennummer. Dieses Ergebnis gibt Anstoß dazu, über die Firmenwerte nachzudenken, die es
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möglich machten. Für Mini Motor konkretisieren sich diese Werte in der sehr hohen Fertigungsqualität, die bei der Wahl der Werkstoffe beginnt, in der absoluten Betriebspräzision, die eine hohe und konstante Performance gewährleistet, und in der hochwertigen Effizienz, die höhere Leistungen bei zugleich geringen Verbrauchswerten ermöglicht. Ergänzt werden diese drei Werte – die im OnlinePräsentationsvideo von Mini Motor deutlich aufgezeigt sind – durch einen vierten Wert: Das Konzept der Anpassung an die Kundenanforderungen. All dies, damit im Sinne der Leitlinie von Mini Motor weiterhin Ad-hoc-Lösungen geliefert werden, welche die besonderen Anforderungen hinsichtlich Größe, Anwendungsbedingungen, extremer Temperaturen, also Aspekte, die das Standardangebot auf dem Markt übersteigen, erfüllen.
Eine neue Reihe im Zeichen der Innovation. Zum heutigen Tag zählt die Mini Motor-Produktion einige zehntausend Artikel, die sich nach Geräteart, verfügbaren Leistungen, Übersetzungsverhältnissen, Anschlusstypen, Schutzgrad und Sonderausrüstungen unterscheiden. Je nach spezifischer Funktion, für die das Produkt bestimmt ist, kommen darüber hinaus weitere Variablen wie Speziallackierungen, Leistungspotenzierung usw. ins Spiel. Infolge dieser Multiplikation von Artikeln hat Mini Motor das Produktangebot in vier große Kategorien aufgeteilt: Koaxialgetriebemotoren, Schneckengetriebemotoren, Brushless-Servomotoren und Antriebe.
obgleich sie eine um 20% höhere Leistung bieten. Sie werden mit der Schutzart IP65 und auf Anfrage auch in der Ausführung IP67 geliefert.
Frequenzumrichter Miniaction, die sich durch ein beispielloses PreisLeistungs-Verhältnis auszeichnet.
Die neuen Brushless-Servomotoren der Serie DBS mit integriertem Antrieb sind die Glanzstücke der neuen Produktion aus dem Hause Mini Motor: Servomotor und Antrieb bilden ein einziges Produkt von außergewöhnlicher Kompaktheit, ideal für die Formatwechselsysteme. Der 4-polige Sinusmotor ist ein Drehstrommotor in geschlossener Ausführung mit Thermoschutzschalter, Isolationsklasse F und Schutzart IP65. Das Modell DBS55 verfügt über einen 55-mmFlansch und ein Drehmoment von bis zu 0,7 Nm. Der Antrieb, mit einer Speisung von 24 bis 48 Vdc, ist mit einem magnetischen MultiturnAbsolutwertgeber SSI ausgestattet und ermöglicht die Ansteuerung des Drehmoments, der Geschwindigkeit, der Position und des Homings. Zu den Optionals zählt der Profibus DP. Das Getriebe ist ein Planeten- oder ein Schneckengetriebe. Weitere Neuheiten betreffen die Brushless-Servogetriebemotoren der Baureihen MCBS und MCFBS – die moderne Entwicklung der Schneckengetriebemotoren – und die neue Baureihe der Antriebe und
Um maximale Präzision in der Nachbearbeitung der Zahnradgetriebe zu gewährleisten, setzt Mini Motor nun zum zweiten Mal eine automatische Studer-Maschine ein. Die möglichen Bearbeitungen mit der neuen Einheit namens S22 sind herkömmliches Rundschleifen im Produktionsumfeld, aber auch Formen- und Gewindeschleifen mit Hochgeschwindigkeit (HSP). Somit eignet sie sich bestens für die Anforderungen einer Produktion von höchster Qualität, die umfassend und „flexibel“ ist – eben ganz im Sinne von Mini Motor. Überdies hat Mini Motor zum Projekt der S22 beigetragen und sie um eine weitere automatische Funktion erweitert, die das In-Line-Richten aller thermisch behandelter Zahnräder ermöglicht, bevor sie dem Rundschleifen unterzogen werden. Das Vertrauen in die Schweizer Marke Studer bekräftigend, bezeugt Mini Motor weiterhin das Streben nach der Aufrechterhaltung der kompletten In-House-Produktion, was eben die „absolute Qualität“ sichert, die heute von den Kunden des Hauses weltweit geschätzt wird.
Zusammen mit Studer – kompromisslose Präzision.
Die neuen Schneckengetriebemotoren der Serie XC entwickeln eine maximale Leistung von 1 PS in nur 288 mm Länge. Im Vergleich zu Konkurrenzmotoren mit gleicher Leistung sind sie um 30% kleiner,
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03/04/14 11.52
erti is one of the leading manufacturers of aluminum ROPP closures, located in Bulgaria. Founded in 1993 as a start-up company specialized in metal packaging and producing only two kinds of aluminum caps, it is now a public company with five daughter companies in the UK, France, Germany, Romania and Bulgaria. Herti offers different sizes of closures that cover 95% of the aluminum closures available on the market. Over the years the product range has been extended permanently and currently contains more than 40 different types of closures with a diameter from 17mm to 43mm and a height from 12mm to 60mm. The Company produces over one billion caps per year and sells them in 50 countries worldwide on 6 continents. The modern production facilities and machinery are situated on 8 hectares own land, that provide for the full production circle, meeting all business and ecological requirements. The management is committed to quality and customer satisfaction. It explo-
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res new opportunities and uses latest technologies to be in compliance with the highest quality standards of the market. Herti develops and markets new products every year together with its subsidiary company Tihert JSC, specializing in tool production. In constant aspiration for progressing, Herti develops innovative ideas, corresponding to the company slogan “Your brand tomorrow is our business today”. Herti’s customers are leading world producers of different types of wines and spirits, mineral water, juices, olive oil and pharmaceutical products. The aluminum closures contribute to 75% of the sales, but the company offers also plastic and composite closures – a combination of aluminum and plastic- that increase in popularity especially among spirit producers. The Company is certified by ISO 9000 since 2000. Since 2010 it is certified by BRC/IOP – The Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials. The regular audits of the production process from key customers and partners are an additional incentive for continuous improvement and perfection.
Last year the company celebrated its 20th anniversary. The year was marked with new projects and investment. Beside for the wine sector Herti worked in other fields. A new varnishing and printing machine was put in action. This is a high-tech production equipment with the possibility to check some key indicators in the production process. The machine will be connected to the new Herti control system and will send data automatically to SAP. The world trend in wine packaging is the use of aluminum screw caps and the management thinks that they have the greatest potential for future growth. Following the trends Herti has installed a Madag embossing and hot foil printing machine to offer an additional customization and decoration options to the wine industry. “Vinstar ” is the registered trade mark for the wine closures produced by the company. Through continuous efforts and extensive research Herti succeeded to establish a new product. “Vinstar Smart”, launched in February this year, is an aluminum closure with PVC free granulate suitable for still and sparkling wines and is the first
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of its kind on the market. It is supplied in two dimensions: 30x60 and 28x44 and with flat litho and offset multicolor printing and hot foil printing. With its distinctive characteristics Vinstar Smart expands the benefits which aluminum closures bring to the taste, quality and sustainability of wine: Excellent air-tightness, significantly better than current Saran-based liners Smooth and easy opening in spite of the tightness Keeps internal pressure up to 4 bars the most suitable liner for a wide range of sparkling wines Universal closure – suitable for both still and sparkling wines Perfectly neutral from an organoleptic point of view
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Liners suitable for pasteurization also available. The liner is fixed to the aluminium - no risk of distortion after cool down Compatible with current wine bottles and capping equipment Another new product in the company’s portfolio is a PVC-free lined 28x15mm ROPP closure, suitable for ozone treated, sensible waters and pasteurization processing.
From the beginning of 2014 Herti started a new project for a composite closure for mineral waters, called “Dorado”. It will be launched on the market in the first half of 2015. The management of the company has always put efforts into strengthening positions and increasing market share, trying to guarantee an exclusive product quality, understand customers` needs, and providing every client with customized packaging solutions. More info about Herti products could be found in: www.herti.bg
07/04/14 10.59
ietribiasi Michelangelo was established between the end 1960 and the beginning of the next decade. From the beginning the family-run company specialized in the construction of equipment for the dairy industry and developed later into the field of soft drinks, juices and beverages in general. Today the Pietribiasi name is among the more well-known in the dairy and beverages sector and the company is internationally acknowledged, particularly in the realisation of “turn-key” projects, and in the specific processing sectors, such as production of cheeses, pasteurisation and packaging ones. Looking more closely at the company’s product ranges, the Pietribiasi division covers the research, project design and supply of complete systems for the process of milk (HTST – HHTST – ESL – UHT), cream – fermented products from milk process (yoghurts in the various known versions, sour cream, Smetana, kefir, leben, etc.), fresh soft cheeses, as well semi and hard cheeses, “pasta filata-pizza cheese” (such as mozzarella, kashkaval, etc.) and other products processed from cow – sheep and goat milks. In this field the company has a wide experience and can cover all equipment needs from small to bigger plants for the production of: pasteurized drinking milk, yoghurt, different kinds of cheese, butter, etc. Pietribiasi designs and produces plate and tubular heat exchanger for pasteurization and thermal treatment (cooling and/or heating) of different liquid foods (milk, cream, ice-cream mix, fruit juice, eggs mixture, beer, wine and many others).
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In the beverage field, the range includes pre-mix units, sugar dissolving systems, filters, mixing and storage tanks as well as of course the complete thermal treatment up to the filling. These kinds of plants are “tailor-made” and designed according to customer’s specific demands. The company is also renowned and appreciated for following products: Batch pasteurizers; discontinuous cream pasteurizers; butter churns (available in a wide range of models from 20 L to 3000 L total capacity); semi-automatic butter forming machines. Its fifty-year experience in the food-stuff field, its long lasting cooperation with many European organisations and companies, the specialised knowledge in these processing fields, equipment and technologies, skilled
1. Example of flash pasteurization line, capacity 5.000 L milk/h, composed by constant level tank, centrifugal pump, flow meter group, plate heat exchanger, holding pipe, flow diversion, hot water group, stainless steel control panel, complete of self cleaning separator, homogenizer, round insulated holding pipe 2. Ripening/fermentation tank for yoghurt, cream, kefir, etc.
level of staff operating in Pietribiasi, a flexible and friendly management and lead of company by ownership, are the powerful basis of the success of Michelangelo Pietribiasi company.
Insulated mixing tank with hot/ice water circulation, complete of hot water preparation group, stainless steel control panel, on base frame 3. Example of UHT plant for the high temperature processing of liquid food for long shelf life, in this case for fruit juice with pulp; complete of degassing unit/deodorizer, control panel with PLC control – TUBULAR VERSION
16/04/14 11.28
Costruzione macchine per il settore lattiero caseario Manufactures of machines for dairies
www.pietribiasi.it - pietribiasi@pietribiasi.it
Some things in life seem to defy logic, until you go one layer deeper and then it makes complete sense. NOW Plastics (North America, UK and Europe) is such a case. Let me try to explain a bit further.
n the packaging industry, the world has gotten a lot smaller. Today’s technologies (internet, email, universal translators, etc.) makes it possible to have email discussions between two people who live on opposite ends of the world, are many time zones apart, and speak totally different languages. So, anyone can buy direct from overseas manufacturers all day long, right?. Then, how has NOW Plastics business model, as a global importer/distributor/supplier and “virtual factory” of various types of plastic films and certain converted products not only survived, but has been thriving, in today’s global environment???? Simple. The secret is that NOW Plastics Business Model was designed to take away the uncertainty associated with Global Importation while opening up the entire global supply landscape at the service of its customers. As the experienced procurement manager well knows, buying films is not just about procuring some sheet of plastic that looks nice and clear at a great price and throw it on a machine. All films are not alike even if they appear alike. Films such as polypropylene, polyester, nylon, and others are a proprietary chemical formulation of resins and additives, produced on production lines that can be as long as a football
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field costing 20 to 50 million euros and their supply must be totally dependable. Converters buy films as their main raw materials, and perform many different processes also involving other chemicals such as inks, adhesives, applying heat in laminations and bag making. Wrong films and unreliable supply lead to bad results and financial losses.
THE VIRTUAL FACTORY MODEL Now Plastics is a virtual factory. We have people and offices. But we do not have equipment (with the exception of some slitting and perforating equipment in the UK for fast response on certain products). We have a seemingly unlimited capacity of our core film products (see our advertisement on another page) via our producing partners to provide to our customers, mainly converters in soft as well as tight
markets. Our goal is to bring value to you. We are not worried about filling out machines that need to run 24 hours. We are your long arm, ears and eyes. We are globally connected to film producers all around the world, with preferences of course as not all producers are created equal. That is one of our advantages. You get the benefit of 35 years of supplying overseas products into our domestic markets.
A BIT OF HISTORY Our experiences and knowledge base began in North America, an extremely tough market, where changing or adding new suppliers is a complicated and time consuming task. Perfect education and training for the EU markets which
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Your Global Film and Bag Source www.nowplasticseurope.com
Films for Printers & Laminators • PET - corona, chemical, metallized, PVDC • BOPA - corona and chemical • BOPP - heatsealable, plain, metallized • Lidding films - peelable and locked seals for all trays • Aluminum foil • Shrinkable films for bottle labels (PETG, OPS) • OPP films- for labels and tape Converted PP Products for Bakery & Produce • Center Folded Film • Macro Punched Hole Film • Micro & Laser Perf Film • Many Varieties of Bags • Products Available w/antifog, printed
LIDDING FILMS: • Peelable or nonpeelable clear films o Clear PET or CPP film based o With or without antifog o Able to provide moderate barrier o Seals to virtually all tray types (PET, PP, etc) • Isotropic Metallized PET – for barrier lidding where balanced film is needed to avoid splitting
PRODUCE PACKAGING FILMS: • Macro-perforated “punched-hole” – available in 5, 8 and 10mm holes; from 2 to 8 lanes • Micro-perforated – available in P1, P8, P30, P60 and P160; full coverage or strips • Laser Perforated – single or multi-lanes available to create the desired respirations • PET or BOPP flow-wrap films – with or without antifog
HIGH BARRIER FILMS: • Nano-coated PET – replacing both PVDC and EVOH structures • Ultra metallized PET – optical densities of 2.8 or higher • Aluminim Foil (Coming in 2013) o State of the art new rolling mills – the best quality o Huge new capacities o Alloys 1235, 8079 and others o 6 micron and up
BOPP FILMS: • Produced on state-of-the-art production lines designed especially to produce commodity products at competitive prices • Superior gauge control • Flame treatment available on plain films • Huge capacities available • Thicknesses from 10 micron (40 gauge) and up • All products – clear heatsealable and nonheatsealable, solid and cavitated white, matte finish, etc
12/11/12 17.14
have different but equally tough requirements. We started Now Plastics UK in 2001 as a prelude to working in Europe. In 2009, we created local sales and logistic offices in Italy and Spain with technical support, developed a European invoicing system and VAT no’s and in the process learned a lot! Now, with this added experience, we are expanding further with representation now in France and Poland, and soon in Germany and other places. Europe is more complicated but we adapt well and we prefer to do things right and not just grow uncontrolled. Our reputation is the most important asset we have.
WHAT WE DO Now Plastics is many things. We are an extension of your procurement department with a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. We have a multiplicity of supply options for our basket of film products. We learn your business and philosophies and then, based on a variety of factors beyond price, we marry certain factories who we know well to certain customers after learning their needs. And as we assume a more responsible role in your business as a primary supplier, we insist of creating certain supply chain programs – such as multiple sourcing per product, local warehousing for safety stock or Just-in-Time stock management via
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either a full warehouse program, or consignment programs or other hybrid supply type programs. We insist because it is our job to manage risks, and buying films from offshore has huge benefits but some risks and those risks (late deliveries mainly) need to be mitigated. We manage open orders far better than factories do themselves. We see changes happening in the markets and do our best to alert our customers to be prepared. We are transparent – we do not hide our supply sources and we transfer our knowledge and our level of confidence to you. We are your eyes and ears. We find ways to differentiate ourselves and to make a difference in your business. Over the long haul, we deliver the best overall value to your business. If we didn’t, we would not exist in this highly competitive market, let alone be growing quite nicely. And maybe most importantly – WE ARE HERE TO STAY. Now Plastics is not a here today, gone tomorrow phenomenon (those of you who remember the tight polyester market of 2010/2011 know what I am talking about!).
VETTING OF FACTORIES Vetting of factories is a critical function. We do not buy sight unseen. We visit factories regularly, typically at least once a year, but sometimes more. It’s a lot of travel but it is important. Skype is nice but not a
substitute for face to face meetings and relationship building. There is not enough space allotted for a full discussion but some of our criteria are: ISO approval, EU food contact approvals, a serious management, technical sophistication, a focus toward export, long term thinking, an expansion strategy, financial stability, western thinking, product warranties and honoring claims, commercial flexibility, and the ability to maintain good relations and mutual support though soft and tight markets. The last item is high on the importance list. The true test is how a factory behaves when we need them, not when they need us.
THE ADVANTAGES OF NOW PLASTICS We bring a multitude of advantages to the table: you cannot substitute for experience and we have 35 years of it, a proven track record and reputation, financial stability, a long term orientation, global mindedness, the ability to craft customized supply chains, multiplicity of supply coupled with full transparency, local support, customer orientation, leveraging of your time by making importation easy for you, logistics management. And most of all, we are strategic thinkers and business people, something you do not get with the normal sales representation from most factories.
16/04/14 13.51
速 C
Makes Light Work of Hard-to-fill Products
www.multi-fill.com / sales@multi-fill.com Building B, 4343 West 7800 South West Jordan, Utah 84088 USA Phone 801. 280.1570 / Fax 801. 280.4341
ARTINI incessantly works to contribute to its customers’ success, create innovation, cultivate and point out the professional and human resources. These ideas, already in the thoughts of its founder, have always animated MARTINI and have evolved over time to become today a strategic priority. The new planning and production criteria of the machines have aligned to these ideas, in order to produce packaging machines and scales with the latest technology and excellent quality. The Research and Development activity is part of the creative act, turned to determine the necessary customized 1Proposesolutions on the base of our customers’ different requirements
pany that looks towards the future and to a more and more selective and diversified market. MARTINI’s strength resides in the original technological ideas, in the perseverance and in the absolute determination to be always a step forward. We are organized, effective and competitive and we always want to offer you the best. Our mission? Our customer must be always satisfied. MARTINI’s technical assistance avails itself of skilled and constantly updated engineers and technicians. What does assistance mean for MARTINI?
Give technical advice about the different packaging types
The research of adequate solutions, the spare part management, the technical updating, the remote assistance, the documentation and the training of the
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technical means to carry out an original idea. MARTINI believes to such an extent in the centrality of this function as to have it managed in the first person by the Owner. The innovation that MARTINI has continuously offered during these years to the markets is the result of investments in Research and Development, which are realized in the daily work of tens of technicians, stimulated to merge their competences and to share experiences and purposes. In these men and women there is the deep awareness that a new idea comes from a joyful and motivated spirit and is irreplaceable and inalienable in a modern com-
4 Form and give remote support
staff, destined to manage the running of the machines and of the plants, and the supply of informative material demand clearness and agility in the management of
Send spare parts in few days.
the various processes. For all these reasons an office that manages the work flow in all its ramifications has been created.
11/04/14 12.21
The new continuous motion vertical MBM600! Versatile, flexible and with a robust and compact design, the new MBM600 will be MARTINI’s cutting edge at Interpack 2014. Capable of reaching 200 bags per minute, it guarantees the maximum quality of the produced bags also at a very high speed. Equipped with the new controller NJ by OMRON, it controls the packaging process in a completely dynamic and flexible way, allowing to configure the machine rapidly in order to package different products with different bag shapes. Here you are its main characteristics: ❱ High performance vertical bag-maker, which offers the highest available speeds thanks to brushless technology ❱ Optimized bag presentation and seal quality, in different packaging configurations: pillow bags, square bottom bags, 4-seals bags ❱ High reliability maximizes the machine productivity and lowers operating and maintenance costs ❱ MGI (Martini Graphic Interface) based on touch-screen control, for simple set-up and use of the machine ❱ Decreased product waste, giveaway, downtime for cleaning and maintenance ❱ Fast changeovers ❱ Economy of film use ❱ It can be started also in intermittent mode in order to make bags with particular films or bags with relevant dimensions to contain high weight doses ❱ Remote maintenance and remote control from smartphone or tablet The application of the “four seals” system with the flat bottom bag has reached excellent results on the MBM600 in terms of quality and packaging speed.
Mod. MBM600
Not only dried fruit, chocolate, bakery products or pasta! Concerning the formation of the reclosable double flat bottom bag (commonly named “brick bag”) Martini has realized a range of modular and integrable products. Our new continuous motion forming carrousel, realized with brushless technology, is easy to use and allows a fast format change. Its main characteristic is versatility: we can equip it with all the accessories the customer desires!
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This is a realization by MARTINI, supplied to one of the best Italian pasta factories: 180 double flat bottom bags per minute, reclosable with label.
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With regard to this the President, Mr. Antonio Martini, together with his technical staff, thanks all our customers for the suggestions, the requests and also for the indications they give us. Our company has been in the market for 40 ye-
ars and addresses customers of the medium and the big foodstuff industry, which have very often out of standard requirements. It is just thanks to these particular requests that we can give a continuous renewal to our machine park. These are
the inputs that every day contribute to the company growth. Our strength is the capacity of giving the customer a customized solution, which begins with a study and takes shape in the realization of complete plants.
SNACKS world and surroundings
tube optimizes the combination of the scale INFINITY to our packaging machine MX600M-D (twin). A simple, but captivating formula for the production of
180 bags per minute. A plus for all the markets, which very often do not choose customized and expensive solutions.
In the field of digital electronic weighing (completely Italian and completely developed by MARTINI!) here you are the new scale INFINITY, compact and versatile, which can be combined with a twin tube packaging machine or with two single tube packaging machines. The scale INFINITY represents the last news introduced by MARTINI in the field of the multihead digital scales: ❱ new pre-dosing and weighing buckets, studied for very fast movements ❱ parts in techno-polymer at very high mechanical, thermal and chemical resistance ❱ new control electronics to reach matchless performances in terms of speed and weighing precision. The technological advantage of discharging in axis with the forming
Digital multihead scale mod. INFINITY
NEWS FROM THE NET! Our website has a new dress. If you look for something new or a good alternative to what you already have, visit us!
We wait for all of you at our stand
8B / C27
to show you and deepen all our new applications! Example of INFINITY application with 2 twin machines
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11/04/14 12.21
rom the chemical to food, pharmaceutical than cosmetic, every product have to be identified through a system of coding and labelling. PMR designs and manufactures machines for every need.
PMR also always supports companies in developing new systems, designed on customers’ needs, which is made possible by the fact that it is able to speak the same language of its customers. PMR supplies CUSTOMIZED, ITALIAN MADE SOLUTIONS. Through cutting-edge technology, an ultra forty years experience and using its own methodology, leads to complete a project by guaranteeing the achievement of objectives in a timely manner. The product range includes machines for small, medium and large
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companies worldwide, ranging from the laboratories to the industrial producers. PMR ensure a quick response (maximum two working days) to every request. The PMR solutions are sold and installed worldwide through a dense network of distributors. PMR SYSTEM GROUP srl, leader in manufacture of labelling machines since 1971, thanks to its big experience in packaging field, introduced the new branch: PMR EXPERIENCE, able to supply a wide range of complete and updated equipments for
dosing, filling, capping, packaging, pallets sector and thermoforming. Machines can be built in relation to specific requirements: from simple linear machine equipped with pneumatic dosing unit to triblock for rinsing, filling with flowmeters and capping; from semi-automatic machines up to complete equipments for the entire production department To keep up with the times and ever more advanced technology, our engineering department is dedicated to continuous research activities. PMR’s will is to offer its customers the unique opportunity to rely, with great serenity and security, on a single supplier that meets all production requirements for the packaging. This means a double benefit for the customer: money and resources saving. www.pmr.it
17/04/14 15.58
EPE Engineering Srl is a multi skills Engineering Company, a leading company in the field of air conditioning and air treatment systems and special industrial plants and tailor made installations. SEPE Engineering Srl was founded in 2008 after many years of experience in the Confectionery Industry, installing industrial plants all around the world for a multi-national sweets and chewing gum manufacturer. We are based in Seregno, in the Milan Industrial area, but 80% of our work is performed outside of Italy, mainly in Europe and Africa. Our main Customers are Nestlé in Kenya, Congo, Egypt, Confiserie
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Triki Le Moulin in Tunisia, Broadway Sweets in South Africa, Sandro Vanini SA in Switzerland, Ascom Confection Gmbh in Germany, and many others. We are inviting you to our booth to present to you:
NEW SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR PRODUCTS - Heating / Cooling tunnels for Jellies with constant supervision of the output’s conditions. - Cooling tunnels, designed to increase the efficiency of wrapping for chewing gum strips and to improve the coating process for dragee gums. - Technical and technological support for production / wrapping lines.
NEW SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR FACTORY - Layout study production / wrapping department: we perform a prestudy on AutoCad on the positioning of the various production machines inside the department, working together with your technical team. - Utilities system design: calculation of air conditioning; humidity control systems for your department; special studies for air treatment; correct setting of the size of the general utilities in your factory. - Technical consultancy: we act as mediators with your suppliers, for quotation requests, economic and technical comparisons, FAT. - Design of green-field factories or expansion of your existing business.
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AN OPEN MIND: THE REASON OF A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS The real ace in the hole of SEPE Engineering Srl is an open minded approach to problems, supported by a wide range of knowledge and skills: it allows us to be easily in touch with every customer, analyzing problems from several points of view. Our know-how includes design of HVAC systems, industrial supplies, general and specific layout design: starting from our customer’s needs, SEPE Engineering technicians are able to study every condition and propose excellent solutions relying upon our extensive inside knowledge. It is our firm belief that every problem can be faced and solved and that prior managing and coordination are the true bases of success: that is why SEPE Engineering is able to act as the main partner in every project, also operating as mediator with stakeholders for quotations, market comparisons and every kind of problem solving that can arise in the managing of a complex project.
CUSTOMIZED CURING ROOMS Are you a manufacturer of soft candy, jelly or chewing gum who wants to avail himself of the advice of a company with a great expertise in the field? Do you want to expand your business to jelly production? We are the company you are looking for! After a few years spent as a worldwide operating design and consulting company, SEPE started an internal division to develop design and
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production of special machineries for the food industry. The experience gained over the years in confectionery plants led SEPE to develop Curing Rooms for confectionery production: our mission is to provide customized solutions for each need, leading the project from design to manufacturing and its follow-up. The modularity of our solution fits every need: we can establish the correct size of your tunnel in accordance with your production data, and we will design the best air conditioning system of your choice: it can be hot air transversal laminar flow or treated dehumidified air transversal laminar flow, depending on your recipe’s needs. Our tunnel room is made by insulated galvanized or stainless steel panels and each room has its own dedicated HVAC unit, with customized air diffusers to create the best LAMINAR air flow for the product: cooling and drying are customized in order to provide the right climate conditions based on production needs. Benefits brought by our tunnels: ❱ Packaging efficiency increment ❱ Homogeneity of treated product ❱ Process and control traceability ❱ Waste reduction Our curing room has standard dimensions of 6000 mm of length, 2500 mm of width and 2000 mm of height. Its standard capacity amounts to 8 tons per cycle (in regard to a cycle lasting 24 hours). The air flow inside the tunnel starts from 12000 m3/h, with a tempera-
ture range between 15° and 65°C and a humidity range included in the range of 35 ÷ 50 RH (with dehumidifier option). All characteristics may vary based on Customer request. NEW LAMINAR FLOW PANEL We will be introducing at this exhibition new laminar flow panels, guaranteeing a higher hygiene for your products. Come and visit us to learn more about our new system. Find us at HALL 01, STAND C05
LAYOUT DESIGN AND DEFINITION: PRODUCTION ORIENTED TIDINESS AND FUNCTIONALITY The proper design of a new factory and the expansion of an already existing business need a great expertise: in this field SEPE Engineering offers a longstanding experience, as shown by the copious collaborations in our portfolio. Starting from the needs of the customer and the requested production volumes, we reach the best solution defining the layout of the facilities room and of the supplies needed by the processes. It is a task of key importance, as every system and sub-system installed on a production site is in connection with the others; wrong assumptions can lead to: ❱ undersized systems, leading to a later increase of the investment due to the need of a restyling of supply lines and machineries; ❱ preclusion of later possibilities of expansion, due to an omission of re-configurability studies.
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Our on-the-field experience makes us a valuable choice! Our technicians can design both generic supply circuits and specific ones (e.g. closed hot and refrigerated water systems for cooling/heat exchange and processes, open water systems, steam and condensate circuits, compressed air groups, tap water circuits, glucose circuits for confectionery factories, and more), starting from production machineries (boilers, chillers, compressors, etc.), through distribution lines (piping, valves, sensors), to utilities and end users (jacketed tanks, storage tanks and so on).
HVAC DESIGN: OUR KNOW-HOW AND EXPERTISE AT YOUR SERVICE HVAC design has always been a core business of SEPE Engineering. We choose our machinery from the leaders in chillers and AHUs manufacturing in order to grant only the best choice to our customers, following concept, design and installation of the systems. Every situation has its own needs; SEPE allows a tailor-made solution for every business. From the industrial department to the process of air conditioning, we study the whole project in order to solve the whole problem: ❱ design of HVAC solutions for single and connected areas ❱ choice of the AHUs that best fit each solution ❱ design of supplies for AHUs, from chillers and boilers to piping and valves
WIDE-RANGING EXPERTISE: NOT ONLY HVAC AND CONFECTIONERY, BUT REAL PASSION FOR ENGINEERING We number an extensive portfolio of collaborations and consultancies. We face and solve every technical problem, availing ourselves of the cooperation of respected professionals and collaborators in every field.
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❱ Technical support Design and solution of any technical problem of processes, systems and components. ❱ Consulting services Feasibility study and master planning for new production areas; cost estimation of the expansion of already built production areas. ❱ Design Civil construction, mechanical plants, electrical plants, HVAC customized for any process. ❱ Problem solving We can analyze and solve any tech-
nical problem related to your business: from the department store to production. ❱ Project management From design to execution, we manage the whole project, acting as mediator with stakeholders for support and consulting.
Sepe Engineering srl Via Milano 35 - 20831 - Seregno (MB) Tel.: (+39) 0362 17.85.634 Fax: (+39) 0362 15.41.365 http://www.studiosepe.com
15/04/14 10.00
pioneering new foam tray developed by leading food packaging manufacturer LINPAC Packaging for meat and fish products can save retailers thousands of Euros each year thanks to its innovative absorbent core. The LINstar EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) tray incorporates a built-in patented high capacity absorbent core to draw unsightly meat juices from view and prevent leaks from the pack, removing the need for separate soaker pads which are found in standard EPS packs and often disliked by consumers. LINPAC Packaging, which has a manufacturing site in Verona and its sister company Infia based in Bertinoro, has developed the unique trays for Italian retailers and food manufacturers looking for lighter, value-added packaging and who want their products to stand out from the competition. Cristiano Madama, Managing Director at LINPAC Verona, said: “Italy has been strongly affected by economic weakness and aging populations both of which have impacted consumer markets across Europe. The high unemployment rate and wavering consumer confidence has resulted in changes in the shopping behaviour of Italian consumers. In response, product and packaging manufacturers need to keep abreast of altering consumer preferences in order to be able to cater to wide-ranging demand.” Despite the challenging economy, the value of the Italian protein sec-
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tor is forecast to grow by almost 10% between 2013 and 2017, from €13,402m to €14,691m. Market volume is expected to see similar growth, of 12%, during the same period; in 2010 market volume in Italy was 1,837m Kg and by 2017 this is predicted to increase to 2,058m Kg (source: Canadean). Cristiano continued: “Changing consumer preferences are affecting the packaging industry in varied ways, driving the need for greater innovation and design. Our LINstar trays are at the cutting edge of innovation in EPS. The patented absorbent core locks away meat juices, greatly improving the
on-shelf appearance of the product and driving up sales. Whilst the premium quality of LINstar commands a higher cost than that of a standard EPS foam tray, we are confident that retailers will reap the benefits of having an efficient packaging solution like LINstar on their shelves and will quickly see a return on their investment.” The LINstar trays were trialled by a leading supermarket retailer in The Netherlands early last year. The cost savings - €50,000 at one
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store alone – led to the trays being rolled out for use across all its stores in the country. LINstar’s absorbent core significantly improves pack and meat presentation helping to drive sales and reduce the number of packs exceeding their sell-by date and wasted. “Consumers want a ‘clean’ pack and are likely to leave those which have blood and other juices visible on the shelf, even if the meat looks juicy and fresh,” said Cristiano. “Packaging manufacturers have
LINSTAR CASE STUDY Background In February 2013, the LINPAC Packaging LINcare customer service team undertook a study with a leading Dutch retailer to assess the benefits of switching to premium LINstar EPS foam trays from standard EPS trays in one store. The store where the study was taking place used 350,000 standard EPS foam trays per year. Switching would require investment by the retailer, an increased cost of 12%. The team was interested to find out the true benefits this additional spend would bring to the retailer. They considered 6 key factors: •Impact on product wastage •Mark downs •Loss of sales due to reduced quality of meat in store •Re-wrapping costs •Extra bags at tills to wrap EPS meat packs •Cost of shelf cleaning from pack leaks
Findings LINstar reduced in-store packed product waste by 1% due to the use of the more robust tray with an absorbent core. The saving was due to improved pack aesthetics, which drove sales and led to a reduction of packs exceeding their sell-by date and thereby reducing in-store waste. This saving was estimated at €14,000 per year. Cost of shelf cleaning from pack leaks was significantly reduced. Switching to LINstar with its absorbent core to lock away juices and reduce leaks, saved the store two hours per week in cleaning - €3,000 per year in costs.
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LINstar has greater shelf appeal due to its absorbent core. The quality and freshness of meat was deemed higher by consumers when it was packed in a LINstar tray compared to standard EPS trays. This delivered a 2% improvement in figures relating to loss of sales due to quality issues. The value of this to the store was estimated at €28,000 per year. Mark-downs were minimised because meat packed in LINstar trays maintained its fresh appearance for longer due to the absorbent core. This secured a 1% saving, delivering another €3,500 saving per year for the store. The LINstar solution minimised the need to re-wrap packs due to juices seeping into the wrapping layers around the pack and creating leaks. This achieved a €3,120 saving in additional films, labels, printing and man hours. Finally, €280 was saved in additional bag consumption. The absorbent core in LINstar trays meant supermarket employees working on the tills did not need to wrap the packs in additional plastic bags – often used to ensure leakage didn’t contaminate consumers’ shopping with meat fluids between store and home.
Results Despite a 12% premium to invest in LINstar EPS foam trays, the savings identified by the LINcare team totalled in excess of €50,000 for just one store. This far outweighed the initial tray investment and as a result the LINstar tray range is now being rolled out across the chain securing massive savings for the retailer across the business.
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been challenged with cutting waste across the whole supply chain – not just packaging waste but food waste too – and the LINstar tray excels in this area. With its lock-away core, the quality and freshness of meat was deemed higher by consumers when it was packed in a LINstar tray compared with other EPS trays. This means the amount of pack price mark downs and loss of sales due to quality issues is greatly reduced.” EPS foam trays are often viewed as a low cost option for in-store packing of goods. However, the associated cost of cleaning down shelving systems when packs leak as customers search for their preferred cut of meat is often not taken into account. Similarly, the extra
costs related to the rewrapping of leaking packs, for example additional films, labels, printing and man hours are overlooked. The revolutionary absorbent core within LINstar trays means retailers will no longer be faced with these issues. The LINstar range delivers all the environmental benefits associated with EPS, making it an ideal choice for retailers and packers who are looking to minimise their carbon footprint and drive up sustainability in their business. Alan Davey, Director of Innovation at LINPAC Packaging, said: “Foamed materials meet all the requirements of modern packaging with regards to the environment and recycling. Given that EPS is 98 per cent air, it
is the ultimate low carbon packaging option. It is one of the lightest packaging solutions on the market significantly reducing transportation costs and thus further reducing the carbon footprints of manufacturers and retailers throughout the supply chain. “EPS is fully recyclable and does not produce greenhouse gases on disposal, plus the energy consumption used in its manufacture can be recovered through incineration.” LINstar trays are available in a range of vibrant colours to provide product differentiation and sizes to meet all requirements. The trays have been designed to suit both manual and automatic stretch wrapping machines.
® Premium patented packaging with market leading absorbency! The market leading absorbency of LINstar® removes the need for 'soaker' pads so disliked by the consumer An ideal in-store or short shelf life packaging solution available in a variety of sizes and vibrant colours LINstar® is a registered trademark of LINPAC Packaging
LINPAC Packaging srl, Via Monte Pastello 40, 379057 San Giovanni Lupatoto, Verona, Italia
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Untitled-1 1
+39 045 92 16 411 www.linpacpackaging.com - webenquiry.it@linpacpackaging.com
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10/02/2014 13:29:33
A.VE.CO. historical Italian company of automation, manufactures food packaging and filling systems. Our story begins in 1978, studded with brilliant insights and thousands of sold systems sold for packaging and dosing of different products. According to the customer’s specific needs of the customer, and the “ LeSSpace solution”, CA.VE.CO. will show, to the next Interpack 2014 exibition, three packaging lines built to meet various needs and identified by a common “high productivity and minimal space” requirements. In pole position a whole plant, for dosing and packing of empha or marinated products, equipped by sealing machine TEMA 45; human intervention is minimized and the
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high production is guaranteed by perfect working of the line that in a small space, allows you to manage full and total reliability in the production process. Secondly there is our top model GAMMA, its natural habitat is the complete plant, here in hydraulic configuration is equipped by a E.M.I.(electro-mechanical-hydrau-
lic) system. Completely renovated showed at Interpack 2014 with its new configu-
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ration “Extrema” suitable for the most demanding customers. GAMMA is an in-line trays sealer designed for high productivity that can reach according to the trays
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size, over 120 trays/minute. Total accessibility and easy clean for the Top of CA.VE.CO.’s “GAMMA”. Last but not least is Ypsilon Skin,
the “small” of CA.VE.CO. House. Compact, reliable and fast, suitable for small and medium productions, born with the same spirit of its bigger sisters: small outside but big inside, extremely compact and robust, it can produce up to 15 cycles /minute and be equipped by sealing, MAP or SKIN systems. Completely made of stainless steel and anticorodal aluminum, it can be used in all type of productions, even in the harshest environments. With an IP65 protection, it meets the typical cleaning and hygiene requirements of the food industry. Why thousands of companies choose us every day? Quality, Service, Flexibility and Foresight: we take care of everything, for your present and furture needs. We Care Your Food!!! HALL 8B STAND G30
15/04/14 15.55
ibra has been making bag sealers since 1953. Its first sealing pincer for polyethylene film is now in Milan’s Museum of Science and Technology. The basic range of multi-purpose sealers for plastic and multi-layer bags is complemented by the production of custom-made machines for special sealing problems, and sealing bars to be placed on special packaging lines. CIBRA’s sealers are mostly used at the end of the packaging line for food products, chemicals and pharmaceutical products, plastic and metallic parts and the like. All models by Cibra are meant to be used in high quality packaging, where bags must be sealed easily but without ever risking a wrong seal.
For perfect seals: models PN PRG and IND 100 PRG These sealers share three important features that are necessary in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries and allow them to be used in protected environments or sterile areas: 1. they guarantee a perfect seal that can be constantly repeated. This guarantee comes from the possibility of regulating very precisely all the sealing parameters, and from the width of the sealing strip; 2. they are user- friendly and can be used very easily by operators whose attention must be dedicated to other phases of the process; 3. their structures are made only of stainless steel, chromate steel, aluminium or plastic, that assure the highest level of hygiene. The impulse seal is performed by resistances 3, 4, 6 or 12 mm wide. A sophisticated control by microprocessor allows a precise setting of all the sealing parameters: sealing
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time, sealing temperature, cooling time or temperature. Recipes for various materials can be stored; sealing data can be logged; errors or problems are auto diagnosed. This guarantees that all seals are perfectly repeated. The two models have a very different structure suited for different problems. Model PN PRG is available cm 60 or cm 80 width. It works on compressed air with an automatic cycle activated by a safety pedal. Cibra can supply only the sealing head for desk-top use or placement on existing supports, or a vertical structure with supporting table as
shown in the photo. The IND PRG sealer is specially designed for sealing heavy and/or bulky bags and for bags contained in bins or boxes . The trolley feeder allows the sealing unit to be conveyed directly over the bag to be sealed. The vertical support allows the sealing pincers to be raised, lowered and turned into the most convenient position. Pincers can also be removed from the support and rested on the trolley to reduce the dimensions of the unit when not in use. For special needs the pincers can be fixed anywhere and used at any distance from the trolley.
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For all uses: Sealer model AKA seals the smaller bags, up to 30 cm wide, made of multi-layer films, co-extruded films, BOPP, heat-sealable cellophane, paper+plastic. These bags are used for food, coffee seeds, chemicals, powders, and any product requiring a strong and long lasting protection. The 12 mm wide embossed seal is usually made immediately in the time of lowering and raising the pedal.
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Sealing temperature is controlled by a thermo regulator. AKA can also be fitted with a timer and with a compressed air movement that makes the sealing cycle fully automatic and totally repeatable. AKA is quite suitable for small, high quality productions, but also in big industries as a support to automatic machines for re-sealing bags that are not perfect, or for sample productions.
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he versatile PTR-1030 Series Open-Mouth Bagger from Premier Tech Chronos (PTC) is being released for European sales at the forthcoming Interpack trade show. The innovative open-mouth bagging system can pack dry free-flowing materials at rates of up to 1,100 bags/hour and is suitable for use with a range of bag types and sizes. An upgrade option is also available that allows the PTR-1030 to successfully handle porous woven polypropylene bags.
bags to accurately position them on the filling spout; while the second robotic arm removes the filled bag for transfer to the closing system.
PTC has used its well-proven experience as a certified FANUC Robotics integrator to carefully incorporate two robotic arms into the PTR-1030. One robotic arm handles empty
PTR-1030 is one of the most versatile robotic open-mouth bagging systems available to industry. This versatility is achieved by its ability to handle a wide range of bag types
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By separating out these basic operating functions to different robotic arms has enabled PTC to enhance the speed of the PTR-1030, which has also benefited from the proven reliability of the FANUC Robotics, which is an international leader in the manufacturing of intelligent robotic solutions.
and sizes. This includes: gusseted or pillow type open-mouth bags; made from either paper, polyethylene; laminated woven polypropylene; and porous woven polypropylene bags. Bag widths in the range 279 to 610mm; and bag lengths of 457 to 1016mm can be successfully handled. The way the robotic arms has been programmed allows the PTR-1030 to provide optimum bag changeover times, when changing to a different packing schedule, a different product or a different type and, or size. The empty bag handling robot can also be upgraded with a vision system, which realigns the top of the bag during the empty bag plac-
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ing motion, thereby optimising the bag shape for subsequent bag closing process. All machine contact parts are made of 304 stainless steel; and the filled bag transfer robot has been designed for compatibility with all types of bag mouth closing systems. To help ensure a clean filling process the PTR-1030 incorporates
a bag-on-spout detection system to avoid any product spillage. The compact design and footprint of the PTR-1030 allows its easy incorporation into sites with limited space and restricted heights. The use of smart wiring technology enables simple and speedy on-site installation / commissioning. A PTR-1030 will be displayed on
the PTC booth (D23, Hall 12) at the forthcoming Interpack trade show; 8-14 May 2014. Premier Tech Chronos incorporates Richard Simon Limited, Verville, BTH, Premier Tech Chronos - America and Premier Tech Chronos – Asia for European spares, refurbishments, service, installation and commissioning.
ie vielseitigen OffensackAbsackanlagen der PTR1030 SERIE von Premier Tech Chronos (PTC) werden für den europäischen Markt auf der bevorstehenden Fachmesse Interpack vorgestellt. Die innovative Absackanlage für Offensäcke ist zur Abfüllung von frei fließendem Schüttgut in einer Vielzahl verschiedener Sackarten und Sackmaterialien ausgelegt und erreicht eine Leistung von bis zu 1.100 Säcken pro Stunde. Für die Verarbeitung von Luftdurchlässige Polyethylen Gewebesäcke mit der PTR-1030 besteht darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit einer Nachrüstung. Auf Grundlage der umfassenden Erfahrung von PTC als zertifizierter Systemintegrator für FANUC Robotics wurden zwei Roboterarme in die PTC-1030 integriert. Ein Roboterarm dient der korrekten Positionierung der leeren Säcke auf dem Einfüllstutzen, während der zweite Arm die abgefüllten Säcke zur Weiterverarbeitung durch die Verschließanlage vom Stutzen abnimmt. Durch die Trennung dieser beiden grundlegenden Verarbeitungsfunktionen erreicht die PTR-1030 eine
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höhere Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit. Die bewährte Zuverlässigkeit der Automatisierungslösungen von FANUC Robotics, einem international führenden Anbieter intelligenter Roboter, hat außerdem weitere entscheidende Produktvorteile zur Folge: PTR-1030 ist eine der vielseitigsten Robotabsackanlagen für Offensäcke auf dem Markt, da mit ihr eine große Bandbreite unterschiedlicher Sackarten und Sackmaterialien verarbeitet werden kann. Dazu gehören: Flachsäcke, Seitenfaltensäcke aus Papier und Polyethylen. Die Anlage ist für die Verarbeitung von Sackbreiten zwischen 279 und 610 mm und Säcklängen von 457 bis 1016 mm konzipiert. Die Roboterarme wurden für optimale Umstellungszeiten des Sackformats, des Verpackungsplans, der Produktart, des Produkttyps oder der Größe programmiert. Der Roboterarm für die Bearbeitung der Leersäcke kann auch mit einem Visionssystem nachgerüstet werden, welches die Sackoberseite bei der Platzierung der Leersäcke neu ausrichtet und so die Form des Sackes für den anschließenden
Verschlussvorgang optimiert. Sämtliche Berührungsteile bestehen aus rostfreiem Stahl 304. Der Transferoboter für die befüllten Säcke ist mit allen Sackverschließsystemen kompatibel. Für einen sauberen Abfüllprozess verfügt die PTR-1030 über einen Sackdetektor an den Einfüllstutzen, der Produktverschüttungen verhindert. Aufgrund der kompakten Bauweise und der kleinen Maße eignet sich die PTR-1030 für Standorte mit begrenztem Platz und beschränkter Raumhöhe. Die intelligente Verkabelung ermöglicht einfache und schnelle Montage vor Ort/Inbetriebnahme. Eine PTR-1030 wird am Messestand von PTC (D23, Halle 12) auf der bevorstehenden Fachmesse Interpack, die vom 8.-14. Mai stattfindet, ausgestellt. Zu Premier Tech Chronos gehören Richard Simon Limited, Verville, BTH, Premier Tech Chronos - America und Premier Tech Chronos – Asia als europäische Anbieter von Ersatzteilen, Um- und Aufrüstungen, Wartung, Montage und Inbetriebnahme.
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an Vendemiano, 4th March 2014 - P.E.T. Engineering, specialized in the design and manufacturing of PET containers, closed an extremely positive 2013 with an increase in turnover of 45% compared to the previous year, and a 15% EBITDA. Based in San Vendemiano (TV) and founded in 1999 by Moreno Barel, the Company is the sole point of reference for all beverage packaging requirements of the main international brands: PepsiCo, Nestlé Waters, Granarolo, Parmalat, Baltika, Efes, Ab Inbev, Carlsberg, Ferrero, to name but a few. This success has been prompted once again by foreign markets, where the Treviso-based Company generates approximately 82% of its total sales, 70.58% of which comes from the outside the UE, and in particular from the Russian Federation.
Moreno Barel, C.E.O. of P.E.T. Engineering, states that these export results derive from “a service capable of combining design and manufacturing, innovation and Made-in-Italy, always greatly appreciated across the border. As well as being a year of achievements in terms of orders and turnover, 2013 was the year of awards which recognized the efforts of an SME that believes in Human Capital and commitment”.
not take long to come: during the year, P.E.T. Engineering received four awards for its eco-design. The most prestigious one was the Oscar dell’imballaggio 2013 for the 5LW, the lightest-ever five-litre container.
In fact, the increase in turnover and excellent profits enabled the Company to invest in new resources and favoured a 30% increase of the staff. The purpose of this was to empower multidisciplinary teams consisting of designers, engineers and researchers, to work together on every project. The results of this organization did
07/04/14 13.37
RVED GROUP, established 30 years ago, is actively present in all international markets with the Brands ORVED and BMB. ORVED GROUP can presently count on a large web of cooperators – about 1200 dealers and exporters in 120 Countries all over the world. ORVED GROUP has always been offering top-quality equipment and very innovative technological solutions. ORVED machines are renowned for their reliability and strength; they have become recognized and established in the worldwide market thanks to ORVED clients and cooperators. ORVED gives special attention to technical customer assistance, wherever it may be. Each ORVED machine is built in compliance with the strictest international regulations, is CE certified and the company is ISO 9001:2000 certified both for the production of packing machines and vacuum bags.
VGP 60n The brand new trays thermo-sealing machine - vacuum/gas VGP, capable of vacuum packing in trays, is a revolutionary machine.
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The machine is completely stainless steel built and offers vanguard excellent quality building and working features. In fact, it is able to reach the 99% vacuum level and inject up to 100% gas, without the aid of a compressor (as all other similar machines on the market at present need). This feature of working without compressor makes the machine particularly suitable for all those activities which haven’t enough space available for equipment and aren’t normally fitted with compressed air. The thermo-sealing tray machine model VGP 60n is perfect for stores and mega-stores and for all those small shops selling meat, fresh pasta, etc., where a thermo-sealing machine is needed to pack trays under modified atmosphere in a quick, easy and silent way. Right because of the absence of the annoying noise made by the compressor, the machine is extremely silent when working. It is therefore a very modern, innovative and cheap machine, equipped with a digital command board touch screen with 10 independent programs which memorize different vacuum and gas injection times in order to grant a complete and diversified packaging manage-
ment. Each working phase is then controlled by a microchip that allows the ultra-vacuum and ultra-gas functions. The machine ensures same building and component features implemented on all other ORVED equipment: extreme solidity, innovative technology and long lasting. As far as law is concerned, the machine complies with the strictest domestic and international rules for hygiene and safety.
Traysealing machines seal OPM model BMB offers to customers a complete range of thermosealing machines, identified by acronym SEAL.. The thermosealing machines SEAL line are fully automated high tech machines for sealing and packaging with any type of preformed tray in vacuum and modified atmosphere any kind of foodstuff and not as: All thermosealing machines SEAL line from small MICRO to big MAXI are designed and implemented with technology and design to the construction to ensure maximum reliability and simplicity, in the everyday operations both on ordinary cleaning and maintenance. The small one thermosealing MICROSEAL model is a very small machine with steel frame mounted on wheels and with the suction pump placed directly inside the machine.
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The machine is equipped with a standard ground plane with 2 stations to load trays with maximum dimensions not exceeding 370 x 265 mm. Once positioned on the loading area, fully automatically by stainless steel strips the trays are trasported inside the packaging station where the cycle is always done in automatic second the mode provided from the operator. Even the progress of the film is also automatic and controlled, to minimize waste. The change of the format with the technical solutions chosen is particularly simple and fast and is done without the use of keys or special equipment. The management of the machine is assigned to PLC as a practical and intuitive touch screen permits the entry of parameters and display messages and alarms. The machine allows the storage of 20 working programs, to secure an optimal packing the final level of vacuum and gas can be detected through a electronic transducer. The machine can operate in several mode: ❱ Only sealing ❱ Partial vacuum and sealing ❱ Vacuum + Inert gas and sealing ❱ Vacuum and skin effect ❱ Gas and sealing On request the standard equipment could be complete with a range of accessories such as : ❱ Elongated loading area ❱ Automatic trays loader ❱ Automatic dosing unit for solid or liquid products ❱ Photocell for printed film ❱ Hot or thermal transfer printer ❱ Exit conveyor belt ❱ Weighing and labeling packages system.
VGP 60n
Vacuum Packaging Tape OPM 3.0
ORVED spa Via dell’Artigianato, 30 · 30024 Musile di Piave (Venezia) Italy Telefono +39 0421 54387 - Fax +39 0421 332295 www.orved.com - info@orved.com
BMB srl Via del Lavoro, 48 · 36034 Molina di Malo (Vicenza) Italy Telefono +39 0445 510207 - Fax +39 0445 639274 www.bmb-bmb.com - info@bmb-bmb.com
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wo companies, Storci and BS, a long working history behind them and a great deal of experience and reciprocal knowledge, these are the reasons which have led to a strong collaboration in the ready meals sector. One of the special features of BS, something which is essential for Storci, is its flexibility in designing and building machinery and systems. BS is made up of people who love their work, of experience handed down from father to son and a passion for this line of business. So why a company like Storci? Lucio Bonini from BS replies: “Everyone knows the quality of Storci technology, for us it is a guarantee and we hope the feeling is mutual. And then, behind us we have many years of collaboration with Anzio Storci, there is a long history of co-operation between us based on mutual respect. The level of understanding with Storci is perfect because we share an important value: quality and a high level of product customization. We began by making a number of parts for Storci spreader units, the results were always excellent and the level of trust continued to grow. We are the best when it comes to creating dosing units with just a few but crucial features: space-saving, simplicity of use and many top performance features. We offer good and long-lasting technology and Storci knows this, and the new Storci-BS Network brand proves it�. What are we actually talking about? For lasagna and cannelloni produc-
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tion, Storci-BS offers the opportunity to choose between semiautomatic or automatic lines with different production capacities (all of which offer user-friendly control, top level automatisms, easy cleaning and servicing, vacuum technology): from 600 trays/hour, up to approximately 4,500 kg/h. On the other hand, for those interested in ready meals made from filled, short- and long-cut pasta, the multiproduct line is the answer, offering
a large selection of pasta shapes, space-saving cooking and production capacity, maximum simplicity in terms of use and cleaning. The multiproduct line has a production capacity of between 600 to 5,000 trays/hour and, when necessary, products such as dry pasta, meat, rice, fish and vegetables can also be cooked. The synergy between the two companies is strong and without doubt we will soon be getting positive feedback from the market.
20/03/14 16.40
Specialist in fresh cheese equipment. Kingmar is a leading supplier in the world of soft cheese production. Our innovative machines are especially designed for small cheese manufacturers. They are all able to work in line in order to cover the whole production process for your satisfaction.
Kingmar, because fresh cheese deserves its own machine!
Washing machines
Forming machines
+31 (0) 650481915
e manufacture trolley and bakery equipment MADE IN ITALY. We have developed our know-how as a result of fifty years experience in the sector and we have invested in order to optimize production. We work daily with several customers both in ltaly and overseas. In the production we use only certified raw materials &highest technological machines.
Only professional solutions Wheels Baguette ROTOR® racks Customized
Logistics bakery fields Racks – baguette trays – wheels and customized service
WHEELS&HOUSINGS Ruincar produces wheels&ZincPlated or stainless steel castors for every purpose at high temperatures.
PLANE & CORRUGATED TRAYS We produce trays for industrial &
artisan bread lines and for rack ovens applications. Industrial line trays utilize stainless steel frames combined with high strength perforated Aluminium Alloy screens. All Aluminium trays are designed to be used on industrial lines and rack oven applications and screens can be welded or riveted at frames.
We produce stainless steel handling racks &roto-ovens stainless steel trolleys. We can supply every kind of hook configuration.
Our technical department as in his files every drawing of the most important worldwide bakery ovens manufacturers.
CUSTOMIZED PRODUCT Non-stick teflon® coatings exceed 5000 bake cycles… and coatings will not peel of. Trays are free of metal burs. Customized dimensions available. Trays are supplied clean and ready to bake! www.ruincar.com
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07/04/14 11.49
04/04/14 15.29
SR confirms that it will be attending the Interpack Fair in Düsseldorf, a triennial event of great importance for the sector of confectionery machinery. Among the 2,700 exhibitors coming from more than 60 countries, GSR will not miss out the chance to show the world its latest technological innovations. GSR will be located at stand C08 in hall 1, from May 8, 2014; come and visit us: it is an opportunity to become acquainted with this important Italian business and to appreciate its new proposals. The company will present a totally exclusive novelty at this 2014 event that will grab the attention of op-
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erators in this sector by laying the foundations for new opportunities in squeezing processes. It is an essential product line designed to meet the flexibility needs required by craft workshops to promote research and development. With a productive capacity up to 60kg/hour, it is a pure concentrate of technology, reliability and hygiene. This creation will allow GSR to reconfirm, once again, its role as the pioneer of the sectorial market. Along the last 20 years, GSR has been establishing itself for expressing the best of “made in Italy” in the world, as a synonym of quality. GSR was founded in Lombardy, in
the heart area of the province of Lecco, it has made the characteristics of “made in Lecco” excellence its own, a key area in the manufacture of heavy precision machineries. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, GSR has already laid the foundations for intensive industrial development that characterized this area’s future and that subsequently made it a major player in this field in the early postwar period. This progress occurred through several spontaneous initiatives which subsequently multiplied thanks to a great enterprising spirit, technical expertise, a consolidated tradition and an entrepreneurial class capa-
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ble of focusing its attention on innovation and of imposing specific excellence not only of “Made in Italy”, but even more of “Made in Lecco”, creating a connection between the local area and the production quality outside its national borders. The region of Lombardy produces some of the best alloy steels on the market, renowned for their extremely high quality. From 1992 up to now, GSR has been able to bear this long regional tradition in mind becoming a company of excellence, a true point of reference in the production of machineries and accessories for cocoa squeezing. Research is GSR’s essence. We always strive to provide higher quality products than the standard ones; it is one of the company’s major purposes. To be the future and to go beyond it. This philosophy has led the company to invest heavily in research in terms of capital and resources, fully aware of the fundamental role that research plays in the development
of its activity. Innovative engineering solutions, sophisticated software as well as testing and simulations to give the best and dictate the rules of the market with the highest capacity presses and up-to-date laboratory facilities. Along the last 5 years, GSR has considerably developed the production capacity of its 900 and 980 product lines: in 2012/13, the 900 series
launched the 8 pot line and the 980 series the 18 one. It then exceeded expectations in the compact machines sector with the 870 (4 and 6 pots) product line, designed for medium-sized companies and with laboratory lines, thanks to the 1400 and 1250 series, with 1 and 2 pots. GSR’s products range also includes new accessories, such as melting/ conditioning systems and laboratory cake breakers. Thanks to our expertise, we are able to give new life to any kind of press, without scrapping it before the expected time. Company technicians’ skills and experience have developed technologies for retro-fitting and upgrading any existing press, even those produced by other manufacturers. GSR’s research studies also focus on energy saving technologies, optimizing production processes to reduce energy consumption. Even though they were already satisfied with the 2010 results, the company’s team managed to reduce the 20% of the energetic consumption thanks to the implementation of specific research studies. GSR considers research a system
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of ideas that covers the whole cocoa supply chain, from the crops through to the finished product, including market trends and new habits. GSR is ready and prepared to deal with every possible situation. GSR’s commitment goes beyond the concrete components and materials. It also affects all the relational and human processes that intervene when a collaborative relationship between the customer and the supplier begins. GSR’s essential goal is to meet the customer’s requirements and to give him the ability to be competitive on the market. The company’s team is composed of technicians who listen to the customer and provide him the best solutions to every need. They are specialists who follow their customer from the design of the project and throughout the life cycle of the machine, ensuring an effective traceability system in every part of the process. It is a qualified team at complete
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disposal of the customer and properly organized who guarantees accuracy, reliable delivery times as well as price certainty, effective answers and assistance one-to-one. All this in virtue of the humility and ethics characterizing GSR’s relationships. Everything manufactured in GSR, from specific press components up to individual accessories, is based on product design stages studied in great detail, thanks to the tangible ability and skills of the whole GSR’s team. A highly skilled and cohesive team of engineers, technicians, designers, commercial and logistics units trained within the company can carry out the required tasks to the highest standards. GSR’s team expertise contributes to confer to GSR’s production high quality and unique lines. The design. It is the distinctive feature of GSR’s products: the whole structural design of the machines has been designed and studied meticulously. The surfaces, all-sides
rounded profiles, the high-placed loading groups as well as pipes, machine edges and many other features have been designed to guarantee the highest standard of hygiene, facilitating cleaning and maintenance. Design and expertise allow to the maintenance technicians to avoid tiring or dangerous postures. The change of felt rings and filter plates is rapid and doesn’t require particular precautions. GSR’s presses are safeguarded by a transparent protection assembled on stainless steel frame which preservs the operator from any risks. Our typically Italian design lends our machines a captivating and unmatched look. This helps to be happier and arouse more dedication to own work. GSR is an Italian company of excellence. Its machineries continually raise the global standards in terms of production capacity, quality and innovation, and work without a break at the lowest Total Operational Cost of each processed t.
07/04/14 10.38
We bring together experience and passion for the product.
hiaravalli Group S.p.A. is a leading company in the production of blades for slicing machines, with state of the art technology and a warehouse with over 250,000 finished parts, in order to satisfy immediately the needs of the customers. Our company is the result of great passion and consistent investment of energies on entrepreneurial projects, for the creation of a wide range of extremely high quality products, able to meet the requirements of a market that is more and more demanding, and in constant evolution. Chiaravalli Group S.p.A. brings together the great level of know-how of the historic German trademark RASSPE, consistently the most important manufacturer of blades for slicing machines for over a century, and the thirty year experience of their own personnel, together with the advanced technological features of the machines used to complete each production stage. With our historic trademarks: RASSPE BLADES and KLINGER, we have been able to secure a strong presence in all the world markets. THIRD GENERATION the new frontier of blades for slicing machines. Chiaravalli Group S.p.A. has introduced and patented a great innovation in the production of blades for slicing machines: the so-called THIRD GENERATION, conceived with the idea of a cut that is increasingly perfect, reducing waste to the minimum. A profile structured on two different levels, and the narrow band, reduce the blade’s surface in contact with the product, avoiding pointless frictions, and ensuring that the part of
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the blade not directly involved in the cutting process is always cleaner. This type of finishing can be applied to our whole range of items, and represents a winning solution for cutting cheese, cured meats and vegetables. In summary: ❱ avoids the waste that is normal with traditional blades; ❱ enables to obtain extremely thin and perfect slices; ❱ the flavor of the product is un-
changed because the blade does not become hot. In addition, together with the traditional “MIRROR FINISH” that is characteristic of the highest quality standards, this development ensures: ❱ a further improvement in terms of cleanliness; ❱ high wear and abrasion resistance; ❱ high corrosion protection; ❱ low friction coefficient.
11/04/14 11.42
T Pack, leader in food packaging environment, always present as a standstill during Interpack exhibition, is constantly working on important technology improvements on the whole range of its solutions. During current Interpack exhibition, will be present at our stand several new developments just proven in production runs as well as systems for new machines from 2014. CT Pack team is glad to invite you to find us at our booth to discover the following innovative solution:
COMPLETE PACKAGING LINE FOR SNACKS Row distribution system, dual lane flowpack machine MMH2, dual robot box loading unit fully designed and integrated into a complete CT Pack packaging line for 800 snacks per minute will be shown at the stand. The high-tech automatic wrapper machine has been designed to complete CT-Pack’s machine range. This unit is indeed intended to overcome the needs of a machine that is able to merge together the production speed of two single lane wrapping machines, as well as providing an everlasting buffer intended as a stand by line integrated in the main one. This unit shares with CT Pack single
lane models the same stainless steel material And construction technology following the principle to be totally hygienic and washable. MMH 2 is extremely user friendly for operator and maintenance teams as well as ergonomic in all its parts. The unit is the perfect solution for those factories with very high production capacity needs and lack of available floor space. MMH2 is integrated with the most appropriate feeding row distribution system, with buffer and re-feed features, as well as with the special APLC metering belts phasing systems for proper and constant loading of the flowpack lug chain lanes. Downstream of the primary packaging section, a dual robot box loading machine receives the single packs and load a wide variety of containers, including special crates for
the market where the line is going to be delivered. With same material and electronic for all machines, perfectly integrated logic, this line constitutes a real example of CT Pack high-tech solution for the food industry.
SOFT/WET PRODUCTS FLOWPACK MACHINE This machine has been developed to face the necessity to handle soft and/ or wet products like naked soft cheese (the exhibited case) in the strongest hygiene environment contest. The unit is equipped with an integrated metering belt phasing system running over the reels area which takes place top-down under the products arrival. The inverted longitudinal sealing system allows to have the foil coming from the bottom, giving support to the soft product during the movement across the sealing area. At last the most important part of this machine is the special box motion transversal sealing head which guarantees the gas/tight sealing at the highest speed on the market.
SMART CARRIER INFEED SYSTEM FOR FLOWPACK MACHINES This is the most advanced implementation CT Pack is going to integrate in the flowpack machines. When con-
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Soft/wet Products Flowpack machine venient, the lug chain together with the product phasing system will be replaced by the individual smart carrier system. Able to load products on individual carriers moving independently, this system is theoretically replacing any kind of product phasing system with advantages in terms of size and flexibility. The prototype machine will be presented in the current Interpack edition.
CT PACK FEATURES ON 2014 MACHINES RAPID SYSTEM: Shared data structure system for every machine. Of course the main advantage is the user friendly operations given by a system which in many ways resemble Plug & Play system for PC. Besides this important feature Rapid allows, thanks to the Power Monitor device, to collect a virtually endless database showing data like real time functioning, consumptions, real time and historic efficiency etc. REGISTERED ID ACCESS: The new feature add many functions to the control panel. The access to the machine is recorded with an ID bound to the operator badge which can enter with different roles but with a single ID per person. Each access is log recorded with historic chronology of intervention on the machine. In the future the log can be done by portable tablets and mobile phones. FORMAT RECIPE ON FILES: The format changes will be loaded by simple files, thanks to the integration in the electrical cabinet of an industrial PC,
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this means that will be possible to keep chronology of the recipes and creating backup files.
CT PACK ACTIVITY SECTORS CT Pack focus its attention on those areas which includes foods, beverages and para-pharmaceutical products. For every one of the mentioned sectors CT Pack is able to provide full turn-key packaging lines starting from the naked product to the case-packer system.
The firm is open also to “outsider” products, for instance CT Pack had some experiences in the near past with automotive components handling.
An especially deep know-how has been developed through the years also for the handling of frozen products could they be ice cream or other foods/goods. This has been confirmed by our partnership with the major ice cream factories in the global market.
CT PACK IN THE TERRITORY AND GROWTH STRATEGY Strong connection with the University scientific world in the territory, acquisition of high level technical information, in-house testing structure for proof of principle or component reliability test, assure our R&D and Technical Departments to develop and to manufacture automatic packaging machines and fully integrated complete packaging lines which are ... THE BEST SOLUTION FOR EACH CUSTOMER’S NEEDS. Despite the delicate economy period and the high competitive and fast developing market, CT Pack was constantly increasing the turn-over, the presence inside the most important International Food Companies (among others: Kraft-MondelezCadbury, Unilever, Nestlè, Kellogg, Bimbo), the number and quality of the personnel as well as its size with a second brand new production factory in Ferrara-Italy. “Ready to provide the most advanced competences with the proper structure behind”. With the establishment of CT USA Corporation, based in Chicago-IL. and CT CHINA Corporation based in Shanghai-China, in addition to the branches in Europe, the presence of CT Pack worldwide is under completion. CT USA and CT CHINA Corporations will be for the time being responsible for the Sale and Service Support of all CT PACK products for new and existing customers in the North American and Chinese territories, with the aim of manufacture locally most of the machine components for the relevant Regions.
03/04/14 15.48
OLWEG exists since 1889 when Charles and August Holweg set up a modest paper business. “Over the years, the company gained essential expertise in the paper packaging sector”. At the present time, HOLWEG is a world reference in the industry of paper processing. HOLWEG employs a team of 85 people at its French headquarters in Molsheim/France and was able to generate a turnover of 17 million EUR last year. “Our core competence is found in the development, manufacturing and distribution of machines for
the production of paper packaging products”. “HOLWEG know-how in the area of manufacturing multi-application flat and gusset bags was merged in 2008 with the expertise of HG WEBER in Kiel/USA, a specialist of manufacturing lines for multi-application square bottom bags. Since 2012, HOLWEG is part of the French investment fund Azulis and maintains several branch offices around the world. “Our global reach allows us to provide local services on all levels,” states Jean-Claude Jaufret, the sales and marketing director. “In this regard, all departments, for instance sales, shipment and R&D, stay in continuous communication”. Starting from 1st of April 2014, HolwegWeber took over the Opera-
tions of SPM Gmbh close to Bielefeld in Germany, well known as competent producer of Block and Cross Bottom Bag machines for Polypropylene and Paper Bags. This completion between HOLWEG, WEBER and SPM creates the largest portfolio of Solutions for the Packaging bag industry. The complementary know how is strengthening our commitment to offer Creative lines for the customer growth.
OLWEG leader leaderin inmanufacturing manufacturing H HOLWEG of of bag bag making makingmachines machinesand and sheeters sheeterslast lastgeneration generation! !
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www.holwegweber.com www.holwegweber.com
Creativelines lines to to growth growth Creative
Takethe the opportunity opportunity to to see see our latest innovations Take innovationsat at Interpack 2014 in Düsseldof-Germany Interpack Düsseldof-Germany Machines running running live ! Booth Machines Booth 11D53 11D53 HOLWEG FP 2/14.indd 3
03/04/14 16.59
Copyright Warning! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All machinery specifications, programs, concepts and final combined food products shown on this site are protected under International Copyright and Patent Laws. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited.
NEOFOOD: THE INNOVATION FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Making industrial food attractive: and the lines become TV stars
ll edible masses can be divided into three groups by viscosity – soft (liquid), medium and hard. We manufacture the best forming machines for each group. Intelledrop, Intellemix and Intellestamp are perfect as stand-alone machines, and can be used for forming center-filled or two-colored products on a continuous belt in a tunnel oven or cooling system. 1. IntelleDrop - for depositing liquid masses like liquid marmalade or jelly, or liquid chocolate or cream, on tartlets or flat cookies, or depositing short dough. 2. IntelleMix - for the formation of different kinds of soft cookies and marshmallows with a depositing method, or string cutting. 1. IntelleStamp - for the production of ginger bread cookies, candy, cottage cheese bars, or meat/fish balls or cutlets. If you have both an oven and a cooler of the same width at your plant, forming heads can be interchanged with twin baking and cooling lines. However, the main advantage is the possibility of synchronizing the operation of two or three forming heads installed in the desired sequence, and thus creating innovative cookies or snacks/ desserts with three to seven components. Initially we separate food masses by viscosity, but unite them finally in a magic creative combination! The Neofood system is modular and upgradeable - you
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can add forming heads as demand increases and your product lines grow. You do not need to purchase complete lines – just by adding machines you can dramatically change your assortment and production volume. The more heads you have, the more ideas you will have about the production of multi-component sweets from our database!
31/03/14 12.29
The Addition Method The depositing mechanism Result: To increase the product assortment, it is necessary to increase the quantity of semi-automatic confectionery machines. This is the ADDITION method.
The Multiplication Method Result: To increase the product assortment, it is NOT necessary to increase the quantity of semi-automatic confectionery machines. This is the MULTIPLICATION method. All machinery can be delivered both in assembled and semi-assembled condition.Self assemble sets are available.Machines can be assembled at the customers site by our technicians or by customer’s staff. This will optimize the equipment price as well as delivery and customs
costs. Detailed assemble written and video instructions are enclosed. You are probably a producer of desserts, confectionary and bakery products. You use automatic or semi-automatic machinery, and are familiar with all the well-known machinery manufacturers on the market. Your products are respected and bestsellers, but perhaps you are not satisfied, and are looking for something new and innovative. Maybe you want a new forming, extruding, depositing or enrobing machine? Maybe you dream of a simple interchangeability of your forming machines when connecting them to your tunnel oven or cooling tunnel, or even combining them to create multi-component products?
However, all the well-known machinery manufacturers are in competition, and build incompatible machines with varying distances between nozzles and the PLC control. Our innovative equipment is aimed at those customers who would like to produce innovative snack foods, in all kinds of industrial food manufacturing plants, in either automatic or semi-automatic mode. Our lines and stand-alone machines are perfect for the production of centrally-filled or multi-component foodstuffs, such as two-color products. Our machines are flexible, modular and upgradeable. Your future lines will develop as far as your imagination and production volume will allow. At Neofood, we have created and developed machines and technologies which are re-
INTELLEDROP Modern piston depositing system for liquid confectionery masses (fruit candy, jelly, cream, hot chocolate etc). This module is able to make dot and longitudinal deposits. It is used to deposit or pour liquid confectionery into forms. IntelleDrop can be used as a stand-alone machine for depositing liquid marmalade or chocolate on cookies, or as a part of the complex CreaSweet, which is created around the IntelleBase module, for filling various confectionery forms, such as tartlets and cookies, with fruit candy. IntelleDrop is delivered with a selection of binary jellificatIon. Varlous kinds of sandwich cookies with all possible fillings. To cater for differing tastes, various kinds of combined products - cookies with jelly or jam; fruit candy with a chocolate covering; biscuits covered with chocolate, jam or jelly; marshmallow on cookies - can be produced. It will also dress the products by glazing them with contrasting colors. You can introduce innovation to the range, make your ideas a reality – you are only limited by your imagination. You can make pastry-base tartlets on the Rondo Doge line, and fill them with several sweet or salted products on our semi-automatic machines, or an automatic Neofood line. Round or oval pastries provide the perfect crispy base for various jelly, marshmallow and nougat/ fondant products. The standard Intelledrop line has a tartlet feeding device on which all three heads can be used. Tartlets can be made from pastry dough, by pressing from nougat, coconut mass... They can be filled with marshmallow, cheese, jelly, cream, ice-cream, pate or salad.
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INTELLEMIX IntelleMix is a modern two-component forming-extrusion machine with a roller-gear system of depositing. Its function is the professional formation of zephyrs, soft cookies, aerated fruit candy, aerated quark cheese, and other confectionery / dairy masses of average viscosity. A range from delicate Russian beze cookies, souffle and marshmallow to semi-dense confectionery and meat paste masses can be deposited or extruded by IntelleMix, It deposits by dot or longitudinal jigging (dotted line), and can also process a continuous extrusion (marshmallow sticks, cookie sticks, fondants etc).
INTELLESTAMP The IntelleStamp is a modern two-component formationextrusion head, with a screw-type forcing system for the extrusion and formation of products from thick masses like toffee, nougat, hematogen (a Russian nutrition bar), gingerbread dough, cooled dense cottage cheese mass, mincemeat with stuffing, to masses of liquid viscosity. It allows the extrusion of masses with particles of 3 - 5 mm (nuts, raisins, candied fruits etc). It has a powerful screw system of extrusion, with three modern cutting systems: diaphragm cutting, string cutting and guillotine cutting. The head is supplied with a filling feeder.
INTELLEGLAZE IntelleGlaze is equipped with an integrated programmed enrobing-decorating unit. It is capable of decorating with zigzag lines and dot decoration. It is also possible glaze over products in a wavy pattern. Equipped with two big tanks for glazing, and two small decorator feeder tanks, it is capable of two-color complete glazing with two-color decoration – a total of four colors. There are also the options of partial enrobing - only one side - or complete enrobing. It is equipped with an automatic pumping and filtration system for the glaze. Decoration is possible with different colored jellies and chocolate compounds.
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uraray Co. Ltd. has been manufacturing and marketing ethylene vinylalcohol copolymers (EVOH) under the name EVAL™ since 1972, and remains the world leader in EVOH production and market development. William Reay, global marketing manager for EVAL Europe, talks to Food Processing about all EVOH has to offer.
Can you tell us a bit about the company? William Reay: Kuraray was founded in Japan in 1926, and quickly expanded from plastic rayon textile fibres into speciality chemicals and polymers. We are the world’s largest producer of VAM [vinyl acetate monomer] derivatives, including PVOH (polyvinyl alcohol) and EVOH (ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers).
How can EVAL EVOH help brand-owners and producers reduce their carbon footprint? By reducing packaging, and avoid-
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ing waste. EVAL EVOH is all about finding the perfect balance between function and minimal amounts of materials. EVAL EVOH has performance against oxygen gas that is 10,000 times better than LDPE [low-density polyethylene]. In other words, 1mm of EVAL gives the same protection as a 10m-thick wall of LDPE. We thus need an EVAL layer thickness of just a few microns to add enough barrier function to a coextruded structure. Optimising the amount of packaging materials helps reduce the carbon footprint of a product. But, it is the barrier
function that plays the most important role by prolonging shelf life and avoiding waste; the contents of a package usually have a much greater environmental impact than the packaging materials in which they are sold. It not only makes good environmental sense, but good economic sense as well.
Are the materials recyclable or recoverable? Both. Multilayer structures including EVAL™ are routinely ground up and reused as a structural layer in multilayer barrier plastic bottles, sheet and trays. EVAL will not disrupt polyolefin recycling streams, either online or post-consumer. Because EVAL is a plastic, it provides good energy recovery, and emits only water vapour and CO2 – no toxic residue, no metal, no chlorine. Because there isn’t much EVAL in the structure to begin with, even these emissions are quite small, especially when compared with the important benefits of avoiding waste. In the fu-
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ture, EVAL itself may be made from renewable sources that don’t interrupt food supply chains.
Stand-up pouches are increasingly being used for ready meals. Are your solutions microwave-safe? Absolutely. Stand-up pouches are a good example of optimised packaging, using relatively small amounts of material to protect food until it can be consumed. The microns of EVAL provide barrier properties and shelf-life extension to the entire structure. EVAL is a transparent plastic – no problem for microwave ovens. It can also be used for energy-efficient aseptic filling processes, and is compatible
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with metal detectors during processing.
How can EVAL reduce waste and protect food? Prolonging shelf life is an important way to avoid waste. It adds valuable time to the processing and distribution process, while keeping the contents fresh with their vitamins and aroma intact. Our partners usually come to us for optimised oxygen gas barrier, but EVAL also keeps aromas inside the package and effectively blocks outside odours, grease and contamination. A fast growing example of the benefit of this is the EVAL solution against MOSH/MOAH (mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons/mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons) migration. Mineral oils that are present in recycled cartonboard can easily migrate and accumulate in certain foods, which can cause health problems when ingested. The quick answer from the market has been to move to virgin paperboard, but this may not be sustainable, and doesn’t protect against migration from the outer carton boxes used for transport and storage. EVAL provides a proven barrier against MOSH/MOAH in thickness as thin as 4μm – once again, effective protection with only very
small amounts of material. Better yet, our European Technical Centre can scientifically simulate the amount of MOSH/MOAH migration of a given structure, to show that it is within ever stricter food safety regulation.
What properties do EVAL products have that can help influence consumer decisions? As a transparent plastic material, EVAL is versatile, and can be used in optimised coextruded structures for film, bag-in-box, pouches, trays, cups, tubes, bottles – even flexitainers and automotive fuel tanks. It can be coated or laminated onto cartonboard and paper, and even used in barrier in-mould labels and co-injected cups and closures. Very thin flexible layers can be laminated to renewable materials like paper or cartonboard, giving them muchneeded barrier function. Thanks to its transparency, the product can be made attractively visible to the consumer. But maybe the best way to influence customer decisions is to pass on savings due to optimised packaging and transport, and produce less waste throughout the processing and distribution stream.
Hall 10 D63 www.evalevoh.com
16/04/14 11.21
TIEFIX FOR FOOD PACKAGING Reclosing closures for bags
IEFIX range of closures for packages made of bags with tuft. General Plastics, leaders in closures and seals since 1952, proudly produce in Italy a wide range of closures and ties, in particular TIEFIX-clip and TIEFIX-twist wire-cored bag-reclosing-closures, for the most important bread, pasta, biscuits and sweets producers as well as for bag-closing machine manufacturers. They also produce special closures for pharmaceuticals, high-security seals and nets for various applications. Their constant search for quality is confirmed by the use of non-toxic materials in their production processes, as already required in many countries. General Plastics supplies MASTERFIX and MINICLIP bag-closing machines as well. They are versatile, attractively priced, and ideal as a first step for those who want to switch from manual to automatic packaging, without using additional costly equipment. Such machines are independent from any packaging lines and are electrically powered, with no need for compressed air.
New TIEFIX Products GENERAL PLASTICS produce the popular range of tying and closing systems for bag-closing machines, which has been largely renovated, in light of the recent ecologic awareness. And, indeed, TIEFIX twist ties are available with either polypropylene, the most inert among all plastic materials, or kraft/recycled paper (thus entirely biodegradable).
Today’s novelty is represented by TIEFIX-BIO The well-known wire-cored TIEFIX ribbon, nowadays, is produced also with a new photodegradable material, which degrades once it is exposed
to sunlight and atmospheric external agents, and allows the twistband to oxidize and disappear. TIEFIX-BIO joins the 100% biodegradable TIEFIX2k in paper, whenever it is needed to combine the density of plastic covering with degradability. Even the double-side-wired TIEFIX-clip is available in BIO version, which is produced with such new photodegradable material. With regards to the problem of recycling the empty support spools, such problem has been successfully overcome by General Plastics with the introduction of spool-less-rolls, to be applied by means of a special re-usable adapter. Such adapter becomes an integral part of the machine and can be opened and closed with a simple movement. In addition to the obvious environmental benefits, you also get lower cost of closing material, a drastic reduction of downtime for spool change, and greater autonomy, thanks to bigger format rolls.
TIEFIX-2Ki, THE NEW ECO-FRIENDLY LOOK FOR BREAD, COOKIES AND PASTA. GENERAL PLASTICS, the European N. 1 specialists in tying ribbons for bagclosing, have recently introduced a
remarkable novelty which completes their wide range: the long awaited Tiefix-2Ki paper twist-tie. Tiefix-2Ki looks similar to the well known plastic twist-tie ribbon, but is covered with reinforced paper instead, so becoming a 100% biodegradable hermetic reusable closure for food bags. Tiefix-2Ki’s components, paper and iron wire, degrade completely at the end of their life and go back into the natural life-round. A new high-strength special paper makes it suitable for every automatic or semiautomatic tyer. The new ribbon is wound in spoolless rolls, so that you only buy precious tying material and don’t waste money in expensive and unnecessary spools and the relative cost for disposing of. Its precisionwinding allows to a continuous supply of ribbon with no jams. Tiefix-2Ki is an answer to the increasing demand for natural looks and environment-friendly packaging coming from European bakeries and food companies, who can now line up with the long-established North-American habit of tying bags with paper twistties. Last but not least, Tiefix-2Ki is much cheaper than plastic-covered ties!
11/04/14 11.35
TECHNE GRAHAM PACKAGING COMPANY Extrusion and blow-moulding for food products
raham Packaging Corporation is well know as one of the biggest converter in dairy and food products, with more than one hundred plants worldwide, 20 billions bottles produced every year and a turnover of 3 billion Euro. The acquisition of Techne EBM machines manufacturer in 2011 has joined the experience, technical know-how and excellence of two of the major companies on the market with fruitful results. TECHNE is a consolidated partner of all main dairy companies all over the world. One of the application that made these collaborations a success is the aseptic blowing technology, which is part of its history as the first unit was launched in Italy in 1992. Since then, a lot of complete lines have been supplied and the process is more than reliable and consolidated. It consists of a sophisticated implant which filters the blowing air and sterilize the complete pipe circuit, using only steam agent. The main advantage of this technology is the complete absence of any chemical agent used during the process and therefore any eventual residual of liquid into the bottle (azote peroxide) and as a consequence, it eliminates the risk of having some taste alteration of the final product after the filling process. The bottle coming out from the machine is perfectly sealed and it is opened only at the internal of the aseptic filling machine, after it has been sterilized on the outside part and just before the filling process.
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Last generation aseptic full electric machines are jewels of technology, with 3 or 6 layers extrusion heads and capability to produce 1L UHT milk bottles up to 9.000 units per hour.
ADV4-700-A Aseptic - Full electric machine TECHNE ADV-700 combines high production to high technology. Its presence on the market since 2007 makes it one of the most reliable and advanced model available. With its double and four shuttle configurations, it is the perfect match for the end users and converters who look for a machine with medium to high production capacities. Its 700 mm stroke allows to produce containers from 60 ml (neck to neck) to 10L up to 6 layers. Full electric systems offer great advantages in terms of electric consumption and ordinary maintenance. It is proven that the average saving related to the machine consumption is around
35% compared to hydraulic units. The kWh per kg of plastic extruded drops from 0,45 to 0,31 in monolayer configuration and from 0,48 to 0,33 with the multilayer. The absence of any hydraulic system warrantees a clean production environment, a reduction of the overall noise and lower cooling needs of the machine as there is no hydraulic station (35%). It eliminates the problem of draining the used oil every 6.000 hours, reducing the ecologic impact on the environment. Finally, it increases the safety for operators, with no risk of accident due to unexpected movements while doors are opened, spite all safety systems present in the hydraulic machines. On top of ADV machine, the range include a full integrated combi unit (UNIKA), available in double or four shuttle configuration for blowing, filling and capping and a new generation full electric machine (ADVT) for small / medium production capacities.
11/02/14 17.26
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Offers investment security: the GLM-Ievo
Bizerba GLM-Ievo achieves speed up to 200 packages a minute
izerba has developed a new high performance price labelling machine for the food industry: the GLM-Ievo weighs and labels at a speed up to 200 packages a minute. It has a camera checking system for package quality control and it can configure itself automatically when the product is changed via a coded label roll. Thanks to the modular design principle, the system can be assembled individually for different requirements. In the food industry, production plants are frequently made up of systems from different manufacturers, including inspection systems, packaging machines and price labellers. The technology of each is
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developing rapidly and brings about the need for continuous adaptation among manufacturers. The performance of the entire plant is thus only ever as strong as its weakest part. If a manufacturer invests in a new device, this should at least be able to keep up with the technological development of adjacent plants.
tion balance, among other things. The speed achieved by this has so far not been achieved before on the market. The labeller will therefore be able to keep up with all current packaging machines for the next few years, which implies investment security for the customer.
GLM-Ievo achieves a flow-rate of up to 200 packages a minute
Quality Check included: Camera system checks information texts, barcodes and product quality
The new fully automatic price labelling machine GLM-Ievo 200 offers an as yet unrivalled performance in the industry. It weighs and labels at a flow-rate of up to 200 packages a minute, this is possible due to the use of an electromagnet compensa-
Food manufacturers cannot afford to risk losses in product quality which unnerve customers and in the worst cases lead to expensive product recalls. The Bizerba-VisionSystem (BVS) camera system has been therefore integrated into the
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new GLM-Ievo. Using automatic text recognition, it checks whether the right texts and the correct shelf life has been printed on the labels and also checks the position of the label and the barcode. A laser also carries out a sealing check and detects leaking packaging areas and contamination. Manufacturers can increase product quality with the BVS and thus strengthen the brand image indirectly.
Automatic configuration: price labeller detects label rolls by the data matrix code To increase production efficiency, the GLM-Ievo has another innovative feature: it can configure itself automatically when products are changed. This works via the plugin-label function. The Bizerba printing plant in Bochum produces labels with a data matrix code on the carrier paper. This contains all the information regarding the product and labelling. The labeller reads the respective information with a scanner while the roll is being inserted and configures itself auto-
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matically – for example, it sets the applicators to the correct product height. The user therefore saves a lot of time in day-to-day production.
Modularity and toolless replacement of belt bodies Since systems are almost always in motion and components need to be replaced or extended at regular intervals, it is more important than ever that the systems can be quickly adapted to new spatial configurations. When designing the GLM-Ievo, the developers therefore paid particular attention to flexibility. A wide range of different weighing belts between 300 and 700 millimetres long is available. The system is designed modularly so that feed, separator and weighing belts can be replaced by qualified service personnel and the plant can be adapted to new package sizes. In the case of wear and tear, all belts and belt bodies can be replaced without tools and thus with ease. With the GLM-Ievo, the customer has a flexible system that it can adapt at any time to new spatial requirements.
About Bizerba Bizerba offers customers within the industry, retail, and logistics sectors a globally unique solutions portfolio of hardware and software based around the central value “weight�. This portfolio includes products and solutions relating to slicing, processing, weighing, cashing, checking, commissioning and labeling. Comprehensive services starting from consulting and service to labels and consumables as also leasing complete the portfolio. Since 1866 Bizerba has significantly defined technical developments in the handling of food and is today represented in 140 countries. The customer base includes global-operating companies in trade and industry as well as retailers, bakeries and butcheries. With 3100 employees worldwide and with its headquarters in Balingen, Germany, Bizerba has now been in the same family for five generations. Additional production facilities are located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, China and USA. Bizerba also has a global network of sales and service locations.
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hanks to forty years of experience, F.B.L. is now a leading company in the glass and metal packaging industry (jars, bottles and tins) for food products such as jam, honey, tomatoes and tomato products (sauces, pureed tomatoes, tomato paste, ketchup), foods preserved in oil, pickles, fruit juices, mayonnaise, etc… F.B.L. is specialized in the manufacture of the following machine: Automatic depalletizer totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, for empty containers as metal cans, glass jars and glass bottles. Blower machine (universal or twist model) totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable to clean by air or water or steam injection, the inside part of empty
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containers as metal cans, glass jars and glass bottles. Linear vibrating filler machine totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable to fill glass jars and metal cans with food products as olives, small onions, cucumbers, artichokes, capers, mushrooms, cherries, mixed vegetables, fruit salad, etc… Rotative vacuum filler totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 316 in the parts in contact with food product, suitable to fill under vacuum preserving liquid as olive oil, sunflower seed-oil, saltwater,
vinegar, syrup, etc… Rotative piston filler totally buildup in stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 316 in the parts in contact with food product, suitable to fill thick or semi-thick food products as jam, tomato paste, honey, sauces, cream, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc… Linear capping machine totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable to close under vacuum by steam injection, glass jars/bottles provided by twist-off metal caps of different size. Tunnel pasteurizer-cooler totally build-up in stainless steel AISI 304, suitable for the thermic treatment of metal cans, glass jars, glass bottles filled by fruit juice, beer, jam, tomato paste, vegetables sauces, pickles, etc… Vacuum detector suitable to check if glass jars/bottles provided by twist-off metal caps with “safety button” are well closed with vacuum.
04/04/14 11.00
Erhardt+Leimer, the specialist for web guiding and inspection technology, will present three bestsellers from their broad portfolio at Interpack:
he Workflow Solution for 100% Print Inspection The NYSCAN workflow solution is the “state of the art“ in the field of 100% print inspection. At Interpack, Erhardt+Leimer will present the NYSCAN Web:Inspector for 100% defect detection on the printing press and the NYSCAN Roll:Scheduler for automatic defect positioning on the finishing machine. Precisely matched to each other, the two NYSCAN software modules increase efficiency and quality of the production.
ELSCAN OMS4, the Camera Standard for Video Systems Equipped with a new diffused light area flash for homogeneous lighting of the of the print image and the two integrated fix focus cameras, each with a different focal length, the ELSCAN OMS4 sets new standards in customer benefits and value for money.
The Flexible ELGUIDER Web Guiders With the ELGUIDER product family,
Designed for use in packaging machines: the ELGUIDER DRS 22 web guiding system with the ultrasonic edge sensor FX 46 Das speziell für Verpackungsmaschinen konzipierte Drehrahmensystem ELGUIDER DRS 22 mit UltraschallKantensensor FX 46 Erhardt+Leimer offer pivoting frame systems with an economic, compact design. The DRS 12, for example, is particularly suitable for use in the packaging industry and in situations where there is little space. Infrared, ultrasonic or color line sensors make sure the web position
is reliably detected. The control parameters can be adjusted without any problems via the user-friendly touch-screen interface. In this way, the control loop is optimized. As an option the system can be connected via Ethernet. Stand 12A40
Erhardt+Leimer, Spezialist für Bahnlaufregelung und Inspektionstechnologie, wird auf der Interpack drei Bestseller aus seinem breiten Portfolio präsentieren:
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ie Workflow-Lösung für 100% Druckinspektion Die NYSCAN Workflow-
Lösung ist „State of the art“ in der 100% Druckinspektion. Auf der Interpack präsentiert Erhardt+Leimer
den NYSCAN Web:Inspector für eine hundertprozentige Fehlererkennung auf der Druckmaschine
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und den NYSCAN Roll:Scheduler für die automatische Fehlerpositionierung auf der Konfektioniereinheit. Exakt aufeinander abgestimmt verbessern Web:Inspector und Roll:Scheduler die Effizienz und Qualität der Produktion.
ELSCAN OMS4, der Kamera-Standard für Videosysteme Ausgestattet mit einem neuen Diffusflächenblitz für eine homogen ausgeleuchtete Druckfläche und zwei integrierten Fixfokuskameras mit unterschiedlichen Brennweiten setzt ELSCAN OMS4 neue Standards bei Kundenvorteilen und im PreisLeistungs-Verhältnis.
The 100% inspection system NYSCAN – here with 2 cameras for large web widths
Das 100%-Inspektionssystem NYSCAN – hier mit 2 Kameras für große Bahnbreiten
Flexibel einsetzbare ELGUIDER Drehrahmen Mit der ELGUIDER-Produktfamilie bietet Erhardt+Leimer Drehrahmensysteme in wirtschaftlicher Kompaktbauweise. Besonders für den Einsatz in der Verpackungsindustrie und bei beengten Platzverhältnissen geeignet ist beispielsweise der DRS 12. Infrarot-, Ultraschall- oder Farbliniensensoren gewährleisten das exakte Erfassen der Bahnposition. Das Einstellen der Regelparameter und damit die Optimierung des Regelkreises lässt sich problemlos an der benutzerfreundlichen Bedienoberfläche mit Touchscreen realisieren. Wahlweise kann das System via Ethernet vernetzt werden. Stand 12A40
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10/04/14 14.41
GREENER, CLEANER COOKING WITH BELT TECHNOLOGIES STEEL BELTS Steel Belts from Belt Technologies cook meat up a treat.
ood processing industries across the globe are rapidly growing and changing with fast food production, in particular, experiencing many challenges. Amongst these challenges is a tightening of the already strict standards for food production; with greater emphasis on hygiene, coupled with the need to reduce the production costs and have shorter set up time for those companies involved in food processing seek new innovations and system improvements that may promote greater productivity and flexibility. Belt Technologies Europe, the market leader in steel belt technologies, has worked closely with Justech of Sweden and partners , to produce an innovative method of cooking and transporting meat products. “Inducook” is the brand of new cooking equipment developed by Jutech AB, Sweden.The technology is primarily based on traditional industrial contact cooking methods but in this case, the product is transported between two ( an upper and lower) stainless steel conveyor belts coated with high quality non-stick coatings. The advantage of this system over similar contact cooking methods lies with the “Inducook’” solution approach of applying heat to the belts. Currently, cooked food production relies on traditional heating methods such as electric resistance heating, gas heating, oil recirculation heating and similar.All these traditional methods come with their own particular set of drawbacks; such as emission generation, high power consumption, machines that are typically difficult to clean and maintain, and the use of non-renewable energy resources.
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Justech AB engineers, working closely with Belt Technologies Europe, have developed a system of induction heating in combination with coated steel belts, resulting in a meat cooking system designed for today’s demanding food processing factory. “Inducook” is a greener solution that ensures high product quality with stringent hygiene levels. Up until now , Justech AB engineers have tested a wide range of food products that can be cooked with “Inducook”. They have already had success with the processing of the most common fast food meat products such bacon, hamburger and kebab meat.The meat product is cooked rapidly and thoroughly, saving on processing times and giving peace of mind that food is cooked
to the correct temperatures for the right length of time.New design innovations and other products are planned for the near future.
Inducook operating principles and design features and benefits The “Inducook” unit cooks the product between two induction heated non-stick coated stainless steel conveyor belts; these are heated with induction coils. Induction coils are positioned underneath both – upper and lower stainless steel conveyor belts. The quality and grade of stainless steel is integral to the success of this system. The grade of
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steel used in this case has excellent thermal properties , allowing rapid and almost instantaneous heat transfer, facilitating quicker cook times and tight control of the cooking process. As the stainless steel belt comes into contact with the varying magnetic field, generated by the induction coils ,the field induces an appearance altering eddy current within the belt material. This eddy current flow, within the magnetic stainless steel belt material, works against the electrical resistivity of the metal, allowing precise and localized heat to occur . The meat product is transported through the gap between the two conveyor belts; the meat is thus both transported and cooked safely to perfection simultaneously. The “Inducook “ system maintains the temperature in the steel belt at correct levels to ensure the meat is cooked to perfection. The “Inducook” cooking method gives many important advantages over other heating solutions used nowadays:
Key benefits: ❱ Hygiene – the equipment meets the highest food industry hygiene standards. The non-stick coatings applied by Belt Technologies to their stainless steel belts are FDA approved for food contact and provide a
hygienic, quick and simple method of cleaning. Both the stainless steel belts are easily removable. Since induction heating is a non-contact heating, robust electrical components have been designed to resist water contact during the cleaning process. ❱ Cooked meat quality and systems productivity – by using induction heating, it is very easy to control correct temperature levels. Another important feature lies in the fact that it takes only a few seconds to switch between different products. This is a big advantage over similar contact cooking methods, offering the advantage of higher productivity. Set up time is therefore kept to a minimum. ❱ Non-stick - “Inducook’s” thin stainless steel belt has an FDA approved non-stick special coating. This makes it possible to cook a whole range of different meat products without them adhering to the belt. The non-stick coating is abrasion resistant enabling simple but thorough post-cooking cleaning and maintenance to be carried out. The flat nature of the belt, unlike wire belts for example, will not impart any marks on the product being processed. This gives a better presentation of the food cooked. ❱ Green thinking and improved environment – unlike other heating methods, the “Inducook” system is
both cost effective and environmentally friendly. Induction heating is considered a very green solution, as the power consumption is far more regulated and is therefore less wasteful than other heating methods. The controllability and fast reaction times reduce the overall power consumption during the initial start-up production run. The system is quiet, eliminating noise pollution makes for a better working environment. ❱ Energy consumption reduction – induction heating method converts up to 90% of electricity into useful heat. The stainless steel belt material in this application has a maximum working temperature of 425C. ❱ Extended belt life time – with similar cooking solutions frequent replacements of cooking belts are often required. The steel belt system is designed to maximise the belt life as in this system the steel belt life should be well in excess of 1,000,000 cycles thus making it possible to keep the service costs to a minimum. ❱ Other benefits – no open flames, no odours from burning heating materials, and relatively compact units. The steel belt thickness of 0.3 mm, allows the use of smaller pulley diameters, thus saving space in machine design and reducing over all costs.
Strong partnership “Inducook”’s development success can be attributed to the fact that Justech AB has built up strong and solid partnerships. The key to the success of the “Inducook” project can be seen in the valued working relationship between Belt Technologies Europe and the trusted customer/partner Kalmar Kebab AB together with MagComp AB.This is a wonderful example of collaboration between machine builder,belt supplier and end user:a strong team which has brought about this unique cooking concept, bringing with it significant innovation in fast food production.
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02/04/14 13.02
Low pressure steam boiler (0,98 bar) Steam production from 100 to 3000 kg/h High efficiency (91%) High steam quality (dry steam) Fully automatic operation
www.icicaldaie.com ICI CALDAIE SPA Verona - Italy, Via G.Pascoli 38 - Ph. 045 8738511 - Fax 045 8731148 - info@icicaldaie.com
ademaker are specialists in sheeting technology which provides important benefits above the traditional bread system. Sheeting makes it possible to handle a great variety of dough types, from ‘green’ to pre-fermented dough, all at high capacities. By using stress-free dough sheeters and laminating technology, users can achieve basically any dough and bread structure desired. The Rademaker Crusto breadline concept allows users to combine traditional bread types with artisan bread types, all produced on one sheeting system. Baguettes, both basic French baguettes and artisan looking baguettes produced out of prefermented dough and containing a high water %, can be produced by in two ways on the Rademaker Crusto bread line: 1. Cut baguettes: After sheeting, the dough is shaped in rows by rotating knives or guillotine. Here the baguettes are cut at the desired length. Besides cut baguettes, this method is also suitable for ciabatta, triangles, square buns, hexagonal, cut baguettes, cut petit pain, barra rustica, flatbreads, pita and even pizza. 2. Rolled baguettes: After the sheeting stage sheeting, the dough shaped in rows by rotating knives and is cut at the desired length using the guillotine. Next, Rademaker’s moulding technology is applied to roll and shape the dough. Other products beside rolled baguettes can be produced in this way, f.e. rolled petit pain, barra rustica, free standing bread, tin bread, toast bread (open & closed top, 4 pieces), brioche and rolls. The Rademader Crusto bread line is
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capable to handle capacities up to 6.000 kg/hr. The standard Rademaker Crusto bread line can cut 85 strokes/minute, ending up with 10.000 half baguettes or 5.100 long baguettes per hour. Special bread lines can produce up to 30.000 baguettes/hour, at 125 strokes/minute. Rademaker can guarantee an impressive weight accuracy on the baguette production; +/- 2,5 - 3% (+/-5 gram) on the total product weight. An even higher weight accuracy is achieved by Rademaker’s patented weighing conveyor which can run up to +/- 1,5%. The structure of the baguette, which is of course very important for bakers, is achieved through the Rademaker Moulding technology. The moulding table transfers dough slaps or pre-rolled slaps into consistent, smooth rolled dough products at the required diameter and length. The slaps are first coiled by a pre-moulding unit. This unit also ensure that the rolled slaps enter the moulding board in a straight alignment. The upper moulding belt guides the products to the guiding strips. This shaping method imitates the hands of the baker when he smoothes the seam and stretches the dough. The guiding strips contacts the product ends and calibrates the final length of the product. The Rademaker Moulding Board is able to process products between 1 ounce (30gr) and 5 pounds (2.3kg).
Garlic baguettes Rademaker is also capable to inject par-baked baguettes with garlic butter by using a special injecting system.
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10/04/14 14.04
omace is an ISO 9001 certified company specialised in fluorinated coatings. The experience acquired in over twenty years of activity allows us to meet any requirement concerning surface corrosion, adhesion, and friction. We use fluoropolymer-based coating technology to improve the performance of mechanical components and meet specific production needs in various industrial sectors. We provide a broad scope of application that ranges from packaging machine components, food, pharmaceutical, ceramics, and rubber plastic moulding industries, to wood processing machinery and the mechanical engineering industry in general. The benefits you can enjoy include: easy cleaning of coated surfaces, increased productivity, less production waste, and a higher quality of the finished product. The in-depth knowledge of every single coating according to the operating conditions of the component to be coated allows Tomace to identify the best solution to meet the customer’s need within its range or, if
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necessary, develop new tailor-made formulations. The range of coatings is mainly based on fluoropolymers. These high-tech materials provide the highest performance. The main features of fluoropolymers can be summarised as follows: ❱ Low adhesion: the surface energy is very low, thereby ensuring excellent performance against wetting and adhesion of foreign substances. ❱ Environmental resistance: they are UV-transparent, extremely resistant to oxidation and they maintain their properties even at very low temperatures. Moreover, fluoropolymers resist against attacks by microorganisms and are not biodegradable. ❱ Light transmittance: they have high light transmittance values and a very low refractive index. ❱ Contaminant-free: they are intrinsically pure; therefore, they do not cause chemical pollution. ❱ Corrosion resistance: they resist to aggressive chemicals within a wide temperature range. ❱ Heat resistance: some fluorinated polymers provide a continuous op-
erating temperature of 260° C with even higher peaks for a short lapse of time. ❱ Fire resistance: some have an LOI above 95. Even the optical density of the smoke produced in the event of combustion is low. ❱ Wear resistance: they are among the materials with the lowest friction coefficient, which means also low abrasion. ❱ Electrical resistance: they have excellent properties, such as low power loss factor, high arc resistance, and high puncture resistance. These features persist within a wide range of environmental conditions. ❱ Long service life: they feature excellent ageing resistance, even in the presence of high temperature or aggressive chemicals. They also feature high resistance to dynamic loads, such as vibrations and bending. There are several types of fluoropolymers, all FDA-certified: PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene), and PFA (perfluoroalkoxy), which, combined with other resins, allow
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the creation of an infinite variety of products with enhanced characteristics for every specific use.
PTFE The patriarch of the family of fluoropolymers, whose chemical name is polytetrafluoroethylene, abbreviated into PTFE. This fluoropolymer provides anti-friction coatings for non-stick surfaces with low friction coefficient. It can be used continuously at 300 °C and, intermittently, at up to 315 °C. It has a broad scope of application in the food, textile, rubber and plastics, automotive, paper, and packaging industries. In the chemical industry, the use of PTFE is quite limited due to its film permeability, low thickness (35/40 microns) and its sintered formation.
FEP A fluoropolymer derived from the patriarch, whose chemical name is fluorinated ethylene propylene, abbreviated into FEP. Unlike PTFE, FEP is a thermoplastic material; therefore, it melts when baked, thereby providing a coating with a non-porous surface. FEP has excellent non-stick properties, low friction coefficient, and excellent chemical resistance. Coatings with a thickness of up to 60 microns can be obtained as it allows for multiple layers. FEP coatings can be used continuously at 200 °C and, intermittently, at 205 °C. FEP is mainly used for industrial applications that require high anti-adhesion levels and excellent resistance against chemical corrosion. This is why it is mainly used in the chemical industry and to manufacture moulded parts, as its nonstick properties allow the mould to be removed easily.
PFA This fluoropolymer is also derived from the patriarch. Its chemical name is tetrafluoroethylene–per-
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fluoroalkyl in the form of partially crystalline powder. As FEP, PFA is a thermoplastic material; therefore, it provides a coating with a non-porous surface, low friction coefficient and excellent chemical resistance. Moreover, it can be used continuously at 260 °C and intermittently at up to 310 °C. This material allows the creation of coatings with a thickness of over 150 microns in just a few layers. It resists against an even wider range of chemicals compared to FEP. Its mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties are similar to those of PTFE resin.
SOL GEL This is a new PTFE- and PFOA-free non-stick ceramic coating (all ceramic coatings are free of these components). Being a ceramic coating, it is made to withstand extreme temperatures (850 °F/455 °C). It does not contain polluting solvents and can be used at a lower temperature, which results in considerable energy and money savings. We at Tomace are always committed to improving our service and products and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. Our technical personnel is at your
service to find the coating that best suits your needs and to solve any technical problem. We provide an attentive and highly customised service, as well as our consultancy and partnership in a market that requires ever-increasing professionalism. We rely on an organisation and division of labour that ensure flexibility and dynamism, which translates into fast and efficient service. We can provide a wide range of formulations specific for every industrial environment and application. Customised and advanced formulations combined with great production flexibility for both large and small outputs.
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n dozens of industrial sectors, ranging from food to metallurgical, automatic handling of the goods within the plant requires to manufacture conveyor belts having the most disparate shapes and features; and, in the same way, the most diverse building and industrial applications need stretched steel and metal nets made in the dimensions and using the materials that are more suited for the specific use they are intended to. We at Larioreti turned this variety and the ability to tackle it accurately and timely, regardless from the request, into our strong point. We offer to you metal nets and conveyor belts in any possible configuration of material, mechanism and accessories offered by the market.
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Larioreti is a small Italian enterprise, whose successful history, made above all of satisfied customers, is now approaching twenty five years. In our industry, differently from who merely offers standard products and large supplies, we stand out as the ideal counterparty for anybody has specific requirements, needs small production runs, advice on the possible solutions, and, above all, a fully customised final product, both with regards to its dimensions and its materials. CONVEYOR BELTS it’s the key word in modern industrial world, throughout the diverse sectors it consists of: automation. Automation for being more accurate, more performing, and namely faster - also, and above all, in moving items along the production chains. Our metal
conveyor belts - which can be made not only of iron (pure or galvanized) and in stainless or carbon steel, but, upon request, of any suitable metal - are available both in round wire and flat wire of half round wire for especially even planes, allow air circulation, make cleaning and sterilization operations simple and are able to withstand extreme thermal and mechanical conditions, where no other product would be able to carry out its function. In the field of the supplies to the industry, there are countless companies that, like us, are able to offer products whose technical features are absolutely spotless, made of strong and high quality materials. But the real difference between the many possible suppliers lies in the service, and in non-standard works: we spend most of our care to these
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matters. We don’t just offer a wide range of standard products and keep delivery times that are significantly shorter than the average times on the market, but we offer to our customers a number of special productions which are able to meet any need they may have - and this for any production volume, even the tiniest one. There is no doubt, if we review the production volumes of metal nets and conveyor belts, that the vast majority consists of one of the few standard metals: steel (stainless or carbon) and iron (pure or galvanized). But, Larioreti is able to process any metal requested by its customers, in order to meet any specific need, being mechanical, physical or aesthetic. In food industry, metal conveyor belts proved to be an ideal product, for their resistance to temperature and ease of cleaning. Regardless of the sector, bakery, pasta production, or the handling of fresh products such as vegetables, our conveyor belts for the food industry give their daily contribution for the correct operation of this important industrial branch.
ined. For this reason, in such cases tefloning is carried out, tefloned metal conveyor belts are actually non-stick and therefore ideal for said industry. Metal belts are employed as well by the fishing industry: they have two features that are deemed essential for a transport in such field: on one side, obviously, their ease of cleaning - which is typical of any tool employed in the food sector and on the other, their resistance to the devastating effects of sea salt. Stainless steel conveyor belts,
which allow also an effective filtering controlled by the dimension of their mesh, combine both features. Above all where it is carried out using thermoretractable plastic films, the packaging requires alternate cold and warm cycles to be completed successfully. With their structure that allows strong and even surfaces, but at the same time with a wide mesh that allows air circulation in both stages, metal conveyor belts prove to be ideal for this kind of applications as well.
One of the most typical issues of the frozen food industry consist of the risk that, due to the extremely low temperatures reached, the processed food gets stuck to the machinery, with the implied hygienic problems that can be easily imag-
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11/04/14 16.24
ALLEN CODING TO INTRODUCE TWO NEW THERMAL PRINTERS AT INTERPACK 2014 Allen coding to introduce two new thermal printers at interpack 2014
llen Coding (www.AllenCoding.com) will be announcing the global launch of two new thermal transfer printers designed for the unique challenges of developing markets in Hall 12 Booth E51 of Interpack 2014 (May 8-14, Dusseldorf, Germany). The 53XLc provides a new continuous print alternative for vertical and horizonal form fill and seal (VFFS & HFFS) packaging lines. The 25XLi utilizes miniature ribbon for precise printing in small areas at up to 40% cost savings compared to
alternative 53mm thermal transfer systems. This cost-efficiency makes the 25XLi comparable in pricing to hot stamp date coding technologies but with all the added benefits of variable, digital print. The Allen Coding XL series consists of four thermal printer systems designed specifically to provide costeffective, durable, Unicode performance in challenging environments. In addition to the 53XLc and 25XLi presented at Interpack 2014, the series also contains the 53XL80u and 53XL40u introduced in late
2013 that offer up to 35% cost savings compared to alternative thermal printers.
16/04/14 16.14
CM Engineering, placed in Italy in Bardello (Varese), produces high quality synchronous permanent magnet motors and generators in the following merchandise categories: 1) Compact brushless servomotors 2) Hollow shaft servomotors 3) Direct drive servomotors 4) Torque servomotors 5) Axial shifting shaft servomotors 6) Synchronous permanent magnet roller servomotors 7) Generators for wind turbines 8) Permanent magnet synchronous motors and generators for naval applications 9) Motors and generators for automotive
Testing Lab Storci Spa
Characteristics: In addition to standard production ACM Engineering is able to produce customized product on customer demand, in limited edition also. The Company is ISO 9001-2000 and UL certified. ACM products could be used in the following fields: Industrial automation Machines tools Robotic and servocontrols Textile machines
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Hollow shaft motor
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Wood manufacturing machines Sewing machines Packaging machines Machines for glass processing Printing machines Flexographic machines Roller brushless servomotors for conveyor belts Machines for gold processing Machines for food industry and farming Machines for plastic processing Machines for marble processing Serigraphic machines Machines for sheet metal processing Generators for wind farms Motors for automotive applications Motors for naval applications.
Torque servomotor
Brushless servomotor
ACM ENGINE RING SPA 21020 BARDEL O (VA) - Via DonA. Camera, 25 - ITALY - Phone +39.03 2.73108 /731064 - Fax +39.03 2.730380 Website: ht p:/ w w.acmengine ring.it - Email: info@acmengine ring.it
Produces high quality synchronous permanent magnet motors and generators in the following merchandise categories: Compact brushless servomotors, Hollow shaft servomotors, Direct drive servomotors, Torque servomotors, Axial shifting shaft servomotors, Synchronous permanent magnet roller servomotors,Generators for wind turbines, Permanent magnet synchronous motors and generators for naval applications, Motors and generators for automotive DIRECT DRIVE TORQUE MOTOR
ACM ENGINEERING SPA 21020 BARDELLO (VA) - Via Don A. Camera, 25 - ITALY - Phone +39.0332.731088/731064 - Fax +39.0332.730380 Website: http://www.acmengineering.it - Email: info@acmengineering.it
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12/04/12 09.14 09/04/14 16.19
or more than 50 years Real Forni has been working in the development of ovens and equipment for the baking sector supporting the professionals from all over the world in this important food sector. The new rotary oven Boss combines innovation and researches with the yearly experience and tradition of the company thus making Boss the reference model of its category. Maximum efficiency, reduced overall dimensions and low consumption are the key features that allow the user to save energy and space, reduce the cost of maintenance and improve the result on the baked product. A good ventilated baking for a rotary oven consists in the correct distribution of the heat and in the ability to bake the product with a gentle and abundant flow of air: this is the only way to equal the baking of a static
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oven. Another ultimate point is the ability of the oven to produce a great quantity of steam in a very short time and to regenerate it for the following baking. Thanks to the steamer positioned in the middle of the air flow, the oven Boss guarantees quickness and power to obtain crumbly products with a crisp crust. In the planning stage we have worked hard on the consumption and the results are real, indeed the oven Boss 60.80 heats up very quickly and it needs only 50.000 installed kcal/h! This is possible thanks to a system of baking endowed with two powerful fans and an heat exchanger with triple turn of fumes and to a system of insulation consisting in three layers of rock wool compressed panels. As for the consumption, this system is extremely virtuous and with the addition of reduced overall dimen-
sions it is possible to position the oven side by side on its three sides. These features give you the possibility to save a huge quantity of space inside your place in comparison to any other oven in commerce. The range starts from the smallest 50.70 which is able to contain a trolley of 40x60, 40x80, 50x70 or 18”x26”of 16/18 trays, its reduced dimensions allow the transportation of the oven completely assembled. For trays 60x80 we can offer the classic Boss 60.80 with 18/20 trays or the “reduced” Boss with 16/18 trays (Boss 60.80 R) which is perfect for places not so high. The range includes also the 60.100 model for trolleys 60x90, 60x100 and 80x80 and the largest Boss 80.100. All models are available with gas or gas-oil burner or electric power supply. The ovens are provided with a lower platform for the rotative trolley
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Zeus Advertising REAL FORNI pubblicitaria zeus adv.indd 1
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in order to have an easy entry of the trolley, a motorised flue valve and stainless steel side panels. You can choose, as an optional feature, the fume exhaust from the rear wall of the oven or an advanced LCD display programmer. There is also the brand new innovative and spectacular “Panorama” version which has a glass on the back side that enable the direct view of the baking process inside the oven, which is realized with a double inside glass with a very high insulation and with an external curved and openable glass for maximum safety, cleaning and beauty. This oven is perfect to separate the laboratory from the sale zone and it can be a great attraction both in shopping centers and in small bakeries because it guarantees a privileged view on the baking process, keeping a clear division between laboratory and commercial zone. A LCD display inserted on the top, exposed to the public, is also available. This LCD display shows the state and the type of product which is baking (Baguette - ready in 11 minutes) with photos in high resolution.
eit 50 Jahren steht Real Forni den Vertretern der Backkunst aus aller Welt mit der Entwicklung von Öfen und Geräten für diese wichtige Lebensmittelbranche zur Seite. Innovation, Forschung, Erfahrung und höchster Respekt für Traditionen bilden die Grundlage zu dem neuen rotierenden Stikkenbackofen Boss.
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Ein Ofen, der keine Kompromisse eingeht, einzigartige Vorteile kombiniert und so zum Vorbild seiner Klasse wird. Maximale Leistung und minimaler Platzbedarf, perfektes Backergebnis und geringe Kosten: mit dem rotierenden Stikkenbackofen Boss spart man nicht nur Energie, Platz und Wartungskosten, man steigert auch die Qualität
der eigenen Produkte. Um ein gutes Backergebnis sicherstellen zu können, muss der rotierende Stikkenbackofen nicht nur eine gleichmäßige Hitzeverteilung garantieren, sondern das Produkt auch ausreichend mit einem sanften Luftstrom versorgen. Nur so können mit Umluft dieselben Ergebnisse wie mit Ober- und Unterhitze
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erzielt werden. Ebenso wichtig ist, dass der Ofen in kürzester Zeit große Mengen an Dampf erzeugen kann und gleichzeitig in der Lage ist, sich auf den nächsten Backvorgang vorzubereiten. Mit seinem Schwadenapparat, der inmitten des Luftstroms angeordnet ist, garantiert der Ofen Boss für kurze Backzeiten und hohe Leistung, die ihrerseits für innen weiches und außen knuspriges Gebäck sorgen. Besonders intensiv wurde bei der Entwicklung auch am Energieverbrauch gearbeitet, mit greifbaren Ergebnissen. Trotz raschem Temperaturanstieg bedarf der Ofen Boss 60.80 einer installierten Heizleistung von nur 50.000 kcal/h. Möglich macht dies ein Backsystem, das mit zwei leistungsstarken Ventilatoren und einem DreifachWärmetauscher ausgestattet ist. Für eine effiziente Isolierung sorgen komprimierte Steinwollplatten, die in drei Schichten rund um das Backsystem angeordnet sind. Das System erweist sich dabei nicht nur als besonders energie- sondern auch als überaus platzsparend, da nur eine Front des Ofens frei bleiben muss. Im Vergleich zu allen anderen zurzeit auf dem Markt erhältlichen Öfen lassen sich in Backstube oder Geschäftslokal so Unmengen von Platz einsparen. Erhältlich ist Boss als „kleiner“ 50.70, für Stikkenwägen von 40x60, 40x80, 50x70 oder 18”x26” mit 16/18 Blechen. Dank seiner geringen Größe kann dieser Ofen vollmontiert transportiert und geliefert werden. Für 60x80-Bleche gibt es dann den Boss 60.80 in klassischer Ausführung für 18/20 Bleche oder in Niedrigausführung für 16/18 Bleche (Boss 60.80 R), ideal für Räume von geringer Höhe. Das Sortiment umfasst auch den 60.100 für Stikkenwägen von 60x90, 60x100 und 80x80 sowie den „großen“ Boss 80.100. Alle Modelle können mit Gasbrenner, Ölbrenner oder als Elektroofen betrieben werden. Die Öfen sind
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im unteren Bereich mit einer Rotationsplattform ausgestattet, die ein einfaches Einschieben des Stikkenwagens ermöglicht. Außerdem verfügen sie über eine motorisierte Klappe zum Entschwaden der Backkammer und seitliche Abdeckungen aus Edelstahl. Auf Wunsch kann der Rauchabzug an der Hinterseite angeordnet und der Ofen mit einer fortschrittlichen, programmierbaren Steuerung auf LCDBildschirm ausgestattet werden. Aufsehen erregend und innovativ ist auch die neueste Version Panorama, die über eine Glasrückwand den direkten Blick auf die Backkammer freigibt. Die interne Doppelverglasung garantiert dabei für höchste Isolierung, während die geschwungene Außenverglasung
geöffnet werden kann und für eine sichere Handhabung sowie ein sauberes und ansprechendes Erscheinungsbild sorgt. Als ideales Trennelement zwischen Backstube und Verkaufsraum zieht Panorama sowohl in Einkaufszentren als auch in kleinen Bäckereien alle Blicke auf sich. Mit seiner Glasrückwand bietet der Ofen einen einzigartigen Blick auf den Backvorgang und sorgt gleichzeitig für eine klare Trennung zwischen Backstube und Verkaufsbereich. Darüber hinaus ist auch ein LCD-Bildschirm verfügbar, der über der Glasfront angebracht werden kann und den Kunden zusammen mit einem Foto in hoher Auflösung über Backzeit und Produkt (Baguette - in 11 Minuten fertig) informiert.
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PIGO: FROM EXPANSION IN THE AMERICAN MARKET TO TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS The industry-leading company presents its technological innovations and projects for the this year
n this issue we present some of the innovations by Pigo, world-wide leader in designing and manufacturing equipment and machines for fruit and vegetable production. There are three main news items: Pigo’s expansion in the American market; the development of new machines; and the improvement of cutting-edge machines, the Pitting Machine PG 103, and Easy Freeze. We are also publishing the company’s updated trade show calendar.
and Canada, culminating with registration in the NWFPA (North West Food Processors Association) and the FPSA (Food Processing Suppliers Association); and to win over the rest of the United States. Pigo was present in the major trade shows in the U.S., particularly the Chicago Process Expo from November 3-6; in Michigan for the Great Lakes Fruit Expo, December 10-12; and finally, it will be present in Portland for the 2014 Expo, January 12-14.
Pigo plans to further expand in the American market. The objective for 2014 will be two-fold: to confirm its solid presence in North America
Pigo has developed new machines such as: EASY Dry SPYRO, the best solution for drying various products.
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With similar construction, Easy Dry SPYRO offers the same advantages as Easy Freeze SPYRO in terms of hygiene, ease of use, and energy efficiency. WASHING MACHINE PG 018, is the new washer for fruits and vegetables with an innovative system of nozzles, valves, and filters. MACHINE FOR CAULIFLOWERS PG 415, with new circular movement, sorts pieces of cauliflowers and automatically eliminated all waste through special blades designed by PIGO.
EVOLUTION THROUGH IMPROVEMENT Always looking to improve its equipment, Pigo has even invested in innovating its cutting-edge ma-
04/04/14 15.45
F oodPr oc es s i ngMac hi ner y
EASYFr eeze
Compl et esol ut i ons f orFr ui t&Veget abl e Pr ocessi ng
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chines: A centralized lubricating system was installed on the PITTING MACHINE PG 103, which allows for fast, perfect lubrication. A new, fast and effective automatic-wash system was installed on the EASY Freeze, allowing for a quick,thorough wash. The innovative centralized lubricating system was also installed here.
NEW TRADE SHOWS SCHEDULED Pigo was present in the major trade shows in the U.S., particularly the Chicago Process Expo from November 3-6; in Michigan for the Great Lakes Fruit Expo, December 10-12; and in Portland for the 2014 Expo, January 12- 14. This is the opinion they have in Pigo after the last exhibitions: “After a great success and a very profitable experience at Fruit Logistica in Berlin, and after our first time at the CFIA Rennes, we continue with an
PIGO FP 1-14.indd 4
important presence as a member of the Sacramento CFPL Process Expo and as a member of the AFFI-AFFI San Diego. These memberships confirm our new success in the U.S. market, and then we continued with our presence at Aahar International Fair in Delhi (10-14 March) and SEAFOOD PROCESSING BRUSSELS (2014). The well-known Fruitlogistica was challenging but profitable for us, like
never before. The success and participation we had this year is much higher than the one we have ever had in all the years that we attended. It’s a great satisfaction and we had many impressions. Then we exhibited in Rennes for the first time and it was a pleasure to be present for the first time in this area. It was a overwhelmingly positive experience that we hope to repeat in the next years.”
04/04/14 15.46
The world of business www.macfrut.com
International Exhibition of the Fruit and Vegetable Industry
24 25 26 September 2014 Cesena ITALY
argarine is an emulsion of water in oil with additional ingredients. The main process sequences of this completely automatic line are: ❱ Reception of oils – fat (in trucks or drums) keeping the melting temperature and relevant standardi-
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❱ Preparation of the fat phase with liposoluble ingredients ❱ Preparation of aqueous phase with water-soluble ingredients ❱ Fat/water mixture emulsion with automatic preparation and dosing of product recipes ❱ Emulsion pasteurizing
❱ Crystallization of the solid phase and plasticization of crystallized emulsion. Thanks to the supervision system the operators are in the position to keep under constant control the production in all its details and to dialogue with the company’s management software. The use of highly sophisticated and high efficiency instruments is especially foreseen for the control and dosing of raw materials, the control of process temperatures and pressures. The supervision system assure accurate ingredients control, running different type of products formulation (low and full fat), CIP control.
04/04/14 11.33
ACM ENGINEERING SPA 180-181 Via Marconi, 5 21020 Bardello VA - Italy
BEUMER 16/18 Oelder Strasse 40 59269 Beckum Germany
ACMA VOLPAK 77/80 Via C. Colombo, 1 40131 Bologna BO - Italy
BIZERBA SPA 162-163 Via G. Agnesi, 172 20033 Desio MI - Italy
ADELPHI MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. 4-44-45 Olympus House, Mill Green Road RH16 1XQ Haywards Heath United Kingdom
BRAMBATI SPA 66-67 Via Strada Nuova, 37 27050 Codevilla PV - Italy
ADVANCED NEOFOOD MACHINERY 6-152/154 GmbH Lützowstr. 63-65 D-42653 Solingen - Germany AKOMAG SRL 74/76 Frazione Diolo, 15/D 43019 Soragna PR - Italy ALIT SRL 72-73 Via Venezia, 30 35010 Marsango PD - Italy ALTECH SRL I COV-68/71 V.le A. De Gasperi, 72 20010 Bareggio MI - Italy AMB PACKAGING SRL 41 Via S. Martino, 12 33038 S. Daniele Del Friuli UD - Italy AMUT SPA 42-43 Via Cameri, 16 28100 Novara NO - Italy BELT TECHNOLOGIES EUROPE 168/170 3rd Floor, Pennine House GB NE371LY Washington United Kingdom BERTUZZI FOOD PROOCESSING SRL 64-65 Corso Sempione, 212bis 21052 Busto Arsizio MI - Italy
CABRELLON SRL 62-63 Via dell’Artigianato, 37-39-41 (z.a.) 36023 Longare VI - Italy CAVECO SRL 128-129 Via Golgi , 18 (V.le Europa) 25036 Palazzolo sull’Oglio BS - Italy CESENA FIERA SPA 189 Via Dismano, 3845 47522 Pievesestina di Cesena FC - Italy
CRSI - CENTRO RICERCHE SVILUPPO 98/100 Impianti S.A. Via Industria, 7 Stabile Talea CH-6814 Cadempino - Switzerland CT PACK SRL 148/150 Via Argine Volano, 355/D 44034 Fossalta di Copparo FE - Italy DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTRE – DWTC 9 P.O. Box 9292 Dubai - U.A.E. ERHARDT + LEIMER GMBH 166-167 Albert-Leimer-Platz 1 86391 Stadtbergen - Germany ERREPAN SRL 46/48 Via Terracini, 4 24047 Treviglio BG - Italy
GENERAL PLASTICS SRL 158-159 Via Salaria, 1302 00138 Roma RM - Italy GENERAL SYSTEM PACK SRL GSP I COV-20-21-27 Via Lago di Albano, 82 36015 Schio VI - Italy GRAHAM PACKAGING COMPANY ITALIA SRL 160-161 Via della Tecnica, 1 40023 Castel Guelfo BO - Italy GSR SRL I COV-142/144 Via Gerola, 1 23801 Sala di Calolziocorte LC - Italy HERRMANN ULTRASCHALLTECHNIK GMBH & CO. I COV-54/56 KG Descostr. 3-9 76307 Karlsbad - Germany
EUROPEAN SNACKFOODS ASS. - ESA 173 Catherine Street 6 WC2B 5JJ London - United Kingdom
HERTI JSC 108-109 38, Antim I Str. 9700 Shumen - Bulgary
EUROSICMA SPA 50/52 Via M. Buonarroti, 4/6 20090 Segrate MI - Italy
HOLWEG GROUP SAS 151 11, rue da la Hardt 67120 Molsheim - France
EVAL EUROPE N.V. 155/157 Haven 1053 Nieuwe Weg 1 Bus10 2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium
ICI CALDAIE SPA 171 Via G. Pascoli, 38 37059 Frazione Campagnola di Zevio VR - Italy
FBL FOOD MACHINERY SRL 164-165 Via Rosa Augusto, 4 43038 Sala Baganza PR - Italy
IDEALPLAST DI IVANO SIRONI I COV-57 Via Vignazzola, 117 20821 Meda MB - Italy
CIDIESSE ENGINEERING SRL I COV Via dell’Artigianato, 3 36013 Piovene Rocchette VI - Italy
FILL TECH SRL 19 Via del Fornaccio, 6 50012 Bagno a Ripoli FI - Italy
IDEOTECNICA 53 Via Silvestrini, 4 12089 Villanova Mondovì CN - Italy
CMI SPA 49 Via Monte Grappa, 5 28047 Oleggio NO - Italy
FIORINI INTERNATIONAL SRL 10-11 Via Maestri del Lavoro,13 - ZI Ponte Lucerta 60010 Ripe AN - Italy
CHIARAVALLI Group SPA 146-147 Via Dante, 40 21040 Jerago con Orago VA - Italy CIBRA NOVA SNC 130-131 Via Brescia, 16 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio MI - Italy CICRESPI SPA 60-61 Via Trieste, 11 20060 Liscate MI - Italy
IFP PACKAGING SRL 1-14-15 Via Lago di Alleghe, 19 36015 Schio VI - Italy
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INDUSTRIAL AUCTION BV 179 Johannes Verleunstraat 16 5684 TT Best - The Netherlands
NOW PLASTICS INC 112/114 136 Denslow Road MA 01028 East Longmeadow - USA
PREMIER TECH CHRONOS 132/134 Meerheide 40, 5521 DZ Eersel - The Netherland
IPL INDUSTRIE PLASTICHE LOMBARDE 141 Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 13 C 21023 Besozzo VA - Italy
NUOVA ERREPLAST SRL 58 Via Nazionale delle Puglie, Km. 36+400 80013 Casalnuovo di Napoli NA - Italy
RADEMAKER BV 45-172-173 Plantijnweg 23 4100 AK Culemborg The Netherlands
JURRY HEKKING METAAL 139 Het Fiester 9 8106 PP Marienheem The Netherland
OHAUS EUROPE GMBH 119 Im Langacher 8606 Greifensee - Switzerland
REAL FORNI SRL 182/185 Via Casalveghe, 34 37040 Gazzolo D’ Arcole VR - Italy
OMAS TECNOSISTEMI SRL 8 Via Edison, 39 20023 Cerro Maggiore MI - Italy
RPC GROUP PLC 94/97 Sapphire House, Crown Way NN10 6FB Rushden - United Kingdom
LABELPACK SRL 59 Via Ciaikovsky, 29 20092 Cinisello Balsamo MI - Italy LARIORETI ITALIA 177-178 Via Piloni, 2/4 23900 Lecco LC - Italy LINPAC PACKAGING 125/127 Wakefield Road WF7 5DE Featherstone United Kingdom MARKING PRODUCTS SRL I COV Via Vittime delle Foibe, 20C 10036 Settimo Torinese TO - Italy MARTINI SRL I COV-116/118 Via Borgo, 21 35015 Galliera Veneta PD - Italy MINI MOTOR SRL I COV-104/107 Via E. Fermi, 5 42011 Bagnolo in Piano RE - Italy MINIPAN SRL 81 Via Trebeghino, 47 48024 Massa Lombarda RA - Italy MULTI FILL INC. 115 4343 W 7800 S. Bldg B West Jordan 84088 Salt Lake City USA
ORVED SPA 136-137 Via dell’Artigianato, 30 30024 Musile di Piave VE - Italy PACKLAB SRL 103 Via A. Volta, 16 46030 S. Giorgio di Mantova MN - Italy PE LABELLERS SPA 103 Via Europa 25 46047 Porto Mantovano MN - Italy PET ENGINEERING SRL 101-135 Via Olivera 42/44 31020 San Vendemiano TV- Italy PFM SPA 7-102 Via Pasubio, 49 36036 Torrebelvicino VI - Italy PIETRIBIASI MICHELANGELO SRL 110-111 Via del Progresso, 12 36035 Marano Vicentino Vi - Italy
RU IN CAR SRL 140 Via Repubblica, 122 25068 Sarezzo V.T. BS - Italy SARTEN PACKAGING 92-93 Balmumcu Mah. Zincirlikuyu Yolu Sok. No:4 Beşiktaş Istanbul - Turkey SEPE ENGINEERING SRL I COV-122/124 Via Milano, 35 20831 Seregno MB - Italy SEW EURODRIVE SAS 87/89 Via Bernini, 14 20020 Solaro MI - Italy SMI SPA - SMI GROUP 84/86 Via Piazzalunga, 30 24015 San Giovanni Bianco BG - Italy
PIGO SRL 186/188 Via Pontaron, 30 36030 Caldogno VI - Italy
SORDI IMPIANTI SRL 5-138 Via Paolo Gorini, 9 26836 Montanaso Lombardo LO - Italy
PMR SYSTEM GROUP SRL 120-121 Via Bertacciola, 41 20030 Bovisio Masciago MI - Italy
STORCI SPA 5-138 Via Lemignano, 6 43044 Lemignano di Collecchio PR - Italy
TECNO PACK SPA II COV-29/31 Via Lago di Albano, 76 36015 Schio VI - Italy TECHNOBLOCK III COVER S.S. Cisa - Km 162 n° 36/A 46029 Suzzara MN - Italy TOMACE SRL 174/176 Via B. Buozzi, 47 40057 Granarolo dell’ Emilia BO - Italy TRUESEAL CORPORATION 23 Rm 218, Garden5 Works b 289, Munjung-Dong, Songpa-gu 138961 Seoul KOREA TSUBAKIMOTO KOGYO CO. LTD. 82-83 Taiyo Life Shinagawa Bldg. 29F, 16-2, Konan, 2-chome, Minato-ku 108-8222 Tokyo Japan TÜYAP TÜM FUARCILIK YAPIM A. 3-22 E-5 Karayolu, Gürpınar Kavşağı 34522 Büyükçekmece - Turkey UKRPLASTIC 25-26 1 M. Raskova Str. 02002 Kiev - Ucraine VALMATIC SRL I COV-28 Via Turati, 5 41030 San Prospero sulla Secchia MO - Italy VELO ACCIAI SRL 90-91 Via S. Lorenzo, 42 - Cà Rainati 31020 S. Zenone degli Ezzelini TV - Italy WIPOTEC GMBH 36/39 Adam-Hoffmann-Strasse 26 67657 Kaiserslautern Germany WP BAKERYGROUP WERNER & PFLEIDERER 2-32/34 Carl-Severing-Str. 192 33649 Bielefeld Germany ZAMBELLI SRL 35 Via Ferrara, 35/41 40018 San Pietro in Casale BO - Italy
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Monoblock, split and condensing refrigeration units for food preservation
TECHNOBLOCK S.r.l. - Suzzara (MN) ITALY - tel. +39 0376 537011 - Fax +39 0376 537110 - technoblock@technoblock.it
Visit us! interpack 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany May 8 – 14, 2014 Hall 12, stand D36
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SOME THINK OPTIMAL LOAD STABILITY COSTS MORE. WE THINK DIFFERENT. At BEUMER we have a reputation for making things a little different. Take the BEUMER stretch hood® transport packaging system. In a sector where energy-intensive shrink hooding or stretch wrapping is the norm, the stretch hood method represents the state-of-the-art sustainable alternative. The result: better load stability, higher throughput and environmental protection, up to 10 times less film consumption and 90% energy savings. For more information, visit: www.beumergroup.com
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08.04.14 14:18