October 26, 2022

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FREE O ct O b ER 26, 2022 /V O lum E X l III, N umb ER 10 / Our 50th Year Online @ ITHACA.COM 2023 CITY BUDGET PAGE 2 WHO WILL BE NEW POLICE CHIEF? PAGE 3 BANGS WORKERS UNION PAGE 5 MOVIE HOUSE OF HORRORS PAGE 11 A SLICE OF BROOKLYN PAGE 12 Midterm Elections Are Right Around The Corner PAGE 8 Marc Molinaro (R): District 19 Josh Riley (D): District 19 U.S. CONGRESS NEW YORK STATE SENATE Lea Webb (D): District 52 Rich David (R): District 52


Larger Budget Bolsters Public Safety

Acting Mayor Laura Lewis, the City of Ithaca Common Council, and local department leaders have been working on crafting the city’s budget for fiscal year 2023 for several weeks. A fi nal version of the budget is expected to be made public following a common council meeting on November 2.

During a recent interview, Acting Mayor Lewis said, “The total budget re quest this year is $89 million. The budget last year was at $84 million. So there is a significant increase this year.”

Among many other policies, the city’s 2023 budget includes a proposal for a deputy chief of staff who will have over sight over public safety. It also includes the creation of a homeless outreach coordina tor to assist the City with managing its increasing homelessness problem.

When it comes to public safety, the acting mayor’s budget includes funding for eight additional police officers to partially fill the 15 vacant positions at the Ithaca Police Department. It’s unlikely that IPD will be able to fill all 15 positions, and Mayor Lewis has said that the city needs to use that money elsewhere.

For example, some of that funding will be going to the “reimaging public safety budget within the city for unarmed of ficers”, according to Mayor Lewis. Cur rently, the budget provides funding for three unarmed officer positions, but Lewis has said “That’s a starting point. We don’t know yet how many unarmed officers it will make sense to fund in the future, but there is funding within the budget for three unarmed officers.”

According to Mayor Lewis, “another key priority is investment in our staff. City staff has been through a difficult difficult couple of years, the workforce as a whole across our community across the country has been through a very difficult COVID couple of years. We need to invest in our staff, and my budget does that.”

Specifically, the budget prioritizes staff ing issues relating to youth services. Lewis recently said that it has been difficult to attract workers in many departments, but it has been especially difficult to attract workers to seasonal positions. As a result, the city is looking to transition some of those seasonal positions to full-year posi tions to attract more workers.

Lewis said that another priority was investing in infrastructure. “We have

deferred infrastructure related maintenance. We really have to be investing in our roads or bridges, and that is another one of the priorities in my budget this year.” She continued saying, “there is also funding for the Ithaca Green New Deal, which the city has a strong commit ment to following through with.”

However, the city has provoked concern among its residents that local govern ment is having trouble fol lowing through on the goals of the Ithaca Green New deal as a result of the city’s Direc tor of Sustainability, Dr. Lewis Aguirre-Torres, resigning from his position weeks before the upcoming mayoral election.

In response to the resignation, a group of more than 50 concerned community members signed a letter in support of Dr. Aguirre-Torres saying, “While AguirreTorres’ expertise and accomplishments have earned international recognition and broad-based community support, his remarks upon resigning lead us to ques tion whether he has found similar support within the City’s leadership and adminis tration.”

The acting mayor reminded residents who are frustrated by the budget process that, “it is important for the public to understand all the various pieces that go into the budget; where our money comes from, and how we are supposed to expend the funds we have.” According to Mayor Lewis, “Our department heads have real challenges in terms of meeting the de mand that the public places on us. We as city government want to be able to provide the services that our residents desire, and we have made every effort to do that”

She continued saying the common council is aware that many residents have costs of living concerns and that the budget is being crafted “with zero increase in the tax rate” as a result. According to Lewis, “I will say that this year, for the 2023 budget, the tax rate is close to the same level, there’s no change from 2022.” Additionally, Lewis said, “One really important fact that I think the public may not always keep in mind is that in the city of Ithaca, 57% of property is tax exempt. And what that means for taxpayers like you and me is that we have to cover the expenditures that we value in our budget.”


issue of more than half of the land in the city being tax exempt is taking away Cornell University’s status as a nonprofit so they are forced to pay property taxes to the city.

According to Sims, “Cornell’s non-profit status obscures a basic fact that informs everything in our city: that it has billions of dollars in wealth, and that it could provide much more financial support to the City whose infrastructure and community it too often takes for granted.” If elected, Sims has promised to use her position to “compel Cornell to provide more financial support to the City, especially for sustainable and accessible transportation infrastructure, stormwater management, and housing.”

Cornell University, which sits in the hillsides towering over the city of Ithaca has an endowment worth roughly $10 bil lion. According to the Cornell Daily Sun, “Approximately 5 percent of earnings are distributed each year to support the Uni versity’s operating budget, funding initia tives like financial aid, research and faculty salaries. During the 2022 fiscal year, the endowment paid out $352 million.”

Additionally, prior financial reports on the university indicate that it spends between $1.25 million to $7.93 million annually on supporting local govern ment and non-profit organizations. This still leaves a hefty sum of money left over for the university to continue to invest in future projects that could be used to make improvements in the city, in which many of its students spend a significant amount of their time.

2 T he I T haca T I mes / O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 N ewsline
Mayor Lewis’s progressive challenger for Mayor, Katie Sims, says that a potential fix the
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF HALLOWEEN? “Dressing up in costumes”. – Alice C. “Having candy and getting dressed up”. – Vivienne C. “The decorations”. – Isabella S. “Eating candy and the spooky decorations!” – Viggo L. “Trick or treating and seeing the decorations up close”. – Cedar B.
Acting Mayor Laura Lewis

Who Will be the Next Police Chief?

The City of Ithaca has been look ing for a permanent Chief of Police to help improve community engagement and transparency and follow through on the reimagining public safety process for more than a year, and it looks like the search is almost coming to an end. The current acting Chief of Police at the Ithaca Police Department, John Joly, was the first candidate for the city’s Chief of Police position to answer ques tions from the public at the police chief community forum which took place on October 17 at the Greater Ithaca Activi ties Center.

This was the first in a series of three community forums where the public will have the opportunity to hear from the three finalists for the Ithaca Police Department’s Chief of Police position. The upcoming forums will be held on Monday October 24th, and Tuesday October 25th — both will begin at 6 p.m. Former Ithaca Police officer Lt. Scott Garin and current Binghamton Police Department Lieuten ant Christopher Bracco are the two other finalists.

During the community forum, acting chief Joly answered questions regard ing his performance as acting chief of police, and explained steps IPD is taking to improve community engagement and transparency while working to follow through on the goals of the reimagining public safety process — which has been a subject of local controversy.

Joly said that he was the best candidate for the position because of his “broad pro fessional experience” gained from working

in a department of roughly 16,150 officers in Atlanta, as well as from being in Ithaca for over 17 years and “working in almost every position within the department.”

According to Joly, “I’ve worked patrol and all three shifts as an officer. I’ve supervised all three shifts as a sergeant, and as a lieutenant at different times. I was elected as union president for over seven years.” He continued saying, “even though I continued to suc cessfully promote within the de partment to the rank of sergeant, I was still elected by my peers as the union president. I think that speaks to the fact that they all felt confident that I would be able to adequately represent them fairly even though I was involved.”

A 2020 study from the Heritage Foun dation explains that Police Unions have worked to undermine reform efforts and have been a major reason why it’s so dif ficult for the public to hold police account able. The study says, “The elephant in the room with regard to making the changes necessary to combat institutionalized rac ism and have a full-on culture shift is the police union, the contract associated with that union, and then the arbitration that ultimately is necessary. It sets up a system where we have difficulty both disciplining and terminating officers who have done wrong.”

Police unions are known to be the power centers of many police depart ments and have a tendency to prioritize the rights of police officers over the rights of the public, so Joly’s time as President of a police union should be a bit concerning

T ake N ote

Trick or Treating in Downtown Set for October 28

Calling all costumed characters, ghouls, goblins, witches, superheroes, and everyone in between. Head to downtown Ithaca from 4 to 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28, to enjoy family-friendly Halloween activities.

Guests are welcome to join the community costume parade and store-to-store trick-or-treating at participating locations (look for a “Halloween in Downtown” poster prominently displayed in their storefront window). Stores on the Commons, Aurora Street, East State Street, Cayuga Street, Green Street, and inside the Dewitt Mall will be part of this boo-tiful celebration.

for those interested in accountability and transparency. However, Joly also said that his supervisory role at IPD which involved looking into complaints, holding people accountable and ensuring that officers were meeting the goals of the department has given him more insight into what it would take to be a successful police chief.

When asked to explain what alterna tive practices he has seen for preventing and reducing crime, Joly responded saying that increasing investments in technol ogy to cover staffing shortages, along with increasing community engagement and transparency have been the department’s main strategies.

During the community forum Joly said that IPD became disengaged from the community following the murder of George Floyd and officer morale suffered as a result. According to Joly, “we lost con nections to our community, and it became really evident after the death of George


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M ark L evine , M anaging E ditor , x 1217 E ditor @ i thaca t im E s com C hris i bert , C al E ndar E ditor , a rts @ i thaca t im E s com a ndrew s u LL ivan , S port S E ditor , x 1227 s ports @ flcn org

M att d ougherty , n E w S r E port E r , x 1225 r E port E r @ i thaca t im E s com s teve L awren C e , S port S C olu M ni S t s t E v E s ports d ud E @ gmail com

J osh b a L do , p hotograph E r J o S h B aldo @ gmail com s haron d avis , d S tri B ution F ront @ i tha C a t MES C o M J i M b L inski , p u B li S h E r , x 1210 jbilinski @ i thaca t im E s com L arry h o C hberger , a SS o C iat E p u B li S h E r x 1214 larry @ i thaca t im E s com

F r EE lan CE r S : Barbara Adams, Stephen Burke, G. M Burns, Alyssa Denger, Jane Dieckmann, Charley Githler, Ross Haarstad, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman


This afternoon of innocent and fun frolic will also feature minigames, balloon creations by Amazing Pete, warm apple cider, and snacks. Plus, warm meat and vegetarian chilis prepared by the Greater Ithaca Activities Center Teen Catering Program will be available at the Downtown Ithaca Alliance’s tent at Trolley Circle on the Commons.

For the community parade, participants will meet up at GIAC, 301 W. Court St., Ithaca, at 3 p.m. and then march to The Commons on E. State Street, Ithaca for the trick-or-treating activity.

Halloween in Downtown Ithaca is organized by The Downtown Ithaca Alliance (DIA) and Greater Ithaca Activities Center (GIAC) and presented by Travis Hyde Properties and Maguire Hyundai Subaru Genesis, and all of its festivities are free admittance for everyone.

All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional cop ies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIP TIONS: $89 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classified. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be li able for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the first insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972–1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973–1978), combined in 1978. F ound E r g ood t

O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 / T he I T haca T I mes 3 VOL. XLIII / NO. 10 / October 26, 2022 Serving 47,125 readers weekly N ews line
MES g az E tt E
NEWSLINE .................................... 2 SPORTS 7 ELECTION PREVIEW ................... 8 Close contests for congress, state senate MOVIES 11 CASUAL EATS ............................. 12 ART .............................................. 13 STAGE .......................................... 14 TIMES TABLE 16 CLASSIFIEDS .............................. 18
o M n ewton
THE COVER: New York State House along with Congressional candidates Marc Molinaro and Josh Riley and State Senate candidates Lea Webb and Rich David.
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Acting Chief of Police John Joly answers questions at GIAC community forum on October 17
4 T he I T haca T I mes / O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 ITH is conveniently located and connects to over 750 one-stop destinations. delta.com united.com Ithaca Tompkins International Airport Ithaca Tompkins International Airport | 1 Culligan Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 Choosing our local airport keeps load factors high and positions us for new service in the long term.

Bangs Ambulance Employees Seek to Form Workers Union

In a move that fits per fectly into Ithaca’s union friendly atmosphere, workers employed with Bangs Ambulance Inc. have recently started the process of organizing to form a union with the Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA). However, simi larly to many other organizing efforts the company’s leadership has been reluctant to recognize the union.

A press release by Bangs Ambulance Workers United said that the group was made up of roughly 50 EMTs, Paramedics, and Emergency Medical Dispatchers who are seeking better working conditions and a stronger voice on the job. According to the NLRB, the union includes “all fulltime, part-time, and per-diem EMT-Bs, AEMT-Is, AEMT-CCs, AEMT-Ps, Senior Paramedics, and Emergency Medical Dis patchers.” And excludes “all administrative and clerical workers, guards, supervisors, and managers as defined by the NLRA.”

Robert Royer, a Paramedic with 15 years in the EMS field said, “I am organiz ing so that we can provide better care and service to the public. A piece of solving that problem is to build a better retention system within our ranks”

Nick Supron, an advanced medical tech nician with four years of experience in the EMS field also said that he was organizing because he believes that the community is at risk and is “concerned about worker and patient safety”. According to Supron, “with a unified voice we can affect change.”

The union’s press release explains that “Bangs Ambulance is the largest and pri mary EMS response agency in Tompkins

County and took nearly 11,000 calls just last year. The number of 911 EMS calls in Tomp kins County is increasing exponentially, pushing the current system to the limit every day.” The press release continued saying that “EMS providers feel this is not sustainable and could lead to poor outcomes and lower quality of patient care.”

Workers supportive of unionizing say that the emergency medical response system in Tompkins County has been stretched too thin as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the seemingly endless calls related to overdoses fueled by the opioid epidemic. In fact, the city has seen an increase in opioidrelated overdoses over the past few weeks where Narcan has not been effective, or has required multiple doses to have an effect as a result of Xylazine being mixed into the local cocaine and heroin supply.

Xylazine is a sedative that’s used as an animal tranquilizer and is not approved for use on humans. It slows people’s breathing and heart rate and lowers their blood pres sure, which can compound some effects of an opioid like fentanyl or heroin. Xylazine is not an opioid, so administering naloxone won’t reverse a deep xylazine sedation.

Allowing Bangs Ambulance workers to be burnt out and have their services stretched too thin harms public health and safety because according to Trumansburg Mayor Rorden Hart, “EMS is an important part of the local healthcare system. Being able to provide people with the emergency health care they need at the moment of crisis is supremely important.”

According to the press release from Bangs Ambulance Workers United, “We are organizing to secure viable pay,

reasonable health care, and a transparent workplace, as well as to secure the staff ing, equipment, and updated protocols necessary for the operation of an effective emergency medical response system,” The press release continued saying, “This is vital for the good of the workers, the good of the company, and the good of the com munity. We are unionizing so the EMTs and paramedics of Bangs Ambulance will have a collective voice in the company; a voice that unionization will provide.”

Bangs Ambulance has not responded to The Ithaca Times for comment as of the time of publishing this story. However, in an email the Communications Specialist for the Civil Service Employees Associa tion (CSEA), Nicholas Newcomb, recently said, “Bangs leadership denied the request for voluntary recognition. However, this is not unusual and we hope to work posi tively with them along the way.”

As a result of the companies refusal to recognize the union, Bangs workers delivered a petition to the National Labor Relations Board on October 4, asking for an official union election. The case has been assigned to NLRB Region 03, Buffalo, New York. However, according to CSEA organizer Adam Pelletier, union members have indicated that they would be willing to withdraw that petition if the company voluntarily decides to recognize the union.

According to Bangs Ambulance Work ers United, the goal of organizing is to provide workers with a collective voice for positive collective change to help build a better system in order to provide the com munity with the highest level of care and recruit and retain the best EMS caregivers in Tompkins County.

According to Newcomb, “This group just wants a collective voice to help make posi tive change in the workplace to best serve the community. I think you see everywhere groups of workers understanding that they have the right to unionize and have their voices heard and that’s a positive thing.”



Ithaca Guaranteed Income’s pilot project is providing 110 caregivers with an unconditional cash payment of $450 per month through May of 2023.


TCAT has announced it will be cutting services yet again due to staffing shortages and bus maintenance issues.



Don’t worry…yet. That strange siren you might have heard last week was just Cornell University testing its emergency alert system.


Gas prices are lower than they were over the summer, but surrounding areas are seeing cheaper prices than Ithaca.

IF YOU CARE TO RESPOND to some thing in this column, or suggest your own praise or blame, write news@ithacatimes. com, with a subject head “U&D.”



Should Tompkins County mandate a minimum wage that is equal to a living wage? 24.4% Yes. Workers deserve to earn a living wage. 19.5% No. Employers can’t afford to pay all workers a living wage. 56.1% Employers should pay a living wage but the county shouldn’t mandate it.

Visit ithaca.com to submit your response.

O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 / T he I T haca T I mes 5 N ewsline
N ext W eek ’s Q uestio N :
What was your favorite Halloween candy?
Bangs Ambulance Workers United Logo (Photo Credit: CSEA) Bangs employees pose for a photo in front of a group of Ambulances (Photo Credit: Bangs Ambulance Inc.)

Vote Yes on City Manager Question

As a former City of Ithaca Alder person and Chief of Staff, I urge voters in the City of Ithaca to vote YES on the proposal to create the position of City Manager, which is on the ballot for the November 8 election.

Every Ithaca Mayor for the last 20 years has found the demands placed on the Mayor to be unrealistic. The elected Mayor is expected to supervise department heads, develop a budget, manage daily operations, all while serving as political head of the City. The Mayor also presides over Common Council meetings, without the right to vote except when there is a tie.

The Chief of Staff position was created in 2013 as a partial fix to this structural problem, but unfortunately it did not do enough. As Chief of Staff for five years under Mayor Myrick, I experienced this first hand. I facilitated communication and collaboration among departments, participated in developing and presenting the annual budget, helped develop new policies, served as sounding board for city employees, interfaced with constituents, and more. It was a big job, but my author ity was limited because no one reports directly to the Chief of Staff. Furthermore, I was hired by and accountable to the Mayor, not to Common Council, nor to the voters, which at times restricted my ability to provide information and assistance.

A professional City Manager would do this important administrative work but would be hired by and report to the entire Common Council, which the Mayor would continue to lead. This new role pro motes both efficiency and accountability. The elected Mayor will still serve as the political leader of City government, and would also have stronger voice in legisla tion, as the Mayor would have a vote on Council. The public would be far better served by having a City government that is more responsive to their needs and more efficient with their tax dollars.

Every Ithaca Mayor since 2001 has advocated creating a City Manager role. A task force appointed by Mayor Myrick in 2021, of which I was a member, researched and debated the issue and presented a thorough proposal to Common Coun cil, which adopted it unanimously last November.

We’ve waited too long already to implement this reform in City Hall. Please vote YES for “proposal Two; City Proposi tion One” to create the position of City Manager.

Dan Cogan

Alderperson, Fifth Ward, 2002 – 2011

Acting Mayor, 2005 – 2010 Chief of Staff, 2016 - 2021

State Health Department Quarterly Report Reveals Increase in Overdose Deaths


The New York State Department of Health today released its County Opioid Quarterly Report for October 2022, showing a 14% preliminary increase in 2021 overdose deaths involv ing opioids over the prior year. As part of the State's ongoing work to address the opioid crisis, this report provides timely information about county level health burdens related to heroin and opioid use. This enables local communities to respond to those needs.

In light of these findings, the Depart ment reminds New Yorkers that State Commissioner of Health Dr. Mary T. Bassett has issued a statewide pharmacy standing order for naloxone that took effect on August 15, 2022. Naloxone is a lifesaving medication that can be eas ily administered to block the effects of opioids allowing a stricken person to regain consciousness and resume normal breathing.

"Cases of overdose are on the rise both nationally and statewide, and about three-quarters of all overdose deaths in New York State now involve fentanyl," State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said. "I’d like to remind the public that our standing order for naloxone should put this life saving medication in the hands of more people to help reduce the number of fatal overdoses. I appreci

Official headshot portrait of New York State Health Commissioner Mary T. Bassett, MD, MPH taken on April 12, 2022. (Photo Credit: Mike Wren)

ate the hard work of the Department's team at the Office of Public Health and our partners at the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports for continuing to find new ways to help those dependent on opioids and those who treat them.”

The report, published quarterly, is authored by the State Department of Health. It was established following a rec ommendation from the New York State Heroin and Opioid Task Force in 2016.

The Talk at


Riley Understands Importance Of Climate Change

Here in Upstate New York, we’re close to the land. We learn from a young age to pay attention to the weather, because our safety depends upon it. So, we have all noticed the dramatic changes in the climate over the years. There’s no real debate. Climate change is here, and it’s a existential problem.

We’re seeing bigger storms, more intense heat, and longer droughts. Climate change is causing economic damage in our communities, creating new health risks, and making it harder for farmers to make ends meet. New scientific research warns that if we don’t get the climate back under control very soon, the consequences will be cata strophic.

There is no more important issue than climate change. We need leaders who understand that and are ready to take bold action to confront the problem. Josh Riley has a long record of public service, and has always been a firm voice, urging strong climate action. This year, Riley is running for Congress in the 19th district. This Election Day, I will cast my vote for Riley, because the stakes are too high for any of us to stay at home.

6 T he I T haca T I mes / O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022
Continued on Page 7

Young IHS Girls Dive In

For a program that has, in the words of Jon Singer, Ithaca High's first-year head coach of girls' varsity swim ming and diving, “Been around in one form or another since the 19th century,” a lot of things seem new: A new coach, a new pool and a lot of new faces...

While this is Singer's rookie year at Ithaca, he ran the show at Dryden for 4 years prior to this job, and that – com bined with the fact that he came up through the ranks of club, varsity and col legiate swimming – gives him insight into what it takes to build a program.

“Being new to the program, it is a bit of an adjustment,” Singer said. He added, “Ithaca has had one of the best programs around for a very long time, and every where we go there are reminders of past glory. The pools we swim in all have record boards that are full of Ithaca High names.”

Jon is grateful for such a legacy, but he is realistic in acknowledging that “Over time, memories can get distorted, and hazy.” He knows that without the neces sary convergence of circumstances, the old trophies will gather dust and there won't be any new ones to replace them. He said, “We have a handful of veterans (like tri-captains Ivy Bascom, Adina Wilensky and Vivian Molnar), but we have mostly young swimmers who are in their first year of varsity competition.”

Eight dual meets and three Invitational meets into the season, Singer is optimis

tic. He said that he “has a handful of swimmers with club experience,” and he added, “Mixing sports analogies, they have really stepped up to the plate.” The coach shared that the example they are setting – com bined with the internal motivation of the newer swimmers - “is really paying off.”

As stated, Singer's own background factors into his patience level in regard to program building. He grew up in the Triple Cities, swim ming for club teams before competing as a U-E Tiger (specializing in the 500 and 200). At SUNY Oswego, he was a 4-year competitor, upping his training and his mileage to swim the 500 and the Mile. (I asked him if the Little Red swimmers groaned when they learned that their training regimen would be designed by a former long-distance swimmer, and he just chuckled.)

Having been a part of several “swim ming cultures,” as he put it, Jon hopes to build a similar scenario here. “It's great to be a part of a well-established team dynamic,” Singer offered. “I was a part of that in club and high school swimming, in college, and I look forward to helping

to create that one more time. It is a build ing year for us, but I'm seeing a great work ethic in a lot of our athletes, and I am very enthusiastic about what is to be.”

● ● ●

It was another fine football week end for both local colleges – and for the Giants – and things are about to heat up for one of the local teams. Nationally ranked Ithaca College (#12/13) rolled over another opponent to go to 7-0, and this time it was Buffalo State that was on the sore end of a 51-10 thumping. Ithaca dom inated in every statistical category, and one can only hope that when the team

gets into the unfamiliar setting of playing in a close game, it will be able to play at a continued high level. Coming up over the next 3 weeks, the Bombers will face RPI, Union, and Cortland, three teams with a combined 16-3 record. Crunch time is coming, and those buses to Yankee Stadium for the November 12 Cortaca Jug extravaganza are filling up...

Over on East Hill, the Big Red won an exciting Ivy League contest, beating Brown 24-21 to move to 4-2. With the conference win, Cornell clinched its first winning road record since the previous century (okay, it was 1999) and tied its longest win streak away from home since 1990.

The report provides county-level data on major opioid-related measures in a timely manner to directly inform on-the-ground efforts. It is a key component of the State's work to advance comprehensive solutions that target heroin and opioid abuse with a focus on prevention, education, treat ment, and recovery.

More than 30,000 naloxone admin istrations have been reported to the Department based on reports received through September 6, 2022.

Key findings, comparing state totals for the third quarters of 2020 and 2021, from this report include an increase of 14% in overdose deaths involving opioids,

an increase of 2% in hospitalizations due to opioid overdoses, an increase of 7% in hospitalizations due to opioid overdoses excluding heroin, primarily caused by opioids such as fentanyl, an increase of 24% in outpatient Emergency Depart ment visits due to opioid overdoses, and an increase of 12% in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) naloxone administrations.

In addition to collecting and pub lishing these findings, the Department continues to support a variety of harm reduction initiatives to reduce the burden of opioid abuse and dependency state wide. This includes New York MATTERS, an electronic referral system for con necting persons with opioid use disorder to local treatment and harm reduction services; the Local Health Department Initiative, providing funding to 24 county

health departments with the highest overdose rates outside of New York City to bolster primary care, corrections, harm reduction, emergency departments, public safety, and more; and over 900 registered Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs, which provide training to community members to recognize opioid overdoses and respond appropriately by calling 911 and administering naloxone—provided at no cost—the antidote for these overdoses; the Department's Naloxone Co-payment Assistance Program (N-CAP), in which individuals with prescription drug cover age as part of their health insurance have co-payments of up to $40 covered, result ing in no or lower out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, the State continues to advance 25 Syringe Exchange Programs (SEPs) with over 81 sites statewide. SEPs

remain at the forefront of innovation in addressing the needs of New Yorkers who use drugs and lead in the distribution of naloxone to New Yorkers vulnerable to overdose. The State's 14 Drug User Health Hubs have been built upon the founda tions of the SEPs. These centers focus on reducing overdose by providing easy access to buprenorphine, building safety plans with people who have experienced a non-fatal overdose and equipping partici pants with naloxone.

The public and providers are encour aged to recognize the signs of overdose and take advantage of the resources avail able through the Opioid Overdose Pre vention Program to help those in need.

People with questions or requests for additional information should contact opioidprevention@health.ny.gov.

O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 / T he I T haca T I mes 7 SPORTS
QUARTERLY REPORT continued from page 6
Katie Pollock, Ivy Bascom, Adina Wilensky, and coach Jon Singer. Photo by Ava Thomas.


The 19th Congressional District and New York State Senate District 52

Midterm Elections are right around the cor ner and Ithaca res idents will have a chance to vote for the U.S. Congress, as well as the New York State Senate and Assembly on Novem ber 8. The outcomes of these elections will decide which party will wield the power of government at the state, lo cal, and federal levels and will likely be shaped by public sentiment around hot button issues like abortion, crime and inflation.

The race for the U.S. House of Repre sentatives between Democrat Josh Riley and Republican Marc Molinaro in the 19th Congressional District has received the most attention since it is regarded as one of the most competitive elections in the country and will be a major factor in determining which party will win control of the House of Representatives. Riley is attempting to paint Molinaro as a radical anti-choice Republican — while Molina ro is attempting to paint Riley as a radical pro-Biden liberal.

On the state level, Democrat Anna Kelles is running unopposed for the As sembly, and Lea Webb is running against Republican Rich David for the State Sen ate. The Assembly has a strong Demo cratic supermajority that isn’t expected to change. However, Democrats only retain a supermajority in the state senate by a margin of one vote — so they could lose their supermajority depending on what happens in District 52 on election day. If Democrats lose their supermajority in the state senate it will be much harder to pass progressive priorities such as the New York Health Act — even though they failed to pass the bill while they had su permajorities in both chambers this past year.


The race for the new 19th District is a top priority for both parties who see it as a pathway to either win back or keep ma jorities in the House of Representatives. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has added Riley to its “Red to Blue” program, while Molinaro is seen as a top recruit for Republicans.

Josh Riley is a lawyer that has experi ence in federal courts working on behalf of both the public and private sectors. He has worked as a partner at several law firms and previously served as General Coun cil to former Senator Al Franken. Unlike his opponent who has run for office many times, Riley has never run for elected office before this campaign.

Riley’s platform calls for revitalizing the economy by ending bad trade deals and di recting more funds to infrastructure proj ects in up-state New York to create good paying jobs. He has also promised to spon sor the Women’s Health Protection Act to codify Roe V. Wade into federal law if he wins election.

Additionally, Riley supports protect ing an individual’s right to vote by reen acting key protections of the Voting Rights Act, overhauling campaign finance laws by overturning Citizens United, and eliminat ing loopholes in the tax code that prevent wealthy individuals and big corporations from paying their fair share.

Riley also believes that our healthcare system must be reformed to prioritize pa tients over profits by allowing Medicare to use its purchasing power to negotiate for lower prescription drug costs, expand ing Medicare for seniors to cover dental, hearing, and vision care, and capping the cost of critical drugs, like insulin, at a fixed monthly price.

He recently said, “it’s a combination of deep local roots, being a product of this community, and also experience taking on big fights on the national stage, that’s gonna let me hit the ground running on day one.”

When asked to differentiate himself from his opponent, Riley has said “It’s sim ple. I’m pro choice and my opponent is not.” Riley continued saying, “Marc Mo linaro is a professional politician who did nothing to help when upstate jobs were shipped overseas. We don’t need more of the same. We need change.”

Riley’s opponent, Marc Molinaro is the current Dutchess County Executive and former Republican candidate for Governor of New York in 2018. He recently lost to Democrat Pat Ryan in the special election for the old 19th congressional district that took place on August 23, but is now run ning to represent the new 19th congressio nal district in a race that is expected to be one of the most competitive in the nation.

Despite the “R” next to his name and his campaigns anti-Biden messaging, Molina ro is known to be a moderate. Unlike many Republicans, he refused to vote for Donald Trump after the former President mocked a disabled reporter during a 2018 press con ference, and has made it clear that he be lieves Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election.

Additionally, even though Molinaro has said that he is personally “pro-life”, he be lieves that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest, and when pregnancy puts the life of the mother at risk. Howev er, unlike his opponent he does not support codifying Roe V. Wade into federal law.

Throughout his time as Dutchess Coun ty Executive Molinaro prioritized address ing mental health by combining the coun ty’s Department of Health and Department of Mental Hygiene and creating the De partment of Behavioral and Communi

ty Health (DBCH) to help streamline the county’s mental healthcare services.

Despite these seemingly moderate posi tions when compared to those of the GOP nationwide, Molinaro has been outspoken on issues such as inflation and crime — saying that increases in both have been the result of radical progressive policy coming from New York Democrats and the Biden Administration. Molinaro has repeatedly blamed inflation on increasing government spending, even though many economists say inflation has been the result of supply chain issues relating to the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Additionally, he has blamed Governor Kathy Hochul and New York’s bail reforms on rising crime — these claims are disputed by advocates of bail reform.

Molinaro has said that Riley supports “President Biden’s reckless spending result ing in record high prices and he supports Governor Hochul’s dangerous bail reform that is driving up crime.” He continued say ing, “If you’re ok with the status quo and think Biden’s doing a great job, Josh is your guy. But if you want to put a check on the Biden agenda, rein in inflation, lower pric es and restore public safety, I have a record of delivering the results we need.”

During a recent interview, Molinaro said that due to nationwide and historical trends he believes Republicans will win a majority in the House of Representatives, but he continued saying, “I’m not running to be on Team Red or Team Blue. I would just like to help solve problems.”

Data from OpenSecrets.org shows that Molinaro has raised $2,030,389 with $1,446,432 or 71% coming from large indi vidual donors and $154,524 or 7% coming from small individual donors. Addition ally, Molinaro has received $349,609 from a number of political action committees. At the time of writing, roughly $88,672

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in funding received by the Molinaro cam paign has not been publicly disclosed.

According to OpenSecrets.org, Riley’s campaign has raised a total of $1,389,387 with 83.75% or $1,163,635 coming from large individual donors and 12.42% or $172,604 coming from small individual do nors. He also received $44,150 in PAC con tributions. Unlike his opponent, Riley has publicly disclosed 100% of his campaign’s funding.


Lea Webb is a former Binghamton City Councilmember, an educator at Bingham ton University and a national trainer with Vote Run Lead, an organization that teach es women across the country how to run for elected office.

Webb’s platform calls for creating a sin gle payer health care system in New York by passing the New York Health Act, Passing Good Cause Eviction legislation to protect tenants rights, and supporting initiatives such as the Green Workforce Corridor — to link Binghamton and Ithaca to Elmira, Syracuse, and Rochester — to train work ers at all levels for green jobs of the future.

According to Webb, “As state senator, I will bring investments that generate goodpaying jobs and lead to a better quality of life for residents…Our state must prioritize investing in housing opportunities and es tablish protections against retaliatory evic tions.” She continued saying, “Upstate New York is full of natural beauty, and I will work with lawmakers to protect our natural resources and find new ways to develop a

plan to reverse the course of climate change on our environment.”

Following her victory in the primary, Webb said “what we’re looking to do in the state really resonates with a lot of people in our community, and so very appreciative and look forward to serving our commu nity in the state senate.” She continued say ing, “Now, more than ever, we need leaders that not only understand, but are willing to fight for and alongside working fami lies, and who also have a track record of doing it,”

Democrats have a significant voter en rollment advantage in district 52, and Webb says that she thinks many of her campaign’s priorities such as working to ensure constituents have access to housing, health care, and jobs that pay living wages will resonate with voters from all sides of the political spectrum.

Webb’s opponent will be Republican and former Binghamton Mayor, Rich Da vid. David has said that he is running for New York State Senate to put an end to “one-party rule” in the Empire State and

“oppose the pro-criminal agenda like cash less bail that has increased crime.”

David’s platform calls for “supporting and funding law enforcement so our com munities are safe from crime” and “op posing dangerous bail reforms pushed by downstate liberals”. Additionally, he sup ports lowering taxes that “force families and businesses out of New York” and wants to “create jobs by eliminating red tape and excessive regulations that hurt business.”

These “excessive regulations” usually relate to environmental policies that have been implemented to guarantee the pub lic’s access to clean air and water. For ex ample, a CBS News report explained that “GOP lawmakers only want to hear about the burdens of regulation, not the benefits to public health and worker safety.”

During a recent interview, David said “I’ve been campaigning for over a year now, on the issue of public safety and talking to constituents about how to keep our com munities safer? How do we deal with the inflation and the rising cost of gas prices and grocery prices and utility prices? And most importantly, how do we break the one party majority control in Albany that’s giv en us bad economic policies and bad public safety policies.”

He continued saying, “I can be the best representative possible because of my expe rience being the mayor of the City of Bing hamton for the last eight years, my service in education at SUNY Broome community college, my experience in the private sec tor as a small business owner. All of these things give me much more experience than my counterpart to be the best voice for the Finger Lakes and southern cheer region.”

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Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives District 19, Josh Riley (D-NY) Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives District 19, Marc Molinaro (R-NY) Candidate for New York State Senate District 52, Lea Webb (D-NY) Candidate for New York State Senate District 52, Rich David (R-NY)


Floyd that we had not done a good enough job.”

Joly said that IPD has taken steps to increase community engagement by participating in events with community organizations such as GIAC and tak ing steps to increase workforce diversity. According to Joly, “We at IPD need to get more involved in GIAC, the school’s youth bureau. We need to have positive interac tions on a regular basis with the youth of our community so that we can build back that trust.”

He continued saying, “people in our community want the department to reflect the community. People want to feel com fortable, they want to feel safe and they want to be able to find a representative in IPD that they can feel comfortable ap proaching.” He continued saying, “if we’re all white males that’s not comfortable to people, and we need to be more reflective. We need more diverse officers and support staff.”

The department has seen some success in increasing community engagement through IPD’s liaison program, but they have continued to struggle with hiring a more diverse workforce, likely as a result of ongoing staffing shortages and systemic barriers that make it more difficult for people of color to get the job.

Joly says that some of these barriers include residency requirements and fees that are required in order to take the test to become a police officer. The county doesn’t require these fees, but the city of Ithaca does. However, Joly said that “city civil service has been able to reduce that for this coming year and also removed residency requirements for the remainder of 2023,” so IPD hopes more applicants will take advantage of these changes in the upcoming year.

The department has also taken steps to increase transparency by creating an online community dashboard where the public can see how many calls IPD responds to, where they are located and what the call type is.

In response to questions regarding transparency, Joly said “I think transpar ency, both internally and externally for the department is key. We have to explain to the officers what it is we’re doing, where we’re going, be clear about the mission and what the goals and expectations are.” He continued saying, “but right now we’re do ing the best we can with the staff we have.”

When asked how he expects to collabo rate with the city’s new Deputy Chief of Staff of Public Safety — who will oversee the reimagining process — Joly said, “I’ll

take all the help I can get at this point. We don’t know exactly what the people that will work for that person will do or how they will interact with IPD, but there’s plenty of work to go around and I will collaborate with anyone and take whatever help I can get.”

While he is open to collaborating with the city on the reimagining process, Joly explained that the Ithaca Police Benevo lent Association (PBA) is likely going to have an issue with unarmed respond ers overseen by the deputy chief of staff of public safety responding to calls that would otherwise be taken by traditional officers.

According to Joly, “The PBA will have to compromise and the city will have to negotiate for any of the duties that the PBA currently covers in order for those to be given to someone else. And then in turn, there will have to be negotiations with CSEA, or whatever union covers those duties now.” He continued saying, “realistically, I don’t see that happen ing anytime soon because I think it will get tied up in litigation.” However, Joly said that some of the gaps that unarmed responders can help fill right away are for calls related to crisis intervention or victim services.

Regarding the cities search for a new Chief of Police, former Mayor Svante Myrick has said that he would like to see the city hire a police chief with a “dem onstrated commitment to the kinds of policing that keeps the community safe by making every person in the community feel like the police department’s on their side.”

He said that the search committee should look for candidates that have “a strong and demonstrated ability to work with minoritized communities and let them know that our public safety system works for them too.”

Alderperson Phoebe Brown, who rep resents Ithaca’s 2nd Ward on the Common Council, said that the city needs a police chief who is “very knowledgeable about the diverse communities: someone who’s been on the ground and is really familiar with grassroots organizing. Someone who understands what this climate of policing has been throughout the county and will now prioritize the necessity of making sure that we are acknowledging the con cerns of Black and Brown communities and LGBTQ communities. Someone who has been a champion of the people.”

The upcoming Chief of Police com munity forums will take place on October 24 with Investigator and former Police Caption with the Binghamton Police Department, Christopher Bracco, and on October 25 with retired IPD Lieutenant Scott Garin.

10 T he I T haca T I mes / O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 OPEN HOUSE • NOV. 9-11
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continued from page 3

Some very scary movies you should know about

Ireached out to two of my favorite monster kids and asked them to recommend a favored fright flick.

Can your heart stand the shocking facts listed below?

Read on, if you dare, kiddies…


Film historian and author David Del Valle recorded commentary tracks for films like Roger Corman’s “Tales of Terror” (1962), Herbert L. Strock’s “How to Make a Monster” (1958) and Norman Taurog’s “Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine” (1965).

Federico Fellini’s “Toby Dammit” stars Ter ence Stamp in the title role, an alcoholic actor making a film in Rome; “Spirits of the Dead” is an anthology and the other segments are directed by Roger Vadim and Louis Malle.

IT: I remember you talking about “Spirits of the Dead” in “Tales of the Uncanny”, that documentary about horror anthologies.

DDV: All the stories are based on Poe, and the third segment was “Toby Dammit”, and because Fellini was able to make it less than an hour, it’s absolutely a masterpiece. It’s got

For the best in horror, Price is right

For me and for a lot of kids raised on Forrest J. Ackerman’s “Famous Monsters of Filmland”, Vincent Price is synony mous with Halloween and cool, scary movies. And if you’re a Price newbie, you’re in excel lent hands. Film historian and author David Del Valle met Price when Del Valle was just a enthusiastic fan, and went on to interview him about his long and storied career. If you have the “MST3K” box set, you can see Del Valle, and his interview with Price, in Daniel Griffiths’ terrific feature-length documentary on American-International Pictures. He also recorded commentaries for Price’s “House of 1,000 Dolls” (1967) and “The House of Long Shadows” (1983), available from Kino-Lorber.

David Del Valle talked to the Ithaca Times about the best Price movies to watch this Hal loween.

IT: Take someone unfamiliar with Price’s career. Which AIP Poe film should they start with?

DDV: I would suggest that they watch a movie called “Dragonwyck” (1946), which he made for 20th Century Fox, and it very much was like what his characterization of Roder ick Usher would be. And then by 1953, he did “House of Wax” (1953). And “House of Wax”

Terence Stamp as an alcoholic, drug-addicted actor that goes to Rome to make a movie because he wants a Ferrari. But when he gets there, he’s confronted with the Devil, who happens to be in the form of a little girl with a white ball. The Terence Stamp performance, the atmosphere of this artificial Rome, and all of the amazing visuals that Fellini brings to it. It’s just an amazing, remarkable movie. A lot of other people, you will find, will men tion “Toby Dammit” as one of their favorite movies, whether they’re horror fans or not. It’s probably one of Fellini’s best movies.


Michael Felsher worked for the home enter tainment company Anchor Bay for five years. His Red Shirt Productions creates special features content and commentary tracks for many genre classics, including “Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn” (1987), “Intruder” (1989) and “Creepshow”

changed his life. It kind of put him on the trajec tory of playing this kind of Gothic villain. But “House of Wax” didn’t turn the trick quite yet. In another five or six years, he did another film with “House” in it, “House on Haunted Hill” (1959).

IT: That’s my favorite William Castle picture.

DDV: I love it, too. But “House on Haunted Hill” was great for Vincent not only because everybody loved it, and it made a fortune. But he didn’t take a salary, he took a percent age [of the profits] and “House on Haunted Hill” made him a millionaire. And then from “House on Haunted Hill”, it would only be a couple of years until Roger Corman, Sam Arkoff and the fledgling AIP would offer him $75,000 to play Roderick Usher in “House of Usher” (1960). And “House of Usher” did it. The “House” pictures were really good to him.

IT: You said on your “Tales of Terror” (1962) commentary that some of Vincent’s scene partners weren’t at his level.

DDV: Roger Corman dated the women he put in his movies. Should he get canceled

Arts & Entertainment

O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 / T he I T haca T I mes 11
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Adelina’s: Roman Pizza By Way Of Brooklyn

Few meals bring more enjoyment than a warm and cheesy pizza after a long fall day. Adelina’s Pizza truck keeps things simple but more than deliv ers on that pleasure. By lay ering the base components of a pizza with both traditional and unexpected ingredients, Adelina’s marries the ordi nary with the unusual. Some of their signature pies open your palette to unexpected pairings and flavors.

With abundant construc tion and waves of students, the big silver truck is a hidden treasure outside 311 College Ave in Collegetown. A small wooden set of steps leads to the window of the truck. The entire space is consumed by a strong aroma of a robust pizza oven. This insatiable scent makes it much harder to decide what to order from the limited menu. If you are indulging alone they offer a personal “pinsa” sized pie, but they also offer a “teg lia” or large pan pizza if you have many mouths to feed.

Originally from Brooklyn, Adelina’s brings local ingredients to the table to share the phenomenon known as roman pizza. This style utilizes the power of a 70 year-old “mother dough”: a sourdough starter that is used as the leavening agent for the crust. Keeping the starter in a controlled space allows it to be used over and over again, and for more dough to be created from it with new batches of pies. Using this technique physically keeps the historical influence and family connection of Adelina’s alive.

Thanks to this technique, the underly ing star within each of these pies is the crust. Each pizza has a different plethora of toppings, but with each the crust was thick, chewy, full of depth, and overall the perfect base. Starting off, the mar gherita pizza was exactly what the menu described. Roasted tomatoes draped over melty mozzarella with bright basil made

for a classic and comforting bite. The arra bbiata featured the same cheese and toma toes, but also included a spicy sauce, olives and parsley. The parsley was incredibly strong and complemented the sharpness of the olives well. For an arrabbiata, the sauce lacked heat, but it still complemented the other ingredients well. Lastly the bosco was like a close cousin of the margherita, just add mushrooms and parsley and take away the basil. The shiitakes added a meaty chew and earthy essence to the meal. Overall, these pies were incredibly satisfying, and did I mention that the pizza crust is fantastic?

The entire experience of Adelina’s was memorable and unexpectedly fun. From the pursuit of finding the truck in the busy streets of Collegetown, to trying a few of their signature pies, they offer something unique that makes you want to visit again and again.

Adelina’s Pizza Truck is parked outside 311 College Ave and is open Thurs day through Sunday from 4 to 8.pm. or until the day’s dough runs out. Or ders for pick up can be placed online at https://adelinasflx.square.site.

12 T he I T haca T I mes / O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022
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Owner of Adelina’s Pizza Toby Buggiani

“Duality” At Mix Combines Genre Aesthetics, Standard Gallery Fare

There’s a new gallery downtown. Located on a second floor Commons walk-up, Mix Art Gallery is the new project of recent Ithaca transplant Wendy Gherity. For her fall exhibition, “Duality,” Gher ity has paired paintings and drawings by respected Tru mansburg artist Joy Adams with mixed-media sculp tures by Pittsburg, Califor nia artist Jason Griego, a.k.a. “GriEGO.” Both artists will be having solo shows at the gallery in the near future.

Unlike a cooperative, where decisions are made more diffusely, a gallery un der individual management inevitably bears the imprint of a gallerist’s particular aesthetic sensibil ity. I’m still getting a sense of hers.

Cast in ground-up cattle bone, with other oddments attached, Griego’s statues of female nudes have a texture that recalls foam or even concrete.

at Ithaca College, is known for her classically Europeaninspired oils, many large and quite complex. While also exploring landscape and botanical themes, her signature pieces are narra tive portraits featuring “Mad Sally”—a stand-in for the artist as an elderly, eccentric British woman.

Her alter ego makes an appearance in two large paintings, both older and exhibited previously. In “Waiting for Jack,” on linen, Sally poses, purple haired, seated holding an open book. A gold furred dog curls up in her pink-skirted lap. Behind her, behind a thicket of sinister weeds, sprawls a landscape of rural devastation.

For their inaugural exhibit, which was extended throughout the summer, Gherity brought in Saint Paul, Minnesota abstract painter Jeffrey Hansen. Marrying clever geometric conceits with trick-y, roughed up paint handling—recalling work by German superstar Gerhardt Richter—they were ambitious but not always attractive.

One grows a bit weary of the pop meta physical conceits of artists and galleryfolk. Two artists: a duality. A painter and a sculptor, duality. Traditional and less con ventional materials—duality everywhere.

Fortunately, the work itself is decent to very good. Adams, a long-time instructor

A panel piece, “Belly,” sees her, improba bly underdressed, amidst a snowy mountain landscape. She wears a pained expression as she lifts up her tank top to claw her aging stomach. These are classics of local art.

The work here spans several series, rather disconnected. “Practice Bomb” and “Bridal Veil,” both on canvas, adopt (so-called) classical realist technique to a distinctly contemporary sort of deadpan. Defamil iarized objects pose like portrait subjects against dense black backdrops. The tall cyan blue canister of the former has particular resonance with the sculpture.

It is difficult not to suppose that Griego’s grotesque, mixed-media sculptures are here because it is October. As ingeniously designed and fabricated as they are, one wants to imagine for them something under than the white-walled gallery setting. One wishes for something as over-thetop theatrical and macabre as they are. (The checkerboard floor, left over from a former tenant, is a nice touch though.) Perhaps next time around.

It’s good to see painting and sculpture in a show together as

O c TO ber 26 – N O vember 1, 2022 / T he I T haca T I mes 13 Art
Continued on Page 15
(Photo: Provided) Joy Adams often paints her alter ego, “Mad Sally,” as here in “Waiting For Jack” (Photo: Provided)


IC’s Production Of ‘Into The Woods’ Delivers Happily Ever After

Since its 1986 debut, the musical “Into the Woods,” with book by James Lap ine and music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, has become a contemporary classic. But if you know it by heart and feel you’ve seen one too many productions, do reconsider. Ithaca College’s current staging is highly professional and delightfully en tertaining — thoroughly funny, bittersweet, and ultimately life-affirming.

The choice of this show is an apt tribute to Sondheim, who died last November. Under Gavin Mayer’s sensitive direction, all the conflicting emotions of the story interweave and engagingly unfold. The premise is a mash-up of several Grimm’s fairy tales: Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, the Baker and his Wife, Little Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel, with a nod to Sleeping Beauty.

The characters from each story find one another in the woods, each wishing for something more, and their quests end Act I on a happily-ever-after. Cinderella has her prince, Jack his cow and gold, the Baker and Wife their longed-for child, Rapunzel her freedom (with romance as a bonus), and Little Red has vanquished that nasty Wolf and retrieved Grandma. But then the second act arrives, and that, as they say, is another story.

At first look we’re immersed in the fan tasy through Daniel Zimmerman’s glowing scenic design: towering dappled green tree trunks, glowingly lit by senior AK Cox. And the forest is alive, thanks to Don Tindall’s sound, with Cinderella’s twitter ing bird helpers and, more ominously, the thundering footsteps of the giants.

The bouncy opening number, “Into the Woods,” has both characters and audience skipping in anticipation. Under Christopher Zemliauskis’ direction, the orchestra ani mates some 22 songs. And visual richness is provided by BFA student Dan Hewson’s cos tumes, which range from lavish (the mean sisters’ ball gowns) to ludicrous (those very furry trousers the Wolf slinks about in).

That Wolf and his prey are next up, as a smarmy Lucas Hakoshima tries to seduce Little Red, a spunky Liz Gilmartin. He doubles as Cinderella’s Prince, irrespon sible in love and leadership — irresistibly charming in both roles. His duet with the other Prince, Rapunzel’s suitor (an ardent Gabriel Vasquez, with fabulous vocals),

is a trusty comic showpiece: they wail in “Agony” about all the women they want who are beyond reach.

Here and elsewhere, we see songs un derscored with some sprightly movement by choreographer Aimee Rials.

With her burdensome blanket of curly blond hair, Rapunzel (a sweet-voiced Elizah Knight), disobeys her mother, the Witch whose curses and small-mindedness are at the root of much of the havoc. As the sorceress, Regan White is unrecognizable under grotesque makeup, until she’s re stored in Act Two. (I confess to never find ing the Witch amusing, perhaps because her shrewish cries are far too screechy.)

Emma Dean’s Cinderella becomes most interesting in the second act; her stepmoth er (Shannon Wright), two stepsisters (Ava Paulson and Maya Fortgang), and ineffectu al father (Liam Roberts) all play their types robustly. As Cinderella’s dead mother, Tessa Lynn Coleman is haunting, but as Little Red’s Granny her stooped walk is clichéd. (One of the rare directorial missteps.) As the Prince’s prissy steward, Dexter Conlin personifies bloodless bureaucracy.

Fuller characterizations are afforded to Jack (a personable Will Ingram), so attached to his white cow (a stuffed animal on wheels, curiously furry as a panda) and his worried mother (Jayna Wescoatt), who voices real-world adult concerns. Her singing exquisite, Wescoatt is also strik ingly fully present in her role.

Which brings us to the married couple central to the mayhem: the Baker (Oscar Izenson) and his Wife (Sabina Lueras). They feel the closest to our everyday lives — he overprotective and sober with responsibili ties; she assertive and complex. Their evolv ing relationship is familiar and compelling.

All the action is framed by a narrator, who comically interferes in the action from time to time. Jackson Goad delivers the part well, though his hair and makeup are distractingly exaggerated.

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Once upon a time is now: Ithaca College’s worthwhile production of Into the Woods runs only through Thursday of this week.


(1982). “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer” (1990) stars a young Michael Rooker and was written and directed by John McNaugh ton. John Carpenter’s “The Thing” (1982) is a remake of Howard Hawks’ “The Thing From Another World”, with memorably squishy practical effects devised by Rob Bottin.

IT: So what do you have for me?

MF: Well, there aren’t many horror movies that really scare me, in terms of really unnerving me and getting inside of

my soul and kinda bothering me. The only one that has really done that in a long, long time was “Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer” (1990). That one really got to me, because it’s like, that guy’s really out there. You know? The home invasion sequence, I’ve only been able to watch that once.

I can’t watch that again. But the horror movies that stick with me are the ones that tend to have more of an atmospheric thing going for them, rather than jump scares.

Like for example, John Carpenter’s “The Thing” (1982) is still, for me, the ultimate example of…the creep factor never goes away with that movie.

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equal partners. And it’s always rewarding to see Adams’ work, which is (probably) not as locally well known, as it ought to be. I’m still warming to Griego’s work—which I think requires a certain imaginative leap of faith to see it at its best.

Like eye Gallery (2015-2017) on the Commons before it, Mix seems headed for a…combination of “genre” aesthetics with more standard gallery fare. There is a gap between Ithaca’s mainstream gallery scene


now? Let’s hope not. Vincent even com plained to Roger. He said, “Roger, can’t you get me an ingenue that at least can act?” But remember, “Tales of Terror” has got Peter Lorre and Basil Rathbone as well. Not that they were that expensive. Vincent was expensive, and what AIP did for him was introduce him to yet another audi ence, because AIP catered to teenagers

IT: Having said all that, when he was paired with Jane Asher (1964’s “The Masque of the Red Death”) or Elizabeth Shephard (1964’s“The Tomb of Ligeia”), it’s a whole different thing.

and some of its more eccentric subcul tures. If Mix can bring these together with some flair, it may have something distinc tive on its hands.

Opening hours appear to be indetermi nate. Call ahead or try your luck.

“Duality: The Work of 2 Mix Artists” Through November Mix Art Gallery

at 156 East State Street (Floor 2) (607) 319-4364 contact@mixartgallery.com http://mixartgallery.com

DDV: The minute AIP moved to Eng land, that was it. After “The Raven” (1963) and “The Haunted Palace” (1962), the last two Corman Poe films shot in England. After that, every AIP picture Vincent did was shot in Europe, like “The Conqueror Worm” (1968), like “Cry of the Banshee” (1970) and “The Oblong Box” (1969).

IT: If I had to pick a favorite Poe movie, it’s probably “The Masque of the Red Death”. What is it for you?

DDV: Well, “Theatre of Blood” (1973) is the one that Vincent loved the most, ‘cause he met his last wife, Coral Browne, on it. But he used to say, before he did “Theatre of Blood” that “Tomb of Ligeia” was his favorite.

survivors eke out a reason to go on, dis covering comfort in their cooperation.

CARE MANAGER: A full time position working with children and families in the community to plan, coordinate and monitor community-based medical and behavioral health services, in addition to facilitating the acquisition of supportive educational, financial, vocational, housing, and social services, for clients who have met the qualifying criteria for home health services as defined by Department of Health standards.

FAMILY SERVICES COORDINATOR: A Full Time position working with adolescents in a residential treatment center, providing services to our clients and their families. This position requires regular travel to the communities in which our clients reside. A Master's Degreepreferably in Social Work, Human Services or Counseling or a Bachelor's Degree and 3-5 years of direct experience working with youth and families in a counseling position, with a commitment to acquire a Master's degree within five years. Position requires a valid NYS driver's license.

Fairy tales bear morals, of course, and this version’s for adults: In Act Two, life as it actually is intervenes. Babies cry, lovers wan der, mistrust and envy and self-interest mar relationships. Wishes granted come with conditions, and actions have consequences. Seeking retribution for her husband’s death, the giantess stalks the woods, smashing homes and people indiscrimi nately. As in life, random and irrational sudden death occurs, breaking hearts and spirits. But in the face of conflict, the few

It’s a fraught and painful outcome after such a humorous beginning, reaffirming Nietzsche’s recognition: “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.”

“Into the Woods,” music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, with book by James Lapine. Directed by Gavin Mayer. At Ithaca College, Tues-Thurs, Oct. 25-27. Order tickets online at https://tickets.ithaca.edu/ events.

Barbara Adams, a regional arts journal ist, teaches writing at Ithaca College.

Generous vacation package

Vacation Requirements

Valid NYS Driver’s License Diploma/License

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continued from page 13
continued from page 11
page 11
continued from page 14

a world of frost-giants, | $10.00$20.00

Rocky Horror ... Show | 8 p.m., 10/31 Monday | Deep Dive, 415 Old Taughannock Blvd | A Halloween screening of Rocky Horror Picture show featuring live drag performance! Pre & Post Dance Party with The Dutchess of Spirit Posse Doors at 8, Show at 9pm.

Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them | 7:30 p.m., 11/1 Tuesday | Preview of Kitchen Theatre Company’s second show of the season.



10/28 Friday

Cielle on Solid Ground | 6 p.m. | Hopshire Farm and Brewery, 1771 Dryden Rd. | Free

IU: BRIAN! LP Release Show with Motherwort & La Llorona | 8 p.m.

| The Cherry Arts, 102 Cherry St | $10.00 - $12.00

10/29 Saturday

Beats from the Crypt Halloween Party | 8 p.m. | Forest City Lodge, 536 West Green Street | $10.00 - $20.00

Comb Down + Freekbass & The Bump Assembly ft. Sammi Garett | 9 p.m. | Deep Dive, 415 Old Taughannock Blvd | $15.00 - $20.00

10/30 Sunday

Live music feat. Tenth Avenue | 1 p.m. | Treleaven Wines, 658 Lake Road

FREE SHOW SUNDAY (Western Mass Takeover!) w/ Carinae, Sun Parade & more! | 7 p.m. | Deep Dive, 415 Old Taughannock Blvd | Free

10/31 Monday

Jesse Collins Quartet | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road


10/26 Wednesday

Midday Music for Organ: CU Music | 12:30 p.m. | Sage Chapel, Ho Plaza | Free

Renaissance | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St

Elective Recital: Aubren Villasenor, violin and Katie Dursi, viola at Nabenhauer Recital Room | 8:15 p.m.

10/27 Thursday

Mania The ABBA Tribute | 8 p.m. | State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State St | $19.50 - $85.00

African Drumming and Dance at Ford Hall | 8:15 p.m.

10/28 Friday

Cornell Center for Historical Keyboards Salon: CU Music | 5 p.m. | A.D. White House, 121 Presidents Dr | Free

10/29 Saturday

Elective Recital: Cassidy Triolo, clarinet | 1 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

Elective Recital: Ben Macarell, tenor at Nabenhauer Recital Room | 2 p.m.

Junior Recital: Emma Powell, soprano | 3 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

Junior Recital: Leo Gonta, double bass | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto | 7:30 p.m. | Ithaca College (Ford Hall), 146 Conservatory Drive | $35.00

10/30 Sunday

Senior Recital: Landon Locke, oboe at Ford Hall | 1 p.m.

Junior Recital: Pegeen Friese, horn | 2 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

Elective Recital: Jenna Beaudoin, clarinet and Rebecca Moore, organ at Ford Hall | 3 p.m.

Jerome Begin and David Friend, Post-: CU Music | 7 p.m. | Barnes Hall, 129 Ho Plaza | Free

10/31 Monday

Graduate Recital: Xiangyu Wang, piano | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

11/1 Tuesday

Chee-Yun, violin, and Henry Kramer, piano: The Louis K. Thaler Concert Violinist Series | 8:15 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

11/2 Wednesday

Chee-yun, violin masterclass for the Louis K. Thaler Concert Violinist Series | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

Tacet(i) Ensemble, “Global Sound”: CU Music | 8 p.m. | Barnes Hall, 129 Ho Plaza | Free

11/6 Sunday

Jim Messina | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St| An undisputed expert in the ne art of making hit music, Jim Messina’s legacy of musical genius spans ve decades, three super groups, a vibrant solo career and scores of producing.


Into The Woods | 8 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Ithaca College - Dillingham Center, Danby Rd | Music and Lyrics by STEPHEN SONDHEIM Book by JAMES LAPINE Originally Directed on

Broadway by James Lapine Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick Directed by Gavin Mayer Music Direction. 10/1910/27 - Check IC website for times and tickets. | $10.00 - $20.00

NYC Other Side of Comedy | 7 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | Deep Dive, 415 Old Taughannock Blvd | NYC comedy comes to Ithaca! Hosted by performance artist Matthew Silver, featuring music by Johnny Dowd & DJ Gourd. This is a one of a kind, can’t miss event featuring six NYC comedians. | $10.00 The Mush Hole | 7:30 p.m., 10/28 Friday | Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts, 430 College Ave | Cornell University welcomes the internationally-renown indigenous Canadian dance troupe Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, to perform their poignant and powerful theatrical dance performance, The Mush Hole. | Free Boneyard Boogie | 9 p.m., 10/28 Friday | Deep Dive, 415 Old Taughannock Blvd | Calling all spirits to come forth and shake your bones with Parlor City Burlesque! Don your best costume and aunt your fabulous self on the dance oor to the sounds of Obvious Objects spinning the grooviest vinyl. The night will be sprinkled with sexy creepy dance and burlesque performances. | $10.00 - $15.00

Diya Jale | 6 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Bailey Hall, 230 Garden Ave | Come see the longest running Diwali show in North America featuring wonderful performances and support the promotion of South Asian arts and culture! | $10.00 - $15.00

Dark Stories in a Dark Room: The Norse Creation Myth | 7:30 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Cherry Artspace, 102 Cherry Street | Come take part in a theatrical experiment in which storyteller Jay Leeming will perform the Norse Creation Myth in an entirely blacked-out theater, bringing alive

ArtCornell Biennial Screening of “The Ways of Folding Space & Flying” by Moon Kyungwon and Jeon Joonho at Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art | 10 a.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Cornell University, 144 East Ave | Moving from global warming bunker to virtual highway, Moon Kyungwon and Jeon Joonho situate their protagonist in a digital archival bubble that oats free of a future Venice inundated by warming

Cornell Biennial “Between Nothingness and In nity” by Mellon Public Curatorial Expression at Human Ecology Building | 10 a.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Johnson Museum of Art, 114 Central Avenue | Funded by the Mellon Public Curatorial Expression Program and curated by Lauren Siegel, Sarah Then Bergh, Marie Lambert, and Romain Pasquer, Between Nothingness and In nity asks: What are the 2022 Ink Shop Member Show | 1 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | The Ink Shop, 330 E. MLK/State St | Opening Reception 9/2. The Ink Shop launches a Member show annually giving our membership the opportunity to exhibit their newest work. | Free 2022 Cornell Biennial “At what point does the world unfold?” by Sara Jimenez at Goldwin Smith Hall | 10/26 Wednesday | Cornell University, 144 East Ave | At what point does the world unfold? is a new installation by Sara Jimenez on Cornell University’s Arts Quad.

Cornell Biennial “Circulating Matters” by Felix Heisel and Circular Construction Lab at Arts Quad | 10/26 Wednesday | Circulating Matters is an outdoor installation for the 2022 Cornell Biennial, Futurities, Uncertain, that identi es the potential

of a future, local circular construction industry in Ithaca, New

Between the Equinox | 12 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 West State Street | Between the Equinox exhibit is a three artist show of Patricia Hunsinger, Guinevere Fullerton and Mary Ann Bowman that explores a range of societal issues. | Free

Saltonstall Artist Residency Open House | Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts | 5:30 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | Join us for our fth (and nal!) Open House of the 2022 residency season, featuring (in progress!) art and readings from our latest group of residents: Suliya Gisele, lmmakerLuis A.

Haunted History | 6 p.m., 10/28 Friday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd | Join us as we remember the history of the Cayuga Nature Center. First built as a preventorium in 1939, the Lodge has seen many changes over the years before serving as a dedicated space for environmental education today. Join us as we share stories, pictures, and history from the past! | Free



120 E. Green St., Ithaca

October 28-November 3, 2022.

Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New lms listed rst.*

Tar* | Set in the international world of Western classical music, the lm centers on Lydia Tár, widely considered one of the greatest living composerconductors and rst-ever female music director of a major German orchestra. | 158 mins R

Call Jane* | A married woman with an unwanted pregnancy lives in a time in America where she can’t get a legal abortion and works with a group of suburban women to nd help. | 121 R Triangle of Sadness | A cruise for the super-rich sinks thus leaving survivors, including a fashion model celebrity couple, trapped on an island. | 150 mins R

Bros | Two men with commitment problems attempt a relationship.| 115 mins R

Don’t Worry Darling | A 1950s housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous


THIS WEEK MANIA: THE ABBA TRIBUTE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH AT 8:00PM The State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State Street | In an exhilarating, two-hour recreation of one of ABBA’s most memorable concerts, MANIA brings to life the amboyance of the ‘70s. This includes all of the uplifting, dance-inducing and sometimes heart-breaking songs from the iconic Swedish band, with fantastic costumes, staging, lighting and e ects. (Photo: Provided)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH AT 7:30PM Schwartz Center for Performing Arts, Kiplinger Theatre, 430 College Ave, Ithaca | Cornell University welcomes the internationally-renown indigenous Canadian dance troupe Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, to perform their poignant and powerful theatrical dance performance, The Mush Hole. (Photo: Provided)

company could be hiding disturbing secrets.| 122 mins R

Pearl | The story of how Pearl became the vicious killer seen in “X”.| 102 mins R

Moonage Daydream | A cinematic odyssey exploring David Bowie’s creative and musical journey. From lmmaker Brett Morgen, and sanctioned by the Bowie estate.| 135 mins PG-13

Cornell Cinema

All lms are shown at Willard Straight Hall on Cornell campus.

Dog Star Man |10/26, 7:30PM | This rare 16mm screening of Stan Brakhage’s Dog Star Man will be accompanied by a live score by Owen Marshall and Adam Southard.

RRR | 10/27, 7:00PM; 10/30, 4:00PM

| An action-packed spectacular that mythologizes two real-life freedom ghters who helped lead India’s ght for independence from the British Raj: Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju .

The Monopoly of Violence | 10/28, 7:00pm | A documentary about police violence in contemporary France. Filmmaker and journalist David Dufresne examines the ways in which a government justi es brutal acts against its own citizens.

Bodies Bodies Bodies | 10/28, 9:00PM; 10/29, 10:00PM | A whodone-it party game amongst a group of 20-somethings gets out of hand when participants start to die o . This dark comedy pivots frenemies and fake friends against each other in a darkened mansion during a major hurricane.

Elvis | 10/29, 7:00PM; 10/30, 7:45PM |Explores the life and music of Elvis Presley, seen through the prism of his complicated relationship with his enigmatic manager, Colonel Tom Parker.

Ringu | 10/31, 7:30PM | Television journalist Reiko investigates an urban legend about a cursed VHS tape that murders the viewer seven days after they watch it. As the mystery hits closer to home, Reiko joins forces with ex-husband/current-exorcist Takashi to destroy the curse. And (hopefully) survive an encounter with a ghost named Sadako.

Sundance Indigenous Shorts Tour 2022| 11/2, 7:00PM | Six short lms directed by Indigenous lmmakers and selected from recent editions of the Sundance Film Festival.The program includes ction, documentary, animation, and experimental works from around the world, giving new audiences a taste of what the Festival’s Indigenous lmmakers have to o er.

Special Events

Halloween Fun Event at Tioga State Bank | 12 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Tioga State Bank parking lot, 183 Main Street | New eld Lions Club is hosting a Halloween event at Tioga State Bank parking lot with free hot dogs, donuts, cider and hay rides. Weather permitting. All ages welcome. | Free

Fall Foliage Eco-Cruise at Allen Treman State Park | 4:30 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | A relaxing afternoon cruise when the light is just right for leaf-peeping from the lake aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal.


Ithaca Field Hockey vs Nazareth College | 4 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Higgins Stadium |

Ithaca Football vs Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 1 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Butter eld Stadium |

Cornell Women’s Soccer vs Princeton University | 1 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Ithaca, NY, Berman Field |

Ithaca Men’s Soccer vs Vassar College | 2 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Carp Wood Field Ithaca Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving vs Rensselaer

Polytechnic Institute | 2 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Kelsey Partridge Bird Natatorium | It

Cornell Men’s Soccer vs Dartmouth College | 10/29 Saturday | Ithaca, NY, Berman Field |

Cornell Men’s Rowing - Lightweight vs Cornell Fall Classic | 10/29 Saturday |


S.T.E.A.M. Book Club: Sal & Gabi Break the Universe | 3:45 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Homeschool Book Club | 11 a.m., 10/27 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

A Generative Poetry Workshop: Crafting Memory in the Moment | 11 a.m., 10/27 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Comic Book Club Meeting | 7 p.m., 11/1 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | “Wakanda Forever: The History of the Black Panther!” Join us at the CBCI meeting on 11/1, where we will trace the history of the ruler of Wakanda and his family, and of the many other wondrous characters in this mythic realm! | Free


Johnson Museum at the New eld Public Library | 3:30 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | New eld Public Library, 198 Main Street | Explore wire sculptures with the Johnson Museum sta . For more Information, visit: https:// new eldpubliclibrary.org/johnsonmuseum-october-26-2/ | Free Preschool Story Time | 10:30 a.m., 10/27 Thursday | Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | Stories, songs, and activities with a di erent theme each week. All ages are welcome but this program is designed for children ages 3-5 yrs. Registration is recommended for each child.

Family Reading Partnership Announces Grand Opening of The Nook Family Space! at Family Reading Partnership | 3 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | The Family Reading Partnership (FRP) is excited to announce the opening of their brand new family space at The Shops at Ithaca Mall, The Nook at Family Reading Partnership!

Fun Fall Events at GreenStar | 10/27 Thursday | Greenstar Co-op Grocery Store, Cascadilla St | There is TONS of FUN happening at GreenStar this month including a sta scarecrow contest, pumpkin decorating for kids (daily between 10-12), and festive cookie kits available for purchase. On 10/31 the co-op will be open for trickor-treating from 4-6.

Autumn Baby Storytime | 10:30 a.m., 10/28 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Monsters in the Museum | 11 a.m., 10/29 Saturday | Central New York Living History Center, 4386 US Rte. 11 , Cortland | Halloween fun from 11AM2PM. Enjoy pumpkin decorating, crafts | $0.00 - $10.00

Animal Encounters! | 12 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd | Join us at noon to learn all about the Cayuga Nature Center’s animal ambassadors! We will bring out a few animals for visitors to visit with and discuss their adaptations, personalities, and more! | Free Halloween Lighted Bike Parade | 6:30 p.m., 10/29 Saturday | Auburn Street Playground & Park, 298 Auburn St | Bring your bikes, human-powered wheels, costumes, and friends to the Halloween Lighted Bike Parade! | Free Spooky Science (free event)! | 12 p.m., 10/30 Sunday | Sciencecenter, 601 1st Street | Grab your costume

and head down to the Sciencenter to celebrate Spooky Science, a free community event, on Sunday, October 30, from 12-4 pm! | Free

Ballet and Books | 1 p.m., 10/30 Sunday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Playtime with the Finger Lakes Toy Library | 11 a.m., 10/31 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Baby/Toddler Time | 10:30 a.m., 11/1 Tuesday | Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | Rhymes, stories, and songs designed for children from birth to age 2 and their caregivers. Registration is recommended for each child.

LEGO Build Night for Families | 5 p.m., 11/1 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |


Pearls of Wisdom Senior Group | 11 a.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Online, Center Ithaca | Pearls of Wisdom Online Senior Support Group | Free Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. |

Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | Marijuana Anonymous in-person meeting every Wednesday @ 7pm at Ithaca Community Recovery, 518 West Seneca St, 2nd oor in Room #2. Enter from back door of building. For more info: maithacany@gmail.com | Free Indoor Cornhole at Cortland Beer Co. | 7 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Cortland Beer Co., 16 Court Street

| Bring your nds, grab a pint, it’s indoor cornhole tournaments every Wednesday at Cortland Beer Co.

Notable People of Candor - A Talk by Phil Jordan | 7 p.m., 10/26 Wednesday | Candor Fire Hall. | Always entertaining, come hear Phil Jordan give his account on many of the notable people of Candor. | Free

ReUse Volunteer Events | 3 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | Ithaca ReUse Center, 214 Elmira Street | Join forces with ReUse as a Volunteer! | Free

Mindful Living Toolkit 6-Week Class | 5:30 p.m., 10/27 Thursday | Cornell Cooperative Extension, 615 Willow Ave. | This six-week class helps you build the habit of mindfulness in a supportive group setting. | $150.00

KINDRED SPIRITS: BEHIND THE HAUNTINGS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28TH AT 8:00PM The State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 West State Street | Amy
and Adam Berry dive deep into their history and adventures as real-life paranormal
(Photo: Provided) DIYA JALE SATURDAY, OCT 29TH AT 6:00 PM Bailey Hall, Cornell | Diya Jale is
biggest music and dance
the year and it is the longest running Diwali
in North
We are also
Society for India’s
festival of
special guest, Usama Siddiquee, a Bengali-American stand-up comedian and actor based in New York. (Photo: Provided)

Taughannock Blvd in Ithaca. Experience traditional healing arts...get back to feeling your best for the holidays!



Syracuse Area Sun. November 6. 8:30am -2:00pm. $5 Admission. 2000 Lemoyne Ave., Mattydale, NY VFW Post #3146. Open to the Public. Items from all countries, all time periods. Not a Gun Show. www.NFG Shows.com


Chemical Engineer (Dimensional Energy, Inc., Ithaca, NY): Duties include: Modeling of chemi cal reactors, reactions, materials properties, and performance. Optimization of catalysts and reactions involving reverse water gas shift reactions. Use of COMSOL, Python, Excel and other programs. Onsite operation of test reactors. Requires: Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. Send resume to: Dan Cogan, Chief Operating Officer, Dimensional Energy, Inc., 409 Weill Hall, 526 Campus Rd., Ithaca, NY 14853.

Park Foundation Inc, based in Ithaca, NY seeks nominations and applications for 2 fulltime positions.

Program Officer, Sustainable Ithaca. This is a new role for an existing and expanding grantmaking portfolio that is an important part of our support of local sustainability efforts. The Program Officer will report to the Executive Director in their role of managing grants and grantee relationships for the Sustainable Ithaca portfolio and assisting in other intersectional program related work such as helping implement new streamlined renewal processes across program areas and supporting Park Trustee priorities.

Program Associate - This is a new role that will assist across our program areas, including helping assist in implementing new streamlined renewal and reporting processes and helping with coordinating scheduling and connectivity for our program priorities.

Full descriptions including salary base are available at https://www.parkfoundation.org . Interested applicants are encouraged to send a cover letter and resume, to Rachel Leon, Executive Director, c/o info@parkfoundation.org by November 21, 2022.



Ithaca-based business seeks video editor for social media shoot. Contact Michael@ curiousyellow.com


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DELIVERY Part-Time Route Driver needed for delivery of newspapers every Wednesday. Must be available 9am-1pm, have reliable transportation, and a good driving record. Call 277-7000 Classifieds Town & Country In Print | On Line | 10 Newspapers | 59,200 Readers 277-7000 Phone: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm Fax: 277-1012 (24 Hrs Daily) Internet: www.ithaca.com Mail: Ithaca Times Classified Dept PO Box 27 Ithaca NY 14850 In Person: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm 109 North Cayuga Street EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOTIVE COMMUNITY COMMUNITY


Ithaca Times is seeking an experienced journalist with strong organizational, reporting and editing skills. You would oversee both the news and arts &entertainment sections of our community weekly. Duties include copy editing all content, layout coordination, some reporting, and feature and editorial writing. You need to develop stories, plan several weeks ahead, and set the course for the editorial direction of the newspaper. A staff reporter,and several freelancers report directly to you. You must have a strong sense of place to do this job; the Ithaca Times is about Ithaca, and Ithaca is fascinating. Respond with cover letter, writing samples, and resume to jbilinski@ithacatimes.com and Larry@ithacatimes.com


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Teachers assistants, Substitutes. Starting pay $15-16/hour. $500 hiring bonus. More informa tion at www.icthree.org or call 607-257-0200, Ithaca Community Childcare Center, 579 Warren Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850.



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LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America’s Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Call now to speak to one of our Quality Relocation Specialists: Call 855-787-4471


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for details! (844)



HOMEOWNER FUNDING. Not affiliated with State or Gov Prgrams. (NYSCAN)





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BathWraps is looking for calls from homeowners with older home who are looking for a quick safety update. They do not remodel entire bathrooms but update bathtubs with new liners for safe bathing and showering. They specialize in grab bars, non-slip surfaces and shower seats. All updates are completed in one day.
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Do you need a Roof or Energy Efficient Windows & Help paying for it? YOU MAY QUALIFY THROUGH NEW RELIEF PROGRAMS (800) 944-9393 or visit NYProgramFunding.org to qualify. Approved applications will have the work completed by a repair crew provided by:
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ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Now offering grants & scholarships for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI
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Times is seeking an experienced journalist
reporting and editing
with strong organiza tional,
skills. You would oversee both the news and arts &entertainment sections of our community weekly. Duties include copy editing all content, layout coordination, some reporting, and feature and editorial writing. You need to develop stories, plan several weeks ahead, and set the course for the editorial direction of the newspaper. A staff reporter,and several freelancers report directly to you. You must have a strong sense of place to do this job; the Ithaca Times is about Ithaca, and Ithaca is fascinating. Respond with cover letter, writing samples, and resume to jbilinski@ithacatimes.com and Larry@ithacatimes.com

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WE ARE HIRING VISIT US ONLINE www.wgaforchildren.org or call 607-844-6460


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