Why ITIL Foundation Certification is a must have for IT Service management professionals. The business world has changed. Promotions aren’t just based on superiority, and there is no such thing as job security in today’s business environment. Becoming unrelated is a major challenge for professionals today, given the lightning-fast pace of innovation in every field. Being able to be trained new skills – rapidly – is a talent that sets certain people apart. Employers love people who can keep up with the latest developments of a field. While a higher recompense remains one of the principal reasons in seeking a professional certification, candidates find being unsure about treading the path to obtaining a certification, as career growth is not fully apparent at the beginning. When considering a professional certification, foresight is indispensable as it is advisable that professionals plan in advance on desirable outcomes in one’s career. This is factual for any industry, but it is particularly true in the IT industry. This means that IT experts are looking into all kinds of training to keep up – but by far the best method to stay in the game is with an ITIL certification. The ITIL Foundation Certification training providing practical direction for the professionals and the ITIL framework offers a business-view of an IT department’s functioning and helps understand the bigger picture of an firm’ IT functioning. Most IT recruits will gain from getting the ITIL certification . ITIL Foundation eLearning is highly suggested for experts in the mid-levels of management to senior levels of management. Better Pay: Firstly, the pay for ITIL Foundation certified individuals is outstanding. Being certified in more than one specialty of ITIL is even better. ITIL Foundation certified professionals make an average salary of $91,000, whereas professionals with multiple skills in ITIL earn an average of $112,000. Marketable skills: With the Masters certification you have close to 7 expertises to advertise, which makes you very striking to employers who are hiring. Growing demand for the ITIL framework: ITIL is tied to the ISO/IEC 20000 standards, which means the reputation of the ITIL framework isn’t about to die down any time soon. With over 800 businesses being ISO/IEC 20000 certified, the stipulation for ITIL certified professionals is increasing by the day. Global implementation: You can work wherever in the globe with an ITIL certification. There are over 10,000 businesses and organizations world-wide that have adopted the ITIL framework.