Trusted for over 40 years
Geiger-Müller Tube Sensor: Halogenquenched detector tube (Gold Standard) with 3mm glass wall (Density is 28mg/cm2)
Factory Calibration: Cesium 137 (gamma)
Dual Scale Display: Analog logarithmic Display Range:
Audible Click Rate: 3CPM/0.03mR/h (background) and 100 counts per minute (CPM) /0.2mR/h
Retail Price: $355
Retail Price: $395
Detects gamma, beta, or X-rays
Detects all gamma and beta isotopes released by nuclear power plants like iodine and cesium
screens for radiation in air, food and water
Designed for nontechnical USERS
hr and
hr and
Accuracy ±20% ±15%
Meter Alert/audible alarm Radiation > 10mR/hr or 0-100µSv/hr
Red LED Indicator light: confirms battery power is OK
Beeper: Chirps (clicks) for each Gamma or Beta detected
Power: One 9-volt alkaline battery
Dimensions: 3 1/4” X 6 3/4” X 1 1/2” thick
Weight: 216 grams (7.6 oz.) including battery
NOTE: 10mR/hr = 0-100µSv/hr
803 329-9712 CALL
Radiation > 50mR/hr or 0-500µSv/hr