Longhorn Drover March 2019

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March 2019

08 09 10 13 24 26 31

Presidents Letter Board of Directors Meet Your Officers Youth Director Letter Youth Spotlight Events Calendar ITLA Affiliates


Texas Longhorns and Traditions at the National Western Stock Show

The deadline for all advertisement and content submissions is the 15th of the preceding month.

About The Cover: This months cover photo was provided by Stan Searle, and taken at the opening of the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado. If you have a photo you think would make a good cover photo, please email your image in jpg format to staff@itla.com for a chance to be featured. Please include the photographers name, and the date and location the photograph was taken, as well as any other information needed to properly credit the photographer if the photo is selected.


Making Advertising Affordable for our Members Deadline is the 15th of the preceding month

Full Page Color Ad Placement Ready Ads $200 one time $150 x 6 months $50 Additional if we create the Ad

Half Page Color Ad

Quarter Page Ad

Placement Ready Ads $100 one time $ 75 x 6 months $50 Additional if we create the Ad

Placement Ready Ads $ 75 one time $ 55 x 6 months $50 Additional if we create the Ad

Card Size Ad On Breeders Guide Page 1yr. $120 No changes $50 Additional if we create the Ad

“You will never be able to do that�. That phrase has been heard too many times since the day the ITLA was formed back in 1990 by those who had a vision of what a member oriented Longhorn Association should be. Many in the current Longhorn world still believe the ITLA is destined to fail, but the membership has fought hard to keep the ITLA strong and moving forward. A year from now in March of 2020, the ITLA will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Some still feel that the finances of the ITLA are weak, but for almost 10 years the same outside independent financial service has provided the ITLA with monthly statements. Members wanted clarity and openness in a memberships finances, and today the ITLA has almost a half million in assets. Some enjoy still throwing out that the ITLA drags behind and brings up the rear, but recently the ITLA has brought forth the ITLA Futurity, the All Star Futurity, the new on-line Drover Magazine, a new and revised Longhorn Judging Clinic, and a miniature Longhorn registry. The members want to be in the forefront of the Longhorn world, so the ITLA is always reaching to provide more. Many laughed at the thought of an ITLA headquarters, but the members wanted a base of operations they could be proud of to call their own. Due to the generosity of many, the ITLA is proud to have the title in its possession of a beautiful headquarters that remains the only association owned base of operations in Longhorn history. In this issue you will get a first hand look at the many advantages of carrying an ITLA membership. What you will read is not just words, it is 29 years of how listening to members brings success and proves that the ITLA can do that.



Meet your ITLA Officers

The Longhorn Drover would like to take the time to introduce you to your 2019 ITLA Officers and Board of Directors. For this months issue, we would like to start by introducing the Officers. Be sure to read the next issue to meet four more of the members serving on the Board of Directors.


Larry Smith has been involved with Longhorns since 1977 when his family attended the YO Ranch sale and came away as volume buyers. Larry was active for many years on the newly formed youth show circuit. Prior to graduating from TCU in Ranch Management, Larry served as president of the first Longhorn youth association in the early 1980’s, the North Texas and Oklahoma Texas Longhorn Youth Association. Larry has served the ITLA for many years as a Director, sitting on committees, and chairing multiple Convention and Championship Shows. In 2010, Larry was presented the Jim Palmer Shock and Awe Award for Dedication to the ITLA and the Preservation and Promotion of Texas Longhorn Cattle.

Larry Smith II

Larry is currently serving a 5th elected term as President of the ITLA.

President Term: 2019 Celina, TX 254-396-9185 larrypsmith2@yahoo.com

Larry and his wife, Heatherly, reside in Celina, Texas, where Heathery holds the position of Director at a Christian Pre-school and Larry assists with Glendenning Farms. Aside from the pleasure of showing and raising Longhorns, Heatherly and Larry enjoy raising working border collies and the FUMC in Celina.


Vice President Lizz Huntzberry has raised Texas Longhorn cattle since 1993, and has been a member of ITLA for 25 years. Lizz is currently serving her 2nd term as the ITLA Vice President. Lizz has served several terms on the ITLA Board of Directors representing region two. She has served as President of the Northeast Texas Longhorn Association for two years. Lizz currently serves on the NETLA Board of Directors where she works on both sale and show committees. Lizz is currently the chair for the ITLA Show Committee. Lizz has been an approved ITLA judge since 1996. She is approved to train new judges, and frequently attends and co-hosts ITLA judge’s seminars.

Lizz Huntzberry Vice President Term: 2019 Smithsburg, MD 240-291-1952 lizzhuntzberry@yahoo.com



Lizz and her family are from Smithsburg, Maryland. She has three children, Lane, Cole, and Cassidy. Lane, 23, serves in the United States Air Force, Cole, 20, attends Towson University, and Cassidy, 11, raises and shows longhorns. Along with raising longhorns, Lizz enjoys cutting, sorting, and team penning with her daughter Cassidy.

“Our association is stronger when we all work together.”

Secretary Russell and his wife, Felicia live in McGregor, TX. Russell is a fifth-generation cattleman and has been working in the cattle industry for over 37 years. He has worked as a ranch manager, herdsman, custom cattle fitter & showman. While running his custom cattle fitting and showing service he produced numerous area and regional Champions, as well as World and National Champions. He has worked as a Herd Consultant, helping to build several successful breeding programs for a number of ranches over the years. He has an extensive background in bovine care and handling that has yielded successful results. Over the years he has put his background and knowledge to work managing the in-house embryo programs for several top Texas Longhorn programs. He and Felicia have recently opened Chosen 1 Genetics, an Embryo Transfer and Artificial Insemination Facility. Russell enjoys being able to help people achieve their goals and dreams in the Texas Longhorn industry. While his primary experience has been working with Texas Longhorns, he grew up working on his family's cow-calf operation. Working alongside his father he learned how to handle all types of cattle. Russell and Felicia raise and maintain a small herd of Longhorn cattle that are mostly of Butler Breeding. They also raise registered dapple/spotted Boer goats and a few Red and Gray Brahman cattle. For Russell working with cattle is not just a job but a passion that he feels Blessed to be able to do. He judges numerous shows each year and has judged at major Stock Show. He is a member and show judge for both ITLA and TLBAA.

Secretary Russell Hooks Term: 2020 McGregor, TX 409-381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com


John Moxley lives in New Market, Maryland with his wife Suzanne of 33 years, their five children, two daughter-in-laws and two grand-daughters. John and Suzanne own and operate Moxley Plumbing, Inc as well as their farm operation. They have been raising Texas Longhorns since 2000. Currently, they have 41 head of longhorns and farm 80 acres. The Moxley’s participate in the Northeast Texas Longhorn Association (NETLA) shows and have participated in numerous ITLA Championship Shows through the years. They have bred and owned two ITLA Grand Champions as well as several ITLA elite animals. John currently serves on the ITLA Board of Directors, and is the Vice President of NETLA.

Treasurer John Moxley Term: 2021 New Market, MD 240-446-9950 crosswrenchranch@msn.com T


Texas Longhorn Evaluation Clinic Are you interested in becoming an ITLA certified judge? Maybe you would just like to gain a better understanding of the Texas Longhorn breed? At the ITLA Texas Longhorn Evaluation clinic, you will be able to achieve all of this and more! The evaluation clinic will be a two part session with part one occurring April 23, 2019 and part two on April 30, 2019. Both sessions will be from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm, and will be available all over the world. The clinic teaches breeders and potential judges to understand what to look for when judging a longhorn, whether it is for personal use or as a professional judge in the show ring.


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Howdy! The ITLA Show season is in full swing with several great events coming up very soon. The Chisholm Trail Texas Longhorn Association(CTTLA) has a fantastic show in Mesquite, Texas, on April 26th – 28th, 2019. You can contact the CTTLA President, Danielle Mershon, at danielle@whistlingtxlonghorns.com for more information or follow the CTTLA and ITLA Youth pages on Facebook to stay up to date on all youth and show activities. The ITLA Youth has also been blessed with a very generous donation from Lonesome Pines Ranch of two flashy, show quality, junior steers. These steers will be at the CTTLA show for the lucky winners to take them home. All the ITLA youth need to do is make sure your ITLA Youth membership is current (the cost is only $15), enter and exhibit in the CTTLA show in Mesquite, Texas, and your name will automatically be put in the drawing for these two phenomenal steers. A huge thank you to John & Christy Randolph for their generosity and continued support of the youth. We would also like to recognize any hard working ITLA youth in each addition of the Longhorn Drover. If you would like to nominate a youth that you feel exhibits hard work, sportsmanship, work ethics, or simply just always goes above and beyond to help others in or out of the show barn, you can nominate them by emailing me at Rafter-M-Ranch@hughes.net with the youth’s information and a photo.


We have some fun and exciting things in the works for the ITLA Youth Program, so stay tuned for more details and keep an eye out for more ITLA Youth events in the future. If you have any information, for upcoming youth activities, that you would like published in the Longhorn Drover you can email them to me. I will also put them on the ITLA Youth Facebook page.

See you all down the trail ! Cori Garcia ITLA Youth Director Rafter-M-Ranch@hughes.net

Texas Longhorns and Traditions at the National Western Stock Show By: Kacie Ging Every year, the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) in Denver, Colorado relives the historic tradition of the Texas Longhorn cattle drives in front of thousands of people as drovers drive a herd of a few dozen Texas Longhorn cattle through the streets of Denver.

The herd is led by a covered wagon, which is yet another reminiscent part of the American West. People come from all over the world to experience the traditions of the NWSS and the Texas Longhorns.

The Texas Longhorns lead the opening parade to the NWSS. The parade begins on noon of the opening day by Coors Field, where the cattle are driven all the way through Denver by a group of around half a dozen drovers. The parade and show cattle are supplied each year by Silverado Ranch under the auspices of Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Monument and Ellicott, Colorado.

“The light rail stops and waits for us and the school buses bring kids by the hundreds,” says drover Stan Searle, “and thousands of people are taking pictures, and it’s a chance to show ordinary Americans a glimpse of the cattle industry, reminiscing about what it was a century ago, but also, we like to think that it sends the message that there’s still families living on ranches and raising cattle and riding horses to work their cattle.”

This year a picture of the cattle appeared in the Post and also the Wall Street Journal. One edition of the Journal had the photo on the front page. Another edition had the photo and caption on page five. The Journal has a regular column titled “Heard on the Street.” The editors tagged the cattle photo “Herd on the Street.” – Stan Searle

The National Western Stock Show shares the common value of tradition with the Texas Longhorn breed, as the event itself is a 113-yearold tradition. The first National Western Stock Show took place in 1906, and 2006 marked the 100-year anniversary of the event. To celebrate, the show wanted to do something special. It was decided that they would celebrate a tradition by bringing back a historical tradition, the Texas Longhorn cattle drives. These cattle drives were one of the most significant moments of western United States history. The drives sparked imaginations and brought about the cowboy culture. It is because of this that the Texas Longhorn cattle became a symbol for the west. This symbolism is what led to the Texas Longhorn cattle to be the ideal choice for the opening of the NWSS, starting a new tradition by combining two historical ones. (right) Governor Ritter (r.) took the point a few years back. (below)Organizers of the Denver cattle drive are Stan Searle (l.) and Gary Lake, who provide cattle from their Silverado Ranch.

Youth Show

Open Haltered

As usual, the youths opened the competition and were popular with spectators. Scott and Jodie O’Bryan of Belvidere, S.D., nearly produced the youth show in its entirety, providing cattle for six classes that were shown by Harlie and Jimmie Gulbraa. Tammy Delyea of Douglas, Wyo., completed the show with a nice heifer, Darlene 81 (Saltillo Super Smooth 62 x 5 Claira Mae) shown by Mac and Emma Velazquez. Mac took the Pee Wee showmanship title, Emma won the Junior showmanship, and Jimmie and Harlie were co-winners of the Senior. Scott and Jodie O’Bryan continued their win streak in the open haltered show, first with Obryans Doc Holliday (HCH Ranger x Holly Pecos) in Bulls Born May 1 through June 30, 2018, and then with Obryans White Legend in the March 1 through April 30, 2018, bull class. Champion Haltered Senior Bull and Grand Champion Haltered Bull was General Lee Hotstuff (IM Hot Stuff x Texas Dixie Rose), owned by Tammy Delyea.

Class winners: Females born March through April preceding calendar year of National Youth Show— Rodeo Caroline (Rodeo Thrill x Legends Caroline) owned by O’Bryans and shown by Jimmie Gulbraa. Females born January through February preceding calendar year of National Youth Show—Rodeo Jimmi (Rodeo Thrill x WLR Jim’s Deborah 105), owned by O’Bryans and shown by Harlie Gulbraa. Females born September through December of second preceding calendar year of National Youth Show—Irish Thrill (Rodeo Thrill x Pecos Legend), owned by O’Bryans and shown by Harlie Gulbraa. Females born January through April of second preceding calendar year of National Youth Show— Obryans Roan Thrill (Rodeo Thrill x Obryans Rodeo Toro), owned by O’Bryans and shown by Jimmie Gulbraa. Bulls born March through April preceding calendar year of National Youth Show— Obryans White Legend (Rodeo Thrill x Legends Caroline 2), owned by O’Bryans and shown by Jimmie Gulbraa.


Heifers Born May 1 through June 30, 2018, went to WF Merlot (Gee Whiz x WS High Road), owned by Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell of Colorado Springs. Tammy Delyea won the class for Heifers Born March 1 through April 30 with her Darlene 81, who ultimately won Champion Haltered Junior Heifer. Reserve Champion Haltered Junior Heifer was Black Betty (Big Sky Bouncer x WYO Silver), owned by Toby Johnson of Big Horn, Wyoming. The O’Bryans’ Rodeo Jimmi won Heifers Born January 1 through February 28, 2018. And then they won the next two heifer classes for two-yearolds with Irish Thrill and Obryans Roan Thrill. The latter won Champion Haltered Senior Heifer, while Irish Thrill was Reserve. Roan Thrill was named Grand Champion Haltered Heifer and Darlene 81 was named Reserve. Haltered Mature Females Born 2012 through 2015 saw Jammin Dancer (Patriot Games x Shadow Dancer), owned by Kenny Richardson of Greeley, Colo., win first. Mature Females born 2011 and Before went to Richardson’s FCL Gypsy Queen (Over Kill x Shy Speaker). FCL Gypsy Queen and Jammin Dancer were Grand Champion Haltered Cow and Reserve, respectively.

Non-Haltered The “loose” show followed the next day. Heifers Born March 1 through April 30, 2018, saw first go to Cat’s Meow (Hunt’s Mr. Miracle Man x Jake’s Sweet Hussy), owned by Randy and Marsha Witte of Peyton, Colorado. The heifer won Champion Junior Heifer while Reserve went to Windy Point Annika Buddy (Windy Point Buddy Jamin x Windy Point Anna Jamin), owned by Lana Pearson of Fowler, Colorado.

by Lana Pearson. Females Born 2012 and 2013—first was RJF Skyline, owned by

Heifers Born September 1 through December 31, 2017—first was Black Orchid (Respected Patriot x Tippin Hippy), owned by Wittes. Their heifer Sweet Molly (Hunt’s Mr. Miracle Man x Molly Miss May) won the next class, Heifers Born May 1 through August 31, 2017, and wound up Reserve Champion Senior Heifer.

WF Fox “N” Sox (Gee Wiz x Firefox), owned by Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell won the class for Bulls Born April 1 through June 30, 2018. Final Fifty (Fifty-Fifty x Jest As Fast), owned by Russell Freeman won first in the class for Bulls Born January 11 through March 31, 2018.

Heifers Born January 1 through April 30, 2017—first went to Top Dreams (Top Caliber x TCR Day Dreamer), owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake. Heifers Born 2016—first was CB Sagebrush Sally (CB Caballero Don Juan x CB Smoky), owned by John and Darlene Nelson of Wellington, Colorado. ‘Sally was named Champion Non-Haltered Senior Heifer and Grand Champion Non-Haltered Heifer; Reserve Grand Champion was Cat’s Meow. Females Born 2015—first was CB Top Angel (Over the Top x Shamrock Angel Baby), owned by Nelsons. Females Born 2014—first was Windy Point Penelope (Drag Iron x Windy Point Pocohanas Charismatic), owned

Stan Searle and Gary Lake. Females Born 2011 and Before—first was Winning Smile (Winchester x Rosy Smile), owned by Russell Freeman of Yoder, Colorado. Grand Champion Non-Haltered Mature Cow was Winning Smile, while Windy Point Penelope took Reserve.

Final Fifty was named Champion NonHaltered Bull, and Windy Point Powhatan Boris (Windy Point Boris Iron x WindyPoint Pawnee), owned by Lana Pearson, was Reserve.

This was the 43rd Longhorn show at National Western. It all began in 1975 with a national championship steer show. Exhibitors at this year’s show included the following: Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, Wildfire Ranch, Colorado Springs; Russell and Jamie Freeman, Freeman Ranch, Yoder, Colo.; John and Darlene Nelson, Cloverbloom Ranch, Wellington, Colo.; Marlene Reynolds, Highland Longhorns, Yoder, Colo.; Jeff and Jordan Widdows, Tin Cup Ranch, Johnstown, Colo.; Tammy Delyea, Box E Longhorns, Douglas, Wyo.; Toby Johnson, Big Horn, Wyo.; Scott and Jodie O’Bryan, O’Bryan Arena, Belvidere, S.D.; Kenny and Karen Richardson, Fossil Creek Longhorns, Greeley, Colo.; Randy and Marsha Witte, Red Ink Ranch, Peyton, Colo.; Norm and Barbara Fillmore, Red Tail Ranch, Elbert, Colo.; Gary Lake, Silverado Ranch, Monument, Colo.; Ron and Lana Pearson, Windy Point Longhorns, Fowler, Colo.; Stan Searle, Silverado Ranch, Monument, Colorado.

In Non-Haltered Junior Steers, those Born May 1, 2017, through December 31, 2018, first went to WF Cowboy Brew (CB Caballero Don Juan x Fire Brewed), owned by Adams and McDowell. For Junior steers born 2015 and 2016, first went to Chicago 15/5 (Top Caliber x Jasmine Rose), owned by Russell Freeman. BN Jim Reeves (BN Storm x SH Respect Sizzle), owned by Toby Johnson, took the senior steer class and won Champion NonHaltered Steer. Russell Freeman’s Chicago 15/5 won Reserve.


Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Ragains family on the loss of Dr. Lee Ragains In 2019 Dr. Ragains celebrated 40 years of raising Longhorns on his Lone Wolf Ranch in Oklahoma. Dr. Ragains was a Charter Lifetime Member from the ITLA’s founding holding membership number 79. In 2009 Dr. Ragains was presented the ITLA Pioneer Breeder Award for his impact in the promotion and preservation of Longhorn cattle. Dr. Ragains left a long lasting impact on the Longhorn Breed and will be greatly missed. Please keep Linda and the Ragains family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Lee Sherman Ragains, son of Elmer C Ragains and Gladys Case Ragains was Born March 14, 1932, In North Platte, Nebraska. Lee lived on his Lone Wolf Ranch in Sallisaw the past 10 years. On February 19, 2019, his Lord and Savior moved him from the Vian Nursing Home into his Home in Heaven. A Rancher his entire life, Lee expressed two wishes in recent years #1, that he would be able to continue to actively Ranch “until I either dropped dead or run out of money” and #2, that “when I reach out to take the hand of Jesus I don’t want anyone or anything to get in my way”. He got his way on both accounts. Lee was a Real Cowboy in the truest sense. In his early years Lee competed in rodeos as a bareback rider. After his Service in the Army in Germany he went to Colorado State University on the GI Bill Graduating in 1963 with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine. While attending CSU Lee was on the Rodeo Team. Lee was an Accomplished Veterinarian, life time Rancher and for the past 40 Years raised Registered Longhorn Cattle not because they were the most profitable breed but because they typify tough determined resiliency much like Lee did over his long life. His wife was always at his side helping him continue to pursue his passion for Ranching. The two of them ran a herd of well over 200 head of Registered Texas Longhorn cattle without having any regular hired help right up to February 9, 2019 when they were helping a young bull that was down struggling with a horn stuck deep in the mud. His wife had to help him walk back to the tractor and later Lee ended up in the ER. Lee is survived by his Wife Linda, Daughter, Susan Muller & husband Bill, Grand children Amanda & Matthew, Son, Mike Ragains & wife Nancy, Grand Children Michaela, Brianna & Nick, Daughter Lesa Ragains Oyler & husband Ted & Granddaughter Annie, Step Son Joey Larrabee & wife Patty, Granddaughters Amy & Amanda and Many Great-Grandchildren. Lee Chose not to have a Funeral Service but it is the hope of his wife and family that we would reflect on his life and think about the important things that really matter; our relationship with our God, dedication to our families through good and bad times and living with a focus on how we can help to Point the Way to our Lord and Savior to anyone who doesn’t know Him. Lee wanted his ashes to be scattered in the pasture on Lone Wolf Ranch. The world would be a better place if filled with hard working, dedicated, honest, people like Dr.Lee Ragains. A Rancher, a Veterinarian, a Mason, a Shriner, Army Veteran, Rodeo Competitor but Most Importantly he was a Christian and Loved the Lord.

ATTENTION MEMBERS Emails provided during registration will only be used for ITLA related business such as the release of the monthly Longhorn Drover, association news, reminders about upcoming ITLA events, etc. Any email claiming to be from the ITLA Office or an ITLA Director that does NOT pertain to any ITLA associated news or event is spam and should not be trusted. If you receive an email or message you are not quite sure about, feel free to contact the ITLA office at 254-898-0157 or staff@itla.com.

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itla Membership Based Affordable. Youth Focused. Property Owning. Detailed and Organized. An International Community. Informative. Fair.

We have active memberships of $60 that are always renewed for a full year (no matter what the date of renewal is) and no extra charges for late renewals, plus youth membership is only $15!


We are growing our youth programs, emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship, fun, and family. We strive to create more opportunities for our youth to be involved. Come visit us at our Headquarters Building and Property in Glen Rose, Texas! It’s a place we are proud to call our home! Our Registration Certificates offer the option to include an O.C.V. number, birth weight, and even a photograph of the animal. Our Championship Show and Convention are held together every year, making it easier to participate with both! There are affiliates active all over the world that share our common love of the breed. Several of these affiliates host different events and sales, so, odds are there is an ITLA Affiliate group planning something in your area! We offer educational opportunities through Judges Clinics, seminars at the National Convention, and monthly articles in the online Longhorn Drover magazine. The Longhorn Drover also serves as a tool for sharing ITLA news, and for members to advertise affordably. We also have printed Membership Directories available to members who request them from the office. The Judges Clinics we offer are required to become an ITLA certified judge, and several of our judges are used by other associations, not just ITLA. The ITLA operates with a functional board of 12 members plus the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each year, all ITLA members vote in the annual elections to select members to fill these positions by sending a ballot in the mail, During the annual elections, all members also vote on major issues concerning the association, ensuring everyone has a voice and is heard.

here to serve you

Sample ITLA Certificate of Registration

Stop by the ITLA Office to see the King of the Road skull on display!

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Embryo Transfer & Artificial Insemination Facility Take advantage of the best genetics available in the cattle industry today by using AI & embryo transfer to build your herd. The professional team at C1G is waiting to take care of all your AI and Embryo Transfer needs. Let them put their years of experience to work for you by helping you build the cattle herd of your dreams. At C1G we know that the success of a flush is not only determined on flush day but in the days leading up to the flush. Unlike other facilities we maintain your donors on pasture with mineral and nutrition supplements in the days leading up to their flush. We maintain a low stress environment for the cattle. In other words “We care for your cattle just like they were our own”. We only work with a limited number of cattle at a time. Ask about our Donor Special and our AI Special. Now booking ET and AI sessions. Space is limited, so call today.

“ Helping build your Dream herd, one embryo at a time”. Russell & Felicia Hooks Owners / Operators Over 35 yrs experience in the cattle industry as ranch manager, private ET herd manager, herd consultant & custom fitter of show cattle. Russell will over see the daily care and preparation of cattle. Felicia will be managing the office, schedules and customer service.

Contact Chosen 1 Genetics Today

409-381-0616 Email: russellh@longhornroundup.com Located in McGregor, TX “We care for your cattle just like they were our own”

John Canfield

goal was he had to be 900 pounds by our fair in July. In January, he weighed in at 440 pounds and we knew we had a big task ahead of us. We started a feed program, and fed 4 times a day. By the time he weighed in for the fair he was at 906 pounds, 6 pounds over his minimum weight. Which means he was able to be sold at our market sale. In 2017, I had the Grand Champion Texas Longhorn Beef Steer at the Washington County Ag Expo and Fair. That week, Ferdinand was sold at our market sale to a butcher shop that we have a close relationship with. They allowed us to keep Ferdinand and continue to show him the remainder of 2017. This whole process started my journey with Texas Longhorns.

Hi, my name is John Canfield. I am 14 years old and live in Boonsboro, Maryland. I live on a small farm with my mom, step dad, and sister. I am active in 4-H as well as FFA at my middle school. On our farm I raise beef and dairy steers, pigs, lambs, goats, and turkeys for my 4-H projects. I also have 3 mini donkeys that we use as herd protectors. We currently have 10 registered Texas Longhorns, I own 9 of them and we are currently leasing a bull. When I was younger, I always enjoyed the Texas Longhorn show at our local county fair. I loved watching them and hoped to one day show one of my own. I started showing Texas Longhorns 3 years ago and it all started with my steer, Ferdinand. A family friend was able to get us in contact with a breeder, we picked out Ferdinand and brought him home. He was going to be my steer for our county fair. Ferdinand was an April calf, we brought him home in October and the

In late 2017, my parents and I started our own herd. Ferdinand was no longer around, but I was hooked on the breed. We started out buying a bred heifer, Drifter’s Lady, and a heifer, Princess Lena. They were quickly followed by another bred heifer

purchased, Noble Drag Girl. As time went on, we needed a replacement steer and that’s when we bought Sunhaven Money Maker. At the 2018 Cherry Blossom Sale, we expanded our herd some more with a heifer, MW Awesome Beauty. Over the summer months our bred heifers gave us 2 beautiful calves, a bull, D3 King of Hearts, and a heifer, Drag Honor Girl. At the 2018 ITLA National Convention sale we purchased Angels Jest, another beautiful heifer. Finally for Christmas my mom and step dad bought me a broke 3 year old riding steer, Chasin’ Tail, from Lizz Huntzberry. We are excited to bring him out to local events and show him off. 2018 was an awesome show year for me. I show on the NETLA (Northeast Texas Longhorn Association) affiliate show circuit. I was also able to show at the Ohio River Valley Texas Longhorn Association’s show, and the National Convention and Show. I participated in 7 shows occurring in 6 states and I had a blast! I was the only member of NETLA to attend all 5 NETLA shows and was recognized at our annual banquet. Throughout the year, I won several awards and trophy’s, most notably being Grand Champion All-Age Female at the State Fair of West Virginia with my junior cow, Noble Drag Girl. Also, at the NETLA qualifying

show, I won Grand Champion All-Age Female in the youth show with my heifer MW Awesome Beauty. At the 2018 ITLA National Convention and Show, I won Reserve Champion Senior Bull in the youth show with my bull Infinity RR Plumb Tuff. This was a great honor and I won my first 2 belt buckles. My family and I are excited to see what 2019 has in store for our herd of Texas Longhorns. We have plans to attend many shows and even add some futurities this year. We hope to have a great year, get some great calves on the ground, and promote the breed to the best of our ability. John Canfield


Best of Trails Texas Longhorn Association

Indian Territory Texas Longhorn Association

Millennium Futurity

The Diann Chase Longhorn Scholarship Expo

Great Northern Longhorn Texas Longhorn Judging Clinic Webinar Classic

Chisholm Trail Texas Longhorn Association

Ohio River Valley Texas Longhorn Association !"#"$%#&'(")&'*+','-./0'1234'(")&'56


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MidwestLonghorn Texas Longhorn Great Northern ClassicAssociation

ITLA Championship Show and Convention

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If you have an event that you would like to have listed on the Events Calendar email the information to staff@itla.com

Millennium Futurity

Entry Fees Fee: Price: Due Date: Nomination Fee $150.00 March 15, 2019 Final Payment $150.00 April 15, 2019 Total $300.00 Absolutely no entries will be accepted after April 15, 2019

Millenium Futurity 2019 Classes Schedule of Events Thursday, May 9, 2019 All cattle arrive Crawfish Boil Friday, May 10, 2019 Luncheon at ITLA Headquarters Futurity Bull Judging Millennium Futurity Heifer Sale Social Hour and Dinner immediately following the sale. Saturday, May 11, 2019 Heifer Futurity Judging Award Cerimony one hour after the judging.

9:00 am - 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:30 pm

10:00 am

Guidelines for Entries: 1. All cattle must be futurity eligible 2. All cattle must be TLBAA, TLCA, or ITLA registered 3. All entries must be paid in full by the due date 4. No change or substitutions of cattle once entered 5. Cattle may be blood tested on a random basis 6. A nonrefundable fee of $250.00 must accompany all protests 7. Descisions of the judges will be final 8. The Millenium Futurity Partners are not responsible for any accidents to any persons or animals while at the event 9. Any one proven to have cheated on genetics or age will be banned for life from the Millenium Futurity and any of its events

14 Divisions Bulls: Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Heifers: Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 Class 13 Class 14

Oct. 1, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2018 Jul. 1, 2018 - Sept. 30, 2018 Apr. 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Jan. 1, 2018 - Mar. 31, 2018 Sept. 1, 2017 - Dec. 31, 2017 May 1, 2017 - Aug. 31, 2017 Jan. 1, 2017 - Apr. 30, 2017 Oct. 1, 2018 - Dec. 31, 2018 Jul. 1, 2018 - Sept. 30, 2018 Apr. 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 Jan. 1, 2018 - Mar. 31, 2018 Sept. 1, 2017 - Dec. 31, 2017 May 1, 2017 - Aug. 31, 2017 Jan. 1, 2017 - Apr. 30, 2017

Name of Animal D.O.B. Registration Number Sex Name of Sire Sire Reg. Number Name of Dam Dam Reg. Number Owner Address Breeder (please remit copy of papers) Contact Information: Telephone Email Christy Randolph 512-360-4299 | 713-703-8458 lpinesranch@aol.com 267 Keller Road Smithville, TX 78957 www.millenniumfuturity.com

futurities A futurity is a competition in which cattle are presented one at a time before a panel of five judges. The judges will have a range of numbers from which they will select their score for the animal. For example, average cattle will receive a number score from somewhere in the middle

of the range, while excellent cattle receive a score on the higher end of the range. The judges then submit their scores. Both the highest and lowest scores are dropped. The remaining three scores are added together. The calf with the highest score wins.

association futurities THE ITLA FUTURITY The ITLA Futurity is special because it occurs just two days before the All Star Futurity, and is the last chance to qualify for the International All Star Futurity.

THE International All Star FUTURITY The International All Star Futurity is a competition of only the best of the best in the breed. To compete in this event you must first qualify by placing first or second at a qualifying futurity. Find a qualifying futurity near you today!

The combined payout for these two futurities was over $21,000!

Best of Trails Texas Longhorn Association !"#$%&'"()*+%,(-./0-$1 2344%56)/7%8(--* 9)(/"$+%:;%<<3<2 ,#"$-=%<>?@43>@>?<A BC0D(044E$-1*.F$-1

Canadian Texas Longhorn Association &-G%H-.I*+%,(-./0-$1 ,FJF%K"L%343 J617""*+%;).*)1D#-M)$%;?H>N? ;).*-1D#-M)$%8)$)0) ,#"$-=%4?<@3<A@4?4O ,#"$-=%P?4@QAQ@?22P "RD-ED17)7"$S#"($.FD"T MMMFD17)7"$S#"($.FD"T%

Chisholm Trail Texas Longhorn Association &)$/-77-%9-(.#"$+%,(-./0-$1 2?Q??%U/$0/$S%,)..)S-%U)I V"(1%U"(1#+%WX%A<242 ,#"$-=%>QP@<4?@??Q4 0)$/-77-EM#/.17/$S1L7"$S#"($FD"T

Great Lakes Texas Longhorn Association !"#$$I%Y/D*.+%,(-./0-$1 2Q23%Z%K(/.1"7%[0 &"M7/$S+%9\%PO?Q? ,#"$-=%><O@A>2@4PA4 #/D*.)T-(/D)$G6770"S.EI)#""FD"T

Indian Territory Texas Longhorn Association ["G-(1%])$%H/-M+%,(-./0-$1 <4?P%K7)D*G-((I%[")0 Z0T"$0+%J:%A4?4P% ,#"$-=%P?Q@P>?@2A>? ')$7/-M()$D#EST)/7FD"T

Longhorn Posse

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Midwest Texas Longhorns Association W/T%9/77.+%,(-./0-$1 ,#"$-=%P2O@<?<@<23P T"6$1)/$'/-M_longhorns@yahoo.com

Mountain States Texas Longhorn Association 9)(7-$-%[-I$"70.+%,(-./0-$1 4>4PQ%K/S%;C(/$S.%[0F `"0-(+%8J%3?3<P ,#"$-=%A2O@Q2?@>2Q2 D"MS/(7T)T)34EST)/7FD"T MMMF9;WHaF"(S

Northeast Texas Longhorn Association !"0/%:/$S+%,(-./0-$1 ,FJF%K"L%P>2 [/D#7)$0+%,a%2A?3A% ,#"$-=%A2A@PAQ@Q32O 7)1/T"(-')77-Ib)(T.E-)(1#7/$*F$-1 MMMF$-17)7"$S#"($.FD"T%

Ohio River Valley Texas Longhorn Association aTG-(%&6$T/(-+%,(-./0-$1 ,#"$-=%44?@>42@?4PQ G"$$/-S7-$b)(TEST)/7FD"T%

Texas Longhorn Association of Ontario &"$%V7-TT/$S1"$+%,(-./0-$1 2>43PA%;"61#S)1-%[0F%2> Y"7.1-/$+%JN%N?c>a?%8)$)0) ,#"$-=%Q2O@4>4@AO3> 0"$E1(-7)$-b)(T.FD"T

Top of the West Texas Longhorn Association ;#)0"M%;-)T)$+%,(-./0-$1 ,FJF%K"L%QOQ V/7-(+%\&%344>3% ,#"$-=%>?3@P>?@>P3P '/D1"(I()$D#E-)(1#7/$*F$-1%

Ohio River Valley has big plans in the works this year! We will be hosting our first futurity, The Buckeye Classic, along with our annual show on July 19th – 20th at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio. This will be our 22nd annual show and we want to make it the best one yet, so mark your calendars now to attend! We will also have a booth at the Ohio Beef Expo held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio on March 14th – 17th, and are excited share the longhorn breed with other beef producers. If you have questions about our show or futurity, please contact Amber Dunmire at 330-231-0345 or orvtla1@gmail.com. Please visit our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/orvtla to keep up with all the show information.

We would like to welcome our new officers for the 2019 – 2020 year: President Amber Dunmire Bonnie Glen Farm 330-231-0345

Secretary Amber Neuman Mixed Blessings 419-651-6979

Vice President Jeff Morris Morris Land and Cattle 419-565-7591

Treasurer Carice Jameson We3 Farms 330-231-7777

Director Bob Snyder Double R Longhorns

Director Andy Dunmire Bonnie Glen Farm

Director Joel Dickinson Dickinson Cattle Company




FUTURITY 7-19-2019 WOOSTER, OH facebook.com/ORVTLA

L Nghorn Posse Longhorn Posse is a fairly new affiliate. In 2017, a group of us got together and decided we would like to start another affiliate in hopes of having more shows and events in Texas. Most of our members are located in central Texas but we accept and invite new members from all over! We had a fun day in 2017 where we had several different classes that taught judging, branding, showmanship, halter breaking, and saddle breaking. We hope to schedule another clinic like this in 2019. We had our first ITLA show in Glen Rose, TX in 2018. It was a great success! Everyone had a great time even with the Texas heat! We will have a member meeting within the next month to start scheduling this year’s Longhorn Posse Show! Be sure to like our Facebook page to see when upcoming events are scheduled. We invite everyone to our member meetings so if you would like information please do not hesitate to contact one of us! We hope to see you at our events! Pam Kinsel Vice President Longhorn Posse

Snapshots Longhorn Posse Photographs

MERCHANDISE Long Sleeve Shirt


Short Sleeve Shirt


ITLA Cookbook

2019 Texas Longhorn Celebrity Calendar

ITLA Horn Stew Book

ITLA Member Sign

Stuffed Longhorn Animal

Order forms can be found at www.itla.com Please fill out and email to staff@itla.com

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