March 2013 AC Phoenix Newspaper - Women History Month Edition

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In Our 29th Year

Issue No. 2016

March 2013

Associate Consultant

Serving the Triad


The 7th annual Triad Commute Challenge, hosted by the Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation and Triad Air Awareness, is an area-wide effort to improve the air quality by offering groups and individuals an opportunity to consider an alternate commute option at least one time between April 6th and July 6th instead of driving alone.

Chantale Wesley

7th Annual Triad Commute Challenge Getting Underway by John Raye The fresh smell of spring has already sprung. It’s time to freshen up, straighten up and fly right--- time to make a fresh start, time to participate in a new, unique challenge where everyone can participate, and where everyone can be classified as a winner. This challenge, and it does involve a test of some old habits, will not challenge your pocket book, because its free and will only challenge your energy level, and perhaps a tiny bit of your time and routine!

According to Chantale Wesley, PART TDM Manager, the goal is to change modes of commuting, that is to make a pledge to ride the bus, carpool, vanpool, get on your bike, walk or telework. All those that pledge are entered into weekly prize drawings for Ciat K. Shabazz gift cards, electronics and entertainment tickets. The more auto emissions are reduced, the cleaner the air becomes and of course, walking, and bike riding is one of the best ways to enjoy renewed physical activity. If you are a believer or want to help advance awareness about alternate transportation options, and its effects on the environment, this three-month commute challenge is one great way to do it.

An Advocate for Military Veterans Stays the Course by John Raye

You can see it in her eyes. You can hear it in her voice. She sleeps, walks, talks, eats and blows the horn for all military veterans, be they at home or be they on the streets of Winston-Salem without food, clothing or shelter.

Last year more than 5,000 people took part in the Triad Commute Challenge to Share the Ride and Clean the Air. Highlighting the kickoff will be a free 5-K Run/Walk event held on April 6th at the High Point Theater, [Continued on page 3]

Your background, education, vocation or occupation is not the most important item on her agenda. Whether you are rich or poor, broke or broken, makes no difference. Ditto for age, sex, race, gender, height or weight. Skinny, fat or flabby will not keep her from grants totaling almost $427,000 awarded by the waiting to see you. If you are a military vetReeve Foundation to nonprofit organizations nationwide that provide more opportunities, access, eran, active or inactive, you get her undivided attention. Period. and daily quality of life for individuals living with But one could be from any jurisdiction, any city paralysis, their families, and caregivers. Created by the late Dana Reeve, the program has awarded or state, but military veterans are special--- all 2,131 grants totaling over $16 million since 1999. can always find a listening ear and a warm embrace from Ciat Shabazz, a devout advocate Whole Man Ministries, “This grant is truly a bless- and justice crusader for military veterans. ing and comes at a time that is critical as our ministry undertakes larger and greater tasks; more and If a burning desire is the primary factor for more individuals and families need assistance, and success in today’s unstable marketplace, then as we grow, we are trying to meet these ever de- Shabazz has already reached the top of the Co-Pastor Camilla Washington manding and increasing needs”. “This grant will go success ladder. She’s the chief crusader, the towards the cost of paving the parking lot at Whole Paul Revere, the pied piper, for the protection, Man Ministries (WMM) and Bridging the Gap Com- advancement and rights of all military vetermunity Center on the campus of WMM’s”, says Pas- ans. by Gerald Green tor Washington. “Many individuals that utilize the If you are a veteran and due some benefits but are not getting them, then Shabazz is Winston Salem, NC (Whole Man Ministries (WMM)) services of WMM’s and the Community Center are committed to seeing that you get everything disabled, in wheelchairs or are aided by walkers is proud to announce that it has received a ($5000) and canes and with our gravel lot, this makes ma- you are entitled to get---that’s both the misQuality of Life grant from the Christopher & Dana sion and the mandate. neuvering to and from [continued on page 6] Reeve Foundation. The award was one of 76 [continued on page 11] ica are undeniable, but his future place is uncertain. Every time he opened his mouth in the past year, he said something negative about Obama. First, Jackson criticized Obama for ‘acting white’ because he was not as forceful as Jesse wanted pg 3 regarding the Jena 6 case in Louisiana. Then there For The Four Little Girls was the infamous Fox News open mic incident where Jackson is heard saying, ‘See, Barack has The Sweet Power of Good Thoughts pg 4 been talking down to Black people…telling niggers how to behave…I wanna cut his nuts out.’ Fi  pg 4 nally, in October Jackson was speaking at the first 6 Foods to Avoid As You Get Older World Policy Forum in Evian, France. Published reports have him saying if Obama is elected as pres- 100 Years of Women`s Rights pg 6 by Raynard Jackson ident, ‘fundamental changes in U.S. foreign policy’ It’s time to man up – I was wrong about Jesse L. will occur. He said the most important change Why Walking Is The Number One Way pg 13 would occur in the Middle East, where ‘decades of Jackson, Sr. To Exercise First, some background. I wrote a column in 2008 putting Israel’s interests first’ would end. Jackson’s reputation has been forever tarnished.” under the title, “Winners and Losers from Election Women Are Wired Differently pg 14 ’08” in which I listed Jesse Jackson, Sr. as one of the Jackson Obama of “acting white” in response to Obama’s tepid response to the Jena Six, the case biggest losers of that year. Here is what I said: “His past contributions to Amer- of six [continue on page 13]

Whole Man MInistries Receives $5000 Grant

Inside This Issue

An Apology to Jesse Jackson

2  The AC Phoenix  March 2013

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  3

For the Four Little Girls by Travis Smiley

Nearly 50 years ago, a bomb planted by white supremacists killed four little girls in Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church. Twenty-two others, mostly children, were injured in the blast just weeks after the historic “March on Washington” where Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. There is already intense planning in the nation’s capital and beyond to mark the 50th anniversary of the “March on Washington” in August of this year. But once we have moved past the ceremony and celebration of the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of the nation, what will be said days later of Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robinson and Cynthia Wesley, all 14 when they were killed, and Denise McNair who was just 11, on the 50th anniversary of this seminal moment in the movement? The gruesome and ghastly images of their deaths helped to galvanize the Civil Rights Movement in the days after the march, and within a year Congress had passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and one year later the 1965 Voting Rights Act. How do we honor their ultimate sacrifice? There is now a bipartisan effort to posthumously award the Congressional Gold Medal to these precious young girls. The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian honor our government can bestow. There is no doubt that these “martyred children” have earned this recognition, but even when Congress is pushed it does nothing with alacrity. If we are going to appropriately acknowledge these four little girls 50 years later on September 15, 2013, we need to start niggling members of Congress now. Right now. I know a little something about how this works. Years ago when I was the resident political and social commentator on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, we spearheaded a campaign to have the Congressional Gold Medal awarded to Rosa Parks as she was advancing in age. You would think an effort to honor the woman regarded as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement would have been an easy task. Hardly. It was a tough fight. This was long before she was honored as the first woman to lie in repose in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, and obviously long before the recent addition of her statue in the National Statuary Hall chamber of the Capitol building. Over the radio I would do a daily roll call of every member of Congress who had not signed on as a co-sponsor of the legislation to honor Mrs. Parks. Live over the airwaves I would call out members’ names, office numbers and fax numbers. (We didn’t have email addresses and Twitter handles to give out back then.) One by one, our advocacy efforts were moving us closer to getting the long overdue recognition and respect that Mrs. Parks had long ago earned and richly deserved. My office is filled with precious memories and cherished photographs, but none more special than the photos of President Bill Clinton, Mrs. Rosa Parks, Tom Joyner and me standing in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda the day she was awarded the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal. We can do this again. How? Black radio, the blogosphere, Twitter, Facebook. However you communicate, spread the word. Time is of the essence. Just weeks after his momentous “I Have a Dream” speech, Dr. King traveled to Birmingham to deliver a eulogy for the “martyred children” as he called them. “These children --- unoffending; innocent and beautiful --- were the victims of one of the most vicious, heinous crimes ever perpetrated against humanity. Yet they died nobly. They are the martyred heroines of a holy crusade for freedom and human dignity. They entered the stage of history just a few years ago, and in the brief years that they were on the mortal stage, they played their parts exceedingly well.” Let us demand that Congress move swiftly so that come September 15, alongside the families of these four little girls, we will know that we played our parts exceedingly well to ensure that although these beautiful children of God are gone, they are not forgotten.

7th Annual Triad Commute Challenge Getting Underway [continued from front page]

220 E. Commerce Street in High Point. All those who register will be pledging to try an alternate form of transportation at least one time by July 6th. Persons wishing to register for the event or pledge to take the challenge, can do so by going to the Triad Commute Challenge website:

4  The AC Phoenix  March 2013

The Sweet Power in Good Thoughts by John Raye

How would you describe your life these past few days, these past few weeks, or these past few months or years— good, bad, great or just so-so?

According to some recent studies, most Americans are not exactly jumping with joy about their lives these days. Many are living, as the expression goes, “lives of quiet desperation”. Spooked by an up -and -down economy, massive job dislocation, political gridlock in Washington, rapid technological changes and a new global market place, many Americans now find themselves walking on unfamiliar ground, grounds encamped in an ocean of mass confusion and gross uncertainty. Many are burden down with fear and the heavy baggage of prolonged fear, doubt, greed, and worry. That once cherished and desired but elusive American Dream has become, instead, an American Nightmare. There is, as many have discovered, a real boogeyman. It’s the boogeyman of accelerated change, changes so deep, daunting and diverse that some people have simply lost the ability to cope. They’ve lost their minds. Well, if you are too tired or too hot to trot, listen carefully because I am about to share a million dollar secret with you. If you want to feel good or feel better, just switch your mind around and start thinking good thoughts! If you want to feel happy, start feeding your mind

6 Foods To Avoid As You Get Older By Ellis Moore, BDO

Watching what you eat is important. When it comes to foods to avoid, seniors learn more and more the older they get about foods they can and can’t tolerate. Healthy dieting can add years to your life, but more importantly, it can make those years that much better, that much more enjoyable. Here are 6 foods that most seniors may want to avoid unless otherwise instructed by their physician.


Some people avoid beans because of the gas and stomach pain they can cause. But if you’ve

happy thoughts. If you want to improve your money supply, then re-focus your attention on thoughts about money. Flood your mind with money thoughts. See and feel yourself coming into possession of more money. If nothing else, understand this much: whatsoever you think and focus on, most of the time, grows and multiplies. If you continue to think about your unpaid bills or your messed up credit, know that your are extending fresh energy to your bills and they will continue to pile up and your messed up credit will simply get worse. According to Universal Law, man moves in the direction of his thoughts, and he is made or unmade by his thoughts. In other words, you are a direct extension and direct reflection of your innermost or most dominating thoughts. Please understand that we are influenced by everything we see, hear and read and also everything we experience. Mass media and television, in particular, is the master weaver, the premier shaper and molder of public opinion. It is a well known fact that African-Americans are the greatest consumers of the television medium, watching, on average, close to eight hours daily. This is nothing less than an indirect form of mind control.

Good thoughts are, “the sweet spot,” of reality. You don’t need a degree or any form of formal education to formulate good thoughts. Small wonder so many of us dislike the person we see in the mirror! How can you feel good about yourself when your life is organized, shaped and controlled by a medium, that considers you to be, “non-essential”, or without value? What happens to things that have outlived their usefulness? Usually, such things are removed, tucked away or summarily discarded altogether, the same as you would do with an old pair of shoes or an old car that has seen its best days. Star athletes who once commanded multi-million dollar contracts are

traded, benched or, “let go”, once their star-making ability has faded. Nobody should ever be allowed to control your mind. Unfortunately, many people are already infected with this virus but are completely unaware that their minds have been hijacked by a well disguised parasite known as,” the Willie chip”—an abject form of gross self-hatred developed and perfected to form by our former slave masters. Take Black homicide, the leading cause of death for Black youth. The killing of Black people today is largely, “a Black thing”. Last year, Chicago led the nation with 513 murders. Most of the victims were Black. Most of the killers were Black. A black person killing other Black people no longer makes headlines. Such mayhem is now considered an ordinary reality of DBB—dying being Black! A man’s behavior and action is a direction reflection of his dominating thoughts. Bad thoughts lead to bad deeds and bad actions. Good thoughts lead to good examples and good results. Everything we do, say or become is rooted in our thoughts. Take time to study yourself. Get acquainted with yourself. Why do you think the way you think? What is on your mind most of the time—good thoughts, sad or bad thoughts? Good thoughts are, “the sweet spot,” of reality. You don’t need a degree or any form of formal education to formulate good thoughts. The more good thoughts formed, shaped and organized in your mind, the more good people, good things and good results will suddenly start showing up in your life. Guaranteed! And good thoughts come with another bonus— people blessed with such thoughts enjoy better health and better lives; they also live longer! Now that you know… what are you going to do with this million dollar secret? Keep it to yourself—or give it away! --John Raye, a life-wellness-business coach, is a seven year cancer survivor. He lives in Kernersville, NC ( 336-782-8383

banned beans from your diet, you may want to reconsider. An excellent source of fiber, beans are also high in protein and iron and low in fat. The trick is to add beans to your diet slowly. Start by having a small serving a few times a week. Or try using a digestive enzyme that’s sold over the counter to reduce gas.

small amounts of dairy with no stomach upset. And some dairy products are better tolerated than others. Non-fat plain yogurt and low-fat cheeses are especially nutritious choices. Or try lactose-free dairy products.


If you’re over 40 or in a high-risk group, the CDC recommends you get no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day. Too much sodium can raise your blood pressure and put you at higher risk for heart attack and stroke. The main culprits? Processed foods, such as frozen foods, snack foods, salad dressings, and lunch meats. Read labels carefully and look for “sodium free,” low-salt, or no-salt alternatives.

It may be surprising, but foods can affect how your medicine works. That’s why it’s always best to ask your doctor or pharmacist if you should avoid any foods. For example, if you take medicine for high blood pressure, anxiety, or insomnia, grapefruit juice may interact with your drugs. Don’t miss out on the vitamin C and potassium that grapefruit holds. Instead, enjoy other citrus fruits like oranges and limes.

Fatty Meats

Some of the healthiest cuts of meat, such as lean steak, can be the most difficult to chew. While hamburger is much easier on the teeth, it’s often a less nutritious choice. It can contain 20% to 30% fat. Instead, look for lean ground beef with no more than 10% fat. Or for a healthier protein source that’s easy to chew, try fish.


You may have trouble digesting milk or dairy products as you age. But you may not have to give up all dairy products and the calcium and protein they provide. Many people can have

High-Salt Foods


Although caffeine may not be a problem for everyone, it can make some people feel anxious or jittery. Caffeine can also increase your heart rate and cause sleeping problems. If you’re trying to cut back, be sure to taper off slowly. Stopping caffeine too quickly may cause headaches, nausea, or vomiting. Slowly replace caffeinated drinks with water, herbal tea, or decaf.

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  5

We are not Scared Negroes, British Petroleum! PENSACOLA, FL Thousands marched against BP on Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama on March 3, 2013. Charles Steele, CEO of National Southern Christian Leadership International Conference (SCLC), Don Cash, Vice President of National SCLC and Art Rocker, Chairman of Florida SCLC and Chairman of Operation People for Peace, Inc. lead the march with various SCLC chapter leaders and 1000’s of people from the Gulf Coast Region. This group marched against many issues but primarily against BP who has not paid the claims of the underserved and underrepresented. In the Gulf Coast, the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill affected 1.4 million jobs, destroyed over a 416 billion dollar seafood industry, a 50 billion dollar cash industry and killed 11 rig workers and caused 17 injuries according to the US Department of Justice. Charles Steele said “BP, I am coming for the funding for the underserved and the underrepresented. I am coming to collect.” Steele continued, “Too many have died, too many are hungry, too many are crying and we are not scared Negroes. We want restitution, not promises of mules but restitution in cash for all Churches, maids, small businessmen, fishermen, and people who have worked in cash industries and don’t have receipts that should still be paid,” said Steele. “We must provide a program for

Pictured Right (L-R): SCLC Leaders March against BP. Art Rocker, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Steele, Kenny Glasco with TOP, Don Cash, SCLC Board Member and many SCLC Chapter leaders

those in need. British Petroleum, you destroyed the environment and in the process you killed workers, now you should pay the people.” Steele spoke at a rally with over 1000 plus at First Baptist Church in Selma, Alabama and he vowed to discuss BP with International leadership in Russia and other countries where he is organizing chapters and donors. Art Rocker stated, “BP is trying to pay the Federal Government and the States so they will provide social services to the people, but we want the funding to come from BP and go directly to the ones in need.” Rocker continued, “On our visit to BP in London, BP Bob Dudley’s corporate official requested that we return to America and get the claims paid and then the

WHAT DOCTORS CONFESS AFTER THEY TAKE OFF THEIR WHITE COATS! When the subject of home healing comes up, doctors often cluck their tongues and say, “You really shouldn’t attempt to treat yourself at home.” But guess what? They do it themselves all the time!

At the office, they’ll say—tsk, tsk, tsk— NEVER try to cure yourself. But after hours, they can’t WAIT to tell us their favorite home remedies! For example: Or ex-Mayor Ed Koch’s crazy concoction for colds and flu. He learned the recipe from his own “bubby,” which is Yiddish for grandmother.

ry enzymes which cause redness, swelling, and pain in your arthritic joints. Scientists say cherries are ten times more powerful than aspirin for arthritis. Yet, unlike aspirin, they pose NO danger of stomach ulcers, internal bleeding, or kidney failure. For best results, make your pie with the type of cherries on page 236 in Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & ‘‘ALLIGATOR PEAR’’ TAKES A BIG BITE OUT OF CHOLESTEROL. Works as well as statins, say two recent studies...

Or the guest in the green room who kept sniffing from a mysterious black bottle because he said it made him calm and confident!

According to two recent research studies, the tropical fruit known in some places as the “alligator pear” can reduce cholesterol as well as drugs.

Joan Wilen and Lydia Wilen are like roving reporters on home remedies...Their new book, Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES, is chockful of downright wonderful natural home remedies. For example:

The alligator pear, by the way, sounds exotic and rare. But you can find it at any grocery store.

CHERRY PIE for arthritis pain? Yes!

Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper is sometimes referred to by his peers as the “Father of Aerobics.” But when it comes to controlling cholesterol, his prescription is nuts. Literally!

Frankly, Joan and Lydia wonder why anyone would continue to take aspirin and other hazardous NSAIDS for arthritis when there’s a natural remedy that works so much better. Cherry pie! Because cherries block the inflammato-


Dr. Cooper explains that eating the type of nut on page 34 of your additional FREE Book—How Famous Physicians Heal Them [continue on page 12]

company reneged on the payments. “This organizing of leaders and our youth is a prelude to the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington with 1 million plus on April 24, 2013, commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. We are coming with strong international leaders to support our discussion against BP. British Petroleum places greed over safety and we are going to March and wake up America and the World on BP. We are also dealing with Equality for All, Environmental devastation and disruption, military families in need, gun violence, and voters suppression. We are also marching for nonviolence and peace. We are bringing youth, ages 17 and up with parents and chaperones to let BP know we won’t turn back.”

6  The AC Phoenix  March 2013 subsequent demonstrations across the country succeeded in bringing national publicity to the issue through protests and speeches, proving that women deserved an equal place in politics. But they faced angry opposition from a faction of Americans – mostly but not all male — who resisted social progress for women. What came of this opposition was an all-out war on feminism.

100 Years Of Women’s Rights By Allison Brito

Sunday, March 3 will mark the 100-year anniversary of the Woman Suffrage March on Washington by brave women demanding the right to vote. The fight for women’s rights didn’t begin in 1913; in fact, the movement had over 50 years of history prior to this momentous event led by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Two prominent women in American history—Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton—were introduced by abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and George Thompson in 1851 during an anti-slavery gathering in Seneca Falls, and from there they began their friendship and partnership. At the Seneca Falls Conference in 1848, Stanton wrote in The Declaration of Sentiments, “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise. He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice…” In letters between Stanton and Anthony, Stanton described the challenges she faced in her personal life. Women’s suffrage weighed on these women; the political issue affected their everyday lives, and family and friends began opposing the movement. Nothing would stop them from moving ahead two decades to the founding of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, aimed at promoting amendments to the Constitution that would ultimately give women the right to vote. On March 3, 1913, led by American suffragist activists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, men and women from across the country met in Washington, D.C. to march down Pennsylvania Avenue in support of women’s rights. Taking place the day before President Wilson’s inauguration, this historic march and

Whole Man MInistries

[continued from front page] our facilities a lot more tedious”. “Although the grant will not cover the entire cost of the paving fees, it will surely help“. The cost to completion is $59,000, we welcome all donations, none are considered too small. To donate you can visit our website www. and click on the donations tab or you can mail donations to WMM P.O. Box 21173 Winston Salem, NC 27120”. It is truly an honor for Whole Man Ministries to receive one of the 76 grants awarded Nationwide by the Reeve Foundation. We express our sincerest gratitude for the Reeve foundation’s recognition of WMM as one of the organizations that provides a better quality of life for individuals with disabilities. “The Reeve Foundation’s Quality of Life Grants Program has always been a cornerstone of one of our core beliefs, the power of we. By support-

Women marching in the Washington parade were physically assaulted, spit on, hit, and heckled by spectators. Accounts detailed police ignoring edicts from Major Richard Sylvester, D.C.’s Chief of Police, who gave orders to protect those marching. Men who supported the movement were targeted as well. A report from Major General Anson Mills, who marched with some of his men, said in a New York Times article, “Crowds of hoodlums sneered at my division in the parade and made insulting remarks. The police made no effort to rebuke them. They were ruffians whom I had never seen before and who seemed to be strangers. I think they were Baltimore hoodlums. They charged us with being henpecked. They indicated their determination to send us home by breaking up the parade. The crowd was lolous [sic] and made vicious attempts to break up the ranks of the marchers, with practically no interference from the police.” A separate article featured in the Times from March 4, 1913 details, “At times fighting its way, the suffrage procession passed through a narrow channel with walls of spectators on either side. They effect of the parade was spoiled, the marchers were greatly inconvenienced, and at times were subjected to insult and indignity. Many persons were injured. The leaders of the suffragists are very indignant, and their sentiments are shared by many members of Congress. Many men here who do not believe in the suffrage cause say that the treatment given to those who marched yesterday was an insult to American womanhood and a disgrace to the Capital City of the Nation.” From groups who resisted the movement came unrelenting assaults on women’s femininity—painting them as either lesbians or unattractive, lonely women incapable of finding husbands. Such misogynist propaganda infiltrated the news, portraying suffragists completely unfairly. Opponents claimed that women should remain out of politics and find a man to speak for them, since allowing women into the political process would be detrimental to the state. Despite the fear-mongering, proponents of woman’s suffrage were able to draw the attention of members of Congress, and with the support of President Wilson gained momentum. Susan B. Anthony would never see the result of her efforts, but the Nineteenth Amendment, drafted by her and Stanton, was finally ratified in 1920. From Seneca Falls to the first National Women’s Rights Convention in Worcester, MA, to the founding of the National American Woman Suffrage Association by Anthony and Stanton, women’s rights have come a long way. Yet today women’s issues are still hotly debated—abortion, access to birth control, the Violence Against Women Act (which finally passed in the House on Thursday)— with profound implications for the future of women in the United States

ing these organizations that align with the same beliefs as ours, we are better able to help our community members live more independently,” said Peter T. Wilderotter, president and CEO of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. “We are pleased to reward a number of tremendous organizations for their efforts.” The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Quality of Life grants program was conceived by the late Dana Reeve to address the myriad needs of children and adults with paralysis and other mobility impairments and their families. Grants support critical life-enhancing and life-changing initiatives that improve physical and emotional health and increase independence. Funded projects offer a diversity of services and approaches: improving access; providing education and job training; sponsoring organized sporting activities; and much more. Quality of Life grants are funded through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Award #1U59DD000838).

Whole Man Ministries of North Carolina is a grassroots, nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization whose mission is to contribute to the “holistic” development of people—i.e., body, mind and spirit. The organization has spawned a variety of charitable activities, including a small church, a Jail and Prison Mentoring Program, a Homeless Assistance Program, Adult Continuing Education Program, a Food Pantry Program and Clothes Closet Program. It has also nurtured the vision for the Bridging the Gap Community Center, which serves as a WinstonNet Technology Center with internet access for the public at large, computer training, and English and Spanish (as a second language) classes. This project advance our mission to minister/assist the holistic person in development; bridging a gap of homelessness to a stable place to stay. Helping The Whole Man, Body, Soul, and Sprit. (336) 785-2080

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  7

8  The AC Phoenix  March 2013

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  9

10  The AC Phoenix  March 2013

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  11

An Advocate for Military Veterans Stays the Course [continued from front cover]

Some people are born, some contend, to do certain things. And some are moved to do certain things because of purpose or circumstance. This could be an apt description of the work being done by Shabazz, a Philadelphia transplant and passionate advocate and defender of veteran rights. And she will quickly tell you….. “ We are here to serve, here to help those who need our help and our assistance”. From the moment you walk into her heavily decorated, military style office in the former Hewitt Business Center on Marshall Street, you quickly sense that Shabazz is laser focused on all things dealing with the affairs of military veterans. You also get the feeling that she knows full well, how to separate, “the sheep from the shaft”, and that she is not easily intimidated, put off, or reluctant to take on the entire federal bureaucracy when it comes to seeking solutions to problems facing military veterans. In fact, fighting government red tape involving the military bureaucracy, has almost become an obsession, every since she witnessed the slow disintegration of her brother, the late Harry Smith, a former marine and Vietnam veteran, who suffered from a host of physical, psychological and emotional problems that clearly left him unable to care for himself. “I took care of my brother”, she said, with emotions clearly rising in her voice. “I was his primary caretaker for 28 years”. Her voice cracks with emotions as she recalled how her brother was treated and how his condition was often misdiagnosed by some doctors. “There were times when I had to go into the place and clean him up and take care of him myself”, she said. “No veteran, none of our military personnel should ever be treated the way my brother was treated”, she said. It took many long years of battling the VA before she won some degrees of success, finally able to get some of the benefits due her brother. Following his death from colon cancer, Shabazz launched a new veteran’s organization in his honor--- Harry Veteran Community Services, to aid other veterans. “I don’t want them or anyone to have to go through what my brother had to deal with”, she said. “But

this is my purpose, this is what I am supposed to be doing and yes, the work is challenging at times, but I enjoy helping people. I know this is my calling, this is what I am supposed to do--help people, make a difference”, she said. Shabazz’s work is non-stop. After battling the VA for years and winning some of the benefits denied her brother, she decided to expand her efforts to include all veterans, especially for those who had given up or may not have known about the services and benefits available to them. “Some just don’t know what they are entitled to, and some just get frustrated with all of the red tape,” she said. “But if it has anything to do with our military veterans, just give it to me. We’re here to help those who may not understand or know how to help themselves”, she said. In the nearly half-dozen years since she established the Harry Veterans Community Service organization, her name and fame has spread far and wide. Wildly admired and respected for her strong advocacy role, Shabazz has been called, “a doer who gets things done”. “We have a pretty big case load, and it’s pretty active. But we do get things done. We have close to an 86% success rate in getting the benefits due our veterans,” she noted. “Many of these health issues are due to all of this multiple tours of duty”, she noted. “Men going back into war zones, two, three or even four times--no wonder we see so many problems”, she said. Though she does not show or speak much about it, the years of nonstop work on behalf of others has taken its toll on her physical body. Twice she has battled and beaten cancer, the last time in 2011, less than two years ago. “Yes, I beat cancer the first time it came around a few years back, then in 2011, I had to face it again. This time, a mastectomy…but God just wanted me to rest a little bit”, she says , a wide smile breaking across her face. Will she ever slow down ? Will she ever take a break as a non-stop advocate for every conceivable benefit due to military veterans ? “Well, this work is God’s assignment. This is what I’ve been called to do. I put my faith and trust in God. I just do the work and let His will be done”. And with that, Ciat Shabazz moves on to the next case, always ready to give, care and serve, all done with pure passion, a mother’s love and an attitude of some serious gratitude.

12  The AC Phoenix  March 2013



stand,” Lydia replied.


Like other parts of your body, our brains have a tendency to get “flabby” as we age. This results in memory loss, lack of concentration, and an increasing inability to solve problems and come up with new ideas.

“You’re not listening, I’ve been getting leg cramps, not hunger pangs,” Joan said.

The legumes on page 164 were so effective at stimulating sexual desire, nuns were forbidden to eat them in the 5th Century. (We’re guessing they didn’t want the nuns to get into any bad habits!)

selves at Home—is the secret to lowering your cholesterol without drugs.

Award-winning UCLA professor of psychiatry, Dr. Gary Small, believes that even a simple act like brushing your hair can revitalize your brain. SURGEONS SWEAR BY THIS KITCHEN CURE FOR CHAPPED HANDS!

[continued from front page 5]

Because it’s higher in monounsaturated fats than other nuts, it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol without depressing HDL (good) cholesterol. BEST NEWS: It’s probably the most sinfully delicious nut in the world! How Do Hollywood Stars Get Their “BIKINI BODIES” Back SO FAST After Giving Birth? You’ve seen the photos in the supermarket tabloids. One week these Hollywood starlets are giving birth. The next week they’re on the beach in a bikini! What’s their secret? The beach itself may provide a clue. According to one actress Lydia and Joan met on a television show, the secret is seafood! But we’re not talking about shrimp, scallops, and lobster. We’re talking about the special type of seaweed on page 156 of your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES. Just a few servings a day for a month helps your bikini body bounce back! JILLIAN MICHAELS REVEALS HER SECRET WEIGHT-LOSS WEAPON! Have you ever wondered how the people on TV’s “Biggest Loser” lose so much weight in so little time? On page 220, the show’s star trainer, Jillian Michaels, reveals her secret for boosting the metabolism of contestants and curbing their appetites. Surprise: No exercise or dieting required! JUST A SPOONFUL OF OLIVE OIL HELPS THE WAISTLINE GO DOWN! It’s the fat that makes you thin! Swallowing a teaspoon of olive oil kick-starts your metabolism and curbs your appetite all day long, according to researchers at the University of California at Irvine. They found that a fatty acid in olive oil called oleylethanolamide (OEA) activates the cell receptors that regulate hunger and metabolism. During digestion, OEA stimulates nerve cells that tell the brain you’re full. ARE YOUR BED SHEETS KEEPING YOU AWAKE AT NIGHT? Many bed sheets contain a chemical that actually prevents you from falling asleep! Check the label for any one of these 8 phrases (page 183 of your copy of Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES) that provide a clue to the presence of this hidden “insomnia ingredient.”

They scrub and scrape with powerful soaps before surgery, so no wonder surgeons often get chapped hands. You’d think they use a lot of moisturizers and hand creams. But they don’t. They use this kitchen cupboard cure instead! Page 176 of your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES.

“I heard you,” Lydia replied. “We got a letter from one of our readers who said that if you wake up in the middle of the night with cramps and put a silver spoon on your leg, the pain will go away instantly.” “But we weren’t born with silver spoons in our mouths, Lydia!” Joan commented.

Joan and Lydia used to laugh at those crazy commercials on TV for Chia Pets.

“Stainless steel works just as well,” Lydia said. LIQUOR FORMS AN “INVISIBLE SHIELD” AGAINST POISON IVY!

But when they found out what they were made of, they weren’t laughing anymore!

Joan and Lydia have plenty of poison ivy remedies in your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES starting on page 152…


But why get poison ivy in the first place?!?

No, we’re not talking about Saint Mary…we’re talking about the non-alcoholic drink. With just a few tweaks to the usual recipe (page 170), you’ll create a cocktail that clears blocked sinuses like a miracle!

A woman in the Midwest shared her secret with Joan and Lydia for making poison ivy “bounce off” her skin before it ever has a chanced to irritate it.

THIS CUT OF BEEF CUTS YOUR RISK OF HEART ATTACK! You might assume that Dr. Peter H. Langsjoen, a world-renowned cardiologist and expert on the enzyme CoQ10, avoids eating meat. But, in fact, he told us about one particular cut of beef that’s loaded with heart-healthy CoQ10 on page 14 of your FREE Book, How Famous Physicians Heal Themselves at Home! If you prefer to take CoQ10 in supplement form, see Dr. Langsjoen’s simple test to determine if the pills you bought are fresh enough to be effective (page 15). Click here now for your FREE Book, How Famous Physicians Heal Themselves at Home. The Strange-But-True “Tail” of THE CANINE WHO CURES ALLERGIES! Joan and Lydia received a letter from a woman who told them about three different cases where a certain breed of dog helped rid their owners of severe allergies. The most dramatic story was about a young girl who had been suffering from hay fever for several years and had tried everything. As a last resort, her uncle bought her a little dog. Bottom Line: The last allergy attack the girl ever had was the day before she got the dog! So if you want to scare off burglars, get a German Shepherd. But if you want to ward off hay fever, buy yourself the little lapdog we reveal on page 108. Click here now for your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES. SILVER SPOON MAKES CRAMPS VANISH! (And We’re Not Pulling Your Leg!)


“I’ve been getting terrible leg cramps in the middle of the night,” Joan said to Lydia the other day.


“Keep a silver spoon by your night-

Chia Pet® May Contain “NATURE’S MOST PERFECT FOOD!” Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheat Death!

Wet a washcloth with the type of hard liquor on page 153. Rub your exposed body parts with it before going into poison ivy infected regions, and the poison ivy won’t affect you! Click here now to get your FREE-Preview copy of Bottom Line’s TREASURY OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL CURES.

Because it turns out that the tiny seeds which make a Chia Pet grow “fur” overnight are among the healthiest foods on the planet! The chia seed from the jungles of Peru contains eight times more Omegas-3 than salmon…seven times more Vitamin C than an orange…and six times more calcium than milk! In other words, eating chia seeds is like getting a week’s worth of fruits and vegetables in a single teaspoon! The result? A healthier heart. Lower blood pressure. Better blood sugar. And smoother digestion. BUT DON’T EAT YOUR CHIA PET! There’s an easier, safer, and much cheaper way to supplement your diet with chia seeds.

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  13 Because in fact, the best exercise for most people is one that’s already quite familiar and quite enjoyable—and much less physically taxing than those sweat-till-you-puke workouts that some people are putting themselves through. GET BACK TO BASICS

Why Walking Is The #1 Way To Exercise by Mark Fenton

Today, I will tell you why you unequivocally, irrefutably do not have to exercise like a maniac to achieve amazing results. Why do I feel compelled to share this message? Because I’ve noticed that more and more people seem to be doing hard-core workouts these days. I have several friends, for example, who have recently signed up for CrossFit or other “boot camp” style exercise programs. There also seem to be more infomercials on TV for extreme workout regimens such as P90X, the program made famous by vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan last summer, and the INSANITY workout, which is so hard to do, its creators say, that it will “push you past your limits.” Even on the TV show The Biggest Loser, the trainers have the contestants working out to the point that they’re literally falling off treadmills. But is it really necessary to exert yourself in such an intense way to greatly improve your health and fitness? I think many people believe that the answer is yes—and for this reason, these people don’t exercise. And that’s terrible!

The exercise that I’m talking about is…walking! Look, I wouldn’t begrudge anyone his or her right to topple off a treadmill in exhaustion if that is what it takes to provide motivation. But when I recently spoke with Mark Fenton, MS, an adjunct associate professor in the John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention at the Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy in Boston, author of two books on walking and the former host of the America’s Walking series on PBS television, I came away convinced that the simple activity of putting one foot in front of the other is the ideal exercise for most people. Here’s why… You’re less likely to feel pain or get hurt. The reason is that you’re operating within a very natural range of motion for your body. “You’re not asking your muscles or joints to do anything that they’re not used to doing, and so the likelihood of soreness or injury is very low,” said Fenton. Plus, unlike running and other high-impact sports, walking is low-impact, so the load that you’re putting on your body’s joints when you walk is much less. It’s convenient. Walking is such a flexible activity, said Fenton. You can do it anytime and anywhere. You don’t need a partner or teammates, as you do with tennis, basketball or soccer. It’s also easy to fit walking into a busy schedule because you don’t have to do the entire workout at once. “Unlike taking, say, a 30-minute fitness class, where you truly need to spend 30 consecutive minutes exercising, you don’t have to do 30 consecutive minutes of walking,” said Fenton. “You can break it up into three 10-minute walks and still get the benefit.” It’s free. Perhaps best of all, you don’t need to pay for a personal trainer, fancy equipment, a gym membership or anything else. You just need a comfortable pair of shoes. It’s suitable for any fitness level. If the last time you broke a sweat was in high school gym class, then walking is the perfect workout for you. For inspira-

An Apology to Jesse Jackson [continued from front cover] Black high school students in Jena, La. arrested and

tion, just look at Michael Moore, the documentary filmmaker who is famous for (among other things) his, well, potato-like look. Even someone as overweight and out of shape as he is has been able to commit to walking—and has grown to love the activity. In fact, he shared on Facebook that he’s been walking 30 minutes a day, every day, since March 18 of last year, and that walking has had a healthy domino effect on his life, helping him sleep better, feel better and take better care of himself. Walking is also great for people who are already moderately active. That’s because you can speed up your walks, walk uphill or walk for longer periods of time whenever you want to intensify the workout, Fenton pointed out. What about people who are already quite active and fit—is walking good for them, too? Admittedly, if you’re already, say, an avid runner or tennis player, then a typical walk may not be enough of a workout to make you even fitter. But that describes a small fraction of people, said Fenton, and even those people could benefit from about one day a week of gentle walking to give their muscles a break—especially in the early stages of training for a race or tournament, when doing too much too soon is a common cause of injury. However, Fenton said, “Walking at high intensity is actually an effective workout for more fit individuals. For example, racewalkers cruising at six to 10 miles per hour—yes, a jogging pace for most people—burn as many calories as someone taking a jog. And elite racewalkers have aerobic fitness levels comparable to elite runners. So walking truly can take your fitness to any level.” You’re more likely to stick with it. For all of the reasons above! Source: Mark Fenton, MS, adjunct associate professor in the John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Prevention at the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy of Tufts University, Boston, and author of Pedometer Walking: Stepping Your Way to Health, Weight Loss, and Fitness (Lyons Press). He is a national public health, planning and transportation expert who advocates for and consults with local agencies to provide more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly communities

gardless of background, who played by the rules and had a vision, could finally be president of the United States.

charged with attempted second-degree murder for the beating of a White student. The charges were later reduced to aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy. Many believed the prosecutor filed the more serious charges because the accused juveniles were Black. As we all know, Obama has no history of taking strong positions on anything when it involves Blacks.

To his credit, Jesse Jackson saw beyond the rhetoric and somehow had the ability to see deep inside of Obama’s soul and tried to warn us, however clumsy, of what we were getting. So, Rev. Jackson, again I was wrong and you were right. You saw a level of arrogance and detachment from the Black community that most of us were blinded to – or didn’t want to see.

As much as I hate to admit it, Jackson got it right when he accused Obama of “talking down to Black people.” Everyone, including myself, eviscerated him for making the comment and accused him of being jealous of Obama. How can we forget when Obama spoke at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner a couple years ago and told Blacks to “stop complaining?” Obviously, Jackson saw something in Obama early that the rest of us missed. Now, we are paying the price for it, especially Blacks.

You knew he would not pay attention to the high unemployment rate in the Black community. You knew he would not spend much political capital on the high murder rate in Chicago. You knew he would continue to talk down to Black people. You were rightly ostracized for the way you expressed yourself back in 2008. But on the issue of Obama’s disdain for Blacks; you must be embraced and brought back into the fold.

Jackson was also right on point with his prediction about the changing U.S. relations with the Middle East. Our relationship with Israel has never been more volatile than it is now. The Blacks in America – along with a good number of Whites – wanted so badly to show the world that in 2008 our country could be held up as the model for true democracy and equality. America wanted to prove that anyone, re-

We wanted Obama to win on many levels. But Jesse Jackson, you have taught us that we should never allow emotions to cloud our judgment. I’m not always right, but I am rarely wrong – and this time, I was definitely wrong. Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/government affairs firm. He can be reached through his Web site,

14  The AC Phoenix  March 2013

Women are Wired Differently BY CHERYL PEARSON-MCNEIL As I write, Chaka Khan’s empowering “I’m Every Woman” loops in my head – like a soundtrack. (By the way, have you seen her lately? All slim, trim and more fabulous than ever). It’s Women’s History Month and the lyrics to that iconic anthem should be resonating with all women, and those who love us, as we celebrate ourselves and the countless contributions we make everyday – both large and small - that keep the world turning. No matter how small or far-reaching the radius of your world is every choice you make is important. Nielsen shines the light on women’s choices and our dynamic impact as consumers with two new global reports: Does Gender Matter and 10 Things to Know About Today’s Female Consumer. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – “Vive la différence.” Yes, we know that girls are just as smart as boys and women can do pretty much everything a man can – but, like it or not – our brains are wired differently. And, that’s ok. Women are master multitaskers and there’s a scientific reason for that. Who knew, right? Nielsen’s NeuroFocus research shows that “ability” is driven by what happens to developing brains in the womb. Traits like big-picture thinking and multitasking are hard-wired in women’s brains, along with “gut” reasoning, social and verbal skills and the worry/empathy tendency. We balance work (either outside or in the home), take care of our families – nurture, budget, shop, schedule, run hither and yon – and keep it tight with ourselves as best we can. Men’s brains, on the other hand, are pre-conditioned for concrete thinking, goal-oriented tasks, logical solutions and competition/defense. (Cheryl’s translation: give them one thing to do at a time if you really want something to get done). How we think and respond influences the way companies and advertisers design their messages to us to achieve their economic bottom line. See how much power we have? These types of insights tell them that women respond to concepts that are authentic. Touch our hearts and you might earn our dollars. Even those of us who may be tomboys at heart, messages that focus on conflict simply aren’t going to resonate. And, you know how we love a bargain and will hunt high and low to find the best price? That’s something American women have in common with our sisters around the world. A Nielsen survey of more than 29,000 people with internet access in 58 countries shows that we women are browsers, no matter where we live – going for the best deal (in the store or online) while men are more likely to pay a higher price. That’s because men are typically on a mission to just win (uh, get the item no matter what). Here and across the globe, women are responsible for $12 trillion of the $18 trillion of global buying power. So, if marketers want our business, they need to offer products and services that reflect our needs. Consider these facts: yy Women worldwide are optimistic about their roles, with 90% reporting they believe their role is changing for the better. yy Worldwide, 70% of women surveyed have cut household spending over

the past year in clothes, gas, electricity and entertainment outside the home. yy Women in the U.S. spend significantly more time on social media sites than men. We’re online users of social media 44% more than men; and visit social media sites on our mobile devices 39% more than men. yy African-American women between 18-35 are 72% more likely to publish a blog or express our preferences online via links or “likes” than the average adult in this country. yy In the United States, African-American households are 127% more likely to include a single parent – usually a woman. (These are my people as I am one of them and I live by the mantra, ‘If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy’). yy Women in the U.S. talk 28% more and text 14% more than men every month. yy Globally, women are 25% more likely than men to rely on friends or family for personal finance advice. There’s so much more wonderful information on that affirms women’s power and influence as consumers. Take time to visit the site during March, and feel free to belt out a couple of lines along with Chaka, “I’m every woman. It’s all in me . . .”

Cheryl Pearson-McNeil is senior vice president of public affairs and government relations for Nielsen. For more information and studies go to

March 2013  The AC Phoenix  15

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