「KENCHIKU|ARCHITECTURE」is a project that aims to make place for exchanging of ideas between Japanese and French Young architects, and expressing the solutions to the common issues. Thanks to
the supports from many people, we could hold in l ESA the 2-days talk session and roundtable by the 12 architects, paralleled with the exhibition introducing the architects.
We think it was significant to have the opportunity for the emerging architects that are to shape the future architecture and city to discuss in the same table, going beyond the differences between the
cultural backgrounds of each countries and differences of each urban situation. Seeing each architecture from the different points of view, what we have taken for granted and ignored turned to be the new
problem, which leads to the discovery of the things we must share. In these events, more dynamic frame-
work of discussion will be emerged than domestic discussion based on the intimate communication.
From now on, we plan to hold KENCHIKU ¦ ARCHITECTURE 2012 for an opportunity to continue the
discussion of the issues we could find in this talksession and roundtable in 2011 and to express the response to them.
Theme HOW AND WHERE TO APPLY ARCHITECTURAL THINKING The domain of activities of today s architects are wider than before beyond just building . Therefore, in this event we focus on the architectural thinking of contemporary architects and other subjects. The problems such as: What is it? Where and How is it applied to? being revealed, to think about the contemporary architecture is the main theme of KENCHIKU ¦ ARCHITECTURE project. Through this project, we aim is to re-define the possibilities of different architecture in society, seeing the differences of architects attitudes and points of view, the variation of ways of work, the wide ranges of matieres, and each one s consciousness of the roles of architect and its change in the future.
Architects FROM JAPAN TNA ( Makoto Takei + Chie Nabeshima ) Yasutaka Yoshimura Ryuji Nakamura Jo Nagasaka Yuko Nagayama Hiroshi Nakamura
FROM FRENCH Atelier RAUM La Ville Rayée NP2F Thomas Raynaud / Building Building Xavier Wrona ( Est-ce ainsi ) GRAU
Opening Reception
Talk Session
10.19.2011 at l ESA
10.20 - 21.2011 at l ESA
In 19th October from 19:00we held the opening reception. Thanks to CHOYA, the pram wine was served to Japanese and French participants.
Session 1: TNA
This is the opportunity for the 12 participants to meet each other for the first time. And this is the first time for us to introduce this event to the press and the many audience.
Thomas Raynaud / Building Building
First Thomas Raynaud introduced his renovation project of old castle to art center. He pointed out the importance of the process to relate the architecture to the environment. He focus not only on what to build with simple program, but on the importance of atmosphere emerged on the precise relationship between architecture and the emvironments. On the other hand, Makoto Takei noted that he feeled the new possibilities of architecture in the relation in between nature and artificial, and explained the works of TNA in various situation with the keyword of condence . In building each architecture, TNA sum up the variouse relationship of the environments surrounding it, the inhabitants hehaviour inside it, and the elements of it, not just simplifing them. It results in the discovery of fuhensei beyond the ordinary. The common point between the two is to take happen the fuhensei beyond the ordinary, making architecture related to internal and external envirionment.
Session 2: Atelier RAUM
From 10.20.2011 to 11.10.2011 at l ESA
Yuko Nagayama
For the references to the talk sessions and the roundtable, we introduced the works of 12
architects with their models and interviews.
the scene of the exhibition
TNA condenced TOKYO architecture
In the exhibition, we exhibited
the models that showed the architectural thinkings of the 12 participant architects. This aimed to express as object the
Session 3: GRAU
each architet s approach to architecture. And
GRAU 50000 logements - 4 Hypothèses
In the presentation of Atelier RAUM who does experiment the way of participating to the world through architectural practice, not only the building they designed, but also the funiture making project using the wasted materials collaborating with an artist, and the street funiture presented to art project were introduced. Beyond the status of art work, they have imagined the actual situations that it intervaned to the urban fabric, and made their thinking deeper with the regulation found in the imagination. Such experimenative attitude was impressive. On the other hand, Yuko Nagayama, introducing her works, showed her attitude to evoke the wideness of spiritual space beyond the physical presence / absence. Not only $$ layer to the existing space, She $$ this to the city level and focus on the already realized multiplicity. This is the long distance discussion using skype, despite the difference of $$, between the two who try to evoke the new way of using space, the problem of making concept and of the contemporary generation were to be held.
Yasutaka Yoshimura
movie explaining exhibit: Thomas Raynaud
projected the interview movies
of 12 architects. One movie was about What the architectural thinking one,
is like to each
explanation of the exhibits.
the scene of the exhibition
Ryuji Nakamura scale
In the presentation of GRAU who is the urbanists conscious of giving city the same accuracy as they build architecture, they introduced the bigger scale project they worked on now from variouse scales of works such as an architecture to urban planning. Towards the problem of urban fragmentation they repeat experiencely the practical methodology, putting emphasizing on the not only existing environment and its quality but also its quantity. On the other hand Yasutaka Yoshimura introduced what kind of problems he see and how he shold approach to them in the Japanese situation on architecture and city. Low, Logistics, Standard, BOSAI preservation, etc. in variouse situation he present his solution itself intervening to the existing protocols and telling wider people. That is the feature of him as an architect. In the dialogue between the two focusing on the problem of quantity, Yosumura ask GRAU about the way of deciding the discision maker, which lead to the discussion of architectural process s openness.
In 2 days Talk Session, one French architect and one Japanese architect discussed about their each other s concerns and the difference in approach to them, introduced and presentating their own works. These 6 discussions were open to the audiences. As commentators, we invited Mr. Djamel Klouche, l'AUC and Mr. Jean Philippe Vassal, Lacaton and Vassal to make small lectures.
Round Table
Oct. 22th 2011, at l ESA In the final day, Oct. 22th, Round Table,
Session 4: La Ville Rayée
Ryuji Nakamura
12 participants together made discussion. This was held as closed event, unlike
Session.The discussion was made of 2 parts. In the presentation of La Ville Rayée, introducing their projects each with their 7 key words on such as materials, details, and architects role in society, they talk about what kind of propose architecture can do. Their feature lay on their attitude to evoke wider users imagination by using the variouse media. On the other hand, Ryuji Nakamura emphasis on the effect of a form and it affection to people. On the condition and point of view that change each project, he showed the variation with different examples and many photos. These two ones who regardless of architecture and art try to influence people s recognition and behaviour beyond the function required, talk about the relationship between own activity and art, and the moment of emerging the forms .
In the first part, the architects talked freely about the images used in the presentation of their works in the Talk
Session, and continued to make discussion.
In the last part, we exchanged our ideas
Session 5: Xavier Wrona ( Est-ce ainsi )
Jo Nagasaka
for not only making KENCHIKU ¦ ARCHI-
TECTURE project just as an opportunity for the architects from 2 countries to meet each other, but for activating each collaboration
possible realization in 2012.
The presentation of Xavier Wrona, starting from noting his philosophy, raise the question to the existing notions on social restriction and the way of control. He think what the roles as architects can do to the society in the light of cultural anthropology, and from the intimate discussion with his clients present the propose that can change the status-quo. On the other hand, Jo Nagasaka, rather than emphising on the attitude as an architect, re-think the environment more practically and experimently in the light of agressive acts. This time the act of MABIKU () is focused, and he introduced his project along with it. They didn t take the roles of architect for granted and tried to re-consider it. In the dialogue between the two, starting from the impression of Nagasaka by Xavier such as soft , they check the differences of languages and the cultural background emerging it that each words have.
Session 6: NP2F
Hiroshi Nakamura
In the presentation of NP2F, the two projects were introduced; The school under-constructed in the CHIHOU of French, and housing under-constructed in the city are. They told the situation of the construction site, why that building come to exist in the situation, what and why that solution taken this time, etc. beyond that illustration his attitude that responded frexibily to the phisical environment and the needs of client emerged. On the other hand, Hiroshi Nakamura introduced the Japanese culture in general, especially the space of tea ceremony house. Based on the human behavior in the house he told the own project. He focus on the close relation between architecture and humen, and between architecture and nature. They accept the reguation and turn them to the strength of architecture. And they discuss about the solution they took.
DVD&CATALOG The interview movies to the 12 participant architects which was projected in the exhibition.
120 min. Japanese and French subtitle
2011/ Oct.20th - Nov.10th
PARIS , France
Ecole Spéciale d Architecture(l'ESA)
Ecole Spéciale d Architecture(l'ESA)
Yoshino Gypsum Art Foundation Asahi Beer Art Foundation The Asahi Shimbun foundation Nomura Foundation
WEST inx Ltd. A&A CO., LTD
Ambassade de France au Japon Ambassade du Japon en France corporate
>JAPAN Shinichi Kawakatsu
Chloé Valadié
Chikako Yotsuyanagi
Benjamin Aubry
Shohei Iida
Mitsuhiro Sakakibara
Mitsuhiro Sakakibara Hiromi Fujii
Fuminori Hoshino
Shinichi Kawakatsu
バンジャマン・オーブリー 原充大
Fuminori Hoshino
Philippine Barbou
Gwendal Moisan
Marie Ishizuka
Ikko Okakita
Benoît Cavaro
Gwendal Moisan
Chloé Valadié
Arnaud Auzouy
Hitomi Tamura
ニコライ・マルダヴスキー 大橋優子
Simon de Dreuille
Mitsuhiro Sakakibara
Yusuke Kita
Kentaro Takeguchi Kohei Hayashi
Yosuke Nakano Ayumu Saito
Shota Nakanishi Tomomi Tada
Yuma Harada
Yumi Miki
Ryo Tanaka
Ken Aoki
Roger Taylor
Daisuke Motogi
Simon de Dreuille
Mayo Koide
Takashi Tanimura
Arnaud Auzouy
Taichi Inaba
Koji Minamino
Megumi Shishikura
Benjamin Aubry
Mana Haraguchi
Akiko Nakagawa
Sakakibara Work Studio
Elena Prendergast
Koji Ichikawa
Masaharu Tada
Yufuko Takahashi
Cédric Libert
Ikko Okakita
A5 full color 40pages Japanese and French texts
Mitsuhiro Sakakibara
Hitomi Tamura
Philippine Barbou
Benjamin Aubry
Tomotaka Kyo
This catalog consists of the information about the 12 participants such as their profiles, works, and abstract form their interviews, and contribution of the curators.
Benjamin Aubry
NO Architects
Ryosuke Yuasa 原充大
Cédric Libert
Hiromi Fujii
Shinichi Kawakatsu Shohei Iida
Simon de Dreuille Roger Taylor
シモン・ド・ドレイユ ロジャー・テイラー
Shinya Kimura
Yuta Sakane
Nahoko Nakagawa
Tatsuro Maruyama
Yoshinari Kimura Takeshi Kida
Satoshi Noguchi Shinya Sato
Saori Sonogashira
Mitsuhiro Okuno Ryusuke Wada