Building Business August 2020

Page 1


Will new consent exemptions save the industry? 07


Thrown in the deep end 11

New season of ITM FISHING 03


Apprentice incentives could transform industry 13

A 20 UG 20

Five mindset shifts you need now 17



New season of ITM FISHING

Five mindset shifts you need now





Paslode Powervent Impulse Pair

Getting a competitive edge





Will the new building consent exemptions save the building industry?

Building for Climate Change programme





Right first time & quiz


Thrown in the deep end




Pinoli Interiors


Apprentice incentives could transform the industry





A more productive Kiwi lifestyle

Win a Little Giant King Kombo ladder with Staffy



RE SEE IN-STO T FOR A GREA PRICE! tore Available in-s 1st.* from August



Paslode Pair promotion

Liâ„¢ Powervent Framing Nailer

Framing, Trusses, Decking, Eaves, Cladding

Hand tools promotion

Free Haydn 75mm paintbrush

Staffy Scaffold tower promotion

Free headlight with worklight





250-Li 1.6mm Angled Bradder

ads, Beading, Door Jambs,


ards, Panelling, Stair Rails

n Batteries


Buy any Staffy Scaffold tower in August or September and be in to

WIN one of three


Little Giant King Kombo fibreglass ladders




3 1 IN


on is strictly while stocks last. ITM stores have limited stocks per store and may not be able to order more when sold out. Please check with your ITM sales rep for availability.

Building Business contributes towards your LBP skills maintenance requirement. Ensure you log this into your ITM diary or the ITM App today. NEW to New Zealand

18/06/2018 4:11:35 PM

To enter, simply purchase any Staffy Scaffold tower through your local ITM branch and go in the draw to win. As a winner you agree to provide a pic of yourself with your prize which may be used in the next magazine and/or social media. October draw.

ITM Promo.indd 1


Little Giant Ladders has over 47 years of experience in award winning ladder design. Represented in over 65 countries including 20 years in Australia, Staffy is proud to finally introduce the Little Giant Ladders to NZ Trade.

10/07/2020 11:37:14

Building Business is a bi-monthly magazine produced by ITM Support Office. For feedback or address updates contact: ITM Support Office, PO Box 101556, North Shore, Auckland. Email: Ph: 09 415 2787.

ISSUE 92: AUG 2020

In this issue

Going full circle Why the change to ITM FISHING?


Kiwis have been calling us ‘ITM FISHING’ for years. It’s a name that says who we are and what we do. ITM have backed the show for 18 years and FISHING – it’s what we do. The word ‘Show’ has been removed too. Sure, ITM FISHING is a TV show, but it’s also online videos, fishing comps, conservation initiatives and New Zealand’s leading fishing social media identity. The way people consume and seek out entertainment and information has changed, and ITM FISHING has evolved to be what people want and be in the places they’re looking.

All the content is primarily based around fishing,

Above: Dane Coles scores some good points for Team North with a nice kingfish, in the ITM North V South Fishing Challenge.

but it’s a combination of what we’ve learned that Kiwi viewers like, both fishers and non-fishers. Over the last 18 years, we’ve produced three TV Shows for the Kiwi market: The ITM Fishing Show, Ultimate Fishing, and ITM Hook Me Up! Each of them with different styles and a slightly different audience skew. ITM FISHING encompasses the most popular elements of all three shows; some good ole grass-roots Kiwi fishing, some adventure fishing, innovation, storytelling, knowledge sharing and some guests that range from famous faces to everyday Kiwis coming along with us on the trip of a lifetime.



The observant amongst us will have noticed a slight change to our logo – The ITM Fishing Show is now ITM FISHING. So, why change an iconic Kiwi brand and what's the difference?


04 18 years on and still innovating


A TV show does not survive 18 years without evolving, innovating and changing, but it must also maintain its identity and hold onto what made it popular in the first place. So, the hardcore fans need not worry, in this new series of ITM FISHING, you are going to see plenty of out-of-the-box innovation, big fish action, tips and under-water footage that The ITM Fishing Show built its success on. And we deliver a result with every show – there’s nothing worse than watching a show, of any kind, that hypes up the drama but falls short in delivering the result. In our case that usually means catching the fish we’re after and, in this series, we’ve had a couple of occasions we’ve had to work bloody hard to get a result, which is part of what makes the viewing so compelling.

The North v South rugby game is only the curtain-raiser to the big one – The ITM North V South Fishing Challenge.

This new series has all of the elements we know our fans enjoy, but the most enjoyable stuff for me personally, has been filming the grass-roots episodes and doing the stuff I love doing on my days off – fishing and diving to put some seafood in the table. It’s like I’ve gone full circle to how I used to make the early episodes of The ITM Fishing Show, only now, I’m a little more experienced.

Matt delivered his son Shaw in the front seat of his truck, midway through filming series 2 of The ITM Fishing Show. Fifteen years on, Shaw features on the show himself.

I’d been talking up big snapper and big kingfish, but hadn’t delivered on either. So we decided to target a big kingfish. Shaw was running out of puff and he was starting to doubt his old man’s ability to find a decent spot. “This is a waste of time, we should go back and catch some more snapper”, he protested. After hours with no bites, I was starting to secondguess myself too, but in giving Shaw a pep-talk on perseverance, I said, “You need to trust that what we’re doing will work”. Saying the words aloud gave me a timely reminder to check in on the basics; the sounder was showing baitfish, the current was starting to pick up and the water was clean. They had to be here. Only a minute after my pep-talk, there was an explosion as our live kahawai bait is smashed by a big kingfish. Then Shaw is almost pulled in when his lure gets nailed. You have all that action and more to look forward to in the new series and remember, for more of the hardcore fishing action and the tips on how we catch all the fish, they’re all available online or on our free app Till next time – Keep ‘em tight

It’s in the blood A big part of the reason why I’m enjoying the basic forms of fishing is I’m doing a lot of it with my son Shaw. When he was born (in the front seat of my truck on the side of the road) we were filming for series two. Now he’s fifteen years old and is the keenest fisher I know, he is obsessed! So, for one of the episodes, Shaw and I went away for a weekend mission with our little 1450 Stabicraft. It was one of the less ambitious scripts for the series. It was grass-roots, small boat fishing, the kind enjoyed by most Kiwis. A free dive for some big crayfish gave us some good content, and we’d caught some decent fish, but our weekend was just about over and we still hadn’t caught a fish that was big enough to get either of us excited.

NEW SEASON OF ITM FISHING, EVERY SUNDAY AT 5.00PM ON THREE Upcoming August Episodes August 2nd – Matt's Bucketlist Fish August 9th – Underwater Fishing!? August 16th – Rock Fishing August 23rd – AB's North vs South – Part 1 August 30th – AB's North vs South – Part 2


RE SEE IN-STOAT FOR A GRE PRICE! -store Available in t 1st.* from Augus

1 x FrameMaster-Liâ„¢ Powervent Framing Nailer Ideal for Hardwood, LVL, Framing, Trusses, Flooring, Joists, Roofing, Decking, Eaves, Cladding


1 x TrimMasterIM250-Li 1.6mm Angled Bradder Ideal for Architraves, Quads, Beading, Door Jambs,

Mouldings, Skirting Boards, Panelling, Stair Rails 2 x 2.2 Amp Lithium-Ion Batteries 1 x Charger Kit 1 x Safety Glasses 2 x Allen Keys 1 x Tough Carry Bag






**Please Note: this Powervent Impulse Pair promotion is strictly while stocks last. It's only available at participating ITM stores. Stores have limited stocks per store and may not be able to order more when sold out. Please check with your ITM sales rep for availability.

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You may recall that late in May 2020 the Government announced some sweeping changes to the building consent regime that were intended to increase the volume of low-risk building work and lessen Councils’ workloads. This was promoted as one of the ways to kick-start the economy in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The idea was that if you remove the expense and delay associated with applying for a building consent for low-risk projects, then a lot more people will undertake that work, builders will be busier than they would have been, and more money will start flowing through the economy. Savings of up to $18 million in consenting costs, and a reduction in Council workload of up to 9,000 consents per year were projected.

that the building consent restrictions can be gradually eased from time to time.

Are these changes a big deal? Whether these exemptions do result in an increase in building activity remains to be seen. At the time I wrote this, they were due to come into force in two stages – some of them at the end of August 2020, and the rest – those that rely on the involvement of licensed building practitioners – later in the year when other changes are made to the Building Act. I suspect those launch dates will prove to be a little optimistic, particularly the latter one. Furthermore, most of the exemptions aren’t new, but are simply old exemptions that have been relaxed a little more. For example, you could always build small-scale single-storey detached buildings, carports, awnings, porches and verandas, and bridges without a consent, it’s just that the permitted dimensions have been increased. And most of those structures will only avoid the consent regime if a Chartered Professional Engineer has carried out or reviewed the design (at considerable


You could be forgiven for thinking this was some kind of hallelujah moment, as though building activity was being freed up for the first time in history. In fact, that’s not the case and it is simply the latest relaxation of the building consent rules in a series of reforms that have been happening over the past 20 years – the previous ones having occurred in 2004, 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2019. With the steady improvements in building product quality, the proliferation of prefabrication and modular construction, and the increases in the qualifications and expertise required of builders, it is inevitable


Will the new building consent exemptions save the building industry?




cost) or both the design and the construction have been carried out or supervised by a licensed building practitioner (at considerable cost). So, will these latest relaxations suddenly result in a flood of building activity because property owners can now build something a lot bigger and still avoid the need to get Council approval? I doubt it. There are some brand new exemptions that haven’t been expressly mentioned before, but they are hardly going to lift our economy out of the doldrums. I’m talking about groundmounted solar array panels, outdoor fireplaces or ovens, flexible water storage bladders, small pipe supporting structures, and single-storey pole sheds and hay barns in rural zones. The one genuinely significant item in this latest batch of exemptions is the changes to the exemption for single-storey detached buildings, and to understand it you need to compare the current rules with the proposed ones.

The detached building exemption The current exemption for single-storey detached buildings applies to any detached building that is not more than one storey (being a floor level of up to 1 metre above the supporting ground and a height of up to 3.5 metres above the floor level). It must not exceed 10 m² in floor area and must not contain sanitary facilities or facilities for the storage of potable water, nor any sleeping accommodation unless the building is used in connection with a dwelling and does not contain any cooking facilities. The building cannot be closer than the measure of its own height to any residential building or to any legal boundary. In addition, there is another exemption for unoccupied detached buildings that house fixed plant or machinery and under normal circumstances are entered only on intermittent occasions for the routine inspection and maintenance of that plant or machinery. What the Government has in mind is three different categories of exemption for single-storey detached buildings. First, kitset or prefabricated buildings with a maximum floor area of 30 m² where the manufacturer or supplier has had the design carried out or reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer will be exempted. So will buildings with a maximum floor area of 30 m² where both the design and the construction has been carried out or supervised by a licensed building practitioner. Thirdly, buildings with a maximum floor area of 30 m² will not have to be “built” by a licensed building practitioner where only lightweight materials with structural components built in accordance with B1/ AS1 of the Building Code are used. The main differences are the increase in permitted floor area from 10 m² to 30 m², and the insistence

that a Chartered Professional Engineer or a licensed building practitioner be involved unless lightweight materials with structural components complying with B1/AS1 are used. The Government has said that kitchen and bathroom facilities are not included in the exemption, any plumbing work still requires a building consent, and any electrical work will still have to be carried out by a registered electrician.

A boost for the prefabrication industry The one industry that is going to benefit the most from these initiatives is the portable, kitset, or prefabricated building industry. This is in line with the recently announced and much more ambitious Government proposals to streamline the prefabrication industry by simplifying the building consent requirements they are currently subjected to. The idea is to introduce something like the product certification system for prefabricated products so that those suppliers just need one approval for their process, and not a separate consent each time their product rolls off the production line. Consequently, they will get a double whammy of relief – no manufacturing consent required at all for smaller buildings, and for larger prefabricated buildings, no manufacturing consent required provided they get their design and production process registered and certified. There have been some concerns expressed about the fact that all these consent exemptions transfer responsibility and potential liability for these exempt categories, away from Councils and towards engineers, architects, and licensed builders. I agree, and in my opinion, it is an ill-advised knee jerk reaction to the burden the Councils were forced to bear for the leaky building crisis. It is better that that burden be spread across a legion of ratepayers rather than visited upon one hapless engineer, architect or builder (who is likely to go into liquidation anyway), and I would prefer to see Councils retain their function of being the one expert overseer of all reasonably complex building activity in New Zealand..

by Geoff Hardy Auckland Commercial Lawyer


Geoff Hardy has 45 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and is a partner in the Auckland firm Martelli McKegg. He guarantees personal attention to new clients at competitive rates His phone number is (09) 379 0700, fax (09) 309 4112, and e-mail This article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.

HAND TOOLS Snap-Off Blade #OLXH1 • • • •

Extra heavy-duty cutter Wheel lock 25mm blade width Made in Japan

Prices valid August 3rd - September 13th 2020, or while stocks last.

Snap-Off Replacement Blades

#2 Square Drive Bits


• • • •

• 25mm width • Excel Black ultra-sharp blades • Pack of 5


#GFB508 Precision design Magnetic 50mm length New 15-piece handy pack






Wrecking Bar

Hand Saw 600mm



• 600 x 19mm • Pulls, pries, and straightens

• Ideal for cutting chipboard, block board, and other hard board materials • Made in Sweden





End Cutting Pliers

Bolt Cutters #HHBC750


• Durable jaws made of forged high-tensile steel • Comfortable rubber handles • Precision cutting edges for longer life

• High-carbon steel for superior performance • Specially coated for ultimate rust prevention • Precision machined knife and anvil style cutting edges for superior cutting edge life






Thrown in the deep end


ITM has been an Exclusive Supplier to Emirates Team New Zealand since 2018, providing materials for remodelling the Viaduct Events Centre, and the North Shore base where the team is building the boats in preparation for the defence of the 36th America’s Cup. Here’s what’s been happening behind the scenes.

North Shore, so I had to support their timeline,” says Lorraine. “As it turned out, the schedule gave me five days to get in the product they required, much of it being specialty products that we don’t typically stock. It was a major challenge to source what they required from multiple suppliers, but we made it happen on time."

Thrown in the deep end Lorraine didn't know one end of a boat from the other when a group of boat builders and sailors turned up at Albany ITM in 2018. “I told them, I’m not a boatie person, never have been. I get seasick looking at a postcard of rough water.” So when she took on the central role in the ITM supply channel supporting Emirates Team New Zealand for the America’s Cup defence, it was, well a challenge. “My General Manager said, 'Hey, you’re it, you’re in charge, make sure you see them right'.”

Building the base “The team had a two-month time frame to establish their boat-building facility in a warehouse on the

“A lot of it was specific to the actual boat building, not just the building of the base. It was really specialist product that you don’t get from a timber merchant. And they were large quantities. It was a big learning curve for me.”

11 People you can rely on

“As well as the usual things such as timber, plywood and plasterboard, there were also some odd items they wanted, including multiple bicycle racks, 1850 10-litre buckets and 10,000 paper cups.

“I did support the last America’s Cup and now that I know a lot more about it, I’m fully on board. I’ve gotten to know the people in the team; they are incredibly generous in sharing their knowledge with me.

“We couldn’t do it all ourselves, but with a network of 90 stores around the country to call on, we were able to get just about everything they wanted. It was definitely a team effort. All the stores are incredibly supportive, you can tell.

“They have a culture like ITM. They don’t blow their own horns. They don’t have titles, they’re just part of a group, which I found very interesting.

“By sourcing all they needed in a really short time, we were able to help keep Emirates Team New Zealand on track to do things faster and better in the building process, just as they do on the water.”

“At the last America’s Cup, they did a fantastic job, and I can see why. They’re incredibly dedicated. Very professional, very kind, very committed. They treat us with a great deal of respect. I enjoy working with them. Although, if they invite me out on the boat, I’d have to say a firm no.”

We had a boat that sailed to Europe and back without touching the water The America’s Cup has always been the source of incredible intrigue. Yet the events leading up to this regatta have been unprecedented in the history of the Auld Mug. forward to hosting ITM and their customers at our place over the coming months as racing kicks into action.”

Cup programme America’s Cup World Series, December 17 – 20, 2020 Due to Covid-19, the first two regattas in the series were cancelled. The Auckland regatta will go ahead as scheduled and will be the first time the teams go head to head in their AC75s. “It’s been a roller coaster ride and we all really got thrown a curveball with the Covid thing." "We had a boat being shipped to Europe for the America’s Cup World Series, and we had to turn around halfway and bring it back again. It never touched the water,” says Emirates Team New Zealand’s Shore Team Manager, Sean Regan. “All our suppliers and sponsors have had to cope with similar dramas of their own as well. Everyone involved has had to change and adapt in unimaginable circumstances." “ITM has weathered the storm like we have, and we appreciate the support. Being able to have face-toface contact with the people at ITM again without social distancing has been great. We’re looking

The Prada Cup, January 15 – February 22, 2021 Organised by the Challenger of Record, the series will determine which of the challenger teams will take on defender Emirates Team New Zealand in the 36th America’s Cup.

America’s Cup Match Racing will take place from March 6-21, 2021, with the winner being the first team to score seven points.


One big team


Prices valid August 3rd - September 13th 2020, or while stocks last.

Outdoor Cleaner Concentrate 2.5L

Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser Concentrate 4L

Outdoor Cleaner Concentrate 20L


# SG11004


• Removes tough stains caused by mould, mildew, lichens, algae, mosses, fungi, dirt and soot • Uses automatic direct dilution sprayer • Safe and gentle on the environment, plants and pets • Makes 50L of active product • No bleach, acids or caustics and septic tank safe

• Makes 40 litres • Formulated for professional and commercial cleaning • Non-hazardous – biodegradable. Safe on metals, plastics and rubbers • Eliminates problems of oxidation and rust • Free rinsing / low foaming formula • Non-toxic, septic tank safe

• Removes tough stains caused by mould, mildew, lichens, algae, mosses, fungi, dirt, and soot • Use on concrete, pavers, decking, outdoor furniture and more • No bleach or phosphates, non-acidic and non-caustic • Leaves a mild residue that will deter and eliminate the fast regrowth of moss and mould








Prices valid August 3rd - September 13th 2020, or while stocks last.

Ceiling Flat #847022.01 • For ceilings in living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms • Quick drying, low odour, tintable

10 Litres


Ultra Low Sheen #847021.01 • For walls in living rooms and bedrooms, especially suited to high-traffic areas, e.g. corridors and foyers

10 Litres


Easysand Undercoat #847030.01 • For bare interior surfaces in living areas, previously painted surfaces, GIB® – Paper faced plasterboard and Aqualine® • 100% acrylic. Airless spray application

HANDY PRO PAIL Purchase a Handy Pro Pail and receive a free 75mm Uni-Pro Stinger paintbrush. Handy Pro Pail (#BER3200)

10 Litres


Prices valid August 3rd - September 13th 2020, or while stocks last.




In extraordinary times, the Government has gone to extraordinary lengths to support trade apprenticeships. The subsidies and incentives are unlike anything that have gone before, and the long-term effects on the building industry could be transformational. To keep apprentices on the job in the immediate aftermath of Covid lockdown, there is now a subsidy for employers of every building apprentice in the country. The idea is to ensure continuing employment and training, and to cushion the effects of any potential downturn in activity. The subsidy also applies to builders employing new apprentices, encouraging companies to take on more of them and expand the pool of builders in the workforce.

Apprentice subsidy: As an employer, you can claim the subsidy for any apprentice who works for you. The maximum is

$12,000 for 12 months for each first-year apprentice, and then reduces to $4000 for a further 8 months for an apprentice in their second year. The amount of the subsidy will vary depending on how long an apprentice has been training with you. If an apprentice changes from one company to another, the subsidy goes with them. The scheme started August 1. Free fees: Only a third of new apprentices in building and construction qualified for free fees under the old system. From July 1, that changed. Now, fees for all apprentices are abolished, a saving of up to $1750 in the first year and about $800 in subsequent years.


How it helps you now


Apprentice incentives could transform industry




BCITO chief executive Warwick Quinn called the

“In other recessions, for every one person who

combination of free fees and the apprenticeship

lost their job in construction, four apprentices got

subsidies “unprecedented.”

laid off. During the GFC, we lost about 8% of our

"I've never seen anything like this in my career.”

workforce, but we lost 32% of our apprentices." “People are saying it could be 8-12% this time

Incredible response

around, so that’s up to 50% of apprentices that could

Two weeks after the announcement of the subsidy,

be gone, and we can’t afford that. That's why these

the flood gates opened.

initiatives are so important.”

“In the last two weeks, it’s gone off the charts,” says

A larger pool of talent

Quinn. “We normally sign up 80 to 100 a week this time of year, but we did 500 last week (July 3). There are another 500 to 1000 out there waiting for the Apprentice Boost Scheme to kick in."

Prior to Covid, full employment in New Zealand meant there was a shortage of skilled labour in the building industry. But with unemployment tipped to rise, there will now be a larger pool of talent to

“We already had a spike in sign-ups when the free fees started in July, and now the employers have been brought to the party. There’s definitely a huge surge coming.”

draw on, and probably a significant influx of adult apprentices. New Zealand Certified Builders CEO Grant Florence says there is an opportunity to attract quality people

Can the training organisations cope?

into the industry.

Quinn says it’s a minor issue in the overall scheme of

“With more people available in the workforce,

things. “We’re talking to the training organisations

following displacement from the tourism and

now and we understand that some of the courses

hospitality sectors in particular, there’s a significant

are pretty full already. So we’re working through

opportunity to recruit more people into trade

that. But if we don’t all chip in and do our bit, we’ll

apprenticeships and build the pipeline of trained

suffer on the other side as we always have in past

workers that will be required for the intensive

boom-bust cycles."

infrastructure planned to kick-start the economy.”

SPAX Decking Screw Bonus Sets Get SPAX stainless steel decking screws at a fantastic price, plus: • FREE SPAX Step Drill • FREE T-STAR plus T25 Drive BIT • FREE SPAX Spacers

So ask for SPAX now and save! Now available at your local ITM store

Buy any Staffy Scaffold tower in August or September and be in to

WIN one of three

Little Giant King Kombo fibreglass ladders

3 1 IN

NEW to New Zealand To enter, simply purchase any Staffy Scaffold tower through your local ITM branch and go in the draw to win. As a winner you agree to provide a pic of yourself with your prize which may be used in the next magazine and/or social media. October draw.


Little Giant Ladders has over 47 years of experience in award winning ladder design. Represented in over 65 countries including 20 years in Australia, Staffy is proud to finally introduce the Little Giant Ladders to NZ Trade.



SEAL N’ FLEX FACADE Seal N’ Flex Facade is a BRANZ appraised, professional quality, high performance, weather resistant, Hybrid Polyurethane Construction Sealant, ideal for facade construction joints. This low modulus formulation with + / - 25% joint movement provides advanced bubble-free curing, and excellent adhesion without primer on most, (even damp) surfaces. Low VOC with no isocyanates, solvents or silicones.

Seal N’ Flex 1 is a premium, low modulus Polyurethane Construction Sealant for expansion and control joints, ideal for tilt slab and precast panels.

Seal N’ Flex FC is a fast curing, medium to high modulus Polyurethane Construction Sealant with a shore “A” hardness of 50, making it ideal for trafficable areas.

Available at ITM stores. ph. 0508 222 272 Before use please refer to current Technical Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet

5 mindset shifts you need now

It’s how you can take advantage of any situation and come out on top, with a spectacularly successful business and leaving your competitors in the dust. Or at least sleep soundly knowing you’ve got things fully under control... work lined up, solid income and cash in the bank. So, what will it take to lead your company through the fallout? Here are a few tips:


You must own everything in your world Navy seal Jocko Willink says good leaders don’t make excuses, instead they figure out a way to get things done. When you’re on a mission, there are things you’ve got control over, and things you don’t. For example, you don’t have control over the weather. If your mission requires a helicopter, but you can’t fly, then guess what? Find another way. Take the Jeep. Your job is to complete the mission. Even when there are obstacles. It’s easy to point fingers when things don’t go to plan. We’ve all been there. Excuses come to mind: clients only want the cheapest price; the economy is stuffed; can’t find good staff, they’re not out there.

The truth? No matter what situation you find yourself in, you alone are responsible for the success or failure of your business. There is no one else to blame. Success requires you to think differently. Take extreme ownership of your actions, the actions of your team and of everything that will impact the result. Control what you can control. Find another way when you can’t.


Write down your fears, not your goals To achieve your goals, you have to take action towards them. If you’re not taking action, then you have to figure out why. Are there higher-level tasks you’ve been putting off? It’s probably because your brain is telling you those tasks are going to be unpleasant, dangerous, painful or harmful. The answer is, get it down on paper. Bring the facts into the cold hard light of day. Then you can see exactly what you’re dealing with. Sometimes you got to look the monster in the eye. Then it’s not so bad. How much did you really make off that last job? What do you owe the IRD and what are your options? Why are you killing yourself to meet that deadline? I’ve helped hundreds of tradies find non-scary answers to questions like these. The worst thing you could do right now is freeze or freak out over every little thing. Instead, make a new rule that you’ll address things head on so you can see the danger CONTINUE >>


This year has been anything but normal. Covid-19, lockdown, the economy... it might be a bumpy end to 2020. Will things go pear-shaped again in a few months? Who knows? But one thing I do know: Success starts with mindset.


18 ahead and avoid it



No one is born with business skills If you’re like most tradies, your focus is: work hard, deliver quality, do right by clients and build your reputation. Now that’s AWESOME, but it’s not enough. Because a busy tradie is not always a profitable one. When giving your price, does it ever feel too high? So you adjust it down a bit? This is the part where you get stuck working a job when there’s no money in it. So, what can you do about it? If margins are slipping, cashflow is uncomfortably tight or staff are making too many mistakes, seek out better methods for getting where you want to be. Challenge yourself to think more like a business owner to do what’s best for the company. Gain a deeper understanding of your numbers. Set up KPIs and targets. Build structure. Here’s the thing: no one is born with all the skills to run a trades business successfully. Business skills need to be taught or learnt. Ask yourself, “Am I open? Am I actively learning?” Success leaves clues. So look at others who are successful and work out why. Consider for a moment, “Who do I have to be, to have the results I want?” Imagine yourself as that person. The best version of you as a business owner. How you see yourself will always limit your results. When you take action, your subconscious works hard to make the outcome line up with what you’re expecting. So make sure you see yourself as a highly capable business owner, as well as a highly capable tradie.


Grab opportunities with both hands As Kiwis, we’re always fighting the tendency to lean back, wait and see how things pan out, before making a move. Problem: If you wait too long, you might miss your chance. My advice is to grab opportunities with both hands. We don’t know what’s ahead. So take what you can now. Build your war chest.

First thing is, pay attention. Don’t get bogged down. Don’t get so busy you can’t see what you’re missing out on! Shift your mindset. This is a time to lean IN. Don’t be reckless, but actively seek the right opportunities to get ahead. When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


Being in business is a way to buy back your time Think of your business as an investment and make decisions accordingly. What kind of return-oninvestment are you happy with? Success has to be on your terms. Being in business for yourself comes with a heap of risk and hard work. You should get a return on your dollar. It’s also about balance. You haven’t really attained success until you’ve got a well-balanced life. It’s easy to slip into the 'too busy to take a day off' mentality. Anyone who is self-employed knows the struggle. Lines between work and home are blurred. Everything feels urgent. Fair enough, but habits have consequences. It’s fine to work massive hours playing catch up for a while. When weeks turn into months – and months turn into years – it’s time to remind yourself why you went into business in the first place and carve out some time for family. And frankly, for your company to come through this in good shape, YOU need to be in good shape: Healthy, well rested, calm, and in control. Finally, remember this: you are an exception to the rule. If you run a trades business, you already face hundreds of unknowns in day-to-day business. The rest of the world may be fearful – they don’t know what will happen next. But you? You’ve lived with uncertainty for years. You were made for unpredictable times. You live here. You’ve got this.

by Daniel Fitzpatrick

Build up everything you need for the tough times ahead. What’s in your war chest? A big fat cash reserve, for starters. But your war chest isn’t just money. Build your network and customer base. Build skills and processes within your team – make them reliable, efficient and accountable. Have you got more work than you can handle? If the numbers stack up, go for it, hire more help. Take bigger and better jobs while they’re available. If things change later, you can always re-adjust. That’s business, we’re always making adjustments.

Daniel Fitzpatrick is a business coach for trades & construction business owners. Find him at

Need to figure out your next move? Let’s have a chat to see how I can help:

You can build frames and trusses for a typical home in almost half a day nowadays. But you have to get the planning right and follow through on the detail. There are 29 ITM frame and truss facilities throughout New Zealand. Here’s how our local teams are helping you get the job done faster and more cost effectively.



Getting a competitive edge with frame and truss

Waikato Mike van der Hoek, Thomsons ITM: With our own timber structure detailers on site, it allows us to turn things around quickly and at the same time, use this resource to work with customers and design teams to look at faster build times and cost savings. We design floor cassettes to decrease build time on site and, along with savings on scaffold hire, there's also less health and safety risk to the builder.

Continuous improvement is our focus, along with developing new concepts we can introduce to partner with our customers, delivering a seamless build.

Tasman Rodney Woolf, ITM Frame & Truss: Our in-house detailers spend a lot of time working with specifiers, designers and customers, especially on the large projects. The key thing is to start working together at the earliest stage of design to help them get it over the line, before it even goes out for pricing.


At Thomsons ITM, we pride ourselves on never walking away from a problem, regardless of the cause, and we will also work with the customer to keep the job moving.



We rely on good relationships with our customers; we’re meeting often weekly. We help them get the job, so we get the job. Coming up with a good solution early is imperative to give both parties a competitive advantage.

in other ITM plants once they have completed the qualification.

As the new tradies come through, we are expected to do more and more. All the fixings are now worked out by us, some are fitted, including damp course fitted to the plates. It’s all added value for the customer and, ultimately, big labour savings on site.

Far North Danielle Moa, Far North ITM: Our plant has only been running for two years. We wanted to look after our customers and improve our offering, so we could be a one-stop shop. We employed two new guys at the start, and they engaged with BCITO. It usually takes up to 2 years to complete the course, but they did it in 12 months. They now have skills and the qualifications to go to the next stage. Two of the staff want to continue on with the detailing course as the next phase, and opportunities exist within the ITM network to send our staff to work alongside experienced detailers

One of our ideas is to take on apprentices for the BCITO training for Frame and Truss. Once completed and after a year or two, they could move into an apprenticeship as a builder. It's part of growing our own and providing opportunities within our community. Our philosophy is simple: we do whatever is required to get the job done. We work weekends, whatever it takes. Our builders know that we’re just a phone call away. We can be on site in no time because we’re based right here in the Far North.

The new programme announce by MBIE on July 3rd will focus on finding ways to reduce emissions from buildings during their construction and operation, while also preparing buildings to withstand changes in the climate. This will be a long-term programme that will go on for the next 20 to 30 years. The vision is that by 2050, New Zealand’s buildings will be using as little energy and water as possible. Homes will be warmer, drier and better ventilated, and provide a healthier place for us all to work and live. Buildings will be built to use as little water and energy as practical, meaning more money in New Zealanders’ pockets, as well as less emissions. Once the programme is in place, energy efficiency and carbon emissions will become core considerations when building – just as important

The Jura range of door hardware offers a fantastic retro-fit option. Unique styling and economy pricing will also appeal to the entry level new house market.

Alto passage set 9005

Alto privacy set 9006

Building owners will understand their options and know what to ask for to get an efficient building with a low climate impact. Building and construction workers will have the right skills to design and build for energy efficiency, low embodied carbon and climate resilience. To help make this vision happen, MBIE is planning on making some adjustments to current building laws – including the Building Act and the Building Code. There will also be a focus on starting to change people's behaviour and the way they think about designing, constructing, and operating buildings. This will be done through incentives and encouraging innovation. If you'd like to find out more details about the programme, and what's happening now, there's more information available on the MBIE website: and search for 'Building for climate change'. If you would like to receive updates on what’s happening in the Building for Climate Change programme, and how you can get involved, please email

• • • • •

Large 65mm rose Suits 54mm drill out Adjustable 60-70mm back set Classic Brushed Nickel finish Both lever styles available in passage set, privacy set and dummy lever options • Matching accessories available

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Building for Climate Change programme

as cost and design. Reusing buildings and recycling materials will be an important part of the building process.


Right first time


Getting work done correctly the first time is an efficient way to get the job done on time, within budget and up to standard. It was also one of the reasons why the licensing regime was introduced in the first place. By having LBPs, we can give consumers the confidence that their homes will be built right the first time, as LBPs should have the necessary skills and capability to build correctly and resolve any issues as they arise.

Unfinished work The Building Practitioners Board (the Board) deals with a lot of complaints where LBPs did not get it right first time. Instead, these LBPs have been ignorant of the issues, or have chosen to ignore them, and have moved on in the building process. Often the LBP's defence is that the work was not finished and that the LBP was going to return and remediate the non-compliant or substandard building work. Sometimes this is acceptable, such as where a snag list is generated relating to minor items. Mistakes are made and not all mistakes should lead to an LBP

being disciplined. However, when there are major quality issues or noncompliance, which should not have occurred, then a disciplinary outcome may be appropriate. When an LBP claims “it’s not finished” as a defence, the Board will look at the sequencing of the work to assess if there is any merit to what they are saying. If deconstruction to remediate is required, or the costs involved in bringing it up to standard are greater than they would have been by doing it right the first time, then the defence is difficult to accept. The Board also looks at whether the LBP had a process to identify and deal with such issues during the build. If there is a quality assurance system in place, then the “it’s not finished” defence can hold weight. However, if the LBP was unaware of the issues, or they have had to be brought to their attention by others, then it is unlikely the Board will accept it.


A similar defence the Board often hears is “but the council gave it a pass�. There are various things the Board considers in this situation. Was it a case of eventually getting it right after multiple failures as in the Ali case? Did the BCA miss a noncompliance issue and pass building work that was not compliant? If this is the case, should the noncompliance have been apparent to the LBP? If the Board considers the LBP should have identified or been aware of the noncompliance, then the LBP might be open to being disciplined. Getting a pass from a BCA does not absolve an LBP from accountability for noncompliant work. LBPs should also note that BCAs are only looking at compliance; they do not check the quality of the work. Compliant work can still be substandard, especially where there is evidence of poor workmanship. Therefore, an LBP can still be disciplined for work, even though it meets the minimum requirements for compliance.

Avoiding the complaints process Licensing was brought in to improve standards and accountability. LBPs should have the skills and knowledge to get the job done correctly, so if they botch a job, they should be held to account for their negligence or incompetence. Getting it right first time and having a quality assurance system to catch minor mistakes is the best way to avoid the complaints process. It is also better business practice as it helps to keep builds withinDESIGN budget, on schedule EXTERNAL PLASTERING and up to standard, which in turn leads to satisfied customers and a more prosperous economy for all.


by Mel Orange SITE



Legal Member, Building Practitioners Board



This article is relevant to these classes:






Codewords Quiz 1. Why should you build it right the first time? a. It avoids re-work, which can be expensive, time consuming and bad for business b. It keeps the home-owner happy, which is good for your reputation c. It reduces the likelihood of a complaint being made about you d. All of the above 2. If the BCA gives the build a pass, the Board will have no reason to discipline an LBP for their workmanship. a. True, if the BCA has signed off the work then everything is compliant b. False, as the LBP is still accountable for any noncompliant work the BCA might have missed. Also, even if the work is compliant, there may still be issues with the quality of the work, or how much remedial work was required. 3. We all make mistakes; how can LBPs stop a mistake causing a complaint and/or discipline? a. Have a process of identifying mistakes yourself, so you can deal with them during the build (i.e. quality assurance system) b. Have the BCA inspect the work, then fix any noncompliant work they find until it passes. Answers: 1.d 2.b. 3.a.

This is especially the case when it is a building consent authority (BCA) that is noting noncompliance at inspections. In one complaint (Zahid Ali - C2-01592), there were repeated inspection failures, often for the same issues, over multiple sites. The Board noted that the BCA's role is to check that the building work has been carried out in accordance with the building consent. It is not to instruct or give direction on how compliance can be achieved. The Board expects an LBP to have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out routine building work in a compliant manner without requiring such assistance.

ADD TO LBP ACTIVITY LOG This article is from Codewords Issue 96. Use the ITM App to log your activity today.

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Pinoli Interiors collection The Pinoli Interiors collection of plywood panels consists of untreated panels available in a classic or textured face with the option of two different grooved profiles. Pinoli Interiors panels are manufactured from Radiata Pine trees grown in New Zealand plantations and manufactured at the Tokoroa plywood mill. The Pinoli Interiors range achieves the authenticity inherent to genuine wood products. The outcome is the creation of spaces characterised by warmth and feeling, that Kiwis can enjoy either at home, work or at leisure. The broad range ensures that the Pinoli Interiors range is suitable to a variety of residential and commercial settings, styles and finishes. All available FSC® certified (FSC-C012019) upon request. The plywood panels are untreated and suitable for staining, painting or clear coating. The Pinoli Pre Primed (PP) range has a factory applied powder coating which allows the topcoat to be immediately applied, eliminating (in most cases) the need for expensive and time-consuming wet primers.

Classic and Groove Ranges The Pinoli Interiors Classic range provides both residential and commercial users with a high visual appearance plywood panel (natural) or a traditional rustic appearance (texture) plywood panel. The range is ideal for painting and staining or can be left in its natural state depending on the required finish. The Pinoli Interiors Groove range is available in natural or texture with either a ‘V’ or ‘U’ option. Made from sustainable material, the plywood panels provide an impact resistant and low maintenance interior lining which can be stained, painted, or left in a natural state.

The Pre-Primed Range The Pinoli Pre-Primed Interiors range has a factory applied white coating which acts as a pre-primer. The result is a superior finish, crucial to the interior where close inspection is more common, as well as saving time and money (in most cases) by eliminating the need for wet primers. Other features include: ☐☐ High 60-80 microns film build, can be up to 2-3 times thicker than traditional wet primers ☐☐ Continuous powder coated surface forms a drier more consistent painting surface. The result is a superior finish, great for spaces which will routinely come under close inspection ☐☐ The Pre-Primed range saves time and money by removing the need for wet primers, ensuring a faster completion time ☐☐ Low volatile organic compound (VOC) primer coating. The Pinoli Pre-Primed Interiors range is not suitable for use with penetrating stains. For advice on specific coating systems and their suitability for use with the Pinoli Pre-Primed range, always refer to the coating manufacturer. For more information on the Pinoli Interiors range, visit or phone 0800 326 759.



A more productive Kiwi lifestyle Small-scale fishermen are the tradies of the sea. These guys and girls head out to sea, rain or shine, to bring back fresh fish. Many of these small-scale fishermen don’t own any quota, so they end up leasing access rights, fishing for someone else’s benefit. Quota is king under the Quota Management System (QMS). If you own quota, you call the shots. If you lease it, you pay rent and do what you’re told in terms of what fish to catch, who you sell your fish to and the price you receive for those fish. Our 'tradies of the sea' are getting a raw deal under the QMS because the demand for rent is depriving these fishermen the opportunity to make a decent living. This needs to change. Fishermen need control of their own quota so they can sell their catch for the highest return, and so they can keep supplying Kiwis with fish.

The Rescue Fish policy LegaSea wants to see these fishermen given maximum respect for their effort and that is why we have developed the Rescue Fish policy. This is an innovative policy based on reformatting our whole fisheries management system to give these fishermen a chance to develop their own business models. We all know they need it, a quick wander around the nearest port will reveal an ageing fleet of rundown vessels and an even older crew trying to keep those tubs afloat. Rescue Fish starts with a Government buy-back of existing fishing rights. Future access will be only be granted to people who are going to get their hands wet. This opens the door for young people to enter the fishery under a provisional permit scheme, much like a managed apprenticeship, with the ultimate goal of encouraging that young person to find an economic pathway to start his or her own small scale operation. Rescue Fish also means job and business opportunities in the regions because local fishers will be able to bid for access to the fishery on their doorstep. This encourages stewardship of local waters and the marine environment.

When the wharf was a community hub Historically, commercial fishing in the regions was a treasured lifestyle with ‘Joe Fish’ supplying the local processing shed and the wharf was a community hub on many afternoons. That was until the local shed shut and the longliners were shunted out in favour of trawlers from a faraway port. Now, the only rumble on the wharf is the twice-weekly arrival of the truck to pick up the bins of fish off the trawlers. Rescue Fish is all about community and giving kids the opportunity to follow in their parents’ footsteps and out to sea. It’s a reform package that is designed to build abundant fish stocks and allow for fishermen to return to the regions where they can establish a small business and make a decent living income for a change. Thriving fishing businesses in coastal areas means more work for tradies in the building sector. A win for many of our productive industries and our Kiwi lifestyle.

To effect change, we need to stand together and show the Government how much we care. Sign the Rescue Fish petition at today!

LIGHTING & ELECTRICAL Rechargeable Worklight #MAX10 • • • •

Worklight and spotlight 1050 + 400 lumens Powerbank IP65

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• • • •


• 10 Amps • Clear moulded plug and socket for easy safety inspection • Protective safety skirt on socket • Heavy duty cable offers protection against wheelbarrows and falling building materials

4 x outlets and 2 x USB charging ports Max load 10A, 2400W Built-in RCD safety switch Ideal for construction sites and workshops



Head lamp: • rechargeable • motion sensor • 400 lumens







We live to support those who live to build NORTHLAND ☐ Bay of Islands ITM Haruru, Paihia 09 402 7703 ☐ Bay of Islands ITM Waipapa, 09 407 8002 ☐ Dargaville ITM 09 439 8730 ☐ Far North ITM Kaitaia 09 408 3927 ☐ Far North ITM Mangonui 09 406 0048 ☐ Mangawhai ITM 09 431 4963 ☐ Waipu ITM 09 432 0203 ☐ Whangarei ITM 09 437 9420

AUCKLAND ☐ Albany ITM 09 415 6889 ☐ Dayle ITM Avondale 09 828 9791 ☐ Dayle ITM East Tamaki 09 274 4942 ☐ Dysart ITM Glen Innes 09 521 3609 ☐ Hillside ITM Glenfield 09 443 8101 ☐ MacClures ITM Henderson 09 836 0088 ☐ Mahia ITM Takanini 09 267 0234 ☐ Matakana ITM 09 422 7525 ☐ Pukekohe ITM 09 238 3678 ☐ Thomsons ITM Papakura 09 294 9410 ☐ Tuakau ITM 09 236 8226 ☐ Waiuku ITM 09 235 7289 ☐ Warkworth ITM 09 425 1021 ☐ Weck’s ITM Patumahoe 09 236 3684 ☐ Western ITM Kumeu 09 412 8148 ☐ Western ITM Swanson 09 832 0209 ☐ Western ITM Whenuapai 09 416 8164

WAIKATO/BAY OF PLENTY ☐ Acorn ITM Hamilton 07 856 6789 ☐ Cambridge ITM 07 827 0953 ☐ KKBS ITM Katikati 07 549 0689 ☐ Matamata Post and Rails ITM 07 888 8189 ☐ Mount ITM Mt Maunganui 07 575 3126 ☐ Opotiki ITM 07 315 5984 ☐ Otorohanga ITM 07 873 8079 ☐ Tauranga ITM 07 541 1232 ☐ Omokoroa ITM 07 552 5770

☐ Thomsons ITM Hamilton 07 849 3674 ☐ Thomsons ITM Whatawhata 07 829 8518 ☐ Timmo’s ITM Te Awamutu 07 871 7545 ☐ Triangle ITM Tokoroa 07 886 6611 ☐ Whakatane Timber & Hardware ITM 07 307 0031

COROMANDEL ☐ Barrier ITM Tryphena 09 429 0466 ☐ Coromandel ITM 07 866 8848 ☐ Dayle ITM Kopu 07 868 9829 ☐ Pauanui ITM 07 864 8579

CENTRAL NORTH ISLAND ☐ Central ITM Feilding 06 323 3400 ☐ Central ITM Marton 06 327 5458 ☐ Hometown ITM Foxton 06 363 8049 ☐ Manawatu ITM 06 356 9490 ☐ New Plymouth ITM 06 758 8939 ☐ Stratford ITM 06 765 7800 ☐ Taupo ITM 07 378 9899 ☐ Tumu ITM Dannevirke 06 374 4260 ☐ Turangi ITM 07 386 5736 ☐ Waitara ITM 06 754 8822

HAWKE’S BAY ☐ Tumu ITM Gisborne 06 868 9599 ☐ Tumu ITM Hastings 06 873 0999 ☐ Tumu ITM Havelock North 06 872 9600 ☐ Tumu ITM Napier 06 872 6222 ☐ Wairoa ITM 06 838 7332

WELLINGTON/WAIRARAPA ☐ Crighton ITM Greytown 06 304 7193 ☐ Crighton ITM Levin 06 368 4057 ☐ Crighton ITM Seaview 04 568 3896 ☐ Parapine ITM Upper Hutt 04 527 6800

☐ Tawa ITM 04 232 5999 ☐ Tumu ITM Masterton 06 370 6060

NELSON/MARLBOROUGH ☐ Blenheim ITM 03 578 3049 ☐ Havelock ITM 03 574 1018 ☐ Kaikoura ITM 03 319 5447 ☐ Motueka ITM 03 528 7254 ☐ Nelson ITM 03 548 5487 ☐ Picton ITM 03 573 6888 ☐ Takaka ITM 03 525 0005

CANTERBURY/WEST COAST ☐ Ashburton ITM 03 307 0412 ☐ Basher’s ITM Amberley 03 314 8311 ☐ Darfield ITM 03 318 7474 ☐ Dyers Road ITM Bromley 03 373 6049 ☐ Geraldine ITM 03 693 9397 ☐ Greymouth ITM 03 768 0441 ☐ Hamptons ITM Waltham 03 374 3333 ☐ Hillside ITM Hornby 03 349 9739 ☐ Kaiapoi ITM 03 327 8829 ☐ McMullan Timber ITM Hokitika 03 755 8519 ☐ McVicar ITM Harewood 0800 191 674 ☐ ProBuild ITM Rolleston 03 324 3300 ☐ Rangiora ITM 03 313 4862 ☐ Timaru ITM 03 688 8074 ☐ Waimate ITM 03 689 7427

DUNEDIN/OTAGO/SOUTHLAND ☐ E H Ball ITM Invercargill 03 218 3787 ☐ Fraser Hardware ITM Balclutha 03 418 0170 ☐ Gore ITM 03 208 0649 ☐ Mosgiel ITM 03 489 8885 ☐ Southbuild ITM Winton 03 236 6055 ☐ Southern Lakes ITM Alexandra 03 445 0081 ☐ Southern Lakes ITM Cromwell 03 445 0081 ☐ Southern Lakes ITM Queenstown 03 451 1567

FOR YOUR NEAREST ITM STORE PHONE 0800 FOR ITM OR VISIT ITM.CO.NZ PRODUCTS ON PROMOTION: All prices exclude GST. Prices are valid August 3rd - September 13th 2020, unless specified otherwise. Some products may not be available in all ITM stores, but as part of our rain check policy can be ordered in at the advertised price. Contact your local ITM store for availability.

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