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Organic Mind

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L&L Builders

Organic Mind is a Margao-based enterprise which was started in August 2021. The enterprise was started to introduce sustainable living with green products that are an alternative to plastic and other harmful non-biodegradable materials. It offers an extensive range of organic essentials for home, skincare, lifestyle, kids, and more. The vision of the enterprise is to create a positive impact on our lives and reduce the damage to our natural resources.

Founder’s Profile

The founder of this unique venture is Mrs. Priya Shetiye. Priya, who hails from Margao, holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications and a Postgraduate Diploma in Management. She has previously worked as an HR Manager for Marpol Pvt previously worked as an HR Manager for Marpol Pvt Ltd, Kakoda for 7.5 years. She has also worked for MNCs like Albea Pvt Ltd, Verna and Syngenta India, Old Goa.

Mrs. Priya Shetiye, Founder, Organic Mind

The Idea Behind Starting Organic MindPriya had always been mindful of her ways andresearched extensively about organic products. Sheleft her comfortable job in the HR industry to pursueher dream of introducing eco-conscious living to themasses. While researching and understanding thedemand, she realized that South Goa had limitedoptions when it came to shopping for organicproducts. There was a temporary outlet near KTCMargao that sold organic products, which also closeddown, and the only option available after that was topurchase organic products online.

Priya Shetiye being felicitated as Business Icon by JCI Margao

During the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, Priya started 300 plates were booked. Altogether, she managed to ways to proceed further with her venture. With research and development in the field, she got a local distributor in Panjim who guided her to start with bamboo toothbrushes and tongue cleaners only. Today, she has 300+ products on her platform, which includes bestsellers such as bamboo toothbrushes & tongue cleaners, bamboo tissue papers & reusable towels, steel straws, neem combs, notepads and pencils that can be planted, cloth menstrual pads,cow dung dhoop cups, organic wild honey, jaggerypowder, pink Himalayan salt, organic Holi colours,Rakhis with seeds in them, and man more suchproducts.

Herbal dhoop sticks

Response From The Public

When Priya just started adding her enterprise, she didn't know how to market these products. “Usually customers do not invest freely in products when they are unsure about their quality, so sales were a big challenge during the initial days of the business”, says Priya. However, one of Priya’s friends approached her to participate in an exhibition organized by the Rotary Club in Ponda. Priya was initially a bit reluctant to participate in the exhibition, but with her husband’s support and loads of dedication, she managed to do a lot of business that day and since then, there has been no looking back for her. She continued to participate in various exhibitions in Panjim, Vasco, Mapusa and Margao as well.

Major Clients

Priya has participated in more than 30+ pop-ups all over Goa and has a strong clientele base. She is regularly involved in the process of gaining feedback from her clients. This interaction allows her to add/ change her products from time to time to make them more client-friendly. Her major clients include homemakers, professionals, women entrepreneurs, retail outlets, ayurvedic pharmacies and other clinics.

Challenges Faced

Priya faced many challenges while setting up Organic Mind, the biggest being the absence of a physical store. Responding to inquiries on WhatsApp or social media and sending photos and other details was difficult for her at times. However, she persevered and gradually built her clientele base through word-ofmouth recommendations and participating in pop-up events.

Another challenge which Priya faced while running her business was educating customers about the benefits of using eco-friendly products. She recollects multiple instances of people laughing at the bamboo toothbrushes and ridiculing them as wooden toothbrushes when she used to put them on display at exhibitions. “Educating people about the benefits of using eco-friendly products was needed and I took up the task to do so and rigorously explained to people the benefits of using bamboo toothbrushes”, says Priya. “These products at first glance may seem pricey as compared to the other products available in the market,

Plantable eco-friendly pencils

Her Support System

While talking about the people and organizations who supported her the most while setting up Organic Mind, Priya mentions her husband, who believed that she could set up this venture and had complete faith in her abilities. Till today, Priya discusses the various problems she faces while running her enterprise and her husband helps her out in dealing with problems.

She also mentions her father who used to get his car and take her and her products to various exhibitions in Vasco and Panjim. “As of today, I have learnt to drive and I take my products all by myself now but that unflinching support from my father is truly valuable and I feel greatly indebted to him”.

She also mentions the support that she received from GoWomania Goa, founded by Siya Shaikh. The platform gave Priya a lot of opportunities to promote her products. People like Dr Sneha Bhagwat of Oorja Wellness Centre, Margao and Dr Sapna Sawal of Dhanwantari Clinic also helped Priya to promote her venture by displaying some of her products at their respective clinics.

Priya adds that the Women Business Network WEBN has played an important role in the growth of the venture. “I joined Women Business Network which helped me to connect with more than 80 women entrepreneurs for referrals, connections and networking. In the process, I managed to upgrade my business with the guidelines given on a timely basis”, she says.

“Also, most of my family members, friends and office colleagues have always motivated me and have constantly encouraged me to continue the good work that I have been doing. Their support has been instrumental in taking Organic Mind to the level where it is at today”.

Future Plans

Priya plans to expand Organic Mind's reach by opening a physical store in the future. This will provide customers with a more immersive experience and allow them to see and feel the products before purchasing them. She also plans to venture into manufacturing farm fresh foods as well as fruits and vegetables.

Her Message

Priya says that switching to a green lifestyle can significantly reduce waste generation and promote the reuse and recycling of waste products. This will prevent the earth from becoming a large dump yard in the coming years. In short, using eco-friendly products will preserve the planet and all its inhabitants from the ill effects of human activity

“Regardless of wherever you go, people across the globe are now focusing on going green since it positively impacts the planet”, says Priya. “From plastic bag recycling to the treatment of chemical products, people are trying to come up with new and useful ways that are sustainable and useful in helping the world go green. My venture Organic Mind is an attempt to do the same.”, she adds

Customers can directly view all the products offered by Organic Mind and place orders for products from their online store:  https://vyaparapp.in/store/ OrganicMind

Follow Organic Mind on social media: Facebook: @organicmindgoa  Instagram: @organicmindlifestyle

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