MEMO The 2025

The Deakin Law Students' Society (DLSS) is one of Deakin University's oldest and largest student-run organisations and aims to support Deakin law students in making the most of their degree. The DLSS organises and runs a range of events and services across its portfolios, providing informationandopportunitiesforDeakinlawstudentstobe supportedacademicallyandsociallythroughouttheyear.
TheDLSSoffersachancetomeetnewpeople,improveyour legal skills and make great friends, all whilst learning more abouttheworldoflaw.
ThispublicationisprovidedfreeofchargefromtheDeakin LawStudents’Society(DLSS)ontheunderstandingthatthe editors,allcontributors,andanyotherpersonsrelatedtothis publicationarenotresponsiblefortheactionsofthereads based on the information, errors or omissions in the publication. The views given in the publication do not necessaryrepresenttheviewsoftheeditors,DLSS,orDeakin LawSchool.
This publication is subject to Copyright. Except where permitted under the Copyright Act; no part of this publicationmayinanyformorbyanymeans(electronically orotherwise)bereproducedorstoredinaretrievalsystem or transmitted by any person without special written consentoftheDeakinLawStudents’Society.
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on whichtheDLSSisfounded,theWurundjeriPeopleoftheKulin Nation.Werecognisetheircontinuedconnectiontotheland andwaters.WepayourrespectstoWurundjeriElderspast, present,andemergingandextendthisrespecttoAboriginal andTorresStraitEldersandpeoplefromothercommunities.
Design&Editor: DiyaMatthew EditorinChief: PriyankaSharma
Lucy French
LucyisinherfinalyearofaBachelorofLawsandworksasa LegalAssistantatBraveLegal.Lucylovesallthingsmusical theatre,reformerPilates,andswimmingintheocean!When sheisnotstudying,youwillprobablyfindheratthetheatre orreadingagoodbook.
As President of the Deakin Law Students' Society (DLSS), Lucyhastakenontheresponsibilityofleadingthesociety’s strategic planning and external communication. Her decision to apply for the role of President stemmed from a strong desire to make a tangible impact within the student community and to serve as a source of support for her peers.
In the coming year, Lucy aims to implement initiatives that preparestudentsfortheircareerswhileleadingtheDLSSto newheights.Sheispassionateaboutcreatingopportunities that enhance every student’s university experience— whether through networking, skill-building, or mentorship ensuring every student feels supported, empowered, and readytotakeontheirfuturecareers.
Who is your ultimate leadership role model And what makes them stand out to you?
Myultimateleadershiprolemodelismymum.Asaleader in her profession, she makes a real difference in people’s lives She knows how to inspire, support, and bring out the best in those around her—balancing strength and kindnessinawayIdeeplyadmireandstrivetoemulate.
Emilie Young
Emilie is in her fourth year of a double degree in a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Criminology She currently works as a legal assistant at a family law firm and as a swim instructor. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with herdogCharlieatthebeachandtryingoutnewrecipes.
Emilie is the Vice President of the DLSS for 2025. The Vice President is responsible for the internal functioning of the DLSS. The Vice President helps foster a great culture within the committee, which extends to the great Deakin Law Student community. Working closely with the president, the Vice President supports the directors to bring their events to life.
Emilie’s vision for the year ahead is to provide opportunities for students with accessible and informative events. Emilie hopes that this year’s committee and events will inspire the Deakinlawstudentcommunitytoexploretheirpotential
Who is your ultimate leadership role model And what makes them stand out to you?
I am fortunate to be surrounded by many incredible role models,butmyultimateleadershiprolemodelismymum. She embodies the qualities of a balanced leader, always striving for new heights in her career while ensuring the wellbeingofherteam.Sheextendsthisleadershipstyleinto her personal life, contributing to her community through sporting and school organisations and serving as a role modelforherchildren.
Jordan Cook
Jordan is heading into her fourth year of a Bachelor of Laws and Environmental Science degree! She works and volunteersasaparalegal,andoutsideofwork,lovesplaying any type of sport, going to concerts, and travelling. Her last trip was to Darwin, where she loved seeing the rocks and plants!
As Secretary, Jordan looks after all the administrative aspects of the DLSS. This includes organising officer hiring, scheduling internal meetings, and ensuring our governing documents, like the Constitution and Bylaws, are up to date. Sheisoftenthefirstpointofcontactforanyquestionsabout theDLSS.
In 2025, Jordan hopes to continue promoting the DLSS to students, helping them make the most of their degrees. She plans to continue working on internal governance, focus on drafting a sustainability policy for the committee, and aims to ensure the internal administration is running as smoothly aspossible!
Who is your ultimate leadership role model And what makes them stand out to you?
My ultimate leadership role model would have to be Ruth Bader Ginsburg! She paved the way for women in law during a time when it was almost unheard of and advocated strongly for women’s rights. I admire how she fiercelystucktoherbeliefs,evenwhenshewasofteninthe minority.
Treasurer Sofia Rossi
Sofia Rossi is in her final year of a Bachelor of Laws degree. She juggles two jobs working as a Legal Assistant at Schetzer Papaleo Family Lawyers and as a Duty Manager at Boroondara SportsComplex.Outsideofstudying,working,andherinvolvement with the DLSS, Sofia enjoys travelling, staying active (especially going on "hot girl walks" and hitting the gym), drinking an absurd amount of coffee, and recently getting back into reading. Her personalgoalfortheyearistopassallherunitsand,hopefully,cut backonhercoffeeaddiction.
As Treasurer within the DLSS Finance Portfolio, Sofia manages all things finance for the society. Her responsibilities include creating the annual budget, tracking income from sponsors, events, and memberships,andoverseeingspendingtoensurethesocietycan continue running its incredible events. Operating largely behind thescenes,theFinancePortfolioplaysacrucialroleinmaintaining thesociety’sfinancialstabilityandlong-termsuccess.
In 2025, Sofia aims to continue to improve and develop the financial systems used by the DLSS, ensuring strong and transparent financial management throughout the year. She is excited to streamline processes, strengthen budgeting strategies, andsupportthesociety’songoinggrowthandimpact.
Who is your ultimate leadership role model And what makes them stand out to you?
A fictional character that stands out to me is Dory from Finding Nemo. Although Dory is not in a "leadership" role, she tries to help whenever she can, is a true friend to Nemo,remainsoptimistic,andjustkeepsswimming.
CO-DIRECTOR OF Sponsorship
Mckeely Hol
McKeelyisenteringherpenultimateyearofherBachelorofLaws andworksasaparalegalinMinterEllison'sInsurance&Corporate Riskteam.Ifsheisnottuckedawaywithherheadinher textbooks,youwillmostlikelyfindMcKeelyinareformerPilates classorspendingqualitytimewithherfamilyandfriends.
TheroleoftheCo-DirectorsofSponsorshipistofacilitate,build, andmaintainrelationshipsbetweentheDeakinLawStudents’ Societyandthevariousstakeholderswithwhomthesociety engages.ThispositionstheSponsorshipportfolioasthe intermediarybetweenthevariousDLSSportfoliosandesteemed sponsors.Consequently,theSponsorshipportfolioisheavily involvedinboththeorganisationandrunningofallevents hostedbytheDLSS.
In2025,McKeelyaimstobuilduponthesuccessofthe2024 Sponsorshipportfolio.Sheisalsofocusingherattentionon diversifyingtheofferingsoftheDLSStoincludeawidervarietyof non-commercialsponsors,suchasfamilyandcriminallaw firms.
Who is your ultimate leadership role model And what makes them stand out to you?
Iamveryfortunatetohavemanyinspiringleadersinmy personallife Ialwaysadmirethosewhomakespaceforothers aroundthemandusetheirpositionasaleadertohelpothers achievetheirindividualgoals.
CO-DIRECTOR OF Sponsorship
SAMI Paulik
Samiisapenultimate-yearLaw/Artsstudent,with2025marking herfifthyearatDeakinUniversity,havinghadtheopportunityto begininYear12throughtheDeakinAccelerateprogramforLaw. SamiisexcitedtoserveasSponsorshipCo-Directorthisyear, aimingtobringmoreincredibleopportunitiestostudents.When notstudyingorworkingonsponsorships,Samicanbefound workingintherealmofPropertyLaworunwindingbyplayingThe SimsandwatchingBob'sBurgers
AsSponsorshipCo-Director,SamicollaborateswithMcKeelyto actastheprimarypointofcontactforthefirmsand organisationspartneredwiththeDLSS.Herkeyresponsibilities includecoordinatingbetweenportfoliosandsponsorstorelay essentialinformationforeventsandinitiativeswhileworkingto connectstudentswiththefirmsthatinspirethem.
Samiisparticularlyeagertoattractsponsorsfromnicheareasof law,ensuringopportunitiesareavailableforstudentswith diverseinterests whetheringovernment,family,environmental, industry,orcommerciallaw.Shehasaparticularpassionfor constructionlawandhopestofeatureafirmspecialisinginthis area!
Who is your ultimate leadership role model And what makes them stand out to you?
Ascheesyasitsounds,Ibelievethatinsteadofbeinginspired byjustonefigure,Iaminspiredeverydaybytheleaders aroundme.Whetheritbeathome,work,orwithinsociety, everyonehasadifferentwayofconnectingwithothersand achievingtheirgoals.Ibelievethereisalottobelearntby adaptingthegoodqualitiesyouseeinothersintoyourself.
The Sponsorship Portfolio within the DLSS is responsible for engaging with law firms and key stakeholders across Victoria to fosterstrong,mutuallybeneficialrelationshipsbetweenthemand the society. The team liaises with these stakeholders to secure funding, resources, and opportunities that enable the delivery of valuable events and initiatives for the student cohort. This includes coordinating financial support for events, orchestrating guest speakers, and facilitating professional networking opportunities. Through these partnerships, the Sponsorship Portfolio enhances student experiences while strengthening the DLSS’sconnectionswithinthelegalindustry.
Luke Dimopoulos
IamcurrentlyinmysecondyearofaBachelorofLaws, workingataFamilyLawfirmaswellasbeingaBasketball andTenniscoach.Ilovegoingtothe'Gduringfootyseason towatchtheBluesplay,butIalsoreallyenjoyanythingtodo withmusic.
Rebecca Austin
Fourthyear-BachelorofLawsandCommerce IamstudyingaBachelorofLaws/Commerceandaminmy fourth year, currently working as a Paralegal at Maddocks. I love to travel and take every opportunity I can to go overseas. I also enjoy hiking, baking, and I have recently beenconvincedtostartrunningandplaygolf.
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Sponsorship?
Luke: I joined the DLSS to find like-minded and motivated people and loved the idea of Sponsorship, helping to build valuablerelationshipsbetweentheDLSSandlawfirms.
Rebecca: I joined the DLSS to connect with like-minded students and friends The Sponsorship portfolio allows me to collaborate, build relationships, and contribute to creating excitingopportunitiesforstudents.
The Finance Portfolio within the DLSS is responsible for managing the society's financial affairs, ensuring transparent and effective financial practices. This includes preparing a yearlybudget,overseeingpaymentsforeventsandexpenses, and sourcing funding from faculty and sponsors to support various initiatives. The team is also tasked with managing reimbursements for portfolio-related spending, ensuring that all financial transactions are tracked and accounted for. Through diligent financial management, the Finance Portfolio ensures the society operates smoothly, remains financially sustainable, and is accountable to its members and stakeholders.
I am currently studying a double degree in Law and Commerce. When I’m not working at Peter Alexander or volunteering as a legal assistant, you’ll find me enjoying music,travelling,orhangingoutwithfriends.
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Finance?
IjoinedDLSStobecomemoreinvolvedwithunilife,makenew connections within the law cohort, and level up my skills. I chose Finance because, honestly, there’s something oddly satisfying about crunching numbers and seeing how it all fits together!
Tips on Tips on survivng law survivng law school school
WeAskedOurHeadExecandDirectorsfor TheirTopTipsonSurvivingLawSchool!
Donotletitconsumeyour life.Havefriendsandhobbies outsideofyourstudies.

Iabsolutelythriveonto-dolists.Lawschoolcan getsohecticwithcompetingdeadlinesand priorities,soit’simportanttokeeptrackof everythingyouneedtogetdone.Extrapointsif youuseato-dolistappthatsyncsacrossall yourdevices!
Becomeasinvolvedin universitylifeaspossible! Youcouldjoinasociety (theDLSS!),aclub,make friendsinclasses,orattend anevent!

Findagoodstudygroup, embracecoffee,anddon’t beafraidtoaskquestions. Also,sleepisoptional…but highlyrecommended!
Mybesttipistofindsomeonetosurvive with.Puttingyourselfoutthereandfinding afriendinclasswillnotonlyholdyou accountablebutalsogiveyousomeoneto helpyouthroughit!
Buildacommunityaroundyou!Supportive, notcompetitive.
IfIhadn'tpursuedlaw,100%Iwould havebecomeateacher Teaching highschoolEnglish,especiallyVCE English,wassomethingIreally considered.Ilovetheideaofitso muchthatIcanseemyselfcoming backtothisidea,andactuallydoingit muchlateroninlife.
Istillaskmyself this

Burglar Highrisk, highreward.
Idofindpsychologyreally interesting,ormaybesports science.I’mabigsportsguyand Iwouldlovetogetinvolvedin thatindustryifIhadthechance

In another In another
life I'd be... life I'd be...
WhatIf?WeAskedOurHeadExecand OfficersAboutTheirAlternateDream Careers!
Ifnotlaw,Iwouldhave chosenamorecreative path-thatbeingdesign orarchitecture.

Iwould’vepursueda careerasa singer/songwritertaking upacourseinmusic production
IfIhadn’tchosenlaw,IthinkI wouldhavepursuedacareer nottoodissimilar,asa diplomatorsomethingwithin theinternationalpolitical landscapesothatIcould traveltheworld!
Your Legal Your Legal Dream Team Dream Team
Weaskedourcomitteewhotheywould trusttorepresentthemiftheyever neededalawyer?

Harvey Specter (Suits)
TheUndisputedWinner It'snosurprisehe waseveryone 'stopchoice!
Obviously,Iwouldgo withtheoneandonly HarveySpecter becausehewould representmewelland lookgooddoingit.
Itwouldbeaclosecall betweenHarvey SpecterandElle Woods,asbothdress impeccablyandcome withacutelittle sidekick.
HarveySpecter(duh!). OrmyfriendTarzwould makeavery convincingcaseinmy favour.
TheHarveySpecter andMikeRossduo,as theycouldgetmeout of(almost)anything. However,Idoplanon actuallypractisinglaw withadegree,though.
Ithinktheonlyanswer isHarveySpecter;and anyotheransweris wrong.Idon’tthinkan explanationis necessaryhere.
HarveySpecter.Idon’t thinkthereisanyone morequalified.
HarveySpecter,forhis confidence,sharpmind, anddrivetowin.Hecan copewithhigh-pressure situationsandisthe bestcloserNYChasever seen.
Hmm.Iwoulddefinitely trustHarveySpecterto representme...butonly ifDonnawashelpingout too(shehasthemagic thatmakesmiracles happen).
Asalawstudent(who, ofcourse,haswatched Suits),Idefinitelythink HarveySpecterwould bemynumberone pick!
Your Legal Your Legal Dream Team Dream Team
Weaskedourcomitteewhotheywould trusttorepresentthemiftheyever neededalawyer?
Elle woods (legally blonde)
SecondPlace,ButStillWinning—She’sa closecontenderforthetopspot
Ithinkitwouldbesowrong tonothavetheGOAT,Elle Woodsrepresentme.She's justagirlwhoknowshowto wincases,andlookfabulous whilst'doingit.#What?Like it'shard
ElleWoods,becauseIknow shewouldnoticethefacts thatotherswouldskipover (bestbelievetherewouldbe nocontestinganyissues withtheammonium thioglycolate).
ElleWoods noquestion.She takesherdogeverywhere, includingcourt(whichIfully support),andhasan incrediblewardrobe.Plus,she alwayswinsinstyle!
IfIeverneededalawyer,I'd gowithElleWoods because whowouldn’twantalawyer whocanwinacaseand explainthe‘bendandsnap’ inthesameday?
ElleWoods!Sheisawomanin thelawwhoisofclass,skill, intelligence,andanincredible fashionsense.Herstrengthand determinationinthelegalworld isatruetestamenttoher characterasapowerfullawyer.
IwouldchooseElleWoods becauseofheramazing outfitsandthefactthatshe wassuchagoodlawyer whilststillinfirstyearoflaw school!
The Activities Portfolio organises a variety of social events throughout the year, giving law students the chance to unwind, connect,andmakelastingfriendships.Frommajorhighlightslike theDeakinLawBallandFirst-YearCamptoexcitinginitiativeslike the Boat Cruise Party and O-WEEK Bar-Hop, the portfolio is all aboutbringingstudentstogetherinarelaxed,enjoyablesetting.
Visitthe'UpcomingEvents'tabontheDLSSwebsitetoseealltheir upcomingevents.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Iamcurrentlystudyingstraightlawandhopefullysurvivingthis year! In my spare time, I love exercising, reading, and, most of all,listeningtomusic(waytoooften RIPmyeardrums).
What are your goals for this year?
Survive the university year and save enough to go backpackingattheendoftheyear!
What is your portfolio About?
The Activities Portfolio organises the majority of social events throughout the year, aiming to provide law students with excellent opportunities to socialise and form meaningful friendships. These events also seek to offer unique experiences and valuable opportunities for students to relax andcelebrateafterlongperiodsofstudy.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from Activities?
The DLSS community should definitely look forward to our events, which are designed to provide a fun night of celebration especially the Law Ball, our flagship event of the year!
Amy Shulz
I am studying a Bachelor of Laws because I watched Suits once and thought, That looks pretty decent! When I’m not studying, I work as a bartender in a pub, so I can definitely give some good cocktail recommendations or pour you a great pint! In my spare time, you’ll either find me dancing or watching all things UK YouTube SidemenandGeorgeClarkehavemyheart.
Rhea Nguyen
IaminmysecondyearofaBachelorofLaws.Ilovetotravel,and a fun fact is that I have lived in three different countries! Outside of uni, you can catch me thrifting, enjoying a matcha latte, or simply strolling through the park My goal is to work in environmentallawafteruni!
Tarika Shankar
I am a second-year Law and Criminology student. I work at TK MAXX and serve on my local council's planning committee. Now for the fun stuff when I’m not studying, you’ll find me bingewatching TV shows (yes, it’s a hobby), making jewellery, or at the gunrange.
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO ACTIVITIES?
Amy:IwantedtojoinDLSSthisyeartomakenewfriendsandbe part of a fun community. I’d love to be a part of the Activities Portfoliotoensuretheeventsarefunandaccessibletoeveryone thisyear!
Rhea: I want to inspire, motivate, and create a welcoming environmentforotherlawstudents!JoiningtheActivitiesPortfolio will allow me to help my peers wind down and have some fun after stressful law assignments and exams, ensuring the events arefunandaccessibletoeveryonethisyear!
Tarika:I met the best people at Bar Hop in my first year, which encouragedmetojoinDLSS,especiallytheActivitiesPortfolio,and meetevenmorepeople.
Commercial Careers
The Commercial Careers portfolio within the DLSS provides Deakin law students with valuable insights and opportunities in the commercial law sector. It aims to educate students on different career pathways, simplify the clerkship application process,andconnectthemwithindustryprofessionals
DIRECTOR OF Commercial Careers
Tell us a bit about yourself.
IamstartingmythirdyearofLaw/Science,majoringinChemistry. I currently work for the Victorian Parliament as an Electorate Officer and, recently, worked with Guide Dogs Victoria as a Guide Dog trainer. Outside of work and uni, you'll find me at the pool, crocheting, watching cricket or footy, or bouldering, which has become my newest obsession! Aside from that, I love TV shows andmovies—currentlyanxiouslywaitingfortheSuitsLAspinoff!
What are your goals for this year?
Currentlyveryfocusedonreachingthenextlevelatthebouldering gym – there are a few pesky ones I can't seem to finish, but I am highlydetermined!
What is your portfolio About?
The Commercial Careers Portfolio plays a vital role in the DLSS by connecting students directly with employers through networking events,workshops,andpublications,providingcrucialinsightsinto the industry. The Commercial Careers team hopes to equip students with the skills, connections, and confidence needed to succeedinthecommerciallawworld.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from Commercial Careers? CommercialCareersportfoliohassomethingforeveryonethisyear whether you ' re a first or second-year student looking to build skills and confidence, a fourth or fifth-year aiming to get an edge duringClerkships,orjustsomeoneinterestedincommerciallaw without necessarily following the clerkship pathway. No matter whereyou’reat,there’splentytogetinvolvedin!
Commercial Careers
MajoringinFinance,Iamdrawntotheworldofcommerciallaw, particularly Banking and Financial Law! Alongside uni, I work for a food and beverage company that mainly specialises in the café industry (love a good coffee). Outside of campus, you'll find me at the gym, cooking, watching live music, or spending timewithmytwocats!
Fred Blackall
Secondyear-BachelorofLawsandArts Iamstudyingadoubledegreeinlawandarts,majoringinsport journalism with a minor in international relations. Outside of university, I love spending time with friends and family, as well asplayingandwatchingsport,mainlysoccerandfootball!
Vaanee Singh
I study Law and Commerce and currently work at the Federal Court. When I'm not studying, I typically spend my time playing orwatchingtennis.
VIC Gosios
I’mstudyingacombinedBachelorofLawsandCommerce,with aspirations to go to the Bar. I currently only have extensive experiencewithwinebars…hopingthisstillcounts!WhenI’mnot studying, you’ll find me either playing soccer, exploring cool restaurants,hangingoutwithmycat,orteachinggymnasticsto littleones.
Commercial Careers
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Commercial careers?
Arkady:Toopenopportunitiesforothers,showstudentsuniis more than readings/textbooks, to meet like-minded people andexpandmycircleatandoutsideofuni!
Fred:IjoinedtheDLSStofindagreatersenseofcommunityat University, and the Commercial Careers portfolio seemed a greatasIamahopingtopursueacareerincommercialsport law.
Vaanee: In terms of joining the DLSS, my motivation was meeting new people and collaborating to create something informative for all students. I was motivated to join the commercial careers team because it focuses on the area of lawthatIwouldwanttoworkin.
Vic: The DLSS seemed like a great opportunity to explore the legalsector.Iwantedaforumtomeetotherlawstudents,and learn how to thrive in the legal world. I chose commercial careers as I love the fast paced, analytical nature that is commerciallawandhopetoworkinthisfieldinthefuture.
Your Legal Your Legal Dream Team Dream Team

Weaskedourcomitteewhotheywould trusttorepresentthemiftheyever neededalawyer?
Women in Law
I’dtrustAmalClooneyto representmebecauseofher unwaveringcommitmentto justice,expertiseinhuman rights,andherabilityto advocatefearlesslyforthose inneed.
Gina Liano not only is she hilarious, but she is an expert barrister in areas of law that I am interested in pursuing, particularly criminal and family law.
IwouldtrustAmalClooney becausesheisatophuman rightslawyerwithexpertisein internationallaw,advocacy, andcriminaljustice,making heraformidableandskilled legalrepresentative.
If I needed a lawyer I would 100% ask Kim Kardashian to be my lawyer, as I’m sure I would need some entertainment during a stressful time!
Your Legal Your Legal Dream Team Dream Team
Weaskedourcomitteewhotheywould trusttorepresentthemiftheyever neededalawyer?
Role models

Thelawyerswetrustintherealworld— becausesometimes,fictionjustisn't enough!
Oh,thisistricky!Thefirst peoplewhocometomind areQueenFidan(obviously) oroneofthepartnersatthe firmIworkfor(heisbrutal–sosureforawin!!!).
Iwouldchoosemywonderful boss,EmmaTurnbull!She’s anabsolutegirlboss,great rolemodel,kindbuthonest, andridiculouslytalentedexactlywhatIwouldneedto representme:)
OurcurrentIPPandmy great-grandmotherinthe Educationportfolio, Courtney.Iknowmy lawyerwillhaveputinthe workandwillbeprepared -Henry
IfIneededalawyerI wouldenlistanyoneof myfriends,purelyfor entertainmentvalue.
AnyofthefriendsImade atuni!Theyarevery intelligentandgenuine peopleIknowIcantrust theirexpertiseand emotionalintelligence.
Iwouldtrustmydadtobemy lawyerbecauseofhow strong-willedandstubborn hispersonalityis Healso knowseverythingaboutme andwouldmakesurehe'sgot mybacknomatterwhat!
Tips on Tips on survivng law survivng law
school school
WeAskedOurHeadExecandDirectorsfor TheirTopTipsonSurvivingLawSchool!
“Mybesttipsforsurvivinglaw schoolistotakegoodnotes,keep adiarytotrackduedates,and cometoDLSSevents,asIhave learntsomuchaboutthingssuch asClerkshipswhichIhadnever heardofbeforeattendingthese events!”

“Findyourpeople they’retheones who’llbetherethroughitall,whether it’stotallyNOTskippingclassfora snackrun(kidding…kinda ��)or reassuringyouthattheyalsohaven’t startedthatassignmentdue tomorrow.”
Keepitsimpleandfocusonwhat’sbeingasked Ifyou’relike me,theurgetoovercomplicateanswersto“beabsolutelyright” canbackfire trustyourpreparation!
“Havethemindsetthatuniversityisnot thebeallandendall.Spending universitymakingmemoriesand buildingfriendships!Youwillneverbe thisyoungandfreeagain.”

The Communications Portfolio is the DLSS hub for all things written. From insightful articles by legal professionals in Et Cetera to the lighthearted satire of Damages Incurred, Communications delivers content for every law student. In short,ifit’swrittenorpublished Communicationsisbehindit.
DIRECTOR OF Communications
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m currently studying Law and Commerce, majoring in Accounting, but there’s more to me than textbooks and numbers! I’m a self-proclaimed foodie, always on the hunt for the best new restaurants with friends and family. When I’mnotrestauranthopping,you’llfindmeonthehockeyfield orrechargingwithPilatesandyoga.
What are your goals for this year?
Thisyear,mygoalistofullyembracetheartofgoingwiththe flow embracingconfidenceandtakinglifeasitcomes.
What is your portfolio About?
I am part of the Communications Portfolio, which serves as the backbone of all written content within DLSS, combining both information and engagement. We play a key role in creating Damages Incurred, The Memo, Deakin Law Brief, Skills Guide, blogs spotlighting alumni and firms, and our biannual flagship publication, Et Cetera. By managing the DLSS website and all written communications, we ensure members stay connected, informed,andsupportedthroughouttheirlawschooljourneyat Deakin.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from Communications?
The DLSS community can look forward to engaging, informative, and entertaining content from our portfolio think Damages Incurred, Et Cetera, and much more! From resourceslikeTheMemotoalumniandfirmspotlights,there’s somethingforeveryone Getinvolvedbycontributingarticles, sharing ideas, or simply staying connected through our platforms!
Diya Matthew
I am a Bachelor of Laws and Arts student, balancing life between uni and working as a pharmacy assistant. When I’m not buried in my uni work, you’ll find me reading or listeningtomusic.I’malsopassionateaboutmedialawand hopetoonedaypractiseasanentertainmentlawyer!
Molly Howie
I am currently studying a double degree in Law and Arts, with a double major in Public Relations and Journalism. I've been working at a commercial law firm for a few years, which I've really enjoyed, and when not stressing about the nextduedate,Ilovenetballandreading!
Sophia Qureshi
This is my first year on the DLSS, and I’m so excited for all thatCommunicationswillbringyou!WhenI’mnotdrowning in textbooks, I love reading, playing music, and grabbing a sweet chai with my friends. I’m always up for a chat, and I have a million recommendations if you’re ever looking for one
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Communications?
Diya: I joined DLSS to get more involved in the uni life. Communications stood out because I love writing, creating content,andkeepingpeopleinformedandconnected!
Molly:I have joined the DLSS as a Communications Officer. TheDLSShasbeenaconsistentsourceofsupportformeat Deakin, and I was excited to have a hand in shaping it for 2025!
Sophia: I joined the Communications portfolio because of mypassionforwritingandcreating.Iamecstaticforallthe publications,media,andeventswehaveinstoreforyou!
The Competitions portfolio allows law students to develop practical legal skills in a dynamic, supportive environment. Through various competitions, students can refine their advocacy, research, and public speaking abilities while gaining valuable legal experience. Open to all skill levels, these competitions challenge students to enhance their legal knowledgeandbuildconfidencefortheirfuturecareers
DIRECTOR OF Competitions
Rachel thompson
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Iamthecompsdirectorfor2025.Iamcurrentlyinmysecond-last yearofmystudies–scary!IworkasaparalegalinanInstitutional Abuse team at Gordon Legal. Outside of work and studies, I love playingnetball,reading,andhangingoutwithmyfriends!
What are your goals for this year?
My goal for 2025 would be to help expand the learning resources thecompetitionsteamcanprovidetostudentsandhelpdevelop newworkshopsforthecomingyears!
What is your portfolio About?
The Competitions Portfolio aims to help Deakin students develop practical legal skills through competitions like moot courts. Our responsibilitiesincludeorganisingfivecompetitionsandworkshops to enhance skills in legal advocacy and research. This year, we’re running the Senior and Junior Moot, Client Interview, Bail Application,WitnessExamination,andaworkshop.
How can the DLSS community Get involved in the Competitions portfolio?
The DLSS community can get involved in the Competitions Portfolio by participating in our exciting competitions! While it may feel nerve-wracking at first, once the nerves settle, you'll learn heaps. This year, we’re holding five competitions, from moots that require extensive preparation to client interviews, which focus on how well you can extract information from a client I hope to see you all competing!
Gurnika Singh
Asidefrombeingalawstudentandconstantlyatuni,youcanfindme eithera)withmyfamily,b)atthegym,c)atkarate,ord)infrontofa TV watching K-Dramas (all time favourite has to be 'Bloodhounds'). Oneofmymostfavouritethingsintheworldwouldhavetobekarate. Ihavebeendoingacombatsportfor3yearsnowandittrulyisoneof my passions in my life. I constantly find myself bruised and battered after a rough training sesh, but the challenge, community and strength (not just physical, but mental) that it offers, is something so valuable.
Fatima Ibrahimi
I am in my second year of Law and Commerce. I work part-time at Bunnings Warehouse and recently started at Myer. Outside of work and studies, I enjoy the gym, hanging out with friends, and spending timewithfamily
IhaverecentlytransferredtoDeakinfromANUlastyearandIamnow insecondyear.IamstudyingadoubledegreeofLawandArts,which means I get to have the best of both worlds! In my spare time I love goingtomusicfestivalswithmyfriendsorheadingtotheGtowatch theblues.
DImitri livadaras
I’m studying a Bachelor of Laws and Science, blending my interest in law with a passion for science. When I’m not focused on uni, I enjoy running, listening to music, exploring different cultures, trying new foods,andtravellingtoexperiencenewplacesandperspectives.
Hannah Brodribb
I have completed a Bachelor of Criminology at Monash, concurrently with my current Bachelor of Laws! I am working as a legal assistant, running my own small business, working as a manager at a hospitalityvenue,andlovetotravel!IhavealsocompletedaDiploma ofMusicalTheatreandcontinuetomaintainthispassion!
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Competitions?
Gurnika: A big motivator for me in joining the DLSS was the energy and values it embodies. When I first started as a law student, I admittedly didn’t fully appreciate the value of extracurricular activities like those offered by the DLSS in enhancingthelawschoolexperiencebeyondjustacademics.It wasn’tuntilparticipatinginthe2024JuniorMootthatIrealised how invaluable these experiences are. While you can put a price on law textbooks, the long-term skills, memories, and connections that you take with you from extracurricular activities during your law degree are priceless. In fact, I was attracted to the Competitions Portfolio through my participationintheJuniorMoot.
Fatima:Ihadsuchapositiveexperienceasacompetitorinlast year 'sJuniorMoot,whichmotivatedmetojointheDLSS.
Alice:I decided to join DLSS and the Comps Portfolio as I have recently transferred and would love to immerse myself in universitylifeatDeakinandmeetnewpeople!
Dimitri:My motivation for joining the DLSS stems from a desire to contribute to initiatives that foster practical legal skills. The Competitions Portfolio appealed to me due to its emphasis on advocacy, organisation, and supporting students' growth throughexperientiallearningopportunities.
Hannah: My motivation was to contribute to the success and development of the society and cohort. The Competitions Portfolio allows me to assist in organising impactful and collaborativeevents.
Under Under arrest... but arrest... but why?
Ifyouwerearrestedwithnoexplanation, whatwouldyourfriendsimmediately assumeyoudid?
Carcrash-mydrivingskills couldusesomework
Unintentionaltheftofastraycat, onthestreet,thathasanowner already.
EverybodyknowsthatI’magood girlofficer… ��

Iaskedmyfriends,butnoneofthem cameupwithqualityanswers-I’m goingtoguessIwouldprobablybe anaccomplicetocrime.After workingincriminallaw,Idon’tthinkI wouldcommitanycrimes,butIdo thinkmygorgeousfriendswould managetounknowinglydragme intosomething!
Iwasunanimouslytolditwouldbe forunalivingsomeoneso...
Tips on Tips on survivng law survivng law school school
WeAskedOurHeadExecandDirectorsfor TheirTopTipsonSurvivingLawSchool!

“Lawschoolisbetterwithastrong supportnetwork friendswhoshare theexcitementandchallenges.Get involved joinsocieties,compete, seeklegalexperience!Thehandsonandsocialaspectsmakeittruly rewarding!”
“DOYOURREADINGSPLEASE!!!!I honestlycan'tstressenough howimportantitistoallofyour readings,andIpromiseit'll makeallofyourassessments mucheasier!”

“Doalittlebitofworkeachday. WhileIreckonI’vemasteredthe last-minuteassignment,it’sso mucheasiertojustconsistently doalittlebit!”
“Ithinkthatitissocrucialtohaveagreatsupportnetwork aroundyou,justtohavearanttoandgeteverythingoutwhen youfeeloverwhelmed “
would'veprobablychosentopursue acareerinteachingbecauseofhow muchIlovekids.Iwouldhavelovedto createmyownfunlessonplansand teachinawaythatwasengaging andfulfillingforthestudents!Maybe onedayneartheendofmycareerI willendupteachinglaw!
IthinkI'dprobably pursuepublicrelations orjournalism,I'vealways likedwritinghence CommunicationsOfficer!
IfIhadn’tchosenlaw,I wouldhavebecomea teacher Iabsolutelylove workingwithkidsand providingthemwithan opportunitytoflourish.

In another In another life I'd be... life I'd be...
WhatIf?WeAskedOurHeadExecand OfficersAboutTheirAlternateDream Careers!
UntilYear10,Iwasconvinced Iwasgoingtobean architect.Iamaverycreative personandarchitecture wouldhaveenabledmeto excessmycreativityina morevisualformat.

IwouldhaveliketobeanAu pairsoIcouldtravelaround theworldwhilsthelpingkids

Probablyinteriordesign–IKEAtripsand endlesslyrearrangingmyroomhas basicallybeenmypersonalitytraitfor years.Nothingbeatstheexcitementofa goodfurnitureshuffle!
The Education Portfolio supports Deakin Law students through Academic Support, Wellbeing, and Exam Revision. It provides resources like the First Year Crash Course, legal research workshops,andstudytoolstoassistacademicsuccess.
Exam Revision sessions help students prepare with guidance fromhigh-achievingpeers Actingasabridgebetweenstudents, the DLSS, and the university, the portfolio enhances learning and wellbeingthroughoutlawschool.
Henry Jones
Tell us a bit about yourself.
IamtheDirectorofEducation.Outsideoflaw,Iamanabsolute sports nuffie - I especially love my cricket and my footy. I work inawarehouse,althoughIwillbelookingforalegaljobin2025
What are your goals for this year?
I want to build upon the momentum that the Education portfoliohadlastyear,andcontinuegrowingourevents.
What is your portfolio About?
The Education portfolio essentially manages the university side of a law degree, with the portfolio focusing on our three pillars: academics, wellbeing, and exam revision. The Education portfolio helps students get the most out of their university experience through events such as the First Year CrashCourseandourExamRevisionsessions
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from Education?
The Education team will be releasing a podcast this year! Keepaneyeonoursocialsandmakesureyougiveitalisten wherever you download your podcasts. We’ll have short episodes on different aspects of university study – incredibly useful,especiallyforourfirstandsecond-yearstudents.
Alice hillyer
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Laws/Commerce, majoring in Human Resources. When I’m not speeding through my lectures at 2x speed, I’m either working as a pharmacyassistant,trainingwiththeDeakindanceteam,or havingaminidancepartywhilelisteningtooneofmymany 20+hour-longSpotifyplaylists.
Bill Hondrakis
I'm in my third year of Law and Commerce. Outside of my studies, I love playing soccer and going to the gym. I also enjoy cooking and aspire to cook like Gordon Ramsay (minusthetemper).MyfavouritemoviesareTheLordofthe Rings.
Emily hill
To introduce myself a little, in my free time, I really enjoy reading any kind of book, but particularly a good murder mystery! I also love spending time outside, especially when I’mwalkingmydog.
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Education?
Alice: I wanted to join the Education Portfolio because I’m passionate about helping people enjoy their studies and doingtheirabsolutebest!
Bill: I wanted to join the DLSS because I heard it offers amazing opportunities to meet people, and I found past eventsrunbytheEducationPortfolioreallyhelpful.
Emily:I joined the DLSS to immerse myself in all that Deakin Law offers, particularly the Education Portfolio, as it focuses onenhancingbothlearningandwellbeing.
The Engagement Portfolio connects the Deakin Law cohort by promoting DLSS through in-person engagement. It enhances campus life with networking, skill-building, and academic opportunities. The portfolio encourages students to maximise their legal education through events and social activities beyond theclassroom.
DIRECTOR OF Engagement
TeaLS Holmes
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I’m the Director of Engagement. I’m currently entering my third year of Law and International Studies, and work as a Legal Assistant in a criminal law firm; Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator; and also at Woolies! I’m from the Mornington Peninsula and absolutely love the beach, playing netball, listeningtogoodmusic,andyapping!
What are your goals for this year?
Within DLSS, my goal is to focus on excitement and involvementensuring students feel connected socially within the law faculty, andhaveaccesstoopportunitiestodeveloptheircareerandlegal interests Outside of DLSS, I hope to be able to go overseas and continuebalancingmyhecticcalendar.
What is your portfolio About?
The Engagement Portfolio is all about creating excitement and accessibility. By attending classes to promote events in-person ( ‘sem-bashing’)theEngagementPortfolioisresponsibleforensuring students are aware of DLSS events, feel empowered to attend, and are able to use the DLSS to connect socially and academically with theirpeersandthewiderlegalsector.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from engagement?
TheDLSSshouldgetkeenforourO-weekthatiscomingupatthe BurwoodCampusonFebruary24th.ForthosewhosignupforaDLSS membershipin2025,wewillhavesomenew&excitingeventsonoffe foryouthisyeartostaytunedfor!Tobeconnectedwithallthings DLSS,makesuretofollowtheDLSSonallofoursocialstostayupto datewitheverythingwehaveonoffer!Wewillalsohave2merch dropsthroughouttheyeartoalsolookforwardto!
Ethan Robinson
Hi!MynameisEthanandI’masecondyearlawstudent.I moved to Melbourne last year and work a couple jobs, including soccer coaching and hospitality. I love playing soccer, I’ve been learning guitar for close to 10 years now, andI’vetrainedMMAsinceIwasabout13!
Mufaro Zhou
Makadii!! (hello in my native language). I’m a proudly Zimbabwean girl who loves to read, watch movies and untangleconspiracytheoriesaboutthemoonlanding!I’m hopingtolearnhowtomakepastafromscratchbecause Italyisoneofthe10countriesIhopetolivein
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO ACTIVITIES?
Ethan: The engagement portfolio seemed like the best way to get involved and get social with people not only withinthedegree,butwithintheindustry!
Mufaro: When I first got to Deakin I never saw any older law students who looked like me or were from the same place as me so I shied away. I want to show other law studentsthattheDLSSisforEVERYBODY.
Dream Team Dream Team
Weaskedourcomitteewhotheywould trusttorepresentthemiftheyever neededalawyer?

TV AND MOVie titans

Theselegendswouldmakeany courtroomtheirstage
MickeyHallerfromThe LincolnLawyer—mainlyfor hisstrongsenseofjustice, goingaboveandbeyond foreachoneofhisclients regardlessofwhetherhe believedtheywere innocent.
I’dtrustMirandafromSex andtheCity.Notonly wouldwegetalong amazingly,butshe’s confident,relentless,and notafraidtocallout nonsense.
IfIneededalawyerI'dask SaulGoodmanbecause youknowasthesaying goes...IfYouNeeda Lawyer,BetterCallSaul.
I’dtrustPingubecause he’sunpredictable, clever,andalwaysfinds awaytogetwhathe wants.Hisdetermination andiconic“nootnoot” couldwinany argument!
I'dgetAnnaliseKeating fromtheshowHowToGet AwayWithMurder.I reckonlikeshe'dbeable togetanyoneoutof anything,legalornot.
-Ruby Threewords:Better CallSaul -Jacob
MoiraRosefromSchitt's Creek.Shespeaksso eloquently,andher vocabularyalonewould beenoughtoconvince anyoneofmyinnocence.
-Dimitri AnnaliseKeating(ifyou know,youknow). ��
HannahMontana becauseshe'sgotthe bestofbothworlds..
Your Legal Your Legal Dream Team Dream Team
Weaskedourcomitteewhotheywould trusttorepresentthemiftheyever neededalawyer?

IwouldchooseTomCruise fromAFewGoodMen(Oneof thebestfictionallawyersI know)
TV AND MOVie titans

Theselegendswouldmakeany courtroomtheirstage
JessicaPearsonfrom suits~evenifIlandedin jailI’dgettoseeher outfits -Mufaro
HannahSternfromThe Split.She'soneofthefew TVlawyersyouactually seedoing(some)work. Shealsojustseemslike anamazinglawyerwho you'dwantonyourteam.
IwouldtrustAmalClooney becausesheisatophuman rightslawyerwithexpertisein internationallaw,advocacy, andcriminaljustice,making heraformidableandskilled legalrepresentative.
AlexCabotfromLawandOrder SVUhaha Ihavebecome prettyobsessedwiththat show!Itisinterestingtoseethe similaritiesanddifferences betweentheUSandAustralian legalsystems -Maddy
IwouldtrustDonnafrom Suitstorepresentme She maynothaveabackground inlaw,butshehasthe emotionalintelligenceand negotiationabilitiesto convincethecourttoacquit me
Asidefromthetypicallawyer characters,Iwoulddefinitelyhave tosayPhoebeBuffay!Sheisthe mostloyalfriendwhowilldo anythingforanyone,noquestions asked!Shealwaysmanagestoget thejobdonetoo,whichwouldn’t hurt!
Lovemyfriends,butwould havetochooseSassythe Sasquarchtorepresent me.Withhishumorous anticsandsurprising wisdom,anyjudgewould havetoagreewithhim -Jack
Withhiswisdom,loyalty, impeccable communication,and adorablelooks,ithasto beMasterYoda(he’lljust usetheForceanywayif thingsaregoingsouth)
Under arrest... but arrest... but why? why?
Ifyouwerearrestedwithnoexplanation, whatwouldyourfriendsimmediately assumeyoudid?
Foraccidentallycausingamulti carpileupbecauseIwastoobusy eatingwhiledriving
Probablyadrivingrelatedoffence. Imayhavealreadyrackedupa fewspeedingandparkingfines andhaveearnedareputationfor beingspeedy.
Foraccidentallycausingamulti carpileupbecauseIwastoobusy eatingwhiledriving
Publicdisturbance(irritating people,mysistersays)
TheywouldassumethatIgot myselfintotroubletryingtobuy yetanotheritemoffFacebook Marketplace. McKeely They’dassumeIgotarrestedfor breakingoutintoafullmusical theatrenumberinpublic turns out,noteveryoneappreciatesa dramaticjazzhandsfinale!
Paramedicine!Itiscompletely differentbutforthefirsthalfifyear12 itwaswhatIthoughtIwasgoingto do!IusedtovolunteerwithStJohn's Ambulanceandreallylovedhelping peopleandlearningfirstaid.

Iprobablywouldhavestudiedto becomeapsychiatrist.Mental healthreallyinterestsmebutI actuallyhatedthewaysciences aretaughtinhighschoolandI findstudyingthelawalotmore engaging.
Ifnotlaw,Iwouldhave gonedownacareerin Finance/Politics,I'vealways beengoodwithnumbers andloveworkingwith otherstomakepositive changesandimprove peopleslive Arky
In another In another life I'd be... life I'd be...
WhatIf?WeAskedOurHeadExecand OfficersAboutTheirAlternateCareer Paths!
Iwouldlovetobeawriter, ortobeperformingon stage Ilovetosingand act,althoughmydance abilityisn'texactlythatof aprimaballerina...
Iwouldhaveaimed topursueacareerinmusical theatre Iadoreperforming!The abilitytoexpresscreativityand storytellingthroughperformance, isincredibletome!
Iwouldhavebecomea diplomatandworkedfor theUnitedNationsasIam fascinatedwith internationalpoliticsand keyissuesfacingcitizensin theworld
Iwouldbecomean economistsinceIenjoy learningabouttheeconomy andthinkit'sveryuseful.I'd alsoliketocoachsoccerin mysparetime.
Industry Careers
The Industry Careers portfolio offers law students unique opportunities to explore legal areas outside the commercial law sphere The portfolio provides a variety of events, networking opportunities and publications designed to inform students aboutthediversecareerpathsavailabletothemwithinthelegal profession.
DIRECTOR OF Industry Careers
Ava Conway
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am the Director of Industry Careers. Outside of the DLSS and Uni, you will often find me in a reformer Pilates class or catching up with friends. I am also absolutely obsessed with my gorgeous puppy, Charli, who arguably takes up the majority of my camera rollandhasmanytalents,includingsinginghappybirthday(what canIsay,Iamaproudmother!)
What are your goals for this year?
What is your portfolio About?
The Industry Careers portfolio operates to inform and educate the DeakinLawstudentcohortastothearrayoflegalopportunitiesand pathways that exist beyond the commercial law sphere. Within the DLSS,IndustryCareersexploresawidevarietyofpracticeareassuch as criminal law, maritime law, entertainment law, etc. We achieve this goal through various means, including publications, panels, podcasts,andnetworkingevents.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from Industry Careers?
In2025,theIndustryCareersportfolioaimstobuildon2024'ssuccess byfocusingonstudentintereststoensureourinitiativesarevaluable. Please attend industry events and share feedback – what did you like?Whatareasshouldwefocuson?Ifyouhaveideasorquestions, feel free to reach out to any of the industry members; we ' re always happytolisten.
Industry Careers
Emilia Mitropoulos
I currently work as an Administrative Assistant at Forte Family LawyersandasaretailteammemberatCottonOn.Ienjoydinners anddrinkswithfriends,reading,baking,andwatchingmoviesand truecrimedocumentaries
Georgia ward
I am in the penultimate year of my law degree, and outside the chaosofuni,Iworkpart-timeasaLawClerkinFamilyLaw!Beyond my adventures in the legal world, I love playing netball and also enjoyahitoftennis Iliketothinkofmyselfasquitethechef Ihave two dogs, Baxter and Boston, who I absolutely adore. If I’m not walking them, you’ll often find me chatting away with a coffee in hand (and if you ever see me without one, there’s something seriouslywrong!)orlisteningtoHarryStyles.
Will Marshall
IamincrediblyexcitedtobeapartoftheIndustryCareer'steamof theDLSSthisyear!IamgoingintomythirdyearofaBachelor'sof Arts/Law, where I am majoring in International Relations and Criminology. In my down time I like reading, going to the gym, cookingandIlovetruecrimedocumentaries/podcasts!
Industry Careers
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Industry careers?
Emilia: I was previously an officer and thoroughly enjoyed mytimeontheDLSSin2024.Ialsohaveaparticularinterest in Industry Careers, as someone who is not motivated by commercial law, and I understand the challenges of exploringnicheareasoflaw.
Georgia: I joined the DLSS to become more engaged in my university experience and to step outside my comfort zone. Of course, I can’t forget all the wonderful people you meet through the DLSS! As previously mentioned, I work in family law and have done so for several years, which I absolutely love. This drew me to the Industry Careers portfolio, where I could share my interests, collaborate with like-minded people, and explore legal areas beyond the commercial sphere.
Will: I loved all the DLSS events during my first and second years; they had a huge impact on me, and I want to give back by helping current students benefit just as much as I did!
Iwastossingupbetweenlawschool andmedicalschool,astheyboth involvewhatIlove-providinghelpto thoseinvulnerablesituations.I decidedonlawasIfellinlovewith theincisivenatureandtheextreme intricaciesofthejudicialsystem.
IifIhadn’tchosenlawI wouldprobablyhavebeen anEnglishteacher.Ilove reading,andoveranalysing everybookandfilmIcome across
Iwouldhavepursuedacareeras apilot,asI’mfascinatedby aviationandlovetheideaof travelingtheworldwhileworkingin anexcitingfield.
In another In another life I'd be... life I'd be...
WhatIf?WeAskedOurHeadExecand OfficersAboutTheirAlternateCareer Paths!

Archaeology,musicor teaching(Ican'tdecide) becauseIenjoytravelling andmeetingnewpeople
Inmyartsdegree,Iamadrama minor/philosophymajor,andatone pointintimeIstudiedacting-so maybeIwouldhavecontinuedwith that!
Iprobablywouldhavepursued forensicscience Ilikepuzzles, soifIcouldn'tsolvelegal problemsI'dwanttoworkinthe fieldanalysingevidenceand clueingtogethercrimescenes.
Itwouldhavetobea conservationistbecauseofmy passionfortheenvironmentor aprimaryschoolteacherasit seemssowholesome!
Under arrest... but arrest... but why? why?
Ifyouwerearrestedwithnoexplanation, whatwouldyourfriendsimmediately assumeyoudid?
Igenuinelyputthistoacoupleof friendsandwastold:dogkidnapping andspillingthebeans
MyfriendswouldprobablyassumeI'd beenarrestedforcontemptwhen arguingtohardwithanauthority
Stealingacow!!IlovecowsandIthink they’readorable.Theywanderfreely onroadsinthecountryandIoftenjoke aboutonedaytakingonehome

Noidea...maybetheftorshop liftingsinceIamashopaholic. Emilia
MyfriendswouldassumeI've stolenallthechickenfromKFC.
Under Under arrest... but arrest... but why?
Ifyouwerearrestedwithnoexplanation, whatwouldyourfriendsimmediately assumeyoudid?
Ihavebeenallegedlyknownto dipmyMcDonald’schipsinmy frozencoke. Fred Directors
MyfriendswouldassumethatI dressedasatradietoattempt tosneakintoconcertstosee myfavouriteartists. Vic

Triedtoconvinceastranger thattheirbaddaycouldbe fixedbyTarotandoracle cards. Genevieve
Myfriendswould probablyassumeit’s somekindof misunderstanding,orI’ve beenframed….
The DLSS Marketing Portfolio is responsible for the image of the DLSS through the management of all of the DLSS social media platforms, promotion of all of the events by each portfolio throughout the year. The Marketing team ensure the DLSS community is informed about all of the incredible opportunities thatareavailabletothemthroughouttheirtimeatUni.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm currently studying a double degree in Law/Arts, and I work as a data analyst & political researcher for the Federal Parliament of Australia.InmyfreetimeIplaysoccer&tennis.Ienjoyreadingatthe royalbotanicgardensafterasolidrunofthetan:)
What are your goals for this year?
Mygoalsfortheyeararetotravel&exploremoreplacesinAustralia or Internationally, and to volunteer more in local communities. In termsoftheDLSS,Iwanttocontinuetobuildthatbridgebetweenthe DLSSandDeakinLawstudentssoourLawStudentsatDeakincanbe moreinformedandinvolved
What is your portfolio About?
The Marketing Portfolio is primarily responsible for connecting law studentswiththesociety,ensuringthatourevents&initiativescanbe successfullymarketedtoourstudents.TheMarketingteammanages thesocialmediaplatformsinwhichtheDeakinLawStudents'Society utilises to not only connect with Deakin Law students, but also to showcasetheincredibleinitiativesthatcomeoutoftheDLSSin2025 andtheyearstocome.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from marketing?
The DLSS should get keen for our O-week that is coming up at the BurwoodCampusonFebruary24th.ForthosewhosignupforaDLSS membershipin2025,wewillhavenew&excitingeventsonofferthis year so stay tuned for! Make sure to follow the DLSS on all of our socials to stay up to date with everything we have on offer! We will also have 2 merch drops throughout the year to also look forward to!
Emily nguyen
I am studying a Law and Arts double degree at Deakin When I'm not studying, I love going to the gym and doing Pilates! In my free time, I enjoy escaping into a good book, especially thrillers. I have two cats that I absolutely adore and try to spend as much time with them as possible. My friends and I love exploring different cafés and attending asmanyconcertsaswecanthroughouttheyear.I'msoexcitedtobe ontheDLSSandcan'twaittomeeteveryone!<3
Jacob Hooke
IaminmythirdyearofanArtsandLawdegree.Iworkinmultipleroles at the Hawthorn Football Club, focusing on match-day events and membership,whilealsoworkingatasmallpizzashopcalledFratellino South Yarra. In my spare time, I enjoy watching and participating in varioussports,listeningtoandcreatingmusic,andspendingtimewith friendsexploringeverythingthecityofMelbournehastooffer!
IaminmypenultimateyearofLaw.Ivolunteerataboutiquelawfirm, mentor peers at Deakin, and work as an English tutor. Beyond my studies, I enjoy reading, writing, exploring R&B music, discovering new TVshows,andstayingactivethroughPilates.
Video marketing officer
Luci Italiano
I'mLuci!I'masecond-yearLawstudent,andI'msuperexcitedtobeon the committee this year! In my spare time, you might catch me thrifting,lifting,oronthematlearningjiu-jitsu.IvolunteeratVinniesop shop, work casually as a receptionist, and create promotional videos forDeakinUni'smarketingteam.
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO Marketing?
Emily:IcameacrossafewDLSSpostsonmysocialsand thoughtitwassuchatight-knitcommunitythatcreated fun content and events I knew I had to apply! The marketing portfolio is the perfect fit for me because of howmuchIlovecreatingandpostingonsocials.
Jacob:IjoinedtheDLSStoenhancestudentengagement and create a sense of community. The marketing portfolio attracted me as it creatively promotes events withtheabilitytoconnectstudents.
Lavenia: I joined the DLSS to enhance student engagement and create a sense of community. The marketing portfolio attracted me as it creatively promoteseventswiththeabilitytoconnectstudents.
Luci:Rightfromorientationweek,Ifeltverysupportedby the DLSS — I was new, and the DLSS was like a guiding light! I was able to get really connected with the cohort through our events and joined the DLSS marketing team toencourageotherstogetinvolvedtoo!
Iwouldverylikelymajorin English,History,orJournalism. ActuallyI’mconvincedIcould beanarchaeologistin anotherlife Rhea

Ididhaveabriefstintof wantingtodosecondary teachingwhileinschool butIhonestlyprobably wouldhavejustkept pouringpintsuntilIreally figureditout.

Iwouldhavebeen anactress becauseIusedto actinhighschool Ihopetogetback onthestageat somepointin 2025 Mufaro
HopefullyIwouldhave gotajobatacountry clubsoIcouldbedriving golfcartsalldayin lululemonoutfits(Idon’t knowanythingabout golf).
In another In another life I'd be... life I'd be...
WhatIf?WeAskedOurHeadExecand OfficersAboutTheirAlternateDream Careers!
IthinkIwouldhave pursuedsomething creativesuchasfashion, sinceIdoenjoythrifting flippingandgivingold clothesasecondlife!
IfnotLaw,Iwouldwanttodo Psychologysincewhowouldn't lovetoknowaboutthebrain andhowpeople’sthought processes
IfIwasn’tstudyinglawandworkinginthelegal world,IthinkIwouldbeworkinginforensicscience. ChemistryisalwayssomethingthatIlovedat school(yes,callmeanerd!)andtheconceptof forensicshasalways,andstillissomethingthat interestsmemajorly!
social justice & equality (SJE)
The Society Justice and Equity (SJE) portfolio fosters discussions on contemporary legal and social issues, promoting a culture of compassionate, informed, and socially conscious law students. It highlights the law’s role in addressing inequalities and driving meaningful societal change,whileadvocatingfordiversityandinclusivitywithin DeakinLaw.
DIRECTOR OF Social justice and equality ben Smith
Amongst studying law and commerce, I work at Ferrari Formalwearinfashionandsales.Ialsoenjoybinge-watching afantasticTVshow,gamingandplayingguitar. Tell us a bit about yourself.
What are your goals for this year?
Apersonalgoalofminefor2025istoheadtoEuropeoverthe summerbreakandcompleteaunitoverseas!
What is your portfolio About?
IamtheDirectoroftheSocialJusticeandEquityportfolio!The role of the SJE portfolio is to raise awareness of issues that affectourcommunityandensurethelawstudentpopulation at Deakin is knowledgeable and understanding of these prevalent problems. We examine legal questions through a social justice lens or consider issues where the legal system canmakeanimpacttobenefitsocialoutcomes.
What do you think the DLSS community should look forward to from SJE?
TheDLSSshouldbethrilledaboutallofSJE'sevents,including being ready for some fantastic new initiatives! This includes our annual Pro Bono & Volunteering in the Law Expo and our excitingneweventforyourcalendar,theQueerMixer!
social justice & equality
GEnevieve Alexie
IaminmyfinalyearofaLaws/Artsdegree,majoringinAnthropology. I’vehadafewdifferentjobsovertheyears,rangingfromretailtobeing a casual academic and singing at gigs. I absolutely love Pilates and spendingtimewithmyfriendswhenI’mnotstudying.
Jack Carter
IamstudyingaBachelorofLawsandCommerce Iworkinhospitality andforDNARecruitment.Outsideoflawtextbooks,Istayactive,enjoy beachoutings,andhittheslopesforskiinginwinter.
Stephanie sparrow
When I’m not buried in a textbook, you can usually find me on the netballcourt.IamverypassionateabouttheteamsIcoachandtheir achievements. I am also a very proud dog mum to a 5-month-old puppy.
QUEER officer
Maddy Jansz
Outside of uni, I enjoy playing and watching sport, especially AFL and cricket. I play and coach cricket in the summer and umpire community AFL in winter. I'm an animal lover and often dream about movingtothecountryandadoptingatonofshelterdogs.
social justice & equality
What was your motivation for joining the DLSS, and what attracted you TO SJE?
Genevieve:SJEisanexcitingportfoliobecauseI'minterestedin systemic inequality and violence. It's also relevant to all areas of law and offers a creative outlet to advocate for many differentissues.
Jack: I joined DLSS to become more involved in university life and contribute meaningfully. I chose Social Justice and Equity because I'm passionate about fostering an inclusive, supportive,andequitableenvironmentforeverybodyatDeakin Stephanie:IwasmotivatedtojointheDLSSasIwasinterested in connecting with other law students and the opportunities available to them. I am fascinated by the role of social justice, as I am interested in connecting students to key issues within thisareaofthelaw.
Maddy: I am super passionate about the intersectionality of social justice, human rights, and the law, and I believe it is extremely important to celebrate diversity and uplift marginalisedvoices.
Under Under arrest... but arrest... but why?
Ifyouwerearrestedwithnoexplanation, whatwouldyourfriendsimmediately assumeyoudid?
Gettingcaughtforillegally piratingmovies/shows/books online.
Theywouldprobablyassume thatmylackofpatiencefor annoyingpeoplehasgotthe betterofme!Weoftensayif lookscouldkill,Iwould’vekilled alotofpeople,ahaha!!
Jaywalking?(I’mwaytoo scaredofauthority)
ProbablyTheft, Jaywalking,orTaxEvasion
The easiest way to get involved is to become a DLSS member to stay updated on all our upcoming work and events. Events such a panels, competitions, networking nights, publications are all really great ways to meetnewpeopleandstartparticipating inUniversitylife.Ifyouwouldliketohave arolewithinthecommittee,keepaneye out for First Year and JD Representative elections during Trimester 1. DLSS officer applications for 2024 will also open in November.
Welcome! Get Involved
The committee is thrilled to welcome you into another year of Law school. We are so excited for the upcoming year and are elated to be your committee andguideyouthroughthisyear.Weare always here for you to and will be here support your journey through your time at university and beyond. - The DLSS of 2025