2020 March Drover

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March 2020


The Official Online Magazine Of The International Texas Longhorn Association



About the front cover

CONTENTS Photo is courtesy of Dickinson Catlle Company’s website - “Spring is in the air”

3 6 9-10 13 18 23 28

Letter from the President

Letter from the Office Manger

Upcoming ITLA Events

New Longhorn Event

Marks Family

Youth Spotlight National Western Stock Show Results

Letter from the


Celebrating A Full Year

The primary purpose of the ITLA is to maintain and hold secure a Longhorn pedigree data base. Thirty years of Longhorn history is now contained in the database which serves as the catalyst to which the ITLA offers members an industry wide accepted registration certificate at the lowest price, the fastest turnaround, and to this day still includes a complimentary color photograph of your animal. These leading services originate from the only member owned association headquarters in Longhorn history. While it would be easy to stop with the database and sit back in the beautiful headquarters enjoying the success, that is not how the ITLA operates. One look at the calendar of events shows the many available activities supported and sponsored by the ITLA. Additional ITLA activities coming your way this year include a Headquarter luncheon for the Millenium Futurity, an all new Longhorn Judging Clinic, a weekend field day covering everything Longhorn, etc. The year will wrap up in October when the ITLA comes together in Glen Rose, Texas, home of your Headquarters, to celebrate our 30th year at the Convention and Championship Show. Special celebration activities are planned, including reminiscing on the ITLA’s history and spending time at the Headquarters. The Texas Agriculture Commissioner recognizes the important agricultural role the ITLA provides not only in Texas but around the world, so he will be joining us in Glen Rose to participate in our celebration. It is an exciting year for the ITLA that many predicted would never occur. Celebrating the ITLA’s 30 years is not about proving the naysayers wrong. It is about spending quality time with your Longhorn cattle, catching up with old friends who you look forward to seeing again, and meeting new friends with a common love for the Longhorn.

2019-2020 Officers Russell Hooks Vice President & Secretary Term: 2020 McGregor, TX 409-381-0616 russellh@longhornroundup.com

Larry Smith II

John Moxley

President Term: 2020 Celina, TX 254-396-9185 larrypsmith2@yahoo.com

Treasurer Term: 2021 New Market, MD 240-446-9950 crosswrenchranch@msn.com

2019-2020 Board of Directors John Moxley

Director at Large #1 Term: 2021 New Market, MD 240-446-9950 crosswrenchranch@msn.com

Lizz Huntzberry

Region 2 Term: 2022 Smithsburg, MD 240-291-1952 lizzhuntzberry@yahoo.com

T.J. Farnsworth

Region 5 Term: 2019 Mountain Home, UT 435-503-5229 tj@chapman-const.com

James Eyman Region 8 Term: 2020 Marble Falle, TX 830-596-1604 ranchHQ@eblranch.com

Joel Dickinson

Gordon Musgrove

Dick Lowe

John Nelson

Director at Large #2 Term: 2020 Barnsville, OH 740-758-5858 joel_d@texaslonghorn.com

Region 3 Term: 2020 Horton, MI 517-688-3030 info@rrrlonghorns.com

Region 1 Term: 2020 Patricia, AB 403-363-1729 onetreeranch@gmail.com

Region 4 Term: 2021 Wellington, CO 970-897-2441 jnelson@enganalytics.com

Terry Brink

Region 6 Term: 2020 Frederick, OK 580-335-5732 brinkauction@gmail.com

Connie Olive

Region 7 Term: 2020 Big Sandy, TX 903-780-0665 connie_olive@aol.com

Joe Dowling Region 9 Term: 2021 Caldwell, TX 979-273-0277 dowlingoe@yahoo.com

Official Chute of the International Texas Longhorn Association

P&C Cattle Pens & Chutes PCcattlepens.com 918-507-2222 info@pccattlepens.com

Letter from the

Office Manager

Howdy Spring is just around the corner, and the show/sale season is in full swing. To stay up to date on all the ITLA events go to www.itla.com and click on the events tab for a full list of shows, sales, and futurities which is updated frequesntly as the information becomes available. Are you an affiliate that has news to share ? You can submit your affiliate news for the Longhorn Drover to staff@itla.com. We also offer e-blasts and advertising to help spread the word to our members about your upcoming events.


Affiliates, don’t forget to send in your event results as soon as possible so we can get those published in the Longhorn Drover for all the participants at your event.

* Youth membership $15 * Active memberships $60

Until next time, see you all down the trail !

* 10 Year memberships $400.00 * Lifetime memberships $700

God bless you all,

Cori Garcia ITLA Office Manager staff@itla.com

Join ITLA Today Today!! ITLA offers active memberships for $60.00 and youth memberships for $15.00 that are renewable for a full year, no matter what the date of the renewal is. There are no extra charges for late renewals either. ITLA is also working to grow its youth programs, and emphasize the importance of sportsmanship, fun, and family. ITLA Registration Certificates offer the option to include an O.C.V. number, birth weight, and even a photograph of the animal. ITLA has affiliates active all across the globe. They host sales, shows, and countless other events.

In order to enhance the education of people on the importance of the Texas Longhorn, ITLA offers Judges Clinics, seminars at the National Convention, and monthly articles in the Longhorn Drover magazine. The ITLA operates with a functional board of 12 members plus the President, Vice President. Secretary and Treasure. Each year, all ITLA members vote in the annual elections to select members to fill these positions by sending a ballot in the mail, During the annual elections, all members also vote on major issues concerning the association, ensuring everyone has a voice and is heard.

Join the ITLA fun !

Click here for a printable ITLA membership form

1SPWJEJOH RVBMJUZ NFNCFSTIJQ TFSWJDFT TJODF po box 2610 Y Glen Rose, tx Y Phone 254.898.0157 Y Fax 254.898.0165 Y www.itla.com


FREE member listing on website — www.itla.com! FREE link to your website! FREE full color photo on registration certificate! Transfer Fee, $15 within 60 days of sale! President, VP, and all Directors are elected by 100% member mail-in ballot. All shows judged by ITLA approved judges who are Texas Longhorn owners! Membership owned office building and much, much more!


Active Membership (Annual Dues 'VMM .POUIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 Youth Membership ("HF VOEFS - Annual Dues) — Birthdate: ___/___/__@_ . . . . . $15 10-Year Membership (Can Convert to Lifetime for $300) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 Lifetime Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700

Name: ______________________________________________________ Ranch Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _______ Zip: _________________ Home Phone:______________________________ Office: _________________ Ranch: ________________________________ Fax: _________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________ Yes, I want to be an ITLA Member, I am the registered owner of one or more Texas Longhorn Cattle (not required for Youth or Associate members).

List Membership In:

Please send payment Who told you about the ITLA? with application. _________________________ R Check R Credit Card R MC R Visa R Discovery Card#: ______________________@@ Exp: ___________ $WW @@@@@@@


Please make check payable and mail to: ITLA Y PO Box 2610 Y Glen Rose, TX 76043

R Individual R Ranch Name

If you have a brand Please draw it here:

rev. - 20130506 - kd - indd

EVENTS ITLA March Madness Show

March 6th - 8th, 2020 Circle T Arena 4007 SH-36 Hamilton, Texas 76531 Show Chair - Cori Garcia E-mail: staff@itla.com Youth, Mini, & Haltered Lana Hightower - Youth Larry Smith, II - Halter

MO KAN (BOTT) Spring Sale March 14th-15th, 2020 Butler, MO Contact - John Dvorak


ITTLA Heifer Futurity

March 27th, 2020 283 Lodge Road Overbrook, OK Go to ITTLA.net for more info

2020 Texoma Spring Classic Longhorn Sale

Cherry Blossom Sale April 17th - 18th, 2020 Culpeper, VA.

May 7th-9th, 2020 Ray Bear Davidson 540-687-0050 Somervell County Expo Glen Rose, TX 76043 Chase Vasut 512-917-8654 Chair - Christy Randolph 713-703-8458 millenniumfuturity.com

CTTLA Spring Fling

April 24-26, 2020 Myers Park & Event Center 7117 CR 166 McKinney, Texas Danielle Mershon 254-630-0053 Judges - Lana Hightower (Sat.) Rebecca Scott (Sun.) Matt Menchaca ( Youth )

Red McCombs Fiesta Sale May 1st - 2nd, 2020 Johnson City, TX

Contact - Alan & Teresa Sparger dodgeram52@yahoo.com

ITLA Juding Clinic Part 1 - May 12th, 2020 Part 2 - May 19th, 2020

More details coming soon

HudsonValentine Bluegrass Classic Sale & Futurity May 22nd-23rd, 2020 Lexington, KY

Contact - Lorinda Valentine


Millennium Luncheon The Biggest Little May 8th, 2020

Hosted by the ITLA Office 1600 Texas Dr.

March 28th, 2020

Glen Rose, TX 76043

Dale Hunt - 402-214-4851

( come & go as needed )

Overbrook, OK

Millenium Futurity

12:00-2:00 pm

Longhorn Futurity June 5-7, 2020 Reno, NV

* Reno Rodeo Grounds



Great Northern Classic

Cheesehead Futurity & Sale June 19th - 20th, 2020 Location - 5D Ranch Gresham, Wisconsin For more info please contact Dan Huntington at 715-853-7608 or Ali Mast 715-495-4369

Longhorn Posse Showdown

June 6th, 2020 5050 S FM 5 Aledo, TX 76008 ( Annetta ) Mikell Deatherage/Pam Kinsel hartly1027@yahoo.com pamcakes21@yahoo.com Halter & Youth Shows

ORVTLA Buckeye Classic

July 17-18, 2020 Wooster, OH Contact - Amber Dunmire for more information.


July 2020 More details coming soon...

Montgomery County Fair

August 2020 More details coming soon...

CTTLA Fall Shoot Out

September 12th, 2020 3101 FM 51 - Decatur, TX Halter Judge - John Oliver Youth - TBA Show Chair - Danielle Mershon

East Coast Classic September 2020

MO KAN (BOTT) Fall Longhorn Sale September 2020 Passaic, MO More details soon...

Huson-Valentine Fort Worth Stockyards Sale

Ray Bear Davidson 540-687-0050 September 18th-19th, 2020 Fort Worth, Texas Chase Vasut 512-917-8654 More details coming soon...

2020 Oregon State Fair

September 2020 Contact - Cindie Boyle 541-232-2558 More details coming soon...

Top of The West Idaho Show

September 2020 More details coming soon...

The Great Frederick Fair

September 2020 More details coming soon...

York Fair

September 2020 York, PA More details coming soon...

2020 ITLA Championship Show & Convention Celebrating 30 Years ! October 7th-10th, 2020 Sommervell County Expo 202 Bo Gibbs Blvd Glen Rose, Texas 76043

* Championship Halter Show * Championship Youth Show * Championship Non-Halter Show * Championship ITLA Futurity * Miss ITLA Youth Contest * End of Year Awards Banquet For more information contact the ITLA office at staff@itla.com Judges - TBA

Affiliates Great Lakes Texas LonghornAssociation Alberta Texas LonghornAssociation Cody Bailey, President Phone: (780) 361 - 8871 Email: albertatexaslonghorn@gmail.com

Best of Trails Texas LonghornAssociation John Dvorak, President Phone: (620) 382 - 2067 Email: jpdcrd33@netks.net

Johnny Hicks, President Phone: 269-721-3473 Email: hicksamericanbulldogs@yahoo.com

IndianTerritoryTexas LonghornAssociation Robert Van Liew, President Phone: 405-420-1720 Email: vanliewranch@gmail.com

TheLonghornPosse Judi Walker, President Phone: 254-796-2135 Email: jfwtx@att.net

Northeast Texas LonghornAssociation Jodi King, President Phone: 717-475-5819 Email: latimorevalleyfarms@earthlink.net Website: www.netlalonghorns.com

OhioRiverValleyTexas LonghornAssociation Amber Dunmire, President Phone: 330-231-0345 Email: bonnieglenfarm@gmail.com

Canadian Texas Texas Longhorn LonghornAssociation Midwest Texas AssociationofOntario Deb Lesyk, President Phone: 306-867-3039 Flemmington, President LonghornAssociation Don Phone: 403-575-0114 Phone: 519-323-7982 Email: office@ctlalonghorns.com Website: www.ctlalonghorns.com

Tim Mills, President Phone: 419-606-6184 Email: mountainview_longhorns@yahoo.com

Email: don@trelanefarms.com

ChisholmTrailTexas TopoftheWestTexas LonghornAssociation MountainStatesTexas LonghornAssociation Danielle Mershon, President Seaman, President LonghornAssociation Shadow Phone: 254-630-0053 Phone: 208-420-2484 Email: danielle@whistlingtxlonghorn.com

Marlene Reynolds, President Phone: 719-510-2151 Email: cowgirlmama83@gmail.com Website: www.MSTLA.org

Email: victoryranch@earthlink.net

Texas Longhorn Trivia No February Winner... Keep Those Guesses Coming

January Answer “Rangers Measles”

* The first ITLA member to properly name this Texas Longhorn will win a FREE ITLA T-Shirt. * Email your answer to staff@itla.com * Only one guess per member

New Event ...

Open To All Registered Texas Longhorns

Location: Reno, NV Contact Person: Melissa Boerst melissa.boerst@gmail.com

The 2020 March Madness Show Circle T Arena Hamilton, Texas March 6-8, 2020 sponsorship opportunities

Level 1 - $100 Silver Level 2 - $150 Gold Level 3 - $250 Elite Level 4 - Over $250 Platinum Contact Cori at staff@itla.com

WI Longhorns Roland West * 816-255-5456 * wilonghorns@gmail.

Teanna WI DOB: 12/31/2016 WI Gunpowder x WI Tea Party For Sale - $1,500

Jefferson WI DOB: 4/24/2018 SADDLE ROPE x Queen Tuttess For Sale - $1,500

Deerfly DOB: 4/12/2005 TOMAHAWK 10 x Tijuana Taxi For Sale - $1,200


Marks Family MARKS cattle were the thrill and satisfaction of Emil Marks to raise and enjoy. The late Emil Marks was fondly remembered by Maudeen and Travis who actively pursued the goals of their wise old father. Mr. Marks raised a lot of twisty horned, brindle cattle, with strong red, dun and brown coloration. Some were higher horned than other families. Most of the pure Marks blood was lost in the late 1960’s as a result of Bangs disease. Hardly any high percentage Marks cattle remain. The old pure Marks were often of a V shape horn style similar to Brahman. Marks cattle were often very quiet and easy to train for riding or pulling wagons and believed to possess oxen origin. The numbers available today of the pure Marks blood have been diluted and are no doubt the smallest in number of the seven families. Emil Marks was a friend of Cap Yates and did at times trade or sell to the Yates family. The Marks cattle were then a part of the old Yates stock but probably not a large part considering the massive number in the Yates herd. The Marks herd ran on sprawling, coastal grass land, west of Houston, Texas. Today the Emil Marks land is totally covered with city. The pure Marks blood is nearly, or completely extinct. No prominent producer is working to preserve the Marks line. The WR herd is more in number than any other family, yet many producers are working to preserve it from extinction. All other families are available today by the hundreds or thousands in pure family lineage. ~ This information on the Marks Family came from the ITLA website at www.itla.com under ITLA Info, ITLA History, then under the 7 Families tab. Feel free to check it out and learn more about the 7 families of the Texas Longhorn history.

In 1898, Emil Henry Marks registered the LH7 brand in Harris County to begin breeding cattle on his 63-acre ranch in Addicks. In its peak, the ranch housed more than 6,000 cattle on 36,000 acres. It spanned what is now the Addicks and Barker reservoirs. Emil’s grandparents were Prussian immigrants who arrived in Galveston in 1843, and they were charged with caring for Emil when he was 10 years old after his parents died. The burden of caring for four children overwhelmed Emil’s grandparents, and he was soon sent to live with an aunt and uncle in Pattison where he worked as a ranch hand—the beginning of his cattleman’s career. He officially founded the ranch in 1907, the same year he married Maud May Smith. Ten years later, the couple relocated the ranch closer to Barker and began staging small riding and roping contests to entertain neighboring ranchers who helped him brand his cattle. The small events eventually gathered steam and transformed into an annual ranch rodeo that attracted thousands from Houston for 30 years. Emil became one of the first Gulf Coast cattleman to cross Indian-imported Brahman bulls with the longhorn cattle, which proved well-suited to the intense Gulf Coast climate. The LH7 ranch became an important supplier of quality Brahman breeding for ranches across the South. Because he was passionate about preserving the Texas longhorn, which grew endangered in the early 1900s, Emil began hand-picking a herd of 500 to maintain, and is considered one of the seven families of longhorn cattle by the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America. Emil and Maud’s daughters, Maudeen Martha and Atha, who both died in 2009, was known in the community for sharing their father’s passions. Both were involved in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and became a lifetime member of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association, and Atha was an active member of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Katy. Emil kept the ranch until his death in 1969. Maudeen and her brother, Travis, split the heard and ranching operations. Maudeen settled her portion in Bandera in 1982 where it still exists as both a ranch and vacation resort. ~ Article Sources: Texas State Historical Association, “The LH7 Ranch: In Houston’s Shadow” by Deborah Lightfoot Sizemore Photos courtesy of - LH7 Ranch collection

Celebrating 30 Years ! 1990 - 2020 30th Annual ITLA Championship Show & Convention October 7th - 10th, 2020 Somervell County Expo Center 202 Bo Gibbs Blvd. Glen Rose, Texas 76043

30 years of quality member services

ITLA Established 1990 * Convention * Halter Show * Youth Show * Non-Halter Show * ITLA Championship Futurity * Annual Special Awards * 30 Year Celebration * Catered Meals * Awards Banquet * Membership Meeting * Email The ITLA For More Info At staff@itla.com

Carol J. Dvorak February 15th 1949 - February 21st, 2020 Carol J. Dvorak, 71, of Marion, passed on Friday (Feb. 21, 2020) at University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City. She is preceded in death by her parents and her brother, Steve Richardson. Carol’s life began on Feb. 15, 1949, in McPherson. She was the daughter of Bill and Virginia (Ayler) Richardson. Carol is a 1967 graduate of Kinsley High School. She was united in marriage to her husband of 33 years, John Dvorak, in July of 1986. Carol held many jobs, from driving trucks to being a rural mail carrier, but she especially loved her rural mail route. She enjoyed flower gardening, collecting giraffes and playing with her great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Longhorn Association. She enjoyed researching her genealogy and raising her goats. Her greatest joy was her family, which includes her husband, John Dvorak of Marion; children, Sherry Dvorak of Hesston, Derick (Rachel) Dvorak of Salina and Darrin (Rachel) Dvorak of Galva; grandchildren: Daniel (Annabel) Dvorak, Steven Fortner, Dakota Dvorak, Landon Dvorak, Jacqueline Dvorak, Eragon Dvorak, Derrick (Erica) Dvorak, Zachary Dvorak and Jessica (Matt) Dallas; several great-grandchildren; sisters, Janet (Glen) Slay of Watsonville, California, and Rosanne (John) Jordan of Gunnison, Colorado; and sister-in-law, Janet Richardson. Carol’s family will gather with friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday (Feb. 26, 2020) at Yazel-Megli-Zeiner Funeral Home, Marion. Her funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday (Feb. 27, 2020) at Newton First United Methodist Church, 801 N. Main St., led by the Reverend Amos McCarthy. Memorial contributions in Carol’s name may be directed to John Dvorak in care of Yazel-Megli-Zeiner Funeral Home, P.O. Box 96, Marion, KS 66861. Please sign her online guestbook and leave a memory of Carol at www.ymzfh.com. Published in The Kansan on Feb. 25, 2020 Carol will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

ITLA Youth Spotlight Blaine Moore Owner - Circle B Longhorns Age - 15 Winnsboro, Texas This month the ITLA is spotlighting an ITLA youth member that has gone above and beyond to not only promote the Texas Longhorn breed, but to also help her fellow Texas Longhorn family. Blaine is is only 15 years old and she already owns her own Texas Longhorn herd and brand. She helps her family work their land, cut and bail hay, work cattle, fix fence, as well as raising her own Texas Longhorns that she saddle and halter trains. Recently Blaine heard about an ITLA member that was diagnosed with cancer, so she wanted to find a way to help raise funds for them. Blaine tans her own cattle hides so she donated one, and a few other items to be auctioned off where 100% of the funds went to assist this family with their medical expenses. She is a prime example of why we should support and nurture our youth members to become not only future Texas Longhorn producers, but to become the type of person that will make this world a better place. Congratulations Blaine on all your success, you make us all proud to have you as an ITLA youth ! Youth programs are very important to not only the future of the Texas Longhorn breed, but to helping create future leaders, doctors, nurses, moms, dads, farmers, ranchers, bankers, lawyers, scientisits, etc. Wether these young adults become Texas Longhorn producers or aspire to be something else they are called to do in life, the lessons, training, and experiences they gain through our youth programs help mold them into successful adults in todays society. If you see Blaine out on the show circuit, be sure to give her a high five for all her efforts and her servant heart. Great job paying it forward young lady.

ITLA History Trivia

The first ITLA membership directory was published in 1997. Take a look back in time and read the 1997 ITLA Presidents letter and see the directory cover with ITLA members gathered in Fort Worth, Texas at Watt Arena.

Ad in the 1997 ITLA membership directory

National Western Stock Show Results

Folks Love Longhorns No doubt about it, Texas Longhorns have become an iconic symbol of Denver’s National Western Stock Show. They still lead the stock show parade through Denver’s financial district and they’re on display each day throughout the show. They play a part in the stock show’s Wild West Show and for several performances during the pro rodeo. That’s all in addition to the Longhorn show in Denver’s stockyards arena. But this past January a slightly new venue was added. Gary Lake, who ramrods the parade and cattle displays, decided to move the Silverado Ranch herd to the back side of the National Western coliseum for a few days. Folks flocked over there to see them up close—and the retailers manning booths in that area saw an uptick in their traffic and sales. Several retailers found Gary and thanked him for sharing the cattle. The 114th National Western ran January 11-26 and saw total attendance of 707,922 visitors. The Texas Longhorn show was held Friday and Saturday, January 24-25, and continues to be a qualifying show for Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America and International Texas Longhorn Association. The show opened with the youth halter classes, judged by Kris Johnson of Big Horn, Wyoming. Kris is a veteran showman at Denver, and his family has operated I M Bar Longhorns at the base of the Big Horn Mountains since 1995. In recent years he attended Clarendon College in Texas and was awarded a livestock judging scholarship, then went on to Texas Tech, working towards his degree in Natural Resource Management. He is president of the Wyoming Longhorn Association and serves on the TLBAA world show committee.

Youth Show Results Females born March through April, preceding calendar year: 1st, Belle Jewel 94, entered by Belle Longhorns, LLC, and shown by Mick Velazquez; 2nd, LJL Hot Shady Lady 911, entered by Belle Longhorns, and shown by Emma Grace Velazquez; 3rd, LL Voodoo Queen, entered by Kyla and Weldon Lovejoy and shown by Allison D. Lowrie. Females born January through February, preceding calendar year: 1st, Sanddollar Zoe’s Dream, entered by Robertson Cattle Co. and shown by Zoe Robertson; 2nd, High Class CP, entered by Robertson Cattle Co. and shown by Cole Robertson; 3rd, LL Big Nose Kate, entered by Kyla and Weldon Lovejoy and shown by Allison D. Lowrie; 4th, LL Marie Laveau, entered by Kyla and Weldon Lovejoy and shown by Jacob Daniel Lowrie. Females born September through December, second preceding calendar year: Sanddollar Lady JC, entered by Robertson Cattle Co. and shown by Cole Robertson. Females born May through August, second preceding calendar year: Sanddollar Pretty Pistol, entered by Robertson Cattle Co., and shown by Zoe Robertson. Females born January through April, second preceding calendar year: 1st, Rodeo Country, entered by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan and shown by Jimmie Gulbraa; 2nd, LL Second Love, entered by Kyla and Weldon Lovejoy and shown by Jacob Daniel Lowrie. Females born third preceding calendar year: 1st, Obryans Roan Thrill, entered by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan and shown by Jimmie Gulbraa. Senior Champion Female: Obryans Roan Thrill. Reserve: Sanddollar Pretty Pistol. Grand Champion Female: Sanddollar Zoes Dream. Reserve: Rodeo Thrill. HD Fireball, entered by Robertson Cattle Co., and shown by Zoe Robertson, was named Grand Champion Bull, and Obryans Jim Dandy, entered by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan, was named Reserve Grand Champion Bull. Grand Champion Steer: Cowboys Bubba, entered by Robertson Cattle Co., and shown by Zoe Robertson.

Youth Showmanship In the Pee Wee division, Addie Belle Miller and Mick Velazquez both won first. Emma Grace Velazquez was first in the Junior (7-9 year-olds). Jimmie Gulbraa was first and Cole Robertson was second in the Intermediate (10-12 year-olds). Zoe Robertson was first, Allison Lowrie was second and Jacob Lowrie was third in the Teen (13-15 year-olds).

Miniature Longhorns The first show day included an exhibition of miniature Texas Longhorns, which were haltered and led into the arena by youth exhibitors. The cattle were brought by Weldon and Kyla Lovejoy, of Hondo, New Mexico. At first glance, the cattle looked like young Longhorns—until one realized some of them were aged cows. Kyla explained that the small cattle are a result of selective breeding to create the Miniature Texas Longhorns.

Haltered Open Show The open haltered and non-haltered show was judged by Deb Lesyk of Outlook, Sask., Canada. Deb is a Region 1 director, and she and her husband have had Texas Longhorns since 1988. They run a small registered herd on their acreage. Bulls born May 1-June 30, 2019: 1st, Belle Gunna B Salty, owned by Tammy Delyea, Douglas, Wyo.; 2nd, Belle Smooth Beau Duke, owned by Tammy Delyea; 3rd, WF Red Hot Ironman, owned by Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, Colorado Springs. Bulls born March 1-April 30, 2019: 1st, Jakes Lightning Strike, owned by Jill Walkenshaw, Elizabeth, Colo.; 2nd, Iron Patriot, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Monument, Colorado. Bulls born January 1-February 28, 2019: 1st, HD Fireball, owned by Jeremy Robertson, Lubbock, Tex.; 2nd,Obryans Jim Dandy, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan, Belvidere, South Dakota. Champion Haltered Junior Bull: Belle Gunna B Salty, owned by Tammy Delyea, Douglas, Wyoming. Reserve Champion Haltered Junior Bull: HD Fireball, owned by Jeremy Robertson, Lubbock, Texas. Bulls born May 1-August 31, 2018: 1st, SC Gorilla Jubilee, owned by Mark Beringer, Bethune, Colorado. Bulls born January 1-April 30, 2018: 1st, Obryans White Legend, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan, Belvidere, S.D.; 2nd, Windy Point Powhatan Boris, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colorado. Champion Haltered Senior Bull: Obryans White Legend, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan, Belvidere, South Dakota. Reserve Champion Haltered Senior Bull: Windy Point Powhatan Boris, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colorado. Grand Champion Haltered Bull: Belle Gunna B Salty, owned by Tammy Delyea, Douglas, Wyoming. Reserve Grand Champion Haltered Bull: Obryans White Legend, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan Belvidere, South Dakota.

Heifers born May 1-June 30, 2019: Drop On Over, owned by Kenny Richardson, Greeley, Colorado. Heifers born March 1-April 30, 2019: 1st, Jakes Dove, owned by Jill Walkinshaw, Elizabeth, Colo.; 2nd, FCL Gasoline Alley, owned by Kenny Richardson, Greeley, Colo.; 3rd Belle Jewel, owned by Tammy Delyea, Douglas, Wyo.; 4th, Emotional, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Monument, Colo.; 5th LJL Hot Shady Lady, owned by Tammy Delyea; 6th, WF Miss Red Ryder, owned by Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, Colorado Springs. Heifers born January 1-February 28, 2019: 1st High Class CP, owned by Jeremy Robertson, Lubbock, Tex.; 2nd Sanddollar Zoe’s Dream, owned by Jeremy Robertson. Champion Haltered Junior Heifer: High Class CP, owned by Jeremy Robertson, Lubbock, Texas. Reserve Champion Haltered Junior Heifer: Sanddollar Zoe’s Dream, owned by Jeremy Robertson. Heifers born September 1-December 31, 2018: 1st, Sanddollar Lady JC, owned by Jeremy Robertson. Heifers born May 1-August 31, 2018: 1st, Sanddollar Pretty Pistol, owned by Jeremy Robertson. Heifers born January 1-April 30, 2018: 1st, LJL Hot Latigo, owned by Tammy Delyea, Douglas, Wyo.; 2nd, Rodeo Caroline, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan, Belvidere, S.D.; 3rd, Rodeo Country, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan; 4th, Darlene, owned by Tammy Delyea. Heifers born 2017: Obryans Roan Thrill, owned by Scot and Jodie O’Bryan. Champion Haltered Senior Heifer: Sanddollar Lady JC, owned by Jeremy Robertson, Lubbock, Texas. Reserve Champion Haltered Senior Heifer: Sanddollar Pretty Pistol, owned by Jeremy Robertson. Grand Champion Haltered Heifer: High Class CP, owned by Jeremy Robertson, Lubbock, Texas. Reserve Grand Champion Haltered Heifer: Sanddollar Zoe’s Dream, owned by Jeremy Robertson. Mature females born 2013-2016: 1st, FCL Black Eyed Gypsy, owned by Kenny Richardson, Greeley, Colo.; 2nd, Jammin Dancer, owned by Kenny Richardson. Mature females born 2012 and before: 1st, FCL Kerosene, owned by Kenny Richardson; 2nd, FCL Gypsy Queen, owned by Kenny Richardson. Grand Champion Haltered Mature Cow: FCL Kerosene, owned by Kenny Richardson, Greeley, Colorado. Reserve Grand Champion Mature Cow: FCL Gypsy Queen, owned by Kenny Richardson.

Non-Haltered Show Heifers born May 1-June 30, 2019: 1st, Top Gal, owned by Jeff and Jordan Widdows, Johnstown, Colorado. Heifers born March 1-April 30, 2019: 1st, Windy Point Sylvie, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colo.; 2nd, SC Shadow Girl, owned by Mark Beringer, Bethune, Colo.; 3rd, Smokin Beast, owned by Russell Freeman, Yoder, Colo.; 4th, Molly Doll, owned by Randy and Marsha Witte, Peyton, Colorado. Heifers born January 1-February 1, 2019: 1st, Windy Point Pasiley Boris, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colorado. Champion Non-Haltered Junior Heifer: Windy Point Sylvie, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colorado. Reserve Champion Non-Haltered Junior Heifer: Windy Point Pasiley Boris, owned by Lana Pearson. Heifers born September 1-December 31, 2018: 1st, CB Fancy Fox, owned by John and Darlene Nelson, Wellington, Colo.; 2nd, Pretty Dragon, owned by Russell Freeman, Yoder, Colo.; 3rd, CB Piropos, owned by John and Darlene Nelson; 4th, CB Li’l Anna, owned by Nelsons. Heifers born May 1-August 31, 2018: WF Merlot, owned by Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, Colorado Springs; 2nd, Savy Firecracker, owned by Randy and Marsha Witte, Peyton, Colo.; 3rd, HB Lucky Anna, owned by Katie Belle Miller, Calhan, Colorado. Heifers born January 1-April 30, 2018: 1st, Gunnin Annie, owned by Randy and Marsha Witte, Peyton, Colo.; 2nd, Hot Sierra, owned by Barbara Fillmore, Elbert, Colo.; 3rd, Windy Point Annika Buddy, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colo.; 4th, Cat’s Meow, owned by Randy and Marsha Witte; 5th Piper 810, owned by Barbara Fillmore; 6th, Fire Charmer, owned by Russell Freeman, Yoder, Colo.; 7th, J.R. Baca, owned by Justin and Melanie Miller, Rama, Colorado. Heifers born 2017: 1st, Epoxy, owned by Russell Freeman; 2nd, Clear Gizzy, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Monument, Colo.;l 3rd, Playin‘ Games, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake; 4th, Windy Point Patsy, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colo.; 5th, PG Miss Aussie, owned by Nicky Adams and Fayne McDowell, Colorado Springs; 6th, CB Angel Molly’s Hope, owned by John and Darlene Nelson, Wellington, Colorado. Champion Non-Haltered Senior Heifer: Epoxy, owned by Russell Freeman, Yoder, Colorado. Reserve Champion Non-Haltered Senior Heifer: Clear Gizzy, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Monument, Colorado. Females born 2016: 1st, Windy Point Anna Jamin, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colo.; 2nd, CB Adelita, owned by Jeff and Jordan Widdows, Johnsontown, Colorado.

Females born 2012 and before: 1st, Reneger, owned by Russell Freeman, Yoder, Colo.; 2nd, Fancy Shootin’, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake, Monument, Colo.; 3rd, PCC Go Go Boots, owned by Stan Searle and Gary Lake; 4th, Winning Caliber, owned by Russell Freeman, Yoder, Colo.; 5th, Pacific Brook, owned by Russell Freeman. Mature Non-Haltered Grand Champion Cow: Windy Point Anna Jamin, owned by Lana Pearson, Fowler, Colorado. Mature Reserve Grand Champion Non-Haltered Cow: Windy Point Penelope, owned by Lana Pearson.

Rush Orders Available Did you know the ITLA offers rush orders on registrations and transfers for just a $10 fee on each animal ? The ITLA already has a phenomenal turn around time on registration and transfer applications, but if you are needing them processed in 24 hours, you can apply the $10 fee to each application. Here are the requirements for a rush order. * The order must received before 2:00 pm CST Monday - Friday in order to begin processing. * Rush Orders received after 2:00 pm CST Monday - Friday, or received on weekends and holidays, will begin processing the next available business day. * The order must be submitted with full payment to begin processing.

$10 Rush Orders

Horn Stew Book $ 20

ITLA Cookbook $5

Assorted T-Shirts & Hoodies Available $15 - $25 Plus Shipping & Tax

ITLA Member Sign $20

2020 Championship Show & Convention Host Hotel

Room Rates - Use “ITLA Expo Rate” code for these rates ( must book by September 7th, 2020 for ITLA rates ) * Standard King - $84.99 * Standard Queen - 2 Beds $94.99 * Mini King Suite With Sleeper Sofa $99.99 * Mini Queen Suite - 2 Beds With Sleeper Sofa $104.99 * 2 Bedroom Suites $124.99 Dinosaur Valley Inn & Suites - Best Western 1311 NE Big Bend Trail Glen Rose, Texas 76043 254-897-4818

Secondary Lodging For The 2020 Championship Show & Convention Comfort Inn & Suites 1615 NE Big Bend Trail Glen Rose, TX. 76043 254-898-8900

Discount Rate Code: “ITLA Longhorns” King Bed - $95 2 Queen Beds - $95 * Call to reserve your room before September 7th, 2020 to receive the ITLA discount rate * Pet friendly ( Pet deposit required )




New ITLA Youth Scholarship Program Qualifications to apply for the ITLA Youth Scholarship: • • • • • •

Be a graduating high-school senior or college freshman that is still a qualified ITLA youth member. Must have attended at least one ITLA affiliate show. Must have attended at least one ITLA Championship show. Must be an ITLA youth member for at least 1 year by the 2020 Championship Show. If chosen, you must attend the 2020 Championship show and the awards banquet for the presentation. Application deadline is post marked by August 14th, 2020. If you would like to donate towards the 2020 ITLA Youth Scholarship program please email staff@itla.com , applications and details can be found at www.itla.com under the “youth” tab.

Thank you for your support !

Youth Don’t miss your chance to win one of these calves donated to the CTTLA Spring Fling Show in McKinney, Texas !

Calf Giveaway Rules * Be an ITLA Youth Member * Be present at the CTTLA Show * Be entered in the CTTLA Spring Fling Youth Show * These calves will be halter broke and entered in the youth show for the winners to exhibit.

As the ITLA celebrates 30 years in 2020, each Longhorn Drover edition will share some past moments and great memories. Here’s a look back, 15 years ago, to the 2005 Championship Show & Convention

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