July 2020 Longhorn Drover

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July 2020


The Official Online Magazine Of The International Texas Longhorn Association

y p p ! a H 4th y l Ju

Longhorn About the front cover Celebrating Independence


CONTENTS 4 6-7 9 14-30 33 42 68

Letter From The President

Calendar Of Events

Letter From The Office Manager

Trophy Steer Submissions

Youth Spotlight

CTTLA Show Results John Hodges

Letter from the


Customer Service, Finances, or Both ?

During these new and difficult times we now find ourselves in, many businesses are struggling but the ITLA continues to increase at a high level. In a year when shows, sales, and events have been cancelled or postponed, each month the ITLA is performing a higher volume of work than in 2019. June 2020 numbers are up nearly 100% over June of 2019. I have been asked several times what I believe to be the reason for the continual and impressive upswing in the ITLA. Perhaps the ITLA’s continued success is due to the fact that even during shelter at home, member paperwork was still on a one week turnaround. In the ITLA you are not just a member, you are also a valued customer. Perhaps it is the financial integrity and stability the ITLA has in place. For 14 years the same independent financial service has provided the ITLA with consistent, current, and accurate accounting. The outside CPA has never given ITLA finances anything less than a thumbs up. Perhaps it is the financial strength the ITLA has in place. Thanks to the solid bank accounts, and the clear title on the only membership owned headquarters in Longhorn history, the ITLA’s capital is impressive with no debt on the books. Obviously, many items contribute to the success of the ITLA. I believe year after year what sets the ITLA apart is that the vision put in place 30 years ago is never forgotten or wavered from, that members are always the priority.If you know someone who could benefit from the customer service along with the financial integrity and strength that the ITLA has to offer, open the door so they also can fully enjoy their Longhorn experience the ITLA way.

2019-2020 Officers Russell Hooks Vice President & Secretary Term: 2020 McGregor, TX 409-381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com

Larry Smith II

John Moxley

President Term: 2020 Celina, TX 254-396-9185 larrypsmith2@yahoo.com

Treasurer Term: 2021 New Market, MD 240-446-9950 crosswrenchranch@msn.com

2019-2020 Board of Directors John Moxley

Director at Large #1 Term: 2021 New Market, MD 240-446-9950 crosswrenchranch@msn.com

Lizz Huntzberry

Region 2 Term: 2022 Smithsburg, MD 240-291-1952 lizzhuntzberry@yahoo.com

T.J. Farnsworth

Region 5 Term: 2019 Mountain Home, UT 435-503-5229 tj@chapman-const.com

James Eyman Region 8 Term: 2020 Marble Falle, TX 830-596-1604 ranchHQ@eblranch.com

Joel Dickinson

Gordon Musgrove

Dick Lowe

John Nelson

Director at Large #2 Term: 2020 Barnsville, OH 740-758-5858 joel_d@texaslonghorn.com

Region 3 Term: 2020 Horton, MI 517-688-3030 info@rrrlonghorns.com

Region 1 Term: 2020 Patricia, AB 403-363-1729 onetreeranch@gmail.com

Region 4 Term: 2021 Wellington, CO 970-897-2441 jnelson@enganalytics.com

Terry Brink

Region 6 Term: 2020 Frederick, OK 580-335-5732 brinkauction@gmail.com

Connie Olive

Region 7 Term: 2020 Big Sandy, TX 903-780-0665 connie_olive@aol.com

Joe Dowling Region 9 Term: 2021 Caldwell, TX 979-273-0277 dowlingoe@yahoo.com

calendar of events ORVTLA 23rd Annual Buckeye Classic

July 17-18, 2020 199 Vanover Streeet Wooster, OH 44691 Open Judge: Danielle Mershon Non-Halter Judge: Danielle Mershon Youth Judge: Doug Burris Contact - Amber Dunmire for more information... 330-231-0345

The Biggest Little Longhorn Futurity & Sale July 17-18, 2020 Reno, Nevada

Reno Rodeo Grounds

Contact - Melissa Boerst

melissa.boerst@gmail.com www.silversummitranch.com

* Live Streaming Sale - Hired Hands Live


July 31st - August 1st, 2020 1645 W Park Rd Greensburg, IN 47240 Decatur County Fair Grounds Youth Show Judge - Keith Scott Halter Show Judge - Lizz Huntzberry Contact - Courtney Tomey tomeyfarms2@gmail.com www.midwesttla.com

The Source Summer Showdown

August 7th-9th, 2020 Will Rogers Memorial Complex Fort Worth, Texas Contact - Ryan Culpepper 940-577-1753 *Open to all registered longhorns

Great Northern Classic

Cheesehead Futurity August 1st, 2020 Location - 5D Ranch Gresham, Wisconsin For more info please contact Dan Huntington 715-853-7608 or Ali Mast 715-495-4369

CTTLA Fall Shoot Out September 12th, 2020 3101 FM 51 - Decatur, TX Halter Judge - John Oliver Youth - Raelynn Stephens Show Chair -Danielle Mershon

East Coast Classic

September 11th-12th, 2020 Culpepper, VA.

Ray Bear Davidson 540-687-0050 Chase Vasut 512-917-8654

calendar of events 2020 Oregon State Fair

September 2020 Contact - Cindie Boyle 541-232-2558 More details coming soon...

Dickinson Cattle Co 2020 Customer Appreciation Day Sept 26th, 2020 Barnesville, OH 43713 www.texaslonghorn.com

Top of The West Idaho Show

September 2020- More details coming soon...

The Great Frederick Fair

September 2020 - More details coming soon...

MO KAN (BOTT)Fall Longhorn Sale

2020 ITLA Championship Show & Convention Celebrating 30 Years ! October 7th-10th, 2020 Sommervell County Expo 202 Bo Gibbs Blvd Glen Rose, Texas 76043

* Championship Halter Show * Championship Youth Show * Championship Non-Halter Show * Championship ITLA Longhorn Futurity * Miss ITLA Youth Contest * End of Year Awards Banquet * ITLA Convention * Annual Membership Meeting

September 2020 Passaic, MO More details soon...

* Miss ITLA Youth Queen Contest

Huson-Valentine Fort Worth Stockyards Sale

For more information contact the ITLA office at staff@itla.com

September 18th-19th, 2020 Fort Worth, Texas

* Scholarship Presentation

Judges - TBA

Official Chute of the International Texas Longhorn Association

P&C Cattle Pens & Chutes PCcattlepens.com

Letter from the

Office Manager


July is upon us already and I want to wish you all a happy and safe 4th of July. As we celebrate our independence and freedom, I hope you all pause to give thanks for the sacrifices made by so many brave men and women. With out them, we would not be the great Nation that we are today. While remembering those that contributed to the success of the United States of America, we should also be grateful for those that have made the ITLA a thriving association. As we look back on the 30 years that the ITLA has been operating, there are a lot of amazing members, directors, officers, affiliates, and staff that have unselfishly given of their time, talents, and love for the Texas Longhorn breed.

JOIN THE ITLA FUN ! * Youth membership $15 * Active memberships $60 * 10 Year memberships $400.00 * Lifetime memberships $700

The history of the ITLA is dear to us all. It has steered us in the direction we are headed today, it built a strong and firm foundation, and has prepared us for where the road is leading us. We should always remember where we started, learn from where we’ve been, and not be afraid to change and improve for the future. Lets continue to work together as a team as we carry on the legacy of our past, while creating new ideas to secure the years to come. ~ Preserving our history as we plan for tomorrow. Deuteronomy 32:7 ~ Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you. #ITLAstrong ! Until next time, see you all down the trail ! God Bless you all,

Cori Garcia ITLA Office Manager staff@itla.com

2020 ITLA Youth Scholarship Application ITLA Youth Name: _____________________________________ ITLA Youth Member # _______________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Street Town State Zip Code High School Graduation Date: ___________________________ High School Name: ____________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ How long have you been involved in the Texas Longhorn industry? __________________________________________ How long have you been an ITLA Youth member ? ___________ How many ITLA shows have you attended ? _______ College you plan on/are attending: __________________________________________Current GPA: ______________ Accepted? ____________________ Your planned major: __________________________________________________ Please include the following with your application: x x x x

2 letters of recommendation ( one letter from an educator and one letter from the Texas Longhorn industry ) Copy of your current transcript An essay describing what the Texas Longhorn industry means to you and how it has helped you with your future plans and goals. Use an additional page to list any awards or honors you have received.

Qualifications to apply for the ITLA Youth Scholarship: x x x x x x

Be a graduating high-school senior or college freshman that is still a qualified ITLA youth member. Must have attended at least one ITLA affiliate show. Must have attended at least one ITLA Championship show. Must be an ITLA youth member for at least 1 year by the 2020 Championship Show. If chosen, you must attend the 2020 Championship show and the awards banquet for the presentation. Application deadline is post marked by August 14th, 2020.

Please list any groups you are a member of or involved in: ( use a separate sheet if necessary ) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The ITLA Youth Scholarship recipient will be chosen from a designated ITLA committee. Please return your completed application with all the required material to the ITLA office: ITLA Attention Scholarship Committee PO Box 2610 Glen Rose, Texas 76043

Affiliates Great Lakes Texas LonghornAssociation Alberta Texas LonghornAssociation Cody Bailey, President Phone: (780) 361 - 8871 Email: albertatexaslonghorn@gmail.com

Best of Trails Texas LonghornAssociation John Dvorak, President Phone: (620) 382 - 2067 Email: jpdcrd33@netks.net

Johnny Hicks, President Phone: 269-721-3473 Email: hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com

IndianTerritoryTexas LonghornAssociation Robert Van Liew, President Phone: 405-420-1720 Email: vanliewranch@gmail.com

TheLonghornPosse Judi Walker, President Phone: 254-796-2135 Email: jfwtx@att.net

Northeast Texas LonghornAssociation Jodi King, President Phone: 717-475-5819 Email: latimorevalleyfarms@earthlink.net Website: www.netlalonghorns.com

OhioRiverValleyTexas LonghornAssociation Amber Dunmire, President Phone: 330-231-0345 Email: bonnieglenfarm@gmail.com

Canadian Texas Texas Longhorn LonghornAssociation Midwest Texas AssociationofOntario Deb Lesyk, President Phone: 306-867-3039 Flemmington, President LonghornAssociation Don Phone: 403-575-0114 Phone: 519-323-7982 Email: office@ctlalonghorns.com Website: www.ctlalonghorns.com

Tim Mills, President Phone: 419-606-6184 Email: mountainview_longhorns@yahoo.com

Email: don@trelanefarms.com

ChisholmTrailTexas TopoftheWestTexas LonghornAssociation MountainStatesTexas LonghornAssociation Danielle Mershon, President Seaman, President LonghornAssociation Shadow Phone: 254-630-0053 Phone: 208-420-2484 Email: danielle@whistlingtxlonghorn.com

Marlene Reynolds, President Phone: 719-510-2151 Email: cowgirlmama83@gmail.com Website: www.MSTLA.org

Email: victoryranch@earthlink.net

Have a safe and blessed 4th of July God Bless the USA!

The ITLA office will be closed July 3rd in observance of Independence Day.

Trophy Steers The ITLA is celebrating the month of July by honoring the Texas Longhorn trophy steer. In this issue you will find trophy steer submissions from our ITLA members. When you think of a trophy steer I am sure the first thing that comes to mind is traffic stopping horns, but there is so much more to a quality trophy steer. Conformation, color, great disposition, structure, and the ability to track properly is some of the characteristics that a trophy steer should posses. Proper structure and the ability to track correctly plays a big role in the longivity of a trophy steer. The main thing that I truly appreciate about the Texas Longhorn trophy steers is that not one of them is like the other. They are each unique in their own way, and when I see a trophy steer in the pasture walking around majestically, it is like walking back in time to the old west and watching these iconic animals in their natural element. In my experience, steers are a great choice for pasture pets, yard art, or whatever you like to call them. Let’s take a look at the ITLA members submissions and see what they have to say about what they look for when selecting a trophy steer. I hope you enjoy this section of the Longhorn Drover...

~ Cori Garcia Longhorn Drover Editor

VR Buckshot DOB: 11/22/2011 Sire: EVR Lucky Oklahoma Dam: Miss Liberty

Breeder: Victory Ranch Longhorns Owner: Victory Ranch Longhorns Shadow & Bonnie Seaman Location: Filer, Idaho We at Victory Ranch look for disposition and conformation when choosing our trophy steers.

Honcho 212 DOB: 5/26/2014 Sire: WS Jamakizm Dam: Stockton’s Overly Fine

Breeder: Chris & Charland Burton Owner: Andy & Amber Dunmire ~ Bonnie Glen Farm Location: Coshocton, OH. I just love trophy steers. My trophy steer herd is growing by the minute. When I am looking for my next trophy steer, color is one of the most important things. He has to be flashy and grab everyone’s attention. After I have decided if he has enough color, I look at the pedigree to see horn growth potential . I typically buy my steers as weanlings because I halter break all my animals. After color, horn is absolutely a must. People are just in awe of the big steers, especially if they are halter broke. Then confirmation. To live a long life he really needs to have a good solid body structure. Every herd needs a trophy steer in my opinion. They are a traffic stopper and are great conversation starters.

Elam DOB: 1/1/2008 Sire: Super Fielder Dam: Hilary’s Heaven

Breeder: Allen “Butch” Brantley Owner: Matt & Justine Reitenauer ~ J & M Ranch Location: Statesville, NC. We like to look for a Steer with height and a more streamlined body that accentuates their larger horn set. Symmetrical horn set is key for us and of course a temperament that allows close handling.

Real McCoy DOB: 02/16/2014 Sire: Winchester 465/9 Dam: TTT Patti Walker 2019 Youth & Non-Halter ITLA Championship ~ Grand Champion Steer

Owner: Rick, Cori, & Cody Garcia Rafter M Ranch Location: Hico, TX. At Rafter M Ranch we look for horn, color, disposition, conformation, and big personality in our trophy steers. Real McCoy represents all these attributes we look for and there is never a dull moment around this bug boy. He tracks properly and has correct structure that helps make him a great saddle steer and pasture pet.

Awesome Kaboom DOB: 04/07/2013 Sire: Awesome Black Cracker Dam: Awesome Sloane 2019 Open Halter ITLA Championship ~ Grand Champion Steer

Breeder: Butch & Kelly Geurin Owner: Larry & Heatherly Smith, II Location: Groesbeck, TX. Kaboom - 2 time Championship Show All Age Grand Haltered Steer Our goal is to raise steers that possess the combination of impressive horn, eye appeal color, and structural soundness. When selecting the next trophy steer, if it hurts removing a calf as a potential herd sire then odds are a trophy is on the way.

One Tuff Duck DOB: 2/6/2017 Sire: 585 Tuff Chex Dam: 585 Lucky Duck

Breeder: Austin Rohr Owner: Twisted Gypsy Longhorns Location: Durant, OK. We look for structurally correct steers that have a classy look with horn shape and genetics to back it up. Personality and demeanor is a huge one for us as we want them to be enjoyable by all.

Premier Crayon Kid RHR DOB: 6/10/2013 Sire: RRR The Coloneis Edge015 Dam: RHR Inez

Breeder: Red Hills Panch Owner: Heather Beck Canine, Cattle and Camel Ranch He is my only steer, 7 years old and had him since he was 1.5 years old. I love his color(spots and stripes), sweet temperament, and impressive horns! I think he is 1 in a million, but look forward to having more someday.

AA Sky Time DOB: 4/15/2013 Sire: Tempting Times Dam: Roundup’s Big Sky

Breeder: Jim & Jodi Small Owner: Doug Martin Windy Hill Farm Location: Lafayette, IN. What we look for in a trophy steer first and foremost is disposition, conformation and horn.

Nel-Tam King Tut DOB: 11/21/2016 Sire: J.R. Flash Dam: Nel-Tam Queen of Hearts

Breeder: Nelson & Tammy Hearn Owner: Adriana Norris Location: Richland, PA. What I look for in a trophy steer is good attitude, gentle, good horn and conformation with eye catching color.

LP Deuce DOB: 5/5/2014 Sire: 7 Bar Brandy Max Dam: 7 Bar Rio Ashley

Breeder: Davis Green Owner: Mickey & Mari Quillman Rockin Q Ranch Location: Ribera, NM. We look for the WOW factor, a gentle disposition, and trainability in our trophy steers !

Bubblegum DOB: 11/9/2013 Sire: Cowboy Grande Dam: D/O Rio’s Passion

Breeder: Deer Creek Longhorns Owner: Bruce & Sue Hazlewood Location: Burton, TX. What to look for in a good steer: Unique horn, nice color, good disposition

Premier All That Jazz DOB: 6/23/2009 Sire: J and R Productivity Dam: Bougainvillea 2/4

Breeder: Neal & Dee Dee Strauss Owner: Kimberly Henson Location: Newcastle, CA. I would like to present Premier All That Jazz, an 11year old saddle, trick trained, trail riding and special events steer. As he had been handled since a newborn calf, raised with his dam and in a herd, he responds to herd language; that is, the same cues and moving off pressure a horse learns, in riding. Premier All That Jazz (Cowboy Jazz) is a teachable spirit, enjoys going places and is a true teammate.

LMR Button Up Levi DOB: 4/1/2015 Sire: DG MR Cherokee Dam: DG Red Wrangler

Breeder: Carrie & Cy Sonderer Owner: Robert & Cindy Manion Long M Ranch Location: Wills Point, TX. I look for a well balanced steer. One that is impressive in height, weight & horn. One that commands his space. A steer that walks into a place and says, I have arrived! But also has the demeanor to be scratched and cubed. Levi has all these traits.

Camp Boss DOB: 2/11/2015 Sire: Cowboy Tuff Chex Dam: 3S Tari’s TD

Breeder: Alan Sparger, III Owner: Jason Moore Location: Arlington, TX. What I see in a trophy steer: Big body and color with good horn base and length.

Rural Royalty “Otis” DOB: 12/1/2016 Sire: JH Rurally Screwed Dam: RKJ Flash’s Whiskey Girl 2019 ITLA Championship Show Non-Halter Champion Junior Steer

Breeder & Owner : Roger Cole ShoMe Longhorns Location: Marshfield, MO. The old Stand-by of Color and Horn still apply --but what they are attached to deserves consideration. The Trophy steer has inherited the role of Longhorn Ambassador over the years. People don’t get too excited about the old Rawhide trail steers , but let them brush on a gentle giant with 100 inch horn spread and they have a memorable experience. A Trophy steer should be very gentle , begging for attention , while possessing that pompus , regal , I’m Cool Attitude. Too often we forget that steers are castrated males used for freezer beef . Trophy Steers should have the conformation i.e. frame , muscling and size that is expected in our beef market. Thru efforts of the Longhorn Associations , public opinion has improved regarding Longhorn Beef. Our Trophy Steers have big shoes to fill ...important to our breed ...

Black Pearl LP DOB: 6/28/2018 Sire: Pearl Snap BCB Dam: Kettle’s Golden Lily

Breeder: John & Christy Randolph Owner: Danalee Abel Location: Decatur, TX. What I Look For In A Trophy Steer: Trophy Steers should have a flashy color pattern, good horn shape and length,

Navajo KCC DOB: 4/24/2007 Sire: B.A. Bull KC Dam: Classita Jackita

Breeder: Kimble Cattle Co. Owner: Kimble Cattle Co. Location: Karnes City, TX. Trophy steers should have great horn, color, and especially conformation. Good conformation equals longivity in a steer. If they track right, are well balanced from front to back then they will most likely live longer and healthier lives. Longhorn trophy steers are “walking history� and you want your yard art to be sound, flashy, and last.

A Steer Named Brownie By: Joe Sedlacek ~ Lazy J Longhorns

On Easter weekend in 2014, Joe Smith of Sarasota Florida bought a 9 month old steer calf that was brownish in color and nicknamed him “brownie”. Brownie became a pet and part of the family for Joe for many years. In 2019 Joe Smith posted his photo on a local Craigslist ad in Florida. Fellow breeders Emily Ingram contacted me, knowing my passion for trophy steers, and it set the wheels in motion. I contacted Joe Smith and the little steer had never been registered yet ,but I knew I just had to add him to the Lazy J herd. The great hauler Wes Clark was sent from Texas to Florida to get Brownie in Dec of 2019 and bring him back for us. Brownie walked into The Joe Chute , the first time he had ever been in a longhorn chute and was measured at 110 3/8” from tip to tip of beautiful corkscrew horn. Once he arrived I was on a mission to find out how pedigree and get him registered. After hours or phone calls and searching I tracked down his mother was purchased from the great breeder Jimmy Jones and the rest is history. He is a son of Hunts Mutual Respect out of great Horseshoe J breeding on the bottom. Brownie now resides here in Kansas on the same pasture as the Guinness World Record holder LazyJ’s Bluegrass did and we hope he will also follow in his footsteps. To honor the man who grew him up and loved him so much and the man whose amazing herd of cattle runs through his bloodlines his official name is Horseshoe J Brownie. Eddie Wood said it best, “a trophy steer will stop more traffic than a dead man”. The ranch every weekend has visitors here to see Brownie, who now measures over 111 1/4, and the rest of Lazy J steer herd.


ITLA Youth Spotlight Ariel Smajstrla Age: 12 Winnsboro, Texas Ariel began wanting to show cattle around 7 years old. She turned 8, enrolled in 4h, and started showing dairy cattle. She was at the Fort Worth stock show with her Jersey heifer when she decided to walk over to the Longhorn barn. She met a young man who immediately started showing her and telling her all about his Longhorns. She then spent the next year asking mom and dad for a longhorn. The following year she was back in Fort Worth showing dairy once more, and she went to the longhorn barn. After talking with breeders, her mom and dad decided her first longhorn steer was the way to go. Now, 2 years later at 12 years old, she has sold her jerseys and has 2 steers, a bred heifer, and a She loves looking out in the pasture at her Longhorns! “They are more difficult to halter break than jerseys, but once they’re broke, they are like big babies. I’m hoping to build my female herd to about 6, and then get a bull to show and use for breeding. I’m currently training my first steer to ride and pull. And we’re continuing to practice with the show string to prepare for the Decatur show in September and the Championship show in October. I’ve been asking mom and dad for a mini heifer for my birthday in January, so hopefully I can show in the mini show at March Madness next year.


“In The Mail Bag” The ITLA ~ “In The Mail Bag” is a special section to sgare all the positive comments, letters, mail, social media, etc. that the ITLA receives on a daily basis. Thank you to all of you that have shared your kind and uplifting kudos about the ITLA. We strive to serve each member to the best of our ability with a speedy turn around time on all services. From all of us at ... Thank you so much for using Iron Symbol SS on your June Drover cover, It was a pleasant surprise. ~ Mike & Linda Metcalfe Wow Cori --- your work is fast and good. Thank you ~ Darol Dickinson ... Wow thanks a million. You are the best ever. ~ Mary Mann ... Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly, The customer service you provide is awesome. Always quick! ~ Lane Craft

Do you have a positive comment to share with the ITLA ? You can email it to staff@itla.com

Easy to print and fill out - go to www.itla.com for all of the ITLA forms REGISTRATION APPLICATION 1. Member Name (Applicant)

2. Street Address

3. City



P.O. Box 2610 Glen Rose, TX 76043 ȱȱPhone: 254 898-0157 Fax: 254 898-0165 ȱȱȱ

4. Day Time Phone No.

ITLA Member No.

Proper fees must accompany this application

4a. Email

Size (please circle one): Miniature or Full Size 5.

6. Name of Texas Longhorn (limit 24 characters)


8 Birth Date


9. Birth Weight


OCV Number







Sex of Texas Longhorn




In Herd AI






14. Holding Brand (your registered brand)

Brand ID (number branded on animal)

Location ŽĨ ŚŽůĚŝŶŐ ďƌĂŶĚ


18. Sire’s Name

Location ŽĨ ŶƵŵďĞƌ ďƌĂŶĚ

19. Sire’s Registration Number

Sire’s Brand IDNumber

19a. Signature of Owner of Sire


21. Dam’s Name

22. Dam’s Registration Number


Dam’s Brand ID Number

22b. Clone Parent Name (only for clones)

Clone Parent Reg# (only for clones)

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct statement and I request to have same recorded in the International Texas Longhorn Association Registry, in consideration of which I agree to abide and be bound by the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Association and amendments thereto.

23. Date Texas Longhorn Acquired

24. Breeders Name

25. Breeder’s ITLA Number

X Signature of Applicant



Owner of Texas Longhorn Being Registered


Owner Applicant

30. Owner’s ITLA Number

Send Certificate to:

28. Owner’s Street Address

For Office Use Only

29. City



Easy to print and fill out - go to www.itla.com for all of the ITLA forms 3FDFJWFE EBZT GSPN EBUF PG TBMF @@@@@@@




3. CITY,

P.O. Box 2610 X Glen Rose, TX 76043 Phone: (254) 898-0157 X Fax: (254) 898-0165

Name of Animal







Brand/ID. NO.

9. LOT NO.



Proper fees must accompany this application
















29. CITY





I (we) the owner(s) of this animal, or authorized agent of owner(s), hereby warrant the information contained herin to be true and correct and apply for transfer of ITLA Certificate of Registration, and will legally defend ownership as represented.








Signature of Seller


REVISED - k.d. - indd/PDF

30. Send Certificate to:



Please Print Three Copies. Mail two signed copies to the ITLA and keep one for your records.

Get Your ITLA Merchandise ... ITLA Coffee Mugs



(Plus Tax & Postage )

ITLA Duffle Bags



(Plus Tax & Postage )

Email your orders to staff@itla.com We also accept PayPal payments

Landon Fellar Brookville, IN.

Eli Esh Ronks, PA.

Brian Ramer Greencastle, PA.

4F Longhorns Cleburne, TX.

Holt Ranch Lorena, TX.

Sydney Thompson Calera, OK.

Austin Tarr Huntington, IN.

Shady Maple Farm Middfield, OH.

Lon Crout Saint Leonard, MD.

Jodie Ging Yoakum, TX.

Jeff & Kristi Ging Yoakum, TX.

4S Longhorns Weatherford, TX.

Michael & Kyndle Nichols Greenville, NC.

ANB Ranch Seminole, TX.

Josephine Dinsmore Boonsboro, MD.

D3 Farms Boonsboro, MD.

Double C Ranch Granby, MA.

Star Bars Ranch Mansfield, TX.

Moss Longhorns Hico, TX.

Long Collar Farms Horton, AL.

Double F Farms Ontario Canada

Rafter Rocking R Ranch Joseph Gerlach Elizabeth, CO. Decatur, TX.

Rebecca Jacob Tillamook, OR.

Rise & Shine Ranch Rhome, TX.

Loving All Ranch Rhome, TX.

Luckenbach Ranch Millwood, GA.

Corn Cattle Co. Rochester, IN.

Star G Ranch Burleson, TX

Chris Dommert Houston, TX.

Shane Krajnik Houstin, TX.

Andrea Wilson Houston, TX.

JJW Ranch Big Sandy, TX.

Skinner Longhorns Pollok, TX.

Almost A Ranch Tolar, TX.

Kimberly Bay Mountain View, MO.

Darrell & ANgela Bivens Webster, TX.

Rocking A Ranch Anderson, TX.

Hailey Roberson Paradise, TX.

Roberson Ranch Paradise, TX.

David Richardson Cleveland Heights, OH.

Mattisyn Townsend Seguin, TX.

Hyer Land & Cattle Stillwater, OK.

Dozer-Valley View Roseville, OH.

Damuth Flying D Ranch Eustace, TX.

Horn & Hoof Farm Roy, WA.

Colby Fisher Jamesville, NY

Shelby Mohr Lost Springs, WY.

Barry Farms Turner’s Station, KY.

Annika Lindt Sunset, TX.

Anthony & Kristin Thompson Lower 48 Ranch Porter, OK. Harper, TX.

Andrew Lindt Sunset, TX.

Chad Lindt Sunset, TX.

Johnny & Jenifer Parker Four Oaks, NC.

Asia Wiggins Honeybrook, PA.

Sam Pequignot Wellsville, PA.

Hannah Pequignot Wellsville, PA.

Hunter Lawson Paradise, TX.

Andrew Wilson Houston, TX.

Thurmond Longhorns Adkins, TX.

Daniel Carrozza Etters, PA.

Roger Hottle Knoxville, PA.

Bernet Agriculture Hanoverton, OH.

Jeffrey Davis Jackson, OH.

Joseph Cress Concord, NC.

NS Horns Montgomery, AL.

Hagler Ranch Taylor, TX.

414 Longhorn Co. Rocky, OK.

Leslie Osmera Austin, TX.

Laurie Daniel Benton Harbor, MI.

Morris Cattle Co. Kinta, OK.

Kory Wayment Brigham City, UT

Huck Dunmire Coshocton, OH.

Timber Ridge Farms Gap, PA.

Addisynn Goddard Southwest, MO.

Claudia Sandler Ottenschlag Austria

George & Jenny Banks Hamilton, MT.

B-C Ranch Lyons, MI.

Brent Gardner Elmo, UT.

Gabriella Pedraza Missouri City, TX.

Adriana Fabela Weatherford, TX.

Rocking P Longhorns Lamar, AR.

Frank Klassen Ontario Canada

High Rock Ranch Ola, ID.

Boyd R. Snow Jensen, UT.

Travis Snow Vernal, UT.

Justin & Tyler Smith New Plymouth, ID.

Casey Host Harrodsburg, KY.

Rocking BST Ranch Ellensburg, WA.

Mason Blakenship Powell, OH.

Bob Miller Goshen, IN.

Rocking R Longhorns Weatherford, TX.

Freedom Ranch San Angelo, TX.

Tomi Kivisto Jarvela, Finland

Snell Ranch Cisco, TX.

Martin Kucirek Czechia

Martina Malinova Czechia

BW Ranch Amherst, WI.

Rocky Top Acres Fresno, OH.

Kevin & Lisa Sanmann Ivanhoe, TX.

Boone’s Farm Crawfordville, IN.

Stephen & Vivian Jeffers Sand Springs, OK.

Art Gutterson Greeley, CO.

Moore Time Ranch Argyle, TX.

Hidden Springs Ranch Denton, NC.

Melissa Angel Gallipolis, OH.

Can Chute Ontario Canada

Curtis Duff Clinto, OK.

J.A. Thomas Merced, CA.

Jeff & Rhonda Meyer Ponca City, OK.

Jaylin Krimmel Boyd, TX.

Alberta Longhorns Alberta Canada

Andy Fisher Westcliffe, CO.

Christie Thompson Sadieville, KY.

Mark Reynolds Schuyler, VA.

Lester Schlabach Millersburg, OH.

Ruffner Ranch Argyle, TX.

Humberto Nobre Goias Brazil

Levi Nowlin Winnett, MT.

LeRoy & Rosemary Gamble Dexter, KY.

Ralph Dozier Blooming Grove, TX.

Farabough Family Farm Michael Burns Ardmore, OK. Garnett, KS.

Garrison Farm Waverly, WV.

Hamell Farms Panoka, AB Canada

D and L Ranch Lexington, TN.

Eagle Ranch Solsberry, IN.

4th Line Cattle Co. Hillsburgh, Ontario Canada

Mark & Jenae Oliver Malakoff, TX

Adeladina Weiher Stigler, OK.

Tommy Thacker Duchesne, UT.

Kayla Kennon La Grande, OR.

Jonathan M. Taylor Elner, NJ.

Justin & Brodi Sutton Fredonia, KY.

Scott Rice Hudson, MI.

Aleena Elliott Weatherford, TX.

AOK Longhorn Ranch Dothan, AL.

Briarpatch Farm Argyle, TX.

Victoria Outlaw Harrison, GA.

Maggard Farm Corryton, TN.

Dow Jones Ranch Grandview, TX.

Jill Rosales Paige, TX.

Daisy Mast Arkansaw, WI.

Siegbert & Christa Roder Grunenbach Germany

Jacob Gawrys Douglasville, PA.

Peter & Jackie Richards Lena Mast Fellsmere, FL. Arkansaw, WI.

Jeff Earl Wauseon, OH.

Caldwell Brothers Cattle Brownfield, TX.

SDS Ranch Shelbyville, TN.

David Wyrill Kirwin, KS.

Payne/O’Bryan Partnership Grandview, TX.

Eric & Jennalee Taylor Genola, UT.

Levi Blake Nettleton, MS.

Joseph Craig Ontario Canada

Elizabeth & Michael Fritz Dallas, TX.

Rockin’ Z Longhorns Marquez, TX.

Alec Brown Greenville, TN.

Susan Roberts Ontario Canada

Peter & Yvonne Cappelano Sheridan, MT.

Karri Shayne Wilhite Hamilton, TX.

Tessa Tronzano Richardson, TX.

Patrick HeB Denmark

Ernie & Kandy Spader Reynoldsville, PA.

Eli Holmes Covington, IN.

Andrew Eckhart Delton, MI.

Balzan Ranch Wheatland, WY.

Freeborn Farms

Julie Guthrie

McCoy Farms

Clarice Francis

Elkhart Lake, WI.

Dickson, TN.

Sneedville, TN.

Angleton, TX.

Anna Smajstrla Winnsboro, TX.

Jace Esh New Holland, PA.

Gabe Wilson Twin Falls, ID.

Aliee Wilson Twin Falls, ID.

William Presley Oklahoma City, OK.

Ready to join the ITLA fun ?Membership Forms are located at www.itla.com

1SPWJEJOH RVBMJUZ NFNCFSTIJQ TFSWJDFT TJODF po box 2610 Y Glen Rose, tx Y Phone 254.898.0157 Y Fax 254.898.0165 Y www.itla.com


FREE member listing on website — www.itla.com! FREE link to your website! FREE full color photo on registration certificate! Transfer Fee, $15 within 60 days of sale! President, VP, and all Directors are elected by 100% member mail-in ballot. All shows judged by ITLA approved judges who are Texas Longhorn owners! Membership owned office building and much, much more!

CTTLA 2020 Spring Show

CTTLA 2020 Spring Show

CTTLA Open Halter - Saturday Show Results Class 3 1st

MB Tatiana

Owner: MB Longhorns

EJS Rana What A Finale DSM Bella’s Bluebonnet

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Jeramie & Annette James

Destined To Revolt CP Rafter M Tuxedo’s Jubilee Darae’s Penny Pearl MB Hannah’s Rock Hydro-Electra DSM

Owner: Sharer Family Longhorna Owner: Rick, Cori, & Cody Garcia - Rafter M Ranch Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: MB Longhorns Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

May The 4th Be With You TL Faith Always Wins Hot Jazzie

Owner: Jesse Walburn Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns Owner: Jeramie & Annette James

T-Rex Mos Eisley Neon Discovery CP Maddy’s Sweet Elsie Jo Gemma’s Jewel

Owner: Braxton Galbreath Owner: Tessa Tronzano Owner: Philip Bond Owner: John & Judy Moore

AVP Pretty As A Penny AVP Royal Duchess What A Gem DSM

Owner: Brenton Galbreath Owner: Braxton Galbreath Owner: Allie Remley

Class 4 1st 2nd 3rd Class 5 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 6 1st 2nd 3rd Class 7 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Class 8 1st 2nd 3rd

Champion Junior Heifer: Reserve Champion Junior Heifer:

T-Rex Mos Eisley EJS Rana

Owner: Braxton Galbreath Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

CTTLA Open Halter - Saturday Show Results Class 9 1st

OL My Sweetie Pie

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

JP Erin Go Braugh LV Tenbar Pocket Change DSM AK Dragon Ice

Owner: Lazy JP Ranch Owner: Teesa Tronzano Owner: Allie Remley Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Discovery Eyes CP MB Ersa Tutti Frutti DSM

Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns Owner: MB Longhorns Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Class 10 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Class 11 1st 2nd 3rd

Champion Senior Heifer: Reserve Champion Senior Heifer:

Discovery Eyes CP OL My Sweetie Pie

Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Class 12 ... Class 13 1st 2nd

Miss Texas Dea Spotted Memory HCL

Owner: John & Judy Moore Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Black Ice CS Stormy

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: BM Longhorns

Class 14 1st 2nd

Champion Junior Cow: Reserve Champion Junior Cow:

Miss Texa Dea Black Ice

Owner: John & Judy Moore Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Class 15 1st 2nd 3rd

PLR Texas Gemma R4 Red Velvet HD Buttermilk

Owner: John & Judy Moore Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

CTTLA Open Halter - Saturday Show Results Class 16 ... Class 17 ... Champion Senior Cow: Reserve Champion Senior Cow:

PLR Texas Gemma R4 Red Velvet

Owner: John & Judy Moore Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Grand Champion All Age Female Reserve Grand Champion All Age Female

PLR Texas Gemma T-Rex Mos Eisley

Owner: John & Judy Moore Owner: Braxton Galbreath

Class 23 1st 2nd

Rafter M Hunk of Coal Sugar Daddy DSM

Owner: DL & Mary McCoy - Rafter M Ranch Owner: Allie Remley

Rafter M Patriot Storm

Owner: Rick, Cori, & Cody Garcia - Rafter M Ranch

Class 24 ... Class 25 1st Class 26 ... Champion Intermediate Bull: Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull:

Rafter M Patriot Storm Rafter M Hunk of Coal

Owner: Rafter M Ranch - Garcia Owner: Rafter M Ranch - McCoy

Class 27 1st

Dominion CP

Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns

Class 28 ... Class 29 ... Champion Senior Bull: Reserve Champion Senior Bull: ...

Dominion CP

Grand Champion All Age Bull: Dominion CP Reserve Grand Champion All Age Bull: Rafter M Patriot Storm

Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns

Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns Owner: Rafter M Ranch - Garcia

CTTLA Open Halter - Saturday Show Results Class 30 ... Class 31 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

ML Conair Radar Rafter M Dapper Dan Bonds Mighy Mo 9 Poppin’ Pearls

Owner: Taylor Trahern Owner: Kayden Lutz Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: Aleena Elliott

BCC Black Chaps KKR Cowboy Prince KKR Kobweb

Owner: Aleena Elliott Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

JR Soldier Boy

Owner: Erica Weir

Top Deck 87 Black Pearl LP

Owner: Tessa Tronzano Owner: Danalee Abel

Class 32 1st 2nd 3rd Class 33 1st Class 34 1st 2nd Class 35 ... Champion Junior Steer: Reserve Champion Junior Steer:

Top Deck 87 Black Pearl LP

Owner: Tessa Tronzano Owner: Danalee Abel

Class 36 1st 2nd

SGT Major Kettle Blossom’s Rocket Man

Owner: Hannah Norman Owner: Hannah Norman

EJS Boot Scoot’n Buzz’n Quick Draw McGraw

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Kevin Murray

Class 37 1st 2nd

CTTLA Open Halter - Saturday Show Results

Class 38 1st 2nd

Real McCoy JR Pride of ECR Castle 6

Owner: Rick, Cori, Cody Garcia - Rafter M Ranch Owner: Philip Bonds

R4 Resistance

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Class 39: 1st

Champion Senior Steer: Reserve Champion Senior Steer:

R4 Resistance Real McCoy

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Rafter M Ranch

Grand Champion All Age Steer: R4 Resistance Reserve Grand Champion All Age Steer: Real McCoy

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Rafter M Ranch

Class 40 1st 2nd Class 41

Produce of Dam PLR Texas Gemma PCC Rockabye Get of Sire ...

Owner: John & Judy Moore Owner: MB Longhorns

CTTLA Youth Show Results

Class 3 ... Class 4 1st 2nd 3rd

Bella’s Bluebonnet EJS Rana 2T Revolt’s Eclipse

Owner: Jeramie & Annette James Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Taylor Trahern

Silver Jenna Twisted W’s Lady Liberty Destined To Revolt CP

Owner: Ariel Smajstrla Owner: Jaylin Krimmel Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns

May The 4th Be With You TL Faith Always Wins Hot Jazzie EJS Shaberra Gasparilla’s Angel

Owner: Jesse Walburn Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns Owner: Jeramie & Annette James Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Curtis & Tonya Abel

Neon Discovery CP T-Rex Mos Eisley

Owner: Tessa Tronzano Owner: Braxton Galbreath

AVP Royal Duchess Honey’s Pride of My Heart What A Gem DSM Circle B Shyanne AVP Pretty As A Penny

Owner: Braxton Galbreath Owner: Boxed B Partnership Owner: Allie Remley Owner: Blaine Moore Owner: Brenton Galbreath

Class 5 1st 2nd 3rd Class 6 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 7 1st 2nd Class 8 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Champion Junior Heifer: Reserve Champion Juinr Heifer:

May The 4th Be With You TL Faith Always Wins

Owner: Jesse Walburn Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns

CTTLA Youth Show Results Class 9 1st 2nd 3rd

RBG Saleeray OL My Sweetie Pie Sunrise Scarlet

Owner: Ariel Smajstrla Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Jaylin Krimmel

JP Erin Go Bragh LV TenBar Pocket Change DSM

Owner: Lazy JP Ranch Owner: Tessa Tronzano Owner: Allie Remley

LW Amarillo I’ll Be There Circle B Silver Ocean TLS Bwana’s Love SLR California Dreamin Discovery Eyes CP

Owner: Allie Smajstrla Owner: Blaine Moore Owner: TLS Longhorns Owner: Boxed B Partnership Owner: Sharer Family Longhorns

Class 10 1st 2nd 3rd Class 11 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 12 ... Champion Senior Heifer: Reserve Champion Senior Heifer:

LW Amarillo I’ll Be There RBG Saleeray

Owner: Allie Smajstrla Owner: Ariel Smajstrla

Grand Champion All Age Female: LW Amarillo I’ll Be There Reserve Grand Champion Alle Age Female: Mat The 4th Be With You

Owner: Allie Smajstrla Owner: Jesse Walburn

Class 13 ... Class 14 ... Class 15 ... Class 16 1st Class 17 ...

Anchor T First Responder

Owner: Blaine Moore

CTTLA Youth Show Results Class 18 1st 2nd

LMR Casanova Cowboy Max Sugar Daddy DSM

Champion Junior Bull: Reserve Champion Junior Bull:

Owner: Avery Smajstrla Owner: Allie Remley LMR Casanova Cowboy Max Anchor T First Responsder

Owner: Avery Smajstrla Owner: Blaine Moore

Class 19 1st

BXB Barbwire’s Mr Pepper

Owner: Boxed B Partnership

Class 20 ... Class 21 ... Champion Intermediate Bull: BXB Barbwire’s Mr Pepper Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull: N/A Grand Champion All Age Bull: Reserve Grand Champion All Age Bull:

LMR Casanova Cowboy Max BXB Barbwire’s Mr Pepper

Class 22 ... Class 23 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Poppin’ Pearl ML Conair Radar Snappy Dresser Rafter M Dapper Dan Rafter M Augustus McCrae

Owner: Aleena Elliott Owner: Taylor Trahern Owner: Allie Smajstrla Owner: Kayden Lutz Owner: Jaylin Krimmel

TLS Rough Rider RBG Kowalski Analysis BCC Black Chaps LAR Gravity Storm

Owner: TLS Longhorns Owner: Ariel Smajstrla Owner: Aleena Elliott Owner: TLBGCA

Class 24 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Owner: Boxed B Partnership

Owner: Avery Smajstrla Owner: Boxed B

CTTLA Youth Show Results Class 25 1st 2nd 3rd

Justice of The Peace BCB Champ DSM JR Maverick 1018

Owner:Jaylin Krimmel Owner: Allie Remley Owner: Boxed B

Top Deck 87 Black Pearl LP JR Jaegermeister

Owner: Tessa Tronzano Owner: Danalee Abel Owner: Boxed B

Class 26 1st 2nd 3rd

Champion Junior Steer: Reserve Champion Junior Steer:

Top Deck 87 Justice of The Peace BCB

Owner: Tess Tronzano Owner: Jaylin Krimmel

Class 27 1st 2nd

FHR Micah 6:8 Protiger Boy

Owner: Clarice Francis Owner: Joel Norris

EJS Boot Scoot’n Buzz’n HF Pancho’s Friend Lefty

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Joel Norris

Class 28 ... Class 29 1st 2nd

Champion Senior Steer: Reserve Champion Senior Steer:

EJS Boot Scoot’n Buzz’n HF Pancho’s Friend Lefty

Grand Champion All Age Steer: Reserve Grand Champion All Age Steer:

Top Deck 87 Justice of the Peace BCB

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Joel Norris Owner:Tess Tronzano Owner: Jaylin Krimmel

CTTLA Mini Youth Show Results MINI YOUTH: Class 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

LL Bonnie Parker Bogle Farms Miss Flora SR Super Girl SR Miss May Flowers 2M Lil Ruckus

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Danalee Abel Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: David & Mary Mann

2M Apple Fritter SS Classic Lady 2M Cheyenne 2M Marty

Owner: David & Mary Mann Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co

Class 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Class 4 ... Class 5 ... Grand Champion Mini Female: Reserve Grand Champion Mini Female:

2M Apple Fritter SS Classic Lady

Owner: David & Mary Mann Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co

Class 6 1st

2M Smokin Gun

Grand Champion Mini Bull: Reserve Gramd Champion Bull: N/A

Owner: David & mary Mann 2M Smokin Gun

Owner: David & Mary Mann

Class 7 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

SR Jimmy John RBG Diesel Bogle Farms Checkmate 2M Shooter

Grand Champion Mini Steer: Reserve Grand Champion Mini Steer:

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Allie Smajstrla Owner: Danalee Abel Owner: David & Mary Mann SR Jimmy John RBG Diesel

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Allie Smajstrla

CTTLA 2020 Spring Show

CTTLA 2020 Spring Show

CTTLA Youth Show Results

SHOWMANSHIP Junior Showmanship 1st Danalee Abel 2nd Allie Smajstrla 3rd Cody Abel Intermediate Showmanship 1st Champel James 2nd Dakota Remley 3rd Allisa Butler Teen Showmanship 1st Allie Remley 2nd Asher James 3rd Evelyn Sabio Senior Showmanship 1st Aleena Elliott 2nd Lauren Sharer 3rd Tessa Tronzano

CTTLA Mini Halter Show - Saturday Results MINI HALTER SATURDAY: Class 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

LL Bonnie Parker Bogle Farms Miss Flora 2M Lil Ruckus SR Super Girl SR Miss May Flowers

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Danalee Abel Owner: David & Mary Mann Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co

2M Apple Fritter 1/2 Casa Sofia 2M Cheyenne SS Classic Lady SS Mini Mouse

Owner: David & Mary Mann Owner: SDave & Althea Sullivan Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan

SS Mini Trips SS Mini Domino

Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan

Class 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 4 ... Class 5 1st 2nd

Grand Champion Mini Female: Reserve Grand Champion Mini Female:

SS Mini Trips SS Mini Domino

Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan Owner: Dave & Althea Sulliva

Class 6 1st

2M Smokin Gun

Grand Champion Mini Bull: Reserve Gramd Champion Bull: N/A

Owner: David & mary Mann 2M Smokin Gun

Owner: David & Mary Mann

Class 7 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

SS Micro Rimfire Bogle Farms Checkmate SR Jimmy John 2M Shooter

Grand Champion Mini Steer: Reserve Grand Champion Mini Steer:

Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan Owner: Danalee Abel Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: David & Mary Mann SS Micro Rimfire Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan Bogle Farms Checkmate Owner: Danalee Abel

July 2020 Candid Photos

July 2020 Candid Photos

CTTLA Non- Halter Show - Saturday Results Class 3 1st

LMR Tuff Texana

Owner: Long M Ranch

LMR Walking Grand Crissy

Owner: Long M Ranch

Charming Beauty DJP Anastasia LMR Super Monica Chex Gasparilla’s Angel Packed With Sass

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Curtis & Tonya Abel Owner: MB Longhorns

DJP Silver Dove FC Showtime

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Falls Creek Longhorns

Anna Belle May DSM Little Bit Gaudy FC Cheryenne

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Karzy Kolors Ranch Owner: Falls Creek Longhorns

Class 4 ... Class 5 1st Class 6 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 7 1st 2nd Class 8 1st 2nd 3rd

Champion Junior Heifer: Reserve Champion Junior Heifer:

Charming Beauty Anna Belle May DSM

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Class 9 1st

LMR Respect Me Tari

Owner: Long M Ranch

Ready For Respect

Owner: Long M Ranch

BM Alli Kat

Owner: BM Longhorns

Class 10 1st Class 11 1st

CTTLA Non- Halter Show - Saturday Results Champion Senior Heifer: Reserve Champion Senior Heifer:

Ready For Respect LMR Respect Me Tari

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Long M Ranch

Class 12 1st 2nd

Chaparral Skyeline BR Divine Wind

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

EJS Cleopatra

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Class 13 1st Class 14 ... Champion Junior Cow: Reserve Champion Junior Cow:

Chaparral Skyeline EJS Cleopatra

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Class 15 1st

The Shadow Maker

Owner: Philip Bonds

TCC Rio Beauty

Owner: Long M Ranch

Class 16 1st Class 17 ... Champion Senior Cow: Reserve Champion Senior Cow:

The Shadow Maker TCC Rio Beauty

Grand Champion All Age Female: The Shadow Maker Resserve Grand Champion All Age Female: Chaparral Skyeline

Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

CTTLA Halter Show - Sunday Results Class 3 1st

MB Tatiana

Owner: MB Longhorns

EJS Rana Bella’s Bluebonnet What A Finale DSM

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Jeramie & Annette James Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Darae’s Penny Pearl MB Hannah’s Rock Hydro-Electra DSM Ace’s Lady Luck DSM AK Black Magic Woman

Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: MB Longhorns Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Hot Jazzie Gasparilla’s Angel

Owner: Jeramie & Annette James Owner: Curtis & Tonya Abel

Maddy’s Sweet Elsie Jo T-Rex Mos Eisley

Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: Braxton Galbreath

AVP Royal Duchess What A Gem DSM AVP Pretty As A Penny

Owner: Braxton Galbreath Owner: Allie Remley Owner: Brenton Galbreath

Class 4 1st 2nd 3rd Class 5 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class 6 1st 2nd Class 7 1st 2nd Class 8 1st 2nd 3rd

Champion Junior Heifer: Reserve Champion Junior Heofer:

AVP Royal Duchess Hot Jazzie

Owner: Braxton Galbreath Owner: Jeramie & Annette James

Class 9 1st

OL My Sweetie Pie

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

CTTLA Halter Show - Sunday Results Class 10 1st 2nd 3rd

JP Erin Go Bragh Pocket Change DSM AK Dragon Ice

Owner: Lazy JP Ranch Owner: Allie Remley Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

MB Ersa Tutti Frutti DSM

Owner: MB Longhorns Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Class 11 1st 2nd

Champion Senior Heifer: Reserve Champion Senior Heifer:

MB Ersa JP Erin Go Bragh

Owner: MB Longhorns Owner: Lazy JP Ranch

Class 12 1st

Chaparral Skyeline

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Spotted Memory HCL EJS Cleopatra

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Black Ice

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

The Shadow Maker R4 Red Velvet

Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Class 13 1st 2nd Class 14 1st Class 15 1st 2nd

Champion Senior Cow: Reserve Champion Senior Cow:

The Shadow Maker R4 Red Velvet

Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Grand Champion All Age Female: Reserve Grand Champion All Age Female:

The Shadow Maker MB Ersa

Owner: Philip Bonds Owner: MB Longhorns

Class 23 1st

Sugar Daddy DSM

Owner: Allie Remley

CTTLA Halter Show - Sunday Results Class 24 - 26 ... Champion Intermediate Bull: Sugar Daddy DSM Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull: N/A

Owner: Allie Remley

Class 27 - 29 ... Champion Senior Bull: Reserve Champion Senior Bull:


Grand Champion All Age Bull: Reserve Grand Champion Bull:

Sugar Daddy DSM N/A

Owner: Allie Remley

Class 30 ... Class 31 1st 2nd

Rafter M Dapper Dan Bonds Might Mo 9

Owner: Kayden Lutz Owner: Philip Bonds

KKR Cowboy Prince KKR Kobweb

Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

JR Soldier Boy Champ DSM

Owner: Erica Weir Owner: Allie Remley

Black Pearl LP

Owner: Danalee Abel

FHR Micah 6:8 Protiger Boy

Owner: Clarice Francis Owner: Joel Norris

Class 32 1st 2nd Class 33 1st 2nd Class 34 1st Class 35 1st 2nd

Champion Junior Steer: Reserve Champion Junior Steer:

Black Pearl LP FHR Micah 6:8

Owner: Danalee Abel Owner: Clarice Francis

CTTLA Halter Show - Sunday Results Class 36 1st

SGT Major Kettle

Owner: Hannah Norma

Quick Draw McGraw EJS Boot Scoot’n Buzz’n HF Poncho’s Friend Lefty

Owner: Kevin Murray Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio Owner: Joel Norris

JR Pride of ECR Castle 6

Owner: Philip Bonds

R4 Resistance

Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio

Class 37 1st 2nd 3rd Class 38 1st Class 39 1st

Senior Champion Steer: Reserve Champion Senior Steer:

R4 Resistance Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio SGT Major Kettle Owner: Hannah Norman

Grand Champion All Age Steer: Reserve Grand Champion All Age Steer:

R4 Resistance Owner: Justin & Ronda Sabio SGT Major Kettle Owner: Hannah Norman

Class 40: Produce of Dam 1st

PCC Rockabye

Class 41: Get of Sire ...

Owner: MB Longhorns

CTTLA Non-Halter Show - Sunday Results Class 3 1st

LMR Tuff Texana

Owner: Long M Ranch

LMR Walkin Grand Crissy

Owner: Long M Ranch

Charming Beauty LMR Super Monica Chex DJP Anastasia Packed With Sass

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: MB Longhorns

DJP Silver Dove

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch

Anna Belle May DSM Little Bit Guagy

Owner: Whistling Longhorn Ranch Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

Class 4 ... Class 5 1st Class 6 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Class 7 1st Class 8 1st 2nd

Champion Junior Heifer: Reserve Champion Junior Heifer:

Charming Beauty LMR Super Monica Chex

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Long M Ranch

Class 9 1st

LMR Respect Me Tari

Owner: Long M Ranch

Ready For Respect

Owner: Long M Ranch

Clas 10 1st

Class 11 ... Champion Senior Heifer: Reserve Champion Senior Heifer:

Ready For Respect LMR Respect Me Tari

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Long M Ranch

Class 12 1st

BR Divine Wind

Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

CTTLA Non-Halter Show - Sunday Results Class 13-14 ... Champion Junior Cow: Reserve Champion Junior Coe: N/A

BR Divine Wind

Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

Class 15 ... Class 16 1st

TCC Rio Beauty

Owner: Long M Ranch

Class 17 ... Champion Senior Cow: Reserve Champion Senior Cow:

TCC Rio Beauty N/A

Owner: Long M Ranch

Grand Champion All Age Female: Reserve Grand Champion All Age Female:

TCC Rio Beauty BR Divine Wind

Owner: Long M Ranch Owner: Krazy Kolors Ranch

MINI - Non-Halter Classes - Sunday Results Class 2 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

SR Miss Smithworks SR Miss May Flowers LL Bonnie Parker 2M Ooh LaLa SR Super Girl

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: David & Mary Mann Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co

Class 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

1/2 Casa Sofia SS Mini Mouse 2M Apple Fritter 2M Marty SS Classic Lady

Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan Owner: Dave 7 Althea Sullivan Owner: David & Mary Mann Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co

Class 4 1st

SS Mini Valentina

Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan

Class 5 1st 2nd 3rd

A Little Swag BCB SS Mini Trips SS Mini Domino

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan

Grand Champion Mini Female: Reserve Grand Champion Mini Female:

A Little Swag BCB SS Mini Trips

Owner: Sunset Ranch Cattle Co Owner: Dave & Althea Sullivan

John Paul Hodges Past ITLA President PONTOTOC, MS. John Paul Hodges, 66, passed away June 15, 2020 at NMMC-Pontotoc, MS. John Paul was a home builder for 30 plus years. He also was an avid longhorn breeder with his wife, Sheila. He was always willing to help others and loved life. He loved his Lord and Savior, his family, and his church family. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. John Paul is survived by his wife, Sheila Payne Hodges; daughter, Christy Hodges Barnes; two grandchildren, Will Davis and Claire Davis; and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his father, John Paul Hodges, Sr.; mother, Elaine Hodges; sisters, Ellaweese McCoy and Laine Dean. Services will be Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 2PM at Tutor Memorial Funeral Home in Pontotoc with Pastor Mike Sauvegeot officiating. Burial will be in Ebenezer Cemetery. Visitation will be Thursday, June 18, 1PM until service time.

John and I logged many miles together over the years. I used to kid him about how that mobile phone was gonna get the best of him with all the work and ITLA related calls he would get. One day it did. John used to let his gas tank get to Empty before filling up. So, he pulled into a station to fill up with the phone in his ear. When he finished filling up, he went to put the nozzle back and realized he’d just filled up with unleaded instead of diesel. John worked as hard at ITLA business as well as his personal job, and he did them both with integrity and honesty. You will be missed by all who knew you. Rest well, you’ve earned it. ~ Woody Woodside

July 31st - August 1st, 2020 Greensburg, IN Decatur County Fair Grounds Youth ~Haltered ~ Non-Haltered Contact - Courtney Tomey www.midwesttla.com

Texas Longhorn Trivia Last months trivia winner is Lainey Schwarz from Weatherford, Texas

Lainey properly answered the trivia question: “Butler Brand� Milby Butler

* The first ITLA member to properly identify the Texas Longhorn brand above will win a FREE ITLA T-Shirt. * Email your answer to staff@itla.com * Only one guess per member

Something missing from your pasture ? We can help with that. Join us in October at the Elite Heifer Sale

2020 ITLA Championship Show & Convention October 7th - 10th Glen Rose, Texas staff@itla.com Celebrating 30 Years !

30th Annual ITLA Championship Show & Convention October 7th - 10th, 2020 Somervell County Expo Center 202 Bo Gibbs Blvd. Glen Rose, Texas 76043

ITLA Established 1990

* Convention * Halter Show * Youth Show * Non-Halter Show * ITLA Championship Futurity * Annual Special Awards * 30 Year Celebration * Catered Meals * Awards Banquet * Membership Meeting * Email The ITLA For More Info At staff@itla.com

Rush Orders Available Did you know the ITLA offers rush orders on registrations and transfers for just a $10 fee on each animal ? The ITLA already has a phenomenal turn around time on registration and transfer applications, but if you are needing them processed in 24 hours, you can apply the $10 fee to each application. Here are the requirements for a rush order. * The order must received before 2:00 pm CST Monday - Friday in order to begin processing. * Rush Orders received after 2:00 pm CST Monday - Friday, or received on weekends and holidays, will begin processing the next available business day. * The order must be submitted with full payment to begin processing.

WI Longhorns Roland West * 816-255-5456 * wilonghorns@gmail.

Teanna WI DOB: 12/31/2016 WI Gunpowder x WI Tea Party For Sale - $1,500

Jefferson WI DOB: 4/24/2018 SADDLE ROPE x Queen Tuttess For Sale - $1,500

Deerfly DOB: 4/12/2005 TOMAHAWK 10 x Tijuana Taxi For Sale - $1,200


Ads starting at $10 per motnh ! Contact Cori at staff@itla.com for more advertising details.

2020 Championship Show & Convention Host Hotel

Room Rates - Use “ITLA Expo Rate” code for these rates ( must book by September 7th, 2020 for ITLA rates ) * Standard King - $84.99 * Standard Queen - 2 Beds $94.99 * Mini King Suite With Sleeper Sofa $99.99 * Mini Queen Suite - 2 Beds With Sleeper Sofa $104.99 * 2 Bedroom Suites $124.99 Dinosaur Valley Inn & Suites - Best Western 1311 NE Big Bend Trail Glen Rose, Texas 76043 254-897-4818

International Texas Longhorn Association

* Member Driven * Judging Clinics * Quality Servives - Registrations - Transfers - Dual Registrations * International Show Circuit - Youth - Halter - Non-Halter - Futurities * Certified Texas Longhorn Judges * Color Photo Option On Registration Certificates * Only Association To Own It’s Headquarters * Longhorn Drover Online Magazine

ow h S mp e a h r C All orms a line f e on om l b a l .c avai w.itla w at w 2020 0 ELITE E HEIFFER R DONATION N CONSIGNMENT T FORM M Name of Animal _______________________

_____________ ID #___________________

Date of Birth________________________ ITLA Registration # _____________________________ Bangs Vaccinated: Yes___ No____

OCV #___________________________________________

If marked YES, ear tattoo symbol must be on health certificate. (OCV Required for females 4 mos. and older in several states.)

Heifer Exposed To________________________


To_________________________ From_____________To_________________ A.I. Bull_________________________________________ Calf at Side Information:


Sire of Calf at Side_______________________________

A.I. Date________________________________ Date Calved____________________________ Pregnancy Check Results __________________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Consignor’s Name (please print) _________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________ Email______________________ Phone _______________

Attach h Registration n Certificate,, siggned d transferr form,, and d a quality y photo o pff thee heifer.. You will be eliigible for a Lifetime membership if the heiffer sales for $800 or more..

Return n by Septemb berr 1st, 2020 0 to:: ITLA A Officee Email:: staff@itla.com

Maill to:: P.O.. Boxx 2610 0 Glen n Rose,, TX X 76043

Secondary Lodging For The 2020 Championship Show & Convention Comfort Inn & Suites 1615 NE Big Bend Trail Glen Rose, TX. 76043 254-898-8900

Discount Rate Code: “ITLA Longhorns” King Bed - $95 2 Queen Beds - $95 * Call to reserve your room before September 7th, 2020 to receive the ITLA discount rate * Pet friendly ( Pet deposit required )

ow h S mp e a h r C All orms a line f e on om l b a l .c avai w.itla w at w 2020 ITLA Championship Show & Convention T-Shirt Sponsor Form Name: ___________________________________ Ranch: ______________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________ State_________

Zip Code___________________

Phone #:_________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Brand or Logo Spaces on the official 2020 ITLA Youth T-Shirts are only $25per space Attach your brand or logo in the Box below: Name, Ranch, or Business Name that is to appear under the Brand or Logo Name: ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Pay with check payable to ITLA by mailing form & payment to: ITLA PO Box 2610 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 or email form to staff@itla.com and call the office to pay with credit card.

ow h S mp e a h r C All orms a line f on m e l b la .co avai w.itla w at w

2020 Championship Show & Convention Sponsor Packages

Name: ______________________________________ Ranch: ___________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________ State ________Zip Code___________________ Phone #:_________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ ITLA Youth Member That Sold This Sponsorship Package(s) To You - Please Note Below: ___________________________________________________________________________ Name: ITLA Youth Member #: Sponsorship Levels below: (see attachment for details on each Sponsorship Levels) Class Sponsor $125 x _____ Out Rider - $500 x Champion Buckle $175 x _____ Drover - $750 x ITLA Futurity Class $250 x _____ Point Man - $1000 x Joe R. Jones Level $2,000 x _____ Show Ad x

_____ _____ _____ _____

Total: _______________

Thank you for helping to make your Championship Show & Convention a success. Pay with check payable to ITLA and mailing form & payment to: ITLA PO Box 2610 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 or email form to staff@itla.com and call the office to pay with credit card.

ow h S mp e a h r C All orms a line f on m e l b la .co avai w.itla w at w

Providing Quality Membership Services Since 1990

2020 ITLA Championship Futurity Entry Form October 7th – 10th, 2020 202 Bo Gibbs Blvd. Glen Rose, TX 76043

Entry Deadline - September 15th, 2020 FEMALE CLASSES:

BULL CLASSES: 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Miniature Females: 1. March 2019 - April 2020 2. February 2018 - February 2019 3. January 2017 - January 2018

Standard Females: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

March – April 2020 (Must be 180 days old) January – February 2020 September – December 2019 May – August 2019 January – April 2019 July – December 2018 January – June 2018

March – April 2020 (Must be 180 days old) January – February 2020 October – December 2019 July – September 2019 May – June 2019 March – April 2019 November 2018 – February 2019 June – October 2018 January – May 2018 January – December 2017

Animals Full Registered Name: __________________________________________________________________ DOB: ___________________ Class: ___________ ITLA Registration # : ________________________________ Registered Owners Name: ______________________________________Owners ITLA#: __________________ Address: ________________________________ Town: _________________ State: ________ Zip:___________ Phone #: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Forms must have a copy of registration certificates (front & back) attached for each entry along with the $125 entry fee for each animal. Make all payments payable to the: ITLA x x x


All cattle must have the appropriate current health papers from a veterinarian. Don’t forget to purchase your “Convention Registration Pass”. Awards will be given out at the banquet along with the announcement of the winners. All exhibitors and entries must have a signed waiver form.

Mail Entries & Payments To:

International Texas Longhorn Association P.O. Box 2610 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 staff@itla.com

Additional Lodging Option For The 2020 Championship Show & Convention Quality Inn & Suites 1614 NE Big Bend Trail Glen Rose, Texas 76043 254-897-2111

1&2 Beds $99 +tax

Use code “Longhorn Expo” For Room

* Reserve your rooms as soon as possible


New ITLA Youth Scholarship Program Qualifications to apply for the ITLA Youth Scholarship: • • • • • •

Be a graduating high-school senior or college freshman that is still a qualified ITLA youth member. Must have attended at least one ITLA affiliate show. Must have attended at least one ITLA Championship show. Must be an ITLA youth member for at least 1 year by the 2020 Championship Show. If chosen, you must attend the 2020 Championship show and the awards banquet for the presentation. Application deadline is post marked by August 14th, 2020. If you would like to donate towards the 2020 ITLA Youth Scholarship program please email staff@itla.com , applications and details can be found at www.itla.com under the “youth” tab.

Thank you for your support !

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