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Anorectal conditions like piles, fissures and fistula are very common among people across the world. With the change in time and lifestyle, people have started limiting their regular physical activity, which results in reduced bowel movement, making them more prone to have such issues. Nowadays, even people of a younger age group have started having haemorrhoids. One of the main reasons for this is a change in food style, which includes consuming junk food that doesn't have enough fibre. But unfortunately, this type of food becomes the first choice of youngsters, leading them towards such health problems.

Laparoscopic & GI Specialist, Dr. Santosh Koppal is an expert name for the treatment of anorectal conditions with hands-on experience of 10 years in handling different surgical challenges, using the latest technology, procedures and cutting-edge tools for quality treatment. He also has successfully performed 100 various kinds of surgeries in his career, spanning over a decade.

Dr. Santosh Koppal leads a team of highly skilled assistants, nurses and technicians at SMRC’s V.M. Salgaocar Hospital, Goa. The hospital is a pioneer in adopting the latest Laser Therapy to ensure the successful treatment of anorectal conditions.  Laser Therapy is a probe which emits strong and focused laser beams. The beams are then passed through the problematic tissue to burn and destroy it, without any incision or excessive bleeding. This procedure is one of the least painful treatments with high success rates.

In a brief conversation with ItsGoa,  Dr. Santosh Koppal tells us more about the causes, symptoms, and effective treatments performed by him for anorectal conditions and how he manages his patients to open up about their ailment considering there is a lot of stigma attached to the same.

How common are anorectal conditions like Piles in India? What are the symptoms and preventions of it?

Anorectal conditions are common worldwide and not only in India. Conditions like piles, fissures, and Fistula happen due to various reasons such as lack of fibre in the diet, consuming junk food and foods that contain a lot of spices, passing hard stool during

bowel movement, a sedentary lifestyle and others. I feel mainly people need to understand that not all problems in the anorectal area lead to piles, it could be other issues.

If a person is suffering through piles, they usually experience painless blood while passing stools. Whereas, those who have fissures, experience sharp, painful sensations in the anus while defecating followed by bleeding. In the case of a Fistula, usually one may have swelling followed by pain and blood mixed discharge from the perianal area.

To prevent such issues, I recommend that people drink at least 3-4 litres of water per day, consume a well-balanced diet that includes fibre, fruits and vegetables, avoid eating junk food and exercise regularly.

What is your take on SMRC’s Laser Therapy and its effectiveness for the treatment of Piles? Do you recommend it over conventional surgery?  SMRC Hospital has the best technology and the latest laser therapy machine for the treatment of piles. The success rate of a laser procedure is significantly higher as compared to traditional surgical methods. It is the most effective way to treat anorectal conditions. Many times people hesitate from undergoing conventional surgical excisions due to the post-operative pain, delay in healing and sometimes due to getting a wound, which gets infected in the perianal area. But, when we perform laser therapy, the entire procedure can be completed as ‘Day care’, it leaves no open wounds or cuts and the patient can get back to his normal activities within a short span of time.

People are still embarrassed about seeking treatment or even discussing piles. What would be your message to people who show such emotions? Piles or any other anorectal problems are extremely genuine and are just like any other medical issue. People need to come out of the social taboo and seek medical advice if they face any anorectal condition to avoid future complications and unfortunate incidents.

So, do not be hesitant to discuss these conditions with your doctor.

Success Story To Inspire Others

Dr. Santosh Koppal has truly given us great advice on anorectal conditions. He is a skilled specialist who has successfully treated many complex cases. One such case was of a 38-year-old patient who suffered from recurrent fistula in ano with altered bowel habits, which were overlooked by his previous surgeon. The patient had two surgeries and yet developed a fistula at the same spot.

When Dr. Santosh Koppal examined this patient, he sent him for a sigmoidoscopy before conducting a fistula surgery. The reports showed patchy inflammation of the whole colon and a biopsy revealed Crohn's disease. After learning this, the patient was put on medications for Crohn's disease and a fistulectomy was performed to drain all the pus accumulated in the fistula tract. As a result, the fistula healed gradually without occurring again and his bowel habits became regular. The patient was also counselled for Crohn's disease and was advised to take medications regularly.

Dr. Santosh Koppal surely utilizes the most precise procedures to treat a patient with utmost care. His profession has seen immense growth over years in accurately treating the most complex anorectal cases.

Are you suffering from Piles, Fissures or Fistula Don’t worry! Avail of the advanced, pain-free laser therapy offered at SMRC for the effective treatment of anorectal problems!

Book an appointment today! Call: +91-832-6691919

SMRC's V. M. Salgaocar Hospital Address: Off Airport Road, Chicalim, Goa Website: smrcgoa.org

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