In the Presence of Angels July 2008

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Presence of Angels

JULY 2008

guidance & insight into living a life that is

more holistic, more aware, more angelic


this issue

Wholeness is our birthright The Reiki returns home Following divine guidance

Therapist focus: Una Bias Angel image for the month And much more...

Hello and welcome to the July newsletter. We have some great articles written by our member therapists, coworkers and other people associated with our organisation. We hope you enjoy it and please let us know your comments.


You may well be wondering why there is a headless photo of me to the right. Well, as with everything, there is a reason! The recent energy we have been working with, and will continue to work with throughout July, builds on last month and concerns having so much to do and so little time! In one of our team meetings recently our founder Jacqueline Phillips, having recently returned from abroad, noted the very mental energy that we had been experiencing during her absence. With so much momentum building up and so many jobs piling up, a solution needed to be found. To try to think our way through and deal with the situation logically would be too stressful on the mind. The solution, as always, was simple; flow. So simple it can be summed up in one word. To remove the head from the thought process (hence the decapitated picture) and to think from the heart. Find an inner knowing of where you need to be and what you need to be diong at any particular time and then live that truth. ‘Easy’ you may say. Well we shall find out as July unfolds. We are all at this point being given many options and potential responsibilities. As we take these on we must learn to prioritise, not in an earthly way, but from the heart, doing those jobs that feel right at that particular time. This may seem random, and to others you may come across a little bizarre, but right now you can gain a lot from learning to live this way, in harmony with the universe. Have fun practicing heartful prioritising and let us know how you get on. With love and blessings, Russell Goffe

Would you like to write for our newsletter? We are keen to fill future editions of this newsletter with some great content from those associated with our organisation. If you have ever taken one of our courses or workshops, had healing from one of our therapists or are connected with us in any other way then this qualifies you to get your writing hat on and send something in. We are particularly keen to hear about your experiences of using your your reiki and other healing talents in your daily life. Perhaps you have simple tips that others may be able to use or a new therapy you would like to tell us about. Whatever it is, get in touch and we’ll have a chat. All enquiries to

You may notice that there is no contents page to our newsletter. Feel your way around it and you’ll find what you need. This may be an article that speaks out to you, but it could just be a single sentence, or even a word. Let the book fall open at the right page and flow with your life. Work in your moment and learn from everything!

joy & laughter

is the gateway to the heart

wholeness is our birthright Recently Nelson Mandela celebrated is 90th Birthday with a concert in London, many celebrities attended and we were being encouraged by a number of them to recognise that Nelson Mandela is one man, whom we have pinned our hopes on. That now is the time for all of us to be as he is, to live in love and joy, to create through a higher consciousness, which means to live as ONE.


t one point the audience, encouraged by Will Smith, were asked to hold hands to symbolise unity the joining of the many as One.

Stephen Fry said that Nelson Mandela is a just a man whom we have given responsibility to, and that he has now given it back to us and yet we are like children, not wanting it, always looking to someone instead of looking at ourselves and what we can do for each other.

I would say that Nelson Mandela is just a man, yet a man who remembered he was God and thus took on this responsibility. The question then is when do we, you, remember that you too are God and also live as such? This would call for you to cease judgement of your fellow man, to bring forth unconditional love, fearless faith and unity consciousness to the fore. Ask yourselves today “what can I do to assist my fellow man, what is my unique skill and quality?� Have I missed opportunities that would serve my fellow man, maybe through fear and a consciousness based on separation? Should you feel guided to do so then take the time to reflect and maybe choose again, it’s never to late. Wholeness is our birthright; our life experiences can either take us back into the remembrance of our wholeness or further away from it. The choice is yours based on the choices made in every moment of every day. Choices are the road to empowerment and Oneness or disempowerment and separation. The holding of hands is wonderful; let this be the beginning of a true joining in consciousness. Did someone ask you to join in oneness with him or her today? If yes which road did you take and why? I write this in remembrance that I too am God, and in remembrance that everything I am; God is, as you are too.

Jacqueline Mary Phillips

The Reiki returns home


by Allison Timmins

ast month I was privileged enough to visit Japan, invited by a lovely Japanese lady who visited my Angel shop whilst staying in the UK.

It was a chance encounter & one I have grown to know as synchronistic & divinely guided from above!! I learnt to truly know that there are no such things as coincidences as Takako came into my shop that first day after several attempts to visit when I was closed! She was staying at a guest house a few doors away & was close by to her son who was at school in the town. We struck up an instant friendship & what led to many lovely chats about spiritual matters & of course Reiki. Being Japanese I assumed Takako would be a Reiki Master. How naive I was to discover she was not & although knew all about Reiki had not studied it despite all her spiritual beliefs! After many meetings she seemed to return to Japan & we lost contact for a while, until one day she re-appeared asking if she could learn Reiki from me & all about Angels too! I felt very honoured to be asked this as she shared with me that she would return to Japan to teach, one day soon!! What an opportunity to be able to give something back to the home of the original founder of Reiki, Dr Mikao Usui. I was so delighted.

I have been a Reiki master teacher for about 2 years now having discovered Jacqueline Phillips & her wonderful therapy centre In the Presence of Angels quite randomly! I knew when I was attuned to this energy that I was definitely in the right place at the right time doing just the right thing! It resonated with me so much I became more involved in the oneness concept of In the Presence of Angels and fully support everything it represents. I knew that this reiki touched me on many levels and was something I had never felt before from other teachings. Since then I have worked with the symbols extensively in healing sessions with people & teaching my own Reiki students. My own channelling started to come through immediately after teaching a master class & each time I now do an attunement more comes through to help with my own personal evolvement. If this is happening to you please read on to the end of the article!! The connection with my Japanese host deepened through the attunement & she invited me to visit her in Japan to feel the energy of their beautiful culture & to teach some reiki classes to her close friends. I was so humbled by this I very nearly said NO! Instead I decided to hand it up to the powers that be... my amazing guides. I knew they would orchestrate things if I was to go.

Sure enough it began to look like the energy there was drawing me as Takako continued to stay in touch & invite me to go. However, some obstacles began to appear in the way, as the class we had advertised to do had no applicants & one of my horses became unwell. My shop would also be left without cover and it all just began to look like it may stay a dream in my heart! I knew at this point that all I had learnt about intention, having faith, manifesting, law of attraction & divine synchronicity had to come into play and I had to relinquish all energetic attachment if I had any chance of going!

My shop solution was to relocate & downsize. I had asked for this if I was to travel. A new venue arrived immediately with enough time for me to pack up and go to Japan. There were still no definite bookings for Reiki classes so I decided to take a massive leap of faith & go regardless with no attachments and just joy in my heart to have the experience of visiting there. The final synchronicity happened when I arrived. My friend Takako had lots of things lined up to do including teaching some Reiki & giving some healing to clients! I knew again that I was in the right place at the right time doing just the right thing!

Then as if by magic, solutions began to arrive. My recovering horse needed a new home. I put out the intention on Sunday the new owner arrived & bought her on Tuesday. My journey to Japan was planned to fly via Dubai and the new owner was from Dubai. He paid me the amount of my ticket & insurance to travel and some extra spending money!

So many magical wonderful learning experiences happened to me during my 3 weeks there. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life to date (seeing Ayres Rock at dawn was pretty amazing too!). Love & Blessings until next time. All-is-one Timmins xxx

Over the coming newsletters I will be sharing how the Ascension Reiki has energetically anchored in Japan the motherland & how more synchronistic events happened including an unscheduled 24 hour extension to my visit due to an incident with an aeroplane!! Please read the up and coming newsletter to follow my story! I look forward to sharing my stories with you all. Jacqui always said that this Reiki was owned by everyone that comes into connection with it and she was so right! I hope you are enjoying yours! I would love to hear your experiences using this wonderful energy whether it is since, from, during or after your attunements. In the true concept of oneness please feel free to share them with me, ask questions or just explore the meaning of your experiences. I am here in the newsletter to help us all reach each other through the language of light. You can contact Allison at

[goodbye and see you later]

“I opened a big map of England, took a dice and said, “Dear God, show me where I need to go…” Following divine guidance


by Klara Gablikova, Children & Family Services Coordinator hen I was a little girl I used to dream about being a teacher. I always had pockets full of pieces of chalk, ready to explain anything that needed to be understood. My mum had to buy me a blackboard so I could teach my dolls and teddies otherwise I was ‘bored’.

When I had to decide what to study teaching was my only option, but was not understood by the rest of my family who wanted me to be an economist. We made an agreement; once I had graduated in banking and taxing and so had made them happy I could go and do what ever I wanted. And so I did….. As soon as I graduated I found a job in the office and moved from my parents’ house, as they kept bothering me with making them even happier; to go and study economics at master’s level. “brrr… no way!” – I thought. Economics just wasn’t my cup of tea, but (and I have to confess to this) it provided me with thorough knowledge about how “real life” works, expressed in exact numbers. This made me understand that sometimes even if you think that you have gone off your life path, that might not be the case. I know that I was meant to get that knowledge before I truly followed my inner guidance. I then studied Early Years at master’s level and also studied children with special needs and guess what... my parents were happy and nobody ever mentioned the economics to me again, having realized that it was not what I enjoyed. In the meantime I read a lot about ‘New Age’ theories and studied many alternative school systems such as Montessori, Waldorf, Jenna plan etc. Anything that would bring new light into old educational theories and methods that we were being fed by university professors. I had a vision in my head where I worked from home with a small group of children, both mainstream and special needs. But there was still something missing in that picture. I could see myself applying new methods that I had learned and have seen in many alternative educational establishments based in Europe and USA. I could also see myself teaching parents and other teachers. But why did I keep seeing myself with open hands face up and talking? This did not make any sense. Towards the end of my studies, my boyfriend and I, we bought a house and I started to get rooms ready so I could start to work there as soon as I had graduated. When I was nearly finished he said that he did not want any children in the house. It was a shock to me! I felt really lost and could not believe that I wasted so much time and work and suddenly I should let my vision go, because I was in fact expected to take over one of his companies as a co-director.

I did not know how to pray but in my deepest despair I sat down in my nearly finished “baby room” and cried and prayed, “My dear God, I know I do not pray very often, but I really need your guidance now. I need you to show me the way to make my vision happen… and I am going to be sat here until I know what to do next...” After maybe an hour of praying my phone rang and my friend who I studied the Montessori course with said, “Hi Klara, I was just wondering… I know that you are just about to graduate in early years and you speak a bit of English. I mentioned you to my boss in our private nursery and she would like to interview you if you would be interested to start to work for her as a nursery teacher. We had a teacher but she found another job”. So there it was… a nursery! The next day after graduation I started work there, but I felt that there was still something missing from my vision. I was happy for the work that I was doing because I was gaining experience, but it was not my vision. I was not at peace deep inside. I said my prayer again: “Dear God, I really want my vision to become real… I am grateful for the work that I do, but I do not feel peace inside. I know I need to leave this job, but where do I go? What will be the next? I am ready to go (well… I might need a reminder at the times, but still…). Guide me again” Later on the same day I went for a drink with my colleagues from work, it was the last day of term before the summer holidays. I kept repeating the call for guidance. While we were chatting and laughing with my colleagues one of them suddenly turned to me and asked me, “What are you planning for the summer?” I said I had no plans yet and she said she wanted to England and work there and asked if I would like to go with her. I said that I needed to think about it, but by the time when I got home I was decided – I go to England. I finished my studies, I knew I needed to leave the work and I felt that the relationship that I was in was holding me back as a break. I opened a big map of England, took a dice and said, “Dear God, show me where I need to go…” I threw a dice and it landed on Worcester. No more questions. I booked the flight for the next plane, packed my stuff and told my mum that I was leaving. She thought that I was joking so did my boyfriend. I knew I needed to go. With two bags, basic knowledge of English language and no idea about where to sleep or what would happen next I went...

In next month’s newsletter find out about Klara’s journey once she reached England and how she came to join In the Presence of Angels.

therapist focus: Una Bias Una works out of the Sedgley centre and alongside her various therapies she has recently written a course, “Relaxing from Stress. Bringing Relaxation in to your Space” that has been endorsed by In the Presence of Angels and is now offered at all of our centres. I’m a registered nurse with approximately 25 years of experience, 18 of which spent as a chemotherapy sister. All of those years I enjoyed very much, but everything was a battle, rushing from here to there. Even though I feel I’m a calm person I was picking up everybody else’s vibes of rushing. The minute you get into the car right up until bed time. There was more to life. We need to look at things and see how precious life is, for before we know it, it will be gone. How many of us can say what we saw on the way to work? In my garden, there is a birds nest and I’ve watched the nest being built, the mother bird nesting and then, three young birds being fed by the parent birds. How beautiful is that? That is why I want to make a difference. I gave up a well paid job, with no savings or money, I still had bills and a mortgage to pay, but I believed and trusted, to follow my truth and to live. I run a one day work shop, for people of all ages, to help with stress, to help individuals relax. It really can make a difference. If individuals just want to experience what I can offer why not have a one on one relaxation?

Trapped, a poem by Una Bias No way out, no air to breathe, suffocating on life itself. No exits - no openings, no easy way. Cinemas, super malls, houses - all with exits; but none for me. On and on, through and through, left and right;but no way out. Is there an answer? Close your eyes, time for awhile. Awake and life is still there - no way out. Walk the lonely road, take the chance, cross the road - an exit maybe? Fast movement; one way out - but only one way, not an exit after all. Almost cheated, but not for me. On I go looking, searching for the way. Is it a game? No it is life. Smothered, trapped by life itself. Once it has you, there is no escape. Entangled, entwined, caught up in the branches of life itself. Gripped feeding off you life a leech; sucking and squeezing, implanting ‘anew’. Input, output, Mario, Sonic, fight, win or lose. What does it matter, it is only a game. On, off, start, finish, Exit - begin a new. It was approximately 15 years ago when I wrote this. I have come a long way. Sometimes people become lost and need someone to believe in them, to see the beauty that they have.

Una will be giving practical advice and guidance through answering real-life questions about stress and relaxation in future newsletters. If you have a question you would like answering you can send it direct to Una.Bias@inthepresenceofangels. If you would like to book onto a course with Una contact the Sedgley centre in the first instance on 01902 882 187.

Coaching or Mentoring – which shoe fits? The popular press would have us believe that coaching and mentoring are quite new tools in our development tool box, but that is not the case. Coaching and mentoring start from the premise that the individual is self aware and that they do not require therapeutic interventions such as counselling. That they are simply stuck and require support to move forward, find perspective or re-focus within specific timescales.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up” Thomas Edison (1847-1931) When you think of mentoring think apprenticeships where an individual follows the path of a colleague in their role or chosen field, passing on their knowledge, skills and experience. Coaching differs in that it is a confidential and professional relationship where the coach helps the client to reach their potential in their lives. Further this should be a relationship that offers support, but not so that the client becomes dependent, with a timescale for this coaching relationship agreed at the outset.

“If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.” Mary Kay Ash – Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics Coaching comes in a variety of forms such as:

Performance coaching Executive coaching Business coaching Personal & Life coaching

“When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope. Once we choose hope, everything is possible” Christopher Reeve, Actor The question to ask yourself is are you living your life to the full and maximising on your potential? Is your life drifting by and you are wondering what to do about it? Has there been an event in your life which has made you start to re-evaluate your life but you need some support which is non judgemental, professional, confidential and honest. Perhaps the services of a coach maybe beneficial at this point in your life.

“I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past” Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Marcia Ore, member therapist of In the Presence of Angels, has been coaching and mentoring in the workplace for over twenty years and recently successfully completed a course on Personal & Business Coaching at Post Graduate Level, accredited by the University of Chester and the National Council of Psychotherapists. You can contact marcia at

Angel Image for July Those of you that have been to our centres or on our website will be familiar with our angel images. These channelled images are designed for specific healing and when used in meditation they are very powerful. This month allow yourself to bond with our Angel of the Heart. Take the time to create a relaxing space with candles, scents or music and gently gaze upon the image. State your wishes and then allow the healing energy to come from the image and pass through you as you and the angel beome one. By using the heart more fully we can give and receive so much. We can learn what we need to be doing at any particular time and learn that the reason for this comes down to love. Give wholeheartedly and that which you give will come back to you.


Go to our website or into one of our centres to purchase this image in A5 or pocket-sized format and to see our full range. COMING SOON: Our angelic art will soon be available in keyring format so that you can benefit from their energy on the move, as the need arises. Watch this space!

I am love, you are love, we are love HOLISTIC CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES

Open Day: Friday 11th July You are invited to come along to the Holistic Children & Family Services open day at our Harborne site to find out more about our services, meet the team and see our venue. We will particularly be speaking about our holistic after-school and Saturday clubs and taking bookings for next term, as well as introducing our 2-week summer scheme. We hope to see you there!

Address: 14 Tennal Grove, Harborne, Birmingham, B32 2HP Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Contact In the Presence of Angels General enquiries: Newsletter enquiries: Products: Holistic Children & Family Services:

NEXT MONTH Thank you for taking the time to read this July issue of our newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it! We have received some great contributions so look forward to putting some of this content out in the coming months. if you want to see some of your words in print in this newsletter then please get in touch. Have a great July from all of us at In the Presence of Angels!

In the Presence of Angels Ltd. Registered Cardiff 5543246 Holistic Children & Family Services Ltd. Registered Cardiff 6570631

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