ITLA Longhorn Drover September 2022

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Due to a technical difficulty the Vice President’s letter will be posted to Facebook in the next 2 days

Getthecrapknockedoffthebootsaheadoftime. money’sworthoutofthe“showboots”. Soinstead,justchecka fewdaysbeforeyouplantopackandmakesurethebootsare fairlyclean. Here’sagreatexample,I startedcleaningouttheshowboxlastweekendsincewehadn’t everorganizeditsincecountyfair. Wehadextrapapers,stall cardsandDIRTintheboxthatneededtobescoopedout. Ialso realizedwewereshortoneshowhalterandlongTWOshow halters! Timetodosometrading,exchangingandreturningtoget itbacktotherightfulownersandgetthehaltersweneedBEFORE werealizeitonshowdayandgointopanicmode!

Makesureyouhavethekids’showshirtsbackfromthedry cleaners! Ifyouareoneofthoseparentsthatlovetoiron,I commendyou. Iverymuchdislikeironingandfinditmucheasierto sendtheshirtstothedrycleaners. Digtheir“best”jeansoutoftheclosetandgetthempreppedfor showday. (Ifyoudidn’talreadysendthejeanswiththeshirtstothe drycleaners.) Ijustdigoutthebetterpairsofjeans,fluffthemin thedryerabit,thenfoldthemwithacreasedownthefrontofthe legs,andputthemoverahanger. Ialsofindit’sbesttogoahead andputtheminthegarmentbagNOW,orelsethekidswillbe wearingthemthedaybeforeweleave! (Mykidsstrugglewiththe conceptof“everydayjeans”and“goodjeans”,simplygrabbing whateverisontopofthelaundrypile!)


Mykidsare notoriousforgrabbingtheirbootsatthelastminute,onlytofind theyarecoveredincowpoopfromthelasttimetheyworked cattle! Isupposeonewayaroundthisistohave“workboots”and “showboots”,butmostkidsgrowsofastthatyou’dnevergetyour

Tips for fprepping or a show ten stock show prep must dos/ https://extensionusuedu/cache/files/Show_Box_Essentials.pdf

Preparesnacksorevenmealsthatcanbeeatenonthegowhileat theshow. Breakfastbars,freshfruit,andpeanutsarealwaysgotoitemsthatarepackeduptotaketoourstalls. Ialsopackupa coolerfullofbottledwater,andsomewaterflavormixes,because whowantstopay$2forabottleofwaterattheshow? Another thingIlovetodo,ifI’mnotcompletelyoverwhelmedinthefewdays precedingtheshow,istoprepareafeweasycrockpotmealsto tossinthecooler,andpackthecrockpotinthetrailer. Ikeepalittle plastictubofdisposableutensils,plates,bowls,andcupshandyto stickinthetraileraswell. Ialsostickinasmallfolduptable. Meatballsareafavoriteofmyfamilyandtheycaneasilymakea mealoutofmeatballsandchips. Anothereasymealwelikefor coolerweatherischili. Weoftenjusteatitoutofaredsolocup withaplasticspoon,sincewesometimesforgetthebowls! I’ve alsomadeupsloppyjoemixandshreddedroastbeforetowarmin thecrockpot,butthatmeansIhavetorememberbuns….andmake surethekidsarealittlemorecarefulabouthandwashing! Getthehealthpapersfromthevet.Thisshouldbeinboldletterson yourstockshowpreplist! Scheduleyourtimetostopbytheclinic foraquickinspectionandgetyourhealthpaperforyourevent. Savealittletimebygettingthenecessaryinfototheminadvance, likeacopyoftheregistrationpapersandanythingelsetheymight require. Puttogetherafolderorbinderwithallyourpaperwork. Iusethe foldersthathavethethreetabsinthemiddletoanchorinpapers sotheydon’tgoflyingoutwhenthekidstossdownthefolder. All thehealthpapersandregistrationpapersareslippedintosheet protectorsandfastenedintothebinder. Iprintalltheshowrules, schedules,copiesofentriesforms,etc.andpunchthemwitha3holepunchsothatIcanalsoattachtheminsidethefolder. Youjust neverknowwhatyoumightneedtoreferto,soItrytomakesure wehaveitall! Tips for fprepping or a show ten stock show prep must dos/ https://extensionusuedu/cache/files/Show_Box_Essentials.pdf

Cleanoutthetrailer. Ifyouarelikeus,weloadallofourequipment andsuppliesintothefrontendofourstocktrailerandthenthe cattlegointhebackend. Well,ourtrailerisalittlebitlikeourboots usedeveryday! So,besuretosendthekids(orthehusband)out withascoopshovelandwaterhosetoremovetheremnantsofthe lastweek’scattlehaulingproject! Planoutwhatyouneedtotakeforcattletie-outbeddingandstalls (ifyouhavetobringyourown)andgetitorganized. Preferably, loaditinthetraileradayaheadofthetravelday,ifyou’vegotthe trailercleanedupanddriedout. Showschedule RuleBook BrandInspectionpapersforsteeranddairyheiferexhibitors Rubberbootsforwashinganimals First-aidkit bandaids,handsanitizer,antiseptic, SafetyPins Papertowels,towels/rags Waterbuckets,feedpans Shovel,rake,broom,fork,wheelbarrow Stiffbrushforcleaningfeedpansandwaterbuckets Toolkit screwdriver,hammer,pliers,wire,ducttape,zipties, markers,garbagebagsLawnchairs WashingSupplies Soap ScrubbrushHose/sprayerBucket Extrahalter ShowHalter Showstick Neckropes Fans Whattopackinyourshowbox Tips for fprepping or a show ten stock show prep must dos/ https://extensionusuedu/cache/files/Show_Box_Essentials.pdf

TheEliteHeiferSaleisawayforour memberstosupporttheITLA’smissionsby donatingaheifertothesale.Thedonationis taxdeductibleandalltheproceedsgotothe ITLAandITLAprograms.Theproceedsare usedtohelpITLAcontinuetoprovide affordablememberservices,eventsand promotetheTexasLonghornBreed.The supportofITLAMembersandBreeders, suchasyourself,iswhatmakesITLAthe memberdrivenassociationthatitis.Wehope youwillshowyoursupportforITLAaswell aspromoteyourbreedingwiththedonationof aheifer. ThankYou

AhugeTHANKYOU toourearly EliteHeiferDonors FallsCreekLonghorns-Stan&SandiTidwell




AhugeTHANKYOUtoP&CCattleChutes forthedonationofaP&CChuteand2 LonghornHayRingstobeauctionedoff duringtheEliteHeiferSale

Doug Burris was introduced to the Texas Longhorn breed in 2014 in Barnesville, Ohio at Dickinson Cattle. He has worked for DCC ever since, where he now serves as the lead herdsman. Doug oversees as many as 1300 head of cattle where he fuels his passion for the breed. He has the unique opportunity to grow out as many as 400 calves a year and study them to maturity. Doug is an ITLA approved judge where he judges around the country.

Doug is an active member in the Ohio River Valley Texas Longhorn Association where he serves as the VP and his family heads up the Youth Program. Doug and his family are members of Bible Baptist Church of Byesville, where they teach Sunday School together. When Doug and his family are not busy doing pasture checks, halter breaking calves, or judging at shows they enjoy traveling out West.

Doug Burris lives in Cambridge, Ohio with his wife Sara, and their two kids; Lorelei and Leo. He raises their herd of Texas Longhorn Cattle, scattered across Guernsey County.

Doug studied Biology and Business at Muskingum University in New Concord, Ohio. His studies helped him to be able to undertake jobs at DCC including: AI, herd health and employee management. Doug and his family operate a small herd of longhorns outside of DCC. Burris Cattle has the opportunity to market show quality animals with the skills developed from their careers in the business. Doug uses AI to keep their herd of Longhorns competitive and marketable.

Russell and his wife, Felicia live in Kirbyville, TX on the family home place where Russell grow up. Russell is a fifth generation cattleman and has been working in the cattle industry for over 42 years. He has worked as a ranch manager, herdsman, custom cattle fitter & showman. While running his custom cattle fitting and showing service he produced numerous area and regional Champions, as well as World and National Champions. He works as a Herd Consultant, helping to build several successful breeding programs for a number of ranches over the years. He has an extensive background in bovine care and handling that has yielded successful results. Over the years he has put his background and knowledge to work managing the in-house embryo programs for several top Texas Longhorn herds. Russell enjoys being able to help people achieve their goals and dreams in the Texas Longhorn industry. While his primary experience has been working with Texas Longhorns, he grew up working on his family's cow-calf operation. Working alongside his father he learned how to handle all types of cattle. Russell and Felicia raise and maintain a herd of Longhorn cattle that are of the historic Butler bloodline. For Russell working with cattle is not just a job but a passion that he feels Blessed to be able to do. He also works with a number of top herds on their breeding and marketing programs through his Longhorn Round Up marketing service. Russell travels the country judging numerous Texas Longhorn shows each year including several of the major shows in the Longhorn industry. He is an approved ITLA and TLBAA judge. He has served as the Vice President and Secretary of ITLA (International Texas Longhorn Association) and served several years on the Breed Advisory Committee of TLBAA (Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America).

Rebecca and her family have been in longhorn business since 1989 located in the southeastern Ohio.

She is a career FFA & 4 H member and big supporter to this day. Still enjoys showing and judging cattle all over the country.

Rebecca runs the family farm where they raise a registered herd of Texas Longhorns & cross bred cattle. They also raise a variety of other animals for the Valley View Farms meat business. Farm to table is the idea behind all the beef pork, lamb, goat & pasture raised poultry that they raise.

She has 3 children Jayden, Ace & Reagan that also share the love of the cattle & agriculture

John Moxley

Marlene Reynolds Lake Russell Freeman

Ron Baca Travis Casey

The ITLA is offering a semen raffle. Pre ticket sales will be available, and you do not need to be present to win. To donate semen, please fill out the form and submit back to the ITLA office.

The 2022 ITLA Convention & Championship Show Awards Banquet will be free to attend, however meal tickets must be purchased. Click here to RSVP today! m/222487524015150

ThankyoutoourYouthsponso ! Arena Sponsor The Source Ultimate Youth Exhibitor Award Sponso Bull and Barrel Longhorns Premier Sponsor DuBose Bar-D Ranch Buckle Sponsor J-L Longhorns Cold Copper Ranch Public Speaking Contest Sponsor Bull and Barrel Longhorns Showmanship Sponsor The Longhorn Project Redeemed by Grace Ranch

The Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Leah Grove

Lone Star Longhorns

Grove Cattle Company

2M Miniature Longhorns

Bar O Cattle Company

Sharpshooter Livestock


Rolling Hills Ranch Longhorns

Air Trek Aircraft Charter & Luxury Travel Specialist

LE Longhorn Cattle Company

Cold Copper Ranch


Savannah Belle Farms

G3 Ranch & Mercantile

LE Longhorn Cattle Company

RBG Ranch

Larry and Heatherly Smith Welding Art and Decor

J L Longhorns

Bee's Knees Cattle Company

Victory Ranch Longhorns

Horns Up Ranch

Abel Longhorns


August 20, 2022 Dickinson Cattle Co hosted the Summer ORVTLA meeting at the ranch pavilion. The BOD was serious about growing the TL industry in Ohio and hardly anyone told any jokes or funny stuff. Normally Ed Callan has a personal story of getting hit by a big eyed steer and bowling him over with a waffleizing panel. Didn't hear that story this meeting. The show was a great success with best attendance ever. Lots of new members and volunteers for next year. Finances were strong under the watchful eye of president Jeff Morris.


In large iron skillet brown meat, add chopped onion, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Add Rotel tomatoes. Peel and cube potatoes, add to meat mixture and cook until well blended, but not dry about 10 minutes

4 5 good sized potatoes (cooked with jackets on)

This recipe was my Grandmother's, passed down to my Mom, and then to me It was one of my Grandfather's favorites, my Dad's favorites, and now one of Larry's favorites. Since Fall is quickly approaching and we in the Longhorn World are busy preparing for Champ Show, I thought this was the perfect dish to share this month. It's hearty, quick, and easy Oh, and the best part is it is written in my Grandmother's words. Enjoy!

2 pounds ground Longhorn meat salt & pepper garlic powder

My Grandmother always served it with her amazing homemade cornbread, and so the tradition has continued!

1 can Rotel tomatoes

1 medium onion (chopped)

*While this recipe is yummy just as it is, it is very easy to make variations I sometimes add in extra green chiles to give it a little more spice. I've used rice instead of the potatoes. If you want more veggies, you could toss in green beans or corn. Great any way!

Hamburger Skillet Dish

Youth!! Click here to vote for the ITLA Youth Officer Board https://form.jotfor 3040


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