VOL. XLII / NO. 47 / July 13, 2022 Serving 47,125 readers week ly
Arrest Total Mounts
The 2019 GrassRoots Festival (Cover photo: Dave Burbank)
More Charges In Commercial Burglary Spree
NEWSLINE ....................................3
Hickey’s Music Center at 104 Adams Street was reported to have been burglarized on Wednesday, July 6. The commercial burglary spree currently seems to have concluded with the burglary of Diane’s Downtown Automotive at 435 W State Street on Thursday, July 7 and with Thomas’s subsequent arrest that day. As this issue went to press, the Ithaca Sta ff R e p ort employees say appears to have been an attempted break-in. Local business sources Police Department (IPD) has charged Thomas for the incidents at Mr. Tire, Ithareport that Enterprise Rent-A-Car at 803 ichael J. Thomas, 33, of Ithaca ca Grain Pet Supply, K&H Redemption, Cascadilla Street was also hit that night has now been charged with Papa John’s Pizza, Hickey’s six counts of Music Center and Diane’s Burglary in the 3rd Degree, Downtown Automotive. a Class D Felony, for his Thomas was arraigned in alleged involvement in six Ithaca City Court on Thursof the 11 recently reported day, July 7 for the first four commercial burglaries in counts, and again on Friday, the Ithaca area. July 8 for another two The recent spate of counts, and was released on burglaries appears to have his own recognizance after begun on Monday, June 20 both arraignments. at the Mr. Tire location at In its press release an361 Elmira Road. nouncing Thomas’s arrest On Wednesday, June 22 and arraignment on the fifth there were reported burand sixth incidents the IPD glaries at the Newman Golf noted that the crimes were Course at 10 Pier Road and not bail eligible. ETA Pie at 1006 W. Seneca Under a new controStreet. versial state law that went Ithaca Grain Pet Supply in effect this year, judges was reported to have been are not able to set bail for a burglarized on Monday, long list of misdemeanors June 27. and nonviolent felonies Employees at The Antlers including some forms of on 1159 Dryden Road say robbery. their restaurant was burglarProponents of the legislaized on Tueday, June 28. tion say it is a way to combat That same evening K&H systemic discrimination by Redemption Center at 900 stopping the poor from beW State was reported to ing jailed before trial due to have been burglarized. a lack of financial resources. On Wednesday, June 29, Opponents of the legislation Papa Johns at 435 Franklin The burglary locations flagged in red are those for which Thomas has been charged. He has not been charged with those flagged in green. Not shown on this map, due to scale, is say it raises the possibility Street was reportedly broken the reported burglary of The Antlers at 1159 Dryden Road, for which Thomas has not been that dangerous criminals into and B&W Supply sufcharged, and the burglary of Mr. Tire at 361 Elmira Road, for which Thomas has been charged. will be left at large. fered damage from what
Michael Thomas Now Linked To 6 Of 11 Reported Incidents
T A K E City Hall Extends hours — Ithaca City Hall has now re-opened to the public between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Friday. The Building Division will close at 4:00 p.m. Building Permit application hours are 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. or by appointment. The City Chamberlain’s Office will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but will be closed between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. The City
Clerk’s Office will continue to issue marriage licenses by appointment only. New York’s perfect day — Sunday, July 17 will be New York State’s most “perfect day of the year,” according to an analysis of 36 years of weather data by FamilyDestinationsGuide. com. This date is an average of the date with the most predicted sunshine, June 29, the date with the best predicted temperature, August 31, and the longest day of the year, June 21.
Alternative income city? — According to an analysis of Census Data by Self Financial, 62.2 percent of Ithacans earn income from sources other than wages and salaries, yielding a median $18,000 annually out of a $58,000 median household total income. These sources include self-employment, Social Security, retirement income, supplemental security, interest and dividends, rental income, and public assistance.
SPORTS ..........................................7 COMING BACK TO LIFE ..............8
GrassRoots Returns For Real Post Covid
BOOKS .........................................11 STAGE ..........................................12 DINING .......................................13 MUSIC ..........................................12 TIMES TABLE .............................16 CLASSIFIEDS ..............................19
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JULY 13–19, 2022