Summer Guide to the Finger Lakes 2022

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Summer Guide to the


Restaurants | Wineries | Events


g n i t a r b e l Ce


s r a Ye 22! 0 2 in KISS ME, KATE!

Book and Lyrics by Gerome Ragni & James Rado Music by Galt MacDermot

June 8-18

by Joe DiPietro

Music and Lyrics by Cole Porter Book by Sam and Bella Spewack

JuNE 22-July 1

July 6-16 CRT Proudly Presents

Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s

Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express



The Little Mermaid – Fri. July 8 Treasure Island – Sat. July 9 The Little Mermaid – Thurs. July 28 Upcycled Cinderella – Fri. July 29

Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig

based on the stories of P.L. Travers and the Walt Disney Film

July 20-30

August 3-20

All performances at 10:00 Held at the Little York Pavilion All tickets: $5.00 Kids under 2 free!

Box Office Opens May 23, 2022 Ticket sales at:

Performances held at:

CRT Downtown & Box Office 24 Port Watson Street Cortland, NY

The Little York Pavilion 6799 Little York Lake Road Preble, NY

Subscriptions, Flex Passes, Gift Certificates Available Discounts for seniors, youth, military, groups of 10 or more

800.427.6160 • 607.756.2627 •



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SUMMER ITHACA 2022 ON THE WE B Visit our website at for more news, arts, sports and photos. Call us at 607-277-7000 T a n n e r H a r d i n g , M a n a g i n g E d i t o r , x 1224 E d i t o r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m J a i m e C o n e , E d i t o r , x 1232 A s h B a i l o t , S ta f f P h o t o g r a p h e r P h o t o g r a p h e r @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m C h r i s I b e r t , C a l e n d a r E d i t o r , x 1217 A r t s @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m A n d r e w S u l l i v a n , S p o r t s E d i t o r , x 1227 Steve L awrence, Spo rts Co lumnist St e v e S p o r t sD u d e @ g m a i l .co m Sharon Davis, Distribution F r o n t @ i t h a c a t i mes . c o m J i m B i l i n s k i , P u b l i s h e r , x 1210 j b i l i n s k i @ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m L a r r y H o chb e r g e r , A ss o c i a t e P u b l i s h e r , x 1214 l a r r y@ I t h a c aTi m e s . c o m F r e e l a n c e r s : Barbara Adams, Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Dave Sit, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman


All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $89 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classified. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the first insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972-1978) and The Good Times Gazette (1973-1978), combined in 1978. F o u n d e r G o o d T i m e s G a z e tt e : Tom Newton

F E AT URE S Free Fallin’ ������������������������������������������������������������������������4

What’s On Stage? ����������������������������������������������������������� 12

50 Years ������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Cortland Repertory Theatre hits a major milestone this summer By Tanner Harding

Ian Barry and Dave Pittard are up for anything when it comes to wine receptacles By Bill Chaisson

Visit the past with a trip to the 1890 House in Cortland By Tanner Harding

The key to cask ale is to make it slowly but drink it quickly By Bill Chaisson

Check out three free and lesser known waterfalls to visit this summer By Tanner Harding

Shows on the schedule at theaters in the Ithaca area By Laura Ilioaei

Experimental Wine ������������������������������������������������������� 14

Back in Time �����������������������������������������������������������������������7

Whatever You Call It �������������������������������������������������� 16

Sounds of Summer ������������������������������������������������������������8

Postcards From the Finger Lakes ���������������������������� 18

All the places you can get outside and enjoy live music this summer By Lyndsey Honor

Famous Foods ������������������������������������������������������������������ 10 Historic marker commemorates Robert Baker & his chicken BBQ sauce By Robert Rieger

Back and Better ������������������������������������������������������������� 11 GrassRoots is back from its COVID hiatus and is celebrating its 30th anniversary in a big way By Tanner Harding

By Gene Endres

Ride Along �����������������������������������������������������������������������20 Explore the finger lakes on horseback this summer By Tanner Harding

U Pick ‘em �������������������������������������������������������������������������22 Grisamore Farms prepares for a summer of fruit picking By Andrew Sullivan

All Summer Calendar ��������������������������������������������������23

A guide to this season’s finger lakes events

ADV E RT ISE R S INDE X Benjamin Peters �������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Bright Raven Farm ���������������������������������������������������������������������17 Buffalo Niagara Tourism ��������������������������������������������������������������5 Cornell Summer Events �������������������������������������������������������������21 Cortland Repertory Theatre ���������������������������������������������������������2 Dano’s on Seneca �����������������������������������������������������������������������19 Diamonds New Delhi �����������������������������������������������������������������22 Discover Cayuga Lake ���������������������������������������������������������������12 Downtown Ithaca Alliance �����������������������������������������������������������6 East Hill Creamery ���������������������������������������������������������������������21 Grisamore Farm �������������������������������������������������������������������������22 Handwork Artisans ���������������������������������������������������������������������10 Hangar Theatre ���������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Hazlit �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Hillendale Golf ���������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Ironworks �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Ithaca Community Childcare �����������������������������������������������������26 Kendal �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Kimberly Boland �������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Larkin Insurance �������������������������������������������������������������������������27 Levene Gouldin Attorneys ���������������������������������������������������������29 Mansour Jewelers �����������������������������������������������������������������������10 The

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Mary Boardman �������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Museum of Earth ���������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Museum of Earth �������������������������������������������������������������������������22 New York State Canal System �����������������������������������������������������7 Northside Wine and Liquor ���������������������������������������������������������21 Northstar Gallery �����������������������������������������������������������������������29 Scalehouse �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Security Mutual Insurance ���������������������������������������������������������11 Serendipity Boutique �����������������������������������������������������������������27 Sew Green �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 Sheldrake Point Winery �������������������������������������������������������������17 Silo ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 St. Johns �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 Stoltzfus �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Stonecat Café �����������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Sure Save �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 The Rev Theatre �������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Tikkun v’Or ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 Tompkins Trust Company �����������������������������������������������������������32 Treleven Winery �������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Trumanburg Wine and Spirits �����������������������������������������������������24 Wyalusing Triathlon ���������������������������������������������������������������������9

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or Ithacans, there are a few waterfalls that could be considered standards — Buttermilk Falls, Ithaca Falls, Lucifer Falls. But if you’re looking for something a little bit different to explore this summer, check out some of the falls below.

Free Fallin’ C H E C K O U T T H R E E F R E E A N D L E S SE R K N O W N WAT E R FA L L S T O V I SI T T H I S S U M M E R

AU N T S A R A H’S FA L L S Located in Montour Falls, Aunt Sarah’s Falls is more than several hundred feet tall from the top of the gorge. And while the top 2/3 of the falls are not accessible or visible, you’re still left with a whopping 90 feet of falling water to enjoy. The water falls freely and narrowly for about a third of the way, before fanning out across a steep slope of shale for the next third. The final third falls freely again into a shallow plunge pool. Thousands of years ago, the area would have been under water when the lake levels of Seneca Lake were much higher. The origin of the name isn’t known for sure, but it’s rumored to be named for the Seneca wife of a pioneer who jumped over the falls to her death. The best time to visit Aunt Sarah’s Falls is after a heavy rain, as the water flow generally tends to be on the low side. The area is handicap accessible and pets are allowed on a leash, plus there’s no admission or fee. It’s a quick and easy stop on your waterfall tour, but pays off with a dramatic photograph. There’s no hiking to get to the view and it’s visible right from the parking area off Route 14. If you take Route 14 south toward Montour Falls, the waterfall will be visible on your right just before hitting the village. The parking lot is just across the street from the falls.

B y Tanner Harding

H E C T O R FA L L S Perhaps predictably, Hector Falls is located in the town of Hector, north of Watkins Glen. The falls is generally considered 165 feet tall, though there are a series of cascading drops above the main falls that adds up to about 250 feet of waterfalls in total. Like with Aunt Sarah’s Falls, this water changes as it drops. It begins with narrow, foamy cascades before spreading wider and wider across an expanse of shale and limestone. The best spot to see most of the falls is from the lake. The upper third is visible from Route 414 or the creek bed, but you’ll have to get on a boat to see the entire cascade. You can either rent a boat or try a boat tour like Captain Bill’s. And because Hector Falls is just a couple minutes from Watkins Glen, it’s easy to make a day out of checking it out. The best time to visit Hector Falls is after a heavy rain, as dry summers can reduce the stream to a trickle. The area is handicap accessible, but it’s not recommended to bring pets as the nearby highway is very busy. There’s no admission or fee and you don’t need to hike out to the falls. Be careful when pulling over, as you’ll be parking on the shoulder of Route 414 where the speed limit is 55 mph. From the village of Watkins Glen, take Route 414 north along the east side of Seneca Lake for 2.5 miles. When you pass over a bridge, look to the right for the falls.

Hector Falls is a dramatic and easy-to-reach waterfall in Hector. (Photo: Ash Bailot)



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T I N K E R FA L L S Headed in a different direction, Tinker Falls is part of Labrador Hollow in Cortland County. Tinker Falls is the smallest waterfall on the list, but offers a serene, wooded area to visit. The top 50 feet of the falls is an overhang, with water dropping vertically before running down a rocky cascade. This one requires a little more effort to reach. The falls are about 1,500 feet in on the Gorge Trail in Labrador Hollow, though the trails are mostly gravel and well-constructed. There are some dirt portions that could get muddy after heavy rain, so keep that in mind. The trail head is well marked and there are benches available if you need to rest. It’s about a 20 minute walk to the falls. Because of the hike required, Tinker Falls is unfortunately not handicap accessible. Pets are allowed on leash and admission is free. If things have been extremely dry it might not be the best time for a visit, but generally the falls has a medium flow and doesn’t dry up completely. To get to Tinker Falls, take I-81 to exit 14 and proceed east on Route 11 through Tully. Turn right onto Route 91 south. Tinker Falls will be on your left, shortly after passing Labrador Pond on your right. There are two gravel roadside lots across from the trail head. Aunt Sarah’s Falls is located in Montour Falls. (Photo: Ash Bailot)

M O N M O N NOM Upstate is for chowing down.

The highways that connect spiedies, salt potatoes, garbage plates, and Buffalo wings are a comfort food pilgrimage that’s affordable, delectable, and unforgettable. Get ready for the most delicious road trip ever at ® NYSDED


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50 Years &C








Kerby Thompson stands in front of the pavilion where summer shows are held. (Photo: Ash Bailot)


ortland Repertory Theatre is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, and kicking it off with a performance of “Hair” on June 8 at 7:30 p.m. Before the show the theater is hosting a pre-show reception at Little York Pavilion, 6799 Little York Lake Road in Preble, from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. There will be proclamations made by both the city and county of Cortland in honor of the anniversary, according to Producing Artistic Director Kerby Thompson. So how did CRT get its start? In the winter of 1971-72, Dr. James Palmer, who was the associate director of theater at SUNY Cortland, and David Yaman, a real estate developer, noticed a need for a summer theater experience for Central New York residents and visitors. With 23 charter members, CRT opened its doors on July 5, 1972 in the Pavilion at Dwyer Memorial Park on Little York Lake. For the next six years, the theater played an eight-week season, after which the format was changed to five plays running for two weeks each. In 1998, a sixth production was added to the schedule. Thompson was hired in 2000, and since then CRT has undergone much growth. A 2005 capital campaign allowed for a sprinkler system and accessible elevator to be installed at the Little York Pavilion, and five years later a former bowling alley in downtown Cortland was purchased with plans to convert it into a year-round venue for the theater. After rais-

Just in time for summer...

The Cayuga Nature Center Lodge reopens June 18th! Explore exhibits & aquaria, and say hello to the indoor animals! Lodge hours: Sat/Sun 10am-5pm | 1420 Taughannock Blvd. Ithaca, NY



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ing $2.5 million in five years, CRT Downtown opened. The new venue allows for stand-up comedy, concerts, cabaret nights, community dances and proms, alongside CRT productions, to be held year-round. Since its first season in 1972, which opened with “Fiddler on the Roof,” “The Fantastiks,” “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown,” “Robin Hood,” and “The Bremen Town Musicians,” there has only been one “intermission” season in which no shows were performed — the summer of 2020, while the world was still learning how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The theater bounced back in summer of 2021 with “The Honky Tonk Angels,” “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged)”, “Goin’ to the Chapel,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and “Pirate Schmirate!” In its 50 years, the theater has performed classics like “West Side Story” and “Les Miserables,” as well as lesser-known tales like “The House at Pooh Corner” and “The Kitchen Witches.” This summer the schedule include “Hair,” “Over the River and Through the Woods,” “Kiss Me, Kate,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Treasure Island,” “Murder on The Orient Express,” “Upcycled Cinderella,” and “Mary Poppins.” There are generally three musicals and three non-musicals each season. For more information on CRT or to purchase tickets for shows, visit



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Back in Time V I SI T T H E PA ST W I T H A T R I P T O T H E 1890 H O U SE I N C OR T L A N D B y Tanner Harding


f you’re looking to explore a little local history on a rainy day — or just out of the blazing summer sun — The 1890 House in Cortland offers a reprieve from the outdoors. The stately mansion is located on 37 Tompkins St. in downtown Cortland and is open for tours Thursday-Saturday from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and on Sunday from noon-4 p.m. Guided tours are the best way to explore the house and can be booked ahead of time online, of you can take your chances as a walkin. The tour guides will bring you through the four floors of the impressive house, and tours last between an hour and an hour-and-a-half. They cover the Wickwire family history, servant life in the home, and the social customs of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The guided tours do up to the second and third floors plus the cupola, so contact the museum ahead of time if you need an accessibilityfriendly tour. House admission, which is for guided tours or self-guided tours, is $15 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 for military and students,

$5 for children ages 6-18, and free for children 5 and younger. Additionally, active duty military and their families receive free admission from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day. Ardell Rouse Wickwire, her husband Chester Wickwire, and their children Charles and Frederic moved into the mansion in 1890. As the lady of the house, Ardell was in charge of running the house and supervising the staff, whom she met with every morning to go over daily assignments. Ardell was also heavily involved in the community as a member of the Finance and Entertainment Committees of the Cortland Library Association and the Social Committee and Women’s Auxiliary of the YMCA. The family also donated $80,000 toward the construction of the Cortland Memorial Hospital. Charles, the oldest child of Ardell and Chester, married his childhood friend Mabel Fitzgerald, and the couple built the red mansion to the left of the 1890 House, which now serves as the SUNY Cortland Alumni House. In addition to learning about the


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An inside view of the 1890 House. (Photo: Ash Bailot)

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Wickwires, you’ll also hear about their staff, such as cook Margaret Stack, an Irish immigrant from County Limerick. The grand mansion and comfortable lifestyle of the Wickwires was funded by their successful wire-weaving factory. Their factory was located on South Main Street and made the family into millionaires. The business produced goods like barbed wire, chicken wire, wire screening, window screens, coal sieves, corn poppers, dish covers, strainers and horse muzzles. They even suppled wire for the building of the Panama Canal. Wire Works was the largest employer in Cortland by 1910 and contributed greatly to the city’s industrial and economic growth. The last Wickwire to live at the 1890 House died in 1973. A group of Cortland County leaders, including Wickwire family members, campaigned to preserve the house and it became a museum two years later. The house aims to promote and interpret the historical and cultural significance of the property, while teaching visitors about the cultural heritage of the time period.




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Sounds of Summer H E R E’S W H E R E YO U C A N G E T O U T SI DE A N D E N J O Y L I V E M U SIC T H I S S U M M E R B y Lynd se y Honor


ummers in Ithaca are bursting with joy, a huge component of which comes from the music that reverberates through the hills. Concerts, festivals and other forms of live music can be found all over Ithaca and the surrounding area: you just have to know where to find them. Consider spending your evenings with a tranquil atmosphere, a good crowd, and quality entertainment right in your metaphorical backyard. We’ve compiled a list of venues for you, but keep your eyes peeled on the Downtown Ithaca website for more.


In the summer of 2021, live, outdoor music returned to downtown Ithaca, something that had been missing for nearly two years. This year’s CFCU Summer Concert Series brings the community together with music of all different genres including jazz, blues, reggae, rock, hip hop, and country at the Bernie 76749 Kendal Dog Ad for Ithaca Times T: 10 x 5.5

Milton Pavilion — right on the Commons. Between June 9 and Sept. 15, these concerts will be held every Thursday from 6–8 p.m. Artists like Vieux Farka Toure, Vee Da Bee, New Planets, Empire Kings, Gunpoets and Cordito will be featured. There will also be a beer and wine garden available for the duration of each concert, courtesy of Saratoga Eagle and Wagner Valley Vineyards respectively. Visit Downtown Ithaca’s website for information about the 2022 concert series. https:// w w Parking for this event can be found in the Seneca and Cayuga street garages for $1 an hour. Limited street parking is also available after 6 p.m. during the week.


Local music lovers have been eagerly awaiting the return of this event since summer 2019.

A previous concert at Taughannock Falls State Park. (Photo: Provided)

Exploring Ithaca’s spectacular landscape with her trusty pal, Tasha, gives Loretta great scenery and even better company. Whether she’s hiking to the heart of the gorge or just taking in the falls, she always enjoys the natural beauty of the area. Living on the 105-acre campus of Kendal at Ithaca not only keeps Loretta connected to the places and companions she loves, but the care she may need someday. And, from here, the story just keeps getting better. Come for a visit and tell us your story. Call 800-253-6325 877-891-7709 or go to to learn more.

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A not-for-profit continuing care retirement community serving older adults in the Quaker tradition. ©2014 KENDAL


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8/18/14 3:45 PM

Due to COVID-19 concerns, the Taughannock Falls State Park Summer Concert Series was cancelled in 2020 and again in 2021, but there’s hope for the future. Plans were recently announced for the 2022 lineup. The series kicks off with Diana Leigh & the Shorty Georges on July 2. Local favorite Gunpoets performs on July 30, and Iron Horse, Party of Four, Papa Muse, Zydeco Trail Riders and Marc Berger and Ride are also on the schedule. Each concert starts at 7 p.m. and lasts for two hours. There is a $5 fee per vehicle at the gate, and Empire Passes will be honored at the gate. Taughannock Falls State Park is located at 1740 Taughannock Blvd. Follow along on their website for more information regarding the 2022 concert series. https://taughannock. us/activities/taughannock-falls-state-parksummer-concert-series/


As part of Cornell University’s Summer Event Series, they host outdoor concerts on Tuesday and Friday evenings for the general public. These concerts range in style, but there’s sure to be something for everyone. Details for this upcoming summer aren’t yet publicized, but you can follow along on Facebook (@CornellSCE) or on the Cornell SCE website for updates. events


The 4th annual Ithaca Reggae Fest will return to Stewart Park on Saturday, June 18, 2022. According to the event’s website, “Ithaca Reggae Fest is dedicated to the protection of Cayuga Lake through a conscious

celebration of Ithaca’s legendary reggae community and its history.” In addition, the Ithaca Reggae Fest has a zero plastic policy, which aligns with their environmentally conscious mission. The weekend will kick off with a free welcome party on Friday, June 17, 2022 from 5–9 p.m. The Ithaca community is invited to join to familiarize themselves with the vibe of the following day’s Reggae Fest. On Saturday, the event will commence around 9 a.m., with the live music kicking-off around 12 p.m. Artists such as 10 Ft. Ganga Plant, SCIENTIST, Kabaka Pyramid, Mad Professor, Mosaic Foundation, and JonnyGo Figure will be featured. Education Village and Skateboard Village events will be hosted throughout the day as well. The festivities are expected to conclude around 10 p.m. There are a limited number of $10 early bird tickets on sale now on the event’s website. When these sell out, the advance ticket rate will raise to $20. You will also be able to buy tickets at the gate for $30 on Saturday, June 18. Ithaca Reggae Fest will be located at 1 James L. Gibbs Dr. You can learn more and buy tickets on the event’s website. https://



3.6 MILE RUN • 4.6 MILE PADDLE • 15.3 MILE B


If you’re not averse to taking an hour drive, consider attending the Coachella of the Finger Lakes: the Skaneateles Festival. Trademarked as showcasing world class music by the lake, the Skaneateles Festival brings some of the best in music to upstate New York. The Skaneateles Festival will be located at 97 E. Genesee St. in Skaneateles, New York. For more information about dates, ticketing, musicians, and repertoire, check out the event’s website.


3.6 MILE RUN • 4.6 MILE PADDLE • 15.3 MILE BIKE PRESENTING SPONSOR: SIGN UP INFORMATION Pre-registration discount: until Monday, Aug. 1st $50/individuals or $45/per team member Pre-registered participants guaranteed a t-shirtPRESENTING SPONSOR: PRICING AFTER Aug. 1st until Day of Race: $55/individual and $50/ per team member

SIGN UP INFORMATION *After this date, shirts will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Pre-registration discount: until Monday, Aug. 1st Questions? $50/individuals or $45/per team member Please Pre-registered email or call 570.746.4922 participants guaranteed a t-shirtPRICING AFTER Aug. 1st until Day of Race: The triathlon $55/individual is sponsored by and the Greater Wyalusing Chamber of Commerce. $50/ per team member

Financial support is received from area businesses and individuals. *After this date, shirts will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Funded in part by the Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency.

Questions? Please email or call 570.746.4922 The triathlon is sponsored by the Greater Wyalusing Chamber of Commerce. PRESENTING SPONSOR: Financial support is received from area businesses and individuals.



Funded in part by the Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency.


SIGN UP INFORMATION Pre-registration discount: until Monday, Aug. 1st Pre-registration discount: until Monday, Aug. 1st $50/individuals or $45/per team member $50/individuals or $45/per team SIGN UPdiscount: INFORMATION Pre-registration until Monday, Aug.member 1st Pre-registered participants guaranteed a t-shirtPre-registered participants guaranteed $50/individuals or $45/per team member a t-shirtPRICING AFTER Aug. 1st until Day of Race: Pre-registration discount: until Monday, Aug. 1st PRICING AFTER Aug. 1st until Day of Race: Pre-registered participants guaranteed a t-shirt$55/individual and $50/ per team member $55/individual and $50/ per team member PRICING AFTER 1st until Day of Race: $50/individuals orAug. $45/per team member *After this date, shirts will be distributed on ateam first come, first served basis. $55/individual and $50/ per member

guaranteed t-shirt*AfterPre-registered this date, shirts willparticipants be distributed on a first come,afirst served ba *After this date, shirts will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Questions? PRICING AFTER Aug. 1st until Day of Race: Please email Questions? or call 570.746.4922 $55/individual and $50/ per team member

Questions? Please email or call 570.746.492

ThePlease triathlon is sponsored by the Greater Wyalusing Chamber of Commerce. email call 570.746.4922 *After this date, shirts will be distributed on aorfirst come, first served Financial support is received from area businesses and individuals.

The triathlon is sponsored by the Greater Wyalusing Chamber of Comme by the by Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency. The Funded triathloninispart sponsored the Greater Wyalusing Chamber of Commerce. Financial support is received from area businesses and individuals. Financial support is received from area businesses and individuals. Questions?

Funded in part by the Bradford County Tourism Promotion Agency.

Funded in part by the Bradford County Tourism Promotion Please email or Agency. call 570.746.4

Fall Creek Brass Band at a previous CFCU Summer Concert Series in Downtown Ithaca. (Photo: Provided) The

TheTtriathlon is sponsored by the Greater Wyalusing Chamber of 9 Com i m es / Sum m er It hac a 2 02 2 Financial support is received from area businesses and individua

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Famous Foods H I ST OR IC M A R K E R C O M M E MOR AT E S R O BE R T B A K E R & H I S C H IC K E N BB Q S AU C E B y Rober t Rieger


new historical marker at Lansing Town Hall commemorates Dr. Robert Baker’s work with the poultry industry, including developing the famous Cornell Barbecue Sauce recipe. Organizers recently dedicated the new marker and held a chicken BBQ fundraiser at the nearby Bob Baker BBQ pavilion. Proceeds from the sale went to the Savage Club, an arts organization now headquartered in Lansing. The chicken was prepared by Jeff Sandsted and his son, Travis Sandsted, grandson of Robert Baker. The marker, funded by a grant from the William C. Pomeroy Foundation, reads “Barbecued Chicken Ca 1950. Dr. Robert Baker of Cornell U. developed chicken barbecue sauce & safe cooking methods to support fundraising by community groups in NYS.” The Town of Lansing passed a resolution in 2021 to honor Baker and authorize the commemorative marker. Baker resided in North Lansing from 1949 until his death in 2006 and was a professor of poultry science at Cornell. His recipe for barbecued chicken was first published in a Cornell Cooperative Extension bulletin in 1952. With a focus on helping community groups with their fundraising efforts, Baker perfected ways to cook chicken over charcoal fires. His technique allowed a few people, often volunteers, to cook hundreds of half-chicken pieces on screens using raised cooking pits. The screens had handles on each side, allowing just two people to turn screens holding 25 chicken halves. Baker’s son, Dale Baker, says his father’s first chicken BBQ was at Penn State University in the late 1940s. “They asked him to host a BBQ for the governor of Pennsylvania,” said Dale. He learned from this experience to cook above ground using pits. He also created a recipe for Cornell Barbecue Sauce that has been enjoyed for decades in New York and across the nation. The sauce includes vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, poultry seasoning, pepper, and whole eggs. “Prior to the Baker sauce, most barbecue sauces were tomato-based,” said Dale. “My dad loved eating raw tomatoes, but he was very critical of using sugary, tomato-based sauces for basting cooking meats because they burned easily.” To give the most robust flavor, Baker taught the importance of frequent basting, especially during the last 5-10 minutes of cooking. In 1949 Baker became an assistant professor in the department of poultry science at Cornell University. As part of his outreach efforts, he traveled to county Cooperative Extension offices around the state to teach about chicken BBQs as fundraisers, including the grilling

Get dressed with intention get dressed with



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A new historical marker commemorates Dr. Robert Baker’s work with the poultry industry (photo: Provided) and sauce. He also taught the techniques to community groups and commercial barbecue cookers. The following year, working with the NYS Poultry Council, Baker started selling BBQ chicken at the New York State Fair. Due to expenses, the Council decided to abandon the effort after the first year. The Baker family took it on as a family business, calling it Baker’s Chicken Coop. Baker’s wife, Jacoba, initially managed the business, followed by his daughter, Reenie Baker Sandsted, who took over in 1988. Bakers Chicken Coop ended operations in 2019. “We would cook about 1,500 chicken halves each day of the fair,” said Sandsted. “On a high demand day, we would cook 3,000 halves.” Baker was also instrumental in the development of 50 chicken products, including nuggets and chicken hot dogs. He did research on deboning machines, eggs and turkeys. Baker passed away in 2006. According to his obituary in the New York Times, Baker oversaw the “fundamental transformation of the poultry business.” The dedication of the historic marker was organized by Dale and Reenie, along with Donna Scott, who worked for Robert Baker for eight years in his product development baboratory in the poultry science department at Cornell. Scott prepared the application for the marker to the Pomeroy Foundation. “Bob and his wife Jackie were wonderful people,” said Scott. “They regularly hosted his students at their home and if a student was alone at Cornell during holidays, they would invite them to stay at their home in North Lansing.” Scott said that Baker was devoted to helping the poultry industry. “Even though his recipe helped community groups to fundraise, the original purpose was to help the New York state poultry industry to sell more chicken,” she said.



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Back and Better G R A S SR O O T S I S B AC K F R O M I T S C O V I D H I AT U S A N D I S C E L E BR AT I N G I T S 30 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y I N A BIG WAY B y Tanner Harding


rassRoots Festival is back, and it’s celebrating its 30th anniversary with a week full of activities, music and more. Culture Camp begins Sunday, July 17, and runs through Wednesday, July 20. There will be instrument, dance and movement workshops with themed nightly dinners and dances. You can learn the fiddle at beginner, intermedia and advanced levels and for its use in different music such as Cajun fiddle or Irish fiddle. There are also banjo lessons, guitar classes and bass workshops, plus mandolin, accordion, cello and pedal steel lessons, jam sessions, honky tonk workshops and more. GrassRoots will also offer songwriting expertise, rhythm workshops and even dance classes such as the Cajun two-step and clogging. There are also youth classes and yoga throughout the four days. The four-day admission is $155 in advance or $165 at the gate and includes four days of workships, plus nightly dinners and dances. The four-day youth admission is $65 in advance or $75 at the gate and is for children 15 and under. It includes the four days of workshops plus nightly dinners and dancers. If you can’t commit to all four days, single day admission is also available for $50 in advance of $60 at the gate. This includes one full day of workshops, plus that day’s dinner and dance. The main event kicks off on July 21 at 1:30 p.m. with Bubba George Stringband on the infield stage. There are four different stages and more than 75 bands performing across the four-day festival, which concludes at 11 p.m. on Sunday, July 24. The annual GrassRoots Happiness Parade is Sunday at 2 p.m. with the Fall Creek Brass Band. Additional activities and performances will also be happening throughout the festival at Congo Square, the Kids’ Area, the Workshop Tent, and Healing Arts. Thursday - The infield stage on Thursday will feature Bubba George Stringband, Dirty Mae, Keith Secola, Donna the Buffalo, Cory Henry, and Keith Frank & the Soileau Zydeco Band. The dance tent that day will host Rose & The Bros, Drank The Gold, Daiquiri Queens, Thousands of One, Cortadito, and Luke G & The Candy Hearts. On the grandstand will be Jennie Lowe, Maddy Walsh & the Blind Spots, Willie Watson, Peter Rowan & Los Texmaniacs, and Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad. The cabaret stage will feature KidBess & The Magic Ring, Kenny T & Wildfire, Tenzin Chopak, Aaron Lipp, Kathy Z, and Vicious Fishes. Friday – The infield stage will kick off at noon with Laila Bella, followed by Preston

Frank & His Zydeco Family Band, Sihasin, Kevin Kinsella, Maddy Walsh, John Brown’s Body, Sophistafunk and December Wind. The dance tent opens up with morning yoga at 9 a.m., followed by a tensegrity practice, and then a contra dance with the Dead Sea Squirrels. The rest of the day in the dance tent features Tyler Westcott Band, Walter Mouton, Aaron Lipp, Flying Clouds, The Red Hots, and Daiquiri Queens. The grandstand starts its day with the GrassRoots instrument contest, before Bear Fox takes the stage at noon, followed by Moontee Sinquah, New Planets, Cortadito, Jim Lauderdale, The Campbell Brothers, The Infamous Stringdusters and Gunpoets. And finally, the cabaret stage features Uniit, Hawk Alert & Friends, Hank Roberts, KidBess & The Magic Ring, Grady Girls, Johnny Dowd, Ithaca Underground and DJ Evo Evolution. Saturday – Another big day Saturday, as the infield stage features Flying Clouds of South Carolina, Empire Kings, Dirty Blanket, Jeverson, Roosevelt Collier Band, Galactic, Donna the Buffalo, and Double Tiger. The dance tent again starts off with some morning yoga and tensegrity practice before hosting a square dance. Then music takes over with Richie & Rosie, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Tenzin Chopak, Bobby Henrie & The Goners, Western Centuries, Mosaic Foundation, and Keith Frank & The Soileau Zydeco Band. The grandstand opens with the GrassRoots Band Contest at 9 a.m., followed by Jones Benally Family, Walter Mouton, Driftwood, Marty Stuart, Dobet Gnahoré, Dakha Brakha , and FABI World Music Quintet. The cabaret tent hosts a drum workshop at 10 a.m., followed by Jeb & Friends, Cooke Family Singers, Laila Belle, Sihasin, Ric Robertson, Lorson, Cote & Friends, Luke G & The Candyhearts, and Plastic Nebraska. Sunday – The final day at infield starts with Hank Roberts, followed by SingTrece & Stone Cold Miracle, Root Shock, Sim Redmond Band, Richie & Rosie, and Donna the Buffalo & Friends All-Star Jam. The dance tent kicks off with yoga at 9 a.m., followed by Oliver Bates Craven, Moontree Sinquah, Bubba Hots, a Zydeco dance workshop, Preston Frank & His Zydeco Family Band, and New Planets. The grandstand opens with the GrassRoots Chamber Orchestra, followed by Song Writers’ Circle, The Analogue Sons, PA Line, Bear Fox, and Keith Secola & His Wild Band of Indians. The cabaret gets off to a later start with Calico Moon kicking things off at noon, followed by Traonach, Vicious Fishes, and Dirty May. The

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What’s On Stage? SH O W S ON T H E S C H E D U L E AT T H E AT E R S I N T H E I T H AC A A R E A B y L aura Ilioaei


f you’re looking for a theatre show to go to this summer, here are some local shows that’re coming up:


Route 89 at the Treman Marina Entrance to Cass Park School Girls; or the African Mean Girls Play June 15 – 25 Queen Bee Paulina is intent on representing her school in the Miss Ghana 1986 pageant. Her dedicated clique at the Aburi Girls Boarding School is rooting for her until newcomer Ericka enters the competition. This is a comedy spinoff that opens up discussions of racism for younger viewers. Cinderella Eats Rice and Beans: A Salsa Fairytale June 24 – June 25 When Cinderella (or Cenicienta) arrives from Puerto Rico to visit her “stepsister” Rosa, she doesn’t receive the warmest welcome. Rosa is reluctant to share her friends, her language, or her awesome basketball shoes with the newcomer; will their fairy godfather be able to bring them together? Cabaret June 30, – July 16 Willkommen to a late-1920s Berlin nightclub filled with entertaining songs, wry commentary, and stylish dancing. This musical explores the underground life of Bohemian Berlin as the Third Reich overtakes Germany. Three Little Birds July 8 – 9 Based on a story by Cedella Marley. No matter how many times Mama says “Don’t worry!” 11-year-old Ziggy can’t stop think-

ing about the scary things he might encounter around his home on the beautiful island of Jamaica. These include tropical storms, evil spirits, and the sneaky, hair-snatching trickster Duppy. Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 July 21 – July 31 A musical inspired by Tolstoy’s War and Peace captures the intoxicating highs and devastating lows of love and infatuation. Transport yourself to Imperial Russia, during the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Hopeful and impulsive, Natasha Rostova risks everything when she falls for the dashing Anatole. Dragons Love Tacos July 29 – 30 A kid and their dog find themselves sucked into a TV documentary about dragons where they learn about the many varieties of dragons, and the one thing they all have in common: a love for tacos. The Great Leap August 10 – 20 When an American college basketball team travels to Beijing for a “friendship” game in the post-Cultural Revolution 1980s, both countries try to tease out the politics behind this newly popular sport. Flight Test: Trans Am August 18 – 21 A Ground-Breaking New Rock Musical. Lisa Stephen Friday divulges the heartaches and joys of heading the punk rock band Lisa Jackson & Girl Friday through the 1990s and 2000s. This autobiographical piece featuring the music of the band tells the story of Lisa’s creative and personal journey as a trans rock musician.

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417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street

Hurricane Diane June 8 – June 26 In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Where better to begin than with four housewives sipping on giant glasses of Zinfandel? Special Performances For Hurricane Diane: Pride Night June 10 KTC invites the Finger Lakes LGBTQ+ Community to enjoy Hurricane Diane together! Following the performance, join them at The Rhine House, 632 W Seneca St, for their weekly Cheers Queers! All tickets are


6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble, New York HAIR! June 8 – 18 Dig out those bell bottoms and peace signs. CRT celebrates the ‘60s counterculture in all its barefoot, long-haired, fringed glory with this production of the ground-breaking rock musical. With a collection of songs that became radio hits – Aquarius, Good Morning, Starshine, Let the Sun Shine, and of course the title song, HAIR explores ideas of identity, community, global responsibility and peace. Over the River and Through the Woods June 22 – July 1 First produced at CRT in 2005, this hys- | 607-327-LAKE

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Welcome Aboard!

call today for the best seats! The

Flight Test: Within Elsewhere August 26 – 28 As siblings Johnathan and Iris Reyes face the tragic loss of their youngest brother Omar, they stumble upon a mysterious app where you can virtually spend time with the people you’ve lost. But this incredible gift comes at a price, and with time ticking quickly away, Johnathan must make a decision that will change his life forever.

pay what you want. BIPOC Community Night June 25 KTC invites people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/x, AAPI, and people of color to come to KTC and be in a space to experience theatre together. All tickets are pay what you want. Free Childcare June 12 In partnership with First Presbyterian Church, KTC offers free childcare for this Sunday performance. Pay what you want tickets are available for parents, guardians and caregivers who participate in the program. Actor’s Forums June 17 & 24 Join the cast of Hurricane Diane for a postshow discussion to hear from them about their process of finding their characters and bringing the storm to life.

Public Cruises, Community Events & Private Charters

Experience Broadway in the finger lakes!


Red Riding Hood August 26 – 27 A contemporary twist on a popular tale. In this surprising, madcap retelling of the classic fairy tale, Red still sets off to bring treats to her ailing grandmother, and the Wolf still tries to interrupt her mission. But this Red is brave and observant, and this Wolf has a conscience, reminding us that people (and wolves) are not always as we expect them to be.


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terical comedy is for and about the whole family. Nick is a young Italian-American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sunday. That is, until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. The news sets the grandparents reeling, and then scheming, as they find ways to keep him from moving – including playing matchmaker with a lovely young lady who has no idea what she’s getting into. Kiss Me, Kate July 6 – 16 It’s “another opening of another show” in a 50th Anniversary revival of this American classic. Sparks fly both onstage and off when actor/director Fred Graham attempts to mount a musical version of The Taming of the Shrew, with his leading lady…and ex-wife…Lilli Vanessi in the leading role.

looking for his place in the world.


Emerson Park, 6877 East Lake Road (Rt. 38A), Auburn, NY 13021 Catch Me If You Can June 8 – 28 A rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. Frank runs away from his unhappy home to live a life of great adventure, conning people by assuming a multitude of identities: airline pilot, doctor, and lawyer, to name a few. When the FBI catches on, Frank not only eludes capture but revels in the pursuit. A fast, rollicking musical by the creative team behind Hairspray; Catch Me If You Can tells the tale of an ingenious boy

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame July 13 – August 2 In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. However, she becomes the focus of several men and as they vie for her attention, an epic battle erupts begging the question — what is a man and what is a monster? ’Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3 August 4 – 5 (two shows daily) After teaching countless students about the saints, venial sins, limbo and more, Sister is now

The Little Mermaid July 8 & 28 Hilarious duo Lenny and Mabel – “The Greatest Actors in the World!” – provide this inspiring version of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Little Mermaid. The story follows the adventures of a mermaid who wishes to become human and win the heart of a human prince. Treasure Island July 9 Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island is a tale of “buccaneers and buried gold” in the classic conflict of good versus evil. This quintessential literary adventure classic, the story of Long John, Doc Livesey and the lad Jim has captivated audiences for over 100 years! This versatile cast of two performs this unique version of a tale of treasure, pirates and ocean adventures. Murder on The Orient Express July 20 – 30 A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? One of America’s premiere playwrights, Ken Ludwig has created a brilliant stage adaptation of Agatha Christie’s most popular mystery.

offering up hilarious lessons on the Sacraments of Marriage and the Last Rites, including her own version of the Newlywed Game. Classroom participation is a must, so bring along your sweetie and your sense of humor for a session with the country’s feistiest couples counselor! State Fair August 17 – September 6 Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. Mom and Pop have their hearts set on blue ribbons while their daughter and son find romance and heartbreak on the midway.


801 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca

JUNE 15–25


AUGUST 10–20

AUGUST 18-28

Upcycled Cinderella July 29 When the scheduled performers fail to arrive for the day’s performance, the janitors “Dustmop” and “Binny” decide to take over and create a hilarious take on the classic fairy tale. One of Bright Star’s most popular shows, Upcycled Cinderella shows that, with a little creativity and ingenuity, you can make the most of any situation. Mary Poppins August 3 – 20 The charming story of the “practically perfect” nanny comes to life before your family’s eyes on the CRT stage! Meet Bert, chimney sweep and jack-of-all trades, as he introduces us to England in 1910 and the troubled Banks family. Young Jane and Michael have sent many a nanny packing before Mary Poppins arrives on their doorstep. Using a combination of magic and common sense, she must teach the family members how to value each other again.

JULY 21–31 The

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Experimental Wine I A N B A R R Y A N D DAV E P I T TA R D A R E U P F OR A N Y T H I N G — F R O M T E R R AC O T TA T O C E M E N T — W H E N I T C O M E S T O W I N E R E C E P TAC L E S B y Bill Chaisson

Traditional style amphorae vessels for aging wine at Six Eighty Cellars. (Photo: Ash Bailot)


an Barry is the winemaker for Six Eighty Cellars in Ovid. He and Dave Pittard, the vineyard manager — who with his wife Melissa is the owner of both Six Eighty and Buttonwood Grove Winery in Romulus — have been making wine in containers that are not steel tanks or barrels. “Finger Lakes wines have come a long way,” said Ian Barry, who has been in the wine business for 25 years and in the Finger Lakes since 2003. “What should we do to move the story forward? We were trying to see what’s next, so we looked to the Old World.” The Pittards bought Buttonwood Grove from Ken Reimer in 2014 and inherited the Buttonwood winemaker Sue Passmore. Eight years ago they brought in Barry as a consultant and had him “tweak” the Buttonwood wines here and there. Then, in June 2020, at the start of what has turned into a two-year-plus pandemic, they purchased the former Toro Run Winery. Buttonwood Grove already distinguished itself by making good wine with some non-standard grapes, and the Pittards wished to distinguish Six Eighty from that established brand, as well as the rest of the Finger Lakes


wineries. Most conversations about making wine include the question, “Did you make this in steel or oak?” For a long time Chardonnay made in oak barrels was popular because the wood imparted a rounded vanilla flavor to it. Then there was a backlash as people looked for something less oaky, and several Finger Lakes wineries began to make it in steel tanks (“French style”), which produces a brighter, lighter wine. It was Dave Pittard’s idea, Barry said, to make Six Eighty’s wine in terracotta amphorae. Most of us first heard the word “amphora” when reading about the discovery of Bronze Age shipwrecks in the National Geographic magazine. Invented by the Greeks, who called it an “amphoreus” (handles on both sides), like so many other parts of Greek culture, they were absorbed by the Romans. The tall, curved Roman pots were mass-produced, made of clay, thrown on a wheel, and not glazed. “Terracotta” is Latin and Italian for “baked earth.” “Terracotta is very porous,” said Barry, “so it slowly oxidizes the wine. The Chardonnay that we have in it now is getting these nutty The

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aspects.” It is still a bit raw, but he thinks that when it is ready it will be a bit “wild.” Barry often pauses before he chooses his adjectives when talking about the wines he is making in these off-beat vessels. It is clear that he enjoys the exploration, but like a 19th century New England whaler in the South Seas, he is not always sure how to describe what he is experiencing … but he likes it. “We hope the novelty attracts people,” he said, “but we aren’t doing this just for the novelty.” In addition to the terracotta amphorae, Barry and Pittard are making wine in receptacles made of sandstone, concrete and glazed ceramic. “Nothing hasn’t worked,” Barry said. “It produces a textural difference, more than anything, a nuance.” In 2020 they made Pinot noir in a 1,200-liter sandstone jar. Like the terracotta pot or an oak barrel, the sandstone is porous. It allows for a slow oxidation process, but it doesn’t impart the flavor of a barrel. Instead, perhaps unsurprisingly, it gives the wine a “stony minerality.” Six Eighty Cellars is not all-novelty-allthe-time. They also make Pinot noir in both Sum m er

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new oak and older French oak barrels. The characteristic cherry notes are in both the sandstone and barrel-made batches but, said Barry, the wine made oak is more structured, fuller bodied and a darker color. Barry described a 2020 Chardonnay made in sandstone as “the best of both worlds. The sandstone gives it weight and texture without the barrel flaver. It’s a rich mouth-filling wine with lots of layers.” He has also been tasting wines made in concrete — Glenora and Dr. Frank are both experimenting with the medium — and he is convinced that it adds something but he is not sure how to describe it yet. “It’s too simple to say that it’s a stony note.” Six Eighty Cellars has a concrete “tulip” (shaped like the unopened flower) imported from Italy. The sandstone “egg” came from France. “These are made of the material of the earth where they come from,” Barry said. “The Clayvers are more manufactured. They’re a bridge between the ancient and the modern.” Indeed, Clayver is a brand name, and they were engineered and manufactured in Genoa, Italy. The company’s website says: “Clayver

needed texture and body,” he said, “so we went with the Clayvers.” This inductive, empirical approach has served them well so far, but Barry thinks it will be about a decade before they can unerringly match a vintage to a vessel. “We keep extensive records of what we have done,” he said. “We’ve started a wine library, so we can go back and try the wines, instead of just relying on our memories.” Oh, and why is it called “Six Eighty”? “That’s the difference in altitude between the bottom of Cayuga Lake and the top of the vineyard,” Barry said. “We wanted people to ask that question.” Dave Pittard and Ian Barry like asking questions. It’s what makes life and wine interesting.

Concrete “tulips” for wine making. (Photo: Provided)



ceramic wine barrels are made of a particular homogeneous and compact natural ceramic stoneware. This material is similar in many aspects to a natural granite … The intrinsic microporous structure of the ceramic material can allow a gaseous exchange with the outside of the container but only in limited quantities and on very long time scales.” Barry and Pittard have made a Riesling in their Clayvers, as well as a Grüner veltliner and a Pinot gris ramato. In this latter style, the juice is left in the company of the pinkish-gray skins, giving the wine a coppery color. 680 is nominally an estate winery, but the Pittards do stretch the definition to include some Buttonwood vineyard grapes in the 680 wines. This means the lesser known grapes for which Buttonwood Grove is known are appearing in Six Eighty wines. For example, in 2020 they made a Pinot meunier — which is usually blended into Champagne — in French oak, as if it were a Pinot noir. “It’s a beautiful wine,” said the winemaker, “very similar to a Pinot noir. It’s a little wilder, like Pinot noir’s unrefined cousin from the country.” The experimentation at Six Eighty extends beyond vessels and grapes and into the processing of the grapes. Pittard and Barry devoted one of their terracotta “cigars,” an amphora that is barrel-size, around 50 gallons, to making a Cabernet franc. “It was Dave’s idea to make it appassimento,” Barry said. “People associate it with an Amarone; you dehydrate the grapes beforehand.” Although used for centuries in the Valpolicella region of northeastern Italy, it only became an intentional style in the 1950s. Barry regards himself as a “low intervention” winemaker, a philosophy that he shares with his employer. By this he means that he makes wines that “fit the vintage rather than being consistent from year to year.” If the grapes get more ripe in a given year, then the wines will be heavier. They don’t add sugar or subtract acidity and all their yeasts are indigneous; the wines ferment on their own. That given, “we’re not above fixing it, if there is a problem.” Why low intervention? “That’s the basis of what wine should be,” Barry said. “It’s why we put a vintage [year] on a bottle. That growing season did or didn’t provide the sugar or the acid. The wine should be reflective of that year.” Last year was a particularly challenging year for a low interventionist. It was cool and wet and the grapes “took their time” to ripen and “disease-pressure was setting in.” But Barry said that the early ripeners were fine and the later ripeners turned out well. “It was the mid-season grapes that had it the toughest.” The multitude of different wine-making vessels make sense in light of this approach. If you are going to let your wine be what it’s going to be, you might as well give as many ways as you can to let it get that way. “We’re making it up as we go along,” Barry admitted. “We don’t know what Mother Nature will provide.” Barry has a quarter-century of experience and Dave Pittard, although new to winemaking, comes from eight generations of apple growers. Between them, that’s a lot of intuition to work with. The winemaker offers his 2021 crop of Grüner veltliner as an example. “It

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Whatever You Call It T H E K E Y T O C A SK A L E I S T O M A K E I T SL O W LY B U T DR I N K I T Q U IC K LY B y Bill Chaisson


radley Gillett would like to make one thing clear from the get-go: it’s not flat and it’s not warm. British ale, that is. Real ale or cask ale, that is. Whatever you call it, it is served at cellar temperature, which is about 52° to 57°F, and it is naturally carbonated. Americans, with our fixation on all things technological, insist on drinking our beer refrigerated to 36° and we force carbonation into it. It is not that Gillett is anti-technological. Far from it; he financed the growth of Seneca Lake Brewing Company by licensing a travel technology platform that he developed. Gillett was drawn to living and working in the Finger Lakes in the same way a lot of people are: he visited and was charmed. The region reminded him of where he grew up, in Cranleigh, England, a small village 20 miles south of London in the shadow of the Surrey Hills. “We didn’t have the lakes, but we had the rolling hills and the outdoor lifestyle.” He loved the “lake life” here and the fact that it

Inside Seneca Lake Brewing Company. (Photo: Provided)



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was a wine region, so he purchased 20 acres in Rock Stream on the west side of Seneca Lake. The brewery owner traveled around the world when he was younger and then began to work for corporate travel agencies. He moved from England to Dallas. In an increasingly online world, he built out his “custom travel companion” platform. In 2012 a New York City company bought his product, but he didn’t want to live in the city. A Portland, Maine company bought his platform, but they didn’t ask him to move to Maine, although he does like Portland. In 2014 he bought the land in the Finger Lakes, which included a house and a barn. “I didn’t know what I was going to do with it,” he said. “Was it going to be a family home or a vacation rental or what?” One day he grabbed a couple of growlers at a regional brewery and drove up to his property and had a few beers on the deck. As he worked his way through the local brew, his future rose up before him. There were not many breweries in the area, and he had worked in a lot of bars, managed the cellars and the casks … “I formed the LLC the next day,” Gillett said. “I saw the writing on the wall for the region.” Eight years later his is one of 13 breweries arrayed around Seneca Lake. It took him two years to get his Rock Stream property ready, but in the meantime, he opened a temporary location across from Glenora Wine Cellars in Dundee. He opened his present location in July 2016 and closed the Dundee site at Christmas in the following year. The pandemic shut down the entire tourism industry for four months in 2020, but Gillett said he has been busier than ever since reopening. The Beerocracy, as Gillett’s pub is called, is the “only fully dedicated cask brewery in New York State,” he said, and one of only six in the United States. It is also equipped with authentic British “beer engines” that pump the ale from the cask to your glass; the Beerocracy has more taps on engines than any other in the U.S. Making real ale begins the same way as other beer-making: you put your ingredients in a vat and it goes through its five-day primary fermentation. Then the paths divide: real ale is then moved to a cask, where priming sugar is added before the cask is moved to a cellar, where it goes through a secondary fermentation. It is at this stage that the natural carbonation is induced. “It takes 10 to 14 days to develop the carbonation,” Gillett said. “It is a two-and-half to three-week process, start to finish.” This is versus 10 days for “regular” beer or ale. Demand fluctuates through the year at the Beerocracy, which requires Gillett and his staff to be careful planners. “From the minute of tapping,” he said, “you have about 10 days to sell it before the carbon dioxide starts to go out of it and oxidation sets in.” But the Seneca Lake brewer has a contingency plan for this event. He calls up his club members and informs them that growlers are available at a bargain rate. Problem solved. Real ale is a different drinking experience for many reasons. Because of the warmer temperature, the drinker’s palate experiences a wider range of flavors in the ale. Also, the natural carbonation produces a smooth mouth

feel. Generally speaking, these are also lower alcohol beverages. Gillett emphasizes that his ales are for social occasions, where people get together and talk and drink for hours. Seneca Lake Brewing’s standard bitters — the quintessential British pub drink — is only 3.8% ABV. Their “Best” bitters is 5% and the ESB is 6%. While these are the core, something to be found in every UK local, the Beerocracy also serves a golden session ale, a New England IPA, and a hefeweizen, all of which are popular during the warmer months, and their stout sells well through the cold of winter. Gillett was excited about a brand-new offering. “A customer came in one day and said ‘I just had this red ale called Kilkenny that was really good. Can you make one?’” In short order Gillett and his brew masters came up with “Kilkenny with Kindness,” an Irish-style red ale that sold so quickly that they are now making more of it. “It’s just drinkable,” he said with an almost audible shrug at something ordinary yet existential. “It’s halfway between light and heavy.” Seneca Lake Brewing operates on a farm license, which is analogous to the state law that made the Finger Lakes wine industry blossom in the 1970s. The beer law went into effect on January 1, 2012. Until the end of 2018, farm breweries were required to source 20% of their ingredients from New York State growers. It then rose to 60% and will remain there until the end of 2023, when it will rise to 90%. In exchange for this restriction, Gillett said that the farm license came with “a lower price of entry” and a market permit to pour his ale anywhere in the state. Farm breweries are also allowed to have five additional branch locations at no further cost. “This [law],” he said, “has been instrumental to the growth of the industry.” When he began in 2014, he was worried about finding enough local ingredients, but the growers of malted barley, hops, and other ingredients have grown exponentially since then. New York hop growers raise the classic British hops, like East Kent Golding and Fuggle, that Seneca Lake Brewing depends on to make cask ale. Another ingredient vital to producing the real ale taste is brewers’ yeast. Gillett and his staff have not developed their own cultures but purchase the classic high-flocculation strains that sink readily to the bottom of the cask at the end of fermentation and produce a clear ale. In addition to his regular pours that are consistently available — five or six through the winter and nine or 10 in the summer — Seneca Lake Brewing produces “single release” casks of Christmas, Harvest and “old ale,” a dark, malty beverage that is higher in alcohol. Gillett was especially excited about a recent Oyster Stout that he made in collaboration with Lucky Hare Brewing in Hector. They began the primary fermentation together, adding 100 Blue Point oysters, but then Gillett took his share for cask conditioning, and Lucky Hare continued along the conventional brewing route. “On the keg it was really stout forward,” he said, “but in the cask it was really briny with much more complex taste.” In an era when brewers, distillers, and continued on page 19


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WHATEVER YOU CALL IT Contin u ed From Page 17

winemakers are finishing Bourbon in wooden sherry casks and stouts are aged in wooden whiskey barrels, Gillett is having none of it. His casks are made of stainless steel and constructed to be tapped while the ale is fresh. It takes him twice as long to make, and he mostly makes it one firkin (86 pints) at a time, but he wouldn’t dream of doing it any other way. “It would be great to make it in kilderkins

[160 pints],” he said. “Maybe in the future.” The owner of Seneca Lake Brewing is building and “verticalizing” his business to hand it on to his son. The 18-year-old Eden Gillett, however, recently dropped a bombshell on his dad: he wants to work at Barnes & Noble … because he loves books. His father, who has been down the corporate route, is philosophical in that if-you-love-him-let-himgo way. “It’s good really,” he said. “He’ll learn what it’s like to work for something that’s not a family business.”

Finger Lakes Dining

Find a Re staurant at Ith a c a .com /D ining

Regional Organic Cuisine Serving lunch, dinner and brunch

See for current hours First come, first serve seating

5315 State Route 414, Hector, NY 14841

A perfect pour of Seneca Lake Brewing Company’s cask ale. (Photo: Provided)


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Ride Along E X P L OR E T H E F I N G E R L A K E S ON H OR SE B AC K T H I S S U M M E R B y Tanner Harding


hen it comes to exploring the Finger Lakes, there are a lot of ways to do it. You could rent a boat or a kayak and take in the shoreline from the water, or you could grab your bike to explore the towns from the streets. But if you’re looking for something a little more passive than a bike but a bit dryer than a boat, you could always try horseback riding. There are many stables throughout the area offering riding lessons, but D&K Ranch in Interlaken and Painted Bar Stables in Burdett both offer trail rides through the Finger Lakes National Forest, offering a different way to see the area.


Kelly Paonessa is the owner and operator of D&K Ranch and said they offer all kinds of programs for folks looking to ride horses. They do community work with the Ithaca Youth Bureau, Seneca Central School District and the Girl Scouts, plus have different riding experiences for people of all levels. There are cabins on the ranch’s property that have a real cowboy feel, Paonessa said. “People can come stay in a cabin like it’s a dude ranch,” she said. It’s a whole experience in addition to the horseback riding, with bonfires, s’mores and cookouts. “It’s a fun outdoors experience that guests can enjoy,” Paonessa said. “Plus, we’re near wineries if they want to venture out.” The cabins are about five minutes from the

A trail ride past a pond with Painted Bar Stables. (Photo: Provided)

parking lot, so a pony cart will bring your luggage back at check in, while you choose a riding schedule. An experienced wrangler will be on hand to work with individuals to figure out the best activities based on skill level. One of the rides is called the Shaved Tail Ride, which is an hour-long trail ride perfect for those with little or no horseback riding experience. Starting at the ranch, you’ll take a stroll down a seasonal road into the wooded trails, with a possible cool-off through a shallow pond. More experienced riders can venture into the Finger Lakes National Forest, the area “between the lakes” (Cayuga and Seneca). Paonessa said that it can either be just a scenic ride, or they can work in some history of the area for those who’d like to learn a bit more. People who own their own horses are also welcome to visit and bring them along to the ranch, where they’ll be able to explore the trails in the forest. Paonessa noted that D&K Ranch can offer an experience to anyone who’s interested, and that their wranglers and horses are both trained to work with people who might be a little excited or nervous to be riding a horse. “Every ride we do we start out in the riding ring,” Paonessa said. “We teach [riders] how to breathe, how to be comfortable. And then we start the trail. Most people are comfortable on the trail without us right next to them, but we can walk with them if that makes them most comfortable.” There are weight limits for horseback riding and reservations must be made in advance. Prices vary for different rides. For more information, visit


The Painted Bar Stables in Burdett offer a wide range of programs, some focused on their student base, and some open to the general public. According to owner and operator Erika Eckstrom, the main public programs are the

Beer / Wine Gourmet Pizza / Calzones






Wednesdays beginning June 8 6:30pm

Fridays 6pm Select Saturdays 6pm Sundays 1-4pm

Second Thursday of every month 7:00pm


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5930 State Rt 414, Hector (607) 546-2030 2 02 2

Finger Lakes wines in st

Open 9 - 9 | Monday - Saturday Over 600 Ithaca Shopping Plaza | 222 Elmira Rd. (Rt. 13 across fro Finger Lakes | 800.281.1291| www.northsidewin You can find our cheeses 607.273.7500 in Ithaca at

GreenStar markets or visit our creamery in Perry for 24/7 outside cheese vending machine for after hours purchases

wines in stock

Open 9-9 Monday-Saturday 12-6 Sunday 607-273-7500 Staying hydrated is an important part of trail rides for everyone. (Photo: Provided)

trail roads, which are offered at every level. Any child over the age of 10 is allowed on a trail ride at Painted Bar, and private riding lessons are available for kids who are 8 or 9. “We found a lot of parents were getting a lot of kids in over their heads in public, so we started trail experience lessons that’s in a private setting for kids,” Eckstrom said. “We start them in the arena and then hit the trails. And the idea of that is just to make sure the kids feel like they’re going to be a success the entire time.” Eckstrom said some kids get on a horse and are great, while others are terrified. “It gives them a little wiggle room without people watching,” she said. Anyone can book trail rides as private rides, even the adults, but Eckstrom said even the public rides are usually fewer than eight people. “We don’t want giant huge rides, because each person adds a little more chaos,” she said. There are a few different trail rides available, depending on comfort level and experience. The one-hour Scenic Ride is a slow speed ride with a few obstacles, but nothing challenging for the horses. It’s mainly walking through the woods and down by the creek. “That’s great for all ages and abilities,” Eckstrom said. “It’s very user friendly. People who have never ridden do great. It’s peaceful and pretty.” She said that it’s about 70-80% shaded in the woods, so people don’t have to worry about spending too much time in the summer sun. The next ride is the Spirited Ride, which has a few more obstacles like riverbanks and creek crossings and hills. There is also the opportunity to go faster if you’re comfortable and skilled enough to do so. Eckstrom said they have had first-timers on that ride, but doesn’t

suggest it if you’re nervous. “It’s better to leave hungry for more than wishing you had done less,” she said. Next there’s the Adventure Route, which is an hour-and-a-half ride that goes a bit further than the Spirited Ride. It also provides even more opportunity to ride faster, and it goes into the Finger Lakes National Forest. For people who aren’t experienced riders, Eckstrom said this ride is usually their limit. Horseback riding can cause soreness due to using new muscles and sitting in an unnatural position. And on that note, the next ride is the Saddle Sore Route. It’s a two-hour ride through the National Forest with hillside views and lake views depending on the speed of the ride. Eckstrom said that this route is about half in the sun, so it’s more comfortable if you can ride faster and pick up a bit of a breeze. Painted Bar also offers an overnight experience, though it’s a little more rustic even than the cabins at D&K Ranch. There’s a camping site with a composting toilet in a back field where riders can sleep after completing a twohour Saddle Sore ride that evening. Then in the morning there is a one-hour ride to complete the stay. If you’re experienced, there are also plenty of trail rides for more advanced riders, such as the Hilltop Boogie, the half-day ride and an all-day ride. The stables also have a partnership with Fulkerson Winery, so riders can ride thorugh the vineyards for an hour and do a tasting and get a free bottle of wine. Availability for that is much more limited though, and is weather reliant. Again, rides must be pre-booked and there are weight limits for riding and prices vary based on ride. Visit www.paintedbarstables. com for more info. The

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JULY 1, 8,


and 15



July 1 Maddy Walsh Known for her powerful lead vocals for the

Fridays on the Cornell Arts Quad nationally touring band The Blind Spots, All shows begin at 7 p.m., rain or shine Maddy Walsh brings her signature “moxie rock” to the Quad. Free parking on campus after 5 p.m.

July 8 The Caribe Jazz All Stars Irresistible Latin dance in the style of salsa, cha-cha, bolero, and samba. July 15 NEO Project High-energy dance band rooted in funky R&B grooves.

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The Right Combination


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For Your Home, Auto, Business

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U pick ‘em G R I S A MOR E FA R M S P R E PA R E S F OR A S U M M E R OF F RU I T P IC K I N G B y A ndre w Sullivan

Find a Restaurant at

Mary Ann Grisamore and Joanna Cornell of Grisamore Farms. (Photo: Andrew Sullivan)


nly about a couple of weeks remain until Grisamore Farms opens its orchards to the public for the u-pick season with a variety of crops to choose from. The season is expected to kick off around June 20 when the strawberries are in bloom. Grisamore raises about 20 acres of strawberries of the jewel variety (dark red and very sweet). The fruit is no stranger to the farm’s soil as Grisamore has been raising strawberries in Locke since its inception in 1939. Grisamore Farms is one of few places that grow strawberries presently. (Indian Creek Farms in Trumansburg and Finger Lakes Cider House in Interlaken also raise the fruit.) Strawberries will be available to pick at Grisamore for approximately three weeks from the start date. Another crop that is returning this year to the lineup is cherries. Grisamore raises roughly 10 acres of bing cherries, which have a dark hue and a sweet taste. The farms did not offer cherries last season due to poor weather conditions last spring. “We don’t always have a crop,” co-owner Joanna Cornell said. “They’re really sensitive to cold weather and too much moisture and things like that.” “Once they’re ripe, if it starts raining a lot they like to split and mold,” co-owner Mary Ann Grisamore said. Grisamore said they were able to successfully grow a crop of them this year because the fruit fortunately blossomed during a stretch of nice weather. She said they should be available to pick around the Fourth of July. Around that time, the farm’s 10-acre crop of raspberries will be ready to be picked. Later

SIX-LEGGED SCIENCE Unlocking the Secrets of the Insect World In collaboration with

We’re bugged out, but dont call pest control! There’s a new exhibit at the Museum of the Earth! Exhibit open now through December Plan your visit at Hours: Thursday - Monday, 10am - 5pm



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in the middle of the month, their 20 acres of blueberries will also be in season. Due to the fact that they are not as perishable compared to other fruit and that they do not all ripen at the same time, the picking season for blueberries will last longer — until the end of August — than crops like cherries and raspberries, which ends near the end of July. Around the end of August, folks will have the opportunity to pick some apples prior to the season being in full effect. Grisamore said she expects there will be some sansas (red with yellow stripes and very sweet), ginger golds (large yellow-green apples with a slightly tart taste), and possibly some early galas (red and mildly sweet). Both Grisamore and Cornell said the galas and sansas are good apples for eating, while the ginger golds are great for baking. Prices for the crops have yet to be determined, though Grisamore said they will be higher from last year due to the rising diesel fuel and fertilizer prices. In years past, for example, blueberries cost about $3.99 per pound and strawberries cost a little over $4 per pound. Visitors can bring their own containers to pick or use buckets provided by the farms. Children are allowed to participate in crop picking so long as they are under the supervision of an adult. Pets are not allowed in the fields. Individuals can also stop through the farm store, view the array of animals residing on the farms (sheep, free-ranging goats, a hinny and a mule, among others), or check out the farm’s hard cider works during their experience at Grisamore. “There’s nothing like fresh fruit, picked right that day, by yourself,” Grisamore said.

All Summer Calendar A G U I DE T O T H I S SE A S ON’S F I N G E R L A K E S E V E N T S

Wed, June 15 Sheryl Crow, Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit & Waxahatchee - |CMAC | 7:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca Hair - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 7:30pm | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble| Dig out those bell bottoms and peace signs! CRT celebrates the sixties counterculture in all its barefoot, long-haired, fringed glory with this production of the ground-breaking rock musical!

Thu, June 16 Ithaca Night Bazaar | Steamboat Landing, Ithaca Farmers Market Pavilion - | 6:00 p.m. | Ithaca CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Kevin Kinsella & Reggae Fest | Free Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Julius Caesar -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | One of Shakespeare’s great tragedies, which ISC has never performed outdoors. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca New York State BluesFest 2022 |- Chevy Court | 7:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse| Runs June 16-18, 2022. Cortland Jam Fest -| Center for the Arts of Homer | 7:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer The Big and Tall Comedy Tour & Mike Bova -| Funny Bone Syracuse | 7:30 p.m. | 306 Hiawatha Blvd West, Syracuse Heartbeat of America: The Classics of Country -| Bristol Valley Theater

| 8:00 p.m. | 151 S Main St, Naples | $19.00 - $40.00 Melissa Etheridge - |Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | 82 Seneca Street, Geneva | $45.00 - $75.00 Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca Hair - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 7:30pm | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble| Dig out those bell bottoms and peace signs! CRT celebrates the sixties counterculture in all its barefoot, long-haired, fringed glory with this production of the ground-breaking rock musical!

Fri, June 17 Ithaca Reggae Fest - |Stewart Park | 5:00 p.m. | The 4th Annual Ithaca Reggae Fest returns to beautiful Stewart Park in Ithaca, NY with a full day of community and music on Sat, June 18, 2022, and a free Welcome Party to kick off the weekend on Fri, June 17, 2022. | 1 James L. Gibbs Dr., Ithaca | $20.00 - $30.00 ComedyFLOPs 3rd Fri Improv Show To Support Lifelong |- Virtual | 7:00 p.m. | ComedyFLOPs’ 3rd Fri streaming Improv Shows in support of local area non-profit organizations. This month we’re supporting One World Market, a fair trade organization. | https://, Ithaca | Free School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Reno Collier -| Funny Bone Syracuse | 7:30 p.m. | 306 Hiawatha Blvd West, Syracuse Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Julius Caesar -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | One of Shakespeare’s great tragedies, which ISC has never performed outdoors. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God The for specific local events. | Cortland Hair - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 7:30pm | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble| Dig out those bell bottoms and peace signs! CRT celebrates the sixties counterculture in all its barefoot, long-haired, fringed glory with this production of the ground-breaking rock musical! Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca

Point of the Bluff Vineyards in Hammondsport is hosting several big-name acts this summer. Among them is Bruce Hornsby on June 26 at 7:30 pm. (Photo: Facebook) Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca A Great Wilderness -| Cherry Artspace | 7:30 p.m. | Presented by Homecoming Players. After decades as the gentle-natured leader of a Christian retreat that endeavors to “cure” gay teens, Walt is preparing for a reluctant retirement when his final client quietly disappears into the remote Idaho wilderness. | Tom Paxton & the Don Juans |Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | Tom Paxton has been an integral part of the songwriting and folk music community since the early 60’s Greenwich Village scene. | 82 Seneca Street, Geneva | $28.00 Hair - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 7:30pm | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble| Dig out those bell bottoms and peace signs! CRT celebrates the sixties counterculture in all its barefoot, long-haired, fringed glory with this production of the ground-breaking rock musical! Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn It hac a

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Sat, June 18 Juneteenth Parade & Celebration in Harriet Tubman’s Hometown |- NYS Equal Rights Heritage Center | 9:00 a.m. | Join the City of Auburn for a Juneteenth Celebration in Harriet Tubman’s Hometown to commemorate Black and African American freedom and achievements. | 25 South St, Auburn New York State Blues Fest (Main Stage) -| New York State Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Julius Caesar -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | One of Shakespeare’s great tragedies, which ISC has never performed outdoors. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca PURE PRAIRIE LEAGUE -| Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | 82 Seneca Street, Geneva | $32.50 - $42.50 A Great Wilderness -| Cherry Artspace | 7:30 p.m. | Presented by Homecoming Players. After decades as the gentle-natured leader of a Christian retreat that endeavors to “cure” gay teens, Walt is preparing for a reluctant retirement when his final client quietly disappears into the remote Idaho wilderness. | ILNY Path Through History - |Various | 12:00 a.m. | Visit https://www. Sum m er

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Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Sun, June 19 Bridge Over Muddied Waters -| Tri-Cities Opera Center | 3:00 p.m. | 315 Clinton Street, Binghamton Dave Mason -| Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport The Doobie Brothers - 50th Anniversary Tour - |St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Julius Caesar -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | One of Shakespeare’s great tragedies, which ISC has never performed outdoors. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca

Mon, June 20 Brandy Clark |- Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer

Tue, June 21 Sydney Irving |- Broome County Music In The Park | 6:00 p.m. | Binghamton George Thorogood & The Destroyers & GA-20 -| Anderson Center for the Performing Arts | 7:00 p.m. | 4400 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal 2 02 2

Wed, June 22 Mythaca 2022: A Dance & Healing Arts Campout - |Arnot Forest | 1:00 p.m. | 611 County Rd 13, Van Etten | Runs 6/22-26. Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Louiston - | 6:00 p.m. | Newfield | Free Homer Summer Concert Series |- Village Green | 7:00 p.m. | Cortland Old Timers Band. | Homer | Free Judy Collins - |Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca CRT Presents: Over the River and Through the Woods -| Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | A 50th Anniversary revival of CRT’s most beloved play! This hysterical comedy is for, and about, the whole family! Nick is a young Italian American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sun. That is until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Thu, June 23 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Free Booty Institute | Free Steely Dan - Earth After Hours |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:30 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Syracuse Jazz Fest - |Clinton Square | 7:30 p.m. | 161 W Genesee St, Syracuse Maren Morris: Humble Quest Tour -| CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs


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1 1



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Your Full Service Liqour Store

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of Wine and Spirits. theLIQUOR Visit FallS Boland Thomas Vineyards/Cayuga 55 East AVA gift.” gift.” of Wine and Spirits. lake. drop-in classes are ideal Including New York Wines. Restaurant Specials Thatgift giftofofofthe the SunnyPoint Point lake. drop-in classes are ideal forfo lake. drop-in classes are ideal That Sunny That gift the Sunny Point Main ST. 55 East Award Winning Big names in the art world who have who can’t attend on aregul regu grounds was bestowed by the late Dr. Big Bignames namesininthe theart artworld worldwho whohave have who whocan’t can’tattend attendonona aregular Restaurant Specials Serving Estate wines Including New York Wines. grounds was bestowed by the late Dr. grounds was bestowed by the late Dr. Friday night Fish Fry or Strip Steak Main ST. made from Cabernet Franc, Mon-Fri: Pub Fries, Pretzels and Beer Open 7 Days a Week.... Haddock fried or broiledBurgers, Cabernet• Sauvignon Cheese, Taco’s, Quesadillas, 607-387-7151 Mike James Owner w/sides... $12.99 Salads and more. Riesling Varietals Open 7and Days a Week.... Sunday morning breakfast GetReady Readyfor forGraduation, Graduation,Reunions, Reunions, Family Friends Get Family &&& Friends Get Ready for Graduation, Reunions, Family Friends Serving until 11am every 607-387-7151 • Mike James Owner Now at our new tasting room Friday night Fishweekend Fry TRUMANSBURG Haddock fried or broiled w/sides... $14 Enjoy our abundance in downtown Trumansburg Our Shur-Save Meat Department our abundance ofT-Burg Enjoy our abundance ofof Shur-Save Carrying a wide variety Book online for discount! Enjoy Our T-Burg Meat Department Our T-Burg Shur-Save Meat Department farm fresh fruits, veggies

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Summertime Summertime Fun Fun Starts Starts Here! Here It’s aa friend, friend, It’s Full Service all smiles smiles and and aa YourLiqour all LIQUOR isrenowned renowned inthe the region a"cut "cut above the rest". isisrenowned ininthe region asasas a a"cut above the rest". region above the rest". Store of Wine and Spirits. We Have Your Grill Covered! We Have Your Grill Covered! We Have Your Grill Covered! 55 East sip of of wine... wine... Book tee time online for discount sip Including New York Wines. Main ST. TRUMANSBURG it’s Summertime! it’s Summertime!Carrying a wide variety LIQUOR farm farmfresh freshfruits, fruits,veggies veggies

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of Wine and Spirits. Including New York Wines.

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When in When in Lakes Lea L TheTrumansburg beautiful Finger Locally owned and operated for over 36 years. produced breads, tbu Locally owned and operated for over 3636 years. Locally owned and operated for over years. produced breads, produced breads, tburgs tburg We are your Neighbors! Trumansburg cheese, coffee, dairy, We are your Neighbors! We are your Neighbors! region’s best do aschoice the for a cheese, coffee, dairy, cheese, coffee, dairy, 7DAYS DAYS A WEEK- - vegan -7vegan 7am am to 10 pm• •2085 •2085 2085 Route 96, Truma vegan specialties. do as the 7 A WEEK am to 10 pm Route 96, Trumans 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 to 10 pm Route 96, Truman specialties. specialties. perfect round of golf ’Burgers do... Artisan favorites Artisan Artisanfavorites favorites ’Burgers do...

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The It hac a Ti m es / Sum m er It hac a 2 02 2 The Ithaca Times / Summer Ithaca 2 019

2085Route Route96 96 2085 2085 Route 96 Trumansburg,NY NY Trumansburg, Trumansburg, NY

Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Anniversary revival of CRT’s most beloved play! This hysterical comedy is for, and about, the whole family! Nick is a young Italian American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sun. That is until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Sun, June 26

Fri, July 1

Montezuma Half Marathon, 10k, 5k – Savannah, NY - |Savannah Fire Station | 8:00 a.m. | 1770 NY 89, Savannah Bruce Hornsby - |Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport

Tue, June 28

The Chicks - St. Joseph’s Amphitheater at Lakeview in Syracuse once again has a full line-up of well-known musicians performing there this summer. The Chicks will be there on June 29. (Photo: Facebook) of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Over the River and Through the Woods -| Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | A 50th Anniversary revival of CRT’s most beloved play! This hysterical comedy is for, and about, the whole family! Nick is a young Italian American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sun. That is until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Fri, June 24 Cinderella Eats Rice and Beans: A Salsa Fairytale -| Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Frenchy and the Punk - New York Faerie Festival | 11:00 a.m. | 2195 NY-79, Harpursville Syracuse Jazz Fest - |Clinton Square | 7:30 p.m. | 161 W Genesee St, Syracuse Arthropods Through Time Tour |- Museum of the Earth | 11:00 a.m. | The tour will last 30 – 60 minutes as we lead you through time and reveal interesting facts of arthropod evolution. From insects to trilobites discover the interesting world of

arthropods! | 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96), Ithaca A Great Wilderness -| Cherry Artspace | 7:30 p.m. | Presented by Homecoming Players. After decades as the gentle-natured leader of a Christian retreat that endeavors to “cure” gay teens, Walt is preparing for a reluctant retirement when his final client quietly disappears into the remote Idaho wilderness. | Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Catch Me If You Can -| MerryGo-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Portrayed onscreen by Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio, and based on the unbelievable true story of one of the most famous con artists in history, Frank Abagnale Jr., this show is a rousing musical set during the jet age of the 60s. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Sat, June 25 Cinderella Eats Rice and Beans A Salsa Fairytale | Hangar Theatre - | 10:00 a.m. | Ithaca Family Day: Celebrating SixLegged Science - |Museum of the Earth | 10:00 a.m. | Get ready to bug out! In celebration of the new Six-Legged Science exhibit and International Insect Week, bring the family and join us for an insectthemed family day, hosted by PRI, with special events at the Museum of the Earth and Cayuga Nature Center! | 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96), Ithaca Over the River and Through the Woods -| Little York Lake Theatre The

& Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | A 50th Anniversary revival of CRT’s most beloved play! This hysterical comedy is for, and about, the whole family! Nick is a young Italian American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sun. That is until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble School Girls ; or the African Mean Girls Play -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca CNY Pride Festival - |Inner Harbor | 11:00 a.m. | 408-456 Solar St, Syracuse A Great Wilderness -| Cherry Artspace | 7:30 p.m. | Presented by Homecoming Players. After decades as the gentle-natured leader of a Christian retreat that endeavors to “cure” gay teens, Walt is preparing for a reluctant retirement when his final client quietly disappears into the remote Idaho wilderness. | Hurricane Diane |- Kitchen Theatre Company | 7:30 p.m. | In the suburbs of the Garden State, the Greek God Dionysus returns from the heavens in the guise of a butch gardener named Diane, who’s hell-bent on reversing climate change and restoring earthly order by seducing a band of mortal followers. Runs June 8-26. | 417 W. State / W. MLK, Jr. Street, Ithaca Palmyra Macedon Conservatory of Dance. |- Smith Opera House | 1:00 p.m. | Enjoy an afternoon of dance in a wide variety of styles performed by the talented students of the Palmyra Macedon Conservatory of Dance. | 82 Seneca Street, Geneva | $10.00 The Zombies |- Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport Syracuse Jazz Fest - |Clinton Square | 7:30 p.m. | 161 W Genesee St, Syracuse The Black Crowes Present: Shake Your Money Maker -| CMAC | 7:30 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua It hac a

Ti m es


Syracuse Mets vs. Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs - |NBT Bank Stadium | 6:35 p.m. | 1 Tex Simone Dr, Syracuse James Taylor -| CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua

Wed, June 29 Homer Summer Concert Series |Village Green | 7:00 p.m. |Ageless Jazz Band. | Homer | Free Summer Carnival |- The Discovery Center of Southern Tier | 6:00 a.m. | 60 Morgan Rd, Binghamton The Chicks & Patty Griffin - |St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 6:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats w/ Antibalas - |Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 7:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Melvins |- Westcott Theater | 7:00 p.m. | 524 Westcott St, Syracuse Over the River and Through the Woods -| Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | A 50th Anniversary revival of CRT’s most beloved play! This hysterical comedy is for, and about, the whole family! Nick is a young Italian American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sun. That is until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Tedeschi Trucks Band - Wheels of Soul 2022 - |CMAC | 6:30 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua The Marshall Tucker Band - |Tioga Downs | 8:00 p.m. | 2384 West River Rd, Nichols | $20.00 Over the River and Through the Woods -| Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | A 50th Anniversary revival of CRT’s most beloved play! This hysterical comedy is for, and about, the whole family! Nick is a young Italian American living in New York City who meets both sets of grandparents for dinner every Sun. That is until he accepts his dream job in Seattle. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Sat, July 2 Sydney Irving - |New York State Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse

Sun, July 3 Three Dog Night -| Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport

Tue, July 5 Machine Gun Kelly - Mainstream Sellout Tour |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:30 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $30.00 - $169.50

Wed, July 6 CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Homer Summer Concert Series |- Village Green | 7:00 p.m. | Rocky Bottom Trio w/ Chad Dean.. | Homer | Free

Thu, July 7 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | New Planets | Free Music in Myers Park: Backtalk ftg Hannah Martin - | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free Finger Lakes Wine Festival - |Various Wineries in Finger Lakes Region | 12:00 a.m. | For list of wineries and events, visit https://www.flwinefest. com/ | CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Fri, July 8 KIDDSTUFF: Three Little Birds -| Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | No matter how many times Mama says “Don’t worry!”eleven-year-old Ziggy can’t stop thinking about the scary things he might encounter around his home on the beautiful island of Jamaica,. A story about conquering fear and embracing life, love, and music. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca The Little Mermaid -| Pavilion Theatre at Little York Lake | 10:00 a.m. | An inspiring version of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Little Mermaid! The story follows the adventures of a mermaid who wishes to become human and win the heart of a human prince. | Preble Phil Lesh -| Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 6:30 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Morgan Wallen: The Dangerous Tour -| St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $30.00 - $169.50 Umphrey’s McGee -| Papermill Island Amphitheater | 7:30 p.m. | Baldwinsville CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00

Thu, June 30 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Vee Da Bee & Pride Week | Free The Brothers Comatose - |Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | Whether traveling to gigs on horseback or by tour bus, Americana mavens The Brothers Comatose forge their own path with raucous West Coast renderings of traditional bluegrass & country. | 82 Seneca Street, Geneva | $25.00 Over the River and Through the Woods -| Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | A 50th Sum m er

It hac a

Three Little Birds: A Reggae Musical - The Hangar Theatre’s KIDDSTUFF program always has a number of shows for the littlest theater enthusiasts. This one sounds fun for all ages! Showing July 8 and 9. 2 02 2


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Sat, July 9

KIDDSTUFF: Three Little Birds -| Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | No matter how many times Mama says “Don’t worry!”eleven-year-old Ziggy can’t stop thinking about the scary things he might encounter around his home on the beautiful island of Jamaica,. A story about conquering fear and embracing life, love, and music. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Treasure Island - |Pavilion Theatre at Little York Lake | 10:00 a.m. | Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island is a tale of “buccaneers and buried gold” in the classic conflict of good versus evil. | Preble CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Lynyrd Skynyrd -| Big Wheels Keep On Turnin’ Tour - St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $29.50 - $554.50 Finger Lakes Wine Festival - |Various Wineries in Finger Lakes Region | 12:00 a.m. | For list of wineries and events, visit https://www.flwinefest. com/ |

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Sun, July 10 Keith Urban: The Speed of Now World Tour -| CMAC | 7:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua Finger Lakes Wine Festival - |Various Wineries in Finger Lakes Region | 12:00 a.m. | For list of wineries and events, visit https://www.flwinefest. com/ |

Dr. Mary B. Boardman Doctor of Ministry M.A. In Marriage and Family Therapy Studied at The Robert Monroe Institute for Sound/Energy

Tue, July 12 Syracuse Mets vs. Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp - |NBT Bank Stadium | 6:35 p.m. | 1 Tex Simone Dr, Syracuse Death Cab for Cutie & illuminati hotties -| Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 7:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette

34 years specializing in Transpersonal Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Sound and Energy Medicine, and Interfaith Spiritual Direction.

Wed, July 13 Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Jessie Gray - | 6:00 p.m. | Newfield | Free Homer Summer Concert Series |Village Green | 7:00 p.m. | Stiv Morgan | Homer | Free CHEER Live - |St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:30 p.m. | Cheer Live 2022 will include cast members from both seasons of Cheer, while also introducing fans to a few new faces. Navarro alums Gabi Butler, Morgan Simianer, and

607-279-6858 South Hill Business Campus, Suite 202-R, 950 Danby Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 26


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Cassadee Dunlap will all be appearing, along with veterans James Thomas, Madison Brum, and Gillian Rupert. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $30.00 - $169.50 The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Thu, July 14 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Kitestring | Free Music in Myers Park: Tailor Made | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free ABBA: The Concert -| Del Lago Resort & Casino | 8:00 p.m. | 1133 NY-414, Waterloo, Waterloo CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Fri, July 15 Luke Bryan: Raised Up Right Tour 2022 |- CMAC | 7:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Sat, July 16 Everclear |- Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport An Evening with Jackson Browne - |CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua 2 02 2

CRT Presents: Kiss Me Kate - |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | July 6-16. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Sun, July 17 Paul Davie -| Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 1:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds - |CMAC | 7:30 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua

Wed, July 20 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Cortadito & Grassroots Festival | Free Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Two Gentlemen of Verona -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | A play that ISC has never produced in any form -- a sparkling romantic comedy featuring smart women, foolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of course, a bit with a dog... | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca Murder on the Orient Express |Little York Lake Pavilion & Theater | 7:30 p.m. | By Agatha Christie, Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig. The regional premiere of Christie’s classic mystery. A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Homer Summer Concert Series |- Village Green | 7:00 p.m. |Doc Weismore w/ Real Country | Homer | Free 178th Seneca County Fair - | Corner of Swift Street and North Road | 12:00 a.m. | Waterloo

Thu, July 21 Curbstone Festival & Sidewalk Sales - |Village of Skaneateles | 9:00 a.m. | Genesee, Jordan and Fennell streets, Skaneateles | Free Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | The very first play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation

and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca Music in Myers Park: Cruise Control -| Myers Park | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Murder on the Orient Express |Little York Lake Pavilion & Theater | 7:30 p.m. | By Agatha Christie, Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig. The regional premiere of Christie’s classic mystery. A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Righteous Brothers |- Tioga Downs | 8:00 p.m. | 2384 West River Rd, Nichols | $20.00 - $40.00 30th Annual Grassroots Festival - Trumansburg Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 75 bands on 4 stages! | Trumansburg 178th Seneca County Fair - | Corner of Swift Street and North Road | 12:00 a.m. | Waterloo

Fri, July 22 Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Air Supply -| Anderson Center for the Performing Arts | 7:00 p.m. | 4400 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal I Love the 90’s ftg.Tone Loc, Coolio, Rob Base, Young MC, & Vanilla Ice -| Tag’s Summer Stage | 12:00 a.m. | Big Flats Murder on the Orient Express |Little York Lake Pavilion & Theater | 7:30 p.m. | By Agatha Christie, Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig. The regional premiere of Christie’s classic mystery. A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Two Gentlemen of Verona -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | A play that ISC has never produced in any form -- a sparkling romantic comedy featuring smart women, foolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of course, a bit with a dog... | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca

Finger Lakes Wine Festival - Runs July 7 through 10 at Watkins Glen International. The event offers camping along with all of the tastings, food, vendors, and music. (Photo: Facebook) The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn 30th Annual Grassroots Festival - Trumansburg Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 75 bands on 4 stages! | Trumansburg 178th Seneca County Fair - | Corner of Swift Street and North Road | 12:00 a.m. | Waterloo

Sat, July 23

What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | The very first play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca 30th Annual Grassroots Festival - Trumansburg Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 75 bands on 4 stages! | Trumansburg 178th Seneca County Fair - | Corner of Swift Street and North Road | 12:00 a.m. | Waterloo

Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Ithaca Two Gentlemen of Verona -| Robert The Hunchback of Notre Dame H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 A play that ISC has never produced p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, in any form -- a sparkling romantic this sweeping score and powerful comedy featuring smart women, story create a night of magical thefoolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of atre. In 15th century Paris, deformed course, a bit with a dog... | 105 Enfield bellringer Quasimodo yearns to Falls Rd., Ithaca explore life beyond the confines of 30th Annual Grassroots Festival Notre Dame. When he encounters a - Trumansburg Fairgrounds | beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Begins Soon! Picking Season Road, Auburn rries- June 20 U-pick strawbe Murder on the ly 1 raspberries - Ju Orient Express July 1 sweet cherries 15 - |Little York Blueberries July 20 ly Ju nts rra Lake Pavilion & cu Red Theater | 7:30 daily Farm Store open oduce, p.m. | By Agatha n pr ow r ou e tur fea We Christie, Adapted d cheeses maple syrup, an local honey and ts and kitchen gadgets, for the stage Lots of unique gif stonewall kitchen by Ken Ludwig. it, fresh picked fru s. sauces and mixe The regional jellies and jams, premiere of Goose Street, Locke Christie’s classic mystery. A story 315-497-1347 of romance, Take Rt. 34 . 12 miles look for our sign tragedy, and M-Fri 8-6 • Sat 8-5 • Sun 10-5 primal murder.

Sun, July 24


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12:00 a.m. | 75 bands on 4 stages! | Trumansburg

Tue, July 26 Syracuse Mets vs. Omaha Storm Chasers - NBT Bank Stadium | 6:05 p.m. | 1 Tex Simone Dr, Syracuse The Cult: We Own The Night |Crouse Hinds Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 421 Montgomery St, Syracuse | $35.50 - $90.50 147th Broome County Fair |Broome County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | Whitney Point

Wed, July 27 Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | The very first play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca

KROCK presents: Halestorm And The Pretty Reckless With Special Guests |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 6:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $30.00 - $169.50 Homer Summer Concert Series |- Village Green | 7:00 p.m. | M7 . | Homer | Free Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Home Remedy| - Mill Park | 6:00 p.m. | Newfield | Free Halestorm & Lilith Czar & The Pretty Reckless & The Warning |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Jeff Allen Tour - “Are We There Yet” -| Funny Bone Syracuse | 7:30 p.m. | 306 Hiawatha Blvd West, Syracuse The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Thu, July 28 The Little Mermaid -| Pavilion Theatre at Little York Lake | 10:00 a.m. | An inspiring version of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Little Mermaid! The story follows the adventures of a mermaid who wishes to become human and win the heart of a human prince. | Preble CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Stone Cold Miracle | Free Music in Myers Park: Iron

Horse |- Myers Park | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Two Gentlemen of Verona -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | A play that ISC has never produced in any form -- a sparkling romantic comedy featuring smart women, foolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of course, a bit with a dog... | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Murder on the Orient Express |Little York Lake Pavilion & Theater | 7:30 p.m. | By Agatha Christie, Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig. The regional premiere of Christie’s classic mystery. A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble The Book Club Play Theater -| Bristol Valley Theater | 8:00 p.m. | 151 S Main St, Naples | $19.00 - $40.00


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Lyle Lovett and His Large Band |- The Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | 82 Seneca Street, Geneva Skaneateles Festival: The Miro Quartet & David Shifrin -| Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles

Fri, July 29 KIDDSTUFF: Dragons Love Tacos |- Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Upcycled Cinderella |- Little York Lake Theater & Pavilion | 10:00 a.m. | When the scheduled performers fail to arrive for the day’s performance, the janitors “Dustmop” and “Binny” decide to take over and create a hilarious take on the classic fairy tale! | Preble Spin Doctors -| Anderson Center for the Performing Arts | 8:00 p.m. | 4400 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal The High Kings - |Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | The very first play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed

Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Two Gentlemen of Verona -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | A play that ISC has never produced in any form -- a sparkling romantic comedy featuring smart women, foolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of course, a bit with a dog... | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca The Hunchback of Notre Dame |- Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Based on the Victor Hugo novel, this sweeping score and powerful story create a night of magical theatre. In 15th century Paris, deformed bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

bellringer Quasimodo yearns to explore life beyond the confines of Notre Dame. When he encounters a beautiful gypsy, his sights are set. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Murder on the Orient Express |Little York Lake Pavilion & Theater | 7:30 p.m. | By Agatha Christie, Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig. The regional premiere of Christie’s classic mystery. A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble Skaneateles Festival: The Miro Quartet -| Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles

Sat, July 30

Sun, July 31

Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 -| Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca

Run to the Summit Trail Fest | Greek Peak Mountain Resort | 12:00 a.m. | 2000 Rt. 392, Cortland Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra -| Robert H. Treman State Park | 6:00 p.m. | The very first play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women. | 105 Enfield Falls Rd., Ithaca

Route 90 Garage Sale - | 9:00 a.m. | Cortland Don McLean -| Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport Matchbox Twenty & The Wallflowers -| St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Skaneateles Festival: Silkroad Ensemble with Rhiannon Giddens -| Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles

Tue, August 2

Murder on the Orient Express |Little York Lake Pavilion & Theater | 7:30 p.m. | By Agatha Christie, Adapted for the stage by Ken Ludwig. The regional premiere of Christie’s classic mystery. A story of romance, tragedy, and primal murder. What better way to spend a pleasant evening? | Preble

Andrew Bird |- Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 7:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Incubus with Very Special Guest Sublime with ROME |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $18.75 - $119.50

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Ithaca Shakespeare Company - The ISC is celebrating its 20th season this year! Antony and Cleopatra and The Two Gentleman of Verona will run alternately during the latter half of July at their delightful outdoor space at Robert H Treman State Park. (Photo: Facebook) The Happy Together Tour Featuring The Turtles, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, The Association, The Buckinghams, The Vogues, and The Cowsills, - |Tag’s Summer Stage | 12:00 a.m. | Big Flats 180th Chemung County Fair -| Chemung County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 170 Fairview Rd, Horseheads

Wed, August 3 CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Homer Summer Concert Series |Village Green | 7:00 p.m. | Travis Rocco | Homer | Free 180th Chemung County Fair -| Chemung County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 170 Fairview Rd, Horseheads

Thu, August 4 ‘CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Fall Creek Brass Band | Free Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3 | - Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 2:00 p.m. | The latest class to be unveiled in this sinfully funny series. After teaching countless students about the saints, venial sins, limbo and more, Sister is now offering up hilarious lessons on the Sacraments of Marriage and the Last Rites, including her own wacky version of the Newlywed Game. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Rockzilla Tour with Papa Roach and Falling in Reverse -| St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 6:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Music in Myers Park: Bad Alibi -| Myers Park | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Sam Hunt - |CMAC | 7:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua Skaneateles Festival: The Brass Project & David Higgs - |VariSum m er

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ous - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles 180th Chemung County Fair -| Chemung County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 170 Fairview Rd, Horseheads

Fri, August 5 Skaneateles Festival: KidsFest with The Brass Project |- Various - Check schedule | 11:00 a.m. | The Brass Project invites kids of all ages to explore the question: Can music transport us somewhere else? And is it possible to imagine detailed images and places just by listening to the music? At the end, kids have the opportunity to see and touch the shiniest of all instruments. | Skaneateles | Free Til Death Do Us Part: Late Nite Catechism 3 | - Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 2:00 p.m. | See 8/4. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Cedric the Entertainer -| Del Lago Resort & Casino | 8:00 p.m. | 1133 NY-414, Waterloo, Waterloo Skaneateles Festival: Ayano Ninomiya & Maxim Lando |Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Watkins Glen Italian American Festival -| Clute Park | All day | Watkins Glen 180th Chemung County Fair -| Chemung County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 170 Fairview Rd, Horseheads

Sat, August 6 Arts off Main Festival -| McNeil Building | 10:00 a.m. | 17 -29 Main St Ste 208, Cortland Skaneateles Festival: Maxim Lando; Xian Zhang, conductor; and the Festival Orchestra -| Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble 2 02 2

180th Chemung County Fair -| Chemung County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 170 Fairview Rd, Horseheads

Sun, August 7 Bill Knowlton’s Bluegrass Ramble Picnic -| Dwyer Memorial Park | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble 180th Chemung County Fair -| Chemung County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 170 Fairview Rd, Horseheads

Mon, August 8 Journey - |CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua

Tue, August 9 Hello Gone Days Tour 2022 -| Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 6:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Syracuse Mets vs. Buffalo Bisons |NBT Bank Stadium | 6:35 p.m. | 1 Tex Simone Dr, Syracuse Armor for Sleep & Dashboard Confessional & Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness -| Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 7:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Sean Kingston - |Crouse Hinds Theatre | 8:00 p.m. | 421 Montgomery St, Syracuse | $45.00 - $125.00

Wed, August 10 Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Good Dog -| Mill Park | 6:00 p.m. | Newfield | Free Homer Summer Concert Series |Village Green | 7:00 p.m. |Madd Daddy | Homer | Free Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca 111th Spencer Picnic -| Nichols Park | 12:00 a.m. | Spencer Tioga County Fair -| Tioga County Fairgrounds | All day | Owego CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble

Thu, August 11 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | The Big Takeover | Free Music in Myers Park: The Ampersand Project |- Myers Park | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Kenny Chesney: Here and Now Tour -| St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:30 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse It’s a Small World (or the Robot Play) | Bristol Valley Theater | 8:00 p.m. | 151 S Main St, Naples | $19.00 - $40.00 CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Skaneateles Festival: The Knights -| Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles Tioga County Fair -| Tioga County Fairgrounds | All day | Owego

Fri, August 12 Skaneateles Festival: KidsFest with The Knights -| Various - Check schedule | 11:00 a.m. | Join members of Brooklyn’s famed ensemble, The Knights, for an interactive program that features cinematic music by John Williams and Leonard Bernstein, as well as famous movie themes like “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” | Skaneateles 30th Annual Ithaca Artist Market -| Ithaca Farmers Market | 12:00 p.m. | The 2022 juried show and sale, will feature local and regional artists, community groups, food and wine, a boat tour, and jazz. | Ithaca Croce plays Croce -| Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion

| 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Skaneateles Festival: The Knights, Aaron Wunsch, Julia Bruskin, Alex Sopp -| Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles Tioga County Fair -| Tioga County Fairgrounds | All day | Owego

Sat, August 13 KROCK presents Alice In Chains x Breaking Benjamin + Bush -| St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 5:30 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $18.75 - $699.50 Skaneateles Festival: The Knights & Gil Shaham |- Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles Annual National Brockway Truck Parade -| Village of Homer | CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Tioga County Fair -| Tioga County Fairgrounds | All day | Owego

Sun, August 14 Courtney Barnett & Faye Webster & Hana Vu & Snail Mail |- Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 5:30 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette An Evening with Adrian Belew |- Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer

Tue, August 16 Sharon Van Etten |- Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 6:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette

Wed, August 17 Santana + Earth, Wind & Fire: Miraculous Supernatural Tour |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:00 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse Chris Stapleton’s All-American Road Show - |CMAC | 7:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American

heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca

Thu, August 18 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Empire Kings | Free JazzCNY - Jazz in the City - |Thornden Park | 6:00 p.m. | Thornden Park Dr, Syracuse Music in Myers Park: City Limits |Myers Park | 6:30 p.m. | Lansing | Free Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Dermot Kennedy Special Headline Dates -| Landmark Theatre | 8:00 p.m. | 362 S Salina St, Syracuse | $35.50 - $45.50 Skaneateles Festival: Catalyst Quartet & Karen Slack |- Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Fri, August 19 Zac Brown Band - DICK’S Sporting Goods Open |- En-Joie Golf Course | 8:00 p.m. | 722 W Main St, Endicott | $85.00 Skaneateles Festival: Catalyst Quartet & Karen Slack |- Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles

CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca 29th Chenango Blues Festival -| Chenango County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | Headlined by Jimmie Vaughan, who will be joined on the Infield Stage by a diverse group of award-winning artists. The Tent Stage will also be home to performances from artists representing wide-ranging blues styles and regions. | 168 E Main St, Norwich Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Sat, August 20 The Great Leap -| Hangar Theatre | 2:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca The SteelDrivers |- Point of the Bluff Vineyards | | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport The Decemberists |- Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 7:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble Hangar Flight Test: Trans Am |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Skaneateles Festival: Catalyst Quartet & Karen Slack - Various |- Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles

Tue, August 23 Syracuse Mets vs. Worcester Red Sox -| NBT Bank Stadium | 6:35 p.m. | 1 Tex Simone Dr, Syracuse Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg


NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Chevelle -| NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Brad Paisley: World Tour 2022 |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:30 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $35.25 - $190 Amy and the Orphans at Bristol Valley Theater -| Bristol Valley Theater | 8:00 p.m. | 151 S Main St, Naples | $19.00 - $40.00 Kathleen Edwards -| Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: The Art of Rap ftg. Ice-T - |NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

Fri, August 26 KIDDSTUFF: Red Riding Hood |Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Niko Moon |- NYS Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Hangar Flight Test: Within Elsewhere |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca

Wed, August 24

Donna the Buffalo -| Choconut Inn | 8:00 p.m. | 10 Quaker Lake Rd, Friendsville

Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Freight |- Mill Park | 6:00 p.m. | Newfield | Free

Sawyer Brown - |Tioga Downs | 8:00 p.m. | 2384 West River Rd, Nichols | $30.00 - $40.00


Wed, August 31 NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Nelly -| NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

Thu, September 1 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | ARTIST HERE | Free The 85 South Show Live - Ghetto Legends 2: Unfinished Business -| The Oncenter | 8:00 p.m. | 800 South State St., Syracuse | $45.00 - $245.00 Daryl Hall & John Oates |- CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Riley Green |- NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

Fri, September 2 NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Tai Verdes |- NYS Fairgrounds | 1:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

Cayuga Lake Collection, 30 paintings 743 Snyder Hill Road, Ithaca Open Daily by App’t 1st Sat. Open Studio Reception 11-4

Personal. Powerful. Protection.

BRIAN KEELER: “Cayuga Lake Luminosity” oil on linen on panel (also available as a ltd. ed. giclee print)

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NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Boyz II Men - |NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

Paintings by Brian Keeler


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Mon, August 29


With Offices in Vestal & Whitney Point, NY and Montrose, PA


NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Foreigner -| NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | ARTIST HERE | Free

121 E. Buffalo Street, Ithaca, NY 14850

Sun, August 28

Thu, August 25

Michael R. May • Karen J. McMullen Lindsey L. Johnson

Lonnie Griffiths Music -| Ouaquaga Mountain Jam | 12:00 p.m. | Ouaquaga Indigo Girls - |Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport Dwight Yoakam & Old Crow Medicine Show -| CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua

Mary Chapin Carpenter -| Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | Geneva


Sat, August 27

NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Jimmie Allen -| NYS Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free


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607-323-7684 29

Illustration by Jim Houghton

Waterfalls of Tompkins County

Tompkins County has several waterfalls within its borders: Taughannock Falls, Route 89, Trumansburg • Buttermilk Falls, Route 13, Ithaca • Lucifer Falls, Robert H. Treman State Park, Route 327, Enfield • Ithaca Falls, Lake Street, Ithaca • Cascadilla Falls, University Avenue at Linn Street, Ithaca. Visit www.nysparks. com for more information.



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NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Gin Blossoms -| NYS Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: 24KGoldn |- NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free

Sat, September 3 Some Like it Hot at Hosmer Winery at Hosmer Winery - | 1:00 p.m. | Ithaca NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: COIN -| NYS Fairgrounds | 2:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Dropkick Murphys |- New York State Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse

Sun, September 4 City Girls -| New York State Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse | Free

Mon, September 5 Night Ranger -| New York State Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse | Free

Fri, August 19 Zac Brown Band - DICK’S Sporting Goods Open |- En-Joie Golf Course | 8:00 p.m. | 722 W Main St, Endicott | $85.00 Skaneateles Festival: Catalyst Quartet & Karen Slack |- Various - Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles 29th Chenango Blues Festival -| Chenango County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | Headlined by Jimmie Vaughan, who will be joined on the Infield Stage by a diverse group of award-winning artists. The Tent Stage will also be home to performances from artists representing wide-ranging blues styles and regions. | 168 E Main St, Norwich CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Sat, August 20 The Great Leap -| Hangar Theatre | 2:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca The SteelDrivers |- Point of the Bluff Vineyards | | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport

The Decemberists |- Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards | 7:00 p.m. | 2708 Lords Hill Road, LaFayette Skaneateles Festival: Catalyst Quartet & Karen Slack - Various |- Check schedule | 8:00 p.m. | Skaneateles 29th Chenango Blues Festival -| Chenango County Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | Headlined by Jimmie Vaughan, who will be joined on the Infield Stage by a diverse group of award-winning artists. The Tent Stage will also be home to performances from artists representing wide-ranging blues styles and regions. | 168 E Main St, Norwich CRT Presents: Mary Poppins |Little York Lake Theatre & Pavilion | 12:00 a.m. | 6799 Little York Lake Road, Preble State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn

Tue, August 23 Syracuse Mets vs. Worcester Red Sox -| NBT Bank Stadium | 6:35 p.m. | 1 Tex Simone Dr, Syracuse Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg

Wed, August 24 Newfield Music Series at Mill Park: Freight |- Mill Park | 6:00 p.m. | Newfield | Free NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Jimmie Allen -| NYS Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Mary Chapin Carpenter -| Smith Opera House | 8:00 p.m. | Geneva State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Chevelle -| NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg

Thu, August 25 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Rose & the Bros + Good Dog | Free The

Brad Paisley: World Tour 2022 |- St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview | 7:30 p.m. | 490 Restoration Way, Syracuse | $35.25 - $190 Amy and the Orphans at Bristol Valley Theater -| Bristol Valley Theater | 8:00 p.m. | 151 S Main St, Naples | $19.00 - $40.00 State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn Kathleen Edwards -| Center for the Arts of Homer | 8:00 p.m. | 72 S Main St, Homer NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: The Art of Rap ftg. Ice-T - |NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Fri, August 26 KIDDSTUFF: Red Riding Hood |Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Niko Moon |- NYS Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Hangar Flight Test: Within Elsewhere |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn The BBQ VI |3150 Agard Rd., Trumansburg | All Day | Dedicated to raising awareness of, in order to pass, the NY Health Act, which would provide Medicare for All NY State residents through a fun, conscious celebration of music, art food & vitality! Donna the Buffalo -| Choconut Inn | 8:00 p.m. | 10 Quaker Lake Rd, Friendsville Sawyer Brown - |Tioga Downs | 8:00 p.m. | 2384 West River Rd, Nichols | $30.00 - $40.00 Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Sat, August 27 It hac a

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Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Fri, September 2

Kiss Me Kate - Cortland Repertory Theatre is celebrating its 50th anniversary of Summer Theater at Little York Lake in Preble. Their revival of this American classic is just one of the shows they have this summer. (Photo: Provided) KIDDSTUFF: Red Riding Hood |Hangar Theatre | 10:00 a.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Lonnie Griffiths Music -| Ouaquaga Mountain Jam | 12:00 p.m. | Ouaquaga Indigo Girls - |Point of the Bluff Vineyards | 3:00 p.m. | 10489 County Route 76, Hammondsport Hangar Flight Test: Within Elsewhere |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca Dwight Yoakam & Old Crow Medicine Show -| CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn The BBQ VI |3150 Agard Rd., Trumansburg | All Day | Dedicated to raising awareness of, in order to pass, the NY Health Act, which would provide Medicare for All NY State residents through a fun, conscious celebration of music, art food & vitality! Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Sun, August 28 Hangar Flight Test: Within Elsewhere |- Hangar Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | 801 Taughannock Blvd., Ithaca NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Foreigner -| NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse Sum m er

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Mon, August 29 NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Boyz II Men - |NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Trumansburg Fair - |Trumansburg Fairgrounds | All Day | Route 96, Trumansburg The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Wed, August 31 CFCU Summer Concert Series -| Bernie Milton Pavilion | 6:00 p.m. | Gunpoets | Free NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Nelly -| NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Thu, September 1 The 85 South Show Live - Ghetto Legends 2: Unfinished Business -| The Oncenter | 8:00 p.m. | 800 South State St., Syracuse | $45.00 - $245.00 Daryl Hall & John Oates |- CMAC | 8:00 p.m. | 3355 Marvin Sands Drive., Canandaigua NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: Riley Green |- NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual 2 02 2

NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Tai Verdes |- NYS Fairgrounds | 1:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn NYS State Fair Chevy Court Concerts: Gin Blossoms -| NYS Fairgrounds | 6:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: 24KGoldn |- NYS Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Sat, September 3 Some Like it Hot at Hosmer Winery at Hosmer Winery - | 1:00 p.m. | Ithaca NYS State Fair Chevy Park Concerts: COIN -| NYS Fairgrounds | 2:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse | Free Dropkick Murphys |- New York State Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse State Fair -| Merry-Go-Round Playhouse | 7:30 p.m. | Set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, State Fair travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. | 6877 East Lake Road, Auburn The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Sun, September 4 City Girls -| New York State Fairgrounds | 8:00 p.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse | Free The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse

Mon, September 5 Night Ranger -| New York State Fairgrounds | 4:00pm. | 581 State Fair Blvd, Syracuse | Free The Great New York State Fair -| NYS Fairgrounds | 12:00 a.m. | 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Syracuse


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