September 25, 2019

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Students take to the Commons

Cargill’s spill revealed


INHS gets $200K from university



A quiet election year

Author speaks on his latest work





Brands You Love. . . the store you trust










A New Broadway-Bound Musical

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Guthrie Primary Care

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Primary care that fits your family Guthrie welcomes new patients in Ithaca

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110 North Cayuga St., Ithaca • 607-272-4292


VOL.XL / NO. 5 / September 25, 2019 Serving 47,125 readers week ly

Who’s Running �������������������������������� 8

Tompkins County’s electoral landscape Bob Proehl ��������������������������������������������������������� 13 “The Nobody People” debuts


Two separate Deaths in Six Mile Creek

NE W S & OPINION Newsline ��������������������������������������������������3-9 Sports �������������������������������������������������������� 10


he Ithaca Police have located a body floating in Six Mile Creek near Agway behind the railroad bridge off Fulton Street on Sept. 31. The body was discovered by kayakers paddling through the channel. Police have identified the body as Wendi Owens, 31 years old, of Enfield. Officers have determined that the body had been in the water for a few hours or less, before her discovery. An investigation into the details of her death are on-going. Ithaca Police are encouraging anyone with information regarding the body in Six Mile Creek, to contact the investigations division of the Ithaca Police Department at 607-2729973 or to contact the Police Dispatcher at 607-272-3245. After the announcement about Owens’ death, police released an additional media release regarding a separate incident that a motor vehicle accident that claimed the life of one person in Six Mile Creek. The crash occurred on South Fulton Street near West Clinton Street, with the car winding up actually in the creek. When police arrived, they found a “heroic bystander” attempting to hold the driver’s head above the water. The driver was later transported to Cayuga Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead; he was later identified as Allen McCloud, 50, of Romulus. A passenger in the car during the crash was able to escape uninjured. A dog was also rescued from the wreck, but ran away in fear, but has been found. In response to “Porchfest Rocks!” I’m seeing other neighborhoods around the country have Porchfests, as well. With 171 bands scheduled, I have to

ART S & E N T E RTAINME N T Opera ��������������������������������������������������������� 34 Arts ������������������������������������������������������������ 35 Events �������������������������������������������������������� 37 TimesTable ����������������������������������������� 38-41 Classifieds ����������������������������������������� 42-44 Cover: Photo: Casey Martin, Design: Marshall Hopkins

ON T HE WE B Visit our website at for more news, arts, sports and photos. Call us at 607-277-7000

Climate R ally

Students flood the Commons for a strike against climate change


n Sept. 20, students from Ithaca College, Cornell University and all across the Ithaca City School District flooded the Commons as part of a global strike protesting inaction on climate change. Some signs read things like “cook food not the planet,” “the evidence is striking and so are we,” and “march now or swim later.” Several students spoke at

the rally, laying out demands to the federal government regarding climate change. The students asked for the government to tell the truth about the climate change crisis and work with the media to communicate the immediate urgency of how much change is needed. They also asked the government to act now to have legally binding policies to reduce carbon emissions to

T a k e

▶▶ Laugh On- Starting on Sept. 27, the 4th Annual Finger Lakes Comedy Festival is beginning in Ithaca. The comedy festival takes place across the Finger Lakes region and is composed of the funniest comedians today. Single show tickets are $15 and allow ticket holders to attend one show throughout the course of the festival with the exception of the Open Wine Bar and Buttonwood

Hundreds of students took to the Commons on Friday to make a statement about the need for urgent action on climate change. (Photo by Casey Martin)

net zero by 2025, and cooperate with international climate goals. Other demands were to have a citizen’s assembly to oversee the changes and to have a just transition that prioritizes the lands of indigenous people. While the federal government has not established any climate goals, local governments have taken this task on themselves. In June, Ithaca established a Green New Deal, with the goal of making the

E r i n S t e w a r t , A cc o u n t R e p r ese n ta t i v e , x 220 E r i n @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m L i s a B i n g a m a n , A cc o u n t R e p r ese n ta t i v e , x 218 l i s a @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , C y n d i B r o n g , x 211 A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chris Eaton, Distribution J i m B i l i n s k i , P u b l i s h e r , x 210 j b i l i n s k i @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m L a r r y H o c h b e r g e r , A ss o c i a t e P u b l i s h e r , x 214 l a r r y@ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m F r e e l a n c e r s : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Dave Sit, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman


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Winery Comedy Shows. Weekend passes for the festival are $70 and allow pass holders to attend any show over the course of the festival. The first show takes place on Sept. 27 at Casa Del Polaris at 1201 N. Tioga Street. A full line up for the festival can be found at ▶▶ In Cider Secrets - On Sept. 28, Buffalo Street Books will be holding a book signing and a brief

M a t t B u t l e r , M a n a g i n g E d i t o r , x 224 E d i t o r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m J a i m e C o n e , E d i t o r , x 232 E d w i n J . V i e r a , S ta f f R e p o r t e r R e p o r t e r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C a s e y M a r t i n , S ta f f P h o t o g r a p h e r P h o t o g r a p h e r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , C a l e n d a r E d i t o r , x 217 A r t s @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m A n d r e w S u l l i v a n , S p o r t s E d i t o r , x 227 Steve L awrence, Spo rts Co lumnist St e v e S p o r t sD u d e @ g m a i l .co m M a r s h a l l H o p k i n s , P r o d u c t i o n D i r ec t o r / D es i g n e r , x 216 P r o d u c t i o n @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m A u s t i n L a mb , C o p y E d i t o r E me r i t u s AL a m b @ i t h a c a t i m e s . c o m Maryan Zafar , Inter n M Z a f a r @ i t h a c a t i m e s . c o m

conversation with the authors of the new book “Cider Revival: Dispatches from the Orchard”. Authors Jason Wilson and Meredith Collins, the blogger behind Along Came a Cider will be discussing the book and their lives in the world of cider. Following the discussion, Wilson and Collins will be tasting cider from local makers. This event begins at 4 p.m. and is free to the public.

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All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $69 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classified. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the first insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972-1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973-1978), combined in 1978. F o u n d e r G o o d T i m e s G a z e tt e : Tom Newton

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“Porchfest!” -Eli & Alta L.

“Deep winter brings out the real in people.” -Anastasia L. & Shaun W.

N e w s l i n e

INHS and Cornell

Cornell agrees to give $200K for affordable housing


ornell University announced that it will not only contribute a onetime $200,000 donation to Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Service’s (INHS) Community Development Housing Fund, but the university will also be extending its mutual agreement with INHS for another six years upon the expiration of its current agreement in 2021. The announcement was made at a press conference at 28 Crystal Drive in Dryden in front of a soon-tobe renovated single-family home under the guide of INHS. The one-time donation of $200,000 is an addition to the university’s commitment to pay $200,000 over the next two years as part of its six-year renewal of its mutual agreement with INHS back in 2015. With the announcement of its latest extension, the university will be contributing $200,000 annually over those six years ($1.2 million in total). By the conclusion of the new six-year agreement, the university will have invested a total of $3.8 million since 2009 when the Community Development Housing Fund was established. “Cornell is proud of the work of this fund,” Joe Malina, Cornell University Vice President of University Relations, said at the press conference. “We’ve been a proud partner with the fund and the related programs that have supported 491 units with nearly $4 million in awards over the last 10 years. Those dollars in turn have leveraged an additional $114 million in outside


ctivists and community members gathered on Friday afternoon to stage another rally in support of Cadji Ferguson and Rose de Groat, the two people arrested on the Commons in April during an incident that has riled tensions over police brutality towards black people. The crowd, which reached between 70 and 100 people, alternated between chants and speeches, before finally finishing off the rally with a die-in in the road on North Tioga Street. The rally

“Don’t worry, we’re organic.” -Leah A.

“We keep it weird! Aliens like it weird, right?” continued on page 11

-Adam B.

Ithac a Times

A n d r e w S u l l i va n

Another rally held calling for charges to be dropped in Commons incident

-Josh L. & Mel G.

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funds that have made those affordable units possible.” The Community Development Housing Fund was established 10 years ago by the partnership of Tompkins County, Cornell University and the City of Ithaca. The fund helps support affordable housing in the city and the county. Since the fund’s inception, Johanna Anderson, Executive Director of INHS, said the organization has received $2.1 million and that total has leveraged over $100 million of additional funding from New York State private investors and financial institutions.



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Chair of the Tompkins County Legislature Martha Robertson (center) speaks during a press conference on Sept. 20 with INHS Executive Director Johanna Anderson (left) and Cornell’s Joel Malina (right) by her sides. (Photo by Andrew Sullivan)

“The impact of this partnership is insurmountable, providing much needed funding to expand access to affordable housing to those who need it most,” Anderson said. “In a region experiencing a housing crisis, this is exactly the type of support we need to combat this issue.” That funding has been put towards creating 259 rental units and 46 for-sale homes for first-time home buyers. “That includes this home at 28 Crystal Drive that is currently being renovated for one of our clients looking to own a home who would not be able to do so without the support of the Community Development Housing Fund,” Anderson said. Martha Robertson, Chairperson of the Tompkins County Legislature, said providing single-family units like the one on 28 Crystal Drive is a major benefit to the community since there is a lack of those types of housing units. “Ten years into the housing fund, we’re finding that the gap is especially challenging in these kinds of opportunities and home ownership opportunities as opposed to rentals,” Robertson said. “Home ownership opportunities are really lagging behind. So it’s great today to come here to celebrate one new data point, one new home.” INHS was founded in 1976 to revitalize neighborhoods and assist low to moderate income individuals in obtaining quality housing. As of 2018, the organization has provided loans to 1,100 first-time home buyers with low to moderate income, and has established approximately 1,000 affordable housing units.


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Russell Rickford, of Black Lives Matter Ithaca, addresses the crowd. (Photo by Casey Martin)

N e w s l i n e

Lake Spill

DEC issued violation notice to Cargill after Cayuga Lake spill in February

Cargill’s soil removal effort to address a spill that took place in February. (Photo provided)


broken pipe carrying sodium ferrocyanide at the Cargill Salt Mine in Lansing discharged a green liquid into Cayuga Lake last February, according to a notice of violation the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) issued to Cargill on Feb. 12, as revealed for the first time this week through documents released by a local activist last week. “We immediately repaired and tested the pipe before returning it to service later in the day, “ said Justin Barber, a representative from Cargill’s corporate affairs office. A food additive, sodium ferrocyanide, or YPS, is used to keep salt from caking. Discovered during a routine inspection, the leaking pipe was between the NorfolkSouthern railroad tracks and a spur used by Cargill to load salt into rail cars, adjacent to Cayuga Lake. DEC required the mine to collect soil samples near the discharge pipe, test them for chlorides, cyanide and total dissolved solids, and provide the results to the DEC. Cargill hired JMT of New York to guide and report on Cargill’s response. According to the DEC, Cargill’s plan was to continue removing and testing soil until either the test results were clean or soil removal became too risky. The company removed 400 tons of soil but excavation efforts came to a halt when the railroad tracks interfered with plans. “The bottom line is that [Cargill]

identified contamination that exceeded the clean up requirement and they left it in place. This now constitutes a continuing threat to Cayuga Lake,” said Walter Hang, an environmental activist and president of the Ithaca-based firm Toxics Targeting. Of 10 soil cyanide samples collected, four exceeded the New York Commercial Land Use Criteria and the 40 parts per million (ppm) protection of groundwater standard, according to JMT’s report, Cargill SPDES NOV Response Activities Report dated April 2019. (Because there is no soil clean up standard for YPS, the groundwater standard is used, according to JMT’s report.). The four results showed total cyanide at 73, 48, 89 and 91 ppm, surpassing the limit of 40 ppm. In Hang’s view, the public should have been alerted to the unpermitted discharge. “In unpublished work, we’ve found that it [YPS] biodegrades fairly readily so I’m not overly concerned by it personally from a human health perspective,” said Anthony Hay, associate professor in the Department of Microbiology at Cornell. However, he cautioned, “The ecological impacts at these sites are still unclear.” The DEC also required Cargill to install a groundwater collection system in the soil excavation area to ensure that contaminated groundwater was not discharged into Cayuga Lake. The system was operated until sampling showed groundwater standards were met

This year’s unpermitted industrial discharge was not the first time Cargill allegedly broke environmental conservation law, according to documents obtained by Hang through the Freedom of Information Act and released at a press conference on Sept. 19. Since 1979, the DEC and Cargill have entered into two consent orders – a legal agreement or settlement resolving a dispute between parties without admission of guilt or liability. In 1984, the DEC alleged that Cargill discharged total dissolved solids, chlorides and cyanide into Cayuga Lake at levels exceeding the mining company’s State Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit. A 1979 consent order alleged violations based on salt found to be leaking into the lake from the Bessemer Quarry, north of Cargill’s property. Incident reports, also released by Hang, revealed other unpermitted discharges, including trichloroethylene last March. Hang called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to fully investigate and remediate the Cargill mine site and “end this regulatory fiasco once and for all.” For safety reasons, Hang supports the transition of the salt mine currently operating more than 2,000 feet beneath Cayuga Lake to under dry land. He identified Tompkins County records showing that private property owners in Lansing are leasing rights to Cargill. For example, earlier this year, the Bensvue Farm on Lansingville Road entered into a lease arrangement with Cargill. Cargill’s spokesperson said the company is purchasing rights from private property owners. “To continue to mine salt that keeps New York roads safe during the winter, we regularly secure mineral rights under land and water,” Barber said. In 2006, the Bensvue Farm received more than $1 million from New York State as payment for purchased development rights to keep the property in agriculture and prevent the area from turning into urban sprawl “As long as there is no surface access or disruption to the water,” underground salt mining is consistent with the agricultural easement, said Scott Doyle, Associate Planner with the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability. Cargill is installing a new airshaft at its Lansing plant for the health and safety of its employees and to comply with federal and state laws. Once installed, the new shaft will enable the mineworkers to more quickly get from underground operations to clean air. Construction of the new airshaft will take up to two years. In the meantime, the Cargill mine continues to operate under Cayuga Lake a mile past Taughannock Point. “For the foreseeable future we plan to continue mining under Lake Cayuga [sic],” Barber wrote in an email.


Thumbs Up - Porchfest got pretty rave reviews this year, so congratulations on another successful event. Plus, the yearly community music event serves as a good lead-in to the next big event: Apple Harvest Festival, taking place this weekend. So you can wash down all the music with some cider and apple donuts, just as our forefathers intended. Thumbs Down- Only a mild thumbs down to the Lime Bike arsonists from last week. Yes, objectively, they have been a net positive for the city and they provide cheap, clean transportation. On the other hand, the rhetoric over Lime Bikes has been so thoroughly overwrought that this was the logical conclusion, the closest Ithaca can get to radical guerilla tactics: briefly lighting some handlebars aflame. Also, it’s pretty funny. Seen - Tompkins County Sheriffs Officer Scott Walters was acquitted of rape charges last week that stemmed from an incident in 2013. Walters and another man, Matthew Pinney, were accused of having sex with a woman who was “physically helpless,” due to being drugged. Pinney had agreed to testify in the Walters case and his trial was postponed, but will likely now be dropped after Walters’ acquittal.

Lori Sonken Se p te m b e r

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Pick your favorite apple variety. 13.0% Macintosh 4.3% Granny Smith 8.7% Red Delicious 17.4% Cortland 8.7% Empire 21.7% Other 26.1% Strawberries are better

N ext Week ’s Q uestion :

Which of categories should be included in next year’s Best of Ithaca awards? Visit to submit your response.

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SOS Saves Shad E

Pedal to the Mettle By St e ph e n P. Bu r k e

By M a rjor i e Z . O l d s

veryone who works at Shelter Outreach Services (SOS) has a marvelous story, which can be read on their website http://shelteroutreachservices. org/, as well as the pictures of the gorgeous dogs and cats, who have been cared for and saved by the veterinarian team! “Shelter Outreach Services (SOS) is dedicated to improving the quality of life and decreasing suffering for companion animals by stemming over-population through high quality, high volume spay/neuter clinics for animals in need.” Since the folks who make this program happen are too busy to sit and talk, we share the tale from the perspective of recent adoptee Shad, a cat who was taken in thanks to the SOS staff. “A long time ago I had a home. Then suddenly I didn’t. My people were rushing around, agitated. Putting stuff in boxes. When I climbed into a box, they dumped me onto the floor. When the boxes were taken outside, they picked me up and put me outside too. And I was homeless. Hungry. Scared. For a long, long time I tried to figure out what to do. Where could I be safe? Find water? Find food? I wandered all over and nothing felt safe. I just kept

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moving and everything was dangerous. At night I had to stay awake to hear the woodchucks and the skunks and their babies, so I could run from them. The red fox and the deer came around and everyone was looking for food. The bigger animals attacked the littler animals. I was alone and little. When I was no longer a kitten, I found a pretty good place by an old house. There was a stone wall where I could bathe in the sun and if the people came or animals at night, I would slip behind the wall and climb way down into the valley. There were wheelbarrows and picnic tables to sleep in the shady cool arbor. I could creep down into the lily pond and drink with the croaking toad. After a little while the lady put food out for me. All winter long I hung around. I would go into the nearby forest and hunt, but I kept going back to the lady in the old house. When it got snowy, I crept into the garage. Not long ago I got caught in a strange part of the forest and could not break loose to find my way out. I was scared and hungry and thirsty.

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his past month, community life in Ithaca featured two events highlighting the viability and vitality of bicycling for transportation, fitness, and fun: Streets Alive!, an official county project of Bike Walk Tompkins, and Porchfest, a product of neighborhood take-over of streets by local musicians and fans. Twice a year, Streets Alive! closes a major downtown street and adjacent side streets to car traffic in favor of biking and walking. It becomes a party, with neighbors convening, musicians appearing, and a robust showing of youthful entrepreneurs in the cookie and lemonade trades; its overriding function is to create a safe setting for biking and walking, to promote their value and growth. A poignant, plentiful sight is of parents behind children riding freely, practicing their skills on streets that, for one great day, are free of the threat of vehicular harm. Porchfest is strictly an entertainment event, but biking plays a large part in its enjoyment. For a full afternoon, in two downtown neighborhoods, scores of musicians play on their porches for the sheer community fun of it, for thousands of shifting spectators. The event grows every year; for each half-hour slot at least a dozen bands are playing. Sometimes there will be multiple bands one wants to see, playing at the same time, at distances as much as a mile apart. Voila: the two-wheeled vehicle, the only type allowed on Porchfest streets. The special strength of these events regarding biking is how they normalize it. Too often biking seems like an exotic affair. Pro riders (one feels they must be called) sport sleek superhero costumes with colors unknown to regular clothing. They wear strange shoes that make them wobble when they walk into the store for pomegranate drinks. They have wraparound shades and patterned helmets suggesting space robots. They tend to be unnaturally wiry. So do riders at the other extreme, of stripped-down rawness: helmetless, with close-cropped hair; shirtless, with monochrome tats; in pipestem jeans, pumping

hard. Between these two semi-real caricatures lies a universe of potential bikers who might be more likely to join the fun the more they see casual riders (like most) who bike with considered lack of strain, in clothes they wear all day (i.e., shirts; no magenta mauve). A more serious barrier to new riders might be the actual procurement of a bike. A potential pedaler of modest means or ambition might be daunted by a search for a sufficient, humble hooptie among shops seemingly showcasing only handlebarred Lamborghinis. My own bike came to me in a trade, so I can’t speak to the retail experience, but I think that, like most fears unfirmly founded, anxiety about the bike shop will be alleviated once directly addressed. I can attest, for the record, that my dealings with local bike shops for repairs have been uniformly easy and fair. I know nothing about repairing practically anything and this is probably obvious to any bike shop worker who meets me, but I have never been upsold in any encounter. Last week I brought my bike in for a flat, which I thought might cost about $40 for parts and labor and take a few hours or a day to complete (changing snow tires on my car costs this much just for labor, and generally requires an appointment weeks in advance). Instead the cost was $18, for a new tube and labor, and they did the repair while I stood there, five minutes. Biking also solves, for me, a particular Ithaca problem, the balance between on-the-street friendliness and the need to keep moving. I live close to work and can either walk, bike, or drive for my commute. When I decide to walk, I have to allot extra minutes for potential greetings with neighbors, and inevitable unpredictable meetings with friends along the way. If driving, I’m cut off from all that, but it feels like a hurried loss. But when biking, I can either shout and wave and ride on, or pull over to talk, with a quick means of exit, if necessary. Meanwhile, and ultimately, biking is good for our city, the planet, and shapely legs. It’s hard to think of anything to match that.


When I finally dragged into the yard of the old house, I plunked down under the thick green wet plants and fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke the lady spoke to me: “You’ve been coming so long I was worried when you didn’t show up. I asked all my neighbors again, “Who is the Black Cat’s family? Where does he live?” When you were gone, I realized. We are your family. You live here. This is your home…From now on we will take care of you. Poor thing. Poor thing.” I slept near her door and when a light came on, I got up and climbed the steps to her door. I learned to shriek a hungry noise to her. Lots of time she fed me first. She would bring me cream first in a fussy little dish.

After the man finished moving things around in the arbor he disappeared. The lady came out with my dish, but the food was way back inside that big clanky silver box. I could see it and I could smell it bigtime. Tuna fish. My favorite. Plus, my special treats—small and crunchy were scattered on the bottom of the silver box. My water bowl was way in the back of the box too. Those people kept moving my stuff around. Now it’s in the big box. But tuna fish and treats! Smash! As I got close to my fish a really scary clanging noise made me jump. I raced to the end of the box where I first walked in, but it was closed. My heart was pounding. I threw myself against the sides of the box and I spilled my water all over. I began to scream so the lady would come free me. But she didn’t come. The man came to the box and I was so relieved to see him. But not for long. He took a blanket like I had when I had a home when I was a baby and he put it over the box. Then I heard the lady’s voice shaky and scared. The man and the lady were whispering. And then I could feel the box moving. With me in it. I was so scared that I began to get sick. And the box kept moving slowly somewhere, but I couldn’t see where. I threw myself against one wall of the clanky silver box and I screamed. Big Shad, recently rescued thanks to SOS. (Photo provided) scream. I never saw the man or the lady again. For a long time. Cream! Food next. But she kept movWhen I saw the lady again, I was in the ing my bowl farther and farther and horrible silver box. farther away from her door. But I was so tired , nothing bothered In the hottest time the lady moved me. I slept. my dish to her long, covered table in the When I woke up, the lady talked to me. arbor which was my home. I would jump “You are home now. You will never have up on the bench, then the table and eat to leave again darling Black Cat. The chiland drink. dren have named you Shadow. Welcome Time passed. Food. Treats. Food. She home, Shad.” put a second bigger bowl by my food, and “You have been to the vets and had I drank my water from a bowl. an operation, exams. Tests, shots. You During the hottest time the man put are very tired. You will sleep and when some big clanky thing on my table. What you wake up, we will bring your cream was it? I had no idea. But the cream and and your favorite foods in your bowls. the food and the treats and the water in When you are well, we will start at the a bowl kept coming. And the voices. The very beginning and learn all about each lady talked to me on her way out of her other…Maybe by winter you will come house and when she saw me in the yard. inside and stay warm and cozy with us. “Good morning beautiful Black Cat. Whatever you want. Whatever you want.” I am so glad you are safe.” Things like “Good night Shad. I will be near you that. A few times, many times, every day when you wake up. You have come home. she would say those things. When I first Finally home.” climbed up the stairs to tell her to feed me; until she closed her door at night. Things were good…But not for long.

to be a resident at Chain Works when it opens! Sherman Cahal, via Facebook


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In response to “Parents warned as vaccination deadline day arrives”


Green New Deal or Greener Economic Status Quo?


n May 2, I was at the Ithaca Sunrise forum where Mayor Svante Myrick announced that the city would implement a Green New Deal (GND). The term Green New Deal was brought into the national lexicon by Senator Markey and Representative Ocasio-Cortez who introduced the Green New Deal resolution in congress, which outlines policies such as creating well-paying UNION jobs, training, advancement opportunities for workers and ensuring workplace safety. How is it that Mayor Svante plans to pass a GND when he has yet to so much as invite local building trades union leaders and the training directors of their apprenticeship programs to City Hall to solicit their input? I believe his GND will be held up nationally as an example of why working-class Americans can or can’t trust the Democratic Party to create good safe jobs while fighting climate change. Come on Mr. Mayor, the working people of Ithaca deserve a seat at the planning table, not a slap in the face. Let’s show the working class nationwide that GND is not a killer of good jobs but rather exactly what was promised and expand apprenticeship opportunities and a path to the middle class for local young people! Alex Hyland Ithaca NY

In response to “Changing the Face of Ithaca” “In Ithaca, a developer is a bad name,” Lubin said. “Let’s face it, there’s a lot of slumlords, a lot of people who don’t treat people well. I can understand it. [...] But I understand Ithaca. I understand the people and where they’re coming from. And I said, ‘I think I can work with them and develop some really unique things.’”” The vocal critics are just like the far left or far right protestors. They amplify their rhetoric on social media believing they have a large following when in reality they are on the fringes. Lubin has a lot more support than he realizes. I cannot wait Se p te m b e r

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o vaccinations? No school. But NY law mandates kids MUST attend school. So by denying your kids to go to school, the State is actually breaking its own law! And if you don’t send your kid to school, why bother paying school taxes? Because if you don’t, people with guns will show up and take away your property. And because they don’t want you to have a gun to fight back, you’ll be forced off your property. THIS is liberal mentality. Jerry Dennis, via Facebook

In response to “No decision made on Groton solar array”


ood lord the town council is already spending the increased tax money in their mind. It does not matter what the “appraised” value will be after these are built, if the town does not agree to the PILOT, it won’t get built. Making money on solar requires having known fixed costs not being seen as a new cash cow by spending politicians. Currently they likely get 1200 a year in taxes, pilot would give them 25,000. But that’s not enough. It’s never enough. Eddie Coyle, via

In response to “Porchfest Rocks!” I’m seeing other neighborhoods around the country have Porchfests, as well. With 171 bands scheduled, I have to wonder if ours is the largest? Jerry Dennis, via Facebook

In response to “Ride like the Wind on Cayuga Lake” 1984. We made a commercial for the wind sailing business on the east side of Cayuga Lake. Mike Dumont was the star. The last line of the commercial? Ride Like the Wind. Evan Stewart, via Facebook

Write to us! Say something or respond to an article by writing Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number. We do not publish unsigned letters. Letters may be edited for length and readability. To the Editor, Ithaca Times, 109 N Cayuga St., Ithaca, NY 14850

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All Quiet?

November brings 52 elections to Tompkins County and its municipalities. Just 13 of them are contested. By M att Bu tler 8  T

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lot changed about the future and present of the United States in November 2016. With the election of President Donald Trump, Republicans solidified a judicial advantage that will likely last for decades through Supreme Court appointments. Though the common narrative is that 2020 is “the most important election of our lifetimes,” but there’s at least an argument that the 2016 election was the actual event that carried that importance. In some ways, not much has changed since then. In 2019, Trump is still the main topic of conversation for a large portion of the population, particularly those who can’t stand him. He generates virtually the same headlines he did in 2016, though with the added weight of the presidency. That, of course, creates backlash. One of the more impactful rallying cries from leftwingers in the wake of the 2016 election was that Democrats had forgotten their ground game, and that building a local infrastructure was going to be a main priority going forward. Winning local elections was supposed to come with that, and the heightened interest and excitement was quite evident in Tompkins County. The City of Ithaca held elections in November 2017, one year after Trump’s electoral victory, and fielded a full roster of candidates and challengers. Anthony Hayton built a platform on promoting the residents of West Village and ran against incumbent George McGonigal, trying to represent the First Ward, while Jim Lukasavage brought his notorious brand of anarchy to a race against incumbent Cynthia Brock to take the ward’s other seat. Both of those incumbents retained their seats. A three-way race for one of the Fifth Ward seats, which had been vacated by Josephine Martell, brought Aryeal Jackson, Melissa Hall and Laura Lewis into the picture, a race eventually won by Lewis. Meanwhile, Tompkins County saw arguably even more interest. A wave of female newcomver candidates were victorious, building upon a year of momentum that had started with the successful Women’s March in Ithaca that coincided with similar events around the country. Anne Koreman, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson and Shawna Black were all elected to the legislature for the first time, along with fellow rookie Henry Granison. Overall, of the 12 total races in 2017 for

the Tompkins County Legislature, six were contested. Perhaps to match the interest in running or due to the general political climate, voter turnout was also quite high compared to the three elections before it. Fast forward to this year. In the City of Ithaca, although all the eligible incumbent Common Council members have declared their candidacies for re-election, if the vote was being held today they would all be unchallenged (Laura Lewis, George McGonigal, Rob Gearhart, Steve Smith and Ducson Nguyen are all running). Mayor Svante Myrick does have a nominal challenger in Adam Levine, running on the WE Party ticket (which he founded), though if anything, Levine is challenging Myrick from a farther-left position as opposed to from a conservative stance. City Judge Scott Miller is also running uncontested for the newly-created third Tompkins County Judge spot. “The fact that we’re not having a primary kind of dilutes things,” City Chair for the Tompkins County Democratic Committee Ed Swayze said. “There is a Trump effect, we’re not seeing it in challenges in the city since we pretty much know that in the city, Democrats run on the same side as far as Trump is concerned. [...] A lot of the energy right now is in shaking up the core of the county democratic committee.” The excitement hasn’t completely fallen since 2017, Swayze said, but it’s taken on a different form of involvement in local political groups instead of the more frontfacing running for office. TCDC spokesperson Kathy Zahler admitted she wasn’t sure how to diagnose the lack of candidates in the city, although she did note that in other municipalities in the county the Democrats have actually had more success than normal in finding candidates to run. “In the towns, I’m definitely seeing a lot of people come out of the woodwork to run for office, that’s really gratifying,” Zahler said. “It’s possible that people are just happy with what’s going on in the City of Ithaca [...] In terms of Common Council, we honestly did not have folks coming out, and I think that’s interesting but I don’t know exactly why it is.” Zahler said the lack of candidates could also be simply a regression to the mean. Before 2017, it wasn’t that uncommon for a Common Council member to run unchallenged, especially with the City of Ithaca being so heavily tilted towards Democrats (currently, the city’s Common

Council is unanimously Democratic). The push toward involvement in Ithaca was absolutely fueled by Trump’s election, and now with just over a year until the next presidential election, it’s possible people have turned their eyes to that. While normalcy may have returned, at least for this year, to the city, Zahler said the past few years may have created a stronger base in the more rural parts of Tompkins County. “To be honest, in all the years that I’ve been doing this we haven’t had a lot of competition in the city,” Zahler said. “It was unusual in 2017. Then usually, in the towns, you don’t really get a lot of people out unless it’s about a specific issue. But now, I think we’ve got this base of people that are interested.” It’s true that the relative quiet of Ithaca’s elections does not necessarily hold true in other Tompkins County municipalities, though the overall picture is uneven. Only two of the seven supervisor races are contested, which are in Lansing and Caroline. Groton has uncontested town council races including only Republicans; Enfield has uncontested town council races including only Democrats. Overall, there are 52 total positions available throughout Tompkins County that will be voted on in November, but only 64 total candidates entered into those races combined, according to the Tompkins County Board of Election sample ballots. “[The city’s] not contested because people are not invested in preventative politics instead of reactionary politics,” former candidate Jackson said. After her loss, she was selected to serve as chair of the Public Safety and Information Commission, a position she still holds. “And in such a ‘liberal, progressive’ city, there just needs to be more appetite. [...] My big frustration as a journalist, originally, was that people don’t show up to the planning meetings, but they show up to complain about the construction.” Jackson points out a common point of contention for city officials with the public, and it’s likely not something unique to Ithacans or Tompkins County residents. Part of that is the softening shock of Trump’s rule, part is natural ebb and flow of interest, and part, Jackson and Lewis said, is the amount of work that is necessary to be involved. That’s part of why Lewis, the only victorious member of that 2017 wave of city candidates, said she wouldn’t necessarily ascribe the lack of Se p te m b e r

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challengers to a lack of interest. “I have to caution myself to not too quickly draw conclusions,” Lewis said, noting that it was always going to be easier for her to jump in because she had retired prior to her candidacy. “What I know is this city is filled with talented, smart, creative people who donate their time to numerous non-profits, board, committees that are connected to city government. [...] While I think it would be helpful to have more people engaged in running for public office, there are certainly many people in our community who are involved.” The Republican approach to the county is led by Mike Sigler, the chair of the Tompkins County Republican Committee and one of Lansing’s representatives in the county legislature himself. Throughout his involvement with local Republicans, Sigler said he hasn’t seen anything compel people on the right into the voting booth quite like Trump’s impact on liberals. To an outsider, “It’s difficult to find people to run, the numbers are just so stacked against you,” Sigler said. “In Lansing, I’m outnumbered by Democrats, but I can find ways to win. I have to appeal to Democrats. [...] The city districts are so over-weighted, how do you talk someone into running?” Regardless of how 2019 goes, and regardless of the philosophical differences of both parties locally, they do seem to agree on one simple point: competition breeds better politics. Going forward, though, it’s fair to wonder after this year if the parties will be able to generate enough contenders to foster that competition. Satisfaction with representation is fine, but if that morphs into complacency, that’s problematic. “The good thing about being in a contested race, or a close district, is you really got to work for it,” Sigler said. “I have to work for my elections, and not just the six months before my election. I’m working all the time.” “I’m not particularly concerned, we’ve had many years where those seats went unchallenged,” Zahler said. “My preference is always for more challengers [...] Obviously, that’s not everybody’s. People look at it different ways, but my feeling is the more competition, the better it is for democracy. The more people who can get out there and run, the more participatory our democracy is.”

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Local faces fill TC3’s cross country team By Ste ve L aw re nc e


t is no secret that while I like writing about local collegiate athletics, I LOVE writing about local athletes competing for local colleges. While some of the team rosters at Tompkins Cortland Community College are very lean on local athletes, the brand new cross country team is not. Of the eight runners representing the Panthers’ newest sport, seven are from the Ithaca/ Groton/Dryden area, and their assistant coach Rich Bernstein is learning to make adjustments to the new program as well. Bernstein coached track and cross country at Ithaca High for decades, and he laughed when I said, “As a high school coach, you just had to recruit kids from within one district. That has changed, has it not?” Bernstein replied, “It sure has, and it really helps that the guys are recruiting in the dorms and dining halls.” He added, “We picked up two former football players and a former wrestler, all good athletes that were looking for something to do to keep competing.” Cross country teams must have a minimum of five runners to compete, and at eight, the Panthers have the numbers. There is no maximum number, and the coaching staff hopes to bring the total up a bit higher. Bernstein said, “Teams usually carry between 8 and 13 runners. You can pick up runners along the way, as long as they qualify, and we are about to get a young lady to join the team.” Of the runners presently wearing the TC3 uniform, Bernstein said, “About half of them have cross country experience, and the other half we will teach.” That is clearly a big change for the first-year collegiate coach, as he is accustomed to carrying “an army” on his roster. I asked him to describe any other changes,

and he said, “The biggest difference is not knowing the athletes well [Bernstein often coached Ithaca High School athletes for several years, and knew them before they reached his teams], and adjusting to the fact that we have to work around their lives. They have school responsibilities, running, and most of them have jobs. If one says ‘I can’t make practice because I have to work,’ we have to respect that.” Tompkins Cortland Community College’s cross country team in action. (Photo provided) Another difference collegiate runners face as meets thus far, and will take part in three World Championships to 8-0. they make the upward move is the actual more before the NCAA’s begin in NovemOf course, given Dake’s recent domidistance of the races. While a high school ber. Details can be found at www.tcpannance on the world stage, many ask about cross country race is 5 kilometers, his path to an Olympic berth, and possible lege races are 8 kilometers. “That’s a big championship. Dake has every intention of difference, going from running 3 miles to ● ● ● fulfilling his lifelong dream to become an almost 5,” he said. Olympian, and he will – as is his custom – So, Kyle Dake is not Superman… When asked what similarities exwork tirelessly to get there, but the weight At last year’s World Championships, ist, Bernstein said, “They’re all great class he has dominated at the World Dake rolled through the meet in dominant kids. When an athlete is competing as a Championships (79 kilograms) is not an fashion, racking up 37 points while not distance runner, it’s a matter of training Olympic weight class. Dake will likely allowing his opponents to score a single and fortitude. It’s the same question, ‘How compete at the U.S. Olympic Trials at 74 point en route to his first world champimuch pain can you take?’” kilograms, and will have a battle on his onship. Last weekend, Kyle claimed his The local athletes include: Anthony hands to get to Tokyo in 2020. As always, second world title by defeating Jabrayil McLain (Ithaca/Dryden), Robert Brehm, he will show up well prepared and ready Hasanov of Azerbaijan for the second Griffin Scarlata and Elijah Speight (Groto give it his best shot. The Olympic Trials year in a row. While Dake did surrender 6 ton) and Logan Lancaster and Andrew will be held at Penn State, in April of 2020. points over the course of the tournament, McDaniel (Dryden). he scored 27 in running his record at the The Panthers have competed in two

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New Vacination Law

ROSE DE GROAT RALLY Contin u ed From Page 4

Parents warned as vaccination deadline day arrives


hursday, Sept. 19 was the deadline for students to have received all first doses or overdue follow-up doses of vaccinations, meaning those who haven’t yet done so will be held out of school from that day forward until they can prove they received the shots, according to a letter sent by the Ithaca City School District to parents. Parents were officially notified by the school district last week, via letter that is dated Sept. 11, eight days before deadline day, and signed by Kari Burke, the coordinator of health services and wellness, and Melissa Dhundale, the district’s medical director. The letter stated that it was being sent to parents because “your child(ren) may be at risk of not being able to attend school unless record of their vaccinations on file in the school health office and up to date based on the Advisory Committee on Vaccination Practices (ACIP) schedule.” Beyond needing to prove evidence of receiving the first doses for each vaccine, students also must show that they have scheduled the “age appropriate appointments” for the follow-up doses, within 30 days of the first day. This year, that day falls on Oct. 4. Students can still receive medical exemptions if they have an approved medical condition that prevents them from healthily receiving certain or

all vaccinations. “New York State Public Health Law requires a student to have certain vaccinations in order to attend school,” the letter states. “A student who does not have the required vaccinations must be excluded from school until they have been received. Students who lived in New York State during the previous school year have 14 calendar days after the start of the school year to provide proof of the required vaccinations.” The letter also encourages parents with questions about vaccinations to contact the school nurse or the Tompkins County Health Department at (607) 274-6604. It can be read in its entirety at the bottom of this page. Some schools are theoretically in danger of losing a substantial number of students, as several schools in Tompkins County fall below the herd immunity threshold of 95 percent fully immunized. If the parents of those students intend to remain steadfast in their anti-vaccination beliefs, they’re left with the choice of either moving out of state, to somewhere with dissimilar state laws, or home-schooling their children. M att Butler

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lasted about two hours. Ferguson was recently acquitted of his charges, while de Groat is still scheduled to stand trial in November on her charges, which include two felonies. At one point, de Groat’s lawyer, Ed Kopko, claimed that Tompkins County District Attorney Matt van Houten had agreed to drop the charges, something van Houten denied at the time; but de Groat is still scheduled for trial. The incident in question occurred after a night of drinking, when Ferguson confronted someone on the Commons that he felt was making one of his friends uncomfortable. Ferguson ended up in an altercation with the man; when several police officers ran over, they arrested Ferguson and de Groat, who went to defend Ferguson when she saw him being arrested, tossing de Groat to the ground and kneeling on her head in the process. Mayor Svante Myrick has apologized for the conduct of the officers during the arrest, though after an internal review by IPD none of the officers involved in the incident were punished. Friday’s gathering echoed many of the sentiments that have been expressed several times before by the group, led by Black Lives Matter Ithaca and Standing Up for Racial Justice. They want the charges against de Groat dropped, an apology from officials, and some sort of renumeration in return for the ordeal. (Editor’s

note: Ferguson and de Groat were both in attendance at Friday’s rally, unlike previously written.) Many people spoke before the crowd, standing outside the Tompkins County Courthouse, either talking about their own experiences or voicing support and sympathy for de Groat and Ferguson. The rally’s audience seemed to stretch across races and age groups as well, though the speaking was mostly led and coordinated by young black attendees. People as young as high schooler Savannah Gonzalez addressed the crowd, carrying a sign that called for an end to racist policing. “There’s something that all of us can do,” Rafael Alponte said, addressing the crowd and referencing vandalism against BLM signs earlier this year. “Even though some of us have these Black Lives Matter signs, we understand that some of those signs have been attacked and destroyed. Just putting a sign in the street that says you support Black Lives Matter puts the sign in danger. So imagine how we fell.” M att Butler

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CLIMATE RALLY Contin u ed From Page 3

city carbon neutral by 2030. Mayor Svante Myrick joined the huddled masses in support of action against climate change. He is worried about the future that people and students have to look forward to since the federal government is not acknowledging the threats of climate change. Myrick encouraged students to keep up the pressure that rallies such as that one have placed on the federal government. However, he knows there is much more that needs to happen in order for the United States to work with other nations on achieving global climate goals.

“We have to vote President Trump out of office, he’s the only person that’s taken us out of the Paris Accords,” Myrick said. “We have to vote better people, not just for the presidency, but we have to get Mitch McConnell out of the majority leader’s office and put the Democrats in charge. And then, hold those Democrats feet to the fire so we can get an actual Green New Deal that can actually avert the worst parts of climate change and can deliver some resilience measures so that we in Ithaca can do more to shore up our creeks, prepare for flooding, etc.” Other people have found there are ways to be more environmentally conscious while doing something good for the community. Diane Cohen, the executive direc-

tor of the Finger Lakes Reuse Center, said reusing goods and looking to thrift stores for purchases can be an underestimated piece of the climate action puzzle. “The work that we take on here everyday has a huge impact on reduced energy and it takes a lot to extract, produce, manufacture and transport all the goods we consume and the simple act of reuse has a profound effect on energy savings,” Cohen said. “We think we’re a much overlooked part of making the world a cleaner, healthier place for people to live and work.” Myrick has acknowledged that the road to making Ithaca carbon neutral within the next 10 years won’t be easy but is ready to accept this challenge head on. However,

without the support of the federal government, this could prove to be more difficult than initially imagined. “There’s going to be some stuff that’s not difficult,” Myrick said. “We are going to buy electric vehicles for the City, we’re going to pass the Green Building Policy. For existing buildings, retrofitting them, electrifying them, so they are no longer using fossil fuels. Instead, sourcing all their energy to renewable resources, that’s going to take a massive investment, the sort of thing only a federal government can do. So, without their support, those things will be hard.” E dw i n J. Vi er a


Rep. Tom Reed “fine” after medical event in D.C.


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ccording to reports from Capitol Hill reporters, it appears Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY23) collapsed just prior to a live television hit last Thursday in Washington, D.C. He was in the Cannon Rotunda of the House of Representatives, moments from appearing on Fox News. Reed’s press secretary, Will Reinert, provided an update, saying that Reed was fine after the event. “Everything is fine,” Reinert wrote in an email. “He is in stable condition and being checked out by medical personnel.” Reinert sent in a follow-up that Reed had been diagnosed with a previously unknown case of pne umonia, and doctors told him to rest a few days. The thread of updates from Spectrum TV News reporter Samantha-Jo Roth appeared on Twitter, where she wrote, “Rep. Tom Reed has just collapsed in the Cannon Rotunda ahead of a hit with Fox News.” Roth reported that Reed was unconscious for about half a minute before waking up. He was attended to by paramedics, who wheeled him out on a gurney, though he was awake and responsive. “[Reed] is conscious right now as members of the media and police officers are waiting for medical help to arrive.” Reed was first elected to Congress in 2010, and has represented New York’s 23rd Congressional District since redistricting in 2012. Staff R eports



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Photo: Rachel Philipson


Best of Ithaca For all intents and purposes, this is the Oscar Awards for the Ithaca Times. Each year, the Best of Ithaca Awards ask the community to come together to anwer who had the best year in entertainment, food and drink, individiaually,

Photos by Casey Martin

etc. It’s a chance for the community to highlight their favorite parts of living in Tompkins County, with a little friendly competition mixed in. This year, we have introduced a few new categories that were very popular, like Best Local Rapper,

and while we like to shuffle certain topics in and out of the lineup every year, please feel free to reach out to us with your suggestions for what next year’s competition could look like.

In the meantime, enjoy our Best of Ithaca Award winners. Congratulations to those victorious and those receiving votes.

E N T E R T A I N M E N T BEST ARTS SUPPORTER COMMUNITY ARTS PA R T N E R S H I P For years, the Community Arts Partnership has been one of the primary forces fostering growth among the arts community in Ithaca and Tompkins County. According to the organization, they have given out over $4.5 million to support artists over the years, whether it’s directly to artists or using the money to fund or assist non-profits who are producing artistic ventures. There’s tons of opportunities to experience CAP’s work intimately, including the Greater Ithaca Art Trail and the Ithaca Artist Market.

BEST ARTS EVENT F I R S T F R I D AY S The monthly walking tour takes place on the First Friday of every month, during which several galleries around the area open their doors as part of an arts tour. Patrons are welcome to walk around galleries, mostly located around downtown, where different displays and exhibits are available for viewing.

From New Roots Charter School to the Hilton Garden to the Community School of Music and Arts to the Handwork Gallery, and so on, all within walking distance of each other. The year’s remaining First Friday events are Oct. 4, Nov. 1 and Dec. 6.

This is an honor and we can’t wait to give you all more music and more shows!”

KINKY BOOTS, H A N G A R T H E AT R E Kinky Boots was one of the highlights of the summer season, arriving in late July with “cascades of joy” according to our review

BEST LOCAL BAND GUNPOETS The six-piece hip-hop group is one of the most recognizable names in Ithaca music, showing up at nearly every major music event and maintaining a prominent position in Ithaca’s rap scene. Aiming to pack their shows with positivity and consistently bringing an energetic, full stage, the GunPoets are a treat to see ply their trade live if you get the chance. They’ve obviously made an impact locally, as they claimed this prize despite having released their last album over three years ago. “We just want to extend major love and gratitude to everyone who has supported us over the years,” the band said through Josh “Jayhigh” Higgins. “Our fans have stuck with us and have repped us so passionately. We love love love every last one of them. We can’t believe that after more than a decade in as a band we continue to connect with people so profoundly. The

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College’s campus, boasts a wide-enough selection that anybody can find something they like, depending on the time of day. Hosts range from college students to community members, so there’s consistently fresh and familiar voices introducing the songs and curating the playlists.


BEST COMMERCIAL R A D I O S TAT I ON WVBR It has been a bit of a transitional era for WVBR as they pivot to an alternative music format, away from their previous content. Regardless, they clearly remain one of the favorites for Ithacans looking for audio entertainment. “We’re thrilled that our listeners have responded so positively to our format switch to ‘Ithaca’s Alternative,’” the station’s General Manager Christopher Morales said. “It’s an honor to be part of such a special and musical community, and we’re especially thankful to our volunteer staff who keep the station on-air.” by Ross Haarstad. The production, directed and choreographed by Gerry McIntyre, was successful throughout its run, both in sales and reviews. “We are so thrilled about how this musical lit up our community, and how the community embraced this story that reminds us of the importance of walking in someone else’s heels,” said Michael Barakiva, the artistic director of the Hangar Theatre.




WICB91.7 FM Sports talk, jazz, rock, rap, country, showtunes. Whatever you can imagine, WICB has it. The station, which is based out of Ithaca

Led by Bevin O’Gara and Stephen Nunley, Kitchen Theatre had another successful year in 2019. Highlighted by productions of “Grounded” and “Royale.” They say their mission is to create bold theatre within our intimate space that engages community and

sparks important conversation. And if you missed Kitchen’s shows so far, no worries: you still have seven different productions you can catch in the 2019-2020 season, which runs through June 2020.

BEST OUTDOOR ADVENTURE T R E M A N PA R K Treman State Park, located on Enfield Falls Road in Ithaca, boasts Enfield Glen, the tall Lucifer Falls and plenty of trails that twist and turn past the park’s waterfalls. Camping is available, with a two-pet limit, and there are RV sites, cabins and tent-spaces. For $80 per year, you can enjoy the park year-round to satisy any of your outdoor activity desires.

B E S T FA M I LY E V E N T I T H A C A F E S T I VA L What else? Ithaca Festival marks the annual celebration of warm weather, foods from all over the world and myriad cultures, and it doesn’t hurt that it happens right after all the students leave town. It’s a joyous occasion, highlighted by the kick-off parade that marks the beginning of the festival, even if it seemingly gets rained on every single year. Ithacans showed their support in the most important way over the winter, raising $30,000 to support the festival through some temporary financial struggles in advance of the 2019 festival.


ELECTED R E P R E S E N TAT I V E Svante Myrick

BEST ELECTED R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S VA N T E M Y R I C K Going into an election year, the Best of Ithaca award is sure to bolster Mayor Svante Myrick’s campaign efforts and should probably become a main talking point. Myrick has won several similar awards in the Best of Ithaca competiton before.

Dr. Alex Wood, the owner of Ithaca Cayuga Optical Services on the Commons, said he was honored to have so many people trust he and his staff to care for their vision over the last 30 years, and credited his staff with bringing the same level of care and passion to the work that he has tried to during that time. “I love my patients and it is a very serious responsibility to take care of their eyes,” Wood said. “My staff and I have been here over 30 years

“I can’t say why, but I can say I’m honored,” Myrick said. “With so many high quality elected officlals in town this is very meaningful to me. I know not everyone agrees with me on every issue, but maybe the voters sense that I love Ithaca, I love my neighbors, and I always do my best to serve the city.”


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on the Commons and we feel very welcomed in Ithaca. [...] Ultimately, we’re here to help people see better, put their mind at ease if they have questions or issues, and try to have a good time each day. I try to learn something from each patient along the way. [...] I owe a great deal of gratitude to my wonderful staff who care as much for our patients as I do.”

BEST OPTOMETRIST A l e x Wo o d Best


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DJ SPLIT IMAGE Vincente Sierra, otherwise known as DJ Split Image, pulled down the Best of Ithaca award for Best DJ, which had one of the highest total vote counts among all of the competitions. He asked readers and those who did and didn’t vote for him to follow his career on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @DJSplitImage, where he will keep fans posted about future events and shows. “Thank you to everybody who has supported me, I’m truly humbled by the love,” he said. “Make sure you check me out live on the audio assault mix show live every Saturday at 7 p.m.”


**Stop in to Speak with our Knowledgable top in toStaff Speak about how with our CBD can Benefit nowledgableYou**

ANTHONY KANNON Local rapper Anthony Kannon (real name Anthony Henry) is coming off a particularly successful last calendar year, having released two albums, including a collaboration project with fellow local artist Meech Booker that dropped over the summer. “For the ‘best rapper’ to be a category this year, that’s something us as local artists can’t take for granted,” Kannon said. “It legitimizes a whole genre of music in the public’s eye, and gives every rapper something to strive for. I want to thank every single person who voted for me, I dedicate my life to this art just like so many people I know. It feels great to be recognized in this way.”

ff about how D can Benefit You**

BEST RAPPER/MC Anthony Kannon 18


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T H E G R A DY FA M I LY The Grady Family has a long history of political activism, in Ithaca and beyond, primarily focusing on nuclear dearmament. Last year, Clare Grady was arrested in Kings Bay, Georgia for her role in a protest at a nuclear facility there, and is now awaiting trial as her sister, Mary Anne Grady Flores, and the rest of her family support her. “It is a privilege to continue the tradition passed on by my elders, the tradition of nonviolent symbolic action,” Clare said. “In the case of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, we nonviolently and symbolically disarmed the most deadly weapon on the planet, used 24/7 as a cocked gun to enforce systems of white supremacy, global capitalism and global domination. The extent to which, those of us privileged by this system, take responsibility for the crimes being committed in our name, we will do less scapegoating of those on the receiving end of those crimes.”

BEST LOCAL AUTHOR BOB PROEHL Fresh off a new book release, Bob Proehl said he was boosted by the amount of talent that the area boasts around him. Proehl’s newest book, “The Nobody People,” is available now and can be found anywhere you buy books (especially local bookstores!) and Proehl has already started working on its sequel.

“This is such a cool way to close out (more or less) a big book year for me,” Proehl said. “It’s great to live in a town with so much writing talent and such a strong literary community. Thanks, readers!”


FDN’s Fall Feast Saturday, October 5, 2019 • 6:00-8:30pm The Space@GreenStar Join us as local chefs prepare a 5 course feast from rescued food

Your support helps FDN supply good food that would otherwise be wasted to 70 local food pantries and agencies serving low-income households in our region. Our generous food donors include local supermarkets, stores, restaurants, dining halls and farms. Details:


The Eddy Street coffeehouse in Collegetown serves coffees, juices, smoothies, herbal teas, breakfast bowls and specialty Italian coffees. Serving them to you is Lichtenstein, who has worked there for about one year. Meanwhile, he has also been playing goalie for the Ithaca College men’s soccer team while also studying sports media. He’s originally from Boca Raton, Florida. “I would just say working at Chatty Cathy has been one of the best experiences of my life,” Lichtenstein said. “Working for the owners Milly and George is amazing, and they have not just taught me how to make great coffee and acai, but have also been great role models. I love meeting new people, and giving them a great experience at Chatty Cathy.”

BEST PRIMARY CARE DOCTOR D R . J A M I E L O E H R , C AY U G A FA M I LY M E D I C I N E Dr. Jamie Loehr, who is headquartered at Cayuga Family Medicine, won this year’s best primary care doctor with some ease. Like many other winners, he credited the people around him in the office with lifting him to victory. “I am flattered to be voted the best primary care doctor in Ithaca and I want to share the kudos with everyone at Cayuga Family Medicine,” Loehr said. “Running a family medicine office is a team effort and I appreciate my front office staff, nursing staff, nurse practitioners, and the other doctors in my office for helping me provide the best possible care to our patients.” The

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place that I am so fortunate to call home.”



We've got just the thing.

K AT H Y L U C A S Kathy Lucas claims the prize for personal trainer in Ithaca, as her Muvz to Inspire business bills itself as a “journey through the art of movement.” That certainly seems true given the Lucas’ offerings, which range from dance-based movement to steel-club strength classes and much more. Lucas, an independent trainer, is also available to travel and book events with groups as well.



BEST ENTREPRENEUR JOHN GUTTRIDGE Guttridge is well-known for the revitalization of parts of West State Street and Green Street, both of which have successfully grown under his watch and certainly fit in the city’s vision of economic expansion downtown and in the State Street corridor. “I am deeply honored to have my work as an entrepreneur in this community recognized in this way, Guttridge said. “I feel truly lucky to be working in a community that appreciates the kind of creative work that I do and has responded by coming out and supporting it by hiring Brightworks as an IT provider, coming to events in Press Bay Alley and Press Bay Court, and spending money at my various tenants’ businesses. I am not sure I could do this work just anywhere, Ithaca is truly a special 607-327-LAKE

Promo code “Times”

BEST BUSINESS BOOSTER DOWNTOWN ITHACA ALLIANCE Everybody knows the Downtown Ithaca Alliance, which seems to constantly be organizing events in the City of Ithaca. Whether you enjoy the Apple Harvest Festival, the Ithaca Festival, the Chili Cook-Off or a smaller event around town, it’s likely that the DIA has a hand in it. “The DIA is the one entity that works everyday, 360 days a year, to make our downtown a place we can look to with pride and enjoy with our families and friends,” Ferguson wrote. “We succeed because we have such amazing business, nonprofit, and public sector partners. On behalf of our great staff and board, thanks for the recognition.”

BEST BUSINESS BOOSTER Downtown Ithaca Alliance 20


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Francos’ Pizzeria

Just a Taste

Vi v a L a T a q u e r i a

F O O D + D R I N K BEST BAR T H E WAT E R S H E D Owners Ashley Cake and Dave Thomas have built a bar with purpose, using their space to promote necessary changes in bar behavior and responsibility-- and the city has been receptive. The business has been received so well, in fact, that they are planning another business, The Downstairs, a draught bar that will go below The Watershed. “In many ways The Watershed is our love letter to Ithaca and it means so much to us that Ithacans have embraced it,” Cake said. “We’re deeply humbled and honored to get Best Bar especially when there are so many great bars for folks to choose from.”

BEST PIZZA FRANCO’S Franco’s has quickly established themselves as the top pizza option in Ithaca, snagging the award for the second year in a row since

opening. Ask just about anybody on the street at random who has the best pizza in Ithaca, odds are pretty good they’ll answer “Franco’s.” Owners Salvatore and Frank Evola have found plenty of success, both critical and commercial, since opening the West State Street pizzeria. “We are honored to have our customers appreciate the ‘love’ we put into our pizzas and who voted Franco’s Pizzeria to receive this award,” the Evolas said.


B E S T K I D F R I E N D LY R E S TA U R A N T V I VA L A TA Q U E R I A As long as it’s not too spicy, there’s certainly plenty of options for kids at Viva, or even for adults with the palate of a kid. Their menu spans the complex to the simple, so there’s something for everybody. Plus, the ample outdoor seating gives a pleasant atmosphere for kids who might not want to be stuck in a booth.


J U S T A TA S T E That line of people you see just before 5:30 on Aurora Street, just off of the Commons? That’s likely for a seat at Just a Taste, the popular downtown tapas restaurant that routinely has Ithacans waiting at the door when they open each day for dinner. It’s one of the gems of restaurant row, with suitable prices and a comfortable setting for a wide variety of tapas options.

V I VA L A TA Q U E R I A See? Viva has something to appeal to people young and old. The popular Aurora Street eatery is normally bustling every night, especially when students are in town, and dinner won’t set you back too far. Plus, the margaritas are really good and won’t hurt your wallet much either.



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BEST OUT-OFD O WN T O WN R E S TA U R A N T HAZELNUT KITCHEN Trumansburg’s Hazelnut Kitchen, a farmto-table restaurant, sources all of its food locally. Don’t let that fool you, though; their menu isn’t limited by that, as options range from a custard salad to a “let the chef choose” entree to a zucchini chocolate cake for dessert, and more. “We want to thank the community for supporting us and the farmers for working so hard to grow the products we use to make this restaurant great,” said owner Lisa Jonckheere.


Ithaca Community Childcare Center

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“We’ve been a family establishment for about 25 years or so,” bartender Ben Janes said. “Being a staple in the community, it’s important that we provide affordable food, not only for the community but for our own business purposes.”


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BEST NEW R E S TA U R A N T Thompson & B l e e ke r

BEST DESSERT Purity Ice Cream

do have is quality coffee, both iced and hot. Several of their blends are available for purchase for home-use (the Ithaca Times can particularly recommend The Natural blend).


e natural choice for


said owner Chuck Tauck. “Our Dry Rosé is the most popular in the Finger Lakes and Ithaca has always been a big consumer. Thanks!”



The Ovid-based winery has found the Ithaca area to be quite fruitful in terms of attracting customers, and has maintained its place among the ranks of the Finger Lakes’ most popular wineries. Much of that is driven by its mastery of the dry rosé, a wine that’s gaining traction countrywide. “Our two largest local markets are Rochester and Ithaca, so it is flattering to be recognized,”

GIMME! COFFEE Gimme is a local favorite and routinely dominates this particular competition, even as more coffeehouses have popped up around the community to provide more options. Regardless, Gimme remains supreme. The menu is straight forward, without too many frills, but what they

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Purity, located on Cascadilla Street, certainly has baked goods that are nothing to look past, but their mainstay is the ice cream. Folks, it’s really, really good, there’s not much else to say, and their flavor list is…. Extensive. Plus, we know this award is being given in September, but keep both eyes open for when their egg nog starts popping up on shelves.

Since it opened, Maru Ramen has been one of Ithaca’s favorites, with a menu that splits between Japanese and Korean options.



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The eatery opened its doors in 2018, on West State Street, and have provided meticulously prepared ramen since then, flipping the script on the normal ramen narrative that it’s basically just international fast food. Owners Soyong Lee and Chris Kim told us around the time of their opening that they are emphasizing a trendy design with a preparation regimen that sticks to the roots of the food.

BEST NEW R E S TA U R A N T THOMPSON AND BLEECKER Thompson and Bleecker has staked a claim to not only the best new restaurant, since opening in fall 2018, but also could argue that it is already one of Ithaca’s favorite downtown eateries. The organic pizzeria, complete with a unique pizza oven on-site, easily holds its own among the many options on the Commons. “We are happy to have won best new restaurant and are thankful to those who voted,” Papachryssanthou said. “We have some of the best restaruant people working at Thompson and Bleecker and they played a huge role in our early success.”

BEST LOCAL BREWERY L I Q U I D S TAT E Founded in 2017, Liquid State has emerged as one of downtown’s most popular spots for a drink, hosting weekly trivia nights and becoming a lively location in the State Street corridor. Plus, they have plans in store for an expansion that will provide more space for live music events and the like. “We truly appreciate your support and thanks so much for helping us drink all this beer,” wrote Ben Brotman and Jamey Tielens, the founders and owners. “And a big shoutout to our wonderful staff, we love you. We’ll continue to supply you with a wide variety of great beer and a friendly, relaxed space to enjoy it.”

B E S T C O C K TA I L S ARGOS INN The Argos Inn is well known for its drink selections, which you can enjoy in the historic setting of the inn on State Street. There’s indoor and outdoor seating space, and their drink

list includes creations you can find anywhere, but made well, plus the creations of the Argos staff and bartenders (sometimes there is fire involved). The bar also opened up an expanded neighboring space this year that provides more room for dancing and live music, called the Warehouse Lounge and Event Space.

Fine Italian

Catering & Events

P L A C E S BEST PLACE TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS THE COMMONS Whether it’s having an iced coffee at Waffle Frolic or taking a stroll through the stacks of books at Autumn Leaves, The Commons has always been a key place where Ithacans come together in a great sense of comradery. “It’s a great spot to meet friends, go shopping, or just hang out,” said Alderperson Seph Murtagh, who represents the Commons district. “ We are really lucky to have a pedestrian mall like this – many cities in the US have tried to build them, without success, and it’s something that makes Ithaca really unique.”

B E S T R E N TA L NEIGHBORHOOD FA L L C R E E K Renting in Ithaca can often be a problem but for residents of Fall Creek, they have found their home sweet home. City of Ithaca Alderperson Laura Lewis has found there are plenty of upsides to living in Fall Creek. “Our neighborhood is attractive to renters because of its walkability to schools, transportation, employment, parks, and shopping,” Lewis said. “While some rental prices remain high throughout the city, there is a range of Fall Creek housing options in relatively small apartment buildings and duplexes. Ours is a vibrant community.”

B E S T B ON G / VA P E S H O P HEADDIES Having experts makes Headdies one of the best places to go for smoking supplies. Throughout their ten years in business, they

have managed to remain competitive against other local vape/bong shops in the area. Store manager Calvin Edith, spoke about some of the business traits the store has maintained to stay above the competition. “A lot of it is keeping quality products, quality customer service, reasonable pricing and just generally a nice atmosphere,” Edith said. “We’ve been around for ten years playing around with what does work and what doesn’t and we’re starting to figure it out.”

MOST OVERLOOKED TOURIST SPOT CASCADILLA GORGE Ithaca may be gorgeous but there is one gorge that plenty of tourists seem to miss when they come to visit. Cascadilla Gorge is a common hiking spot for residents but tourists don’t quite seem to find it. This gorge is a mere short three-quarters of a mile in length with eight waterfalls, ranging from eight to 80 feet in height, scattered along the gorge’s trail. The creek falls nearly 400 feet from the College Avenue Stone Arch Bridge on the Cornell campus to the Treman Triangle Park in Ithaca.

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B E S T F L X D AY T R I P WAT K I N S G L E N Home of the Watkins Glen International Raceway and beautiful Watkins Glen State Park, Watkins Glen is truly the best day trip around the Finger Lakes region. Dramatic views, gorgeous waterfalls and plenty of ongoing events in this Schuyler County village make it a thriving spot for tourists. It’s also the home port for True Love, a schooner built in 1926 that was featured in the 1940 film “High Society” starring Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and Frank Sinatra.

BEST BONG/ VA P E S H O P Headdies The

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BIGGEST POTHOLE SPENCER STREET While there are many potholes across the City of Ithaca that made great contenders, the Spencer Street pothole seems to be the biggest there is. Residents transporting coffee or precious cargo have struggled to navigate the hole. However, this hulking chasm has since been filled and will no longer be able

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to claim the lives of the car suspensions of area drivers.

BEST VENUE FOR KIDS SCIENCENTER/ CHILDREN’S GARDEN There’s been a tie for best venue for kids, the Sciencenter and the Ithaca Children’s Garden. Kelly Barclay, the Public and Media Relations Manager for the Sciencenter has been pushing programs such as a sensory hours for people to experience some moments of silence in the Sciencenter, and programs that involve reaching out to the community. The Ithaca Children’s Garden is a three acre garden designed for kids and is also known for being the home of Gaia, the turtle shaped land sculpture that greets visitors who enter from the south entrance. Since Gaia hatched in 2005, it has been an icon of the gardens since.

E S S E N T I A L S BEST NEW BUSINESS MAMA SAID HAND PIES After first working the Ithaca Festival a few years ago, Mama Said Hand Pies took a break and started up again at the Trumansburg Farmers Market. Gradually, they grew in size and were able to make the jump to opening a shop a few months ago. “Our flavors are all over the place because I want to bust the concept that comfort food is only European or Southern-style food,” owner Hiroko Takashima said. Those foods are very comforting, but everyone else has comfort food too. I enjoy researching ingredients that farmers here are growing, and finding ways to feature them in the pies.”

B E S T N ON - P R O F I T O R G A N I Z AT I ON SPCA OF TOMPKINS COUNTY While fuzzy animals may not be permitted on the Commons, Ithaca residents are grateful for the services provided by the SPCA of Tompkins County. Executive Director Jim Bouderau is honored the community had this level of support this organization has received from the community. Since their humble beginnings in the early 1900’s, SPCA has made itself a place for animals to feel safe, warm, and loved even when their previous owners were neglectful.

The Right Combination

be hard to ignore. Considering it’s one of the last melting pots in Ithaca, the Chanticleer has become an icon of the camaraderie Ithacans share after walking through its doors. Though the bar has changed quite a bit throughout its 70 year history, the iconic sign of the rooster has remained the same. It has greeted many Ithacans, acting as a beacon to guide them to some of the best after hours fun someone can have.



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For Your Home, Auto, Business

BEST OIL CHANGE BRUCE’S PIT STOP For the last 50 years Bruce’s Pit Stop on Elmira Road, has worked hard to become a business that maintains a strong customer base and is now one of the longest-owned businesses in Ithaca. Some of the ways Bruce’s has managed to stand out among the many other auto shops in Ithaca is that they have decent prices on brakes and tires and oil changes. While most other places make you leave your car for any work being done, Bruce’s allows people to stay

BEST REAL E S TAT E A G E N T Jill Rosentel

“Most people know us as a great place to find a new family member by adopting one of our amazing animals,” Boudreau said. “But we also help by rehoming local pets for owners who can no longer care for them, by providing low-cost spay/neuter services to almost 2,000 owned animals ever year, by providing humane education and our summer camp program, by investigating acts of cruelty or neglect, by providing stray dog control and reuniting lost dog and cats with their owners.”

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Created by three local farms, the Stick and Stone Farm, Remembrance Farm and Three Swallows Farm,the Full Plate collective allows those farms to share the workload of producing food. Molly Flerage, the C.S.A. Coordinator for Full Place has found that some continual challenges for the farms in this C.S.A primarily involve climate change. “The main challenge facing the farms is a change in climate, dealing with new pests and trying to continue to grow good food in this environment,”Flerage said. “One of the big things we’re tasked with is making this food accessible to everyone regardless of their income. So, working with Health Food For All, we’re growing good food and everyone has an opportunity to access it.

BEST BUSINESS SIGN CHANTICLEER With a central location that is hard to miss, the Chanticleer has a sign that can often

in their cars. With trust from the community, Bruce’s has become a reputable community source for any automotive needs.

BEST FUNDRAISER WOMEN SWIMMIN’ Taking a dip into Cayuga Lake is something people often do for fun, others do this for a purpose. Ithacans have found that Women Swimmin’, the annual fundraiser for Hospicare, is the best there is. Originally conceived as a fitness regimen to swim across the lake, it expanded to a fundraiser. Jennifer Gabriel, the director of development and community relations for Hospicare, said the event, now in its 16th year, has expanded far beyond what was originally imagined for it.


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“The very first year, we only had a few swimmers, and I think about $5,000 was raised,” Gabriel said. “Then after that, the event just exploded in this really beautiful way. Now we have over 350 swimmers, 150 boaters, 170 volunteers and 5,000 plus donors.”

Rosentel said. “After developing carpal tunnel syndrome from waiting on tables I decided to get my real estate license in hopes to help people achieve their dreams of home ownership. After 13 years, this is something I still feel passionate about and strive for on a daily basis.”




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PAT T I J A C O B S O N Many see work as the place they often need to escape from, but with Dr. Patti Jacobson, she greets her job with a smile. In her work

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vegan quesadillas, Greenstar is a local business people have loved and support for quite some time. Director of Marketing and Owner Services, Holly Baker said that Greenstar is honored to be recognized as the Best Locally Owned Business and is grateful to the community for supporting them.

as a chiropractor, providing adjustments for members of the community, Jacobson is been exceptionally proud of her line of work and her patients because they brighten up her day. She has found that going to her office give her purpose and makes her feel glad to be in this profession.




Triphammer Marketplace 2255 Triphammer Road


Ithaca may not have the most inexpensive real estate, but Jill Rosentel, from Carol Bushberg Real Estate, can be sure to point anyone in the right direction. She got into real estate after working in the restaurant business for 10 years while putting herself through school at Wells College. After more time, she decided to get her real estate license. “I went to school for Sociology and studied the cycle of poverty that exists in our society,”

All here at

FINGER LAKES REUSE CENTER When it comes to looking for donated books, movies, clothes, housewares, technology, and rare collectibles of all kinds, there is no better place to look than the Finger Lakes Reuse Centers. With one location in Ithaca and another at the Triphammer Marketplace, there is a wide variety of items to look through. Diane Cohen, the executive director of the Reuse Center has found that part of what makes the center’s special are the people working in them. . “I think it’s the people who work in both of our reuse centers that make it special,” Cohen


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Summer-Cayuga Luminosity by Brian Keeler

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Piggery burger • Ithaca is Garbage • Viva • Pretty sure “Garbage Plateâ€? is trademarked by Nick Tahou’s, so let’s keep it legal. That said, I would have macaroni and tater tots with pulled pork and BlueberryChipotle BBQ sauce, Pepper Jack, Scallions and Sour Cream from Gorger’s Tacos (devastating loss)... so basically Q2 on top of whatever else is needed to qualify for ... Trash Platter • Veggies • Kimchi and Cheese curds • Fry bread • Slaw • I can’t believe I ate whole thing • Rice, Bacon, Eggs, Steak, Tater Tots, Gravy, Biscuits and Pastrami • so much local cheese • every ice cream from purity • Gravy fries • Bacon & Cheese • Lively Run Goat Cheese • Just like a shitload of local vegetables and a samosa • Real poutine • Grassfed Beef and Piggery Bacon • Less garbage • Everything • Kale gravy, CBD, hamburgers, krinkle cut fries, Cornell chicken etc • Wings and blue cheese • Chorizo • Plant based hamburgers and hotdogs • macronutrients! • Burger, pasta salad, and fries • salt potatoes, cornell chicken • More local pickles!!! • It should be called an Recycle Plate • Seiten • Avocado • Granola and Seaweed • Scrambled eggs, waffles, cheez whiz, avocado, Frank’s hot sauce • Sausage, bacon, hash browns, onions • Local Greens • Locavore anything (except kale and okra); on top of a heap of handcut fries! • Umm, kale • Viva • Jowl bacon, sliced piggery sausage, ny cheddar, apple slices • curry potatoes, sushi, and a burrito • Lou’s hot dogs with frites and hot sauce • Mashed potatoes, veggie sausage, kale, vegan gravy • Sushi • Wings from Uncle Joe’s • Gimme! • Poutine fries from Luna’s, a grilled cheese from Ten Forward, and some hibachi from Sumo! • Fried food and bean sprouts • garlic scapes, onions, butternut squash hash, local eggs, black beans, Agava’s amazing habanero sauce • Greenstar • Tofu, local microgreens, kombucha hot sauce, and mac salad made from Wide Awake shell pasta. • Vegan

cheese fries salsa Mac salad pickles vegan hot dog • Macro greens • Foraged Chantarelle mushrooms • Just a taste Salt Cod Fritters, Cheatin Vegan Nachos, Buffalo Chicken Sprin Rolls • fries, gravy, cheese, salsa, chicken • Macro Mamas peanut noodles • Keep it original • Tots, nacho sauce, bbq, bacon • brown rice, cooked greens, pinto beans, baked tofu, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, scallions • Fried dough • Nothing • yum yum Korean bowl • A refund check for absurd rent • Healthy food • Vegan/vegetarian goodness • Plantains • Wings of Life SalAd • Pinesburger • Egg salad • Olives, Mozzarella, spicy lentils, and cherry tomatoes. • Very cheesy macaroni, crispy fries, refried beans, veggie chili, jalapenos and lots of hot sauce! • Greenstar • Chickpeas, Avocado, Haloumi, Quinoa, and Pesto. • WGC from shortstop • Wings • Sweet Melissa’s, calzone from Italian carryout, empanadas from bickering twins • Spaghetti • Mac and cheese • Tator tots, cheese fries, bacon bits, beef, sausage, pizza • Roasted garlic potato salad, curry dog, beet slaw, pesto pasta • Gorgers • A Frannini with Bacon and cheese, [A La from Crow’s Nest CafÊ], Smored in Piggery sausage gravy. With 2 Sunny side up eggs on top. With some crispy home fries scattered around edges. • Fries, patchouli, tofu, vegan mac and cheese, bacon, ground beef • Fries and cheese. Lots of cheese. • Apple slaw • A living wage for server • Vegan hippies • Bacon, Poutine, Feta Cheese • Spiedies • Ithaca Ale House • Brussel sprouts • Seitan, scallions, jalapeùos, veggie gravy • Hummus, quinoa, pesto, and raisins. • A crushed gallon milk bottle • I would like for Ithaca to not have a garbage plate • sauteed veggies, piggery meats, local cheeses • Lake Trout • Speedies and bagels • Lou’s hot dogs • Have Moosewoods design it! • Tofu • Quizås, quizås, quizås • winner of chili fest is featured on garbage plate each year • CBD oil • Buffalo cauliflower, blue cheese • Okra • Friends • Kale, rutabaga, piggery sausage, sesame sticks, BBQ sauce • Fresh spinach, goat cheese, heirloom tomatoes, cilantro, fresh garlic and basil • Fried chicken • Love • Tator tots • Kale and black currants • Macro Momma’s is Garbage plate •

The original Garbage Plate from Rochester’s Nick Tahou Hots (photo via Instagram: @eatliveroc) Guacamole • Kale, piggery bacon • Chicken • Thai food • Brussel sprouts, bacon and onions • Shrimp, scallops, veggies, no mushrooms • Make it vegan! • Viva • Piggery bacon • Poutine and more poutine • Gorgers • Hamburger with bacon • Nachos • Tofu, Tater Tots, Buffalo Sauce, Scallions, Mushrooms, Tomatos, Onions, Cheddar Cheese, • Solaz Breakfast burrito, two apple cider donuts, waffle breakfast sandwich from forty weight • worms • Gorgers • Kimchi, pulled pork, poutine, fries, drizzle of sweet chili sauce • winner of chili fest is featured on garbage plate each year • Gravy • Veggie dog, Mac salad, baked beans, home fries, hot sauce • A trash tag • Special sauce from beer • Avocado • Heritage pork • Fries, Cheese

Curds, Vegetarian Gravy, Mozzarella Sticks • Kim chi, local greens, quinoa, local meat, hot sauce • Nothing... we can’t claim everything, can we. How about Sundae.. or French bread pizza toppings • local green things and fermented things • Fried chicken • Mac salad cheeseburger sausage French fries baked beans hot sauce • Salt Potatoes, Kale, Organic Free Range Eggs, Piggery Bacon • Everything! • Farm to table vegetables sauteed in Finger Lakes wines with street food inspired meats and/or vegan meat options. • Meats from Piggery • Vegan vegtables • Hippie food • Kale • Ithaca Tofu • Bologna • Potatoes, beans, pasta, tempeh, sauerkraut • Wings • Tofu Khan • Poutine • Cornell chicken, finger lakes cheddar, • Tofu, mac and cheese,

mushroom gravy • Gorgers • Atlas Bowl Totchos, a Solaz Burrito, and Ciao Arancini • Huh • Compost • A simple saurkraut • Greenstar • Spaghetti, Ground Beef, Salsa, Onions, Green Peppers • Chili with a Moosewood Brownie on top • Wings and Franco’s Pizza • Organic eggs, piggery bacon, lively run cheese and vegis from a CSA • Peace. • Vegan food • Green Garbage • F*&*k Garbage Plates • whole grains and veggies • Quinoa, local root veggies, vegan gravy • Real garbage • kimchi, pulled pork, caulirice, and kale • Cheese fries • Quinoa • Vegan Mac n cheese from Ten Forward cafe, vegan bacon made by Takoda Warner, chili, and two Gardein chicken patties with Buffalo sauce, all topped with ranch dressing. • Twizzlers, marshmallows, french fries, and ribs • Meat, no vegan BS • An edible • Quinoa and beet salad, hummus, and falafel • Gorgers • By nature of name, question answers itself. Everything, but I prefer it from Nick Tahoe’s in Rochester. Anything else is just an imitation. • gluten free, dairyfree macaroni and cheese, sweet potato fries, vegan hot dog with all trimmings, and gluten free onion rings • Vegan cheese curds and veggie gravy • What is that • Basil • Local cheese • Cornell chicken • Two cheese burgers, Mac salad, fries, gravy, hots, two eggs sunny. • Nachos • Rochester garbage plate, but covered in green goddess dressing from moosewood • Sauteer Mushrooms in Butter and Garlic • Ew no thanks • Farmer’s market veggies with Piggery meats! • Piggery bacon, Solaz eggs, Silo Glutinous To Maximus, Good Truck Heist filling, Lincoln Street Diner Cajun gravy, Just A Taste Deep Fried russet potatoes, Nines/Chariot corn nuggets, Hot Truck Sauce • Silo fried chicken, NJA’Z Hot Dogs, Luna Mac&Cheese, Rook’s duck fat fries, JD’s Hot Sauce • Tomatoes, pesto, corn chips, avacado, onions and black beans • Ithaca tofu wings • Turkey burgers from Reds, French fries from Luna, Cole slaw from Maxie’s, golden BBQ from Sal’s • Some class • Salt potatoes, Cornell sauce chicken, melted Cornell cheddar, local corn • Wings • Everything • Peas and rice • Tofu wings • Fries, beer

cheese sauce, fried Brussels sprouts • kale, local raw cheddar • Sushi • Deep fired Kale • Gotta be all vegan stuff, of course • A McDonald Farms pickle • We honestly just need better quality/ healthier food options • Fries, blue cheese, tofu wings, mac and cheese, bbq sauce • Sweet potato fries + sriracha honey dip + cotija + array of pickled veg from local CSA share • Fries covered with cheese and gravy, what ever else • Bacon • Pad Thai, fries with gravy, tofu kan, kale salad • BACON • curly sweet potato fries, mashed avocado, blue cheese, and caramelized onions • Organic tempeh • Fries covered in beef cheesesteak, onions, peppers wit wiz • Vegan mac and cheese, vegan sausage, avocado, onions, works • tofu • Ithaca Hummus • Gorgers • Roast pork from Piggery • Apple Cider Vinegar Slaw • worms • Everything • Pizza • A Veggie Option! Cheese, Potatoes, Fresh Roasted Veggies! • Whatever Ten Forward cafÊ puts on it!! • Thai food, hummus, flx wines and ciders • Luna’s Mac and cheese • Nothing, it’s too much food for me. • Shortstop pizza sub • Just one petite pecan roll from Wegmans, please • Eggs • Piggery Bacon • Tom Reed • More choices • Anchovies • Whatever it is, it has to be vegan • Kale • Mac salad, tater tots, pulled pork, meat sauce • Shortstop, Vegan garbage dog from Ten Forward,that spicy fish from Spicy Asian, lox, and a little slobber from Riley golden retriever. • Cafe CentDix salmon with Mexican dish from Mix, plus Wegmans triple chocolate cake • CBD • POTATOES (all kinds) • Candied Ginger • Kale • Falafel • Make it veggie: grilled veggies, seitan crumble hot sauce, and cheese (dairy or vegan)! • Huh! • Purity ice cream and a gluten free donut from One Ring. • Pinesburger • no carbs. Just protein and fat. • Fries, Cornell chicken, dinosaur bbq sauce, pickles and sauerkraut • Cornell chicken • Colored fingerling potatoes • Lamb Masala Sausage • Space Garbage Nachos from ten forward! • Tater tots, spicy Italian sausage, cheese curds, gooey egg • Meat Chili with 3 cheeses over Fries • Home fries gravey eggs sausage ground beef • Gouda cheese, Fries, Egg, Noddles • Chz fries ground beef baked beans

Payments starting as low as $99

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3830 US Route 11, Cortland, NY 13045 | 607-756-5302 | *Extended Summer Hours Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday The

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Continued Continuedfrom frompage page1717

Most classe includes red barn, and Most clas includesa awhite whitecottage, cottage, red barn, and Center recently under,with withd boathouse.The TheArts Arts Center recently under, make make—you —youguessed guessedit— it—clay claymugs mugs a aboathouse. toto take a finished want take finishedrenovating renovatingthe thebuildings, buildings,and and want and andbowls. bowls. DATE, 2019 / FINGER LAKES COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS are $5$ first time classes are threewill willbebeopen openfor forthe the first time classes “For “Fora alittle littlearts artscenter centerininthe themidmid- allallthree everything frof everything thissummer. summer. dle dleofofnowhere, nowhere,ininmany manyrespects respectsit’s it’sa a this toto maki The scenic location is is anan enbooks ma Thecenter’s center’s scenic location en- books remarkable remarkable facility,” facility,” said said Pearson, Pearson, ticing famous artists across printmaking, makin ticingfeature featurefor for famous artists across print “Having ananorgani“Havingan anarts artsfacility, facility,for for organiFINGER NEWSPAPERS ✦agree SUMMER BETWEEN TH FINGERLAKES LAKESCOMMUNITY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS ✦ SUMMER BETWEEN African county, Pearson toto doing doing Africa the county,who who Pearsonsaid saidagree zation zationour oursize, size,isisunheard unheardof.of.We’re We’re the teach classes ininpart because they look teach classes part because they taught atlook Annie Smith, was Elmira and taught atThe TheArts ArtsCent Ce Annie Smith,who who wasfrom from Elmira and very that veryfortunate fortunatetotohave have thatwonderful wonderful forward toto living and ononthe Pearson sa forward living andworking working the Pearson family. County include porcelain spent with her family. County include porcelai spentsummers summersthere there with her gift.” gift.” lake. drop-in classe lake. drop-in clas That Sunny That gift gift ofof the the Sunny Point When she passed away and paper painter When shePoint passed awayseveral severalyears years Gosden Gosden and paper painte Big inin the art world who have can’t atte Bignames names the art world who have who who can’t at grounds groundswas wasbestowed bestowedbybythe thelate lateDr. Dr.




FINGER LAKES A ARTS RTS YourYour FullFullService Service Liqour Summertime Summertime Fun Fun Starts StartsH Homemade LiqourStore Store 18 18

ago, ago,she shedonated donatedthe theproperty, property,which which Hilaire. Hilaire. includes Most includesa awhite whitecottage, cottage,red redbarn, barn,and and Mostclasses classescost cost$10 $10a boathouse.The TheArts ArtsCenter Centerrecently recently under, under,with withdiscounts discountsforf make make —you —you guessed guessed it— it— clay claymugs mugs a aboathouse. finished finishedrenovating renovatingthe thebuildings, buildings,and and want wanttototake takeadult adultclasses class and andbowls. bowls. all allthree threewill willbebeopen openfor forthe thefirst firsttime time classes classesare are$5$5a asession. session.“ “For “Foraalittle littlearts artscenter centerininthe themidmidGet Ready for Graduation, Reunions, Family & Frie Get Ready for Graduation, Reunions, Family & Fr everything illustratin thissummer. summer. everythingfrom from illustrat dle dleofofnowhere, nowhere,ininmany manyrespects respectsit’s it’saa this The Thecenter’s center’sscenic sceniclocation locationisisananenen- books bookstotomaking makingsculptur sculptu remarkable remarkable facility,” facility,” said said Pearson, Pearson, Our Shur-Save Meat Departm OurT-Burg T-Burg Shur-Save Meatsaid Depart across print Pear ticingfeature featurefor forfamous famousartists artists across printmaking,” making,” said Pea “Having “Havingan anarts artsfacility, facility,for foran anorganiorgani- ticing said agree doing African thecounty, county,who whoPearson Pearsonis said agreetoin tointhe doing African drumming renowned region asasa "cut above tht is renowned the region adrumming "cut above TRUMANSBURG zation of. zation our our size, size, isis unheard unheard of.We’re We’re the they teachclasses classesininpart partbecause because theylook look Carrying very avery wide variety We Your WeHave Have YourGrill GrillCovered! Covered! fortunate totohave fortunate havethat thatwonderful wonderful teach forward Pearson forwardtotoliving livingand andworking workingononthe the Pearsonsaid saidthat thatth gift.” gift.” of Wine and Spirits. lake. drop-in lake. drop-inclasses classesare areideal idea 55 Point East That gift of the Sunny That gift of the Sunny Point Including New York Wines. Big Bignames namesininthe theart artworld worldwho whohave have who whocan’t can’tattend attendonona aregu re grounds late groundswas wasbestowed bestowedby bythe the lateDr. Dr. Main ST. Continued Continuedfrom frompage page17 17

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Ithaca is Pot Holes • Ithaca is Ruining My Tires • Ithaca is Expensive • Best of New York • Ithaca: Valley of Falls • Nature’s thrills surrounded by hills • Keep Kind • Ithaca is Slumlords • Reality Sucks; Reinforce Bubble • Ithaca Enough Water • Ithaca is Compassion • Ithaca is Hippie • Ithaca is Green • Ithaca is Finger Lakes • You’ll never want to leave • Ithaca is Hope • Ithaca is expensive • Ithaca is cold • Ithaca is acahtI • Ithaca, Weirder than Austin • Ithaca Is. • Ithaca is Mermaids • Ithaca: all roads are closed except one • Ithaca is Gray • Ithaca is Potholes • Ithaca is nice • Ithaca is Change • Cloudy with a chance of weird • Potholes are Gorges • Ithaca is Gripers • Never! irreplaceable • Welcome to Mythaca • Ithaca is detours • Ithaca, NY: SooYour Soul Where Water Washes • Ithaca is potholes. • Ithaca is entitled • Ithaca is Steep • Ithaca Needs Improvement • Now you can’t leave • Ithaca is pot holes • Ithaca is Balls • Ithaca is Honestly Really Great • Get Over It • We’ll Always Find a Way to Complain!!! • Ithaca sucks, but in good way • Maybe you manifested it, maybe it’s white privilege • Ithaca is growing • Ithaca IS! • Ithaca is love • Nothing tops that • Ithaca is uphill both ways • Ithaca is Diversity • Ithaca ‘great place to visit. Bad place to live.’ City administration not supporting homeownership and liveable neighborhoods. Supports hotels, developers, students, Airbnbers • Your mom is gorges • Open Your Eyes • Ithaca is baby • Ithaca is Magic (for magic guy) • Ithaca is

All • Mythical not typical: • Ithaca is drugs • Ithaca is Expensive, alternatively is Potholes. or is Traffic. • Ithaca Is LGBTQ History • Ithaca is Home • Ithaca is Growing • Ithaca is a Liberal Bubble • Ithaca: Only Thing Better than Leaving is Coming Back • You Imagined It. • Ithaca has EVERYTHING! • Ithaca is AntiTrump • Ithaca is expensive • Ithaca ain’t cheap • Ithaca is COLD • Biggest Small Town in NY • Ithaca is delusional • Ithaca it’s all that and a bag of kale chips! • Heart of Finger Lakes • Ithaca is Inclusive • We are • Odyssey’s End • Canyon of Heroes • Ithaca is overdeveloped • Ithaca is open • Ithaca is Inclusive • Ithaca is Building Too Many Hotel • Ithaca Needs a Better Mayor • Ithaca is Cold • Ithaca is gorging. • Ithaca is Awesome • Ithaca is Complicated • Ithaca needs God • 10 square miles of insanity surrounded by reality. • Ithaca is Appropriate • Ithaca has a lot of natural beauty • Come to Visit and Stay • Ithaca is Traffic • You can’t spell ‘ Is Gorges’ without ‘Catharsis’ • We’re very progressive for 1972! • Ithaca is a Place • Can’t replace best • Look where we live!! • Ithaca is Interesting • Ithaca is Our Little Paradise • Ithaca is not what it used to be • Ithaca Trump’s never been here • s taxes Gorge Us • Ithaca Arts Rock • Better than Cortland • Dream of 90s Is Alive In Willful Isolation of • It’s a ‘Kay in ! • Ithaca is Home. • It’s a ‘Kay in ! • Ithaca is Mythical • everything is everything • LGBTQ+ History Happened Here • Ithaca is Organic • Ithaca is Daft • Ithaca is everything • Ithaca is for RichIthaca College Students; Doesn’t Have Affordable Housing for Locals • 10 Square Miles of Reality • Ithaca is Potholes • Ithaca: Your Odyssey Begins • Ithaca is Expensive • Ithaca is lake life • If you don’t


smoke weed you’re exception • Ithaca is slow • Ithaca is odd • You can’t replace it • City of Evil • Ithaca is Bernie • Ithaca is a safe haven in a Trumpian era dystopia • Ithaca is corporate • Ithaca: Everyone Else Hates Us, But Fuck ‘Em • Ithaca is Everything • Ithaca is still Gorges • Ithaca is Naked • I will do no such thing • Ithaca is Pot and Potholes • 10 miles of pot holes and constr uction surrounded by reality • Heart of Finger Lakes • You can find it in • Ithaca is Colorful • Ithaca is construction • Ithaca is for All • s media landscape is unsustainable • Ithaca is real • Ithaca loves Gorges cultures • I can’t • Ithaca is too fucking cold but still gorges • Ithaca is a pothole • Ithaca is Lemons • Ith, Myth, Gorges. • Never. • WeR 1 • WeR1 • Ithaca goes to bed early • Ithaca is incongruous spices • Ithaca is opinionated • Ithaca is snazzy • Ithaca is growing • Waterfalls wash away worries • Ithaca is Love • This Is • Ithaca is Metamours • Ithaca is construction • Can’t spell without THC • Ithaca is people • Anything • Small City, Big Heart • Ithaca city for people • Can’t spell without THC • Ithaca is Home • Ithaca is Inclusive • Ithaca is DOPE • Ithaca is where you belong • Ithaca Cares • Ithaca is WOKE • Ithaca Is love • I falls for • Ithaca is Gorgeous • Ithaca is IT! • Where life is Gorges • Ithaca: Where you need to be a tree to get a hug (By Jim Scarpulla) • Ithaca is Famous • Ithaca, south of lake • Ithaca is home • impossible and lovable: • Ithaca is Detours • Ithaca is expensive! • 10 Square Miles Surrounded by Reality • Melt In • Ithaca Is Uncommon • Ithaca is Community • Ithaca is construction • Ithaca Is Engorged • Ithaca is All of Us • Ithaca is Peaceful • Ithaca is Overdeveloped • Viva • Ithaca is RESIST • Ithaca is Expensive • Scenic in all seasons • Ithaca is Pretentious • Ithaca is misbegotten highrises onIthaca Commons • Ithaca is not what it seems • Ithaca no Mythaca (It’s Real) • Ithaca is [Sorry! Under Construction.] • Ithaca IS DIFFERENT • Ithaca is • Ithaca is Construction • Ithaca Is Expensive! • Stop Building • Ithaca is funky • Ithaca is • Ithaca is everything • Ithaca is more than gorges • All are Welcome • Ithaca is Community • Ithaca Needs Workers, Please Move Here • #SoWhite • Impossible • Ithaca is Cranes • Ithaca is home • Ithaca is potholes • Ithaca is Grey • Ithaca is Expensive • Ithaca: a gorges place • Ithaca is All of Ours • Ithaca Rocks • Ithaca is potholes • Odyssey’s End • Gorgers • Ithaca is books • Water Falls in • Ithaca is books • Ithaca, Not what it used to

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be, But, still better n where you’re from. • shouldn’t replace it! • Ithaca is High Rises • n do it! • Ithaca is...growing • Waterfall in Love with • Ithaca is road work ahead • Ithaca is Gorgeous • Ithaca is Under Construction • Ithaca, live where you vacation • Ithaca: Weeds, Wines and Waterfalls • Ithaca is Outspoken • Ithaca is a Sanctuary City • Diversity is Gorges • Diversity is Gorges! • Just Be Cause Center • Ithaca is expensive • Ithaca is Complex • Ithaca is Smart • Keep it!! • Ithaca is Tacos • Ithaca is Friendly • Ithaca is expensive • Ithaca is aIthaca Collegetown • Ithaca is • Ithaca is Contruction • Charlie is Gorges • . That’s it. • Ithaca is crazy • Ithaca isIthaca College Kid Housing • Ithaca: Your Odyssey’s Destination • Ithaca isIthaca College Kid Housing • Ithaca is Arts! • Ithaca is expensive • 6th Borough. • Ithaca is centerist • Ithaca is too humid • Ithaca is Full • Ithaca is Festivals • Ithaca was Gorges • Matrix Is Real • Ithaca is Colorful! • Ithaca is WestEnd • Ithaca is students • Road Closed • Ithaca is Innovative • Ithaca is cold. • Where everybody knows your name • Ithaca Is Shiggy • Ithaca is potholes. But seriously Times you should look into why our roads are so bad and why more funding isn’t going into keeping our roads safe. • Accepted in • Ithaca, only place to be! • Ithaca is for everyone • Ithaca is Cats • Ithaca at bottom of Cayuga Lake • You’ve Never Seen Beauty Like This • Ithaca is Traffic • Ithaca is Expensive • Ithaca home to homeless • Ithaca is Best of Lists • Vegan is Gorges • Ithaca: It Could Be Worse • Ithaca is farmers market • Come to where kindness is! • Keep Weird • Seize means of production! • Ithaca Is Home • Ithaca is hilly • Place of Passive Progression • Ithaca is awesome • Ithaca is a Sanctuary • Ithaca Rocks • Don’t replace this! • ShangraLa of NY State • Ithaca is... yours. • Ithaca is potholes and crazies • Ithaca is still gorges • A hometown city • Ithaca is Detours • Ithaca is Waterful! • Eat well In • Be yourself in • Ithaca is Diverse • Ithaca is under construction • Ithaca is LGBTQ History • Ithaca is naively full of itself • Ithaca is best place to meet numerous or lesbians • Ithaca is June thru August • Ithaca Women are Nasty • Ithaca is Worth It! • Area 607 • Pearl of Cayuga • Buy a Prius • Ithaca is Art. • Ithaca: Local Economies Work! • Ithaca is sanctuary • Uniquely • Ithaca: Fuck Trump • Ithaca Remains Gorges • Would you like to see some magic • Ithaca is Ugly Buildings • Ithaca We’re Way Up Here • Ithaca is Right Here • Ten square miles surrounded by reality • Ithaca is construction • Ithaca is Cornell. • Ithaca is Bad Drivers • Ithaca is Cranes • Ithaca is Trying • Take gate off gorge • Ithaca is Fireflies • Ithaca is OUTDOORS • Ithaca is Kooky. • Where roads are never repaired • Ithaca is theatre • Ithaca is Inclusive • Ithaca: Home, Homer, Homest. Okay, . • Ithaca is Engorged • Ithaca is Home



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Pay ir share of taxes • HelpIthaca Collegetown businesses • give us money • Help outIthaca Collegetown businesses • Help outIthaca Collegetown businesses • Help outIthaca Collegetown businesses • Help outIthaca Collegetown businesses • Be much more generous in its MOU with (how much money it donates in lieu of paying taxes) • Fix ir roads • Pay more taxes • Pay property taxes • Contribute more money • Treat all city roads in winter • Pay ir Taxes • Actually help pay for sidewalk and road repair. • Pay taxes • Provide housing to ir own students so that rentals can decrease in price. • chip in more for TCAT funding so y have enough buses and drivers • Up its “in lieu of taxes” contributions. • Pay more taxes • Scholarships for Local Grads • Give more money • Give back to tax payers • Pay ir fare share • Pay Taxes • Pay more taxes • Pay taxes • Stay • Greenstar • Give some money back to community • donate to SPCA for spay and neuter of feral animals • Pay for more road repair along bus lines • Fill potholes • Pave roads up re • Say something positive • Pay taxes • Forgive everyone’s student debt • pay taxes • Donate to local nonprofits • give us freeIthaca College • Provide $$ for nonprofits and street paving • SupportIthaca Collegetown • SupportIthaca Collegetown businesses • SupportIthaca Collegetown businesses • SupportIthaca Collegetown businesses • HelpIthaca Collegetown businesses • Support businesses inIthaca Collegetown • Support small businesses inIthaca Collegetown • Give support toIthaca Collegetown businesses • Fix parking so tourists and locals know where to park easily • Pay taxes • Pay taxes • Stop raising rents • Fix Potholes :) • Pay property taxes • Build enough housing for its ever growing enrollment. • more money payment in lieu of taxes • Leave • Freshwater is our greatest asset Cornell could play a major role in combating Harmful Algal Blooms • Reduce ir tax breaks. • Provide adequate on campus housing for students to help lower rental costs for actual working class residents. • In this community of nonprofits, pay property and school taxes. • Redistribute ir assets and wealth among people who live here and develop affordable housing to replace slums inIthaca Collegetown/downtown • Pay more taxes • Not let re students get drivers licenses. • Money • Supply renewable energy at lost cost • Pay taxes on 76 percent of county y own. • stay • Pay Taxes • Free Tuition for townies here over 25yrs • Pay its share of taxes • Pay taxes • Help make housing costs lower • Designate unused land to trails • Triple ir annual financial

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contribution to city • Pay taxes • Build more affordable housing • lower rents • Pay more for community services • Invest in housing • Fuck off • Open classes for residents • More housing to make rentals more affordable for ns • Pay fair taxes • y do plenty. • Teach ir students behavior • Pay more in lieu of taxes • Free or greatly discounted classes for adults • Pay taxes. Design affordable & green housing as a competitive project for students. • PAY TAXES • Pay taxes • pay taxes • donate money to farmers market infrastructure updates • Make TCAT free for all • Pay more taxes • Win some football games • Support community nonprofits that students utilize, like TCPL • Pay taxes • Avoid being picked on by local crazies. • Build a rocket ship • Pay taxes • Pay workers better • Affordable housing • Create a train station/ system and improve airport/ destinations + better connections to syracuse (airport) • Free athletic events for school kids • Pay taxes • Contribute more financially to community • Pay taxes • Admit that Austrian school of economics is better than Keynesian model • Road work • Free classes for townspeople • Pay taxes • offer free pet care at vet school • Contribute $$$ to local government or pay property taxes • It is a big business and exempt from many laws and regulations. It should pay its fair share of taxes. • Underwrite expansion ofIthaca Commons • Contribute to city funds • Provide free shuttle services from downtown to Campus • Support doentoen businesses • Pay ir god damn taxes • Pay taxes • pay taxes • Pay taxes on all properties. • Pay property taxes • Buy new buses for TCAT • Housing and infrastructure development • Stop offering hemp classes • pay up • Increase annual financial support • Pay ir Taxes • Pay its fair share of taxes • Make more communitybased requirements for students • Pay more taxes • Make a gift annually to local schools. • Pay Taxes • Free tuition • Contribute more money to city and county for shared services. • Pay taxes • free tuition • Increase stipend • Provide more funds to support city • dredge inlet • Pay taxes • Pay more taxes • Pay property taxes • Kick in more money • stay independent and strong • Pay city taxes • Pay property taxes • Take lead for forming a Countywide Transportation Management Association • Pay taxes • Fund road repairs • Repave roads • Pay taxes. • Pay freaking taxes • Fund road repairs • Pay ir proper share of taxes • Pay for more infrastructure work (lights timed better, potholes) • Na • be more ethical • Affordable Housing • offer free tuition to local residents • Pay a fair share • Pay taxes • More money • Give more money to city • Pay its fair share • Donate to improving roads • Pay taxes • Help bring down rents in • More money • Pay taxes... • Pay more taxes • Build some of ir own fucking offcampus housing so maybe singleincome families might have a shot of not having to


move to Newfield. • Maintain roads around campus or pay taxes • Maintain roads around campus or pay taxes • Give town more money!!! • Pay property taxes • Pay property taxes • Free classes for all residents • Unlimited TCAT passes for all students • Breath out • House more students • Contribute more to city and TCAT Budgets. • Pay higher taxes • pay us dat money • Pay taxes • Pay taxes • PAY PROPERTY TAXES • Scholarships • Pay Taxes • Pay taxes • fix our roads • pay taxes • pay taxes • Pay taxes • Find everyone from Voice Facebook comments section and lobotomize m. • Pay more taxes • Greenstar • Pay taxes!!!!!! • Teach ir students to obey traffic rules • Lower housing prices • Give money to clean trash from nature (gorges) • Contribute more financially in lieu of taxes • Admit that it is a profitseeking business and pay its share of local taxes • Pax taxes • Pay property taxes on all land/buildings • Provide more funding as a payment in lieu of taxes • fund Southside and GIAC • pay more toward community services • Higher property taxes • Stay way it is! • Lower rents so rentals and housing costs come down. • Pay taxes • Teach its international students to tip 20% in restaurants/ bars • Pay more taxes • Donate • Help community • Give back • Pay its fair share of taxes, i.e., way more • Pave Stewart ave • Give us bag • fix all pot holes on stewart ave. • Give money! • Pay property taxes • Give m more money • Free tuition for locals • Pay some taxes • Get involved with Food Bank • Pay taxes • Pay more taxes • Stop spending so muvh money • Make Stewart park swimmable • Give us money • Keep ir student housing on hill. • Make it less hard for hire • PAY TAXES • Help, even a little bit. • Be more involved in community • Necessitate deans and VPs serve on Not for profit boards • Something to offset housing costs brought in by fancy profs and students. • PAY TAXES • Pay taxes. • Pay taxes • PAY TAXES THX • Pay more taxes • Build more opportunities downtown • Low income housing • Pay some frickin’ property tax, and provide staff and temp workers with a real living wage and sweet benefits. • Pay taxes • ProvideIthaca College prep programs for graduating teens. •


Pay taxes • Give people y hire fair pay • Pay taxes • pay taxes! • Provide subsidized housing for staff and students. • Be more involved with locals instead of ONLY catering to students. I hear cornell does not pay taxes, well use that extra money to help local projects and be integrated with LOCAL MUSICIANS. y have a platform y could provide but unfortunately y do not. • PAY SOME TAXES • More community engagement w.r.t low income students in IHS having pathways to attend Cornell and or high quality institutions of higher education, intervening in High School’s incredibly segregational and classist academic tracking system. • Help us pay se high taxes • Pay more in taxes, give money to community • Pay a fair share of TAXES • Pay it’s fair share of taxes so tax rate could drop a bit. • Make a amusement park or something to entertain se kids preferably with rides • ban frats and, duh, pay more in taxes • Pay to fix potholes • Share wealth • taxes • Be in more movies • Pay Taxes • Increase donations to by 100% • Pay more taxes • Pay taxes • Pay more in lieu of taxes • Pay taxes • Pay fair share of taxes!!!! • Pay taxes! • Higher PILOT Payments, stronger efforts to help improve quality of teaching in ICSD (particularly at regents level classes) • Fix streets potholes • Pay property taxes • Pay taxes. • Pay it’s fair share in taxes • Pay Taxes • Work with city to rein in rising rent and cost of living in . • Pay Taxes • pay more taxes • Pay taxes and relieve some of pressure on us homeowners. • Fund infrastructure and build housing for residents • More public gardens scattered throughout • Pay taxes • Provide additional funding to TCAT • Give us $ • Take better care of ir employees • “try to establish more connection between town and gownnot sure how to do that though • “ • Pay its share. • Pay Taxes • Offer free admission to any High School graduates • Not build anything else inIthaca Collegetown • Increase ir tax contribution • Pay Taxes • Pay more in taxes • Pay more taxes • Pay taxes • PAY LAND TAXES! • Pave roads and Pay taxes • Repair city roads that run through campus housing areas • Pay taxes • Give more money • Pay taxes • subsidize schools • Fix town’s potholes • pay taxes • Pay ir


fair share of taxes and provide parking for townies at Cornell events • Pay more taxes • Pay taxes • Pay more taxes • Pay taxes • Donate to loaves and fishes • Replace all potholes • Divest from fossil fuels • Budget more money for community infrastructure improvements/repairs • Reduce carbon emissions • Pay city taxes • Greenstar • Pay state and local taxes • Donate more money to local programs!! • More &&& • Full scholarships to 5 students from each school district in Tompkins county. • offer seniors free courses for those who live in Tompkins County • More &&& • Pay Property Taxes, Retroactive to ir beginning! • pay increased taxes • Pay taxes • more money • Repave all roads • Pay more in taxes. • Take out lake source cooling • ReUse Center • Pay Taxes • Buy it • Pay ir fair share • Pay taxes!!!! • Pay more money to for all services y get. • Contribute to city in ways that dont directly benefit mselves • Pay property taxes • Pay Taxes • Give more money for infrastructure • expand tcat bus services so buses come more than once an hour for all of . Um, pay taxes. • more widespread access and incentives for students to engage with community organizations and permanent residents • more access and incentives for students to explore and engage with community events • Pay taxes • Offer free classes to community members, especially those who struggle economically • Give more money for infrastructure • WiFi for free for everyone • taxes • Provide job training for townies. • Pay more taxes • Free public transportation for entire county • give us money! • offer discounted classes to residents • Donate all left over stuff to locals rar than sell it • Pay taxes • pay taxes • Pay more money • Pay higher taxes • PAY TAXES!!!! • Fund education & childcare opportunities for low income community families so y can thrive as much as ir privileged neighbors on hill • Pay taxes • Give city more money each year • Pay taxes • Pay ir fair share in taxes • Pay proper taxes • Cash • Donate to local charities and organizations • More money • Allow mselves to be taxed • Pay taxes • Pay taxes • Build affordable housing for locals • Pay more taxes • Pay its taxes • Pay taxes • PAY TAXES • Pay taxes • Clean up falls • Be more inclusive and welcoming to ALL! • Just Be Cause Center • pay taxes • Pay property tax • Invest in sustainability initiatives throughout County • Pay Taxes • Pay taxes • Pay more in taxes to take burden off people • More money • more conservation and education • Pay city taxes • Pay ir damn taxes. • Pay taxes • Ridge Road • Buy Masonic temple and have a community arts venue re. • Fix all our messed up roads • Underwrite cost of TCAT • Pay more taxes • Give us money • Outreach and financial support to area nonprofits • Follow in Ezra’s footsteps by sponsoring more community reading/literacy events, especially in rural areas. • Pay it’s fair share • Contribute

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more to TCAT • Annex it • Pay taxes • Pay property taxes • Pay taxes • Pay more taxes • Pay more taxes • Pay ir taxes • Write a listicle about how great is. • Pay ir fair share of taxes • Pay Taxes! • Share a bus service up and down hill • Install a zip line! • Give dorm looking Apt’s to students and give homes and 5 be house to families. • Pay taxes • Pay taxes • invest in public schools • Pay taxes • Make a better payment in lieu of taxes • Donate money to fix more roads • Fill in all potholes • Support local nonprofits OR help pay for infrastructure • Keep city clean • Pay more taxes • Offer discount on tuition for local kids • More scholarships to Tompkins County residents • donate LAND for a public garden/farm • “Stop taking over all housing and pushing locals out. • “ • Let locals attend for free • Help transform local education based on research and Cornell’s Active Learning Initiative • More money to lower taxes • pay taxes • Pay more taxes • More money • Restore full tuition remission benefit for children of employees • Build rent controlled housing in downtown • Pay its fair share of taxes! • Fix roads! • Increase ir annual city contribution! • Pay taxes! Or burn to ground • Pay taxes • Pay land taxes so community tax rate could go down • Pay taxes • Let City School District graduates have freeIthaca College tuition • Help make housing affordable • pay more taxes • Pay taxes!! • Give money to city and organizations • Support Cayuga Chamber Orchestra • Free tuition for Students from • Pay more property taxes • Pay taxes • Pay taxes • Free tuition for residents • old Clockworks Factory on Dey • pay taxes • Free transportation pods from Downtown to Campus • Build a hospital • Stop local



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housing from turning into student housing • Help downtown businesses/landlords plant air cleaning plants outside of ir windows, eaves, and rooftops for urban gardens. • Pay taxes! • pay taxes • pay its fair share! • Reduce tuition even furr for Students who live in City of • As in noblesse oblige Put up $1million annually for a people’s budget/ community based budgeting • Pay taxes • Rebuild University Ave • Pay ir fair share of community costs • Lower room and board changes for oncampus housing. • pay taxes • Pay Taxes • Open up Statler Hotel for temporary homeless shelter in cold months • Pay taxes! • Invest in downtown • Pay more taxes, hire more locals • Pay taxes • Free movie nights • Pay taxes • Have a trolley that regularly rides up hill FOR FREE non academic community might just want to go to events/museums without paying tons of $ to park • Continue to stay in business • DONATE MORE MONEY • Pay taxes • Invest in more housing and parking for everyone • Pay taxes • Share ir solar resources • PAY UP! Vast public resources, like police, go into Cornell’s students, University needs to exponentially increase ir PILOT payments. (Good question!) • Fund nonprofits that its students use most (Advocacy Center) and help with fixing pavement!! • More money to support City of ‘s infrastructure and take some of burden off of tax payers • Pay more taxes • Pay taxes • Pay more property tax. • Build adequate parking and living space for cornell students and staff • Event parking • Pay more in lieu of taxes • Free Education • Stop adding artificial colors and or toxic ingredients to ir ice cream and egg nog. Or at least open a Weill Medical Center Outpost/

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Externship/Clinic. • Pay property taxes • Supplement land tax costs Stop increasing student housing and attendance • Pay taxes • Regularly host events in downtown • Pay taxes


Chanticleer • Ithaca Times Building • Immaculate Conception • Chanticleer • Henry Miller Inn • Argos Inn • Viva • Not sure • Nines • TCPL • Chanticleer • Water treatment plant • Signworks Building • Taughannock Inn • Chacona Block! • Purity • Boardman House • Johnson Museum of Art • State theatre • entire north side of Ithaca Commons. Lets protect what’s re now that south side has changed so drastically. • castle where Ddso is • Should have been old library :( • State theatre • former Masonic temple • Pumping Station by skatepark • Taco Bell • AllIthaca Commons that haven’t been razed for rich people and ir condos • DeWitt Mall • Chanticleer • dewitt building • Masonic Temple • Let’s try ones that we rejected this year. Non preservation friendly administration. Cannot cite City cemetery Money. Leaders seem to be against historic preservation when developers stand to make gains. • DeWitt Mall • Carl Sagan’s house • State Theatre • first Alpha Phi Alpha house on Albany St. • 307 West State Street, former home of Smedley’s Bookshop, significant LGBTQ historic and cultural landmark •

Chanticleer • Pressbay Alley • Wegmans • State theatre • Henry Miller Inn • Dewitt Mall • ReUse Center • Johnson Art Museum • 606 Hanshaw Road • Mythical • State diner • Wegmans • State theatre • Chanticleer • Viva • State theatre • First Unitarian Church • Lick Brook preserve • Police Station • cinemapolis • Dewitt Mall • Svante’s parking spot • Nabokov house • Farmers’ Market • Temple Bel • Ithaca Sign Works • Cigar Factory • American Crafts Building • CTB • City Centre • CTB • Southside • Na • Hangar Theatre • MLK St home of former Smedley’s bookstore • Signworks building • one of potholes • former bus terminal on W. State St. • Please just build more expensive apartments, that’s all we need. • Kitchen theatre Company • Big House • Masonic Temple and make m fix it up! • Farmers Market • Collegetown bagels • State Theatre (unless it already is..) • carriage house café • County Library • Chanticleer • Dewitt Mall • Stewart park boathouse • Hinkey’s music store • Dewitt Mall bldg • Dewitt Mall • State theatre • I don’t know • State Street Diner • 316 center st • Autumn Leaves bookstore • Ithaca College Towers • Hangar Theatre • Southside Community Center • State Diner • new apartment building by Marriot • Racker Center re is so much history in Racker and it’s deeply a part of our community. One of top 10 employers, serving 3,000 people a year with disabilities and ir families. • Shortstop • Shortstop • Maxi’s • GIAC • Library • St John’s Church • police station • East Hill School • Wegmans • Old bus/ train station • Center for History and Culture • Chacona Block • buildings frontingIthaca Commons (to protect against furr tear down and replacement) • Wharton Studio Museum in Stewart Park • 518 West Seneca street • Old Library that was torn down • That big creepy Victorian somewhere around Titus. Terry Harbin would know. • City Center • Lincoln St. Diner • Nines • haunt • old Tompkins Trust Company building, now

housing numerous arts organizations’ offices • commons • State Diner • Gimme! • William Henry Miller Inn • Lehigh Valley • Henry saint johns • Center for History and Culture • Dewitt Mall • Dewitt Mall • Chanticleer • Nines • Johnson Museum designed by I.M. Pei • Gimme! • Farmer’s Market • Stewart Park • Pete’s Cayuga Bar • Southside Community Center • Wegmans • library on Cayuga :’( • creeker • Haunt • Wegmans • Bus station • old Train/ bus depot • city center • Ridge Road • should have been old library • Fountain Place • Ithaca College Fountain • Unitarian Church • Asia Cuisine • Farmer’s Market Pavilion • CSMA • Cascadilla Falls • Children’s Garden’s Gaia turtle • electrical plant by cornell in fall creek gorge • All vacant houses that are unfixed • 510 West State Street • Kitchen theatre Company • falls • Not sure. Sorry! • Greenstar • Dewitt Building • Viva • Dewitt Mall • Pavilion at Stewart Park • masonic temple • William Henry Miller Inn • State Theatre • Chanticleer • Gun • Risley Hall • Kitchen theatre • Dewitt Mall • Autumn leaves building • Brookton’s Market • Ithaca Commons fountain • old mill at 1st Dam • Wegman’s • Viva • Chanticleer • DeWitt Building • 222 S. Aurora Street • library so y dont tear this one down too. • LGBTQ local history landmarks all over city • Sage Hall at Cornell • Pegasys • Elmira Savings Bank • Calvary Baptist Church 507 N.Albany • Masonic lodge and temple downtown • Cornell Sun building • Chanty • GIAC • masonic temple • buildings on LGBTQ Local History Walking Tour • Phi Sigma Kappa • Press Bay • All buildings that lineIthaca Commons • Women’s Community Building • Unitarian Society of • Wegman’s • Masonic Temple • Post office • Boardman House • Alex Haley’s birthplace • Is former bus depot one • State diner • Shortstop • Clinton Building • Green Street Garage • Hangar Theatre • old Turbacks restaurant... should restore it! • 601 Dryden Road or 304 Mineah Road •

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was changing the community for the better?

We know. It sounds unlikely. But here’s the truth: Tompkins Trust Company has been giving back to the community for decades. Social responsibility has always been at the core of who we are. The money you deposit with us works hard for you, and does good in your community. Your support enables us to support local nonprofits and to make loans to local businesses. Not to mention, our employees volunteer thousands of hours of their time each year.

We hope that makes you proud to work with us. But most of all, we hope it makes our community a little better.




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Bob Proehl on his newest book, writing process and what’s next


By M att Bu tler

ob Proehl has long been a comic book and science fiction fan, but hadn’t yet been able to combine the two for a full-length project. But with his new book, “The Nobody People,” Proehl gets to explore both of those realms while weaving in parent-kid relationships and how the world deals with exceptionalism. The book deals with a father recognizing his daughter holds extraordinary abilities, and then slowly realizing the responsibilities and burdens her powers will foist upon her as she matures, particularly in the face of a government designed to discriminate and oppress people like her, and a public that is scared and shocked enough by their powers to go along with it. She meets others with similar abilities as her own, and they become the Resonants, or the Nobody People. Proehl’s newest novel follows two previous books, including “A Hundred Thousand Worlds,” a novel that was published in 2016 and was certainly inpsired by his love of comics, and “The Gilded Palace of Sin” in 2008, about the Flying Burrito Brothers’ 1960s album of the same name, part of the 33 ⅓ book series (brief books about impactful albums in

music history). “The Nobody People” was released earlier this month and is available now online or in stores. Proehl said the book’s roots come from the X-Men comic books, which are based on a squadron. Proehl wanted to deconstruct the themes that carry those stories and re-envision them, in a way, through the lens of current events. The concept of a fear of replacement (highlighted by events like the Charlottesville white nationalist rallies) interested Proehl, and he felt he could translate that into the larger plot in a way that would fit well with the X-Men. “I’ve always been a big reader of science fiction, it’s just not something that I ever thought I’d be able to write,” Proehl said. “There’s a certain high concept element to it. [...] The kind of stuff I was writing was more literary fiction. Then in 2016, when my first novel came out, my agent suggested that I try some sci-fi, and I played around with it for a while and it ended up becoming this book. ” Life, of course, had an impact on Proehl’s approach to the book and its outcome. His daughter was born while he was writing it, which he said influenced his decision to include more specific personal narratives to go with some of the broader political points he was trying to make with the more comic book-centric themes. The book “Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity” by Andrew Solomon, a book that touts itself as an assessment of how parents raise exceptional children, played a role in Proehl’s formulation of “The Nobody People” as well. Writing through those kinds of experi-

ences can be cathartic in certain ways, Proehl said. “There’s always an element of therapy in writing,” Proehl said, who also noted that in order to make created characters connect to an audience, a writer must give them realistic elements—and where better to draw those elements than oneself. “I always feel like I’m doling out personal anxieties to different characters. ‘Oh, you get my work life balance anxiety. You get my becoming an authentic adult anxiety. You get my parenting stuff.’ Then you’re kind of acting like your own shrink.” Proehl has already started writing the sequel to “The Nobody People,” called “The Somebody People,” which is scheduled for release in Fall 2020. The story was large enough, Proehl thought, that once he found a natural break in the first story, there was ample material to create a sequel. There was no lack of emotional weight while writing the story either for Proehl, who found himself reacting to the story even as it was unfolding before him, a feeling that has continued into the second book. “I think it’s just a matter of having an empathic connection with the characters you’re writing,” Proehl said. “I’m working on the second book, which is a little more in the hard sci-fi realm, and it goes a little further. I’m getting to write stuff that actually grosses me out, which is kind of cool. It’s always interesting when you can get a reaction out of yourself in the chair.”

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Bob Proehl, an Ithaca-based author, has just released his newest book, “The Nobody People,” a second foray into science fiction. (Photo by Casey Martin)

I t h a c a T i m e s   33

Supported by the Department of Writing and the School of Humanities and Sciences


FALL 2019



Fiction Writer



Literary Journalism


PUBLIC READING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 7:00 PM TEXTOR HALL 101 Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact Nick Kowalczyk at as soon as possible.

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Ithac a T imes


Sep t ember

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Beloved Opera “La Bohème” on Stage Here By Jane D ie ckm ann


pera fans have the rare opportunity to attend a live production of a familiar and cherished work by a master of the genre, Giacomo Puccini. In collaboration for the first time, two local and admired arts institutions, the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra and Opera Ithaca, now in its sixth season, present two performances of “La Bohème” on Saturday, Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Both, to be conducted by the CCO music director, Cornelia Laemmli Orth, are at Ford Hall on the Ithaca College campus. When I spoke with Orth last week, she told me that even before she had been appointed music director here, she received a message from Opera Ithaca’s former artistic director, Zachary James, welcoming her to Ithaca. Ever since there had been talk about doing “La Bohème.” Thus it was scheduled for this season. The production, designated as semistaged, will be not far from what you might see in a larger venue. The orchestra is on stage, at one side, and the set is limited, “condensed down to its essence,” according to Opera Ithaca’s artistic director, Ben Robinson, with whatever furniture and props are necessary to tell the story. The entire opera is to be played out, and in costume—“the focus is on action, acting, and singing.” Opera Ithaca, functioning like any modern opera company, plans a “truncated rehearsal period.” Rehearsals started last Saturday, beginning with the whole cast, Cornelia says, to make sure everyone was “on the same page musically.” Evening rehearsals continue through the week. Robinson has been Opera Ithaca’s artistic director only since late May, so this is his first production here. An opera tenor, he teaches voice, and is also artistic director of Raylynmor Opera in Keene, New Hampshire. He told me he is involved this time “chiefly to fulfill the expectations of the company’s creative artistic team.” Almost all the cast members, selected well in advance of course, have appeared at least once in previous productions. These singers, mostly unfamiliar names, are building their careers in smaller American opera houses and already have considerable stage and singing experience. Playing the tragic lovers Mimì and Rodolfo are soprano Megan Nielson with four previous roles here, and tenor Joshua Collier, founder of a Boston opera company and artistic director of BARN Opera in Vermont, making his company debut.

Baritone SeungHyeon Baek (with two previous appearances) and his wife, soprano Nayoung Ban (making her debut here), are Marcello and Musetta. In smaller roles are baritone Michael Nyby as Schaunard; IC professor of voice and baritone Marc Webster, very well known to local audiences, especially for his oratorio work, is Colline; bass David Neal, from SUNY Cortland and equally well known locally, has the double role of Benoit and Alcindoro. All are repeat performers with Opera Ithaca. Playing a fleeting role are the Ithaca College Choir, directed by Janet Galván, and Ithaca Children & Youth Chorus from CMSA, prepared by Katie O’ConnorBallantyne. On the production team are the rehearsal pianist Maria Rabbia, who also does the supertitles, and Norm Johnson, who is in charge of sets. The costumes come from the TDF collection, located in the Queens borough of New York City. Apparently an amazing place, it is a warehouse containing retired costumes from past regional opera productions. In the vital role as director is Emily Pulley, who has had a long career at the Met, mainly as a singer. She is, Robinson tells me, “an expert. She knows the show, and cares deeply about it. It’s something quite personal for her.” Orth too is an opera expert, starting out with graduate studies at Northwestern University for her conducting degree, where she became assistant to the head of the opera department. Since then, she has conducted operas in Europe and in her three-state region. As for “La Bohème,” about 15 years ago she was brought in by the Symphony of the Mountains in Kingsport, Tennessee, to conduct it, and it was clearly a success as she is now in her 14th season as music director. And, even better, the cast and production team will take this “La Bohème” there for performances on Oct. 5 and 6. Conducting this opera is a special challenge, Cornelia explains, not only do you have singers, orchestra, and two choruses, but the music is constantly changing tempo. “There is so much flexibility,” and one needs the “willingness to go when something happens. And something always happens. It’s a constant give and take.” “Everybody gets along,” Robinson added. “There’s a sparkling creativity and learning from each other.” But the last word goes to Cornelia. “I love opera. This is something special. It’s a big deal.”



Kaplan and Brown combine for abstract exhbit By Ar thur W hit m an

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“Message to YoYo Ma,” a piece from Ileen Kaplan. (Photo provided)




ers and articulates using unusual combinations of oil and acrylic paint with various drawing materials. At their best, the results evoke archaeological layering as well as intimating psychic depths. Combining acrylic, collage, graphite, and pastel on board, “Spring Fever” is the most compelling of her larger pieces here. It has an unusual delicacy of color. Against a white backdrop, blocks of cool gray and earthy saturated greens set off vapors of pale pink and green. Both in black, a vertical drip to the left and a centering calligraphic archway offer some familiar orientation. Kaplan’s large paintings typically fit a horizontal format. Blocks of pale and saturated yellow punctuate richly inflected fields of gray in pieces like “You Set the Scene” and “Message for Yo Yo Ma” while “Keep Talking, I’m Listening” has a black background and smudgy faded textures. Miniatures like “Cradled” and “Stacked” are most often upright or square and fea-

Cliff S

Known for their figurative painting, State of the Art Gallery members Patricia Brown and Ileen Kaplan have recently embarked on abstract series aimed at lyrical and metaphorical explorations of color, texture, and tactile evocation. Brown’s freeform embroideries repurpose old paint rags while Kaplan’s paintings combine solid blocks of color with loose, scribblelike markmaking. Their two-person show, “Textures” is on-view at the SOAG this month (through Sept. 29). Kaplan brings a wonderful sense of color and enviably refined paint handling to her everyday genre scenes. For the past couple or so years, she has been showing abstractions on canvas and board that betray a similarly sophisticated coupling of eye and hand. As might be expected, given her greater experience, her work is the more assured of the two artists here. Nearly all of Kaplan’s pieces here feature collaged papers, frequently bearing logos indicating their upscale origins or relevant instructions and notations. These she lay-


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F reedom of the Press F reedom T H E D A N I E L W. K O P S


of the Press L E C T U R E

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Klarman H R ho op d e st o R tah wel i p nugb sl iiAc uditorium FF rraeel lee, & e & op en n t o t he pu bl c Free & open to the public

Patricia Brown’s “Remnant 7.” (Photo provided)

Jeremy Scahill Investigative journalist and author; founder of

Jeremy Jeremy Scahill Scahill

ture varied, jewel-like colors and bolder, less obscured graphics. This year, Brown has been working on a series of wall-hanging “Remnants,” which combine acrylic-spattered t-shirt fabric with areas of vividly colored stitchery bunched up in circular plastic and wooden embroidery hoops. The stitching, with its Van Gogh-like animacy, echoes the spattered paints—brightening and clarifying their indigenous hues. The range of color and format the artist explores here is impressive enough although the impression of a somewhat limited format lingers. “Remnant #4: Jubilee” pays homage to the late Dorothy Cotton, a Civil Rights veteran and important local figure. Brown, an amateur singer, went on tour with the Dorothy Cotton Jubilee Singers this past spring, visiting Cotton’s hometown of Goldsboro, North Carolina. The piece’s bright, Easter-y colors give fitting homage to the singers’ collective musical expression. Brown is also showing a range of what

Investigative journalist and author; founder of Investigative journalist and author; founder of Ithaca Times 4.9” x 5.5”

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comes across as miscellany: ranging from assemblages and fashion design to (more interestingly) a couple of embroideries clarifying the feminist roots of her project. I would have perhaps preferred to see Brown’s hangings pushed a bit further: for example, towards a greater integration of the stitched and painted areas. The SOAG membership tends to present work that is proficient but more-or-less conservative – or, more to the point, work that plays to familiar expectations. One usually knows what to expect from the member artists upon stepping through the door and results are often less than intriguing. (The back room “Salon” features a modest group selection every month.) There’s a distinct tradition of painters at the gallery “going abstract.” It’s tempting to approach the putatively liberating move with some skepticism. After all abstract art is over a century old and more an established genre than something radically new. Still, offerings here demonstrate that the field is hardly exhausted.


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722 South Meadow Street, Ithaca, NY Must present coupon to receive the sale price. Valid through October 31st, 2018.


Anunadha Roy

The acclaimed writer sits down with us as she visits Ithaca By G.M . Bur n s


nunadha Roy is the iconic author of “An Atlas of Impossible Longing” and ”The Folded Earth,” “Sleeping on Jupiter,” which earned the DSC Prize for Fiction in 2016 and was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2015. Her most recent novel, “All the Lives We Never Lived,” was published worldwide last year and has won the Tata Book of the Year Award. This interview was conducted before Roy spoke at Cornell University last week. Ithaca Times: As a writer, your books have been translated into 18 languages, but what was it that drew you to the writer-poet Rabindranath Tagore? Anunadha Roy: What drew him to me was actually was an interesting part – when I started the book [All the Lives We Never Lived], I had a little boy who could enter paintings. And when I was in Bali on work-travel once, I was standing in front of the paintings of Walter Spies, who was a German artist, and you know at that time I was wondering this very imaginative, lonely little boy, who lived through paintings - which paintings is he going to inhabit and the paintings of Walter Spies drew me deeply – because, not only because they are wonderfully paintings but because of his life. He was a kind of genius of a kind who was fleeing Nazism in the ‘20s, he felt the start of it all and he left and came to Bali. And there by-and-by, he started this community of artists that grew around him and in about 1927 I think, Tagore actually visited him. He visited Bali and Walter Spies was his guide in Bali. And at that point when I found this connection – my novel which was going to be set in the ‘20s and ‘30s’ – I felt a series of connections leading me to you know Tagore, Bali, and the themes of my book which the central theme in the book is freedom. And different kinds of freedom can cancel out each other. And the way nationalism today has become something very toxic, which is something Tagore wrote and spoke about a great deal. IT: Philosophically and also political what can you share about your thinking now as you continue to write? How does the geopolitical affect your work now? AR: You know, when I am responding to something quiet directly in my immediate political environment which has disturbed me very deeply for some reason – I don’t write regular journalism and I don’t respond to every single thing, but when I

do feel the need – sometimes writing is a way for me to think through something. And then I feel that the need to do that something in my immediate political environment I write an article. But when I’m writing fiction I think it comes from a different place and although it will reflect contemporary political and currents, fears and strangeness. I think my fiction comes from thinking over a long period of time and from somewhere deeper. IT: What drives you in your writing? And is there a story now that is forming for you at this time? AR: Okay. I think what drives me is really a need. It’s something I need to do – if I don’t write I feel restless, irritable, and incomplete. So that is the reason for me to write, and writing for me is really a sense of having an alternate universe inside me, which is sort of parallel, secret, fluid completely involving. It’s something that is going on all the time in me. And if I don’t and I am not doing that then I feel that there is a part of me that is not functioning. IT: What gives you hope? AR: Actually what gives me hope is really one of the figures in the book, the

Anunadha Roy appeared at Cornell University on Sept. 20 after winning the Tata Book of the Year Award for her last work. (Photo provided)

Walter Spies figure. He existed and was a real person. The reason he is in this book is that he is the hope – he was very young when he left Germany. He came from an aristocratic family and he had anything that anyone could want, a whole career, he knew Rachmaninov, he knew the artist Paul Klee, Otto Dix – these were his friends. But he saw the world closing in around him in Germany and he left. He stole away on a ship, came to Bali, never bothered to change his passport, so when World War II began he was in Dutch territory in Bali and was interned as a prisoner and was being sent to India on a ship to an

Ford Hall, Ithaca College Puccini's beloved opera, presented semi-staged, as a co-production with Opera Ithaca

And I think in spite of all of this he remains really spiritually creative and he did things, he made things, he built houses, he cared for people and animals. And I thought his life was such an inspiration and hope that however hard the circumstances feel that maybe things can change at some point.

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internment camp, that ship got bombed and he died. Tragically, and by then he had spent six years of his very short life in jail for various things and they even put him in jail for being homosexual.

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Ithaca Jazz and Blues Jam | 4:00 PM, | Mix Kitchen and Bar, Ithaca Sean Farley | 4:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett Scythian | 7:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $15 - $20 Bound for Glory: Hugh O’Doherty | 8:00 PM, | Anabel Taylor Hall, Ithaca


Purple Valley | 6:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

The Family Ties | 7:00 PM, | Grist Iron


Arthur B & The Planetary Mix | 7:00 PM, | Two Goats Brewing, Burdett

The Tins | 7:00 PM, | Two Goats Brew-

9/25 Wednesday

Scott Adams & Brett Beardslee | 7:00 PM, | Grist Iron Brewing, Burdett

Kerri Powers | 7:30 PM, | 6 On The

Brewing, Burdett ing, Burdett Square, Oxford

Canaan Jam Session | 7:00 PM, | Canaan Institute, Brooktondale

Zach Deputy | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $15/$18

Doolin O’Dey | 7:00 PM, | Stonecat Cafe, Hector

Thousands of One | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

The Crucials ft. DJ HILL | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

9/28 Saturday

9/26 Thursday

Black Diamond Express | 6:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

9/29 Sunday Mary Ott Band - Jazz Brunch | 11:00 AM, | Stonecat Cafe, Hector Lynn Wiles | 1:00 PM, | Red Newt Bistro, Hector Troy Cusson | 1:00 PM, | Treleaven Wines, King Ferry

The Midnight Hour feat. Ali Shaheed Muhammad and Adrian Younge w/ Lorden Oden, Angela Munoz, and Jack Waterson | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $25 Rebecca and the Soul Shakers | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

David Graybeard Band | 2:00 PM, | Grist Iron Brewing, Burdett Toivo | 2:30 PM, | Newfield Fire Hall, Newfield Ende Brothers | 4:00 PM, | Americana Vineyards, Interlaken

Greg McQuade | 6:00 PM, | Six Mile Creek Vineyard, Ithaca

Olivia Gatwood: Life of The Party US Tour w/ Ari Chi and Special Guest Cailin Nolte | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $15 - $17 The ElectroZone Presents: Portable Necrotonics | 8:00 PM, | Sacred Root Kava Lounge & Tea Bar, Ithaca Funk Night w/ Dean’s Kids | 9:00 PM, | The Range, Ithaca

9/27 Friday Ampersand Project | 6:00 PM, | Treleaven Wines, King Ferry


Devo/Massa Duo | 6:00 PM, | Brews and Brats, Trumansburg, NY

Sunday, September 29 at 2:30 PM | Newfield Fire Hall, 77 Main St., Newfield | Free dance featuring the band. Finnish and American music for listening and dancing! Coffee and light desserts. Local Finnish historical and memorabilia displays. Sponsored by the Finger Lakes Finns. For more info, 607-387-4854. (photo: provided)

Max Childs Music | 6:00 PM, | Hopshire Farm & Brewery, Freeville

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Professor Tuesdays Jazz Quartet | 6:30 PM, | ZaZa’s Cucina, Ithaca Magic City Hippies w/ Sego | 8:00 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $15 - $20

10/2 Wednesday Canaan Jam Session | 7:00 PM, | Canaan Institute, Brooktondale Whistling Dyl | 7:00 PM, | Stonecat Cafe, Hector Cavetown w/ Field Medic + Spookyghostboy | 7:30 PM, | The Haunt, Ithaca | $20 - $24 Concerts/Recitals The Jane Doe Trio - Contra Dance | 7:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts, 5 McLallen St, Trumansburg | With dance calling by Pamela Goddard. Featuring Celtic, Northeast, and Northern European dance tunes. | $10

Brews and Brats Open Mic | 6:30 PM, | Brews and Brats at Autumn View, Trumansburg

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CCCP presents Unheard-of Ensemble | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Lincoln Hall Rm B20, Cornell, Ithaca | A contemporary chamber ensemble dedicated to the development and performance of new music by living composers. New works by Miles Jefferson Friday, Joshua Biggs, John Eagle, Corey Keating, and Daniel Sabzghabaei, plus a piece by Christopher Stark. Cat Power | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | State Theatre Of Ithaca, 107 W State St, Ithaca | Under the musical nom de plume of Cat Power, Chan Marshall has released music for nearly 25 years. Cornell Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra | 3:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | Bailey Hall, Cornell, Ithaca | Program includes Josef Suk’s Serenade for Strings, Respighi’s Pines of Rome, and A Tramp in the Assembly Line by Jihyun Kim. Ace Frehley | Sunday 9/29, 8:00 PM| Center for The Arts of Homer, 72 S. Main St., Homer | Classic rock from the original KISS guitarist and R&R Hall of Fame inductee. Cornell Concert Series: Daniil Trifonov and Sergei Babayan | 8:00 PM, 9/30 Monday | Bailey Hall, Cornell, Ithaca | See Heads Up. | $19-39

Collective Soul with Special Guest Waydown Wailers | 7:30 PM, 9/28 Saturday | The Oncenter, 800 South State St., Syracuse | | $33 and up

Mike Lee, Wayne Lee, and Clancy Newman | 8:00 PM, 10/4 Friday | Barnes Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | Mike Lee (fortepiano), Wayne Lee (violin), and Clancy Newman (cello) present an all-Haydn concert of the three late London Bartolozzi trios. |

Opera Ithaca presents La Boheme | 7:30 PM, 9/28 Saturday & 3;00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | Ford Hall, Whalen Center, IC, Ithaca | Giacomo Puccini’s tragic masterpiece. A co-production by Cayuga Chamber Orchestra and Opera Ithaca.

Cornell Glee Club and Chorus Homecoming Concert | 7:00 PM, 10/5 Saturday | Cornell, Ithaca, NY | Cornell’s Glee Club and Chorus celebrate homecoming with a look back at repertoire favorites. | http://

1964... The Tribute | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Smith Center for the Arts, 82 Seneca St, Geneva | Focuses on the quintessential moment in history, when The Beatles actually played before a LIVE audience. | $27-47

Cornell Homecoming Concert: Saint Motel and Daya | 7:00 PM, 10/5 Saturday | Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY | | Klezmer Kings | 7:30 PM, 10/5 Saturday | 370 Main St., Aurora, NY |

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Brian Regan | 7:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | The Oncenter, 800 South State St., Syracuse | Everybody | 7:00 PM, 10/1 Tuesday | Clark Theatre, IC, Danby Rd, Ithaca | OCT 1st-11th. A Pulitzer Prize finalist, this play is a radical retelling that creates a button-pushing, metatheatrical experience for the audience. Delving into the discovery of body image, race, friendship and social responsibilities this play has its audience at the edge of their seats. Jesus Christ Superstar | 7:30 PM, 10/1 Tuesday | Landmark Theatre, 362 S Salina St, Syracuse |



Peter Yarrow - An Evening of Song and Conversation | 8:00 PM, 10/5 Saturday | 72 S Main St, Homer, NY | As a member of the renowned musical trio, Yarrow has earned multiple gold and platinum albums, as well as numerous GRAMMYs.

Stage The Children | 7:30 PM, 9/25 Wednesday | Kitchen Theatre, 417 W State St, Ithaca | Thru Sep 29. Hazel and Robin, retired nuclear scientists, have set up camp on the British coast. Though living in the wake of a nuclear disaster, they have found a way to lead a quiet life of yoga and farming. That is, until an old colleague turns up at the door and makes them question their past and their future. RENT | 7:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Redhouse Arts Center, 400 S Salina St, Syracuse | Thru 9/28. Jonathan Larson’s hit musical follows a year in the life of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York’s Lower East Side, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. | $45

The Shoe - English-Language Premiere! | 7:30 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Cherry Artspace, 102 Cherry St., Ithaca | Sep 26 - Oct 6. An emotionally profound and wildly funny new play about an unusual young boy named Benoit and the adults who care for him. Come for the comedy, but stay for the lucid observations. The Wolves by Sarah DeLappe | 7:30 PM, 9/26 Thursday thru 9/28 Saturday | Cornell Performing and Media Arts, 403 College Ave, Ithaca | A high-energy, high-impact play about coming of age in contemporary American society. Featuring the members of a girlsí high-school soccer team, the play examines in depth issues of inclusion and exclusion, teamwork, acceptance, and selectivity.† A Gatherin’ Place | 7:00 PM, 9/27 Friday | Auburn Public Theater, 8 Exchange St, Auburn | An original work by the Harriet Tubman Troupe which tells the fictionalized story of Gathering Street and Ms. Paulette, inspired by real life events in the lives of the actors and also the life and impact of Ntozake Shange. In a brownstone on Gathering Street, Ms. Paulette, a longtime resident, provides the other Black 07/19 *New Customers Only. All loans subject to credit approval. Certain eligibility restriction apply. This offer is not available for investment properties. Limited time only. Businesses applying for a Line of Credit must be established for at least two years. Offer valid on Business Lines of Credit between a minimum $25,000 and maximum of $250,000. 1After you open a Business Line of Credit and Small Business Checking account the $200 bonus will be paid to the checking account 60 days from meeting the requirements. 1099-MISC may be filed. The account must have a positive balance at the time the bonus is deposited. Certain eligibility restrictions may apply.

female residents a listening ear. When Ms. Paulette passes, these women realize that there was something they did not know about their mysterious neighbor. | $15; students $5 Elmira Little Theatre Presents: Mamma Mia! | 7:30 PM, 9/27 Friday | Clemens Performing Arts Ctr, 207 Clemens Ctr Pkwy, Elmira | Sep 20 Sep 29. Hookman by Lauren Yee | 8:00 PM, 9/27 Friday & 9/28 Saturday | McCarroll Studio Theatre, Ithaca College, Ithaca | Two college freshman, Lexi and Jess, go on a ride that turns fatal. In the aftermath of Jess’s death, Lexi is forced to continue driving full speed through her life with the Hookman racing behind her. Galumpha | 7:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Schorr Family Firehouse Stage, 48 Willow St, Johnson City | The theatre is starting their celebration of Beethoven’s 250th birthday with a piece they commissioned from the world-renowned Binghamton-based dance company. Singing Notes And Slinging Jokes: Apple Harvest Festival Edition | 7:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Hilton Garden Inn Ithaca, 130 E Seneca St, Ithaca |

Ithaca’s Comedy Club, Comedy on The Commons | $20 General Admission, $35 VIP (Show + Open Bar) Loch Ness, A New Musical | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, 6877 E Lake Rd, Auburn | On the mysterious waters of the Scottish Highlands, a father and daughter embark on a quest to discover a legendary creature ó and rediscover their relationship in this epic new musical adventure. Magically theatrical, and brought to life by fascinating puppetry and innovative ensemble storytelling, Loch Ness takes us on a mystical journey about finding your way where you least expect it. Perfect for the entire family. Thru 10/13. Mark Twain Unplugged | 8:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Morgan Opera House, 370 Main St., Aurora | A revelation of the secret of a long life with music, jobs programs and shipbuilding with music, tales of Barbers and livestock, medical advice on castor oil, cigars and good scotch with music. This Twain will comment as himself, as Sam Clemens, and as JG Hertzler. From 1835-to 2020, the two Twains shall meet. | $15/$12/$10

The Office! A Musical Parody | 7:30 PM, 10/2 Wednesday | Clemens Performing Arts Ctr, 207 Clemens Ctr Pkwy, Elmira | The unauthorized parody of the hit TV show, a new musical that lovingly pokes fun at everyoneís favorite coworkers. Your favorite moments from all 9 seasons mashed up into one ‘typical’ day with Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight and others at The Office. Energy: 10-Minute Play Festival | 7:30 PM, 10/3 Thursday | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY | | http://events. festival_energy Comedian Ross Bennett | 7:30 PM, 10/4 Friday | 24 Port Watson St., Cortland, NY | One of CRT’s most popular comics returns with a new tour, focusing on Update New York humor! Comedy that resonates with everyday working-class Americans who prefer clean humor that is both clever and *blissfully* politics-free! Paula Poundstone | 8:00 PM, 10/5 Saturday | 107 W State St, Ithaca, NY |

Art Class of 1945 Lecture: Using Street Art to Inspire a Balance between Humans and Nature | 6:00 PM, 9/25 Wednesday | Cornell Botanic Gardens, 1 Plantations Rd, Ithaca | Brazilian Artist Eder Muniz will talk about his work transforming the streetscapes of Salvador, Brazil through the magic of his art. Please register.

Sweet Tender Love, an exhibition by artist Kadie Salfi | 5:30 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Corners Gallery, 903 Hanshaw Rd Ste 3, Ithaca | A show about family, memory, history and time. Create Laser Cut Bookmarks | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | At this workshop for people ages 16 and up, participants will get instruction on how to do some basic editing with Inkscape, a vector graphics program. Please register. Philadelphia Views - Themed Exhibit | 12:00 PM, 9/27 Friday | North Star Art Gallery, 743 Snyder Hill Road, Ithaca | The gallery is open Fridays - Sundays noon to 4 pm and by appointment at 607-323-7684. Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku | Contemporary Printmakers and Mid Century Modern Architects | 5:00 PM, 9/27 Friday | Ink Shop Studio Gallery, 2nd floor CSMA bldg, 330 E.State / MLK Street, Ithaca | Urban Arts Crawl | 5:00 PM, 9/27 Friday | Downtown Corning, Corning | Botanical Mosaics by Marjorie Hoffman at Museum of the Earth | 10:00 AM, 9/29 Sunday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Rd,, Ithaca | Textures - Paintings by Ileen Kaplan and stitched fabric remnants by Patricia Brown | 12:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 W Martin Luther King, Jr./State Street, Ithaca | The artists will be in the gallery to host conversation, music, reading and stitching demonstrations. Artful Sundays: Paint with Sandy | 1:30 PM, 9/29 Sunday | Candor Free Library, 2 Bank St, Candor | Class is free and materials are provided. Space is limited, so please register ahead of time by calling the Library at 607659-7258. Halloween Decor for Adults | 5:30 PM, 10/1 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | At this workshop for adults, participants will learn how to mix and shape concrete to create a paperweightsized permanent grin. Space is limited and registration is required for this free program.



Boynton Middle School, 1601 N. Cayuga St.| A wonderful event mixing family fun and literacy. Created especially for pre-kindergarten age children– with arts, entertainment, and activities to celebrate and bring to life the children’s book, The Bus for Us by Suzanne Bloom (pictured), who will be on hand to meet children and autograph books, a copy of which will be given out free to each child. (photo: provided)

Ithaca Commons | It’s that time of the year again, you can smell it in the air. Enjoy the bounty of autumn in and around the Commons this weekend along with vendors and entertainment. In a town that loves festivals, this is an Ithaca favorite. (photo: provided)

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and fantasy, as the county businesses transform into an alternative reality where Victorian-era design, industrial technology, and modern know-how meld into one.

When the student becomes a master

Alpacas and Autos Part III | All Day 9/28 Saturday | Cabin View Alpacas, 9435 Congress Street Ext, Trumansburg | Come meet the alpacas - Alpaca Pen Sale. Trumansburg’s Car Pride Classic Car Show, Vendors with unique products, antiques, baked goods and much more. Music by Close Sound; Food by MoMo’s Food Truck

Cor nell Concert Ser ies pr esents pia n ists D a n i i l Tr i f o n o v a n d S e r g e i B a b a y a n


he teacher, Sergei Babayan, is an international piano sensation who has been hailed as “a genius. Period” (Le Devoir, Montreal). The student is GRAMMY Awardwinning pianist Daniil Trifonov, who has made a spectacular ascent in the classical music world since winning the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 2011. Named Gramophone’s Artist of the Year, Trifonov’s recording of Franz Liszt études led to his first

GRAMMY Award for Best Classical Instrumental Solo in 2017. He spent the 2018-19 season as Artist-in-Residence for the Berlin Philharmonic, and is currently filling the same role with the New York Philharmonic. As The Times of London notes, Trifonov is “without question the most astounding pianist of our age.” The tour-de-force of Babayan and Trifonov together will create a concert for the ages.

Daniil Trifonov and Sergei Babayan perform on Monday, September 30 at 8:00pm in Bailey Hall as a part

of the Cornell Concert Series. Tickets: $29-39, Students $19

-Photo of Daniil Trifonov courtesy of Facebook.

DIARIES | 12:00 PM, 10/2 Wednesday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 W Martin Luther King, Jr./State Street, Ithaca | A two-person show of paintings by Patty Porter and drawings and photographs by Diane Newton - thru 10/27.


Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice | This documentary provides many examples of the glorious vocals that made its subject a pop music superstar, allows us to once again hear her voice as she narrates her story, and astutely chronicles an amazing musical career that ended prematurely due to Parkinson’s disease. |95 mins PG-13


Cornell Cinema

Week of Friday, September 27 through October 3, 2019. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New films listed first*.

All films are shown at Willard Straight Hall on Cornell campus.

Aquarela* | Water and ice are shown around the world, in all of their many powerful forms. | 89 mins PG Judy* | Legendary performer Judy Garland arrives in London in the winter of 1968 to perform a series of sold-out concerts.|PG-13 118 mins Downton Abbey | The continuing story of the Crawley family, wealthy owners of a large estate in the English countryside in the early 20th century. |122 mins PG Brittany Runs A Marathon | A young woman decides to make positive changes in her life by training for the New York City Marathon. | 104 mins R

Through the Repellent Fence: A Land Art Film | 9/26, 7:00 PM | Follow the art collective Postcommodity (who will be present at screening), three Native American artists who put land art in a tribal context, as they construct Repellent Fence, a two-mile long outdoor artwork that straddled the U.S.-Mexico border in 2015.

h e

Soufra |10/2, 7:00 PM; | The inspirational story of Mariam Shaar – a generational refugee who has spent her entire life in the Burj El Barajneh refugee camp just south of Beirut – who launches a successful catering company. Regal Ithaca

building, teenage Yi and her two friends embark on an epic quest to reunite the magical creature with his family. | 100 mins PG

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark | 111 mins PG-13

Ad Astra | An astronaut undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now, 30 years later, threatens the universe. | 122 mins PG-13

Once Upon A Time… in Hollywood | 161 mins R

Rambo: Last Blood | Rambo must confront his past and unearth his ruthless combat skills to exact revenge in a final mission. |89 mins R The Goldfinch | A boy in New York is taken in by a wealthy Upper East Side family after his mother is killed in a bombing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. | 149 mins R Hustlers | Follows a crew of savvy former strip club employees who band together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients. | 109 mins R It Chapter Two | 169 mins R Angel Has Fallen | 120 mins R

Wednesday 9/25 through Tuesday, 10/1. Contact Regal Ithaca for showtimes. New films listed first*. Abominable* | After discovering a Yeti on the roof of her apartment

Ready or Not | 95 mins R Good Boys| 89 mins R The Angry Birds Movie 2|96 mins PG The Lion King| 118 mins PG

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM

DeWitt Park, 102 E Court Street, Ithaca | An annual fall event that offers our community a creative opportunity to build awareness and consciousness around indigenous rights, sovereignty, and culture. Featuring indigenous performers, food and craft vendors, cultural demonstrations, workshops, and children’s activities. (photo: Quinn Dombrowski for

Ithac a T imes


Sep t ember

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Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw | 135 mins PG-13

Special Events Difficult Dialogues Symposium | 7:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Emerson Suites, Ithaca College, Ithaca | This year’s event features a lecture presentation by The Very Reverend Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, titled The Soul of the Nation at a Time of White Nationalism. Apple Harvest Festival | All Day 9/27 Friday thru 9/29 Sunday | Downtown Ithaca, Ithaca | Each year, Apple Harvest Festival hosts bushels full of apple farmers, local produce, fresh baked goods, family entertainment at every turn, games, rides, prizes and live performances on two stages. Gears to Corsets: A Steampunk Festival | 3:00 PM, 9/27 Friday; 10:00 AM 9/28 Saturday & 9/29 Sunday | Downtown Cortland, Cortland | The family-friendly affair will offer three days of music, games, performances,

First People’s Festival: International Year Of Indigenous Language | 11:30 AM, 9/28 Saturday | DeWitt Park, Cayuga St., | Experience indigenous performers, food & craft vendors, cultural demonstrations, workshops, & childrenís activities. 8th Annual Fox Trot 5K Trail Run | 9:00 AM, 9/29 Sunday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca | Proceeds will support the Nature Centerís Animal Ambassadors and animal education programs. Runners of all ages are encouraged to register now. | $20/$40 Adam Levine for Mayor of Ithaca | 5:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | The Space at GreenStar, 700 W Buffalo St, Ithaca | A fundraising event for the Adam Levine for Mayor of Ithaca campaign. Live music, good food, speakers and info about the campaign. Benefit for Cancer Resource Center | 6:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | Carriage House Cafe, 305 Stewart Ave, Ithaca | Owen Erickson, Zack Knewstub, & Walter Stinson - Live music to benefit Team Sandy in the Cancer Resource Center Walkathon & 5K. | $20 Zuzu Acrobats Presenting African Cirque Spectacular | 7:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | State Theatre Of Ithaca, 107 W State St, Ithaca | The Zuzu African



ThisWeek 40  T

The Third Wife| 9/27, 7:00 PM; 9/29, 5:00 PM | As the third wife of the wealthy landowner Hung, 14-year-old May has little status, unless she gives birth to a second male heir. Midsommar| 9/27, 9:15 PM; 9/28, 9:00 PM; 9/29; 7:15 PM | A couple travels to Sweden to visit a rural hometown’s fabled mid-summer festival. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult.

Anthropocene: The Human Epoch | 9/25, 7:00 PM | Filmmakers travel to six continents and 20 countries to document the impact humans have made on the planet.

For All Mankind | 9/26, 9:00 PM; 9/28, 7:00 PM | Compiled from the hours of amazing film footage shot during nine Apollo lunar missions,

this Oscar-nominated documentary explores the surreal beauty of space flight, from takeoff to the awkwardness of moon walks to the parachuted return to Earth’s gravity.

2019 National Alpaca Farm Days at Shepherd’s Creek Alpacas | 10:00 AM, 9/28 Saturday & 9/29 Sunday | Shepherd’s Creek Alpacas, 5797 Stilwell Rd, Trumansburg | Visit our Alpaca Farm for National Alpaca Farm Days!† Have an “Alpaca Encounter”, enjoy refreshments and alpaca craft activites, and browse our alpaca yarns, accessories and more in our Farm Shop!

20 1 9


Ford Hall, Ithaca College | A co-production by Cayuga Chamber Orchestra and Opera Ithaca, this weekend’s performances of La Boheme will also feature performers from the Ithaca Children and Youth Chorus and the Ithaca College Choir. Don’t miss an amazing testament to the power of collaboration and the abundance of local talent!

Acrobats perform traditional Kenyan acrobatic skills set to high energy beats | $5-$6

for the fireworks display cascading over the 156-foot Shequaga Falls.


CIS @ 20 Inspire. Innovate. Impact | Begins 10/2 Wednesday | Cornell University, Statler Ballroom, Statler Hotel, Ithaca | Computer and Information Science is hosting an academic symposium Oct. 2-3 that will explore the role of technology in humanity and the history and future of computing at Cornell and around the world. The events are all free and open to the public and will take place in the Statler Ballroom. Registration for events is required.


Cuddle-up Infant & Toddler Library Time | 10:00 AM, 9/25 Wednesday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden |

4th Biennial ICG Play Symposium | 9:00 AM, 10/4 Friday | 121 Turtle Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850, Ithaca, NY | The 2019 theme is Play for All: Equity, Access, and Inclusion, featuring three days of sharing, discussion, and play while learning from local initiatives and play leaders from across the US. | https:// play-symposium/ Cancer Resource Center 25th Annual Walkathon & 5K Run, | 8:30 AM, 10/5 Saturday | 701 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca, NY | The event is at Cass Park and the walk/run goes along the recreation trail. Run With the Deer | 8:30 AM, 10/5 Saturday | 5479 NY-96A, Romulus, NY | The inaugural event will include a 5K, 10K and Half Marathon. All 3 running events will take place inside the SWD complex. Post race, a spectacular festival complete with live music, food trucks, vendors, tours and even helicopter rides.† The Great Cortland Pumpkinfest | 9:00 AM, 10/5 Saturday | 33 Church St, Cortland, NY | Homestead Heritage Fair Day 2019 | 10:00 AM, 10/5 Saturday | 14 North Street, Dryden, NY | The goal of Homestead Heritage Fair Day, a community event, is to welcome folks to the grounds of this 19th century brick treasure, to focus on heritage skills such as spinning, caning, blacksmith, and be part of community activities. Falls Harvest Festival | 12:00 PM, 10/5 Saturday Montour Falls, NY | Enjoy a family friendly, day-long celebration of the harvest. Stick around

Chats in the Stacks: Bryan Danforth on The Solitary Bees: Biology, Evolution, Conservation | 4:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | 160 Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca | While we often associate bees with hives, the vast majority of bee species actually live solitary lives, explains Bryan Danforth, professor and chair of the Department of Entomology. I

CozyBop, a Babywearing Dance Class | 10:30 AM, 9/27 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | Suitable for babies six weeks or older who have head control.

Maker Thursdays for Teens at TCPL | 3:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | These drop-in hours provide people aged 12 to 17 the opportunity to express their creativity while becoming familiar with the equipment

The Bus for Us Extravaganza 2019 | 10:00 AM, 9/28 Saturday | Boynton Middle School, 1601 N Cayuga St., Ithaca | The family fun event was created especially for pre-kindergarten age children- with arts, entertainment, and activities to celebrate and bring to life the children’s book, The

Jason Wilson & Meredith Collins: The Cider Revival | 5:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Buffalo Street Books, 215 N Cayuga St, Ithaca | A blend of history and travelogue, The Cider Revival is a toast to a complex drink. Grisamore Cider Works will be providing tastings.

Elena the Wise: A Russian Fairy Tale | 1:30 PM, 9/29 Sunday | Community School Of Music And Arts, 330 E State St, Ithaca | Storytelling by Jay Leeming; Music by the Calliope Chorus. CSMA 3rd Floor Performance Space. | $5 to $20 sliding scale, children free

Tompkins County Genealogy Society Meeting | 6:00 PM, 9/25 Wednesday | Tompkins Center for History and Culture, 110 N Tioga St., Ithaca |

Cosplay Couture | 4:00 PM, 9/30 Monday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | At these weekly Makerspace drop-in hours, teens ages 13 and up can focus on creating costumes, cosplay, accessories, props, and wearable garments of all types. No registration is required for this weekly drop-in program.

Earn While You Learn | 10:00 AM, 9/26 Thursday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | There is an exciting program allowing job seekers to earn a paycheck while learning on the job. Come see if earning as you learn in the OJT program is right for you!

Read with Miss Martha | 3:30 PM, 10/1 Tuesday | Seneca Falls Library, 47 Cayuga Street, Seneca Falls | Stop in and share some stories with Martha! This is a motivational reading program where children read aloud to a friendly dog, Miss Martha. Cuddle-up Infant & Toddler Library Time | 10:00 AM, 10/2 Wednesday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden |

Drag Queen Story Hour | 12:00 PM, 9/29 Sunday | Buffalo Street Books, 215 N Cayuga St, Ithaca | Join Miss Coraline, Miss Tilia, and friends once a month for Drag Story Hour. Join our colorful and fun group for an hour of story time full of glimmer and more glamour than you have ever seen in the daylight!

Chats in the Stacks: Steve Strogatz on Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe | 4:00 PM, 10/2 Wednesday | 160 Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca |

Host:Margie P.,RSVP:map10@cornell. edu

Family Story Time | 10:30 AM, 10/1 Tuesday | Newfield Public Library, 198 Main St. , Newfield | Join us every Tuesday for stories, songs and fun. There is a different theme each week.

Distinguished Visiting Writers presents Christine Schutt | 6:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Clark Lounge, 953 Danby Road, Campus Center, Ithaca | The author of three short story collections and three novels. She has been a finalist for the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize and has twice won the O Henry Short Story Prize.†

Exploring Russian Punk in “What About Tomorrow?” | 4:00 PM, 9/30 Monday | Buffalo Street Books, 215 N Cayuga St, Ithaca | Join author Alexander Herbert and RLC for a presentation, followed by a Q&A, on Mr. Herbert’s book “What About Tomorrow?” Free and open to the public.

and all creations are displayed at the Library for one week.

GEARS TO CORSETS: A STEAMPUNK FESTIVAL Friday, September 27 through Sunday, September 29 | Downtown Cortland | The familyfriendly affair will offer three days of music, games, performances, and fantasy, as the county businesses transform into an alternative reality where Victorian-era design, industrial technology, and modern know-how meld into one. (photo: provided)

in the Library’s Makerspace. Preschool Storytime at Southworth Library | 10:00 AM, 9/27 Friday | Southworth Library, 24 W. Main Street, Dryden | A different theme every week!

Bus for Us by Suzanne Bloom. All are welcome. LEGO Building Program | 3:00 PM, 9/28 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | The Library provides building bricks,

Tween Coding Club | 4:45 PM, 10/2 Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E Green St, Ithaca | At these meetings, tweens ages 9 to 12 will learn to express themselves through computer programming. Using the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express, a small microcontroller with big possibilities, participants will learn the basics of coding and hardware while interacting with the world through light, sound, temperature, and movement. Please register.

Notices Ithaca Sociable Singles | 6:00 PM, 9/25 Wednesday | Dinner: Pasta Vitto. Host: Joyce W., RSVP:; 10/2,6:00 PM Dinner:Sumo at Cayuga Mall;

Candor Historical Society Meeting | 7:00 PM, 9/25 Wednesday | Candor Fire Station, 74 Owego Rd, , Candor |

Candor Farmers Market | 3:30 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Candor Town Hall Pavilion, 101 Owego Road, Candor | “Soup-er Supper” & Silent Auction | 5:00 PM, 9/26 Thursday | The Salvation Army, 150 N Albany St, Ithaca | This Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary Annual Fundraiser will feature soup, salad, beverage & dessert. 273-2400 for more info. | $12; family rate available. Finger Lakes Fiddle Orchestra | 6:30 PM, 9/26 Thursday | Lifelong Senior Center, 119 West Court Street , Ithaca | $175 - sliding scale Top 5 Strategies for Getting a New Job in 2020 | 1:00 PM, 9/27 Friday | Tompkins County Workforce Center, Center Ithaca, Suite 241, | Whether you are fresh out of college and looking for your first job, or whether youíre unemployed, tired of your current job and need a replacement job, some job-hunting techniques are sure to give you an edge. Ovid Farmers Market | 3:00 PM, 9/27 Friday | Papa Bear Building (Ovid Courthouse), 7175 Main St., Ovid | Cayuga Bird Club Field Trip | 7:30 AM, 9/28 Saturday | Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca | A morning field trip to “Where The Birds Are”, looking for Fall migrants. Meet† at the Lab of Ornithology parking lot to car pool. Dress warmly. Bring your optics, drinks and a snack. All field trips are open to the public, both experienced birders and beginners.



The Haunt, 702 Willow Ave, Ithaca | All the Tribe-heads out there know what an essential part of the legendary group’s sound Ali Shaheed Muhammad was. Since 2013 he has partnered with jazz musician Adrian Young to form The Midnight Hour, and they plan to blow your mind with their sophisticated hip hop backed by a jazz rhythm section. (photo: Facebook)

State Theatre of Ithaca, 107 W State St. | Part of the State’s season-long Family Series: Direct from Mombasa, Kenya comes “An electrical experience of African Tradition.” Authentic masks, drums, beads, and costumes from the World Famous Zuzu Acrobats. From kids to grandparents, get ready for an evening of wonder, excitement and thrills. (photo: provided)

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I t h a c a T i m e s   41

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